City of Peterborough 2023 Draft Operating Budget
City of Peterborough 2023 Draft Operating Budget
City of Peterborough 2023 Draft Operating Budget
December 2022
2023 Operating Budget
User Fees and Charges
Table of Contents
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
Tax Levy and Other Revenue 164,840,920 165,127,817 174,469,202 5.8% 9,628,282
Gross Expenditures
City Council 708,124 697,659 814,981 15.1% 106,857
Chief Administrative Officer 20,913,393 20,881,459 21,821,740 4.3% 908,347
Corporate and Legislative Services 13,700,801 13,608,759 13,796,621 0.7% 95,820
Infrastructure and Planning Services 82,989,954 81,555,813 88,492,808 6.6% 5,502,854
Community Services 102,513,776 111,347,057 119,933,669 17.0% 17,419,893
Financial Services - Other Financial 37,939,324 37,277,895 40,880,304 7.8% 2,940,980
Transfers to Organizations For Provision of Services 39,181,424 39,367,108 40,893,541 4.4% 1,712,117
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
Net Expenditures
City Council 708,124 697,659 814,981 15.1% 106,857
Chief Administrative Officer 19,503,473 19,598,299 20,529,308 5.3% 1,025,835
Corporate and Legislative Services 9,833,250 9,660,717 10,289,276 4.6% 456,026
Infrastructure and Planning Services 38,192,728 38,353,426 40,562,578 6.2% 2,369,850
Community Services 22,211,597 22,801,713 23,074,214 3.9% 862,617
Financial Services - Other Financial 35,420,324 34,758,895 38,380,304 8.4% 2,959,980
Transfers to Organizations For Provision of Services 38,971,424 39,157,108 40,818,541 4.7% 1,847,117
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
Corporate Revenues Summary
Corporate Revenue
Mun Levy - Rail Right-of-Way 6,300 5,800 5,800 -7.9% -500
Exempt Garbage Levy 245,000 200,000 200,000 -18.4% -45,000
Municipal Supplementary Taxes 950,000 1,150,000 1,300,000 36.8% 350,000
Penalities and int on taxes 725,000 650,000 750,000 3.4% 25,000
Interest Earned 1,975,000 2,182,000 2,708,500 37.1% 733,500
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
City Council
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Statement of Purpose:
The 2023 City Council budget includes remuneration for the Mayor
and Members of Council and a staff position.
Performance Data:
Ward 1 - Otonabee
Ward 2 - Monaghan
Ward 3 - Town
Ward 4 - Ashburnham
Ward 5 - Northcrest
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
City Council
Personnel 583,342 583,340 665,482 14.1% 82,141
Contractual 43,958 43,958 43,931 -0.1% -27
Materials, Supplies 13,247 13,247 13,272 0.2% 25
New Equipment 5,202 3,500 5,200 0.0% -2
Travelling, Training 64,439 55,678 90,771 40.9% 26,332
Contributions to Reserves 1,556 1,556 0 -100.0% -1,556
Recoveries -3,620 -3,620 -3,675 1.5% -55
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
Office of Chief Administrative Officer 568,517 564,616 582,141 2.4% 13,625
Communication Services 952,623 950,539 971,807 2.0% 19,184
Fire Services 18,859,328 18,859,479 19,735,062 4.6% 875,734
Emergency Management 532,925 506,825 532,729 0.0% -196
Net Requirements
Office of Chief Administrative Officer 568,517 564,616 582,141 2.4% 13,625
Communication Services 603,663 728,339 744,557 23.3% 140,894
Fire Services 17,828,968 17,829,119 18,700,480 4.9% 871,512
Emergency Management 502,325 476,225 502,129 0.0% -196
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
The City of Peterborough Council adopted By-law 18-112 that Performance Data:
provides further direction to the CAO as permitted by the Municipal
Act, 2001. The CAO leads the Emergency Control Group (ECG) in times of
local, provincial or national emergencies. Such was the case in the
Highlights: COVID-19 pandemic since 2020. The Mayor declared a State of
Emergency for the City of Peterborough on March 23, 2020. While
The Office of the CAO provides leadership and oversight to each of the Declaration was lifted by the Mayor in April 2022, the City has
the City’s Departments on key projects and on daily activities as experienced challenges regarding the pandemic for the remainder
required. of 2022.
The CAO’s Office is also responsible for the direct oversight of Fire Peterborough also experienced A Derecho windstorm on May 21,
Services, Emergency Management, Corporate Policy coordination 2022. Damage was significant and the City received assistance
and Communication Services. from other municipalities and the Team Rubicon Disaster
Response, a volunteer based not-for-profit organization, to assist
The CAO is involved in many staff committees for major projects City staff in dealing with the initial response. Recovery took months
such as: and had to take priority over several other regularly scheduled
- Fire Station #2 operations. Replacement of lost trees on City property is estimated
- Arena complex to cost up to $1.75 million and will take many years to restore.
- Asset Management Steering Committee
- SAP Implementation Steering Committee
- Urban Park
Transportation Master Plan Steering Committee
Personnel 573,488 573,487 585,986 2.2% 12,499
Contractual 1,900 1,900 3,000 57.9% 1,100
Materials, Supplies 3,500 2,100 3,500 0.0% 0
Travelling, Training 7,599 5,099 7,895 3.9% 296
Recoveries -17,970 -17,970 -18,240 1.5% -270
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
Communication Services
Communication Services 436,472 435,949 446,644 2.3% 10,172
Corporate Sponsorship 275,908 275,657 280,692 1.7% 4,784
Accessibility 240,243 238,933 244,472 1.8% 4,228
Net Requirements
Communication Services 436,472 435,949 446,644 2.3% 10,172
Corporate Sponsorship -73,052 53,457 53,442 -173.2% 126,494
Accessibility 240,243 238,933 244,472 1.8% 4,228
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
The corporate sponsorship program works to leverage investments Website Access Device - Desktop 32 37 32
in services and assets to generate alternative sources of revenue 64 60 64
Website Access Device - Mobile
for the City, where there is a good fit for the City and its partners.
COVID-19 pandemic-related impacts on sponsorship revenue Website Access Device - Tablet 4 4 4
were generally delayed until 2021 as sponsorship agreements
Twitter - Impressions 4,862,300 4,032,000 4,200,000
were extended to maintain sponsorship customers through facility
and service disruptions. Due to how sponsorship agreements were Twitter - Total Followers 12,500 13,750 14,500
adjusted, revenues were minimally impacted in 2020; however, a
Media Releases 218 243 250
significant decrease occurred in 2021 and there was a partial
recovery for sponsorship revenues in 2022, continuing into 2023.
Other factors affecting sponsorship revenue for 2023 include the
new Peterborough Memorial Centre licence agreement and the soft
beverage agreement with Coca-Cola that was extended by a year
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Communication Services
Personnel 887,321 887,319 906,443 2.2% 19,122
Contractual 23,800 23,800 23,800 0.0% 0
Materials, Supplies 30,490 29,455 29,675 -2.7% -815
Fees 2,050 2,050 2,100 2.4% 50
New Equipment 1,520 1,520 1,525 0.3% 5
Travelling, Training 9,442 8,395 10,264 8.7% 822
Contributions to Reserves 25,000 25,000 25,000 0.0% 0
Recoveries -27,000 -27,000 -27,000 0.0% 0
Fees, Service Charges, Donations 348,960 222,200 227,250 -34.9% -121,710
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
Fire Services
Fire Administration and Suppression 18,209,328 18,209,479 19,085,062 4.8% 875,734
Fire Hydrants 650,000 650,000 650,000 0.0% 0
Net Requirements
Fire Administration and Suppression 17,178,968 17,179,119 18,050,480 5.1% 871,512
Fire Hydrants 650,000 650,000 650,000 0.0% 0
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Department: Chief Administrative Office Activity Name: Fire Services, Suppression, Inspection,
Division: Fire Services Budget Account #: 10020, 10030
PFS provides fire and emergency dispatch/communication Total 5,434 6,436 6,573
services to all eight neighbouring municipalities within
Peterborough County and all seven municipalities within Fire Loss $4,378,200 $2,790,985 $3,400,000
Northumberland County. Any increased costs are offset by the
associated revenues. Dispatch Calls for County of 4,407 4,552 4,700
PFS continues to operate a Technical Level Hazmat Program. All Dispatch Calls for County of 3,648 3,783 3,850
related training and equipment costs will be funded by the Province. Northumberland
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Fire Services
Personnel 16,039,393 16,039,393 16,800,958 4.7% 761,565
Contractual 796,343 796,343 807,818 1.4% 11,475
Materials, Supplies 323,857 324,007 350,956 8.4% 27,099
Repairs, Maintenance 265,753 265,753 267,791 0.8% 2,038
Fees 153,339 153,339 176,861 15.3% 23,522
Inter-departmental Charges 464,412 464,412 512,891 10.4% 48,479
New Equipment 44,130 44,130 44,810 1.5% 680
Travelling, Training 78,502 78,502 79,377 1.1% 875
Contributions to Reserves 693,600 693,600 693,600 0.0% 0
Ontario grants 150,000 150,000 150,000 0.0% 0
County and Other Municipal grants & fees 28,400 28,400 29,100 2.5% 700
Fees, Service Charges, Donations 801,960 801,960 855,482 6.7% 53,522
Contribution from Reserve 50,000 50,000 0 -100.0% -50,000
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
Net Requirements
Emergency and Risk Management 502,325 476,225 502,129 0.0% -196
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Department: Chief Administrative Office Activity Name: Emergency, Insurance and Risk Management
Statement of Purpose: and handling, contract, lease, and RFP review, and training. Staff
work with the insurance broker, adjusters and legal counsel to
The Emergency and Risk Management Division is committed to administer and resolve claims made against all City departments,
providing leadership and guidance to address natural, and to protect the financial interests of the City. The Division
technological and human caused emergencies that can disrupt facilitates the Collision and Incident Review Committee in
normal operations and channels of communication, and may stretch accordance with the Fleet Operations Management Program.
available resources for emergency response and recovery
operations. This work includes preparation and planning to Performance Data:
safeguard the health, safety, and welfare of citizens, the protection
of property and the environment, and the provision of effective and In 2022, the City continued to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic
timely incident response and recovery. in partnership with Public Health, PRHC and other community
agencies. The City's emergency declaration was formally
The Division oversees corporate risk management services, terminated on March 16, 2022, however, the Emergency Control
insurance procurement and claims handling. Staff provide advice Group (ECG) and COVID-19 working groups continued to meet
and guidance to all departments regarding risk mitigation and throughout the year. On May 21, 2022, a "Derecho" windstorm
insurance for operating activities and capital projects. occurred causing widespread damages across the City. The ECG
was activated to coordinate the response and recovery operations.
The Division also oversees Business Continuity and Labour The Mayor made a Declaration of Emergency pertaining to the
Disruption Contingency Planning to ensure the provision of key windstorm and the declaration remained in effect until July 20,
services during a business disruption or a strike/lockout involving 2022. The Mayor declared a "Homelessness Crisis" Emergency on
one of the City's collective bargaining units. October 14, 2022.
Personnel 417,265 417,265 418,529 0.3% 1,264
Contractual 39,060 34,560 36,600 -6.3% -2,460
Materials, Supplies 49,500 37,000 49,500 0.0% 0
Repairs, Maintenance 4,600 2,500 4,600 0.0% 0
Travelling, Training 22,500 15,500 23,500 4.4% 1,000
County and Other Municipal grants & fees 30,600 30,600 30,600 0.0% 0
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
City Clerk 1,794,031 1,807,518 1,254,977 -30.0% -539,053
Financial Services 2,463,765 2,462,538 2,566,032 4.2% 102,267
Facilities Management 1,956,482 2,004,551 2,126,688 8.7% 170,205
Facilities and Planning Initiatives 219,151 146,033 417,812 90.7% 198,661
Human Resources 1,180,603 1,180,603 1,234,407 4.6% 53,804
Information Technology 3,741,449 3,721,132 3,792,714 1.4% 51,265
Legal Services 2,283,420 2,224,484 2,341,671 2.6% 58,251
Net Requirements
City Clerk 806,127 816,215 886,255 9.9% 80,128
Financial Services 2,218,863 2,211,638 2,321,130 4.6% 102,267
Facilities Management 1,117,062 1,086,866 1,198,598 7.3% 81,536
Facilities and Planning Initiatives 159,451 86,333 168,884 5.9% 9,433
Human Resources 1,180,603 1,180,603 1,234,407 4.6% 53,804
Information Technology 3,641,357 3,621,040 3,727,714 2.4% 86,357
Legal Services 647,888 596,122 689,968 6.5% 42,080
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
Net Requirements
City Clerk - Administration 806,126 816,215 886,255 9.9% 80,129
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Personnel 1,222,038 1,267,290 992,187 -18.8% -229,850
Contractual 271,700 260,700 37,750 -86.1% -233,950
Materials, Supplies 182,500 163,000 117,750 -35.5% -64,750
Fees 4,900 4,500 4,950 1.0% 50
New Equipment 2,500 3,435 0 -100.0% -2,500
Rentals 3,500 3,500 0 -100.0% -3,500
Travelling, Training 14,000 12,200 10,000 -28.6% -4,000
Contributions to Reserves 130,000 130,000 130,000 0.0% 0
Recoveries -37,107 -37,107 -37,660 1.5% -553
Fees, Service Charges, Donations 35,215 18,711 40,500 15.0% 5,285
Licenses & Permits 307,434 292,149 309,472 0.7% 2,038
Contribution from Reserve 645,255 680,443 18,750 -97.1% -626,505
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
Financial Services
Financial Services 2,463,765 2,462,538 2,566,032 4.2% 102,267
Net Requirements
Financial Services 2,218,863 2,211,638 2,321,130 4.6% 102,267
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Financial Services
Personnel 2,591,524 2,592,271 2,668,296 3.0% 76,772
Contractual 89,745 88,361 92,250 2.8% 2,505
Materials, Supplies 63,950 64,000 85,900 34.3% 21,950
Repairs, Maintenance 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0% 0
Fees 105,000 111,500 120,500 14.8% 15,500
New Equipment 5,200 3,700 4,000 -23.1% -1,200
Travelling, Training 41,850 36,210 38,420 -8.2% -3,430
Recoveries -434,504 -434,504 -444,334 2.3% -9,830
Fees, Service Charges, Donations 244,902 250,900 244,902 0.0% 0
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
Facilities Management
Millennium Park Boathouse 10,404 10,404 10,612 2.0% 208
City, Police and Community Services Properties 1,534,756 1,583,373 1,674,635 9.1% 139,879
Rental Properties 315,104 314,556 343,298 8.9% 28,194
Queen Alex 96,218 96,218 98,143 2.0% 1,925
Net Requirements
City, Police and Community Services Properties 1,409,578 1,386,315 1,476,725 4.8% 67,147
Rental Properties -292,516 -299,449 -278,127 -4.9% 14,389
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Department: Corporate and Legislative Services Activity Name: Buildings and Property
Statement of Purpose: aspects of the buildings and can coordinate global tenders for
services such as snow clearing, cleaning, and preventive
To provide day-to-day maintenance and preventative maintenance maintenance of common building elements such as elevators and
of all City facilities, utilizing the City's Computerized Maintenance fire suppression equipment.
Management System and manage capital renovation and
rehabilitation projects. Performance Data:
In the last several years, the responsibilities of the Facilities - Several City properties are managed by the Division for various
Management Division have grown. The Division has assumed: City programming or ongoing and future capital works
- Commercial Properties: 13 - Millennium Park Boathouse, City
- The Urban Park opened in Q4 of 2022, the park maintenance Hall, 249 Simcoe Street, Police Station, Provincial Court House,
budget will be managed by the Arena Division in cooperation with 210 Wolfe Street, Market Hall, Queen Alexandra Community
Public Works and the Facilities Management Division; Centre, Harveys, Marina Restaurant, Canteen of Kawartha and 610
- Project management of major facility capital renovations projects Parkhill Road West
for all City facilities;
- The role of facilities management for City facilities in terms of - Residential Houses leased and managed: 22
maintaining the facility, day-to-day maintenance, preventative
maintenance, troubleshooting, coordinating small renovations and - Farm Land rented and managed: 5
- Management of a large number of residential rental properties for - A transfer of any surpluses realized from rental properties,
short term and long-term rentals; Millennium Park Boathouse, Market Hall and Queen Alexandra
- Performing due diligence when any property is purchased that Community Centre, to the Property Maintenance Reserve allows for
includes a building; future projects at these facilities to be funded from this reserve
- Energy management for the Corporation, reviewing, analyzing, eliminating the need for additional funding sources.
forecasting consumption for all utilities and forecasting future years'
- Managing the City's Asbestos Management Program for current
condition and all abatement requirements as needed.
The growth has provided support and cost savings to all City
departments. Facilities Management staff understand the technical
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Facilities Management
Personnel 418,537 418,537 434,474 3.8% 15,937
Contractual 1,161,713 1,147,752 1,067,177 -8.1% -94,536
Materials, Supplies 18,000 21,500 21,500 19.4% 3,500
Repairs, Maintenance 470,105 495,084 555,983 18.3% 85,878
Fees 83,819 80,641 88,970 6.1% 5,151
Inter-departmental Charges 2,602 2,602 2,726 4.8% 124
New Equipment 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.0% 0
Travelling, Training 9,500 9,500 9,500 0.0% 0
Contributions to Reserves 249,804 286,532 310,983 24.5% 61,179
Transfer to Capital Fund 50,000 50,000 50,000 0.0% 0
Recoveries -512,597 -512,597 -419,626 -18.1% 92,971
Fees, Service Charges, Donations 839,421 917,685 928,090 10.6% 88,669
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
Net Requirements
Facilities and Planning Initiatives 159,451 86,333 168,884 5.9% 9,433
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Department: Corporate and Legislative Services Activity Name: Facilities and Planning Initiatives
Statement of Purpose:
Performance Data:
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Personnel 215,851 142,733 413,577 91.6% 197,726
Contractual 300 300 300 0.0% 0
Materials, Supplies 100 100 1,035 935.0% 935
Travelling, Training 2,900 2,900 2,900 0.0% 0
Fees, Service Charges, Donations 29,850 29,850 0 -100.0% -29,850
Contributions From Capital Fund 29,850 29,850 248,928 733.9% 219,078
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
Human Resources
Human Resources 1,180,603 1,180,603 1,234,407 4.6% 53,804
0 0 0.0% 0
Net Requirements
Human Resources 1,180,603 1,180,603 1,234,407 4.6% 53,804
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Statement of Purpose: In 2023 the HR Division looks forward to continuously improving our
current programs and services, with a focus on strengthening
The Human Resources (HR) Division provides various human employee support, engagement and wellness.
resources programs and services to the Corporation.
Performance Data:
The City has experienced a slight increase in the number of
The 2023 requested level of funding maintains the 2022 level of recruitment and selection activities in 2021/2022, largely due to
service for corporate human resources expenses. This includes retirements when compared to 2020 and regular seasonal
Recruitment and Selection services, Group Health Benefits & recruitment as the City returns to pre-pandemic service levels.
OMERS administration, Health & Safety advisory services,
Disability Management, Labour Relations, Service Recognition The following chart illustrates HR's recruitment activities.
programs and professional training & development. Recruitment/Selection 2020 2021 2022
Activities (Forecast)
A portion of Human Resources (HR) expenses is charged out to Permanent Postings 61 73 76
other departments whose operating costs can be partially
recovered from other funding sources such as Social Services Temporary Postings 78 107 110
subsidies and Building Permit fees.
Permanent Positions Filled 81 111 115
Staff in the Human Resources Division lead the Recruitment &
Selection process to ensure we attract and retain the most qualified Temporary Positions Filled 147 206 212
candidates for each position. The Division administers Group
Health Benefits and OMERS, and effectively minimize absences
and support an early and safe return to work through our Return to
Work/Employment Accommodation procedure and Attendance
Awareness Program to effectively minimize costs associated with
Sick Leave, Long Term Disability and WSIB claims. The Division
ensures corporate compliance with legislative requirements such
as the Employment Standards Act, Occupational Health & Safety
Act, Workplace Safety & Insurance Act as well as ensures
compliance with our Collective Agreements and corporate policies
and procedures.
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Human Resources
Personnel 1,281,149 1,281,148 1,191,197 -7.0% -89,951
Contractual 44,995 44,995 40,995 -8.9% -4,000
Materials, Supplies 79,960 79,960 79,960 0.0% 0
Fees 111,000 111,000 127,665 15.0% 16,665
New Equipment 4,080 4,080 4,080 0.0% 0
Travelling, Training 85,695 85,695 89,006 3.9% 3,311
Recoveries -426,275 -426,275 -298,496 -30.0% 127,779
0 0 0.0% 0
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
Information Technology
Information Technology 3,741,449 3,721,132 3,792,714 1.4% 51,265
Net Requirements
Information Technology 3,641,357 3,621,040 3,727,714 2.4% 86,357
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Department: Corporate and Legislative Services Activity Name: Corporate Information Services
Statement of Purpose: if an activity either receives a fee for the service they provide (i.e.
the Building Division receiving fees for building permits), or if there
To provide market competitive, technology-based products and is funding provided by an external organization that is related to the
services in a secure environment that contributes to improving cost of providing services (i.e. Social Services receives funding
services, and/or reducing costs, for the Corporation of the City of from the Province).
Performance Data:
IT Security continues to be an area of focus as security threats
The contractual line in the budget represents the City’s share of become more advanced and sophisticated. Additional investment
Peterborough Technology Services (PTS) operating expenditures. is required for security, advanced monitoring, and detection tools.
This includes corporate applications, servers, and technical staff Investments in technology continue to increase as departments
that are shared by the City and Peterborough Utilities Services. leverage technology to improve efficiencies. This can be in the form
Examples include servers that host the financial management of additional hardware such as mobile devices, servers and
system and other key applications, and technical staff that are applications, all of which require IT support.
shared by both organizations. The estimated staff allocation for Support Statistics 2020 2021 2022
2023 is 4 FTE's for the Peterborough Utilities and 24 FTE's for the (Forecast)
City. City specific corporate applications include the Fire Dispatch Remote Offices in Wide Area 27 27 27
System, Building and Permit System, Tax System, and Recreation Network
System. Networked Computers 977 1,000 1,053
In addition to the initial capital investment to add new corporate Application/File Servers 148 200 248
applications, there is also an ongoing operating cost of
approximately 25% for annual maintenance and support. There has Systems and Applications 94 94 96
been a shift in recent years that has resulted in software companies Supported
offering their applications as hosted solution or Software as a
Service. This is resulting in a shift from purchasing licenses that are
a capital cost to annual subscription fees. Examples include, ERP,
the Memorial Centre ticketing system, Course and Facility booking
system and Office 365. This is one of the main factors contributing
to an increase in the IT operating budget.
Information Technology
Personnel 127,650 127,649 130,121 1.9% 2,471
Contractual 5,305,998 5,295,282 5,620,187 5.9% 314,189
Materials, Supplies 191,800 182,200 184,200 -4.0% -7,600
Repairs, Maintenance 4,000 4,000 4,000 0.0% 0
Inter-departmental Charges 29,714 29,714 29,500 -0.7% -214
New Equipment 6,000 6,000 0 -100.0% -6,000
Transfer to Capital Fund 17,000 17,000 0 -100.0% -17,000
Recoveries -1,940,713 -1,940,713 -2,175,294 12.1% -234,581
Transfers from Own funds 62,060 62,060 0 -100.0% -62,060
Contribution from Reserve 0 65,000 0.0% 65,000
Contributions From Capital Fund 38,032 38,032 0 -100.0% -38,032
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
Legal Services
Office of the Solicitor 691,501 643,922 720,092 4.1% 28,591
Realty Services 144,383 144,383 145,085 0.5% 701
Provincial Offences Act Office 1,447,536 1,436,179 1,476,494 2.0% 28,958
Net Requirements
Office of the Solicitor 691,501 643,922 720,092 4.1% 28,591
Realty Services 144,383 144,383 145,085 0.5% 701
Provincial Offences Act Office -187,997 -192,183 -175,209 6.8% 12,787
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Department: Corporate and Legislative Services Activity Name: Office of the City Solicitor
Statement of Purpose:
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Personnel 745,486 710,784 776,945 4.2% 31,459
Contractual 2,794 2,160 2,794 0.0% 0
Materials, Supplies 17,180 13,065 17,005 -1.0% -175
Fees 17,500 17,500 17,500 0.0% 0
New Equipment 2,500 2,500 2,500 0.0% 0
Travelling, Training 33,228 25,100 32,148 -3.3% -1,080
Recoveries -127,187 -127,187 -128,800 1.3% -1,613
0 0 0.0% 0
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Statement of Purpose:
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Realty Services
Personnel 141,333 141,333 142,035 0.5% 701
Travelling, Training 3,050 3,050 3,050 0.0% 0
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Department: Corporate and Legislative Services Activity Name: Provincial Offences Office
Statement of Purpose: Once in default, the City will start collection activity that may include
Final Notices, orders to suspend driver's licenses and plate
The Provincial Offences Act (POA) Office is responsible for denials, addition of defaulted fines to tax rolls and legal
administration, courtroom support and municipal prosecution of the proceedings.
Provincial Offences Act offences as well as municipal bylaws within Charges Filed - 2020 2021 2022
the City and County of Peterborough. The POA office ensures Defaulted Fines (Forecast)
compliance with the Act, the Memorandum of Understanding with Federal Part 1 & Part 3 152 121 125
the Ministry of the Attorney General and the Inter-municipal Service
Agreement. Part 1 Tickets 12,798 12,937 12,900
Performance Data:
POA Office
Personnel 881,709 881,709 904,824 2.6% 23,115
Contractual 302,942 292,986 303,487 0.2% 545
Materials, Supplies 23,025 23,025 23,025 0.0% 0
Repairs, Maintenance 500 500 500 0.0% 0
Fees 112,639 112,639 141,127 25.3% 28,488
Inter-departmental Charges 72,320 72,320 75,071 3.8% 2,750
New Equipment 1,150 1,150 1,150 0.0% 0
Rentals 34,000 34,000 34,000 0.0% 0
Travelling, Training 19,250 17,850 18,950 -1.6% -300
Recoveries 0 -25,640 0.0% -25,640
County Share 234,468 241,638 220,297 -6.0% -14,171
Fines 1,870,000 1,870,000 1,872,000 0.1% 2,000
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
Office of IPS Commissioner 413,210 411,539 314,031 -24.0% -99,180
Planning and Development 2,404,401 2,212,153 2,657,804 10.5% 253,403
Building Services 2,980,436 2,984,435 3,382,972 13.5% 402,536
Airport 3,381,014 3,433,597 3,385,183 0.1% 4,168
Asset Management and Capital Planning 2,854,897 2,829,110 3,128,884 9.6% 273,987
Engineering, Construction and Public Works 15,842,539 15,897,725 16,273,815 2.7% 431,276
Transportation 23,925,499 22,146,720 25,328,880 5.9% 1,403,381
Environmental Services 31,187,958 31,640,533 34,021,240 9.1% 2,833,282
Net Requirements
Office of IPS Commissioner 278,606 276,933 178,228 -36.0% -100,379
Planning and Development 1,848,201 1,676,153 1,334,239 -27.8% -513,962
Building Services 651,316 666,916 865,025 32.8% 213,708
Airport 2,314,864 2,371,433 2,276,593 -1.7% -38,271
Asset Management and Capital Planning 1,372,336 1,345,472 1,617,468 17.9% 245,132
Engineering, Construction and Public Works 12,421,011 12,487,225 12,780,733 2.9% 359,722
Transportation 12,667,939 12,693,631 13,928,581 10.0% 1,260,642
Environmental Services 6,638,455 6,835,662 7,581,711 14.2% 943,257
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
Net Requirements
Office of the Infrastructure and Planning Services Commissioner 278,606 276,933 178,228 -36.0% -100,379
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Statement of Purpose:
Performance Data:
Infrastructure & Planning Services leads the efficient delivery of
essential infrastructure and services that our citizens rely on every Success is reflected through essential service and project
day; including roads, sidewalks, transit, parking facilities, delivery related to the activities of the Department.
transportation, airport, storm water facilities, sanitary systems,
wastewater treatment, waste management & recycling, building
permits and land use applications.
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Personnel 83,510 83,509 84,231 0.9% 720
Contractual 300 150 300 0.0% 0
Materials, Supplies 600 880 700 16.7% 100
New Equipment 500 500 500 0.0% 0
Travelling, Training 3,300 1,500 3,300 0.0% 0
Contributions to Reserves 325,000 325,000 225,000 -30.8% -100,000
Contribution from Reserve 100,000 100,000 100,000 0.0% 0
Contributions From Capital Fund 34,604 34,606 35,803 3.5% 1,199
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
Net Requirements
Planning Administration 1,848,201 1,676,153 1,334,239 -27.8% -513,962
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Department: Infrastructure and Planning Services Activity Name: Administration, Property Administration
Statement of Purpose:
Performance Data:
-To administer the processing of subdivision plans, zoning and
official plan amendments and site plans. Major initiatives in 2022:
-To administer the work of the Committee of Adjustment. 1. Final approval of the new Official Plan.
-To advise City Council and other boards, commissions, and 2. Zoning By-law Update initiated.
departments on changes to the Official Plan, Zoning By-law and 3. Completion the Urban Park.
other planning documents. 4. Detailed design for Otonabee River Trail from Del Crary Park to
-To research and monitor community planning and development Little Lake Cemetery started.
opportunities which includes conducting surveys and developing 5. Ongoing implementation of CIP Programs - Y Lofts, Rink/Olive,
consultation programs to assist in developing planning policy. Hunter Street East development projects.
-To administer all municipal planning activities, including parks 6. Ongoing construction of Cleantech Commons.
planning. 7. Streamlining development approval process projects carried out.
-To administer the development of the City's industrial parks.
Personnel 1,879,666 1,695,453 2,129,899 13.3% 250,233
Contractual 65,000 66,800 64,400 -0.9% -600
Materials, Supplies 18,250 15,250 17,250 -5.5% -1,000
Fees 40,000 40,000 40,000 0.0% 0
Travelling, Training 21,785 14,950 26,555 21.9% 4,770
Contributions to Reserves 380,000 380,000 380,000 0.0% 0
Recoveries -300 -300 -300 0.0% 0
Fees, Service Charges, Donations 226,000 235,000 1,014,287 348.8% 788,287
Contribution from Reserve 215,446 186,246 189,878 -11.9% -25,568
Contributions From Capital Fund 114,754 114,754 119,400 4.0% 4,646
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
Building Services
Building Inspection 2,213,520 2,217,519 2,413,947 9.1% 200,428
By-law Enforcement 766,916 766,916 969,025 26.4% 202,108
Net Requirements
By-law Enforcement 651,316 666,916 865,025 32.8% 213,708
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Building Services
Personnel 2,472,960 2,472,959 2,719,024 10.0% 246,064
Contractual 49,000 53,000 181,020 269.4% 132,020
Materials, Supplies 14,100 14,100 16,250 15.2% 2,150
Fees 4,668 4,668 5,402 15.7% 734
Inter-departmental Charges 336,248 336,248 348,186 3.6% 11,938
New Equipment 11,000 11,000 8,000 -27.3% -3,000
Travelling, Training 106,460 106,460 110,090 3.4% 3,630
Recoveries -14,000 -14,000 -5,000 -64.3% 9,000
Fees, Service Charges, Donations 84,200 72,000 76,000 -9.7% -8,200
Licenses & Permits 43,400 40,000 40,000 -7.8% -3,400
Contribution from Reserve 2,201,520 2,205,519 2,401,947 9.1% 200,428
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
Peterborough Airport
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Statement of Purpose:
Performance Data:
To operate and develop the Peterborough Airport as an aviation
industrial park, a service to area businesses, a community gateway LPS Consulting completed a Business Plan and a draft Master Plan
for the public, tourism, business and general aviation. in 2009. WSP completed the Strategic Development Plan in 2017,
building on the previous plans including new business opportunities
Highlights: and land use planning. The Strategic Development Plan was
adopted by Council through Report PLAIR18-002 dated February 5,
The Peterborough Airport is an active industrial park, containing 20 2017. In 2023, a new Airport Master Plan was approved in principal
businesses and educational institutions, employing over 500 full by council through report IPSAIR22-006. This plan represents the
time plus seasonal employees. Seneca College School of Aviation blueprint for long-term development to 2037 by guiding future
and Flight Technology is located at the Airport with 150 to 200 expansion at the Peterborough Airport and outlining the business
students attending classes. Aircraft movements are approximately strategy to position the airport as a regional economic driver to
50,000 per year. meet future aviation demand and create employment.
The Airport Superintendent leads the Airport development activities , In 2023, the focus will continue to be on marketing the airport
tenant relations and oversees the contracted service for airport facility for industrial/commercial uses, private hangars, charter and
operations. Loomex Property Management has completed ten of scheduled flights. Airport staff will continue working as a member of
eleven years of their Airport Management and Operations contract . the Southern Ontario Airport Network, a joint effort to capture the
The Contract places the burden of supplying, maintaining and projected growth of aviation business in Southern Ontario.
replacing equipment on the Contractor within the timeline of the
agreement. This agreement is up for renewal in November 2023 Any remaining development review fees are transferred to a
and has options for two 3-year extensions. reserve to be used for future airport development related
The 2023 operating budget reflects an increase in day-to-day costs
due to utilities, insurance, grounds maintenance of off site An annual contribution to the Airport Development Debt Servicing
properties and contractual services as to the Airport Management Reserve of $1.070 million is necessary to fund the City's share of
and Operations contract. The revenues reflect an increase due to the ISF Airport Expansion Capital Project. The dedicated Pavement
leases, tiedowns and servicing cost recovery. Property taxes are Reserve contribution of $50,000 will continue, to maintain the
paid to Cavan Monaghan Township and are recovered from asphalt surfaces.
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Peterborough Airport
Personnel 194,884 215,734 214,879 10.3% 19,995
Contractual 1,223,902 1,252,547 1,252,592 2.3% 28,690
Materials, Supplies 7,290 6,200 6,200 -15.0% -1,090
Repairs, Maintenance 169,738 168,025 167,919 -1.1% -1,819
Fees 605,563 622,453 622,453 2.8% 16,890
Inter-departmental Charges 17,500 8,500 5,000 -71.4% -12,500
Travelling, Training 3,100 3,100 5,600 80.6% 2,500
Contributions to Reserves 1,173,037 1,171,037 1,124,539 -4.1% -48,498
Recoveries -14,000 -14,000 -14,000 0.0% 0
Fees, Service Charges, Donations 1,009,215 1,002,575 1,049,000 3.9% 39,785
Other Capital Purposes 56,935 59,589 59,589 4.7% 2,654
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
Net Requirements
Asset Management and Capital Planning 501,596 484,732 634,429 26.5% 132,834
Geomatics / Mapping 870,740 860,740 983,038 12.9% 112,298
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Department: Infrastructure and Planning Services Activity Name: Asset Management and Capital Planning
Division: Asset Management and Capital Planning Budget Account #: 10745, 10750
Personnel 2,037,685 2,037,683 2,282,030 12.0% 244,345
Contractual 221,000 221,000 222,330 0.6% 1,330
Materials, Supplies 84,500 69,500 84,500 0.0% 0
Fees 2,725 2,725 2,725 0.0% 0
New Equipment 3,500 3,000 3,500 0.0% 0
Travelling, Training 69,087 58,802 63,734 -7.7% -5,353
Contributions to Reserves 436,400 436,400 470,065 7.7% 33,665
Waste Water Reserve Fund 527,612 527,612 560,815 6.3% 33,203
Fees, Service Charges, Donations 10,000 10,000 25,000 150.0% 15,000
Licenses & Permits 32,500 25,000 47,500 46.2% 15,000
Contribution from Reserve 153,653 162,230 166,253 8.2% 12,600
Contributions From Capital Fund 758,796 758,796 711,848 -6.2% -46,948
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
Engineering and Construction 1,948,689 1,934,689 2,001,708 2.7% 53,019
PW Fleet 350,000 350,000 350,000 0.0% 0
PW Yard 627,250 630,000 631,795 0.7% 4,545
PW Underground Services 456,588 457,466 466,578 2.2% 9,990
PW Parks and Forestry 39,000 38,345 43,000 10.3% 4,000
Net Requirements
Engineering and Construction 1,522,601 1,536,601 1,405,307 -7.7% -117,294
PW Winter Control 4,341,472 4,376,181 4,511,302 3.9% 169,830
PW Surface Services 2,504,300 2,524,172 2,590,262 3.4% 85,961
PW Parks and Forestry 4,052,638 4,050,271 4,273,863 5.5% 221,225
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
Net Requirements
Engineering and Construction Administration 1,522,601 1,536,601 1,405,307 -7.7% -117,294
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Department: Infrastructure and Planning Services Activity Name: Engineering and Construction
Division: Engineering, Construction and Public Works Budget Account #: 10760, 10765
Statement of Purpose:
The next phase of the streetlight LED switch over program will
evaluate the City's decorative fixtures to determine best method of
retrofitting these fixtures to LED.
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Personnel 1,861,789 1,861,788 1,902,867 2.2% 41,078
Contractual 807,955 807,955 695,551 -13.9% -112,404
Materials, Supplies 20,081 20,081 20,353 1.4% 272
Repairs, Maintenance 204,572 204,572 207,641 1.5% 3,069
Fees 2,995 2,995 3,040 1.5% 45
Inter-departmental Charges 65,818 65,818 78,912 19.9% 13,094
New Equipment 8,120 8,120 8,242 1.5% 122
Travelling, Training 25,812 25,812 26,803 3.8% 991
Contributions to Reserves 474,149 474,149 463,607 -2.2% -10,542
Fees, Service Charges, Donations 24,000 10,000 24,000 0.0% 0
Licenses & Permits 3,912 3,912 3,984 1.8% 72
Contribution from Reserve 42,030 42,030 42,660 1.5% 630
Contributions From Capital Fund 1,878,747 1,878,747 1,931,064 2.8% 52,317
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Division: Engineering, Construction and Public Works Budget Account #: 10855 to 10875
An overhead rate is charged on labour expended for the repair and Arenas 20 20 20
maintenance of vehicles and equipment for all client groups. This
rate is set to achieve the full recovery of Fleet Administration costs . Fire 36 36 37
Police 60 64 64
The procurement of all Infrastructure & Planning vehicles and/or
equipment is undertaken within this activity and assistance is Parking 5 5 5
provided to those client groups.
Transit 73 73 73
Hydro One 39 - 39
Wastewater Collection 14 15 15
Engineering 1 1 1
Waste Management 5 5 5
Wellness Centre 1 1 1
Fleming College 1 - 1
PW Fleet
Personnel 2,703,577 2,696,758 2,818,630 4.3% 115,054
Contractual 277,744 289,144 279,600 0.7% 1,856
Materials, Supplies 1,562,718 1,545,354 1,788,622 14.5% 225,904
Repairs, Maintenance 864,500 853,500 864,800 0.0% 300
Fees 98,949 98,000 118,736 20.0% 19,787
Inter-departmental Charges -2,961,113 -2,957,345 -3,111,081 5.1% -149,968
Travelling, Training 7,000 7,000 7,000 0.0% 0
Contributions to Reserves 1,700,000 1,700,000 1,720,000 1.2% 20,000
Recoveries -3,903,374 -3,882,411 -4,136,307 6.0% -232,933
Contributions From Capital Fund 350,000 350,000 350,000 0.0% 0
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Department: Infrastructure and Planning Services Activity Name: Yard Administration and Recoverables
Division: Engineering, Construction and Public Works Budget Account #: 10775, 10845, 10850
Pedestrian Bridges 21 21 21
Kilometres of Sanitary Sewers 398 401 409
Public Works provides operational services seven days a week , on
a 24-hour basis. Emergency responses or repairs are provided as Kilometres of Storm Sewers 356 361 365
Hectares of Parkland 365 365 365
Services are provided to a wide internal client group including:
Transit, Traffic, Parking, Waste Management, Engineering, Kilometres of Trails Maintained 39 39 42
Construction and Public Works, and Facilities Management.
Construction and maintenance activities on the municipal Right of Kilometres of Bike Lanes 34 34 36
Way are provided for outside clients including: Peterborough
Utilities Services Incorporated, Cogeco, Bell and others. Operation
and maintenance activities for the client group are recovered at
100% of the cost.
Performance Data:
PW Yard
Personnel 8,618,474 7,172,440 8,824,727 2.4% 206,253
Contractual 575,713 444,303 454,992 -21.0% -120,721
Materials, Supplies 402,500 402,500 404,150 0.4% 1,650
Repairs, Maintenance 49,103 49,979 49,565 0.9% 462
Fees 130,370 141,000 142,243 9.1% 11,873
Inter-departmental Charges 1,044,738 1,048,611 1,070,584 2.5% 25,846
New Equipment 2,000 2,000 2,000 0.0% 0
Travelling, Training 48,600 48,600 48,800 0.4% 200
Recoveries -10,244,247 -8,679,433 -10,365,266 1.2% -121,019
Waste Water Reserve Fund 77,250 78,000 78,795 2.0% 1,545
Contributions From Capital Fund 550,000 552,000 553,000 0.5% 3,000
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Division: Engineering, Construction and Public Works Budget Account #: 10785, 107910
Statement of Purpose: to begin in October of each year and end in April of the following
year. Also included, are the costs for weather service provision and
To provide efficient and effective winter control for roads and support of GPS technology for our winter control units.
The 2023 snow clearing level of service will be the same as the
2022 level of service for the Downtown and Village BIA areas. The
2023 budget includes an increase for winter material costs in order
to achieve a balance with market increases to winter material
supply and delivery and reflects the assumption of new
Performance Data:
Inclement weather creates the need for road and sidewalk plowing,
sanding and salting as well as removal of snow windrows in key
areas of the City when amounts exceed the standards. Public
Works provides service 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
Depending upon storm conditions, 18 plow routes, two graders,
nine sidewalk plow routes and several loaders may be
simultaneously deployed for winter control activities.
PW Winter Control
Contractual 185,000 182,120 185,200 0.1% 200
Materials, Supplies 680,000 818,500 693,600 2.0% 13,600
Inter-departmental Charges 3,477,672 3,376,761 3,633,702 4.5% 156,030
Recoveries -1,200 -1,200 -1,200 0.0% 0
0 0 0.0% 0
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Division: Engineering, Construction and Public Works Budget Account #: 10795, 10800, 10805, 10810
Statement of Purpose:
Much of the surface drainage work is done in response to
To provide effective repair and maintenance of road, right-of-way emergencies along with minor maintenance related to roadside
and surface drainage facilities within the city of Peterborough. drainage swales and ditches.
Repairs to pavement surfaces are provided in accordance with This activity also includes the contract payments to the DBIA of
Ontario Regulation 239/02 (Minimum Maintenance Standards). $133,500 per year. These funds provide for litter collection, general
Roadway shoulders are graded twice each year (spring/fall). cleaning on a 24 hour a day, 7 day a week basis, and the watering
Shoulder washouts are repaired on an ongoing basis. To control of hanging flower baskets, etc.
dust, calcium chloride is applied to select shoulders and unpaved
roads in early summer. For 2023, the sidewalk washing schedule will remain the same as
in previous years for the DBIA (on a weekly cycle). Street sweeping
Street sweeping is undertaken on an regular basis to provide is done three times each week, on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday,
cleanliness and remove dirt and debris from gutters, affecting from May to October.
drainage. This maintenance function also protects storm water
quality by removing debris prior to it entering the storm water or
surface water systems.
PW Surface Services
Contractual 282,100 283,792 284,300 0.8% 2,200
Materials, Supplies 135,000 137,346 137,700 2.0% 2,700
Inter-departmental Charges 2,087,200 2,103,034 2,168,262 3.9% 81,061
0 0 0.0% 0
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Division: Engineering, Construction and Public Works Budget Account #: 10815, 10820
Statement of Purpose:
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
PW Underground Services
Contractual 70,000 70,152 70,500 0.7% 500
Materials, Supplies 35,000 35,298 35,400 1.1% 400
Inter-departmental Charges 353,588 354,016 362,678 2.6% 9,090
Recoveries -2,000 -2,000 -2,000 0.0% 0
Waste Water Reserve Fund 456,588 457,466 466,578 2.2% 9,990
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Department: Infrastructure and Planning Services Activity Name: Parks and Forestry
Division: Engineering, Construction and Public Works Budget Account #: 10825, 10830, 10832, 10833, 10834
Statement of Purpose: requests from the years prior as well as over 7,000 service
requests remaining after the initial storm response is complete.
To maintain and improve park facilities and urban forestry for year
round outdoor recreation activities and to promote the social,
economic and environmental benefits of the municipal park and Performance Data/Work Program:
urban forestry resources. Parks and Forestry 2020 2021 2022
Statistics (Forecast)
To preserve and reconstruct native habitat (including trees) on Number of Flower Beds 66 67 68
parkland, and other open space municipal lands, and to provide
guidance and encouragement to private landowners for the Number of Bulbs, Annuals & 27,000 27,000 26,000
protection of these natural resources. To beautify the city with Perennials Planted
horticultural displays throughout municipal parklands and the Hanging Floral Baskets and 130 130 130
planting and care of flower and shrub beds at municipal facilities. DBIA Planters
Softball/Baseball Diamonds 52 52 52
To eliminate noxious weeds and reduce the adult mosquito
population through contracted services. Soccer Fields 32 32 32
Buildings/Bunkers 28 28 28
The 2023 horticulture program is proposed to add 1 garden as an
increase to the 2022 level of service.
Wading Pools 4 4 4
Personnel 0 71,752 0.0% 71,752
Contractual 506,349 506,895 541,340 6.9% 34,992
Materials, Supplies 212,500 212,500 213,500 0.5% 1,000
Repairs, Maintenance 27,259 27,258 33,216 21.9% 5,957
Inter-departmental Charges 3,345,531 3,341,963 3,457,054 3.3% 111,523
Ontario grants 22,500 22,500 22,500 0.0% 0
County and Other Municipal grants & fees 2,200 2,200 2,200 0.0% 0
Fees, Service Charges, Donations 14,300 13,645 18,300 28.0% 4,000
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
Public Transit Operations 18,230,257 16,748,796 19,281,713 5.8% 1,051,456
Parking,Traffic, Transportation Planning 5,695,242 5,397,924 6,047,167 6.2% 351,925
Public Transit Operations 8,114,300 7,318,439 7,650,679 -5.7% -463,621
Parking,Traffic, Transportation Planning 3,143,260 2,134,650 3,749,620 19.3% 606,360
Net Requirements
Public Transit Operations 10,115,957 9,430,357 11,631,034 15.0% 1,515,077
Parking,Traffic, Transportation Planning 2,551,982 3,263,274 2,297,547 -10.0% -254,435
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Department: Infrastructure and Planning Services Activity Name: Public Transit Operations
Statement of Purpose: 2022 work began on a study to review alternative fuel sources for
transit vehicles to guide future decision making. The study is
To provide conventional public transit service to within 450m of 90% expected to be completed in Q3 2023.
of the residents of the city and specialized transit services to ensure
equity and access to residents with mobility requirements.
Performance Data/Work Program:
Highlights: Passenger Boardings 2020 2021 2022
Ridership levels in early 2022 remained significantly lower than Conventional Transit 2,034,200 1,363,768 2,170,909
normal due to the continued impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic,
as some customers continued to reduce travel due to COVID-19 Specialized Transit 31,900 17,816 22,190
and post-secondary ridership was reduced as Fleming and Trent
continued to provide hybrid learning options for the 2022 academic
sessions. Post-Secondary ridership is expected to recover to within
85% of pre-COVID-19 levels by the end of 2023, however a more
gradual return is still expected for other transit customers. Overall
fare revenue is expected to return to 2019 levels. Higher fuel,
insurance cost and inflation are contributing to increased net
operating costs for 2023.
In 2021, the Transit Route Review was completed. The new Transit
route system was approved by Council in 2021 and launched
permanently in May 2022. Selwyn Township transit service launched
in May 2021 on a cost recovery basis and an On-Demand pilot
service in 2022, with the initial cost funded at 50% through the Safe
Restart Program. Both are anticipated to continue through 2023. In
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Personnel 11,330,028 11,471,715 11,619,172 2.6% 289,145
Contractual 1,217,442 644,081 1,265,423 3.9% 47,981
Materials, Supplies 2,965,537 2,299,750 3,747,908 26.4% 782,371
Repairs, Maintenance 161,899 425,952 182,481 12.7% 20,582
Debt Charges 128,910 128,910 125,620 -2.6% -3,290
Fees 368,348 365,848 439,507 19.3% 71,160
Inter-departmental Charges 6,396,071 5,438,917 7,208,166 12.7% 812,095
Rentals 5,000 5,000 0.0% 0
Travelling, Training 52,500 42,700 55,250 5.2% 2,750
Contributions to Reserves 648,000 648,000 648,000 0.0% 0
Recoveries -5,043,477 -4,717,077 -6,014,815 19.3% -971,338
Fees, Service Charges, Donations 5,899,300 5,103,439 5,835,679 -1.1% -63,621
Contribution from Reserve 1,815,000 1,815,000 1,815,000 0.0% 0
Contributions From Capital Fund 400,000 400,000 0 -100.0% -400,000
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Department: Infrastructure and Planning Services Activity Name: Parking, Traffic, Transportation Planning
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Personnel 1,742,981 1,663,712 1,863,840 6.9% 120,858
Contractual 2,367,003 2,310,554 2,511,778 6.1% 144,775
Materials, Supplies 209,360 194,650 214,130 2.3% 4,770
Repairs, Maintenance 193,319 183,850 200,555 3.7% 7,236
Debt Charges 284,962 284,962 279,449 -1.9% -5,513
Fees 311,159 321,158 404,669 30.1% 93,510
Inter-departmental Charges 287,665 236,023 326,626 13.5% 38,960
New Equipment 5,000 4,300 5,000 0.0% 0
Travelling, Training 45,090 40,300 45,920 1.8% 830
Contributions to Reserves 250,703 159,915 197,701 -21.1% -53,002
Recoveries -2,000 -1,500 -2,500 25.0% -500
Fees, Service Charges, Donations 2,815,160 1,806,550 3,523,520 25.2% 708,360
Fines 0 25,000 0.0% 25,000
Contributions From Capital Fund 328,100 328,100 201,100 -38.7% -127,000
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
Environmental Services
Environmental Protection 17,172,685 17,417,764 18,445,850 7.4% 1,273,165
Waste Management 14,015,273 14,222,769 15,575,391 11.1% 1,560,117
Environmental Protection 17,074,040 17,319,161 18,355,354 7.5% 1,281,313
Waste Management 7,475,463 7,485,710 8,084,175 8.1% 608,712
Net Requirements
Environmental Protection 98,644 98,603 90,496 -8.3% -8,149
Waste Management 6,539,810 6,737,059 7,491,216 14.5% 951,405
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
Environmental Protection
Wastewater Treatment 13,710,297 13,710,294 14,705,338 7.3% 995,040
Storm Water Collection 709,016 714,539 772,937 9.0% 63,921
Pumping Stations 209,692 209,690 215,890 3.0% 6,198
Sanitary Sewer Waste Water Collection 1,757,964 1,777,538 1,840,717 4.7% 82,753
Environmental Monitoring Program 392,771 562,100 415,132 5.7% 22,361
Centennial Fountain 98,644 98,603 90,496 -8.3% -8,149
Cavan Monaghan Treatment Plant 294,299 345,000 405,339 37.7% 111,040
Net Requirements
Centennial Fountain 98,644 98,603 90,496 -8.3% -8,149
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Performance Data:
Environmental Protection
Personnel 4,521,113 4,549,397 4,742,340 4.9% 221,228
Contractual 2,643,440 2,659,472 2,434,435 -7.9% -209,005
Materials, Supplies 1,841,791 1,842,296 2,149,350 16.7% 307,559
Repairs, Maintenance 220,074 222,705 240,394 9.2% 20,320
Fees 1,048,873 1,048,872 1,100,879 5.0% 52,007
Inter-departmental Charges 873,687 878,084 954,588 9.3% 80,902
Rentals 10,000 20,000 25,000 150.0% 15,000
Travelling, Training 161,950 156,550 178,250 10.1% 16,300
Contributions to Reserves 6,521,758 6,550,388 7,441,812 14.1% 920,054
Recoveries -670,000 -510,000 -821,200 22.6% -151,200
Waste Water Reserve Fund 15,717,241 15,779,161 16,449,715 4.7% 732,473
Fees, Service Charges, Donations 1,356,799 1,540,000 1,905,639 40.5% 548,840
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
Waste Management
Waste Disposal and Reduction - Administration 1,264,282 1,252,930 1,416,326 12.0% 152,043
Landfill Operation 4,928,703 4,884,990 5,212,651 5.8% 283,948
Solid Waste Collection 1,876,536 1,876,536 1,829,876 -2.5% -46,659
Compost Site Operation 413,726 658,700 1,088,656 163.1% 674,931
Electronics Recycling 98,054 121,000 127,375 29.9% 29,321
Hazardous Waste Collection 393,953 393,946 410,727 4.3% 16,774
Large Article Pick-up 25,448 25,250 25,176 -1.1% -272
Green Waste Collection 668,921 663,770 652,467 -2.5% -16,453
Recycling Services 4,345,650 4,345,647 4,812,136 10.7% 466,486
Net Requirements
Waste Disposal and Reduction - Administration 1,253,572 1,242,220 1,354,604 8.1% 101,031
Landfill Operation 63,450 21,990 -72,102 -213.6% -135,552
Solid Waste Collection 1,876,536 1,876,536 1,829,876 -2.5% -46,659
Compost Site Operation 368,726 603,700 963,656 161.3% 594,931
Electronics Recycling 48,054 68,000 66,375 38.1% 18,321
Hazardous Waste Collection 268,953 268,946 268,027 -0.3% -926
Large Article Pick-up 9,948 10,250 9,176 -7.8% -772
Green Waste Collection 668,921 663,770 652,467 -2.5% -16,453
Recycling Services 1,981,650 1,981,647 2,419,136 22.1% 437,486
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Statement of Purpose: (EPR) commenced in October 2021, with 2022 as a transition year
Waste Management includes the collection, processing and
disposal programs/services for garbage, recyclables, green waste, Waste Diversion, and long-term planning are underway. Emterra
large articles, hazardous waste and electronic waste within the (recycling collection and processing contractor) is now in their
Environmental Services Division. The Division manages the second year (of seven) servicing the City. Efforts to divert other
Peterborough County/City Waste Management Facility the Material targeted materials (ie polystyrene, textiles) continue to provide
Recycling Facility, the Household Hazardous Waste Depot and the valuable data for future program expansion.
Harper Road Composting Facility. Capital development is funded
by contributing to the Waste Management Reserve Fund. Performance Data:
Highlights: City waste diversion rate (2021) was 52%. New, more challenging
diversion opportunities continue to be investigated, including
Blue Box commodity revenue saw a record high year in 2021 for polystyrene, organics, reuse, bulky plastics, and textiles. The City
commodity values, brought on by inflationary and supply chain continues to monitor Federal and Provincial initiatives targeting the
management issues (partially related to covid impacts). reduction and elimination of use of hard to recycle plastic items.
Commodity values have continued to remain elevated during Q1 of Waste Statistics 2020 2021 2022
2022, but are expected to decrease (perhaps by 25% over the next (tonnes) (Forecast)
three quarters of the year). The current composting facility at Waste Used as Cover at Landfill 16,956 29,981 12,000
Harper Road is slated to wind down operation in late 2023. The
GROW Peterborough SSO (food) collection and processing project Landfill Recycling Diverted 5,377 5,020 7,000
is in the design and approval phase targeting 2023 construction,
and commissioning with operations planned to commence in fall Garbage Disposed at Landfill 47,779 47,176 47,000
City Blue Box Recycling (MRF) 7,755 6,295 6,500
The Province of Ontario continues with efforts to transition recycling
City Green Waste/Organics 6,774 6,032 12,000
program and cost responsibilities to the private sector under a full
(100%) extended producer responsibility (EPR) program, targeting
Hazardous Waste Depot 275 389 350
January 1st, 2024 implementation for the City of Peterborough.
However, to date, the private sector have not provided further
Electronics Recycling 145 187 160
details (including costing or funding support) towards this transition.
Further details are expected by late summer 2022. Household
Hazardous Waste stewardship transition to full industry funding
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Waste Management
Personnel 569,563 558,034 744,433 30.7% 174,870
Contractual 8,120,544 8,523,800 9,206,368 13.4% 1,085,824
Materials, Supplies 106,300 106,600 249,050 134.3% 142,750
Repairs, Maintenance 156,577 156,574 155,864 -0.5% -713
Fees 736,663 730,962 657,354 -10.8% -79,309
Inter-departmental Charges 3,292,876 3,167,589 3,335,419 1.3% 42,543
New Equipment 5,000 5,000 5,400 8.0% 400
Rentals 351,000 361,000 376,200 7.2% 25,200
Travelling, Training 23,200 23,200 26,700 15.1% 3,500
Contributions to Reserves 937,000 937,000 977,000 4.3% 40,000
Recoveries -5,000 -5,000 -5,000 0.0% 0
County Share -278,450 -341,990 -153,398 -44.9% 125,052
Waste Water Reserve Fund 210,000 210,000 215,500 2.6% 5,500
Ontario grants 855,000 856,000 833,000 -2.6% -22,000
County and Other Municipal grants & fees 175,000 187,000 183,000 4.6% 8,000
Fees, Service Charges, Donations 6,224,753 6,222,000 6,790,953 9.1% 566,200
Contribution from Reserve 10,710 10,710 61,722 476.3% 51,012
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
Community Services
Community Service Administration 2,543,127 2,543,127 2,717,785 6.9% 174,658
Arts, Culture and Heritage 6,163,737 6,098,401 6,257,626 1.5% 93,889
Arenas 5,910,526 5,944,465 6,179,457 4.6% 268,931
Recreation 5,294,026 4,760,663 5,661,833 6.9% 367,807
Social Services 82,602,360 92,000,402 99,116,969 20.0% 16,514,609
Net Requirements
Community Service Administration 2,041,140 2,041,140 2,146,845 5.2% 105,705
Arts, Culture and Heritage 5,229,613 5,264,522 5,346,927 2.2% 117,314
Arenas 2,217,292 2,321,469 2,361,883 6.5% 144,591
Recreation 1,049,418 1,400,154 1,213,152 15.6% 163,735
Social Services 11,674,134 11,774,429 12,005,407 2.8% 331,273
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
Office of Community Services Commissioner 362,030 362,030 386,738 6.8% 24,707
Community Project Grants 20,350 20,350 20,655 1.5% 305
Community Investment Grants 212,642 212,642 215,832 1.5% 3,190
Artspace 36,743 36,743 37,294 1.5% 551
Peterborough Aides Resource Network 7,419 7,419 7,530 1.5% 111
Community Care Peterborough 28,125 28,125 28,547 1.5% 422
Little Lake Musicfest 121,130 121,130 122,947 1.5% 1,817
Ptbo Folk Festival 21,771 21,771 22,098 1.5% 327
Native Learning Program 3,177 3,177 3,225 1.5% 48
Community Race Relations Committee 43,024 43,024 43,669 1.5% 645
CPD Funding 13,265 13,265 13,464 1.5% 199
Showplace 141,602 141,602 143,726 1.5% 2,124
Canadian Canoe Museum 108,362 108,362 108,362 0.0% 0
Peterborough Lions Club 28,125 28,125 28,547 1.5% 422
Peterborough Green Up 200,045 200,045 203,046 1.5% 3,001
Ptbo Agriculture Society 82,580 82,580 83,819 1.5% 1,239
Community Service Grant to Hutchison House 43,994 43,994 44,654 1.5% 660
Community Service Grant to Kawartha Food Share 33,758 33,758 34,265 1.5% 507
New Canadian Centre 48,892 48,892 49,652 1.6% 760
Market Hall 80,337 80,337 81,542 1.5% 1,205
Drug Strategy 32,660 32,660 33,647 3.0% 987
Cons - Transfer to GPA EDC 40,600 40,600 38,791 -4.5% -1,809
Peterborough Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee 18,038 18,038 18,309 1.5% 271
Community Development Program 814,458 814,458 947,426 16.3% 132,968
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
Net Requirements
Office of Community Services Commissioner 362,030 362,030 386,738 6.8% 24,707
Community Project Grants 20,350 20,350 20,655 1.5% 305
Community Investment Grants 212,642 212,642 215,832 1.5% 3,190
Artspace 36,743 36,743 37,294 1.5% 551
Peterborough Aides Resource Network 7,419 7,419 7,530 1.5% 111
Community Care Peterborough 28,125 28,125 28,547 1.5% 422
Little Lake Musicfest 121,130 121,130 122,947 1.5% 1,817
Ptbo Folk Festival 21,771 21,771 22,098 1.5% 327
Native Learning Program 3,177 3,177 3,225 1.5% 48
Community Race Relations Committee 43,024 43,024 43,669 1.5% 645
CPD Funding 13,265 13,265 13,464 1.5% 199
Showplace 141,602 141,602 143,726 1.5% 2,124
Canadian Canoe Museum 108,362 108,362 108,362 0.0% 0
Peterborough Lions Club 28,125 28,125 28,547 1.5% 422
Peterborough Green Up 152,115 152,115 154,397 1.5% 2,282
Ptbo Agriculture Society 82,580 82,580 83,819 1.5% 1,239
Community Service Grant to Hutchison House 43,994 43,994 44,654 1.5% 660
Community Service Grant to Kawartha Food Share 33,758 33,758 34,265 1.5% 507
New Canadian Centre 48,892 48,892 49,652 1.6% 760
Market Hall 80,337 80,337 81,542 1.5% 1,205
Drug Strategy 32,660 32,660 33,647 3.0% 987
Cons - Transfer to GPA EDC 40,600 40,600 38,791 -4.5% -1,809
Peterborough Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee 18,038 18,038 18,309 1.5% 271
Community Development Program 360,401 360,401 425,135 18.0% 64,734
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Statement of Purpose:
Performance Data:
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Personnel 298,675 298,675 321,625 7.7% 22,949
Contractual 52,390 52,390 53,177 1.5% 787
Materials, Supplies 16,650 16,650 16,900 1.5% 250
Other Transfers 1,353,374 1,353,374 1,370,157 1.2% 16,783
Travelling, Training 7,580 7,580 8,500 12.1% 920
Waste Water Reserve Fund 47,930 47,930 48,649 1.5% 719
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Statement of Purpose: Funding support is being provided to the Ontario 211 ($22,470)
and Kawartha Food Share food security programs ($21,865) on a
The Community Development Program (CDP) will continue to 50/50 City/County cost share. Funding to Community Care
improve the well-being of residents in the City and County through Peterborough ($22,303) and the New Canadians Centre ($14,784)
the delivery of projects, information, referrals, and support to is paid 100% by the City. This funding is reviewed on an annual
enhance social development and fill service gaps. basis.
Implementation of the Age-friendly Peterborough Plan continues DEI Training Participants - - 350
with projects and programs that engage, educate, and inform older
adults on issues that are important to their health and well-being.
Personnel 348,630 348,630 358,212 2.7% 9,582
Contractual 456,159 456,159 579,414 27.0% 123,255
Materials, Supplies 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0% 0
Travelling, Training 8,669 8,669 8,800 1.5% 131
Ontario grants 13,375 13,375 0 -100.0% -13,375
Canada grants 0 50,000 0.0% 50,000
County and Other Municipal grants & fees 195,862 195,862 298,051 52.2% 102,189
Contribution from Reserve 244,820 244,820 174,240 -28.8% -70,580
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
Net Requirements
Arts, Culture and Heritage Administration 267,928 271,504 279,599 4.4% 11,671
Heritage Preservation Office 539,070 505,870 544,251 1.0% 5,182
Museum 696,577 693,042 707,099 1.5% 10,522
Art Gallery 568,377 571,926 544,947 -4.1% -23,429
Library 3,157,661 3,222,179 3,271,030 3.6% 113,368
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Department: Community Services Activity Name: ACH Administration and Heritage Preservation
Division: Arts, Culture And Heritage Budget Account #: 10325, 10330, 10335
While the COVID-19 pandemic continued to impact programs in Public Art - Conservation 1 1 1
2022 in many cases programs have moved to a hybrid approach,
several projects were completed including: Archaeological Assessments 4 3 4
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
ACH Administration
Personnel 425,440 428,816 440,955 3.6% 15,515
Contractual 85,826 66,288 86,520 0.8% 694
Materials, Supplies 44,103 44,103 44,928 1.9% 825
Fees 500 500 510 2.0% 10
Tax Write-offs 250,000 250,000 250,000 0.0% 0
Other Transfers 65,000 65,000 27,000 -58.5% -38,000
New Equipment 1,894 1,894 1,920 1.4% 26
Travelling, Training 9,273 9,073 9,664 4.2% 391
Recoveries -18,038 -17,300 -18,309 1.5% -271
Canada grants 10,000 26,000 15,000 50.0% 5,000
Fees, Service Charges, Donations 7,000 5,000 4,336 -38.1% -2,664
Contribution from Reserve 40,000 40,000 0 -100.0% -40,000
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Division: Arts, Culture and Heritage Budget Account #: 10345, 10350, 10360, 10355, 10365
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Personnel 684,912 688,984 698,144 1.9% 13,232
Contractual 116,666 118,661 120,535 3.3% 3,869
Materials, Supplies 98,300 68,675 98,000 -0.3% -300
Repairs, Maintenance 37,107 37,107 37,057 -0.1% -50
Fees 9,968 9,968 11,761 18.0% 1,793
Travelling, Training 8,078 8,077 8,055 -0.3% -23
Contributions to Reserves 12,000 12,000 12,000 0.0% 0
Recoveries -5,400 -5,000 -5,000 -7.4% 400
Ontario grants 45,433 55,433 45,433 0.0% 0
Canada grants 27,600 45,000 25,000 -9.4% -2,600
Fees, Service Charges, Donations 192,020 144,997 203,020 5.7% 11,000
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Art Gallery
Personnel 555,242 555,241 568,294 2.4% 13,052
Contractual 191,168 169,597 187,896 -1.7% -3,272
Materials, Supplies 68,903 57,500 49,500 -28.2% -19,403
Repairs, Maintenance 29,495 30,000 29,768 0.9% 273
Fees 66,783 64,583 68,993 3.3% 2,210
Other Transfers 0 2,000 0 0.0% 0
Rentals 15,000 15,000 18,000 20.0% 3,000
Travelling, Training 14,000 9,500 14,000 0.0% 0
Recoveries -3,000 -3,000 -3,000 0.0% 0
Ontario grants 78,215 78,215 75,504 -3.5% -2,711
Canada grants 96,000 96,000 97,000 1.0% 1,000
Fees, Service Charges, Donations 187,000 146,280 208,000 11.2% 21,000
Investment Income 8,000 8,000 8,000 0.0% 0
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Division: Arts, Culture And Heritage Budget Account #: 60005, 60015, 60035
Statement of Purpose:
The Peterborough Public Library is an agent for positive community Performance Data/Work Program:
transformation through interaction, discovery, and learning. Library Usage 2020 2021 2022
Highlights: Hours Open 1,308 2,508 2,964
The Library's 2023 budget sees a continued return to pre-pandemic Number of In-person Visits 93,184 184,080 190,000
service levels with minimal adjustments for operating costs. An
internal staffing reorganization was implemented in 2022 to shift our Circulation (Print Only) 218,456 134,183 230,000
focus to a service-centric model, with the goal of ensuring the
continued growth and success of the Library. Physical Items in Collection 185,000 185,000 190,000
The Library is seeing an increase in technology costs associated Collection Value $2,500,000 $2,500,000 $2,500,000
with software licenses and product subscription fees. The costs
Members 22,734 20,200 22,000
associated with our library book vendors and digital collections
have also increased, largely due to publisher agreements and the
Question/Tech Inquiries 16,536 22,516 25,000
fluctuating exchange rate of the US dollar. There has been a
notable increase in digital collection usage since 2020.
Programs Offered 295 295 350
Personnel 2,459,464 2,459,464 2,522,017 2.5% 62,553
Contractual 331,972 341,889 397,320 19.7% 65,347
Materials, Supplies 59,900 59,900 59,400 -0.8% -500
Repairs, Maintenance 64,879 64,878 57,305 -11.7% -7,574
Fees 32,162 32,362 34,517 7.3% 2,355
Inter-departmental Charges 26,000 26,000 26,000 0.0% 0
New Equipment 3,500 3,500 3,500 0.0% 0
Travelling, Training 18,000 18,000 18,000 0.0% 0
Contributions to Reserves 405,640 405,640 382,877 -5.6% -22,763
Recoveries -1,000 -500 -500 -50.0% 500
Ontario grants 132,806 132,806 132,806 0.0% 0
Fees, Service Charges, Donations 107,050 50,148 91,600 -14.4% -15,450
Investment Income 3,000 6,000 5,000 66.7% 2,000
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
Kinsmen Arena 1,132,779 1,136,960 1,197,926 5.8% 65,147
Healthy Planet Arena 1,545,657 1,559,455 1,558,606 0.8% 12,949
Memorial Centre 2,214,280 2,199,708 2,269,815 2.5% 55,535
Urban Park 70,668 101,200 205,969 191.5% 135,301
Kinsmen Arena 857,635 856,335 899,802 4.9% 42,167
Healthy Planet Arena 1,331,162 1,270,368 1,393,170 4.7% 62,008
Memorial Centre 1,498,937 1,493,543 1,502,452 0.2% 3,515
Urban Park 5,500 2,750 22,150 302.7% 16,650
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Department: Community Services Activity Name: Memorial Centre, Healthy Planet Arena,
Division: Arenas Budget Account #: 10380, 10385, 10390, 10395, 10400, 10405,
10410, 10420, 10425, 10430, 10435, 10440,
Statement of Purpose: facility is incorporated under the Morrow Park Redevelopment
Project that includes the review of the centre portion of Morrow Park
Arena Division strives to efficiently manage and maximize use of all as guided by the Morrow Park Master Plan Design Study.
facilities by providing a wide range of programming and events in
affordable and attractive facilities that staff and the community can Performance Data:
be proud of, encouraging tourist visits and event organizers to
choose Peterborough for their events. The 2021/22 Fall/Winter ice/event season continued to be
impacted by facility closures and pandemic-related restrictions.
Highlights: Capacity limits were reintroduced in Dec 2021 switching to full
closures in Jan 2022, gradually increasing capacities over the next
The Division continues to reflect an increase in programming and few months allowing more programming to resume. Peterborough
activities in the 2023 budget following the return of community Public Health occupied the Banquet Hall at HPA as a COVID-19
programming and ticketed events in 2022. Staff from both Arena vaccination clinic until June 2022. A review of the HPA Banquet
and Recreation Divisions work collectively to expand the number Hall is underway and recommendations for renovations will be
and frequency of City-offered programs in Arena facilities and take proposed in a future request for Council's consideration allowing for
every opportunity to maximize the use of ice and floor surfaces and multi-purpose programming.
multi-purpose rooms. The Lakers successfully returned in 2022 to the PMC following two
The requirement to exchange the summer floor and ice schedules years of pandemic-related cancellation. Scheduling of concerts
between Kinsmen Arena and Healthy Planet Arena (HPA) continues and events at the PMC during the pandemic continued as staff kept
in 2023 to accommodate the replacement of refrigeration plant and the entertainment industry active by creating a series of successful
arena floor/boards. Changes to staff allocations for Customer outdoor events and one indoor event while continuing to secure
Service Representatives at HPA and Kinsmen Arena fairly allocate future artist booking dates inside the PMC. This strategy proved
the services provided. The HPA operating budget includes the cost successful as Concerts and Events returned to the PMC
for replacement tables and chairs of $20,000. The 2023 Operating immediately upon the lessening of restrictions, with staff quickly
Budget for Urban Park includes a full year of operations following activating the facility for these events having had contracts in place
the fall 2022 opening. and ticket sales underway, garnering positive industry attention and
Morrow Park 2023 Operating Budget reflects a $30,000 reduction future event bookings.
in lease revenue from Kawartha Gymnastics Club moving from the
Bicentennial Building. The current condition of this building allows it
to be utilized as a warehouse facility for PMC operating equipment.
Alternate uses would require extensive renovations of existing
electrical, plumbing and HVAC services. Future planning for this
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Personnel 3,140,970 3,165,749 3,287,165 4.7% 146,195
Contractual 1,444,388 1,453,183 1,528,828 5.8% 84,440
Materials, Supplies 24,950 24,850 24,960 0.0% 10
Repairs, Maintenance 487,396 487,396 543,662 11.5% 56,266
Debt Charges 947,142 947,142 947,142 0.0% 0
Fees 76,720 76,520 76,520 -0.3% -200
Inter-departmental Charges 27,563 23,277 28,875 4.8% 1,312
Travelling, Training 40,347 40,347 42,405 5.1% 2,058
Contributions to Reserves 78,750 78,000 81,900 4.0% 3,150
Recoveries -357,700 -352,000 -382,000 6.8% -24,300
Fees, Service Charges, Donations 3,693,234 3,622,996 3,817,574 3.4% 124,340
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
Net Requirements
Recreation Facilities and Program Delivery 1,049,418 1,027,950 1,213,152 15.6% 163,735
Peterborough Sport and Wellness Centre 0 372,204 0 0.0% 0
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Department: Community Services Activity Name: Recreation Facilities and Program Delivery
Division: Recreation Budget Account #: 10480, 10485, 10490, 10495, 10505, 10510,
10520, 10530, 10535, 10536, 10538, and
Statement of Purpose: will provide an additional multi-use complex focusing on adult
leisure, inter-generational and certification workshops, community
This budget supports the staffing, planning, advertising, delivery, partnerships agreements, and facility rentals. The intention is to
supervision and evaluation of the Recreation Division programs enter into a partnership with the Peterborough Lawn Bowling Club,
and services, including: community development/assistance which continues the operation of the lawn greens, existing leagues,
activities; facility management; direct delivery programs and and programs.
instructional sports; special event projects; recreation fee subsidy
program; summer aquatics program; summer camp and junior In response to funding support requests related to the
parks; Downtown Youth Space; Peterborough Youth post-pandemic recovery, the division budget includes $50,000
Commission/Council; sport field and special event permitting; the approved through council report CSRS22-003 for funding for the
operations of the Skateboard Park, picnic sites at Beavermead, community garden program and $25,000 for funding of the Canada
Nicholls Oval and Jackson Park; operation of the Peterborough Day and Victoria Day Fireworks.
Marina; oversight of Beavermead Campground; and operations
related to Naval Memorial Park Complex and McDonnel Street
Community Centre. Performance Data/Work Program:
User Stats 2020 2021 2022
Highlights: (Forecast)
Subsidy Applications 52 93 175
The 2023 operating budget for the Marina includes the non-tangible
capital asset cost of $20,000 for replacing the existing Permitting Revenue 698 118,849 420,479
coin-operated washer and dryer with commercial units that utilize a
card-reader system, eliminating cash handling or cash storage in Instructional Sport 25,108 13,622 108,885
the facility. $25,000 has been included in the 2023 Marina
operating budget for contracted overnight security staff services to Downtown Youth Space Users 495 220 840
address the increase in vandalism and security issues.
Summer Aquatics 14,331 14,588 14,900
Naval Memorial Park Complex completed renovations in 2022 for (Beaches/Wading Pools)
Marina Revenue 720 276,295 423,536
the admiralty hall building, which continues to function as a multi-use
complex. In 2023 the Naval Memorial Park Complex is scheduled
within the budget to complete a Master Plan for the property.
Personnel 1,040,061 891,807 1,561,761 50.2% 521,700
Contractual 532,227 401,549 526,688 -1.0% -5,540
Materials, Supplies 255,575 230,621 371,641 45.4% 116,066
Repairs, Maintenance 226,282 220,048 239,178 5.7% 12,896
Fees 43,974 35,605 37,878 -13.9% -6,096
Other Transfers 153,994 153,994 208,994 35.7% 55,000
Inter-departmental Charges 15,750 9,734 11,500 -27.0% -4,250
New Equipment 1,500 0 -100.0% -1,500
Rentals 58,000 9,500 24,500 -57.8% -33,500
Travelling, Training 14,710 6,807 16,016 8.9% 1,306
Contributions to Reserves 144,487 209,058 125,243 -13.3% -19,244
Recoveries -500 -524 -18,800 3,660.0% -18,300
Ontario grants 13,200 13,200 13,200 0.0% 0
Canada grants 5,000 10,520 0 -100.0% -5,000
Fees, Service Charges, Donations 1,371,823 1,069,920 1,852,280 35.0% 480,457
Contribution from Reserve 46,619 46,609 25,967 -44.3% -20,652
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Department: Community Services Activity Name: Peterborough Sport and Wellness Centre
Statement of Purpose: children and families to access. Sport and Fitness programs will
continue to focus on indoor-outdoor program mix and utilizing the
The Peterborough Sport and Wellness Centre (PSWC) is a leisure nature trails unique to the Fleming College grounds. New adult
recreational complex that offers community recreational programs leisure programs will be introduced to the overall program model to
and services. The PSWC includes features such as; leisure and help address social isolation and program affordability resulting
therapy pools, exercise studio, fitness centre, three gymnasiums, from the pandemic's impacts.
multi-purpose meeting rooms, and a youth room. In addition to
serving the City of Peterborough and surrounding communities, the
PSWC serves the full-time student population at Fleming College -
Sutherland Campus and the Seneca College - Aviation Campus,
and is home to the Fleming College Varsity teams, The Fleming
Knights. These student groups are serviced in partnership between
Performance Data/Work Program:
the City of Peterborough, Fleming College and the Fleming College
Student Administrative Council.
Peterborough Sport & 2020 2021 2022
Highlights: Wellness Centre (Forecast)
Membership Sales $236,043 $279,103 $773,371
As the community recovers from the pandemic, there is a continued Day Passes $27,591 $23,855 $82,871
anticipated impact on overall membership revenue, with a slight Child and Youth $23,390 $24,917 $20,074
increase in membership projected for 2023. As a review, all $66,119 $29,140 $260,213
Swim Lessons
expenses continue to adjust to reflect the overall reduction in
Day Camps $- $124,543 $192,048
membership revenue, including an anticipated reduction in
maintenance-related expenses for the aquatic centre due to the
replacement of the Wellness Centre HVAC Equipment.
The focus for the 2023 operations will continue to adjust the delivery
model due to COVID-19, including continued review of enhanced
cleaning, focus on membership growth and engagement, and
adaptation of our program model.
Personnel 1,995,408 1,792,897 1,773,122 -11.1% -222,287
Contractual 388,167 384,827 359,228 -7.5% -28,940
Materials, Supplies 102,750 100,132 87,000 -15.3% -15,750
Repairs, Maintenance 150,594 141,921 157,283 4.4% 6,689
Fees 29,068 29,007 32,981 13.5% 3,913
Inter-departmental Charges 42,770 43,194 47,370 10.8% 4,601
New Equipment 1,750 1,138 2,500 42.9% 750
Travelling, Training 6,500 8,389 7,750 19.2% 1,250
Contributions to Reserves 90,959 90,959 90,000 -1.1% -959
Canada grants 10,000 11,300 0 -100.0% -10,000
Fees, Service Charges, Donations 2,797,966 2,208,960 2,557,234 -8.6% -240,732
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
Social Services
Social Assistance 40,993,833 41,098,469 42,069,845 2.6% 1,076,013
Children's Services 18,151,431 25,331,456 34,623,986 90.8% 16,472,555
Housing & Homelessness 24,124,945 26,242,198 23,090,986 -4.3% -1,033,959
Net Requirements
Social Assistance 4,341,548 4,411,576 4,463,054 2.8% 121,506
Children's Services 1,592,524 1,612,943 1,474,005 -7.4% -118,519
Housing & Homelessness 5,740,062 5,749,910 6,068,348 5.7% 328,286
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
Social Assistance
Ontario Works Administration 10,546,500 10,651,136 10,402,356 -1.4% -144,143
Ontario Works Mandatory Benefits 28,643,390 28,643,390 29,828,848 4.1% 1,185,458
Discretionary Benefits 1,593,943 1,593,943 1,628,641 2.2% 34,698
Poverty Reduction Initiatives 70,000 70,000 70,000 0.0% 0
Homemakers and Nurses 140,000 140,000 140,000 0.0% 0
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Division: Social Service Budget Account #: 10585, 10590, 10600, 10610, 10595, 10605,
10615, 10640, 10645, 10650
Statement of Purpose: The 2021 OW actual caseload average was 2,768, and the 2022
budgeted average caseload is 3,300. Due to the COVID-19
To provide for personnel and other client program costs to deliver pandemic and the impact of the Canadian Emergency Response
Financial Assistance and Stability Supports. Eligible residents Benefit (CERB) and other financial supports being extended late
receive help with costs of food, shelter, dental, vision care and into 2021, the average caseload remained lower. The average
expenses related to case plan goals and employment readiness. caseload for the first three months of 2022 is 2930. The 2023
average caseload has been set at 3,350 as numbers are expected
Highlights: increase across the province.
From January 2021 until March 2022, 1,973 clients were referred to
Employment Ontario service providers for job search and job
placement supports.
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Social Assistance
Personnel 7,453,198 7,704,637 7,341,299 -1.5% -111,899
Contractual 31,249,021 31,332,902 32,601,708 4.3% 1,352,687
Materials, Supplies 98,100 90,900 95,920 -2.2% -2,180
Repairs, Maintenance 10,000 10,000 10,000 0.0% 0
Fees 25,138 34,338 35,805 42.4% 10,667
Inter-departmental Charges 1,119,067 1,119,066 1,194,236 6.7% 75,169
New Equipment 62,420 62,420 36,900 -40.9% -25,520
Rentals 803,115 623,632 633,177 -21.2% -169,938
Travelling, Training 218,774 165,574 230,800 5.5% 12,026
Recoveries -45,000 -45,000 -110,000 144.4% -65,000
Ontario grants 35,480,489 35,480,489 36,387,128 2.6% 906,639
County and Other Municipal grants & fees 845,563 880,171 861,663 1.9% 16,100
Fees, Service Charges, Donations 183,500 183,500 358,000 95.1% 174,500
Contribution from Reserve 142,733 142,733 0 -100.0% -142,733
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
Children's Services
Children's Services Administration 663,422 673,066 769,189 15.9% 105,768
CS - Core Funding 13,202,981 14,106,446 13,847,262 4.9% 644,281
CWELCC 0 5,954,010 15,235,482 0.0% 15,235,482
Early Learning Child Care 792,960 998,649 1,067,212 34.6% 274,252
EarlyON Child and Family Centres 1,262,727 1,355,987 1,387,067 9.8% 124,340
Directly Operated Child Care 2,229,341 2,243,298 2,317,773 4.0% 88,432
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Division: Social Services Budget Account #: 10540, 10545, 10546, 10550, 10560, 10565,
10570, 10575
Statement of Purpose: In June 2022, Council approved the directly operated child care
programs opting in to the CWELCC program. By the end of 2022,
To provide for personnel and other support costs to deliver all fees for children 0-5 years of age will be reduced by 52.75% of
Children’s Services for the early years and childcare programs . the fees as of March 27, 2022. Kindergarten-aged fees will be
Programs include Fee subsidy to eligible parents, Canada-Wide reduced to a minimum of $12 per day. Fees for the School-Aged
Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) funding, operating programs for children 6-12 years of age will be increased by 2% as
grants to licensed child care and EarlyON service providers, and they are not included in the CWELCC.
Special Needs Resource (SNR) programming that allows families
to participate in employment, training, and parenting. In 2022, some Children's Services administration funding was cost
shared at a rate of 50/50 with municipalities and the threshold for
Highlights: allowable Children's Services administration funding was reduced
from 10% to 5%. With the introduction of the CWELCC, the
Province moved administration funding back to the 10% threshold
There has been a slight increase of licensed child care spaces in
to support the additional municipal workload associated with
the City and a slight reduction in the County. The result is a cost
share adjustment to 68% City, 32% County in 2023 from 67% City,
33% County in 2022.
In 2022, the City received $1,262,727 in EarlyON (EO) Child and
Family Centre funding. This program is 100% provincially funded.
In April 2022 the Provincial and Federal governments jointly
It is anticipated that in 2023 this funding will increase to
announced the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care
(CWELCC) Plan. This plan will provide financial support to Child
Care Agencies to reduce the parental cost for child care agencies
that opt-in to CWELCC. The roll out of CWELCC is incremental.
Funding received by the City is to be used towards achieving the Performance Data/Work Program:
objectives of: Children's Services 2020 2021 2022
1) Providing a 25% fee reduction retroactive to April 1, 2022, (Forecast)
building to a 52.75% reduction in average parent costs for licensed Children Served - Fee Subsidy 1,316 1,433 1,450
child care by the end of the calendar year 2022 and reaching an
average parent fee of $10 a day by 2025-26 for licensed child care Licensed Child Care Spaces 3,953 3,968 4,094
2) Addressing barriers to provide inclusive child care; and Children Served - Special 326 277 286
3) Valuing the early childhood workforce and providing them with Needs Resourcing
training and development opportunities. Children Served - EarlyOn Child 1,400 871 1,050
& Family Centres
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Children's Services
Personnel 2,606,021 2,708,988 2,903,160 11.4% 297,138
Contractual 14,399,773 20,592,228 30,346,694 110.7% 15,946,921
Materials, Supplies 93,893 93,893 118,037 25.7% 24,144
Repairs, Maintenance 10,348 10,348 12,650 22.2% 2,302
Fees 58,539 58,539 62,556 6.9% 4,018
Other Transfers 0 903,465 225,866 0.0% 225,866
Inter-departmental Charges 817,137 817,137 792,250 -3.0% -24,887
New Equipment 2,200 2,200 2,000 -9.1% -200
Rentals 137,248 118,385 119,427 -13.0% -17,821
Travelling, Training 26,273 26,273 41,346 57.4% 15,073
Recoveries -222,849 -222,849 -222,849 0.0% 0
Ontario grants 13,576,368 20,947,532 30,658,346 125.8% 17,081,978
County and Other Municipal grants & fees 784,378 787,560 693,650 -11.6% -90,728
Fees, Service Charges, Donations 1,975,312 1,760,572 1,325,136 -32.9% -650,176
Contribution from Reserve 0 0 250,000 0.0% 250,000
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Statement of Purpose: municipal funding. There is only $250,000 in the City’s base
homelessness budget. Homelessness funding from the County is
The City is the Service System Manager for Housing and capped at $208,250 annually.
Homelessness Services in the city and county. This responsibility Additional SSRF Funding was also added to the Housing Stability
includes funding, providing policy direction, and overseeing Fund, is used for homelessness prevention. The draft budget
standards for approximately 2,000 social housing units (1,569 of contains an additional allocation to address increased demand for
the units are Rent Geared to Income units.) Social Housing is HSF.
owned and managed by 16 non-profit organizations and Staff have also been working with PHC to secure housing units in
Peterborough Housing Corporation (PHC.) the McRae Phase 2 project. This is a collaboration with
Peterborough Regional Health Centre, VON, Ontario Health East,
Housing and Homelessness Services are also responsible to plan, PHC and Social Services. Fifteen units will be dedicated to with
administer and fund housing options from shelters to affordable individuals from the Homelessness By-Name Priority list. $445,000
housing. Increasing pressures since COVID has highlighted the was added to the budget for permanent housing for up to 55 to 60
need to provide safe and housing-focused shelter, prevent people. An additional $200,000 is requested in the 2023 budget to
homelessness and find innovative permanent housing solutions. support this new initiative.
As of April 1, 2022, provincial homelessness funding was
Highlights: consolidated under the Homelessness Prevention Program (HPP).
HPP combined the funding from the Community Homelessness
Prevention Initiative (CHPI), Home for Good, and the Strong
Homelessness Services has service contracts with local partners
Communities Rent Supplement. HPP offers more flexibility and
as part of a homelessness system response. The system continues
continues the funding for of the Strong Communities Rent
to experience financial pressures related to increased demand,
Supplement program, which was due to expire in 2023. The funding
exponential increases in the cost of housing, low incomes, low
allocation has not been confirmed beyond March 31, 2023.
vacancy rates, and individuals with increasingly complex social and
health presentations. The strategic direction is towards creating
permanent housing, while balancing the need for emergency
The City received 5 allocations of Social Services Relief Funding
(SSRF) from the Province. This funding will end on December 31,
2022, while the issues related to homelessness worsen. SSRF
funding allowed the City to offer the Overflow Shelter services 24/7,
add enhanced health and safety measures, add Housing Support
Workers, and enhanced security around the neighbourhood. To
operate the Overflow Shelter past 2022 would require 100%
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Personnel 823,742 950,728 844,740 2.5% 20,998
Contractual 16,286,901 18,310,827 15,150,864 -7.0% -1,136,037
Materials, Supplies 19,100 17,054 2,654 -86.1% -16,446
Repairs, Maintenance 0 1,500 1,500 0.0% 1,500
Fees 3,000 3,000 3,000 0.0% 0
Other Transfers 6,090,628 6,067,515 6,188,976 1.6% 98,348
Inter-departmental Charges 557,529 547,529 551,858 -1.0% -5,671
Rentals 43,095 43,095 44,945 4.3% 1,850
Travelling, Training 15,950 15,950 17,450 9.4% 1,500
Contributions to Reserves 285,000 285,000 285,000 0.0% 0
Recoveries -445,000 -448,872 -445,000 0.0% 0
Ontario grants 10,488,625 12,609,512 9,682,935 -7.7% -805,690
County and Other Municipal grants & fees 6,187,787 6,170,433 6,325,704 2.2% 137,917
Fees, Service Charges, Donations 75,000 75,000 75,000 0.0% 0
Contribution from Reserve 1,188,471 1,188,471 494,000 -58.4% -694,471
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
Tax Supported Capital Financing Costs 21,568,502 21,568,503 23,802,449 10.4% 2,233,947
Non-Tax Supported Financing Costs 11,608,000 11,608,000 12,230,065 5.4% 622,065
Waste Water Reserve Revenue -2,500,000 -2,500,000 -2,500,000 0.0% 0
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Statement of Purpose: FRMP reserve to fund specific Flood Reduction Master Plan capital
projects requested in the 2023 Budget.
To raise funds in the Operating Budget and transfer to the capital
fund to help pay for the current year’s capital works program . To COPHI Dividend
provide for principal and interest payments on tax-supported debt The dividend received from the Peterborough Utilities Group of
that has been issued as of the beginning of the year plus an amount Companies is used to bolster the annual capital levy provisions in
estimated to be issued during 2023. accordance with a policy adopted by Council on March 27, 2000,
based on Report FAFS00-005.
To transfer funds to various reserves which, in turn, will be used to
fund specific operating and capital expenditures. Legacy Fund
During 2020 the sale of PDI assets to Hydro One was finalized and
Highlights: a committee of staff and council members was formed to review
investment options for the proceeds. In May 2021, Council
approved Report CLSFS21-020 establishing a Legacy Fund with
Debt and Capital Levy
the proceeds. The 2023 budget includes $1.5 million to fund a
Tax-supported debt charges reflected in this budget exclude debt
portion of the capital budget.
recoverable from other non-tax sources which have been included
in other departmental budgets.
Transfer to the FRMP Reserve from Sewer Surcharge
It is being recommended that $2.5 million of the 2023 Sewer
On July 26, 2021, Council approved a Debt Management and
Surcharge be transferred to the Sewer Surcharge Supported
Capital Financing Plan through Report CLFS21-024 dated July 5,
FRMP reserve to fund specific Flood Reduction Master Plan capital
2021. The Plan increased the amount of debt the City can issue
projects as identified in the 2022 Capital Budget. The amount is
and eliminated the policy distinction of tax-supported and non-tax
funded from Sewer Surcharge, which is levied by the PUSI on the
supported debt. The total annual amount of new tax-supported debt
water bills.
charges, plus any increase in the capital levy provision is limited to
a 1% impact on the all inclusive tax increase. The amount for the
Transfer to Casino Gaming Reserve
Capital Financing for the 2023 Capital Program has been
Gaming revenues from the Casino have been estimated at $3.0
accommodated within the 4.00% all inclusive increase and in
million for 2023, taking into consideration the return to normal
balance with the other funding pressures in the 2023 operating
operations post COVID-19 pandemic. The 2018 Approved Budget
budget and capital program.
contains the recommendation "That a Casino Gaming Reserve be
created and all Casino gaming revenues be transfer into the
Transfer to the Flood Reduction Master Plan (FRMP) Reserve from
reserve, and that except for the provision in 2018 of $150,000 to
Capital Levy
fund expenditures of the DBIA, this reserve only be used for
$1.1 million of capital levy has been transferred to the Capital Levy
160 designated capital projects"
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Total Gross Tax Supported Capital Financing Costs 21,538,502 21,538,503 23,772,449 10.37% 2,233,947
Total Non Tax Supported Capital Financing Costs 11,608,000 11,608,000 12,230,065 5.4% 622,065
Total Gross Capital Financing Costs 33,176,502 33,176,503 36,032,514 8.61% 2,856,012
Waste Water Reserve Revenue 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 0.0% 0
Total Net Capital Financing Costs 30,676,502 30,676,503 33,532,514 9.3% 2,856,012
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Division: Property Taxation Costs Budget Account #: 10128, 10130, 10150, 10155
Tax Credit Programs for Low Income Seniors and People with
The amount of credit under the program for low income seniors, or
the program for low income people with disabilities, is indexed
annually based on August Ontario All-item CPI. THe rate for 2023 is
$428. Those receiving an amount greater than $428, based on the
previous program, are legacied at the higher amount. Eligible
property owners can only receive one of the credit programs.
Tax Remissions
The $1.0 million write-off provision for a variety of tax relief
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Division: Other Expenditures Budget Account #: 10145, 10185, 10190,10195, 10200, 10205
Other Expenditures
Contribution to Sick Leave Reserve 40,000 0.0% 40,000
Police - Noise Control 25,000 25,000 25,000 0.0% 0
Insurance and Risk Management 902,773 902,773 1,156,200 28.1% 253,427
Policing Costs for Little Lake Music Fest 16,000 16,000 16,000 0.0% 0
Contribution Doctors Recruitment Incentive Reserve Fund 100,000 100,000 100,000 0.0% 0
Police Board Honorarium 20,900 20,900 21,320 2.0% 420
Contribution to MAT Reserve 175,000 250,000 275,000 57.1% 100,000
MAT Transfer to PKED 175,000 250,000 275,000 57.1% 100,000
Americredit Lease Expense 2,837,544 2,837,544 2,837,544 0.0% 0
Contingency 435,994 412,627 505,250 15.9% 69,256
MAT Revenues 350,000 500,000 550,000 57.1% 200,000
Americredit Lease Revenue 2,863,475 2,836,544 2,837,544 -0.9% -25,931
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Division: Police Services (Including Police Board) Budget Account #: 20005 to 20250
Statement of Purpose: (b) pay the expenses of the board’s operation, other than the
remuneration of board members.
To provide a full range of police services, as required by the
Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, including the Police Subsections 4 and 5 of Section 50 stipulate that:
Services Board. 50. (4) Upon reviewing the estimates, the municipality shall
The Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act legislates that establish an overall budget for the municipal board for the purposes
there shall be a Police Service Board for every municipality that described in clauses (1) (a) and (b) and, in doing so, the
maintains a police force. municipality is not bound to adopt the estimates submitted by the
municipal board.
50. (5) In establishing an overall budget for the municipal board, the
municipality does not have the authority to approve or disapprove
In accordance with the Comprehensive Ontario Police Services
specific items in the estimates.
Act, 2019, the Peterborough Police Service has a separate budget
process, which includes submission to, and approval by, the Police
For 2023, the net Police Services budget includes $654,379 from
Services Board. In accordance with Section 50 of the
Selwyn Township for police services on a contract basis to the
Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019:
Lakefield Ward within the Township of Selwyn.
Municipal board finances
The budget also includes $1,431,520 for contracted services to the
50 (1) A municipality that maintains a municipal board shall provide
Township of Cavan Monaghan.
the board with sufficient funding to,
(a) provide adequate and effective policing in the municipality ;
and Performance Data:
(b) pay the expenses of the board’s operation, other than the
remuneration of board members. The budget includes additional revenue of $1,599,632 as a result of
the Court Security Prisoner Transportation (CSPT) Program from
Estimates the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services Grant.
50 (2) A municipal board shall submit operating and capital
estimates to the municipality that will show, separately, the amounts This budget addresses the requirement to adequately resource
that will be required to, core policing and administrative functions, as required under the
(a) provide adequate and effective policing in the municipality , Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act.
including the amounts required to provide the police service with
required equipment and facilities, having regard for the various Reserve planning continues with annual contributions of $27,500 to
ways that the board can discharge this obligation; and the Strategic Plan Reserve. These funds will be utilized for the
168 consultation, preparation and printing of the next plan for
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Variances 2022 - 2023 Budget
2022 2023
Description 2022 Approved Over (Under)
Preliminary Over (Under)
Actual 2022 Budget % 2022 Budget $
Police Services
Police Board
Net Cost Police Services Submitted 27,975,484 28,126,629 29,102,937 4.0% 1,127,453
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Statement of Purpose:
To provide funds for the City’s share of debt principal and interest
payments related to the rebuild of Fairhaven which took place in
2003 as well as a provision for the City’s share of Fairhaven's
Operating Budget.
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Other Transfers 1,550,000 1,550,000 1,550,000 0.0% 0
Contributions to Reserves 50,000 50,000 50,000 0.0% 0
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Statement of Purpose:
The City’s portion of PCCP expenses for 2023 has been budgeted
at $6,025,557 or a 7.3% increase over the 2022 budget
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Other Transfers 5,581,715 5,616,254 6,142,657 10.0% 560,942
Contribution from Reserve 150,000 150,000 75,000 -50.0% -75,000
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Statement of Purpose:
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Other Transfers 816,625 816,625 832,960 2.0% 16,335
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Statement of Purpose:
The local share of public health costs, after deducting the MOH
contribution, is allocated to the City, County, Curve Lake First
Nation and Hiawatha First Nation based on population. The City
contribution amount included in the 2023 budget is $1,357,100, a
1% increase over the 2022 budgeted amount. However, PPH has
requested an amount of $1,644,880, an increase of 22.41%.
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Other Transfers 1,343,755 1,343,755 1,357,100 1.0% 13,345
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Statement of Purpose:
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Statement of Purpose:
Performance Data:
The PHS provides the City with monthly reports detailing numbers
of impounded animals; strays received; number and type of by-law
complaints; number of warnings issued; charges laid; and number
of tags issued.
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Other Transfers 448,250 448,250 454,825 1.5% 6,575
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Statement of Purpose:
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Other Transfers 81,220 81,220 0 -100.0% -81,220
Contribution from Reserve 60,000 60,000 0 -100.0% -60,000
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Statement of Purpose:
The City and GPIC entered into a new agreement during 2021, with
the City providing an annual operating grant to GPIC.
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Other Transfers 142,100 142,100 144,230 1.5% 2,130
0 0 0.0% 0
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Statement of Purpose:
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Other Transfers 521,160 511,992 573,681 10.1% 52,521
BIA 334,492 334,492 341,181 2.0% 6,689
Contribution from Reserve 9,168 55,000 499.9% 45,832
2023 Operating Budget Form 1
Statement of Purpose:
City of Peterborough
2023 Operating Budget
Other Transfers 18,000 18,000 18,360 2.0% 360
BIA 18,000 18,000 18,360 2.0% 360
2023 Budget
User Fees and Charges
2023 User Fees and Charges
Table of Contents
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Department CAO
Division Fire Prevention
Activity Fees for Service
SCBA Services/Respiratory
101-10020-450330 Cost recovery for Services each $11 Y $9,744 1-Feb-23 $11 $9,968
Total 450330 $9,744 $11 $9,968
101-11020-450645 Cost recovery for Services various $541 Y $6,487 1-Feb-23 $550 $12,100
Investigation/ Demolition
Total 450645 $6,487 $550 $12,100
101-11020-450325 Fire File Search Cost recovery for Services each $47 Y $3,283 1-Feb-23 $48 $3,360
General Inspections and 9.8
101-11020-450325 Cost recovery for Services each $110 Y $2,093 1-Feb-23 $112 $2,128
9.5 OFC Inspections/Vulnerable
101-11020-450325 Cost recovery for Services each $219 Y $6,360 1-Feb-23 $223 $6,467
Occupancy Large
101-11020-450325 9.6 OFC Inspections Cost recovery for Services each $319 Y $319 1-Feb-23 $325 $325
Day Care, Foster Parent and Group
101-11020-450325 Cost recovery for Services each $110 Y $3,415 1-Feb-23 $112 $3,472
Home, VO Small
101-11020-450325 AGCO Licenses Inspections Cost recovery for Services each $147 Y $2,791 1-Feb-23 $150 $2,850
101-11020-450325 Follow-up Inspection Cost recovery for Services each $278 Y $3,063 1-Feb-23 $284 $3,124
Total 450325 $21,324 $1,254 $21,726
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Department Corporate & Legislative Services
Division Clerks
Activity Administration
Rationale for Unit 2022 Proposed 2023
Fee (i.e. Basis Current Total Date of Rate Rate Total
Government (Time/ Rate Budgeted Change for as per Budgeted
G/L Account User Fee Name and Description mandated, participant Presently HST Rev from 2023- if 2023 Rev from
Number recover all or etc.) In Effect Y or N fee applicable Budget fee
part of cost to
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10
10290-420045 Road Closure Application Fee Staff time can be per request $165.00 N $3,300.00 1-Feb-23 $168.00 $5,040.00
significant to
process requests,
10290-420045 Filming Permit Application Fee Staff time can be per request $585.00 N $1,170.00 1-Feb-23 $595.00 $1,785.00
significant to
process requests,
Total 420045 $5,695.00 $6,825.00
10290-450185 MFIPPA - Freedom of Information To partially per request $5.00 N $600.00 1-Feb-23 $5.00 $600.00
10290-450295 Marriage Ceremonies To partially per ceremony $355.00 Y $19,525.00 1-Feb-23 $360.00 $19,800.00
10290-450305 Commissioner Services To partially per document $26.55 Y $10,620.00 1-Feb-23 $26.55 $13,275.00
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Department Corporate & Legislative Services
Division Clerks
Activity Administration
Rationale for Unit 2022 Proposed 2023
Fee (i.e. Basis Current Total Date of Rate Rate Total
Government (Time/ Rate Budgeted Change for as per Budgeted
G/L Account User Fee Name and Description mandated, participant Presently HST Rev from 2023- if 2023 Rev from
Number recover all or etc.) In Effect Y or N fee applicable Budget fee
part of cost to
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10
10290-420000 Business Licenses
10290-420000 Adult Entertainment To partially cover per licence $1,600.00 N $1,600.00 1-Feb-23 $1,625.00 $1,625.00
10290-420000 Auctioneer To partially cover per licence $87.00 N $87.00 1-Feb-23 $88.00 $88.00
10290-420000 Auto Centre To partially cover $107.00 $107.00 1-Feb-23 $108.00 $108.00
10290-420000 Bakeshop To partially cover per licence $205.00 N $205.00 1-Feb-23 $208.00 $208.00
10290-420000 Barber Shop/Hairdressing To partially cover per licence $205.00 N $205.00 1-Feb-23 $208.00 $208.00
10290-420000 To partially cover per licence $205.00 N 1-Feb-23 $208.00 $208.00
Body Modification administration $205.00
10290-420000 To partially cover per licence $205.00 N 1-Feb-23 $208.00 $208.00
Butcher Shop administration $205.00
10290-420000 To partially cover per licence $107.00 N 1-Feb-23 $108.00 $108.00
Dry Cleaner/Laundromat administration $107.00
10290-420000 Lodging House - Rental Dwelling Units To partially cover per licence $82.00 N 1-Feb-23 $83.00 $83.00
administration $82.00
10290-420000 Lodging House - Rental Dwelling Units To partially cover per licence $56.00 1-Feb-23 $56.75 $56.75
- Renewal Fee administration $56.00
10290-420000 To partially cover per licence $280.00 N 1-Feb-23 $284.00 $284.00
Lodging House - Small administration $280.00
10290-420000 Lodging House - Small, renewal fee $190.00 $190.00 1-Feb-23 $192.00 $192.00
10290-420000 Lodging House - Small, Follow-up Inspection Fee $270.00 $270.00 1-Feb-23 $274.00 $274.00
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Department Corporate & Legislative Services
Division Clerks
Activity Administration
Rationale for Unit 2022 Proposed 2023
Fee (i.e. Basis Current Total Date of Rate Rate Total
Government (Time/ Rate Budgeted Change for as per Budgeted
G/L Account User Fee Name and Description mandated, participant Presently HST Rev from 2023- if 2023 Rev from
Number recover all or etc.) In Effect Y or N fee applicable Budget fee
part of cost to
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10
10290-420000 To partially cover per licence $460.00 N 1-Feb-23 $466.00 $466.00
Lodging House - Large administration $460.00
10290-420000 Lodging House - Large, renewal fee $230.00 $230.00 1-Feb-23 $233.00 $233.00
10290-420000 Lodging House - Large, Follow-up Inspection Fee $435.00 $435.00 1-Feb-23 $441.00 $441.00
10290-420000 To partially cover per licence $205.00 N 1-Feb-23 $208.00 $208.00
Mobile Canteen administration $205.00
10290-420000 To partially cover per licence $205.00 N 1-Feb-23 $208.00 $208.00
Pet Grooming Parlour administration $205.00
10290-420000 To partially cover per licence $107.00 N 1-Feb-23 $108.00 $108.00
Plumber/Drain Layer administration $107.00
10290-420000 To partially cover per licence $205.00 N 1-Feb-23 $208.00 $208.00
Restaurant or Caterer administration $205.00
10290-420000 To partially cover per licence $435.00 N 1-Feb-23 $441.00 $441.00
Salvage Yard administration $435.00
10290-420000 To partially cover per licence $107.00 N 1-Feb-23 $108.00 $108.00
Sheet Metal Worker administration $107.00
10290-420000 To partially cover per lic/daily $128.00 N 1-Feb-23 $129.00 $129.00
Temporary Trader administration $128.00
10290-420000 To partially cover per lic/annual $865.00 N 1-Feb-23 $877.00 $877.00
Temporary Trader administration $865.00
10290-420000 To partially cover per lic/annual $105.00 N $105.00 $105.00
Tree Service Providers administration $105.00
10290-420000 Sub total 420000 - business lic. $87,500.00 $88,812.50
10290-420000 Road Closure Public Works per hour/if $90.00 N $100.00 1-Feb-23 $95.00 $95.00
barricade/sign required
l t d 198
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Department Corporate & Legislative Services
Division Clerks
Activity Administration
Rationale for Unit 2022 Proposed 2023
Fee (i.e. Basis Current Total Date of Rate Rate Total
Government (Time/ Rate Budgeted Change for as per Budgeted
G/L Account User Fee Name and Description mandated, participant Presently HST Rev from 2023- if 2023 Rev from
Number recover all or etc.) In Effect Y or N fee applicable Budget fee
part of cost to
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10
10290-420000 Road Closure Parking-in-lieu per occupied $13.75 N $13.75 $13.75
Sub total 5602 - Other $0.00 $0.00
Total 420000 $87,500.00 $88,921.25
10290-420005 Marriage Licenses To recover per licence $148.00 N $74,000.00 1-Feb-23 $150.00 $75,000.00
licence costs and
10290-420010 Lottery Licenses To recover per licence N $105,000.00 1-Feb-23 $105,000.00
10290-420015 Group Home Registrations To partially per registration $50.00 N $1,350.00 1-Feb-23 $50.75 $1,370.25
10290-420020 Miscellaneous Permits To partially per affidavit $28.50 N $285.00 1-Feb-23 $28.95 $289.50
10290-420040 Vital Statistics, Death Registrations To partially per registration $32.00 N $38,400.00 1-Feb-23 $32.50 $39,000.00
Total $342,975.00 $350,081.00
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Department Corporate & Legislative Services
Division Financial Services
Activity Property Taxes and Other
Rationale for Fee (i.e. Unit Current 2022 Total Date of Rate Proposed 2023 Total
Government mandated, Basis Rate Budgeted Change for Rate as Budgeted
G/L Account recover all or part of cost (Time/ Presently HST Rev from 2023 per 2023 Rev from
Number User Fee Name and Description to deliver service, participant etc.) In Effect Y or N 1575 applicable Budget fee
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 1575 C8 C9 C10
10165-440920 Admin Fee - add O/S Charges to Taxes To partially recover staff per roll $26.25 N $1,575.00 $26.25 $1,575.00
preparation time
10165-440920 Admin Fee on Civil Enforcement of Orders or To partially recover staff per order $26.25 N $1,575.00 $26.25 $1,575.00
Judgements preparation time
Total 440920 $3,150.00 $3,150.00
10165-450090 Tax certificate To recover cost of per certificate $68.25 N $94,500.00 $68.25 $94,500.00
producing certificate
10165-450095 Farm Debt Letter & Bankruptcy Act Notice To partially recover staff per letter $52.50 N $2,993.00 $52.50 $2,993.00
preparation time
10165-450095 Registration Preparation To partially recover staff per roll $131.25 N $3,150.00 $131.25 $3,150.00
preparation time
10165-450095 Cancellation Price Calculation To partially recover staff per roll $183.75 N $551.00 $183.75 $551.00
preparation time
10165-450095 Cancellation Certificate Preparation To partially recover staff per roll $105.00 N $525.00 $105.00 $525.00
preparation time
10165-450095 Extension Agreement To partially recover staff per roll $262.50 N $0.00 $262.50 $0.00
preparation time
10165-450095 Default of Extension Agreement To partially recover staff per roll $52.50 N $0.00 $52.50 $0.00
preparation time
10165-450095 Sale Administration Cost - Public Tender To partially recover staff per roll $630.00 N $630.00 $630.00 $630.00
preparation time
10165-450095 Sale Administration Cost - Public Auction To partially recover staff per roll $735.00 N $0.00 $735.00 $0.00
preparation time
10165-450095 Advertising: Drafting Ads To recover all of the cost per ad $262.50 N $525.00 $262.50 $525.00
10165-450095 Advertising: 4 weeks in local paper To recover all of the cost per ad actual cost N actual cost
10165-450095 Advertising: 1 time in Ontario Gazette To recover all of the cost per ad actual cost N actual cost
10165-450095 Auctioneer's Fee To recover all of the cost per fee actual cost N actual cost
10165-450095 Property Appraisal To recover all of the cost per appraisal actual cost N actual cost
10165-450095 Treasurer's Statement To partially recover staff per roll $288.75 N $288.75 $288.75 $288.75
preparation time
Total 450095 $8,662.75 $8,662.75
10165-450105 Revenue Canada Letters To partially recover staff per letter $21.00 N $840.00 $21.00 $840.00
preparation time
10165-450105 Mortgage Company Inquiries To partially recover staff per roll $10.50 N $840.00 $10.50 $840.00
preparation time
10165-450105 Mortgage Listing Fee To partially recover staff per roll 200 $5.25 n $67,200.00 $5.25 $67,200.00
preparation time
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Department Corporate & Legislative Services
Division Financial Services
Activity Property Taxes and Other
Rationale for Fee (i.e. Unit Current 2022 Total Date of Rate Proposed 2023 Total
Government mandated, Basis Rate Budgeted Change for Rate as Budgeted
G/L Account recover all or part of cost (Time/ Presently HST Rev from 2023 per 2023 Rev from
Number User Fee Name and Description to deliver service, participant etc.) In Effect Y or N 1575 applicable Budget fee
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 1575 C8 C9 C10
10165-450105 Tax receipts/Statement of Account To partially recover staff per receipt/ $21.00 N $8,400.00 $21.00 $8,400.00
preparation time statement
10165-450105 Photocopies To recover cost per photocopy $0.50 N $50.00 $0.50 $50.00
10165-450105 Faxing Tax Receipt/Statement of Account to To recover cost per fax $1.00 N $50.00 $1.00 $50.00
Local Phone Number
10165-450105 Faxing Tax Receipt/Statement of Account to To recover cost per fax $5.00 N $100.00 $5.00 $100.00
Long Distance Phone Number
10165-450105 Tax Bill Reprints To partially recover staff per roll $21.00 N $1,260.00 $21.00 $1,260.00
preparation time
Total 450105 $78,740.00 $78,740.00
10165-450110 Ownership Change Fee To partially recover staff per roll/change $42.00 N $38,850.00 $42.00 $38,850.00
time event
10165-450115 Apportionment Fee To partially recover staff per roll $52.00 N $16,800.00 $52.00 $16,800.00
10165-450120 Collection Admin Fee To recover staff per event $26.25 N $4,200.00 $26.25 $4,200.00
preparation time
Various Returned Payments Charges To recover administration Per NSF cheque $35.00 N $35.00
Various Interest on Overdue Accounts To recover lost interest Per Month Overdu 1.25% N 1.25%
Total 10165 $244,902.75 $244,902.75
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Department Corporate & Legislative Services
Division Office of the City Solicitor
Activity Peterborough Humane Society
Unit 2022 Proposed 2023
Basis Current Total Date of Rate Rate Total
Rationale for Fee (i.e. Government mandated, (Time/ Rate Budgeted Change for as per Budgeted
G/L Account recover all or part of cost to deliver service, participant Presently HST Rev from 2023 - if 2023 Rev from
Number User Fee Name and Description recovery of admin charges, etc.) etc.) In Effect Y or N fee applicable Budget fee
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10
Impoundment Fees
Boarding Fee (daily) To recover associated costs per day $20.00 N N/A N/A
Cat Impound Fee To recover associated costs per occurrence $61.00 N N/A N/A
Dog Impound Fee To recover associated costs per occurrence $122.00 N N/A N/A
Veterinarian Fee (Based on actual To recover associated costs
Licensing Fees - Dog
Spayed / Neutered Dog - By Renewal To recover associated costs per license $30.00 N/A N/A
By Renewal Date - Unaltered To recover associated costs per license $60.00 N N/A N/A
Feb 1st - May 31st - To recover associated costs per license N/A N/A
Feb 1st - May 31st - Unaltered To recover associated costs per license N N/A N/A
June 1st - Dec. 31st - To recover associated costs per license N/A N/A
June 1st - Dec. 31st - Unaltered To recover associated costs per license N N/A N/A
New Dog Obtained After September To recover associated costs per license N/A N/A
Lost Tag Replacement To recover associated costs per tag $10.00 N N/A N/A
Late Fee To recover associated costs per license $20.00 N N/A N/A
Licensing Fees - Senior (60+ yrs)
Spayed/Neutered Dog - By Renewal To recover associated costs per license $20.00 N/A N/A
By Renewal Date - Unaltered To recover associated costs per license $40.00 N N/A N/A
Feb 1st - May 31st - To recover associated costs per license N/A N/A
Feb 1st - May 31st - Unaltered To recover associated costs per license N N/A N/A
June 1st - Dec. 31st - To recover associated costs per license N/A N/A
June 1st - Dec. 31st - Unaltered To recover associated costs per license N N/A N/A
New Dog Obtained After September To recover associated costs per license N/A N/A
Lost Tag Replacement To recover associated costs per tag $10.00 N N/A N/A
Late Fee To recover associated costs per license $20.00 N N/A N/A
Licensing Fees - Cat
Cat - Spayed/Neutered To recover associated costs per license $25.00 N N/A N/A
Cat - Unaltered To recover associated costs per license $30.00 N N/A N/A
Cat (Fee for Seniors) - To recover associated costs N/A N/A
Spayed/Neutered per license $15.00
Cat (Fee for Seniors) - Unaltered To recover associated costs per license $20.00 N N/A N/A
Lost Tag Replacement To recover associated costs per tag $10.00 N N/A N/A
Late Fee To recover associated costs per license $10.00 N N/A N/A
Other Fees
Kennel Fee To recover associated costs per unit $175.00 N N/A N/A
Unit 2022 Proposed 2023
Basis Current Total Date of Rate Rate Total
Rationale for Fee (i.e. Government mandated, (Time/ Rate Budgeted Change for as per Budgeted
G/L Account recover all or part of cost to deliver service, participant Presently HST Rev from 2023 - if 2023 Rev from
Number User Fee Name and Description recovery of admin charges, etc.) etc.) In Effect Y or N fee applicable Budget fee
Payment Processing Fee To recover associated costs credit card N/A N/A
transactions N
Replacement Tag To recover associated costs per tag N N/A N/A
$0.00 $0.00
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Department Corporate & Legislative Services
Division Office of the City Solicitor
Activity Legal
10300-450220 Preliminary Searches & Preparation for Tax To recover associated costs per roll $400. + $4,400.00 $400. + $4,400.00
Sale Disbursements Disbursements
10300-450220 Tax Certificate Preparation & Registration To recover associated costs per roll $125. + $1,375.00 $125. + $1,375.00
Disbursements Disbursements
10300-450220 Notification to Parties To recover associated costs per roll $250. + $2,500.00 $250. + $2,500.00
Disbursements Disbursements
10300-450220 Statutory Declaration Preparation To recover associated costs per roll $175. + $1,750.00 $175. + $1,750.00
Disbursements Disbursements
10300-450220 Cancellation Certificate Registration To recover associated costs per roll $200. + $1,800.00 $200. + $1,800.00
Disbursements Disbursements
10300-450220 Final Notification To recover associated costs per roll $250. + $1,500.00 $250. + $1,500.00
Disbursements Disbursements
10300-450220 Extension Agreement To recover associated costs per roll $250. + $250.00 $250. + $250.00
Disbursements Disbursements
10300-450220 Default of Extension Agreement To recover associated costs per roll $75. + $75.00 $75. + $75.00
Disbursements Disbursements
10300-450220 Preparation and Registration of Tax Deed To recover associated costs per roll $275. + $425.00 $275. + $425.00
Disbursements Disbursements
10300-450220 Legal Costs for Payment into Court To recover associated costs per roll $275. + $275.00 $275. + $275.00
Disbursements Disbursements
10300-450220 Fees for Housing
10300-450220 Discharges, Releases, Postponements To recover associated costs per document $150 + $1,500.00 $150 + $1,500.00
Disbursements Disbursements
Total 450220 $19,500.00 $19,500.00
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Department Legal Services
Division Provincial Offences Office
Activity Provincial Offences Office
10310-430010 NSF charges Government Legislated fee per NSF cheque $35.00 N $35.00
10310-430010 Photocopy fees Government Legislated fee per page $1.00 N $1.00
10310-430010 Certified copies Government Legislated fee per page $3.50 N $3.50
10310-430010 Administration default fee non-payment Government Legislated fee per ticket $40.00 N $40.00
10310-430010 Conviction fee for Parking-Fail to Respond Government Legislated fee per ticket $16.00 N $16.00
10310-430010 Non-appearance for trial held exparte Government Legislated fee per ticket $30.00 N $30.00
10310-430010 Transcription fees - Paper Format Government Legislated fee per page $4.30 Y 1-Feb-23 $7.10
10310-430010 Transcription fees - Paper Format - Expedited Government Legislated fee per page $6.00 Y 1-Feb-23 $9.60
10310-430010 Transcription fees - Paper Format- 24 hr delivery Government Legislated fee per page $8.00 Y 1-Feb-23 $12.55
10310-430010 Transcription fees - Electronic Format Government Legislated fee per page n/a 1-Feb-23 $6.30
10310-430010 Transcription fees - Electronic Format - Expedited Government Legislated fee per page n/a 1-Feb-23 $8.80
10310-430010 Transcription fees - Electronic Format - 24 hr delivery Government Legislated fee per page n/a 1-Feb-23 $11.75
$0.00 $0.00
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Department Planning & Development Services
Division Planning Division
Activity Application Amendment Fees
Official Plan Amendment To recover costs of processing application base fee 1-Feb-23 $ 20,800.00
11120-450370 Schedule A (Commercial or Industrial To recover costs of processing application per fee $8,000.00 N n/a
designations) Schedule I, J & O 1-Feb-23
11120-450370 Commercial or Industrial Policy Changes To recover costs of processing application per fee $8,000.00 N 1-Feb-23 n/a
11120-450370 Amendments to remaining schedules or To recover costs of processing application per fee $5,000.00 N n/a
11120-450370 Subdivision or Condominium Plans To recover costs of processing application base fee + per unit $50.00/ha of lot N $19,744 + $82/unit
area + base fee of 1-Feb-23 (1st 100 units)
$8,000 +$55/unit (100+
11120-450370 External ROW improvements oversight 1-Feb-23 $ 8,997.00
11120-450370 Subdivision Compliance Letter To recover costs of processing application per letter $150.00 N 1-Feb-23 $150.00
11120-450370 Extensions to Draft Approval To recover costs of processing application per approval $3,000.00 N 1-Feb-23 $3,000.00
11120-450370 Condominium Exemption from Draft To recover costs of processing application per approval $1,500.00 N $1,500.00
11120-450370 Amendments to Approved Plans and/or To recover costs of processing application $3,000.00 N $3,000.00
Draft Conditions - Notice Required
11120-450370 Amendments to Approved Plans and/or To recover costs of processing application $1,500.00 N $1,500.00
Draft Conditions - No Notice Required
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Department Planning & Development Services
Division Planning Division
Activity Application Amendment Fees
Site Plans
11120-450370 Residential - 1. Standard 2. Complex To recover the cost of processing applications base fee + per $45 per unit + N 1.$8,576+$72/ unit
dwelling unit base fee of $1500 1-Feb-23 2.$14,944+$136/unit
11120-450370 Non-Residential & Mixed Use 1. Standard base fee + floor area $1.0/sq. m. of N 1.$8,726+$2/sq.m.
2. Complex new building foot 1-Feb-23 2.$15,094+$3/sq.m.
print + base fee of
11120-450370 External ROW improvements oversight 1-Feb-23 $ 22,272.00
11120-450370 Amendments to approved site plans Minor $800.00 N 1-Feb-23 $800.00
11120-450370 Major Residential $1,500.00 N 1-Feb-23 $1,500.00
11120-450370 Major (All other) $2,000.00 N 1-Feb-23 $2,000.00
11120-450370 Roof-top Patios To recover cost of processing applications $500.00 N 1-Feb-23 $500.00
11120-450370 Outdoor Cafés To recover cost of processing applications $300.00 N 1-Feb-23 $300.00
11120-450370 Extensions to Site Plan approval Period To recover cost of processing applications $700.00 N 1-Feb-23 $700.00
11120-450370 Site Plan Compliance Letter To recover cost of processing applications $150.00 N 1-Feb-23 $150.00
Other Fees
11120-450370 Pre-consultation To recover cost of processing applications $ 400.00 N 1-Feb-23 $ 400.00
11120-450370 Part Lot Control Exemption To recover cost of processing applications per lot $2,500 + $50/lot N 1-Feb-23 $2,500 + $50/lot
11120-450370 Removal of Holding Provision To recover cost of processing applications $700.00 N 1-Feb-23 $700.00
11120-450370 Sign By-Law Amendments To recover cost of processing applications $1,200.00 N 1-Feb-23 $1,200.00
11120-450370 Other Agency Circulations $300.00 N 1-Feb-23 $300.00
11120-450370 Min. Var. within 2 yrs. of ZBA To recover cost of processing applications $400.00 N 1-Feb-23 $400.00
Total $145,000.00 1-Feb-23
11120-450380 Development Engineering Review To recover cost of processing applications % of const. $ 5.5% of const $ $8,500.00 6% of construction
Committee of Adjustment
11120-440600 Minor Variances 1 and 2 unit residential properties $800.00 N 1-Feb-23 $ 1,286.00
11120-440600 All Others (inc. Sign By-law) $1,000.00 N 1-Feb-23 $ 1,286.00
11120-440600 Severances
11120-440600 Creation of a new building Lot To recover cost of processing applications per lot $1,000 + N $2,508 per new lot
additional $200/lot 1-Feb-23 created
11120-440600 All Others (E.g. Additions, easements) To recover cost of processing applications $1,000.00 N $ 407.00
11120-440600 Reissuance of Consent Certificates To recover cost of processing applications $100.00 N 1-Feb-23 $ 100.00
11120-440600 Request of Change of Conditions for To recover cost of processing applications $100.00+advertising N $100 + advertising
Provisional Consent
11120-440600 Recirculation To recover cost of processing applications $400.00 $ 400.00
Total Committee of Adjustment $62,500.00
Real Estate Due Diligence
11120-450220 Due Diligence Requests - legal requests To recover associated costs per request $250.00 $300.00 $ 300.00
Y 1-Feb-23
to City for non-City lands
$216,300.00 $1,004,587.00
Any expenses incurred by the City pursuant to Municipal Plan Review Recovered from the applicant at actual cost
on behalf of the Province of Ontario
If any application is deferred at the applicant's request, the costs of Recovered from the applicant at actual cost
readvertising for public notice will be assessed to the Applicant
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Division Planning & Development Services
Activity Planning Division
Basis Current Total Date of Rate Proposed Total
G/L Account Rationale for Fee (i.e.. Government mandated, (Time/ Rate Budgeted Change for Rate Budgeted
Number recover all or part of cost to deliver service, participant Presently HST Rev from 2023 if as per 2023 Rev from
C1 User Fee Name and Description recovery of admin charges, etc.) etc.) In Effect Y or N Fee applicable Budget Fee
C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10
Official Plan Amendment $555.00
Minor Official Plan Amendment To recover cost of ORCA fee address $545.00 1-Feb-23 $1,470.00
Intermediate Official Plan Amendment To recover cost of ORCA fee address $1,440.00 1-Feb-23 $2,575.00
Major Official Plan Amendments To recover cost of ORCA fee address $2,525.00 N 1-Feb-23
Zoning By-law Amendment 1-Feb-23 $450.00
Minor Zoning By-law Amendments To recover cost of ORCA fee address $440.00 N 1-Feb-23 $1,305.00
Intermediate Zoning By-law AmendmentsTo recover cost of ORCA fee address $1,280.00 N 1-Feb-23 $2,415.00
Major Zoning By-law Amendments To recover cost of ORCA fee address $2,365.00 N 1-Feb-23
Minor Variance / Severance 1-Feb-23 $370.00
Minor Variance To recover cost of ORCA fee address $365.00 N 1-Feb-23 $1,170.00
Intermediate Variance To recover cost of ORCA fee address $1,145.00 N 1-Feb-23 $2,300.00
Major Variance To recover cost of ORCA fee address $2,255.00 N 1-Feb-23 $455.00
Minor Severances (Consent) To recover cost of ORCA fee address $445.00 N 1-Feb-23 $1,345.00
Intermediate Severances To recover cost of ORCA fee address $1,320.00 N 1-Feb-23 $2,490.00
Major Severances To recover cost of ORCA fee address $2,440.00 N 1-Feb-23
Site Plan Control $480.00
Minor Site Plan Control To recover cost of ORCA fee address $470.00 1-Feb-23 $1,470.00
Intermediate Site Plan To recover cost of ORCA fee address $1,440.00 N 1-Feb-23 $4,700.00
Major Site Plan To recover cost of ORCA fee address $4,600.00 N 1-Feb-23
Subdivisions $5,875.00
Subdivisions - draft Plan Condition - To recover cost of ORCA fee address $5,760.00 1-Feb-23 $11,760.00
Subdivisions -draft Plan Condition - To recover cost of ORCA fee address $11,530.00 N 1-Feb-23 $1,775.00
Clearance of Conditions To recover cost of ORCA fee address $1,740.00 N 1-Feb-23 $1,205.00
Draft Plan Extension To recover cost of ORCA fee address $1,180.00 N 1-Feb-23 $1,205.00
Reactivation To recover cost of ORCA fee address $1,180.00 N 1-Feb-23 $1,205.00
Revision Fee To recover cost of ORCA fee address $1,180.00 N 1-Feb-23
Other $5,875.00
Golf Course Projects To recover cost of ORCA fee address $5,760.00 N 1-Feb-23 $300.00
Land Inquiries To recover cost of ORCA fee address $285.00 N 1-Feb-23
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
11135-420020 Industrial Commercial Institutional - To recover all costs of providing service Rate based on $16.08 /sq. m gross N $18.13 /sq. m
Shell gross floor area floor area, min. 1-Feb-23 gross floor
(m²) $225 area, min.
11135-420020 Industrial Commercial Institutional - To recover all costs of providing service Rate based on $22.62 /$1,000 N $25.52 /$1,000
Tenant Fit-up and Alteration construction value construction value, construction
min. $225 1-Feb-23 value, min.
11135-420020 Industrial Commercial Institutional - To recover all costs of providing service Rate based on $21.43 /sq. m gross N $24.17 /sq. m
Finished gross floor area floor area, min. 1-Feb-23 gross floor
(m²) $225 area, min.
11135-420020 Industrial Commercial Institutional To recover all costs of providing service Rate based on $22.62 /$1,000 N $25.52 /$1,000
Alteration - without identifiable gross construction value construction value, construction
floor area min. $225 1-Feb-23 value, min.
11135-420020 Demolition of Building up to 600 m² or To recover all costs of providing service Flat Fee $250/permit N $282/permit
up to 3 stories
11135-420020 Demolition of Building over 600 m² or 3 To recover all costs of providing service Flat Fee $470/permit N $530/permit
11135-420020 Design Structures and Stand Alone To recover all costs of providing service Flat Fee $235/permit N $265/permit
11135-420020 Plumbing Permit <= 10 fixtures To recover all costs of providing service Flat Fee $125/permit N 1-Feb-23 $140/permit
11135-420020 Plumbing Permit > 10 fixtures To recover all costs of providing service Flat Fee $230/permit N 1-Feb-23 $260/permit
11135-420020 Change of Use To recover all costs of providing service Flat Fee $218/permit N 1-Feb-23 $245/permit
11135-420020 Conditional Permit To recover all costs of providing service Full Fee N 1-Feb-23
11135-420020 Occupancy Permit To recover all costs of providing service Flat Fee $414/permit N 1-Feb-23 $465/permit
11135-420020 Reinspection's To recover all costs of providing service Flat Fee $414/permit N $465/permit
11135-420020 Construction Commenced Without To recover all costs of providing service Flat Fee $215/permit N $242/permit
11135-420020 Transfer Ownership To recover all costs of providing service Flat Fee $215\permit N 1-Feb-23 $242/permit
11135-420020 Cancelled building permit - fee refund Refund in accordance with Building By-law 10-048 Varies - see by-law N
11135-420020 Permit Amendment/re-review To recover all costs of providing service $75 / Hr staff time $75/hr n
Total 420020 $2,100,000.00 $2,200,000.00
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
11135-450040 Building Code Order - Order To recover all costs of providing service each $500 N $500.00
Prohibiting Occupancy
11135-450040 Building Code Order - Order Not To To recover all costs of providing service each $335 N $335.00
11135-450040 Building Code Order - Order To To recover all costs of providing service each $555 N $555.00
11135-450040 Building Code Order - Emergency To recover all costs of providing service each $665 N $665.00
11135-450040 Liquor licence inspection/approval To recover all costs of providing service each $80 N $80.00
11135-450040 Restaurant inspection/approval letter To recover all costs of providing service each $80 N $80.00
11135-450040 Retail car sales approval letter To recover all costs of providing service each $80 N $80.00
11135-450040 Day care provider approval letter To recover all costs of providing service each $80 N $80.00
11135-450040 Accessory apartment registration fee To recover all costs of providing service each $80 N $80.00
11135-450040 Retail gas/propane letter of approval To recover all costs of providing service each $80 N $80.00
11135-450040 Service charge on contract work To recover all costs of providing service 10% of cost - min. 10% of cost - min. N 10% of cost -
$25 $50 min. $50
Misc. Revenue Total $12,000.00 $12,000.00
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Department Infrastructure & Planning Services
Division Building
Activity By-law Enforcement
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Department Infrastructure & Planning Services
Division Airport
Activity Airport Operating Revenue
11130 440942 Development Review Fees Building construction oversight per sq. m. $10.80-$12.80 $14,000.00 $10.80-$12.80 $14,000.00
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
10745 - 420000 Tree Removal Permit Application Fee recover part of cost to deliver service $15.00 N $7,500.00 $ 15.00 $7,500.00
10745 - 420000 Tree Removal Permit Application Fee - more than 5 trees recover part of cost to deliver service 1-Feb-23 $ 150.00 $4,500.00
10745 - 420000 Replacement Tree Fee for permits, planning applications, by-laws recover part of cost to deliver service 1-Feb-23 $ 550.00 $11,000.00
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Department Infrastructure & Planning Services
Division Engineering and Construction
Activity Engineering
$3,912.00 $3,984.00
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Department Utility Services
Division Public Works
Activity Various
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Department Utility Services
Division Transportation
Activity Public Transit
10945-450155 ATM Royalty and GO Sales Recovery Revenue share ATM usage, GO pass sales per unit N 6,500 11,500
109600-450060 Bus Shelter Advertising Recovery of revenue shelter advertising per unit Y
10945-450060 Sponsorship Advertising Recovery of revenue from sponsorships per unit Y
10950-450060 On-Bus transit Advertising Recovery of revenue from on-bus advertising per unit Y 122,200 140,500
6,250,700 $6,262,400
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Department Utility Services
Division Transportation
Activity Parking
Unit 2022 Proposed 2023
Basis Current Total Date of Rate Rate Total
Rationale for Fee (i.e. Government mandated, (Time/ Rate Budgeted Change for as per Budgeted
G/L Account recover all or part of cost to deliver service, participant Presently HST Rev from 2023 - if 2023 Rev from
Number User Fee Name and Description recovery of admin charges, etc.) etc.) In Effect Y or N fee applicable Budget fee
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10
Fines for parking by-law infractions To recover operating costs for parking system set through
$25.00 to $25.00 to
10880-450140 Province per N $660,000 $680,000
$300.00 $300.00
Parking Services : Simcoe Street To partially recover operating and maintenance unit of time
10885-450130 Parking Garage costs for facility $1.75/60 min. Y $260,000 $1.75/60 min. $201,000
Parking Advertising Recovery of revenue from advertising on tickets / per unit Variable Y Variable
10900-450060 pay and display machines $12,000 $8,000
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Department Infrastructure & Planning Services
Division Environmental Protection
Activity WWTP
Unit 2022 Proposed 2023
Basis Current Total Date of Rate Rate Total
Rationale for Fee (i.e. Government mandated, (Time/ Rate Budgeted Change for as per Budgeted
G/L Account recover all or part of cost to deliver service, participant Presently HST Rev from 2023 - if 2023 Rev from
Number User Fee Name and Description recovery of admin charges, etc.) etc.) In Effect Y or N fee applicable Budget fee
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10
Disposal fees at WWTP To partially recover operating costs of WWTP per m3 N
per m3
11020-450230 Portable Toilet $37.80 $40,000.00 1-Apr-23 $39.01 $42,800.00
11020-450230 Septic Tank $26.25 $250,000.00 1-Apr-23 $27.09 $345,000.00
11020-450230 Holding Tank $16.80 $75,000.00 1-Apr-23 $17.34 $295,000.00
Total 450230 $365,000.00 $750,300.00
11035-450230 Extra strength surcharge agreement To partially recover operating costs of EMP, Enviro. Lab. WWTP per kg of excess $0.88 N $550,000.00 1-Jul-23 $0.90 $555,000.00
11035-450230 PUSI water mains cleaning To partially recover operating costs of EMP, Enviro. Lab. WWTP yearly fee N
11035-450230 IP Storm Pond Sampling & Well To Recover operating costs of EMP & Lab per event
11035-450230 RV holding tank dump fee To partially recover WWTP operating costs associated with fees per visit $10.00 N $2,500.00 $10.00 $2,500.00
holding tank discharge treatment
11035-450230 Discharge Permits (Water from an To partially recover operating costs of EMP, Enviro. Lab. WWTP per m3 $0.56 N $20,000.00 1-Feb-23 $0.56 $20,000.00
Outside Source)
11035-450230 Snow Dump Sampling/Analysis To partially recover operating costs of EMP, Enviro. Lab. WWTP yearly fee $10,000.00 ** $10,000.00 $10,000.00
11035-450230 Drinking Water Analysis Service To fully recover operating costs of EMP, Enviro Lab, WWTP per sample $80,000.00 1-Feb-23 $100,000.00
Total 450230 $662,500.00 $715,000.00
11035-450395 General Laboratory services To partially recover operating cost of Enviro. Lab fees as required Y $35,000.00 1-Feb-23 $35,000.00
11035-490095 Bensfort Road landfill leachate To partially recover operating costs of EMP, Enviro. Lab. WWTP per m3 $3.26 N $420,000.00 1-Feb-23 $3.34 $497,200.00
11035-490096 Landfill and Compost To partially recover operating costs of EMP, Enviro. Lab. WWTP yearly fee $250,000.00 ** $250,000.00 1-Feb-23 $261,250.00
11055-450230 Disposal Fee for Millbrook Hauled WastTo partially recover operating costs of WWTP per m3 N $13,200.00
To Recover operating costs of WWC staff and truck (per truck $160.90 $14,000.00 1-Feb-23 $291.90 $59,000.00
per hour including one tonne disposal, plus additional expenses
11030-450220 Camera or Vactor truck charges at applicable rates) per hour
$1,759,700.00 $2,317,750.00
City of Peterborough
Environmental Protection Laboratories
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Department Infrastructure & Planning Services
Division Waste Management
Unit 2022 Proposed 2023
Basis Current Total Date of Rate Rate Total
Rationale for Fee (ie. Government mandated, (Time/ Rate Budgeted Change for as per Budgeted
G/L Account recover all or part of cost to deliver service, participant Presently HST Rev from 2023 2023 Rev from
Number User Fee Name and Description recovery of admin charges, etc.) etc.) In Effect Y or N fee if applicable Budget fee
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10
10980-450390 Landfill fine - Fail to weigh out To partially recover operating cost to administer / recover
skipped tipping fees and to deter users from skippiing weigh
per unit $25 N $250 1-Feb-23 $125 $1,250
10980-450390 Landfill Tipping Fee - Mixed garbage, shingles, To partially recover operating costs of landfill site for garbage
construction material, drywall loads 100 kg or less. Flat Fee $12 N $343,500 $12 $343,500
– 100 kg or less
10980-450390 Landfill Tipping Fee - Mixed garbage, shingles, To partially recover operating costs of landfill site for garbage
construction material, drywall & Contaminated soil loads 101 kg or more. per tonne $125 N $1,751,000 1-Feb-23 $145 $2,013,650
with pre-approval)
10980-450390 Landfill Tipping Fee - Recyclables include green To partially recover operating costs of landfill site for mixed
waste, scrap metal, and blue box materials recyclable loads of 100 kg or less. Flat Fee $7 N $57,253 $7 $57,253
10980-450390 Landfill Tipping Fee - Recyclables include green Mixed recyclable loads of 101 kg or more.
waste, scrap metal, and blue box materials per tonne $95 N $89,395 1-Feb-23 $115 $102,804
10980-450390 Landfill Tipping Fee - Mixed garbage, shingles, To partially recover costs to sort, ship and recycle offsite of
construction material, drywall unsorted loads, 101 kg or more. per tonne $125 N $590,875 1-Feb-23 $145 $679,506
– over 100 kg (Unsorted)
10980-450390 Mattress and Box spring Recycling Fee - <10 units To partially recover cost of Mattress and Box spring recycling
per unit $16 N $142,560 1-Feb-23 $20 $156,816
program initiated by Council in 2014
10980-450390 Commercial Mattresses and Box springs - over 10 To recover the cost of 10+ mattresses and box springs
units brought to the landfill by commercial sources. per unit $22 N $59,400 1-Feb-23 $25 $65,340
10980-450390 Landfill Tipping Fee - Cover Materials To partially recover operating costs of landfill site, and bring
per tonne $50 N 1-Feb-23 $55
charges in line with other similar materials
$1,199,975 $1,319,973
10980-450390 Landfill Tipping Fee - Contaminated Soils Approved To partially recover operating costs of landfill site
per tonne $125 N 1-Feb-23 $145
for Fill
10980-450390 Landfill Tipping Fee - Asbestos To partially recover operating costs of landfill site
per tonne $245 N $147,245 $285 $147,245
10980-450390 Landfill Tipping Fee - Freon-based appliances To partially recover operating costs of landfill site per unit $24 N $25,800 1-Feb-23 $25 $25,800
Total 450390 $4,407,253 $4,913,137
10985-450025 Backyard composters sold back to community To partially recover the cost of backyard composters per unit $44 Y $10,000 $44 $10,000
Commercial Fluorescent tubes To recover the cost of commercially-generated fluorescent Not charging, just Not charging, just
tubes at the HHW Depot, which are not covered by provincial per unit have quantity N have quantity
funders limits limits
10985-410400 L&Y Composting services to townships and County To cover the City's cost to process green waste material
dropped at the City's composting facility by Peterborough per tonne $40.00 Y $35,000 $40.00 $35,000
County and Townships
11000-450230 Large Article Collection To partially recover operating costs of large article collection $30 for 1st item, $30 for 1st item,
per unit $10 each add'l N $10 each add'l
item $15,000 item $16,000
11000-450230 Large Article Collection - Mattresses/Box Springs To cover the cost to collect and pay $16 each to the landfill
per unit $30.00 N $30.00
account for recycling costs
11010-450020 Blue boxes sold back to community To partly recover the new supply contract for recycling bins, $4.42 for 23L $4.42 for 23L
blue boxes will now be: $5.00 for the small 23L carry bin, and per unit $7.08 for 68L or Y $8,000 $7.08 for 68L or $8,000
$8.00 for the 61L fiber or 89L container recycling boxes. No 83L 83L
free blue box replacements.
11010-450020 270 L Caddies sold back to the community To recover the cost of recycling caddies supplied to
apartments and businesses. All new caddies supplied will be
charged $75.00, all replacements for residential clients would per unit $88.50 Y $4,000 $88.50 $8,000
be at no charge. This better encourages recycling, and
drastically reduces administrative work.
$4,479,253.00 $4,990,137.00
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Department Community Services
Division Arts, Culture and Heritage
Activity Heritage Preservation Office
10330-450280 Renewal Fees Cost recovery for renewal of HPTRP property $200 N $2,800 $200 $3,400
$2,800 $3,400
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Department Community Services
Division Culture and Heritage
Activity Museum and Archives
10355-450260 Archaeological Collections To partially recover the costs of processing. per box $425.00 N $0.00 $425.00 $0.00
conservation and long-term storage
10355-450345 Public Programs To provide suitable time, resources and programs per group Y 1-Feb-23 $140.00 $1,000.00
on weekends, evenings
10355-450345 School Break Discovery Camps To provide suitable time, resources and programs per $50.00 N $8,000.00 $50.00 $9,000.00
(full day) registrant
$158,000.00 $168,000.00
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Department Community Services
Division Arts Culture and Heritage
Activity Library
Rationale for Fee (ie. Government mandated, (Time/ Rate Budgeted Change for as per Budgeted
G/L Account recover all or part of cost to deliver service, participant Presently HST Rev from 2023- if 2023 Rev from
Number User Fee Name and Description recovery of admin charges, etc) etc) In Effect Y or N fee applicable Budget fee
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10
60005-440220 Recoveries
60005-440220 InterLibrary Loan Fail to pick up item charge per title $7.00 N $7.00
60005-440220 Research Request fees Cost recovery for staff time taken to process research per request $40.00 Y $40.00
requests for individuals + Xerox copying fees
60005-440220 Earbuds Cost recovery ($3.00 including HST) per pair $2.65 Y $2.65
60005-440220 Library branded Bags cost recovery ($3.50 including HST) per bag $3.10 Y $3.10
60005-440220 Library branded Water Bottles cost recovery ($3 including HST) per bottle $2.65 Y $2.65
Total 450220 $500 $500
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Department Community Services
Division Arts Culture and Heritage
Activity Library
Rationale for Fee (ie. Government mandated, (Time/ Rate Budgeted Change for as per Budgeted
G/L Account recover all or part of cost to deliver service, participant Presently HST Rev from 2023- if 2023 Rev from
Number User Fee Name and Description recovery of admin charges, etc) etc) In Effect Y or N fee applicable Budget fee
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10
colour copying Cost recovery (includes HST) per page $0.50 Y $0.50
Total 450055 $5,000 $5,000
60005-450140 Fines
InterLibrary Loan, Daisy-Reader Kit Fines for overdue materials - maximum=$15.00 per day $1.00 N $1.00
Total 430200 $1,000 $100
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Department Community Services
Division Arts Culture and Heritage
Activity Library
Rationale for Fee (ie. Government mandated, (Time/ Rate Budgeted Change for as per Budgeted
G/L Account recover all or part of cost to deliver service, participant Presently HST Rev from 2023- if 2023 Rev from
Number User Fee Name and Description recovery of admin charges, etc) etc) In Effect Y or N fee applicable Budget fee
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10
60005-450230 Program revenue Supplies Cost Recovery (includes HST). Varies per program per program or per $1.00-$50.00 Y $1.00-$50.00
Total 450230 $500 $100
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Department Community Services
Division Arts Culture and Heritage
Activity Library
Rationale for Fee (ie. Government mandated, (Time/ Rate Budgeted Change for as per Budgeted
G/L Account recover all or part of cost to deliver service, participant Presently HST Rev from 2023- if 2023 Rev from
Number User Fee Name and Description recovery of admin charges, etc) etc) In Effect Y or N fee applicable Budget fee
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10
USB Cable Average replacement cost - no processing fee ($5 cost per item $4.42 Y $4.42
recovery including HST
Daisy-reader Kit Average replacement cost per kit $500.00 N $500.00
Daisy Mask Average replacement cost - no processing fee per item $20.00 N $20.00
Daisy Adapter Average replacement cost - no processing fee per item $45.00 N $45.00
Daisy USB Cable Average replacement cost - no processing fee per item $10.00 N $10.00
Curious Cases Average replacement cost per kit $0.00 N 1-Feb-23 $150.00
Carbon Dioxide Monitors Average replacement cost per item $0.00 N 1-Feb-23 $355.00
Disc Golf discs Average replacement cost per kit $25.00 N $25.00
Park Passes Average replacement cost per item $225.00 N $225.00
Multimedia Cases (DVD, MP3, Playaway, Average replacement cost - no procsesing fee per title $4.00 N $4.00
Book and CD Kit, Playaway door)
Great Courses Case Average replacement cost per item $11.00 N $11.00
Book Club Bag Average replacement cost - no processing fee ($20 cost per item $17.70 Y $17.70
recovery including HST)
Visiting Library Service Bag Average replacement cost - no processing fee ($6 cost per item $5.31 Y $5.31
recovery including HST)
Damage/Repair Fee - board book, easy Average repair cost - no processing fee per item $8.00 N $8.00
reader, children's paperback
Damage/Repair Fee - children's and YA Average repair cost - no processing fee per title $11.00 N $11.00
Damage/Repair Fee - adult books Average repair cost - no processing fee per title $15.00 N $15.00
CD and Book Kit (Book Only) Average repair cost - no processing fee per title $8.00 N $8.00
CD, DVD, MP3 Disc (each) Average repair cost - no processing fee per title $20.00 N $20.00
**Where there is an actual cost for the item in the
cataloguing record, we charge the actual purchase cost plus
the $5.00 processing fee
Total 450595 $7,000 $3,000
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Department Community Services
Division Arts Culture and Heritage
Activity Art Gallery of Peterborough
Unit 2022 Proposed 2023
Basis Current Total Date of Rate Rate Total
Rationale for Fee (i.e.. Government mandated, (Time/ Rate Budgeted Change as per Budgeted
G/L Account recover all or part of cost to deliver service, participant Presently HST Rev from Feb. 1, 2023 2023 Rev from
Number User Fee Name and Description recovery of admin charges, etc.) etc.) In Effect Y or N fee (if applicable) Budget fee
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10
401-810-5232 School Groups School Program Subsidy per visit $8.00 N per visit 1 $8.00 $3,000.00
1 student student
40010-450085 Individual Art Gallery Membership to cover costs of membership benefits per person $30.00 N $918.00 per person $30.00 $1,050.00
40010-450085 2 Year Individual AGP Membership covers cost of membership benefits - 10% discount per person $54.00 N $162.00 per person $54.00 $540.00
40010-450085 Family Art Gallery Membership to cover costs of membership benefits per family $40.00 N $1,200.00 per family $40.00 $1,200.00
40010-450085 2 Year Family AGP Membership covers cost of membership benefits - 10% discount per family $144.00 N $0.00 per family $72.00 $360.00
40010-450085 Senior Art Gallery Membership to cover costs of membership benefits per person $25.00 N $1,400.00 per person $25.00 $750.00
40010-450085 2 Year Senior AGP Membership covers cost of membership benefits - 10% discount per person $45.00 N $0.00 per person $45.00 $135.00
40010-450085 Student Art Gallery Membership to cover costs of membership benefits per person $20.00 N $20.00 per person $20.00 $40.00
40010-450085 2 Year Student AGP Membership covers cost of membership benefits - 10% discount per person $45.00 N $0.00 per person $45.00 $45.00
40010-450085 Curator's Circle AGP Membership covers cost of membership, plus defined benefits per family $100.00 N $500.00 per family $100.00 $200.00
40010-450085 2 year Curator's Circle Membership covers cost of membership benefits - 10% discount per family $180.00 N $0.00 per family $180.00 $180.00
40010-450085 Director's Circle AGP Membership covers cost of membership, plus defined benefits per family $300.00 N $300.00 per family $300.00
40010-450085 2 Year Director's Circle Membership covers cost of membership benefits - 10% discount per family $540.00 N $0.00 per family $540.00
40010-450085 Benefactor's Circle AGP Membership covers cost of membership, plus defined benefits per family $1,000.00 N $0.00 per family $1,000.00
40010-450085 2 Year Benefactor Circle Membership covers cost of membership benefits - 10% discount per family $1,800.00 N $0.00 per family $1,800.00
Total 450085 $4,500.00 $4,500.00
40010-450270 School Groups to cover increased costs for instructors, materials and per visit $8.00 N $2,000.00 $10.00 $8,000.00
facility operation 1 student
40010-450615 Education programs - child costs of instructors, materials, facility, change from 6 to 8 per 6 week $100.00 N $3,000.00 $50 /day or $200 $4,000.00
week session session $33 1/2 day
40010-450620 Education programs - Youth Varies depending on artist/instructor and schedule full day $50 - 80 Y $2,500.00 $50 - 80 $1,500.00
40010-450625 Education programs - Adult Varies depending on artist/instructor and schedule $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $7,000.00
2 hr session Y
40010-450625 Education programs - Adult & Family Materials fees includes take home kit per 1/2 day $200.00 Y $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
session /
40010-450630 March Break & Summer Camps covers increased costs for instructors, materials, facility 1 week 250 N $13,500.00 $50 /day or $250.00 $16,000.00
operation - options available session ($50/day) $33 1/2 day
40010-450635 Education - Partnerships $3,000.00 N $3,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00
Education sub-total $27,000.00 $9,460.00 $42,500.00
40010- 450320 Room Rental user fees per hour $120.00 Y $0.00 $120.00 $0.00
40010- 450320 Art Gallery & Studio user fees 2 hours $150.00 $0.00 2 hours $175.00 $1,000.00
40010- 450320 Outdoor Patio user fees per hour $150.00 Y $150.00
40010- 450320 Special Events - flat fee plus additional flat fee + $200.00 Y $0.00 $200.00
hourly rate hourly rates
Rentals sub-total $0.00 $645.00 $1,000.00
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Department Community Services
Division Arenas
Activity Healthy Planet Arena
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Department Community Services
Division Arenas
Activity Kinsmen Centre
$804,035 $843,902
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
10380-450415 Capital Replacement Fund To partially recover Capital costs per ticket $1 to $3 Y/Extra $1 to $3
Total 450415 $239,000 $261,400
Ticket Charges
10380-450430 Order Charge To partially recover operating costs per order $2 to $2.50/order Y/Extra $2 to $2.50/order
Total 450430 $20,000 $20,000
10380-450440 Premium Fees for Club/South- To partially recover operating costs per ticket
end/Skybox/Birthday room-Concerts & Events $1.00 to $5.50 Y/Incl. $1.00 to $5.50
Total 450440 $69,600 $30,000
10380-450450 Internet ticket service charges To partially recover operating costs per ticket $0.00 Y/Extra
10380-450450 Box Office Ticket Sales Fee To partially recover operating costs per ticket $0.75-$10/ticket Y/Extra $0.75-$10/ticket
10380-450450 Ticket System Event Layout Production Fee To partially recover operating costs per event $165.38 Y/Extra 1/Feb/23 $173.64
10380-450450 Box Office Hourly Fee-Level 1 To partially recover operating costs per hour $82.69 Y/Extra 1/Feb/23 $86.82
10380-450450 Box Office Hourly Fee-Level 2 To partially recover operating costs per hour $55.13 Y/Extra 1/Feb/23 $57.88
Total 450450 $160,450 $258,980
Event Charges
10390-450410 PMC Building Rental (Trade Show) To partially recover operating costs per day $4,542.30 Y/Extra $4,542.30
10390-450410 PMC Building Rental (Trade Show Non-Profit) To partially recover operating costs per day $3,633.84 Y/Extra $3,633.84
10390-450410 PMC Building Rental (Concert) To partially recover operating costs per day $5,513-$7,387 Y/Extra $5,513-$7,387
10390-450410 PMC Building Rental (Concert Non-Profit) To partially recover operating costs per day $5,909.40 Y/Extra $5,909.40
10390-450410 PMC Building Rental (Banquet-Floor Only) To partially recover operating costs per day $2,811.38 Y/Extra $2,811.38
10390-450410 In-House Marketing for Events To partially recover operating costs per event $105-$2,100 Y/Extra $105-$2,100
10390-450410 Event staff charges To partially recover operating costs per event $2,646.00 Y/Extra $2,778.30
10390-450410 Sound Room & Technician To partially recover operating costs per event $275.63 Y/Extra 1/Feb/23 $289.41
10390-450410 Labor to remove glass To partially recover operating costs per event $1,135.58 Y/Extra 1/Feb/23 $1,192.35
10390-450410 Labour to install Ice Cover To partially recover operating costs per event $1,135.58 Y/Extra 1/Feb/23 $1,192.35
10390-450410 Partial Removal of Glass To partially recover operating costs per event $794.90 Y/Extra 1/Feb/23 $834.65
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
$1,183,163 $1,114,920
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
10539-450040 Administrative Fee - Parade/Procession Entry fee related to parades/processions Per Entry $0.00 Y $0.00 1-Feb-23 $200.00 $1,200
$0 $1,200
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Department Community Services
Division Recreation Services
Activity Special Events and Sport Field Permitting
Unit 2022 Proposed 2023
Basis Current Total Date of Rate Rate Total
Rationale for Fee (i.e.. Government mandated, (Time/ Rate Budgeted Change for as per Budgeted
G/L Account recover all or part of cost to deliver service, participant Presently HST Rev from 2023- if 2023 Rev from
Number User Fee Name and Description recovery of admin charges, etc.) etc.) In Effect Y or N fee applicable Budget fee
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10
Administrative Fees
10520-450040 Cancellation Fee - Facility Rental Recovery of Administrative Costs Per Event Min.10% Y $7,500.00 Min.10% $7,500
$7,500 $7,500
Park and Open Space Fees
10520-450460 Del Crary Park Rental - Under 100 Individuals Per Event $140.00 Y $2,950.00 1-Feb-23 $150.00 $3,750
10520-450460 Del Crary Park Rental - Under 300 Individuals Per Event $210.00 Y $625.00 1-Feb-23 $225.00 $225
10520-450460 Del Crary Park Rental - Under 500 Individuals Per Event $275.00 Y $550.00 1-Feb-23 $300.00 $300
10520-450460 Del Crary Park Rental - Over 500 Individuals Per Event $430.00 Y $1,300.00 1-Feb-23 $500.00 $500
10520-450460 Del Crary Park Rental - Commercial Per Event $875.00 Y $4,375.00 1-Feb-23 $1,000.00 $5,000
10520-450460 Green/Open Space Rental - Under 2 Hrs Per Event $25.50 Y $1,785.00 1-Feb-23 $25.00 $1,750
10520-450460 Green/Open Space Rental - Under 4 Hrs Per Event $35.50 Y $355.00 1-Feb-23 $35.00 $350
10520-450460 Green/Open Space Rental - Over 4 Hrs Per Event $51.00 Y $510.00 1-Feb-23 $50.00 $500
10520-450460 Park Rental - Under 50 individuals Per Event $68.25 Y $6,825.00 1-Feb-23 $70.00 $7,000
10520-450460 Park Rental - Under 75 individuals Per Event $81.50 Y $3,505.00 1-Feb-23 $85.00 $3,825
10520-450460 Park Rental - Under 100 individuals Per Event $109.00 Y $1,635.00 1-Feb-23 $115.00 $1,725
10520-450460 Park Rental - Under 200 individuals Per Event $136.00 Y $680.00 1-Feb-23 $145.00 $725
10520-450460 Park Rental - Over 200 individuals Per Event $178.50 Y $1,250.00 1-Feb-23 $195.00 $1,950
$26,345 $27,600
10520-450455 Millennium Park Rental - Under 100 Ind. Per Event $142.00 Y $3,550.00 1-Feb-23 $150.00 $3,750
10520-450455 Millennium Park Rental - Over 100 Ind. Per Event $212.50 Y $1,700.00 1-Feb-23 $225.00 $2,250
10520-450455 Millennium Park Rental - Commercial Per Event $715.00 Y $1,400.00 1-Feb-23 $825.00 $4,125
$6,650 $10,125
10092-450270 Urban Park Rental - Commercial Per Event $0.00 Y $0.00 1-Feb-23 $925.00 $16,650
$0 $16,650
Youth / Persons with Disabilities Subsidized access to sport; applied to above 75% 1-Feb-23
10520-450470 Sport Facility - Artificial Turf (< 10 Rentals) Per Hour $96.75 Y $32,315.00 1-Feb-23 $97.50 $42,900
10520-450470 Sport Facility - Artificial Turf (> 10 Rentals) Per Hour $71.75 Y $45,490.00 1-Feb-23 $72.50 $47,850
10520-450470 Sport Court - Outdoor Court Individual Sport; < 5 Individuals on court Per Hour $5.00 Y $3,075.00 1-Feb-23 $3.75 $3,300
10520-450470 Sport Court - Outdoor Court Group Sport; > 5 Individuals on court Per Hour $19.00 Y $2,850.00 1-Feb-23 $18.75 $4,125
Total 450470 $309,325 $385,935
Total 450475 $18,895 $0
Total 450480 $55,000 $0
Total - 10536 Total - 10536
$423,715 $431,160
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Department Community Services
Division Recreation Services
Activity Summer and Day Camp Programs
Unit 2022 Proposed 2023
Basis Current Total Date of Rate Rate Total
Rationale for Fee (i.e.. Government mandated, (Time/ Rate Budgeted Change for as per Budgeted
G/L Account recover all or part of cost to deliver service, participant Presently HST Rev from 2023- if 2023 Rev from
Number User Fee Name and Description recovery of admin charges, etc.) etc.) In Effect Y or N fee applicable Budget fee
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10
Day and Summer Camp Programs
10495-450520 Camp Program - Single Day Camp Per Day $0.00 Y $0.00 1-Feb-23 $48.00 $57,600
10495-450520 Camp Program - Weekly Camp Per Day $0.00 Y $0.00 1-Feb-23 $45.00 $134,400
10495-450520 Camp Program - Single/Weekly Day Camp Member Rate Per Day $0.00 Y $0.00 1-Feb-23 $35.00 $105,000
10495-450520 Camp Program - Lunch Program Per Day $0.00 Y $0.00 1-Feb-23 $8.50 $11,254
$0 $308,254
Total - 10495 $0 Total - 10495 $308,254
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Facility Rentals
10536-450320 Rental - Multiuse 1 Room (< 4 Hours) per hour $40.00 Y $7,000.00 1-Feb-23 $40.00 $16,000
10536-450320 Rental - Multiuse 1 Room (< 8 Hours) per hour $30.00 Y $150.00 1-Feb-23 $30.00 $1,200
10536-450320 Rental - Multiuse 1 Room (> 8 Hours) per hour $15.00 Y $75.00 1-Feb-23 $15.00 $750
10536-450320 Rental - Multiuse 2 Rooms (< 4 Hours) per hour $40.00 Y $1,800.00 1-Feb-23 $70.00 $14,000
10536-450320 Rental - Multiuse 2 Rooms (< 8 Hours) per hour $30.00 Y $150.00 1-Feb-23 $35.00 $12,950
10536-450320 Rental - Multiuse 2 Rooms (> 8 Hours) per hour $15.00 Y $75.00 1-Feb-23 $25.00 $9,250
10536-450320 Storage Area Rental per week $50.00 Y $675.00 1-Feb-23 $50.00 $3,000
10536-450320 Facility Rentals $65,000 $57,150
Administrative Fees
10536-450040 Cancellation Fee - Facility Rental Recovery of Administrative Costs Per Event Min.10% Y $1,050.00 Min.10% $1,050
10536-450040 Facility Rental - Event Security Recovery of Security or Parking Control Per Event $50.00 Y $650.00 $50.00 $650
10536-450040 Withdrawal Fee - Adult Program Recovery of Administrative Costs Per Class Min.10% Y $1,050.00 Min.10% $675
10536-450040 Withdrawal Fee - Child Program Recovery of Administrative Costs Per Class Min.10% Y $1,480.00
10536-450040 Administrative Fees
$4,230 $2,375
Birthday Party Packages
10536-450620 Birthday Party - Preschool Party (2 Hours) Room rental and staff support Per Class $91.25 N $5,475.00 1-Feb-23 $91.50 $4,575
10536-450620 Birthday Party - Extra Child Fee Per Class $16.50 Y $825.00 1-Feb-23 $16.75 $804
10536-450620 Birthday Party Packages $9,175 $5,379
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Department Community Services
Division Recreation Services
Activity McDonnel Street Community Centre
Unit 2022 Proposed 2023
Basis Current Total Date of Rate Rate Total
Rationale for Fee (i.e. Government mandated, (Time/ Rate Budgeted Change for as per Budgeted
G/L Account recover all or part of cost to deliver service, participant Presently HST Rev from 2023- if 2023 Rev from
Number User Fee Name and Description recovery of admin charges, etc.) etc.) In Effect Y or N fee applicable Budget fee
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10
Administrative Fees
10537-450040 Cancellation Fee - Facility Rental Per Event Y 1-Feb-23 Min.10% $500
10537-450040 Facility Rental - Event Security Recovery of Security or Parking Control Per Event Y 1-Feb-23 $50.00 $1,000
10537-450040 Withdrawal Fee - Program Withdrawal Per Event Y 1-Feb-23 Min.10% $1,000
10537-450040 Administrative Fee - Canteen Staff Recovery of staffing costs Per Hour Y 1-Feb-23 $20.00 $15,500
10537-450040 Administrative Fees $0 $18,000
Facility Rentals
10537-450320 Rental - Multiuse 1 Room (< 4 Hours) per hour Y 1-Feb-23 $70.00 $15,050
10537-450320 Rental - Multiuse 1 Room (< 8 Hours) per hour Y 1-Feb-23 $35.00 $15,750
10537-450320 Rental - Multiuse 1 Room (> 8 Hours) per hour Y 1-Feb-23 $25.00 $10,000
10537-450320 Facility Rentals $0 $40,800
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Administrative Fees
10465-450040 Cancellation Fee - Facility Rental Per Event Min.10% Y $135 Min.10% $135
10465-450040 Facility Rental - Event Security Recovery of Security or Parking Control Per Event $50.00 Y $650 $50.00 $500
10465-450040 Facility Rental - Lifeguard Recovery of Additional Lifeguards Per Guard $42.50 Y $213 $42.50 $425
10465-450040 Replacement Access Card Per Item $4.85 Y $485 $4.43 $443
10465-450040 Withdrawal Fee - Programs Per Class Min.10% Y $675 Min.10% $675
Membership Fees
Adult Membership -
10465-450085 Per Month $37.50 Y $18,750 1-Feb-23 $38.00 $19,000
Young Adult (18-24 yrs)
Adult Membership -
10465-450085 Per Month $47.50 Y $201,875 1-Feb-23 $48.00 $200,400
Adult (18 - 54 yrs)
Adult Membership -
10465-450085 Per Month $45.00 Y $337,500 1-Feb-23 $45.00 $337,500
Silver (55 - 74 yrs)
Adult Membership -
10465-450085 Per Month $37.50 Y $155,625 1-Feb-23 $38.00 $157,700
Gold (75 -84 yrs)
Adult Membership -
10465-450085 Per Month $0.00 Y $0 1-Feb-23 $0.00 $0
Platinum (85+ yrs)
Family Membership -
10465-450085 Per Month $78.75 Y $78,750 1-Feb-23 $75.00 $75,000
1 Adult Family
Family Membership -
10465-450085 Per Month $89.50 Y $268,500 1-Feb-23 $90.00 $270,000
2 Adult Family
Youth Membership -
10465-450085 Per Month $0.00 Y $0 1-Feb-23 $0.00 $0
Infant (0 - 2 yrs)
Youth Membership -
10465-450085 Per Month $26.25 N $13,125 1-Feb-23 $23.75 $11,400
Child (3 - 14 yrs)
Youth Membership -
10465-450085 Per Month $26.25 Y $39,375 1-Feb-23 $26.75 $40,125
Student (14 - 24 yrs)
10465-450085 Subsidy Membership - Individual Per Month $27.50 Y $4,125 1-Feb-23 $27.50 $6,325
10465-450085 Subsidy Membership - Family Per Month $50.00 Y $7,375 1-Feb-23 $50.00 $17,550
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Discount - Group Memberships (20 plus) Member discount on above rates 20%
10465-450545 Facility Access Pass - Day Pass; Individual Per Day $13.27 Y $15,000 $13.27 $13,270
10465-450545 Facility Access Pass - Swim Pass; Individual Per Visit $4.43 Y $75,000 $4.43 $74,424
10465-450545 Facility Access Pass - Swim Pass; Group Group of 5 individuals Per Visit $13.27 Y $25,000 $13.27 $23,886
10465-450545 Facility Access Pass - Gymnasium; Individual Per Visit $4.43 Y $2,125 $4.43 $2,215
10465-450545 Facility Access Pass - Gymnasium; Group Group of 5 individuals Per Visit $13.27 Y $6,375 $13.27 $6,635
10465-450545 Facility Access Pass - Sport Pass; Individual Per Visit $0.00 Y $0 1-Feb-23 $4.43 $3,318
10465-450545 Facility Access Pass - Sport Pass; Group Group of 5 individuals Per Visit $0.00 Y $0 1-Feb-23 $13.27 $1,327
10465-450545 Facility Access Pass - Stop-Play; Individual Per Visit $0.00 Y $0 1-Feb-23 $10.00 $4,000
10465-450490 Rental - Therapy Pool + Guard Per hour $92.50 Y $555 $92.50 $463
10465-450490 Rental - Leisure Pool + Guard Per hour $125.00 Y $625 $125.00 $1,875
10465-450490 Rental - Water Slide + 2 Guards Per hour $192.50 Y $385 $192.50 $963
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
10465-450320 Rental - Multiuse Room; 2 Rooms (< 8 hours) Per hour $35.00 Y $875 $35.00 $700
10465-450320 Rental - Multiuse Room; 2 Rooms (> 8 hours) Per hour $25.00 Y $875 $25.00 $875
10465-450320 Rental - Multiuse Room; 3 Rooms (< 4 hours) Per hour $90.00 Y $3,600 $90.00 $3,600
10465-450320 Rental - Multiuse Room; 3 Rooms (< 8 hours) Per hour $45.00 Y $765 $45.00 $900
10465-450320 Rental - Multiuse Room; 3 Rooms (> 8 hours) Per hour $35.00 Y $875 $35.00 $805
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
10465-450515 Child/Youth Swim Program - 30m Per Class $8.35 N $99,000 1-Feb-23 $8.50 $100,725
10465-450515 Child/Youth Swim Program - 30m Member Rate Per Class $6.65 N $47,125 1-Feb-23 $6.38 $45,135
10465-450515 Child/Youth Swim Program - 45m Per Class $8.85 N $29,531 1-Feb-23 $9.00 $30,015
10465-450515 Child/Youth Swim Program - 45m Member Rate Per Class $6.65 N $16,088 1-Feb-23 $6.75 $16,335
10465-450515 Child/Youth Swim Program - 60m Per Class $9.35 N $9,250 1-Feb-23 $9.50 $9,405
10465-450515 Child/Youth Swim Program - 60m Member Rate Per Class $6.65 N $4,713 1-Feb-23 $7.13 $5,016
10465-450515 Child/Youth Private Swim Program - 30m Per Class $21.25 N $20,475 1-Feb-23 $21.75 $20,880
10465-450515 Child/Youth Private Swim Program - 30m Member Rate Per Class $17.65 N $16,625 1-Feb-23 $16.31 $15,269
10465-450515 Child/Youth Semi-Priv. Swim Program - 30m Per Class $12.65 N $7,500 1-Feb-23 $13.00 $7,748
10465-450515 Child/Youth Semi-Priv. Swim Program - 30m Member Rate Per Class $10.35 N $3,331 1-Feb-23 $9.75 $3,120
10465-450515 Adaptive 1:1 Swim Program - 30m Per Class $21.25 N $1,575 1-Feb-23 $21.75 $1,610
10465-450515 Adaptive 1:1 Swim Program - 30m Member Rate Per Class $17.65 N $875 1-Feb-23 $16.31 $783
10465-450515 Adaptive Low Ratio Swim Program - 30m Per Class $12.65 N $1,250 1-Feb-23 $13.00 $1,300
10465-450515 Adaptive Low Ratio Swim Program - 30m Member Rate Per Class $10.35 N $769 1-Feb-23 $9.75 $624
10465-450515 Fitness Swimmer Program Per Class $10.25 Y $679 1-Feb-23 $10.25 $697
10465-450515 Junior Lifeguard Club Per Class $10.25 Y $500 1-Feb-23 $10.25 $492
10465-450515 Junior Lifeguard Club Member Rate Per Class $6.65 Y $163 1-Feb-23 $7.69 $123
Leadership Program -
10465-450515 First Aid Included Per Class $0.00 Y $0 1-Feb-23 $21.50 $3,870
Bronze Medallion
Leadership Program -
10465-450515 First Aid Included Per Class $0.00 Y $0 1-Feb-23 $22.75 $4,095
Bronze Cross
10465-450515 Leadership Program - Instructor / NLS Recert. Per Class $87.00 Y $3,500 1-Feb-23 $88.00 $3,520
10465-450515 Leadership Program - LSS Instructor Course Per Class $27.50 Y $500 1-Feb-23 $32.00 $640
10465-450515 Leadership Program - LSS Instructor Course Assistant Instructor Course Per Class $21.25 Y $2,565 1-Feb-23 $21.50 $2,580
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
10465-450515 Leadership Program - National Lifeguard Per Class $27.50 Y $2,500 1-Feb-23 $32.00 $2,880
10465-450515 Leadership Program - National Lifeguard Instructor Course; 18 Hours Per Class $168.00 Y $2,500 1-Feb-23 $225.00 $4,050
10465-450620 Child Recreational Program - 30m Per Class $6.65 N $12,303 1-Feb-23 $6.75 $12,150
10465-450620 Child Recreational Program - 30m Member Rate Per Class $5.15 N $1,416 1-Feb-23 $5.06 $1,053
10465-450620 Child Recreational Program - 45m Per Class $7.15 N $4,290 1-Feb-23 $7.25 $12,325
10465-450620 Child Recreational Program - 45m Member Rate Per Class $5.15 N $1,416 1-Feb-23 $5.44 $1,131
10465-450620 Child Recreational Program - 60m Per Class $7.65 N $7,650 1-Feb-23 $7.75 $11,625
10465-450620 Child Recreational Program - 60m Member Rate Per Class $5.15 N $1,416 1-Feb-23 $5.81 $1,209
10465-450620 Child Instructional Program Per Class $12.00 Y $15,000 1-Feb-23 $12.00 $15,000
10465-450620 Family Recreational Program Per Class $7.25 Y $1,631 1-Feb-23 $7.25 $1,624
10465-450620 Family Instructional Program Per Class $17.50 Y $3,938 1-Feb-23 $17.50 $3,920
10465-450620 Certification - High Five Program Per Class $0.00 Y $0 1-Feb-23 $105.00 $2,625
10465-450620 Birthday Party - Classic (2 Hours) Room rental and staff support Per Event $0.00 Y $0 1-Feb-23 $91.50 $2,745
10465-450620 Birthday Party - Gym (2 Hours) Room rental and staff support Per Event $0.00 Y $0 1-Feb-23 $185.00 $5,550
10465-450620 Birthday Party - Gym-Swim (3 Hrs) Room rental and staff support Per Event $250.00 Y $3,750 1-Feb-23 $255.00 $3,825
10465-450320 Birthday Party - Extra Child Fee Per Child $16.75 Y $710 1-Feb-23 $16.75 $871
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
10465-450550 Personal Training - Fit for Life - 90m Per Session $77.50 Y $2,170 1-Feb-23 $78.25 $2,191
10465-450550 Personal Training - Intro to PT - 30m Per Session $36.50 Y $1,825 1-Feb-23 $37.00 $1,850
10465-450550 Personal Training - Intro to PT - 60m Per Session $52.50 Y $6,825 1-Feb-23 $53.25 $7,029
10465-450550 Personal Training - 6 6 - 30 minute sessions $195.00 Y $5,850 1-Feb-23 $197.50 $5,925
10465-450550 Personal Training - 12 12 - 30 minute sessions $360.00 Y $9,000 1-Feb-23 $365.00 $9,125
10465-450550 Personal Training - 18 18 - 30 minute sessions $495.00 Y $12,375 1-Feb-23 $502.50 $12,060
10465-450550 Personal Training - 24 24 - 30 minute sessions $675.00 Y $6,750 1-Feb-23 $624.00 $6,240
10465-450550 Personal Training - 36 36 - 30 minute sessions $875.00 Y $8,750 1-Feb-23 $885.00 $8,850
10465-450550 Team Training Package (10 ppl) 1 - 60 minute session $117.50 Y $2,350 1-Feb-23 $120.00 $2,400
10465-450550 Team Training Package - Additional Person Per Person $15.00 Y $525 1-Feb-23 $15.25 $488
10465-450510 Aqua Fitness - Level I Per Class $5.65 Y $6,215 1-Feb-23 $5.75 $5,175
10465-450510 Aqua Fitness - Level I Member Rate Per Class $5.15 Y $1,415 1-Feb-23 $4.31 $1,173
10465-450510 Aqua Fitness - Level II Per Class $6.65 Y $2,160 1-Feb-23 $6.75 $2,187
10465-450510 Aqua Fitness - Level II Member Rate Per Class $5.15 Y $900 1-Feb-23 $5.06 $3,888
10465-450510 Aqua Fitness - Level III Per Class $7.65 Y $1,835 1-Feb-23 $7.75 $1,860
10465-450510 Aqua Fitness - Level III Member Rate Per Class $5.15 Y $515 1-Feb-23 $5.81 $558
10465-450510 Aqua Fitness - Level IV Per Class $8.65 Y $1,730 1-Feb-23 $8.75 $1,750
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
10465-450540 Land Fitness - Level I Per Class $5.65 Y $3,215 1-Feb-23 $5.75 $3,266
10465-450540 Land Fitness - Level I Member Rate Per Class $5.15 Y $1,045 1-Feb-23 $4.31 $897
10465-450540 Land Fitness - Level II Per Class $6.15 Y $4,090 1-Feb-23 $6.25 $4,125
10465-450540 Land Fitness - Level II Member Rate Per Class $5.15 Y $675 1-Feb-23 $4.69 $600
10465-450540 Land Fitness - Level III Per Class $6.35 Y $4,255 1-Feb-23 $6.50 $4,355
10465-450540 Land Fitness - Level III Member Rate Per Class $5.15 Y $850 1-Feb-23 $4.88 $780
10465-450540 Land Fitness - Level IV Per Class $7.15 Y $450 1-Feb-23 $7.25 $464
10465-450540 Land Fitness - Level IV Member Rate Per Class $5.15 Y $1,045 1-Feb-23 $5.44 $1,044
10465-450540 Land Fitness - Level V Per Class $7.95 Y $6,360 1-Feb-23 $8.00 $6,400
10465-450540 Land Fitness - Level V Member Rate Per Class $5.15 Y $1,215 1-Feb-23 $6.00 $1,410
10465-450540 Land Fitness - Level VI Per Class $8.65 Y $8,460 1-Feb-23 $8.75 $8,575
10465-450540 Land Fitness - Level VI Member Rate Per Class $5.15 Y $2,215 1-Feb-23 $6.56 $2,835
10465-450540 Land Fitness - Level VII Per Class $9.65 Y $1,110 1-Feb-23 $9.75 $1,131
10465-450540 Land Fitness - Level VII Member Rate Per Class $5.15 Y $530 1-Feb-23 $7.31 $702
10465-450540 Land Fitness - Level VIII Per Class $10.65 Y $2,130 1-Feb-23 $10.75 $2,150
10465-450540 Land Fitness - Level VIII Member Rate Per Class $5.15 Y $1,045 1-Feb-23 $8.06 $1,548
10465-450540 Land Fitness - Level IX Per Class $11.15 Y $2,085 1-Feb-23 $11.25 $2,115
10465-450540 Land Fitness - Level IX Member Rate Per Class $5.15 Y $2,075 1-Feb-23 $8.44 $1,755
10465-450540 Walking Track Program Per Week $5.75 Y $4,025 1-Feb-23 $5.75 $4,025
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
10465-450500 Recreation Sport Program - Group Group of 5 Per Visit $13.27 Y $2,030 1-Feb-23 $13.27 $1,991
10465-450500 Recreation Sport Program - Multi Pass Individual; Multipack Purchase Per 25 Visits $81.25 Y $4,225 1-Feb-23 $83.75 $4,355
10465-450530 Adult Recreational Program Per Class $8.50 Y $1,488 $8.50 $2,550
10465-450530 Youth Recreational Program Per Class $7.50 Y $1,500 $7.50 $3,000
10465-450530 General Interest Workshop Per Class $10.50 Y $2,257 $10.50 $2,268
10465-450530 Special Interest Workshop Per Class $11.25 Y $2,250 $11.25 $4,500
10465-450530 Certification Program - First Aid/CPR & AED Two-Day Course Per Course $135.00 Y $1,350 1-Feb-23 $137.00 $1,370
10465-450530 Certification Program - First Aid Recert. One-Day Course Per Course $82.50 Y $1,238 1-Feb-23 $84.00 $1,260
10465-450530 Certification Program - First Aid Instructor 18 Hours Per Course $167.50 Y $1,005 1-Feb-23 $170.00 $4,250
10465-450530 Certification Program - Examiner Course Per Course $87.50 Y $525 1-Feb-23 $88.50 $2,124
10465-450530 Certification Program - Other Programs Adult Rate Per Course $87.25 Y $785 1-Feb-23 $88.60 $886
10465-450530 Certification Program - Other Programs Youth Rate Per Course $87.25 Y $1,745 1-Feb-23 $88.60 $1,772
10465-450530 Course Materials - Standard First Aid Manual 1 Set $20.50 Y $1,127 1-Feb-23 $21.50 $1,075
$12,425 $12,737
$2,003,599 $1,835,414
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10
Dock Fees Daily Rates
10480-450085 Dock Fee - Daily + 15 amp power Service Recovery + Power Service per day / per foot $2.24 Y/Extra 1-Feb-23 $2.28
10480-450085 Dock Fee - Daily + 30 amp power Service Recovery + Power Service per day / per foot $2.24 Y/Extra 1-Feb-23 $2.28
10480-450085 Dock Fee - Daily + 30 (2) amp power Service Recovery + Power Service per day / per foot $2.55 Y/Extra 1-Feb-23 $2.60
10480-450085 Dock Fee - Daily + 50 amp power Service Recovery + Power Service per day / per foot $2.55 Y/Extra 1-Feb-23 $2.60
10480-450085 Dock Fee - Daily (No Power) Service Recovery + Power Service per day / per foot $1.99 Y/Extra 1-Feb-23 $2.03
Dock Fees Weekly
10480-450085 Dock Fee - Weekly + 15 amp power Service Recovery + Power Service per week / per $10.46 Y/Extra 1-Feb-23 $10.67
10480-450085 Dock Fee - Weekly + 30 amp power Service Recovery + Power Service per week / per $10.46 Y/Extra 1-Feb-23 $10.67
10480-450085 Dock Fee - Weekly + 30 (2) amp power Service Recovery + Power Service per week / per $10.71 Y/Extra 1-Feb-23 $10.92
10480-450085 Dock Fee - Weekly + 50 amp power Service Recovery + Power Service per week / per $10.71 Y/Extra 1-Feb-23 $10.92
10480-450085 Dock Fee - Weekly (No Power) Service Recovery + Power Service per week / per $10.10 Y/Extra 1-Feb-23 $10.30
Dock Fees Monthly
10480-450085 Dock Fee - Monthly + 15 amp power Service Recovery + Power Service per month / per $24.05 Y/Extra 1-Feb-23 $25.25
10480-450085 Dock Fee - Monthly + 30 amp power Service Recovery + Power Service per month / per $24.05 Y/Extra 1-Feb-23 $25.25
10480-450085 Dock Fee - Monthly + 30 (2) amp power Service Recovery + Power Service per month / per $25.83 Y/Extra 1-Feb-23 $27.12
10480-450085 Dock Fee - Monthly + 50 amp power Service Recovery + Power Service per month / per $25.83 Y/Extra 1-Feb-23 $27.12
10480-450085 Dock Fee - Monthly (No Power) Service Recovery + Power Service per month / per $18.95 Y/Extra 1-Feb-23 $19.90
Dock Fees Seasonal
10480-450085 Dock Fee - Seasonal + 15 amp power Service Recovery + Power Service per season / per $55.02 Y/Extra 1-Feb-23 $57.77
10480-450085 Dock Fee - Seasonal + 30 amp power Service Recovery + Power Service per season / per $55.02 Y/Extra 1-Feb-23 $57.77
10480-450085 Dock Fee - Seasonal + 30 (2) amp Service Recovery + Power Service per season / per $59.17 Y/Extra 1-Feb-23 $62.13
10480-450085 Dock Fee - Seasonal + 50 amp power Service Recovery + Power Service per season / per $59.17 Y/Extra 1-Feb-23 $62.13
10480-450085 Dock Fee - Seasonal (No Power) Service Recovery + Power Service per season / per $51.66 Y/Extra 1-Feb-23 $54.24
Administration Fee
10480-450085 Cancellation Fee-Partial Permits Administrative cost recovery per transaction Y/Extra 1-Feb-23 Min. 10%
Cruise Boat
10480-450085 E-Dock Seasonal Parking Service Recovery per season $5,482.50 Y/Extra 1-Feb-23 $5,756.63
$190,000 $197,400
10480-450005 Marina Sewage - Pump out Rate - 1 Service Recovery for < 20 Gallons per item $19.69 Y/Extra 1-Feb-23 $20.67
10480-450005 Marina Sewage - Pump out Rate - 2 Service Recovery for > 20 Gallons per item $33.29 Y/Extra 1-Feb-23 $34.95
10480-450005 Marina Supplies - Clothing Product Recovery per item Y/Extra
10480-450005 Marina Supplies - Sundry Items Product Recovery per item Y/Extra
10480-450005 Marina Supplies - Ice Blocks Product Recovery per item $4.00 N $4.00
10480-450005 Marina Supplies - Ice Cubes Product Recovery per item $4.00 N $4.00
10480-450005 Coin operated washer Recover cost for product per item $2.00 Y/Incl. 1-Feb-23 $3.00
10480-450005 Coin operated dryer Recover cost for product per item $2.00 Y/Incl. 1-Feb-23 $3.00
Total 450005 $11,000 $11,000
10480-450008 Marina Fuel Sales - Diesel Product Recovery per litre Variable Rate Y/Extra Variable Rate
10480-450008 Marina Fuel Sales - Unleaded Product Recovery per litre Variable Rate Y/Extra Variable Rate
Total 450008 $169,000 $241,880
Advertising Revenue
10480-450060 Marina Advertising Sales To partially recover operating costs Annual $500-$5000 Y/Extra $500-$5000
Form 6
User Fees and Charges - 2023
Department Community Services
Division Social Services
Activity Children's Services - Directly Operated Child Care Programs