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Subject Code: Computer Programming L T P C

UCT-145 Total Contact Hours : 30Hours

0 2 0 2
Common to all Branches of First Year
Internal-40 External-60
Course Objectives
• To understand the basic principles of programming
• To learn C language for modeling real world problems.
Pre Requisite
• Computer Knowledge & Elementary mathematical ability.
Course Outcomes

After studying this course student will be able to learn/ design

Fundamental concepts of computer, Design flow chart/ algorithmic solution to

I problems as well as design programs based on arithmetic expressions, decision-
making statements.
Programs utilizing repetition, arrays and recursive/ Non-recursive function codes to
II solve a particular problem.

III Pointers, Structures, Union and Dynamic memory allocation

Unit-I [10L]

Introduction to computer and programming: Introduction, Block diagram and functions of

various components of computer, Flow charts and Algorithms. [4]
Fundamentals of C: Features of C language, structure of C Program, comments, header files,
data types, constants and variables, operators, expressions, evaluation of expressions, type
conversion, precedence and associatively. [3]
Decision Control structure in C: Decision making statements, nesting of decision control
structures, break, goto statement. [3]
Unit-II [10L]

Loop Control structure in C: Looping statements, nested loop, use of break and continue.
Array & String: Concepts of array, one and two dimensional arrays, declaration and
initialization of arrays, string handling, string storage. [4]
Functions: Concepts of library functions, Built-in-string functions, user defined functions,
prototypes, definition of function, parameters types, parameter passing, calling a function,
recursive function, Macros, Pre-processing. [3]

Unit-III [10L]

Pointers: Basics of pointers, pointer to pointer, pointer and array, pointer to array, array of
pointers, functions returning a pointer. [4]
Structure: Basics of structure, structure members, structure vs. union, accessing structure
members, nested structures, array of structures, structure and functions, structures and pointers.
Dynamic memory allocation: Introduction to Dynamic memory allocation, malloc, calloc,
realloc. [3]

Text & Reference Books:

1. Programming in ANSI C by E. Balaguruswamy, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Programming in C Ansi standard, by Yashwant Kanetkar, BPB Publications.
3. Programming with C (Schaum's Outline Series) by Byron Gottfried Jitender Chhabra, Tata
McGraw Hill.
4. The C Programming Language by Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis Ritchie, Pearson education.

Course Code- UCT

Computer Programming
Teaching the Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Program Outcome a b c d E f g h i J
Mapping of Course
outcome with I,II,III
Program outcome
BS ES PD PC PE OE Project/Training
Approval Date of meeting of the Board of Studies

Instructions for the paper-setter

Please go through these instructions thoroughly and follow the same pattern while setting the
paper as the students have been prepared according to this format.

Maximum Marks = 60 Time:3 Hrs

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five
sub parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six
questions including the compulsory question number no 1 and not more than two questions
from each unit.

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