Pak - Modern World

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A Selection of Modern English Essays

(Compiled for B.A. students by Irfan Raza)

01: “Pakistan and the Modern World” by “Liaquat Ali Khan”


After the creation of Pakistan in the year 1950, Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan went on an official tour of the
United States of America. His mission was to introduce to the Americans the newly formed country of
Pakistan, to tell the Americans all about Pakistan and to bring the two countries close together. This
chapter Pakistan and the Modern World, actually is the explanation of Liaquat Ali Khan’s speech at
the Kansas city, while he was thanking them for the degree bestowed on him..

Why did Liaquat Ali Khan Choose the subject “Pakistan and the Modern World” for his address at
the University of Kansas City during his visit to America in 1950?

Liaquat Ali Khan chose the subject of “Pakistan and Modern world” for his address for two reasons:
Firstly, he thought he did not have enough merits for the degree that the University had given him.
Actually, they had honoured his country by this. So, on its behalf, he was there to express its
gratitude. Secondly, he wanted to introduce Pakistan to the Americans. He said that in 1950 people
of the world were living in a new world which was devolving in every aspect. New countries were
being discovered. Long ago, great explorers from Europe set sails to discover India, but they
discovered America instead. Now Americans were taking a growing interest in world affairs. But they
still did not know about India. So he wanted to introduce a part of Asia that he loved very much. He
also wanted to point out some links between America and Pakistan that fate was forging. He told the
Americans that Pakistan was a newborn State. It was a new democracy. If, they remembered early
years of their history, they would find out that it was just like Pakistani history. So by choosing this
subject, in fact, he wished to win American favour.

Liaquat Ali Khan was an eloquent orator. Discuss the salient stylistic qualities of his speech: "Pakistan and
the Modern World".

Ans: Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan being an excellent and eloquent orator could express his ideas and opinions off
the cuff and clearly. His speech "Pakistan and the Modern World" proves this point. He skillfully advocates
the case of his country before the American think tank to win their favour. He proceeds very logically and
reminds the Americans of their own days of freedom movement. He indicates the resemblance between the
early days of America and those of Pakistan in the struggle to make their mark in the world. He eloquently
justifies the demand of a separate Muslim state and proves the importance of Pakistan in Asia with regard
to the world peace. His speech also shows his lucid style. Both his words and the subjects are simple, silver-
tongued, concise and comprehensive. He comes to the point at once. He can change the focus of his
attention so skillfully that the listeners do not feel any jerk. He touches every possible point in his speech. In
short, this short speech proves that Liaquat Ali Khan was an eloquent orator. He has very artfully urged
upon the advanced nation to help the backward nations in the fields of science, technology, economics and
Discuss the difficulties/ hardships faced by Pakistan soon after its creation?

Ans. Pakistan and Pakistanis had to face great problems soon after its creation. The Hindus and the English
created some of these unforeseen and serious problems after partition to upset the newly established State
of Pakistan. Firstly, After partition the Pakistanis were asked to setup a new state within a period of two
months. Pakistanis had to build up their administrative machinery from a scratch. It was an uphill task. They
had no capital and no flag. Secondly, the military troops allotted to Pakistan were scattered all over the sub-
continent. They could not join the Pak army for many months together. Pakistan’s share of military
equipment was handed over to them only on papers. Thirdly, the Muslims were backward in every field of
life. They had no industry, no engineers and almost no traders to build their economy. Fourthly, Pakistan
also had to face a serious problem of the refugees. Pakistan received over seven million homeless refugees
who had migrated from India. These refugees were in a miserable condition. They had come to settle in
Pakistan almost empty handed. It was a very critical period for the people of Pakistan. However, they solved
all these problems through their strong will, unity and determination.

What were Liaquat Ali Khan's expectations from America and the Western World?

Ans: Main target of Liaquat Ali Khan’s visit to America was to get technical and military aid greatly needed
at that time. So, he expressed his expectations from America and western world with regard to the
backward countries of the world especially Pakistan. The newly freed Asian countries had totally
undeveloped material and mental resources. Its reason was that they had been under foreign domination
for long. They had comparatively very low standard of living. This could cause discontent and unpredictable
disturbance. So it must be removed. For making their economy and democracy stable, there must be free
flow of skill, knowledge, technology and investment from America and the Western world to the backward
countries like Pakistan. This would enable them to enjoy the fullest advantages of freedom and democracy
and lessen their misery. The advanced countries also had the responsibility of keeping peace in the world. In
this situation Pakistan could play a positive role by being a stabilizing factor in a backward and dissatisfied
part of the world. The people of Pakistan hoped to play this role successfully. Now the Western world
should also play its role. Only then, there could be peace and prosperity all over the world.

Note on the circumstances which led to the creation of Pakistan.

Ans. “Pakistan and the Modern World” is, in fact, the speech of Liaquat Ali Khan that he made at University
of Kansas, America. In his speech he tried to introduce Pakistan to the modern world by justifying the causes
of its creation and highlighting its future expectations from the developed nations of the world.

he brought to light all the major causes which made it necessary for Muslims to establish an independent
state for them. In the united sub-continent, there was a multitude of nations including Muslims, Hindus,
Sikhs, Parsees and such other nations. Hindus and Muslims were two main nations in that part of the world.

The circumstances which led to the creation of Pakistan were simple and clear.

The first and foremost reason was that in undivided India, the Hindus were in majority and the Muslims in
minority. After the British would have left, the majority would have crushed the minority.
Secondly, the difference between the Hindus and the Muslims were religious, social, political, economic and
Thirdly, the Muslims believed in the supremacy of Allah, democracy, equality and universal peace, while the
Hindus were bigots and idol-worships.
Fourthly, the Muslims dominated in four provinces (N.W.F.F/Punjab/Sindh & Baluchistan/East Bengal) and
they demanded these provinces.
Fifthly, on geo-political grounds, the Muslims needed a homeland.
Sixthly, it was necessary for the Muslims and the Hindus, to remain separate and happy, rather than have
communal riots and disturbances.
Lastly, the creation of two separate and independent States would bring peace and prosperity to Asia and the
world, at large. (217 words)

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