Responsible Business REPORT 2021 Responsible Business REPORT 2021 Responsible Business REPORT 2021 Responsible Business REPORT 2021

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About Radisson Hotel Group 3
Letter from the CEO 4
Strategy and performance 6
Materiality and stakeholders 10
Organization and governance 12
Think People 17
Think Community  42
Think Planet  52

Eco-labelled hotels 73
UN Sustainable Development Goals 76
UN Global Compact Compliance 77
GRI standard disclosures table 78
SASB disclosures table 80
Risks and mitigation overview 81
Carbon footprint performance 82
Slavery and human trafficking statement 83
Scope and boundaries 86
Auditor’s report 87

2 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Contents The Tsinandali Estate, A Radisson Collection Hotel
Radisson Blu Resort & Spa, Gran Canaria Mogan

About Radisson Hotel Group

Radisson Hotel Group (RHG) is one of the world’s largest hotel
groups with nine distinctive hotel brands, and more than 1,600
hotels in operation and under development in 120 countries
and territories. The Group’s overarching brand promise is
Every Moment Matters with a signature Yes I Can! service ethos.
The RHG portfolio includes Radisson Collection, Radisson Radisson Meetings provides tailored solutions for any event
Blu, Radisson, Radisson RED, Radisson Individuals, Park or meeting, including hybrid solutions placing guests and
Plaza, Park Inn by Radisson, Country Inn & Suites by their needs at the heart of its offer. Radisson Meetings is
Radisson, and prizeotel brought together under one built around three strong service commitments: Personal,
commercial umbrella brand Radisson Hotels. Professional and Memorable, while delivering on the
brilliant basics and being uniquely 100% Carbon Neutral.
Radisson Rewards is our international rewards program that
delivers unique and personalized ways to create memorable More than 100,000 team members work at RHG and
moments that matter to our guests. Radisson Rewards at the hotels licensed to operate in its systems.
offers an exceptional experience for our guests, meeting
planners, and travel agents at over 640 hotels in Europe, Since 2019, RHG is part of Jin Jiang International. Jin Jiang
Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific. International Co., Ltd. is a leading travel and hospitality
company headquartered in Shanghai, China and is ranked as
the number two hotel group in the world in terms of number
of rooms. (Source: MKG Ranking 2020).

1,600+ 200,000
hotels rooms
team members
and territories

3 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / About Radisson Hotel Group

Letter from the CEO
Radisson Hotel Group steps In this new era with redefined expectations and requirements,
the hospitality industry is accelerating its focus on key
up its ambition and commits sustainability topics to become a transformed industry

to Net-Zero. centered on sustainability. Now more than ever, we need

to take our responsibility to limit global warming to 1.5°C
compared to pre-industrial levels seriously.

I am therefore pleased to announce that RHG is setting

emissions reduction targets in line with climate science and
committing to decarbonizing our business. To reach net-zero
global emissions by 2050 at the latest, RHG is establishing
net-zero targets in line with the SBTi Net-Zero Standard. As
part of this commitment, RHG will join the Business Ambition
for 1.5°C campaign and the UNFCCC Race to Zero. While
Net-Zero by 2050 seems far away, we need to act swiftly
and in close coordination with property owners, developers,
and our supply chain.

Being a Responsible Business is a key element in our strategic

plan. Our Responsible Business pillars Think People, Think
Community, Think Planet play an important role in our
ambition to be one of the top three hotel brands in the world
and the brand of choice for guests, owners, and talent.

4 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Letter from the CEO Chief Executive Officer, Radisson Hotel Group
Letter from the CEO
As the world continues to come out of the pandemic, In 2021, we helped bring the industry together around a clear
attracting talent to fill the hundreds of vacancies in the plan to accelerate our common path to net-zero hospitality.
hospitality industry is essential. At RHG, we want to be the This joint work together with World Travel & Tourism Council,
employer of choice, recognizing talent and offering a journey the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, and other leading
of meaningful career moments and advancement. We are hotel groups has resulted in the definition of the Pathway
proud to have been recognized as #4 Best Employer in the to Net Positive Hospitality and the Hotel Sustainability
Travel & Leisure industry globally by Forbes’ World Best Basics, a common starting point to support every hotel
Employers ranking. This is the result of our clear strategy on their sustainability journey. The key objective is to
built on the seven strong beliefs that make up our vibrant create consistency across the industry and provide
company culture, the Yes I Can! spirit of our teams, and clear-to-recognize, easy-to-implement, and meaningful
their dedication to always delivering memorable moments. steps to accelerate sustainability at any given hotel.
We extend employment opportunities to the vulnerable
and those in need in times of humanitarian crises through We can only achieve more when we work together.
our employability programs, for example our actions and I want to thank you for supporting us in making Every
commitment to support Ukrainian refugees. Moment Matter, every day, every time, and everywhere.

We continue to maintain our focus on the health, safety,

and security of our guests, team members, and partners.
All our hotels adhere to the Radisson Hotels Safety Protocol
in which we implement essential COVID-19 prevention
actions, and which is globally validated by SGS.
Throughout the pandemic, the attitude, commitment, and Chief Executive Officer, Radisson Hotel Group
efforts of our team members in their local communities have
been extraordinary. I feel extremely proud of the work they
have done and continue to do. We will continue to provide
food, shelter, and a brighter future for at-risk children and
youth, alongside our international charity partner, SOS
Children’s Villages.

5 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Letter from the CEO On the path to Net-Zero hospitality
Strategy and

6 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021

2021 Highlights
RHG looks back on a year of successful Responsible Business initiatives.
2021 marked a year of key milestones and innovative initiatives in the
three pillars of Think People, Think Community and Think Planet. Responsible Business
Performance Indicators
Think Think Think Energy per square meter (kWh)
People Community Planet 2021


1.5M 26,500
volunteer hours from corporate
reduction of carbon emissions
Energy per occupied room (kWh)
on-the-job, classroom and 2020 158
e-learning training hours office and hotel team members per square meter vs 2019 2019 108

Water footprint per square meter (liters)

100% 28,500
people provided with safe drinking water
water footprint reduction per

entire hotel portfolio desktop
validated by SGS for life through our towel re-use program square meter vs 2019
Water footprint per occupied room (liters)
2021 832

133 113
children sponsored with
Radisson Meetings are carbon neutral,
2019 582

hotels certified by Safehotels

SOS Children’s Villages offsetting 37,800 tons of carbon since 2019
Carbon footprint per square meter (kgs CO2e)
2021 74
2020 69

29% 510,000 World’s first

2019 95

Carbon footprint per occupied room (kgs CO2e)

women in leadership donated in cash and in-kind by hotel group to make meetings and events
2021 52
corporate offices and hotels to carbon negative across 400+ hotels 2020 62
nonprofit organizations 2019 42

238 hotels
certified with eco-labels
Due to business disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic,
the performance of 2020 and 2021 is irregular. The 2019
metrics are more representative of our Performance Indicators.

7 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Strategy and Performance

5-year strategic plan
In 2021, tourism around the world and RHG continued to be
impacted by the global pandemic. Despite this impact, RHG
remains committed to its strategic plan, which makes the
company ready for the full rebound of tourism and travel and
which includes Responsible Business as one of the key initiatives.

RHG remains committed to its corporate responsibility The focus on responsible business practices is reflected in
targets, as outlined in RHG’s 5-year strategic plan. The RHG’s commitment to promote and enhance human rights
strategic plan for 2020 – 2025 includes the Responsible within its sphere of influence, in its operations and the
Business focus areas and targets for our hotels globally. supply chain. RHG will continue its engagement creating
These targets align with and contribute to the hotel industry shared value in communities in the areas of Food, Shelter
2030 focus areas, defined by the Sustainable Hospitality and better Futures especially for children and youth-at-risk.
Alliance and to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Finally, RHG practices SDG 17 – Partnership for the Goals
RHG has expressed its commitment to net-zero by 2050 – and fosters the travel industry transformation towards
and has set intermediate targets, to build on and prepare for a sustainable standard. Working with key industry
fully approved Science-Based Emission reduction targets. stakeholders, RHG collaborates to demonstrate positive
Targets of RHG’s Responsible Business program include impact for the wider hospitality industry, creating further
reducing our carbon and water footprint by 30% by 2025, opportunities for a more sustainable future.
removing single use plastics and continuing to drive best
practices in responsible consumption behaviors. RHG’s ambitious and award-winning Responsible Business
program has three core areas to ensure that we care for our
guests, our people and our planet and act in an ethical way.

8 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Strategy and Performance Radisson Blu Hotel, Dubai Waterfront
Think People Think Community Think Planet
Driving ethical business practices is at the core of our We participate and live Responsible Business RHG strives to a net-positive impact for the planet.
Beliefs. This focus is reflected by welcoming guests every day. Together with our team members in our This requires minimizing the environmental footprint
in a safe and secure environment, by fostering an hotels and offices we partner with organizations in terms of carbon emissions, energy use, water
inclusive and diverse culture, our commitment to to contribute to the local communities where we consumption, as well as sustainable consumption
raise awareness of human rights within the sphere of operate on creating shared value, providing human and resource management.
influence, as we are caring for people in our hotels needs such as food and shelter, create opportunities
and the wider value chain. for better futures and a better planet for all. We have clear targets aligned to the industry's net-
zero methodology to minimize our environmental
Our ethical practices can be seen every day in the RHG fosters the partnership with SOS Children’s footprint and have achieved important progress
way we treat all our people, from guests and team Villages International who work in 136 countries and toward these goals. RHG is establishing net-zero
members to suppliers, owners and investors. territories to ensure that children grow up in a safe targets in line with the SBTi Net-Zero Standard and
and caring family environment. will join the Business Ambition for 1.5°c campaign
and the UNFCCC Race to Zero.
In hotels, we are enabling better futures for
vulnerable youth, marginalized people and persons We innovate sustainability in the guest experience
with disabilities with various programs delivering with industry shaping initiatives such as Carbon
employability and life skills. Neutral Meetings, and we contribute to Water,
Hygiene, Sanitation projects in water scarce

RHG’s Responsible Business pillars contribute to

the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

9 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Strategy and Performance

RHG’s impact influences the long-term success of our Property owners
and franchisees
organization and of our stakeholders. We operate to We work together with asset
owners and franchisees to find

high standards of performance and advocate socially innovative solutions that satisfy
economic, environmental and
social objectives, towards our
and environmentally sustainable business practices. ambition to be net-zero by 2050.

Responsible Business is the way we do business and we continuously evaluate where we stand Suppliers Guests
We strive to purchase We inform, educate, engage
and how we can do better. RHG has identified eight Responsible Business stakeholder groups. products and services to and enable our guests and
The basis for identifying and selecting our key Responsible Business stakeholders relates primarily advance the areas of human Radisson Rewards members
rights, labor, environment and to participate in Responsible
to the extent we influence or impact them: economically, socially, or environmentally. We have set anti-corruption, as well as the Business activities at our hotels.
clear commitments with each different stakeholder group and strengthen relationships through UN Sustainable Development
open dialogues and engagement. Goals from suppliers who
demonstrate environmental
and social responsibility.

Governments and
Team members authorities
We educate and equip We require our office and Shareholders and investors
our team members to hotel team members to abide We provide Jin Jiang
make conscious decisions by local and international International with timely,
in favor of environmental, legislation, especially accurate and transparent
ethical and social issues regarding labor laws, health information on Responsible
in their work and private and safety, human rights and Business performance, related
lives. the environment. risks and opportunities.

Community Corporate clients

We take an active role We inform and involve
in the international corporate clients such as
Responsible Business travel agents, meeting
network and contribute planners and OTAs who are
to the local communities seeking to become aware of
where we operate. the environmental and social
impact of their purchases.

10 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Materiality and Stakeholders

Materiality assessment
RHG has undertaken a materiality For our assessment, we engage with stakeholders on an ongoing basis
to inform them about the strategy and get insight on their expertise,
 and Security
 usiness conduct, ethics
assessment to identify key expectations, feedback and priorities. RHG’s materiality assessment is and compliance
 rotection of human rights

Very High
based on the following internal and external sources:
environmental and social C
 limate action
development and
sustainability risks, issues, • Our vision and long-term strategy includes the Responsible Business
strategy and targets. In addition to being a key strategic initiative,
 nergy efficiency

 ater stewardship
priorities, and opportunities. Responsible Business influenced other essential elements of the

Relevance for stakeholders

5-year strategic plan such as Business Development, Strategic
With Think People, we address any health, safety and security Souring and Meetings & Events.
issues for our guests and team members. It also addresses
the human rights and ethical, fraud and corruption issues in • Stakeholder engagement includes performance reviews, the culture
our operations as well as the supply chain. assessment, hotel owner meetings, partnership reviews, surveys,
sensor checks and other stakeholder meetings and workshops.
With Think Community, we address the risks of poverty,
• As a member of the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, RHG is R
 esponsible supply chain Sustainable buildings
hunger, lack of quality education and the availability of clean
committed to advancing Responsible Business across the operations
water and sanitation, globally and in the communities where
and using its collective influence to drive action among our supply R
 esponsible People
we operate. chains and stakeholders. We work together with senior executives consumption
 outh employment
from other leading hospitality companies to address challenges, F
 ood and Beverage

Under the pillar Think Planet, we address climate change share expertise and develop practical solutions to enable the whole T
 alent management
and the urgent environmental requirement to restrict global industry to operate responsibly and grow sustainably. D
 iversity, equity and and employability
warming to 1.5°c of pre-industrial levels, which beyond the inclusion
risks of extreme weather conditions, drought and flooding G
 uest awareness
• The World Travel & Tourism Council recognizes that security, A
 nti-corruption and
can also impact elements such as food security and risk of demographics, resource scarcity, waste management and business anti-bribery L
 ocal volunteering
social unrest. ethics are all issues that will particularly influence the nature in which
our industry will continue to operate in future. RHG used this in D
 isaster support
RHG must manage the impact of key environmental, social, support of the materiality matrix.
ethical and economic topics for our company and industry.
Guided by the Global Reporting Initiative’s materiality • External contextual information, trend reports and research such as
principles and approach, RHG has done a materiality the World Economic Forum Yearly Global Risks Report, UNEP Global
High Very High
assessment to identify key issues, focus areas, priorities and commitment progress report, GlobeScan sustainability survey and
opportunities. RHG has defined the most material topics UNWTO reports.
for our organization in accordance with the GRI Standards.
For more detailed information, access the sustainability risk overview of
Relevance for RHG
RHG’s Responsible Business targets and actions need to
contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. materiality topics and management approach for risk mitigation here.

11 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Materiality and Stakeholders

Organization and Governance
RHG Responsible Business and environmental policy is embedded at all levels of
our organization. We combine both a top-down and bottom-up approach to ensure
maximum engagement in operations and the sustainability greatest impact.

Organization Regional Coordinator network

In Europe, Middle East and Africa, a network of 21 Regional Responsible Business
Coordinators sets regional targets in line with group strategy. A similar approach
has been applied for Asia Pacific, with currently a network of 17 newly appointed
Board of Directors CEO and executive
Regional Responsible Business Coordinators. The coordinators follow-up on
management team
The board of directors is progress made by hotels.
responsible for the Responsible The global executive committee,
Business report and is periodically including the CEO, is frequently
informed about the Responsible Each hotel is expected to have a Responsible Business coordinator and Responsible
updated on strategies, plans
Business progress. and progress of the Responsible Business team. The Responsible Business coordinator and their team jointly define
Business 5-year strategic plan. the Responsible Business action plans in line with both regional and group priorities.

Reporting and compliance

Regular (minimum quarterly) environmental statistics for leased and managed hotels
are collected in the Think Planet section of our financial reporting and consolidation
Corporate Responsible Hotel teams system. Hotels report their full Responsible Business performance in the yearly
Business team Responsible Business status report, which contains 100-plus checkpoints on Think
Hotel teams, under the guidance
of the General Manager are People, Think Community and Think Planet. Ninety percent of our hotels submitted
The Responsible Business team
sets and implements the strategy responsible for incorporating an answer to the status report.
and ensures cross-departmental the Responsible Business program
cooperation. The team works closely into daily operations and provide
regular updates to the hotel owners. Restatement of information
with the area support office teams.
Data reported in 2020 on the carbon and energy footprint has been restated.
Previously provided data contained an inaccuracy.

Environmental issues
RHG checks the environmental compliance of all hotels. During 2021, no hotel
reported environmental compliance issues.

12 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Organization and Governance

Memberships UN Global Compact
RHG has been a UN Global Compact signatory since 2009. The
UN Global Compact promotes companies doing business
One Planet Network
UN Environment’s One Planet Sustainable Tourism
Program has the overall objective to enhance the
World Travel and Tourism Council
The World Travel and Tourism Council’s
objective is to promote awareness of the
responsibly by aligning their strategies and operations with sustainable development impacts of the tourism economic contribution of travel and tourism.
Partnerships are the driver the 10 principles on human rights, labor, the environment and
anti-corruption. Signatories take strategic actions to advance
sector by 2030, by developing, promoting and scaling
up sustainable consumption and production practices
It also aims to give one voice to major players
in the sector when talking to governments
to win-win-win situations broader societal goals, such as UN Sustainable Development that boost the efficient use of natural resources while and international bodies.
Goals, with an emphasis on collaboration and innovation. producing less waste and addressing the challenges of
and sustainable success. climate change and biodiversity loss. Federico J. González, Chief Executive Officer,

RHG aims to develop The Compact is the world’s largest voluntary corporate
sustainability initiative. More than 15,200 business and other RHG is a member of the One Planet Sustainable Tourism
is the RHG member representative. The
Council’s key focus areas include security
public-private partnerships stakeholders from 163 countries take part. Access the UN
Global Compact Compliance table for more information here.
Program and member of the advisory group for the
Global Tourism Plastics Initiative.
and travel facilitation, crisis preparedness
and response, and sustainable growth.
with key internal and
external stakeholders
driving sustainable success
within and beyond the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) GBTA
hospitality industry. RHG is an active member of the Sustainable Hospitality RHG is one of the founding members of the US State The Global Business Travel Association
Alliance. The Sustainable Hospitality Alliance brings together Department’s Overseas Security Advisory Council (GBTA) is the world’s largest professional
engaged hospitality companies and uses the collective power (OSAC) Hotel & Lodging Sector Committee (HLSC). association representing every facet of the
of the industry to deliver impact locally and on a global scale. The working group exchanges information on potential global travel industry marketplace.
They work with RHG and other leading hospitality companies threats, conducts joint training sessions annually and
and strategic partners to address key challenges affecting our enables members to monitor emerging threats. The GBTA’s focus is to equip members with
planet and its people and develop free practical resources and exchange of information is vital to helping our safety the knowledge and resources necessary
programs to enable the wider industry to operate responsibly and security teams understand evolving threats. RHG to navigate the rapidly changing business
and grow sustainably. currently holds the chair of the Hotel & Lodging Sector travel landscape. This knowledge is created
Committee. through education, research, networking and
As an industry we commit to drive continued action on social advocacy delivered on demand.
and environmental issues. Members make up 30% of the
global hotel industry by rooms and include 14 world-leading RHG is member of the GBTA’s Sustainability
hotel companies with a combined reach of over 35,000 hotel Committee, providing global leadership
properties and 5.5 million rooms. and resources to help balance the social,
economic and environmental impact of
Wolfgang M. Neumann, former President and CEO of members’ business travel programs.
Radisson Hospitality AB, has been chairman of the Alliance
since June 2015. Inge Huijbrechts, Global Senior Vice
President, Sustainability, Safety, Corporate Communications,
RHG, chaired the Executive Committee from April 2019 until
September 2021.

13 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Organization and Governance

Global goals and hospitality industry focus areas
Advancing fair and inclusive opportunities for people
and communities now and for future generations

Equity, diversity Human rights Employability

RHG is contributing to the UN RHG has analyzed its Responsible Business
commitment against the UN Sustainable Development
and inclusion
Supporting respect Enabling young
Sustainable Development Goals with Goals. For more information access the table Promoting access to
fair opportunities and
for human rights
across the hospitality
people and those from
particularly vulnerable
its sustainability targets for our hotels showing how RHG contributes to the UN Sustainable
Development Goals here.
creating environments
that support inclusive
industry, addressing
risks and strengthening
backgrounds to get
started in their careers
globally, aligned with the hospitality employment
and encourage
ethical recruitment and
by leveraging the
power of the hospitality
Uniting behind priority areas of action advancement. industry.
industry focus areas, defined by the Aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals,
Sustainable Hospitality Alliance. the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance and its members
commit to drive collaboration on priority areas where
the hospitality industry can have a lasting social and Safeguarding our natural environment
UN Sustainable Development Goals environmental impact. for a thriving and diverse world for all
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United
Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace As a member, RHG is committed to advancing Climate action Water Responsible
and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. The 17 Responsible Business across its operations and using stewardship resourcing
global goals are an urgent call for action by all countries – developed and its collective influence to drive action among supply Driving
decarbonization of the Addressing water risk Advancing sustainable
developing – to unite in this effort. chains and stakeholders. hospitality industry, within communities, procurement and
limiting key drivers embedding water consumption, enabling
The goals mobilize countries, organizations and businesses to end all of climate change, stewardship programs effective resource
and maximizing our and furthering water- management, and
forms of poverty, fight inequality and tackle climate change in a global regenerative impact. use efficiency. minimizing pollution
partnership. As a responsible leader in the industry, our efforts contribute and waste.
to these important global goals.

14 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Organization and Governance

Global goals and hospitality industry focus areas
Pathway to Net Positive Hospitality Hotel Sustainability Basics
The Sustainable Hospitality Alliance and its members, including In November 2021, RHG, and other leading groups with a footprint of
RHG, have set the ambition to develop the Pathway to Net Positive 25,000 hotels total, launched an initiative to set common definition of
Hospitality for the planet. The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) hotel sustainability to drive responsible travel & tourism. The initiative
supports this ambition. will raise the global basic level of hotel sustainability in a clear and
transparent manner for all travelers and stakeholders.
The Pathway aims to enable every hotel to improve their impact,
whatever their starting point on their sustainability journey. It will The Basic Sustainability framework will critically deliver on a common
encompass four clear stages and practical tools that guide the starting point for hotel sustainability accessible to all hotel actors
industry towards a regenerative impact on our planet. worldwide – whether they are part of a large international group
or independents. Providing this common understanding for all
The Pathway recognizes the wealth of initiatives and resources hotels worldwide with actions that have a positive impact on planet
designed to support the industry and it aims to build on these to and people will drive real change by stimulating the demand for
develop a holistic, action-based approach for sustainable hospitality. responsible travel.

The hospitality value chain will play a key role in achieving the vision The Basic Sustainability framework reinforces and works in
set out by the Pathway, including hotel developers, owners, investors complement to the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance’s Pathway
and franchisees, who can all powerfully impact sustainability at to Net Positive Hospitality.
different life cycle stages of a hotel property.

Pathway to Net Positive


STARTING Net positive

Net zero impact
Robust impacts
Hotel action plans

15 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Organization and Governance Radisson Blu Hotel, Madrid Prado
Radisson Collection Hotel, Berlin

Awards and Recognition

RHG has received numerous awards and accolades for being an
innovative leader in sustainability practices for its Responsible Business
and Safety and Security programs.

Sustainability and security guest recognition EcoVadis Silver sustainable supplier

The Guest Satisfaction Survey (GSS) score for Responsible Business and RHG has been rated by EcoVadis as a sustainable supplier, with a score
Safety and Security serves as a valuable tool for Radisson Hotels. performance at the Silver Medal recognition level since 2017, putting the
company into the top 8% of the accommodation industry and top 25%
It provides insights to help hotels prioritize actions and outperform of performers worldwide.
competitors. The survey’s functionality enables RHG to identify which hotels
within our company, brand or region are ranking above or below other EcoVadis aims to improve the environmental and social practices of
properties. GSS does not include online reviews. companies by leveraging the influence of global supply chains. Each
company is assessed through a questionnaire which is customized to the
size of the business, its industry sector, and countries of operation. The
Guest Satisfaction Score: Responsible Business
rating covers four areas: fair business ethics, the environment, sustainable
2021 8.22
2020 7.75 procurement, and labor practices and human rights.
2019 7.80

Recognized as a top employer

Guest Satisfaction Score: Safety & Security RHG has been named as the world’s #4 Best Employer in the Travel
2021 8.50
& Leisure industry by the leading Forbes business magazine.

The main areas of opportunity that guests highlighted were that Responsible This prestigious award, resulting from a survey of 150,000 international
Business actions and initiatives need to be more effectively communicated respondents, takes us an important step closer to achieving our goal
to guests. Guests also requested a reduction of single use plastic usage of becoming the people-focused hotel company of choice for guests,
at properties, such as bottles, straws and other amenities, as well as more owners and talent.
information on energy and water saving in hotels.

16 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Awards and Recognition

Think People

17 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021

1.5M 80% 29% 6 th
on-the-job, classroom increase in training Women in slavery and human Radisson Hotels
and e-learning training courses completion Leadership trafficking statement validated by SGS
hours rate vs 2020 issued on Safety Protocol

18 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021

Employment and Employability
At RHG, we operate our Empowering and social dialogue TEAM MEMBERS BY AGE
In 2021, 31% of RHG team members were covered by
business responsibly. We want collective bargaining agreements, 93% of the other hotels
Below 24
Between 25 – 30
to be an employer of choice practice other forms of workplace cooperation, enabling
consultation between management and team members.
Between 31 – 40 33%
Between 41 – 50 20%
and attract and grow talent. These consultations are designed to improve our team
Between 51 – 60 10%
members’ welfare and to develop mutually acceptable
As a global company, we have solutions for common challenges.
Between 61 – 65 2%
Above 65 1%
all the tools in place for team
In line with the European Union Directive on Works Councils
members to develop a meaningful (94/45/EC), RHG has also established a European Works
career and deliver Memorable Council, composed of representatives from our central
management, appointed team members and the Global
Male 56%

Moments to our guests. Chief Resources Officer. The Council’s Annual Meeting was Female 44%
held virtually in 2021. Subjects discussed with team member
Employment representatives included RHG’s company finances, business
In 2021, RHG counted 146 nationalities amongst our team development, performance, ethics reporting and human
members. Women comprise 44% of our team members rights, Responsible Business, plus other important issues.
while 56% are men. Of our total workforce, 13% is
outsourced labor, mainly for housekeeping, security, Food Creating jobs for youth-at-risk
& Beverage and gardening services. Reducing youth unemployment is a global responsibility.
According to the ILO, 68 million young people are EMPLOYEES BY SENIORITY
unemployed and 126 million are working but living in Below 1 Y 28%
extreme or moderate poverty. The situation has become Between 1 – 2 Y 16%
more complicated by the effects of the pandemic. Between 3 – 5 Y 25%
Between 6 – 10 Y 18%
RHG understands that we have a role to play in addressing Between 11 – 15 Y 7%
the issue of unemployment and offer easy training Between 16 – 25 Y 4%
or employment access to vulnerable youth. Where Above 26 Y 2%
business permits, we have created job opportunities for
underprivileged youth. During 2021, our hotels welcomed
633 participants in various trainee and apprentice programs.

19 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think People

Employment and Employability
Youth employment program Enabling futures in Kenya Tapping into young talent
The Sustainable Hospitality Alliance enables our industry Building on previously successful RHG employment projects, A new, talent spotting initiative by Radisson Blu Hotel,
– working with local partners – to create opportunities of the Radisson Blu Hotel & Residence, Nairobi Arboretum Kuwait offers ambitious young hotel college graduates the
scale for young people through the Youth Employment ran a Youth Employment Program for young people with chance to join an innovative, 12-month training program,
Program. The program has a global scope to enhance the disabilities in 2021 in partnership with a disability inclusion designed to give them a comprehensive range of experience
employability of underprivileged young people, ensuring focused organization which implements community-based in hotel operations. The Hotel Operations Exposure Program
hotels can make a real difference to the lives of its graduates rehabilitation and care programs. – offering a salary with free accommodation – can also lead
and their families. to long-term job placements for high achievers, boosting
Meet Monicah Muteti, now training as a pastry chef at Radisson our company pool of the best, upcoming young people.
It is designed to support a variety of young people at risk Blu Hotel and Residence, Nairobi after successfully taking part
of exploitation, including those living without parental in the program. Monicah initially communicated with her hotel
care, survivors of human trafficking and refugees. It also colleagues in writing. But her team mates soon also learned a
offers new opportunities to young people with vulnerable new skill – how to talk to her in sign language.
backgrounds, such as those who have dropped out of
school or who lack the financial means to complete their

The program operates with a flexible delivery model which

empowers disadvantaged youth, equipping them for their
future professional and social life. The classroom sessions
include core employability skills training and English
language tuition. The practical skills training focuses on
giving hands-on departmental experience.

The aim of the program is for graduates to gain employment

– either with RHG or another company – or for them to
continue with their education.

Monicah's story | Video

20 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think People

Talent acquisition
The pandemic has given us a number of
challenges that we need to overcome.
As the market is extremely candidate
driven, our recruitment strategy focuses
on several key areas.
Due to the competitive market, we ensure our employer branding has
a presence in the most effective places possible. Potential candidates
are fully informed of the benefits of working for RHG. This can be in
terms of learning and development, and career opportunities, as well
as competitive compensation and benefits. The recruitment process
needs to be easy, quick and efficient as any delay could result in
losing the candidate to another employer.

21 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think People

Talent acquisition
Effective recruitment Team member benefits
A series of new innovations have been introduced to RHG always abides by local legislation. But all global team
help RHG with essential recruitment. Engaging video members can reap the rewards of certain benefits. These
job adverts, easily filmed on a mobile phone, help bring include special rates for our team members, friends and
the role on offer to life, and our new, simplified written families while staying in our hotels. Team members also
advertisements highlight the benefits of the role to the enjoy a wide range of development offers, supporting
candidate. Video interviewing makes the application learning and growth. They benefit from living Responsible
process quick and easy. Recruitment open day events Business every day - with their hotel teammates - and in
speed up the interview process, while the recruitment the local communities where we work to create a better
toolkit, recruitment cards and Radisson Referral Program future and a better planet for all.
help our teams locate and engage the right new talent.
RHG voted one of Germany’s top employers
RHG has strengthened the Employer Branding and fully RHG has been named as one of Germany’s top employers
revamped the career page, aligning it with our tone of by Stern Magazine, one of the world’s largest news
voice, visual identity, and key employer value proposition publications. RHG was ranked in the hospitality industry’s
pillars. Forbes 2021 recognition of RHG as the 4th Top 5 - with a fourth overall placing. Stern partnered with
Best Global Employer in Travel and Leisure is a huge Statista to conduct Germany’s largest independent survey,
recognition of the success we've achieved to become designed to discover how companies were regarded by
top of mind for talent and in line with our vision. their employees. The votes were cast at a time when the
hospitality industry was facing enormous challenges posed
by the pandemic - making this award especially significant.

3,826 85 47% 55%

job vacancies Average of visits to the of visits come
applicants corporate website from organic
per vacancy are to the main traffic
Careers section

22 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think People

Talent Management and
People Development
RHG is truly passionate about people.
People are at the core of everything
we stand for – and what hospitality
is all about. Our mission is to make
Every Moment Matter for all the people
with whom we interconnect: team
members, partners and guests.
We strive to create truly memorable moments for everyone, every
day, everywhere, every time. Our signature Yes I Can! service ethos
continues to powerfully inform how we welcome and care for our guests.
Our people-centric culture plays an important role in our business
transformation, helping us to achieve our vision of becoming one of the
top three hotel brands in the world and to make RHG the brand of choice
for guests, owners and talent.

23 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think People

Talent Management and People Development
Our Culture Journey Talent recognition
RHG has aligned our culture to create a guest-focused At RHG we seek to achieve our vision of becoming the
experience which successfully delivers our Every Moment company of choice for our guests, owners, and talent.
Matters brand promise to guests, owners and talent. Our We are a people-oriented company, which is the core of
culture empowers all RHG team members to ensure a what hospitality stands for.
consistent experience for every guest at every property and
workplace around the globe. Believing in our promise means Since 2019, we’ve been celebrating the Every Moment
that we seize every moment as an opportunity to serve, Matters (EMM) Awards across all regions and countries.
improve, innovate, have fun, make an impression, go above The EMM Awards are peer-to-peer recognition awards, in
and beyond, learn, stretch and grow. which all hotels and offices participate by nominating their
colleagues for how they live up to our culture beliefs.
Our company culture journey began with the definition of
our Culture Beliefs. It evolved with the development of our In 2021 we hosted the awards physically where possible
Foundations, RHG's core competencies, which established and organized virtual gatherings in regions where COVID-19
the standards of how we assess and develop our talent. And cases were increasing. We also introduced the EMM
it continues to grow – in line with our 5-year strategic plan, Ambassador pin – a pin for the winners to wear and feel
which aims to make us the company of choice for talent. proud of being ambassadors of RHG’s Culture.

Our Cultural Beliefs Yes I can!

Our strong company culture is a very powerful asset. When One of our beliefs – We enjoy serving with a Yes I Can! Spirit
team members agree with our beliefs and truly care about – is part of our DNA and an important part of our service
them, they will feel engaged and motivated to perform at culture. We award our team members that serve with a real
their very best. RHG has identified the following shared YIC! spirit by giving them a YIC! pin. We also celebrate our
beliefs which serve as the foundation of our shared culture: annual Seniority Awards to recognize team members that
have been with us for five, 10, 15, 20 years and so on.
• We deliver memorable moments every day,
everywhere, every time We award team members with an anniversary diamond
• We enjoy serving with our “Yes I Can!” spirit pin per lustrum and the number of diamonds increases
• We grow talent, talent grows us depending on the years they’ve spent at RHG.
• We are many minds, with one mindset
• We value open and direct interactions to build trust
• We believe anything is possible
• We have fun in all that we do

24 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think People

Talent Management and People Development

At RHG, we recognize that Radisson Flex

RHG’s new hybrid work model, Radisson Flex, helps shift
developing our teams is critical our people-centric ethos towards even greater flexibility,
autonomy, trust, collaboration and connectivity as we D
for business success. To unlock strive to achieve our company’s goals.
Final check-in
& setting performance
the potential within our teams
Radisson Flex offers all our Corporate and Area team
it is essential that we make a members more individual choice about when, where
commitment to delivering a and how they work. They will continue to enjoy the
social engagement and collaboration of an office

consistent cycle of performance environment. But, supported and connected by

innovative technology, they can also work remotely to
management feedback. suit their personal preferences. Performance &
These reviews and discussions target driving business

This new flexibility helps every individual to find the Cycle
objectives alongside progressing team members towards right personal balance, powering their performance to Growth conversation
individual development goals. achieve the best results. and setting individual
development plan

(IDP) Final check-in
We are committed to offering a range of opportunities Workday for development

for team members from all levels and specialism Workday is the leading human capital management
across the business, building engaging and impactful platform RHG uses to support the Performance and
development plans bespoke to their needs. People Development cycle along with other core HR elements,
managers are driven to identify their key talent. on-boarding, Learning and Development and basic Quarterly

compensation. Check-in


25 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think People

Learning and Development
Learning and Development lies at the heart of
our people development and talent management
strategy. As part of our 5-year strategic plan, it is a key
element, helping to create a highly productive learning
environment. RHG believes that learning offers a vital
way to keep team members engaged and upskill them
with new skills and competencies. Radisson Academy
aims to equip all team members for success – helping
them learn, stretch, grow and reach their full potential.

10 50 20,000
Radisson Academy virtual new online training new external training
sessions with 2,000+ modules created resources
participants in total

251 80% 105%

Internal courses increase in course increase of users
completion rates on Typsy

26 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think People

Learning and Development
Radisson Academy Online Radisson Academy Virtual
With Radisson Academy Online all hotel team members Virtual Masterclasses became popular with the start
have access to RHG’s personalized training content with of the pandemic, when due to traveling restrictions
role-based assignments for each job family. Learners Radisson Academy Live training sessions were no longer
can tag a colleague to recommend courses they find possible. Sessions facilitated by our internal experts are
interesting, which helps in developing a learning culture the most valuable and include topics such as leading
via networking and peer-to-peer learning. through change, creative thinking in hospitality, successful
negotiation and cognitive pricing.
This creates one digital ecosystem, where the training
offer can be linked to our internal talent development
processes. This means that growth plans are easier to
create and follow. Managers and hotel administrators
can assign training to their teams with just a few clicks
and support their progress through training reports and
dashboards. This brings leaders closer to team members
and make them an active part of talent development.

In 2021 we launched 50 new internally developed training

courses covering topics such as Safety & Security, Fast-
Track Hospitality for those new to our industry, Meeting &
Events, Revenue Management and an extensive training
program targeting our Radisson Collection brand in
partnership with Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne (EHL), one
of the top hospitality schools in the world.

Radisson Academy learning offer has maintained an

extremely high satisfaction score with a 4.9 out of 5
average rating.

27 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think People

Learning and Development
Hospitality Fundamentals by Typsy Living Responsible Business, available in 21 languages, is a classroom training
RHG partners with Typsy, an education technology learning with a gamified approach. It is designed for all hotel team members, covering
platform of choice in the global hospitality industry. All RHG topics such as ethics, diversity, inclusion, community support, eco-footprint
team members can access Typsy’s growing library of 1,000 reduction and sorting waste – as well as more sensitive issues, like tackling sex
bite-sized video lessons for practical, on-the-job learning, trafficking and forced labor.
quizzes and certificates.
Leading Responsible Business is a comprehensive and interactive online
Elevating Radisson Collection with EHL learning module and simulation for our leaders in hotels and offices. The
To establish a baseline understanding among all our team training covers eco-footprint reduction, youth employability, responsible
members on delivering exceptional service, we partnered recruitment and sourcing, promoting human rights and Radisson’s partnership
with EHL, the world's leading hospitality university. We with SOS Children’s Villages.
codesigned a specific training program for Radisson
Collection teams and certified 29 Radisson Collection
Ambassadors who provide the cultural understanding
and service excellence required to create an exceptional Living Responsible
53% Business Training
experience for guests.

Global responsible business training Leading Responsible

61% Business Training
All RHG team members live Responsible Business every day
– at home, with their hotel colleagues, and working in their
local communities – striving to create a better future and a
better planet for us all. Team engagement with Responsible
Business starts with our global Responsible Business training
program. Best practice in on-the-job training
Our hotels in Germany and Switzerland run an apprenticeship program to
ensure the next generation of hospitality team members are well prepared
through an on-the-job training and that young people have the opportunity
to start a job. Apprentices join as hotel allrounders and spend 2.5-3 years
with us. They rotate through all operational departments to learn hospitality
basics and then being able to decide in which role they would want to
start working. They combine the on-the-job activities with 1 week of school
per month. They are supported by our “Apprentice Coaches” and a digital
training app to prepare them for exams.

28 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think People

Talent Engagement
COVID-19 has changed the way Communicate
The Communicate pillar includes the CEO business update,
we live, work, communicate which enables our CEO to communicate frequently with
and collaborate. The pandemic our teams, offering reassurance and timely information
about the business evolution and key priorities in what has
has had an immense impact on become our most-read newsletter.

the hospitality industry. To meet Our roundtable discussions - Radisson Talks live streaming
the resultant changing needs, - focused on various key themes, with experts offering
company updates and leading open discussion forums
RHG designed a holistic through live Q&A sessions. The average number of
engagement plan. connected team members is 800 and a maximum reach of
1,500 participants in one of the sessions.
We Communicate to inform and engage with employees in
a timely and transparent manner. We offer opportunities to
Connect with leaders and colleagues in an authentic and
safe space. And we Learn by providing continuous personal
and professional development opportunities.

Using this plan, we have successfully supported our team

members transitioning at work, connecting our business
function with a consistent employee experience across all
areas and hotels. We have also provided managers with the
necessary tools and resources to successfully engage with
their teams.

29 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think People

Talent Engagement
Connect Radisson Listens
RHG stimulate opportunities to Connect in various ways with leaders and Team member Engagement is the key ingredient to deliver memorable
colleagues: moments to our guests and to achieve our business goals. As we continue to
• The informal Virtual Coffee with leaders are online get togethers where focus on the evolution of our culture, it’s important for us to understand how
team members can engage with leaders in a relaxed environment. our talent around the world feels about working at RHG. We are a people
• Through special mindfulness and wellbeing sessions we help foster a business, diverse, inclusive, and we are about the wellbeing and engagement
better work-life balance. of all the team members in all countries we do business in. We want to make
• Radisson Travels showcases our global properties and destinations, sure that they are all fulfilled by their jobs and are able to fulfil their ambition
within our company.
presented by our expert, local teams, resulting in nine Radisson Travel
videos plus an inspirational YouTube channel for our guests.
The annual engagement survey is anonymous with answers collected and
• Our team members are Moment Makers, going the extra mile at work or
analyzed by an independent company. Data can be compared with the
in their communities.
performance of similar hotels, the country or region or the entire brand.
• Our Pioneers give visibility to our female talent
The data will show where the hotel meets or exceeds team members'
showcasing team members who have done expectations and which areas need more attention. Following the publication
something for the first time or pioneered the of results, hotels should put in place a specific action plan to maximize the
way forward. benefit of identified strengths and improve performance in weak areas.
• Radisson Voices is a podcast focused on what
makes hospitality special. Talent exchange with J Hotel in Shanghai
RHG partnered with the Jin Jiang group to offer exciting new training
opportunities for our talented team members in 2021 – in an initiative that
also celebrated the opening of Jin Jiang’s prestigious new J Hotel, Shanghai
Tower, located in China’s tallest building. Working together with Jin Jiang,
RHG launched a highly-sought-after Talent Exchange Program that offered
Learn 17 of our team members the chance to travel to China and benefit from a
The Learn pillar features Connect & Learn newsletters as a key component, special three-month training program at the J Hotel.
giving team members on-going self-development resources and learning
opportunities that they can follow at their own pace. The broad range of
topics and skills addressed include virtual communications, leadership,
safety, stress and energy management, confident communications, the
digital world, coaching, motivation and time management. We held 10
Radisson Academy virtual sessions throughout the year, with a total of
2,000+ participants.

30 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think People

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
“We’re many minds with one mindset.”
RHG is committed to fostering a
culture and workplace that celebrates
diversity and inclusion, ensuring equal
opportunities for each and every one
– whatever their gender, culture or
Our guests and our talent deserve a safe environment in which they are
valued for who they are. Our workforce is driven by people from different
backgrounds, with different personalities and points of view. So we strive to
create environments where everyone can express their authentic selves, seize
opportunities, make decisions and collaborate.

As a global company operating in more than 120 countries and territories,

diversity is part of our DNA. Our global workforce, includes 146 nationalities -
and a fair gender representation.

We believe that Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is not only about establishing
targets, numerical quotas or pleasant policies. It is at the forefront as the very
heart of our culture. It is what our people feel when they join us, then live and
breathe every day in our hotels and offices around the world.

Accessibility for all

All hotels in the RHG portfolio are required to provide an environment which
is accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities. At the end of 2021,
5 percent of the rooms in all our hotels were accessible.

31 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think People

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Women in leadership
RHG is committed to balanced leadership. That means
Male 71%
encouraging more women to take on leadership roles within
Female 29%
the company. We strive to challenge existing thinking and aim
to increase the representation of women in senior positions
across all areas of the company. CORPORATE OFFICE
Male 60%
RHG is committed to increase the number of women in Female 40%
leadership positions, including from director-level and above
at offices and from General Manager level at hotels. Since GENERAL MANAGERS
2019, we have increased our Women in Leadership positions Male 80%
by 2%. In some of our areas these percentages are higher,
Female 20%
like in Nordics and Baltics, where we currently have 40% of
female General Managers.
Male 70%
Women in leadership
2021 29% Female 30%
2020 28%
2019 27%

Balanced leadership in Saudi Arabia

The growth in female leadership has been made possible We are proud to be the first company to hire the first-ever female General
by our recruitment process, which always ensures a Manager in Saudi Arabia, at Park Inn by Radisson Jeddah. Today, all the
gender-balanced number of applicants in the final shortlist operating hotels in Saudi Arabia together have more than 190 female
for General Managers and Director and above positions. team members, who are almost all Saudi nationals, representing 14% of
Furthermore, we annually assess our team members through the total hotel team members.
what we call Talent Review Meetings, where we identify high
potentials and build career plans that have a clear gender Women’s empowerment award for Dhaka
focus aimed at developing inspiring and long-lasting journeys The Radisson Blu Dhaka Water Garden in Bangladesh has been presented
for our people. with the prestigious Women Empowering SDG Award by HerNet TV in
recognition of their outstanding contribution to promoting wellbeing and
social justice for women. The hotel was acclaimed for promoting a gender
balanced guest mix and for offering affordable packages focusing on
women’s fitness, wellness, and relaxation.

32 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think People Katerina Giannouka, President, Asia Pacific
Human Rights
RHG strives to conduct all • Employment Principles: covering RHG’s promises to
our team members. These include non-discrimination,
business operations in a way that freedom of association and the development of in-
seeks to promote and enhance house talent.

human rights within our sphere Both policies are publicly available and are communicated
of influence. RHG abides by the on internal channels to all hotels and corporate team
UN Guiding Principles on Business
Eliminating trafficking and modern slavery
and Human Rights, which are RHG is committed to combating modern slavery and
embedded in our policies and human trafficking by educating team members about
the issues involved and encouraging our partners,
procedures. We are committed to stakeholders and the broader business community to
raising awareness of human rights take a stand against slavery and human trafficking.

risks and to addressing risks that We operate to high standards, advocating socially and
arise in the labor supply chain. environmentally sustainable business practices. Our aim
is to address vulnerabilities in the hospitality industry, to
combat and eliminate any form of modern slavery and to
Key human rights and employment principles are reflected operate our business without slavery, sexual exploitation,
in two RHG policies which both complement our Code of the exploitation of children, or forced, bonded, or
Business Ethics and clarify the principles by which we live compulsory labor.
and work in our hotels and offices. These policies are:
For more detailed information, access our latest slavery
• Human Rights Policy: covering our engagement with and human trafficking statement here.
issues such as ethical business conduct, the protection
of children’s rights, combating human trafficking and the
protection of our team members’ rights.

33 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think People

Human Rights
Responsible recruitment and employment RHG’s commitment to tackle forced and bonded
Adults and children around the world remain victims of labor in operations and the supply chain
modern slavery. This problem remains a reality, albeit one
that many people today are unaware of. Hotel operations
in numerous regions rely on the talent of migrant workers,
hired as team members or contracted through employment
agencies. Migrant workers are amongst the most vulnerable
groups in the labor force, due to their immigration status. No excessive
Every team
deductions are
member has a
RHG does not accept forced labor in its operations or made from any team
worker contract
supply chain. Our responsible recruitment and employment member's wages
framework helps to ensure we take a proactive approach to
preventing forced labor in every part of our business.

These expectations are met within our company and in the

practices of labor agencies and outsourced labor suppliers No team member
No team
used by RHG. The industry principles regarding forced is required to
member is
labor are imbedded in RHG’s responsible recruitment and pay any fees in
forced to work
exchange for work
employment framework.
No team
member is forced
to handover
identification, passports,
work permits, or bank
cards to a third party

34 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think People

Human Rights
Toolkit to combat modern slavery The Leading Responsible Business training for all Head of RHG joined ECPAT-USA’s Tourism Child-Protection Code
RHG hotels raise awareness of – and prevent – forced Departments and General Managers contains a specific of Conduct (The Code), the world’s only voluntary set
labor by using the toolkit for responsible recruitment and training module detailing how to use the toolkit. RHG has also of business principles that can be implemented by travel
employment, designed to combat modern slavery. The toolkit made available the Risks of Modern Slavery in Labor Sourcing companies to prevent sexual exploitation and trafficking of
is available to all hotels, helping hotel management and HR training, designed to help human resources, procurement, children. The Code is a joint venture between the tourism
teams in their endeavors to combat the problem. Our efforts and legal teams to identify and address the risks of modern private sector and ECPAT, providing awareness, tools and
are focused on protecting outsourced labor, which represents slavery in hotel operations and the supply chain. Real-life case support to the travel and hospitality industry.
a significant part of the workforce in our hotels. studies are used to underpin the training.

Toolkit elements In 2021, the toolkit for responsible recruitment and employment International Organization for Migration
Recruitment Controls the business risk, outlining what due was reviewed by the UN International Organization of Migration As part of a multi-year partnership between International
agency due diligence to perform when using recruitment
and new recommendations were implemented. Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Sustainable
diligence agencies
Hospitality Alliance, RHG has been actively involved in
Guidance Advice on promoting ethical recruitment practices
ECPAT-USA projects to promote ethical recruitment and protect
documents with details of how to engage with recruits and team
members Children throughout the world are at risk of trafficking and migrant workers in the hospitality industry. The partnership
prostitution. They also face serious online dangers, including will leverage the multi-stakeholder model of the IOM’s IRIS:
Training Educates team members to increase awareness,
mitigate risks and give guidance on due diligence grooming, sextortion and the proliferation of child sexual Ethical Recruitment initiative to promote regular pathways
processes for migrant workers and protect them throughout the
abuse images.
Self-assessment Helps to identify potential gaps and human rights labor migration process.
questionnaire vulnerabilities in our hotel business processes
and to pinpoint the vulnerabilities of third-party RHG is committed to helping protect children-at-risk by
intermediaries working as a proud partner of ECPAT-USA. ECPAT is the Additionally, RHG has been involved in the Aligning
leading policy organization striving to end the commercial Lenses Towards Ethical Recruitment (ALTER) project, a
Worker interviews Helps to highlight possible cases of abuse or
recruiter-induced human trafficking sexual exploitation of children by promoting awareness, collaboration with IOM Philippines, Blas F. Ople Policy
advocacy, policy and legislation. ECPAT works at all Center, Diginex and the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance,
Team member Back of house engagement tools
awareness levels – supporting shelters for survivors; training and law funded by Global Fund to End Modern Slavery (GFEMS).
enforcement; influencing governments and conducting a Key outputs for hospitality employers include a digital
Remediation plan Provides guidance on what actions to take when
certain risks are identified wide range of research. ECPAT provides a wealth of resources labor migration process mapping tool and an ethical
aimed at helping the hospitality industry and hotel team recruitment due diligence toolkit. The process included
The toolkit provides guidance on how to prevent modern members prevent trafficking. hotel assessments, worker interviews and recruitment
slavery and promote ethical recruitment practices. It also agency consultations. Overall findings have been utilized
addresses how to engage with recruits, team members and to strengthen capacity building and remediation planning.
recruitment agencies.

35 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think People

Business Ethics and Compliance
All interactions within RHG, with our team members,
partners, stakeholders and local communities are
based on the highest principles of business ethics.
RHG is signatory of the United Nations Global
Compact since 2009, which provides companies with
10 principles on Human Rights, Labor, Environment
and Anti-Corruption. Our commitment to ethical
excellence is the groups heartbeat.
Code of business ethics
Our Code of Business Ethics governs how we do business. It enables
us to take positions on key issues of business ethics with a single
voice. The code includes ten principles which guide us whenever a
business decision needs to be made. The principles are:

1. We respect the law

2. We show respect for all persons in all situations
3. We think ethically
4. We act fairly
5. We do not discriminate against anyone for any reason
6. We are honest and transparent
7. We are loyal to our employer
8. We do not exploit the company’s resources
9. We think of safety at all times
10. We take care of the earth

36 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think People

Business Ethics and Compliance
Ethics training The platform, EthicsPoint, is run by an independent third- Data privacy
Our Code of Business Ethics applies to every person who party organization, Navex Global. Team members can use The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
works for RHG, and every one of our companies. The Code the site to find information on our Code of Business Ethics is a legal framework that sets guidelines for
is distributed to all team members digitally via the HR and report concerns anonymously, except where local law the collection and processing of personal
planning system Workday or through the team member restricts the company from accepting anonymous reports. information from individuals. RHG works to
handbook. It is also included in our internal procedures’ Investigations are conducted in a timely and sensitive comply with the GDPR. And, further to previous
manual. All team members are trained in the Code of manner. The site is available in 11 languages. data handling publications, our Hotel Data
Business Ethics, its implications and reporting processes. Handling Policy and Administrative Office Data
Training occurs in the onboarding and the classroom-based Anti-corruption Handling Policy have been created to explain
Living Responsible Business training. RHG does not make any contributions or give other support the GDPR’s essential information requirements.
(direct or indirect) to political parties or individual politicians.
Ethics hotline RHG receives no direct or significant financial subsidies The GDPR includes a requirement to inform
A key element of business ethics at RHG is the business from governmental organizations in the countries where we all individuals – including all team members –
ethics hotline. Any team member with concerns or questions operate hotels. about the processing of their personal data,
about the Code is encouraged to raise these directly with providing them with specific information about
their supervisor, human resources department or person Anti-bribery compliance these processing activities. RHG has a privacy
of trust in the hotel or regional organization. If the persons Compliance with the UK Bribery Act and the US Foreign policy which is available to all team members in
to whom the team member reports an ethical problem or Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) is promoted by: GDPR-regulated regions.
questionable practice are not responsive or if there is reason
to believe that reporting to the persons indicated above is • Making anti-bribery part of our Code of Business Ethics The EU GDPR has a significant effect on all
inappropriate in a particular case, the team member can • Training of team members businesses that process data from EU citizens.
report the matter of concern using the business ethics • Inserting anti-bribery and anti-corruption related Its impact on the hospitality industry is
hotline. In no event will any action be taken against the team provisions in partner contracts apparent every day. Guests trust our hotels and
member for reporting, in good faith, ethical problems or • Confirming compliance by all team members in team members with their personal data. So it
information on questionable practices. The business ethics management positions once every year is vital that we respect and preserve that trust.
hotline is available online, on Our RHG GDPR training – designed for hotel
No cases of corruption were reported through our team members and supervisors – uses typical
Ethics hotline in 2021. hotel situations to explain the dos and don’ts,
so our team members learn how to apply EU
GDPR regulations in reservations, front office
and Food and Beverage.

37 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think People Radisson RED, Brussels
Safety and Security
As the world continues to re-open and
we see a return of demand for both
business and leisure travel, we must
remain vigilant about keeping people
safe. It is essential that our hotels – and
the wider industry – have a common
plan in place to ensure the safety and
security of guests, team members and
business partners. Our guests want
to be welcomed in hotels that ‘always
care’; where their safety and security
are always a top priority.
Our company program for Safety and Security is used by all our offices
and hotel brands to protect our guests, team members, properties and

38 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think People

Safety and Security
TRIC=S The Guest and Team member Safety cornerstones work to
RHG structures its program for Safety and Security around limit the risk of any guest or team member becoming injured
the foundational TRIC=S framework, which allows to engage or ill while staying at, or working in, our hotels.
our teams and localize our approach to safety and security.
The Operational Security cornerstone aims to actively
TRIC=S stands for: prevent any operational disruptions in the hotel. Any
Threat assessment + disruptions that may occur should be as limited as possible
Risk evaluation and mitigation + in cost, length and degree.
Incident response capability +
Crisis management, communication and continuity = Data and Cyber Security are essential for the protection of
Safe and secure hotels personal data and the IT infrastructure of hotels.

Due to the development of TRIC=S, the role of corporate

Safety and Security shifted from a reactive and centralized
command-and-control model to a more proactive,
decentralized, and dynamic role. The change enables safety Safehotels
and security to play a vital part in supporting our growing As first major international hotel group, RHG has been
Data and Fire partnering with Safehotels since 2015. Safehotels is
number of hotels in many different locations and the ever-
Cyber security safety
evolving risk landscape. recognized by hotel and travel industry associations,
UNISDR and a major insurance company and certifies
The TRIC=S framework focuses on five cornerstones: hotels against their own, independent ‘Global Hotel
The Fire Safety cornerstone focuses on the prevention
or reduction the risk of fire at hotel properties by having TRIC=S
Security Standard’. 133 hotels
certified by
equipment, procedures and regular training in place. It also Framework The Safehotels certificate allows RHG to add external
Operational Guest Safehotels
ensures fire prevention is taken into consideration when safety validation to its industry-leading safety and security
renovating or refurbishing hotels. program and to create additional value for guests,
team members and investors. The yearly Safehotels
audit validates nearly 200 criteria, including security
equipment, team awareness and training, fire
member safety
security, crisis management and first aid response.
It is increasingly being endorsed and embraced by
global clients. At the end of 2021, 133 RHG properties
worldwide, had gained Safehotels certification.

39 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think People

Safety and Security
Radisson Hotels Safety Protocol Meetings & Events SGS Hotels
One of our highest priorities is the health, safety and security To provide a safe and clean environment for conferences or RHG has partnered with SGS, the world’s leading inspection,
of our guests, team members and business partners. social gatherings, RHG has implemented a 10-step process verification, testing and certification company, to ensure that
COVID-19 has fundamentally changed the way we live, meet to thoroughly sanitize hotel meeting spaces, as well as new cleaning protocols meet local requirements and are
and work. In response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, we to guide team members and attendees on how to follow consistently implemented everywhere. Under this program,
and a team of experts have augmented our existing health physical distancing protocols. New cleaning and disinfection individual hotels that comply receive the Radisson Hotels
and safety processes and developed the Radisson Hotels procedures, increased attention to safety in communal Safety Protocol stamp and/or an official label of cleanliness
Safety Protocol. This in-depth cleanliness, disinfection and spaces, protective equipment and updated training for and disinfection.
prevention protocol was created in partnership with SGS team members are included in the new protocols to provide
and is designed to ensure your safety and peace of mind
from check-in to check-out.
peace of mind to guests and attendees. In March 2021, RHG
announced the implementation of a rapid- and on-site testing
of hotels desktop validated by SGS
offer for Meetings & Events, groups and VIPs in 23 countries Resorts
Hotels in Europe, Middle East and Africa.
During this challenging time, Radisson Hotels seeks to make
each guest feel safe and secure. Our partnership with SGS Resorts Radisson hotels safety protocol training
has created a 20-step cleaning, disinfection and prevention At Radisson Hotels, we are focused on providing the time, RHG launched the Radisson Hotels Safety Protocol at the
protocol to protect the health and safety of travelers, space and place for an unforgettable vacation at any one start of the pandemic. It contained a 20-step protocol for
team members and partners. RHG hotels are practicing of our resorts and leisure destinations worldwide. To help operations and 10-step protocol for Meetings & Events – in
disinfection and cleaning procedures to ensure guest rooms ensure guests enjoy peace of mind on their next escape, addition to our existing health and safety procedures. A
and public spaces meet the highest standards of cleanliness RHG defined a specific version of the 20-step Radisson detailed training program was also developed in Radisson
and safety. Hotels Safety Protocol for resorts, which includes specific Academy Online to support team members in the correct
protocols for kids’ clubs, sports and spa activities. implementation of all protocol steps.

Cleaning and disinfection Meetings & Events

RHG’s enhanced cleaning and disinfection guidelines have
been developed in collaboration with Diversey, a global
hygiene solutions provider. The standards provide best-in-class
cleaning and hygiene solutions with reinforced protocols and
patented health care grade products. Hotels that have been
validated by SGS during their certification for the Radisson
Hotels Safety Protocol generally use hospital- grade cleaning
products. Additionally, properties have been advised to follow
enhanced cleaning and disinfection procedures in all areas of
the hotel and with an increased focus on frequent touch points.

40 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think People

Safety and Security
Crisis management, communication and Data awareness and cyber security training OSAC Hotel & Lodging Sector Committee Acclaim for RHG’s UK quarantine hotel teams
continuity Like many industries, hospitality is increasingly RHG is a founding member of the US State Three UK hotels used for quarantine during the
RHG applies a global incident and crisis dependent on digitization and mobile transactions. Department’s Overseas Security Advisory Council pandemic - Radisson Blu Manchester Airport,
management process to effectively respond to There have been numerous highly publicized (OSAC) Hotel and Lodging Sector Committee (HLSC), Radisson Hotel & Conference Centre, London
incidents, prevent events from escalating and rapidly incidents of hacking and data breaches around the formerly called the Hotel Security Working Group. Heathrow and Radisson Blu Hotel, London Stansted
mobilize resources to manage any crisis. Our crisis world. Our cyber security experts also follow the The committee exchanges information on potential Airport - have won praise from the U.K. Department
management process follows the TRIC=S formula to determine the threat, mitigate the and emerging threats, conducts joint training sessions of Health and Social Care. A letter of thanks from
internationally recognized hierarchy of risks and prepare for possible incidents or disruption. and enables members to share information and good the department applauded our teams’ excellence
responsibilities on the following levels: practices. RHG Global SVP of Sustainability, Security and immense professionalism in dealing with often
This includes requiring all team members who have and Corporate Communications is currently chairing very challenging situations.
• ‘Gold’ strategic level access to our networks, to yearly complete an online the Hotel and Lodging Sector Committee.
• ‘Silver’ tactical level training in the secure use of equipment as well as in Team engagement and support on vaccination
• ‘Bronze‘ operational level safe storage and sharing of information. Safety and Security collaboration within the EU Where allowed and in accordance with privacy
A main focus of the European Union’s DG Migration regulations, RHG properties around the world
The concept allows for a flexible response Safe Travels Guidelines with WTTC and Home Affairs is counter terrorism, looking for have organized vaccination information and
determined by the scope, severity, and scale of RHG announced its support and endorsement of the ways to better anticipate, prevent, protect and access campaigns, to help protect health of team
incident. It allows for a rapid assessment and World Travel and Tourism (WTTC)’s “Safe Travels” respond to terrorist threats. One of those initiatives members.
escalation of an incident. Trainings and desktop protocols, the industry’s new global hospitality is the EU Forum on the Protection of Public Spaces.
exercises are carried out regularly. The company- framework to provide consistency to destinations RHG is part of a sub-group -the EU Operators In South Africa, our hotels reached 100%
wide response framework is supported by in-depth and countries as well as guidance to travel providers, forum- that seeks to bring together public authorities vaccination of non-exempt team members. In India,
procedures for specific subject matters such as Data, operators and travelers, about the new approach to and private operators to discuss ways to improve the thanks to a focused campaign to ensure our teams
Cyber and IT security. health and hygiene in the post COVID-19 world. RHG protection of public spaces including hotels. RHG are vaccinated, close to all our colleagues (99%)
played a leading role in the development of the “Safe has taken part in various workshops and meetings have received their first dose of vaccine and 92%
Travels” guidelines which are currently recognized in 2020, identifying measures to protect public have received the second dose. We are working
by over 400 destinations. The ultimate objective of spaces such as preparedness, planning, awareness on priority to ensure that all our team members -
the framework is to reassure and instill confidence and training. We also actively participated in the approx. 12,000 people - get fully vaccinated.
in guests as they begin to travel again via a globally EU Digital School organized by EU Joint Research
consistent and unifying framework. Centre (JRC) in 2021, on a broad spectrum of topics
related to the protection of public spaces e.g. risk
assessment, security by design and blast protection
principles, hostile vehicle protection, UAS protection
and other subjects.

41 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think People

Think Community

42 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021

€510k Global 113 26,500 28,500
donated to charity
by RHG corporate Partner individual child
sponsorships through
team member
volunteering hours
people provided with
safe drinking water
for life
offices and hotels SOS Children’s Villages SOS Children’s Villages
is our global charity

43 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021

Community engagement
As a global hospitality company, RHG is
passionate about creating relationships that
are beneficial to the communities in which
we operate. Our Think Community pillar is
designed to help us achieve this goal.

The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc in our world, creating

increased hardships for people in widespread communities around the
globe. Throughout this very difficult period, RHG hotels, offices and cash and in-kind
teams have continued working to help those in need. We maintained our donations
engagement and global partnership with SOS Children’s Villages - and
other charitable partners - by supporting local communities through cash
and in-kind donation initiatives. Additionally, our teams around the world
are initiating or supporting a variety of disaster relief initiatives. €2.55
donations per
While working to support our local communities, our hotels have available room
also maintained their efforts to connect social and environmental
sustainability through initiatives like our Towel Reuse and Green
Housekeeping programs.
Impact volunteer time
In 2021, the value of RHG’s cash and in-kind donations from RHG equivalent*
offices and hotels to international and local charities amounted
to more than 510,000.

* Based on Independent Sector Value

of Volunteer Time calculator

44 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think Community

Partnership with SOS Children’s Villages
SOS Children’s Villages is the world’s largest non-governmental organization focused
on supporting children and young people without parental care, or at risk of losing it.
RHG has partnered with SOS Children’s Villages since 2018 to further Rewards members’ support
support their work ensuring that children and young people in their RHG’s partnership with SOS Children’s Villages is supported by
programs grow up with the love, respect and support they need to our Radisson Rewards loyalty program. Members can donate their
become their strongest selves. Being active in 136 countries and territories, Radisson Rewards points to help the charity’s vital work. The points
their programs focus on alternative care and family strengthening, as are then used to provide children with everything they need to grow
well as education, medical and emergency relief efforts. SOS Children's up and become their strongest selves, such as access to education
Villages is the primary caregiver for more than 65,000 children and young and a supportive family. There is no limit to the number of points a
people, and they reach a further 347,000 children, young people and member can donate.
adults through their support to families.
Child safeguarding
SOS Children's Villages Providing safety and wellbeing to children from vulnerable
While the last couple of years have been filled with surprises and backgrounds is the reason SOS Children’s Villages exists and is
uncertainty, one thing is clear - strong partnerships are now more therefore striving to continually strengthen safeguarding throughout
important than ever. Through the partnership with SOS Children’s Villages, the organization. The past year has included some significant
RHG aims to have each hotel sponsor the upbringing and education of developments for child safeguarding. The Independent Child
one child. RHG is also establishing relationships with local SOS Children’s Safeguarding Review (ICSR) examined past cases of abuse and
Villages around the globe to help achieve the goal of ensuring that no identified failures in the organizational response. The report included
child grows up alone. Additionally, we are working together to create recommendations for improvement in areas such as leadership
internships and work-training programs for children and young people in and organizational culture. SOS Children’s Villages has developed a
SOS Children's Villages to learn about the hospitality business and prepare comprehensive Safeguarding Action Plan, which includes 24 actions
for future careers. reflecting their commitment to take a more holistic approach and to
create a safe environment everywhere they operate.

As we look ahead, RHG is supportive of SOS Children’s Villages

Safeguarding Action Plan. We know it is possible to find opportunity
in crisis and build a more sustainable and equitable future for
tomorrow’s adults.

45 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think Community © Alejandra Kaiser, SOS Children's Villages
Partnership in action
RHG maintained our engagement and global
partnership with SOS Children’s Villages throughout
the pandemic with a number of initiatives.
Smoothing the road to trouble-torn Supporting dream trip to Disneyland Paris
Ukraine Walt Disney once said if you can dream it,
RHG was quick to respond when student you can do it... The children of SOS Village
Yaremma Vengrynovych sought support Chantevent in Belgium turned their dream of
for his incredible 2,200-kilometer charity going to Disneyland Paris, and visiting Paris,
bike ride from Belgium to conflict-ravaged into a reality by preparing lasagnas which
Ukraine. Properties including Radisson were sold to raise money for their trip. RHG
Collection Hotel, Berlin; Radisson Blu Hotel, supported their efforts with free nights at the
YouthCan! Skills Training in Bangladesh
Prague; and Radisson Blu Hotel, Vienna Radisson Blu Hotel Paris, Marne-la-Vallée and ©SOS Children’s Villages
offered Yaremma free accommodation, Radisson Blu Hotel, Paris Boulogne.
helping him raise vital funds for the
communities at SOS Children's Villages YouthCan! Skills training in Bangladesh
in Ukraine. As a partner of SOS Children’s Villages,
the Radisson Blu Dhaka Water Garden in
Bringing joy with toys Bangladesh has been working with the
The Toys for Hope project was designed organization’s YouthCan! program, offering
to ensure that hundreds of children in SOS skills training and internship opportunities
Children’s Villages received a gift to brighten to local young people. Hotel team members
their festive season. conducted a variety of training sessions at
the 2021 YouthCan! Conference - themed
Teams from our Brussels, Madrid and Leadership towards a sustainable future.
Copenhagen offices collected gifts and Thirty young people - who will soon leave
raised funds from hot chocolate sales. the care of SOS Children’s Villages to lead
The efforts helped bring seasonal joy independent lives - took part in the new
to 230 children. skills workshops.
Madrid office Toys for Hope Yaremma charity bike ride

46 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think Community

Food. Shelter. Future
RHG partners with organizations that work to better the community. The company’s
goal is to provide food, shelter and a better future for children and at-risk youth.
Additionally, RHG is focused on giving back to the community by environmental
volunteering. Our teams donate their time and effort to supporting numerous
initiatives designed to have a positive impact on the local area.
Community Action Month Bucharest branches out to aid children’s charity
RHG’s annual Community Action Month for 2021 brought our teams – The Radisson Blu Hotel Bucharest in Romania teamed up with a local charity
and our guests - from around the world together to support our local during the festive season, working to help families and prevent school
communities by investing time, care and effort. The overall theme of Food, dropouts. Fifty children - supported by Ana and Children - created handmade
Community tree in Bucharest
Shelter and Future was tailored to address the specific problems created by decorations, used to decorate the Christmas tree in the hotel lobby. Guests
the pandemic: emergency relief, blood drives and taking positive action to were then invited to donate 50 Ron – or €10 – and take their pick of the
show that RHG truly cares. decorations from the special community tree. The target was to raise at least
€ww2,000 to support Ana and Children’s vital charity work.
During our Community Action Month the hotel and corporate teams have
been supporting crisis-hit local communities. We helped fight hunger by Giving back to children in Klaipeda
partnering with local food banks. We addressed giving shelter by launching The Radisson Blu Hotel Klaipėda in Lithuania celebrated its 20th anniversary
blanket drives to keep people warm. We worked towards a better future by with a new initiative created to support the local community. The hotel
encouraging blood donations, partnering with the Red Cross to help save is donating some of its guest room furniture to the Children's House and
lives. And we showed we care by supporting the elderly and children lacking Support Fund, based in the Lapiai district of the city. The much needed
proper parenting. items will be used to help refurbish residential care homes for children.

Honored for outstanding community care Planting festive greetings trees

Radisson on Flagstaff Gardens Melbourne, Australia scooped the Outstanding RHG sought to have a positive impact on people and the planet with our
Community Service and Achievement honor at the Tourism Accommodation Festive Greetings for 2021. We asked our friends and team members to
Australia (Vic) Awards for Excellence, 2021. While the hotel was closed due share our seasonal good will video. Each time they did, we planted a tree
to the pandemic, its team engaged in many important projects to help the on their behalf through Tree-Nation – an NGO on a mission to reforest
local community. Support was given to domestic violence survivors, to cancer the world. To launch the project, RHG planted 1,000 trees as a thank you
Blood drive in Sydney
patients and to charities supplying care packages, hampers and food – gesture to our business clients – making a contribution and supporting
including Christmas lunches – to those in need. global reforestation.

47 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think Community

Disaster relief
Throughout the pandemic, Covid Catastrophe Aid in India
The Radisson Foundation for India was established in
RHG team members have been December 2021 after a virulent second wave of COVID-19
committed to coming together to claimed a tragic number of lives across the country -
including ten of our RHG team members. The Foundation,
make a difference by initiating or supported by donations from RHG team members and
supporting a variety of disaster owners, will ensure that our lost colleague’s children
have access to education and healthcare until they reach
relief initiatives. Hospitality is all adulthood.

about taking care of people – so As the resurgence of COVID-19 created widespread

our team members have worked to devastation throughout India, RHG companies worldwide
also stepped up to help coordinate the delivery of oxygen
help their local communities during compressors to our Indian hotels – supporting our team
very challenging times. members, owners, their families, and local communities.

Our drive to save lives was additionally supported by a

campaign urging guests to donate cash - or Radisson
Rewards points - to our charity partners.

48 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think Community © Benno Neeleman , SOS Children's Villages
Disaster relief
Flood relief effort Giving in Gautrain Living, loving and recycling in Lebanon Soap for Brunei
RHG reacted swiftly to support the community when large Radisson Blu Gautrain Hotel, South Africa gave much needed Live Love Recycle is a dynamic Beirut-based Another example of disaster relief comes
parts of Europe were devasted by catastrophic flooding in linen to more than 500 members of the local community NGO. When a huge explosion rocked the city from Brunei. Radisson Hotel Brunei
summer 2021. Germany and Belgium were especially badly during the country’s recent civil disturbances. The unrest in August 2021, they collected a mountain Darussalam donated 1,200 bars of soap
hit, suffering multiple fatalities, widespread power outages, caused wide-ranging havoc. But help was on hand from our of shattered glass waste and recycled it and 1,000 bottles of shampoo to isolation
evacuations and damage to infrastructure and agriculture. hotel team who launched a linen drive, donating packs to into traditional jugs, sold to raise money for centers in need through the Brunei
children’s homes, community welfare projects – and to team families affected by the blast. Association of Hotels.
The broad range of essential assistance offered included members living in hard hit areas.
providing rooms as emergency accommodation for seriously Teams from Beirut’s Radisson hotels worked
affected team members, their families and local people, tirelessly with Live Love Recycle, collecting
donating vital soap, shampoo and hand wash, plus wide-scale wreckage for recycling - helping both the
fundraising via internal communications. community and the environment.

RHG made initial donations totaling ¤7,000 to the German

disaster relief charity, Aktion Deutschland Hilft, and to the Red
Cross Disaster Fund in Belgium and Germany.

Flooding in Germany Giving in Gautrain Living, loving and recycling in Lebanon Soap for Brunei

49 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think Community

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
The UN Environment Program Just A Drop
RHG’s commitment to global water health is reflected in
estimates that the demand for our partnership with Just a Drop - a respected international
freshwater will exceed supply by charity that works to bring safe drinking water to water-
stressed communities.
40% by 2030. This prediction
gives major cause for concern: Just a Drop receives funds from RHG’s Towel Reuse
program: every time a guest chooses to reuse their
a lack of clean drinking water – towel for a second night, participating hotels donate to
support projects such as digging wells, installing pumps
along with related problems like and implementing sanitation. Each towel reused also
poor sanitation and hygiene – saves approximately 15 liters of water. The total saving is
approximately 84 Olympic swimming pools of water, since
condemns the world’s poorest the start of the program.
people to live in poverty.
The Towel Reuse program has funded more than 20
sustainable projects in India, Kenya, Nicaragua, Peru,
RHG supports local communities Uganda and Zambia, all of which are designed to provide
long-term benefits, ensuring people have clean water for
who live in water scarce areas decades to come, improving health conditions and creating
around the world - helping to job opportunities.

provide safe drinking water, Just a Drop has also been active in helping local
sanitation, and hygiene. communities combat the threat of COVID-19. The support
offered included the installation of hand washing stations,
providing vital PPE and offering guidance about how
individuals can best protect themselves.

14 million 28,500 22
towels reused since 2015 people supported with projects
clean drinking water

50 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think Community

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
Providing fresh water in Southern India
RHG supported Just a Drop in 2021 to help the Paravour School in the
Villupuram district in Southern India. The project allows more children to access
the school and have access to toilets and handwashing facilities. Just a Drop
has constructed a completely new latrine system for the school and refurbished
the existing latrines, including the creation of separate entrances for girls
and boys. The work is fully sustainable as materials are provided locally. Just
a Drop also trains the school community in maintenance and cleaning. One
consequence of this is that the school, which currently takes 150 pupils, will be
expanding to take in an additional 400 children from the local area. Providing WASH at the Paravour School

Soap for hope

Another water, sanitation and hygiene initiative is Soap for Hope™, a soap
recycling action in partnership with one of our main suppliers, Diversey. The
project sees local communities take used soap from our hotels and turn it into
new bars. They can be sold to produce income or are donated to those in need.

hotels give away the
non-finished soaps and
amenities to local partners

Soap re-purposing with Soap for Hope

51 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think Community

Think Planet

52 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021

56 238 513
hotels with 100% hotels are eco-labelled electric car-charging
Committed to renewable energy stations

net-zero by 2050

22% 23% 100%

carbon reduction water footprint carbon neutral
per square meter reduction per square Radisson Meetings
since 2019 meter since 2019

53 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021

Think Planet proof
RHG is building on a long heritage of sustainability
since 1989 and strengthening its performance with
a commitment to a net-zero carbon future by 2050.
Priority remains to operate the worldwide hotel portfolio sustainably, with the Think Planet
lowest possible carbon, energy, water and waste footprint in operations as well Performance Indicators
as in the wider value chain. Energy per square meter (kWh)
2021 199
2020 175
As part of the company’s 5-year strategic plan, we embrace the target to 2019 248
reduce our carbon footprint and water consumption by 30% by 2025 through
close cooperation with hotel teams, property owners, builders and architects. Energy per occupied room (kWh)
We actively strive to use smart technologies to limit our energy and water use 2021 139
2020 158
and work closely with suppliers, team members and guests to reduce waste 2019 108
and increase circular models. Moreover, RHG’s carbon reduction strategy is
aligned with science-based targets and the industry’s net-zero methodology.
Water footprint per square meter (liters)
2021 1,081
2020 842
Science based targets 2019 1,404

RHG is committed to setting Science Based Targets which will be audited

Water footprint per occupied room (liters)
by the Science Based Targets initiative. RHG is establishing net-zero targets
2021 832
in line with the SBTi Net-Zero Standard and RHG will join the Business 2020 718
2019 582
Ambition for 1.5°C campaign and the UNFCCC Race to Zero. All targets
will be consistent with the level of decarbonization required to keep global Carbon footprint per square meter (kgs CO2e)
temperature increase to 1.5°C compared to preindustrial temperatures. 2021 74
2020 69
2019 95

Carbon footprint per occupied room (kgs CO2e)

2021 52
2020 62
2019 42

Due to business disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic,

the performance of 2020 and 2021 is irregular. The 2019
metrics are more representative of our Performance Indicators.

54 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think Planet

Carbon footprint
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions expressed in CO2e*
Net-zero hospitality
RHG is committed to tackling climate change and to keeping
the increase of global warming below 1.5°C. Our RHG goal -
to reduce our carbon footprint by 30% by 2025, and be
net-zero CO2e by 2050 - aligns with climate science.

Carbon footprint Scope 1

RHG analyzes our carbon dioxide and equivalent (CO2e) Direct emissions
emissions in line with the GHG protocol. We report our
carbon footprint using the market-based approach, grouped
into Scopes, including the energy footprint of our franchised
Scope 2 Scope 3
Our Scope-1 and Scope-2 emissions primarily result from Combustion of fuels onsite
Indirect emissions
energy consumption. Scope-3 emissions result from indirect Indirect emissions
emissions of our supply chain, including the energy footprint
of our franchised hotel portfolio. For a detailed overview of
RHG's carbon footprint progress, access the carbon footprint
Fugitive emissions from
performance table here. refrigerant leakages

Other combustion
of fuels

Combustion of fuels for

owned or operated
vehicles by hotel

Energy of leased and managed portfolio Energy of franchised portfolio, supply chain footprint and other

* Currently SF4 and PFC are not considered in the scope of CO2e calculation, and HFCs could be part of the boundary if refrigerants are included.
55 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think Planet
Carbon footprint
Hotel Carbon Footprint Measurement Cornell Hotel Sustainability Benchmark
The Hotel Carbon Measurement Initiative (HCMI) is the The Cornell Hotel Sustainability Benchmarking Index (CHSB)
methodology and tool which enables hotels to measure is an industry-led global data collection and benchmarking
and report on carbon emissions in a consistent way. It was initiative, amassing data on energy, water and carbon emissions
developed by the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance and the from more than 20,000 hotels. Participants include major hotel
World Travel & Tourism Council in partnership with RHG and brands, operators and owners from all parts of the world. RHG
other global hotel companies. HCMI can be used by any hotel became part of the annual CHSB index for the first time in 2021,
anywhere in the world. The HCMI methodology has been helping us benchmark our hotels’ performance against our peers
used to calculate the carbon footprint for 100% of hotels. and providing us with the vital, aggregated datasets to monitor
Green Key International has made the HCMI tool publicly progress.
available in English and Chinese with the support of RHG.


RHG Carbon footprint
Scope 1 9%
The direct emissions (Scope-1) of RHG’s carbon footprint
represent 9% of total emissions. Indirect emissions - including Scope 2 28%
Scope-2 - account for 28% of emissions, while Scope-3 Scope 3 63%
represents 63% of total emissions from our activities. Within
scope 3, the largest elements include the franchised hotel
operations and purchased goods and services. SCOPE 3 EMISSIONS
Franchises 76%
In 2021, our carbon footprint per square meter was 74 kg
Operations generated waste 1%
of CO2e -22% lower than in 2020. Our total Scope-1 and
Scope-2 carbon footprint amounted to 558,775 tons of CO2e Employee commuting 3%
– a reduction of 15% compared to 2019. Absolute emissions Fuel/energy activities 4%
decreased compared with the previous year, despite an Purchased goods & services 11%
increase in the number of hotels assessed in 2021. This is due Business travel 0.1%
to the effect of the pandemic on international travel and the
Capital goods 1%
restrictions in hotels during lockdowns.
Purchased goods & services 4%

56 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think Planet Radisson Resort And Spa Lonavala, India
RHG actively strives to reduce its carbon footprint by enabling its carbon
reduction strategy with energy efficiency and renewable energy as the
two key impact levers. RHG’s strategy includes a commitment to provide
stakeholders with tools, resources and certifications across the entire portfolio.
RHG Energy footprint Our overall focus is to be smart about energy consumption,
During 2021, our absolute energy footprint was 1,496 GWh. drive best practice and adopt innovations. We optimize the
Our energy intensity was 139 kWh per occupied room and Electricity production 30% performance of our heating, ventilation and air-conditioning
199 kWh per square meter. The last figure represents a 20% Heating water 62% HVAC systems through the hotels’ Building Management
reduction in energy use compared to 2019. Hybrid system 8% Systems. We adopt innovative technologies, such as smart
thermostats and easy-to-implement energy saving tools which
Renewable energy provide a quick return on investment. These include motion and
In 2021, 56 of our hotels operated on 100% renewable
RHG partners with companies that strive to provide clean, daylight sensors, thermal insulation on heating and cooling pipes,
electricity, including all hotels in the Nordics. On average, 12%
renewable energy from alternative sources. Our goal is to and replacing HVAC filters.
of the energy we use comes from renewable sources.
positively impact climate change by reducing our dependency
on fossil fuels. RHG is undergoing an energy transition, Team habits
Energy efficiency
working to implement renewable electricity solutions that are Creating good RHG team habits is an essential part of our mission to
Sustainability is at the forefront at everything we do. To
carefully designed to achieve the greatest carbon reduction achieve our Think Planet targets. Our Responsible Business training
help us meet our carbon reduction targets, we are working
impact. We aim to reduce our carbon footprint by pursuing a program includes specific modules to help our teams change
to change old habits and build on past experience and
renewable energy (RE) sourcing strategy which will increase behaviors and reduce overall utility use. RHG works to promote
best practices, and to greatly expand the scope of our
the amount of renewable electricity we purchase. Wherever active engagement and motivation in all team members as we strive
sustainability efforts.
feasible, we will also install systems to generate renewable to reduce our carbon footprint. We encourage every team member
energy onsite. Other RE options include Green Tariffs and to be energy conscientious by switching off appliances and lights
All our new hotel designs and constructions feature energy
REC’s. These solutions are part of our RE strategy, designed when not in use. And our ongoing communication strategy helps
efficient MEP (Mechanical Electrical Plumbing) technology.
to help us achieve our ambition of a 30% reduction in our employees develop good energy-use habits.
We are also investing in retrofits for existing properties
carbon footprint by 2025.
to increase our energy efficiency, while improving guest
RHG’s preventive maintenance program ensured a guest
comfort, safety and security. This includes lighting, heating,
experience free of negative surprises - while generating
ventilation and air-conditioning (HAVC) systems and other
significant savings. Preventive maintenance tasks include the
equipment improvements, which can also increase profit
regular cleaning of air vents and filters, plumbing, water supply
margins through associated energy savings.
inspections and electrical checks.

57 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think Planet

100% Carbon Neutral Meetings
RHG’s global initiative to automatically offset the 100% Carbon
carbon footprint of every meeting and event Neutral Meetings

held in any of our 1,600 hotels worldwide has a

significant positive impact on the environment.
Since the launch of our 100% Carbon Neutral Meetings initiative in 2019, the program has
offset 37,800 tons of CO2, the equivalent of taking 6,500* petrol driven cars of the road,
working in partnership First Climate and Carbon Footprint ltd – at zero cost to the client. 37,800
The carbon footprint of each meeting is calculated using HCMI methodology. tons of CO2 offset

RHG offsets carbon emissions by supporting projects that help reverse climate change and
help positive sustainable development. All projects are Gold Standard or Verified Carbon equaling
Standard certified, linked to the fulfillment of UN Sustainable Development Goals.
cars off the road
Carbon Negative, Planet Positive
RHG has set a new sustainability standard in the hotel
industry by making meetings and events carbon negative.
For every booking taking place at our 400+ participating
hotels across Europe, Middle East and Africa, we have
offset double the carbon footprint - ensuring all meetings
have a double positive environmental impact.


social and

* The US Environmental Protection Agency

58 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think Planet

Carbon offsetting projects
Since the launch of our 100% Carbon Neutral Meetings program Sustainable hydropower energy from deep in the Heihe River
in 2019, RHG has supported 12 environmental and social projects The Dagushan Hydropower Project – located on the Heihe River
worldwide. These initiatives include the installation of biogas in China’s Su‘nan Yugu Autonomous County of Gansu Province -
plants in less developed areas of India and China to generate will install three turbo generators deep in an uninhabited gorge.
thermal energy from manure and kitchen waste; cleaner cooking The generators are expected to produce more than 195GWh
stoves and water treatment systems were supported in Kenya; a of clean electricity every year for the Northwestern China
sustainable Brazil nut harvesting initiative in Peru provides income Power Grid – enough to sustainably meet the energy needs
for the local community, while wind farm projects in Turkey, India of 50,000+ people.
and the USA have generated new supplies of clean electricity.
Clean electricity from a green field wind farm
China: Sustainable wind power replaces fossil fuel electricity The Huaneng Tongliao Kezuozhongqi Haorigetu Wind Farm
The Haixing Wind Farm Project, in Hebei, China, produces Project – located near the city of Tongliao in China’s Inner
renewable electricity from wind turbines. The output is then sold Mongolia Autonomous Region – is a new green field wind farm.
to the Hebei Southern Power Grid - part of The North China It will annually generate almost 700GWh of clean electricity
Grid. This initiative helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions by which will be fed into the North China Power Grid. This
generating a clean alternative to the electricity produced by the sustainable power will replace fossil-fuel-produced-electricity to
fossil fuel power plants which traditionally supply Hebei. meet the energy needs around 180,000 people.

Wind power project helps reduce air pollution in India

Rimba Raya Reserve project promotes biodiversity India’s efforts to reduce pollution and cut carbon emissions
The 64,000-hectare Rimba Raya Reserve in Borneo is by a third by 2030 have been aided by the installation of 100
dedicated to the preservation of many endangered species, wind turbines across several villages in Gujarat. The project is
including the extinction-threatened Bornean Orangutan. Its expected to generate around 348GWh of clean electricity, which
sustainable forest management endeavors is the first REDD will be fed to the power grid - enough to supply approximately
project to have earned a Triple Gold Validation under the 435,000 people with sustainable energy.
CCB Standard. To date, the Rimba Raya Reserve project has
financially supported 13 local community initiatives, including
a water filtration scheme and a shrimp aquaculture co-

59 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think Planet Rimba Raya Reserve Borneo
Water stewardship
The management of water - UN CEO Water Mandate Hotel Water Footprint Measurement
RHG aligns with global initiatives and was the first hospitality RHG, together with other members of the
as a limited and valuable company to sign the CEO Water Mandate in 2014. We have Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, has developed

resource - poses major centered our actions and guest experience solutions around
the Mandate’s six water stewardship commitments:
a methodology to measure and report water
consumption in a consistent manner across
sustainable development the whole hotel industry. The Hotel Water
1. Direct operations Measurement Initiative (HWMI) methodology
challenges. But the benefits of 2. Supply chain and watershed management enables every hotel to measure and report on
better water management are 3. Collective action the water footprint of any individual hotel stay,
4. Public policy a meeting or event.
good for business, people and 5. Community engagement
the planet. 6. Transparency The tool allows RHG to measure and compare
water using the same methodology as other
hotel companies. HWMI will generate common
RHG is focused on ensuring that water use is equitable
awareness about water usage in the tourism and
throughout the communities in which we operate. Our water
travel industry. RHG funded the setup of the
stewardship efforts include limiting the use of water through
technological improvements in our rooms and operations, 861,000m3 423,000m3 online HWMI tool on the website of the Green Key
of gray water collected and used of rainwater is collected and used International, which is available for use by any hotel
using rainwater and gray water wherever possible.
in the world in English and Chinese.
RHG's water footprint and water stress
Water initiatives
Around 37% of all the water used by RHG properties is
Specific actions are designed to help hotels further reduce Saving water – and costs – in Sochi
consumed in extremely high water-stressed areas. These
their water consumption. The action plan and toolkit provide The Radisson Collection Paradise Resort & Spa,
are places where water is scarce, of poor quality or not
solutions for technical plants, guest rooms, kitchens, pools Sochi in Russia installed an irrigation system to
easy to access. We are maintaining our efforts to reduce
and landscaping. Hotels install water saving technologies save 60,000 cubic meter of water every year.
water consumption through the installation of water-saving
in areas where water consumption is high and engage our The property is set in 35,000 square meters of
technologies and the education of both team members and
guests through initiatives such as our Towel Reuse Program landscaped grounds which were initially irrigated
guests. Across the portfolio, the water footprint per square
and Green Housekeeping program. using high-cost water from municipal lines.
meter was reduced by 23% vs 2019. Water consumption per
Two water wells were drilled in the grounds of
occupied room increased to 832 liters in 2021.
the resort, and an irrigation pump station was
installed, plus water storage units. The resulting
water cost saving is ¤40,000 per annum and
89,000m3 the ROI was less than a year.
of water saved through towel reuse program

Radisson Collection Paradise

60 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think Planet Resort & Spa Sochi
Sustainable buildings
With up to 75% of today’s buildings, Build Planet Hotels
To make RHG properties future proof we have expanded our
including hotels, expected to still be in construction guidelines, by consolidating the best of three

use by 2050, the hospitality industry of the most important and widely used sustainable building
certifications: LEED, BREEAM, and EDGE.
must prioritize sustainable standards for
Aligned with the building certifications, RHG has defined its
new builds and retrofitting existing hotels own Build Planet levels. Build Planet Hotels are constructed or
at scale to meet net-zero targets. RHG renovated based on a series of sustainable conditions from the
preliminary assessment phases, up to the operational phase. This
is committed to reducing the carbon, includes the use of sustainable materials and an efficient use of
energy and water footprints of new resources.

builds, conversions and refurbishments. Build Planet technical guidelines and modeling
RHG sets out the technical guidelines for design and construction
required for all RHG brands. It aims to provide the project
RHG uses eco-modelling tools to create teams involved in the design, construction or retrofit with a solid
framework to ensure that the project is executed in compliance
a business case for sustainable buildings, with RHG's Responsible Business targets.
particularly in emerging markets, through RHG’s Build Planet and Build Planet Advance levels provide an
close cooperation with property owners, additional framework and modeling tools for forward thinking
asset owners who want to move to the next step on the path to
investors, builders and architects. net-zero.

hotels with sustainable
building certification
61 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think Planet
Sustainable buildings
EU taxonomy
To meet its 2050 net-zero goal, the European Commission Aesthetic environmentalism at Lonavala
has developed a comprehensive policy agenda on The new Radisson Resort & Spa Lonavala in India is designed to set
sustainable finance, including the EU Taxonomy Regulation, new standards for environmentally conscious building. The whole
a framework to facilitate sustainable investment. It aims to property has been designed to combine sustainability with aesthetic
create a unified classification system of business activities appeal, blending harmoniously with the surrounding countryside.
that can be considered environmentally sustainable and
define which activities that are ‘green’ in a credible manner. Stones from the site have been re-purposed to clad the entire exterior,
while the landscaping uses local native vegetation. The open atrium
Currently 30% of our hotel’s portfolio is eligible for EU reduces the need for air-conditioning and all operations are designed
Taxonomy. RHG’s Build Planet levels help allow hotel owners to lower costs and energy consumption. The many sustainable
to comply with the taxonomy requirements. features include waste recycling, solar, energy and water harvesting.

EDGE tools and certification Radisson RED awarded building design

As part of a cooperation agreement with the International The Radisson RED Hotel Dubai Silicon Oasis has been awarded the
Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank, ultimate LEED Platinum Certification by the US Green Building Council
RHG uses the organization’s EDGE eco- modelling tool to for its environmentally friendly building design.
model and generate awareness for green hotel buildings in
emerging markets. The certification allows developers to Highlights of the property’s sustainable features include solar panels
certify their buildings as resource-efficient in a practical way, for heating water, SMART hot water mixing, variable speed control
tailored to each specific climate and location. booster water pumps, fan coil units control in guestrooms, plus
occupancy and motion sensors to control lighting and temperature.
EDGE encourages the construction of resource-efficient
buildings by proving the business case for energy and water LEED for Collection
saving measures, as well as the use of energy- efficient building The new Radisson Collection Hotel, Magdalena Plaza Sevilla has been
materials. The tool uses local parameters for each country, awarded Spain’s first LEED Hospitality Gold level rating. The hotel
making EDGE a handy tool for operators such as RHG to was designed by Borgos Pieper to achieve the highest sustainability
leverage as it designs green hotels in emerging markets. levels. It runs on renewable energy, consumes 40% less water than
the reference building and has a LEED Innovation credit for creating
RHG uses the EDGE tool for an initial analysis of pipeline and a Walkable Project Site – designed to promote walking, cycling and
major renovation projects and actively promotes the EDGE other non-motorized transport.
certification of company- affiliated hotels with stakeholders
and business partners.

62 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think Planet Radisson RED Dubai Silicon Oasis
Responsible consumption
RHG works with suppliers to prevent waste, develop circular models
and increase recycling – reducing the volume of waste that goes
to landfill. We show our commitment to responsible consumption
by actively managing food waste, eliminating single-use plastics,
reusing wherever possible and replacing products with more durable
solutions. Of our hotels, 60% have a recycling program in place.
SUP Global commitment Loyal to responsible consumption
RHG has rolled out a global plan to reduce single use The Radisson Rewards loyalty program has eliminated
plastics (SUP) – which includes the introduction of bulk the use of plastic memberships cards, removing the need
amenity dispensers in all hotels by 2023, replacing the little to produce 838,000 cards a year. Each card weighs
bottles formerly used for bathroom products. This initiative 5 grams – making a total saving of 4 tons of plastic.
will remove 57 million miniature amenities from circulation,
eliminating the use of almost 500 tons of plastic every year. Approximately 131,000 of our new members came through
Implementation has been affected by the pandemic and roll non-hotel enrolments – so their cards would have had to be
out times may vary per country. shipped. Abolishing plastic cards means we have saved the
carbon footprint of an estimated 707,000 deliveries.
We also have a global commitment to abolishing the use
plastic straws and plastic stirrers in our hotels, offering We have further advanced the program by digitalizing
guests eco-friendly alternatives upon request. some of our loyalty collaterals. We ceased the production of
Radisson Rewards paper brochures, encouraging our teams
All hotels are encouraged to reduce plastic waste by to use the digital versions. This initiative saved 15 million silk
working with the supply chain and by introducing initiatives paper sheets.
like reusable water bottles and water filtration systems.
Plastic water bottles are no longer used in Meetings and Refillable soap dispensers
Events, and the use of tap water is advocated
whenever feasible.
76% 34%
in public in guest
washrooms bathrooms

63 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think Planet Radisson RED Aarhus
Responsible consumption
Reducing food waste Too Good to Go
Food waste is a major global issue: the Food and Agriculture Organization RHG’s partnership with Too Good To Go will help us reduce food
of the United Nations estimates that 1.3 billion tons of food is thrown away waste. Too Good To Go is a solution that allows businesses to sell
every year – representing almost 40% of the total food produced globally – excess meals left over at the end of the shift or day to combat
and a misuse of natural resources. food waste. Users and businesses save food and help preserve the
environment — reducing food, energy and water wastage, as well as
This waste contributes significantly to the world’s carbon footprint because CO2 emissions.
of the energy needed to grow and transport food. RHG aims to reduce
residual food waste - usually disposed of in landfill or by incineration. We The Too Good To Go app enables our European hotels to sell surplus
are conscious that over-ordering, over-preparation and over-trimming food for a set, reduced price, helping to reduce waste and protect the Too Good To Go at Radisson
in restaurants can lead to significant volumes of waste. So we have planet. Currently, 49 Radisson Hotels in Europe partner with Too Good Collection, Strand, Stockholm
implemented many new measures to help prevent food wastage, including To Go. Since the project launched, we’ve saved 18,724 meals from being
portion control and correct food storage. wasted, corresponding to an impressive CO2 reduction of 45.8 tons.

Up-cycling old sheets into laundry bags

HANDLING FOOD WASTE Radisson Blu Hotel, Lusaka in Zambia is reducing its use of plastic –
Landfill/incineration 37% and cutting costs - by recycling older linen into guest laundry bags
Composted 48% and clean laundry coverings. The scheme eliminates the need for
Donate to feed people/animals 15% 3,600+ plastic laundry bags and 2,000 laundry coverings per year.
It also makes use of old sheets which were previously thrown away
or turned into polishing cloths. The new, up-cycled items, made
by the hotel housekeeping team, feature the positive message:
Winnow in Dortmund “Yesterday I was a sheet, today I’m a laundry bag, what will I be
What gets measured gets managed. The Radisson Blu Hotel, Dortmund tomorrow?”
started using Winnow. Winnow develops technology to help chefs achieve
greater visibility in their kitchens and make better decisions that lead to
dramatically reduced food waste and costs. Due to system analysis, over
production is minimized, it helps reducing production to the right level per
product and portions of a-la-carte items can be better adapted. Over an
initial period of 10 months, the hotel managed to reduce their food waste by

45.8 tons 18,724 meals

34%, representing 836kg, which is the equivalent of a 4-ton CO2e reduction. Linen up-cycling - Radisson Blu Hotel, Lusaka

CO2 reduction Saved

64 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think Planet
RHG strives to ensure our hotels operate Green Key
RHG partners with Green Key, one of the largest
in the most sustainable way possible. hospitality certifiers in the world. Green Key provides a

Sustainability is an important factor in well-proven framework for an establishment to work with

its environmental management on sustainability issues,
our guests’ decision to stay with us. So including awareness raising. The high environmental
standards expected are maintained through rigorous
gaining third-party certification of our documentation and frequent on-site audits. For guests,
hotel’s sustainability efforts is key: being a Green Key eco-label shows that the hotel is committed
to reducing the environment impact of their stay. Hotels
awarded a third-party eco-label is an with the Green Key eco-label comply with nearly 100
excellent way for hotels to showcase their sustainability criteria covering energy management, waste
control, water usage and social responsibility. Green Key eco-label – Radisson Blu Ortakoy
sustainability performance to corporate
clients, guests, and talent.
Gaining an eco-label ensures the hotel’s sustainability achievements are
fully transparent and credible – and helps our hotels to identify areas of
opportunity. RHG partners with global eco-labels, recognized by the Global
Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), which audit our hotels’ sustainability
performance. 238
hotels are eco-labeled
Currently, 238 hotels – including 63% of our EMEA portfolio – have an
eco-label. This report includes the list of eco-labeled hotels: see here

Green Key eco-label – Radisson Blu Hotel, Marseille

65 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think Planet

Green operations
RHG partners with Hotelkit, Using Hotelkit makes it easier to keep everyone informed
about what is going on in the hotel. It encourages
an all-in-one hotel operations knowledge management and self-learning. And it helps

platform offering a quick, sustain good interpersonal relations between team members
in different departments. Team members can communicate,
easy way to improve internal share and swop ideas with one another - regardless of their
job position.
communications, store
knowledge centrally, optimize Green housekeeping
Hotels can offer their guests staying multiple days the
processes and plan tasks in a option of Green Housekeeping. Green Housekeeping is a

structured manner. housekeeping bypass program designed to help conserve

natural resources, like water and energy, and reduce the use
of detergent, resulting in a reduced environmental footprint.
By using Hotelkit, our hotels can digitalize their paper
processes – saving an average of 8,000 sheets of paper
per hotel every year. Effective digital communication
involves fewer calls and print outs. All essential information
of hotels have Green
is documented and saved in the cloud. And replacing
meetings with digital discussions also cuts down on travel
Housekeeping program

Hotelkit aids team member engagement by enabling the

easy onboarding of new team members and the continuous
training of existing team members. The handbook’s articles
and how-to-videos help all team members to meet safety

hotels using Hotelkit

66 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think Planet

Sustainable transportation
RHG strives to help our guests
get on the move in a sustainable
and environmentally respectful way.
Radisson Moves Many of our hotels are now going the extra step and
The Radisson Moves e-mobility mindset is fully aligned exclusively using green taxi solutions that offer their
with RHG’s commitment to a net-zero future. We work to service with hybrid or electric vehicles. This service is
offer our guests green options and give them peace of already offered by 24% of our hotels.
mind – reassuring them that, by choosing our hotels, they
have a positive impact on people, the community and the EV partnerships
environment. We are global pioneers, linking guests to In 2021 RHG announced two groundbreaking e-mobility
green mobility solutions - starting with the right EV charging partnerships establishing its position as a green mobility
solution for each location and integrating green mobility leader. The first partnership is with Allego, a leading pan-
solutions in the Radisson Rewards loyalty program. European provider with the aim of bringing EV charging
solutions to all European RHG properties by 2025, and
Smart transport a second partnership with Sunfuel in India, aiming to
Whenever guests are recharging their batteries through equip the 100+ RHG properties in the country with EV
a stay at one of our hotels, they have been able to also charging stations. These joint approaches build a regular,
charge their electric car. The service gives guests an easy fast, and ultra-fast charging infrastructure with numerous
charging solution and helps to ensure they will get to their advantages for guests, clients, and partners.
next destination quickly and cleanly. It’s a win for guests and
for the environment, thanks to the 513 electric car charging
EV chargers
posts spread across 141 hotels.

in 2021

67 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think Planet

Responsible Food and Beverage
A significant part of RHG’s
carbon footprint originates in our
31% 49%
vegetarian of these are
Food and Beverage operations options on menu vegan options

– so we work with a focus on

six principles: local, seasonal, Cage-free eggs
RHG is committed to sourcing its eggs from cage-free
responsible packaging, fair trade, sources globally by 2025. This commitment confirms that,
for RHG, the welfare of animals raised for food is a high
organic and vegetarian. priority. RHG is ensuring decent welfare standards for
animals that are reared for the ingredients used in the meals
Local supports nearby producers; utilizing as much in-
served in its hotels. Currently 174 Radisson Hotels are using
season food as possible reduces our hotels’ eco-footprint
eggs from cage free chickens. This includes free range and
and responsible packaging is mindful of the packaging’s
organic eggs. Overall, 30% of egg products are with cage
life cycle. Fair trade, organic and vegetarian prioritize the
free eggs.
use of fair-trade goods, vegetarian options and organic
products wherever possible.
Eggs used in hotels
Food and Beverage direction
RHG properties in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, now
provide a new Food and Beverage offer that promotes
39% 30%
of hotels use of egg products
guest well-being and sustainability. The changes include
cage free eggs with cage free eggs
menus that are 35-40% vegetarian and plant based.

RHG is actively working to make sure properties are using

as many sustainable ingredients as possible for reasons of Other sustainable Food and Beverage
health, food security and animal welfare. Additionally, Food
and Beverage will be using organic and fair-trade coffee
across the new restaurant concepts and will be introducing
44% 52%
sustainable locally sourced
natural and bio-dynamic wines across our new restaurant
concepts as well.
seafood food

68 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think Planet

Responsible supply chain
RHG promotes sustainability in its supply SUPPLIER TYPE
Mature Markets 46%
chain and works with sustainable suppliers Emerging Markets 54%
to provide integrated projects and solutions
for our hotels.
Responsible sourcing
Corporate 16%
RHG undertakes the responsible management of its value chain as a
Regional 48%
sustainability priority, starting with our own team all the way through to our
suppliers and guests. We are working to increase transparency, advance Local 36%
sustainable procurement, support risk identification and mitigation, and
measure and reduce CO2e emissions of key suppliers.
Our suppliers constitute a key stakeholder group for the company and Corporate 8%
as part of its pathway to a net-zero carbon future by 2050. Our sourcing Regional 27%
strategy supports our efforts to integrate and promote responsible practices
Local 65%
and apply sustainability criteria in all areas of the supply chain processes:

• Green Energy sourcing

• Net Zero focused sourcing initiatives
• Local sourcing initiatives
• Eliminate single-use plastics
• Transition to cage-free eggs
• Sustainability visibility in supply chain

69 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think Planet

Responsible supply chain
RHG adheres to a very robust Internal risk assessment by category

and rigorous process in selecting

F&B - Coffee and tea, seafood
suppliers to ensure that they meet the High risk
Labor - labor supply and agency staffing
requirements laid out in our Supplier 24% Linens & terry - Towels, bed linen, uniforms, laundry

Code of Conduct.
Linens & terry - Feathers and down, upholstery
Supplier Code of Conduct Medium risk FF&E - Case goods and millwork, mattresses

Our Supplier Code of Conduct outlines the minimum standards that F&B - Dairy, eggs, pork, chicken, fruits, vegetables, grains,
they are expected to achieve. The Supplier Code of Conduct includes soybean oil, bottled water, beef, palm oil, wholesale
obligations for suppliers and the broader business community to take a OS&E - Disposables, operational equipment, printed collateral,
stand against human trafficking and modern slavery. The Supplier Code of stationery, cleaning-and chemical products, guest amenities
Business Conduct supplements the Code of Business Ethics and is signed Construction - Materials, lighting, staffing
by all suppliers at group and area levels. It also becomes integrated in the Low risk
supplier agreement.
Access the latest Supplier Code of Conduct here. F&B - Alcoholic beverages, carbonated soft drinks, corn oil
FF&E - Electrical equipment, carpets and flooring, bathroom
fittings, kitchen equipment
Managing and mitigating supply chain risks
OS&E - internet services
An internal assessment implies that 76% of total procurement contracted
spend falls into high and medium risk related products and services, in
terms of social and environmental impacts. As part of our ongoing supplier
due diligence, RHG evaluates existing, new and potential suppliers.

70 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think Planet

Responsible supply chain
Using supplier risk mapping analysis allows The supplier risk mapping analysis criteria EcoVadis partnership
RHG to evaluate the supplier’s financial, include environmental sustainability, human RHG partners with EcoVadis, the world's most trusted provider of business sustainability
environmental, and human resource status rights, health and safety, community action, ratings. Working closely together, we will increase vital transparency, advance positive action
before signing or renewing a contract. business ethics and sustainable innovation in for people and the planet and support risk identification and mitigation.
The supplier risk mapping analysis is a research and development.
continuous process that is used to assess RHG is also listed as silver supplier by EcoVadis for our company’s sustainable business
suppliers and their performance. It increases The risk mapping can be used for supplier practices. EcoVadis evaluates more than 85,000 companies annually on their environmental,
supplier visibility and allows RHG to better assessment and evaluation and is a human rights and ethical performance.
understand and control the business risk of discussion point in yearly meetings with
our supply chain. suppliers. The results of the risk mapping Each company is assessed through a questionnaire which is customized to the size of the
exercise allows RHG to have a dialogue on business, its industry sector and countries of operation. The EcoVadis rating covers four
responsible supply chain management with themes: fair business ethics, the environment, sustainable procurement and labor practices
suppliers. and human rights. The criteria are based upon international sustainability standards such
as the Global Compact Principles, the International Labor Organization (ILO) conventions,
the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standard, the ISO 26000 standard, and the CERES


Supplier with low-level risk rating Supplier with high-level risk rating

Supplier risk management practices

product or service with active product or service with active The Silver award places RHG amongst the top 15% of EcoVadis overall performers and in the
involvement in implementation of involvement in implementation of top 8% of companies rated by EcoVadis in the accommodation industry.
risk management risk management

RHG's EcoVadis ratings

2021 61

2020 54
Supplier with low-level risk rating Supplier with high risk rating 2019 48

product or service with low-level product or service with low-level

involvement in implementation of involvement of risk management
risk management

Low High
Risk rating by product or service

71 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Think Planet


72 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021

Appendix: Eco-labelled hotels
Africa Europe Radisson Blu Hotel, Paris Boulogne France
Radisson Blu Hotel, Paris, Marne-La-Vallée France
Radisson Blu Hotel, Addis Ababa Ethiopia Park Inn by Radisson, Linz Austria
Radisson Blu Hotel, Toulouse Airport France
Park Inn by Radisson, Nairobi Westlands Kenya Radisson Blu Park Royal Palace Hotel, Vienna Austria
Radisson Blu Resort & Spa, Ajaccio Bay France
Radisson Blu Hotel & Residence, Nairobi Arboretum Kenya Park Inn by Radisson Antwerp Berchem Belgium
Radisson Blu, Batumi Georgia
Radisson Blu Hotel & Residence, Maputo Mozambique Park Inn by Radisson, Brussels Airport Belgium
Park Inn by Radisson Hotel, Berlin Alexanderplatz Germany
Radisson Blu Mammy Yoko Hotel, Freetown Sierra Leone Park Inn by Radisson, Brussels Midi Belgium
Park Inn by Radisson, Frankfurt Airport Germany
Park Inn by Radisson, Polokwane South Africa Park Inn by Radisson, Leuven Belgium
Park Inn by Radisson, Lübeck Germany
Radisson Blu Gautrain Hotel, Sandton Johannesburg South Africa Radisson Blu Hotel, Antwerp Belgium
Park Inn by Radisson, Nürnberg Germany
Radisson RED, Johannesburg Rosebank South Africa Radisson Blu Hotel, Hasselt Belgium
Park Inn by Radisson, Stuttgart Germany
Radisson RED, V&A Waterfront Cape Town South Africa Radisson Blu Palace Hotel, Spa Belgium
Radisson Blu Schwarzer Bock Hotel, Wiesbaden Germany
Radisson Blu Hotel, Hammamet Tunisia Radisson Collection Hotel, Grand Place Brussels Belgium
Radisson Blu Hotel, Cologne Germany
Radisson Blu Palace Resort & Thalasso, Djerba Tunisia Radisson RED, Brussels Belgium
Radisson Blu Hotel, Dortmund Germany
Radisson Blu Hotel, Lusaka Zambia Radisson Blu Resort & Spa, Split Croatia
Radisson Blu Hotel, Erfurt Germany
Radisson Blu Hotel, Larnaca Cyprus
Radisson Blu Hotel, Hamburg Germany
Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel, Aarhus Denmark
Radisson Blu Hotel, Hamburg Airport Germany
Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel, Copenhagen Denmark
Radisson Blu Hotel, Hannover Germany
Radisson Collection Royal Hotel, Copenhagen Denmark
Radisson Blu Hotel, Karlsruhe Germany
Park Inn by Radisson Central Hotel, Tallinn Estonia
Radisson Blu Hotel, Rostock Germany
Park Inn by Radisson Meriton Conference & Spa Hotel, Tallinn Estonia
Radisson Blu Media Harbour Hotel, Düsseldorf Germany
Radisson Blu Hotel, Olümpia Estonia
Radisson Blu Senator Hotel, Lübeck Germany
Radisson Blu Grand Hotel, Tammer Finland
Radisson Collection Hotel, Berlin Germany
Radisson Blu Hotel, Aleksanteri Finland
Radissonblu Conference Hotel Germany
Radisson Blu Hotel, Espoo Finland
Park Inn by Radisson Hotel and Spa, Zalakaros Hungary
Radisson Blu Hotel, Oulu Finland
Park Inn by Radisson Hotel, Budapest Hungary
Radisson Blu Marina Palace Hotel, Turku Finland
Park Inn by Radisson Sárvár Resort & Spa Hungary
Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel, Helsinki Finland
Park Inn by Radisson, Reykjavik Keflavik Airport Iceland
Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Helsinki Finland
Radisson Blu 1919 Hotel, Reykjavik Iceland
Radisson Blu Seaside Hotel, Helsinki Finland
Park Inn by Radisson, Shannon Airport Ireland
Park Inn by Radisson, Lille Grand Stade France
Radisson Blu Hotel, Dublin Airport Ireland
Radisson Blu Hôtel Champs Elysées, Paris France
Radisson Blu St. Helen's Hotel, Dublin Ireland
Radisson Blu Hotel, Biarritz France
Radisson Blu Hotel, Milan Italy
Radisson Blu Hotel, Lyon France
Park Inn by Radisson, Astana Kazakhstan
Radisson Blu Hotel, Marseille Vieux Port France
Radisson Hotel, Astana Kazakhstan
Radisson Blu Hotel, Nantes France
Park Inn by Radisson, Riga Barona Latvia
Radisson Blu Hotel, Nice France

73 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Eco-Labelled Hotels

Appendix: Eco-labelled hotels
Radisson Blu Elizabete Hotel, Riga Latvia Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel, Oslo Norway Radisson Blu Hotel Reussen, Andermatt Switzerland
Radisson Blu Hotel, Daugava Latvia Park Inn by Radisson, Krakow Poland Radisson Blu Hotel, Basel Switzerland
Radisson Blu Latvija Conference & Spa Hotel, Riga Latvia Radisson Blu Hotel, Sobieski Warsaw Poland Radisson Blu Hotel, Lucerne Switzerland
Radisson Blu Hotel, Lietuva Lithuania Radisson Blu Hotel, Wroclaw Poland Radisson Blu Hotel, St. Gallen Switzerland
Radisson Blu Royal Astorija Hotel, Vilnius Lithuania Radisson Blu Resort, Świnoujście Poland Radisson Blu Hotel, Zurich Airport Switzerland
Radisson Hotel, Kaunas Lithuania Radisson Collection Hotel, Warsaw Poland Radisson Hotel, Zurich Airport Switzerland
Park Inn by Radisson, Luxembourg Luxembourg Radisson Hotel & Suites, Gdansk Poland Park Inn by Radisson, Ankara Turkey
Radisson Blu Resort & Spa, Golden Sands Malta Cosmos Sochi Hotel, a member of Radisson Individuals Russia Park Inn by Radisson, Izmir Turkey
Art'otel, Amsterdam Netherlands Cosmos Volgograd Hotel, a member of Radisson Individuals Russia Park Inn by Radisson, Samsun Turkey
Park Inn by Radisson, Amsterdam Airport Schiphol Netherlands Park Inn by Radisson Pulkovo Airport, St-Petersburg Russia Radisson Blu Bosphorus Hotel, Istanbul Turkey
Park Inn by Radisson, Amsterdam City West Netherlands Park Inn by Radisson, Ekaterinburg Russia Radisson Blu Hotel & Spa, Istanbul Tuzla Turkey
Park Plaza Victoria Amsterdam Netherlands Park Inn by Radisson, Novokuznetsk Russia Radisson Blu Hotel, Ankara Turkey
Park Plaza, Eindhoven Netherlands Park Inn by Radisson, Pulkovskaya St-Petersburg Russia Radisson Blu Hotel, Istanbul Turkey
Park Plaza, Utrecht Netherlands Park Inn by Radisson, Sheremetyevo Airport Moscow Russia Radisson Blu Hotel, Istanbul Ottomare Turkey
Park Plaza, Vondelpark Amsterdam Netherlands Radisson Blu Hotel, Kaliningrad Russia Radisson Blu Hotel, Kayseri Turkey
Radisson Blu Hotel, Amsterdam Airport Netherlands Radisson Blu Hotel, Rosa Khutor Russia Radisson Blu Resort & Spa, Cesme Turkey
Radisson Blu Hotel, Amsterdam City Center Netherlands Radisson Blu Hotel, Sheremetyevo Airport Moscow Russia Radisson Hotel, President Beyazit Istanbul Turkey
Park Inn by Radisson, Haugesund Airport Restaurant Norway Radisson Blu Resort & Congress Centre, Sochi Russia Radisson Residences Avrupa TEM, Istanbul Turkey
Park Inn by Radisson, Oslo Airport Norway Radisson Collection Paradise Resort and Spa, Sochi Russia Park Inn by Radisson, Kyiv Troyitska Ukraine
Park Inn by Radisson, Oslo Airport Hotel West Norway Radisson Resort, Zavidovo Russia Park Inn by Radisson, Northampton United Kingdom
Radisson Blu Airport Hotel, Oslo Norway Radisson Sonya Hotel, St. Petersburg Russia Park Inn by Radisson, York City Centre United Kingdom
Radisson Blu Atlantic Hotel, Stavanger Norway Radisson Blu Hotel, Madrid Prado Spain Park Plaza, County Hall London United Kingdom
Radisson Blu Hotel & Confernce Center Oslo, Alna Norway Radisson Blu Resort & Spa, Gran Canaria Mogán Spain Park Plaza, Leeds United Kingdom
Radisson Blu Hotel, Bodo Norway Radisson Blu Resort, Gran Canaria Spain Park Plaza, London Riverbank United Kingdom
Radisson Blu Hotel, Caledonien Norway Radisson Collection Hotel, Magdalena Plaza Sevilla Spain Park Plaza, Nottingham United Kingdom
Radisson Blu Hotel, Nydalen Norway Park Inn by Radisson, Malmo Sweden Park Plaza, Westminster Bridge London United Kingdom
Radisson Blu Hotel, Tromsø Norway Park Inn by Radisson, Stockholm Hammarby Sweden Radisson Blu Hotel, Birmingham United Kingdom
Radisson Blu Hotel, Trondheim Airport Norway Park Inn by Radisson, Stockholm Solna Sweden Radisson Blu Hotel, Bristol United Kingdom
Radisson Blu Mountain Resort & Residences, Trysil Norway Radisson Blu Hotel, Arlandia Sweden Radisson Blu Hotel, East Midlands Airport United Kingdom
Radisson Blu Mountain Resort, Beitostølen Norway Radisson Blu Hotel, Lund Sweden Radisson Blu Hotel, Edinburgh City Centre United Kingdom
Radisson Blu Park Hotel, Oslo Norway Radisson Blu Hotel, Malmö Sweden Radisson Blu Hotel, Glasgow United Kingdom
Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel, Oslo Norway Radisson Blu Hotel, Uppsala Sweden Radisson Blu Hotel, London Stansted Airport United Kingdom
Radisson Blu Polar Hotel, Spitsbergen Norway Radisson Blu Riverside Hotel, Gothenburg Sweden Radisson Blu Hotel, Manchester Airport, Manchester United Kingdom
Radisson Blu Resort, Trysil Norway Radisson Blu Royal Viking Hotel, Stockholm Sweden Radisson Blu Waterfront Hotel, Jersey United Kingdom
Radisson Blu Royal Garden Hotel, Trondheim Norway Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel, Göteborg Sweden Radisson RED, Glasgow United Kingdom
Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Bergen Norway Radisson Blu Waterfront Hotel, Stockholm Sweden Park Plaza Victoria, London United Kingdom

74 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Eco-Labelled Hotels

Appendix: Eco-labelled hotels
Middle East South East Asia Pacific
Radisson Blu Hotel, Alexandria Egypt Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel, Sydney Australia
Radisson Blu Hotel, Cairo Heliopolis Egypt Radisson Blu Hotel, Dhaka Water Garden Bangladesh
Radisson Blu Resort, El Quseir Egypt Park Plaza, Beijing Science Park China
Radisson Blu Hotel, Kuwait Kuwait Radisson Blu Hotel Shanghai New World, Shanghai China
Park Inn by Radisson Hotel and Residence, Duqm Oman Radisson Blu Resort Wetland Park, Wuxi China
Park Inn by Radisson, Muscat Oman Radisson Collection Hotel, Hyland Shanghai China
Radisson Blu Hotel, Muscat Oman Radisson Collection Hotel, Xing Guo, Shanghai China
Radisson Blu, Sohar Oman Radisson Hotel, Suzhou China
Hormuz Grand Muscat, A Radisson Collection Hotel Oman Radisson Collection Hotel, Yangtze Shanghai China
Radisson Blu Hotel, Doha Qatar Country Inn & Suites by Radisson, Sector-12, Gurugram India
Park Inn by Radisson, Al Khobar Saudi Arabia Park Inn by Radisson, Candolim Goa India
Park Inn by Radisson, Dammam Saudi Arabia Radisson Blu Hotel, Ahmedabad India
Radisson Blu Hotel, Dhahran Saudi Arabia Radisson Blu Hotel, Faridabad India
Radisson Blu Hotel, Riyadh Saudi Arabia Radisson Blu Hotel, Indore India
Radisson Blu Hotel, Yanbu Saudi Arabia Radisson Blu Hotel, Jaipur India
Radisson Blu Residence, Dhahran Saudi Arabia Radisson Blu Hotel, Ludhiana India
Radisson Blu Residence, Dubai Silicon Oasis Saudi Arabia Radisson Blu Hotel, Marina India
Radisson Blu Resort, Jizan Saudi Arabia Radisson Blu Hotel, Nagpur India
Radisson Blu Hotel Apartments, Dubai Marina United Arab Emirates Radisson Blu MBD Hotel, Noida India
Radisson Blu Hotel, Dubai Deira Creek United Arab Emirates Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Hyderabad Banjara Hills, Hyderabad India
Radisson Blu Hotel, Dubai Media City United Arab Emirates Radisson Blu Plaza, Delhi Airport India
Radisson RED Hotel, Dubai Silicon Oasis United Arab Emirates Radisson Hotel Gold Resort, Pahalgam India
Radisson Hotel, Gurugram Udyog Vihar India
Radisson Hotel, Gwalior India
Radisson Hotel, Jaipur City Center India
Radisson Srinagar India
Radisson Blu Hotel, Phu Quoc Vietnam

75 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Eco-Labelled Hotels

Appendix: UN Sustainable Development Goals
17: Partnerships for the goals 1: No poverty
Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for End poverty in all its forms everywhere
sustainable development

16: Peace, justice and strong institutions 2: Zero hunger

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote
to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels sustainable agriculture

15: Life on land 3: Good health and well-being

Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

14: Life below water 4: Quality education

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning
development opportunities for all

13: Climate action 5: Gender equality

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls


12: Responsible consumption and production 6: Clean water and sanitation

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns nsure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all


11: Sustainable cities and communities 7: Affordable and clean energy

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all


10: Reduced inequalities 8: Decent work and economic growth

Reduce inequality within and among countries Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive
employment and decent work for all

9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and
foster innovation

76 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / UN Sustainable Development Goals

Appendix: UN Global Compact Compliance


Principles 1: • Living & Leading Responsible Business Training • Supplier Code of Conduct and agreements
Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights. • Team member Handbook • Human Rights Policy

• Code of Business Ethics • Supplier Code of Conduct and agreements

Principle 2:
• • Human Rights Policy
Businesses should make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
• Policy against the Facilitation of Prostitution • Responsible recruitment and employment toolkit


• Human Resources Guidelines • Supplier Code of Conduct

Principle 3:
• Team member Handbook • Employment Principles
Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining.
• European Workers Councils

• Code of Business Ethics • Human Rights Policy

Principle 4: • Supplier Code of Conduct and agreements • Responsible recruitment and employment toolkit
Businesses should support the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor. • Employment Principles

Principle 5: • Code of Business Ethics • Employment Principles

Businesses should support the effective abolition of child labor. • Supplier Code of Conduct and agreements • Human Rights Policy

• Human Resources Guidelines • Policy on Sexual Harassment and Illicit Activities

• Team member Handbook • Social Networking Policy
Principle 6:
• Living & Leading Responsible Business training • Supplier Code of Conduct
Businesses should support the elimination of discrimination in respect to employment and occupation.
• Policy on Recruitment and Selection • Employment Principles
• Transfer Policy • Human Rights Policy


Principle 7: • Responsible Business & Environment Policy • Environmental reporting and targets
Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges. • Radisson Technical Standards

• Responsible Business & Environment Policy • Think Planet tools

Principle 8: • Commitment to net-zero • Living & Leading Responsible Business training
Businesses should undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility. • Build Planet standards • Supplier Code of Conduct
• Sustainable Stays Basics

Principle 9: • Build Planet standards • Carbon Neutral Meetings

Businesses should encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies. • Think Planet tools • Eco-labeled hotels


• Global Information Security Policy • Anti-Fraud Policy

Principle 10:
• Code of Business Ethics • Internal Audit
Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.
• Anti-bribery training • Supplier Code of Conduct and agreements

77 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / UN Global Compact compliance

Appendix: GRI Standard disclosures table


ORGANIZATIONAL PROFILE 102-45 Entities included in the consolidated financial statements 86 PROCUREMENT PRACTICES

102-1 Name of the organization 86 102-46 Defining report content and topic boundaries 86 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary 69-71
102-2 Activities, brands, products, and services 86 102-47 List of material topics 11 103-2 The management approach and its components 69-71
102-3 Location of headquarters 86 102-48 Restatements of information 12 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 69-71
102-4 Location of operations 86 102-49 Changes in reporting 86 204-1 Proportion of spending on local suppliers 69-71
102-5 Ownership and legal form 86 102-50 Reporting period 86 ANTI-CORRUPTION

102-6 Markets served 86 102-51 Date of most recent report 86 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary 11
102-7 Scale of the organization 86 102-52 Reporting cycle 86 103-2 The management approach and its components 12
102-8 Information on employees and other workers 19 102-53 Contact point for questions regarding the report 87 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 12
102-9 Supply chain 69 102-54 Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards 86 205-1 Operations assessed for risks related to corruption 37
102-10 Significant changes to the organization and its supply chain - 102-55 GRI content index 78-79 205-2 Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures 37
102-11 Precautionary Principle or approach 86 102-56 External assurance 86 205-3 Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken 37
102-12 External initiatives 13, 35 ENERGY

102-13 Membership of associations 13 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary 11
STRATEGY 103-2 The management approach and its components 12

102-14 Statement from senior decision-maker 4-5 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 12

ETHICS AND INTEGRITY 302-1 Energy consumption within the organization 57

102-16 Values, principles, standards, and norms of behavior 22 302-3 Energy intensity 54
GOVERNANCE 302-4 Reduction of energy consumption 54
102-18 Governance structure 12 302-5 Reductions in energy requirements of products and services 54

102-40 List of stakeholder groups 10 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary 11
102-41 Collective bargaining agreements 19 103-2 The management approach and its components 12
102-42 Identifying and selecting stakeholders 10 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 12
102-43 Approach to stakeholder engagement 10 303-1 Water withdrawal by source 60
102-44 Key topics and concerns raised 9 303-2 Water sources significantly affected by withdrawal of water 60
303-3 Water recycled and reused 60

78 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / GRI Standard disclosures table

Appendix: GRI Standard disclosures table


103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary 11 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary 81 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary 81
103-2 The management approach and its components 12 103-2 The management approach and its components 81 103-2 The management approach and its components 42-51
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 12 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 26-28 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 42-51
304-2 Significant impacts of activities, products, and services on biodiversity - 404-1 Average hours of training per year per employee 26-28 413-1 Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments, and 42-51
development programs
304-3 Habitats protected or restored - 404-2 Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs 26-28
103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary 81
103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary 81 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary 81
103-2 The management approach and its components 69-71
103-2 The management approach and its components 81 103-2 The management approach and its components 81
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 69-71
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 55-56 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 31-32
414-1 New suppliers that were screened using social criteria 69-71
305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions 82 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees 31-32
305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions 82 FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION AND COLLECTIVE BARGAINING
103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary 81
305-4 GHG emissions intensity 82 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary 81
103-2 The management approach and its components 36-37
305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions 56 103-2 The management approach and its components 19
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 36-37
ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 19
415-1 Political contributions 36-37
103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary 81 407-1 Operations and suppliers in which the right to freedom of association and 19
collective bargaining may be at risk CUSTOMER HEALTH AND SAFETY
103-2 The management approach and its components 81
CHILD LABOR 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary 81
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 12
103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary 81 103-2 The management approach and its components 38-41
307-1 Non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations 12
103-2 The management approach and its components 83-85 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 38-41
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 83-85 416-1 Assessment of the health and safety impacts of product and service 38-41
103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary 81 categories
408-1 Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of child labor 83-85
103-2 The management approach and its components 81
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 69-71
103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary 81
308-1 New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria 69-71
103-2 The management approach and its components 33-35
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 33-35
103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary 81
412-1 Operations that have been subject to human rights reviews or impact 83-85
103-2 The management approach and its components 81 assessments
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 19 412-2 Employee training on human rights policies or procedures 83-85
401-1 New employee hires and employee turnover 19 412-3 Significant investment agreements and contracts that include human rights 83-85
401-2 Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to 26 clauses or that underwent human rights screening
temporary or part-time employees

79 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / GRI Standard disclosures table

Appendix: Sustainability Accounting Standards Board disclosures table


Energy management SV-HL-130a.1 Total energy consumed Quantitative Giga hour (GWh) In 2021, RHG’s total energy consumption was 1.496 GWh.
Percent total energy from grid electricity Percentage (%) In 2021, 88% of energy consumed was from grid electricity.
Percent total energy from renewables Percentage (%) In 2021, 12% of energy consumed was from renewable electricity.
Water management SV-HL-140a.1 Total water consumed per square meter Quantitative Liters In 2021, the water consumption per square meter was 1,081 liters per square meter.
Total water consumed, percentage of each in regions with High or In 2021, RHG's total water consumption is 7.8 million cubic meters, out of which, 37% of water
Extremely High Baseline Water Stress consumption is from countries with extremely high baseline water stress and 8% consumption is from high
water stress countries.
Waste management FB-RN-150a.1 Percent diverted from landfills Quantitative Percentage (%) In 2021, 56% of RHG waste is diverted from landfills.
Labor practices SV-HL-310a.1 Voluntary and involuntary turnover rate for lodging facility employees Quantitative Rate In 2021, RHG’s voluntary turnover rate for managed team members was 20%.
SV-HL-310a.4 Description of policies and programs to prevent worker harassment Discussion & Anaylsis N/A Responsible Business Report 2021 sections on Human Rights including Responsible Recruitment and
employment program, Business Ethics and compliance, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and policies
including Code of Business Ethics, Human Rights Policy, Employment Principles and Supplier Code of
Climate change SV-HL-450a.1 Number of lodging facilities located in 100-year flood zones Quantitative Number At year-end 2021, 35 lodging facilities were located in 100-year flood zones.



SV-HL-000.A Number of available room-nights Quantitative Number In 2021, RHG had 15.5 million available room nights.
SV-HL-000.B Average occupancy rate (%) Quantitative Rate In 2021, the average occupancy was 39%.
SV-HL-000.C Total area of lodging facilities Quantitative Square meters (m2) At year-end 2021, the total area of our lodging facilities was 7.5 million square meter.
SV-HL-000.D Number and percentage of managed lodging facilities Quantitative Number At year-end 2021, RHG had 331 managed lodging facilities (representing 26% of our portfolio).
Percentage (%)
Number and percentage of owned and leased lodging facilities At year-end 2021, RHG had 63 leased lodging facilities (representing 5% of our portfolio).

Number and percentage of franchised lodging facilities At year-end 2021, RHG had 871 franchised lodging facilities (representing 69% of our portfolio).

80 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / SASB disclosures table

Appendix: Risks and mitigation overview on materiality topics

Youth employment Reducing youth unemployment is a global responsibility. RHG addresses the issue of unemployment and offer easy training, employment access and job opportunities to 19 Employment and Employability
vulnerable and underprivileged youth.
People development Helping us to achieve our vision of becoming one of the top three hotel brands in the world and to make RHG the company of choice for talent. People are at the core of 23 Talent Management and People Development
everything we stand for – and what hospitality is all about.
Talent management & employability Recognizing that developing our teams is critical for business success and to unlock the potential within our teams it is essential that we make a commitment to delivering 25 Talent Management and People Development
consistent performance management.
Diversity, equity and inclusion Fostering a culture and workplace that celebrates diversity and inclusion, ensuring equal opportunities for everyone. Guests and our talent deserve a safe environment in 31 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
which they are valued for who they are.
Protection of human rights Striving to conduct all business operations in a way that seeks to promote and enhance human rights within our sphere of influence, abiding by the UN Guiding Principles 33 Human Rights
on Business and Human Rights and being committed to raising awareness of human rights risks and to addressing risks that arise in the labor supply chain.
Responsible recruitment Helping to ensure RHG takes a proactive approach to preventing forced labor in its operations and the wider value chain by promoting responsible recruitment and 34 Human Rights
employment practices.
Business conduct, ethics and Enabling us to take positions on key issues of business ethics with a single voice. All interactions of our team members, partners, stakeholders, and local communities need 36 Business Ethics and Compliance
compliance to be based on the highest principles of business ethics.
Anti-corruption & anti-bribery Complying with all applicable laws and regulations and conducting business in a manner consistent with RHG’s commitment to doing business with integrity, mitigating the 37 Business Ethics and Compliance
risk of corruption and bribery.
Safety and Security Ensuring the safety and security of guests, team members and business partners, creating an environment where their safety and security are always a top priority. The 38 Safety and Security
Safety and Security program protects the different stakeholders, properties and brand reputation.
Guest awareness Gives insights to help hotels prioritize sustainability actions and outperform competitors and enables RHG to identify which hotels performance better. 16 Awards and recognition

Community development & engagement Aiming to addresses the risks of poverty, hunger, lack of quality education and the availability of clean water and sanitation, globally and in the communities where we 44 Community engagement
Local volunteering Focusing on giving back to the community by social and environmental volunteering. Our teams donate their time and effort to supporting numerous initiatives designed 47 Food. Shelter. Future
to have a positive impact on the local area.
Disaster support Empowering team members to come together to make a difference by initiating or supporting a variety of disaster relief initiatives, to mitigate impacts of potential 48 Disaster relief
disasters and disruption of livelihoods and associated economic damage.
Climate action Reducing RHG's carbon footprint to help limiting the impact of global warming and climate change for our communities, the natural environment, and the wider value 54 Think Planet proof
chain. Working towards net-zero CO2e by 2050 enables RHG to be future proof.
Water stewardship Focusing to ensure water use is equitable throughout the communities in which we operate. RHG's water stewardship efforts include reducing its water footprint and 60 Water stewardship
supporting local communities who live in water scarce areas around the world - helping to provide safe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene.
Sustainable buildings Expecting up to 75% of today’s buildings, including hotels, to still be in use by 2050, RHG prioritizes sustainable standards for new builds and retrofitting existing hotels at 61 Sustainable buildings
scale to meet net-zero targets.
Responsible consumption Working with suppliers to prevent waste, driving development of circular models, increase recycling, reducing the volume of waste that goes to landfill, which addresses 63 Responsible consumption
waste-related and reputational risks and costs associated.
Eco-labels Striving to ensure our hotels operate in the most sustainable way possible as sustainability is an important factor in our guests’ decision to stay with us. Gaining third-party 65 Eco-labels
eco-label of our hotel’s sustainability efforts ensures the hotel’s sustainability achievements are fully transparent and credible.
Food and Beverage Addressing a significant part of RHG’s carbon footprint, which originates in our Food and Beverage operations, reducing the use of meat options and ensuring decent 68 Responsible Food and Beverage
welfare standards for animals are being promoted.
Responsible supply chain Promoting sustainability in our supply chain and working with sustainable suppliers to provide integrated projects and solutions for our hotels, reducing environmental, 69 Responsible supply chain
social, and reputational risks in the supply chain.

81 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Risks and mitigation overview

Appendix: Carbon footprint performance

RHG is committed to reducing its GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS 2021 2020 2019 - BASELINE


carbon intensity by 30% by 2025. Emissions (MT CO2e) 133,939 111,012 133,198
Emissions intensity (MT CO2e/m2) 18 16 19
RHG closely tracks and reports on key environmental, social,
Emissions intensity (MT CO2e/OR) 12 14 8
ethical and economic topics. We streamline Think Planet data
collection for Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East and Africa to
monitor progress, identify priorities and opportunities. Market-based emissions (MT CO2e) 424,836 373,438 522,821
Market-based emissions intensity (MT CO2e/m2) 57 53 76
Transparent external reporting enables stronger stakeholder Market-based emissions intensity (MT CO2e/OR) 40 48 33
engagement and collaboration. It also allows RHG to perform
industry benchmarking for its overall Responsible Business
performance. We have obtained independent external Market-based emissions (MT CO2e) 558,775 484,450 656,019
consulting for the data in the greenhouse gas emissions Market-based emissions intensity (MT CO2e/m2) 74 69 95
performance table. Market-based emissions intensity (MT CO2e/OR) 52 62 42

Franchises — emissions (MT CO2e) 734,455 455,469 742,436

Franchises — emissions intensity (MT CO2e/m2) 74 48 80

* Totally 85% of 2021 carbon footprint data of scope 1 and 2 is from actual sources. Remaining data has been extrapolated.

82 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Carbon footprint performance table

Appendix: Radisson Hotel Group slavery and human trafficking statement 2022
Our aim is to combat and eliminate any form of modern and address risks arising in the labor supply chain. This commitment RHG strives to ensure that: All team members are trained in the Code of Business Ethics, its
slavery, and to operate hotels free of child exploitation is aligned with, and supported by, our Code of Business Conduct and • Every employee has a worker contract implications, and reporting processes. The training, part of immersion
and forced, bonded, or compulsory labor. We apply these Ethics and the principles of the United Nations Global Compact. RHG • No employee is forced to work training for new starters in the group, is mandatory for all team members
has been a signatory to the Global Compact since 2009. • No employee is forced to handover government-issued identification, and includes a reference to the RHG’s ethics platform. The Code of
principles to our operations and in our supply chain. This is
passports, work permits, or bank cards to a third party Business Ethics is conforming with the EU’s GDPR regulations and
our 6th Human Trafficking Statement.
Our aim is to bring positive benefits to the communities in which • No employee is required to pay any fees in exchange for work other policies.
we operate through our high-quality services, economic growth and • No excessive deductions are made from any employee’s wages
Previous Slavery and Human Trafficking Statements can be found here.
employment opportunities, environmental protection initiatives, and HUMAN RIGHTS POLICY AND COMMITMENTS
community involvement. Our commitment to ethical excellence is our These expectations are applied and include the practices of the labor RHG is committed to maintaining a high standard of business ethics,
heartbeat, and we are recognized as a trusted global leader and a agencies and outsourced labor suppliers that RHG utilizes. honesty and integrity. The key human rights and employment principles
Responsible Business. are grouped into three documents.
Radisson Hotel Group (RHG) is one of the world's largest hotel groups
EMPLOYMENT AND EMPLOYABILITY Teams across the organization, and from different countries, are involved Our Human Rights Policy and Human Rights Commitments
with nine distinctive hotel brands, and more than 1,600 hotels in
In 2021, RHG counted 138 nationalities amongst our team members. in our anti-slavery and anti-trafficking initiatives. Strategy and follow-up cover the Group’s engagement on issues such as ethical business
operation and under development in 120 countries globally. The Group’s
Women comprise 44% of our team members while 56% are men. are coordinated by the corporate Responsible Business department, conduct, protection of children’s rights, combating modern slavery
overarching brand promise is Every Moment Matters with a signature
RHG accounts 1% of team members with a disability. The vast majority working closely with the Procurement team, and Human Resources, and human trafficking, protection of migrant workers, and protection
Yes I Can! service ethos.
of team members, 95%, have a full time or part time contract. The both centrally and in the different geographical areas in Asia Pacific, of employee rights.
remaining 5% have a contract without a fixed amount of hours. Of Europe, Middle East, and Africa.
The RHG portfolio includes Radisson Collection, Radisson Blu, Radisson,
our total workforce, 13% is outsourced labor, mainly for housekeeping, Our Employment Principles cover RHG’s promises to its team members
Radisson RED, Radisson Individuals, Park Plaza, Park Inn by Radisson,
security, food & beverage and gardening services. STRUCTURE OF OUR SUPPLY CHAIN such as non-discrimination, freedom of association, team member well-
Country Inn & Suites by Radisson, and prizeotel brought together under
RHG carefully selects suppliers who offer purchase goods or services. being, positive working environment, and development of talent from
one commercial umbrella brand Radisson Hotels. It also operates the
WORKPLACE COOPERATION RHG’s supply chain consists of suppliers who provide goods and within.
Radisson Rewards loyalty program for frequent hotel guests.
Collective bargaining agreements cover 31% of our team members. services to leased, managed, and franchised hotels. Our supply chain
Of the hotels operating in countries, where this is not possible, 93% has three types of supplier categories: local, regional, and corporate. These policy documents are publicly available and complement the
More than 100,000 team members work at RHG and at the hotels
of hotels practice other forms of workplace cooperation. This allows Corporate and regional suppliers are managed by our corporate Code of Business Ethics. They help to clarify the principles we live and
licensed to operate in its systems. RHG is directly involved in the
management and team members to consult with each other to improve procurement team, via centralized and regional procurement work by in our hotels and offices.
operation of leased and managed hotels, while franchise owners and
team members’ welfare and develop mutually acceptable solutions for agreements. These suppliers provide a variety of products and services
their managers have control over the operations of the franchised hotels.
common challenges. including staffing, operational supplies and equipment, furniture, fixtures SUPPLIER CODE OF CONDUCT
This statement applies to RHG hotels in Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East
and equipment, food, drinks, amenities, linen, and cleaning supplies. Our Supplier Code of Conduct contains obligations for suppliers
and Africa. RHG is headquartered in Brussels, Belgium.
COMMITMENT TO COMBAT MODERN SLAVERY Local suppliers are managed at the hotel level. and sub-suppliers and the broader business community. It requires
RHG is committed to combatting modern slavery and human trafficking,   them to take a stand against modern slavery and human trafficking.
educating team members on the issues, and encouraging our partners, POLICIES AND PRINCIPLES The Supplier Code of Conduct supplements the Code of Business
At RHG, we believe that people are our number-one asset. RHG’s vision
stakeholders and the broader business community to take a stand CODE OF BUSINESS ETHICS Ethics. Its principles represent the minimum standards that RHG
is to become the company of choice for guests, owners, and talent. Our
against slavery and human trafficking. Our Code of Business Ethics enables all RHG team members to take expects its suppliers to achieve.
culture plays an important role in our business transformation and in
positions on key issues of business ethics with a single voice. It’s a
our future business success. RHG acknowledges and respects the UN
We operate to high standards and advocate socially and environmentally commitment to do what is right and ethical. The Code applies to The Supplier Code of Conduct prohibits the use of any form of
Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, which are embedded
sustainable business practices. Our aim is to address vulnerabilities every person who works for us, and every one of our companies. It is modern slavery, human trafficking, exploitation of children or forced or
in our policies and procedures. They are consistent with our core beliefs
in the hospitality industry, combat and eliminate any form of modern distributed to all team members. compulsory labor. All work must be voluntary, and in no case should
and commitment to be a force for good.
slavery and to operate our business without slavery, sexual exploitation, workers be mandated to relinquish government-issued identification,
exploiting of children, or forced, bonded, or compulsory labor. passports, visas or work permits. Suppliers and sub-suppliers should
RHG endeavors to conduct its business operations in a manner that
ensure that the Employer Pays Principle is applied and that workers are
seeks to promote and enhance human rights within its sphere of
not required to pay any recruitment fees or expenses as a condition of
influence. RHG is committed to raising awareness of human rights risks
receiving work.

83 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2022
Appendix: Radisson Hotel Group slavery and human trafficking statement 2022
The Supplier Code of Conduct is signed by all suppliers at the corporate RESPONSIBLE RECRUITMENT TOOLKIT REMEDIATION PLAN TENDERING PROCESS
and regional levels and becomes a part of the supplier agreement, The responsible recruitment toolkit provides guidance on how to One more developed element of the toolkit is the remediation plan. The first supplier engagement goes through the Request for Information
included in the digital repository module for contract management in prevent modern slavery, promote ethical recruitment practices and The plan provides for or cooperate in the remediation of human (RFI) tendering process. This allows RHG to evaluate new and potential
the procurement system. The Supplier Code of Conduct is conforming details of how to engage with recruits and team members using worker rights risks and abuses that may be identified during assessments. suppliers during the first phase of the tender process. The RFI contains
with GDPR and other policies. This process is monitored by the interviews, how to increase awareness of modern slavery amongst It provides the team with guidance on what actions to take when multiple criteria, including a set of knock out criteria, allowing RHG to
corporate procurement team. team members, how to approach a recruitment agency, and what due certain risks are identified, and cases of forced labor are uncovered evaluate the supplier’s financial, environmental, labor and human rights
diligence to conduct. or reported during assessments. status before signing a contract.
Local hotel suppliers are required to follow the RHG Supplier Code of
Conduct. However, we do not actively register which suppliers have The toolkit also supports hotel management teams in their efforts to ETHICS PLATFORM SUPPLIER ASSESSMENT
signed at the local level. prevent modern slavery, especially with outsourced labor. The toolkit has A cornerstone of our Code of Business Ethics implementation is ethics. One of the tools RHG has been using for supplier assessment is the
been rolled out to all geographic areas in Asia Pacific, Europe, the Middle, a website run by an independent third-party responsible supplier questionnaire. The questionnaire aligns with the
RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS POLICY East, and Africa. In 2021, 59% of our hotels actively used the toolkit. A organization. Team members can use this site to find information on our Supplier Code of Conduct and is updated bi-annually. The questionnaire
Our ambitious and award-winning Responsible Business program specific training module on how to use the toolkit has been included in Code of Business Ethics and report concerns anonymously. Any team includes a rating tool to identify the supplier’s level of risk management
dates to 2001. The Responsible Business policy covers compliance the Leading Responsible Business training for all Head of Departments member with concerns or questions about the Code is encouraged to and mitigation. In 2020 the questionnaire was added to the tendering
with all applicable legislation regarding labor, health and safety, human and General Managers. In 2021, the RHG responsible recruitment toolkit raise these directly with their supervisor or person of trust in the hotel or process and all awarded suppliers completed the questionnaire.
rights, and the environment. It requires us to operate without slavery, was reviewed by the UN International Organization of Migration (IOM) regional organization. If this is not possible, the team member can report
exploitation of people, or forced, bonded, or compulsory labor. The and recommendations have been implemented. the issue online. The site is available in eleven languages and can be Our standard supplier contract terms include a clause requesting that
policy strives to follow best practices in each of these areas. utilized by all team members, outsourced team members, and agency suppliers complete the responsible supplier questionnaire and provide
SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE workers. Of the 34 reports made in in 2021, none involved allegations reasonable evidence of compliance with RHG’s Supplier Code of
DUE DILIGENCE PROCESSES An element of the toolkit is the hotel self-assessment questionnaire concerning modern slavery and human trafficking. Conduct on request. The provided supplier information is assessed, and
AUDITS (SAQ). RHG has created this assessment tool with specialized human non-compliance is discussed with the individual supplier accordingly.
Every hotel undergoes an internal audit every second year. Elements rights consultancy Verité. The SAQ allows our hotels to identify potential SUPPLY CHAIN DUE DILIGENCE
of the audit include control of background checks for all positions gaps and vulnerabilities in the recruitment processes. The SAQ is SUPPLY CHAIN VISIBILITY SUPPLIER CONTRACT
that handle cash as a part of their role, or other sensitive positions. designed to gather information on risks of forced labor and human For RHG to understand and control the business risk to our supply chain, RHG is committed to, advancing the United Nations Global Compact’s
The background check must be done by an external company. Other trafficking that hotels may be facing, and ultimately to help hotels and we use a range of tools to increase supplier and supply chain visibility, ten universally accepted as well as the UN Sustainable Development
elements are checked including supplier contract approval, work permits its third-party intermediaries to detect, remediate, and mitigate risks from for contact with supplier to ongoing annual reviews. Goals. This is reflected in the Supplier Code of Conduct, which is
for team members from outsourced companies, reference checks on of labor abuse. It assesses the risk of forced labor or human trafficking attached to our standard supplier contract. The contract also refers
other partners of suppliers, and background checks on outsourced team in the business processes of third-party intermediaries which provide RHG has overarching accountability for the standards of our supply obligations for suppliers, sub-suppliers and the broader business
members in Accounting & Finance, Human Resources, Security, IT, services related to the recruitment, selection, hiring, transportation, chain, the treatment of our team members and the safety of our guests. community including a clause against modern slavery and human
Front Office, and Food & Beverage. An outsourced company cannot training, and management of migrant workers. The products, services, and activities of our suppliers may impact trafficking.
sub-contract any activities delivered to the hotel without written our reputation, affecting our level of trust with other stakeholders.
approval from RHG. In 2021, 29% of our managed and leased hotels1 MIGRANT WORKER INTERVIEWS It is imperative that the Group’s suppliers follow the Supplier Code RISK MAPPING ANALYSIS
have been audited. Another element of the toolkit is the migrant worker interviews of Conduct and request the same from their supply chain, including RHG uses a risk mapping analysis as part of our supplier due diligence to
template. This document provides a set of interview questions to third-party labor agencies. The Supplier Code of Conduct outlines the enable us to understand supplier performance. Input from the hospitality
RESPONSIBLE RECRUITMENT use when conducting targeted migrant and foreign contract worker minimum standards that suppliers to the Group are expected to achieve. risk-rating tool was used for the analysis. The risk rating tool, created by
Hotels aim to apply responsible recruitment practices when recruiting interviews. This tool is used to help identify possible cases of abuse or RHG and other members of the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, allows
outsourced team members and 70% of hotels undertake background recruiter-induced human trafficking. In addition to compliance with the supplier agreement, we expect our hotels to obtain a more complete overview of our supplier risk profile.
checks on recruitment agencies. To mitigate the risk of modern slavery suppliers to comply with the laws and regulations which apply in the The rating weights various criteria including geographic risk, industry,
and human trafficking, RHG uses the responsible recruitment framework. countries and jurisdictions where they conduct business or deliver goods spend, volume, workforce risk, resources, impact, and likelihood of
The framework for our hotels includes the use of a toolkit, which support and/or services. 100% Of corporate suppliers recognized our Supplier success. The framework allows RHG to prioritize its focus and to address
our recruitment practices. Code of Conduct. low-level involvement of risk management with suppliers.


84 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2022
Appendix: Radisson Hotel Group slavery and human trafficking statement 2022
In 2021, RHG updated the risk mapping and prioritization model of emphasis on roles hotels play in tackling modern day exploitation. We INDUSTRY CAPABILITY BUILDING FUTURE STEPS
purchasing categories regarding Sustainable Procurement. To allow train all our team members to recognize the risks of modern slavery, SUSTAINABLE HOSPITALITY ALLIANCE The risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our operations and
capacity building EcoVadis has been selected to assess the groups’ sexual exploitation and human trafficking in our operations. We explain The hospitality industry can be a force for good and make a positive our supply chain need our constant attention. Because of the significant
suppliers on environmental, social, ethical and sustainable supply criteria, the benefits of strong measures to tackle slavery and human trafficking, contribution to tackle modern slavery and human trafficking. RHG is a growth of our operations, we must continuously monitor, manage and
and to support continuous improvement process. In 2022 RHG will as well as the consequences of failing to combat these problems. member of the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance and together we work mitigate risk in our operations and our supply chain. We will continue
extend the EcoVadis evaluation process to the group’s suppliers through Training compliance is measured on an ongoing basis. to address challenges, share our expertise and develop practical to fight modern slavery and human trafficking to minimize and manage
the risk analysis tool and the supplier platform evaluation tool. solutions to enable the whole industry to operate responsibly and risks and develop better ways to increase the visibility of our actions in
COMBATTING MODERN SLAVERY TRAINING grow sustainably. our operations and supply chain.
VIOLATIONS OF OUR SUPPLIER CODE OF CONDUCT As part of the responsible recruitment toolkit, a specific training module
Suppliers are expected to comply with the standards of the Supplier is used to increase awareness of modern slavery. It provides guidance As part of the Alliance, we collectively work to raise awareness of Over the coming year we plan to:
Code of Conduct and with all applicable laws and regulations. In cases on due diligence processes. The training includes information on human rights risks, embed human rights into corporate governance, and • Continue the development of tools on the responsible recruitment
where modern slavery, human trafficking, exploitation of children, or responsible practices and the use of the toolkit and used by Area and address risks arising in the labor supply chain and during construction. framework and to make them available to our hotels.
forced and compulsory labor is discovered in the supply chain, it must Hotel HR teams and recruiters. RHG is committed to industry Principles on Forced Labor to address • We will continue to conduct risk evaluations of suppliers of
be reported to RHG without delay. A specific email address is provided human rights risks in the labor supply chain. These state that every outsourced labor.
for this purpose. The Group encourages any stakeholder with concerns Additionally, RHG has included the publicly available online e-learning worker should have freedom of movement, no worker should pay for • Refresher training for hotel teams to use the Responsible
about the Supplier Code of Conduct and its implementation to discuss made by and for the hotel industry focusing on risks in the labor a job, and no worker should be indebted or coerced to work. As active Recruitment toolkit.
this directly with the supplier. supply chain. The ‘Risks of modern slavery in labor sourcing’ training, member, RHG participates in the Human Rights work group. • Continue supplier engagement and implement evaluations and risk
made available through the membership network of the Sustainable mapping analysis for all corporate suppliers, and all high-risk and
If RHG receives such a report, the supplier is requested to comment and Hospitality Alliance, is designed to support human resources, INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION high-volume regional suppliers to ensure they are complying with our
If required, RHG may request the supplier to implement an improvement procurement, and legal teams to identify and address the risks of As part of a multi-year partnership between International Organization Responsible Business, Human Rights, and preventing Modern Slavery
plan to correct the issue. If the supplier does not act or respond to the modern slavery in hotel operations and the supply chain. The training for Migration (IOM) and the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, RHG has policies.
report or concern and is not willing to work on correcting the issue, they also includes real-life case studies to underpin the learnings. been actively involved in projects to promote ethical recruitment and • Continue our cooperation with other hospitality industry partners via
can be subjected to disciplinary action. This can include termination as a protect migrant workers in the hospitality industry. The partnership the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance network and the human rights
supplier, and/or review by local authorities. CHILD PROTECTION AND ANTI-TRAFFICKING will leverage the multi-stakeholder model of the IOM’s IRIS: Ethical working group to identify and share best practices and participate in
Protecting victims of human trafficking is imperative to RHG. Through Recruitment initiative to promote regular pathways for migrant workers projects.
However, best practice suggests we try to work with the supplier our partnership with ECPAT-USA and as signatory of the Tourism Child and protect them throughout the labor migration process. • Include and update modern slavery elements in our existing manuals,
to improve their practices rather than dropping them. Suppliers are Protection Code of Conduct, we take a public stand and work to prevent contracts, standards of operation, and audits
requested to notify their employees, and any sub-contractors who work human trafficking, sexual exploitation and the exploitation of women Additionally, RHG has been involved in the Aligning Lenses Towards
for RHG, that they may report serious or sensitive concerns, or possible and children. We ensure all team members are trained in our human Ethical Recruitment (ALTER) project, a collaboration with IOM SIGNED BY THE BOARD
breaches of the Supplier Code of Conduct. trafficking module. This module is part of our mandatory, classroom Philippines, Blas F. Ople Policy Center, Diginex and the Sustainable This annual statement for the full financial year 2021 was approved by
based, Living Responsible Business training. The module includes Hospitality Alliance, funded by Global Fund to End Modern Slavery the Board of Directors of Radisson Hotel Group.
TRAINING various case-based scenarios of forced labor and sex trafficking, training (GFEMS). Key outputs for hospitality employers include a digital labor
RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS TRAINING team members to identify suspicious behavior and how to report migration process mapping tool and an ethical recruitment due diligence
We endeavor to educate and facilitate our team members to make forced sexual exploitation to police. It encourages discussion amongst toolkit. The process included hotel assessments, worker interviews and
conscious decisions in favor of environmental, ethical, and social issues participants on what actions to take. recruitment agency consultations. Overall findings have been utilized to
every day, both in their private and work lives. The awarded Responsible strengthen capacity building and remediation planning.
Business training program equips team members in the hotels and
offices with expertise and skills on an array of topics, including a special
Mingju Ma

85 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2022
Appendix: Scope and boundaries of this report

Radisson Hotel Group (RHG) is one of the world’s largest

COVID-19 Our business entities
hotel groups with nine distinctive hotel brands and more One of our highest priorities is the health, safety, Radisson Hotel Group (RHG) is represented by Radisson
than 1,600 hotels in operation and under development and security of our guests, team members, and Hospitality, Inc., managing 600-plus hotels in operation
business partners. COVID-19 has fundamentally in the North-, Central- and South America, and Radisson
in 120 countries. The RHG brands include Radisson changed the way we work and operate our Hospitality AB, managing 600-plus hotels in operation
Collection, Radisson Blu, Radisson, Radisson RED, Radisson hotels, and we are adjusting our daily operations In Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific. Radisson
Hospitality AB is headquartered in Brussels, Belgium.
Individuals, Park Plaza, Park Inn by Radisson, Country Inn & to fit within the new normal. In response to
the development of the COVID-19 pandemic,
Suites by Radisson, and prizeotel. RHG continues to follow the latest advice and
Since 2019, RHG is part of Jin Jiang International. With
the acquisition of Radisson Hospitality by Jin Jiang
recommendations from the Center for Disease International Co., RHG is part of the number two hotel
The 2021 Responsible Business Report describes the most material corporate Control (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO) group in the world in terms of number of rooms.
responsibility and sustainability aspects of the operations of RHG, not the full range of and the local authorities in the countries we (Source: MKG Ranking 2020).
our actions and data. Unless otherwise stated, the information in this report refers to operate in.
the calendar year 2021. Jin Jiang International Co., Ltd. is a leading travel and
Because of the global impact of COVID-19, our hospitality group in the world, headquartered in Shanghai,
This report relates to the RHG portfolio for Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East, and Africa, China.
business strategy has been constantly evaluated,
unless otherwise stated. This includes 647 properties which were in operation on 31 including regular in-depth reviews of the situation
This report includes Radisson Hospitality AB’s 15th annual
December 2021. For all hotels, including those that were opened or discontinued their at hand. Responsible Business Report. Specific global hotel data
operations in 2021, data is only reported for the months they were in operation. RHG is indicated with otherwise, data refers to our hotels in
has limited the reporting boundaries to areas in which the company has full control over Despite the operational impact of the pandemic, operation in Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific.
data collection and information quality. Downstream impacts are generally excluded as our hotels were in operation approximately 80%
we do not currently have reliable tools to measure their effect. of the year. The overall business volume reduction Financial data presented in our Responsible Business
has been in line with industry performance. Due Report is derived from audited annual accounts. For all
to business disruptions caused by the COVID-19 external reporting, currencies have been converted to
pandemic, the Responsible Business performance euros. Radisson Hospitality AB applies the precautionary
principle. The Responsible Business Report also fulfils
of 2021 is irregular. Therefore, the 2019 metrics
the statutory sustainability reporting requirements in the
are more representative of our performance
Swedish Annual Accounts Act (based on the EU Directive
indicators. 2014/95).

This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI

Standards: Core option, see here. 

86 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Scope and boundaries

Appendix: Auditors report


To the general meeting of the shareholders in Radisson Hospitality AB,
corporate identity number 556674-0964
It is the board of directors who is responsible for the statutory
sustainability report for the year 2021 and that it has been prepared in
accordance with .the Annual Accounts Act.


Our examination has been conducted in accordance with FAR’s
auditing standard RevR 12 The auditor’s opinion regarding the statutory
sustainability report. This means that our examination of the statutory
sustainability report is substantially different and less in scope than an
audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing
and generally accepted auditing standards in Sweden. We believe that
the examination has provided us with sufficient basis for our opinion.
A statutory sustainability report has been prepared.

Stockholm, 30 March 2022 PricewaterhouseCoopers AB

Signed by
Eric Salander
Authorized Public Accountant

Auditor in charge
Karl Järdler
Authorized Public Accountant

Responsible Business team

[email protected]

87 RHG Responsible Business Report 2021 / Auditors report

Radisson Collection Hotel, Berlin

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