Gestalt Principles

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Similarity occurs when objects look similar to one another. People often perceive them as
Proximity uses the close arrangement of elements to create a group a group or pattern. When objects looks similar to one another, viewers will often see the
association between those objects. If individual elements are also individual elements as part of a pattern or group. This effect can be used to create a single
illustration, image or message from a series of separate elements.
similar, they will tend to be perceived as a single whole, even though
they are separate elements.Proximity or grouping can be achieved
with lots of different commonality including shape, colour, texture, The similarity between different elements can be shape, colour, size, texture or value. The
more commonality that individual elements have, the greater the sense of coherence,
size or any other visual attribute.
thanks to similarity.A particular element can be emphasized when it's dissimilar, breaking
the pattern of similarity. This effect is called an anomaly.

This principle describes the eye's tendency to see and
separate objects from their surrounding background. A classic
Continuation is the principle through which the eye is drawn along a path, line example uses a vase/candlestick illustration to show two Closure is a common design technique that uses the human eye's tendency to see
or curve, preferring to see a single continuous figure than separate lines. This faces peering at each other, but you can also see this effect in closed shapes. Closure works where an object is incomplete or the interior space of an
can be used to point towards another element in the composition, and is seen a variety of logo designs. It works because human eyes want element is not fully closed, but the viewer perceives a complete shape by filling in the
where a line is cut through one object, often in a curve, aligning perfectly with a to see the figure (foreground object) and background (ground) missing information. This technique is often associated with stenciled artwork, but is
secondary element. as two different planes of focus. also closely associated with logo forms.


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