Assignment Solution PSY 101

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Assignment Question:

Dear Students,

As we all know that Gestalt laws are ways are well devised ways in which we tend to observethe
world around us. They help us in understanding human perception in particular. They make us
aware how complex human perception can be. Your task is to read out the given scenarios and
identify which Gestalt law is being implemented here and then provide an explanation of that


Serial Scenarios Gestalt law (1) Explanation (3)

1. Ahmed thought that Proximity According to the law of proximity, things
people who were that are the close together seem more
talking to each other related than things that are spaced farther
at the festival were apart.
groups of people.

Principle of proximity states when two or

more elements are close to each other, the
position of these element portray the
relationship between separate parts and
render a specific meaning to that group.
2. The wildlife Similarity Law of similarity states that similar things
photographer saw tend to appear grouped in together. Also,
blue birds with Grouping can occur in the both visual and
sharp feathers and auditory stimuli.
black birds with
furry appearance.
He labelled them as
Principles of similarity states that we tend
two separate groups
to perceive things that physically resemble
each other as a part of the same object.
of birds. There may be similarity in any one of them;
color, shape, texture or any other element.
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3. Sana saw some Good Continuation The law of continuity holds that points that
birds flying in a are connected by straight or curving lines re
particular direction seen in a way that follows the smoothest
and she thought that path and in other words, elements in a line
they are a group or curve seem more related to another than
those positioned randomly.
and all going to
home nest together.
The principles of continuity states that
whenever our eyes begin to follow
something, they will continue to travel in
that direction until it encounters another
object and the eyes create momentum as
they are compelled to move through the one
object and continue to another.
4. Amna was solving Closure According to law of closure we perceive
her geometry paper. elements as belonging to same group, if its
She saw some lines seem to complete some entity. Our brains
that were often ignore contradictory information and
fill gaps in information.
disconnected. She
was surprised to see
that when she
connected those Closure occurs when element is incomplete
lines, a circle or or not enclosed in space. It subconsciously
triangle would be involves in filling of missing gaps or
formed. information. When enough of the shape is
show and its still incomplete our mind
tends to fill blanks and construct the whole
5. Salman viewed the Figure and Ground The human eye can differentiate an object
clouds and main from surrounding. We perceive certain
figures as he objects as beings in foreground and other
observed them objects as being in the background.
along with the sky.

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