BiddingDocument 20200619
BiddingDocument 20200619
BiddingDocument 20200619
ISSUED ON: ………………………
Company Representative:
Tel: Cell:
Fax: E-Mail:
Standard Bidding Document
Table of Contents
PART 1 – Bidding Procedures.......................................................................................................... 1
Table of Clauses
A. General ............................................................................................................................ 4
A. General
1. Scope of Bid 1.1 The Public Entity as defined in Section II “Bidding Data Sheet”
(BDS) also referred to herein as Employer invites bids for the
construction of Works, as described in the BDS and Section
VII, “Special Conditions of Contract” (SCC).
The name and identification number of the Contract are
provided in the BDS and the SCC.
The Chairperson
Review Panel
Ministry of Finance
Private Bag 13295
Windhoek, Namibia
4. Fraud and 4.1 The Government of the Republic of Namibia requires that
Corruption bidders/suppliers/contractors, participating in procurement in
Namibia, observe the highest standard of ethics during the
procurement process and execution of contracts.
6.3 To qualify for award of the Contract, bidders shall meet the
following minimum qualifying criteria:
(a) a minimum average annual financial amount of
construction work over the period specified in the BDS.
(b) experience as prime contractor in the construction of a
minimum number of works of a nature and complexity
equivalent to the Works over a period as specified in the
BDS (To comply with this requirement, works cited
should be at least 70 percent complete);
(c) proposals for the timely acquisition (own, lease, hire, etc.)
of the essential equipment listed in the BDS;
(d) a Contract Manager/Supervisor with five years’
experience in works of an equivalent nature and volume,
including no less than three years as Manager or as
otherwise specified in the BDS; and
(e) liquid assets and/or credit facilities, net of other
contractual commitments and exclusive of any advance
payments which may be made under the Contract, of no
less than the amount specified in the BDS.
A consistent history of litigation or arbitration awards against
the Applicant or any partner of a Joint Venture may result in
7.2 The Invitation for Bids issued by the Employer is not part of the
Bidding Document.
8. Clarification of 8.1 A prospective Bidder requiring any clarification of the Bidding
Bidding Document shall contact the Employer in writing at the
Document Employer’s address indicated in the BDS.
The Employer will respond in writing to any request for
clarification, provided that such request is received 14 days
prior to the deadline for submission of bids.
Should the Employer deem it necessary to amend the Bidding
Document as a result of a request for clarification, it shall do so
following the procedure under ITB 10.
9. Site visit/Pre-bid 9.1 Bidders, at the Bidders’ own responsibility and risk, are
meeting encouraged to visit and examine the Site of Works and its
surroundings and obtain all information that may be necessary
for preparing their Bids and entering into a contract for
construction of the Works. The costs of visiting the Site shall
be at the Bidders’ own expense.
9.2 The Bidder or its designated representative is invited to attend
a pre-bid meeting, as provided for in the BDS. The purpose of
the pre-bid meeting will be to clarify issues and to answer
questions on any matter that may be raised at that stage.
Both the Site Visit and the Pre-Bid meeting shall take place on
the same day as per the BDS and will be compulsory for all
10. Amendment of 10.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, the
Bidding Employer may amend the Bidding Document by issuing
Document addenda and extend the deadline for submission of bids, if
C. Preparation of Bids
11. Cost of Bidding 11.1 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation
and submission of its Bid, and the Employer shall in no case be
responsible or liable for those costs irrespective of the outcome
of the bidding process.
12. Language of Bid 12.1 The Bid, supporting documents as well as all correspondence
relating to the bid exchanged by the Bidder and the Employer
shall be in English Language.
13. Documents 13.1 The Bid shall comprise of the following:
Comprising the
Bid (a) Bid Forms in the format indicated in Section III;
1. Form 1: Bid Submission Form;
2. Form 2: Bid Securing declaration;
3. Form 3: Written undertaking;
4. Form 4: Constitution of Legal Status of Bidder;
5. Form 5: Schedule of Work Executed by Bidder
6. Form 6: List of Construction Equipment
7. Form 7: Schedule of Key Personnel and CV’s
8. Form 8: Schedule of Proposed Sub-Contractors
9. Form 9: Letter of Undertaking by Financial Institution for
The Issue of a Performance Guarantee and Supply of
Bank Rating for The Project Statements and References
10. Form 10: Company Vat Registration Certificate
11. Form 11: Preliminary Programme
12. Form 12: Certificate of Compulsory Site Inspection
13. Form 13: Certificate of Good Standing with Receiver of
14. Form 14: Certificate of Good Standing with The Social
Security Commission
15. Form 15: Affirmative Action Compliance Certificate or
16. Form 16: SME Status Certificate
17. Form 17: Knowledge of Local Conditions
18. Form 18: Notices to Bidders
(b) Qualification information and documentary evidence
establishing the Bidder’s qualifications to perform the
(c) completed Bill of Quantities / Activity Schedule;
14. Bid Submission 14.1 The Bid Submission Form, Schedules, and all documents listed
Form and under ITB 13.1 shall be prepared using the relevant forms, if so
Schedules provided.
15. Alternative 15.1 Alternative Technical Proposals and completion dates if
Proposal allowed shall be indicated in Section V - Specifications. The
evaluation methodologies for their consideration shall be given
in Section IV – Evaluation Criteria.
16. Bid Prices and 16.1 The Contract shall be for the whole Works, as described in ITB
Discounts Sub-Clause 1.1, based on the priced Activity Schedule/Bill of
Quantities submitted by the Bidder.
16.2 Bidders shall fill in rates and prices for all items of the Works
described in the Bill of Quantities. Items for which no rate or
price is entered by Bidders, shall not be paid for by the Public
Entity when executed and shall be deemed covered by the other
rates and prices in the Bill of Quantities. Corrections, if any,
shall be made by crossing out, initialing, dating and
16.3 All duties, taxes, and other levies payable by the Contractor
under the Contract, or for any other cause, as of the date 14 days
prior to the deadline for submission of bids, shall be included in
the rates, prices, and total Bid price submitted by Bidders.
16.4 The price to be quoted in the Bid Submission Form shall be the
total price of bid after any discount offered.
The discount if any and the conditions of its application shall be
indicated separately.
17. Currencies of Bid 17.1 The bid price and rates shall be in Namibian Dollars and fixed
and Payment for the duration of the contract unless otherwise specified in
the BDS.
17.2 Unless otherwise specified in BDS interim payment for Plant
and Material on site is applicable as per GCC 39.7.
18. Documents 18.1 The Bidder shall furnish a Technical Proposal including a
Comprising the statement of work methods, equipment, personnel, schedule
Technical and any other information as stipulated in the Bidder
Proposal Qualification Form (section III), in sufficient details to
demonstrate the adequacy of the Bidders’ proposal to meet the
work requirements and the completion time.
19. Period of 19.1 Bids shall remain valid for a period specified in the BDS. The
Validity of Bids Bid Validity period should not exceed 180 days.
19.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the original bid
validity period, the Employer may request that the bidders
extend the period of validity for a specified additional period.
The request and the responses thereto shall be made in writing.
20. Bid Security/Bid 20.1 The Bidder shall furnish either a subscription to a Bid Securing
Securing Declaration or a Bid Security in its original form with its bid as
Declaration part of its bid, if so required in the BDS.
20.2 Bid Security shall be in the form of a Bank Guarantee from a
local commercial bank as per the format contained in section III
and shall be valid for a period of 30 days beyond the validity
period of the bid or beyond any period of extension.
20.3 Any bid not accompanied by an enforceable and substantially
compliant Bid Security or a subscription to a Bid Securing
Declaration in the Bid Submission Form, if required in
accordance with ITB 20.1, shall be rejected by the Employer as
20.4 Bid Security shall be forfeited or the Bid Securing declaration
exercised for non-compliance on the part of the Bidder for
reasons mentioned in the Bid Security format contained in
Section III or the Bid Suring Declaration contained as
Appendix to the Bid Submission Form.
21. Format and 21.1 The Bidder shall prepare one original of the documents
Signing of Bid comprising the bid as described in ITB 13.1 and clearly mark it
“ORIGINAL”. In addition, the Bidder shall submit the number of
copies as specified in the BDS, clearly marked with the label
“COPY.” In the event of any discrepancy between the original
and the copies, the original shall prevail.
21.2 The original and all copies of the bid shall be typed or written
in indelible ink and shall be signed by a person duly authorized
to sign on behalf of the Bidder.
26. Bid Opening 26.1 The Employer shall open the bids at the time place and address
specified in the BDS in the presence of Bidders` designated
representatives who choose to attend.
26.2 The bidders' names, the Bid Prices, the total amount of each
bid, any discounts, any alternative bid, bid modifications and
withdrawals, the presence or absence of bid security, and such
other details as the Employer may consider appropriate, will be
announced and recorded by the Employer at the opening.
35. Qualification of 35.1 The Employer shall determine to its satisfaction whether the
the Bidder Bidder that is selected as having submitted the lowest evaluated
substantially responsive bid meets the qualifying criteria.
36. Employer’s Right 36.1 The Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, and
to Accept Any to annul the bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior
Bid, and to to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to
Reject Any or All Bidders.
F. Award of Contract
37. Award Criteria 37.1 Subject to ITB 36.1, the Employer shall award the Contract to
the Bidder whose offer has been determined to be the lowest
evaluated bid and is substantially responsive to the Bidding
Document, provided further that the Bidder is determined to be
qualified to perform the Contract satisfactorily.
38. Notification of 38.1 Prior to the expiration of the period of bid validity, the
Award Employer shall, for contract amount above the prescribed threshold
of N$ 2 M, notify the selected bidder of the proposed award and
accordingly notify unsuccessful bidders. Subject to Challenge,
the Employer shall notify the selected Bidder, in writing, by a
Notification of award for award of contract. The Notification
of award shall specify the sum that the Employer will pay the
Contractor in consideration of the execution and completion of
the Works (hereinafter and in the Conditions of Contract and
Contract Forms called “the Contract Price”) and the
requirement for the Contractor to remedy any defects therein
as prescribed by the Contract. Within seven days from the
issue of notification of award, the Purchaser shall publish on
the Public Procurement Portal (
policy-unit) and the Purchaser’s website, the results of the
Bidding Process identifying the bid and lot numbers and the
following information:
40. Performance 40.1 Within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the notification of
Security award from the Employer, the successful Bidder shall furnish
the Performance Security in accordance with the conditions of
contract, using for that purpose the Performance Security Form
included in Section VIII (Contract Forms).
40.2 Failure of the successful Bidder to submit the above-mentioned
Performance Security or to sign the Contract Agreement within
the prescribed delay shall constitute sufficient grounds for the
annulment of the award and forfeiture of the bid security.
41. Advance 41.1 The Public Entity shall provide an Advance Payment on the
Payment and Contract Price as stipulated in the GCC, subject to a maximum
Security amount, as stated in the BDS. The Advance Payment shall be
guaranteed by a security as per the format contained in Section
42. Plant and 42.1 Unless otherwise specified in BDS interim payment for Plant
Materials on site and Material on site is applicable as per GCC 39.7.
43. Debriefing 43.1 The Purchaser shall promptly attend to all debriefing for the
contract made in writing and within 30 days from the date of
the publication of the award or date the unsuccessful bidders
are informed about the award.
A. General
ITB 1.2 The Intended Completion period is 180 Calendar Days (6 months) from
possession of site.
ITB 5.3 A list of firms debarred from participating in Public Procurement in Namibia
is available at -policy-unit
A list of firms debarred by World Bank is available at
ITB 6.2 The information required from bidders in ITB Sub-Clause 6.2 is modified as
follows: None
ITB 6.2 (c) Contractors should have at least three years of experience in similar works
and familiarity with the area and conditions will be advantageous.
ITB 6.3 (a) The Contractor must have completed work with a minimum average annual
financial construction value of N$ 1 500 000.00/year over the last 3 years.
ITB 6.3 (c) The essential equipment to be made available for the Contract by the
successful Bidder shall include, but is not limited to the following:
· Hydraulic Grader;
· Hydraulic Front-End Loader
· Self-Propelled Compactors;
· Water Tankers;
· LDV’s (Light Delivery Vehicles);
· Tipper Trucks;
· Survey Equipment
· Dewatering Equipment
ITB 6.3 (d) The Contract Manager shall have at least five (5) years’ experience in works
of an equivalent nature or three (3) years’ experience with a tertiary
qualification in Project Management.
The Site Agent / Supervisor shall have at least 3 years’ experience in projects
of this nature.
ITB 6.3 (e) The minimum amount of liquid assets and/or credit facilities net of other
contractual commitments of the successful Bidder shall be 10% of the
contract price offered.
B. Bidding Documents
ITB 8.1 The Public Entity’s address for clarification is:
The Executive Director
Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Security
Namibian Correctional Service
P.O. Box: 13281
5th Floor, Breendan Simbwaye Square
Block A & B
Goethe Street
Windhoek, Namibia
ITB 9.2 A compulsory pre-bid meeting has been scheduled for:
Date : 1 July 2020
Time : 14:15 p.m.
Venue : Walvis Bay Correctional Facilities.
C. Preparation of Bids
ITB 13.1(e) Any additional materials required to be completed and submitted by the
Bidders are:
1. The bidder shall attach evidence of the signatory authorized to sign
the bid (if applicable). This authorization shall consist of written
confirmation and may include a delegation of power by resolution of
the Board of a company or from the CEO, himself holding power
from the Board or from a Director being a shareholder of a company
or through a Power of Attorney. The name and position held by each
person signing the authorization must be typed or printed below the
2. The signatory authorized to sign the bid shall initial all pages of the
Bid Document including all attachments and documents attached by
the Bidder.
ITB 17.1 The Contract is not subject to price adjustment in accordance with GCC
Clause 44.
ITB 17.2 Interim Payment for Plant and Material on site is applicable as follows:
80% payment for materials on site for the full value of all plant and material
on presentation of the supplier’s tax invoices, proof of payment and by
cession of rights from the Supplier to the Contractor and from the Contractor
to the Employer.
ITB 19.1 The Bid shall be valid for 90 calendar days after the deadline set for the
submission of bid, the deadline being counted as day one of the validity period.
ITB 20.1 The Bid shall include a subscription to a Bid Securing Declaration.
ITB 23.1 The Employer’s address for the purpose of Bid submission is:
Attention: Commissioner A. Nakale
Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Security
Namibian Correctional Service
P.O. Box: 13281
5th Floor, Breendan Simbwaye Square
Block A & B
Goethe Street
Windhoek, Namibia
ITB 26.1
The bid opening shall take place at:
Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Security
Namibian Correctional Service
P.O. Box: 13281
Board Room, Central Depot
Dr. Michael De Kock Street,
Northern Industrial Area
Windhoek, Namibia
Date: 3 August 2020
ITB 33.2 (b) The application methodology is defined in Section IV – Evaluation and
Qualification Criteria
F. Award of Contract
ITB 40.1 The Standard Form of Performance Security acceptable to the Public Entity
shall be “a Bank Guarantee”. The Bank guarantee shall be 10 % of the
contract price inclusive of provisional and contingencies sums and VAT.
ITB 42.1 Interim Payment for Plant and Material on site is applicable as follows:
100% payment for materials on site for the full value of all material on
presentation of the supplier’s tax invoices, proof of payment and by cession
of rights from the Supplier to the Contractor and from the Contractor to the
Where the space provided in the bound documents is insufficient, separate schedules may be drawn up in accordance with the given
formats. These schedules shall then be bound together with a suitable contents page and submitted with the Bid Documents.
All schedules must be signed by the Bidder.
The Bidder is also reminded to complete the bid price on the cover sheet of this document.
Date: ____________________
(a) We have examined and have no reservations to the Bidding Documents, including Addenda
issued in accordance with Instruction to Bidders (ITB) Clause 10;
(b) We offer to execute in conformity with the Bidding Documents the following Works:
(c) The total price of our Bid after discounts, if any, offered in item (d) below is:
(d) The discounts offered and the methodology for their application are:
(e) Our bid shall be valid for a period of 90 calendar days from the closing date and fixed for the
bid submission deadline in accordance with the Bidding Documents, and it shall remain binding
upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period;
(f) We hereby confirm that we have read and understood the content of the Bid Securing Declaration
attached hereto and subscribe fully to the terms and conditions contained therein, if required. We
understand that non-compliance to the conditions mentioned may lead to disqualification.
(g) If our bid is accepted, we commit to obtain a Performance Security and a Preference Security (if
applicable) in accordance with the Bidding Document;
(h) We, including any subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the contract, do not have any
conflict of interest in accordance with ITB 5.2;
(i) We are not participating, as a Bidder in more than one bid in this bidding process other than
alternative offers submitted in accordance with ITB 15;
(j) Our firm, its affiliates or subsidiaries, including any Subcontractors or Suppliers for any part of
the contract, has not been declared ineligible under the laws of Namibia;
(k) We are not a government owned entity / We are a government owned entity but meet the
requirements of ITB 5.4;
(l) We understand that this bid, together with your written acceptance thereof included in your
notification of award, shall constitute a binding contract between us, until a formal contract is
prepared and executed;
(m) We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest evaluated bid or any other bid that
you may receive; and
(n) If awarded the contract, the person named below shall act as Contractor’s Representative:
Name: ________________________________
Signed: ________________________________
Duly authorized to sign the Bid for and on behalf of: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Date: ........................………..........................................
I/We* accept that under section 45 of the Act, I/we* may be suspended or disqualified in the event of
(a) a modification or withdrawal of a bid after the deadline for submission of bids during the period of validity;
(b) refusal by a bidder to accept a correction of an error appearing on the face of a bid;
(c) failure to sign a procurement contract in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the bidding
document, should I/We* be successful bidder; or
(d) failure to provide security for the performance of the procurement contract if required to do so by the
bidding document.
I/We* understand this bid securing declaration ceases to be valid if I am/We are* not the successful Bidder
Signed: ..................................................................................................................................................
Capacity of:
Name: ...................................................................................................................................................
Republic of Namibia
Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment Creation
Written undertaking in terms of section 138 of the Labour Act, 2015 and section
50(2)(D) of the Public Procurement Act, 2015
Location where work will be done, goods / services will be delivered: …………
I........................................................................................................owner / representative
of …………………………………………………… of company
hereby undertake in writing that my company will at all relevant times comply fully with
the relevant provisions of the Labour Act and the Terms and Conditions of Collective
Agreements as applicable.
I am fully aware that failure to abide to such shall lead to the action as stipulated in section
138 of the Labour Act, 2007, which include but not limited to the cancellation of the
contract / licence / grant / permit or concession.
Signature: …………………………………
Date: …………………………………
Seal: …………………………………
1. A labour inspector may conduct unannounced inspections to assess the level of compliance
2. This undertaking must be displayed at the workplace where it will be readily accessible and visible by the employees
rendering service(s) in relations to the goods and services being procured under this contract.
Evidence of signatory authorized to sign the bid: Signatories on the behalf of companies must
confirm their authorization by attaching a copy of that decision by the board of directors, duly
signed and dated.
Mr (s) ........................................................................................................................................
whose signature appears below, is duly authorised to sign all documents in connection with this bid and for any
contract that may arise there from;
DATE : .................................................................................
WITNESSES : 1. ................................................................................
: 2. .................................................................................
Number of works of a nature and amount similar to the Works performed as prime Contractor over the
last 3 years: [Also list details of work under way or committed, including expected completion date(s).]
This sheet should be completed for a minimum of three (3) different projects from three (3) different
Project Managers.
A. Project Details:
B. Contractor Evaluation
1 Management Skills 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 Site Organisation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3 Site Cleanliness 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4 Safety of Workmen 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
5 Co-ordination of Sub- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
6 Quality of Workmanship 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
7 Finishing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
8 Response to Defects 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
9 Programming 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
10 Communication 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Major items of Contractor’s Equipment proposed for carrying out the Works. [Refer to ITB Sub-Clause
6.3.] (Proof of lease agreement/arrangements to be provided and/or arrangements to purchase
After the award of the Contract, the contractor must satisfy the Project Manager that all equipment listed
hereunder, or equal, are available on the site when required. The appointed Contractor must maintain
the equipment in good working order for the duration of the Contract.
The Contractor furthermore undertakes without additional cost to the Employer, to provide any
additional equipment on the site which is necessary, in the opinion of the Employer, to complete the
Contract within the bidding contract period.
Item of Equipment Description, Make and Condition (New, Owned, Leased (From
Age (Years) Good, Poor) and Whom?) or to be
Number Available Purchased (From
Qualifications and experience of key personnel proposed for administration and execution of the
Contract. [Attach biographical data. Refer to ITB Sub-Clause 6.3 (d).]
The Bidder shall submit with his Bid abbreviated curriculum vitae for each candidate and alternative (if
offered) using as a minimum detail requirement which must clearly indicate their minimum experience.
The Bidder may if so desired attach more elaborate CV’s of the key staff proposed for the project. These
will be securely attached to this page by stapling or alternatively by submitting an Appendix Document
or file.
Proposed subcontracts and firms involved. Refer to General Conditions of Contract Clause 7.
The Bidder shall list below the specialist subcontractors he intends to appoint for the various specialised
items of work on this contract.
If the Bidder intends to carry out the specialised work himself, he shall state this.
The acceptance of this Bid shall not be construed as approval of all or any of the listed specialist
subcontractors. Should any or all of the specialist subcontractors not be approved subsequent to the
acceptance of this Bid, this shall in no way invalidate this Bid and the bidding unit rates for the various
items of work shall remain final and binding even in the event of a subcontractor not listed below, being
approved by the Project Manager.
The Bidder shall provide a letter of undertaking from a financial institution stating that such financial
institution will issue a performance guarantee as required by the bidding document should the Bidder
be successful in his bid. The bidder must additionally supply a letter from a financial institution that
clearly indicate the amount of credit available for the Bidder to effectively complete the works or
alternatively indicate the bidder bank rating.
The Bidder shall provide the Company’s VAT registration certificate, securely attached to this page by
stapling or fixing with adhesive. All copies must be valid and certified by a by a Notary Public or police
station (Police Officer) within at least six (6) months before bid closing date.
The Bidder must set out here a preliminary programme indicating the proposed sequence and duration
of execution of the various activities included in the Contract. This programme is solely for the purpose
of assisting in the adjudicating the bids, and in no way replaces or supersedes the programme required
in terms of the General Conditions of Contract and the Particular Conditions of Contract.
representative of (Bidder)…………………………………………………………………………….......
of (address)……………………………………………………………………………………………….
telephone number…………………………………………………………………………………………
fax number………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Having previously studied the bid documents, I carefully examined the site.
I have made myself familiar with all local conditions likely to influence the work and the cost thereof.
I further certify that I am satisfied with the description of the work and explanations given by the Project
Manager and that I understand perfectly the work to be done, as specified and implied in the execution
of this contract.
……………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………
The Bidder shall provide an Original Certificate of Good Standing with the Receiver of Revenue,
attached securely to this page by stapling or fixing with adhesive.
The Bidder shall provide an Original Certificate of Good Standing with the Social Security
Commission, attached securely to this page by stapling or fixing with adhesive.
The Bidder shall provide a valid Police certified copy of Affirmative Action Compliance Certificate,
proof from Employment Equity Commissioner that bidder is not a relevant employer, or exemption
issued in terms of Section 42 of the Affirmative Action Act, 1998, attached securely to this page by
stapling or fixing with adhesive. All copies must be valid and certified by a by a Notary Public or police
station (Police Officer) within at least six (6) months before bid closing date.
The Bidder shall provide a Valid Police Certified certificate indicating SME Status, attached securely
to this page by stapling or fixing with adhesive. The bid is not reserved for SME’s.
The Bidder shall state below what direct knowledge and experience of local conditions is held by his
employees and/or principals at the time of Bid and, if relevant, what steps, if any, he intends to take to
have such knowledge and experience at his disposal in the event that his Bid is successful.
In submitting my/our Bid, the Bid Sum given in my/our Bid Submission Form includes in full the effects
of the following notice(s) to Bidders. Notices are to be signed and affixed/attached behind this page.
This section contains supplementary criteria that the Employer shall use to evaluate bids.
1. Evaluation
In addition to the criteria listed in ITB 33 the following criteria shall apply:
2. Similar Experience -
Contractor familiar with the project area 10 2 points for completing Form
and conditions 17 and
8 points for doing projects
within proven similar
3. Financial Capability 20
Table of Contents
VOLUME 1: CIVIL / STRUCTURAL SPECIFICATIONS ............................................. 53
DRAWINGS .......................................................................................................................194
The Project Specifications form an integral part of the contract documents and
shall be deemed to be included in and form part of the specifications. In the case
of any discrepancy or conflict with any part or parts of the Standard
Specifications, or the drawings, the Project Specification shall take precedence
and shall govern.
In certain clauses the Standard Specifications allow a choice to be specified in
the Project Specifications between alternative materials or methods of
construction and for additional requirements to be specified to suit a particular
contract. Details of such alternatives or additional requirements applicable to
this contract are contained in this part of the Project Specifications. It also
contains some additional specifications required for this particular contract.
The number of each clause and each payment item in this part of the Project
Specifications consists of the prefix followed by a number corresponding to the
number of the relevant clause or payment item in the Standard Specifications.
The number of a new clause or a new payment item which does not form part
of a clause or a payment item in the Standard Specifications and which is
included here, is also prefixed by PS followed by a new number. The new
numbers follow on the last clause or item number used in the relevant section
of the Standard Specifications.
The Standardized Specification for Civil Project Engineering Construction
(SANS 1200) have been written to cover all phases of work usually encountered
on Civil Engineering Projects, and they may therefore cover items of work not
contemplated on this particular project.
The Project Specifications form an integral part of the Contract Documents and
supplement the Standard Specifications. In the event of any discrepancy with a
part or parts of the Standard Specifications or the Schedule of Quantities, the
Project Specifications shall take precedence. The Standard Specifications which
form part of this contract have been written to cover all phases of work normally
required for Civil contracts, and they may therefore cover items not applicable
to this particular contract.
PS 13.2 SAFETY 60
All records connected with or referring to the contract in any way shall become the
property of the Employer in whom the copyright shall rest. 63
The contract consists of bulk earthworks, structural concrete and masonry
works, mass lighting, installation of a CCTV system, security fence installation,
specialised fence monitoring system and renovations of the existing
guardhouse. The site is located to the East of the Walvis Bay CBD and in the
townland’s boundaries of Walvis Bay. The locality is clearly shown on the tender
This bidding document covers the construction of all disciplines i.e. Civil,
Electrical and Mechanical works.
The site must be cleared, grubbed of all vegetation and treated with ant and
plant poison. The site is then to be levelled by cut to fill and cut to spoil
operations before being ripped and recompacted according to specifications.
The in-situ roadbed shall then be protected against erosion with a 150mm layer
of subbase material with slopes and levels according to specifications. The bulk
earthworks consist of the following approximate quantities:
a) Site Area: ± 4.7ha
b) Cut to fill: ± 2,200m³
c) Cut to Spoil: ± 23,500m³
d) Subbase: ± 6,000m³
The project duration will be as per ITB 1.2 in the BDS, which time should include
all periods during which the Contractor closes down (public holidays).
The construction programme required in terms of the General Conditions of
Contract shall include all the important features of the work, the various
operations to be carried out and must be submitted for approval to the Project
Manager within 14 days from the date of the Notification of award.
The expected target dates for this Contract are as follows:
(a) Bid Advertisement Wednesday, 1 July 2020
(b) Compulsory Site Meeting Wednesday 15 July 2020
(c) Bid closing Monday, 3 August l 2020
(d) Award of Contract Monday, 31 August 2020
(e) Commencement of Construction Monday, 10 September 2020
(f) Construction Period 6 (Six) Months Inclusive of All Holidays
The above-mentioned dates are estimated start dates and could vary depending
on various unforeseeable circumstances. Should the above dates not be met,
it will not entitle the contractor to claim for any additional cost.
After the completion of the Construction and prior to the issue of the Practical
Completion Certificate, the Contractor will supply a Land Surveyor’s Certificate,
certifying that all pegs have been checked and re-established where necessary.
The cost of such a survey will also be for the account of the Contractor.
With the exception of a night watchman, employees may not be housed or
accommodated on the site of the Works without permission from the Employer.
One contract Sign Board is required to be erected for this contract. The Sign
Board shall be erected to the standards of the Association of Consulting
Engineers of Namibia (ACEN), which will be made available to the Contractor.
The position of the sign board shall be indicated on site.
The Contractor will be responsible for the safety of his personnel and the site in
general at all times. All laws, rules, and regulations including the Machinery and
Occupational Safety Act shall be strictly followed in this regard and all the
necessary precautions and measures shall be taken to ensure the safety of
personnel, the public, and equipment.
The responsibility of safeguarding of excavations lies entirely with the
All bidding rates for material or excavation shall allow for all hauling to or from
the site. For this Contract “free haul” shall therefore continue indefinitely and no
overhaul shall be paid, unless otherwise specified.
Concrete aggregates must be sourced by the contractor. These aggregates,
both course and fine, must be comprehensively tested for compliance and
approved by the Engineer before being delivered to site.
The Contractor will have to identify his own sources for selected granular
material to be used for bedding flexible pipes. Excavated material can be used
for bedding if suitable. These materials will have to be tested and the results
submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to the construction activities
involving these materials. Because no overhaul is paid, it is of utmost importance
that each Tenderer identifies suitable sources of materials at Tender stage, so
as to establish the transport cost thereof to be included in the Tender.
Selected fill may be obtained from the specified trench excavations on the site.
site. The Project Manager or his representative will not act as supervisor,
foreman or surveyor.
All construction activities shall be executed and supervised by suitably qualified
and experienced personnel. The responsibility of proving quality of work lies
with the Contractor. With the assistance of the Project Manager, an acceptable
quality assurance system shall be implemented. The Contractor will be required
to follow the procedures set by this Quality Assurance system. Failure to do so
will result in the rejection of work constructed in non-compliance with the
approved Quality Assurance system.
All costs related to the disposal of unwanted rubble and waste shall be deemed
to be included in the bidding rates and no additional claims in this regard will be
considered. Good quality surplus material obtained from on-site excavations
and not used as selected fill upon instruction to do so, can be spread on site
upon approval of the Project Manager.
Building rubble and domestic waste shall be removed from site and be dumped
at a location approved by the Project manager and Employer. Burning of any
kind of waste on site will not be allowed.
The successful Contractor must allow for provision and erection of all necessary
barricading, road traffic sign-boarding, lighting and for the posting of flagmen
where required. When sections of a road have to be closed, the correct warning
signs have to be displayed in positions which will allow traffic to change course
without vehicles having to reverse or turn around. The road signs to be
displayed during the contract shall be in accordance with “The South African
Roads Traffic Signs Manual.”
All work shall be done with the least interference with traffic and the Engineer
shall have the power to demand rearrangements if, in his opinion, traffic is
unnecessarily hampered.
Access to site must be strictly monitored on a 24-hour basis for each calendar
day of the contract.
It will be the full responsibility of the Contractor to undertake appropriate quality
control and quality assurance measures on site. The Project Manager shall
audit the Contractor’s Quality Assurance system on a regular basis to ensure
that adequate independent checks and tests are being carried out and to ensure
that the Contractor’s own controls are sufficient to identify any possible quality
problems which could cause a delay on the programme. The Project Manager
will submit a Quality Assurance Manual to the successful Contractor at the site
Quality control tests on materials and work executed will be very important on
this Contract. Materials not tested and approved will not be allowed on site.
Compaction tests on back fill materials to trenches shall be compulsory. The
Contractor shall include in his rates the testing of compaction effort as specified
in the particular specifications.
All records connected with or referring to the contract in any way shall become
the property of the Employer in whom the copyright shall rest.
Further to the above standards, all electrical related works shall also be carried
out strictly in accordance with and all material and equipment supplied shall
comply with the latest editions of the following standards:
SANS 10199:2010 Designs and Installation of Earth Electrodes
SANS 10292:2013 Earthing of Low Voltage (LV) Distribution Systems
SANS 60439:2007 Low Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear Assemblies
SANS 1507:2007 Electric Cables with Extruded Solid Dielectric
Insulation for Fixed Installations (300/500V to
SANS 10225:2012 The Design and Construction of Lighting Masts
SANS 14713-2:2011 / ISO 14713-2:2009 Zinc Coatings – Guidelines and
Recommendations for the Protection against
Corrosion of Iron and Steel Structures Part 2: Hot
Dip Galvanizing
SANS 556-1:2004 Low Voltage Switchgear: Circuit Breakers
PSA GENERAL......................................................................................................... 67
PSDM 1 MATERIALS...................................................................................................... 77
PSDM 2 CONSTRUCTION .............................................................................................. 77
PSDM 3 OVERHAUL (Clauses and ......................................................... 78
PSDM 4 TOLERANCES................................................................................................... 78
All materials proposed by the Contractor shall be tested. The tests, as well as the
materials, shall be approved by the Engineer prior to any such materials being built into
the Works and all costs involved shall be deemed to be included in the rates tendered.
Any materials built in without the prior approval by the Engineer may be required to be
removed at the Contractor’s own cost.
Approved samples of material such as paving, kerbing etc. will be placed at the site
offices of the Contractor to be used as reference against material delivered to site.
Should material be delivered to site that is not of the same or higher quality as the
approved samples, such material will be removed from site on the Contractor’s own
If required by the Engineer, the Contractor shall deliver samples of materials to be tested
to a laboratory indicated by the Engineer.
No housing is available for the Contractor's employees and the Contractor shall make
his own arrangements to house his employees off site and to transport them to site. Only
one security guard will be allowed on site overnight and over weekends.
The Employer will place an area of ground of approximately 1 ha at the disposal of the
Contractor. The Contractor will be required to provide his own facilities, for example,
a fenced in yard, offices, workshops, stores, and any other temporary structures required
by the Contractor for the storage of all material and plant. The extent of the Contractor’s
camp shall be restricted to the area allocated by the Engineer. The cost of providing
and removal of the Contractor’s facilities shall be paid for under provision of facilities
on site and removal of the site establishment respectively
Add the following:
The Contractor’s attention is drawn to the applicable regulations framed under the
Machinery and Occupational Safety Act, 1983 (Act No 6 of 1983). When working in
built-up areas, the Contractor shall provide and use suitable and effective silencing
devices for pneumatic tools and other plant that would otherwise cause a noise level
exceeding 85 dB during excavations and other work. Alternatively, he shall, by means
of barriers, effectively isolate the source of any noise in order to comply with the said
Preservation and Replacement of Pegs subject to the Land Survey Act (Clause 5.1.2)
Existing erf pegs will be dealt with strictly according to Clause 5.1.2 of SABS 1200 A.
Add the following:
Only the required erf pegs will be set out prior to construction. The Client accepts that
these erf pegs will be disturbed and that they will be replace at no additional cost to the
Contractor. All other pegs must be protected as set out in Clause 5.1.2.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the setting out of the works. Further, the
Contractor shall, prior to commencing with any construction activities, determine the
existing ground levels, left centre and right and at every stake value. This will be done
for roads and sewer lines.
Should these levels differ from the level provided by the Engineer, the Contractor must
inform the Engineer in writing in order to agree the construction quantities prior to the
commencement of the construction.
Should the Contractor commence with construction without submitting any survey
information and/or do not inform the Engineer of any discrepancies between the survey
information provided by the Engineer and that of the Contractor, the quantities
calculated by the Engineer will be accepted as correct and no claim for additional
payment will be accepted due to such discrepancies.
No additional payment will be made by the Client for any survey work required by the
(a) General
The location of some existing services is indicated on the drawings but it is, however,
not guaranteed that these are all the existing services on the Site. The Contractor must
have the positions of services on the drawings confirmed by the service departments.
The location of all existing services obtained from the relevant municipal and other
departments are shown at their approximate positions on the Drawings. It is the
responsibility of the Contractor to find the exact position of existing services. If it is
required to relocate or change existing services, the Contractor must inform the
Engineer immediately after having determined the location of the service, to enable him
to make timeous arrangements with the relevant authorities for the relocation or changes
to the service in question. The Contractor shall excavate the necessary trenches to
enable the relocation of services by other departments. Having located a service, it shall
be considered a known service and the Contractor must keep records of co-ordinated
positions of each service. A copy of these records shall be submitted to the Engineer.
The Contractor shall take extreme care to avoid damage to such a service as the cost for
the repair of such a service will be for the account of the Contractor. The Contractor
must furthermore co-operate with the relevant Municipal departments and allow them
reasonable access and sufficient space and time to carry out the required work.
Sewerage lines shall where and if required, be relocated by the Contractor.
A method has to be developed by the Contractor to search for all existing services with
hand excavation. It is suggested that trenches are formed at intervals across the
sidewalk(s) of the street, or the street itself if necessary, to determine the positions of
all the services.
The Contractor has to accept liability for the cost to repair known services damaged as
a result of his operations, either by his authorised signature, or by admittance to the
Engineer, who will confirm such admittance in writing to the Contractor. The Engineer
reserves the right to deduct the cost to have such damaged services repaired by the
relevant service departments, from payments due to the Contractor. The Contractor is
also responsible for the cost of temporary arrangements for water supply if the time
needed for repair exceeds 12 hours.
All exposed pipes, cables and appurtenant structures shall be backfilled before nightfall,
and if this is not possible, watchmen shall be placed at the exposed services to ensure
that the exposed pipe, cable or other service is not damaged or stolen during the night.
Should anything be stolen or damaged in this way, the Contractor is also responsible
for the cost of the repair and replacement thereof.
Any damage or loss resulting from failure to comply with this Clause will be to the
Contractor's account.
(b) Encasing of Pipes (Clause 5.4L)
The encasing of pipes, ducts or any other services shall only be done where and when
instructed by the Engineer. Class 25 MPa concrete shall be used for all encasings.
Measurement and payment shall be done in accordance with Clause 8.2.12 L.
PSA 4.2 Measurement and payment for location existing services
The Contractor will be compensated for hand excavation in soft material in accordance
with authorised dimensions agreed with the Engineer prior to excavation. The rate shall
include full compensation for the detection, exposure, excavation, backfilling, watering,
and compaction of the backfill to at least the same density as the in-situ material before
excavation. The rate shall also include proper documentation of the services.
Unit: Cubic Meter (m3)
PSA 4.3 Measurement and payment for protection of existing services by encasing in concrete
The Contractor shall ensure that all streets adjacent to or crossing the Site and which
are affected by the Works and/or Temporary Works are kept in a safe condition for
pedestrians and vehicular traffic.
The Contractor shall organise his work so as to reduce the inconvenience to traffic to a
minimum, and no public road or street shall be completely closed without prior
approval. If so ordered, the Contractor shall provide suitable bridges at street and
driveway crossings where traffic must cross open trenches. The Contractor shall
construct temporary accesses to adjacent private properties if necessary to ensure access
The Contractor must protect completed layerworks in order to prevent damage thereto.
Any damage caused to completed layerworks shall be for the Contractor’s expenses.
The Contractor shall provide and maintain in proper condition all necessary barricades,
lights, warning signals and all direction signs necessary to enable traffic to follow the
routes of diversion throughout their length. The Contractor shall provide flagmen at all
deviations and/or obstructions where deemed necessary by the Engineer.
All signs shall be as shown on the signs and deviation drawings. All traffic signs and
the control of traffic shall be in accordance with either the South African (1982) or
Namibian Road Traffic Signs Manual (also see drawing no. P5985CPTP4). Typical
signs and equipment covered under this section, includes: Moveable Barricades, Road
Closed Sign, Residents Only Signs, Stop and Go Sign, Drums, Traffic Cones and other
signs specified by drawing no. P5985CPTP4.
The Contractor shall liaise and co-operate with the relevant Traffic Authorities and
Engineers Representatives wherever the Works affect existing roads. The Contractor
shall sign an indemnity clearing the Local Authority, as applicable, from all liabilities
in respect of excavations and works on or adjacent to trafficked roads.
PSA 5.2 Measurement and Payment for General Traffic Accommodation
Provide and maintain in terms of the Namibian Road Sign policy the required traffic
accommodation signage for construction work for the duration of the contract. Payment
of incremental amounts (calculated by the division of the Tendered sum by the number
of months required to complete the activities for which the relevant sum was tendered)
will be authorised in each of the subsequent progress certificates until the sum tendered
has been paid.
Unit: Sum
The item will cover all additional cost the Contractor might incur such as bank charges,
financing cost etc. for items noted under PSA 7.2
Unit: Percentage (%)
The classification "soft", "intermediate", "boulder excavation class A" and "boulder
excavation class B" shall not be applicable to this Contract. All material will be
measured as soft and the Contractor should allow in his rates for any additional cost
should he encounter hard excavation. Refer to PSDB 1.1 for classes of excavations.
All excess material shall be disposed of at a site to be found by the Contractor and
approved by the Engineer.
The free-haul distance for all earthworks on this Contract shall be unlimited.
No overhaul shall be paid and the transport of all material shall be deemed to be within
the free-haul distance.
All excavations, terraces, and embankments shall be done to comply with the
requirements for finishing to a Degree of Accuracy II.
The classification of "Soft", "intermediate", "boulder excavation class A" and "boulder
excavation class B" in terms of sub-clause 3.1.2 of SABS 1200 D shall not be
applicable. All material which does not classify as "hard rock excavation", in terms of
sub-clause 3.1.2(c) of SABS 1200 D shall be classified as "soft excavation".
All road reserves shall be considered as areas subject to traffic loads, and therefore the
backfill shall be compacted in layers not more than 150 mm to a minimum of 95% of
Modified AASHTO maximum density. For gravel material and 100% of Modified
AASHTO maximum density for sand. (See also clause 5.7.2)
It will be the full responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that all excavations are safe.
See also SABS 1200 D Clause 5.1.1 Safety. The costs of all safeguarding of
excavations will be deemed included in the rate for excavation.
Trenches shall be excavated, and trimmed to a depth of not less than 100mm below the
bedding level of the pipes, as indicated on pipeline longitudinal sections. These depths
shall be maintained for the full width and length of the trench and all stones, rocks or
other projections trimmed accordingly.
Surplus material from the trench excavation shall be disposed at a site to be found by
the Contractor and approved by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall be responsible for settlement of backfill. In the event that the
completed backfill is eroded, it shall be responsibility of the contractor to ensure that
the backfill is restored to its original state to the satisfaction of the Engineer at the
Contractor's expense.
The finishing-off of the pipeline surface shall be included in the price for excavation
and backfill.
No distinction shall be made or paid for overhaul, and freehaul shall be deemed to
extend indefinitely.
The provision of accommodation of traffic as set out in PSA 5 will also be relevant to
this clause and no additional payment will be made for accommodation of traffic.
The Contractor shall bear the cost of all tests regardless of whether the test indicate
acceptable compaction or not, notwithstanding the contents of Sub-clause 7.1.
For this Contract the following minimum number of density tests shall be done by the
(a) Pipe Bedding: one density test per 20m of trench length or part thereof for each
pipe scheduled separately.
(b) Backfilling: one density test per 20m of trench length or part thereof for each
300mm layer of backfill for each pipe scheduled.
The positions of these minimum number of density tests, shall be determined randomly
by the Contractor, and shall be clearly documented with the results. The results of the
tests shall be submitted to the Engineer and shall prove to the Engineer that the work as
a whole was done satisfactorily.
Additional tests, over and above the minimum tests could be ordered by the Engineer.
Payment for these tests will be made under Payment item PSA 7.1 if the tests indicated
that the density is as specified. If any tests fail, the cost of such tests shall be for the
account of the Contractor.
The rates shall cover the cost of safeguarding the excavations as well as interference
(limiting working space) caused by pipe routes running close to existing services and
Unit: meter (m)
PSDB 4.2 Reinstate Road Surfaces complete with all courses (Clause
The road layers shall conform to that of all the gravel surfaces specified for construction
under this contract. The following payment items will be relevant:
(a) Reinstate surfaced road complete with all layers
Unit: Square Meter (m2)
(b) Reinstate gravel shoulder complete with all layers
Unit: Square Meter (m2)
The provisions of clause PSD 1.1 shall also apply to this clause.
(a) General
The Contractor shall program his sequence of operations in such a way that:
- cuts are done progressively in advance on the next street(s) on the work
programme in order to haul material as far as possible directly to its final position
onto the street under construction (on the relevant completed roadbed, subgrade or
selected subgrade layer), to avoid double handling as called for in Clause 3.3.2 DM,
- heavy equipment above 3 tonnes are not allowed to drive over the completed final
pavement layer, before or after surfacing, surfacing operations excluded.
- Mica schist material in the existing pavements which need to be excavated due to
inadequate strength will in general be spoiled. The Engineer may also instruct
compaction at higher densities, at an extra - over payment to increase strength.
The selected layer for material other than sand shall be compacted to at least 93% MOD
AASHTO maximum density. For sands, the applicable material shall be compacted to
at least 100% MOD AASHTO maximum density. The specified material shall also
conform to the following requirements:
Before the Works are taken over, the Site and affected areas shall be cleaned up by
clearing, finishing, tidying and disposing of waste materials, clearing stormwater inlets,
outlets and openings and by neatly finishing of all intersections and kerbing. Material
shall only be spoiled at approved sites. Payment shall be made as a lump sum in the
Schedule of Quantities.
The tendered rate shall cover all costs to trim and finish road reserves which shall also
comply to the gradients and dimensions as indicated on the Drawings.
Material dumped on the Site by parties other than the Contractor, shall be removed by
the Contractor, if so instructed by the Engineer, to dump sites.
MATERIAL (Clause 3)
Applicable Specifications
“The SABS approved the European Pre-standard (ENV) specifications for Common and
Masonry cements and issued these standards as SABS ENV 197-1 and SABS ENV 413-1
respectively for general use. These standard specifications (and specifications directly
related thereto) will be applicable to this contract and the reference to the various cements
to be used will be based on the descriptions, notations and types as specified therein.
SABS 471, SABS 626 and SABS 831 have however not been withdrawn and are still
applicable. SABS ENV 197-1, SABS ENV 197-2, SABS ENV 413-1 and SABS ENV 413-
2 shall therefore be deemed to be included wherever reference is made to SABS standard
specifications in the project document and on the drawings. In case of conflict, SABS ENV
197-1 and SABS ENV 413-1 will govern.”
Portland fly ash cement shall be used in concrete for all water-retaining structures. For that
purpose CEM II B-V 32,5 or CEM II B-W 32,5 in compliance with the requirements of
SABS ENV 197:1992 shall be used, or Portland fly ash cement may be produced on site by
blending CEM I 42,5 with 25% Pulverized Fuel Ash (PFA).
If aggregates to be used in this Contract are alkali-reactive, the cement used on this Contract
shall not have an alkali content (Na2O + 0,658 K2O) which exceeds 0,6 % by mass of the
cement. The total alkali content of the concrete shall not exceed 2,1 kg/m3 for aggregates
falling in the rapidly expanding group (e.g. Malmesbury Group Metasediments) or 2,8
kg/m3 for Cape Granite. The Contractor shall submit the necessary test results to prove the
The concrete mix must be determined by means of a proper mix design by an accredited
laboratory and must be approved by the Engineer.
If PFA is blended with OPC on site, the following additional requirements shall apply:
(a) PFA shall be obtained from only one power station, from which the PFA has to be
approved for use in concrete. Should the Contractor wish to change the source of PFA
during the Contract, he shall inform the Engineer accordingly in advance, carry out tests
on the PFA, produce trial mixes in accordance with the Specifications and obtain the
Engineer's approval in writing. After receiving the approval, the Contractor shall
inform the Engineer in writing as to the date when the PFA from the new source is to
be used.
(b) All PFA shall comply with the requirements of BS 3892 Part 1 1982.
(c) The Contractor shall obtain the producer's test certificates for each consignment of PFA,
which shall be retained as record documents.
(d) Each consignment shall be tested for loss of ignition (which shall not exceed 7 %), and
the percentage mass retained on a 45 micron sieve by wet screening (which shall not
exceed 12,5 %). Testing shall be carried out in accordance with the procedures specified
in BS 3892 Part 1 1982.
(e) In addition, the chloride content and sulphate (SO3) content of the PFA shall be tested
every three months for each power station source.
If PFA and OPC are blended on site, PFA shall be stored separately from cement and shall
have separate delivery facilities. It shall be stored in the same manner as specified for
cement. When handled in bulk and stored in silos, PFA shall require a greater silo capacity
and more efficient filters than portland cement, and furthermore, provision must be made
for aeration in the storage silo. The percentage of PFA by mass shall be 25 % of the total
cementitious material in the concrete, which is defined as the total mass OPC and PFA
· Add the following after the words “...may promote deterioration.” In the second paragraph:
“It is of prime importance that cement to be used in concrete for water-retaining structures
shall always be stored in a cool environment, and it is strongly advised that cement silos be
painted white to reduce any temperature rise in the stored cement.”
To limit heat gain in concrete for water-retaining structures, the temperature of mixing
water must preferably be below 20 °C when added to the concrete mix.
The aggregates shall comply with the requirements of SABS 1083. The maximum water
absorption of the coarse aggregate shall not exceed 1 % and the flakiness index shall not
exceed 25 %. The maximum water demand of the fine aggregate shall be 190 l /m3.
Aggregates to be used in this contract shall be tested in accordance with subsection C-15
of SABS 1083 to determine whether they are potentially alkali-reactive. If they are alkali-
reactive they shall either be replaced with aggregates that are non-reactive or the
requirements of PSG- in respect of alkali-reactiveness shall apply.
The content of chloride ion in the aggregates shall be determined and shall be within the
limits specified in SABS 1083. Test results in this regard shall be submitted to the
At tender stage the Contractor shall assure himself by means of tests and test mixes by an
accredited laboratory that the fine and coarse aggregates that he intends to use comply with
the specification. The tendered rates shall therefore be deemed to allow for the importation
of aggregates, if necessary, that do comply with the Specification.
The Contractor shall be responsible for locating the sources of all aggregates.
“(c) the aggregate to be used for water-retaining structures shall at all times be stored in
a cool environment and, if at time of mixing, the ambient temperature exceeds 30 °C,
only the coarse aggregate shall be sprayed with water to assist cooling. It is advisable
that all aggregate stockpiles be shaded from the sun by means of 80% shade netting.”
The Contractor shall ensure adequate drainage of the coarse aggregate stockpile.
The Contractor shall, by way of the information required in sub clause 3.5.1, prove to
the satisfaction of the Engineer that proposed admixtures are non-toxic, suitable for
water retaining structures, beneficial and not detrimental to the durability of the
concrete. The use of plasticizers with air-entraining properties will not be allowed.
PLANT (Clause 4)
After removal of plastic spacing cones of the extended coil ties from concrete, the
openings in the concrete shall be roughened with a mechanical wire brush. Thereafter
the openings shall be painted with cement mortar and filled with a non-shrink grout
such as "Standard Bedding Grout" by Samson or a similar approved non-toxic product
compatible with the chemicals used in the water. The grout filling shall be applied in
such a way as to protect the ties against corrosion.
In Sub clause 5.1.3(a) amend the words " ... or stirrup" to read: "bar, secondary
reinforcement, tie stirrup, tying-wire knots or wire ends."
Add to Sub clause 5.1.3 : "Tying wire shall not encroach on the specified minimum
cover by more than a single strand thickness."
The cover blocks for water-retaining structures shall be manufactured from concrete of
grade, durability, density and impermeability at least equal to that specified for the
respective elements except that 12 mm stone instead of 19 mm stone shall be used. The
size of the cover blocks shall be 60 mm x 60 mm, with a thickness equal to the specified
cover. Wires shall be cast into the blocks to enable them to be fixed to the
reinforcement. The wires shall be fully galvanised Class A as per SABS 675 - 1993.
The wires shall be carefully held in position while the concrete is setting to ensure that
all the wires are inserted to a uniform and consistent depth of 50 % of the thickness of
the cover block for all the cover blocks. The concrete shall be thoroughly compacted
by means of a vibrator or vibratory table and the blocks shall be protected against early
drying and shrinkage due to sun and wind, by being kept continually wet while still in
the mould. After the blocks have been removed from the mould they shall be kept in
water continuously until being used, and this period shall not be less than 14 days.
Splice lengths in the case of water-retaining structures shall not be less than
58 diameters and in non-water-retaining structures not less than 40 diameters. Where
applicable in water-retaining structures, splices shall be staggered so that they are
evenly spread throughout the structure.
Special off-shutter formwork shall produce a finish that will comply with the
requirements of degree of accuracy I according to SABS 1200 G clause 6.2. For this
contract the special off-shutter finish is applicable to all visible concrete.
Formwork for all classes of finish shall be made of steel panels. Small approved
laminated wooden board inserts to steel framed panels may only be used in confined
places and the use thereof will be subject to approval by the Engineer. The panels shall
be free from rust, ridges, fins, bulges, imperfections, irregularities, chips and holes. The
concrete surface shall be smooth and free from irregularities, bulges, ridges,
imperfections, air bubbles, honeycomb or surface discolouration. Grout checks shall be
used at all construction joints and chamfers at all corners.
Joints between panels shall be sealed tightly to prevent local honeycombing or leaching
of concrete. Joints between panels shall form straight horizontal and vertical lines
which shall be spaced evenly on the formed concrete surface, and shall be even and
smooth and require minimal or no finishing. The layout of all formwork panels and
construction joints shall be discussed with the Engineer before application and shall be
approved in writing prior to erection of formwork.
(ii) Finish on blinding layers underneath the floor of the pump station
(iii)Visible corners
Formwork for PFA concrete shall remain in place after placing of the concrete as
indicated in Table 2 for Portland Blastfurnace cement.
The workability range for all PFA concrete (slump) shall be between 50 and 75 mm.
(a) Due to the design approach and assumptions adopted for this contract, it is of the utmost
importance that good strength concrete with consistent quality and composition is used
throughout. All possible measures to limit shrinkage shall be applied.
(b) In addition to the requirement that the Contractor design the mixes to the specified
strengths, the cementitious material content shall be such as not to cause alkali-aggregate
reaction and shall not exceed 380 kg/m3 for 30 MPa/19 mm concrete or 460 kg/m3 for 40
MPa/19 mm concrete.
(c) All concrete shall be based on designed mixes. Trial mixes shall be made by an approved
laboratory with suitable experience in the design of PFA concrete mixes and mix designs
and cube results submitted to the Engineer.
The use of ready-mixed concrete for this contract shall be permitted provided that it
complies with the requirements of this specification. Test results obtained by such a
production facility shall not be regarded as part of the quality control system, and the
Contractor shall take his own samples of concrete on site and have them tested in
accordance with clause 7 of SABS 1200 G and Clause
The Contractor shall give the Engineer at least 24 hours’ notice of his intention to cast
Concrete in water-retaining structures shall not be allowed to fall freely through a height
of more than 2,4 m.
Before construction work commences the Contractor shall indicate on the drawings his
proposal for positioning construction joints and submit these to the Engineer for his
comment and approval.
The method adopted for forming joints not covered by and unforeseen joints
(see 2.4.3) in non-water-retaining structures shall be one of items (a) to (d) and in water-
retaining structures shall be as in subclause (e) hereafter.
Add the following additional paragraph to clause after item (d):
Depending on the weather conditions, the surface of the concrete shall be sprayed
with a high pressure water jet within 24 hours of casting to remove all laitance and
fine particles to a depth of at least 10 mm and to expose the coarse aggregate
embedded in sound concrete. The Contractor shall ensure that the green concrete is
not damaged or disturbed during the preparation of the joint and that waterstops are
not damaged.
After the reinforcement for the next pour has been fixed and the formwork erected,
the construction joint shall be cleaned thoroughly with a pressurised water jet. The
joint shall then be wetted continuously with water for 24 hours to completely saturate
the concrete immediately before new concrete is cast. Before the new concrete is
cast all excess water shall be removed from the construction joint and the new
concrete shall be cast directly onto the prepared surface.
This procedure must be read in conjunction with the notes on the concrete drawings.
Plastic sheets and tubes used for curing shall be waterproof and may not be torn or
be otherwise discontinuous. It shall be white or light-coloured. Black or other dark
coloured plastic sheets will not be allowed under any circumstances. Sheets and
tubes shall be held down or fixed securely to the elements being cured and joints in
sheets shall be taped to prevent loss of moisture from the concrete. Care shall be
exercised to prevent staining of exposed concrete.
(h) General
Notwithstanding the preceding specifications, the Contractor shall also ensure that the
concrete shall not be exposed to thermal shocks during the first 28 days after casting
and he shall take the necessary, additional precautionary measures to shield the concrete
with plastic sheets or hessian during extreme warm, cold, dry or windy weather
conditions. Hessian shall be wetted should the conditions necessitate this. Curing shall
be done in such a manner as not to cause staining, contamination or marring of the
surface of the concrete.
The Contractor shall take the necessary precautions to prevent water used for curing
from penetrating the soil underneath or adjacent to the structures. The water shall be
drained away effectively as soon as possible to prevent any ponding.
The temperature of the concrete when deposited shall not be allowed to exceed 25 °C.
When a wood-floated finish is specified, the surface shall first be treated as specified in
subclause, and after the concrete has hardened sufficiently, it shall be floated
to a uniform surface free from trowel marks with a wood float. The levelled surface
shall be wood-floated either by hand or by machine only, to remove trowel marks.
When a steel-floated finish is specified, the surface shall be treated as specified for a
wood-floated finish above, except that when the bleed water has disappeared and the
concrete has hardened sufficiently to prevent the migration of concrete foam to the
surface, the levelled surface shall be floated with a steel trowel on which a firm uniform
pressure shall be applied to provide a dense, smooth, uniform surface free from trowel
When a power-floated finish is specified, the surface shall be treated as specified for a
wood-floated finish above, except that the levelled concrete surface shall be power-
floated to provide a dense, smooth, uniform surface of high quality free from trowel
All water-retaining structures and valve chambers built under this contract shall be
watertight without the addition of supplementary cement plaster, coatings or
membranes. Ensuring watertightness is the exclusive responsibility of the Contractor
and he shall take all the measures deemed necessary to achieve this. All remedial work
that has to be undertaken to ensure watertightness shall be for the Contractor's own
account. Refer also to the relevant payment clause in this regard.
Defects(Clause 5.5.14)
The method of repair of defects in the concrete shall be by first applying an approved
cement-based, epoxy-modified anti-corrosion and bonding agent like SikaTop-
Armatec110 EpoCem by Sika to the prepared surface, followed by an approved one-
component, non-sag, cement based patching and repair mortar like SikaRep LW by
Sika. All products shall be applied strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's
specification or such other methods as may be acceptable to the Engineer. All repair
materials shall be equivalent to concrete in respect of thermal properties and structural
elasticity. Such repairs will only be allowed after the defects were inspected by the
Engineer and his written approval has been obtained.
The building in of items, such as puddle pipes, into water-retaining structures may be
executed in either of the following ways, viz:
(a) the items shall be positioned prior to construction of the relevant part of the water
retaining structure and subsequently cast in simultaneously with the concreting of
the specific part of the water-retaining structure; or
(b) recesses or holes may be blocked out in or through the relevant part of the water-
retaining structure, and the item may then be positioned afterwards and grouted
or concreted in, in an approved manner.
The Contractor's attention is drawn to the fact that the decision as to which alternative
to adopt is solely his and that finally the works shall be completed as specified and as
detailed on the drawings.
In the case of (b) above where pockets were left for the later casting in of items, the
following procedure shall be followed:
The old concrete surface shall be treated with an approved bonding agent such as
Baralatex. The pocket shall be filled with the same type and strength of concrete as the
original type. After removal of the shutters, the area shall be sealed with an approved
sealant to ensure that the concrete cures correctly, does not dry out quickly and therefore
does not shrink and crack, which will be unacceptable.
Building in of items will not be measured separately as it is included in the supply and
installation of the pipes and specials measured in Section 1200 L.
Where pipes or other items have to be built into existing water-retaining structures, the
existing concrete shall be cut out carefully to obtain sufficient space to install the items.
The building in of the items shall then proceed as described in PSG-5.7(b). Building in
of the items will not be measured separately as it is included in the supply and
installation of the pipes and pipe specials as measured in Section 1200 L. The cost of
breaking into existing concrete and making good after installation will however be
measured separately.
Replace the permissible deviation for cover to reinforcement (item (a)3)) with -0 +5 mm
irrespective of the Degree of Accuracy.
The sets of samples shall be taken in accordance with SABS Method 861 as close as is
practicable to the start of placing and at appropriate intervals after that, or from one
particular batch and then from subsequent batches chosen at appropriate intervals.”
The Contractor shall allow in his tendered rates for all the costs for quality or
process control testing.
Early-strengths Testing (Clause 7.2.4)
Of each sample of four cubes, one cube shall be tested at 7 days and the
remaining three cubes at 28 days.
(b) A provisional sum is allowed in the Schedule of Quantities for the curing of all
concrete in water-retaining structures measured under item 8.4.3 as scheduled. If
in the opinion of the Tenderer the provisional sum is not sufficient to cover all his
costs for curing, he shall make provision therefor in his tendered rates for concrete.
The provisional sum will be paid fully when curing has been done as specified.
If curing has not been done in accordance with the specifications, payment of the
full amount, or as much thereof as determined by the Engineer, will be withheld
(c) A provisional sum is allowed in the Schedule of Quantities for testing the
watertightness of the concrete in water-retaining structures measured under
item 8.4.3 including the repair thereof if necessary, as described in PSG-7.2.5. This
amount will only be paid when the relevant structure has passed the watertightness
test in all respects and certified as such by the Engineer. If in the opinion of the
Tenderer the provisional sum allowed is not sufficient to cover his costs for the
watertightness tests, he shall make provision therefor in his tendered rates for
No separate items will be scheduled for building in items supplied under this Contract
except for those specially measured in the Schedule of Quantities. The relevant rates
for supply and installation shall cover the cost for casting in the items supplied under
this Contract whether the items are positioned prior to construction or subsequently
placed in blocked-out holes.
“The tendered rate for concrete to be used in water-retaining structures shall also
include all measures necessary to store cement, water and aggregates in a cool
environment to ensure that the ingredients of the concrete are cool at the time of
Clause 8.4.7
No-fines Concrete (describe class and position) (New clause and payment item)
Unit: m3
The relevant measurement and payment clauses for strength concrete (clause 8.4.3)
shall apply.
Clause 8.4.8
Clause 8.4.9
The stated sum shall include all costs to cure the concrete as specified in Clause 5.5.8
and PSG-5.5.8 in the structures stated. The curing of concrete in other structures not
stated will be deemed to be included in the rates tendered for concrete under item 8.4.3.
Payment will be made in accordance with PSG-8.1.3(b).
Clause 8.4.10
Test for watertightness of structures (describe structure) (New clause and payment item)
.Unit: Provisional Sum
The stated sum shall include all costs associated with the execution of the watertightness
test as specified in PSG-7.2.5, including all labour, equipment and special fittings to
isolate the specific element under test. Water for the first watertightness test will be
provided free of charge by the Employer. In the event of failure, water for subsequent
tests shall be for the Contractor’s own account.
The full provisional sum will only be paid when the structure has passed the water
tightness test and has been certified as such by the Engineer. No payment will be made
for the test if the structure did not pass the test for water tightness.
Installation of pipes and pipe specials in existing concrete (describe items and
locality) (Additional clause and item)
Unit: Sum
The tendered sum for each item shall cover the cost of breaking out existing concrete
sufficient to allow the installation of the item in its correct position, additional cost for
installation not measured elsewhere, and making good of the concrete after completion
of the installation of the item. The sum tendered shall be regarded as an extra over the
cost for supply and installation of the item which has been measured elsewhere under
Section 1200 L.
These items will be measured per metre, per square metre, or per number or as a sum
as scheduled.
The rate or sum shall cover the cost of the complete supply and installation of the
scheduled item in accordance with the specifications and as described in the schedule
of quantities and as detailed on the drawings including casting into concrete where
Pipe bedding shall be in accordance with the bedding for flexible pipes Drawing LB-2.
Placing and compaction of the pipe bedding shall be regarded as the most critical phase
of the backfilling operation. Backfilling beyond the bedding cradle and thereafter the
selected fill blanket shall only proceed after approval by the Engineer.
As soon as possible after trench bottoms have been passed by the Engineer, compacted
material forming the bedding cradle shall be placed and trimmed to the required grade
and level over the full width of the trench. Before laying the pipe, bell-holes for the
couplings shall be excavated to ensure that the pipe is supported on the trench bottom
over its full length and not on the coupling. The bell-hole shall be deep enough so that
the coupling is at least 50 mm from the trench bottom. Under no circumstances may
bricks, stones or pieces of timber be used for supporting pipes in the trench.
Bedding material shall be placed and compacted evenly on both sides of the pipe. The
method adopted shall be subject to the Engineer's approval. Whatever method is
adopted and approved, great care shall be exercised at all times to prevent damage to
the pipe or disturbance of the pipe level and grade. The top of the completed bedding
shall form a level surface completely filling the space between the pipe and trench walls,
including any cavities that might exist in the trench walls.
Compaction shall be in layers not exceeding 150mm measured in the loose and watered
to optimum moisture content and compacted to 93% of modified AASHTO maximum
density. Particular care shall be taken to compact the material in the "wedges" formed
by the curvature of pipe bottoms.
The Contractor may use his discretion as to whether he will backfill around joints before
the pipeline is hydrostatically tested. The Contractor shall be responsible for the
location and repair of any leaks on the pipeline under hydrostatic test and no extra
payment will be made for any re-excavation and subsequent reinstatement which may
be necessary to locate and remedy leaks. Should the Contractor elect to leave joint
holes open until after the hydrostatic test, he shall provide at his own expense effective
and approved barricades and fences around each hole for the protection of persons and
animals. In built-up areas, barricades shall be clearly marked at night time with red
warning lights.
The G5 Subbase material to be used for this contract must adhere to the
following specifications:
The Contractor will be responsible to source all material required for the
construction as set out in the project specification. The material may be
obtained from commercial sources or from borrow pits identified by the
Contractor. Should material be obtained from borrow pits, written approval from
the Owner must be submitted to the Engineer for the approval of the use of the
borrow pit.
This specification covers the design, manufacture and supply of CID and COD
fibre cement pipes, uPVC, GRP, polyethylene, galvanized and epoxy-coated
steel pipes, and stainless-steel pipes.
This specification is a supplement to the relevant SABS specifications and will
in no way relieve the Supplier or Contractor of the requirements of the relevant
SABS specifications.
Where this specification is required for a project the following specifications,
including this one, shall inter-alia, form part of the contract document.
Project Specifications SABS 1200 L
Pipes and fittings shall at all times be transported and handled in such a manner
as to guard against loss or damage.
All fittings and specials shall be designed and tested for a minimum working
pressure of 1,6 MPa or 1.5 time the working pressure of the pipeline whichever
the highest
PA 5.1.1 Pipes meet all the requirements of SABS 966 and shall carry the SABS
PA 5.1.2 Pipes shall have rubber ring joints
PA 5.1.3 All fittings shall be supplied with sealing rings
PA 5.1.4 The spigot end shall be chamfered at an angle of 15o . The chamfer shall
be evenly formed both over its length and circumference. The chamfer
shall in all respects conform to the SABS 966 specification.
PA 5.1.5 The socket end shall be of a constant diameter and be evenly formed so
as to allow the use of a standard sealing ring. The shape of the socket
shall be that to fit the SABS approved sealing ring.
PA 5.1.6 The sealing ring shall conform to the relevant SABS standard. No other
rings shall be acceptable. A stiffener shall be fitted within the sealing ring
and shall have dimensions such that the pipes can be jointed without the
use of abnormal force (i.e. beyond that recommended by the pipe
manufacturer's installation manual).
PA 5.1.7 The working pressures uPVC pipes shall be downgrade for the relevant
ambient and fluid temperatures and the Tenderer shall submit detailed
calculations of the downgrading of the pipes as well as laying and testing
instructions of the pipes with his offer. The Tenderer will be responsible
for obtaining the relevant temperature data. Tenderers also take into
account during their calculations that NamWater field test all newly
constructed pipelines 1.5 times the specified working pressure of the pipe.
Type 4 high density pipes and compression fittings to SABS 533 (if type not
Type 1 low density pipes and nylon insert fittings to SABS 533
Non SABS (Agro) pipes and nylon insert fittings.
The pipes and specials shall be epoxy lined, on the inside, to SABS 1217
Unless otherwise specified, all buried steel pipes and pipes embedded in
concrete shall be epoxy coated, on the outside, to SABS 1217 and all other
pipes and specials, red lead primer coated, on the outside.
PA 9.2.2 Specials
a) Specials shall be manufactured from grade A or grade B carbon steel.
b) Specials to be coupled by flexible couplings shall have the external weld
bead ground flush with the barrel for a length of 200 mm from the end to
be coupled.
c) Flanges shall conform to the requirements of SABS 1123.
d) Dimensional requirements of specials pertaining to outside diameter, wall
thickness, pipe ends shall conform to requirements of SABS 719.
e) The wall thickness shall be as specified on the drawings.
f) Centrelines of barrels and branches shall intersect at right angles.
g) Thrust flanges and puddle flanges shall be fillet welded continuously to the
barrel, around the whole circumference, on both sides of the flanges.
h) Thrust flanges and puddle flanges shall conform to the dimensions of
SABS 1123 flanges, but left un-drilled and un-machined.
i) All finished specials shall be visually examined and shall be free of
injurious defects.
j) Welds shall be inspected by the application of a penetrate dye on the
inside of the welds and no trace of the dye shall appear on the outside.
The use of penetrate dye must not be used as a test, to evaluate the
pressure class or the water tightness of the fitting.
b) The whole coating shall be pinhole free when tested with a pinhole
detector using a voltage of 80 to 100 Volts.
PA 9.4.2 Red lead primer coating
a) The surface preparation and application shall be as for the lining (Clause
PD 10.3)
b) A minimum of two coats of red lead primer, type 1 grade 2 to SABS 312
shall be applied.
c) The primer shall be brush applied.
d) The second coat shall not be applied until a minimum of 36 hours has
elapsed since the completion of the application of the first coat.
e) The total dry thickness of the coating shall be at least 60 µm.
f) The coating shall overlap the extension of the lining by at least 40mm.
Flanges shall be drilled off-center to suit mating flanges drilled to SABS 1123
PA 12.1.1 If specified, all flanged items shall be supplied complete with bolts, nuts,
washers and rubber insertion gaskets for jointing up to adjacent fittings
PA 12.1.2 All bolts, nuts and washers to be hot dip galvanized to SABS 763
PA 12.1.3 All bolts and nuts shall be ISO metric with hexagon heads to SABS 135
PA 12.1.4 Bolts shall be of sufficient length for at least two screw threads to protrude
outside nuts when assemblies are fully tightened
PA 12.1.5 One washer will be supplied per stud/nut or bolt/nut combination
In addition to the nominal bore, working pressure and flange table, the following
requirements are to be specified on the drawings or in the tender document:
PA 14.1.1 Whether nuts, bolts, washers and gaskets are to be supplied (applicable
to supply-and-delivery tenders only).
PA 14.1.2 Point of delivery.
Type of pipe
Whether steel fittings shall be manufactured from straight galvanized pipe (9.2),
or hot dip zinc coated (9.3)
Whether epoxy painted coating or red oxide primer is required on the outside of
the pipe or special.
All items shall be measured as set out in Clause 8 of SABS 1200L and as
specified in the Schedule of Quantities and payment will be made in accordance
with the tender price per unit of the particular item. In manufacture, supply and
deliver Contracts it will be measured by length of pipes and number fittings and
specials supplied at point of delivery.
Distinction shall be made between different types of pipes, fittings and specials
as well as diameter and pressure ratings and shall be scheduled as separated
The rate tendered shall include for the fabrication, testing, lining and coating,
protection, transport to site, off-loading storing and installation, where
applicable, all in accordance with the relevant clauses of the specifications.
All pipes, fittings and specials manufactured, tested, lined and coated, in
accordance with the specifications and transported and delivered to Site, stored
and accepted and installed where applicable on Site, will be measured for
payment purposes under this section and shall include for supplementary
protection material required.
This specification covers the design, manufacture and supply of isolating valves
and flexible couplings.
This specification is a supplement to the relevant SABS specifications and will
in no way relieve the Supplier or Contractor of the requirements of the relevant
SABS specifications.
Where this specification is required for a project the following specifications,
including this one, shall inter-alia, form part of the contract document.
Project Specifications SABS 1200 L
Design Pressure
Each valve and coupling shall have a working pressure as stated on the
drawings and in the tender document.
Flanges shall be drilled off-center to suit mating flanges drilled to SABS 1123
Spares shall be easily procurable
Medium duty
PB 4.1.1 Valves shall be of the full flow in-line ball valve type, ITAP or equivalent
PB 4.1.2 The valve bed shall be nylon-lined
Heavy duty
PB 4.2.1 Valves shall be of the full flow in-line ball valve type, Glen or equivalent
PB 4.2.2 360 ° rotation of the handles shall be possible
PB 4.2.3 The valve bed shall be rubber-lined
PB 4.2.4 The handle shall be manufactured from mild steel
PB 5.1.1 Flexible couplings and flange adaptors shall be KLAMFLEX, VIKING
JOHNSON, or equivalent
PB 5.1.2 Couplings and flange adaptors shall be hot-dip galvanized or epoxy painted
as specified
PB 5.1.3 Couplings shall be supplied without centre register unless otherwise
PB 5.1.4 Bolts, nuts, washers to be hot-dip galvanized
In addition to the nominal bore, working pressure and flange table, the following
requirements are to be specified on the drawings or in the tender document:
General Requirements
Whether nuts, bolts, washers and gaskets, etc. are to be supplied (applicable to
supply-and-delivery tenders only)
a) Flanged, spigotted, socketted or wafter type
PB 8.1.1 All items shall be measured as set out in clause 8 of SANS 1200l.
PB 8.1.2 The unit of measurement shall be as specified in the schedule of quantities
and shall be the number of items supplied and installed, inclusive all nuts,
bolts, washers, rubbers and gaskets needed. In manufacture, supply and
deliver contracts it will be measured by the number items supplied at point
of delivery.
PB 8.1.3 Distinction shall be made between different types of items as well as
diameter and pressure ratings and shall be scheduled as separated items.
PB 8.1.4 The rate tendered shall included for the fabrication, testing, lining and
coating, protection, transport to site, off-loading storing and installation,
where applicable, all in accordance with the relevant clauses of the
PB 8.1.5 All items manufactured, tested, lined and coated, in accordance with the
specifications and transported and delivered to site, stored and accepted
and installed where applicable on site, will be measured for payment
purposes under this section and shall included for supplementary protection
material required.
PB 8.1.6 Payment will be made in accordance with the tender price per unit of the
particular item.
This specification covers the protection of buried steel pipes, specials and
couplings by means of petrolatum impregnated tape, “Denso”, “Petro Tape”, or
The corrosion protection system shall be based on a specially formulated cold-
applied high temperature petrolatum tape for corrosion protection of steelwork
and pipelines.
Wire brush all pipes surfaces to remove loosely adhering corrosion product and
other dirt. Prime bare metal surfaces with Denso Primer, leaving a thin film.
Window Denso Tape circumferentially around the pipe, taking care to exclude
air pockets. For pipes in excess of 80 NB, maintain 25 mm overlaps. Wind PVC
outer wrap circumferential over the Denso Tape, staggered with the overlaps of
the Denso Tape, Secure the PVC outer wrap at the ends of the rolls by one
complete turn of self-adhesive tape.
Remove all sand and dirt from the pipe barrel and coupling. Apply “Denso”
Priming Solution liberally to bolt heads and nuts and a thin film on all other bare
metal surfaces. Apply “Denso” Mastic to cover bolt heads and nuts on outside
of flanges, and between flanges, to give 13 mm over on sleeve. Mould up to but
not over bolts. Apply “Denso” Tape circumferentially over the mastic, taking
care to exclude air pockets. Do not stretch the tape. One complete turn of tape
is required, making an 80 mm overlap at the ends. Smooth the “Denso” tape
over the mastic, pressing out any air pockets. Apply “Layflat” sheeting
circumferentially over the whole joint. Use two complete turns of sheeting and
secure the ends onto the pipe barrel by means of self-adhesive PVC tape.
ES 1.1 All material and equipment supplied and/or installed under this contract shall
be new and the best of their respective kinds and shall comply with the
requirements laid down in the latest editions of the relevant SANS, IEC and
NRS Standards and their amendments (if any) and the requirements of this
ES 1.2 In the event of items bearing the SABS mark being available in respect of the
materials and equipment required, only items bearing this mark will be
ES 1.3 The workmanship under this contract shall be of a high standard and to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.
ES 1.4 The work shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the following laws:
ES 1.5 The work shall be carried out strictly in accordance with and all material and
equipment supplied shall comply with the following regulations where
ES 1.5.1 The latest edition of the "Code of Practice for the Wiring of
Premises", SANS 10142-1, as amended
ES 1.5.2 The "Electricity Supply By-Laws and Regulations" of the Supply
ES 1.5.3 The Post Office Regulations
ES 1.6 The work shall be carried out strictly in accordance with and all material and
equipment supplied shall comply with the latest editions of the following
ES 1.7 All equipment installed under this contract shall comply with the Government
Notice No R.2246 and any other applicable rules and regulations in respect
of radio and TV interferences.
ES 1.9 The contractor will be responsible for serving all notices and paying all fees
due in terms of the above laws, regulations and standards.
ES 2.1 All materials and equipment supplied and/or installed under this Contract
shall be suitable for satisfactory operation and shall have prescribed
characteristics under the following ambient operating conditions:
ES 2.2 All materials and equipment supplied and/or installed under this Contract
shall be suitable for satisfactory operation under the following low voltage
electrical system conditions unless otherwise indicated:
ES 3.1.1 Two sets of paper prints of all the drawings showing all "as built"
features of the installation.
ES 3.1.2 Three complete sets of operating and maintenance manuals
containing all drawings, test certificates, settings of equipment as
commissioned, installation, commissioning and maintenance
details, operating instructions, as well as a complete list of spare
parts with reference numbers and technical descriptions to enable
the client's technical personnel to maintain service and repair the
ES 4.1 Where test certificates are required for individual pieces of equipment, these
shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval before commissioning.
ES 5.1 Low voltage cable installation and testing shall be carried out in accordance
with SANS 1507:2007 Part 3.
ES 5.3 Cable lengths are given for tendering purposes only and correct lengths of
cable shall be measured and installed. Payment shall be for lengths
installed, termination to termination.
ES 5.4 The cable route shall be marked out and confirmed with the Engineer and
Principal Contractor before any excavation may commence.
ES 5.6 The trench shall be clear of stones and other obstructions and a cable
bedding of minimum 150mm of soft sand shall be prepared and properly
dispersed before cable laying.
ES 5.7 During cable laying, the cable shall be snaked so that any longitudinal
expansion or contraction can be accommodated.
ES 5.8 The trench shall be properly compacted to 93% of modified AASHTO density
in layers of 300mm and a warning tape shall be installed.
ES 5.9 Compaction tests shall be performed and the Contractor shall allow for such
testing in his tendered rates.
ES 5.10 After installation, each cable shall be tested by means of a suitable insulation
resistance tester and the phase-to-phase, phase-to-neutral and phase-to-
earth resistance tabulated and certified.
ES 5.12 All cables shall be phased out to ensure correct phase connections.
ES 6.1 Light fittings shall be supplied and installed complete with control
gear/drivers etc as applicable. Only drivers from Osram, Philips and Tridonic
shall be accepted.
ES 6.3 An 5A fuse circuit breaker shall be installed in each area light pole.
ES 6.4 Backfill material shall be watered and properly compacted, using imported
ES 6.6 Pole strength shall be such to carry 3 x CCTV cameras (4,5Kg each)
mounted at ± 9m above natural ground level.
ES 6.7 Area lights shall be equal or similar approved to the Thorn LEDFIT 90W
9000 lumen asymmetrical beam.
The pole shall be constructed by the filament winding process to achieve optimum
results for strength and rigidity. The filament winding process shall be continuously
applied with uniform tension onto a rotating mandrel and shall result in a minimum mass
glass to resin ratio of 70:30. The surface shall be seamless, smooth and tapered.
The material of the finishing coat shall be a gel coat that shall comply with the
requirements of SANS 1749 and shall be applied to a uniform thickness of between 250
and 500 microns. It shall provide a weatherproof, UV resistant, flame resistant and
impact strong surface in the colour specified.
A standard pole supporting a luminaire with a wind surface of 0.20m² shall not have a
pole top deflection of more than 5% of its height above ground when subjected to a
basic wind pressure of 500 Pa. A safety factor of 2.5 times the total maximum windload
shall be applicable.
The pole shall be manufactured in accordance with SANS 1749 under the ISO 9002
quality system.
If an access opening is required, the cut-out shall be covered by an access door cover
manufactured from glass filled nylon impregnated in the same colour as that of the
surface coat. It shall be secured to the pole by two stainless steel Allen head captive
screws into M4 brass inserts embedded in the pole.
A cable entry with a minimum diameter of 34mm shall be provided at a minimum depth
of 400mm below the ground surface.
A hot dipped galvanised glandplate, suitable for gland no. 0 or 1, complete with terminal
block and DIN rail for a miniature circuitbreaker, shall be provided and shall be mounted
to a bolt provided in the access opening.
Poles for direct embedment in the ground shall be provided with a 300x300x1.6mm hot
dipped galvanised baseplate complete with 2 x hot dipped galvanised steel hookbolts
and nuts. Base mounted poles shall have a hot dipped galvanised flange plate that can
be bolted to a foundation which shall be designed to withstand the forces the pole will
experience in service.
Load to be Maximum
Diameter of
Total length Height of pole applied in permitted
pole at ground
of pole above ground pole-top deflection in
m m deflection test pole-top
N deflection test
2.6 2.0 110 135.4 100
(1) Relevant pole data is based on a shape factor of 0.7 and a calculated wind
pressure of 500.14 Pa.
(2) Corresponding calculated key values are based on a luminaire surface area of 0.2
m2 with a shape factor of 1.
ES 7.1 General
Outlets for power, data or telephones shall be as per the schedule below:
Schedule of Outlets
Trunking telephone and data outlet Clipsal LS-1005 with RJ11 and RJ45
Trunking 16A dedicated red socket outlet Clipsal LS-2003 with cover
ES 7.2 Lighting
· General
Ø All light fittings are to be supplied and installed complete with lamps,
ballasts, electronic control gear, diffusers, mounting rings, etc. as
Ø All light fittings shall be supplied with electronic control gear for energy
efficiency. All ballasts shall be marked with the CELMA EEI classification.
Only class A1, A2, A3 electronic ballasts will be acceptable.
Ø All LED Drivers shall be OSRAM or TRIDONIC.
Ø All recessed lights shall be fitted with 3m lead and 5A socket.
Ø All fittings shall be labelled using engraved labels indicating circuit
· Light Circuits
All light circuits shall be wired using 2,5mm² conductors and earth conductor
shall be green PVC insulated. Conduits are to be flush installed where ever
possible except in roof spaces where they shall be hidden on top of trusses
and purlins.
· Photo switches
All photo switches shall be fitted in a bulkhead fitting for protection.
ES 7.3 Geyser Points
Ø The geyser points are to be standard flush 20A DP isolators with white
grip cord (under counter) cover plates. Surface industrial isolator for all
other geysers. The electrical contractor is to ascertain the exact
installation positions of geysers to allow the installation of the isolators in
close proximity. All wiring shall be 4mm².
Ø The rates shall include for the connection of equipment.
Ø All cable sleeves and conduits are to be installed together with 1,2mm
diameter galvanised steel draw wires. The telephone points shall
individually be linked back to the respective telephone DB using 25mm
conduit per point. No daisy chain allowed.
ES 7.5 Socket Outlets
Ø All socket outlets shall be Clipsal16A switched socket outlets and of one
make. Wall socket outlets are to be installed flush at 300mm a.f.f.l. unless
indicated otherwise on drawings. Socket outlets in trunking are to be
purpose made 16Amp Clipsal type complete with cover plates.
Conductors to be 4mm² with 2,5mm² earthwires.
Ø Single phase industrial switched sockets shall be of the GEWISS type
complete with male and female.
Ø All power outlets inside the factory shall be surface mounted using PVC
conduit and only spacer bar saddles shall be used.
Ø All outlets shall be labelled using Trefolite engraved labels.
Ø All air conditioners are to be wired using 4mm² phase and neutral
conductors with 2,5mm² bare earthwires.
Ø Outlets shall be as specified below:
a) single phase internal: flush 30A DP
b) single phase external: weatherproof - WHD 35-GY, Clipsal
c) three phase external: weatherproof - WHT-35-GY, Clipsal
d) single phase - trunking: Clipsal LS-1005 with 30A DP isolator and cord
Ø All outlets shall be labelled using Trefolite engraved labels.
ES 7.8 Distribution Boards
(i) General
All distribution boards are to be surface or flush mounted as per drawing
details. The size of the DB’s must be such that 30% spare space for further
circuits must be allowed for. All DB’s shall have doors with square keys or
ring type locking facilities. No plastic locks shall be allowed. Distribution
boards shall be of the Prisma Modular type: Mild steel powder coated.
(iii) Switchgear
Switchgear shall be of ABB or equal approved. All miniature circuit breakers
shall be Schneider to match existing. The fault rating of all DB’s shall be as
indicated on the drawings. All contractors to be rating AC-3.
All material and equipment supplied and/or installed under this Contract shall be
new and as per the product specification in Part IV and shall comply with the
requirements laid down in the latest editions of the relevant SABS or BS and
their amendments (if any) and the requirements of this Specification.
The material specified is the preferred material. If alternative materials are
offered, they shall be specified for approval of the Engineer. Rates entered in
the schedule of quantities shall be for the specified materials. A Schedule shall
be included in the Tender to reflect the saving.
In event of items bearing the SABS mark being available in respect of the
materials and equipment required, only items bearing this mark will be
The workmanship under this contract shall be of a high standard and to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.
All equipment installed under this contract shall comply with the Government
Notice No. R.2246 and any other applicable rules and regulations in respect of
radio and TV interferences. Any equipment found producing interference
subsequent to commissioning, shall be suppressed or replaced to the
satisfaction of the Engineer without any additional cost.
The work shall be carried out strictly in accordance with and all material and
equipment supplied shall comply with the following laws and regulations where
The Machinery, Building, Demolition and Excavation Work Regulations, framed
under the Factories, Machinery and Building Work Ordinance 1952;
The latest edition of the “Code of Practice for the Wiring of Premises” SANS
10142 (as amended);
The Regulations and By-Laws of the Supply Authority.
The applicable regulations of Telecom Namibia.
The relevant SABS, NRS, BS, IEC and ISO supporting specifications referred
to in the standard specifications.
The manufacturer of each respective system must pursue ISO 9001 quality
assurance system which must be in place for at least 5 years and must be
demonstrated with relevant Certificate.
The manufacturer of each respective system must feature a valid ISO 14001
certificate regarding: Design, development, production and supply of information
and data management solutions that enable infrastructure owners to effectively
plan, purchase, implement, secure and manage their own physical layer
infrastructure throughout its lifetime.
All materials and equipment supplied under this Contract shall be suitable for
operation under the conditions as specified in the Detailed Technical
Apart from the codes named under general, the following Codes of Practice are
of particular importance:
SABS 0198 – Code of Practice for the selection, handling and installation of
electric power cables of rating not exceeding 33 kV.
Part I - Definitions and statutory requirements
Part III - Earthing systems – general provisions
Part VI - Transportation and storage
Part VII - Safety precautions
Part VIII - Cable laying and installation
Part XIII - Testing commissioning and fault location
Part XIV - Installation of aerial bundled conductor (ABC) cable.
The Structured Cabling Contractor here before and after called the Contractor,
will be responsible for the complete structured cabling installation and the proper
functioning of all equipment called for in this specification.
This Contract covers in broad terms the supply, delivery, installation, and
commissioning for 3 months and the maintenance and guarantee for 12 months
of the structured cabling installation as specified in this document.
The tenderer shall allow in his tender price for all material, labour, supervision,
transport, tests and all other items necessary to complete the Contract in its
In the event where the supply and/or installation of any item, material or
equipment does not form part of this Contract, it will be specifically indicated as
such in his specification and/or the accompanying drawings.
The structural cabling work shall comprise of new structural cabling installation
services in the new buildings. It will include copper and fibre installation,
cabinets, brush panels, switches, fibre to copper and copper to fibre converters
and patch panels, etc.
The completion period of the contract shall be as per Main Contract.
All material and equipment supplied and/or installed under this Contract shall be
new and the best of their respective kinds and shall comply with the
requirements laid down in the latest editions of the relevant SANS (SABS) or BS
and their amendments (if any) and the requirements of this Specification.
In event of items bearing the SANS (SABS) mark being available in respect of
the materials and equipment required, only items bearing this mark will be
The workmanship under this Contract shall be of a high standard and to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.
The work shall be carried out in accordance with the General Technical
Specification laid down in Part IV of this Specification.
Tenderers shall allow in their tender for all VAT, taxes and duties, to be paid in
respect of all items of material, labour and equipment to be supplied in terms of
this Contract where relevant. VAT is to be added in the Final Summary as a
separate item.
The main power supply will be 230 V, 50Hz single phase and 400 V three phase
plus neutral, 50 Hz respectively.
All materials and equipment supplied and/or installed under this Contract shall
be suitable for satisfactory operation and shall have prescribed characteristics
under the following conditions:
a) Ambient Operating Conditions
i) Altitude : ± 1200 above sea level
ii) Minimum ambient temperature : -5 Degrees Celsius
iii) Maximum ambient temperature : +40 Degrees Celsius
iv) Humidity : Up to saturation point
The Contractor shall be certified by the Structured Cabling Vendor in order that
the final installation be certified in accordance with the Vendors warranty
The Contractor shall provide only skilled labour to complete work within the
agreed upon time frame.
The Contractor is responsible for the provision of all tools required to fulfil his
installation obligations in accordance with task at hand at his cost. This includes
specialist tools such as core drills etc.
The Contractor is solely responsible for the successful delivery of all
documentation pertaining to installed components e.g. Floor plans, excel sheets
and test results to the Engineer responsible for the project and NO OTHER
person, unless such an agreement has been made with the aforementioned
responsible person.
In the event that work has been commissioned by Engineer other than ICTS
Networks, contractors are reminded that the technical requirements of ICTS
Networks still apply.
The Contractor is solely responsible for the thorough pre-tender inspection and
installation evaluation of the contract Any oversight on the part of the Contractor
are for his account.
· The supplied product shall, once installed, conform to ISO 11801 Class
E – 2002 electrical characteristics for the purposes of Vendor warranty.
· It is expected that installed products be capable of supporting voice and
data communications applications and protocols from baseline 56Kbps
to ISDN PRI for Analog and Digital Voice and 10Base T to 1000 Base T
for data as per the supported applications of ISO 11801 Class E (2002).
· Cable is not to be pulled in under excessive load. At all times during any
given “pull”, the cable under load should easily react and feed to pulling
· Cable being pulled in should be handled by no less than 2 individuals at
all times in order to avoid damage to the cable by means of kinks, twisting
along its own axis, getting snagged etc. It is recommended that 3
installers co-operate in the pulling in of any given cable run, 1 on each
end and another in the middle or positioned near any obstructions to feed
slack and thus avoid undue stress on the cable.
· The surface of such support structures e.g. Cable hangers will not pose
a risk of damaging cable due to sharp edges or angular surfaces which
would act against the symmetry of wire pairs within the cable or a risk to
installers e.g. Cuts.
· Where Velcro strapping are used, they are to be securely fastened but
still permit for cable movement if tugged upon making use of reasonable
· Velcro strapping are to be used at set intervals of 300mm for all cable
bundles thus presenting a uniform appearance.
· Under no circumstances shall any cable/s hang unsupported, vertical
runs are to be supported are no greater than 300mm intervals.
· When cable ties are cut; once appropriately fastened around cable
bundles, in order to remove protrusions beyond the buckle, the installer
will ensure that such a cut is clean and that no sharp edges are created
which would damage other cable being pulled past it or injure installers
and support staff.
· Cable shall under no circumstances be strapped to PVC electrical conduit
or any structures belonging to an unrelated functional unit such as an air
conditioning drainpipe as future maintenance by associated maintenance
staff may result in damage or removal in order to facilitate work
· Cable is at no point to be placed directly on top of suspended ceiling tiles.
· Contractors are to ensure that cable is not installed in areas such as roof
spaces or in direct sunlight where temperature ranges might exceed the
manufactures operating temperate specifications (typically not in spaces
where temperatures exceed 60 degrees Celsius.)
· All metallic support structures, be it conduit, ducting or trays, shall be
grounded in accordance with national electric regulations.
· Ducting systems shall be securely fastened to walls by means of the
appropriate fixing hardware so as to ensure a sound and durable
· Ducting system covers are to be fitted securely and any portion of the
ducting system found to be cracked or damaged is to be immediately
· At no point may data cabling cross the path of any power or broadband
cable, fluorescent lighting unit (where suspension is used as a means of
separation) at an angle less or greater than 90 degrees.
· The installer is to ensure that electrostatic devices such as photocopiers
and sources of radiation such as x-ray devices, radio transmitters, their
antennae and associated broadband cables are to be avoided when
routing cable.
General Requirements
· Every cabling link is to be tested and must meet with the requirements of
ISO 11801 Class E (2002) across the full length of the link.
· Test requirements as per Permanent Link certification requirement for
which the appropriate test adapters are to be used.
· The contractor will ensure that the full plot data is stored for each and
every test.
· The test results shall also be in Fluke Networks Linkware format (.flw).
· Test results are to be stored and provided to the Engineer in electronic
format in .csv and .flw file formats
· Only Fluke DSP 4000 series testers will be used to certify the Client’s
SCS’s or their subcomponents running the current firmware revision ver
5.12 or later.
· The test equipment is to be well maintained and in good working order.
The Engineer reserves the right to insist on an annual factory calibration
certificate for the instrument to be used for testing.
· The Engineer further reserve the right to insist on being present during
the self-calibration of the test unit and the instruments initial configuration
prior to test and during the test process itself.
· The contractor is to advise the Engineer staff within 3 working days of
intent to commence testing in order that such a staff member may make
himself available to attend testing procedures.
· The contractor is required to make available the test equipment and
necessary personnel at no extra cost should the Engineer wish to perform
random acceptance testing on the installed cabling infrastructure.
· The Engineer reserves the right to decline acceptance of marginal
performing cables irrespective of their having passed testing based on
risk of future degradation over the life span of the installed product.
· Where it is found that the random tests do not match those presented,
the Engineer reserves the right to insist on a supervised re-test of any or
all installed cables prior to acceptance.
· It is the sole responsibility of the contractor to ensure that the appropriate
Vendor test and documentation requirements are met in order that the
The following is a list of acronyms that will be used within this specification:
AC : Alternate current
ANSI : American National Standards Institute
B/W : Black/White
CCTV : Closed Circuit TV
CIF : Common Image Format
CTS : Clear to Send
CORBA : Common Object Request Broker Architecture
DC : Direct Current
DP : Dial Pulse
DTMF : Dual Tone Multiple Frequency
EIA : Engineering Institute of America
EMC : Electro Magnetic Compatibility
EN : European Norms
EOW : Engineering Order Wire
GUI : Graphical User Interface
IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
ISDN : Integrated Services Digital Network
ITU-T : International Telecommunications Union – Telephony
LAN : Local Area Network
M-JPEG : Motion Joint Photographic Experts Group
The Contractor shall install a high capacity optical transmission system based
on active access nodes linked by optical fibres forming a reliable and redundant
high-speed medium for the transparent transport of voice, data, LAN and video
services. The active access node must have a high add-drop capability (1.5 to
2.3 Gbps) and the transmission system must be available with STM4c/OC12c
STM16c/OC48c backbone capacity.
As the transmission system will be used as a backbone network, the system
shall have following characteristics:
· High Availability
· High Reliability
· Dual ring configuration
· Easy to install and operate
· Scalable
· High degree of flexibility with respect to the type of interfaces
The digital transmission system, based on state-of-the-art fibre optic technology,
is required to carry all voice, data, LAN and video information. Usage of copper
cable for long-distance transmission purposes is not allowed due to the inherent
The backbone shall consist of access nodes interconnected by a dual fibre optic
ring. The dual ring structure is required for redundancy purposes. In normal
operation, only one of the two rings will carry the user information, the other ring
shall be in hot standby. The two rings shall be counter rotating.
The standby ring shall take over automatically with minimum delay whenever a
problem occurs on the active ring. If a complete cable break occurs, which
means that both the active and standby rings are interrupted, the system shall
automatically perform a loop-back operation, isolating the fault, and maintaining
communications of all user equipment connected to the network.
After a power failure, a ring reconfiguration or when a new node is added to the
ring, the complete network shall start up automatically.
The operation of the system shall be based on Time Division Multiplexing (TDM),
allowing many different services (voice, data, LAN, video) to be transported
independently on the same medium, with fixed time delays. Each connection will
be allocated a dedicated, virtual channel with a minimum of overhead. The load
on one channel shall not be affected by the load on another channel.
Cell or packet-based systems that cannot guarantee consistent communication
between the applications is not allowed.
The network shall allow setting up point to point links between users but also
broadcast, multipoint and multi-drop connections must be possible. Multipoint
connections, or bus connections, allow any device to communicate with any
It must be possible to connect the nodes in the ring via an optical connection.
Different types of lasers (range 1300-1550 nm) and receivers shall be available
to cover different distance requirements. List all relevant optical specifications.
The backbone bandwidth shall be 600 Mbps or higher. The allocation of the
bandwidth to the virtual channels shall be flexible and easy to perform via the
Network Management System.
The bandwidth granularity shall be such that low speed signals do not consume
unnecessary bandwidth. The smallest amount of bandwidth that can be
allocated shall not exceed 50 Kbps.
It must be possible to interconnect two or more high speed rings. In this way, it
shall be possible to create networks consisting of many nodes and to extend
them over long distances.
The configuration and management of the full duplex link between two rings
shall be supported by the network management system.
The chassis shall be 19" mountable and distinguishes itself through an industrial
quality design.
The interface modules shall be easy to install. It must be possible to insert and
remove interface cards during system operation
Every chassis shall be equipped with a system card that is responsible for the
TDM (de)multiplexing.
The system card shall control, monitor and maintain the ring(s) and shall pass
and receive status information from the other nodes. The internal logic and
software will discover a fault in the ring(s) and will cause the ring to reconfigure
in the most optimal way.
The system card shall have a display on the card allowing quick diagnostics.
The system card must be available in redundant version and it shall be possible
to remove redundant system cards.
The optical transceivers shall interconnect the nodes using the optical
infrastructure. The transceivers shall support single mode or multimode fibre
cables and operate at 1300 nm or 1550 nm. The optical modules shall be hot
swappable. The available optical budget at the STM-16 data rate should cover
at least a range from +5 to -23 db. The available optical budget at the STM-4
data rate should cover at least a range from +5 to -31 db. The system shall
support SFP based CWDM transceivers according to ITU G.694.2.
The node chassis shall be equipped with one or two (redundant and load
balancing) power supplies out of the group of 24 VDC, -48 VDC, 115 VAC and
230 VAC, which, each by themselves, must be able to feed the node.
If one power supply in the redundant node chassis fails, the other power supply
shall automatically take over.
One of the Power Supplies (DC) can serve as a battery backup when connected
to an external battery.
The Fibre Optic Transmission System shall be equipped with a, user friendly,
MicrosoftÒ Windows 7-based Network Management System (NMS). The NMS
shall allow the operator to manage and monitor multiple sub-networks in an
efficient way.
The NMS shall have the following functionality: network configuration,
configuration of services, monitoring, diagnostics, activation-deactivation of
interface modules, bandwidth allocation, alarms and event logging and graphical
network representation.
The network management hardware shall consist of a Personal Computer,
which at the time of installation is the current industry standard.
The NMS architecture shall be based on client-server technology. It must be
possible to connect multiple active clients to the NMS server allowing network
management from multiple and/or remote locations or by multiple users.
It must be possible to connect the NMS system to the network at any node via
Via the NMS, it shall be possible to configure the hardware modules that make
up the network: nodes, network cards, interface cards and optical transceivers.
The network management system shall allow the user to activate or deactivate
an interface module.
It shall be possible to create various services over the network. The NMS shall
allocate the transmission channels to virtual point-to-point or multi-point services
in order to achieve an optimal bandwidth allocation.
It must be possible to configure the network and the services without being
connected to the network, either via the Graphical User Interface (GUI) or via
The NMS shall contain the network database containing all kinds of information:
sub-network names, node names, and node configurations including installed
network and interface cards.
It must be possible to make following on-line changes: activation or deactivation
of interface cards, add or remove interface cards, and add, change or remove
services. Each change shall automatically update the database on the hard disk
of the network management PC and the RAM memory of the relevant node(s).
It must be possible to use the database to restore the network configuration in
case settings in one or more nodes are lost due to a hardware defect.
The NMS shall be capable, via a Programmable Logic Controller (or PLC), to
forward the status of internal alarms to other devices such as beepers or lamps.
It shall be possible to use this alarm relay card to convey network alarms to a
third-party umbrella alarm management system.
An SNMP agent on the management system shall offer basic alarm forwarding
and retrieval to an SNMP-based umbrella management system.
It shall be possible to forward internal alarms to third party equipment via
CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture).
It must be possible to display the status of external events on the NMS system.
It must also be possible to forward this alarm information to Programmable Logic
Controller (or PLC) connected to the NMS PC.
a) Analogue Voice
· The access nodes shall provide native 2-wire analogue voice interfaces
compliant with ITU-T recommendations G.712.
· The interfaces shall be transparent to all in band PBX features.
· The ports shall support DP and DTMF signalling.
· The number of ports per cards shall be flexible: 2, 4, 6, 8 or 12 ports per
interface card.
· It shall be possible to eliminate distance limitations of conventional
analogue telephone networks.
· It shall be possible to configure a party line whereby one operator is
logically connected to multiple analogue phones at different locations.
· The system shall support direct connections between telephones for
hotline applications without PBX.
b) 2/4-wire Voice
c) Digital Voice
d) E1/T1 interfaces
· In fixed mode each interface card shall be equipped with at least 4 full
duplex RS422 ports for point to point connections or 2 full duplex RS422
ports for multidrop connections.
· In switched mode each interface card shall be equipped with at least 3
full duplex RS422 ports for point to point connections or 1 point to point
and 1 multidrop connection.
· It shall be possible to pass the switching commando’s coming from the
external audio control system to the fibre optic transmission system in a
direct way via RS422 (19,2 Kbps).
· It shall be possible to define several sub-networks or audio systems on
the same optic fibre transmission system. For each sub-network it shall
be possible to have at least 60 simultaneous audio connections.
· It shall be possible to send an audio signal to multiple audio ports residing
on the same interface card.
· It shall be possible to send an audio signal to multiple cards residing in
the same access node.
· It shall be possible to send an audio signal to multiple cards residing in
the same access node as the source.
· It shall be possible to put an audio port in mute via the Network
Management System.
· The interface card shall support the following data rates for RS422
control connections: 4.8 kbps, 9.6 kbps, 19.2 kbps, 38.4 kbps, 76.8 kbps,
100 kbps, 153.6 kbps, 307.2 kbps and 614.4 kbps;
· The interface card shall provide the following status information: card
active/inactive, card type, mute, loss of connection, overflow, pilot tone
in, TX/RX (RS422) and RTS/CTS (RS422).
The access nodes shall provide physical layers supporting Ethernet service
interfaces. The network shall be able to transport the following Ethernet families:
Fast Ethernet (100 Mbit/s) and Gigabit Ethernet (1000Base-T).
a) Fast Ethernet Interface (100 Mbit/S)
· It should be possible to eliminate distance limitations of conventional
Ethernet networks.
· Each interface card supporting a direct Ethernet connection shall provide
at least 5 ports. It should be possible to assign each port to a separate
independent Ethernet Network.
· Each port shall support IEEE 802.3 compliant 10Base-T and IEEE
802.3u compliant 100Base-TX twisted pair interfaces, with RJ-45
connector. The ports shall support autosensing of 10Base-T vs.
· At least one port shall support IEEE 802.3z compliant 1000Base-T
twisted pair interfaces, with RJ-45 connector. This port shall support
autosensing of 10Base-T, 100Base-TX and 1000Base-TX.
· Each port shall support 10/100 Mbps half/full duplex operation mode.
The operation mode shall be selected via the auto negotiation feature or
manually via the Network Management System.
a) Video Interfaces
Each of the inputs or outputs port shall have its own codec to ensure
independence of the other video ports. It is preferred that a port can be freely
configured as input or output port.
The video interface card shall provide at least one accompanying full duplex RS-
485 port for camera control (PTZ) or for control of other external CCTV
The video interface card shall provide OSD (On Screen Display) functionality for
Titling and/or alarm display (25x12).
The video input interface card shall provide the necessary video test signals to
ensure the proper operation of the interface.
Following compression standards shall be available: MPEG4 and H.264.
In case MPEG compression is used, the video interface shall comply with the
following specifications (for each port):
· Resolution: 4CIF/CIF/QCIF
· Horizontal resolution: 704, 352 or 176 pixels per line
· Vertical resolution: 576, 288 or 144 active lines/frame (PAL); 480,
240 or 120 lines/frame (NTSC)
· Field rate: 50/60 fields/s (PAL/NTSC)
· All ports will be able to work simultaneously at full resolution (4CIF) and
Full frame rate (50/60fps)
· Colour information: 4:2:0
· Video bandwidth on the network per channel configurable from 512kbps
to 15 Mbps
· Different GOP structures shall be available for system optimization
· Optional support of Stereo High-Quality Audio, synchronized with the
video signal
· Optional Support of Teletext data (in PAL mode)
· End-to-end latency: < 180ms
· At least the following status information shall be available: interface card
active/inactive, interface card type, initialization status, firmware version,
codec parameters (e.g. PAL/NTSC), Video Signal Present/Not Present
b) IP Video Output
The video application will use a separate, dedicated partition of the network
bandwidth, to avoid interference with other services on the network.
It shall be possible to use the full network user bandwidth for video
Network performance shall be independent of network load.
The network shall:
· be able to set up connections between input ports to output ports, both
in point-to-point and in multipoint configurations.
· support semi-permanent and dynamically switched video connections.
The semi-permanent video connections shall be configurable from the
NMS system. The dynamically switched video connections (virtual
matrix) shall be controlled by the Video Management System.
· set up a dynamically switched video connection within 200ms
· provide access to up to 32 analogue input or output video interfaces in
every node. All analogue inputs and outputs per node must be available
independently and simultaneously.
· Provide up to 480 Video-over–IP outputs per node
· provide at least 570 independent video channels @ 4Mbps
(STM16c/OC48c Version) or 140 independent video channels @
4Mbps (STM4c/OC12c Version)
· be easily expanded by adding additional Video Interface cards or
additional nodes.
The supplier shall be responsible for supplying a fully functional system. The
system shall be designed, manufactured and configured according to the
customer’s specifications. The system shall be delivered fully configured with
the proper databases, jumper settings, etc. Furthermore, the systematic
marking of all modules, cables and wiring shall be included.
System engineering shall be required to provide the customer with a fully
configured, tested and documented system.
The project and standard documentation shall be submitted in English.
Spare parts shall be offered for 10 years with a confidence level of 95%. This
means the customer must be able to replace, in 95% of the cases, his failing
system parts for a period of 10 years while no repaired parts have been returned
to the site. The failing parts shall be sent to the supplier for repair. After repair
the supplier shall return the repaired parts to the site.
The supplier shall justify (calculations must be submitted) the quantities of the
spare parts list based on the MTBF figures of the different modules.
The network system offered shall be compatible according to the latest CCITT
· 24 Port RJ 45.
· 19” Rack mountable.
· Height 1 U.
· CAT 5 compatible.
· Labelling for easy port identification
· RJ 45 connectors.
· 1,2 m and 2,4 m length.
· Clearly labelled at both ends to indicate the connection between patch
panel and switch.
· Floor standing cabinet with wheels and lockable smoked glass front door.
· Height 42 U or 48 U.
· Roof mounted fan tray with 4 fans.
· Cable entry plates.
· Fully adjustable 19” panel mountings.
· ATS.
· 19” mountable.
· Input voltage ranges 84 to 264 Volts.
· Online double-conversion technology.
· Automatic bypass.
The Contractor shall provide all network cabling in the building from the cabinet
in the server room to all data points.
CAT6 cable shall be used.
Above mentioned cable work forms part of this contract.
All RJ45 outlet points shall be permanently labelled with a printed wrap-on label.
All end to end cabling shall be permanently labelled with a printed wrap-on label.
Termination modules and switch(es) shall be labelled.
Patch leads shall be permanently labelled with a printed wrap-on label.
Labelling convention to be approved by the engineer.
Sufficient space to be allowed in the cabinet for installation of the PABX system,
Access Control system, CCTV system and Intercom system.
The cabinet to allow sufficient space for future servers.
Conduits and wire ways will be installed by the electrical Contractor. Contractors
shall remain responsible to ensure all requirements of wireways for installation
are available to electrical contractor.
(i) Bonding
The bonding of all metal parts of the building shall be bonded and earthed
in accordance with SANS-10142 latest edition.
(ii) Building Earthing
Lightning protection shall be done as a subcontract to this contract by a
specialist Contractor.
A “Defects list” will be issued during the construction period prior to the practical
completion inspection, which shall be completed and signed by the Contractor
and submitted to the Engineer one week before the practical completion
inspection date.
If the Engineer finds fault with the installation, he may at his discretion, refuse to
take practical completion and the Contractor will be responsible for any cost
incurred by the Engineer for subsequent transport and accommodation costs,
and the Engineer shall be entitled to deduct such costs from payments due to
the Contractor.
After rectification of all defects the installation will be handed over. The day of
handing over shall coincide with the contractor’s date of practical completion.
Practical completion will only be granted after the “AS-BUILT” drawings and final
payment claim have been submitted to the Engineer.
The Contractor shall provide a capable foreman, whose name shall be disclosed
in the tender. The Contractor shall ensure that this foreman supervises the entire
structured cabling installation to the satisfaction of the Contractor and Engineer.
This foreman shall be replaced with another capable foreman if required to do
so by the Contractor or Engineer.
The foreman shall attend all site meetings.
One set Architects Drawings – available from WCE Offices if required. The
Contractor shall, on receipt of the Architect’s and Engineer’s drawings, minutely
compare the corresponding drawings and should any discrepancy, ambiguity or
conflicting information be found thereon, the Contractor shall correlate any such
discrepancy, ambiguity or conflicting information with the Engineer before
proceeding with any of the relevant works as no claim for any extras due to the
Contractor having failed to comply with this instruction will be entertained.
All material and equipment supplied and/or installed under this Contract shall be
new and the best of their respective kinds and shall comply with the
requirements laid down in the latest editions of the relevant SANS (SABS) or BS
and their amendments (if any) and the requirements of this Specification.
In event of items bearing the SANS (SABS) mark being available in respect of
the materials and equipment required, only items bearing this mark will be
The workmanship under this Contract shall be of a high standard and to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.
The work shall be carried out in accordance with the General Technical
Specification laid down in this Specification.
The work shall be carried out strictly in accordance with and all material and
equipment supplied shall comply with the following laws and regulations where
a) The latest edition of the "Code of Practice for the Wiring of Premises",
SANS 10142 (as amended);
The Contractor will be responsible for serving all notices and paying all fees due
in terms of the above laws and regulations.
Each camera shall be labelled. Each cable to be labelled at both ends using
the same description.
Cost for labelling of cameras, readers, controllers and cables are deemed to
be included in the costs quoted for cameras and cables.
The CCTV video system shall be a HIKVision system as approved by the
engineer. Only HIKVision components with original manufacturer accessories
will be accepted.
The CCTV video system shall be an IP PoE network-based, fully distributed
digital video system. The CCTV video system will utilize local area networks
(LAN) as a transmission medium for video, configuration, as well as storage of
all data. The CCTV video system shall provide full video control at the main
control room, with additional full selection capability at any point within the
network from a workstation or a video console display. The CCTV video system
shall provide unlimited expansion capability for the addition or modification of
video inputs.
All encoders shall accommodate mounting into a standard EIA 19-inch rack or
separately into a wall mount bracket. The rack unit shall provide a dual power
supply or utilize a separate rack mountable power supply unit for powering
multiple rack units.
The dual-stream video encoder shall incorporate video optimization to select the
best image quality and frame rate for the target component (decoder,
workstation, or console) without affecting the recording rate. Video optimization
shall also allow the unit to select a high rate and low quality setting for recording
and alarm conditions, with three programmable alarm inputs (supervised or
unsupervised) and one relay output. The dual-stream video encoder shall
transmit video, audio and data over the IP network.
The dual-stream video encoder shall offer two CCTV modes, video loss
indicator, bidirectional audio support, and PTZ support.
The video encoders shall accept NTSC or PAL video signals from fixed
colour/black-white cameras, PTZ cameras, low light cameras, or any other
camera that provides a composite NTSC/PAL 1 Vp-p video signal.
The video encoder shall support dual encoded stream capability from a single
video source to allow simultaneous and independent viewing, recording, and/or
The video decoder shall support any digital video stream on the network and
allow for the decoding of up to four simultaneous streams from any video
encoder. It shall also allow for simultaneous and independent viewing at the
recording frame and quality rate.
The IP video CCTV system shall support matrix digital decoders that allow an
interface of video and data to analogue matrix systems. The matrix digital
decoder shall convert digital video streams into analogue video, outputting the
video to the matrix switcher.
The matrix digital decoder shall transmit video from the IP video CCTV system
and allow an operator to use the same analogue keyboard functions to view and
control video on both systems.
Each of the video encoders’ pan-tilt-zoom control latency shall not exceed 117
ms, excluding network transmission latency.
Each of the video encoders shall support an asynchronous serial port that can
be programmed for data rates up to 230 kbps and can be set to RS-422 or RS-
485 signal levels. The RS-485 mode shall support two-wire and four-wire
Each of the video encoders shall support three NO/NC dry-contact inputs and
one relay output. The latching alarm shall continue to record until user
acknowledgement can be programmed for a predetermined time-out.
Each of the video encoders shall transmit all command and control messages
using the TCP/IP protocol and use PKI RSA-128 bit encryption for secured
Each of the video encoders/decoders shall meet or exceed the following design
and performance specifications:
Video Resolution
· 2MP (1920x1080)
· 3MP (2048x1536)
· 5MP (2560x1920)
· 6MP (3032x2008)
· 8MP (3264x2448)
Each of the Video encoders shall have the capability to provide an advanced
built-in video motion detection separate from the Digital IP based recording
system to activate recording with a pre-alarm capability of up to 24 hours
Environmental Specifications
· Operating Temperature 0° to 35°C at unit air intake
· Operational Humidity 20% to 80%, non-condensing
· Storage Temperature -45° to 65°C
· Maximum Humidity Gradient 10% per hour
· Operating Altitude -16 m to 3,048 m
· All metal parts shall be 316L Stainless Steel or better
· All equipment shall be designed for an highly-corrosive enivironment and
UV stabilized.
· Multiple users shall be able to simultaneously view the same camera view or
sequence. The system shall utilize multicast streaming video to allow multiple
users to view the same video stream, though not necessarily synchronized
with each other, without affecting the bandwidth of the network.
· Video titling shall provide for a 100-character camera site description (on/off),
display time/date (on/off), set the display colour (black-white), display a site
message (on/off), and define the screen block position for the title.
· The IP video CCTV system shall be able to capability to create and execute
a system script used to control any system function, and it may be combined
into any order. The configuration of such scripts shall be easy to use and
follow the rules of drag and drop configuration. The IP video CCTV system
shall be capable of the following actions (minimal requirements):
· Display video from any camera to a specific monitor or screen division,
including changing screen division views
· Reset any monitor to its original screen division and image
· Move system PTZ cameras to a specified pre-set location
· Activate predefined patterns on system PTZ cameras
· Start/stop recording an event from any indicated video source
· Utilize script nesting, a means of running another script within any given
· Activate system relays and send e-mail notification to any recipient through
· Add wait times to any script command
The scripting language shall utilize a system function upload and will modify or
send out a global command to all components in the system.
Operator control of a camera or selection of monitors shall override the
sequence control of camera or monitor; sequence control of cameras or
selection of monitors shall not override operator control of camera of selection
of monitors.
The IP video CCTV system shall allow for programming of alarms and
associated incoming alarms with related parts of the system.
Individual, group, or all alarms shall be disabled by special sequences, which
can be initiated by the operator or automatically by time/day/date.
The IP video CCTV system shall log all alarms and events in the system
manager database.
The IP video CCTV system shall provide real time system status on the operator
graphical user interface (GUI). All alarms, current monitor activity, and selected
PTZ camera ID can be displayed in user-defined descriptive text.
The IP video CCTV system shall be capable of the following languages: English,
French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, and Chinese (simple).
The system also shall be capable of accepting new language packages from
one central point. The system shall allow for user profiles, by language, to be
loaded into any operational location including workstations and virtual matrix
The IP video CCTV system shall have the capability to display video onto a
standard analogue monitor, a video wall, or any number of VGA monitors
through a virtual matrix controller connected to a video console display device.
The video console device shall connect anywhere on the network and allow any
of the system encoded devices to be decoded and displayed on a standard
analogue monitor or the PC workstation, as well as control and program PTZ
The PC workstation shall allow users with authority to configure devices, set up
users, adjust network settings, and create recording schedules. Permission to
access these functions and all other system services can be configured to a fine
level of detail. The PC workstation shall have advanced search capabilities,
event logging, and alarm interface displays. The PC workstation shall export
video and still images in multiple formats, including QuickTime MPEG-4, BMP,
and JPG. A front panel USB port and DVD/CD-RW drive make it capable of
exporting video clips and still images to external media. Authentication software
shall be exported automatically for any exports.
The system shall be capable of providing user-defined workspaces on any
workstation, based on an individual user profile.
The PC workstation application shall support the functionality to view
procedures; these procedures shall be triggered to appear during a certain
event, and they can be used to provide detailed written or verbal instructions to
the operator as to the actions to be taken.
The PC workstation application shall support digital zoom on any fixed camera’s
video streams.
The PC workstation application shall support digital zoom on a PTZ camera’s
live video streams.
The PC workstation application shall provide the ability to control and program
any camera equipped with PTZ. The PC workstation shall be capable of the
· Manually control the PTZ
· Set the pan/tilt home positions for manual or alarm activation
· Automatically control the cameras through an alarm trigger
· Ability to set multiple pre-set positions
· Ability to set multiple tours
· Remotely set and clear the movement limits of the pan/tilt mechanism from
the control room, through a telemetry unit at an outdoor camera site
· Adjust the zoom lens
· The ability to control the camera menu and setup the camera through the
IP video CCTV system
The IP video CCTV system video workstation shall provide up to six predefined
and user-programmable views with up to 16 different camera views.
Additionally, the system shall be capable of providing user-defined workspaces
on any operational control point, based on an individual user profile.
The system shall be capable of providing quad screen playback, with each
quadrant playing video from different cameras and the same time/date stamp.
System Specification
The system to support open platform for IP megapixel platforms and must
support H264 MPEG-4 and MJPEG video formats and capable to be capable to
take other I/O devices. Each sever to be capable to take up to 64 channels and
that different servers can be linked.
The system to have multi-channel playback capabilities of up to 16 channels
with speeds of 1/16x to 64x. Video enhancement to include sharpen, brightness
and contrast. All recorded data to have a digital watermark.
Intelligent searches to include general motion, missing object, foreign object,
camera occlusion and signal lost.
Video Decoder
The video decoder shall be HIKVision Decoder capable for 8 Monitors.
The system must be capable of the following file compressions:
· H.264 up to 25/30 fps at 1280 x 800
· MPEG-4 up to 25/30 fps at 1280 x 800
· MJPEG up to 25/30 fps at 1280 x 800
The recording to be time and date stamped and to have authentication
Power Supply
The power supply to be Power-over-Ethernet. The power consumption to be
less than 4.5W per camera.
3.15.15 CCTV
The system to have multi-level user access with password protection, IP filtering,
HTTPS encrypted data transmission and 802.1X port-based authentication for
network protection.
The Perimeter Monitoring System Contractor here before and after called the Contractor, will
be responsible for the complete Perimeter Monitoring System installation and the proper
functioning of all equipment called for in this specification.
This Contract covers in broad terms the supply, delivery, erection, commissioning and
maintenance for 3 months and guarantee for 12 months of the Perimeter Monitoring System
installation as specified in this document.
The tenderer shall allow in his tender price for all material, labour, supervision, transport, tests
and all other items necessary to complete the Contract in its entirety.
In the event where the supply and/or installation of any item, material or equipment does not
form part of this Contract, it will be specifically indicated as such in his specification and/or
the accompanying drawings.
The Perimeter Monitoring System installation work shall comprise a new Perimeter
Monitoring System installation. It will include a fence monitoring system sensors/cable,
controller and integration into existing Alarm and CCTV security systems.
To minimise disturbances to the Employers business, some of the work within this contract
must be done on weekends and after hours. Costs for these works are deemed to be included in
tendered rates and no additional claims will be entertained.
One set Architects Drawings – available from WCE Offices if required. The Contractor shall,
on receipt of the Architect’s and Engineer’s drawings, minutely compare the corresponding
drawings and should any discrepancy, ambiguity or conflicting information be found thereon,
the Contractor shall correlate any such discrepancy, ambiguity or conflicting information with
the Engineer before proceeding with any of the relevant works as no claim for any extras due
to the Contractor having failed to comply with this instruction will be entertained.
Drawing No Drawing Name
52401001-ELSP-01 Electronic Site Layout
A. Section describes a system to detect intrusions along a perimeter fence
employing fiber optic technology.
B. Product
A system consists of fiber optic cable, field termination modules, and central
processing equipment which is sensitive to vibration of the fiber optic cable.
The system can locate the appropriate area affected should a disturbance
Abbreviations and Acronyms
1. CPU – Central Processing Unit
2. dB – Decibel; a unit of optical loss
3. EMI – Electromagnetic Interference
4. FFT CAMS – Future Fibre Technologies Central Alarm Monitoring System
5. GB – Gigabyte; a unit of computer data storage
6. GUI – Graphical User Interface
7. HDD – Hard Disk Drive
8. LAN – Local Area Network
9. MB – Megabyte; a unit of amount of digital information used
10. MTBF – Mean Time Between Failures
11. MTTR – Mean Time to Repair
12. NAR – Nuisance Alarm Rate
13. nm – Nanometer; a unit of wavelength
14. OTDR – Optical Time Domain Reflectometry
15. PC – Personal Computer
16. PVC – Polyvinyl Chloride
17. RFI – Radio Frequency Interference
18. SDK – Software Development Kit
19. TCP/IP – Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
20. TPI – Third Party Interference
21. UPS – Uninterruptible Power Supply
22. Vac – Voltage Alternating Current
System description
A PC-based alarm monitoring system with features including:
i. A GUI displaying site-specific maps with alarms
ii. Capability of acknowledging, processing, and reporting alarms for
multiple controllers
iii. Capability to control external cameras and contact outputs via a network
connection, interface to email systems, and utilize or integrate with
custom applications
iv. A general-purpose SDK available to interface and integrate with higher
level Security Management Systems
4. Intrusion Detection
The system is capable of monitoring dual continuous fiber optic sensor cables
deployed in open-loop or closed-loop configurations.
i. Detectable Intrusions
The system is capable of detecting the following types of intrusions:
· Direct climbing
· Cutting of the fence or fence fabric
· Spreading and lifting of the fence or fence fabric
ii. In the event of a cable cut, each channel continues to accurately detect
and locate intrusions on the cable connected between the controller and
to within 10m (33 ft) of the cable cut.
iii. The system can operate in a closed loop cut-resilient (or “cut-immune”)
mode whereby it continues to detect and locate intrusions along the
whole perimeter in the event of a single sensor cable cut.
A. Product Data
1. Manufacturer’s printed or electronic data sheets
2. Manufacturer’s installation and operation manuals
B. Manufacturer’s Instructions
3. Fiber optic cable routing
4. Termination points and enclosures
5. Fixation methods to fence of fiber optic cable
6. Central processing (head-end) including equipment rack elevations
Quality assurance
A. Qualifications
Manufacturer is well-established and proven in the security industry, with more
than 15 years’ experience in the design, manufacture, and successful
implementation of fiber optic intrusion detection systems.
B. Product Certifications
1. The system complies with FCC regulations, EN55022, EN61000 and
CISPR 22 standards for radio-frequency emissions
2. The system complies with CE regulations and carries the CE mark for
European applications
3. The product is manufactured by an ISO 9001:2008 certified company
C. Field Samples
The sensor system is well proven in the field and has been installed and
operating in similar configurations. References can be provided for a minimum
of three operational sites.
Site Conditions
A. Environmental
3. Humidity
The head end equipment operates in the relative humidity range of
5% to 80%, non-condensing.
5. Terrain
The detection field is not limited to flat terrain or line-of-sight
operation. The system operates within specifications over uneven
terrain with a maximum grade change of 45% within 1 meter/3.3 feet,
and around corners with a minimum bend radius of 1 meter/3.3 feet.
B. Power requirements
1. The sensing controller requires an input voltage of 110 to 240 Vac, and
a power consumption of 280 W typical, 380 W max.
2. Connection to standard 110/240 Vac commercial power is supplied.
3. System should include a UPS or battery backup capable of sustaining
the system for a minimum of 20 minutes.
The product warranty is 24 months from date of purchase and an ongoing
warranty extension program is available for the life of the product. Additionally,
the supplier will provide technical support and warrant that spare parts and
assemblies will be available for a minimum of five years after installation.
Model: FFT Aura Ai
Head Office: US Office:
Future Fibre Technologies Future Fibre Technologies
Limited (US) Inc.
10 Hartnett Close, Mulgrave 800 West El Camino Real,
Suite 180
Victoria 3170 Mountain View CA 94040
Australia USA
Phone: +61 3 9590 3100 Toll Free: +1 877 650 8900
Fax: +61 3 9560 8000 Outside USA: +1 650 903
Fax: +1 435 417 6671
System components
A. Field Components
The system requires no mechanical, electrical or electronic components,
or electrical power in the field.
3. Installation hardware
Termination components are to be sealed inside outdoor-rated
fiber optic splice enclosure(s)
B. Head-end Components
1. Head-end components suit a standard 19” (48.3 cm) wide rack, where:
Mounting should be a minimum of 12” (30.5 cm) above floor level
Components should consume no more than 5 RU of vertical rack space,
including cable termination and user interface modules
The rack is to have at least 25” (63.5 cm) depth clearance with rear
access for module interconnects and unimpeded air circulation
The rack should have at least 2” (5.1 cm) of clearance in front of the
mounting rails
3. System Software
Initial configuration and calibration requires the use of a laptop/PC,
however normal operation utilizes an interface to FFT CAMS™ (or
acceptable third-party device or integration). There are currently more
than 60 integrations via TCP/IP and FFT CAMS to physical/information
security, video and access control management systems, cameras, relay
modules, other security devices and data interfaces.
Sensing Controller
1. Sensor signal processing and analysis
2. Event detection and alarm generation
o enter text notes regarding the cause of the alarm and the mitigation
o clear the alarm
· Event Log
o The system maintains and displays an event log, including alarms,
system notifications, and user actions
o Operator notes as well as the alarm clearing event are to be recorded in
the event log
iii. Graphical Alarm Display
· Incorporate an image depicting the protected site with a schematic
perimeter overlay
· Subject to availability, the site image should be one of:
o satellite photo
o aerial photo
o map
o schematic
iv. Annunciation of each new alarm is via:
· flashing notification message
· area location marker displayed on the site image
Refer to section 2.2-C for description of manufacturer offered software, FFT
FFT CAMS™ has the following minimum requirements for:
PC Virtual Machine
DVDRW drive -
The contractor’s installers and technicians will install, service and maintain the
system in accordance with the equipment manufacturer’s recommended
The contractor’s installers and technicians should perform a site check to ensure
appropriate environmental (see 1.7) and installation conditions are in
accordance with the equipment manufacturer’s recommended procedures.
A. Fiber Optic Sensor Layout Limits
1. Maximum total length of the fiber optic sensor cable per channel is
40 km (24.85 miles)
2. High security installations utilizing more aggressive sensor cable patterns
will have the maximum effective length of the protected perimeter
3. Total optical loss for each channel must not exceed 11 dB @1550 nm
B. Sensor Cable Installation
1. Chain-link Fence Requirements
i. Clearance area to be at least 3 m (10 feet) wide on each side of the
ii. Fence signage to be reduced to the regulated minimum and securely
attached to fence posts
iii. Gates to be secured in closed position to eliminate any free movement
iv. Gates remaining open for extended periods of time should be secured
in the open position
v. Chain-link fence recommended for optimal fiber optic sensor
performance should have:
· Aluminum-oxide coated 9-gauge steel wire fabric, tensioned to
1000 lb (453.6 kg)
· Bottom rail with fabric twisted ends extending below it
· No top rails
· No intermediate-height rails in run sections
· Reinforcement rails in brace sections installed at ¾ height
· Fabric attached to posts and rails using 9-gauge galvanized steel
wire ties at least every 15” (5.1 cm)
· 7-gauge hardened galvanized steel tension wire installed 6” to 8”
(15.2 to 20.3 cm) below the top of the fabric
The product specified, is a high security fence from Betafence with a local footprint. The
material for the fence shall be free issued from the client complete with installation manuals
and drawings. The contractor installing the fence must however be certified to install
the fence and provide the required guarantees as set out in this document.
Curved 101.6mm diameter x 4.5mm wall thickness, Grade W300 Hot Dip Galvanized and
PVC coated Tubular Posts to radius specified with 3mm capping plate. Posts have predrilled
11mm diameter holes for M8 bolts to fit cover plate to posts. Posts to be positioned in Class
6, 103mm ID PVC x 2.58mm wall thickness x 1500mm long sleeves set in concrete
Cover plate required on all curved posts from ground to top of posts 50mm x 5mm flat iron
steel required, with predrilled 11mm for fixing mesh to posts. Grade W300 Hot Dip
Galvanized and PVC coated.
Equal angle iron profile 50mm x 50mm x 5mm, with predrilled holes before galvanizing.
The top rail to include flatiron profile cover plate 50mm x 5mm x fix razor tape to top rail.
Graded W300 Hot Dip Galvanized and PVC coated.
Razor wire
· 2.5mm² Stainless Steel Concertina Razor Wire Coil fixed to top rail with approved
clips, 5 clips per coil.
The posts, cover plate and top rails are after welding subsequently PVC coated and the layer
has a minimum thickness of 200 µm.
The fixing of the cover-plate and mesh to posts shall be achieved with the following
- M8 x 150mm cup square bolts – Stainless steel grade 316.
- M8 x 25mm x 2mm washers, Stainless steel grade 316
- M8 shear nuts – Stainless steel grade 316
The fixing of the top section of the mesh to the top rail shall be achieved with the following
- M8 x 40mm cup square bolts – Stainless steel grade 316.
- M8 x 25mm x 2mm washers, Stainless steel grade 316
- M8 shear nuts – Stainless steel grade 316
OPF 1.6 Mesh panels
4mm Dublo welded mesh panels shall comply with the following specification:
Weight: 10.92kg/m²
Solidity: 35%
The panels are after welding subsequently PVC coated and the layer has a minimum
thickness of 200µm. (See PVC coating specification)
- AS 2423 (Australian Standard): Coated steel wire fencing products for terrestrial, aquatic
and general use.
- ASTM F 2453: Standard Specification for welded wire mesh fence fabric (Metal-coated
or Polymer coated) for meshes of 6 in ². (3871mm²) or less, in panels or rolls, with uniform
- EN 10223-7: Steel wire and wire products for fences – Part 7: Steel wire welded panels
for fencing
- EN 10244-2: Steel wire and wire products – Non-ferrous metallic coatings on steel wire
– Part 2: Zinc or zinc-alloy coatings on steel wire.
- EN 10245-2: Steel wires and wire products / organic coatings on steel wire part 2: PVC
finished wire.
Wire rod.
C ≤ 0.10
Si ≤ 0.30
Mn ≤ 0.60
P ≤ 0.035
S ≤ 0.035
OPF 1.9 Barbed Tape Concertina Coil
Diameter: 730mm
Wire: 2.4m – Stainless steel grade 304
Tape: 0.5mm – Stainless steel grade 304
Loops: 56 loops per coil, 5 clips
Barb: Medium barb
Maximum stretch: 10m
The fixing of the barbed tape concertina shall be achieved by clamping the barbed tape
concertina with the flat bar to the top rail with the following accessories:
The gate frame shall be constructed of 60 x 40 x 2mm rectangular tube and hot dip
galvanized. Each gate must consist of 2 leafs of the same size.
The gate shall have the same cladding with mesh as that of the fence.
The gap between the bottom of the gate and the road surface shall not be more than 50mm.
For detail of the construction of the gate, closing frame and side panels refer to detail
The gate frames are after welding hot dip galvanized and subsequently PVC coated, and the
layer has a minimum thickness of 125µm.
PVC is synthetic plastic commonly used to finish metal parts, tools and structural
components. It is available in a range of different colours and is highly chemically stable,
flexible, easy to sterilized and resistant to high temperatures.
- Cleaning the parts to remove contaminants, improve adherence and prevent corrosion
- Dipping the heated part in the liquidized PVC and immersing it for a specified amount of
time, according to the desired thickness.
Only PVC heated coating products will be accepted. No Polyester/Powder coated products
will be accepted.
The erection of the fence must be done by a manufacturer certified installer. The
installation shall carry a full workmanship warranty of 10 years.
The certified installer shall make use of a local Namibian registered subcontractor and
transfer skills during the process and make sure the local subcontractor is registered as
a certified Betafence installer on completion of the product.
The installer shall submit a full and detailed maintenance manual before handover of the
project certified by the manufacturer.
This will enable the client to fulfill the maintenance procedures to keep the warrantees in
The manual shall also indicate prove required that maintenance is done as required to keep
the warrantee in place.
A book of drawings will be issued together with the bid documents and will consist of A3 size drawings
not to scale for bidding purposes. Once the successful Bidder is appointed, 3 sets of complete, to scale
A1 drawings will be issued for construction purposes.
1. This Bill of Quantities forms part of, and must be read in conjunction with the Instructions to Bidders,
the General and Special Conditions of Contract, the Particular Specifications and the Drawings. The
Price Summary is to reflect the total price carried forward from the Bill of Quantities, which itself need
not be submitted with the bidding documents.
2. No alteration, erasure or addition is to be made in the text of the Bill of Quantities. Should any erasure
or addition be made it will not be recognised but the original wording of the Bill of Quantities will be
adhered to.
3. The quantities in the Bill of Quantities are not to be considered as limiting or extending the amount of
work to be done and materials to be supplied.
4. Only major Items have been scheduled but the Bidder shall nevertheless include for all things he considers
necessary whether specified in detail or not to complete the work to specification.
No extra price will be considered for the provision of material or labour which should have been allowed
for in order to provide the completed works unless set out in detail and submitted separately by the Bidder
with his bid.
5. The completed Bill of Quantities shall detail the unit rate and total amount for material and labour
respectively for each Item. Bidders are advised to check their Item extensions and total additions since
no claim for mathematical errors will be considered.
6. All Items are deemed to include supply, delivery, installation and connection where appropriate, unless
specifically stated otherwise. The unit rate must include for all things necessary, whether specified in
detail or not, including all components, small installation materials, allowance for off-cuts, wastage, etc.
erection and fixings to complete the Item to the Particular Specifications and the Drawings in a
satisfactory and workmanlike manner in order to provide a complete and working system.
"Material Rate" shall include the supply and delivery of all items of material and equipment (plant) to the
site including all incidentals necessary for the completion of each Item, plus the profit but shall exclude
VAT which shall be added as a separate item in the Price Summary.
"Labour Rate" shall include the cost of all labour, both skilled and unskilled, including supervision and
profit required to complete the installation of all material covered by each item but shall exclude VAT
which shall be added as a separate item in the Price Summary.
7. A price or rate is to be entered against each item in the Bill of Quantities, whether the quantities are stated
or not. Any item against which no price is entered will be considered to have a price rate of N$ 0.00. It
will be accepted that items against which no price has been entered are covered by other prices or rates
in the Bill of Quantities.
8. The completed Bill of Quantities will be checked and the right is reserved to adjust any individual price
and to rectify any discrepancy. In the event of any arithmetical errors occurring in the totals in this Bill
of Quantities, such totals will be corrected on the assumption that the rates quoted are correct.
10. Unless stated to the contrary in the Particular Specifications, quantities, with the exception of cable,
trenches, bedding and cover sand, and pole holes, will not be measured on site in which case the
successful Bidder shall, within 60 days of notification of acceptance of his bid, notify the project manager
in writing of any discrepancies between the drawings, the Particular Specifications and the quantities of
any Item in the Bill of Quantities, listing each such discrepancy in detail. Where it is agreed by the project
manager that any such claims are valid, the contract price will be adjusted accordingly. No further claim
will be entertained except where the Employer changes the requirements of the Contract, in which case
such variations will be based on unit prices provided, where applicable.
11. Where alternative prices for equipment of different manufacture are offered, the lowest alternative price
for equipment to specification must be included, against the relevant Item in the Bill of Quantities. The
remaining alternative prices must be furnished separately.
Where such equipment is found not to comply with the Specification, the Contractor will be required to
provide equipment which does comply, without adjustment to the price in the Bill of Quantities.
12. In certain instances prices are requested for Items which may be required during the progress of the work,
but which are not included in the known quantities of material required. These Items are indicated by the
designation "R/O" (rate only) in the "Quantity" column, and the price is to be noted in the "Rate" columns
only and must not be carried forward.
13. The Bidder must price and extend each item and total of each Section in the Bill of Quantities in BLACK
14. No correction fluids may be used when completing the Bill of Quantities. All mistakes should be
strikethrough with a black pen and the corrected rate must be indicated above the correction in the Bill
of Quantities. The Bidder must initialize adjacent to any correction made on the Bill of Quantities.
8.2.1 Rough :
8.2.1 Rough :
1200 GB
15 % VAT :
2.1 - 110mm m 50
2.2 - 50mm m 50
2.3 - 110mm No 8
2.4 - 50mm No 8
3.1 a) 16mm² x 4C m 50
3.4 a) 16mm² x 4C No 2
3.5 b) 10mm² x 4C No 28
4.3 - 10-40A/TP/CB No 0
4.4 - 5-30A/SP/CB No 10
4.10 - DSO No 2
4.11 - SSO No 1
4.14 Type A No 2
4.15 Type B No 7
4.16 Type C No 4
4.21 i) P8000 m 0
4.24 - 16mm² x 4C m 80
4.26 - 16mm² x 4C No 2
15 % VAT :
1.1 General
7.1.1 Sum 1
7.1.2 Sum 1
7.1.3 Sum 1
7.1.4 Sum 1
7.1.5 Sum 1
7.1.6 Sum 1
7.1.7 Sum 1
7.1.8 Sum 1
7.1.9 Sum 1
7.1.10 Sum 1
15 % VAT :
1.1 General
15 % VAT :
15 % VAT :
A. General
1. Definitions
(w) Materials are all supplies, including consumables, used by the Contractor for incorporation
in the Works.
(x) Plant is any integral part of the Works that shall have a mechanical, electrical, chemical, or
biological function.
(y) The Project Manager is the person named in the SCC (or any other competent person
appointed by the Employer and notified to the Contractor, to act in replacement of the
Project Manager) who is responsible for supervising the execution of the Works and
administering the Contract.
(z) SCC means Special Conditions of Contract
(aa) The Site is the area defined as such in the SCC.
(bb) Site Investigation Reports are those that were included in the bidding documents and are
factual and interpretative reports about the surface and subsurface conditions at the Site.
(cc) Specification means the Specification of the Works included in the Contract and any
modification or addition made or approved by the Project Manager.
(dd) The Start Date is given in the SCC. It is the latest date when the Contractor shall
commence execution of the Works. It does not necessarily coincide with any of the Site
Possession Dates.
(ee) A Subcontractor is a person or corporate body who has a Contract with the Contractor to
carry out a part of the work in the Contract, which includes work on the Site.
(ff) Temporary Works are works designed, constructed, installed, and removed by the
Contractor that are needed for construction or installation of the Works.
(gg) A Variation is an instruction given by the Project Manager which varies the Works.
(hh) The Works are what the Contract requires the Contractor to construct, install, and turn over
to the Employer, as defined in the SCC.
2. Interpretation
2.1 In interpreting these GCC, words indicating one gender include all genders. Words indicating the
singular also include the plural and words indicating the plural also include the singular. Headings
have no significance. Words have their normal meaning under the language of the Contract unless
specifically defined. The Project Manager shall provide instructions clarifying queries about these
2.2 If sectional completion is specified in the SCC, references in the GCC to the Works, the
Completion Date, and the Intended Completion Date apply to any Section of the Works (other
than references to the Completion Date and Intended Completion Date for the whole of the
2.3 The documents forming the Contract shall be interpreted in the following order of priority:
(a) Agreement,
(b) Notification of award,
(c) Contractor’s Bid,
(d) Special Conditions of Contract,
(e) General Conditions of Contract,
(f) Specifications,
(g) Drawings,
(h) Bill of Quantities, and
(i) any other document listed in the SCC as forming part of the Contract.
3.1 The language of the Contract must be English and the law governing the Contract is the Law of
4.1 Except where otherwise specifically stated, the Project Manager shall decide contractual matters
between the Employer and the Contractor in the role representing the Employer.
5. Delegation
5.1 Otherwise specified in the SCC, the Project Manager may delegate any of his duties and
responsibilities to other people, except to the Adjudicator, after notifying the Contractor, and may
revoke any delegation after notifying the Contractor.
6. Communications
6.1 Communications between parties that are referred to in the Conditions shall be effective only when
in writing to the addresses specified in the SCC. A notice shall be effective only when it is
7. Subcontracting
7.1 The Contractor may subcontract with the approval of the Project Manager, but may not assign the
Contract without the approval of the Employer in writing. Subcontracting shall not alter the
Contractor’s obligations.
8. Other Contractors
8.1 The Contractor shall cooperate and share the Site with other contractors, public authorities,
utilities, and the Employer between the dates given in the Schedule of Other Contractors, as
referred to in the SCC. The Contractor shall also provide facilities and services for them as
described in the Schedule. The Employer may modify the Schedule of Other Contractors, and
shall notify the Contractor of any such modification.
9.1 The Contractor shall employ the key personnel and use the equipment identified in its Bid, to carry
out the Works or other personnel and equipment approved by the Project Manager. The Project
Manager shall approve any proposed replacement of key personnel and equipment only if their
relevant qualifications or characteristics are substantially equal to or better than those proposed in
the Bid.
9.2 If the Project Manager asks the Contractor to remove a person who is a member of the Contractor’s
staff or work force, stating the reasons, the Contractor shall ensure that the person leaves the Site
within seven days and has no further connection with the work in the Contract.
10.1 The Employer carries the risks which this Contract states are Employer’s risks, and the Contractor
carries the risks which this Contract states are Contractor’s risks.
11.1 From the Start Date until the Defects Liability Certificate has been issued, the following are
Employer’s risks:
(a) The risk of personal injury, death, or loss of or damage to property (excluding the Works,
Plant, Materials, and Equipment), which are due to
i) use or occupation of the Site by the Works or for the purpose of the Works, which is
the unavoidable result of the Works or
ii) negligence, breach of statutory duty, or interference with any legal right by the
Employer or by any person employed by or contracted to him except the Contractor.
(b) The risk of damage to the Works, Plant, Materials, and Equipment to the extent that it is due
to a fault of the Employer or in the Employer’s design, or due to war or radioactive
contamination directly affecting the country where the Works are to be executed.
11.2 From the Completion Date until the Defects Liability Certificate has been issued, the risk of loss
of or damage to the Works, Plant, and Materials is an Employer’s risk except loss or damage due
(a) a Defect which existed on the Completion Date,
(b) an event occurring before the Completion Date, which was not itself an Employer’s risk, or
(c) the activities of the Contractor on the Site after the Completion Date.
12.1 From the Starting Date until the Defects Liability Certificate has been issued, the risks of personal
injury, death, and loss of or damage to property (including, without limitation, the Works, Plant,
Materials, and Equipment) which are not Employer’s risks, are Contractor’s risks.
13. Insurance
13.1 The Contractor shall provide, in the joint names of the Employer and the Contractor, insurance
cover from the Start Date to the end of the Defects Liability Period, in the amounts and deductibles
stated in the SCC for the following events which are due to the Contractor’s risks:
(a) loss of or damage to the Works, Plant, and Materials;
(b) loss of or damage to Equipment;
(c) loss of or damage to property (except the Works, Plant, Materials, and Equipment) in
connection with the Contract; and
(d) personal injury or death.
13.2 Policies and certificates for insurance shall be delivered by the Contractor to the Project Manager
for the Project Manager’s approval within 21 days after issue of notification of award. All such
insurance shall provide for compensation to be payable in the types and proportions of currencies
required to rectify the loss or damage incurred.
13.3 If the Contractor does not provide any of the policies and certificates required, the Employer may
effect the insurance which the Contractor should have provided and recover the premiums the
Employer has paid from payments otherwise due to the Contractor or, if no payment is due, the
payment of the premiums shall be a debt due.
13.4 Alterations to the terms of insurance shall not be made without the approval of the Project
13.5 Both parties shall comply with any conditions of the insurance policies.
13.6 The policies which are in the joint names of the Contractor and the Employer shall contain a clause
to include a waiver of subrogation of the Contractor's rights to the insurance carrier against the
14.1 The Contractor shall be deemed to have examined any Site Data referred to in the SCC,
supplemented by any information available to the Contractor.
15.1 The Contractor shall construct and install the Works in accordance with the Specifications and
16.1 The Contractor may commence execution of the Works on the Start Date and shall carry out the
Works in accordance with the Program submitted by the Contractor, as updated with the approval
of the Project Manager, and complete them by the Intended Completion Date.
17.1 The Contractor shall submit Specifications and Drawings showing the proposed Temporary
Works to the Project Manager, for his approval.
17.2 The Contractor shall be responsible for design of Temporary Works.
17.3 The Project Manager’s approval shall not alter the Contractor’s responsibility for design of the
Temporary Works.
17.4 The Contractor shall obtain approval of third parties to the design of the Temporary Works, where
17.5 All Drawings prepared by the Contractor for the execution of the temporary or permanent Works,
are subject to prior approval by the Project Manager before this use.
18. Safety
18.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for the safety of all activities on the Site.
19. Discoveries
19.1 Anything of historical or other interest or of significant value unexpectedly discovered on the Site
shall be the property of the Employer. The Contractor shall notify the Project Manager of such
discoveries and carry out the Project Manager’s instructions for dealing with them.
20.1 The Employer shall, after receiving the Performance security, the insurance covers and the
Program for the Works all as per requirements, give possession of all parts of the Site to the
Contractor within thirty days for execution of works in accordance to the Program for the Works.
If possession of a part is not given by the date stated in the SCC, the Employer shall be deemed
to have delayed the start of the relevant activities, and this shall be a Compensation Event.
21.1 The Contractor shall allow the Project Manager and any person authorized by the Project Manager
access to the Site and to any place where work in connection with the Contract is being carried
out or is intended to be carried out.
22. Instructions
22.1 The Contractor shall carry out all instructions of the Project Manager which comply with the
applicable laws where the Site is located.
22.2 The Contractor shall permit persons appointed by the Employer to inspect the Site and/or the
accounts and records of the Contractor and its sub-contractors relating to the performance of the
Contract, and to have such accounts and records audited by auditors appointed by the Employer
if required by the Employer. The Contractor’s attention is drawn to Sub-Clause 57.1 which
provides, inter alia, that acts intended to materially impede the exercise of the inspection and audit
rights provided for under Sub-Clause 22.2 constitute a prohibited practice subject to contract
23.1 The Adjudicator shall be appointed jointly by the Employer and the Contractor, at the time of the
Employer’s issuance of the Notification of award. If, in the notification of award, the Employer
does not agree on the appointment of the Adjudicator, the Employer will request the Appointing
Authority designated in the SCC, to appoint the Adjudicator within 15 days of receipt of such
23.2 Should the Adjudicator resign or die, or should the Employer and the Contractor agree that the
Adjudicator is not functioning in accordance with the provisions of the Contract; a new
Adjudicator shall be jointly appointed by the Employer and the Contractor. In case of
disagreement between the Employer and the Contractor, within 30 days, the Adjudicator shall be
designated by the Appointing Authority designated in the SCC at the request of either party,
within 30 days of receipt of such request.
24.1 If the Contractor believes that a decision taken by the Project Manager was either outside the
authority given to the Project Manager by the Contract or that the decision was wrongly taken, the
decision shall be referred to the Adjudicator within 15 days of the notification of the Project
Manager’s decision.
24.2 The Adjudicator shall give a decision in writing within 30 days of receipt of a notification of a
24.3 The Adjudicator shall be paid by the hour at the rate specified in the SCC, together with
reimbursable expenses of the types specified in the SCC, and the cost shall be divided equally
between the Employer and the Contractor, whatever decision is reached by the Adjudicator. Either
party may refer a decision of the Adjudicator to an Arbitrator within thirty (30) days of the
Adjudicator’s written decision. If neither party refers the dispute to arbitration within the above
thirty (30) days, the Adjudicator’s decision shall be final and binding.
24.4 The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the arbitration procedures published by the
institution named and in the place specified in the SCC.
B. Time Control
25. Program
25.1 Within the time stated in the SCC, after the date of the Notification of award, the Contractor shall
submit to the Project Manager for approval a Program showing the general methods,
arrangements, order, and timing for all the activities in the Works. In the case of a lump sum
contract, the activities in the Program shall be consistent with those in the Activity Schedule.
25.2 An update of the Program shall be a program showing the actual progress achieved on each activity
and the effect of the progress achieved on the timing of the remaining work, including any changes
to the sequence of the activities.
25.3 The Contractor shall submit to the Project Manager for approval an updated Program at intervals
no longer than the period stated in the SCC. If the Contractor does not submit an updated Program
within this period, the Project Manager may withhold the amount stated in the SCC from the next
payment certificate and continue to withhold this amount until the next payment after the date on
which the overdue Program has been submitted. In the case of a lump sum contract, the Contractor
shall provide an updated Activity Schedule within 15 days of being instructed to by the Project
25.4 The Project Manager’s approval of the Program shall not alter the Contractor’s obligations. The
Contractor may revise the Program and submit it to the Project Manager again at any time. A
revised Program shall show the effect of Variations and Compensation Events.
26.1 The Project Manager shall extend the Intended Completion Date if a Compensation Event (as
defined in GCC 41) occurs or a Variation is issued which makes it impossible for Completion to
be achieved by the Intended Completion Date without the Contractor taking steps to accelerate
the remaining work, which would cause the Contractor to incur additional cost.
26.2 The Project Manager shall decide whether and by how much to extend the Intended Completion
Date within 21 days of the Contractor asking the Project Manager for a decision upon the effect
of a Compensation Event or Variation and submitting full supporting information. If the
Contractor has failed to give early warning of a delay or has failed to cooperate in dealing with a
delay, the delay by this failure shall not be considered in assessing the new Intended Completion
27. Acceleration
27.1 When the Employer wants the Contractor to finish before the Intended Completion Date, the
Project Manager shall obtain priced proposals for achieving the necessary acceleration from the
Contractor. If the Employer accepts these proposals, the Intended Completion Date shall be
adjusted accordingly and confirmed by both the Employer and the Contractor.
27.2 If the Contractor’s priced proposals for acceleration are accepted by the Employer, they are
incorporated in the Contract Price and treated as a Variation.
28.1 The Project Manager may instruct the Contractor to delay the start or progress of any activity
within the Works.
29.1 Either the Project Manager or the Contractor may require the other to attend a management
meeting. The business of a management meeting shall be to review the plans for remaining work
and to deal with matters raised in accordance with the early warning procedure.
29.2 The Project Manager shall record the business of management meetings and provide copies of the
record to those attending the meeting and to the Employer. The responsibility of the parties for
actions to be taken shall be decided by the Project Manager either at the management meeting or
after the management meeting and stated in writing to all who attended the meeting.
C. Quality Control
31. Identifying Defects
31.1 The Project Manager shall check the Contractor’s work and notify the Contractor of any Defects
that are found. Such checking shall not affect the Contractor’s responsibilities. The Project
Manager may instruct the Contractor to search for a Defect and to uncover and test any work that
the Project Manager considers may have a Defect.
32. Tests
32.1 If the Project Manager instructs the Contractor to carry out a test not specified in the Specification
to check whether any work has a Defect and the test shows that it does, the Contractor shall pay
for the test and any samples. If there is no Defect, the test shall be a Compensation Event.
33.1 The Project Manager shall give notice to the Contractor of any Defects before the end of the
Defects Liability Period, which begins at Completion, and is defined in the SCC. The Defects
Liability Period shall be extended for as long as Defects remain to be corrected.
33.2 Every time notice of a Defect is given, the Contractor shall correct the notified Defect within the
length of time specified by the Project Manager’s notice.
34.1 If the Contractor has not corrected a Defect within the time specified in the Project Manager’s
notice, the Project Manager shall assess the cost of having the Defect corrected, and the Contractor
shall pay this amount.
D. Cost Control
35. Contract Price
35.1 In the case of an admeasurement contract, the Bill of Quantities shall contain priced items for the
Works to be performed by the Contractor. The Bill of Quantities is used to calculate the Contract
Price. The Contractor will be paid for the quantity of the work accomplished at the rate in the Bill
of Quantities for each item.
35.2 In the case of a lump sum contract, the Activity Schedule shall contain the priced activities for the
Works to be performed by the Contractor. The Activity Schedule is used to prepare interim
valuations of works done. Any errors or inconsistencies including front loading detected in the
Activity Schedule at any time during the execution of the project shall be resolved as directed as
by the Project Manager.
37. Variations
37.1 All Variations shall be included in updated Programs, and, in the case of a lump sum contract, also
in the Activity Schedule, produced by the Contractor.
37.2 The Contractor shall provide the Project Manager with a quotation for carrying out the Variation
when requested to do so by the Project Manager. The Project Manager shall assess the quotation,
which shall be given within seven (7) days of the request or within any longer period stated by the
Project Manager and before the Variation is ordered.
37.3 If the Contractor’s quotation is unreasonable, the Project Manager may order the Variation and
make a change to the Contract Price, which shall be based on the Project Manager’s own forecast
of the effects of the Variation on the Contractor’s costs.
37.4 If the Project Manager decides that the urgency of varying the work would prevent a quotation
being given and considered without delaying the work, no quotation shall be given and the
Variation shall be treated as a Compensation Event.
37.5 The Contractor shall not be entitled to additional payment for costs that could have been avoided
by giving early warning.
37.6 In the case of an admeasurement contract, if the work in the Variation corresponds to an item
description in the Bill of Quantities and if, in the opinion of the Project Manager, the quantity of
work above the limit stated in Sub-Clause 38.1 or the timing of its execution do not cause the cost
per unit of quantity to change, the rate in the Bill of Quantities shall be used to calculate the value
of the Variation.
If the cost per unit of quantity changes, or if the nature or timing of the work in the Variation does
not correspond with items in the Bill of Quantities, the quotation by the Contractor shall be in the
form of new rates for the relevant items of work.
38.1 When the Program, or, in the case of a lump sum contract, the Activity Schedule, is updated, the
Contractor shall provide the Project Manager with an updated cash flow forecast.
Notwithstanding the transfer of ownership, the responsibility for care and custody thereof together
with the risk of loss or damage thereto shall remain with the Contractor until taking over of the
works or part thereof in which such Plant and Materials are incorporated and shall make good at
its own cost any loss or damage that may occur to the works or part thereof from any cause
whatsoever during such period prior to the taking over.
40. Payments
40.1 Payments shall be adjusted for deductions for advance payments and retention. The Employer
shall pay the Contractor the amounts certified by the Project Manager within 30 days of the date
of each certificate. If the Employer makes a late payment, the Contractor shall be paid interest on
the late payment in the next payment. Interest shall be calculated from the date by which the
payment should have been made up to the date when the late payment is made at the prevailing
rate of interest at the legal rate.
40.2 If an amount certified is increased in a later certificate or as a result of an award by the Adjudicator
or an Arbitrator, the Contractor shall be paid interest upon the delayed payment as set out in this
clause. Interest shall be calculated from the date upon which the increased amount would have
been certified in the absence of dispute.
40.3 Unless otherwise stated, all payments and deductions shall be paid or charged in the proportions
to the Contract Price.
40.4 Items of the Works for which no rate or price has been entered in shall not be paid for by the
Employer and shall be deemed covered by other rates and prices in the Contract.
(l) In situations of Force Majeure which makes the contractor’s performance of its obligations
under the Contract impossible or so impractical as to be considered impossible under the
circumstances. Such events shall be limited to:
a. reason of any exceptionally adverse weather conditions (as specified in the BDS) and
b. reason of civil commotion, strike or lockout affecting any of the trades employed upon
the Works or any of the trades engaged in the preparation, manufacture or transportation
of any of the goods or materials required for the Works.
41.2 If a Compensation Event would cause additional cost or would prevent the work being completed
before the Intended Completion Date, the Contract Price shall be increased and/or the Intended
Completion Date shall be extended. The Project Manager shall decide whether and by how much
the Contract Price shall be increased and whether and by how much the Intended Completion Date
shall be extended.
41.3 As soon as information demonstrating the effect of each Compensation Event upon the
Contractor’s forecast cost has been provided by the Contractor, it shall be assessed by the Project
Manager, and the Contract Price shall be adjusted accordingly. If the Contractor’s forecast is
deemed unreasonable, the Project Manager shall adjust the Contract Price based on the Project
Manager’s own forecast. The Project Manager shall assume that the Contractor shall react
competently and promptly to the event.
41.4 The Contractor shall not be entitled to compensation to the extent that the Employer’s interests
are adversely affected by the Contractor’s not having given early warning or not having cooperated
with the Project Manager.
42. Tax
42.1 The Project Manager shall adjust the Contract Price if taxes, duties, and other levies are changed
between the date 30 days before the submission of bids for the Contract and the date of the last
Completion certificate. The adjustment shall be the change in the amount of tax payable by the
Contractor, provided such changes are not already reflected in the Contract Price or are a result of
GCC Clause 44.
43. Currencies
43.1 Where payments are made in currencies other than the currency of the Employer’s country
specified in the SCC, the exchange rates used for calculating the amounts to be paid shall be the
exchange rates stated in the Contractor’s Bid.
44.1 Prices shall be adjusted for fluctuations in the cost of inputs only if provided for in the SCC. If
so provided, the amounts certified in each payment certificate, before deducting for Advance
Payment, shall be adjusted by applying the respective price adjustment factor to the payment
amounts due in each currency. A separate formula of the type indicated below applies to each
Contract currency:
Pc = Ac + Bc lmc/loc
Pc is the adjustment factor for the portion of the Contract Price payable in a specific currency “c.”
Ac and Bc are coefficients specified in the SCC, representing the nonadjustable and adjustable
portions, respectively, of the Contract Price payable in that specific currency “c;” and
Imc is the index prevailing at the end of the month being invoiced and Ioc is the index prevailing 28
days before Bid opening for inputs payable; both in the specific currency “c.”
44.2 If the value of the index is changed after it has been used in a calculation, the calculation shall be
corrected and an adjustment made in the next payment certificate. The index value shall be
deemed to take account of all changes in cost due to fluctuations in costs.
45. Retention
45.1 The Employer shall retain from each payment due to the Contractor the proportion stated in the
SCC until Completion of the whole of the Works.
45.2 Upon the issue of a Certificate of Completion of the Works by the Project Manager, in accordance
with GCC 53.1, half the total amount retained shall be repaid to the Contractor and half when the
Defects Liability Period has passed and the Project Manager has certified that all Defects notified
by the Project Manager to the Contractor before the end of this period have been corrected. The
Contractor may substitute retention money with an “on demand” Bank guarantee.
46.1 The Contractor shall pay liquidated damages to the Employer at the rate per day stated in the
SCC for each day that the Completion Date is later than the Intended Completion Date. The total
amount of liquidated damages shall not exceed the amount defined in the SCC. The Employer
may deduct liquidated damages from payments due to the Contractor. Payment of liquidated
damages shall not affect the Contractor’s liabilities.
46.2 If the Intended Completion Date is extended after liquidated damages have been paid, the Project
Manager shall correct any overpayment of liquidated damages by the Contractor by adjusting the
next payment certificate. The Contractor shall be paid interest on the overpayment, calculated
from the date of payment to the date of repayment, at the rates specified in GCC Sub-Clause 40.1.
47. Bonus
47.1 The Contractor shall be paid a Bonus calculated at the rate per calendar day stated in the SCC
for each day (less any days for which the Contractor is paid for acceleration) that the Completion
is earlier than the Intended Completion Date. The Project Manager shall certify that the Works
are complete, although they may not be due to be complete.
48.1 The Employer shall make advance payment to the Contractor of the amounts stated in the SCC
by the date stated in the SCC, against provision by the Contractor of an Unconditional Bank
Guarantee in a form and by a bank acceptable to the Employer in amounts equal to the advance
payment. The Guarantee shall remain effective until the advance payment has been repaid, but the
amount of the Guarantee shall be progressively reduced by the amounts repaid by the Contractor.
Interest shall not be charged on the advance payment.
48.2 The Contractor is to use the advance payment only to pay for Equipment, Plant, Materials, and
mobilization expenses required specifically for execution of the Contract. The Contractor shall
demonstrate that advance payment has been used in this way by supplying copies of invoices or
other documents to the Project Manager.
48.3 The advance payment shall be repaid by deducting proportionate amounts from payments
otherwise due to the Contractor, following the schedule of completed percentages of the Works
on a payment basis. No account shall be taken of the advance payment or its repayment in
assessing valuations of work done, Variations, price adjustments, Compensation Events, Bonuses,
or Liquidated Damages.
49. Securities
49.1 The Performance Security shall be provided to the Employer no later than the date specified in the
Notification of award and shall be issued in an amount specified in the SCC, by a bank and
denominated in the Namibian Dollars. The Performance Security shall be valid until a date 30
days from the date of issue of the Certificate of Completion in the case of a Bank Guarantee.
49.2 With reference to Margin of Preference and Preference Security:
(a) Where the contractor has benefitted from the application of the Margin of Preference for
employment of local manpower, it shall:
(i) in the execution of the contract, fulfill its obligation of maintaining local manpower
force for 80 % or more of the man-days deployed in the execution of the Works with
which it satisfied the criteria of eligibility for being awarded the contract in application
of the Margin of Preference; and
(ii) concurrently with the above performance security, provide a preference security to
guarantee it will fulfill its obligation in that respect.
(b) For contracts above N$ 5 M, the preference security shall be in the form of an “on demand”
bank guarantee for an amount in a convertible currency equivalent to the difference between
its bid price and the bid price of the lowest bid if the Margin of Preference was not
applicable. It shall be issued by a commercial bank located in the Republic of Namibia.
(c)For contracts up to N$ 5 M, an amount equal to the value of the preference security shall be
retained from progressive payments to the contractor, to constitute the guarantee for the
preference security.
(d) The preference security shall be valid until the Contractor has completed the Works and a
Completion Certificate has been issued by the Employer’s Representative as per GCC 53.
(e) The cost of providing the security shall be borne by the Contractor
49.3 Where a Preference Security is applicable:
(a) the Employer’s Representative shall monitor the employment of local manpower throughout the
execution of the contract and shall from time to time request a report from the contractor on the
percentage of total men-days deployed using local manpower.
(b) the Contractor shall submit the local manpower employment reports as often as it is reasonably
requested by the Employer’s Representative.
(c) the Employer’s and Contractor’s representatives shall consult each other to ensure that the
Contractor’s obligation towards local manpower employment is met during the Works
(d) At the time of works completion, the Contractor shall submit a certified audited report to the
Employer to substantiate the actual percentage of local manpower employed throughout the
execution of the works.
(e) The preference security shall be forfeited by the employer in case of failure on the part of the
contractor to employ at least 80% of the local manpower in the execution of the Works.
50. Dayworks
50.1 If applicable, the Dayworks rates in the Contractor’s Bid shall be used only when the Project
Manager has given written instructions in advance for additional work to be paid for in that way.
50.2 All work to be paid for as Dayworks shall be recorded by the Contractor on forms approved by
the Project Manager. Each completed form shall be verified and signed by the Project Manager
within two days of the work being done.
50.3 The Contractor shall be paid for Dayworks subject to obtaining signed Dayworks forms.
51.1 Loss or damage to the Works or Materials to be incorporated in the Works between the Start Date
and the end of the Defects Correction periods shall be remedied by the Contractor at the
Contractor’s cost if the loss or damage arises from the Contractor’s acts or omissions.
52.2 No Contractor shall be entitled to any payment in respect of work performed in the execution of
the contract unless he has, together with his claim for payment, filed a certificate:
(a) stating the rates of remuneration and hours of work of the various categories of employees
employed in the execution of the contracts;
(b) stating whether any remuneration payable in respect of work done is due;
(c) containing such other information as the Chief Executive Officer of the Public Body
administering the contract may require to satisfy himself that the provisions under this clause
have been complied with.
52.3 Where the Chief Executive Officer of the Public Entity administering the contract is satisfied that
remuneration is still due to an employee employed under this contract at the time the claim for
payment is filed under subsection as per Employer’s filing database, he may, unless the
remuneration is sooner paid by the Contractor, arrange for the payment of the remuneration out of
the money payable under this contract.
52.4 Every Contractor shall display a copy of this clause of the contract at the place at which the work
required by the contract is performed.
53.1 The Contractor shall request the Project Manager to issue a Certificate of Completion of the
Works, and the Project Manager shall do so upon deciding that the whole of the Works is
54.1 The Employer shall take over the Site and the Works within seven days of the Project Manager’s
issuing a certificate of Completion.
55.1 The Contractor shall supply the Project Manager with a detailed account of the total amount that
the Contractor considers payable under the Contract before the end of the Defects Liability Period.
The Project Manager shall issue a Defects Liability Certificate and certify any final payment that
is due to the Contractor within 60 days of receiving the Contractor’s account if it is correct and
complete. If it is not, the Project Manager shall issue within 60 days a schedule that states the
scope of the corrections or additions that are necessary. If the Final Account is still unsatisfactory
after it has been resubmitted, the Project Manager shall decide on the amount payable to the
Contractor and issue a payment certificate.
56.1 If “as built” Drawings and/or operating and maintenance manuals are required, the Contractor
shall supply them by the dates stated in the SCC.
56.2 If the Contractor does not supply the Drawings and/or manuals by the dates stated in the SCC
pursuant to GCC Sub-Clause 55.1, or they do not receive the Project Manager’s approval, the
Project Manager shall withhold the amount stated in the SCC from payments due to the
57. Termination
57.1 The Employer or the Contractor may terminate the Contract if the other party causes a fundamental
breach of the Contract.
57.2 Fundamental breaches of Contract shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following:
(a) the Contractor stops work for 30 days when no stoppage of work is shown on the current
Program and the stoppage has not been authorized by the Project Manager;
(b) the Project Manager instructs the Contractor to delay the progress of the Works, and the
instruction is not withdrawn within 30 days;
(c) the Employer or the Contractor is made bankrupt or goes into liquidation other than for a
reconstruction or amalgamation;
(d) a payment certified by the Project Manager is not paid by the Employer to the Contractor
within 60 days of the date of the Project Manager’s certificate;
(e) the Project Manager gives Notice that failure to correct a particular Defect is a fundamental
breach of Contract and the Contractor fails to correct it within a reasonable period of time
determined by the Project Manager;
(f) the Contractor does not maintain a Security, which is required;
(g) the Contractor has delayed the completion of the Works by the number of days for which
the maximum amount of liquidated damages can be paid, as defined in the SCC; or
(h) if the Contractor, in the judgment of the Employer, has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent
practices in competing for or in executing the Contract, pursuant to GCC Clause 57.1.
57.3 When either party to the Contract gives notice of a breach of Contract to the Project Manager for
a cause other than those listed under GCC Sub-Clause 56.2 above, the Project Manager shall
decide whether the breach is fundamental or not.
57.4 Notwithstanding the above, the Employer may terminate the Contract for convenience.
57.5 If the Contract is terminated, the Contractor shall stop work immediately, make the Site safe and
secure, and leave the Site as soon as reasonably possible.
58.1 If the Employer determines that the Contractor has engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive,
coercive or obstructive practices, in competing for or in executing the Contract, then the Employer
may, after giving 15 days’ notice to the Contractor, terminate the Contractor's employment under
the Contract and expel him from the Site, and the provisions of Clause 57 shall apply as if such
expulsion had been made under Sub-Clause 57.5 [Termination by Employer].
58.2 Should any employee of the Contractor be determined to have engaged in corrupt, fraudulent,
collusive, coercive, or obstructive practice during the execution of the Works, then that employee
shall be removed in accordance with Clause 9.
58.3 For the purposes of this Sub-Clause:
(a) “corrupt practice” is the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting, directly or indirectly, of
anything of value to influence improperly the actions of another party;
(b) “fraudulent practice” is any act or omission, including a misrepresentation, that knowingly
or recklessly misleads, or attempts to mislead, a party to obtain a financial or other benefit
or to avoid an obligation;
(c) “collusive practice” is an arrangement between two or more parties designed to achieve an
improper purpose, including to influence improperly the actions of another party;
(d) “coercive practice” is impairing or harming, or threatening to impair or harm, directly or
indirectly, any party or the property of the party to influence improperly the actions of a
(e) “obstructive practice” is:
59.1 If the Contract is terminated because of a fundamental breach of Contract by the Contractor, the
Project Manager shall issue a certificate for the value of the work done and Materials ordered less
advance payments received up to the date of the issue of the certificate and less the percentage to
apply to the value of the work not completed, as indicated in the SCC. Additional Liquidated
Damages shall not apply. If the total amount due to the Employer exceeds any payment due to
the Contractor, the difference shall be a debt payable to the Employer.
59.2 If the Contract is terminated for the Employer’s convenience or because of a fundamental breach
of Contract by the Employer, the Project Manager shall issue a certificate for the value of the work
done, Materials ordered, the reasonable cost of removal of Equipment, repatriation of the
Contractor’s personnel employed solely on the Works, and the Contractor’s costs of protecting
and securing the Works, and less advance payments received up to the date of the certificate.
60. Property
60.1 All Materials on the Site, Plant, Equipment, Temporary Works, and Works shall be deemed to be
the property of the Employer if the Contract is terminated because of the Contractor’s default.
61.1 If the Contract is frustrated by the outbreak of war or by any other event entirely outside the control
of either the Employer or the Contractor, the Project Manager shall certify that the Contract has
been frustrated. The Contractor shall make the Site safe and stop work as quickly as possible after
receiving this certificate and shall be paid for all work carried out before receiving it and for any
work carried out afterwards to which a commitment was made.
Authorized Representative:
Commissioner A. Nakale
Email: [email protected]
GCC 1.1 (v) The Intended Completion Date for the whole of the Works shall be:
5 months (150 Calendar Days) from possession of site including builders’ holiday
GCC 1.1 The Site is located at: The site is located to the East of the Walvis Bay CBD and in the
(aa) townland’s boundaries of Walvis Bay and is defined on the drawings as per the
drawing table under Section V- Employer’s Requirements
GCC 2.3(i) The following documents also form part of the Contract: None
GCC 4.1 The Project Manager shall obtain specific approval from the Employer before carrying
out any of his duties under the Contract which in the Project Manager’s opinion will
cause the amount finally due under the Contract to exceed the Contract Price or will
give entitlement to extension of time. This requirement shall be waived in an
emergency affecting safety of personnel or the Works or adjacent property.
GCC 5.1 The Project manager may delegate any of his duties and responsibilities.
CC 13.1 Except for the cover mentioned in (d)(i) hereunder, the other insurance covers shall be
in the joint names of the Contractor and the Employer and the minimum insurance
amounts shall be:
(a) for the Works, Plant and Materials:
for the full amount of the works including removal of debris, professional fee etc. . .
(b) for loss or damage to Equipment:
for the replacement value of the equipment that the contractor intends to use on site
until the taking over by the Employer.
(c) for loss or damage to property (except the Works, Plant, Materials, and
Equipment) in connection with Contract for the amount of NAD 500 000.00.
(d) for personal injury or death:
(i) of the Contractor’s employees:
The Contractor shall take an adequate insurance cover for its employees for
any claim arising in the execution of the works
(ii) of other people:
This cover shall be for an adequate amount for Third Party extended to the
Employer and its representatives and shall be a minimum of N$ 2,000,000.00
per claim, number of claims unlimited.
(e) for loss or damage to materials on-site and for which payment have been included
in the Interim Payment Certificate, where applicable.
The Contractor shall choose to take the insurance covers indicated above as separate
covers or a combination of the Contractor’s All Risks coupled with the Employer’s
liability and First Loss Burglary, after approval of the Employer. All insurance covers
shall be of nil or the minimum possible deductibles at sole expense of the contractor.
GCC 20.1 The Site Possession Date(s) shall be: Within 14 days after submission of Performance
Security, Insurance cover and Program of works.
GCC 23.1 Appointing Authority for the Adjudicator: to be selected and agreed upon by the
& Employer and the Contractor in writing before site handover.
GCC 23.2
GCC 24. An Adjudicator shall be appointed under the contract and arbitration shall apply. If
any dispute arises between the Employer and the Contractor in connection with or
arising out of the Contract, the parties shall seek the advice of the Adjudicator to
resolve any such dispute. If the Adjudicator fail to resolve such dispute by amicable
agreement, within 14 days after one party has notified the other in writing of the
dispute, then the dispute shall be referred to court by either party. The Adjudicator
shall be appointed by the Engineering Profession Association and cost of the
adjudicator shall be shared by both parties. The contractor shall make monthly full
payments for the Adjudicator and shall be reimbursed through the contract for the
Employer’s share.
GCC 24.3 Hourly rate and types of reimbursable expenses to be paid to the Adjudicator:
As per GCC 23.1 & 23.2.
GCC 24.4 Any dispute or difference in respect of which a notice of intention to commence
arbitration has been given shall be finally settled by arbitration in accordance with
Namibian Laws by an Arbitrator to be appointed by both parties to the dispute or in
any case of disagreement, by an Arbitrator to be appointed by a judge in Chambers of
Namibia. The Arbitrator fees will be borne by the losing party. Any decision of the
Arbitrator shall be final and binding to both parties”.
GCC 25.1 The Contractor shall submit for approval a Program for the Works within 14 days
from the date of the Notification of award.
GCC 39.7 Interim Payment for Plant and Material on site is applicable as follows:
100% payment for materials on site for the full value of all material on presentation
of the supplier’s tax invoices, proof of payment and by cession of rights from the
Supplier to the Contractor and from the Contractor to the Employer.
GCC 40 The amount certified by the Project Manager shall be paid in full within 30 days of
receipt by the Employer of an invoice, supported by:
(a) the payment certificate
GCC 41.1 A delay caused by inclement weather conditions will be regarded as a delay only if, in
(l) the opinion of the Project Manager, all progress on an item or items of work on the
critical path of the working programme of the contractor has been brought to a halt.
Delays on working days only (based on a five-day working week) will be taken into
account for the extension of time, but the contractor shall make provision in his
programme of work for an expected delay 36 working days caused by normal rainy
weather, for which he will not receive any extension of time.
Extension of time during working days will be granted to the degree to which actual
days, as defined above, exceed the number of 36 working days.
GCC 43.1 The currency of the Employer’s country is: Namibian Dollars (NAD) (N$).
GCC 45.1 The proportion of payments retained is: 10% of Interim Payment Certificate (Excl.
The maximum amount of retention is 5% of the Accepted Contract Amount (excl.
Contingencies & VAT)
Half of the retention money will be released after formal taking over of the Works and
the remaining shall be released after the Defect Liability Period subject to the
Contractor making good all defects.
GCC 46.1 The liquidated damages for the whole of the Works is N$ 10,000.00 (Ten Thousand
Namibia Dollars) per day.
The maximum amount of liquidated damages for the whole of the Works is 10% (ten)
of the Accepted Contract Amount.
GCC 49.1 A Performance Security in the form of a Bank Guarantee representing 10% of the
Accepted Contract Amount shall be required.
GCC 56.1 Operating and maintenance manuals should be submitted to the employer by the
contractor before the practical completion certificate is issued.
GCC 56.2 As-built drawings should be submitted to the employer by the contractor before the
practical completion certificate is issued.
GCC 59.1 The percentage to apply to the value of the work not completed, representing the
Employer’s additional cost for completing the Works, is 10%.
Table of Forms
CONTRACT AGREEMENT ....................................................................................................... 264
The following Pro-Forma documents must not be completed at Bidding stage, but will be completed by
the successful Bidder after the award of the Contract to the Successful Bidder.
THIS CONTRACT AGREEMENT is made the …………… day of
…………………………………, 20…….
(1) Ministry of Safety and Security, Department of Namibian Correctional Service
(hereinafter called “the Employer”), and
(2) ………………………………………………………………………………………… a
company incorporated under the laws of Namibia and having its principal place of business at
nafter called “the Supplier”).
WHEREAS the Employer invited bids for certain Goods and related services, viz., Procurement of
a Contractor for The Construction of a Gravity Waterborne Sewer Reticulation Network for
Omatjete Township, Erongo Region, Phase 4 and has accepted a Bid by the Supplier for the supply
of those Goods and Services in the sum of N$................................................................] (hereinafter
called “the Contract Price”).
1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively
assigned to them in the Contract documents referred to.
2. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this
Agreement. This Agreement shall prevail over all other Contract documents.
3. This Contract shall prevail over all other Contract documents. In the event of any discrepancy
or inconsistency within the Contract documents, then the documents shall prevail in the order
listed above.
5. The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution and
completion of the Works and the remedying of defects therein, the Contract Price or such
other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the times and in the
manner prescribed by the Contract.
IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in
accordance with the laws of Namibia on the day, month and year indicated above.
in the in the
presence of: presence of:
Witness, Name, Signature, Address, Date Witness, Name, Signature, Address, Date
Date: …………………………………………………………….
Beneficiary: ……………………………………………………………………………..
Furthermore, we understand that, according to the conditions of the Contract, a Performance Guarantee
is required.
At the request of the Supplier, we hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum(s) not exceeding
……………………………………………….upon receipt by us of your first demand in writing
declaring the Supplier to be in default under the Contract, without cavil or argument, or your needing
to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand or the sum specified therein.
Dates established in accordance with Clause 18.4 of the General Conditions of Contract (“GCC”), taking into account any
warranty obligations of the Supplier under Clause 16.2 of the GCC intended to be secured by a partial Performance
Guarantee. The Purchaser should note that in the event of an extension of the time to perform the Contract, the Purchaser
would need to request an extension of this Guarantee from the Bank. Such request must be in writing and must be made
prior to the expiration date established in the Guarantee. In preparing this Guarantee, the Purchaser might consider adding
the following text to the Form, at the end of the penultimate paragraph: “We agree to a one-time extension of this Guarantee
for a period not to exceed [six months] [one year], in response to the Purchaser’s written request for such extension, such
request to be presented to us before the expiry of the Guarantee.”