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Program Outcomes, Course

Outcomes and Program

Specific Outcomes

1. Program Outcomes 1

2. Course Outcomes 3

3. Program Specific Outcomes (PSO) 82

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1. Program Outcomes

These outcomes describe what students are expected to know and be able to do by the time of
graduation. They relate to the skills, knowledge, and behaviours that students acquire in their course
through the program. The Master of Computer Application program enables students to attain, by
the time of graduation:
PO-A. Demonstrate the aptitude of Computer Programming and Computer based problem solving

PO-B. Display the knowledge of appropriate theory, practices and tools for the specification,
design, implementation

PO-C. Ability to learn and acquire knowledge through online courses available at different MOOC

PO-D. Ability to link knowledge of Computer Science with other two chosen auxiliary disciplines
of study.

PO-E. Display ethical code of conduct in usage of Internet and Cyber systems.

PO-F. Ability to pursue higher studies of specialization and to take up technical employ ment.

PO-G. Ability to formulate, to model, to design solutions, procedure and to use software tools to
solve real world problems and evaluate .

PO-H. Ability to operate, manage, deploy, configure computer network, hardware, software
operation of an organization.

PO-I .Ability to present result using different presentation tools.

PO-J. Ability to appreciate emerging technologies and tools.

PO-K. Apploy standard Software Engineering practices and strategies in real -time software project

PO-L. Design and develop computer programs/computer -based systems in the areas related to
algorithms, networking, web design, cloud computing, IoT and data analytics.

PO-M. Acquaint with the contemporary trends in industrial/research settings and thereby innovate
novel solutions to existing problems
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PO-N. The ability to apploy the knowledge and understanding noted above to the analysis of a
given information handling problem.

PO-O. The ability to work independently on a substantial software project and as an effective team
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2. Course Outcomes

2.1 MCA First Semesters

Paper Code Title Hour & Credit Full Mark

L-T-P Total Internal External
H/W Credits
MCA-101B Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science 3-1-0 4 25 75
MCA-102B Computer Programming and problem solving in C 3-1-0 4 25 75
MCA-103B Computer Organization & Architecture 3-1-0 4 25 75
MCA-104B UNIX & Shell Programming 3-1-0 4 25 75
MCA-105B Fundamentals of Web Technologies 3-1-0 4 25 75
MCA-106B Programming Lab I 0-1-6 4 25 75
Semester Total 600

Subject : Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science

Subject Code : MCA-101B
Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week
Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
Course Outcomes:

1. Understand the notation of mathematical thinking, mathematical proofs, and algorithmic

thinking and be able to apply them in problem solving.
2. Understanding the basics of combinatorics, and be able to apply the methods from these
subjects in problem solving.
3. Be able to use effectively algebraic techniques to analyse basic discrete structures and
4. Understand basic properties of graphs and related discrete structures, and be able to relate
these to practical examples.

Unit L+T Hour

Unit -I :Set Theory:- 6+2=8 Hours
Sets and Subsets, set operations and the laws of Set theory, counting and Venn diagrams,
cardinality-countable and uncountable sets.
Unit -II :Relations and Functions :- 7+2=9 Hours
Cartesian products and relations. Computer representation of relations -diagraphs, Hasse diagrams,
zero-one matrices . Partial orders, equivalence relation and partitions. Functions-injective,
surjective, bijective. The Pigeon-hole principle, composition of functions and inverse functions.
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Unit -III :Fundamentals of Logic :- 7+2=9 Hours

Basic connectives and Truth tables, Logic equivalence- The laws of logic, Logical implication-
Rules of inference, Predicate Calculus; Predicate and Quantifiers. Definitions and Proofs of
Unit -IV :Properties of integers:- 6+2=8 Hours
Mathematical Induction, Well ordering principle-Mathematical induction, Recursive definitions.
Unit -V :Algebraic Structures, Codding theory and Rings :- 8+2=10 Hours
Groups, Subgroups, Monoids, Submonoids, Normal subgroups, Homomorphisms, Isomorphism
and Cyclic groups.
Elements of coding theory, the Hamming metric, the parity check and generator matrices.
Unit -VI : Lattices and Boolean Algebra :- 7+3=10 Hours
Lattice and its properties, Axiomatic definition of Boolean Algebra as algebraic structure ; Duality ;
Basic results; Boolean Algebra of truth values; Applications (switching circuits, decision tables).
Unit-VII 7+3=10 Hours
Matrices and system of linear equations, operation of matrices; Solution of system of linear
equations using matrix method. Eigen values, eigen vectors, diagonalisation of matrices.
Text Book
1. Ralph P Grimaldi, “Discrete & Combinatorial Mathematics,” 5th Edition, Pearson
Education, 2004.
Reference Books
1. Alan Doerr, Kenneth Levasseur : “Applied Discrete Structures for Computer Science”,
Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd.
2. Kenneth H Rosen, “Discrete Mathematics & its Applications," 7th edition, McGraw-Hill,
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Subject : Computer Programming and problem solving in C

Subject Code : MCA-102B
Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week
Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
Course Outcomes:
1. Makes students gain a broad perspective about the uses of computers in engineering
2. Develops basic understanding of computers, the concept of algorithm and algorithmic
3. Develops the ability to analyze a problem, develop an algorithm to solve it.
4. Develops the use of the C programming language to implement various algorithms, and
develops the basic concepts and terminology of programming in general.
5. Introduces the more advanced features of the C language

Unit L+T Hour

Unit -I: Overview :- 7+2=9 Hours
Algorithms, Flow Charts, Variables, Data types, Constants, Declarations, Operators, Precedence,
Associativity, Order of evaluation, Type conversion, Storage classes, Programming Examples
Unit -II :Input and output statements:- 7+2=9 Hours
scanf, getchar, gets, printf, putchar, puts; Control Statements – if, else-if, switch, Control Structures
– while, for, do-while, break and continue, goto, Programming Examples
Unit -III :Arrays:- 7+2=9 Hours
Single dimension, Two dimensional, Multi dimensional Arrays, Strings, Programming Examples
Unit -IV :Functions:- 7+3=10 Hours
Categories of functions, Pointers, Pointer arithmetic, Call by value, Pointer Expression, Pointer as
function arguments, , recursion, Passing arrays to functions, passing strings to functions, Call by
reference, Functions returning pointers, Pointers to functions, Programming Examples
Unit -V :Structures and Unions:- 7+2=9 Hours
defining, declaring, initialization, accessing, comparing, operations on individual members; array
of structures, structures within structures, structures and functions, pointers and structures, bit
fields, Programming Examples
Unit -VI:Files:- 6+3=9 Hours
defining, opening, closing, input and output operations, error handling, random access; Command
line arguments;
Unit -VII:Dynamic Memory Allocation:- 7+2=9 Hours
definition, malloc, calloc, realloc, free, dynamic arrays
Preprocessor – definition, macro substitution, file inclusion, compiler control directives,
Programming Examples
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Text Books
1. Programming in ANSI C, Balaguruswamy, Tata McGraw-Hill, 6th Edn.
2. The C Programming Language, Brian W Kernighan, Dennis M Rtchie, PHI, 2nd Edn.
Reference Books
1. Programming with C, Byron Gottfried, Tata McGraw-Hill edition
2. Simplifying C, Harshal Arolkar, Sonal Jain, Wiley Publications
3. Head First C, David Griffiths, & Dawn Griffiths, O’Riley.
4. C Programming, Dr. Vishal M Lichade, Dreamtech press. 2nd Edn.
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Subject : Computer Organization & Architecture

Subject Code : MCA-103B
Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week
Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
Course Outcomes:

1. Familiar with baisc logic gates -- AND, OR & NOT, XOR, XNOR; Independently or work
in team to build simple logic circuits using basic gates.
2. Be able to design and analyze combinational logic circuits.
3. Be able to design and analyze sequential logic circuits.
4. Understanding of modern computer systems, semiconductor memory organization.

Unit L+T Hour

Unit-I :Number System:- 7+3=10 Hours

Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal. Positive and negative numbers; Fixed point and floating point
Arithmetic operations: Addition, subtraction etc.
Character Code: ASCII, EBCDIC and Unicode.
Redundant coding for error detection and correction: Concept of Hamming distance, parity
codes, Hamming codes, block codes, Cyclic redundancy codes.
Unit-II :Boolean Algebra:- 7+2=9 Hours
Boolean variables and functions-canonical and standard forms, truth table, minimisation of boolean
Unit-III: Karnaugh map:- 7+2=9 Hours
Simplification of Boolean function using Karnaugh map – octet, quad, pair mappings; with two,
three, and four variable functions; using don't care functions.
Unit-IV :Combinational logic circuits:- 7+2=9 Hours
AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, X-OR gates and tri-state buffer; implementation of Boolean
functions using logic gates; Multiplexers, decoders, encoders, simple arithmetic and logic circuits.
Unit-V: Sequential Circuits:- 7+2=9 Hours
filp-flops, triggering of flip-flops, registers, shift registers and counters (asynchronous and
Unit-VI :Semiconductor memory:- 7+2=9 Hours
RAM, ROM; magnetic core and surface memory- disk, drum, tape; Solid state disk, Flash memory;
Access time and cost considerations; concepts of volatility, random access, serial access, direct
access, online and backup storage.
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Unit-VII : CPU Block Diagram:- 6+3=9 Hours

Simple functional block diagram of a CPU with its relevant units. Generations of digital computers.

Reference Books:
1. Mano, M.M.: “Digital Logic and Computer Design”, Pearson, 2004.
2. Rajaraman, V., Radhakrishan: “ An Introduction to Digital Computer Design,” 4th edition,
3. Mano, M.M.: “Computer System Architecture,” 3rd edition, Pearson.
4. Hamacher, Vranesic, Zaky, “Computer Organization”, 5th Tata McGraw-Hill.
5. Albert Paul Malvino & Jerald Brown: “Digital Computer Electronics,” 3rd edition, McGraw-
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Subject : UNIX & Shell Programming

Subject Code : MCA-104B
Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week
Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
Course Outcomes:

1. Describe the architecture and features of UNIX Operating System and distinguish it from
other Operating System
2. Demonstrate UNIX commands for file handling and process control
3. Write Regular expressions for pattern matching and apply them to various filters for a
specific task
4. Analyze a given problem and apply requisite facets of SHELL programming in order to
devise a SHELL script to solve the problem

Unit L+T Hour

Unit-I: Introduction to UNIX :- 7+3=10 Hours

Introduction, History, Architecture, Experience the Unix environment, Basic commands ls, cat, cal,
date, calendar, who, printf, tty, stty, uname, passwd, echo, tput, bc, script, spell and ispell, UNIX
File System: The file, what’s in a filename? The parent-child relationship, pwd, the Home directory,
absolute pathnames, using absolute pathnames for a command, cd, mkdir, rmdir, Relative
pathnames, The UNIX file system.
Unit -II :Introduction to the Shell:- 7+2=9 Hours
Introduction to Shell Scripting, Shell Scripts, read, Command Line Arguments, Exit Status of a
Command, The Logical Operators && and ||, exit, if, and case conditions, expr, sleep and wait,
while, until, for, $, @, redirection. The here document, set, trap, Sample Validation and Data Entry
Unit –III: Basic File Attributes:- 6+3=9 Hours
Is – l, the –d option, File Permissions, chmod, Security and File Permission, users and groups,
security level, changing permission, user masks, changing ownership and group, File Attributes,
More file attributes: hard link, symbolic link, umask, find
Unit -IV :Simple Filters:- 7+2=9 Hours
Pr, head, tail, cut, paste, sort, uniq, tr commands, Filters using Regular Expression : grep & sedgrep,
Regular Expression, egrep, fgrep, sed instruction, Line Addressing, Inserting and Changing Text,
Context addressing, writing selected lines to a file, the –f option, Substitution, Prosperities of
Regular Expressions Context addressing, writing selected lines to a file, the –f option, Substitution,
Properties of Regular Expressions
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Unit –V : Awk-Advanced Filters:- 7+2=9 Hours

Simple awk Filtering, Splitting a Line into Fields, printf, the Logical and Relational Operators,
Number Processing, Variables, The –f option, BEGIN and END positional Parameters, get line,
Built-in variables, Arrays, Functions, Interface with the Shell, Control Flow, Advanced Shell
Programming, The sh command, export, cd, the Command, expr, Conditional Parameter
Substitution, Merging Streams, Shell Functions, eval, Exec Statement
Unit -VI :The Process:- 7+2=9 Hours
Process basics, PS, internal and external commands, running jobs in background, nice, at and batch,
cron, time commands, cpio, tar, Customizing the Environment : System Variables, profile, sty,
PWD, Aliases, Command History, On-line Command Editing
Unit -VII :System Administration :- 7+2=9 Hours
Essential System Administration root, administrator’s privileges, startup & shutdown, managing
disk space, Maintaining security, partition and file systems, fdisk, mkfs, mounting and unmounting
file systems, fsck, init, sync.

Text Book:
1. Unix Concepts and applications, 4th edition, Sumitabha Das, Tata McGraw Hill,
Reference Book:
1. “Unix Shell Programming”, Yashwant Kanetkar,
2. “Beginning Shell Scripting”, Eric Foster -Johnson, John C Welch, Micah Anderson, Wrox
3. “Introduction to UNIX” by M G Venkatesh Murthy.
4. Your UNIX-The Ultimate Guide, Sumitabha Das, Tata McGraw Hill,
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Subject : Fundamentals of Web Technologies

Subject Code : MCA-105B
Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week
Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
Course Outcomes:
1. Students are able to develop a dynamic webpage by the use of java script and DHTML.
2. Students will be able to write a well formed / valid XML document. ·
3. Students will be able to connect a java program to a DBMS and perform insert, update and
delete operations on DBMS table. ·
4. Students will be able to write a server side java application called Servlet to catch form data
sent from client, process it and store it on database. ·
5. Students will be able to write a server side java application called JSP to catch form data
sent from client and store it on database.
Unit L+T Hour
Unit - I :Fundamentals:- 6 +3=9 hours

Internet, WWW, Web browsers and Web servers, URLs, MIME, HTTP, Security, Cyber laws.
Web Foundations:Evolution of the Web, Peek into the History of the Web, Internet Applications,
Networks, TCP/IP, Higher Level Protocols, Important Components of the Web, Web search
Engines, Application Servers.

Unit -II :Introduction to XHTM:- 7+2=9 hours

Basic Syntax, Standard structure, Elements, Attributes, Images, Hypertext Links, Lists, Tables,
Forms, Frames, Iframes, Symbols

Unit - III :Cascading Style sheets:- 7+2=9 hours

Introduction, Levels of style sheets, Style specification formats, Selector forms, Property value
forms, Font properties, List properties, Color, Alignment of text, The box model, Background
images, The <span> and <div> tags, Conflict resolution.

Unit -IV :The Basics of JavaScript:- 7+2=9 hours

Overview of JavaScript, Object orientation and JavaScript, Syntactic characteristics, Primitives,

operations and expressions, Screen output and keyboard input, Control statements, Object creation
and modification, Arrays, Functions, Constructors, Pattern matching using regular expressions,
Errors in scripts, Examples.

Unit -V :JavaScript and HTML Documents:- 7+2=9 hours

The JavaScript execution environment, The Document Object Model (DOM), Elements access in
JavaScript, Events and Event handling, Handling events from body elements, handling Event from
Text Box and password elements, the DOM2 event model, the navigator object, DOM tree traversal
and modification.
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Unit -VI :Dynamic Documents with JavaScript:- 7+3=10 hours

Introduction, Positioning Elements, Moving Elements, Elements visibility, changing colors and
fonts, dynamic content, stacking Elements, locating the mouse cursor, reacting to a mouse click,
slow movement of elements, dragging and dropping Elements.

Unit -VII: Introduction to XM:- 7+2=9 hours

Introduction, Syntax, Document structure, Document type definitions, Namespaces, XML schemas,
displaying raw XML documents, displaying XML documents with CSS, XSLT style sheets, XML
processors, Web services.,

1. Robert. W. Sebesta, "Programming the World Wide Web”, Pearson Education (VTU 4 th
2. M. Srinivasan: Web Technology Theory and Practice, Pearson Education,

1. Jeffrey C. Jackson, "Web Technologies--A Computer Science Perspective", Pearson
Chris Bates: Web Programming Building Internet Applications, Wiley India.Internet Technology
and Web Design, Instructional Software Research and Development (ISRD) Group, Tata McGraw
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2.2 MCA Second Semester

Paper Code Title Hour & Credit Full Mark

L-T-P Total Internal External
H/W Credit
MCA-201B Probability and Statistics 3-1-0 4 25 75
MCA-202B Data Structures using C 3-1-0 4 25 75
MCA-203B Database Systems 3-1-0 4 25 75
MCA-204B Formal Language and Automata Theory 3-1-0 4 25 75
MCA-205B Object Oriented Programming in JAVA 3-1-0 4 25 75
MCA-206B Programming Lab II MCA[202,203,205]B 0-1-6 4 25 75
Semester Total 600

Subject: Probability and Statistics

Subject Code: MCA-201B
Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week
Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
Course Outcomes:
1. Solve problems by thinking logically, making conjectures, and constructing valid
mathematical arguments
2. Make valid inferences from numerical, graphical and symbolic information
3. Apply mathematical reasoning to both abstract and applied problems, and to both scientific
andnon-scientific problems.

Unit L+T Hour

UNIT-1.: Probability 6+2=8 Hours.
Sample space, Events, Probability of an Event, Rules of Probability, Counting Sample Points,
Additive Rules, Conditional Probability, Independent events and Product Rules, Bayes’ Rule.

UNIT-2: 6+2=8 Hours.

Random Variables, Probability Density and Probability Distributions
Discrete, Continuous and Mixed Random Variables, Function of a Random Variable, Probability
Mass, Probability Density and Distribution Functions, Mathematical Expectations, Moments,
Probability and Moment Generating Function, Median and Quartiles, Markov Inequality,
Chebyshev’s Inequality Problems.
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UNIT-3: Special Distributions 6+2=8 Hours.

Discrete Uniform, Binomial, Geometric, Negative Binomial, Hyper-Geometric, Poisson,
Continuous Uniform, Exponential, Gamma, Beta, Normal, Inverse Gaussian, Double Exponential
UNIT-4: Joint Distributions 6+2=8 Hours.
Joint, Marginal and Conditional Distributions, Product Moments, Independence of Random
Variables, Bivariate Normal Distribution Problems.

UNIT-5: Sampling Distributions 6+2=8 Hours.
Random Sampling and Sampling Distributions, The Central Limit Theorem, Distributions of the
Sample Mean and the Sample Variance for a Normal population, Chi-Square, t and F distributions,
UNIT-6: Sample Estimation Problems 6+2=8 Hours.
Statistical Inference, Classical Methods of Estimation, Single Sample: Estimating the Mean,
Standard Error of a Point Estimate, Prediction Intervals, Tolerance Limits, Single Sample:
Estimating the Variance.

UNIT-7: Regression and Correlation 6+2=8 Hours.

Linear and Non-linear Regression, Least Square Method of Curve Fitting, Coefficient of
Determination, Confidence Intervals in Linear Regression, Correlation Analysis, Principal
Component Analysis, Factor Analysis, Analysis of Variance.
UNIT-8: Testing of Hypothesis 6+2=8 Hours.
Statistical Hypotheses: General Concepts, Testing a Statistical Hypothesis, the Use of P-Values for
Decision Making in Testing Hypotheses.

1. JOHN E. FREUND’S; Mathematical Statistics with Applications, PEARSON.
2. AFFI. A.A.; Statistical Analysis: A Computer Oriented Approach, Academic Press Inc., 1779.
3. MORRIS, C.; ROLPH, J. Introduction to Data Analysis and Statistical Inference, Prentice Hall,
4. SCALZO, F.: Elementary Computer Assisted Statistics, Van Nostrand Reinherd Co. Ltd., 1978.
5. DRAPER, N.A.; SMITH, H: Applied Regression Analysis, John Wiley & sons, Inc.
6. ANDERSON, T.W.: An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis, John Wiley & sons,
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Subject : Data Structures using C

Subject Code : MCA-202B
Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week
Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
Course Outcomes:
1. Understand the concept of Dynamic memory management, data types, algorithms, Big O no-
2. Understand basic data structures such as arrays, linked lists, stacks and queues.
3. Describe the hash function and concepts of collision and its resolution methods
4. Solve problem involving graphs, trees and heaps
5. Apply Algorithm for solving problems like sorting, searching, insertion and deletion of data

Unit L+T Hour


UNIT - 1 :BASIC CONCEPTS:- 6+2=8 Hours

Pointers and Dynamic Memory Allocation, Algorithm Specification, Data Abstraction, Performance
Analysis, Performance Measurement.
UNIT - 2 :ARRAYS and STRUCTURES:- 6+2=8 Hours
Arrays, Dynamically Allocated Arrays, Structures and Unions, Polynomials, Sparse Matrices,
Representation of Multidimensional Arrays.
UNIT - 3 :STACKS AND QUEUES:- 7+1=8 Hours
Stacks, Stacks Using Dynamic Arrays, Queues, Circular Queues Using Dynamic Arrays, Evaluation
of Expressions, Multiple Stacks and Queues.
UNIT - 4 :LINKED LISTS:- 6+2=8 Hours
Singly Linked lists and Chains, Representing Chains in C, Linked Stacks and Queues, Polynomials,
Additional List operations, Sparse Matrices, Doubly Linked Lists.

UNIT - 5 : TREES – 1:- 6+2=8 Hours
Introduction, Binary Trees, Binary Tree Traversals, Threaded Binary Trees, Heaps, Binary Search
UNIT - 6 :HASHING:- 5+3=8 Hours
Introduction, Static hashing: Hashing Tables, hashing functions, Overflow handling, Dynamic
Hashing: motivation for Dynamic hashing, Dynamic hashing using directories, Directoryless
Dynamic hashing.
UNIT - 7 6+2=8 Hours
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MULTIWAY SEARCH TREES: M-way Search Trees, B-Trees, B+ Trees. Insertion deletion in
B-Tree, B+ Trees.
Optimal Binary Search Trees, AVL Trees, Red-Black Trees, Splay Trees.

Text Book:
1. Horowitz, Sahni, Anderson-Freed: Fundamentals of Data Structures in C, 2 Edition,
University Press, 2007 (Chapters 1, 2.1 to 2.6, 3, 4, 5.1 to 5.3, 5.5 to 5.7, 8.1 to 8.3, 10, 11)
Reference Books:
1. Yedidyah, Augenstein, Tannenbaum: Data Structures Using C and C++, 2 Edition, Pearson
Education, 2003.
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Subject : Database Systems

Subject Code : MCA-203B
Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week
Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
Course Outcomes:
1. Describe DBMS architecture, physical and logical database designs, database modeling, re-
lational, hierarchical and network models.
2. Identify basic database storage structures and access techniques such as file organizations,
indexing methods including B‐tree, and hashing.
3. Learn and apply Structured query language (SQL) for database definition and database ma-
4. Demonstrate an understanding of normalization theory and apply such knowledge to thenor-
malization of a database.
5. Understand various transaction processing, concurrency control mechanisms and database
protection mechanisms.

Unit L+T Hour

UNIT – 1 Introduction: - 5+3=8 Hours
Introduction; An example; Characteristics of Database approach; Actors on the screen; Workers
behind the scene; Advantages of using DBMS approach; A brief history of database applications;
when not to use a DBMS. Data models, schemas and instances; Three-schema architecture and data
independence; Database languages and interfaces; The database system environment; Centralized
and client-server architectures; Classification of Database Management systems.
UNIT – 2 Entity-Relationship Model:- 6 +2=8Hours
Using High-Level Conceptual Data Models for Database Design; An Example Database
Application; Entity Types, Entity Sets, Attributes and Keys; Relationship types, Relationship Sets,
Roles and Structural Constraints; Weak Entity Types; Refining the ER Design; ER Diagrams,
Naming Conventions and Design Issues; Relationship types of degree higher than two.

UNIT – 3 Relational Model and Relational Algebra :- 7+1=8 Hours

Relational Model Concepts; Relational Model Constraints and Relational Database Schemas;
Update Operations, Transactions and dealing with constraint violations; Unary Relational
Operations: SELECT and PROJECT; Relational Algebra Operations from Set Theory; Binary
Relational Operations : JOIN and DIVISION; Additional Relational Operations; Examples of
Queries in Relational Algebra; Relational Database Design Using ER- to-Relational Mapping.
UNIT – 4 SQL – 1:- 6+2=8 Hours
SQL Data Definition and Data Types; Specifying basic constraints in SQL; Schema change
statements in SQL; Basic queries in SQL; More complex SQL Queries.
UNIT – 5 SQL – 2: - 6+2=8 Hours
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Insert, Delete and Update statements in SQL; Specifying constraints as Assertion and Trigger;
Views (Virtual Tables) in SQL; Additional features of SQL; Database programming issues and
techniques; Embedded SQL, Dynamic SQL; Database stored procedures.

UNIT – 6 Database Design – 1:- 5+3=8 Hours

Informal Design Guidelines for Relation Schemas; Functional Dependencies; Normal Forms Based
on Primary Keys; General Definitions of Second and Third Normal Forms; Boyce-Codd Normal

UNIT – 7 Database Design -2: - 6+2=8 Hours

Properties of Relational Decompositions; Algorithms for Relational Database Schema Design;
Multivalued Dependencies and Fourth Normal Form; Join Dependencies and Fifth Normal Form;
Inclusion Dependencies; Other Dependencies and Normal Forms.
UNIT – 8 Transaction Management:- 7+1=8 Hours
The ACID Properties; Transactions and Schedules; Concurrent Execution of Transactions; Lock-
Based Concurrency Control; Performance of locking; Transaction support in SQL; Introduction to
crash recovery; 2PL, Serializability and Recoverability; Lock Management; Introduction to ARIES;
The log; Other recovery-related structures; The write-ahead log protocol; Checkpointing;
Recovering from a System Crash; Media Recovery; Other approaches and interaction with
concurrency control.

Text Books:
1. Elmasri and Navathe: Fundamentals of Database Systems, 5th Edition, Pearson Education,
(Chapters 1, 2, 3 except 3.8, 5, 6.1 to 6.5, 7.1, 8, 9.1, 9.2 except SQLJ, 9.4, 10)
2. Alexis Leon & Mathews Leon, Database Management Systems, Vikas Publishing House Pvt.
Ltd. (Chapter 5,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,15,16,17,18,19,21,26,27,28,29,30,32)
Reference Books:
1. Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke: Database Management Systems, 3rd Edition,
McGraw-Hill, 2003.

Subject : Formal Language and Automata Theory

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Subject Code : MCA-204B

Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week
Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
Course Outcomes:
1. Understand the basic concepts of formal languages, automata and grammar types, as well as
the use of formal languages and reduction in normal forms
2. Demonstrate the relation between regular expressions, automata, languages and grammar
with formal mathematical methods
3. Design push down automata, cellular automata and turing machines performing tasks of
moderate complexity
4. Analyze the syntax and formal properties, parsing of various grammars such as LL(k) and
5. Describe the rewriting systems and derivation languages

Unit L+T Hour


UNIT – 1:Introduction to Finite Automata:- 6+2=8 Hours

Introduction to Finite Automata; The central concepts of Automata theory; Deterministic finite
automata; Nondeterministic finite automata

UNIT – 2 :Finite Automata, Regular Expressions:- 6+2=8 Hours

An application of finite automata; Finite automata with Epsilon-transitions; Regular expressions;
Finite Automata and Regular Expressions; Applications of Regular Expressions

UNIT – 3 :Regular Languages, Properties of Regular Languages:- 6+2=8 Hours

Regular languages; Proving languages not to be regular languages; Closure properties of regular
languages; Decision properties of regular languages; Equivalence and minimization of automata

UNIT – 4 :Context-Free Grammars And Languages :- 6+2=8 Hours

Context –free grammars; Parse trees; Applications; Ambiguity in grammars and Languages.


UNIT – 5:Pushdown Automata:- 6+2=8 Hours

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Definition of the Pushdown automata; the languages of a PDA; Equivalence of PDA’s and CFG’s;
Deterministic Pushdown Automata

UNIT – 6 : Properties of Context-Free Languages:- 6+2=8 Hours

Normal forms for CFGs; The pumping lemma for CFGs; Closure properties of CFLs

UNIT – 7 :Introduction To Turing Machine:- 6+2=8 Hours

Problems that Computers cannot solve; The turning machine; Programming techniques for Turning
Machines; Extensions to the basic Turning Machines; Turing Machine and Computers.

UNIT – 8 : Undecidability:- 6+2=8 Hours

A Language that is not recursively enumerable; An Undecidable problem that is RE; Post’s
Correspondence problem; Other undecidable problems.

Text Books:

1. John E. Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani, Jeffrey D.Ullman: Introduction to Automata Theory,

Languages and Computation, 3th Edition, Pearson Education, 2007.(Chapters: 1.1, 1.5, 2.2 to
2.5, 3.1 to 3.3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.1 to 8.4, 8.6, 9.1, 9.2, 9.4.1, 9.5)

Reference Books:

1. K.L.P. Mishra: Theory of Computer Science, Automata, Languages, and Computation, 3th
Edition, PHI Learning, 2009.

2. Raymond Greenlaw, H.James Hoover: Fundamentals of the Theory of Computation, Principles

and Practice, Elsevier, 1998.

3. John C Martin: Introduction to Languages and Automata Theory, 3th Edition, Tata McGraw-
Hill, 2007.

4. Thomas A. Sudkamp: An Introduction to the Theory of Computer Science, Languages and

Machines, 3th Edition, Pearson Education, 2006.

5. C.K.Nagpal: Formal Languages and Automata Theory, Oxford Higher Education.

Subject : Object Oriented Programming in JAVA

Subject Code : MCA-205B
Page (21)

Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week

Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
Course Outcomes:
1. Describe the procedural and object oriented paradigm with concepts of streams, classes,
functions, data and objects.
2. Understand dynamic memory management techniques
3. using pointers, constructors, destructors, etc
4. Describe the concept of function overloading, operator overloading, virtual functions and
5. Classify inheritance with the understanding of early and late binding, usage of exception
handling, generic programming.
6. Demonstrate the use of various OOPs concepts with the help of program

Unit L+T Hour

Unit I : An Overview of Java: -- 7+2=9 Hours
Object-Oriented Programming, A First Simple Program, A Second Short Program, Two Control
Statements, Using Blocks of Code, Lexical Issues, The Java Class Libraries, Data Types, Variables,
and Arrays: Java Is a Strongly Typed Language, The Primitive Types, Integers, Floating-Point
Types, Characters, Booleans, A Closer Look at Literals, Variables, Type Conversion and Casting,
Automatic Type Promotion in Expressions, Arrays, A Few Words About Strings

Unit II : Operators: - 7+2=9 Hours

Arithmetic Operators, The Bitwise Operators, Relational Operators, Boolean Logical Operators,
The Assignment Operator, The ? Operator, Operator Precedence, Using Parentheses, Control
Statements: Java’s Selection Statements, Iteration Statements, Jump Statements.

Unit III : Object and Class 1: - 7+2=9 Hours

Class Fundamentals, Declaring Objects, Assigning Object Reference Variables, Introducing
Methods, Constructors, The this Keyword, Garbage Collection, The finalize( ) Method, A Stack
Class, A Closer Look at Methods and Classes: Overloading Methods, Using Objects as Parameters,
A Closer Look at Argument Passing, Returning Objects, Recursion
Unit IV : Class 2: - 7+2=9 Hours
Introducing Access Control, Understanding static, Introducing final, Arrays Revisited, Inheritance:
Inheritance, Using super, Creating a Multilevel Hierarchy, When Constructors Are Called, Method
Overriding, Dynamic Method Dispatch, Using Abstract Classes, Using final with Inheritance, The
Object Class.
Unit V : Interface and Packages: - 8+2=10 Hours
Defining Interfaces, Extending Interfaces, Implementing Interfaces, Accessing Interface Variables.
Java API Packages, Using System Packages, Naming Conventions, Creating Packages,
Page (22)

Accessing a Package, Using a Package, Adding a Class to a Package, Hiding Classes, Static

Unit VI : Exception Handling and I/O: - 7+2=9 Hours

Exceptions-Handling-Fundamentals, exception types, using try and catch, multiple catch clause,
nested try statements – throw, throws and finally, built-in exceptions, creating own exceptions.
Input / Output Basics – Streams – Byte streams and Character streams – Reading and Writing
Console – Reading and Writing Files

Unit VII : Multithreaded Programming: - 7+2=9 Hours

Creating Threads, Extending the Thread Class, Stopping and Blocking a Thread, Life Cycle of
a Thread, Using Thread Methods, Thread Exceptions, Thread Priority, Synchronization,
Implementing the ‘Runnable’ Interface, Inter-thread communication. vectors, lists, maps.

2.3 MCA Third Semester

Page (23)

Course Code Title L-T-P Total Full Marks

H/W Credit
Internal External
MCA-301B Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms 3-1-0 4 25 75
MCA-302B Problem Solving with Python 3-1-0 4 25 75
MCA-303B Data Communication & Computer Networks 3-1-0 4 25 75
MCA-304B Operating Systems 3-1-0 4 25 75
(CBCS paper) Elective I (To opt to other 3-1-0 4 25 75
MCA-306B Programming Lab III (A:301, B:302,303)B 0-1-6 4 25 75
Semester Total 600

CBCS papers that to be offered to the students of other

Departments in III Sem.
Course Code Title L-T-P Total Full Marks
H/W Credit
Internal External
CS-O3.1 IT Tools and Applications 3-1-0 4 25 75
CS-O3.2 Object Oriented Programming in C++ 3-1-0 4 25 75

Subject : Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms

Subject Code :MCA-301B
Page (24)

Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week

Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
Course Outcomes:
1. Apply design principles and concepts to algorithm design
2. Have the mathematical foundation in analysis of algorithms
3. Understand different algorithmic design strategies like DAC, dynamic programming, greedy,
4. Analyze the efficiency of algorithms using time and space complexity theory

Unit L+T Hour

UNIT – 1: 6+2=8 Hours
INTRODUCTION : Notion of Algorithm, Review of Asymptotic Notations, Mathematical
Analysis of Non-Recursive and Recursive Algorithms, Recurrence, Brute Force Approaches:
Introduction, Selection Sort and Bubble Sort, Sequential Search and Brute Force String Matching.
UNIT - 2: 6+2=8 Hours
DIVIDE AND CONQUER : Divide and Conquer: General Method, Defective Chess Board, Binary
Search, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Heap sort and its performance.
UNIT - 3: 6+2=8 Hours
THE GREEDY METHOD : The General Method, Amortized Complexity, Knapsack Problem, Job
Sequencing with Deadlines, Minimum-Cost Spanning Trees: Prim’s Algorithm, Kruskal’s
Algorithm; Single Source Shortest Paths.
UNIT – 4: 6+2= 8 Hours
DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING : The General Method, Warshall’s Algorithm, Floyd’s Algorithm for
the All-Pairs Shortest Paths Problem, Single-Source Shortest Paths: General Weights, 0/1 Knapsack,
The Traveling Salesperson problem.
UNIT – 5: 6+2=8 Hours
Conquer Approaches: Introduction, Insertion Sort, Depth First Search and Breadth First Search,
Topological Sorting, Space-Time Tradeoffs: Introduction, Sorting by Counting, Input Enhancement
in String Matching.
UNIT – 6 6+2=8 Hours
Arguments, Decision Trees, P, NP, and NP-Complete Problems, Challenges of Numerical

UNIT - 7 6+2=8 Hours

Page (25)

problem, Hamiltonian Circuit Problem, Subset – Sum Problem. Branch-and-Bound: Assignment

Problem, Knapsack Problem, Traveling Salesperson Problem. Approximation Algorithms for NP-
Hard Problems, Traveling Salesperson Problem, Knapsack Problem.
UNIT – 8 6+2=8 Hours
PRAM ALGORITHMS:Introduction, Computational Model, Parallel Algorithms for Prefix
Computation, List Ranking, and Graph Problems.

Text Books:
1. Anany Levitin: Introduction to The Design & Analysis of Algorithms, 2nd Edition, Pearson
Education, 2007. (Listed topics only from the Chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11).
2. Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, Sanguthevar Rajasekaran: Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms,
2nd Edition Universities Press, 2007. (Listed topics only from the Chapters 3, 4, 5, 13)
Reference Books:
1. Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronal L. Rivest, Clifford Stein: Introduction to
Algorithms, 3rd Edition, PHI, 2010.

Subject : Problem Solving with Python

Page (26)

Subject Code :MCA-302B

Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week

Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
1. Develop algorithmic solutions to simple computational problems.
2. Demonstrate programs using simple Python statements and expressions
3. Explain control flow and functions concept in Python for solving problems.
4. Use Python data structures –lists, tuples & dictionaries for representing compound data.
5. Explain files, exception, modules and packages in Python for solving problems.
Unit L+T Hour

UNIT – I 6+2=8 Hours

Introduction: History of Python, Need of Python Programming, Applications, Basics of Python

Programming Using the REPL(Shell), Running Python Scripts, Variables, Assignment, Keywords,
Input-Output, Indentation.

UNIT – II: 8+2=10 Hours

Types, Operators, and Expressions: Types – Numbers, Strings, Booleans; Operators- Arithmetic
Operators, Comparison (Relational) Operators, Assignment Operators, Logical Operators, Bitwise
Operators, Membership Operators, Identity Operators, Expressions and order of evaluations Control
Flow- if, if-elif-else, for, while, break, continue, pass.

UNIT – III: 7+3=10 Hours

Data Structures: Lists, Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries, Sequences. Operations on Data Structures.
Slicing, Methods. List Comprehensions.

UNIT – IV: 9+3=12 Hours

Functions: Defining Functions, Calling Functions, Passing Arguments, Keyword Arguments,

Default Arguments, Variable-length arguments, Scope of the Variables in a Function, Global and
Local Variables, Lambda Expression, Anonymous Functions.

Modules: Using Python Packages - Creating modules, import statement, namespacing, Python
packages, Introduction to PIP, Installing Packages via PIP.

UNIT – V: 9+3=12 Hours

Object-Oriented Programming in Python: Classes, self-variable, Methods, Constructor Method,

Inheritance, Overriding Methods, Data hiding.

Error, and Exceptions: Difference between an error and Exception, Handling Exception, try
except for block, Raising Exceptions, User Defined Exceptions
Page (27)

UNIT – VI: 9+3=12 Hours

Brief Tour of the Standard Library – Operating System Interface – String Pattern Matching,
Mathematics, Internet Access, Dates and Times, Multithreading, GUI Programming, Testing: Why
testing is required ?, Basic concepts of testing, Unit testing in Python, Writing Test cases, Running


1. The Fundamentals of Python: First Programs, by Kenneth A. Lambert, 2 Edition,Cengage

Learning India Pvt. Ltd., 2019.

2. W3schools.com/python
Page (28)

Subject : Data Communication & Computer Networks

Subject Code :MCA-303B

Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week

Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
Course Outcomes:
1. Understand computer network basics, network architecture, TCP/IP and OSI reference
2. Identify and understand various techniques and modes of transmission.
3. Describe data link protocols, multi-channel access protocols and IEEE 802 standards for
4. Describe routing and congestion in network layer with routing algorithms and classify IPV4
addressing scheme.
5. Discuss the elements and protocols of transport layer.
6. Understand network security and define various protocols such as FTP, HTTP, Telnet, DNS

Unit L+T Hour

UNIT I :Introduction to Computer Networks:- 5+2=7 Hours

Networking Devices, Classification of Computer Networks, Network Protocol Stack ( TCP/IP and
ISO-OSI), Network Standardization and Examples of Networks.

UNIT II: Physical Layer:- 6+2=8 Hours

Data Transmission Concepts, Analog and Digital Data Transmission, Transmission Impairments and
Channel Capacity, Guided and Wireless transmission, communication media, Digital modulation
techniques (FDMA,TDMA,CDMA) and mobile telephone systems (1G,2G,3G and 4G).

UNIT III :Data Link layer:- 6+2=8 Hours

Framing, Error control, Flow Control, Error Detection and Correction Codes, Data Link Protocols
and Sliding window protocols.

UNIT IV :Medium Access Sub Layer:- 6+2=8 Hours

Multiple access protocols and Examples : Ethernet, Wireless LAN, Broadband Wireless and
Bluetooth, Data Link Layer Switching.


UNIT V: Hours Network Layer:- 7+2=9 Hours

Network Layer Design issues, Routing algorithms, Congestion Control Algorithms, Quality of
Service, Internetworking and The Network Layer in the Internet.
Page (29)

UNIT VI: The Transport Layer:- 6+2=8 Hours

The Transport Service, Elements of Transport Protocols, Congestion Control, The Internet Transport
Protocol: UDP,The Internet Transport Protocols – TCP, Performance Issues.

UNIT VII:The application Layer:- 6+2=8 Hours

DNS, Email, WWW, Streaming audio and Video and Content Delivery

UNIT VIII: Network Security:- 6+2=8 Hours

Cryptography, Symmetric key, Public key Cryptography, Digital Signature.

Text Books
1. “Computer Networks” by Andrew S Tanenbaum, David J Wetheral, 5th Edition, Pearson

2. “Data and Computer Communications” by William Stallings , Above 7th edition , 2004
1. Behrouz A. Forouzan,: Data Communication and Networking, 4 Edition Tata McGraw-Hill,
Page (30)

Subject: Operating Systems

Subject Code :MCA-304B
Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week
Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
Course Outcomes:
1. Understand the basics of operating systems like kernel, shell, types and views of operating
2. Describe the various CPU scheduling algorithms and remove deadlocks.
3. Explain various memory management techniques and concept of thrashing
4. Use disk management and disk scheduling algorithms for better utilization of external
5. Recognize file system interface, protection and security mechanisms.
6. Explain the various features of distributed OS like Unix, Linux, windows etc.

Unit L+T Hour

UNIT-1: Introduction and Operating-System Structures:- 6+2=8 Hours

Introduction: What Operating Systems Do, Computer-System Organization, Computer-
System Architecture, Operating-System Operations, Resource Management, Security and
Protection, Virtualization, Distributed Systems, Kernel Data Structures, Computing Environments,
Free and Open-Source Operating Systems, Operating-System Structures: Operating-System
Services, User and Operating-System Interface, System Calls, System Services, Linkers and
Loaders, Why Applications Are Operating-System Specific, Operating-System Design and
Implementation, Operating-System Structure, Building and Booting an Operating System,
Operating-System Debugging

UNIT-2: Process Management :- 6+2=8 Hours

Processes: Process Concept, Process Scheduling, Operations on Processes, Interprocess
Communication, IPC in Shared-Memory Systems, IPC in Message-Passing Systems, Examples of
IPC Systems, Communication in Client – Server Systems, Threads & Concurrency: Overview of
Threads, Multicore Programming, Multithreading Models, Thread Libraries, Implicit Threading,
Threading Issues, CPU Scheduling: Basic Concepts, Scheduling Criteria, Scheduling Algorithms,
Thread Scheduling, Multi-Processor Scheduling, Real-Time CPU Scheduling, Operating-System
Examples, Algorithm Evaluation

UNIT-3: Process Synchronization:- 6+2=8 Hours

Synchronization Tools: Background, The Critical-Section Problem, Peterson’s Solution,
Hardware Support for Synchronization, Mutex Locks, Semaphores, Monitors, Liveness, Evaluation
Synchronization Examples: Classic Problems of Synchronization, Synchronization within the
Kernel, POSIX Synchronization, Synchronization in Java, Alternative Approaches, Deadlocks:
System Model, Deadlock in Multithreaded Applications, Deadlock Characterization,
Methods for Handling Deadlocks, Deadlock Prevention, Deadlock Avoidance, Deadlock Detection,
Recovery from Deadlock
Page (31)

UNIT-4: Memory Management:- 6 +2=8 Hours

Main Memory: Background ,Contiguous Memory Allocation ,Paging ,Structure of the Page
Table ,Swapping ,Example: Intel 32- and 64-bit Architectures ,Example: ARMv8
Architecture ,Virtual Memory :Background ,Demand Paging ,Copy-on-Write ,Page
Replacement ,Allocation of Frames ,Thrashing ,Memory Compression ,Allocating Kernel
Memory ,Other Considerations ,Operating-System Examples

UNIT-5: Storage Management: 6+2=8 Hours

Mass-Storage Structure: Overview of Mass-Storage Structure ,HDD Scheduling ,NVM
Scheduling ,Error Detection and Correction ,Storage Device Management ,Swap-Space
Management ,Storage Attachment ,RAID Structure ,I/O Systems : Overview ,I/O
Hardware ,Application I/O Interface ,Kernel I/O Subsystem ,Transforming I/O Requests to
Hardware Operations ,STREAMS ,Performance

UNIT-6: File System:- 6+2=8 Hours

File-System Interface: File Concept, Access Methods ,Directory Structure ,Protection ,Memory-
Mapped Files,File-System Implementation: File-System Structure ,File-System
Operations ,Directory Implementation ,Allocation Methods ,Free-Space Management ,Efficiency
and Performance ,Recovery ,Example: The WAFL File System,File-System Internals: File
Systems ,File-System Mounting ,Partitions and Mounting ,File Sharing ,Virtual File
Systems ,Remote File Systems ,Consistency Semantics ,NFS

UNIT-7: Security And Protection:- 6+2=8 Hours

Security :The Security Problem ,Program Threats ,System and Network Threats ,Cryptography as a
Security Tool ,User Authentication ,Implementing Security Defenses ,An Example: Windows
10 ,Protection :Goals of Protection ,Principles of Protection ,Protection Rings ,Domain of
Protection ,Access Matrix ,Implementation of the Access Matrix ,Revocation of Access
Rights ,Role-Based Access Control ,Mandatory Access Control (MAC) ,Capability-Based
Systems ,Other Protection Improvement Methods ,Language-Based Protection

UNIT-8: Case Studies :- 6+2=8 Hours

The Linux System :Linux History ,Design Principles ,Kernel Modules ,Process
Management ,Scheduling ,Memory Management ,File Systems ,Input and Output ,Interprocess
Communication ,Network Structure ,Security,Windows 10 :History ,Design Principles ,System
Components ,Terminal Services and Fast User Switching ,File System, Networking, Programmer

Text Books:
1. Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, Greg Gagne: Operating System Concepts, 10th
Edition, Wiley India, 2018.(Listed topics only from Chapters 1 to 17, 20,21)
Reference Books:
1. William Stallings, Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, 9th Edition,
2. Andrew S.Tanenbaum, Herbert Bos, Modern Operating Systems, Fourth Edition,
Page (32)

Department of Computer Science, Manipur University

Syllabus for elective paper offered to students of other departments under CBCS
in 3rd Semester
Subject : IT Tools and Applications
Subject Code : CS-O3.1
Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week
Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
Course Outcomes:
1. Understand the Importance of IT and its acts in India.
2. Understanding the basic concept of computer fundamentals and number systems
3. Describe about the basic components of computer.
4. Understand the applications of MS Word, MS Excel and MS Power Point in documentation
and other areas.
5. Understanding the concept of DBMS and its importance in record maintenance.

Unit L+T Hour

Unit 1: Computer Appreciation 5+1=6 Hours.
Characteristics of Computers, Input, Output, Storage units, CPU, Computer System, Binary number
system, Binary to Decimal Conversion, Decimal to Binary Conversion, ASCII Code, Unicode.
Unit 2: Computer Organization 6+1=7 Hours
Central Processing Unit - Processor Speed, Cache, Memory, RAM, ROM, Booting, Memory-
Secondary Storage Devices: Floppy and Hard Disks, Optical Disks CD-ROM, DVD, Mass Storage
Devices: USB thumb drive. Managing disk Partitions, File System Input Devices - Keyboard,
Mouse, joystick, Scanner, web cam, Output Devices- Monitors, Printers – Dot matrix, inkjet, laser,
Multimedia- What is Multimedia, Text, Graphics, Animation, Audio, Images, Video; Multimedia
Application in Education, Entertainment, Marketing. Names of common multimedia file formats,
Computer Software- Relationship between Hardware and Software; System Software, Application
Software, Compiler, names of some high level languages, free domain software.
Unit 3: Operating System 5+3=8 Hours
Microsoft Windows- An overview of different versions of Windows, Basic Windows elements, File
management through Windows. Using essential accessories: System tools – Disk cleanup, Disk
defragmenter, Entertainment, Games, Calculator, Imaging – Fax, Notepad, Paint, WordPad.
Command Prompt- Directory navigation, path setting, creating and using batch files. Drives, files,
directories, directory structure. Application Management: Installing, uninstalling, Running
applications. Linux- An overview of Linux, Basic Linux elements: System Features, Software
Features, File Structure, File handling in Linux: H/W, S/W requirements, Preliminary steps before
installation, specifics on Hard drive repartitioning and booting a Linux system.
Unit 4: Information Technology and Society 5+1=6 Hours
Internet and its applications, Web browsers, Web servers, URLs, HTTP, Security, Cyber laws,
Page (33)

Indian IT Act, Intellectual Property Rights – issues. Application of information Technology in

Railways, Airlines, Banking, Insurance, Inventory Control, Financial systems, Hotel management,
Education, Video games, Telephone exchanges, Mobile phones, Information kiosks, special effects
in Movies.
Unit 5: Word Processing 7 +3=10 Hours.
Word processing concepts: saving, closing, Opening an existing document, Selecting text, Editing
text, Finding and replacing text, printing documents, Creating and Printing Merged Documents,
Character and Paragraph Formatting, Page Design and Layout. Editing and Profiling Tools:
Checking and correcting spellings. Handling Graphics, Creating Tables and Charts, Document
Templates and Wizards.
Unit 6: Spreadsheet Package 7+3=10 Hours.
Spreadsheet Concepts, Creating, Saving and Editing a Workbook, Inserting, Deleting Work Sheets,
entering data in a cell / formula Copying and Moving from selected cells, handling operators in
Formulae, Functions: Mathematical, Logical, statistical, text, financial, Date and Time functions,
Using Function Wizard. Formatting a Worksheet: Formatting Cells – changing data alignment,
changing date, number, character or currency format, changing font, adding borders and colors,
Printing worksheets, Charts and Graphs – Creating, Previewing, Modifying Charts. Integrating
word processor, spread sheets, web pages.
Unit 7: Presentation Package 6+2=8 Hours.
Creating, Opening and Saving Presentations, Creating the Look of Your Presentation, Working in
Different Views, Working with Slides, Adding and Formatting Text, Formatting Paragraphs,
Checking Spelling and Correcting Typing Mistakes, Making Notes Pages and Handouts, Drawing
and Working with Objects, Adding Clip Art and other pictures, Designing Slide Shows, Running
and Controlling a Slide Show, Printing Presentations.
Unit 8: Data Base Operations 7+2=9 Hours.
Data Manipulation-Concept: Database, Relational Database, Integrity. Operations: Creating,
dropping, manipulating table structure. Manipulation of Data: Query, Data Entry Form, Reports.
1. P.K. Sinha and P. Sinha, “ Foundations of Computing” , BPB Publication, 2008.
2. Sagman S, “MS Office for Windows XP”, Pearson Education, 2007.
3. ITL Educational Society, “Introduction to IT”, Pearson Education, 2009.
4. Miller M, “Absolute Beginners Guide to Computer Basics”, Pearson Education, 2009.

1. Turban, Mclean and Wetherbe, “Information Technology and Management” John Wiely & Sons.
2. Balagurusamy E, “Fundamentals of Computers”, 2009, Tata McGraw-Hill
3. Kulkarni, “IT Strategy for Business”, Oxford University Press Refer: Open Office/ MS Office
Environment for practice.
4. Satish Jain, “O Level IT Tools and Business System”, BPB Publications, 2010
5. Pankaj Kumar, “IT Tools and Business Systems”, Choice International, Edn-2017
Page (34)

Department of Computer Science, Manipur University

Syllabus for elective paper offered to students of other departments under CBCS
in 3rd Semester
Subject Code : CS-O3.2
Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week
Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
Course Outcomes:
1. Understand key features of the object-oriented programming language such as encapsulation
(abstraction), inheritance, and polymorphism.
2. Design and implement object-oriented applications.
3. Analyze problems and implement simple C++ applications using an object-oriented software
engineering approach.
Unit L+T Hour
UNIT 1 :Introduction:- 6+2=8 Hours
Overview of C++, Sample C++ programs, Different data types, operators, expressions, and
statements, arrays and strings, pointers & user- defined types.
Function Components, argument passing, inline functions, function overloading, recursive
UNIT 2: Classes & Objects – I:- 6+2=8 Hours
Class Specification, Class Objects, Scope resolution operator, Access members, Defining member
functions, Data hiding, Constructors, Destructors, Parameterized constructors, Static data members,
UNIT 3: Classes & Objects –II:- 6+2=8 Hours
Friend functions, Passing objects as arguments, Returning objects, Arrays of objects, Dynamic
objects, Pointers to objects, Copy constructors, Generic functions and classes, Applications.
Operator overloading using friend functions such as +, - , pre-increment, post-increment, [ ] etc.,
overloading <<, >>.
UNIT 4: Inheritance – I:- 6+2=8 Hours
Base Class, Inheritance and protected members, Protected base class inheritance, Inheriting multiple
base classes

UNIT 5: Inheritance – II:- 6+2=8 Hours
Constructors, Destructors and Inheritance, Passing parameters to base class constructors, Granting
access, Virtual base classes.
Page (35)

UNIT 6: Virtual functions, Polymorphism:- 6+2=8 Hours

Virtual function, Calling a Virtual function through a base class reference, Virtual attribute is
inherited, Virtual functions are hierarchical, Pure virtual functions, Abstract classes, Using virtual
functions, Early and late binding.

UNIT 7: I/O System Basics, File I/0:- 6+2=8 Hours

C++ stream classes, Formatted I/O, I/O manipulators, fstream and the File classes, File operations.
UNIT 8: Exception Handling, STL:- 6+2=8 Hours
Exception handling fundamentals, Exception handling options STL: An overview, containers,
vectors, lists, maps.

Text Books:
1. Herbert Schildt: The Complete Reference C++, 4 Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003.
Reference Books:

1. Balagurusamy, Object Oriented Programming with C++, 6th Edition McGraw 2013 by
2. K R Venugopal, Rajkumar Buyya, T Ravi Shankar: Mastering C++, Tata
McGraw Hill, 1999.
Page (36)

2.4 MCA 4th Semester

Course Code Title L-T-P Total Full Marks

H/W Credit Internal External
MCA-401B Computer Graphics 3-1-0 4 25 75
MCA-402B Object Oriented Analysis and Design 3-1-0 4 25 75
MCA-403B Software Engineering 3-1-0 4 25 75
MCA-404B Elective II 3-1-0 4 25 75
MCA-405B Elective III (To opt from other 3-1-0 4 25 75
(CBCS Paper) Departments/Institutes)
MCA-406B Programming Lab IV(A:401, B:304)B 0-1-6 4 25 75
Semester Total 600

MCA IV Semester Elective – II

Course Code Title L-T-P Total Full Marks
H/W Credit Internal External
MCA-404B(E2.1) Optimization Techniques 3-1-0 4 25 75
MCA-404B(E2.2) Natural Language Processing 3-1-0 4 25 75
MCA-404B(E2.3) Machine Learning 3-1-0 4 25 75
MCA-404B(E2.4) Mobile Application Development 3-1-0 4 25 75
MCA-404B(E2.5) Neural Networks 3-1-0 4 25 75
MCA-404B(E2.6) Numerical Techniques 3-1-0 4 25 75

CBCS papers that to be offered to the students of other

Departments in IV Sem.
Course Code Title L-T-P Total Full Marks
H/W Credit
Internal External

CS-O4.1 Web Technology 3-1-0 4 25 75

CS-O4.2 Symbolic Logic & Boolean Algebra 3-1-0 4 25 75
Page (37)

Subject : Computer Graphics

Subject Code :MCA-401B

Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week

Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
Course Outcomes:
1. Understand the basics of computer graphics, different graphics systems and applications of
computer graphics.
2. Discuss various algorithms for scan conversion and filling of basic objects and their
comparative analysis.
3. Use of geometric transformations on graphics objects and their application in composite
4. Extract scene with different clipping methods and its transformation to graphics display
5. Explore projections and visible surface detection techniques for display of 3D scene on 2D
6. Render projected objects to naturalize the scene in 2D view and use of illumination models
for this.
Unit L+T Hour


UNIT – 1 :Introduction:- 6 +2=8 Hours

Applications of computer graphics; A graphics system; Images: Physical and synthetic; Imaging
Systems; The synthetic camera model; The programmer’s interface; Graphics architectures;
Programmable Pipelines; Performance CharacteristicsGraphics Programming: The Sierpinski
gasket; Programming Two Dimensional Applications.

UNIT – 2 :The OpenGL:- 6 +2=8 Hours

The OpenGL API; Primitives and attributes; Color; Viewing; Control functions; The Gasket
program; Polygons and recursion; The three- dimensional gasket; Plotting Implicit Functions.

UNIT – 3: Input and Interaction:- 6 +2=8 Hours

Interaction; Input devices; Clients and Servers; Display Lists; Display Lists and Modeling;
Programming Event Driven Input; Menus; Picking; A simple CAD program; Building Interactive
Models; Animating Interactive Programs; Design of Interactive Programs; Logic Operations

UNIT – 4 :Geometric Objects and Transformations-I:- 6 +2=8 Hours

Scalars, Points, and Vectors; Three-dimensional Primitives; Coordinate Systems and Frames;
Modeling a Colored Cube; Affine Transformations; Rotation, Translation and Scaling;
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UNIT – 5 :Geometric Objects and Transformations-II:- 6 +2=8 Hours

Geometric Objects and Transformations; Transformation in Homogeneous Coordinates;

Concatenation of Transformations; OpenGL Transformation Matrices; Interfaces to three-
dimensional applications; Quaternion’s.

UNIT – 6: Viewing:- 6 +2=8 Hours

Classical and computer viewing; Viewing with a Computer; Positioning of the camera; Simple
projections; Projections in OpenGL; Hidden- surface removal; Interactive Mesh Displays; Parallel-
projection matrices; Perspective-projection matrices; Projections and Shadows.

UNIT – 7 :Lighting and Shading:- 6 +2=8 Hours

Light and Matter; Light Sources; The Phong Lighting model; Computation of vectors; Polygonal
Shading; Approximation of a sphere by recursive subdivisions; Light sources in OpenGL;
Specification of materials in OpenGL; Shading of the sphere model; Global Illumination.

UNIT – 8 :Implementation:- 6 +2=8 Hours

Basic Implementation Strategies; Four major tasks; Clipping; Line-segment clipping; Polygon
clipping; Clipping of other primitives; Clipping in three dimensions; Rasterization; Bresenham’s
algorithm; Polygon Rasterization; Hidden-surface removal; Antialiasing; Display considerations.

Text Books:

1. Edward Angel: Interactive Computer Graphics A Top-Down Approach with OpenGL, 5th
Edition, Pearson Education, 2008. (Chapters 1 to 7)

Reference Books:

1. Donald Hearn and Pauline Baker: Computer Graphics OpenGL Version 3th Edition, Pearson
Education, 2004.

2. F.S. Hill Jr.: Computer Graphics Using OpenGL, 3th Edition, PHI, 2909.

3. James D Foley, Andries Van Dam, Steven K Feiner, John F Hughes, Computer Graphics,
Pearson Education 1997.
Page (39)

Subject : Object Oriented Analysis and Design

Subject Code :MCA-402B

Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week

Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
Course Outcomes:
1. Understand the use of unified modeling language for object oriented analysis and design
2. Know the syntax of different UML diagrams.
3. Develop different models for a software system.
4. Apply object oriented analysis and design to build a software system
5. Apply forward and reverse engineering for a software system.

Unit L+T Hour


UNIT – 1 :Introduction, Modeling Concepts, class Modeling:- 6+2=8 Hours

What is Object Orientation? What is OO development? OO themes; Evidence for usefulness of OO

development; OO modeling historyModeling as Design Technique: Modeling; abstraction; The
three models. Class Modeling: Object and class concepts; Link and associations concepts;
Generalization and inheritance; A sample class model; Navigation of class models; Practical tips.

UNIT – 2: Advanced Class Modeling, State Modeling:- 6+2=8 Hours

Advanced object and class concepts; Association ends; N-ary associations; Aggregation; Abstract
classes; Multiple inheritance; Metadata; Reification; Constraints; Derived data; Packages; Practical
tips.State Modeling: Events, States, Transitions and Conditions; State diagrams; State diagram
behavior; Practical tips.

UNIT – 3 :Advanced State Modeling, Interaction Modeling:- 6+2=8 Hours

Advanced State Modeling: Nested state diagrams; Nested states; Signal generalization;
Concurrency; A sample state model; Relation of class and state models; Practical tips.Interaction
Modeling: Use case models; Sequence models; Activity models. Use case relationships; Procedural
sequence models; Special constructs for activity models.

UNIT – 4 :Process Overview, System Conception, Domain Analysis:- 6+2=8 Hours

Process Overview: Development stages; Development life cycle.System Conception: Devising a

system concept; Elaborating a concept; Preparing a problem statement.Domain Analysis: Overview
of analysis; Domain class model; Domain state model; Domain interaction model; Iterating the
Page (40)


UNIT – 5 :Application Analysis, System Design:- 6+2=8 Hours

Application Analysis: Application interaction model; Application class model; Application state
model; Adding operations.Overview of system design; Estimating performance; Making a reuse
plan; Breaking a system in to sub-systems; Identifying concurrency; Allocation of sub-systems;
Management of data storage; Handling global resources; Choosing a software control strategy;
Handling boundary conditions; Setting the trade-off priorities; Common architectural styles;
Architecture of the ATM system as the example.

UNIT – 6 : Class Design, Implementation Modeling, Legacy Systems:- 6+2=8 Hours

Class Design: Overview of class design; Bridging the gap; Realizing use cases; Designing
algorithms; Recursing downwards, Refactoring; Design optimization; Reification of behavior;
Adjustment of inheritance; Organizing a class design; ATM example. Implementation Modeling:
Overview of implementation; Fine-tuning classes; Fine-tuning generalizations; Realizing
associations; Testing.Legacy Systems: Reverse engineering; Building the class models; Building the
interaction model; Building the state model; Reverse engineering tips; Wrapping; Maintenance.

UNIT – 7 :Design Patterns – 1:- 6+2=8 Hours

What is a pattern and what makes a pattern? Pattern categories; Relationships between patterns;
Pattern description Communication Patterns: Forwarder-Receiver; Client-Dispatcher-Server;

UNIT – 8 : Design Patterns – 2, Idioms:- 6+2=8 Hours

Management Patterns: Command processor; View handler.Idioms: Introduction; what can idioms
provide? Idioms and style; Where to find idioms; Counted Pointer example

Text Books:

Michael Blaha, James Rumbaugh: Object-Oriented Modelling and Design with UML, 2nd
Edition, Pearson Education, 2005. (Chapters 1 to 17, 23)

Frank Buschmann, Regine Meunier, Hans Rohnert, Peter Sommerlad, Michael Stal: Pattern-
Oriented Software Architecture, A System of Patterns, Volume 1, John Wiley and Sons,
2007. (Chapters 1, 3.5, 3.6, 4)

Reference Books:

1. Grady Booch et al: Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications, 3rd Edition,
Pearson Education, 2007.
2. Brahma Dathan, Sarnath Ramnath: Object-Oriented Analysis, Design, and Implementation,
Universities Press, 2009.
3. Hans-Erik Eriksson, Magnus Penker, Brian Lyons, David Fado: UML 2 Toolkit, Wiley-
Dreamtech India, 2004.
4. Simon Bennett, Steve McRobb and Ray Farmer: Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and
Design Using UML, 2 Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2002.
Page (41)

Subject : Software Engineering

Subject Code :MCA-403B

Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week

Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
Course Outcomes:
1. Plan a software engineering process life cycle, including the specification, design,
implementation, and testing of software systems that meet specification, performance,
maintenance and quality requirements.
2. Able to elicit, analyze and specify software requirements through a productive working
relationship with various stakeholders of the project
3. Analyze and translate a specification into a design, and then realize that design practically, using
an appropriate software engineering methodology.
4. Know how to develop the code from the design and effectively apply relevant standards and
perform testing, and quality management and practice.
5. Able to use modern engineering tools necessary for software project management, time
management and software reuse.
Unit L+T Hour


UNIT – 1 :Overview:- 6+2=8 Hours

Introduction: FAQ's about software engineering, Professional and ethical responsibility. Socio-
Technical systems: Emergent system properties; Systems engineering;

Organizations, people and computer systems; Legacy systems.

UNIT – 2 :Critical Systems, Software Processes:- 6+2=8 Hours

Critical Systems: A simple safety- critical system; System dependability; Availability and reliability.
Software Processes: Models, Process iteration, Process activities; The Rational Unified Process;
Computer Aided Software Engineering.

UNIT – 3 : Requirements:- 6+2=8 Hours

Software Requirements: Functional and Non-functional requirements; User requirements; System

requirements; Interface specification; The software requirements document.

Requirements Engineering Processes: Feasibility studies; Requirements

UNIT – 4 : System models, Project Management::- 6+2=8 Hours

System Models, Context models; Behavioral models; Data models; Object models; Structured
Page (42)

methods.Project Management: Management activities; Project planning; Project scheduling; Risk



UNIT – 5 : Software Design:- 6+2=8 Hours

Architectural Design: Architectural design decisions; System organization; Modular decomposition

styles; Control styles.

Object-Oriented design: Objects and Object Classes; An Object-Oriented design process; Design

UNIT – 6 : Development:- 6+2=8 Hours

Rapid Software Development: Agile methods; Extreme programming; Rapid application

development.Software Evolution: Program evolution dynamics; Software maintenance; Evolution
processes; Legacy system evolution.

UNIT – 7 :Verification and Validation:- 6+2=8 Hours

Verification and Validation: Planning; Software inspections; Automated static analysis; Verification
and formal methods.

Software testing: System testing; Component testing; Test case design; Test automation.

UNIT – 8 : Management: 6+2=8 Hours -

Managing People: Selecting staff; Motivating people; Managing people; The People Capability
Maturity Model.Software Cost Estimation: Productivity; Estimation techniques; Algorithmic cost
modeling, Project duration and staffing.

Text Books:
1. Ian Sommerville: Software Engineering, 8th Edition, Pearson Education, 2007.(Chapters-:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 14, 17, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26)

Reference Books:

1. Roger.S.Pressman: Software Engineering-A Practitioners approach, 7th Edition, Tata

McGraw Hill, 2007. 2. Pankaj Jalote: An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering,
Wiley India, 2009.
Page (43)

Subject : Optimization Techniques

Subject Code :MCA-404B(E2.1)

Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week

Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
Course Outcomes:
1. Cast engineering minima/maxima problems into optimization framework
2. Learn efficient computational procedures to solve optimization problems.
3. Use Matlab to implement important optimization methods.
Unit L+T Hour

UNIT – 1 : Introduction, Linear Programming – 1:- 6+2=8 Hours

Introduction: The origin, nature and impact of OR; Defining the problem and gathering data;

Formulating a mathematical model; Deriving solutions from the model; Testing the model;
Preparing to apply the model; Implementation.Introduction to Linear Programming: Prototype
example; The linear programming (LP) model.

UNIT – 2: LP – 2, Simplex Method – 1: 6+2=8 Hours

Assumptions of LP; Additional examples. The essence of the simplex method; Setting up the
simplex method;

Algebra of the simplex method; the simplex method in tabular form; Tie breaking in the simplex

UNIT – 3: Simplex Method – 2:- 6+2=8 Hours

Adapting to other model forms; Post optimality analysis; Computer implementationFoundation of

the simplex method.

UNIT – 4: Simplex Method – 2, Duality Theory:- 6+2=8 Hours

The revised simplex method, a fundamental insight.The essence of duality theory; Economic
interpretation of duality, Primal dual relationship; Adapting to other primal forms
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UNIT – 5 : Duality Theory and Sensitivity Analysis, Other Algorithms for LP :-

6 +2=8 Hours

The role of duality in sensitive analysis; The essence of sensitivity analysis; Applying sensitivity
analysis. The dual simplex method; Parametric linear programming; The upper bound technique.

UNIT – 6 :Transportation and Assignment Problems:- 6+2=8 Hours

The transportation problem; A streamlined simplex method for the transportation problem;

The assignment problem; A special algorithm for the assignment problem.

UNIT – 7: Game Theory, Decision Analysis:- 6+2=8 Hours

Game Theory:The formulation of two persons, zero sum games; Solving simple games- a prototype

Games with mixed strategies; Graphical solution procedure; Solving by linear programming,

Decision Analysis: A prototype example; Decision making without experimentation; Decision

making with experimentation; Decision trees.

UNIT – 8 :Metaheuristics:- 6+2=8 Hours

The nature of Metaheuristics, Tabu Search, Simulated Annealing, Genetic Algorithms.

Text Books:

1. Frederick S. Hillier and Gerald J. Lieberman: Introduction to Operations Research: Concepts

and Cases, 8th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2005.(Chapters: 1, 2, 3.1 to 3.4, 4.1 to 4.8, 5, 6.1 to
6.7, 7.1 to 7.3, 8, 13, 14, 15.1 to 15.4)

Reference Books:

1. Wayne L. Winston: Operations Research Applications and Algorithms, 4th Cengage

Learning, 2003.

2. Hamdy A Taha: Operations Research: An Introduction, 8th Edition, Pearson Education,

Page (45)

Subject : Natural Language Processing

Subject Code :MCA-404B(E2.2)

Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week

Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
Course Outcomes:
1. Understand approaches to syntax and semantics in NLP.
2. Understand approaches to discourse, generation, dialogue and summarization within NLP.
3. Understand current methods for statistical approaches to machine translation.
4. Understand machine learning techniques used in NLP, including hidden Markov models and
probabilistic context-free grammars, clustering and unsupervised methods, log-linear and dis-
criminative models, and the EM algorithm as applied within NLP

Unit L+T Hour

Unit 1: Introduction- 6+2=8 Hours

Human languages, models, ambiguity, processing paradigms; Phases in natural language
processing, applications. Text representation in computers, encoding schemes. Linguistics
resources- Introduction to corpus, elements in balanced corpus, TreeBank,WordNet. Resource
management with XML, Management of linguistic data with NLTK.

Unit 2:- Regular expressions:- 6+2=8 Hours

, Finite State Automata, word recognition, lexicon. Morphology, acquisition models, Finite State
Unit 3:- N-grams:- 6+2=8 Hours
smoothing, entropy, Noisy channel model, Text classification- Naive Bayes, K nearest Neighbour,
decision tree, Support Vector Machine(SVM).
Unit 4:-Part of Speech tagging:- 6+2=8 Hours
Stochastic POS tagging, HMM, Transformation based tagging (TBL), Handling of unknown words,
named entities, multi word expressions.
Unit 5:- Semantics and analysis:- 6+2=8 Hours
Meaning representation, semantic analysis, lexical semantics, WordNet, Word Sense
Disambiguation- Selection restriction, machine learning approaches, dictionary based approaches.
Introduction, Context Free Grammar, Constituency, Unification, probabilistic parsing, TreeBank.
Unit 6: Discourse:- 6+2=8 Hours
Reference resolution, constraints on co-reference, algorithm for pronoun resolution, text coherence,
discourse structure.
Unit 7: Information Retrieval:- 6+2=8 Hours
Classical information retrieval models, term weighting- Boolean value, Term frequency(TF),
Inverse Document Frequency(IDF), Term Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency(TF-IDF),
Page (46)

Dimensionality reduction improving user queries.

Unit 8: Machine Translation:– 6+2=8 Hours
Introduction, Problems in Machine Translation, Machine Translation approaches.

1. Daniel Jurafsky and James H Martin. Speech and Language Processing, 2e, Pearson
Education, 2009
Reference Books:
1. James A.. Natural language Understanding 2e, Pearson Education, 1994
2. Manning, C.D. and H. SchAtze: Foundation of Statistical Natural Language Processing. The
MIT Press. 1999. ISBN 0-262-13360-1.
3. Bharati A., Sangal R., Chaitanya V.. Natural language processing: a Paninian
perspective,PHI, 2000
4. Siddiqui T., Tiwary U. S.. Natural language processing and Information retrieval, OUP, 2008
Page (47)

Subject : Machine Learning

Subject Code :MCA-404B(E2.3)

Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week

Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
Course Outcomes:
1. Gain knowledge about basic concepts of Machine Learning
2. Identify machine learning techniques suitable for a given problem
3. Solve the problems using various machine learning techniques
4. Apply Dimensionality reduction techniques
5. Design application using machine learning techniques.

Unit L+T Hour

UNIT 1: Overview and Introduction to Bayes Decision Theory:- 6 +3=9 Hours

Machine intelligence and applications, pattern recognition concepts classification, regression,

feature selection, supervised learning class conditional probability distributions, Examples of
classifiers bayes optimal classifier and error, learning classification approaches.
UNIT 2: Linear machines:- 7+2=9 Hours

General and linear discriminants, decision regions, single layer neural network, linear separability,
general gradient descent, perceptron learning algorithm, mean square criterion and widrow-Hoff
learning algorithm; multi-Layer perceptrons: two-layers universal approximators, backpropagation
learning, on-line, off-line error surface, important parameters.
UNIT 3:Learning decision trees:- 7+2=9 Hours

Inference model, general domains, symbolic decision trees, consistency, learning trees from training
examples entropy, mutual information, ID3 algorithm criterion, C4.5 algorithm continuous test
nodes, confidence, pruning, learning with incomplete data.
UNIT 4 :Instance-based Learning:- 7+2=9 Hours

Nearest neighbor classification, k-nearest neighbor, nearest neighbor error probability.

UNIT 5 : Machine learning concepts and limitations:- 7+3=10 Hours

Learning theory, formal model of the learnable, sample complexity, learning in zero-bayes and
realizable case, VC-dimension, fundamental algorithm independent concepts, hypothesis class,
target class, inductive bias, occam's razor, empirical risk, limitations of inference machines,
approximation and estimation errors, Tradeoff.
Page (48)

UNIT 6 :Machine learning assessment and Improvement:- 7+2=9 Hours

Statistical model selection, structural risk minimization, bootstrapping, bagging, boosting.

UNIT 7: Support Vector Machines:- 7+2=9 Hours

Margin of a classifier, dual perceptron algorithm, learning non- linear hypotheses with perceptron
kernel functions, implicit non-linear feature space, theory, zero-Bayes, realizable infinite hypothesis
class, finite covering, margin-based bounds on risk,
maximal margin classifier.

Text Book
E. Alpaydin, Introduction to Machine Learning, Prentice Hall of India, 2006.
T. M. Mitchell, Machine Learning, McGraw-Hill, 1997.
1. C. M. Bishop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer, 2006.
2. R. O. Duda, P. E. Hart, and D.G. Stork, Pattern Classification, John Wiley and Sons,
3. Vladimir N. Vapnik, Statistical Learning Theory, John Wiley and Sons, 1998.
4. Shawe-Taylor J. and Cristianini N., Cambridge, Introduction to Support Vector
5. Machines, University Press, 2000.
Page (49)

Subject : Mobile Application Development

Subject Code :MCA-404B(E2.4)

Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week

Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
Course Outcomes:
1. Install and configure Android application development tools.
2. Design and develop user Interfaces for the Android platform.
3. Save state information across important operating system events.
4. Apply Java programming concepts to Android application development.
Unit L+T Hour

UNIT 1 : Introduction 8+3=11 Hours

Mobile devices vs desktop devices; ARM and intel architectures, Power Management, Screen

Touch interfaces, Application deployment (App Store, Google Play, Windows Store);

Native vs. web applications.

UNIT 2: Frameworks and Tools 8+3=11 Hours

Development Environments (XCode, Eclipse, VS2012, Android Studio, PhoneGAP, etc.);

Development Tools

(HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery); Mobile-specific enhancements (Browser-detection, Touch

Mobile OS

Architectures (Android, iOS, Windows); Mobile OS (Darwin, Linux, Windows);

Runtime Environments (Objective-C, Dalvik, winRT), Mobile Agents and Peer-to-Peer


UNIT 3 : Performance Management 8+3=11 Hours

Memory Management, Power Management, Security, Synchronization and Replication of Mobile


Getting the Model right, Storing and Retrieving Data

UNIT 4 : Developing an Application 8 Hours 8 +3=11Hours

Building a simple “Hello World” App (Android, iOS, Windows); App-structure, built-in Controls,
Page (50)

file access, basic graphics; Building useful apps; Database, Network, File access; Packaging and

UNIT 5: System-level Apps 8+2=10 Hours

Native programming (Android), Low-level programming (iOS), Low-level APIs (Windows).

UNIT 6: Advanced Topics: 8+2=10 Hours

Power Management, Augmented Reality, Mobile Device Security ;

Wake locks and assertions, Low-level OS support, Writing power-smart applications, GPS,

Accelerometer, Camera, Mobile malware, Device protections, Rooting (Android), Jailbreaking


Defenestration (Windows)

Text Books:

1  Jeff McWherter, Scott Gowell: Professional Mobile Application Development, John Wiley &
Sons, Aug 2012

2  Reto Meier: Professional Android 4 Application Development, Wrox Publications, 2012

3  HTML5, CSS3 and Jquery with Adobe Dreamweaver CS 5.5 Learn by Video, David Powers,

Trade paperback, Peachpit Press, 2011


1. Valentino Lee, Heather Schnerider, Robbie Schell: Mobile Applications: Architecture,

Design and Development, Prentice Hall, 2004

2. Rajkamal: Mobile Computing, Oxford University Press, 2007.

3. Wallace B McClure, Nathan Blevins, John J. Croft IV, Jonathan Dick, Chris Hardy :
Professional Android Programming with Mono for Android and .NET/C#, Wiley-India.

4. Reto Meier : Professional Android 4 Application Development, Wiley-India

Page (51)

Subject : Neural Networks

Subject Code :MCA-404B(E2.5)

Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week

Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
Course Outcomes:
1. Know the main provisions neuro mathematics;
2. Know the main types of neural networks;
3. Know and apply the methods of training neural networks;
4. Know the application of artificial neural networks;
5. To be able to formalize the problem, to solve it by using a neural network.

Unit L+T Hour


UNIT – 1: Introduction:- 6+2=8 Hours

What is a Neural Network?, Human Brain, Models of Neuron, Neural Networks viewed as directed
graphs, Feedback, Network Architectures, Knowledge representation, Artificial Intelligence and
Neural Networks.

UNIT – 2 :Learning Processes – 1:- 6+2=8 Hours

Introduction, Error-correction learning, Memory-based learning, Hebbian learning,

Competitive learning, Boltzamann learning, Credit Assignment problem, Learning with a
Teacher, Learning without a Teacher, Learning tasks, Memory, Adaptation.

UNIT – 3 :Learning Processes – 2, Single Layer Perceptrons:- 6+2=8 Hours

Statistical nature of the learning process, Statistical learning theory, Approximately correct model of
learning. Single Layer Perceptrons: Introduction, Adaptive filtering problem, Unconstrained
optimization techniques, Linear least-squares filters, Least- mean square algorithm, Learning
curves, Learning rate annealing techniques, Perceptron, Perceptron convergence theorem,

Relation between the Perceptron and Bayes classifier for a Gaussian environment.

UNIT – 4 :Multilayer Perceptrons – 1:- 6+2=8 Hours

Introduction, Some preliminaries, Back- propagation Algorithm, Summary of back-propagation

algorithm, XOR problem, Heuristics for making the back-propagation algorithm perform better,
Output representation and decision rule, Computer experiment,
Page (52)

Feature detection, Back-propagation and differentiation.


UNIT – 5 :Multilayer Perceptrons – 2:- 6+2=8 Hours

Hessian matrix, Generalization, approximation of functions, Cross validation, Network pruning

techniques, virtues and limitations of back- propagation learning, Accelerated convergence of back
propagation learning,

Supervised learning viewed as an optimization problem, Convolution networks.

UNIT – 6 :Radial-Basic Function Networks – 1:- 6+2=8 Hours

Introduction, Cover’s theorem on the separability of patterns, Interpolation problem,

Supervised learning as an ill- posed Hypersurface reconstruction problem, Regularization theory,

Regularization networks, Generalized radial-basis function networks, XOR problem, Estimation of
the regularization parameter.

UNIT – 7 :Radial-Basic Function Networks – 2, Optimization – 1:- 6+2=8 Hours

Approximation properties of RBF networks, Comparison of RBF networks and multilayer

Perceptrons, Kernel regression and it’s relation to RBF networks, Learning strategies, Computer

Optimization using Hopfield networks: Traveling salesperson problem, Solving simultaneous linear
equations, Allocating documents to multiprocessors.

UNIT – 8: Optimization Methods – 2:- 6+2=8 Hours

Iterated gradient descent, Simulated Annealing, Random Search, Evolutionary computation-

Evolutionary algorithms, Initialization, Termination criterion, Reproduction, Operators,
Replacement, Schema theorem.

Text Books:

Simon Haykin: Neural Networks - A Comprehensive Foundation, 2nd Edition, Pearson

Education, 1999.(Chapters 1.1-1.8, 2.1-2.15, 3.1-3.10, 4.1-4.19, 5.1-5.14)

Kishan Mehrotra, Chilkuri K. Mohan, Sanjay Ranka: Artificial Neural Networks, Penram
International Publishing, 1997.(Chapters 7.1-7.5)

Reference Books:

1. B.Y egnanarayana: Artificial Neural Networks, PHI, 2001.

Page (53)

Subject : Numerical Techniques

Subject Code :MCA-404B(E2.6)

Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week

Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
Course Outcomes:
1. Apply numerical methods to find our solution of algebraic equations using different methods
under different conditions, and numerical solution of system of algebraic equations.
2. Apply various interpolation methods and finite difference concepts
3. Work out numerical differentiation and integration whenever and wherever routine methods
are not applicable
4. Work numerically on the ordinary differential equations using different methods through the
theory of finite differences.
5. Work numerically on the partial differential equations using different methods through the
theory of finite differences

Unit L+T Hour

UNIT I :Computer arithmetic:- 6+2=8 Hours
Floating point numbers -Operations, Normalizations and their consequences. Iterative Methods:
Zeros of a single transcendental equations and zeros of polynomials using bisections, false position,
Newton-Raphson; convergence of solution.
UNIT II :Simultaneous Linear Equations:- 6+2=8 Hours
Solutions of simultaneous linear equations, Gauss elimination method and pivoting; III-conditioned
equations and refinement of solutions; Gauss-Seidal iterative method.

UNIT III 6+2=8 Hours

Numerical Differentiation and Integration.

UNIT IV : Solution of Differential Equation:- 6+2=8 Hours

Runge-Kutta method; predictor-corrector method; Automatic error monitoring; Stability of


UNIT V :Interpolation and Approximation:- 6+2=8 Hours

Polynomial interpolation-Newton, Lagrange’s etc.; Difference tables; Approximation of functions
by Taylor series and Chebyshev’s polynomials.
Page (54)

UNIT VI : Frequency Charts:- 6+2=8 Hours

different frequency charts. Regression Analysis: Least square fit; polynomial and curve fittings;
Linear regression and Nonlinear regression algorithms; Multiple regression algorithms.

UNIT VII :Time Series and Forecasting:- 6+2=8 Hours

Moving averages; Smoothening of curves; Forecasting models and methods. Statistical Quality
Control Methods.

UNIT VIII 6+2=8 Hours

Factor analysis, ANOVA, Tests of significance; X -test and F-test, applications to medicine,
psychology, agriculture.

2. Numerical Methods, E. Balagurusamy, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Computer Oriented Numerical Methods, V. Rajaraman, PHI
4. Numerical analysis, Conte and Deboor, Tata McGraw Hill
Page (55)


Subject Code : CS-O4.1

Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week

Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
Course Outcomes
1. Explain the history of the internet and related internet concepts that are vital in understanding
web development.
2. Discuss the insights of internet programming and implement complete application over the web.
3. Demonstrate the important HTML tags for designing static pages and separate design from
content using Cascading Style sheet.
4. Utilize the concepts of JavaScript and Java
5. Use web application development software tools i.e., Ajax, PHP and XML etc. and identify the
environments currently available on the market to design web sites.

Unit L+T Hour

Unit - I :Fundamentals:- 7+2=9 hours

Internet, WWW, Web browsers and Web servers, URLs, MIME, HTTP, Security, Cyber laws.
Web Foundations:Evolution of the Web, Peek into the History of the Web, Internet Applications,
Networks, TCP/IP, Higher Level Protocols, Important Components of the Web, Web search
Engines, Application Servers.
Unit -II :Introduction to XHTM:- 7+2=9 hours

Basic Syntax, Standard structure, Elements, Attributes, Images, Hypertext Links, Lists, Tables,
Forms, Frames, Iframes, Symbols
Unit - III :Cascading Style sheets:- 7+2=9 hours

Introduction, Levels of style sheets, Style specification formats, Selector forms, Property value
forms, Font properties, List properties, Color, Alignment of text, The box model, Background
images, The <span> and <div> tags, Conflict resolution.
Unit -IV :The Basics of JavaScript:- 7+2=9 hours

Overview of JavaScript, Object orientation and JavaScript, Syntactic characteristics, Primitives,

operations and expressions, Screen output and keyboard input, Control statements, Object creation
and modification, Arrays, Functions, Constructors, Pattern matching using regular expressions,
Errors in scripts, Examples.
Unit -V :JavaScript and HTML Documents:- 7+3=10 hours

The JavaScript execution environment, The Document Object Model (DOM), Elements access in
JavaScript, Events and Event handling, Handling events from body elements, handling Event from
Text Box and password elements, the DOM2 event model, the navigator object, DOM tree traversal
and modification.
Unit -VI :Dynamic Documents with JavaScript:- 7+2=9 hours
Page (56)

Introduction, Positioning Elements, Moving Elements, Elements visibility, changing colors and
fonts, dynamic content, stacking Elements, locating the mouse cursor, reacting to a mouse click,
slow movement of elements, dragging and dropping Elements.
Unit -VII: Introduction to XM:- 6+3=9 hours

Introduction, Syntax, Document structure, Document type definitions, Namespaces, XML schemas,
displaying raw XML documents, displaying XML documents with CSS, XSLT style sheets, XML
processors, Web services.,

1. Robert. W. Sebesta, "Programming the World Wide Web”, Pearson Education (VTU 4 th
2. M. Srinivasan: Web Technology Theory and Practice, Pearson Education,

5. Jeffrey C. Jackson, "Web Technologies--A Computer Science Perspective", Pearson
6. Chris Bates: Web Programming Building Internet Applications, Wiley India.Internet
Technology and Web Design, Instructional Software Research and Development (ISRD)
Group, Tata McGraw Hill.
Page (57)

Subject : Symbolic Logic & Boolean Algebra

Subject Code : CS-O4.2

Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week

Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
Course Outcomes:
1. Understand the concept of Symbolic logic.
2. Application of symbolic logic in AI
3. Understand the Application of Boolean algebra along with symbolic logic in AI

Unit L+T Hour

PART A : Symbolic Logic

Unit I : Propositional logic:- 7+3=10 hours

Atomic formulas or atoms, compound propositions using logical connectivity, well formed
formulas, truth tables,

Unit II: Interpretations :- 7+2=9 hours

Interpretations validity & inconsistency, conjunctive normal forms and disjunctive normal forms,
logical consequences, Applications of propositional logic.

Unit III: First-Order Logic:- 7+3=10 hours

Quantifiers, terms, atoms, bounded and free variables, well formed formulas, interpretations,
satisfiability, unsatisfiability, validity, logical consequence in first-order logic. Prenex normal form,

Unit IV : Applications :- 7+2=9 hours

Applications of First -order –logic, Direct proof and indirect proof.
Resolution principle and its applications.

Part B: Boolean Algebra

Unit V: Overview:- 7+2=9 hours

Algebraic structures, lattices and its properties, axiomatic definition of Boolean Algebra as
algebraic structure;

Unit VI : Duality:- 7+2=9 hours

Basic laws, Boolean Algebra of truth values, minterm, maxterm,
Page (58)

Unit VII : Applications:- 6+2=8 hours

Applications of Boolean Algebra in switching circuits and decision tables.

Text Books:
1. Chin-lian Chang & Richart Char-Tung Lee, “Symbolic logic & Mechanical theorem
proving”, Academic Press
2. Alan Doerr, Kernneth Levasseur,” Applied Discrete structure for computer Science”,
Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd.
1. D. Patterson, “Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems”, Pearson.
2. Kenneth H. Rosen, “Discrete Mathematics & Its Applications”, Tata McGraw-Hill.
Page (59)

2.5 MCA 5th Semester

Course Code Title L-T-P Total Full Marks

H/W Credit Internal External
MCA-501B Combinatorics and Graph Theory 3-1-0 4 25 75
MCA-502B Advanced Java Programming 3-1-0 4 25 75
MCA-503B Artificial Intelligence 3-1-0 4 25 75
MCA-504B Elective IV 3-1-0 4 25 75
MCA-505B Elective V 3-1-0 4 25 75
MCA-506B System Project I 0-1-6 4 25 75
Semester Total 600

MCA V Semester Elective - IV

Course Code Title L-T-P Total Full Marks
H/W Credit Internal External
MCA-504B(E4.1) Deep Learning 3-1-0 4 25 75
MCA-504B(E4.2) Digital Image Processing 3-1-0 4 25 75
MCA-504B(E4.3) Mobile Ad-hoc Networks 3-1-0 4 25 75
MCA-504B(E4.4) Cloud Computing 3-1-0 4 25 75
MCA-504B(E4.5) Computer and Network Security 3-1-0 4 25 75

MCA V Semester Elective - V

Course Code Title L-T-P Total Full Marks
H/W Credit Internal External
MCA-505B(E5.1) Multimedia Computing 3-1-0 4 25 75
MCA-505B(E5.2) Advanced Web Technology 3-1-0 4 25 75
MCA-505B(E5.3) Big Data 3-1-0 4 25 75
MCA-505B(E5.4) Software Testing and Quality 3-1-0 4 25 75
MCA-505B(E5.5) Text Mining and Analytics 3-1-0 4 25 75

Subject : Combinatorics and Graph Theory

Page (60)

Subject Code :MCA-501B

Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week

Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
Course Outcomes:
1. Describe important types of combinatorial optimization problems
2. Formulate combinatorial optimization problems as mathematical models and determine the
difficulty of the problems with the help of complexity theory
3. Explain the design of and the principles behind efficient solution methods and use the methods for
solving combinatorial optimization problems
4. Use available software for solving optimization problems take part of development of software for
optimization problems

Unit L+T Hour


UNIT - 1 :Introduction to Graph Theory:- 6+2=8 Hours

Definitions and Examples, Subgraphs, Complements, and Graph Isomorphism, Vertex Degree,
Euler Trails and Circuits.

UNIT – 2 :Introduction to Graph Theory contd.:- 6+2=8 Hours

Planar Graphs, Hamilton Paths and Cycles, Graph Colouring, and Chromatic Polynomials.

UNIT - 3 :Trees:- 6+2=8 Hours

Definitions, Properties, and Examples, Routed Trees, Trees and Sorting, Weighted Trees and Prefix

UNIT - 4 :Optimization and Matching:- 6+2=8 Hours

Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm, Minimal Spanning Trees – The algorithms of Kruskal and Prim,
Transport Networks – Max-flow, Min-cut Theorem, Matching Theory.


UNIT – 5:Fundamental Principles of Counting:- 6+2=8 Hours

The Rules of Sum and Product, Permutations, Combinations – The Binomial Theorem,
Combinations with Repetition, The Catalan Numbers.

UNIT - 6 :The Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion:- 6+2=8 Hours

Page (61)

The Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion, Generalizations of the Principle, Derangements – Nothing
is in its Right Place, Rook Polynomials.

UNIT - 7 :Generating Functions:- 6+2=8 Hours

Introductory Examples, Definition and Examples – Calculation Techniques, Partitions of Integers,

the Exponential Generating Function, the Summation Operator.

UNIT - 8 :Recurrence Relations:- 6+2=8 Hours

First Order Linear Recurrence Relation, The Second Order Linear Homogeneous
Recurrence Relation with Constant Coefficients, The Non-homogeneous Recurrence
Relation, The Method of Generating Functions.

Text Book:

1. Ralph P. Grimaldi: Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics, 5th Edition, Pearson

Education, 2004.
(Chapter 11, Chapter 12.1 to 12.4, Chapter 13, Chapter 1, Chapter 8.1 to 8.4, Chapter 9
Chapter 10.1 to 10.4).
Reference Books:

7. D.S. Chandrasekharaiah: Graph Theory and Combinatorics, Prism, 2005.

8. Chartrand Zhang: Introduction to Graph Theory, TMH, 2006.

9. Richard A. Brualdi: Introductory Combinatorics, 4th Edition, Pearson Education, 2004.

10. Geir Agnarsson & Raymond Geenlaw: Graph Theory, Pearson Education, 2007.

Subject : Advanced JAVA Programming

Page (62)

Subject Code :MCA-502B

Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week

Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
Course Outcomes:
1. Students will design and implement programs in the Java programming language that make strong
use of classes and objects.
2. Students will learn to print formatted text to the console output and read/parse console input text
using a Scanner object.
3. Students will apply logical constructs for branching and loops as well as use iterator objects when
4. Students will learn to define classes and methods.

Unit L+T Hour


UNIT – 1 :Introduction to Java:- 6+2=8 Hours

Java and Java applications; Java Development Kit (JDK); Java is interpreted, Byte Code, JVM;
Object-oriented programming; Simple Java programs.Data types and other tokens: Boolean
variables, int, long, char, operators, arrays, white spaces, literals, assigning values; Creating and
destroying objects; Access specifiers.Operators and Expressions: Arithmetic Operators, Bitwise
operators, Relational operators, The Assignment Operator, The ? Operator;

Operator Precedence; Logical expression; Type casting; Strings Control Statements: Selection
statements, iteration statements, Jump Statements.

UNIT – 2: Classes, Inheritance, Exceptions, Applets : - 6+2=8 Hours

Classes: Classes in Java; Declaring a class; Class name; Super classes; Constructors; Creating
instances of class; Inner classes. Inheritance: Simple, multiple, and multilevel inheritance;
Overriding, overloading.Exception handling: Exception handling in Java.

UNIT – 3: Multi Threaded Programming, Event Handling: - 6+2=8 Hours

Multi Threaded Programming: What are threads? How to make the classes threadable; Extending
threads; Implementing runnable;

Synchronization; Changing state of the thread; Bounded buffer problems, read-write problem,
producer- consumer problems.

Event Handling: Two event handling mechanisms; The delegation event model; Event classes;
Sources of events; Event listener interfaces; Using the delegation event model; Adapter classes;
Inner classes.

UNIT – 4 :Swings:- 6+2=8 Hours

Page (63)

Swings: The origins of Swing; Two key Swing features; Components and Containers; The Swing
Packages; A simple Swing Application; Create a Swing Applet; Jlabel and ImageIcon;

JTextField;The Swing Buttons; JTabbedpane; JScrollPane; JList; JComboBox; JTable.


UNIT – 5 :Java 2 Enterprise Edition Overview, Database Access:- 6+2=8 Hours

Overview of J2EE and J2SE, The Concept of JDBC; JDBC Driver Types; JDBC Packages; A Brief
Overview of the JDBC process;

Database Connection; Associating the JDBC/ODBC Bridge with the Database; Statement Objects;
ResultSet; Transaction Processing; Metadata, Data types; Exceptions.

UNIT – 6 :Servlets:- 6+2=8 Hours

Background; The Life Cycle of a Servlet; Using Tomcat for Servlet Development; A simple Servlet;
The Servlet API; The Javax.servlet Package; Reading Servlet Parameter;

The Javax.servlet.http package; Handling HTTP Requests and Responses; Using Cookies; Session

UNIT – 7 :JSP, RMI:- 6+2=8 Hours

Java Server Pages (JSP): JSP, JSP Tags, Tomcat, Request String, User Sessions, Cookies, Session
Objects.Java Remote Method Invocation: Remote Method Invocation concept; Server side, Client

UNIT – 8 :Enterprise Java Beans: - 6+2=8 Hours

Enterprise java Beans; Deployment Descriptors; Session Java Bean, Entity Java Bean; Message-
Driven Bean; The JAR File.

Text Books:

Herbert Schildt: Java The Complete Reference, 7 Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007. (Chapters 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 21, 22, 29, 30, 31)

Jim Keogh: J2EE - The Complete Reference, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007.(Chapters 5, 6, 11, 12, 15)

Reference Books:

1. Y . Daniel Liang: Introduction to JA V A Programming, 7th Edition, Pearson

Education, 2007.

2. Stephanie Bodoff et al: The J2EE Tutorial, 2th Edition, Pearson Education, 2004.

Subject : Artificial Intelligence

Subject Code :MCA-503B
Page (64)

Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week

Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
Course Outcomes:
1. Demonstrate fundamental understanding of the history of artificial intelligence (AI) and its
2. Apply basic principles of AI in solutions that require problem solving, inference, perception,
knowledge representation, and learning.
3. Demonstrate awareness and a fundamental understanding of various applications of AI techniques
in intelligent agents, expert systems, artificial neural networks and other machine learning models.
4. Demonstrate proficiency developing applications in an 'AI language', expert system shell, or data
mining tool.
5. Demonstrate proficiency in applying scientific method to models of machine learning.
6. Demonstrate an ability to share in discussions of AI, its current scope and limitations, and societal

Unit L+T Hour


Unit-I: Introduction:- 6+2=8 Hours

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, various definitions of AI, AI Applications and Techniques,
Turing Test and Reasoning - forward & backward chaining.

Unit-II: Intelligent Agents:- 6+2=8 Hours

Introduction to Intelligent Agents, Rational Agent, their structure, reflex, model-based, goal-based,
and utility-based agents, behavior and environment in which a particular agent operates.

Unit-III: Problem Solving by Search:- 6+2=8 Hours

Defining the problem as a State Space Search Strategies: Breadth – first Search, Depth- first search,
Depth limited search, Iterative Depending depth first search.

Heuristic Search Techniques: Hill Climbing, Simulated Annealing, Best First Search: OR Graphs,
Heuristic Functions, A* Algorithm, AND –OR graphs, AO* Algorithm.

Unit-IV: Knowledge Acquisition and Representation:- 6+2=8 Hours

Introduction to Knowledge Acquisition and Representation, Hypothesis, Knowledge Levels,
Knowledge Classification, Knowledge Representation Schemas; Logic based, Procedural, Network
and Structural Representations, Unification, Semantic Nets, Conceptual Dependencies, Semantic
Networks, Frames System, Production Rules, Conceptual Graphs, Ontologies.

Page (65)

Unit-V: Planning:- 6+2=8 Hours

Basic representation for planning, Planning and Acting in the Real world, Uncertain Knowledge and
Reasoning: Uncertainty- Probabilistic Reasoning- Making Simple Decisions.

Unit-VI: Reasoning with Uncertain Knowledge:- 6+2=8 Hours

Different types of uncertainty - degree of belief and degree of truth, various probability constructs -
prior probability, conditional probability, probability axioms, probability distributions, and joint
probability distributions, Bayes' rule, other approaches to modeling uncertainty such as Dempster-
Shafer theory and fuzzy sets/logic.

Unit - VII: Learning:- 6+2=8 Hours

Forms of Learning; Inductive learning; Learning decision trees; Ensemble learning; Computational
learning theory. Learning from Observations-Knowledge in Learning-Statistical Learning Methods-
Reinforcement Learning.

Unit - VIII: AI Present and Future:- 6+2=8 Hours

Agent components; Agent architectures; Are we going in the right direction? What if AI does

Text Books:
1. S. Russell and P. Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 3rd edition, Pearson
Education, 2015.
2. Elaine Rich and Kelvin Knight, Artificial Intelligence, 3rd edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2017.
3. DAN.W. Patterson, Introduction to A.I. and Expert Systems – PHI, 2007.
4. Michael Wooldridge, An Introduction to MultiAgent Systems, 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons,
5. Fabio Luigi Bellifemine, Giovanni Caire, Dominic Greenwood, Developing Multi-Agent
Systems with JADE, Wiley Series in Agent Technology, John Wiley & Sons, 2007.
6. W.F. Clocksin and C.S. Mellish, Programming in PROLOG, 5th edition, Springer, 2003.
7. Saroj Kaushik, Logic and Prolog Programming, New Age International Publisher, 2012.
8. Ivan Bratko, Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence, Addison-Wesley, Pearson
Education, 4th edition, 2011.

Subject : Digital Image Processing

Page (66)

Subject Code :MCA-504BE4.2

Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week

Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
Course Outcomes:
1. Review the fundamental concepts of a digital image processing system.
2. Analyze images in the frequency domain using various transforms.
3. Evaluate the techniques for image enhancement and image restoration.
4. Categorize various compression techniques.
5. Interpret Image compression standards.
6. Interpret image segmentation and representation techniques.

Unit L+T Hour


UNIT – 1 :Digitized Image and its properties:- 6+2=8 Hours

Basic concepts, Image digitization, Digital image properties

UNIT – 2 :Image Preprocessing:- 6+2=8 Hours

Image pre-processing: Brightness and geometric transformations, local preprocessing.

UNIT – 3: Segmentation – 1:- 6+2=8 Hours

Thresholding, Edge-based segmentation.

UNIT – 4 : Segmentation – 2:- 6+2=8 Hours

Region based segmentation, Matching.


UNIT – 5: Image Enhancement:- 6+2=8 Hours

Image enhancement in the spatial domain: Background, Some basic gray level transformations,
Histogram processing, Enhancement using arithmetic/ logic operations, Basics of spatial filtering,
Smoothing spatial filters, Sharpening spatial filters. Image enhancement in the frequency domain:
Background, Introduction to the Fourier transform and the frequency domain, Smoothing
Frequency-Domain filters, Sharpening Frequency Domain filters, Homomorphic filtering.

UNIT – 6 : Image Compression:- 6+2=8 Hours

Page (67)

Image compression: Fundamentals, Image compression models, Elements of information theory,

Error-Free Compression, Lossy compression.

UNIT – 7: Shape representation:- 6+2=8 Hours

Region identification, Contour-based shape representation and description, Region based shape
representation and description, Shape classes.

UNIT – 8 :Morphology:- 6+2=8 Hours

Basic morphological concepts, Morphology principles, Binary dilation and erosion, Gray-scale
dilation and erosion, Morphological segmentation and watersheds

Text Books:

Milan Sonka, Vaclav Hlavac and Roger Boyle: Image Processing, Analysis and Machine
Vision, 2nd Edition, Thomoson Learning, 2001.(Chapters 2, 4.1 to 4.3, 5.1 to 5.4, 6,
11.1 to 11.4, 11.7)

Rafel C Gonzalez and Richard E Woods: Digital Image Processing, 3rd Edition, Pearson
Education, 2003.(Chapters 3.1 to 3.7, 4.1 to 4.5, 8.1 to 8.5)

Reference Books:

1. Anil K Jain, “Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing”, PHI, 1997, Indian Reprint

2. B.Chanda, D Dutta Majumder, “Digital Image Processing and Analysis”, PHI, 2002.


Subject Code :MCA-504BE4.3
Page (68)

Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week

Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
Course Outcomes:
1. Have gained an understanding of the current topics in MANETs and WSNs, both from an
industry and research point of views.
2. Have an understanding of the principles of mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) and what
distinguishes them from infrastructure-based networks.
3. Understand how proactive routing protocols function and their implications on data
transmission delay and bandwidth consumption.

Unit L+T Hour


UNIT 1: Introduction:- 6+2=8 Hours

Ad hoc Networks: Introduction, Issues in Ad hoc wireless networks, Ad hoc wireless internet.

UNIT 2 :MAC – 1:- 6+2=8 Hours

MAC Protocols for Ad hoc wireless Networks: Introduction, Issues in designing a MAC protocol
for Ad hoc wireless Networks,

Design goals of a MAC protocol for Ad hoc wireless Networks, Classification of MAC protocols,
Contention based protocols with reservation mechanisms.

UNIT 3: MAC – 2:- 6+2=8 Hours

Contention-based MAC protocols with scheduling mechanism, MAC protocols that use directional
antennas, Other MAC protocols.

UNIT 4 :Routing – 1: 6+2=8 Hours

Routing protocols for Ad hoc wireless Networks: Introduction, Issues in designing a routing
protocol for Ad hoc wireless Networks, Classification of routing protocols, Table drive routing
protocol, On-demand


UNIT 5 :Routing – 2: - 6+2=8 Hours

Hybrid routing protocol, Routing protocols with effective flooding mechanisms, Hierarchical
routing protocols, Power aware routing protocols.

UNIT 6: Transport Layer:- 6+2=8 Hours

Page (69)

Transport layer protocols for Ad hoc wireless Networks: Introduction, Issues in designing a
transport layer protocol for Ad hoc wireless Networks, Design goals of a transport layer protocol for
Ad hoc wireless Networks, Classification of transport layer solutions, TCP over Ad hoc wireless
Networks, Other transport layer protocols for Ad hoc wireless Networks.

UNIT 7: Security:- 6+2=8 Hours

Security: Security in wireless Ad hoc wireless Networks, Network security requirements, Issues &
challenges in security provisioning, Network security attacks, Key management, Secure routing in
Ad hoc wireless Networks.

UNIT 8 :QoS:- 6+2=8 Hours

Quality of service in Ad hoc wireless Networks: Introduction, Issues and challenges in providing
QoS in Ad hoc wireless Networks,

Classification of QoS solutions, MAC layer solutions, network layer solutions.

Text Books:

Ozan K. Tonguz and Gianguigi Ferrari: Ad hoc Wireless Networks, John Wiley, 2007.

Xiuzhen Cheng, Xiao Hung, Ding-Zhu Du: Ad hoc Wireless Networking, Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 2004.

C.K. Toh: Adhoc Mobile Wireless Networks- Protocols and Systems, Pearson Education,


Subject Code :MCA-504BE4.4
Page (70)

Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week

Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
Course Outcomes:
1. Articulate the main concepts, key technologies, strengths, and limitations of cloud comput-
ing and the possible applications for state-of-the-art cloud computing
2. Identify the architecture and infrastructure of cloud computing, including SaaS, PaaS, IaaS,
public cloud, private cloud, hybrid cloud, etc.
3. Explain the core issues of cloud computing such as security, privacy, and interoperability.
4. Choose the appropriate technologies, algorithms, and approaches for the related issues.
5. Identify problems, and explain, analyze, and evaluate various cloud computing solutions.
6. Provide the appropriate cloud computing solutions and recommendations according to the
applications used.

Unit L+T Hour


UNIT-1 :Distributed System Models and Enabling Technologies:- 6+2=8 Hours

Scalable Computing Service over the Internet: The Age of Internet Computing, scalable computing
Trends and New Paradigms,

Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems. System Models for Distributed and Cloud
Computing: Clusters of Cooperative Computers,

Grid Computing Infrastructures, Peer-to-Peer Network Families, Cloud Computing over the
Internet. Software Environments for Distributed

Systems and Clouds: Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), Trends towards Distributed Operating
Systems, Parallel and

Distributed Programming Models. Performance, Security, and Energy-Efficiency: Performance

Metrics and Scalability Analysis,

Fault-T olerance and System Availability, Network Threats and Data Integrity, Energy-Efficiency in
Distributed Computing.

UNIT-2 :Computer Clusters for scalable parallel computing:- 6+2=8 Hours s

Clustering for massive parallelism: Cluster Development Trends, Design Objective of Computer
Clusters, Fundamental Cluster Design issues.

Virtual machines and Virtualization of clusters and Data centers: Implementation levels of
virtualization: levels of virtualization Implementation,

VMM Design requirements and providers, Virtualization support at the OS level, Middleware
Support for Virtualization.
Page (71)

UNIT-3 :Cloud Platform Architecture over Virtualized Data Centers:-

6+2=8 Hours
Cloud computing and Service Models: Public, Private, and Hybrid Clouds, Cloud Ecosystem and
Enabling Technologies,

Infrastructure-as- a- Service (IaaS), Platform- and Software-as-a- Service (Paas, SaaS).

Architectural Design of Compute and Storage Clouds: A Generic Cloud architecture Design,
Layered Cloud Architectural development, Virtualization Support and Disaster Recovery,
Architectural Design Challenges.

UNIT-4 :Public Cloud Platforms:- 6+2=8 Hours

GAE, AWS, and Azure: Smart Cloud, Public Clouds and Service Offerings, Google App Engine
(GAE), Amazon Web Service (A WS),

Microsoft Windows Azure. Inter-cloud Resource Management: Extended Cloud Computing

Services, Resource Provisioning and Platform Deployment,

Virtual Machine Creation and Management. Cloud Security and Trust management: Cloud Security
Defense Strategies,

Distributed Intrusion/Anomaly Detection, Data and Software Protection Techniques.


UNIT-5 :Cloud Programming and Software Environments:- 6+2=8 Hours

Features of Cloud and Grid Platforms: Cloud Capabilities and Platform Features, Traditional
Features Common to Grids and Clouds,

Data Features and Databases, Programming and Runtime Support. Parallel and Distributed
Programming Paradigms:

Parallel Computing and Programming Paradigms, MapReduce, Twister and Iterative MapReduce,
Hadoop Library from Apache.

UNIT-6 :Programming Support of App Engine:- 6+2=8 Hours

Programming the Google App Engine, Google File System (GFS), Bigtable, Google’s NOSQL
system, Chubby, Google’s Distributed Lock service.

Programming on Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure: Programming on Amazon EC2, Amazon
Simple Storage Service S3,

Amazon Elastic Block Store EBS and SimpleDB, Microsoft Azure programming support.

Emerging Cloud Software Environments: Open Source Eucalyptus and Nimbus, Open Nebula,
Sector/Sphere, and OpenStack,

Manjrasoft Aneka Cloud and Appliances.

UNIT-7 :Ubiquitous Clouds and the Internet of Things:- 6+2=8 Hours

Page (72)

Performance of Distributed Systems and the Cloud Data-intensive Scalable Computing (DISC),
Quality of Service in Cloud computing,

Benchmarking MPI, Azure, EC2, MapReduce, and Hadoop. Online social and Professional
Networking: Online Social Network Characteristics,

UNIT-8 : Graph-Theoretic Analysis : 6+2=8 Hours

Graph-Theoretic Analysis of social networks, Communities and Applications of Social Networks,

Facebook: The World’s Largest Content-Sharing Network, Twitter for Micro blogging, News and
Alert Services.

Text Book:

1. Kai Hwang, Jack Dungaree, and Geoffrey Fox: Distributed and Cloud Computing, From
Parallel Processing to the Internet of Things, MK Publishers, 2012.
Chapters – 1,2,3,4,5,6,9

Reference Books:

1. Michael Miller, Cloud Computing: Web-Based Applications that change the Way you work
and collaborate Online, Pearson Publication, 2012.

2. Anthony T. Volte, Toby J. Volte, Robert Elsenpeter: Cloud Computing, A Practical Approach,
McGraw Fill, 2010.

3. Cloud Computing for Dummies: J. Hurwitz, ISBN 978-0-470-484-8

4. Dr. Kumar Sourabh, Cloud Computing, 2nd Edition, Wiley India.


Subject Code :MCA-504BE4.5
Page (73)

Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week

Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
Course Outcomes:
1. Identify the security issues in the network and resolve it.
2. Analyse the vulnerabilities in any computing system and hence be able to design a security
3. Evaluate security mechanisms using rigorous approaches by key ciphers and Hash functions.
4. Demonstrate various network security applications, IPSec, Firewall, IDS, Web Security,
Email Security and Malicious software etc.,

Unit L+T Hour


UNIT 1 6+2=8 Hours

OSI Security Architecture, Security Attacks, Security Services, Security Mechanism, Model for
Network Security.

UNIT 2 :Classical Encryption Technique:- 6+2=8 Hours

Symmetric Cipher Model, Substitution Techniques, Transposition Techniques.

UNIT 3 :Block Ciphers, Data Encryption Standard and Advanced Encryption Standard :-

6+2=8 Hours

Block Cipher Principles, The Data Encryption Standard, Block Cipher Design Principles and
Modes of operation, Evaluation Criteria for AES, AES Cipher-Encryption and Decryption, Data
Structure, Encryption Round.

UNIT 4 :Public Key Cryptography and Key Management :- 6+2=8 Hours

Principles of Public Key Cryptosystem, RSA algorithm, Key management, Diffie Hellman Key


UNIT 5: Message Authentication and Hash Function :- 6+2=8 Hours

Authentication Requirement, Authentication Functions, Message Authentication Code, Hash

Functions, Digital Signatures, Digital Signature Standard

UNIT 6: IP Security:- 6+2=8 Hours

Page (74)

IP Security Overview; IP Security Architecture; Authentication Header; Encapsulating Security

Payload; Combining Security Associations; Key Management.

UNIT 7 : Web Security :- 6+2=8 Hours

Web security Considerations; Secure Socket layer (SSL) and Transport layer Security (TLS); Secure
Electronic Transaction (SET)

UNIT 8 :System Security:- 6+2=8 Hours

Intruders, Intrusion Detection, Firewall Design Principles- Characteristics, Types of Firewall and
Firewall Configuration.

Text Books:

1. William Stallings, “Cryptography and Network Security – Principles and Practices”, 4th
Pearson Education, 2009.
(Chapters: 1, 2.1-2.3, 3.1,3.2,3.5, 5.1,5.2, 6.2, 9.1,9.2, 10.1,10.2, 11.1- 11.4, 13.1, 13.3, 14.1,
4.2, 15.1, 15.2, 16.1-16.6, 17.1-17.3, 18.1, 18.2, 20.1)

Reference Book:

1. Behrouz A. Forouzan and Debdeep Mukhopadhyay: “Cryptography and Network Security”,

2nd Edition TMH 2010.

2. Atul Kahate, “Cryptography and Network Security” 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill.


Subject Code :MCA-505BE5.1
Page (75)

Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week

Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
Course Outcomes:
1. Describe the types of media and define multimedia system.
2. Describe the process of digitizing (quantization) of different analog signals (text, graphics,
sound and video).
3. Use and apply tools for image processing, video, sound and animation.
4. Apply methodology to develop a multimedia system.
5. Apply acquired knowledge in the field of multimedia in practice and independently continue
to expand knowledge in this field.

Unit L+T Hour

UNIT – 1 Introduction:- 6+2=8 Hours
Multimedia Elements; Multimedia Applications; Multimedia Systems Architecture; Evolving
Technologies for Multimedia Systems; Defining Objects for Multimedia Systems; Multimedia Data
Interface Standards; The need for Data Compression; Multimedia Databases.

UNIT -2 Media and Data Streams, Audio Technology:- 6+2=8 Hours

Media: Perception Media, Representation Media, Presentation Media, Storage Media, Transmission
Media, Information Exchange Media, Presentation Spaces & Values, and Presentation Dimensions;
Key Properties of a Multimedia System: Discrete & Continuous Media, Independence Media,
Computer Controlled Systems, Integration; Characterizing Data Streams: Asynchronous
Transmission Mode, Synchronous Transmission Mode, Isochronous Transmission Mode;
Characterizing Continuous Media Data Streams. Sound: Frequency, Amplitude, Sound Perception
and Psychoacoustics; Audio Representation on Computers; Three Dimensional Sound Projection;
Music and MIDI Standards; Speech Signals; Speech Output; Speech Input; Speech Transmission.

UNIT – 3 Graphics and Images, Video Technology, Computer-Based Animation: -

6+2=8 Hours
Capturing Graphics and Images Computer Assisted Graphics and Image Processing; Reconstructing
Images; Graphics and Image Output Options. Basics; Television Systems; Digitalization of Video
Signals; Digital Television; Basic Concepts; Specification of Animations; Methods of Controlling
Animation; Display of Animation; Transmission of Animation; Virtual Reality Modeling Language.

UNIT – 4 Data Compression 6+2=8 Hours

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Storage Space; Coding Requirements; Source, Entropy, and Hybrid Coding; Basic Compression
Techniques; JPEG: Image Preparation, Lossy Sequential DCT-based Mode, Expanded Lossy DCT-
based Mode, Lossless Mode, Hierarchical Mode
UNIT – 5 Optical Storage Media:- 6+2=8 Hours
History of Optical Storage; Basic Technology; Video Discs and Other WORMs; Compact Disc
Digital Audio; Compact Disc Read Only Memory; CD-ROM Extended Architecture; Further CD-
ROM- Based Developments; Compact Disc Recordable; Compact Disc Magneto- Optical; Compact
Disc Read/Write; Digital Versatile Disc.
UNIT – 6 Content Analysis :- 6+2=8 Hours
Simple Vs. Complex Features; Analysis of Individual Images; Analysis of Image Sequences; Audio
Analysis; Applications.
UNIT – 7 Data and File Format Standards: - 6+2=8 Hours
Rich-Text Format; TIFF File Format; Resource Interchange File Format (RIFF); MIDI File Format;
JPEG DIB File Format for Still and Motion Images; AVI Indeo File Format; MPEG Standards;
UNIT – 8 Multimedia Application Design :- 6+2=8 Hours
Multimedia Application Classes; Types of Multimedia Systems; Virtual Reality Design;
Components of Multimedia Systems; Organizing Multimedia Databases; Application Workflow
Design Issues; Distributed Application Design Issues.

Text Books:
1. Ralf Steinmetz, Klara Narstedt: Multimedia Fundamentals: Vol 1- Media Coding and
Content Processing, 2nd Edition, PHI, Indian Reprint 2008. (Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
2. Prabhat K. Andleigh, Kiran Thakrar: Multimedia Systems Design, PHI, 2003.
(Chapters 1, 3, 7)
Reference Books:
1. K.R Rao, Zoran S. Bojkovic and Dragorad A. Milovanovic: Multimedia Communication
Systems: Techniques, Standards, and Networks, Pearson Education, 2002.

Subject : Advanced Web Technology

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Subject Code :MCA-505BE5.2

Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week

Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
Course Outcomes:
1. Students are able to develop a dynamic webpage by the use of java script and DHTML.
2. Students will be able to write a well formed / valid XML document.
3. Students will be able to connect a java program to a DBMS and perform insert, update and
delete operations on DBMS table.
4. Students will be able to write a server side java application called Servlet to catch form data
sent from client, process it and store it on database.
5. Students will be able to write a server side java application called JSP to catch form data
sent from client and store it on database.

Unit L+T Hour


UNIT 1 6+2=8 Hours

Origins and uses of Perl, Scalars and their operations, Assignment statements and simple input and
output, Control statements, Fundamentals of arrays, Hashes, References, Functions, Pattern
matching, File input and output; Examples.

UNIT 2 :CGI Scripting:- 6+2=8 Hours

What is CGI? Developing CGI Applications, Processing CGI, Introduction to CGI.pm, CGI.pm

Creating HTML Pages Dynamically, Using CGI.pm – An Example, Adding Robustness, Carp,

UNIT 3 :Building Web Applications with Perl :- 6+2=8 Hours

Uploading files, Tracking users with Hidden Data, Using Relational Databases, using lib www,

UNIT 4 :Introduction to PHP :- 6+2=8 Hours

Origins and uses of PHP , Overview of PHP , General syntactic characteristics, Primitives,
operations and expressions, Output, Control statements, Arrays, Functions, Pattern matching, Form
handling, Files.

UNIT 5 :Building Web applications with PHP :- 6+2=8 Hours

Tracking users, cookies, sessions, Using Databases, Handling XML.

UNIT 6:Introduction to Ruby:- 6+2=8 Hours

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Origins and uses of Ruby, Scalar types and their operations, Simple input and output, Control
statements, Arrays, Hashes, Methods, Classes, Code blocks and iterators, Pattern matching.

UNIT 7 :Introduction to Rails and web 2.0:- 6+2=8 Hours

Overview of Rails, Document requests, Processing forms, Rails applications with Databases,

What is Web 2.0?, Folksonomies and Web 2.0, Software As a Service (SaaS), Data and Web 2.0,

Iterative development, Rich User experience, Multiple Delivery Channels, Social Networking.

UNIT8: WebServices:- 6+2=8 Hours

Web Services: SOAP, RPC Style SOAP, Document style SOAP, WSDL, REST services, JSON
format, What is JSON?,

Array literals, Object literals, Mixing literals, JSON 0053yntax, JSON Encoding and Decoding,
JSON versus XML.

Text Books:

1. Chris Bates: Web Programming Building Internet Applications, 3rd Edition, Wiley India,
2006 (Chapter 10,11,13)

2. Robert W. Sebesta: Programming the World Wide Web, 4th Edition, Pearson Education, 2008.
(Chapters 8,11,13, 14, 15)3. Francis Shanahan: Mashups, Wiley India 2007(Chapters 1, 6)

Reference Books:
1. M. Deitel, P.J. Deitel, A. B. Goldberg: Internet & World Wide Web How to Program, 3rd
Edition, Pearson Education / PHI, 2004.2. Xue Bai et al: The Web Warrior Guide to Web
Programming, Thomson, 2003.

3. Joel Murach’s PHP and MySQL. Mauch’s Publications, First Edition.


Subject Code :MCA-505BE5.4
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Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week

Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
Course Outcomes:
1. Describe fundamental concepts of software quality assurance.
2. Explore test planning and its management.
3. Understand fundamental concepts of software automation.
4. Apply Selenium automation tool for testing web based application.
5. Demonstrate the quality management, assurance, and quality standard to software system.
6. Demonstrate Software Quality Tools and analyze their effectiveness.

Unit L+T Hour


UNIT 1 6+2=8 Hours

Humans, Errors and Testing, Software Quality; Requirements, Behavior and Correctness,
Correctness Vs Reliability;

Testing and Debugging; Test Metrics; Software and Hardware Testing; Testing and Verification;
Defect Management;

Execution History; Test Generation Strategies; Static Testing; Test Generation from Predicates.

UNIT 2 :Basic Principles, Test case selection and Adequacy:- 6+2=8 Hours

Sensitivity, Redundancy, Restriction, Partition, Visibility and Feedback, Test Specification and
cases, Adequacy Criteria, Comparing Criteria.

UNIT 3:A perspective on Testing, Examples:- 6+2=8 Hours

Basic definitions, Test cases, Insights from a Venn diagram, Identifying test cases, Error and fault
taxonomies, Level of testing, Examples: Generalized pseudo code, The triangle problem, the Next
Date function,

The commission problem, The SATM (Simple Automation Teller Machine) problem, The currency
converter, Saturn windshield wiper.

UNIT 4 :Boundary value testing, Equivalence class testing, Decision table based
testing:- 6+2=8 Hours

Boundary value analysis, Robustness testing, Worst-case testing, special value testing, Examples,
Random testing, Equivalence classes,

Equivalence test cases for triangle problem, NextDate function and commission problem,
Guidelines and observations, Decision tables, Test cases for triangle problem.

UNIT 5:Path Testing, Data flow testing:- 6+2=8 Hours

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DD Paths, Test coverage metrics, Basis path testing, guidelines and observations, Definition Use
testing, Slice based testing, Guidelines and observations.

UNIT 6: Levels of Testing, Integration Testing :- 6+2=8 Hours

Traditional view of testing levels, Alternative life cycle models, the SATM systems, separating
integration and system testing, Guidelines and observations.

UNIT 7 :Fault Based Testing:- 6+2=8 Hours

Assumptions in fault-based testing, Mutation Analysis, Fault-based Adequacy Criteria; Variations

on mutation Analysis;

From Test case specification to Test Cases, Scaffolding, Generic vs specific Scaffolding, Test
Oracles, Self checks as oracles, Capture and Replay.

UNIT 8: Planning and Monitoring the Process, Documenting Analysis and Test:-

6+2=8 Hours

Quality and Process, Test and Analysis strategies and plans, Risk Planning, Monitoring theProcess,
Improving the process,

The quality team, Organizing documents, Test strategydocument, Analysis and test plan, Test design
specifications documents, Test and analysis reports.

Text Books

1. Adithya P.Mathur “ Foundations of Software Testing – Fundamental Algorithms and

Techniques”, Pearson Education India, 2011

2. MauroPezze, Michael Young, Software testing and Analysis- Process, Principles and
Techniques, Wiley India, 2012

3. Paul C Jourgensen, “Software Testing A Craftmans Approach”, Aueredach publications, 3rd

edition, 2011.

Reference Books

1. Kshirasagara Naik, Priyadarshi Tripathy: Software Testing and Quality Assurance, Wiley India
2. M.G.Limaye: Software Testing-Principels, Techniques and Tools – McGrawHill, 2009.
3. Brain Marick: The Craft of Software Testing, Pearson Education India, 2008.
4. Ron Patton: Software Testing, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, India, 2013.
5. Rahul Shende, , “Software Automation Testing Tools for Beginners”. Shroff publishers and
distributors, 2012.

Subject : Text Mining and Analytics

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Subject Code :MCA-505BE5.5

Credit : 4 Class Hour : (L-3+ T-1+ P-0=4)/ week
Lecture Hours (L) : 48 Tutorial Hour (T) : 16
Exam Marks: 75 I.A. Marks : 25
Exam Hours: 03
Course Outcomes:
1. Use basic methods for information extraction and retrieval of textual data
2. Apply text processing techniques to prepare documents for statistical modelling
3. Apply relevant machine learning models for analyzing textual data and correctly interpreting the
4. Use machine learning models for text prediction5. evaluate the performance of machine learning
models for textual data

Unit L+T Hour


Unit 1: Introduction- 6+2=8 Hours

Human languages, models, ambiguity, processing paradigms; Phases in natural language
processing, applications. Text representation in computers, encoding schemes. Linguistics
resources- Introduction to corpus, elements in balanced corpus, TreeBank,WordNet. Resource
management with XML, Management of linguistic data with NLTK.

Unit 2: Morphology and Language Modeling - 6+2=8 Hours

Finite State Automata, word recognition, lexicon. Morphology, acquisition models, Finite State
Transducer, N-grams, Smoothing, entropy, Noisy channel model.
Unit 3: Text classification- 6+2=8 Hours
Naive Bayes, K nearest Neighbour, decision tree, Support Vector Machine(SVM).

Unit 4:-Part of Speech tagging:- 6+2=8 Hours

Stochastic POS tagging, HMM, Transformation based tagging (TBL), Handling of unknown words,
named entities, multi word expressions.

Unit 5:- Semantics analysis:- 6+2=8 Hours

Introduction, Context Free Grammar, Constituency, Unification, probabilistic parsing, TreeBank.

Unit 6:- Semantics 6+2=8 Hours

Meaning representation, semantic analysis, lexical semantics, WordNet, Word Sense
Disambiguation- Selection restriction, machine learning approaches, dictionary based approaches.

Unit 7: Information Retrieval:- 6+2=8 Hours

Introduction, Classical information retrieval models, term weighting- Boolean value, Term
frequency(TF), Inverse Document Frequency(IDF), Term Frequency and Inverse Document
Frequency(TF-IDF), Dimensionality reduction improving user queries.

Unit 8: Machine Translation:– 6+2=8 Hours

Introduction, Problems in Machine Translation, Machine Translation approaches.
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1. Daniel Jurafsky and James H Martin. Speech and Language Processing, 2e, Pearson
Education, 2009
Reference Books:
1. James A.. Natural language Understanding 2e, Pearson Education, 1994
2. Manning, C.D. and H. SchAtze: Foundation of Statistical Natural Language Processing. The
MIT Press. 1999. ISBN 0-262-13360-1.
3. Bharati A., Sangal R., Chaitanya V.. Natural language processing: a Paninian
perspective,PHI, 2000
4. Siddiqui T., Tiwary U. S.. Natural language processing and Information retrieval, OUP, 2008

3. Program Specific Outcomes (PSO)

The program is designed to fulfill the following specific outcomes.

PSO1: Enable the students to apply the computing and soft skills acquired in the
MCA program and developing innovative applications for the betterment of
the society.

PSO2: Provide exposure to techniques that would enable the students to design,
implement and evaluate IT solutions.

PSO3: To enable the students to meet the challenges of research and

development in computer science and applications.

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