MS P2 Compilation
MS P2 Compilation
MS P2 Compilation
C. McBurney's Point
The answer is FALSE: The appendix is found
D. Murphy's Point
on the RIGHT (not left) lower side of the
abdomen and is connected to the cecum The answer is C. This is known as McBurney's
of the large intestine. Point and is a classic sign and symptom in
patients with appendicitis.
The answer is C. Based on the patient's 3) Roxy is admitted to the hospital with a
presenting symptoms, the patient is most possible diagnosis of appendicitis. On
likely experiencing peritonitis because the physical examination, the nurse should be
appendix has ruptured. The key clues in this looking for tenderness on palpation at
scenario are the classic signs and symptoms McBurney’s point, which is located in the
of peritonitis (tachycardia, tachypnea, high
A. left lower quadrant
temperature, and abdominal
B. left upper quadrant
pain/distension) along with the patient's
C. right lower quadrant
statement that they were feeling better last
D. right upper quadrant
night (hence probably the time the
appendix ruptured) which periodically RATIO: C. right lower quadrant . To be exact,
relieved the pain at the appendix but the appendix is anatomically located at the
allowed for the contents of the appendix to Mc Burney’s point at the right iliac area of the
leak into the peritoneal cavity....hence right lower quadrant.
causing peritonitis.
4) The celiac artery supplies blood to which
1) What are diagnostic features of acute part of the GI tract?
appendicitis? click all that apply
A. duodenum
A. Low grade fever less than 100.4F/38C B. jejunum
B. Moderate leukocytosis (10,000- C. small intestine and proximal colon
20,000) Ultrasound D. mid-transverse colon to rectum
E. cecum fiber- fecaliths, parasites,and
5) During defecation, movement of feces into
D. suppositories, FB, neoplams,
the rectum initiates (click all that apply)
undigested fiber and calcium salts,
A. rectoanal inhibitory reflex calcium salts or undigested fiber-
B. voluntary relaxation of the pelvic floor fecaliths, infection, fecal stasis,
and external sphincter mechanism parasites
C. voluntary increase in intra-abdominal
9) What is the blind sac that is in the RLQ
below the ileocecal valve?
D. voluntary contraction of external
sphincter A. cecum
B. appendix
RATIO: B. voluntary relaxation of the pelvic
C. transverse colon
floor and external sphincter mechanism, C.
D. ascending colon
voluntary increase in intra-abdominal
pressure 10) The middle rectal artery supplies blood to
which part of the rectum?
6) What is the primary cause of appendicitis?
A. The lower rectum
A. obstruction of the lumen between the
B. The middle rectum
cecum and appendix
C. The anal sphincters
B. inflammation due to an immune
D. upper and middle rectum
C. constipation 11) Situation: Mr. Gerald Liu, 19 y/o, is being
D. overuse of antibiotics admitted to a hospital unit complaining of
severe pain in the lower abdomen.
7) Jerry has diagnosed with appendicitis. He
Admission vital signs reveal an oral
develops a fever, hypotension and
temperature of 101.2 0F. Signs and symptoms
tachycardia. The nurse suspects which of the
include pain in the RLQ of the abdomen that
following complications?
may be localize at McBurney’s point. To
A. Intestinal obstruction relieve pain, Mr. Liu should assume which
B. Peritonitis position?
C. Bowel ischemia
A. Prone
D. Deficient fluid volume
B. Supine, stretched out
RATIO: B. Peritonitis . Complications of acute C. Sitting
appendicitis are peritonitis, perforation and D. Lying with legs drawn up
abscess development.
RATIO: D. Lying with legs drawn up . Posturing
8) What are some possible causes of an by lying with legs drawn up can relax the
obstructed appendix? abdominal muscle thus relieve pain.
13) What type of tissue is the appendix made A. Consent signed by the father
up of? B. Enema STAT
C. Skin prep of the area including the
A. lymphatic
B. connective
D. Remove the jewelries
C. fibrinous
D. intestinal mucosa 17) Situation: A 20 year old college student
was rushed to the ER of PGH after he fainted
14) The inferior mesenteric artery supplies
during their ROTC drill. Complained of severe
blood to which part of the GI tract?
right iliac pain. Upon palpation of his
A. mid-transverse colon to rectum abdomen, Ernie jerks even on slight pressure.
B. colon and anal canal Blood test was ordered. Diagnosis is acute
C. descending colon and rectum appendicitis. Pre-anesthetic med of Demerol
D. colon and rectum and atrophine sulfate were ordered to :
E. colon, cecum, and rectum
A. Allay anxiety and apprehension
15) Situation : Mr. Gerald Liu, 19 y/o, is being B. Reduce pain
admitted to a hospital unit complaining of C. Prevent vomiting
severe pain in the lower abdomen. D. Relax abdominal muscle
Admission vital signs reveal an oral
RATIO: A. Allay anxiety and apprehension .
temperature of 101.2 0F. Which of the
Pain is not reduced in appendicits. Clients
following would confirm a diagnosis of
are not given pain medication as to assess
whether the appendix ruptured. A sudden
A. The pain is localized at a position relief of pain indicates the the appendix has
halfway between the umbilicus and ruptured and client will have an emergency
the right iliac crest. appendectomy and prevent peritonitis.
B. Mr. Liu describes the pain as Demerol and Atropine are used to allay
occurring 2 hours after eating client’s anxiety pre operatively.
C. The pain subsides after eating
18) Which condition is most likely to have a
D. The pain is in the left lower quadrant
nursing diagnosis of fluid volume deficit?
RATIO: A. The pain is localized at a position
A. Appendicitis
halfway between the umbilicus and the right
B. Pancreatitis
iliac crest. Pain over McBurney’s point, the
C. Cholecystitis
point halfway between the umbilicus and
D. Gastric ulcer
the iliac crest, is diagnosis for appendicitis.
Options b and c are common with ulcers; RATIO: B. Pancreatitis . Hypovolemic shock
option d may suggest ulcerative colitis or from fluid shifts is a major factor in acute
diverticulitis. pancreatitis. The other conditions are less
likely to exhibit fluid volume deficit.
16) Situation: A 20 year old college student
was rushed to the ER of PGH after he fainted 19) Post op care for appendectomy include
during their ROTC drill. Complained of severe the following except
right iliac pain. Upon palpation of his
A. Early ambulation D. Infection of the appendix diminishes
B. Diet as tolerated after fully conscious necrotic arterial blood flow and
C. Nasogastric tube connect to suction increases venous drainage.
D. Deep breathing and leg exercise
RATIO: B. Obstruction of the appendix
RATIO: B. Diet as tolerated after fully reduces arterial flow, leading to ischemia,
conscious. Client’s peristalsis will return in 48 inflammation, and rupture of the appendix.
to 72 hours post-op therefore, Fluid and food A client with appendicitis is at risk for infection
are witheld until the bowel sounds returns. related to inflammation, perforation, and
Remember that ALL PROCUDURES requiring surgery because obstruction of the appendix
GENERAL and SPINAL anesthesia above the causes mucus fluid to build up, increasing
nerves that supply the intestines will cause pressure in the appendix and compressing
temporary paralysis of the bowel. Specially venous outflow drainage. The pressure
when the bowels are traumatized during the continues to rise with venous obstruction;
procedure, it may take longer for the arterial blood flow then decreases, leading
intestinal peristalsis to resume. to ischemia from lack of perfusion.
Inflammation and bacterial growth follow,
20) Other condition/s that could produce
and swelling continues to raise pressure
pain similar to appendicitis include
within the appendix, resulting in gangrene
A. Inflammation of gall bladder and rupture. Geriatric, not middle-aged,
B. Stone in ureter clients are especially susceptible to
C. Inflammation of right colon appendix rupture.
D. All of the above
22) The superior rectal artery supplies blood
RATIO: D. All of the above . Other conditions to which part of the GI tract?
like gall stones, inflammation of gall bladder,
A. The rectum
stone in the ureter, ruptured ovarian follicle,
B. The upper and middle rectum
a ruptured tubal pregnancy, perforation of
C. lower rectum
stomach or duodenal ulcer, and
D. anal sphincters and rectum
inflammation of the right colon can produce
E. anal sphincters only
pain similar to appendicitis.
23) Typical signs and symptoms of
21) When preparing a male client, age 51, for
appendicitis include:
surgery to treat appendicitis, the nurse
formulates a nursing diagnosis of Risk for A. Nausea
infection related to inflammation, B. Left lower quadrant pain
perforation, and surgery. What is the rationale C. Pain when pressure is applied to the
for choosing this nursing diagnosis? right lower quadrant of the
A. Obstruction of the appendix may
D. High fever
increase venous drainage and cause
the appendix to rupture. RATIO: Nausea is typically associated with
B. Obstruction of the appendix reduces appendicitis with or without vomiting. Pain is
arterial flow, leading to ischemia, generally felt in the right lower quadrant.
inflammation, and rupture of the Rebound tenderness, or pain felt with release
appendix. of pressure applied to the abdomen, may be
C. The appendix may develop present with appendicitis. Low-grade fever is
gangrene and rupture, especially in a associated with appendicitis.
middle-aged client.
24) What stimulates the contraction of D. contracts, relaxes
propulsive waves that move stool distally
28) While examining a patient with suspected
from the cecum?
appendicitis, you would expect to find pain
A. distention of the colonic wall (with or without) gaurding, (with or without)
B. distention of the small intestinal wall rebound tenderness, pain (with or without)
C. the fermenting vat located in the passive flexion of R hip, pain (with or without)
cecum passive flexion of L hip, and a postitive or
D. distention of the cecum wall negative obturator sign?
25) The superior mesenteric artery supplies A. Pain: with gaurding, with rebound
blood to which part of the GI tract? tenderness, with passive flexion of R
hip, without passive flexion of L hip,
A. small intestine (other than
and a positive obturator sign
duodenum) and proximal colon
B. Pain: without gaurding, with rebound
B. mid-transverse colon to rectum
tenderness, with passive flexion of R
C. duodenum
hip, without passive flexion of L hip,
D. cecum
and a postivie obturator sign
E. rectum only
C. Pain: without gaurding, with rebound
26) Situation: Mr. Gerald Liu, 19 y/o, is being tenderness, with passive flexion of R
admitted to a hospital unit complaining of hip, with passive flexion of L hip, and
severe pain in the lower abdomen. a positive obturator sign
Admission vital signs reveal an oral D. Pain: with gaurding, with rebound
temperature of 101.2 0F. After a few minutes, tenderness, with passive flexion of R
the pain suddenly stops without any hip, with passive flexion of L hip, and
intervention. Nurse Ray might suspect that: a positive obturator sign
A. the appendix is still distended 29) The __________ extends from the
B. the appendix may have ruptured rectosigmoid junction to the anal canal and
C. an increased in intrathoracic pressure is composed of insensitive columnar
will occur epithelium.
D. signs and symptoms of peritonitis
A. Anal Canal
B. Rectum
RATIO: B. the appendix may have ruptured . C. Colon
If a confirmed diagnosis is made and the D. Large bowel
pain suddenly without any intervention, the
30) Surgery is the definitive treatment for
appendix may have ruptured; the pain is
lessened because the appendix is no longer
distended thus surgery is still needed. A. True
B. False
27) During the rectoanal inhibitory reflex, the
internal sphincter ________ allowing the RATIO: A. True. Surgery is the definitive
contents into the anal canal, then the treatment for appendicitis. It may be
external sphincter ____________ and contents performed as an open surgery or through a
are pushed back into the rectum. This occurs laparoscope. Antibiotics are also useful in
up to 7 times daily. treating appendicitis, but usually require to
be followed by surgery due to recurrence.
A. relaxes, relaxes
B. contracts, contracts 31) If after surgery the patient’s abdomen
C. relaxes, contracts becomes distended and no bowel sounds
appreciated, what would be the most
suspected complication? [1]
1. Hypovolemia, electrolyte imbalance
A. Intussusception 2. Elevated temperature, weakness
B. Paralytic Ileus and diaphoresis
C. Hemorrhage 3. Nausea and vomiting, rigidity of the
D. Ruptured colon abdominal wall
4. Pallor and eventually shock
RATIO: B. Paralytic Ileus . Paralytic Ileus is a
A. 1 and 2
mechanical bowel obstruction where in, the
B. 2 and 3
patients intestine fails to regain its motility. It is
C. 1,2,3
usually caused by surgery and anesthesia.
D. All of the above
Intusussusception, Appendicitis and
Peritonitis also causes paralytic ileus. RATIO: D. All of the above . Peritonitis will
cause all of the above symptoms. The
32) The _____________ is 3-4 cm long, starts at
peritoneum has a natural tendency to
the dentate line, is supported by the internal
GUARD and become RIGID as to limit the
and external anal sphincters, and composed
infective exudate exchange inside the
of sensitive squamous epithelium.
abdominal cavity. Hypovolemia and F&E
A. Rectum imbalance are caused by severe nausea
B. Anal Canal and vomiting in patients with peritonitis
C. Colon because of acute pain. As inflammation and
D. Anal sphincter canal infection spreads, fever and chills will
become more apparent causing elevation in
33) The inferior rectal artery supplies blood to temperature, weakness and sweating. If
which part of the rectum? peritonitis is left untreated, Client will become
severely hypotensive leading to shock and
A. the internal and external anal
B. the lower rectum 37) Situation : Mr. Gerald Liu, 19 y/o, is being
C. the upper, middle, and lower rectum admitted to a hospital unit complaining of
D. the external sphincter only severe pain in the lower abdomen.
E. the internal sphincter only Admission vital signs reveal an oral
temperature of 101.2 0F. Which of the
34) What percentage of people have
following complications is thought to be the
appendicitis in their lifetime?
most common cause of appendicitis?
A. 10%
A. A fecalith
B. 20%
B. Internal bowel occlusion
C. 30%
C. Bowel kinking
D. 50%
D. Abdominal wall swelling
35) The appendix is located on the _____
RATIO: A fecalith is a hard piece of stool
lower side of the abdomen.
which is stone like that commonly obstructs
A. Right the lumen. Due to obstruction, inflammation
B. Left and bacterial invasion can occur. Tumors or
foreign bodies may also cause obstruction.
36) Peritonitis may occur in ruptured
appendix and may cause serious problems 38) What part of the colon propels retrograde
which are waves of contraction to allow the cecum to
retain liquid feces and act as a ‘fermenting C. The appendix may develop
vat’? gangrene and rupture, especially in a
middle-aged client.
A. mid-transverse colon
D. Infection of the appendix diminishes
B. entire transverse colon
necrotic arterial blood flow and
C. ascending colon
increases venous drainage.
D. descending colon
E. ileum RATIO: B. Obstruction of the appendix
reduces arterial flow, leading to ischemia,
39) Situation: A 20 year old college student
inflammation, and rupture of the appendix.
was rushed to the ER of PGH after he fainted
A client with appendicitis is at risk for infection
during their ROTC drill. Complained of severe
related to inflammation, perforation, and
right iliac pain. Upon palpation of his
surgery because obstruction of the appendix
abdomen, Ernie jerks even on slight pressure.
causes mucus fluid to build up, increasing
Blood test was ordered. Diagnosis is acute
pressure in the appendix and compressing
appendicitis. Which result of the lab test will
venous outflow drainage. The pressure
be significant to the diagnosis?
continues to rise with venous obstruction;
A. RBC : 4.5 TO 5 Million / cu. mm. arterial blood flow then decreases, leading
B. Hgb : 13 to 14 gm/dl. to ischemia from lack of perfusion.
C. Platelets : 250,000 to 500,000 Inflammation and bacterial growth follow,
D. WBC : 12,000 to 13,000/ and swelling continues to raise pressure
within the appendix, resulting in gangrene
RATIO: D. WBC : 12,000 to 13,000/ . and rupture. Geriatric, not middle-aged,
WBC increases with inflammation and clients are especially susceptible to
infection. appendix rupture.
40) Worms do not cause appendicitis. 42) What 3 major branches of the aorta
supply blood to the intestines?
A. True
B. False A. celiac artery, superior mesenteric
artery, inferior mesenteric artery
RATIO: B. False . Worms can block the
B. celiac artery, superior mesenteric
opening of the appendix resulting in
artery, and right and left gastric artery
appendicitis. In addition, fecaliths, infection
C. superior mesenteric artery, inferior
or inflammation can also block the opening
mesenteric artery, and internal and
of the appendix leading to appendicitis.
external iliac arteries
41) When preparing a male client, age 51, for D. common iliac artery, superior
surgery to treat appendicitis, the nurse mesenteric artery, inferior mesenteric
formulates a nursing diagnosis of Risk for arteries
infection related to inflammation,
43) What is the treatment for appendicitis?
perforation, and surgery. What is the rationale
for choosing this nursing diagnosis? A. surgical removal of inflamed
appendix before it ruptures
A. Obstruction of the appendix may
B. pain control and antibiotics
increase venous drainage and cause
C. pain control
the appendix to rupture.
D. antibiotics and observation
B. Obstruction of the appendix reduces
arterial flow, leading to ischemia, 44) What vein carries venous blood from the
inflammation, and rupture of the intestines to the liver?
10, 000/mm3. Other options are normal
A. portal vein
B. iliac veins 48) Diet does not influence the development
C. middle colic vein of appendicitis.
D. inferior mesenteric vein
A. True
E. superior mesenteric vein
B. False
45) McBurney Point is located ________
RATIO: B. False . Diet lacking in fiber is a risk
A. Around the umbilicus factor for appendicitis.
B. In the right lower abdomen
49) Symptoms of appendicitis include ______
C. In the left lower abdomen
D. In the upper abdomen A. Abdominal pain
B. Nausea
RATIO: B. In the right lower abdomen. Pain in
C. Constipation
appendicitis normally starts around the
D. All of the above
umbilicus but later settles in the right lower
abdomen near the appendix. This point is RATIO: D. All of the above . Symptoms of
called the McBurney Point and is located appendicitis include abdominal pain,
midway between the umbilicus and the top nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, low grade
of the right pelvic bone. fever, constipation, diarrhea and an inability
to pass gas. A swelling may subsequently
46) Perforation is not a complication of
appear in the abdomen overlying the
A. True
50) Common anesthesia for appendectomy
B. False
RATIO: B. False. The inflamed appendix can
A. Spinal
burst resulting in inflammation of the lining of
B. General
the abdomen (peritoneum), the condition
C. Caudal
being called peritonitis.
D. Hypnosis
47) Situation : Mr. Gerald Liu, 19 y/o, is being
RATIO: A. Spinal . Spinal anesthesia is the most
admitted to a hospital unit complaining of
common method used in appendectomy.
severe pain in the lower abdomen.
Using this method, Only the area affected is
Admission vital signs reveal an oral
anesthetized preventing systemic side
temperature of 101.2 0F. The doctor ordered
effects of anesthetics like dizziness,
for a complete blood count. After the test,
hypotension and RR depression.
Nurse Ray received the result from the
laboratory. Which laboratory values will 51. The nurse would increase the comfort of
confirm the diagnosis of appendicitis? the patient with appendicitis by:
A. RBC 5.5 x 106/mm3 "a. Having the patient lie prone
B. Hct 44 %
C. WBC 13, 000/mm3 b. Flexing the patient's right knee
D. Hgb 15 g/dL
c. Sitting the patient upright in a chair
RATIO: C. WBC 13, 000/mm3 . Increase in
d. Turning the patient onto his or her left side
WBC counts is suggestive of appendicitis
because of bacterial invasion and RATIO: Correct answer: B"
inflammation. Normal WBC count is 5, 000 –
The patient with appendicitis usually prefers d. hypertension."
to lie still, often with the right leg flexed to
RATIO: Acute pancreatitis can cause
decrease pain.
decreased urine output, which results from
52. "The nurse is caring for a patient in the the renal failure that sometimes
emergency department with complaints of accompanies this condition. Intracranial
acute abdominal pain, nausea, and pressure neither increases nor decreases in a
vomiting. When the nurse palpates the client with pancreatitis. Tachycardia, not
patient's left lower abdominal quadrant, the bradycardia, usually is associated with
patient complains of pain in the right lower pulmonary or hypovolemic complications of
quadrant. The nurse will document this as pancreatitis. Hypotension can be caused by
which of the following diagnostic signs of a hypovolemic complication, but
appendicitis? hypertension usually isn't related to acute
a. Rovsing sign
55. "When preparing a male client, age 51,
b. referred pain
for surgery to treat appendicitis, the nurse
c. Chvostek's sign formulates a nursing diagnosis of Risk for
infection related to inflammation,
d. rebound tenderness perforation, and surgery. What is the rationale
for choosing this nursing diagnosis?"
RATIO: In patients with suspected
appendicitis, Rovsing sign may be elicited by a. Obstruction of the appendix may increase
palpation of the left lower quadrant, causing venous drainage and cause the appendix to
pain to be felt in the right lower quadrant. rupture.
53. Which of the following position should the b. Obstruction of the appendix reduces
client with appendicitis assume to relieve arterial flow, leading to ischemia,
pain? inflammation, and rupture of the appendix.
A. Prone c. The appendix may develop gangrene and
rupture, especially in a middle-aged client.
B. Sitting
d. Infection of the appendix diminishes
C. Supine
necrotic arterial blood flow and increases
D. Lying with legs drawn up venous drainage."
RATIO: Lying still with legs drawn up tow RATIO: A client with appendicitis is at risk for
Cards chest helps relive tension on the infection related to inflammation,
abdominal muscle, which helps to reduce perforation, and surgery because
the amount of discomfort felt. Lying flat or obstruction of the appendix causes mucus
sitting may increase the amount of pain fluid to build up, increasing pressure in the
experienced appendix and compressing venous outflow
drainage. The pressure continues to rise with
54. "When evaluating a male client for venous obstruction; arterial blood flow then
complications of acute pancreatitis, the decreases, leading to ischemia from lack of
nurse would observe for: perfusion. Inflammation and bacterial
"a. increased intracranial pressure. growth follow, and swelling continues to raise
pressure within the appendix, resulting in
b. decreased urine output. gangrene and rupture. Geriatric, not middle-
c. bradycardia.
aged, clients are especially susceptible to 4. Heat should never be applied to the
appendix rupture. abdomen of a patient suspected of having
peritonitis because of the risk of rupture."
56. "A client is admitted with a diagnosis of
acute appendicitis. When assessing the 58. A client is admitted with right lower
abdomen, the nurse would expect to find quadrant pain, anorexia, nausea, low-grade
rebound tenderness at which location? fever, and elevated white blood cell count.
Which complication is most likely the cause?
a) Left lower quadrant
1. A. fecalith
b) Left upper quadrant
2. Bowel Kinking
c) Right upper quadrant
3. Internal blowel occlusion
d) Right lower quadrant
4. Abdominal wall swelling
RATIO: The pain of acute appendicitis
localizes in the right lower quadrant (RLQ) at RATIO: The client is experiencing
McBurney's point, an area midway between appendicitis. A. fecalith is a fecal calculus, or
the umbilicus and the right iliac crest. Often, stone, that occludes the lumen of the
the pain is worse when manual pressure near appendix and is the most common cause of
the region is suddenly released, a condition appendicitis. Bowel wall swelling, kinking of
called rebound tenderness. the appendix, and external occlusion not
internal occlusion, of the bowel by adhesions
57. The nurse is monitoring a client diagnosed
can also be cause of appendicitis."
with appendicitis who is scheduled for
surgery in 2 hours. The client begins to 59. "When preparing a male client, age 51,
complain of increased abdominal pain and for surgery to treat appendicitis, the nurse
begns to vomit. On assessment, the nurse formulates a nursing diagnosis of Risk for
notes that the abdomen is distended and infection related to inflammation,
bowel sounds are diminished. Which is the perforation, and surgery. What is the rationale
appropriate nursing intervention? " for choosing this nursing diagnosis?"
2. Bowel kinking
RATIO: A tense, rigid abdomen is an early 3) A special diet is not indicated after this
symptom of peritonitis. The other findings are surgery.
expected in the immediate postoperative
4) After a laparoscopic appendectomy
there is little drainage and no dressings.
86. "A client has an appendectomy and
5) Auscultating for bowel sounds and
develops peritonitis. The nurse should asses
documenting their presennce or absence
the client for an elevated temperature and
evaluate the child's adaptation to the
which additional clinical indication
intestinal trauma caused by the surgery.
commonly associated with peritonitis?
88. The nurse is assessing an adolescent who
1. hyperactivity
is admitted to the hospital with appendicitis.
2. extreme hunger The nurse should report which of the following
to the HCP?
3. urinary retention
1) change in pain rating of 7 to 8 on a 10
4. local muscular rigidity point scale.
RATIO: muscular rigidity over the affected 2) sudden relief of sharp pain, shifting to
area is a classic sign of peritonitis diffuse pain.
B. "Your son is eating too many fruits and 107. Which assessment finding leads the
vegetables." nurse to suspect that an older client may
have appendicitis? (Select all that apply.)
C. "Your son has not been getting enough
exercise." A. Pain migrating from the lower left to the
upper right quadrant
D. "Your adolescent son is in a risk group."
B. Tenderness when pressing McBurney point
RATIO: Adolescent boys are at greatest risk
for appendicitis. Appendicitis cannot be C. Confusion
prevented, but certain dietary habits may
reduce the risk of developing this condition. D. No abdominal pain
Eating foods that contain high fiber content, E. Internal rotation of the left hip increases
such as fresh fruits and vegetables, pain
decreases the incidence of appendicitis.
RATIO: Fewer than 30% of older adults who
105. Appendicitis almost always results from have appendicitis present with classic
an obstruction in the appendiceal lumen. symptoms. Classic signs of acute
Which problem should the nurse identify as appendicitis are pain that is aggravated by
the cause of this obstruction? moving or walking, rebound tenderness of
A. Monolith McBurney point, and extension or internal
rotation of the right hip that increases pain
B. Fecalith and confusion. A little less than half
demonstrate no rebound or involuntary
C. Tonsillolith
guarding. Pain typically migrates down to
D. Ptyalith the lower right quadrant in appendicitis.
RATIO: The obstruction is often caused by a 108. A teenage girl is being assessed for the
hard mass of feces (fecalith). Ptyalith is a possibility of appendicitis. Which other
calculus in the salivary gland. Tonsillolith is a condition should the nurse consider? (Select
calculus in the tonsil. A monolith is a large all that apply.)
stone used in sculpture.
A. Pelvic inflammatory disease
106. Which statement by a client diagnosed
B. Ovulation
with acute appendicitis leads the nurse to
believe the client needs teaching about C. Menstruation
dietary interventions?
D. Urinary tract infection
A. "I eat raw vegetables for a snack several
days per week." E. Ruptured ectopic pregnancy
C. "I prefer to have meat with each meal." RATIO: In adolescent and young women,
symptoms must be differentiated from those
D. "I eat fruit with breakfast every day." associated with ovulation, ruptured ectopic
pregnancy and pelvic inflammatory
RATIO: Certain dietary habits may reduce
disease. Although a urinary tract infection
the risk of developing acute appendicitis.
may cause abdominal pain, it typically does
Eating foods that contain high fiber content,
not present in the same way as appendicitis. B. A low-fat, high-calorie diet
Menstruation does not have the same
C. Passive range of motion
symptoms as appendicitis.
D. Fluid resuscitation
109. Appendicitis in a pregnant woman is a
complex problem. Which statement is true E. Surgery
based on the given premise?
RATIO: Clinical therapies for the treatment of
A. Appendicitis is the most common surgical peritonitis include removal of the ruptured
presentation in pregnant women. appendix, antibiotics, and fluid resuscitation.
A low-fat, high-calorie diet and passive
B. Appendicitis does not occur in pregnant
range of motion are not therapies used to
treat peritonitis after a ruptured appendix.
C. Appendicitis will cause fetal death.
112. The nurse is caring for a client admitted
D. A pregnant woman will have surgery for a ruptured appendix. Which information
postpartum. should the nurse expect to provide to this
client? (Select all that apply.)
RATIO: Acute appendicitis is the most
common surgical presentation in pregnant A. A laparotomy will be performed.
women. It can be successfully managed by
B. Intravenous fluids will be provided.
the surgical and obstetrical teams. A recent
study has found that appendicitis during C. Antibiotic medication will be provided
pregnancy can be managed successfully before and after the surgery.
without any dangerous fetal outcomes.
D. Pain medication will be provided after the
110. A client presents with suspected surgery.
appendicitis. The nurse should prepare the
client for which collaborative intervention? E. A laparoscopic appendectomy will be
A. Chest x-ray
RATIO: For a ruptured appendix, a
B. Abdominal ultrasound laparotomy will be performed. The client will
receive antibiotics before and after the
C. Electrolytes
surgery to prevent the development of
D. Complete blood count (CBC) infection from fecal contents, which have
spilled into the abdominal cavity.
RATIO: Abdominal ultrasound is the most
Intravenous fluids will be provided to
effective test for diagnosing acute
maintain fluid and electrolyte balance. Pain
appendicitis. Electrolyte testing provides
medication will be provided after the
information relating to the mineral balance
surgery. A laparoscopic appendectomy is
in the body. A CBC would be drawn, but it is
performed for clients whose appendix has
not a definitive test to diagnose acute
not ruptured.
appendicitis. Chest x-rays are not used to
diagnose abdominal conditions. 113. Which condition prompts the nurse to
recommend a clear liquid diet to a post
111. For which collaborative therapy for
appendectomy client?
peritonitis following a ruptured appendix
should the nurse prepare the client? (Select A. Client denies any nausea
all that apply.)
B. Client no longer reports pain
A. Antibiotics
C. Client is afebrile 116. A client with acute appendicitis asks
the nurse, "Why don't you give me a heating
D. Client's bowel sounds have returned
pad? I think that will help me with my pain."
RATIO: Once bowel sounds return, a client The nurse's response should be based on
can begin taking clear fluids. The which reason?
postoperative client is expected to be
A. It increases the need for fluids.
afebrile. Pain will subside as healing
continues. Nausea would be subsided for B. It increases the spread of infection.
the client to resume a PO diet, but it is the
C. It reduces white blood cell count.
presence of bowel sounds that would
indicate the gastrointestinal tract's ability to D. It encourages perforation.
handle digestion.
RATIO: Heat should not be applied to the
114. A client had a laparoscopic abdomen since this increases circulation to
appendectomy last night. Which assessment the appendix and could cause perforation.
finding should concern the nurse? It is not true that heat is avoided in acute
appendicitis because it increases the need
A. Dry wound
for fluids, increases the spread of infection,
B. Adequate fluid intake or reduces white blood cell count.
A. Gastroparesis
7. A patient arrives to the clinic for evaluation 9. Thinking back to the patient in question 8,
of epigastric pain. The patient describes the select ALL the correct statements on how to
pain to be relieved by food intake. In educate this patient about decreasing their
addition, the patient reports awaking in the symptoms:
middle of the night with a gnawing pain in the
stomach. Based on the patient's description A. "It is best to eat 3 large meals a day
this appears to be what type of peptic ulcer? rather than small frequent meals."
B. "After eating a meal lie down for 30 A. "H2 blockers block histamine which
causes the chief cells to decrease the
minutes." secretion of hydrochloric acid."
C. "Eat a diet high in protein, fiber, and B. "Ranitidine and Famotidine are two
types of histamine-receptor blocker
low in carbs." medications."
D. "Be sure to drink at least 16 oz. of milk C. "Antacids and H2 blockers should
The answers are B and C. The patient in D. All the statements are CORRECT.
question 8 is exhibiting signs and symptoms of The answer is A. This statement is false. H2
dumping syndrome. The patient should eat blockers block histamine which causes the
small but frequent meals (NOT 3 large meals PARTIETAL (not chief) cells to decrease the
a day), lie down for 30 minutes after meals, secretion of hydrochloric acid.
avoid sugary drinks and foods, and follow a
high protein, high fiber, and low-carb diet,
and avoid consuming drinks while eating but
afterwards. 12. You are providing discharge teaching to
a patient taking Sucralfate (Carafate). Which
statement by the patient demonstrates they
understand how to take this medication?
A. Proton-Pump Inhibitors
The answer is B. This patient is most likely
B. Antacids experiencing an upper GI bleeding. Signs
and symptoms of a possible GI bleeding with
C. Anticholinergics a peptic ulcer include: vomiting coffee
ground emesis along with bloating, and
abdominal mass.
D. 5-Aminosalicylates
16. A nurse is caring for a patient who just has
been diagnosed with a peptic ulcer. When
E. Antibiotics teaching the patient about his new diagnosis,
how should the nurse best describe a peptic
F. H2 Blockers
A) Inflammation of the lining of the stomach
Ans: B
B) Infection typically occurs due to ingestion 21. A patient with a peptic ulcer disease has
of contaminated food and water. had metronidazole (Flagyl) added to his
current medication regimen. What health
C) Many people possess genetic factors
education related to this medication should
causing a predisposition to H. pylori infection.
the nurse provide?
D) The H. pylori microorganism is endemic in
A) Take the medication on an empty
warm, moist climates.
B) Take up to one extra dose per day if (Cytotec). What would the nurse be most
stomach pain persists. accurate in informing the patient about the
C) Take at bedtime to mitigate the effects of
drowsiness. A) It reduces the stomachs volume of
hydrochloric acid
D) Avoid drinking alcohol while taking the
drug. B) It increases the speed of gastric emptying
36. The nurse has been assigned to provide 3. Plan to give the client acetaminophen
care for four clients at the beginning of the (Tylenol) to lower the temperature.
day shift. In what order should the nurse 4. Ask the assistant to bathe the client with
assess these clients? tepid water.
1. The client awaiting hiatal hernia repair at RATIO: A sudden spike in temperature
11 am. following an endoscopic procedure may
2. A client with suspected gastric cancer who indicate perforation of the GI tract. The nurse
is on nothing-by-mouth (NPO) status for tests. should promptly conduct a further
assessment of the client, looking for further
3. A client with peptic ulcer disease indicators of perforation, such as a sudden
experiencing sudden onset of acute onset of acute upper abdominal pain; a
stomach pain. rigid, boardlike abdomen; and developing
signs of shock. Telling the assistant to change
4. A client who is requesting pain medication
thermometers is not an appropriate action
2 days after surgery to repair a fractured jaw.
and only further delays the appropriate
3, 4, 2, 1 action of assessing the client. The nurse
would not administer acetaminophen
RATIO: The client with peptic ulcer disease without further assessment of the client or
who is experiencing a sudden onset of acute without a physician's order; a suspected
perforation would require that the client be are most likely to complain of a burning
placed on nothing-by-mouth status. Asking epigastric pain that occurs about 1 hour after
the assistant to bathe the client before any eating. Eating frequently aggravates the
assessment by the nurse is inappropriate. pain. Clients with duodenal ulcers are more
likely to complain about pain that occurs
38. A client is admitted to the hospital after
during the night and is frequently relieved by
vomiting bright red blood and is diagnosed
with a bleeding duodenal ulcer. The client
develops a sudden, sharp pain in the 40. The nurse is caring for a client who has
midepigastric region along with a rigid, had a gastroscopy. Which of the following
boardlike abdomen. These clinical signs and symptoms may indicate that the
manifestations most likely indicate which of client is developing a complication related
the following? to the procedure? Select all that apply.
2. Additional ulcers have developed. 2. The client has a temperature of 100 ° F (37.8
° C).
3. The esophagus has become inflamed.
3. The client appears drowsy following the
4. The ulcer has perforated.
RATIO: The body reacts to perforation of an
4. The client has epigastric pain.
ulcer by immobilizing the area as much as
possible. This results in boardlike abdominal 5. The client experiences hematemesis.
rigidity, usually with extreme pain. Perforation
RATIO: Following a gastroscopy, the nurse
is a medical emergency requiring immediate
should monitor the client for complications,
surgical intervention because peritonitis
which include perforation and the potential
develops quickly after perforation. An
for aspiration. An elevated temperature,
intestinal obstruction would not cause
complaints of epigastric pain, or the vomiting
midepigastric pain. The development of
of blood (hematemesis) are all indications of
additional ulcers or esophageal
a possible perforation and should be
inflammation would not cause a rigid,
reported promptly. A sore throat is a
boardlike abdomen.
common occurrence following a
39. When obtaining a nursing history on a gastroscopy. Clients are usually sedated to
client with a suspected gastric ulcer, which decrease anxiety and the nurse would
signs and symptoms should the nurse expect anticipate that the client will be drowsy
to assess? Select all that apply. following the procedure.
1. Epigastric pain at night. 41. A client with peptic ulcer disease tells the
nurse that he has black stools, which he has
2. Relief of epigastric pain after eating.
not reported to his physician. Based on this
3. Vomiting. information, which nursing diagnosis would
be appropriate for this client?
4. Weight loss.
1. Ineffective coping related to fear of
5. Melena. diagnosis of chronic illness.
RATIO: Vomiting and weight loss are 2. Deficient knowledge related to
common with gastric ulcers. The client may unfamiliarity with significant signs and
also have blood in the stools (melena) from symptoms.
gastric bleeding. Clients with a gastric ulcer
3. Constipation related to decreased gastric 5. Stay away from crowded areas.
RATIO: The nurse should encourage the client
4. Imbalanced nutrition: Less than body to reduce stimulation that may enhance
requirements related to gastric bleeding. gastric secretion. The nurse can also advise
the client to utilize health practices that will
RATIO: Black, tarry stools are an important
prevent recurrences of ulcer pain, such as
warning sign of bleeding in peptic ulcer
avoiding fatigue and elimination of smoking.
disease. Digested blood in the stool causes it
Eating small, frequent meals helps to prevent
to be black. The odor of the stool is very
gastric distention if not actively bleeding and
offensive. Clients with peptic ulcer disease
decreases distension and release of gastrin.
should be instructed to report the incidence
Medications should be administered
of black stools promptly to their primary
promptly to maintain optimum levels. After
health care provider. The data do not
awakening during the night, the client should
support the other diagnoses.
eat a small snack and return to bed, keeping
42. A client with peptic ulcer disease is taking the head of the bed elevated for an hour
ranitidine (Zantac). What is the expected after eating. It is not necessary to stay away
outcome of this drug? from crowded areas.
1. Heal the ulcer. 44. A client with peptic ulcer disease reports
that he has been nauseated most of the day
2. Protect the ulcer surface from acids. and is now feeling light-headed and dizzy.
Based upon these findings, which nursing
3. Reduce acid concentration.
actions would be most appropriate for the
4. Limit gastric acid secretion. nurse to take? Select all that apply.
49. A client has been taking aluminum RATIO: Antacids are most effective if taken 1
hydroxide (Amphojel) 30 mL six times per to 3 hours after meals and at bedtime. When
day at home to treat his peptic ulcer. He tells an antacid is taken on an empty stomach,
the nurse that he has been unable to have a the duration of the drug's action is greatly
bowel movement for 3 days. Based on this decreased. Taking antacids 1 to 3 hours after
information, the nurse would determine that a meal lengthens the duration of action, thus
which of the following is the most likely cause increasing the therapeutic action of the
of the client's constipation? drug. Antacids should be administered
about 2 hours after other medications to
1. The client has not been including enough decrease the chance of drug interactions. It
fiber in his diet. is not necessary to decrease fluid intake
when taking antacids. If antacids are taken
2. The client needs to increase his daily
more frequently than recommended, the
likelihood of developing adverse effects
3. The client is experiencing an adverse increases. Therefore, the client should not
effect of the aluminum hydroxide. take antacids as often as desired to control
4. The client has developed a gastrointestinal
obstruction. 51. Which of the following would be an
expected outcome for a client with peptic
RATIO: It is most likely that the client is
ulcer disease? The client will:
experiencing an adverse effect of the
antacid. Antacids with aluminum salt 1. Demonstrate appropriate use of
products, such as aluminum hydroxide, form analgesics to control pain.
insoluble salts in the body. These precipitate
2. Explain the rationale for eliminating
and accumulate in the intestines, causing
alcohol from the diet.
constipation. Increasing dietary fiber intake
or daily exercise may be a beneficial lifestyle 3. Verbalize the importance of monitoring
change for the client but is not likely to relieve hemoglobin and hematocrit every 3 months.
the constipation caused by the aluminum
hydroxide. Constipation, in isolation from 4. Eliminate contact sports from his or her
other symptoms, is not a sign of a bowel lifestyle.
RATIO: Alcohol is a gastric irritant that should
50. A client is taking an antacid for treatment be eliminated from the intake of the client
of a peptic ulcer. Which of the following with peptic ulcer disease. Analgesics are not
statements best indicates that the client used to control ulcer pain; many analgesics
understands how to correctly take the are gastric irritants. The client's hemoglobin
antacid? and hematocrit typically do not need to be
monitored every 3 months, unless
gastrointestinal bleeding is suspected. The D. Gastric acid stimulation.
client can maintain an active lifestyle and
RATIO: The esophagogastroduodenoscopy
does not need to eliminate contact sports as
(EGD) is an invasive diagnostic test which
long as they are not stress-inducing.
visualizes the esophagus, stomach, and
52. Which assessment data indicate to the duodenum to accurately diagnose an ulcer
nurse the clients gastric ulcer has perforated? and evaluate the effectiveness of the clients
A. Complaints of sudden, sharp, substernal
pain 55. Which specific data should the nurse
obtain from the client who is suspected of
B. Rigid, boardlike abdomen with rebound
having peptic ulcer disease?
A. History of side effects experienced from all
C. Frequent, clay-colored, liquid stool
D. Complaints of vague abdominal pain in
B. Use of non steroidal anti inflammatory
the right upper quadrant
drugs (NSAIDs)
RATIO: B. A rigid, boardlike abdomen with
C. Any known allergies to drugs and
rebound tenderness is the classic
environmental factors
sign/symptom of peritonitis, which is a
complication of a perforated gastric ulcer D. Medical histories of at lease 3 generations
53. Which assessment data support to the RATIO: B. Use of NSAIDs places the client at
nurse the clients diagnosis of gastric ulcer? risk for peptic ulcer and hemorrhage. NSAIDs
suppress the production of prostaglandin in
A. Presence of blood in the clients stool for
the stomach, which is a protective
the past month.
mechanism to prevent damage from
B. Reports of a burning sensation moving like hydrochloric acid.
a wave.
56. Which physical examination should the
C. Sharp pain in the upper abdomen after nurse implement first when assessing the
eating a heavy meal. client diagnosed with peptic ulcer disease?
D. Complaints of epigastric pain 30-60 A. Auscultate the clients bowel sounds in all
minutes after ingesting food. four quadrants
RATIO: D. The client diagnosed with a gastric B. Palpate the abdominal area for
ulcer, pain usually occurs 30 to 60 minutes tenderness
after eating, but not at night. In contrast,no
C. Percuss the abdominal borders to identify
client with a duodenal ulcer has pain during
the night often relieved by eating food. Pain
occurs 1-3 hours after meals. D. Assess the tender area progressing to
54. The nurse is caring for a client diagnosed
with rule out peptic ulcer disease. Which test RATIO: A. Auscultation should be used prior to
confirms this diagnosis? palpitation or percussion when assessing the
abdomen. Manipulation of the abdomen
A. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
can alter bowel sounds and give false
B. Magnetic resonance imaging information
RATIO: D. Potential for alteration in gastric 60. The nurse has been assigned to care for a
emptying is caused by edema or scarring client diagnosed with peptic ulcer disease.
associated with an ulcer, which may cause a Which assessment data require further
feeling of "fullness", vomiting of undigested intervention?
food or abdominal distention
A. Bowel sour s auscultated 15 times in 1
58. The nurse is caring for a client diagnosed minute
with hemorrhage get duodenal ulcer. Which
B. Belching after eating a heavy and fatty
collaborative interventions shoulder nurse
meal late at night
implement? Select all that apply.
C. A decrease in systolic BP of 20 mm Hg from
lying to sitting
A. Perform a complete pain assessment
D. A decreased frequency of distress located
B. Assess the clients vital signs frequently in the epigastric region
C. Administer a proton pump inhibitor 61. The nurse is caring for a client diagnosed
intravenously with rule out peptic ulcer disease. Which test
confirms this diagnosis?
D. Obtain permission and administer blood
products A. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
D. A decrease in gastric distress D. "No, herbs are not useful for managing this
disease. You can use any type of over-the-
RATIO: D. Antibiotics, proton pump inhibitors, counter drugs though. They have been
and Pepto-Bismol are administered to shown to be safe."
decrease the irritation of the ulcerative area
and cure the ulcer. A decrease in gastric RATIO: B. Although these herbs may be
distress indicates the medication is effective helpful in managing PUD, the client should
consult his or her physician before making a
change in the treatment regimen.
72. The nurse is caring for an older adult male mucosal barrier. These medications increase
client who reports stomach pain and the risk of ulcer development. Misoprostol,
heartburn. Which syndrome is most bethanechol, and metoclopramide are
significant in determining whether the client's used in gastroesophageal reflux disease and
ulceration is gastric or duodenal in origin? peptic ulcer drug therapy. pp. 905-906
A. Pain occurs 1 1/2 to 3 hours after a meal, 75.Which drug increases production of
usually at night. gastric mucus?
4. This condition happens gradually and is
more likely to affect older adults?
C. Metabolic alkalosis
A. Diabetic Ketoacidosis
D. Temperature
B. Patient complains of thirst.
RATIO: A. Blood glucose
C. Patient is nauseous.
HHS is typically seen in patients with type 2
D. Patient's skin and mucous
diabetes and infection, such as pneumonia.
The main presenting sign is a glucose level
membranes are dry. above 600 mg/dL. Enough evidence of
The answer is A. dehydration already exists that orthostatic
vital sign assessments are not a priority, and C. Ketone bodies higher than 4+ in urine
they are often inaccurate in the elderly due
D. Signs and symptoms of diabetes insipidus
to poor vascular tone. Patients with HHS do
not have elevated ketone levels, which is a RATIO: B. Slow onset resulting in a blood
key distinction between HHS and DKA. glucose level greater than 600 mg/dL
Temperature will eventually be taken but is
often blunted in the elderly and diabetics. An HHS has a slower onset than diabetic
infectious diagnosis has already been made. ketoacidosis. HHS is often related to impaired
The glucose level for appropriate fluid and thirst sensation, inadequate fluid intake, or
insulin treatment is the priority. functional inability to replace fluids. Because
of the slower onset, the blood glucose levels
13. The patient with HHS presented with a can be quite high (more than 600 mg/dL)
glucose level of 800 mg/dL and is started on before diagnosis. HHS is seen in type 2
IV fluids and insulin. What action do you diabetics, and there is enough circulating
anticipate when the patient's glucose insulin to prevent ketoacidosis. Diabetes
reaches 250 mg/dL? insipidus is related to inadequate antidiuretic
hormone secretion or kidney response with
A. Administer an intravenous (IV) solution
dilute, frequent urination. It is not related to
with 5% dextrose.
B. Administer sodium polystyrene sulfate
15. A diabetic patient has a serum glucose
level of 824 mg/dL (45.7 mmol/L) and is
C. Slow the IV infusion rate to 40 mL/hour. unresponsive. After assessment of the
patient, you suspect DKA rather than HHS
D. Assess cardiac monitoring for peaked T
based on the finding of
A. polyuria.
RATIO: A. Administer an intravenous (IV)
solution with 5% dextrose. B. severe dehydration.
The main difference between the two The patient is in metabolic acidosis, which is
conditions is that ketone bodies are absent a pH below 7.35. Dehydration results in a high
or minimal in HHS because the body has urine specific gravity (at the upper end of the
enough insulin to prevent ketoacidosis. Both normal range, or above 1.025 to 1.030).
have high glucose levels, although the level Sodium bicarbonate levels are low in
in HHS tends to be higher (above 600 mg/dL). metabolic acidosis. The dehydration that
Hypokalemia is possible in both, although it is occurs with DKA elevates the BUN level.
more likely and serious in DKA. Urine output of
19. The patient in the emergency department
30 mL/hr is normal obligatory output; both
is diagnosed with diabetic ketoacidosis.
conditions are likely to have dehydration and
Which laboratory value is essential for you to
decreased output.
17. Which assessment is the most sensitive
A. Magnesium (Mg)
indicator that the IV fluid administration may
be too rapid when treating a patient with B. Hemoglobin (Hb)
DKA and a history of renal disease?
C. White blood cells (WBCs)
A. Pedal edema
D. Potassium (K)
B. Tachypnea
RATIO: D. Potassium (K)
C. Urine output of 40 mL/hour
Even if the patient has normal potassium
D. Change in the level of consciousness levels, there can be significant hypokalemia
when insulin is administered as it pushes the
RATIO: D. Change in the level of
serum potassium intracellularly. This can lead
to life-threatening hypokalemia. The other
Too rapid fluid replacement can lead to options are not as significant.
hyponatremia and cerebral edema. Pedal
20. The patient with type 1 diabetes arrives in
edema is a later and relatively insignificant
the emergency department with a glucose
sign. In a bedridden patient, edema is more
level of 390 mg/dL and positive result for
evident in the sacral area. The Kussmaul
ketones. Vital signs are 110/70 mm Hg, 120
respirations are expected; crackles
beats/minute, and 28 deep, sighing
auscultated in the lungs are a more sensitive
respirations/minute. What is the priority need
indicator. The desired urine output for
for the patient?
adequate hydration is 30 to 60 mL/hr.
A. Oxygen
18. The patient presents to the emergency
department with a glucose level of 400 B. Intravenous (IV) fluids
C. Albuterol (Ventolin) A. Administer a second bolus of glucose
D. Metformin (Glucophage)
B. Administer regular insulin per sliding scale.
RATIO: B. Intravenous (IV) fluids
C. Have the patient eat peanut butter and
A patient in diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)
needs IV fluids and insulin to stop the tissue
breakdown resulting in ketone bodies and D. Obtain a serum glucose level.
acidosis. The initial goal is fluid and
RATIO: C. Have the patient eat peanut
electrolyte balance. Kussmaul respirations
butter and toast.
indicate the body is attempting to
compensate by blowing off the carbon The patient has had an appropriate response
dioxide, but it is ineffective as long as the to the glucose. Now a complex
body continues to break down the ketone carbohydrate is needed to prevent
bodies and remains in metabolic acidosis. hypoglycemia from reoccurring. There is no
need for a second bolus of glucose because
21. The patient has type 1 diabetes mellitus
the result is within normal range. Insulin is not
and is found unresponsive with cool and
given, even though the glucose level is
clammy skin. What action is a priority?
slightly elevated. The short-acting glucose is
A. Obtain a serum glucose level. metabolized and insulin administration can
increase the risk of a second hypoglycemic
B. Give hard candy under the tongue.
reaction. A serum confirmation of the level
C. Administer glucagon per standing order. can be obtained but is not the priority.
D. Notify the health care provider. 23. The patient is managed with NPH and
regular insulin injections before breakfast
C. Administer glucagon per standing order. and before dinner. When is the patient most
likely to have a hypoglycemic reaction?
RATIO: The patient has signs and symptoms of
hypoglycemia for which treatment should be A. After breakfast
the priority. Glucagon stimulates a strong
hepatic response to convert glycogen to B. Before lunch
glucose and therefore makes glucose rapidly
C. During lunch
available. Waiting for a serum result (up to an
hour) is improper because brain cells D. After lunch
continue to die from a lack of glucose.
RATIO: B. Before lunch
Nothing solid should be placed in the mouth
when the patient has an altered level of The regular insulin peak occurs about 2 to 3
consciousness and can aspirate. With hours with a duration of 5 to 6 hours. If too
obvious symptoms, emergent treatment much insulin or not enough food is given, the
takes priority over notifying the health care most likely time of hypoglycemia is before
provider. lunch, when the regular insulin is still present,
the NPH has its onset, and the breakfast food
22. The patient had a hypoglycemic episode
has been metabolized.
and is treated with a concentrated glucose
oral tablet. Fifteen minutes later the capillary
glucose level (Accu-Check) is 150 mg/dL.
What action should you take?
24. Which symptoms reported by a patient annually thereafter for early detection and
with diabetes mellitus are most important to treatment.
26. You are beginning to teach a diabetic
A. "My vision has been getting fuzzier over patient about the vascular complications of
the past year." diabetes. Which information is appropriate
for you to include?
B. "I cannot read the small print anymore."
A. Macroangiopathy does not occur in type
C. "There is something like a veil of blackness
1 diabetes but does affect type 2 diabetics
coming across my vision."
who have severe disease.
D. "I have yellow discharge from one eye."
B. Microangiopathy is specific to diabetes
RATIO: C. "There is something like a veil of and most commonly affects the capillary
blackness coming across my vision." membranes of the eyes, kidneys, and skin.
A. Use of statins to treat dyslipidemia RATIO: B. ACE inhibitors delay the progression
of nephropathy in patients with diabetes.
B. Use of diuretics to treat nephropathy
ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor
C. Use of angiotensin-converting enzyme antagonists (ARBs) are used to treat
(ACE) inhibitors to treat nephropathy hypertension and delay the progression of
nephropathy in patients with diabetes. ACE
D. Use of laser photocoagulation to treat
inhibitors are not used prophylactically. ACE
inhibitors do not affect macrovascular
E. Use of protein restriction in patients with complications. Nephropathy is a
early signs of nephropathy microvascular complication.
RATIO: A. Use of statins to treat dyslipidemia 30. What is most helpful in the prevention of
nephropathy in a patient with diabetes
C. Use of angiotensin-converting enzyme
(ACE) inhibitors to treat nephropathy
A. Acid-ash diet
D. Use of laser photocoagulation to treat
retinopathy B. Ensuring adequate fluid intake for renal
In patients with diabetes who have
microalbuminuria or macroalbuminuria, ACE C. Preventing obstruction from benign
inhibitors (-prils) or angiotensin II receptor prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
antagonists (ARBs) (-sartans) should be used.
D. Stopping smoking
Both of these drug classes are used to treat
hypertension. The statin drugs are the most RATIO: D. Stopping smoking
widely used lipid-lowering drugs. Laser
photocoagulation therapy is indicated to Risk factors for diabetic nephropathy include
reduce the risk of vision loss in patients with hypertension, genetic predisposition,
proliferative retinopathy, macular edema, smoking, and chronic hyperglycemia.
and in some cases of nonproliferative Diabetic nephropathy is an intrarenal
retinopathy. microvascular complication in which the
glomeruli of the kidney are damaged. The
29. The patient has diabetes mellitus and kidney receives about 25% of the cardiac
macroalbuminuria. The patient asks you why output, and inadequate fluids or shock
the physician is prescribing the angiotensin- resulting in adequate perfusion is a prerenal
converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor lisinopril cause. BPH is a postrenal cause of kidney
(Zestril) for him even though his blood pathology.
31. Which elevated laboratory finding is the The patient asks you why the primary health
best indication of potential diabetic care provider prescribed the selective
nephropathy? serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) duloxetine
(Cymbalta). What is the best response?
A. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) level
A. The doctor thought the discomfort was
B. Urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio
causing the patient to be depressed.
C. Urine specific gravity
B. The drug is known to improve patients'
D. Chloride (Cl-) level moods and enhance coping.
C. The patient minimized the chest pain A. It is a normal part of aging and is relieved
because he was worried about costs. with sildenafil (Viagra).
D. The patient has the psychologic defense B. It usually is related to emotions and is a
mechanism of denial. temporary problem.
RATIO: A. The patient had a "silent" MI related C. It is often the first sign of diabetic
to autonomic neuropathy. autonomic neuropathy.
36. An 18-year-old female client, 5′4′′tall, 2. Determine how much food the client ate
weighing 113 kg, comes to the clinic for a at lunch.
non healing wound on her lower leg, which
3. Perform a glucometer reading at 0700.
she has had for two (2) weeks. Which disease
process should the nurse suspect the client 4. Offer the client protein after administering
has developed? insulin.
1. Type 1 diabetes.' RATIO: 1. Humulin N peaks in 6 to 8 hours,
making the client at risk for hypoglycemia
2. Type 2 diabetes.
around midnight, which is why the client
3. Gestational diabetes. should receive a bedtime snack.This snack
will prevent nighttime hypoglycemia.
4. Acanthosis nigricans.
39. The client diagnosed with type 1 diabetes
RATIO: 2. Type 2 diabetes is a disorder usually
is receiving Humalog, a rapid-acting
occurring around the age of 40, but it is now
insulin,by sliding scale. The order reads blood
being detected in children and young adults
glucose level: <150, zero (0) units; 151 to
as a result of obesity and sedentary lifestyles.
200,three (3) units; 201 to 250, six (6) units;
Non healing wounds are a hallmark sign of
>251, contact health-care provider. The UAP
type 2 diabetes.This client weighs 248.6
reports to the nurse the client's glucometer
pounds and is short.
reading is 189. How much insulin should the
37. The client diagnosed with type 1 diabetes nurse administer to the client?
has a glycosylated hemoglobin (A1c) of
Three (3) units.
8.1%. Which interpretation should the nurse
make based on this result? RATIO: The client's result is 189, which is
between151 and 200, so the nurse should
administer3 units of Humalog insulin 1. Assess the client's ability to read small print.
2. Monitor the client's serum PT level.
40. The nurse is discussing the importance of
3. Teach the client how to perform a
exercising with a client diagnosed with type
hemoglobin A1c test daily.
2 diabetes whose diabetes is well controlled
with diet and exercise. Which information 4. Instruct the client to check the feet weekly.
should the nurse include in the teaching
about diabetes? RATIO: 1. Age-related visual changes and
diabetic retinopathy could cause the client
1. Eat a simple carbohydrate snack before to have difficulty in reading and drawing up
exercising. insulin dosage accurately.
2. Carry peanut butter crackers when 43. The client with type 2 diabetes controlled
exercising. with biguanide oral diabetic medication is
scheduled for a (CT) scan with contrast of the
3. Encourage the client to walk 20 minutes
abdomen to evaluate pancreatic function.
three (3) times a week.
Which intervention should the nurse
4. Perform warm up and cool-down implement?
1. Provide a high-fat diet 24 hours prior to test.
RATIO: 4. All clients who exercise should
2. Hold the biguanide medication for 48
perform warmup and cool-down exercises to
hours prior to test.
help prevent muscle strain and injury.
3. Obtain an informed consent form for the
41. The nurse is assessing the feet of a client
with long-term type 2 diabetes. Which
assessment data warrant immediate .4. Administer pancreatic enzymes prior to
intervention by the nurse? the test.
1. The client has crumbling toenails. RATIO: 2. Biguanide medication must be held
for a test with contrast medium because it
2. The client has athlete's foot.
increases the risk of lactic acidosis,which
3. The client has a necrotic big toe. leads to renal problems.
4. The client has thickened toenails. 44. The diabetic educator is teaching a class
on diabetes type 1 and is discussing sick-day
RATIO: 3.A necrotic big toe indicates "dead"
rules. Which interventions should the
tis-sue. The client does not feel pain, does not
diabetes educator include in the discussion?
realize the injury, and does not seek
Select all that apply.
treatment. Increased blood glucose levels
decrease the oxygen supply needed to heal 1. Take diabetic medication even if unable
the wound and increase the risk for to eat the client's normal diabetic diet.
developing an infection
2. If unable to eat, drink liquids equal to the
42. The home health nurse is completing the client's normal caloric intake.
admission assessment for a 76-year-old
3. It is not necessary to notify the health-care
client diagnosed with type 2 diabetes
provider if ketones are in the urine.
controlled with 70/30 insulin. Which
intervention should be included in the plan of 4. Test blood glucose levels and test urine
care? ketones once a day and keep a record.
5. Call the health-care provider if glucose 1. Ask the client if he has somewhere he can
levels are higher than 180 mg/dL. go and live.
1. Instruct the UAP to obtain the blood 1. The client will have a blood glucose level
glucose level. between 90 and 140 mg/dL.
2. Have the client drink eight (8) ounces of 2. The client will demonstrate appropriate
orange juice. insulin injection technique.
3. Go to the client's room and assess the 3. The nurse will monitor the client's blood
client for hypoglycemia. glucose levels four (4) times a day.
4. Prepare to administer one (1) ampule 50% 4. The client will maintain normal kidney
dextrose intravenously. function with 30-mL/hr urine output.
RATIO: 3. Regular insulin peaks in 2 to 4 RATIO: 1.The short-term goal must address
hours.Therefore, the nurse should think about the response part of the nursing diagnosis,
the possibility the client is having a which is "high risk for hyperglycemia," and this
hypoglycemic reaction and should assess blood glucose level is within acceptable
the client. The nurse should not delegate ranges for a client who is non compliant.
nursing tasks to a UAP if the client is unstable.
48. The client diagnosed with type 2 diabetes
46. The nurse at a free standing health care is admitted to the intensive care unit with
clinic is caring for a 56-year-old male client hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketonic
who is homeless and is a type 2 diabetic syndrome (HHNS) coma. Which assessment
controlled with insulin. Which action is an data should the nurse expect the client to
example of client advocacy? exhibit?
1. Kussmaul's respirations.
2. Diarrhea and epigastric pain. 51. The client diagnosed with HHNS was
admitted yesterday with a blood glucose
3. Dry mucous membranes.
level of 780 mg/dL. The client's blood glucose
4. Ketone breath odor. level is now 300 mg/dL. Which intervention
should the nurse implement?
RATIO: 3. Dry mucous membranes are a result
of the hyperglycemia and occur with both 1. Increase the regular insulin IV drip.
2. Check the client's urine for ketones.
49. The elderly client is admitted to the
3. Provide the client with a therapeutic
intensive care department diagnosed with
diabetic meal.
severe HHNS. Which collaborative
intervention should the nurse include in the 4. Notify the HCP to obtain an order to
plan of care? decrease insulin.
1. Infuse 0.9% normal saline intravenously. RATIO: 4. When the glucose level is
decreased to around 300 mg/dL, the regular
2. Administer intermediate-acting insulin.
insulin infusion therapy is decreased.
3. Perform blood glucometer checks daily. Subcutaneous insulin will be administered per
sliding scale.
4. Monitor arterial blood gas results.
52. The client diagnosed with type 1 diabetes
RATIO: 1. The initial fluid replacement is is found lying unconscious on the floor of the
0.9%normal saline (an isotonic solution) bathroom. Which intervention should the
intravenously, followed by 0.45% saline.The nurse implement first?
rate depends on the client's fluid volume
status and physical health, especially of the 1. Administer 50% dextrose IVP.
2. Notify the health-care provider.
50. Which electrolyte replacement should
3. Move the client to the ICU.
the nurse anticipate being ordered by
thehealth-care provider in the client 4. Check the serum glucose level.
diagnosed with DKA who has just been
RATIO: 1. The nurse should assume the client
admitted tothe ICU?
is hypoglycemic and administer IVP dextrose,
1. Glucose. which will rouse the client immediately. If the
collapse is the result of hyperglycemia, this
2. Potassium.
additional dextrose will not further injure the
3. Calcium. client.
54. The UAP on the medical floor tells the 2. Do not take any over-the-counter
nurse the client diagnosed with DKA wants medications.
something else to eat for lunch. Which
3. Take the prescribed insulin even when
intervention should the nurse implement?
unable to eat because of illness.
1. Instruct the UAP to get the client additional
4. Explain the need to get the annual flu and
pneumonia vaccines.
2. Notify the dietitian about the client's
RATIO: 3. Illness increases blood glucose
levels;therefore, the client must take
3. Request the HCP increase the client's insulinand consume high-carbohydrate
caloric intake. foodssuch as regular Jell-O, regular popsi-
cles, and orange juice
4. Tell the UAP the client cannot have
anything else. 57. The charge nurse is making client
assignments in the intensive care unit. Which
RATIO: 2. The client will not be compliant with
client should be assigned to the most
the diet if he or she is still hungry.Therefore,
experienced nurse?
the nurse should request the dietitian talk to
the client to try to adjust the meals so the 1. The client with type 2 diabetes who has a
client will adhere to the diet. blood glucose level of 348 mg/dL.
55. The emergency department nurse is 2. The client diagnosed with type 1 diabetes
caring for a client diagnosed with HHNS who who is experiencing hypoglycemia.
has a blood glucose of 680 mg/dL. Which
3. The client with DKA who has multifocal
question should the nurse ask the client to
premature ventricular contractions.
determine the cause of this acute
complication? 4. The client with HHNS who has a plasma
osmolarity of 290 mOsm/L.
1. "When is the last time you took your insulin?"
RATIO: 3. Multifocal PVCs, which are
2. "When did you have your last meal?"
secondary to hypokalemia and can occur in
3. "Have you had some type of infection clients with DKA, are a potentially life-
lately?" threatening emergency. This client needs an
experienced nurse.
4. "How long have you had diabetes?"
58. Which arterial blood gas results should the
RATIO: 3. The most common precipitating
nurse expect in the client diagnosed with
factoris infection. The manifestations may
diabetic ketoacidosis?
beslow to appear, with onset rangingfrom 24
hours to 2 weeks 1. pH 7.34, PaO299, PaCO2 48, HCO324.
2.100 units of NPH insulin 62. The nurse teaches a client with diabetes
mellitus about differentiating between
3.Intravenous infusion of normal saline hypoglycemia and ketoacidosis. The client
demonstrates an understanding of the
4.Intravenous infusion of sodium bicarbonate
teaching by stating that a form of glucose
RATIO: The primary goal of treatment in should be taken if which symptoms develop?
hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state (HHS) is to Select all that apply
rehydrate the client to restore fluid volume
and to correct electrolyte deficiency.
Intravenous fluid replacement is similar to 2.Shakiness
that administered in diabetic ketoacidosis
(DKA) and begins with IV infusion of normal 3.Palpitations
saline. Regular insulin, not NPH insulin, would
4.Blurred vision
be administered. The use of sodium
bicarbonate to correct acidosis is avoided 5.Lightheadedness
because it can precipitate a further drop in
6.Fruity breath odor
serum potassium levels. Intubation and
RATIO: Shakiness, palpitations, and
lightheadedness are signs of hypoglycemia
and would indicate the need for food or
glucose. Polyuria, blurred vision, and a fruity
breath odor are signs of hyperglycemia.
declining. What is the c. Hypernatremia
priority nursing d. BUN increases
e. Urine output increases
An unlicensed assistive
a. Monitor the patient's personnel (UAP) reports
cardiac status. to the RN that a patient
b. Teach the patient about with acute kidney failure
hand washing. had a urine output of 350
c. Obtain a serum mL over the past 24
specimen for electrolytes. hours after receiving
furosemide 40 mg IV
d. Increase direct push. The UAP asks the
observation of the nurse how this can
patient. happen. What is the
nurse's best response?
Which assessment
findings would alert the a. "During the oliguric
nurse that the patient has phase of acute kidney
entered the diuretic phase failure, patients often do
of acute kidney injury not respond well to either
(AKI)? Select all that fluid challenges or
apply diuretics."
b. "There must be some
a. Dehydration sort of error. Someone
b. Hypokalemia must have failed to
record the urine output."
c. "A patient with acute b. Instruct patients to
kidney failure retains drink extra fluids during
sodium and water, which periods of strenuous
counteracts the action of exercise.
the furosemide." c. Immediately report a
d. "The gradual urine output of less than
accumulation of 2 mL/kg/hr.
nitrogenous waste d. Record intake and
products results in the output and weigh patients
retention of water and daily.
e. Monitor laboratory
values that reflect kidney
The RN supervising a function.
senior nursing student is
discussing methods for
preventing acute kidney For which patient is the
injury (AKI). Which nurse most concerned
points would the RN be about the risk for
sure to include in this developing kidney
discussion? Select all that disease?
a. A 25-year-old patient
a. Encourage patients to who developed a urinary
avoid dehydration by tract infection (UTI)
drinking adequate fluids. during pregnancy
b. A 55-year-old patient nurse will plan care to
with a history of kidney meet the goal of
c. A 63-year-old patient a. replacing fluid volume.
with type 2 diabetes b. preventing
d. A 79-year-old patient hypertension.
with stress urinary c. maintaining cardiac
incontinence output.
d. diluting nephrotoxic
A patient with acute substances.
kidney injury (AKI) has
an arterial blood pH of
7.30. The nurse will A patient who has acute
assess the patient for glomerulonephritis is
hospitalized with acute
a. vasodilation. kidney injury (AKI) and
b. poor skin turgor. hyperkalemia. Which
c. bounding pulses. information will the
nurse obtain to evaluate
d. rapid respirations. the effectiveness of the
prescribed calcium
A patient with severe gluconate IV?
heart failure develops
elevated blood urea a. Urine output
nitrogen (BUN) and
creatinine levels. The b. Calcium level
c. Cardiac rhythm placing a catheter in the
d. Neurologic status left femoral vein. Which
intervention will be
included in the plan of
Which information will care?
be most useful to the
nurse in evaluating
improvement in kidney a. Place the patient on
function for a patient bed rest.
who is hospitalized with b. Start continuous pulse
acute kidney injury oximetry.
(AKI)? c. Discontinue the
retention catheter.
a. Blood urea nitrogen d. Restrict the patients
(BUN) level oral protein intake.
b. Urine output
c. Creatinine level Which information about
d. Calculated glomerular a patient who was
filtration rate (GFR) admitted 10 days
previously with acute
kidney injury (AKI)
In a patient with acute caused by dehydration
kidney injury (AKI) who will be most important
requires hemodialysis, a for the nurse to report to
temporary vascular the health care provider?
access is obtained by
a. The blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and
nitrogen (BUN) level is creatinine levels.
67 mg/dL. d. Check the chart for the
b. The creatinine level is most recent blood
3.0 mg/dL. potassium level.
c. Urine output over an 8-
hour period is 2500 mL. When caring for a
d. The glomerular dehydrated patient with
filtration rate is <30 acute kidney injury who
mL/min/1.73m2. is oliguric, anemic, and
hyperkalemic, which of
the following prescribed
After noting lengthening actions should the nurse
QRS intervals in a patient take first?
with acute kidney injury
(AKI), which action
should the nurse take a. Insert a urinary
first? retention catheter.
b. Place the patient on a
a. Document the QRS cardiac monitor.
interval. c. Administer epoetin
b. Notify the patients alfa (Epogen, Procrit).
health care provider. d. Give sodium
c. Look at the patients polystyrene sulfonate
current blood urea (Kayexalate).
What are intrarenal a. anaphylaxis
causes of AKI? Select all b. renal calculi
that apply
c. hypovolemia
d. nephrotoxic drugs
a. anaphylaxis
e. decreased cardiac
b. renal stones output
c. nephrotoxic drugs
d. acute ATN is the most
glomerulonephritis common cause of
e. tubular obstruction by intrarenal AKI. Which
myoglobin patient is most likely to
develop ATN?
What indicates to the c. conservation of
nurse that a patient with potassium
oliguria has prerenal d. excretion of hydrogen
oliguria? ions
a. excretion of sodium
b. excretion of
bicarbonate While caring for the
patient in the oliguric
phase of AKI, the nurse irreversible metabolic
monitors the patient for acidosis
associated collaborative b. during the oliguric
problems. When should phase, daily fluid intake
the nurse notify the is limited to 1,000 ml
HCP? plus the prior day's
measured fluid loss
a. urine output is 300 c. dietary sodium and
ml/day potassium during the
b. edema occurs in the oliguric phase of AKI are
feet, legs, and sacral area managed according to the
patient's urinary output
c. cardiac monitor reveals
a depressed T wave and d. one of the most
elevated ST segment important nursing
measures in managing
d. the patient experiences fluid balance in the
increasing muscle patient with AKI is
weakness and abdominal taking accurate daily
cramping weights
a. fluid retention
b. hemolysis of RBCs a. act as a diuretic
c. Hypernatremia
a. careful monitoring of A. Specific gravity of
intake and output. urine at 3 different times
b. daily patient weights. is 1.010.
D. Restrict fluids
according to the previous
day's fluid loss
Which assessment
D. Restrict fluids finding is commonly
according to the previous found in the oliguric
day's fluid loss phase of acute kidney
Patients in the oliguric injury (AKI)?
phase of acute kidney A. Hypovolemia
injury have fluid volume
excess with potassium B. Hyperkalemia
and sodium retention. C. Hypernatremia
They will need to have D. Thrombocytopenia
dietary sodium,
potassium, and fluids B. Hyperkalemia
restricted. Daily fluid In AKI, the serum
intake is based on the potassium levels increase
previous 24-hour fluid because the normal
loss (measured output ability of the kidneys to
plus 600 mL for excrete potassium is
insensible loss). The diet impaired. Sodium levels
also needs to provide are typically normal or
adequate, not low, diminished, whereas fluid
protein intake to prevent volume is normally
catabolism. The patient increased due to
should also be weighed decreased urine output.
daily, not just three times Thrombocytopenia is not
per week. a consequence of AKI,
although altered platelet kidneys. These factors
function may occur in reduce systemic
AKI. circulation, causing a
reduction in renal blood
flow, and they lead to
decreased glomerular
Which patient has the perfusion and filtration of
greatest risk for prerenal the kidneys.
A. The patient is
hypovolemic because of
B. The patient relates a
history of chronic urinary The patient admitted to
tract obstruction. the intensive care unit
C. The patient has after a motor vehicle
vascular changes related accident has been
to coagulopathies. diagnosed with AKI.
Which finding indicates
D. The patient is the onset of oliguria
receiving antibiotics such resulting from AKI?
as gentamicin.
A. Urine output less than
A. The patient is 1000 mL for the past 24
hypovolemic because of hours
Prerenal causes of AKI
are factors external to the
B. Urine output less than appropriate calculations,
800 mL for the past 24 you determine that for
hours the next 24 hours the
C. Urine output less than patient's fluid allocation
600 mL for the past 24 is
hours A. 600 mL.
D. Urine output less than B. 800 mL.
400 mL for the past 24 C. 1000 mL.
D. 1200 mL.
D. Urine output less than
400 mL for the past 24 C. 1000 mL.
hours Fluid intake must be
The most common initial closely monitored during
manifestation of AKI is the oliguric phase. The
oliguria, a reduction to rule for calculating the
urine output to less than fluid restriction is to add
400 mL/day. all losses for the previous
24 hours to 600 mL for
insensible losses.
A. Provide sufficient nitrogen and wastes in
calories while preventing blood).
nitrogen excess.
B. Deliver adequate
calories while restricting
fat and protein intake. For the patient with AKI,
which laboratory result
C. Replace protein intake would cause you the
with enough fat intake to greatest concern?
sustain metabolism.
A. Potassium level of 5.9
D. Restrict fluids, mEq/L
increase potassium
intake, and regulate B. BUN level of 25
sodium intake. mg/dL
D. The most common because the number of
cause is diabetic functioning nephrons
nephropathy. decreases with age.
E. Cardiovascular disease
is the most common
cause of death.
During the oliguric phase
A. Primary cause of of AKI, you monitor the
death is infection. patient for (select all that
C. The disease course is apply)
potentially reversible. A. hypertension.
AKI is potentially B. electrocardiographic
reversible. It has a high (ECG) changes.
mortality rate, and the
primary cause of death is C. hypernatremia.
infection; the primary D. pulmonary edema.
cause of death for E. urine with high
chronic kidney failure is specific gravity.
cardiovascular disease.
AKI commonly follows A. hypertension.
severe, prolonged B. electrocardiographic
hypotension or (ECG) changes.
hypovolemia or exposure D. pulmonary edema.
to a nephrotoxic agent.
You monitor the patient
Although it can occur at
in the oliguric phase of
any age, the older adult is
AKI for hypertension and
more susceptible to AKI
pulmonary edema. When
urinary output decreases, D. Hypokalemia and
fluid retention occurs. hypernatremia
The severity of the C. Hypokalemia and
symptoms depends on the hyponatremia
extent of the fluid
overload. In the case of In the diuretic phase of
reduced urine output AKI, the kidneys have
(anuria and oliguria), the recovered their ability to
neck veins may become excrete wastes but not to
distended and have a concentrate the urine.
bounding pulse. Hypovolemia and
hypotension can result
from massive fluid
losses. Because of the
If a patient is in the large losses of fluid and
diuretic phase of AKI, electrolytes, the patient
you must monitor for must be monitored for
which serum electrolyte hyponatremia,
imbalances? hypokalemia, and
A. Hyperkalemia and
B. Hyperkalemia and
hypernatremia You are preparing to
C. Hypokalemia and administer a dose of
hyponatremia PhosLo to a patient with
chronic kidney disease
(CKD). This medication
should have a beneficial condition is characterized
effect on which by
laboratory value? A. Progressive
A. Sodium irreversible destruction of
B. Potassium the kidneys
A patient is admitted to
the hospital with CKD. Nurses need to educate
You understand that this patients at risk for CKD.
Which individuals are hypertension, age older
considered to be at than 60 years,
increased risk (select all cardiovascular disease,
that apply)? family history of CKD,
A. Older African exposure to nephrotoxic
Americans drugs, and ethnic
minorities (e.g., African
B. Individuals older than American, Native
60 years American).
C. Those with a history
of pancreatitis
D. Those with a history
of hypertension Patients with CKD have
an increased incidence of
E. Those with a history cardiovascular disease
of type 2 diabetes related to (select all that
A. Older African apply)
Americans A. hypertension.
B. Individuals older than B. vascular calcifications.
60 years
C. a genetic
D. Those with a history predisposition.
of hypertension
D. hyperinsulinemia
E. Those with a history causing dyslipidemia.
of type 2 diabetes
E. increased high-density
Risk factors for CKD lipoproteins levels.
include diabetes mellitus,
A. hypertension.
B. vascular calcifications. CKD. Calcium deposits
D. hyperinsulinemia in the vascular medial
causing dyslipidemia. layer are associated with
stiffening of the blood
Traditional vessels. The mechanisms
cardiovascular risk involved are
factors, such as multifactorial and
hypertension and incompletely understood,
elevated lipid levels, are but they include (1)
common in CKD vascular smooth muscle
patients. cells that change into a
Hyperinsulinemia chondrocyte or
stimulates hepatic osteoblast-like cell, (2)
production of high total body calcium
triglycerides. Most and phosphate levels due
patients with uremia to abnormal bone
develop dyslipidemia. metabolism, (3) impaired
Much of the renal excretion, and (4)
cardiovascular disease drug therapies to treat the
may be related to bone disease (e.g.,
nontraditional risk factors calcium phosphate
such as vascular binders).
calcification and arterial
stiffness. Vascular
calcification and arterial
stiffness are major Measures indicated in the
contributors to conservative therapy of
cardiovascular disease in CKD include
A. decreased fluid intake, those receiving
carbohydrate intake, and hemodialysis, as their
protein intake. urinary output
B. increased fluid intake; diminishes, fluid
decreased carbohydrate restrictions are enhanced.
intake and protein intake. Intake depends on the
daily urine output.
C. decreased fluid intake Generally, 600 mL (from
and protein intake; insensible loss) plus an
increased carbohydrate amount equal to the
intake. previous day's urine
D. decreased fluid intake output is allowed for a
and carbohydrate intake; patient receiving
increased protein intake. hemodialysis. Patients
C. decreased fluid intake are advised to limit fluid
and protein intake; intake so that weight
increased carbohydrate gains are no more than 1
intake. to 3 kg between dialyses
(interdialytic weight
Water and any other gain). For the patient who
fluids are not routinely is undergoing dialysis,
restricted in the pre-end- protein is not routinely
stage renal disease restricted. The beneficial
(ESRD) stages. Patients role of protein restriction
on hemodialysis have a in CKD stages 1 through
more restricted diet than 4 as a means to reduce
patients receiving the decline in kidney
peritoneal dialysis. For function is being studied.
Historically, dietary A. remove fluid without
counseling often the use of a dialysate.
encouraged restriction of B. remove fluid in less
protein for CKD patients. than 24 hours.
Although there is some
evidence that protein C. allow the patient to
restriction has benefits, receive the therapy at the
many patients find these work site.
diets difficult to adhere D. be administered
to. For CKD stages 1 through a peripheral line.
through 4, many A. remove fluid without
clinicians encourage a the use of a dialysate.
diet with normal protein
intake. However, you Several features of
should teach patients to continuous replacement
avoid high-protein diets therapy are different from
and supplements because those of hemodialysis.
they may overstress the Solute removal can occur
diseased kidneys. by convection (no
dialysate required) in
addition to osmosis and
diffusion. The process
The advantage of can take days or weeks.
continuous replacement The patient cannot
therapy over receive the therapy at
hemodialysis is its ability work and a vascular
to access device is required.
bloody or blood tinged, a
You are caring for a possible rupture in the
patient receiving filter membrane should
continuous replacement be suspected, and
therapy and notice that treatment is suspended
the filtrate is blood immediately to prevent
tinged. What is your blood loss and infection.
priority action?
A. Place the patient in
Trendelenburg position. A patient with a history
B. Initiate a peripheral of end-stage renal disease
intravenous line. (ESRD) resulting from
C. Suspend treatment diabetes mellitus has
immediately. presented to the
outpatient dialysis unit
D. Administer vitamin K for his scheduled
(Aquamephyton) per hemodialysis. Which
order. assessment should you
C. Suspend treatment prioritize before, during,
immediately. and after his treatment?
The ultrafiltrate should A. Level of
be clear yellow, and consciousness
specimens may be B. Blood pressure and
obtained for evaluation of fluid balance
serum chemistries. If the
ultrafiltrate becomes C. Temperature, heart
rate, and blood pressure
D. Assessment for signs technique to prevent
and symptoms of peritonitis."
infection B. "You will be allowed
B. Blood pressure and a more liberal protein
fluid balance diet after you complete
Although all of the CAPD."
assessments are relevant C. "It is important for
to the care of a patient you to maintain a daily
receiving hemodialysis, written record of blood
the nature of the pressure and weight."
procedure indicates a D. "You must continue
particular need to regular medical and
monitor blood pressure nursing follow-up visits
and fluid balance. while performing
A. "It is essential that you
Which statement maintain aseptic
regarding continuous technique to prevent
ambulatory peritoneal peritonitis."
dialysis (CAPD) is of Peritonitis is a potentially
highest priority when fatal complication of
teaching a patient new to peritoneal dialysis, and it
this procedure? is imperative to teach the
A. "It is essential that you patient methods to
maintain aseptic prevent it from occurring.
Although the other
teaching statements are neurovascular status
accurate, they do not distal to the graft.
address the potential for C. Listen with a
mortality by peritonitis, stethoscope over the graft
making that nursing for presence of a bruit.
action the highest
priority. A thrill can be felt by
palpating the area of
anastomosis of the
arteriovenous graft, and a
How should you assess bruit can be heard with a
the patency of a newly stethoscope. The bruit
placed arteriovenous and thrill are created by
graft for dialysis? arterial blood rushing
into the vein.
A. Irrigate the graft daily
with low-dose heparin.
B. Monitor for any
increase in blood What are the main
pressure in the affected advantages of peritoneal
arm. dialysis compared to
C. Listen with a hemodialysis?
stethoscope over the graft A. No medications are
for presence of a bruit. required because of the
D. Frequently monitor enhanced efficiency of
the pulses and the peritoneal membrane
in removing toxins.
B. The diet is less approximately 24 hours
restricted and dialysis can earlier. What is an
be performed at home. expected assessment
C. The dialysate is finding for this patient
biocompatible and causes during the early stage of
no long-term recovery?
consequences. A. Hypokalemia
D. High glucose B. Hyponatremia
concentrations of the C. Large urine output
dialysate cause a
reduction in appetite, D. Leukocytosis with
promoting weight loss. cloudy urine output
An ESRD patient D. Hemodialysis replaces
receiving hemodialysis is the normal functions of
considering asking a the kidneys, and patients
relative to donate a do not have to live with
kidney for the continual fear of
transplantation. In rejection.
assisting the patient to A. Successful
make a decision about transplantation usually
treatment, what do you provides better quality of
tell the patient? life than that offered by
A. Successful dialysis.
transplantation usually Kidney transplantation is
provides better quality of extremely successful,
life than that offered by with 1-year graft survival
dialysis. rates of about 90% for
B. If rejection of the deceased donor
transplanted kidney transplants and 95% for
occurs, no further live donor transplants.
treatment for the renal An advantage of kidney
failure is available. transplantation compared
C. The with dialysis is that it
immunosuppressive reverses many of the
therapy that is required pathophysiologic changes
after transplantation associated with renal
causes fatal malignancies failure when normal
in many patients. kidney function is
restored. It also
eliminates the common after
dependence on dialysis transplantation.
and the accompanying D. Notify the
dietary and lifestyle nephrologist that the
restrictions. patient has developed
Transplantation is also symptoms of acute
less expensive than rejection.
dialysis after the first
The nurse is caring for a
client with acute kidney
injury (AKI). Which
A kidney transplant condition should the
recipient complains of nurse recognize as a
fever, chills, and dysuria possible cause for this
over the past 2 days. disease? (Select all that
What is the first action apply.)
that you should take?
A. Assess temperature A. Severe heart failure
and initiate a workup to
rule out infection. B. Major trauma
D. Bradycardia Which diet instruction
should the nurse include?
(Select all that apply.)
A nurse is caring for a
pregnant woman. Which
physiologic condition A. Eat high-calcium
may occur during foods.
pregnancy and is related B. Eat foods low in
to the development of saturated fat.
acute kidney injury
(AKI) that should C. Eat foods high in
concern the nurse? potassium.
(Select all that apply.) D. Eat low-phosphorus
A. Maintaining fluid and D. Avoid taking iron
electrolyte balance supplementation.
B. Avoiding the use of
C. Eating more The nurse describes the
vegetables that are low in increased risk of
iron gastrointestinal bleeding
D. Drinking more fluids to a client with AKI.
Which factor should the
nurse inform the client
The nurse is discussing about with regard to
medications with a client medication? (Select all
with acute kidney injury that apply.)
(AKI) upon discharge.
Which should be
included in the teaching? A. "Avoid magnesium-
based antacids."
E. "Drink milk to coat the
stomach prior to taking A client diagnosed with
medication." acute kidney injury
(AKI) is experiencing
A 63-year-old man is hyperkalemia. Which
admitted with postrenal medication should the
acute kidney injury nurse anticipate being
(AKI) because of a prescribed to this client?
kidney stone. Vascular (Select all that apply.)
volume and renal
perfusion have been A. Angiotensin-
restored and he is on converting enzyme
fluid restriction. During (ACE) inhibitors
the past 24 hours, he has
voided 250 mL of urine. B. Glucose
He has not had any other C. Insulin
type of output. How D. Sodium bicarbonate
much fluid should the
client receive over the E. Calcium chloride
next 24 hours?
A client experiencing
A. 2750 mL hyperkalemia is
scheduled for dialysis.
B. 1250 mL The nurse anticipates an
C. 750 mL order for insulin to help
D. 3000 mL lower the serum
potassium level. Which
beneficial action does B. H2-receptor antagonist
this medication have for C. Calcium chloride
this client?
D. Lactated Ringer
medicine or eat or drink
ACUTE KIDNEY anything since then.
INJURY & CHRONIC What conditions could be
KIDNEY INJURY causing prerenal AKI in
this patient (select all that
What are intrarenal a. Anaphylaxis
causes of acute kidney
injury (AKI) (select all b. Renal calculi
that apply)? c. Hypovolemia
a. Anaphylaxis d. Nephrotoxic drugs
b. Renal stones e. Decreased cardiac
c. Bladder cancer output
d. Nephrotoxic drugs
e. Acute Acute tubular necrosis
glomerulonephritis (ATN) is the most
common cause of
f. Tubular obstruction by intrarenal AKI. Which
myoglobin patient is most likely to
develop ATN?
An 83-year-old female a. Patient with diabetes
patient was found lying mellitus
on the bathroom floor.
She said she fell 2 days b. Patient with
ago and has not been able hypertensive crisis
to take her heart
c. Patient who tried to What indicates to the
overdose on nurse that a patient with
acetaminophen oliguria has prerenal
d. Patient with major oliguria?
surgery who required a a. Urine testing reveals a
blood transfusion low specific gravity.
Priority Decision: A b. Causative factor is
dehydrated patient is in malignant hypertension.
the Injury stage of the c. Urine testing reveals a
RIFLE staging of AKI. high sodium
What would the nurse concentration.
first anticipate in the
treatment of this patient? d. Reversal of oliguria
occurs with fluid
a. Assess daily weight replacement.
b. IV administration of
fluid and furosemide
(Lasix) In a patient with AKI,
which laboratory
c. IV administration of urinalysis result indicates
insulin and sodium tubular damage?
a. Hematuria
d. Urinalysis to check for
sediment, osmolality, b. Specific gravity fixed
sodium, and specific at 1.010
gravity treatment. c. Urine sodium of 12
mEq/L (12 mmol/L)
d. Osmolality of 1000 c. Decreasing sodium and
mOsm/kg (1000 potassium levels
mmol/kg) d. Decreasing blood urea
nitrogen (BUN) and
Metabolic acidosis creatinine levels
occurs in the oliguric
phase of AKI as a result While caring for the
of impairment of patient in the oliguric
a. ammonia synthesis. phase of AKI, the nurse
b. excretion of sodium. monitors the patient for
associated collaborative
c. excretion of problems. When should
bicarbonate. the nurse notify the
d. conservation of health care provider?
potassium. a. Urine output is 300
What indicates to the b. Edema occurs in the
nurse that a patient with feet, legs, and sacral area.
AKI is in the recovery c. Cardiac monitor
phase? reveals a depressed T
a. A return to normal wave and elevated ST
weight segment.
b. A urine output of 3700 d. The patient
mL/day experiences increasing
muscle weakness and taking accurate daily
abdominal cramping. weights.
b. Renal replacement d. A 64-year-old woman
therapy with chronic heart failure
c. Insulin and sodium admitted with bloody
bicarbonate stools
d. Call the lab and seriousness of her
request a redraw of the chronic kidney disease
lab to verify results. (CKD), the nurse knows
d. Calcium-phosphate
skin deposits The patient with CKD is
e. Uremic crystallization brought to the emergency
from high BUN department with
Kussmaul respirations.
a, b, d. Pruritus is What does the nurse
common in patients know about CKD that
receiving dialysis. could cause this patient's
Kussmaul respirations?
What causes the a. Uremic pleuritis is
gastrointestinal (GI) occurring.
manifestation of b. There is decreased
stomatitis in the patient pulmonary macrophage
with CKD? activity.
a. High serum sodium c. They are caused by
levels respiratory compensation
b. Irritation of the GI for metabolic acidosis.
tract from creatinine d. Pulmonary edema
c. Increased ammonia from heart failure and
from bacterial breakdown fluid overload is
of urea occurring.
d. Iron salts, calcium-
containing phosphate
Which serum laboratory related to alterations in
value indicates to the calcium and phosphorus
nurse that the patient's metabolism. What is the
CKD is getting worse? pathologic process
a. Decreased BUN directly related to the
increased risk for
b. Decreased sodium fractures?
c. Decreased creatinine a. Loss of aluminum
d. Decreased calculated through the impaired
glomerular filtration rate kidneys
(GFR) b. Deposition of calcium
phosphate in soft tissues
What is the most serious of the body
electrolyte disorder c. Impaired vitamin D
associated with kidney activation resulting in
disease? decreased GI absorption
a. Hypocalcemia of calcium
What does the dialysate c. Continuous
for PD routinely contain? venovenous
a. Calcium in a lower hemofiltration (CVVH)
concentration than in the d. Continuous
blood ambulatory peritoneal
b. Sodium in a higher dialysis (CAPD)
concentration than in the
blood To prevent the most
c. Dextrose in a higher common serious
concentration than in the complication of PD, what
blood is important for the nurse
d. Electrolytes in an to do?
equal concentration to a. Infuse the dialysate
that of the blood slowly.
b. Use strict aseptic
In which type of dialysis technique in the dialysis
does the patient dialyze procedures.
during sleep and leave c. Have the patient empty
the fluid in the abdomen the bowel before the
during the day? inflow phase.
a. Long nocturnal d. Reposition the patient
hemodialysis frequently and promote
b. Automated peritoneal deep breathing.
dialysis (APD)
A patient on arteriovenous fistula
hemodialysis develops a (AVF). What should the
thrombus of a nurse explain to him that
subcutaneous will occur during
arteriovenous (AV) graft, dialysis?
requiring its removal. a. He will be able to visit,
While waiting for a read, sleep, or watch TV
replacement graft or while reclining in a chair.
fistula, the patient is most
likely to have what done b. He will be placed on a
for treatment? cardiac monitor to detect
any adverse effects that
a. Peritoneal dialysis might occur.
b. Peripheral vascular c. The dialyzer will
access using radial artery remove and hold part of
c. Silastic catheter his blood for 20 to 30
tunneled subcutaneously minutes to remove the
to the jugular vein waste products.
d. Peripherally inserted d. A large catheter with
central catheter (PICC) two lumens will be
line inserted into inserted into the fistula to
subclavian vein send blood to and return
A man with end-stage it from the dialyzer.
kidney disease is
scheduled for What is the primary way
hemodialysis following that a nurse will evaluate
healing of an the patency of an AVF?
a. Palpate for pulses A patient rapidly
distal to the graft site. progressing toward end-
b. Auscultate for the stage kidney disease asks
presence of a bruit at the about the possibility of a
site. kidney transplant. In
responding to the patient,
c. Evaluate the color and the nurse knows that
temperature of the what is a contraindication
extremity. to kidney
d. Assess for the presence transplantation?
of numbness and tingling a. Hepatitis C infection
distal to the site.
b. Coronary artery
A patient with AKI is a c. Refractory
candidate for continuous hypertension
renal replacement
therapy (CRRT). What is d. Extensive vascular
the most common disease
to a patient with chronic
kidney disease (CKD)
should know that this
The home care nurse medication should have a
visits a 34-year-old beneficial effect on
woman receiving which laboratory value?
peritoneal dialysis.
Which statement, if made A.Sodium
by the patient, indicates a B.Potassium
need for immediate C. Magnesium
follow-up by the nurse?
D. Phosphorus
A. "Drain time is faster if
I rub my abdomen."
B."The fluid draining Which statement by the
from the catheter is nurse regarding
cloudy." continuous ambulatory
peritoneal dialysis
C."The drainage is (CAPD) would be of
bloody when I have my highest priority when
period." teaching a patient new to
D."I wash around the this procedure?
catheter with soap and A. "It is essential that you
water." maintain aseptic
technique to prevent
The nurse preparing to peritonitis.
administer a dose of B. "You will be allowed
calcium acetate (PhosLo) a more liberal protein
diet once you complete B. Blood pressure and
CAPD." fluid balance
C."It is important for you C.Temperature, heart
to maintain a daily rate, and blood pressure
written record of blood D.Assessment for signs
pressure and weight." and symptoms of
D."You will need to infection
continue regular medical
and nursing follow-up
visits while performing A patient is recovering in
CAPD." the intensive care unit
(ICU) after receiving a
kidney transplant
approximately 24 hours
A patient with a history ago. What is an expected
of end-stage kidney assessment finding for
disease secondary to this patient during this
diabetes mellitus has early stage of recovery?
presented to the A.Hypokalemia
outpatient dialysis unit B. Hyponatremia
for his scheduled
hemodialysis. Which C.Large urine output
assessments should the D. Leukocytosis with
nurse prioritize before, cloudy urine output
during, and after his
A.Level of consciousness
Which assessment The patient has a form of
finding is a consequence glomerular inflammation
of the oliguric phase of that is progressing
AKI? rapidly. She is gaining
A. Hypovolemia weight, and the urine
output is steadily
B. Hyperkalemia declining. What is the
C. Hypernatremia priority nursing
D.Thrombocytopenia intervention?
A.Monitor the patient's
cardiac status.
The patient was
diagnosed with prerenal B.Teach the patient about
AKI. The nurse should hand washing.
know that what is most C.Obtain a serum
likely the cause of the specimen for electrolytes.
patient's diagnosis? D. Increase direct
A.IV tobramycin observation of the
(Nebcin) patient.
B.Incompatible blood
transfusion The nurse knows the
C.Poststreptococcal patient with AKI has
glomerulonephritis entered the diuretic phase
D.Dissecting abdominal when what assessments
aortic aneurysm. occur (select all that
A.Dehydration C.Watermelon and ice
B.Hypokalemia cream with chocolate
D.Bran cereal with ½
D.BUN increases banana and milk and
E.Serum Creatinine orange juice
Increases Which patient should be
Dehydration, taught preventive
Hypokalemia measures for CKD by the
nurse because this patient
is most likely to develop
A 78-year-old patient has CKD?
Stage 3 CKD and is
being taught about a low A.A 50-year-old white
potassium diet. The nurse female with hypertension
knows the patient B.A 61-year-old Native
understands the diet American male with
when the patient selects diabetes
which foods to eat? C.A 40-year-old Hispanic
A.Apple, green beans, female with
and a roast beef sandwich cardiovascular disease
B.Granola made with D.A 28-year-old African
dried fruits, nuts, and American female with a
seeds urinary tract infection
Diffusion, osmosis, and A.Administer hypertonic
ultrafiltration occur in saline.
both hemodialysis and B.Administer a blood
peritoneal dialysis. The transfusion
nurse should know that
ultrafiltration in C.Decrease the rate of
peritoneal dialysis is fluid removal.
achieved by which D.administer antiemetic
method? medications.
A.Increasing the pressure
gradient A 24-year-old female
B.Increasing osmolality donated a kidney via a
of the dialysate laparoscopic donor
C.Decreasing the glucose nephrectomy to a non-
in the dialysate related recipient. The
patient is experiencing a
D.Decreasing the lot of pain and refuses to
concentration of the get up to walk. How
dialysate should the nurse handle
this situation?
During hemodialysis, the A.Have the transplant
patient develops light- psychologist convince
headedness and nausea. her to walk.
What should the nurse do B. Encourage even a
for the patient? short walk to avoid
complications of surgery.
C.Tell the patient that no D. Continuous
other patients have ever ambulatory peritoneal
refused to walk. dialysis (CAPD)
D.Tell the patient she is
lucky she did not have an ______________ is
open nephrectomy. solely filtered from the
bloodstream via the
The physician has glomerulus and is NOT
decided to use renal reabsorbed back into the
replacement therapy to bloodstream but is
remove large volumes of excreted through the
fluid from a patient who urine.
is hemodynamically A. Urea
unstable in the intensive B. Creatinine
care unit. The nurse
should expect which C. Potassium
treatment to be used for D. Magnesium
this patient? The answer is B.
A.Hemodialysis (HD) 3 Creatinine is a waste
times per week product from muscle
B.Automated peritoneal breakdown and is
dialysis (APD) removed from the
bloodstream via the
C.Continuous glomerulus of the
venovenous nephron. It is the only
hemofiltration (CVVH) substance that is solely
filtered out of the blood rate indicates how well
but NOT reabsorbed back the glomerulus is filtering
into the system. It is the blood. A normal GFR
excreted out through the tends to be 90 mL/min or
urine. This is why a higher. A GFR of 40
creatinine clearance test mL/min indicates that the
is used as an indicator for kidney's ability to filter
determining renal the blood is decreased.
function and for Therefore, the kidneys
calculating the will be unable to remove
glomerular filtration rate. waste and excessive
A patient with acute renal water from the
injury has a GFR blood...hence
(glomerular filtration hypervolemia and an
rate) of 40 mL/min. increased BUN level will
Which signs and present in this patient.
symptoms below may The patient will
this patient present with? experience
Select all that apply: HYPERkalemia (not
hypo) because the
A. Hypervolemia kidneys are unable to
B. Hypokalemia remove potassium from
C. Increased BUN level the blood. In addition, an
INCREASED creatinine
D. Decreased Creatinine level (not decreased) will
level present because the
The answers are A and C. kidneys cannot remove
The glomerular filtration
excessive waste products, minute that contain no
such as creatinine. amounts of creatinine in
it. Remember creatinine
is a waste product of
You're assessing morning muscle breakdown.
lab values on a female Therefore, the kidneys
patient who is recovering should be able to remove
from a myocardial excessive amounts of it
infraction. Which lab from the bloodstream. A
value below requires you patient who has
to notify the physician? experienced a myocardial
A. Potassium level 4.2 infraction is at risk for
mEq/L pre-renal acute injury due
B. Creatinine clearance to decreased cardiac
35 mL/min output to the kidneys
from a damaged heart
C. BUN 20 mg/dL muscle (the heart isn't
D. Blood pH 7.40 able to pump as
The answer is B. A efficiently because of
normal creatinine ischemia). All the other
clearance level in a labs values are normal.
female should be 85-125
mL/min (95-140 mL/min A 55-year-old male
males). A creatinine patient is admitted with a
clearance level indicates massive GI bleed. The
the amount of blood the patient is at risk for what
kidneys can make per
type of acute kidney
injury? Select all the patients
A. Post-renal below that are at risk for
B. Intra-renal acute intra-renal injury?
amount of urea in the
filtrate (because the
nephrons can filter the
A 36-year-old male urea out of the blood) and
patient is diagnosed with this causes osmotic
acute kidney injury. The diuresis. Urinary output
patient is voiding 4 L/day will be excessive (3 to 6
of urine. What L/day). Therefore, the
complication can arise patient is at risk for
based on the stage of hypotension, diluted
AKI this patient is in? urine (low urine specific
Select all that apply: gravity), and
A. Water intoxication hypokalemia (waste
B. Hypotension potassium in the urine).
The patient is not at risk
C. Low urine specific for water intoxication and
gravity will not have a normal
D. Hypokalemia GFR until the recovery
E. Normal GFR stage.
The answers are: B, C,
and D. This patient is in
the DIURESIS stage of True or False: All
AKI. The nephrons are patients with acute renal
now starting to filter out injury will progress
waste but cannot through the oliguric stage
concentrate the urine. of AKI but not all
There is now a high patients will progress
through the diuresis hyperkalemia, improving
stage. GFR, resolving edema,
True and urinary output 4
D. A 78 year old female
with respiratory acidosis,
Which patient below with increased GFR,
acute kidney injury is in decreased
the oliguric stage of AKI: BUN/creatinine,
A. A 56 year old male hypokalemia, and urinary
who has metabolic output 550 mL/day.
acidosis, decreased GFR, The answer is A. During
increased the oliguric stage of AKI
BUN/Creatinine, the patient will have a
hyperkalemia, edema, urinary output of 400
and urinary output 350 mL/day or LESS. This is
mL/day. due to a decreased GRF
B. A 45 year old female (glomerular filtration
with metabolic alkalosis, rate), which will lead to
hypokalemia, normal increased amounts of
GFR, increased waste in the blood
BUN/creatinine, edema, (increased
and urinary output 600 BUN/Creatinine),
mL/day. metabolic acidosis
(decreased excretion of
C. A 39 year old male hydrogen ions),
with metabolic acidosis, hyperkalemia,
hypervolemia must monitor the patient's
(edema/hypertension), electrolyte levels,
and urinary output of especially potassium
<400 mL/day. (hypokalemia).
You're developing a
nursing care plan for a While educating a group
patient in the diuresis of nursing students about
stage of AKI. What the stages of acute kidney
nursing diagnosis would injury, a student asks
you include in the care how long the oliguric
plan? stage lasts. You explain
A. Excess fluid volume to the student this stage
B. Risk for electrolyte can last?
imbalance A. 1-2 weeks
C. Urinary retention B. 1-3 days
D. Acute pain C. Few hours to 2 weeks
The answer is B. During D. 12 months
the diuresis stage of AKI, The answer is A. The
the patient will be losing oliguric stage can last 1-2
an excessive amount of weeks. Regarding the
urine (3-6 Liters/day) and other stages of AKI:
is at risk for fluid volume Initiation: few hours to
deficient and electrolyte several days, diuresis: 1-
imbalance. The nurse
3 weeks, and recovery:
12 months or more. which descriptions
characterize acute kidney
A patient with AKI has a injury (SATA)?
urinary output of 350
mL/day. In addition, a. primary cause of death
morning labs showed an is infection
increased BUN and
creatinine level along b. it almost always
with potassium level of 6 affects older people
mEq/L. What type of diet c. disease course is
ordered by the physician potentially reversible
is most appropriate for d. most common cause is
this patient? diabetic nephropathy
A. Low-sodium, high- e. cardiovascular disease
protein, and low- is most common cause of
potassium death
B. High-protein, low- RIFLE defines three
potassium, and low- stages of AKI based on
sodium changes in
C. Low-protein, low-
potassium, and low-
sodium a. BP and urine
D. High-protein and
high-potassium b. fractional excretion of
urinary sodium
c. estimation of GFR the nurse must monitor
with the MDRD equation for which serum
d. serum creatinine or electrolyte imbalance?
urine output from
baseline a. hyperkalemia and
During the oliguric phase b. hyperkalemia and
of AKI, the nurse hypernatremia
monitors the patient for c. hypokalemia and
(SATA). hyponatremia
d. hypokalemia and
a. hypotension hypernatremia
b. ECG changes
c. hypernatremia
d. pulmonary edema a patient is admitted to
e. urine with high the hospital with chronic
specific gravity kidney disease. the nurse
understands that this
b. ECG changes condition is characterized
d. pulmonary edema by
a. progressive irreversible
If a patient is in the destruction of the kidneys
diuretic phase of AKI,
b. a rapid decrease in e. those with a history of
urine output with an type 2 diabetes
elevated BUN
c. an increasing
creatinine clearance with
a decrease in urine output patients with CKD
experience an increased
d. prostration, incidence of
somnolence, and cardiovascular disease
confusion with coma and related to (SATA)
imminent death
a. hypertension
nurses must teach
patients at risk for b. vascular calcification
developing chronic c. a genetic
kidney disease. predisposition
individuals considered to d. hyperinsulinemia
be at increased risk causing dyslipidemia
include (SATA)
e. increased HDLs
a. older AA
b. patients > 60 years old
Nutritional support and
c. those with a history of management are essential
pancreatitis across the entire
d. those with a history of continuum of CKD.
hypertension Which statements would
be considered true related patient receiving
to nutritional therapy hemodialysis
An ESRD patient
a. fluid is not usually receiving hemodialysis is
restricted for patients considering asking a
receiving peritoneal relative to donate a
dialysis kidney for
b. sodium and potassium transplantation. In
may be restricted in assisting the patient to
someone with advanced make a decision about
CKD. treatment, the nurse
informs the patient that
c. decreased fluid intake
and a low-potassium diet
are hallmarks of the diet a. successful
for a patient receiving transplantation usually
hemodialysis provides better quality of
d. decreased fluid intake life than that offered by
and a low-potassium diet dialysis
are hallmarks of the diet b. if rejection of the
for a patient receiving transplant occurs, no
peritoneal dialysis further treatment for the
e. decreased fluid intake renal failure is available
and a diet with c. hemodialysis replaces
phosphate-rich foods are the normal functions of
hallmarks of the diet for a the kidneys, and patients
do not have to live with d. listen with a
continual fear of rejection stethoscope over the graft
d. the to detect a bruit
immunosuppressive e. frequently monitor the
therapy following pulses and neurovascular
transplant makes teh status distal to the graft
person ineligible to
receive other forms of
treatment if the kidney a major advantage of
fails. peritoneal dialysis is
what is the priority b. reposition the client to
nursing action? his or her side
c. contact the HCP
a. monitor VS every 15 d. place the client in good
minutes for the next hour body alignment
b. discontinue dialysis e. check the peritoneal
and notify the HCP dialysis system for kinks
c. continue dialysis at a f. increase the flow rate
slower rate after checking of the peritoneal dialysis
the lines for air solution
d. bolus the client with
500 mL of normal saline a hemodialysis client
to break up the air with a left arm fistula is
embolism at risk for arterial steal
syndrome. the nurse
the nurse monitoring a should assess the client
client receiving for which manifestations
peritoneal dialysis notes of this complication?
that the client's outflow is
less than the inflow. a. warmth, redness, and
Which actions should the pain in the left hand
nurse take? (SATA)
b. aching pain, pallor,
and edema of the left arm
a. check the level of the
drainage bag
c. edema and reddish
discoloration of the left
d. pallor, diminished
pulse, and pain in the left
The nurse is performing
a client with CKD returns an assessment on a client
to the nursing unit who has returned from
following a hemodialysis the dialysis unit
treatment. On following hemodialysis.
assessment, the nurse The client complaining of
notes tht the client's headache and nausea is
temperature is 100.2. extremely restless. Which
which nursing action is is the most appropriate
most appropriate? nursing action?
a client newly diagnosed dialysis because of the
with CKD has just been risk for which
started on peritoneal complication?
dialysis. During the
infusion of the dialysat,
the client complains of a. infection
abdominal pain. Which b. hyperglycemia
action by the nurse is c. hypophosphatemia
most appropriate?
d. disequilibrium
a. stop the dialysis
b. slow the infusion a week after kidney
c. decrease the amount to transplant, a client
be infused develops a temperature of
d. explain that the pain 101F, the blood pressure
will subside after the first is elevated, and the
few exchanges kidney is tender. The x-
ray indicates that the
transplanted kidney is
the nurse is instructing a enlarged. Based on those
client with DM about assessment findings, the
peritoneal dialysis. The nurse suspects which
nurse tells the client that complication?
it is important to
maintain the prescribed
dwell time for the a. acute rejection
b. kidney infection d. headache, deteriorating
c. chronic rejection level of consciousness,
and twitching
d. kidney obstruction
During the oliguric phase when the patient selects
of acute kidney disease, which foods to eat?
which action would be
appropriate to include in
the plan of care? a. Apple, green beans,
and a roast beef sandwich
b. Granola made with
a. Provide foods high in dried fruits, nuts, and
potassium. seeds
b. Restrict fluids based c. Watermelon and ice
on urine output. cream with chocolate
c. Monitor output from sauce
peritoneal dialysis. d. Bran cereal with ½
d. Offer high-protein banana and milk and
snacks between meals. orange juice
b. Restrict fluids based
on urine output. When caring for a patient
during the oliguric phase
of acute kidney injury
(AKI), which nursing
A 78-yr-old patient has action is appropriate?
stage 3 CKD and is being
taught about a low-
potassium diet. The nurse a. Weigh patient three
knows the patient times weekly.
understands the diet
b. Increase dietary c. Continuous
sodium and potassium. venovenous
c. Provide a low-protein, hemofiltration (CVVH)
high-carbohydrate diet. d. Continuous
d. Restrict fluids ambulatory peritoneal
according to previous dialysis (CAPD)
daily loss. c. Continuous
The physician has venovenous
decided to use renal hemofiltration (CVVH)
replacement therapy to
remove large volumes of
fluid from a patient who
is hemodynamically A frail 72-yr-old woman
unstable in the intensive with stage 3 chronic
care unit. The nurse kidney disease is cared
should expect which for at home by her
treatment to be used for family. The patient has a
this patient? history of taking many
medications. Which over-
a. Hemodialysis (HD) the-counter medications
three times per week should the nurse teach
b. Automated peritoneal the patient to avoid?
dialysis (APD)
a. aspirin
b. acetaminophen
c. diphenhydramine an outpatient diagnostic
d. aluminum hydroxide. procedure using contrast
media. Which priority
action should the nurse
The home care nurse perform?
visits a 34-yr-old woman
receiving peritoneal
dialysis. Which statement a. assess skin turgor to
indicates a need for determine hydration
immediate follow-up by status
the nurse? b. insert a urinary
catheter for the expected
a. drain time is faster if i
rub my abdomen c. evaluate the patient's
lower extremities for
b. the fluid draining from edema
the catheter is cloudy
d. check the patient's
c. the drainage is bloody urine for the presence of
when i have my period ketones
d. i was around the
catheter with soap and
water Which findings will the
nurse expect when caring
for a patient with chronic
A 52-yr-old man with kidney disease (CKD)
stage 2 chronic kidney (select all that apply.)?
disease is scheduled for
a. anemia b. hyponatremia
b. dehydration c. large urine output
c. hypertension d. leukocytosis with
d. hypercalcemia cloudy urine output
priority nursing
Which patient diagnosis intervention?
or treatment is most
consistent with prerenal a. monitor the patient's
acute kidney injury cardiac status
b. teach the patient about
hand washing
a. IV tobramycin c. obtain a serum
b. incompatible blood specimen for electrolytes
transfusion d. increase direct
c. poststreptococcal observation of the patient
d. dissecting abdominal Which assessment
aortic aneurysm findings would alert the
nurse that the patient has
entered the diuretic phase
of acute kidney injury
(AKI) (select all that
The patient has rapidly
progressing glomerular a. dehydration
inflammation. Weight
has increased and urine b. hypokalemia
output is steadily c. hypernatremia
declining. What is the d. BUN increases
e. urine output increases peritoneal dialysis.
f. serum creatinine Which strategy is used to
increases achieve ultrafiltration in
peritoneal dialysis?
b. serum potassium
c. microalbuminuria a. a 50-yr-old white
woman with
d. calculated GFR hypertension
Diffusion, osmosis, and
ultrafiltration occur in
both hemodialysis and
b. a 61-yr-old Native
American man with
Which statement
c. a 40-yr-old Hispanic regarding continuous
woman with ambulatory peritoneal
cardiovascular disease dialysis (CAPD) would
d. a 28-yr-old African be most important when
American woman with a teaching a patient new to
urinary tract infection the treatment?
blood pH of 7.30, the
After the insertion of an nurse will expect an
arteriovenous graft assessment finding of
(AVG) in the right
forearm, a patient a. persistent skin tenting
complains of pain and
coldness of the right b. rapid, deep
fingers. Which action respirations.
should the nurse take? c. hot, flushed face and
a. augmenting fluid
When a patient with volume.
acute kidney injury b. maintaining cardiac
(AKI) has an arterial output.
c. diluting nephrotoxic d. "I need to take
substances. erythropoietin to boost
d. preventing systemic my immune system and
hypertension. help prevent infection."
b. maintaining cardiac
output. Sodium polystyrene
sulfonate (Kayexalate) is
ordered for a patient with
Which statement by a hyperkalemia.
patient with stage 5
chronic kidney disease Before administering the
(CKD) indicates that the medication, the nurse
nurse's teaching about should assess the
management of CKD has
been effective? a. bowel sounds.
b. blood glucose.
a. "I need to get most of c. blood urea nitrogen
my protein from low-fat (BUN).
dairy products."
d. level of consciousness
b. "I will increase my (LOC).
intake of fruits and
vegetables to 5 per day." A patient will need
vascular access for
c. "I will measure my hemodialysis. Which
urinary output each day statement by the nurse
to help calculate the
amount I can drink."
accurately describes an a. Auscultate for a bruit
advantage of a fistula at the fistula site.
over a graft? b. Assess the quality of
the left radial pulse.
a. A fistula is much less c. Compare blood
likely to clot. pressures in the left and
b. A fistula increases right arms.
patient mobility. d. Irrigate the fistula site
c. A fistula can with saline every 8 to 12
accommodate larger hours.
d. A fistula can be used A patient who has had
sooner after surgery. progressive chronic
kidney disease (CKD) for
several years has just
begun regular
When caring for a patient hemodialysis. Which
with a left arm information about diet
arteriovenous fistula, will the nurse include in
which action will the patient teaching?
nurse include in the plan
of care to maintain the
patency of the fistula? a. Increased calories are
needed because glucose
is lost during
b. More protein is b. The patient plans 30 to
allowed because urea and 60 minutes for a dialysate
creatinine are removed exchange.
by dialysis. c. The patient cleans the
catheter while taking a
c. Dietary potassium is bath each day.
not restricted because the d. The patient slows the
level is normalized by inflow rate when
dialysis. experiencing abdominal
d. Unlimited fluids are pain.
allowed because retained
fluid is removed during Which information in a
dialysis. patient's history indicates
to the nurse that the
Which action by a patient patient is not an
who is using peritoneal appropriate candidate for
dialysis (PD) indicates kidney transplantation?
that the nurse should
provide more teaching a. The patient has type 1
about PD? diabetes.
b. The patient has
a. The patient leaves the metastatic lung cancer.
catheter exit site without c. The patient has a
a dressing. history of chronic
hepatitis C infection.
d. The patient is infected reported by the patient
with human indicates that patient
immunodeficiency virus. teaching is required?
receive a prescribed dose a. Start continuous pulse
of epoetin alfa (Procrit). oximetry.
Which information b. Restrict physical
should the nurse report to activity to bed rest.
the health care provider
before giving the c. Restrict the patient's
medication? oral protein intake.
d. Discontinue the
urethral retention
a. Creatinine 1.6 mg/dL catheter.
b. Oxygen saturation
c. Hemoglobin level 13
g/dL A 72-yr-old patient with
a history of benign
d. Blood pressure 98/56 prostatic hyperplasia
mm Hg (BPH) is admitted with
acute urinary retention
Which intervention will and elevated blood urea
be included in the plan of nitrogen (BUN) and
care for a patient with creatinine levels. Which
acute kidney injury prescribed therapy should
(AKI) who has a the nurse implement
temporary vascular first?
access catheter in the left
femoral vein? a. Insert urethral catheter.
b. Obtain renal d. Check the medical
ultrasound. record for the most recent
c. Draw a complete blood potassium level.
d. Infuse normal saline at A 62-yr-old female
50 mL/hour patient has been
hospitalized for 4 days
with acute kidney
A patient with acute injury(AKI) caused by
kidney injury (AKI) has dehydration. Which
longer QRS intervals on information will be most
the electrocardiogram important for the nurse to
(ECG) than were noted report to the health care
on the previous shift. provider?
Which action should the
nurse take first?
a. The creatinine level is
3.0 mg/dL.
a. Notify the patient's
health care provider. b. Urine output over an
8-hour period is 2500
b. Document the QRS mL.
interval measurement.
c. The blood urea
nitrogen (BUN) level is
c. Review the chart for 67 mg/dL.
the patient's current
creatinine level.
d. The glomerular
filtration rate is less than
30 mL/min/1.73 m2
The nurse is assessing a a. Slow down the rate of
patient 4 hours after a dialysis.
kidney transplant. Which b. Check the blood
information is most pressure (BP).
important to
communicate to the c. Review the hematocrit
health care provider? (Hct) level.
After receiving change-
A patient complains of of-shift report, which
leg cramps during patient should the nurse
hemodialysis. The nurse assess first?
a. Patient who is
a. massage the patient's scheduled for the drain
legs. phase of a peritoneal
dialysis exchange
b. reposition the patient
supine. b. Patient with stage 4
chronic kidney disease
c. give acetaminophen who has an elevated
(Tylenol). phosphate level
d. infuse a bolus of c. Patient with stage 5
normal saline. chronic kidney disease
who has a potassium
Muscle cramps during level of 3.4 mEq/L
dialysis are caused by d. Patient who has just
rapid removal of sodium returned from having
and water. Treatment hemodialysis and has a
includes infusion of heart rate of 124/min
normal saline. The other The patient who has
actions do not address the tachycardia after
reason for the cramps. hemodialysis may be
bleeding or excessively
hypovolemic and should
be assessed immediately e. Have several servings
for these complications. of dairy products daily.
The other patients also
need assessments or
interventions but are not The nurse teaches a
at risk for life-threatening patient with chronic
complications. kidney disease about
prevention of
complications. What
Which information will should the nurse include
be included when the in the teaching plan?
nurse is teaching self-
management to a patient
who is receiving A. Monitor for
peritoneal dialysis (select proteinuria daily with a
all that apply)? urine dipstick.
B. Perform self-
catheterization every 4
a. Avoid commercial salt hours to measure urine.
C. Take calcium-based
b. Restrict fluid intake to phosphate binders on an
1000 mL daily. empty stomach.
c. Take phosphate D. Check weight daily
binders with each meal. and report a gain of
d. Choose high-protein greater than 4 pounds
foods for most meals.
A. Observe for signs of a
A client in kidney failure secondary infection.
is to have a serum blood B. Provide a high-
urea nitrogen level protein, low-
determined. What will carbohydrate diet.
this diagnostic test C. n and out
measure? catheterization for
residual urine
A. Concentration of the D. Encourage fluids to
urine osmolarity and 2000 mL in 24 hours
B.Serum level of the end A client with Acute
products of protein Kidney Injury is being
metabolism assessed to determine if
C.Ability of the kidneys the cause is prerenal, or
to concentrate urine post renal. If the cause is
D.Levels of C-reactive pre-renal, which
protein to determine condition is most likely
inflammation the cause?
D. Aminoglycoside D. Hyperkalemia
toxicity 3. A 65 year old male
patient has a glomerular
filtration rate of 55
mL/min. The patient has
a history of uncontrolled
1. A 55 year old male hypertension and
patient is diagnosed with coronary artery disease.
chronic kidney disease. You're assessing the new
The patient's recent GFR medication orders
was 25 mL/min. What received for this patient.
stage of chronic kidney Which medication
disease is this known ordered by the physician
as?* will help treat the
A. Stage 1 patient's hypertension
along with providing a
B. Stage 3 protective mechanism to
C. Stage 4 the kidneys?*
D. Stage 5 A. Lisinopril
2. A patient with CKD B. Metoprolol
has a low erythropoietin C. Amlodipine
(EPO) level. The patient
is at risk for? D. Verapamil
B. Secreting Renin
C. Secreting A patient with diabetes
Erythropoietin has had many renal
calculi over the past 20
D. Maintaining cortisol years and now has
production chronic renal failure.
Which substance must be
Signs and symptoms of reduced in this patient’s
acute renal failure diet?
include: *
A. Carbohydrates
A. bradycardia, with B. Fats
decreased respiration, C. Protein
low serum bicarbonate,
and elevated pH. D. Vitamin C
B. lethargy, tachypnea,
and elevated serum A major sensitive
bicarbonate. indicator of kidney
C. slowed respirations disease is:
and low pH.
A. BUN level.
B. Creatinine clearance most important for the
level. nurse evaluate before
C. Serum potassium teaching begins?
D. Uric acid level. A. Family Hx
B. Attention span
Polystyrene sulfonate C Uric Acid level
(Kayexalate) is used in
renal failure to: D. Support system
You are teaching the D. "I should call
patient with chronic renal immediately if I see
failure about what swelling at my dialysis
symptoms to report to the port"
doctor when outside of
the hospital. Which
statement, if made by the Your patient with chronic
patient, indicates correct renal failure reports
understanding? pruritus. Which
instruction should you
include in this patient’s
A. "I should call my teaching plan?
doctor if my stomach
starts feeling sick or my
breath smells funny like A. Rub the skin
pea" vigorously with a towel
C. Hypovolemia C. Administer a 5%
dextrose solution
D. Anemia
D. Encourage active
ROM exercises
Acute renal failure is
potentially reversible in
the: Your 60 y.o. patient with
A. convalescent phase. pyelonephritis and
possible septicemia has
B. initiation phase. had five UTIs over the
C. maintenance phase. past two years. She is
D. recovery phase fatigued from lack of
sleep, has lost weight,
and urinates frequently
Your patient is even in the night. Her
complaining of muscle labs show: sodium, 154
cramps while undergoing mEq/L; osmolarity 340
hemodialysis. Which mOsm/L; glucose, 127
intervention is effective mg/dl; and potassium, 3.9
in relieving muscle mEq/L. Which nursing
cramps? diagnosis is priority? *
diuresis induced by
hyponatremia A. Excess fluid volume
B. Fluid volume deficit related to the kidney’s
related to inability to inability to maintain fluid
conserve water balance.
C. Altered nutrition: Less B. Ineffective tissue
than body requirements perfusion related to
related to hypermetabolic interrupted arterial blood
state flow.
D. Altered nutrition: Less C. Ineffective therapeutic
than body requirements Regimen Management
related to catabolic related to lack of
effects of insulin knowledge about therapy.
deficiency D. Increased cardiac
output related to fluid
The nurse assesses the overload.
client who has chronic
renal failure and notes You are administering
the following: crackles in erythropoietin to the
the lung bases, elevated patient with Chronic
blood pressure, and Renal Failure. Which of
weight gain of 2 pounds the following would be a
in one day. Based on sign of adverse reaction?
these data, which of the Select all that apply. *
following nursing
diagnoses is appropriate?
A. Seizure B. Reposition the client
B. Hypertension onto the side that is not
experiencing flank pain.
C. Decreased urinary
output C. Educate the patient on
the importance of fluid
D. Improved exercise intake.
D. Administer morphine
E. Head ache sulfate 2 mg IV.
F. Flushed skin
G. Increased urinary 1) The cause of
output ___________ failure is
H. Hematuria impaired blood supply to
the kidney (Fluid Volume
Deficit, hemorrhage,
What is the priority heart failure, shock)
action when a patient
A. prerenal
presents to the
B. Intrarenal
emergency room
C. Postrenal
suffering from nausea, D. perirenal
vomiting, and flank pain 2) What electrolytes are
as a result of renal in urine?
A. Na
A. Schedule a surgical B. K
consult. C. Cl
D. HCO3-
E. All of the above
3) Which diagnostic test urine because they
would be monitored to signify renal failure.
evaluate glomerulat A. True
filtration rate B. False
and renal function? 6) The nurse is reviewing
A. Sreum laboratory results on a
creatinine and client with
BUN acute renal failure.
B. Urinalysis Which one of the
C. Kidney biopsy following should be
D. creatinine reported immediately?
clearance A. Blood urea
4) Marina with nitrogen 50 mg/dl
acute renal failure moves B. Hemoglobin
into the diuretic phase of 10.3 mg/dl
after one week of C. Venous
therapy. During this blood pH 7.30
phase the client must be D. Serum
assessed for signs of potassium 6
developing: mEq/L
A. Hypovolemia 7)Nurse Liza is assigned
B. renal failure to care for a client who
C. metabolic has returned to the
acidosis nursing unit after left
D. hyperkalemia nephrectomy. Nurse
5) true or false? Liza’s highest priority
Creatinine, phosphate, would be…
sulfates, and uric acid
should not be present in A. Hourly urine
B. Temperature excess,malnutrition
C. Able to turn side and fluid volume excess
to side or malnutrition ?
D. Able to sips
clear liquidQ. A. Increase
8) The charge nurse B. Decrease
assigned in the care for a 10) The most serious
client with electrolyte disorder
acute renal failure and associated with kidney
hypernatremia to you, a disease is
newly graduated RN. A. hypermagnesem
Which actions can you ia
delegate to the nursing B. hyponatremia
assistant? C. hyperkalemia
D. metabolic
A. Provide oral acidosis
care every 3-4 11) A client in
hours acute renal failure is a
B. Monitor for candidate for
indications of continuous renal placeme
dehydration nt therapy (CRRT). The
C. Administer most common indication
0.45% saline by for use of CRRT is
IV line A. azotemia
D. Assess daily B. pericarditis
weights for trends C. hyperkalemia
D. fluid overload
9) __________ in 12) A history of infection
BUN/Creatinine ratio specifically caused by
indicate fluid volume group A beta-hemolytic
streptococci is associated A. acute tubular
with which of the necrosis or tubular
following disorders? necrosis
B. acute
A. Acute glomerulonephriti
glomerulonephriti s
s C. chronic renal fai
B. Acute renal failu lure
re D. UTI
C. Chronic renal fai 15) What controls the
lure amount of water
D. Nephrotic absorption?
13) The leading cause of A. antidiuretic
ESRD is the client with a hormone
history of (Vasopressin)
B. melanin
A. hypotension C. thyroxine
B. anemia D. prolactin
C. prostate cancer 16) What does urine
D. diabetes mostly consist of?
14) The risk for A. H2O (Water)
__________________ is B. NaCl (Salt)
particularly high when C. Urea
ischemia and exposure to D. KCl
a nephrotoxin occur at 17) How much water do
the same time. normal kidneys excrete
each day?
A. 3-4 liters
B. 5-6 liters D. BUN
C. 1-2 liters 20) For a male client in
D. 7-8 liters the oliguric phase of
18) Chronic kidney acute renal failure (ARF),
disease is defined by which nursing
Kidney Disease intervention is most
Outcomes Quality important?
Initiative (K/DOQI) as A. Encouraging
evidence of structural or coughing and
functional kidney deep breathing
abnormalities (abnormal B. Promoting
urinalysis, imaging carbohydrate
studies, or histology) that intake
persists for at least ___ C. Limiting fluid
months, with or without a intake
decreased GFR. D. Providing pain-
relief measures
A. 1 21) How much salt do
B. 2 normal kidneys excrete
C. 3 each day?
D. 6
E. 12 A. 1-2 mg
19) What is the # B. 5 g
1 renal function test? C. 3-4 g
A. Renal Clearance D. 6-8 g
/Creatinine 22) Which is a normal
Clearance value of Blood Urea
B. Osmolarity Nitrogen (BUN)?
C. Serum
Creatinine A. 0.5-1.1 mg/dL
B. 5-20 mg/dL
C. 40-70 mg/dL B. Administering
D. 250-500 mg/dL narcotics as
23) When the kidneys needed
cannot effectively C. Testing serial
regulate fluid and samples iwth
electrolyte balance and dipsticks for
eliminate metabolic occult blood
waste products, intake of D. Ambulating the
these substances must be client in the room
regulated. Fluid and and hall for short
Sodium intake are distances
________. 25) A female client is
admitted with a diagnosis
A. encouraged of acute renal failure. She
B. limited is awake, alert, oriented,
C. restricted and complaining of
24) The nurse is caring severe back pain, nausea
for the client who has had and vomiting and
a renal biopsy. Which of abdominal cramps. Her
the following vital signs are blood
interventions would the pressure 100/70 mm Hg,
nurse avoid in the care of pulse 110, respirations
the client after this 30, and oral temperature
procedure? 100.4°F (38°C). Her
A. Encourage electrolytes are sodium
fluids to at least 120 mEq/L, potassium
3L in the first 24 5.2 mEq/L; her urinary
hours output for the first 8
hours is 50 ml. The client
is displaying signs of
which electrolyte and oral yeast
imbalance? infections
A. Hyponatremia 28)
B. Hyperkalemia ________ renal failure is
C. Hyperphosphate a slow, insidious process
mia of kidney destruction. It
D. Hypercalcemia may go unrecognized for
26) how many ml/hr of years as nephrons are
urine output is the normal destroyed and renal mass
minimum? is reduced.
A. Chronic
A. 30 B. Acute
B. 35 29) The client
C. 40 with renal failure should
D. 45 be on which type of diet?
27) Signs and symptoms A. high protein,
of acute kidney rejection high
that the nurse should carbohydrate, low
teach the patient to calorie
observe for include B. adequate calorie
A. tachycardia and intake, high
headache carbohydrate,
B. fever and limited protein
painful transplant C. Limited protein,
site low carbohydrate,
C. severe adequate calorie
hypotension and intake
weight loss D. Low calorie,
D. recurrent urinary limited protein,
tract infections low carbohydrate
30) A client suffering complication during
from acute renal failure hemodialysis.
has an unexpected
increase in urinary output A. hypertension
to 150ml/hr. The nurse B. bleeding
assesses that the client C. Infection
has entered the second D. Dialysis
phase of dementia
acute renal failure. 32) After 1 week a client
Nursing actions with acute renal failure
throughout this phase moves, into the diuretic
include observation for phase. During this phase
signs and symptoms of the client must be
A. Hypervolemia, carefully assessed for
hypokalemia, and signs of:
hypernatremia. A. Hypovolemia
B. Hypervolemia, B. Hyperkalemia
hyperkalemia, and C. Metabolic
hypernatremia. acidosis
C. Hypovolemia, D. Chronic renal fai
wide fluctuations lure
in serum sodium 33) What is the #1 cause
and potassium of death when kidneys
levels. fail?
D. Hypovolemia, A. hyperkalemia
no fluctuation in B. hypokalemia
serum sodium and C. hypernatremia
potassium levels. D. hyponatremia
31) _________ is the 34) The nurse is
most frequent reviewing laboratory
results on a client with C. acute tubular
acute renal failure. necrosis
Which one of the D. dialysis
following should be 36)
reported _________ renal Failure
IMMEDIATELY? is a rapid decline
A. Blood urea in renal function with an
nitrogen 50 mg/dl abrupt onset
B. Hemoglobin of A. acute
10.3 mg/dl B. chronic
C. Venous blood 37) How do kidneys
pH 7.30 control Na+ levels and
D. Serum K+ levels?
potassium 6
mEq/L A. The kidneys
35) When the kidneys release renin,
have too few nephrons to which controls
excrete metabolic wastes angiotensin. The
and regulate fluid and angiotensin
electrolyte balance controls
adequately, the client is aldosterone.
said to have , the final Aldosterone
stage of controls the levels
Chronic Renal Failure. of Na+ and K+
A. End- B. Kidneys release
stage renal disease aldosterone which
(ESRD) controls renin.
B. renal insufficien Renin causes the
cy release of
Angiotensin and solutes to empty into
controls the levels a collecting device. Fluid
of Na+ and K+ may be replaced with a
C. The kidneys balanced electrolyte
release renin solution as needed during
which controls treatment.
K+. The kidneys A. Hemodialysis
release B. Continuous
angiotensin which ambulatory
causes Na+ peritoneal dialysis
realease. C. Continuous
38) Anti-hypertensive cyclic peritoneal
therapy in patients with dialysis
chronic renal disease is D. Continuous Ren
for? al Replacement
A. Renal protection Therapy
B. Cardiovascular 40) __________ failure is
protection caused by obstruction of
C. Both renal and urine flow. (urethral
cardiovascular obstruction by enlarged
protection prostate or tumor;
D. None of the ureteral or kidney pelvis
above obstruction by calculi)
39) ____________ is a
treatment for renal failure A. p
in which blood id rerenal
continuously circulated B. i
(artery to vein or vein to ntrarenal
vein) and filtered, C. p
allowing excess water ostrenal
D. pto the patient, the nurse
erirenal knows that
41) Agents that damage contraindications to
the kidney tissue are kidney transplantation
called: include
A. nephrons A. hepatitis C
B. nephrotoxins infection
C. antibodies B. extensive
D. enterotoxins vascular disease
42) Which phase of C. coronary artery
Acute Renal Failure disease
results in FVE and edema D. refractory
due to salt and water hypertension
retention, hypertension, 44) Which of the
Azotemia, hyperkalemia, following medications
muscle weakness, does not interfere with
nausea, diarrhea, and either creatinine secretion
high serum creatinine and or the assay used to
BUN levels? measure the serum
A. initiation phase creatinine?
B. maintenance
phase A. Ibuprofen
C. recovery phase B. Cimetidine
D. intrarenal phase C. Trimethoprim
43) A patient rapidly D. Cefoxitin
progressing toward E. Flucytosine
ESRD asks about the 45) A female client with
possibility of a kidney acute renal failure is
transplant. In responding undergoing dialysis for
the first time. The nurse
in charge monitors the B. gain of 2 pounds
client closely for dialysis over a 2 day
equilibrium syndrome, a period
complication that is most C. loss of 5 pounds
common during the first over a 5 day
few dialysis sessions. period
Typically, dialysis D. gain of 5 pounds
equilibrium syndrome over a 2 day
causes: period
A. confusion, 47) Nurse Tristan is
headache, and caring for a male client in
seizures. acute renal failure. The
B. acute bone pain nurse should expect
and confusion. hypertonic glucose,
C. weakness, insulin infusions, and
tingling, and sodium bicarbonate to be
cardiac used to treat:
arrhythmias. A. hypernatremia.
D. hypotension, B. hypokalemia.
tachycardia, and C. hyperkalemia.
tachypnea. D. hypercalcemia.
46) Clients with 48) The client with
chronic renal failure ESRD tells the nurse that
should notify the she hates the thought of
physician of any weight: being tied to the machine,
A. loss of 2 pounds but is also glad to start
over a 5 day dialysis because she will
period be able to eat and drink
what she wants. Based on
this information, the nuse
identifies the nursing A. 100 times more
diagnosis of acidic
B. 200 times less
A. self-esteem acidic
disturbance C. 1000 times more
related to acidic
dependence on D. 2000 times more
dialysis acidic
B. anxiety related 50) Impaired metabolic
to perceived threat processes such as
to health status Hyperkalemia, Acidosis,
and role Hyperlipidemia,
functioning Hyperuricemia, and
C. ineffective malnutrition are some
management of effects of ___________.
regimen related to A. hematuria
lack of knowledge B. oliguria
of treatment plan C. uremia
D. risk for D. nephrotoxins
imbalanced 51) ________ failure is
nutrition: more caused by Acute damage
than body to renal tissue and
requirements, nephrons or acute tubular
related to necrosis: abrupt decline
increased dietary in tubular and glomerular
intake function due to either
49) How acidic is urine prolonged ischemia
compared to blood? and/or exposure to
nephrotoxins. (Acute
glomerulonephritis, D. Platelet
malignant hypertension, dysfunction
ischemia; nephrotoxic 54) The nurse is
drugs or substances; red performing an
blood cell destruction; assessment on a client
muscle tissue breakdown who has returned from
due to trauma, the dialysis unit
heatstroke) following hemodialysis.
A. Prerenal The client is complaining
B. Intrarenal of a headache and nausea
C. Postrenal and is extremely restless.
D. Perirenal Which of the following is
52) Common early the most appropriate
manifestation of kidney nursing action?
disease are loss of
concentration and dilute A. Notify the
urine and loss of ability physician
to concentrate and dilute B. Monitor the
urine . client
C. Elevate the head
A. True of the bed
B. False D. Medicate the
53) A client with client for nausea
acute renal failure is 55) How much KCL do
aware that the most normal kidneys excrete
serious complication of each day?
this condition is:
A. Constipation A. 6-8 g
B. Anemia B. 1g
C. Infection C. 6-8 mg
D. 3 mg
56) Clients on continuous B. Polydypsia
ambulatory peritoneal C. Oliguria
dialysis (CAPD) must D. Anuria
empty their peritoneal 59) A client on peritoneal
cavity and replace the dialysis notices that the
dialysate every collecting bag of
__________ hours. dialysate is cloudy, what
is this an indication of?
A. 24
B. 6-8 A. The client needs
C. 4-6 to change their
D. 48 dialysate
57) Which of these drugs B. The patient
is nephrotoxic? needs a kidney
A. Diuretics C. Medication was
B. ACE inhibitors added to the
C. NSAIDs dialysate
D. Sodium D. The patient is
bicarbonate/ infected and
Potassium experiencing
bicarbonate peritonitis
58) A client is admitted 60) End-
to the hospital and has a stage renal disease is
diagnosis of early stage defined as GFR less than
chronic renal failure. ml/min per 1.73m2.
Which of the following A. 45
would the nurse expect to B. 30
note on assessment of the C. 15
client? D. 10
A. Polyuria
E. 5 63) Which of the
61) During the following are abnormal
_________ phase of to be found in the urine?
Acute Renal Failure,
Oliguria develops and the A. K
kidneys cannot B. Amino acids
efficiently eliminate C. Glucose
metabolic wastes, water, D. all of the above
electrolytes, and acids. E. Amino acids and
A. maintenance glucose
B. initiation 64) ESRD occurs when
C. recovery the GFR is less than ___
62) What tests and results per minute.
prove the presence of A. 5 ml
dilute urine? B. 10 ml
A. Fixed Specific C. 15 ml
Gravity (1.010), D. 25 ml
and/or Fixed 65) “urine in the blood”
osmolality (300 A. uremia
mOsm/l) B. uticaria
B. GFR (100 C. urethritis
ml/min), and/or D. urethrorrhea
Specific Gravity
(1.030) 1. Dialysis allows for the
C. Serum exchange of particles
Creatinine (1.5 across a semipermeable
mg/dl) membrane by which of
the following actions?
A. Osmosis and C. There will be a
diffusion few changes in
B. Passage of fluid your lifestyle.
toward a solution D. Use alcohol on
with a lower the skin and clean
solute it due to
concentration integumentary
C. Allowing the changes.
passage of blood 3. A client is undergoing
cells and protein peritoneal dialysis. The
molecules through dialysate dwell time is
it. completed, and the dwell
D. Passage of clamp is opened to allow
solute particles the dialysate to drain.
toward a solution The nurse notes that the
with a higher drainage has stopped and
concentration. only 500 ml has drained;
2. A client is the amount the dialysate
diagnosed with chronic instilled was 1,500 ml.
renal failure and told she Which of the following
must start hemodialysis. interventions would be
Client teaching would done first?
include which of the
following instructions? A. Change the
client’s position.
A. Follow a high B. Call the
potassium diet physician.
B. Strictly follow C. Check the
the hemodialysis catheter for kinks
schedule or obstruction.
D. Clamp the D. Prepare the
catheter and instill client for
more dialysate at hemodialysis.
the next exchange 5. A client has a history
time. of chronic renal failure
4. A client receiving and received
hemodialysis treatment hemodialysis treatments
arrives at the hospital three times per week
with a blood pressure of through an arteriovenous
200/100, a heart rate of (AV) fistula in the left
110, and a respiratory arm. Which of the
rate of 36. Oxygen following interventions is
saturation on room air is included in this client’s
89%. He complains of plan of care?
shortness of breath, and
+2 pedal edema is noted. A. Keep the AV
His last hemodialysis fistula site dry.
treatment was yesterday. B. Keep the AV
Which of the following fistula wrapped in
interventions should be gauze.
done first? C. Take the blood
pressure in the left
A. Administer arm
oxygen D. Assess the AV
B. Elevate the foot fistula for a bruit
of the bed and thrill
C. Restrict the 6. Which of the following
client’s fluids factors causes the nausea
associated with renal
A. Oliguria B. Serum calcium
B. Gastric ulcers level of 5 mEq/L
C. Electrolyte C. Increased blood
imbalances coagulation
D. Accumulation of D. Diarrhea
waste products 9. A nurse is assessing
7. Which of the following the patency of an
clients is at greatest risk arteriovenous fistula in
for developing acute the left arm of a client
renal failure? who is receiving
hemodialysis for the
A. A dialysis client treatment of chronic renal
who gets failure. Which finding
influenza indicates that the fistula
B. A teenager who is patent?
has an
appendectomy A. Absence of bruit
C. A pregnant on auscultation of
woman who has a the fistula.
fractured femur B. Palpation of a
D. A client with thrill over the
diabetes who has fistula
a heart C. Presence of a
catherization radial pulse in the
8. In a client in renal left wrist
failure, which assessment D. Capillary refill
finding may indicate time less than 3
hypocalcemia? seconds in the nail
beds of the fingers
A. Headache on the left hand.
10. The client with syndrome, the nurse
chronic renal failure is at assesses the client during
risk of developing dialysis for:
dementia related to
excessive absorption of A. Hypertension,
aluminum. The nurse tachycardia, and
teaches that this is the fever
reason that the client is B. Hypotension,
being prescribed which bradycardia, and
of the following hypothermia
phosphate binding C. restlessness,
agents? irritability, and
A. Alu-cap weakness
(aluminum D. Headache,
hydroxide) deteriorating level
B. Tums (calcium of consciousness,
carbonate) and twitching.
C. Amphojel 12. A client with chronic
(aluminum renal failure has
hydroxide) completed a
D. Basaljel hemodialysis treatment.
(aluminum The nurse would use
hydroxide) which of the following
11. The client newly standard indicators to
diagnosed with chronic evaluate the client’s
renal failure recently has status after dialysis?
begun hemodialysis.
Knowing that the client is A. Potassium level
at risk for disequilibrium and weight
B. BUN and Which of the following
creatinine levels would the nurse expect to
C. VS and BUN note on assessment of the
D. VS and weight. client?
13. The hemodialysis
client with a left arm A. Polyuria
fistula is at risk for steal B. Polydipsia
syndrome. The nurse C. Oliguria
assesses this client for D. Anuria
which of the following 15. The client with
clinical manifestations? chronic renal failure
returns to the nursing unit
A. Warmth, following a hemodialysis
redness, and pain treatment. On assessment
in the left hand. the nurse notes that the
B. Pallor, client’s temperature is
diminished pulse, 100.2. Which of the
and pain in the following is the most
left hand. appropriate nursing
C. Edema and action?
discoloration of A. Encourage
the left arm fluids
D. Aching pain, B. Notify the
pallor, and edema physician
in the left arm. C. Monitor the site
14. A client is admitted of the shunt for
to the hospital and has a infection
diagnosis of early stage D. Continue to
chronic renal failure. monitor vital
16. The nurse is understanding of this
performing an dietary restriction?
assessment on a client
who has returned from A. Cantaloupe
the dialysis unit B. Spinach
following hemodialysis. C. Lima beans
The client is complaining D. Strawberries
of a headache and nausea 18. The nurse is
and is extremely restless. reviewing a list of
Which of the following is components contained in
the most appropriate the peritoneal dialysis
nursing action? solution with the client.
The client asks the nurse
A. Notify the about the purpose of the
physician glucose contained in the
B. Monitor the solution. The nurse bases
client the response knowing
C. Elevate the head that the glucose:
of the bed
D. Medicate the A. Prevents excess
client for nausea glucose from
17. The nurse is assisting being removed
a client on a low- from the client.
potassium diet to select B. Decreases risk
food items from the of peritonitis.
menu. Which of the C. Prevents
following food items, if disequilibrium
selected by the client, syndrome
would indicate an D. Increases
osmotic pressure
to produce complains of abdominal
ultrafiltration. pain. Which action by the
19. The nurse is nurse is most
preparing to care for a appropriate?
client receiving
peritoneal dialysis. A. Slow the
Which of the following infusion
would be included in the B. Decrease the
nursing plan of care to amount to be
prevent the major infused
complication associated C. Explain that the
with peritoneal dialysis? pain will subside
after the first few
A. Monitor the exchanges
clients level of D. Stop the dialysis
consciousness 21. The nurse is
B. Maintain strict instructing a client with
aseptic technique diabetes mellitus about
C. Add heparin to peritoneal dialysis. The
the dialysate nurse tells the client that
solution it is important to
D. Change the maintain the dwell time
catheter site for the dialysis at the
dressing daily prescribed time because
20. A client newly of the risk of:
diagnosed with renal
failure is receiving A. Infection
peritoneal dialysis. B. Hyperglycemia
During the infusion of C. Fluid overload
the dialysate the client D. Disequilibrium
22. The client with acute should plan to administer
renal failure has a serum this medication:
potassium level of 5.8
mEq/L. The nurse would A. Just before
plan which of the dialysis
following as a priority B. During dialysis
action? C. On return from
A. Allow an extra D. The day after
500 ml of fluid dialysis
intake to dilute 24. The client with
the electrolyte chronic renal failure has
concentration. an indwelling catheter for
B. Encourage peritoneal dialysis in the
increased abdomen. The client
vegetables in the spills water on the
diet catheter dressing while
C. Place the client bathing. The nurse
on a cardiac should immediately:
D. Check the A. Reinforce the
sodium level dressing
23. The client with B. Change the
chronic renal failure who dressing
is scheduled for C. Flush the
hemodialysis this peritoneal dialysis
morning is due to receive catheter
a daily dose of enalapril D. Scrub the
(Vasotec). The nurse catheter with
25. The client being client about self-
hemodialyzed suddenly monitoring between
becomes short of breath hemodialysis treatments.
and complains of chest The nurse determines that
pain. The client is the client best
tachycardic, pale, and understands the
anxious. The nurse information given if the
suspects air embolism. client states to record the
The nurse should: daily:
A. Continue the A. Pulse and
dialysis at a respiratory rate
slower rate after B. Intake, output,
checking the lines and weight
for air C. BUN and
B. Discontinue creatinine levels
dialysis and notify D. Activity log
the physician 27. The client with an
C. Monitor vital arteriovenous shunt in
signs every 15 place for hemodialysis is
minutes for the at risk for bleeding. The
next hour nurse would do which of
D. Bolus the client the following as a
with 500 ml of priority action to prevent
normal saline to this complication from
break up the air occurring?
26. The nurse has A. Check the
completed client teaching results of the PT
with the hemodialysis time as they are
B. Observe the site D. Check the
once per shift peritoneal dialysis
C. Check the shunt system for kinks
for the presence E. Reposition the
of a bruit and client to his or her
thrill side.
D. Ensure that 29. The nurse assesses
small clamps are the client who has
attached to the chronic renal failure and
AV shunt notes the following:
dressing. crackles in the lung
28. The nurse is bases, elevated blood
monitoring a client pressure, and weight gain
receiving peritoneal of 2 pounds in one day.
dialysis and nurse notes Based on these data,
that a client’s outflow is which of the following
less than the inflow. nursing diagnoses is
Select actions that the appropriate?
nurse should take.
A. Excess fluid
A. Place the volume related to
client in good the kidney’s
body alignment inability to
B. Check the maintain fluid
level of the balance.
drainage bag B. Increased
C. Contact the cardiac output
physician related to fluid
C. Ineffective C. Activity
tissue perfusion Intolerance
related to D. Impaired Gas
interrupted Exchange
arterial blood E. Pain.
flow. 31. What is the primary
D. Ineffective disadvantage of using
therapeutic peritoneal dialysis for
Regimen long term management of
Management chronic renal failure?
related to lack of
knowledge about A. The danger of
therapy. hemorrhage is
30. The nurse is caring high.
for a hospitalized client B. It cannot correct
who has chronic renal severe
failure. Which of the imbalances.
following nursing C. It is a time
diagnoses are most consuming
appropriate for this method of
client? Select all that treatment.
apply. D. The risk of
A. Excess Fluid hepatitis is high.
Volume 32. The dialysis solution
B. Imbalanced is warmed before use in
Nutrition; Less peritoneal dialysis
than Body primarily to:
A. Encourage the B. Bleeding
removal of serum indicates
urea. abdominal blood
B. Force potassium vessel damage
back into the C. Bleeding can
cells. indicate kidney
C. Add extra damage.
warmth into the D. Bleeding is
body. caused by too-
D. Promote rapid infusion of
abdominal muscle the dialysate.
relaxation. 34. Which of the
33. During the client’s following nursing
dialysis, the nurse interventions should be
observes that the solution included in the client’s
draining from the care plan during dialysis
abdomen is consistently therapy?
blood tinged. The client
has a permanent A. Limit the
peritoneal catheter in client’s visitors
place. Which B. Monitor the
interpretation of this client’s blood
observation would be pressure
correct? C. Pad the side
rails of the bed
A. Bleeding is D. Keep the client
expected with a NPO.
permanent 35. Aluminum
peritoneal catheter hydroxide gel
(Amphojel) is prescribed
for the client with A. “I’ll take it
chronic renal failure to every 4 hours
take at home. What is the around the clock.”
purpose of giving this B. “I’ll take it
drug to a client with between meals
chronic renal failure? and at bedtime.”
C. “I’ll take it
A. To relieve the when I have a
pain of gastric sour stomach.”
hyperacidity D. “I’ll take it with
B. To prevent meals and
Curling’s stress bedtime snacks.”
ulcers 37. The client with
C. To bind chronic renal failure tells
phosphorus in the the nurse he takes
intestine magnesium hydroxide
D. To reverse (milk of magnesium) at
metabolic home for constipation.
acidosis. The nurse suggests that
36. The nurse teaches the client switch to
the client with chronic psyllium hydrophilic
renal failure when to take mucilloid (Metamucil)
the aluminum hydroxide because:
gel. Which of the
following statements A. MOM can cause
would indicate that the magnesium
client understands the toxicity
teaching? B. MOM is too
harsh on the
C. Metamucil is material as
more palatable needed.
D. MOM is high in 39. The nurse helps the
sodium client with chronic renal
38. In planning teaching failure develop a home
strategies for the client diet plan with the goal of
with chronic renal helping the client
failure, the nurse must maintain adequate
keep in mind the nutritional intake. Which
neurologic impact of of the following diets
uremia. Which teaching would be most
strategy would be most appropriate for a client
appropriate? with chronic renal
A. Providing all
needed teaching A. High
in one extended carbohydrate,
session. high protein
B. Validating B. High calcium,
frequently the high potassium,
client’s high protein
understanding of C. Low protein,
the material. low sodium, low
C. Conducting a potassium
one-on-one D. Low protein,
session with the high potassium
client. 40. A client with chronic
D. Using renal failure has asked to
videotapes to be evaluated for a home
reinforce the continuous ambulatory
peritoneal dialysis standard
(CAPD) program. The peritoneal dialysis
nurse should explain that is a more effective
the major advantage of technique.”
this approach is that it: B. “Diet
restrictions are the
A. Is relatively low same for both
in cost CAPD and
B. Allows the standard
client to be more peritoneal
independent dialysis.”
C. Is faster and C. “Diet
more efficient restrictions with
than standard CAPD are fewer
peritoneal dialysis than with standard
D. Has fewer peritoneal dialysis
potential because dialysis is
complications constant.”
than standard D. “Diet
peritoneal dialysis restrictions with
41. The client asks CAPD are fewer
whether her diet would than with standard
change on CAPD. Which peritoneal dialysis
of the following would because CAPD
be the nurse’s best works more
response? quickly.”
A. “Diet 42. Which of the
restrictions are following is the most
more rigid with significant sign of
CAPD because peritoneal infection?
A. Cloudy dialysate 45. When caring for Mr.
fluid Roberto’s AV shunt on
B. Swelling in the his right arm, you should:
C. Poor drainage of A. Cover the entire
the dialysate fluid cannula with an
D. Redness at the elastic bandage
catheter insertion B. Notify the
site physician if a
43. The main indicator of bruit and thrill are
the need for hemodialysis present
is: C. User surgical
aseptic technique
A. Ascites when giving shunt
B. Acidosis care
C. Hypertension D. Take the blood
D. Hyperkalemia pressure on the
44. To gain access to the right arm instead
vein and artery, an AV
shunt was used for Mr.
Roberto. The most SPINAL CORD
serious problem with INJURY
regards to the AV shunt
is: A patient with a spinal
cord injury at the T1
A. Septicemia level complains of a
B. Clot formation severe headache and an
C. Exsanguination "anxious feeling." Which
D. Vessel sclerosis is the most appropriate
initial reaction by the 4. Explain to the patient
nurse? that this could be a
1. Try to calm the patient common, temporary
and make the problem.
environment soothing.
2. Assess for a full
bladder. The nurse is caring for a
3. Notify the healthcare patient with increased
provider. intracranial pressure
4. Prepare the patient for (IICP). The nurse realizes
diagnostic radiography. that some nursing actions
are contraindicated with
A hospitalized patient IICP. Which nursing
with a C7 cord injury action should be
begins to yell "I can't feel avoided?
my legs anymore."
Which is the most 1. Reposition the patient
appropriate action by the every two hours.
nurse? 2. Position the patient
with the head elevated 30
1. Remind the patient of degrees.
her injury and try to 3. Suction the airway
comfort her. every two hours per
2. Call the healthcare standing orders.
provider and get an order 4. Provide continuous
for radiologic evaluation. oxygen as ordered.
3. Prepare the patient for
surgery, as her condition
is worsening. A patient with a spinal
cord injury (SCI) is
admitted to the unit and 3. respiratory wheezes
placed in traction. Which and stridor
of the following actions 4. diarrhea
is the nurse responsible 5. fecal impaction
for when caring for this
Select all that apply. An unconscious patient
receiving emergency care
1. modifying the traction following an automobile
weights as needed crash accident has a
2. assessing the patient's possible spinal cord
skin integrity injury. What guidelines
3. applying the traction for emergency care will
upon admission be followed?
4. administering pain Select all that apply.
5. providing passive 1. Immobilize the neck
range of motion using rolled towels or a
cervical collar.
A patient has 2. The patient will be
manifestations of placed in a supine
autonomic dysreflexia. position
Which of these 3. The patient will be
assessments would placed on a ventilator.
indicate a possible cause 4. The head of the bed
for this condition? will be elevated.
Select all that apply. 5. The patient's head will
be secured with a belt or
1. hypertension tape secured to the
2. kinked catheter tubing stretcher.
4. 35-year-old male who
A patient with a spinal coaches a soccer team
cord injury is recovering
from spinal shock. The The nurse understands
nurse realizes that the that when the spinal cord
patient should not is injured, ischemia
develop a full bladder results and edema occurs.
because what emergency How should the nurse
condition can occur if it explain to the patient the
is not corrected quickly? reason that the extent of
injury cannot be
1. autonomic dysreflexia determined for several
2. autonomic crisis days to a week?
3. autonomic shutdown
4. autonomic failure 1. "Tissue repair does not
begin for 72 hours."
2. "The edema extends
Which patient is at the level of injury for two
highest risk for a spinal cord segments above and
cord injury? below the affected level."
3. "Neurons need time to
1. 18-year-old male with regenerate so stating the
a prior arrest for driving injury early is not
while intoxicated (DWI) predictive of how the
2. 20-year-old female patient progresses."
with a history of 4. "Necrosis of gray and
substance abuse white matter does not
3. 50-year-old female occur until days after the
with osteoporosis injury."
3. Teach the patient to
A patient with a spinal grasp the side rail to turn.
cord injury (SCI) has 4. Use the log roll to turn
complete paralysis of the the patient to the side.
upper extremities and
complete paralysis of the
lower part of the body. The patient is admitted
The nurse should use with injuries that were
which medical term to sustained in a fall. During
adequately describe this the nurse's first
in documentation? assessment upon
1. hemiplegia admission, the findings
2. paresthesia are: blood pressure 90/60
3. paraplegia (as compared to 136/66
4. quadriplegia in the emergency
Which of the following department), flaccid
nursing actions is paralysis on the right,
appropriate for absent bowel sounds,
preventing skin zero urine output, and
breakdown in a patient palpation of a distended
who has recently bladder. These signs are
undergone a consistent with which of
laminectomy? the following?
1. paralysis
1. Provide the patient 2. spinal shock
with an air mattress. 3. high cervical injury
2. Place pillows under 4. temporary
patient to help patient hypovolemia
While caring for the patient's BP is 83/49, and
patient with spinal cord his pulse is 39 beats/min,
injury (SCI), the nurse and he remains orally
elevates the head of the intubated. The nurse
bed, removes identifies this
compression stockings, pathophysiologic
and continues to assess response as caused by
vital signs every two to
three minutes while a. increased vasomotor
searching for the cause in tone after injury
order to prevent loss of b. a temporary loss of
consciousness or death. sensation and flaccid
By practicing these paralysis below the level
interventions, the nurse is of injury
avoiding the most c. loss of
dangerous complication parasympathetic nervous
of autonomic dysreflexia, system innervation
which is which of the resulting in
following? vasoconstriction
d. loss of sympathetic
1. hypoxia nervous system
2. bradycardia innervation resulting in
3. elevated blood peripheral vasodilation
4. tachycardia A nurse is caring for a
client with a spinal cord
A patient is admitted to injury who reports a
the hospital with a CD4 severe headache and is
spinal cord injury after a sweating profusely. vital
motorcycle collision. The signs include BP
220/110, apical heart rate
of 54/min. Which of the An initial incomplete
following acctions should spinal cord injury often
the nurse take first? results in complete cord
damage because of
a. notify the provider a. edematous
b. sit the client upright in compression of the cord
bed above the level of the
c. check the client's injury
urinary catheter for b. continued trauma to
blockage the cord resulting from
d. administer damage to stabilizing
antihypertensive ligaments
medication c. infarction and necrosis
B. sit the client upright in of the cord caused by
bed edema, hemorrhage, and
d. mecheanical
Following a T2 spinal transection of the cord by
cord injury, the patient sharp vertebral bone
develops paralytic ileus. fragments after the initial
While this condition is injury
present, the nurse
anticipates that the Two days following a
patient will need spinal cord injury, a
a. IV fluids patient asks continually
b. tube feedings about the extent of
c. parenteral nutrition impairment that will
d. nasogastric suctioning result from the injury.
The best response by the function. The nurses' best
nurse is, response to the patient is,
c. total hemiplegia with the patient is discharged
sensory and motor loss from rehabilitation
d. spastic tetraplegia with
loss of pressure sensation
In planning community
During the patient's education for prevention
process of grieving for of spinal cord injuries,
the losses resulting from the nurse targets
spinal cord injury, the a. elderly men
nurse b. teenage girls
c. elementary school-age
a. helps the patient children
understand that working d. adolescent and young
through the grief will be adult men
a lifelong process
b. should assist the In counseling patient
patient to move through with spinal cord lesions
all stages of the regarding sexual
mourning process to function, the nurse
acceptance advises a male patient
c. lets the patient know with a complete lower
that anger directed at the motor neuron lesion that
staff or the family is not a he
positive coping
mechanism a. is most likely to have
d. facilitates the grieving reflexogenic erections
process so that it is and may experience
completed by the time orgasm if ejaculation
b. may have uncontrolled pressure in coordination
reflex erections, but that with reflex voiding
orgasm and ejaculation patterns
are usually not possible d. that a urinary
c. has a lesion with the diversion, such as an ileal
greatest possibility of conduit, is the easiest
successful psychogenic way to handle urinary
erection with ejaculation elimination
and orgasm
d. will probably be A nurse is caring for a
unable to have either client who experienced a
psychogenic or cervical spine injury 24
reflexogenic erections hours ago. which of the
with no ejaculation or following types of
orgasm prescribed medications
should the nurse clarify
A patient with paraplegia with the provider?
has developed an irritable
bladder with reflex a. glucocorticoids
emptying. The nurse b. plasma expanders
teaches the patient c. H2 antagonists
d. muscle relaxants
a. hygiene care for an
indwelling urinary
catheter 27. When caring for a
b. how to perform patient who was admitted
intermittent self- 24 hours previously with
catheterization a C5 spinal cord injury,
c. to empty the bladder which nursing action has
with manual pelvic the highest priority?
b. tell the patient that
a. Continuous cardiac sildenafil (Viagra) helps
monitoring for to decrease erectile
bradycardia dysfunction in patients
b. Administration of with spinal cord injury.
methylprednisolone c. inform the patient that
(Solu-Medrol) infusion most patients with upper
c. Assessment of motor neuron injuries
respiratory rate and depth have reflex erections.
d. Application of d. suggest that the patient
pneumatic compression and his wife work with a
devices to both legs nurse specially trained in
sexual counseling.
22. A 26-year-old patient
with a C8 spinal cord
injury tells the nurse, 13. A patient with a neck
"My wife and I have fracture at the C5 level is
always had a very active admitted to the intensive
sex life, and I am worried care unit (ICU) following
that she may leave me if I initial treatment in the
cannot function emergency room. During
sexually." The most initial assessment of the
appropriate response by patient, the nurse
the nurse to the patient's recognizes the presence
comment is to of spinal shock on
a. advise the patient to
talk to his wife to a. hypotension,
determine how she feels bradycardia, and warm
about his sexual function. extremities.
b. involuntary, spastic e. Retention catheter care
movements of the arms f. Administration of H2
and legs. receptor blockers
c. the presence of
hyperactive reflex
activity below the level 16. A patient with a T1
of the injury. spinal cord injury is
d. flaccid paralysis and admitted to the intensive
lack of sensation below care unit (ICU). The
the level of the injury. nurse will teach the
patient and family that
a. use of the shoulders
1. When caring for a will be preserved.
patient who experienced b. full function of the
a T1 spinal cord patient's arms will be
transsection 2 days ago, retained.
which collaborative and c. total loss of respiratory
nursing actions will the function may occur
nurse include in the plan temporarily.
of care? (Select all that d. elevations in heart rate
apply.) are common with this
type of injury.
a. Endotracheal
suctioning 1. In which order will the
b. Continuous cardiac nurse perform the
monitoring following actions when
c. Avoidance of cool caring for a patient with
room temperature possible cervical spinal
d. Nasogastric tube cord trauma who is
admitted to the once initial assessment
emergency department? and stabilization is
a. Administer O2 using a accomplished.
non-rebreathing mask.
b. Monitor cardiac
rhythm and blood
pressure. 14. When caring for a
c. Immobilize the patient who had a C8
patient's head, neck, and spinal cord injury 10
spine. days ago and has a weak
d. Transfer the patient to cough effort, bibasilar
radiology for spinal CT. crackles, and decreased
Correct Answer: C, A, B, breath sounds, the initial
D intervention by the nurse
Rationale: The first should be to
action should be to
prevent further injury by a. administer oxygen at 7
stabilizing the patient's to 9 L/min with a face
spinal cord. Maintenance mask.
of oxygenation by b. place the hands on the
administration of 100% epigastric area and push
O2 is the second priority. upward when the patient
Because neurogenic coughs.
shock is a possible c. encourage the patient
complication, continuous to use an incentive
monitoring of heart spirometer every 2 hours
rhythm and BP is during the day.
indicated. CT scan to d. suction the patient's
determine the extent and oral and pharyngeal
level of injury is needed airway.
a. Teaching the patient
20. The nurse discusses how to self-catheterize
long-range goals with a b. Assisting the patient to
patient with a C6 spinal the toilet q2-3hr
cord injury. An c. Use of the Credé
appropriate patient method to empty the
outcome is bladder
d. Catheterization for
a. transfers independently residual urine after
to a wheelchair. voiding
b. drives a car with
powered hand controls.
c. turns and repositions Which is most important
self independently when to respond to in a patient
in bed. presenting with a T3
d. pushes a manual spinal injury?
wheelchair on flat,
smooth surfaces. A. Blood pressure of
88/60 mm Hg, pulse of
56 beats/minute
18. A patient with a B. Deep tendon reflexes
paraplegia resulting from of 1+, muscle strength of
a T10 spinal cord injury 1+
has a neurogenic reflex C. Pain rated at 9
bladder. When the nurse D. Warm, dry skin
develops a plan of care
for this problem, which
nursing action will be
most appropriate? The patient arrives in the
emergency department
from a motor vehicle C. The heel has a
accident, during which reddened, nonblanchable
the car ran into a tree. area.
The patient was not D. Reflux bowel
wearing a seat belt, and emptying.
the windshield is
shattered. What action is Which clinical
most important for you to manifestation do you
do? interpret as representing
neurogenic shock in a
A. Determine if the patient with acute spinal
patient lost cord injury?
B. Assess the Glasgow A. Bradycardia
Coma Scale (GCS) score. B. Hypertension
C. Obtain a set of vital C. Neurogenic spasticity
signs. D. Bounding pedal pulses
D. Use a logroll
technique when moving
the patient. 17. A male client with a
spinal cord injury is
One month after a spinal prone to experiencing
cord injury, which automatic dysreflexia.
finding is most important The nurse would avoid
for you to monitor? which of the following
measures to minimize the
A. Bladder scan indicates risk of recurrence?
100 mL.
B. The left calf is 5 cm a. Strict adherence to a
larger than the right calf. bowel retraining program
b. Keeping the linen
wrinkle-free under the
c. Preventing During rehabilitation, a
unnecessary pressure on patient with spinal cord
the lower limbs injury begins to ambulate
d. Limiting bladder with long leg braces.
catheterization to once Which level of injury
every 12 hours does the nurse associate
with this degree of
A client with a spinal
cord injury is prone to
experiencing autonomic a. L1-2
dysreflexia. The nurse
should avoid which b. T6-7
measure to minimize the c. T1-2
risk of recurrence?
d. C7-8
1. strict adherence to a A patient with a T4
bowel retraining program spinal cord injury
2. keeping the linen experiences neurogenic
wrinkle free under the shock as a result of SNS
client dysfunction. What would
3. avoiding unnecessary the nurse recognize as
pressure on the lower
characteristic of this
4. limiting bladder
catheterization to once
every 12 hours
a. Tachycardia A patient with a C7 SCI
b. Hypotension undergoing rehabilitation
tells the nurse he must
c. Increased urine output have the flu because he
d. Peripheral has a bad headache and
vasoconstriction nausea. The nurse's first
priority is to
a. Keep a wrench close or b. "A reflex erection may
attached to the vest. cause an unsafe drop in
b. Use the frame and vest blood pressure."
to assist in positioning. c. "If I develop a severe
c. Clean around the pins headache, I will lie down
using betadine swab for 15 to 20 minutes."
sticks. d. "I can avoid this
d. Loosen both sides of problem by taking
the vest to provide skin medications to prevent
care leg spasms."
b. Teach the patient to b. Spinal shock syndrome
gradually increase intake c. Anterior cord
of high-fiber foods. syndrome
c. Assess bowel d. Brown-Séquard
movements for syndrome
frequency, consistency,
and volume.
d. Instruct the patient to Which clinical
avoid all caffeinated and manifestation would the
carbonated beverages. nurse interpret as a
manifestation of
neurogenic shock in a
The nurse is caring for a patient with acute spinal
patient admitted with a cord injury?
spinal cord injury after a
motor vehicle accident.
The patient exhibits a a. Bradycardia
complete loss of motor, b. Hypertension
sensory, and reflex c. Neurogenic spasticity
activity below the injury
level. The nurse d. Bounding pedal pulses
recognizes this condition
as which of the When planning care for a
following? patient with a cervical
spinal cord injury (C5),
a. Central cord syndrome which nursing diagnosis
has the highest priority?
a. Impaired urinary b. Irregular respirations
elimination related to and shortness of breath
tetraplegia c. Decreased level of
b. Risk for impaired consciousness or
tissue integrity related to hallucinations
paralysis d. Abdominal distention
c. Disabled family coping and absence of bowel
related to the extent of sounds
d. Ineffective airway Which intervention
clearance related to should the nurse perform
cervical spinal cord first in the acute care of a
injury patient with autonomic
A 25-yr-old male patient short time ago.
who is a professional Assessment of the client
motocross racer has reveals increased blood
anterior spinal cord pressure (168/94 mm Hg)
syndrome at T10. His and decreased heart rate
history is significant for (48 beats/min),
tobacco, alcohol, and diaphoresis, and flushing
marijuana use. What is of the face and neck.
the nurse's priority when What action should the
planning for nurse take first?
program. Which (ED). What is the priority
strategies may stimulate nursing assessment?
the client to void? Select
all that apply.
a. Determine the level at
which the client has
a. Stroking the client's intact sensation.
inner thigh b. Assess the level at
b. Pulling on the client's which the client has
pubic hair retained mobility.
c. Initiating intermittent c. Check blood pressure
straight catheterization and pulse for signs of
d. Pouring warm water spinal shock.
over the client's perineum d. Monitor respiratory
e. Tapping the bladder to effort and oxygen
stimulate the detrusor saturation level.
f. Reminding the client to Which nursing action
void in a urinal every will the home health
hour while awake nurse include in the plan
of care for a patient with
paraplegia in order to
A client with a spinal prevent autonomic
cord injury at level C3 to dysreflexia?
C4 is being cared for by
the nurse in the
emergency department
a. Assist with selection of c. hyperactive reflex
a high protein diet. activity below the level
b. Use quad coughing to of the injury.
assist cough effort. d. lack of movement or
c. Discuss options for sensation below the level
sexuality and fertility. of the injury.
a. Assessment of b. administer oxygen at 7
respiratory rate and depth to 9 L/min with a face
b. Continuous cardiac mask.
monitoring for c. place the hands on the
bradycardia epigastric area and push
c. Application of upward when the patient
pneumatic compression coughs.
devices to both legs d. encourage the patient
d. Administration of to use an incentive
methylprednisolone spirometer every 2 hours
(Solu-Medrol) infusion during the day.
b. Give the prescribed sexuality after spinal cord
antiemetic. injury.
c. Check the blood d. Penile injection,
pressure (BP). prostheses, or vacuum
d. Notify the health care suction devices are
provider. possible options.
a. Reflex erections
frequently occur, but a. Urinary catheter care
orgasm may not be
possible. b. Nasogastric (NG) tube
b. Sildenafil (Viagra) is feeding
used by many patients
with spinal cord injury.
c. Continuous cardiac
c. Multiple options are monitoring
available to maintain
d. Avoidance of cool What causes an initial
room temperature SCI to result in complete
cord damage?
e. Administration of H2
receptor blockers a. edematous
compression of the cord
above the level of injury
A 70 year old patient is
admitted after falling b. continued trauma to
from his roof. He has a the cord resulting from
spinal cord injury at the damage to stabilizing
C7 level. What findings ligaments
during the assessment c. infarction and necrosis
identify the presence of of the cord caused by
spinal shock? edema, hemorrhage, and
The patient was in a b. heart rate of 42 bpm
traffic collision and is c. BP of 88/60
experiencing loss of
function below C4. d. loss of motor and
Which effect must the sensory function in the
nurse be aware of to arms and legs
provide priority care for
the patient? What is one indication
for early surgical therapy
a. respiratory of the patient with SCI?
diaphragmatic breathing
b. loss of all respiratory a. there is incomplete
muscle function cord lesion involvement
c. decreased response of b. the ligaments that
the SNS support the spine are torn
d. GI hypomobility with c. a high cervical causes
paralytic ileus and gastric loss of respiratory
distention function
A patient is admitted to d. evidence of continued
the ED with SCI at the compression of the cord
level of T2. Which is apparent
clinical finding is of most
concern by the nurse?
A patient is admitted to
the ED with a possible
a. SpO2 of 92% cervical SCI following an
automobile crash. During
admission of the patient, a. kinetic beds
what is the highest
priority for the nurse? b. hard cervical collar
c. skeletal traction with
skull tongs
a. maintaining a patent
airway d. sternal-occipital-
mandibular immobilizer
b. assessing the patient brace
for head and other
c. maintaining The HCP has prescribed
immobilization of the IV norepinephrine for the
cervical spine patient in the ED with
SCI. The nurse
d. assessing the patient's determines that the drug
motor and sensory is having the desired
function effect when what is
observed in patient
Before surgical
stabilization, what a. HR of 68 bpm
method of b. respiratory rate of 24
immobilization for the
patient with a cervical c. temperature of 96.8
SCI should the nurse d. BP 106/82
expect to be used?
During assessment of the anticipate that the patient
patient with SCI, the will need?
nurse determines that the
patient has a poor cough
with diaphragmatic a. IV fluids
breathing. Based on this b. tube feedings
finding, what should be c. parenteral nutrition
the nurse's first action?
d. nasogastric suctioning
a. institute frequent
turning and repositioning How is urinary function
maintained during the
b. use tracheal suctioning acute phase of SCI?
to remove secretions
c. assess lung sounds and
respiratory rate and depth a. an indwelling catheter
tells the nurse that he is emptying. Along with
recovering some possible use of
function. What is the medications, what will be
nurse's best response? most helpful for the nurse
to teach the patient?
a. he may have
uncontrolled reflex During the patient's
erections, but orgasm and process of grieving for
ejaculation are usually the losses resulting from
not possible SCI, what should the
b. he is most likely to nurse do?
have reflex erections and
may experience orgasm if a. help the patient to
S2-S4 nerve pathways understand that working
are intact through the grief will be
c. he has a lesion with the a lifelong process
greatest possibility of b. assist the patient to
successful pyschogenic move through all stages
erection with ejaculation of the mourning and grief
and orgasm process to acceptance
d. he will probably be c. let the patient know
unable to have either that anger directed at the
psychogenic or staff or the family is not a
reflexogenic erections positive coping
d. facilitate the grieving d. prevention of postural
process so that it is hypotension when
completed by the time placing the client in a
the patient is discharged wheelchair
from rehabilitation
d. administer
antihypertensive a. anticoagulant
b. plasma expanders
c. H2 antagonists
A nurse is caring for a
client who has a C4 SCI. d. muscle relaxants
The nurse should
recognize the client is at A nurse is caring for a
greatest risk for which of client who experienced a
the following cervical spine injury 3
complications? months ago. The nurse
should plan to implement
a. neurogenic shock which of the following
types of bladder
b. paralytic ileus management methods?
c. stress ulcer
d. respiratory a. condom catheter
b. intermittent urinary
A nurse is caring for a c. Crede's method
client who experiences a
cervical spine injury 24 d. indwelling urinary
hours ago. Which of the catheter
following prescriptions
should the nurse clarify A client with a SCI is
with the provider? prone to experiencing
autonomic dysreflexia. The nurse is evaluating
The nurse should include the neurologic signs of a
which measures in the client in spinal shock
plan of care to minimize following SCI. Which
the risk of this observation indicates that
occurrence? Select all spinal shock persists?
that apply
a. hyperreflexia
a. keeping the linens b. positive reflexes
wrinkle-free under the
client c. flaccid paralysis
D) Throbbing headache C) Altered family and
Correct Answer(s): D individual coping caused
by the extent of trauma
Autonomic dysreflexia is
related to reflex D) Ineffective airway
stimulation of the clearance caused by high
sympathetic nervous cervical spinal cord
system reflected by injury
hypertension, Correct Answer(s): D
bradycardia, throbbing Maintaining a patent
headache, and airway is the most
diaphoresis. important goal for a
patient with a high
When planning care for a cervical fracture.
patient with a C5 spinal Although all of these are
cord injury, which appropriate nursing
nursing diagnosis is the diagnoses for a patient
highest priority? with a spinal cord injury,
respiratory needs are
A) Risk for impairment always the highest
of tissue integrity caused priority. Remember the
by paralysis ABCs.
B) Altered patterns of
urinary elimination
caused by quadriplegia Which of the following
signs and symptoms in a
patient with a T4 spinal
cord injury should alert
the nurse to the
possibility of autonomic Which of the following
dysreflexia? interventions should the
A) Headache and rising nurse perform in the
blood pressure acute care of a patient
B) Irregular respirations with autonomic
and shortness of breath dysreflexia?
C. Absent gag and Medrol) as a continous
blinking reflexes IV fusion to a male
D. Absent bladder patient who has fractures
fulness sensation of the cervical vertebrae.
Which intervention
Answer is B would prevent or detect
A patient who has a SCI adverse effects of the
has neurologic medication?
impairment to all A. record pt baseline
extremities and the weight
diaphragm. However,
because the injury is C on B. adminster PPI( proton
the ASIA impairment pump inhibitor)
Scale, sensory function C. Check the hear rate for
can be intact but motor bradycardia
function will be impaired D. suction the patient's
significantly or absent.the oropharynx
patient can lose moderate
to complete peristatlic Correct Answer(s): B
action in the intestines the nurse should
but should reatine the adminster PPI because
ability to sense bladder they are at high risk for
fulnessand the position of Gi erosion and bleeding.
the legs. from the steroid.
c. the presence of When caring for a patient
hyperactive reflex who had a C8 spinal cord
activity below the level injury 10 days ago and
of the injury. has a weak cough effort,
d. flaccid paralysis and bibasilar crackles, and
lack of sensation below decreased breath sounds,
the level of the injury. the initial intervention by
the nurse should be to
Correct Answer(s): D
a. administer oxygen at 7
Rationale: Clinical to 9 L/min with a face
manifestations of spinal mask.
shock include decreased
reflexes, loss of b. place the hands on the
sensation, and flaccid epigastric area and push
paralysis below the area upward when the patient
of injury. Hypotension, coughs.
bradycardia, and warm c. encourage the patient
extremities are evidence to use an incentive
of neurogenic shock. spirometer every 2 hours
Involuntary spastic during the day.
movements and d. suction the patient's
hyperactive reflexes are oral and pharyngeal
not seen in the patient at airway.
this stage of spinal cord
injury. Correct Answer(s): B
Rationale: The nurse has
identified that the cough
effort is poor, so the
initial action should be to admitted to the intensive
use assisted coughing care unit (ICU). The
techniques to improve the nurse will teach the
ability to mobilize patient and family that
secretions. a. use of the shoulders
Administration of oxygen will be preserved.
will improve
oxygenation, but the data b. full function of the
do not indicate patient's arms will be
hypoxemia, and oxygen retained.
will not help expel c. total loss of respiratory
respiratory secretions. function may occur
The use of the spirometer temporarily.
may improve respiratory d. elevations in heart rate
status, but the patient's are common with this
ability to take deep type of injury.
breaths is limited by the
loss of intercostal muscle Correct Answer(s): B
function. Suctioning may Rationale: The patient
be needed if the patient is with a T1 injury can
unable to expel secretions expect to retain full
by coughing but should motor and sensory
not be the nurse's first function of the arms. Use
action. of only the shoulders is
associated with cervical
spine injury. Total loss of
A patient with a T1 respiratory function
spinal cord injury is occurs with injuries
above the C4 level and is Correct Answer(s): C
permanent. Bradycardia Rationale: The purpose
is associated with injuries of methylprednisolone
above the T6 level. administration is to help
preserve neurologic
The health care provider function; therefore, the
orders administration of nurse will assess this
IV methylprednisolone patient for lower-
(Solu-Medrol) for the extremity function.
first 24 hours to a patient Sympathetic nervous
who experienced a spinal system dysfunction
cord injury at the T10 occurs with injuries at or
level 3 hours ago. When above T6, so monitoring
evaluating the of BP and heart rate will
effectiveness of the not be useful in
medication the nurse will determining the
assess effectiveness of the
medication. Respiratory
a. blood pressure and and GI function will not
heart rate. be impaired by a T10
b. respiratory effort and injury, so assessments of
O2 saturation. these systems will not
c. motor and sensory provide information
function of the legs. about whether the
medication is effective.
d. bowel sounds and
abdominal distension.
A patient with a appropriate method is to
paraplegia resulting from avoid incontinence by
a T10 spinal cord injury emptying the bladder at
has a neurogenic reflex regular intervals through
bladder. When the nurse intermittent
develops a plan of care catheterization. Assisting
for this problem, which the patient to the toilet
nursing action will be will not be helpful
most appropriate? because the bladder will
a. Teaching the patient not empty. The Credé
how to self-catheterize method is more
appropriate for a bladder
b. Assisting the patient to that is flaccid, such as
the toilet q2-3hr occurs with a reflexic
c. Use of the Credé neurogenic bladder.
method to empty the Catheterization after
bladder voiding will not resolve
d. Catheterization for the patient's incontinence.
residual urine after
voiding A patient with a history
Correct Answer(s): A of a T2 spinal cord tells
Rationale: Because the the nurse, "I feel awful
patient's bladder is today. My head is
spastic and will empty in throbbing, and I feel sick
response to to my stomach." Which
overstretching of the action should the nurse
bladder wall, the most take first?
a. Notify the patient's dysreflexia is ruled out as
health care provider. the cause of the nausea.
b. Check the blood The nurse may assess for
pressure (BP). a fecal impaction, but this
should be done after
c. Give the ordered checking the BP and
antiemetic. lidocaine jelly should be
d. Assess for a fecal used to prevent further
impaction. increases in the BP.
Correct Answer(s): B The nurse discusses long-
Rationale: The BP should range goals with a patient
be assessed immediately with a C6 spinal cord
in a patient with an injury injury. An appropriate
at the T6 level or higher patient outcome is
who complains of a a. transfers independently
headache to determine to a wheelchair.
whether autonomic b. drives a car with
dysreflexia is causing the powered hand controls.
symptoms, including
hypertension. c. turns and repositions
Notification of the self independently when
patient's health care in bed.
provider is appropriate d. pushes a manual
after the BP is obtained. wheelchair on flat,
Administration of an smooth surfaces.
antiemetic is indicated Correct Answer(s): D
after autonomic
Rationale: The patient the patient's behavior is
with a C6 injury will be to
able to use the hands to a. ask for the patient's
push a wheelchair on flat, input into the plan for
smooth surfaces. Because care.
flexion of the thumb and
fingers is minimal, the b. clarify that abusive
patient will not be able to behavior will not be
grasp a wheelchair during tolerated.
transfer, drive a car with c. reassure the patient
powered hand controls, that the anger will pass
or turn independently in and rehabilitation will
bed. then progress.
d. ignore the patient's
A patient who sustained a anger and continue to
T1 spinal cord injury a perform needed
week ago refuses to assessments and care.
discuss the injury and Correct Answer(s): A
becomes verbally abusive Rationale: The patient is
to the nurses and other demonstrating behaviors
staff. The patient consistent with the anger
demands to be transferred phase of the mourning
to another hospital, process, and the nurse
where "they know what should allow expression
they are doing." The best of anger and seek the
response by the nurse to patient's input into care.
Expression of anger is
appropriate at this stage a. advise the patient to
and should be tolerated talk to his wife to
by the nurse. Refusal to determine how she feels
acknowledge the patient's about his sexual function.
anger by telling the b. tell the patient that
patient that the anger is sildenafil (Viagra) helps
just a phase is to decrease erectile
inappropriate. Continuing dysfunction in patients
to perform needed with spinal cord injury.
assessments and care is
appropriate, but the nurse c. inform the patient that
should seek the patient's most patients with upper
input into what care is motor neuron injuries
needed. have reflex erections.
d. suggest that the patient
and his wife work with a
A 26-year-old patient nurse specially trained in
with a C8 spinal cord sexual counseling.
injury tells the nurse,
"My wife and I have Correct Answer(s): D
always had a very active Rationale: Maintenance
sex life, and I am worried of sexuality is an
that she may leave me if I important aspect of
cannot function rehabilitation after spinal
sexually." The most cord injury and should be
appropriate response by handled by someone with
the nurse to the patient's expertise in sexual
comment is to counseling. Although the
patient should discuss and parents are
these issues with his performing many of the
wife, open activities of daily living
communication about (ADLs) that the patient
this issue may be difficult had been managing
without the assistance of during rehabilitation. The
a counselor. Sildenafil most appropriate action
does assist with erectile by the nurse at this time
dysfunction after spinal is to
cord injury, but the a. tell the family
patient's sexuality is not members that the patient
determined solely by the can perform ADLs
ability to have an independently.
erection. Reflex erections
are common after upper b. remind the patient
motor neuron injury, but about the importance of
these erections are independence in daily
uncontrolled and cannot activities.
be maintained during c. recognize that it is
coitus. important for the patient's
A 25-year-old patient has family to be involved in
returned home following the patient's care and
extensive rehabilitation support their activities.
for a C8 spinal cord d. develop a plan to
injury. The home care increase the patient's
nurse visits and notices independence in
that the patient's spouse consultation with the
with the patient, spouse,
and parents. When caring for a patient
Correct Answer((s): D who was admitted 24
Rationale: The best hours previously with a
action by the nurse will C5 spinal cord injury,
be to involve all the which nursing action has
parties in developing an the highest priority?
optimal plan of care. a. Continuous cardiac
Because family members monitoring for
who will be assisting bradycardia
with the patient's ongoing b. Administration of
care need to feel that methylprednisolone
their input is important, (Solu-Medrol) infusion
telling the family that the
patient can perform c. Assessment of
ADLs independently is respiratory rate and depth
not the best choice. d. Application of
Reminding the patient pneumatic compression
about the importance of devices to both legs
independence may not Correct Answer(s): C
change the behaviors of
the family members. Rationale: Edema around
Supporting the activities the area of injury may
of the spouse and parents lead to damage above the
will lead to ongoing C4 level, so the highest
dependency by the priority is assessment of
patient. the patient's respiratory
function. The other Correct Answer(s): C, A,
actions are also B, D
appropriate but are not as Rationale: The first
important as assessment action should be to
of respiratory effort. prevent further injury by
stabilizing the patient's
In which order will the spinal cord. Maintenance
nurse perform the of oxygenation by
following actions when administration of 100%
caring for a patient with O2 is the second priority.
possible cervical spinal Because neurogenic
cord trauma who is shock is a possible
admitted to the complication, continuous
emergency department? monitoring of heart
rhythm and BP is
a. Administer O2 using a indicated. CT scan to
non-rebreathing mask. determine the extent and
b. Monitor cardiac level of injury is needed
rhythm and blood once initial assessment
pressure. and stabilization is
c. Immobilize the accomplished.
patient's head, neck, and
spine. The nurse is caring for a
d. Transfer the patient to man who has experienced
radiology for spinal CT. a spinal cord injury.
Throughout his recovery,
the client expects to gain
control of his bowels. defecation is a spinal
The nurse's best response reflex involving the
to this client would be parasympathetic nerve
which of the following? fibers. Normally, the
a. "Over time, the nerve external anal sphincter is
fibers will regrow new maintained in a state of
tracts, and you can have tonic contraction. With a
bowel movements again." spinal cord injury, the
client no longer has this
b. "Wearing an nervous system control
undergarment will and is often incontinent.
become more
comfortable over time."
c "Having a bowel For a 65-year-old woman
movement is a spinal who has lived with a T1
reflex requiring intact spinal cord injury for 20
nerve fibers. Yours are years, which health
not intact." teaching instructions
should the nurse
d "It is not going to emphasize?
happen. Your nerve cells
are too damaged." a. A mammogram is
needed every year.
Correct Answer(s: ) C
b. Bladder function tends
Having a bowel to improve with age.
movement is a spinal
reflex requiring intact c. Heart disease is not
nerve fibers. Yours are common in people with
not intact The act of spinal cord injury.
d. As a person ages, the b. assess the gag reflex
need to change body and respiratory rate and
position is less important. depth.
c. lightly palpate the
6. The most common affected side of the face
early symptom of a for edema.
spinal cord tumor is d. test for temperature
a. urinary incontinence. and sensation perception
on the face.
b. back pain that worsens
with activity. e. ask the patient to
describe factors that
c. paralysis below the initiate an episode.
level of involvement.
d. impaired sensation of
pain, temperature, and 8. During routine
light touch. assessment of a patient
with Guillain-Barré
syndrome, the nurse finds
7. During assessment of the patient is short of
the patient with breath. The patient's
trigeminal neuralgia, the respiratory distress is
nurse should (select all caused by
that apply) a. elevated protein in the
a. inspect all aspects of CSF.
the mouth and teeth. b. immobility resulting
from ascending paralysis.
c. degeneration of motor approximately eight
neurons in the brainstem weeks."
and spinal cord. d. "You should be able to
d. paralysis ascending to walk without help within
the nerves that stimulate three months."
the thoracic area
reflex, causing the nursing interventions
rectum and colon to would be appropriate for
react, leading to a bowel this patient if the nurse
movement without suspects autonomic
warning. When the dysreflexia? Select all
sensation of a full bowel that apply.
is perceived by the
patient and the patient
has fecal incontinence, it A. Lower the head of the
is a lower-level spinal bed.
cord injury (below T12). B. Monitor blood
In spinal cord injury, it is pressure regularly.
usually incontinence that C. Make the patient lie
occurs. When the injury flat on the bed.
is above T5, paralytic
ileus may be present and D. Notify the primary
bowel sounds may be health care provider.
absent. E. Check for the presence
of bowel impaction.
d. Temperature of 96.8°F d. He will probably be
(36.0°C) unable to have either
psychogenic or
reflexogenic erections
In counseling patients and no ejaculation or
with spinal cord lesions orgasm
regarding sexual
function, how should the
nurse advise a male A patient with a
patient with a complete metastatic tumor of the
lower motor neuron spinal cord is scheduled
lesion? for removal of the tumor
a. He is most likely to by a laminectomy. In
have reflexogenic planning postoperative
erections and may care for the patient, what
experience orgasm if should the nurse
ejaculation occurs. recognize?
catheter in the following responses best
client’s hand. describes this result?
3) A client with head A. Appropriate;
trauma develops a urine lowering carbon
output of 300 ml/hr, dry dioxide (CO2)
skin, and dry mucous reduces
membranes. Which of the intracranial
following nursing pressure (ICP).
interventions is the most B. Emergent; the
appropriate to perform client is poorly
initially? oxygenated.
C. Normal
A. Evaluate urine D. Significant; the
specific gravity client has alveolar
B. Anticipate hypoventilation.
treatment for renal 5) A client who had a
failure transsphenoidal
C. Provide hypophysectomy should
emollients to the be watched carefully for
skin to prevent hemorrhage, which may
breakdown be shown by which of the
D. Slow down the following signs?
IV fluids and
notify the A. Bloody drainage
physician from the ears
4) When evaluating an B. Frequent
ABG from a client with a swallowing
subdural hematoma, the C. Guaiac-positive
nurse notes the PaCO2 is stools
30 mm Hg. Which of the D. Hematuria
6) After a interventions should be
hypophysectomy, done first?
vasopressin is given IM
for which of the A. Assess full
following reasons? ROM to
determine extent
A. To treat growth of injuries
failure B. Call for an
B. To prevent immediate chest
syndrome of x-ray
inappropriate C. Immobilize the
antidiuretic client’s head and
hormone neck
(SIADH) D. Open the airway
C. To reduce with the head-tilt
cerebral edema chin-lift maneuver
and lower 8) A client with a C6
intracranial spinal injury would most
pressure likely have which of the
D. To replace following symptoms?
hormone (ADH) A. Aphasia
normally secreted B. Hemiparesis
by the pituitary. C. Paraplegia
7) A client comes into the D. Tetraplegia
ER after hitting his head 9) A 30-year-old was
in an MVA. He’s alert admitted to the
and oriented. Which of progressive care unit with
the following nursing a C5 fracture from a
motorcycle accident.
Which of the following
assessments would take has limited movement of
priority? his upper extremities.
Which of the following
A. Bladder medications would be
distension used to control edema of
B. Neurological the spinal cord?
C. Pulse ox A. Acetazolamide
readings (Diamox)
D. The client’s B. Furosemide
feelings about the (Lasix)
injury C. Methylprednisol
10) While in the ER, a one (Solu-
client with C8 tetraplegia Medrol)
develops a blood pressure D. Sodium
of 80/40, pulse 48, and bicarbonate
RR of 18. The nurse 12) A 22-year-old client
suspects which of the with quadriplegia is
following conditions? apprehensive and
flushed, with a blood
A. Autonomic pressure of 210/100 and a
dysreflexia heart rate of 50 bpm.
B. Hemorrhagic Which of the following
shock nursing interventions
C. Neurogenic should be done first?
D. Pulmonary A. Place the client
embolism flat in bed
11) A client is admitted B. Assess patency
with a spinal cord injury of the indwelling
at the level of T12. He urinary catheter
C. Give one SL A. Insert an
nitroglycerin indwelling urinary
tablet catheter to straight
D. Raise the head drainage
of the bed B. Schedule
immediately to 90 intermittent
degrees catherization
13) A client with a every 2 to 4 hours
cervical spine injury has C. Perform a
Gardner-Wells tongs straight
inserted for which of the catherization
following reasons? every 8 hours
while awake
A. To hasten D. Perform Crede’s
wound healing maneuver to the
B. To immobilize lower abdomen
the surgical spine before the client
C. To prevent voids.
autonomic 15) A client is admitted
dysreflexia to the ER for head trauma
D. To hold bony is diagnosed with an
fragments of the epidural hematoma. The
skull together underlying cause of
14) Which of the epidural hematoma is
following interventions usually related to which
describes an appropriate of the following
bladder program for a conditions?
client in rehabilitation for
spinal cord injury?
A. Laceration of D. Insert nasal and
the middle ear packing with
meningeal artery sterile gauze
B. Rupture of the 17) When discharging a
carotid artery client from the ER after a
C. Thromboemboli head trauma, the nurse
sm from a carotid teaches the guardian to
artery observe for a lucid
D. Venous bleeding interval. Which of the
from the following statements best
arachnoid space described a lucid
16) A 23-year-old client interval?
has been hit on the head
with a baseball bat. The A. An interval
nurse notes clear fluid when the client’s
draining from his ears speech is garbled
and nose. Which of the B. An interval
following nursing when the client is
interventions should be alert but can’t
done first? recall recent
A. Position the C. An interval
client flat in bed when the client is
B. Check the fluid oriented but then
for dextrose with becomes
a dipstick somnolent
C. Suction the nose D. An interval
to maintain when the client
airway patency has a “warning”
symptom, such as
an odor or visual D. Urinary
disturbance. continence
18) Which of the 20) A nurse assesses a
following clients on the client who has episodes
rehab unit is most likely of autonomic dysreflexia.
to develop autonomic Which of the following
dysreflexia? conditions can cause
autonomic dysreflexia?
A. A client with a
brain injury A. Head
B. A client with a ache
herniated nucleus B. Lumb
pulposus ar spinal cord
C. A client with a injury
high cervical C. Neuro
spine injury genic shock
D. A client with a D. Noxio
stroke us stimuli
19) Which of the 21) During an episode of
following conditions autonomic dysreflexia in
indicates that spinal which the client becomes
shock is resolving in a hypertensive, the nurse
client with C7 should perform which of
quadriplegia? the following
A. Absence of pain
sensation in chest A. Elevate the
B. Spasticity client’s legs
C. Spontaneous B. Put the client
respirations flat in bed
C. Put the client in anticipate during
the the acute phase?
Trendelenburg’s A. Absent corneal
position reflex
D. Put the client in B. Decerebate
the high-Fowler’s posturing
position C. Movement of
22) A client with a T1 only the right or
spinal cord injury arrives left half of the
at the emergency body
department with a BP of D. The need for
82/40, pulse 34, dry skin, mechanical
and flaccid paralysis of ventilation
the lower extremities. 24) A client with C7
Which of the following quadriplegia is flushed
conditions would most and anxious and
likely be suspected? complains of a pounding
headache. Which of the
A. Autonomic following symptoms
dysreflexia would also be
B. Hypervolemia anticipated?
C. Neurogenic
shock A. Decreased urine
D. Sepsis output or oliguria
23) A client has a B. Hypertension
cervical spine injury at and bradycardia
the level of C5. Which of C. Respiratory
the following conditions depression
would the nurse D. Symptoms of
25) A 40-year-old B. “Expect profuse
paraplegic must perform vomiting for 24
intermittent catherization hours after the
of the bladder. Which of injury.”
the following instructions C. “Wake him
should be given? every hour and
assess his
A. “Clean the orientation to
meatus from back person, time, and
to front.” place.”
B. “Measure the D. “Notify the
quantity of urine.” physician
C. “Gently rotate immediately if he
the catheter has a headache.”
during removal.” 27) Which
D. “Clean the neurotransmitter is
meatus with soap responsible for may of
and water.” the functions of the
26) An 18-year-old frontal lobe?
client was hit in the head
with a baseball during A. Dopamine
practice. When B. GABA
discharging him to the C. Histamine
care of his mother, the D. Norepinephrine
nurse gives which of the 28) The nurse is
following instructions? discussing the purpose of
an electroencephalogram
A. “Watch him for (EEG) with the family of
keyhole pupil the a client with massive
next 24 hours.” cerebral hemorrhage and
loss of consciousness. It B. Subarachnoid
would be most accurate hemorrhage
for the nurse to tell C. Epidural
family members that the hematoma
test measures which of D. Contusion
the following conditions? 30) After falling 20’, a
36-year-old man sustains
A. Exte a C6 fracture with spinal
nt of intracranial cord transaction. Which
bleeding other findings should the
B. Sites nurse expect?
of brain injury
C. Acti A. Quadriplegia
vity of the brain with gross arm
D. Perc movement and
ent of functional diaphragmic
brain tissue breathing
29) A client arrives at B. Quadriplegia
the ER after slipping on a and loss of
patch of ice and hitting respiratory
her head. A CT scan of function
the head shows a C. Paraplegia with
collection of blood intercostal muscle
between the skull and loss
dura mater. Which type D. Loss of bowel
of head injury does this and bladder
finding suggest? control
31) A 20-year-old client
A. Subdural who fell approximately
hematoma 30’ is unresponsive and
breathless. A cervical client reports a severe,
spine injury is suspected. pounding headache.
How should the first- Which of the following
responder open the nursing interventions
client’s airway for rescue would be appropriate for
breathing? this client? Select all that
A. By A. Elevate the
inserting a HOB to 90
nasopharyngeal degrees
airway B. Loosen
B. By constrictive
inserting a clothing
oropharyngeal C. Use a fan to
airway reduce
C. By diaphoresis
performing a jaw- D. Assess for
thrust maneuver bladder distention
D. By and bowel
performing the impaction
head-tilt, chin-lift E. Administer
maneuver antihypertensive
32) The nurse is caring medication
for a client with a T5 F. Place the client in
complete spinal cord a supine position
injury. Upon assessment, with legs elevated
the nurse notes flushed 33) The client with a
skin, diaphoresis above head injury has been
the T5, and a blood urinating copious
pressure of 162/96. The amounts of dilute urine
through the Foley A. Skull fracture
catheter. The client’s B. Concussion
urine output for the C. Subdural
previous shift was 3000 hematoma
ml. The nurse D. Epidural
implements a new hematoma
physician order to 35) The nurse is caring
administer: for a client who suffered
a spinal cord injury 48
A. Desmopressin hours ago. The nurse
(DDAVP, monitors for GI
stimate) complications by
B. Dexamethasone assessing for:
C. Ethacrynic acid A. A flattened
(Edecrin) abdomen
D. Mannitol B. Hematest
(Osmitrol) positive
34) The nurse is caring nasogastric tube
for the client in the ER drainage
following a head injury. C. Hyperactive
The client momentarily bowel sounds
lost consciousness at the D. A history of
time of the injury and diarrhea
then regained it. The 36) A client with a
client now has lost spinal cord injury is
consciousness again. The prone to experiencing
nurse takes quick action, autonomic dysreflexia.
knowing this is The nurse would avoid
compatible with: which of the following
measures to minimize the and during
risk of recurrence? position changes
B. Using
A. Strict adherence vasopressor
to a bowel medications as
retraining prescribed
program C. Moving the
B. Limiting bladder client quickly as
catherization to one unit
once every 12 D. Applying
hours Teds or
C. Keeping the compression
linen wrinkle-free stockings.
under the client 38) The nurse is caring
D. Preventing for a client admitted with
unnecessary spinal cord injury. The
pressure on the nurse minimizes the risk
lower limbs of compounding the
37) The nurse is injury most effectively
planning care for the by:
client in spinal shock.
Which of the following A. Keeping the
actions would be least client on a
helpful in minimizing the stretcher
effects of vasodilation B. Logrolling the
below the level of the client on a firm
injury? mattress
C. Logrolling the
A. Monitoring client on a soft
vital signs before mattress
D. Placing the number 5 being the last
client on a Stryker priority).
39) The nurse is A. Check for
evaluating neurological bladder distention
signs of the male client in B. Raise the head
spinal shock following of the bed
spinal cord injury. Which C. Contact the
of the following physician
observations by the nurse D. Loosen tight
indicates that spinal clothing on the
shock persists? client
E. Administer an
A. Positive reflexes antihypertensive
B. Hyperreflexia medication
C. Inability to elicit 41) A client is at risk for
a Babinski’s increased ICP. Which of
reflex the following would be a
D. Reflex emptying priority for the nurse to
of the bladder monitor?
40) A client with a
spinal cord injury A. Unequal pupil
suddenly experiences an size
episode of autonomic B. Decreasing
dysreflexia. After systolic blood
checking the client’s vital pressure
signs, list in order of C. Tachycardia
priority, the nurse’s D. Decreasing body
actions (Number 1 being temperature
the first priority and 42) Which of the
following respiratory
patterns indicate deterioration in the
increasing ICP in the client’s condition?
brain stem? A. Widening pulse
A. Slow, irregular B. Decrease in the
respirations pulse rate
B. Rapid, shallow C. Dilated, fixed
respirations pupil
C. Asymmetric D. Decrease in
chest expansion LOC
D. Nasal flaring 45) A client who is
43) Which of the regaining consciousness
following nursing after a craniotomy
interventions is becomes restless and
appropriate for a client attempts to pull out her
with an ICP of 20 mm IV line. Which nursing
Hg? intervention protects the
A. Give the client a client without increasing
warming blanket her ICP?
B. Administer low- A. Place her in a
dose barbiturate jacket restraint
C. Encourage the B. Wrap her hands
client to in soft “mitten”
hyperventilate restraints
D. Restrict fluids C. Tuck her arms
44) A client has signs of and hands under
increased ICP. Which of the draw sheet
the following is
an early indicator of
D. Apply a wrist breathing after recent
restraint to each intracranial occipital
arm bleeding. Which action
46) Which of the would be most
following describes appropriate?
decerebrate posturing?
A. Count the rate to
A. Internal rotation be sure the
and adduction of ventilations are
arms with flexion deep enough to be
of elbows, wrists, sufficient
and fingers B. Call the
B. Back hunched physician while
over, rigid flexion another nurse
of all four checks the vital
extremities with signs and
supination of ascertains the
arms and plantar patient’s Glasgow
flexion of the feet Coma score.
C. Supination of C. Call the
arms, dorsiflexion physician to
of feet adjust the
D. Back arched; ventilator settings.
rigid extension of D. Check deep
all four tendon reflexes to
extremities. determine the best
47) A client receiving motor response
vent-assisted mode 48) In planning the care
ventilation begins to for a client who has had a
experience cluster posterior fossa
(infratentorial) D. Absent corneal
craniotomy, which of the reflex
following is
contraindicates when 50) Shortly after
positioning the client? admission to an acute
care facility, a male client
A. Keeping with a seizure disorder
the client flat on develops status
one side or the epilepticus. The
other physician orders
B. Elevating diazepam (Valium) 10
the head of the mg I.V. stat. How soon
bed to 30 degrees can the nurse administer
C. Log rolling a second dose of
or turning as a diazepam, if needed and
unit when turning prescribed?
D. Keeping
the head in neutral A. In
position 30 to 45 seconds
49) A client has been B. In
pronounced brain dead. 10 to 15 minutes
Which findings would C. In
the nurse assess? Check 30 to 45 minutes
all that apply. D. In
1 to 2 hours
A. Decerebrate
B. Dilated non 1. Which patient below is
reactive pupils at MOST risk for
C. Deep tendon developing a condition
called autonomic
dysreflexia? 2. Your patient, who has
A. A 24-year-old male a spinal cord injury at T3,
patient with a traumatic states they are
brain injury. experiencing a throbbing
B. A 15-year-old female headache. What is your
patient with a spinal cord NEXT nursing action?
injury at C7. A. Perform a bladder
C. A 35-year-old male scan
patient with a spinal cord B. Perform a rectal
injury at L6. digital examination
D. A 42-year-old male C. Assess the patient's
patient recovering from a blood pressure
hemorrhagic stroke. D. Administer a PRN
The answer is B. Patients medication to alleviate
who are at MOST risk for pain and provide a dark,
developing autonomic calm environment.
dysreflexia are patients The answer is C. This is
who've experienced a the nurse's NEXT action.
spinal cord injury at T6 The patient is at risk for
or higher...this includes developing autonomic
C7. L6 is below T6, and dysreflexia because of
traumatic brain injury their spinal cord injury at
and hemorrhagic stroke T3 (remember patients
does not increase a who have a SCI at T6 or
patient risk of AD. higher are at MOST risk).
If a patient with this type blood pressure is 106/76
of injury states they have and heart rate is 72. What
a headache, the nurse action should the nurse
should NEXT assess the take FIRST?
patient's blood pressure. A. Reassess the patient’s
If it is elevated, the nurse blood pressure.
would take measures to
check the bladder (a B. Check the patient's
bladder issue is the most blood glucose.
common cause of AD), C. Position the patient at
bowel, and skin for 90 degrees and lower the
breakdown. legs.
D. Provide cooling
blankets for the patient.
phosphodiesterase A. Headache
inhibitor within the past B. Low blood glucose
24 hours (Sildenafil or
Tadalafil). This will C. Sweating
cause major vasodilation D. Flushed below site of
and severe hypotension injury
that will not respond to E. Pale and cool above
medication. Another site of injury
medication should be
used. All the other F. Hypertension
findings are expected G. Slow heart rate
with autonomic H. Stuffy nose
The answers are A, C, F,
G and H. All of these are
signs and symptoms of
7. A patient is receiving autonomic dysreflexia.
treatment for a complete The patient will have
spinal cord injury at T4. flushing above site of
As the nurse you know to injury due to vasodilation
educate the patient on the from parasympathetic
signs and symptoms of activity, BUT will be
autonomic dysreflexia pale and cool below site
What signs and of injury due to
symptoms will you vasoconstriction
educate the patient occurring below the site
about? Select all that of injury for the
sympathetic response 9. In autonomic
reflex. dysreflexia, the nurse
would expect what
finding below the site of
the spinal cord injury?
8. What is the BEST A. Flushed lower body
position for a patient
experiencing autonomic B. Pale and cool lower
dysreflexia? extremities
c. Motor and sensory loss b. Manage a mechanical
in the upper extremities wheelchair with hand
only control.
d. Ipsilateral loss of c. Manage a specially
motor function and equipped wheelchair.
contralateral loss of pain d. Manage an ordinary
sensation and wheelchair.
Upper extremity mobility
Brown-Séquard and enhanced hand grip
syndrome is a allow the use of an
hemisection of the cord ordinary wheelchair by
resulting in ipsilateral an individual with a C8
motor loss and level SCI.
contralateral loss of pain
and temperature. 11. A paraplegic patient
excitedly reports seeing
10. Which level of his foot move when he
independence is an was being turned. How is
appropriate nursing care this phenomenon best
plan goal for a patient explained?
with a C8 transection?
a. Reflexive movement
a. Manage a mechanical
wheelchair with a b. Return of motor
joystick. function
c. Early symptom of
autonomic dysreflexia
d. Result of hypertonicity bladder causes
of the muscle spontaneous emptying.
ANS: A 13. A distressed family
Reflexive action is a member asks about the
movement that does not purpose of the Gardner-
require communication to Wells tongs. Which is the
the brain via the spinal most helpful
cord. explanation by the nurse
12. After spinal shock regarding the action of
has been resolved, an Gardner-Wells tongs?
indwelling catheter is a. Compress the cervical
removed. What way vertebrae.
should the nurse expect b. Immobilize the head.
this patient to empty the
bladder? c. Allow the patient to be
moved out of bed.
a. Manual expression
(Credé method) d. Align the cervical
b. Spontaneous reflexive
action ANS: D
a. Do not go outside at all b. Inform the charge
but remain in the nurse.
hospital. c. Perform intermittent
b. Take a spray bottle to catheterizations.
spray water to cool the d. Turn the patient to the
patient by evaporation. right side.
c. Take a light sweater to ANS: A
insulate the patient.
The nurse should
d. Have the patient drink continue to monitor the
at least 32 oz of water patient for urine output.
during the outing. Two hours is too soon to
ANS: B expect a continent patient
Water will evaporate and to void. Informing the
cool the patient, similar charge nurse and
to perspiration. catheterization are not
necessary. Turning this
21. A nurse notes that no patient to the side is
urinary output has contraindicated.
occurred in a patient who
underwent a 22. Which statement
laminectomy 2 hours made by a male patient
earlier. What action with an SCI could be
should the nurse assessed as a positive
implement? adaptation to the nursing
diagnosis of “Sexual
a. Continue to monitor. dysfunction, related to
altered body function”?
a. “I know I will never all possibilities of a
have a sexual relationship sexual relationship are
again.” defeatist remarks and are
b. “I need some not positive. However, a
suggestions as to how to patient should realize that
direct my sexual energy his or her sexual
into gardening or relationships will alter as
painting . . . or just a result of the SCI.
anything.” 23. What should a nurse
c. “Can you arrange an emphasize regarding the
appointment with a sex rehabilitation of the
counselor so I can begin patient with an SCI?
to examine alternative a. Rehabilitation is
methods of sexual usually achieved within a
activity?” few months after
d. “I think that after a stabilization.
while I will be able to b. Rehabilitation will
have sexual relationships return the patient with an
just like I had before my SCI to the preaccident
accident.” functional level.
ANS: C c. Rehabilitation focuses
Seeking help from a on adjustments necessary
counselor indicates an to reenter society and the
acceptance of learning workplace.
alternative techniques.
Remarks eliminating
d. Rehabilitation d. Apply splints to the
completely targets self- limbs.
care. ANS: D
ANS: C Applying splints will
The goals of reduce contractures. Cold
rehabilitation are application, agitation of
modification of lifestyle, the limb with ROM
as well as expectations exercises too frequently,
and adjustments, and tactile stimuli
necessary to attain the increase spasticity.
highest level of 25. The family of a
independence possible. patient with an SCI is
24. What should a nurse concerned with the lack
include in a patient’s plan of bowel function 2 days
of care when considering after the injury. What is
interventions for the the best response by the
outcome of prevention of nurse?
contractures in a patient a. “Because of his injury,
with an SCI? he will always need to
a. Apply cold wraps to have enemas for bowel
the limbs twice a day. evacuation.”
b. Perform full ROM b. “Medical management
exercises every 2 hours. is delaying bowel action
c. Use significant tactile because it places pressure
stimuli each shift. on the injury.”
c. “Bowel function b. Marks will be placed
should return in on either side of the
approximately 3 days injury to mark the area.
after the accident.” c. A cone-shaped wedge
d. “We’ll just have to of bone will be placed
wait and see if bowel between the vertebrae.
action returns this week.” d. A detailed
ANS: C radiographic image will
Bowel action usually be taken of the spinal
returns with peristalsis on injury.
the third day after the ANS: D
accident. The bowel A cone-down
responds to dilation from radiographic image
the content in the bowel provides a very detailed
and moves without picture of the lesion.
voluntary action from the
patient. 27. What should a nurse
encourage a patient with
26. What should a nurse an SCI to do after a
explain when a patient computed tomography
with an SCI inquires (CT) scan?
what the physician means
by a conedown? a. Sit up at a 30-degree
a. A cone is surgically
placed over the spine to b. Prevent chilling.
protect the cord. c. Drink plenty of water.
d. Avoid bearing down.
ANS: C all increased the potential
Fluids are pushed after a for rehabilitation.
CT scan to flush the Rehabilitation personnel
contrast media through and health insurance are
the kidneys. not new.
health-care provider. The 3. Encourage the client to
unlicensed assistive walk 20 minutes the (3)
personnel (UAP) reports times a week
to the nurse the client's 4. Perform warmup and
glucometer reading is cool-down exercises
189. How much insulin
should the nurse
administer to the client? 6. The nurse is assessing
3 units the feet of a client with
long-term type 2
diabetes. Which
assessment data warrant
5. The ruse is discussing immediate intervention
the importance of by the nurse?
exercising with a client 1. The client has
diagnosed with type 2 crumbling toenails
diabetes whose diabetes 2. The client has athlete's
is well controlled with foot
diet and exercise. Which
information should the 3. The client has a
nurse include in the necrotic big toe
teaching about diabetes? 4. The client has
1. Eat a simple thickened toenails
carbohydrate snack
before exercising
2. Carry peanut butter
crackers when exercising
fo are computed
7. The home health nurse tomography (CT) scan
is completing the with contrast of the
admission assessment for abdomen to evaluate
a 76-year old client pancreatic function.
diagnosed with type 2 Which intervention
diabetes controlled with should the nurse
70/30 insulin. Which implement?
intervention should be 1. Provide a high-fat diet
included in the plan of 24 hours prior to test
care? 2. Hold the biguanide
1. Assess the client's medication for 48 hours
ability to read small print prior to test
2. Monitor the client's 3. Obtain an informed
serum PT level consent form for the test
3. Teach the client how 4. Administer pancreatic
to perform a hemoglobin enzymes prior to the test
A1ctest daily
4. Instruct the client to 9. The diabetic educator
check the feet weekly is teaching a class on
diabetes type 1 and is
8. The client with type 2 discussing sick-day rules.
diabetes controlled with Which interventions
biguanide oral diabetic should the diabetes
medication is scheduled educator include in the
discussion? Select all that fast-acting insulin,at
apply: 0700. At 1030 the
1. Take diabetic unlicensed assistive
medication even I unable personnel (UAP) tells the
to eat the client's normal nurse the client has a
diabetic diet headache and is really
acting "funny." Which
2. If unable to eat, drink intervention should the
liquids equal to the nurse implement first?
client's normal caloric
intake 1. Instruct the UAP to
obtain the blood glucose
3. It is not necessary to level
notify the health-care
provider if ketones are in 2. Have the client drink
the urine eight (8) ounces of
orange juice
4. Test blood glucose
levels and test urine 3. Go to the client's room
ketones once a day and and assess the client for
keep a record hypoglycemia
is homeless and is a type medication regimen."
2 diabetic controlled with Which statement is an
insulin. Which action is appropriate short-term
an example of client goal for the client?
advocacy? 1. The client will have a
1. Ask the client if he has blood glucose level
somewhere he can go and between 90 and 140
live mg/dL
2. Arrange for someone 2. The client will
to give him insulin at a demonstrate appropriate
local homeless shelter insulin injection
3. Notify Adult technique
Protective Services about 3. The nurse will monitor
the clients situation the client's blood glucose
4. Ask the HCP to take levels four (4) times a
the client off insulin day.
because he is homeless 4. The client will
maintain normal kidney
function with 30 mL/hr
12. The nurse is urine output
developing a care plan
for the client diagnosed
with type diabetes. The 13. The client diagnosed
nurse identifies the with type 2 diabetes is
problem "high risk for admitted to the intensive
hyperglycemia related to care unit with
noncompliance with the hyperosmolar
hyperglycemic nonkeonic 3. Perform blood
syndrome (HHNS) coma. glucometer checks daily.
Which assessment data 4. Monitor arterial blood
should the nurse expect gas results.
the client to exhibit?
1. Kussmaul's
respiration's 15. Which electrolyte
replacement should the
2. Diarrhea and epigastric nurse anticipate being
3. Dry mucous ordered by the health-
membranes care provider in the client
4. Ketone breath odor diagnosed with DKA
who has just been
admitted to the ICU?
14. The elderly client is 1. Glucose
admitted to the intensive
care department 2. Potassium
diagnosed with severe 3. Calcium
HHNS. Which 4. Sodium
collaborative intervention
should the nurse include
in the plan of care? 16. The client diagnosed
1. Infuse 0.9% normal with HHNS was admitted
saline intravenously. yesterday with a blood
glucose level of 780
2. Administer mg/dL. The client's blood
intermediate-acting glucose level is now 300
insulin. mg/dL. Which
intervention should the 3. Move the client to the
nurse implement? ICU
1. Increase the regular 4. Check the serum
insulin IV drip. glucose level
2. Check the client's urine
for urinary ketones.
3. Provide the client with
a therapeutic diabetic
meal. 18. Which assessment
data indicate the client
4. Notify the HCP to diagnosed with diabetic
obtain an order to keto acidosis is
decrease insulin therapy. responding to the medical
17. The client diagnosed 1. The client has tented
with type 1 diabetes is skin turbor and dry
found lying unconscious mucous membranes
on the floor of the 2. The client is alert and
bathroom. Which oriented to date, time,
intervention should the and place
nurse implement first?
3. The client's ABG
1. Administer 50% results are pH-7.29,
dextrose IVP PaCO2-44, HCO3-15
2. Notify the health-care 4. The client's serum
provider potassium level is 3.3
19. The UAP on the determine the cause of
medical floor tells the this acute complication?
nurse the client 1. "When is the last time
diagnosed with DKA you took your insulin?"
wants something else to
eat for lunch. Which 2. "When did you have
intervention should the your last meal?"
nurse implement? 3. "Have you had some
1. Instruct the UAP to get type of infection lately?"
the client additional food 4. "How long have you
2. Notify the dietician had diabetes?"
about the client's request
3. Request the HCP
increase the client's 21. The nurse is
caloric intake discussing ways to
4. Tell the UAP the client prevent diabetic keto
cannot have anything else acidosis with the client
diagnosed with type 1
diabetes. Which
20. The emergency instruction is most
department nurse is important to discuss with
caring for a client the client?
diagnosed with HHNS
who has a blood glucose 1. Refer the client to the
of 680 mg/dL. Which American Diabetes
question should the nurse Association
ask the client to
2. Do not take any over- 3. The client with DKA
the-counter medications who has multi focal
3. Take the prescribed premature ventricular
insulin even when unable contractions
to eat because of illness 4. The client with HHNS
4. Explain the need to get who has a plasma
the annual flu and osmolarity of 290
pneumonia vaccines mOsm/L
with DKA. Which C. Try to avoid stressful
interventions should the situations during the
nurse implement? Select collection period.
all that apply. D. Complete at least 30
1. Maintain adequate minutes of strenuous
ventilation exercise before collecting
2. Asses fluid volume the urine sample.
status C. Try to avoid stressful
3. Administer situations during the
intravenous potassium collection period.
over the past 6 months, A. Calcium levels
during which the patient B. Potassium levels
claims to have made no
significant dietary C. Blood glucose levels
changes. The nurse D. Sodium and chloride
should assess the patient levels
for potential A. Calcium levels
A. Thyroid disorders.
B. Diabetes insipidus. A patient's recent medical
C. Pituitary dysfunction. history is indicative of
D. Parathyroid diabetes insipidus. The
dysfunction. nurse would perform
patient education related
A. Thyroid disorders. to which of the following
diagnostic tests?
The surgeon was unable A. Thyroid scan
to save a patient's B. Fasting glucose test
parathyroid gland during
a radical thyroidectomy. C. Oral glucose tolerance
The nurse should D. Water deprivation test
consequently pay
particular attention to
which of the following A 54-year-old patient
components of the admitted with type 2
patient's laboratory diabetes, asks the nurse
values? what "type 2" means.
Which of the following is
the most appropriate information on the
response by the nurse? patient's past glucose
A. "With type 2 diabetes, control?
the body of the pancreas A. Prealbumin level
becomes inflamed." B. Urine ketone level
B. "With type 2 diabetes, C. Fasting glucose level
insulin secretion is
decreased and insulin D. Glycosylated
resistance is increased." hemoglobin level
B. Washes hands with
soap and water to cleanse The nurse is assigned to
the site to be used the care of a 64-year-old
C. Warms the finger patient diagnosed with
before puncturing to type 2 diabetes. In
obtain a drop of blood formulating a teaching
D. Tells the nurse that the plan that encourages the
result of 120 mg/dl patient to actively
indicates good control of participate in
diabetes management of the
diabetes, which of the
following should be the
The nurse is teaching a nurse's initial
54-year-old patient with intervention?
diabetes about proper A. Assess patient's
composition of the daily perception of what it
diet. The nurse explains means to have diabetes.
that the guideline for
carbohydrate intake is B. Ask the patient to
which of the following? write down current
knowledge about
A. 80% of daily intake diabetes.
B. Minimum of 80 g/day C. Set goals for the
C. Minimum of 130 patient to actively
g/day participate in managing
D. Maximum of 130 his diabetes.
D. Assume responsibility large- and medium-sized
for all of the patient's blood vessels can be
care to decrease stress prevented by careful
level. glucose control.
D. Macroangiopathy
The nurse is beginning to causes slowed gastric
teach a diabetic patient emptying and the sexual
about vascular impotency experienced
complications of by a majority of patients
diabetes. Which of the with diabetes.
following information
would be appropriate for The nurse is evaluating a
the nurse to include? 45-year-old patient
A. Macroangiopathy does diagnosed with type 2
not occur in type 1 diabetes mellitus. Which
diabetes but rather in of the following
type 2 diabetics who symptoms reported by
have severe disease. the patient is considered
B. Microangiopathy is one of the classic clinical
specific to diabetes and manifestations of
most commonly affects diabetes?
the capillary membranes A. Excessive thirst
of the eyes, kidneys, and B. Gradual weight gain
C. Overwhelming fatigue
C. Renal damage
resulting from changes in
D. Recurrent blurred urine. As the nurse
vision assesses for signs of
ketoacidosis, which of
the following respiratory
A 54-year-old patient patterns would the nurse
with diabetes mellitus is expect to find?
scheduled for a fasting
blood glucose level at A. Central apnea
8:00 am. The nurse B. Hypoventilation
instructs the patient to C. Kussmaul respirations
only drink water after
what time? D. Cheyne-Stokes
A. 6:00 pm on the
evening before the test
B. 4:00 am on the day of The nurse is assisting a
the test diabetic patient to learn
dietary planning as part
C. Midnight before the of initial management of
test diabetes. The nurse
D. 7:00 am on the day of would encourage the
the test patient to limit intake of
which of the following
foods to help reduce the
A patient is admitted percent of fat in the diet?
with diabetes mellitus,
has a glucose level of 380 A. Cheese
mg/dl, and a moderate B. Broccoli
level of ketones in the C. Chicken
D. Oranges The nurse evaluates that
the patient understands
the principles of foot care
Lab results are back for a if the patient makes
54-year-old patient with a which of the following
15-year history of statements?
diabetes. Which of the
following lab results A. "I should only walk
follows the expected barefoot in nice dry
pattern accompanying weather."
macrovascular disease as B. "I should look at the
a complication of condition of my feet
diabetes? every day."
A. Increased triglyceride C. "I am lucky my shoes
levels fit so nice and tight
B. Decreased low-density because they give me
lipoproteins firm support."
mEq/L. The nurse The patient received
considers that which of regular insulin 10 units
the following could be a subcutaneously at 8:30
contributing factor for pm for a blood glucose
this lab result (SELECT level of 253 mg/dl. The
ALL THAT APPLY)? nurse plans to monitor
A. The level may be this patient for signs of
increased as a result of hypoglycemia at which
dehydration that of the following peak
accompanies action times?
hyperglycemia. A. 9:00 pm to 10:30 pm
B. The patient may be B. 10:30 pm to 11:30 pm
excreting extra sodium C. 12:30 am to 1:30 am
and retaining potassium
because of malnutrition. D. 2:30 am to 4:30 am
B. Provide a C. Hold breakfast for 1 hr
carbohydrate and protein after insulin
food. administration.
C. Provide 4 oz grape D. Clarify the
juice. prescription because
D. Report findings to the insulin should not be
provider. administered at this time.
insulin in the same C. Increase daily fiber
syringe. intake.
C. Draw up and D. Limit saturated fat
administer regular and intake to 15% of daily
glargine insulin in caloric intake.
separate syringes. E. Include omega-3 fatty
D. Administer the regular acids in the diet.
insulin, wait 1 hr, and
then administer the
glargine insulin. A nurse is teaching foot
care to a client who has
diabetes mellitus. Which
A nurse is presenting of the following
information to a group of information should the
clients about nutrition nurse include in the
habits that prevent type 2 teaching? (Select all that
diabetes mellitus. Which apply.)
of the following should A. Remove calluses
the nurse include in the using over-the-counter
information? (Select all remedies.
that apply.)
B. Apply lotion between
A. Eat less meat and toes.
processed foods.
C. Perform nail care after
B. Decrease intake of bathing.
saturated fats.
D. Trim toenails straight
E. Wear closed-toe shoes. A. Weight gain
B. Fruity odor of breath
A nurse is reviewing the C. Abdominal pain
health record of a client D. Kussmaul respirations
who has hyperglycemic-
hyperosmolar state E. Metabolic acidosis
(HHS). Which of the
following data confirms A nurse is reviewing
this diagnosis? (Select all laboratory reports of a
that apply.) client who has
A. Evidence of recent hyperglycemic-
myocardial infraction hyperosmolar state
B. BUN 35 mg/dL (HHS). Which of the
following is an expected
C. Takes a calcium finding?
channel blocker
A. Serum pH 7.2
D. Age 77 years
B. Serum osmolarity 350
E. No insulin production mOsm/L
C. Serum potassium 3.8
A nurse is assessing a mg/dL
client who has diabetic D. Serum creatinine 0.8
ketoacidosis and ketones mg/dL
in the urine. Which of the
following are expected
findings? (Select all that A nurse is preparing to
apply.) administer IV fluids to a
client who has diabetic A. Drink 3 L of fluids
ketoacidosis. Which of daily.
the following is an B. Monitor blood glucose
appropriate nursing every 4 hr when ill.
C. Administer insulin as
A. Administer an IV prescribed when ill.
infusion of regular
insulin at 0.3 unit/kg/hr. D. Notify the provider
when blood glucose is
B. Administer an IV 200 mg/dL.
infusion of 0.45%
sodium chloride. E. Report ketones in the
urine after 24 hr of
C. Rapidly administer an illness.
IV infusion of 0.9%
sodium chloride.
D. Add glucose to the IV Emma Martin, 76 has
infusion when serum type 2 diabetes and was
glucose is 350 mg/dL. been admitted to the floor
for compulsive gambling.
Patient takes Glyburide 5
A nurse is providing mg per day and
discharge teaching to a Metformin 1000 twice
client who experienced daily. She is consuming
diabetic ketoacidosis. ¾ of the food on her plate
Which of the following as observed by her
should the nurse include nurses.
in the teaching? (Select
all that apply.)
You observe that she had mg per day and
had multiple Metformin 1000 twice
hypoglycemic incidents daily. She is consuming
over the previous week. ¾ of the food on her plate
What factor is probably as observed by her
most responsible for the nurses.
b. Bolus insulin can be
Your patient is NPO and calculated using a
the MD has ordered correction scale
Humalog using the Very c. Lantus is an example
Insulin Sensitive of bolus insulin
Correction Scale. When
should you check her d. Humalog is an
blood sugars? example of bolus insulin
think she may be at risk His serum creatinine is
for hypoglycemia? 0.9 mg/dL.
questions whenever you them with his medical
enter his room. You are team.
using your "cheat sheets" c. A and B
to guide conversations.
However, some of his d. Let him know that you
questions are out of your aren't an expert in type 1
realm of expertise. diabetes and spend as
What's the best way to little time in his room as
proceed? you can get away with.
dextrose to food, is on a history of hypoglycemia
sliding scale and NPH unawareness who was
twice daily. hospitalized after an
d. The patient isn't eating automobile accident
much, the sliding scale involving low blood
starts at >200 and no long sugars? (SELECT ALL
acting insulin has been THAT APPLY)
a. Keep an emergency
In which case would the glucagon kit at home for
patient be more likely to family members to
have DKA or HHS? administer
b. Purchase a medical
identification bracelet
a. Positive ketones that says patient has
b. Blood sugars >600 diabetes
mg/dL c. Avoiding
c. Symptoms developed hypoglycemia over
quickly over 24 hours several weeks can help
improve the
Which of the following d. It is important to avoid
should be a component of over-treatment because
hypoglycemia education then the patient will have
for your patient with a
to contend with a diabetes who ambulates
rebound hyperglycemia in a walker?
best describes the Danny Hildreth is 55. He
situation? has type 2 diabetes and
peripheral neuropathy
with right foot cellulitis
a. Ann's has steroid- and is on IV
induced diabetes due to Vancomycin. Danny
today's predisone taper takes his oral medications
and her sugars will go properly and tests blood
back to normal levels as sugars as ordered by his
soon as the taper has physician. What will be
been discontinued. your diabetes educational
b.Ann has had type 2 focus?
diabetes for a while as a. Neuropathy, foot care
evidenced by the elevated and complications.
A1c. The COPD
exacerbation has caused a b. Insulin management -
further rise in blood he will be on insulin
sugars. The predisone sooner than later.
will cause sugars to go up c. Review oral
even further. medications and blood
c.Ann has type 1 diabetes glucose monitoring.
was admitted in DKA. bolus of insulin may be
What information is false caused by a kink in the
and will not help her tubing. Change the
prevent future DKA infusion set under those
hospitalizations? conditions to prevent
a. Illness causes blood DKA.
sugars to go up - so a
person with type 1 A nurse is teaching a
diabetes will need patient with Type 1
additional insulin during Diabetes who is
an illness. Call your beginning a complex
physician for assistance regimen of glycemic
with insulin pump control about the
adjustments when you properties and actions of
get sick. the various types of
b. Purchase ketostix and insulin. The nurse should
test urine if blood sugars explain that the type of
>250, or if you have insulin that has an onset
nausea or vomiting. of 60 - 120 minutes,
c. Suspend insulin peaks in 6 - 14 hours, and
delivery on the pump if has a duration of 16 - 24
you aren't going to eat hours is known as:
d. Unexpected blood
sugar elevations that do A. Regular Insulin
not decrease when you (Humilin)
have administered a
B. Insulin Glargine D. The tubing could
(Lantus) become occluded
C. NPH Insulin D. Malfunctioning of the
D. Insulin Detemir pump from low battery
power, occlusion of
C. NPH has an onset of tubing or needles, or lack
60 - 120 minutes, peaks of insulin in the pump
in 6 - 14 hours, and has a increases the risk of
duration of 16 - 24 hours DKA.
A nurse is instructing a
A nurse instructing a patient newly diagnosed
patient about the use of with type 2 DM about the
an insulin pump should biguanide she has been
explain that the risk of prescribed, which is
DKA increases with the Metformin. The nuse
use of a pump because: should explain that this
type of medication acts
A. The pump must be
removed for bathing
B. Insulin is injected A. Reducing hepatic
continuously glucose production
C. Increasing the cellular B. Store pens with needle
response to insulin pointing upward
D. Increasing insulin C. Insert needle slowly
secretion by the pancreas D. Keep pen at room
A. Biguanides reduce temperature for a few
hepatic glucose minutes
production while D. Injecting cold insulin
increasing insulin action can be painful
on muscle glucose uptake
C. Glycosylated d. systematically rotate
Hemoglobin insulin injections within
measurement one anatomic site
D. 2 hour measurement D. systematically rotate
for oral glucose insulin injections within
one anatomic site
A newly diagnosed DM
Type I client has been
stabilized with daily A client with a diagnosis
insulin injections. A of DKA is being treated
nurse prepares a in an emergency room.
discharge teaching plan Which finding would a
regarding the insulin and nurse expect to note as a
plans to reinforce which confirming diagnosis?
of the following
concenpts? a. comatose state
A nurse teaches a client
A client with DM with DM about
demonstrates acute differentiating between
anxiety when first hypoglycemia and
admitted for treatment of ketoacidosis. The client
hyperglycemia. The demonstrates an
appropriate intervention understanding of the
to decrease the client's teaching by stating that
anxiety is to: glucose will be taken if
which symptom
a. administer a sedative develops?
b. convey empathy, trust, a. polyuria
and respect towards the
client b. shakiness
glucose level is now 240 a. "I will stop taking my
mg/dL. The nurse would insulin if I'm too sick to
next prepare to eat"
administer which of the b. "I will decrease my
following? insulin dose during times
a. ampule 50% dextrose of illness"
b. NPH insulin subcut c. "I will adjust my
c. IV fluids 5% dextrose insulin dose according to
the level of glucose in my
d. Phenytoin (Dilantin) urine"
for prevention of seizures
d. "I will notify my
C. IV fluids with 5% physician if my blood
dextrose glucose level is higher
than 250 mg/dL"
D. "I will notify my
A nurse provides physician if my blood
instructions to a client glucose level is higher
newly diagnosed with than 250 mg/dL"
Type I. The nurse
recognizes accurate
understanding of
measures to prevent A home health nurse
ketoacidosis when the visits a client with a
client says: diagnosis of Type I DM.
The client relates a
history of vomiting and
diarrhea and tells the blood glucose of 280
nurse that no food has mg/dL. The priority
been consumed for 36 nursing diagnosis would
hours. Which statement be:
by the client indicates a a. fluid volume deficit
need for further teaching?
b. dysfunctional family
a. "I need to stop my processes
c. nutrition: less than
b. "I need to increase my body requirements
fluid intake"
d. knowledge deficit:
c. "I need to monitor my disease process and
blood glucose every 3-4 treatment
A. fluid volume deficit
d. "I need to call the
physician because of
these symptoms"
A. "I need to stop my The nurse is caring for a
insulin" client with a blood
glucose of 550 mg/dL
diagnosed with DKA
who has just begun fluid
A nurse is preparing a resuscitation. In this
plan of care for a diabetic acute phase, the next
patient with priority nursing action is
hyperglycemia with to prepare to:
polyuria, polydipsia, and a. correct the acidosis
b. apply a monitor for an c. "The best time for me
ECG to exercise is mid-late
c. administer 5% afternoon"
dextrose IV d. "The best time for me
d. administer a to exercise is after my
continuous regular morning snack"
insulin infusion C. "The best time for me
D. administer a to exercise is mid-late
continuous regular afternoon"
insulin infusion
A client is taking NPH
A client with Type I calls insulin daily every
the nurse to report morning. The RN
recurrent episodes of instructs the client that
hypoglycemia with the most likely time for a
exercising. Which hypoglycemic reaction to
statement by the client occur is:
indicates an inadequate a. 2-4 hours after
understanding of the peak administration
action of NPH insulin? b. 4-12 hours after
a. "The best time for me administration
to exercise is after I eat" c. 16-18 hours after
b. "The best time for me administration
to exercise is after d. 18-24 hours after
breakfast" administration
B. 4-12 hours after c. Changes in diet and
administration exercise may control
blood glucose levels in
type 2 diabetes.
Which statement by a
nurse to a patient newly
diagnosed with type 2 For some patients with
diabetes is correct? type 2 diabetes, changes
in lifestyle are sufficient
to achieve blood glucose
a. Insulin is not used to control. Insulin is
control blood glucose in frequently used for type 2
patients with type 2 diabetes, complications
diabetes. are equally severe as for
b. Complications of type type 1 diabetes, and type
2 diabetes are less serious 2 diabetes is usually
than those of type 1 diagnosed with routine
diabetes. laboratory testing or after
c. Changes in diet and a patient develops
exercise may control complications such as
blood glucose levels in frequent yeast infections.
type 2 diabetes.
d. Type 2 diabetes is
usually diagnosed when A 48-year-old male
the patient is admitted patient screened for
with a hyperglycemic diabetes at a clinic has a
coma. fasting plasma glucose
level of 120 mg/dL (6.7 implement additional
mmol/L). The nurse will teaching?
plan to teach the patient a. The patient always
about carries hard candies when
engaging in exercise.
a. self-monitoring of b. The patient goes for a
blood glucose. vigorous walk when his
b. using low doses of glucose is 200 mg/dL.
regular insulin. c. The patient has a
c. lifestyle changes to peanut butter sandwich
lower blood glucose. before going for a bicycle
d. effects of oral
hypoglycemic d. The patient increases
medications. daily exercise when
ketones are present in the
c. lifestyle changes to urine.
lower blood glucose.
d. The patient increases
daily exercise when
A 28-year-old male ketones are present in the
patient with type 1 urine.
diabetes reports how he
manages his exercise and
glucose control. Which The nurse is assessing a
behavior indicates that 22-year-old patient
the nurse should experiencing the onset of
symptoms of type 1
diabetes. Which question a. Urine dipstick for
is most appropriate for glucose
the nurse to ask? b. Oral glucose tolerance
a. "Are you anorexic?" c. Fasting blood glucose
b. "Is your urine dark level
colored?" d. Glycosylated
c. "Have you lost weight hemoglobin level
lately?" d. Glycosylated
d. "Do you crave sugary hemoglobin level
c. "Have you lost weight
lately?" A 55-year-old female
patient with type 2
A patient with type 2 diabetes has a nursing
diabetes is scheduled for diagnosis of imbalanced
a follow-up visit in the nutrition: more than body
clinic several months requirements. Which goal
from now. Which test is most important for this
will the nurse schedule to patient?
evaluate the effectiveness
of treatment for the a. The patient will reach
patient? a glycosylated
hemoglobin level of less
than 7%.
b. The patient will follow a. check glucose level
a diet and exercise plan before, during, and after
that results in weight swimming.
loss. b. delay eating the noon
c. The patient will choose meal until after the
a diet that distributes swimming class.
calories throughout the c. increase the morning
day. dose of neutral protamine
d. The patient will state Hagedorn (NPH) insulin.
the reasons for d. time the morning
eliminating simple sugars insulin injection so that
in the diet. the peak occurs while
a. The patient will reach swimming.
a glycosylated a. check glucose level
hemoglobin level of less before, during, and after
than 7%. swimming.
in moderate daily
a. "I can have an exercise, which action is
occasional alcoholic most important for the
drink if I include it in my nurse to take?
meal plan."
b. "I will need a bedtime a. Determine what type
snack because I take an of activities the patient
evening dose of NPH enjoys.
insulin." b. Remind the patient that
c. "I can choose any exercise will improve
foods, as long as I use self-esteem.
enough insulin to cover c. Teach the patient about
the calories." the effects of exercise on
d. "I will eat something at glucose level.
meal times to prevent d. Give the patient a list
hypoglycemia, even if I of activities that are
am not hungry." moderate in intensity.
c. "I can choose any a. Determine what type
foods, as long as I use of activities the patient
enough insulin to cover enjoys.
the calories."
for additional instruction Which patient action
in administering insulin? indicates good
understanding of the
nurse's teaching about
a. "I need to rotate administration of aspart
injection sites among my (NovoLog) insulin?
arms, legs, and abdomen
each day."
b. "I can buy the 0.5 mL a. The patient avoids
syringes because the line injecting the insulin into
markings will be easier to the upper abdominal
see." area.
before insulin
administration. a. The patient programs
the pump for an insulin
bolus after eating.
discuss using for release from the
mealtime coverage? pancreas.
c. Glyburide should be
a. Lispro (Humalog) taken even if the morning
blood glucose level is
b. Glargine (Lantus) low.
c. Detemir (Levemir) d. Glyburide should not
d. NPH (Humulin N) be used for 48 hours after
a. Lispro (Humalog) receiving IV contrast
b. Glyburide stimulates
insulin production and
Which information will release from the
the nurse include when pancreas.
teaching a 50-year-old
patient who has type 2
diabetes about glyburide
(Micronase, DiaBeta, The nurse has been
Glynase)? teaching a patient with
type 2 diabetes about
managing blood glucose
a. Glyburide decreases levels and taking
glucagon secretion from glipizide (Glucotrol).
the pancreas. Which patient statement
b. Glyburide stimulates indicates a need for
insulin production and additional teaching?
allergic rash from an
a. "If I overeat at a meal, unknown cause, the
I will still take the usual health care provider
dose of medication." prescribes prednisone
(Deltasone). The nurse
b. "Other medications will anticipate that the
besides the Glucotrol patient may
may affect my blood
c. "When I am ill, I may a. need a diet higher in
have to take insulin to calories while receiving
control my blood sugar." prednisone.
A hospitalized diabetic d. request that if testing is
patient received 38 U of further delayed, the
NPH insulin at 7:00 AM. patient be returned to the
At 1:00 PM, the patient unit to eat.
has been away from the
nursing unit for 2 hours,
missing the lunch
delivery while awaiting a The nurse identifies a
chest x-ray. To prevent need for additional
hypoglycemia, the best teaching when the patient
action by the nurse is to who is self-monitoring
blood glucose
b. chooses a puncture site capillary blood glucose
in the center of the finger monitoring.
pad. d. Discuss the need for
the patient to actively
participate in diabetes
The nurse is preparing to
teach a 43-year-old man b. Assess the patient's
who is newly diagnosed perception of what it
with type 2 diabetes means to have diabetes
about home management mellitus.
of the disease. Which
action should the nurse
take first?
An unresponsive patient
with type 2 diabetes is
a. Ask the patient's brought to the emergency
family to participate in department and
the diabetes education diagnosed with
program. hyperosmolar
b. Assess the patient's hyperglycemic syndrome
perception of what it (HHS). The nurse will
means to have diabetes anticipate the need to
c. Demonstrate how to a. give a bolus of 50%
check glucose using dextrose.
b. insert a large-bore IV
catheter. a. use only the lispro
c. initiate oxygen by insulin until the
nasal cannula. symptoms are resolved.
d. administer glargine b. limit intake of calories
(Lantus) insulin. until the glucose is less
b. insert a large-bore IV than 120 mg/dL.
catheter. c. monitor blood glucose
every 4 hours and notify
the clinic if it continues
to rise.
A 26-year-old female d. decrease intake of
with type 1 diabetes carbohydrates until
develops a sore throat glycosylated hemoglobin
and runny nose after is less than 7%.
caring for her sick
toddler. The patient calls c. monitor blood glucose
the clinic for advice every 4 hours and notify
about her symptoms and the clinic if it continues
a blood glucose level of to rise.
210 mg/dL despite taking
her usual glargine
(Lantus) and lispro
(Humalog) insulin. The The health care provider
nurse advises the patient suspects the Somogyi
to effect in a 50-year-old
patient whose 6:00 AM
blood glucose is 230
mg/dL. Which action will a. Assess the patient for
the nurse teach the symptoms of
patient to take? hyperglycemia.
b. Give the patient a
a. Avoid snacking at snack of peanut butter
bedtime. and crackers.
b. Increase the rapid- c. Have the patient drink
acting insulin dose. a glass of orange juice or
c. Check the blood nonfat milk.
glucose during the night d. Administer a
d. Administer a larger continuous infusion of
dose of long-acting 5% dextrose for 24 hours.
insulin. b. Give the patient a
c. Check the blood snack of peanut butter
glucose during the night and crackers.
a. "Do you feel bloated a. Choose flat-soled
after eating?" leather shoes.
b. "Have you seen any b. Set heating pads on a
skin changes?" low temperature.
c. "Do you need to c. Use callus remover for
increase your insulin corns or calluses.
dosage when you are d. Soak feet in warm
stressed?" water for an hour each
d. "Have you noticed any day.
painful new ulcerations a. Choose flat-soled
or sores on your feet?" leather shoes.
a. "Do you feel bloated
after eating?"
b. The patient has gained a. Amitriptyline
2 lb (0.9 kg) since decreases the depression
yesterday. caused by your foot pain.
c. The patient is b. Amitriptyline helps
scheduled for a chest x- prevent transmission of
ray in an hour. pain impulses to the
d. The patient's blood brain.
urea nitrogen (BUN) c. Amitriptyline corrects
level is 52 mg/dL. some of the blood vessel
d. The patient's blood changes that cause pain.
urea nitrogen (BUN) d. Amitriptyline
level is 52 mg/dL. improves sleep and
makes you less aware of
nighttime pain.
b. Amitriptyline helps
A diabetic patient who prevent transmission of
has reported burning foot pain impulses to the
pain at night receives a brain.
new prescription. Which
information should the
nurse teach the patient
about amitriptyline Which information is
(Elavil)? most important for the
nurse to report to the
health care provider
before a patient with type
2 diabetes is prepared for
a coronary angiogram? a. The patient administers
the glargine 30 minutes
a. The patient's most before each meal.
recent HbA1C was 6.5%. b. The patient's family
b. The patient's prefills the syringes with
admission blood glucose the mix of insulins
is 128 mg/dL. weekly.
every day. Which site a. The patient's blood
should the nurse teach pressure is 154/92.
the patient to administer b. The patient has a
the morning insulin? history of emphysema.
c. The patient's blood
a. thigh. glucose is 86 mg/dL.
b. buttock. d. The patient has chest
c. abdomen. pressure when walking.
a. Teach the patient about mEq/L. Which action
administering regular prescribed by the health
insulin. care provider should the
b. Schedule the patient nurse take first?
for a fasting blood
glucose level. a. Place the patient on a
c. Discuss an oral glucose cardiac monitor.
tolerance test for the b. Administer IV
twenty-fourth week of potassium supplements.
c. Obtain urine glucose
d. Provide teaching about and ketone levels.
an increased risk for fetal
problems with gestational d. Start an insulin
diabetes. infusion at 0.1
b. Schedule the patient
for a fasting blood a. Place the patient on a
glucose level. cardiac monitor.
should the nurse take
a. Infuse 1 liter of normal first?
saline per hour.
b. Give sodium a. Infuse dextrose 50%
bicarbonate 50 mEq IV by slow IV push.
push. b. Administer 1 mg
c. Administer regular glucagon subcutaneously.
insulin 10 U by IV push. c. Obtain a glucose
d. Start a regular insulin reading using a finger
infusion at 0.1 stick.
units/kg/hr. d. Have the patient drink
a. Infuse 1 liter of normal 4 ounces of orange juice.
saline per hour. c. Obtain a glucose
reading using a finger
communicate to the
health care provider? a. Bedtime glucose of
140 mg/dL
a. The patient uses oral b. Noon blood glucose of
contraceptives. 52 mg/dL
b. The patient runs c. Fasting blood glucose
several days a week. of 130 mg/dL
c. The patient has been d. 2-hr postprandial
pregnant three times. glucose of 220 mg/dL
d. The patient has a b. Noon blood glucose of
family history of 52 mg/dL
a. The patient uses oral
When a patient with type
2 diabetes is admitted for
a cholecystectomy, which
Which laboratory value nursing action can the
reported to the nurse by nurse delegate to a
the unlicensed assistive licensed
personnel (UAP) practical/vocational nurse
indicates the most urgent (LPN/LVN)?
need for the nurse's
assessment of the a. Communicate the
patient? blood glucose level and
insulin dose to the An active 28-year-old
circulating nurse in male with type 1 diabetes
surgery. is being seen in the
b. Discuss the reason for endocrine clinic. Which
the use of insulin therapy finding may indicate the
during the immediate need for a change in
postoperative period. therapy?
c. Administer the
prescribed lispro a. Hemoglobin A1C level
(Humalog) insulin before 6.2%
transporting the patient to b. Blood pressure 146/88
surgery. mmHg
d. Plan strategies to c. Heart rate at rest 58
minimize the risk for beats/minute
hypoglycemia or
hyperglycemia during the d. High density
postoperative period. lipoprotein (HDL) level
65 mg/dL
c. Administer the
prescribed lispro b. Blood pressure 146/88
(Humalog) insulin before mmHg
transporting the patient to
schedule a dilated eye b. "I will not need to
exam worry about
hypoglycemia with the
a. every 2 years.
c. "I should take my daily
b. as soon as possible. aspirin at least an hour
c. when the patient is 39 before the Byetta."
years old. d. "I will take the pill at
d. within the first year the same time I eat
after diagnosis. breakfast in the
b. as soon as possible. morning."
c. "I should take my daily
aspirin at least an hour
After the nurse has before the Byetta."
finished teaching a
patient who has a new
prescription for exenatide
(Byetta), which patient A few weeks after an 82-
statement indicates that year-old with a new
the teaching has been diagnosis of type 2
effective? diabetes has been placed
on metformin
a. "I may feel hungrier (Glucophage) therapy
than usual when I take and taught about
this medicine." appropriate diet and
exercise, the home health
nurse makes a visit.
Which finding by the should the nurse take
nurse is most important next?
to discuss with the health
care provider?
a. Give the patient 4 to 6
oz more orange juice.
a. Hemoglobin A1C level b. Administer the PRN
is 7.9%. glucagon (Glucagon) 1
b. Last eye exam was 18 mg IM.
months ago. c. Have the patient eat
c. Glomerular filtration some peanut butter with
rate is decreased. crackers.
d. Patient has questions d. Notify the health care
about the prescribed diet. provider about the
c. Glomerular filtration hypoglycemia.
rate is decreased. a. Give the patient 4 to 6
oz more orange juice.
recent blood glucose
a. Measure the ankle- reading was 230 mg/dL
brachial index. c. 60-year-old with
b. Check for changes in hyperosmolar
skin pigmentation. hyperglycemic syndrome
who has poor skin turgor
c. Assess for unilateral or and dry oral mucosa
bilateral foot drop.
d. 68-year-old with type
d. Ask the patient about 2 diabetes who has
symptoms of depression. severe peripheral
a. Measure the ankle- neuropathy and
brachial index. complains of burning
foot pain
c. 60-year-old with
After change-of-shift hyperglycemic syndrome
report, which patient will who has poor skin turgor
the nurse assess first? and dry oral mucosa
a. 19-year-old with type 1 in the diabetic clinic
diabetes who has a schedule at least annually
hemoglobin A1C of 12% (select all that apply)?
b. 23-year-old with type
1 diabetes who has a a. Chest x-ray
blood glucose of 40
mg/dL b. Blood pressure
In which order will the B. Hunger
nurse take these steps to C. Blood glucose <60
prepare NPH 20 units mg/dL
and regular insulin 2
units using the same D. Glycosuria
syringe? (Put a comma The answer is C.
and a space between each
answer choice [A, B, C,
D, E]). 2. Type 1 diabetics
typically have the
following clinical
a. Rotate NPH vial. characteristics:
b. Withdraw regular A. Thin, young with
insulin. ketones present in the
c. Withdraw 20 units of urine
NPH. B. Overweight, young
d. Inject 20 units of air with no ketones present
into NPH vial. in the urine
3. A patient with diabetes C. A 76 year old female
has a morning glucose of with a history of cardiac
50. The patient is sweaty, disease.
cold, and clammy. Which D. None of the options
of the following nursing provided.
interventions is the
MOST important? The answer is B.
Remember Type 2
A. Recheck the glucose diabetes risk factors are
level related to lifestyle.being
B. Give the patient ½ cup obese is a risk factor
(4 oz) of fruit juice (BMI >30 in males is
C. Call the doctor considered obese). So,
the 28 year old male with
D. Keep the patient a BMI of 49 is most at
nothing by mouth risk for Type 2.
The answer is B .
A. Insulin and oral
6. A 36-year-old male is diabetic medications are
newly diagnosed with administered routinely in
Type 2 diabetes. Which the treatment of Type 2
of the following diabetes.
treatments do you expect B. Insulin may be needed
the patient to be started during times of surgery
on initially? or illness.
A. Diet and exercise C. Insulin is never taken
regime by the Type 2 diabetic.
B. Metformin BID by D. Oral medications are
mouth the first line of treatment
C. Regular insulin for newly diagnosed
subcutaneous Type 2 diabetics.
C. Cheyne-stokes D. None, this is a normal
breathing will always blood glucose reading
present in DKA. The answer is A. This
D. Severe hypoglycemia question requires critical
is a hallmark sign in thinking because the
DKA. patient is NPO for
E. Options C & D surgery and can NOT eat
but is experiencing
The answer is E. hypoglycemia. Normally,
you could give the
9. A patient who has patient 15 grams of a
diabetes is nothing by simple carbohydrate like
mouth as prep for 4 oz of fruit juice or soda,
surgery. The patient glucose tablets, gel etc.
states they feel like their per hypoglycemia
blood sugar is low. You protocol However, the
check the glucose and patient can NOT eat due
find it to be 52. The next to surgery prep.
nursing intervention Therefore the nurse
would be to: would need to administer
Dextrose 50% IV per
A. Administer Dextrose protocol to help increase
50% IV per protocol the blood glucose and
B. Continue to monitor recheck the glucose level.
the glucose
C. Give the patient 4 oz 10. A Type 2 diabetic
of fruit juice may have all the
following signs or 2. A patient is admitted
symptoms EXCEPT: with Diabetic
A. Blurry vision Ketoacidosis. The
physician orders
B. Ketones present in the intravenous fluids of
urine 0.9% Normal Saline and
C. Glycosuria 10 units of intravenous
D. Poor wound healing regular insulin IV bolus
and then to start an
The answer is B. insulin drip per protocol.
The patient’s labs are the
DIABETIC following: pH 7.25,
KETOACIDOSIS Glucose 455, potassium
2.5. Which of the
following is the most
1. Which of the following appropriate nursing
is not a sign or symptom intervention to perform
of Diabetic Ketoacidosis? next?
C. Hold IV fluids and
administer insulin as 4. Which of the following
ordered statements are
D. Recheck the glucose INCORRECT about
level Diabetic Ketoacidoisis?
A. Extreme
3. Which patient is Hyperglycemia that
MOST likely to develop presents with blood
Diabetic Ketoacidosis? glucose >600 mg/dL
5. True or False: When A. Patient has a
priming the tubing for an potassium level of 2.3
Insulin infusion it is best B. Patient complains of
practice to waste 50cc to thirst.
100cc of insulin prior to
starting the infusion c. Patient is nauseous.
because insulin absorbs D. Patient’s skin and
into the plastic lining of mucous membranes are
the tubing. TRUE dry.
DKA. What statement by Knowing that
the patient demonstrates gluconeogenesis helps to
they understood your maintain blood glucose
teaching about this levels, a nurse should:
A. Document weight
A. “I will hold off taking changes because of fatty
my insulin while I’m acid mobilization.
sick.” B. Evaluate the patient’s
B. “It is normal for my sensitivity to low room
blood sugar to be 250- temperatures because of
350 mg/dL while I’m decreased adipose tissue
sick.” insulation.
C. “It is important I C. Protect the patient
check my blood glucose from sources of infection
every 3-4 hours when because of decreased
I’m sick and consume cellular protein deposits.
liquids.” D. Do all of the above.
D. “I should not be
alarmed if ketones are
present in my urine The nurse is admitting a
because this is expected patient diagnosed with
during illness.” type 2 diabetes mellitus.
The nurse should expect
the following symptoms
during an assessment, D. >5.6%
A. Third day
B. Every other day
Glycosylated hemoglobin C. 1-2 weeks
(HbA1C) test measures D. 2-4 weeks
the average blood
glucose control of an
individual over the A clinical feature that
previous three months. distinguishes a
Which of the following hypoglycemic reaction
values is considered a from a ketoacidosis
diagnosis of pre- reaction is:
A. Blurred vision
A. 6.5-7% B. Diaphoresis
B. 5.7-6.4% C. Nausea
C. 5-5.6%
D. Weakness in the arteries of the
lower extremities
Clinical nursing
assessment for a patient The nurse expects that a
with microangiopathy type 1 diabetic may
who has manifested receive how much of his
impaired peripheral or her morning dose of
arterial circulation insulin preoperatively?
includes all of the
following, except:
A. 10-20%
B. 25-40%
A. Integumentary
inspection for the C. 50-60%
presence of brown spots D. 85-90%
on the lower extremities
B. Observation for Albert, a 35-year-old
paleness of the lower insulin-dependent
extremities diabetic, is admitted to
C. Observation for the hospital with a
blanching of the feet after diagnosis of pneumonia.
the legs are elevated for He has been febrile since
60 seconds admission. His daily
D. Palpation for insulin requirement is 24
increased pulse volume units of NPH. Every
morning Albert is given
NPH insulin at 0730.
Meals are served at 0830, A. 6-8 hours
1230, and 1830. The B. 10-14 hours
nurse expects that the
NPH insulin will reach C. 14-18 hours
its maximum effect D. 24-28 hours
(peak) between the hours
A nurse went to a
patient’s room to do
A. 1130 and 1330 routine vital signs
B. 1330 and 1930 monitoring and found out
that the patient’s bedtime
C. 1530 and 2130 snack was not eaten. This
D. 1730 and 2330 should alert the nurse to
check and assess for:
response on the
A client is taking NPH information that the
insulin daily every pump:
morning. The nurse
instructs the client that A. Gives a small
the most likely time for a continuous dose of
hypoglycemic reaction to regular insulin
occur is: subcutaneously, and the
client can self-administer
A. 2-4 hours after a bolus with an additional
administration dosage from the pump
before each meal.
B. 6-14 hours after
administration B. It is timed to release
programmed doses of
C. 16-18 hours after regular or NPH insulin
administration into the bloodstream at
D. 18-24 hours after specific intervals.
administration C. It is surgically
attached to the pancreas
and infuses regular
insulin into the pancreas,
An external insulin pump which in turn releases the
is prescribed for a client insulin into the
with DM. The client asks bloodstream.
the nurse about the
functioning of the pump. D. It continuously
The nurse bases the infuses small amounts of
NPH insulin into the admitted for the
bloodstream while treatment of
regularly monitoring hyperglycemia. The most
blood glucose levels. appropriate intervention
to decrease the client’s
anxiety would be to:
A client with a diagnosis
of diabetic ketoacidosis
(DKA) is being treated in A. Administer a sedative
the ER. Which finding B. Make sure the client
would a nurse expect to knows all the correct
note as confirming this medical terms to
diagnosis? understand what is
A. Elevated blood C. Ignore the signs and
glucose level and a low symptoms of anxiety so
plasma bicarbonate that they will soon
B. Decreased urine disappear
output D. Convey empathy,
C. Increased respiration trust, and respect toward
and an increase in pH the client
D. Comatose state
A nurse is preparing a
plan of care for a client
A client with DM with diabetes mellitus
demonstrates acute who has hyperglycemia.
anxiety when first
The priority nursing C. Correct the acidosis
diagnosis would be: D. Apply an
A. High risk for monitor
deficient fluid volume
B. Deficient knowledge: A nurse performs a
disease process and physical assessment on a
treatment client with type 2
C. Imbalanced nutrition: diabetes mellitus.
less than body Findings include fasting
requirements blood glucose of
120mg/dl, temperature of
D. Disabled family 101ºF, pulse of 88 bpm,
coping: compromised respirations of 22 bpm,
and a BP of 140/84
A nurse is caring for a mmHg. Which finding
client admitted to the ER would be of most
with DKA. In the acute concern to the nurse?
phase the priority nursing
action is to prepare to: A. Pulse
B. Blood pressure
A. Administer regular C. Respiration
insulin intravenously
D. Temperature
B. Administer 5%
dextrose intravenously
A client with type 1 A client with diabetes
diabetes mellitus calls the mellitus visits a health
nurse to report recurrent care clinic. The client’s
episodes of diabetes previously had
hypoglycemia with been well controlled with
exercise. Which glyburide (Diabeta), 5
statement by the client mg PO daily, but
indicated an inadequate recently, the fasting
understanding of the peak blood glucose has been
action of NPH insulin running 180-200 mg/dl.
and exercise? Which medication, if
added to the clients
regimen, may have
A. “The best time for me contributed to the
to exercise is every hyperglycemia?
A client with diabetes
B. “The best time for me mellitus visits a health
to exercise is right after I care clinic. The client’s
eat.” diabetes previously had
C. “The best time for me been well controlled with
to exercise is after glyburide (Diabeta), 5
breakfast.” mg PO daily, but
D. “The best time for me recently, the fasting
to exercise is after my blood glucose has been
morning snack.” running 180-200 mg/dl.
Which medication, if
added to the clients
regimen, may have
contributed to the When a client is first
hyperglycemia? admitted with
A. prednisone hyperosmolar nonketotic
(Deltasone) syndrome (HHNS), the
nurse’s priority is to
B. atenolol (Tenormin) provide:
C. phenelzine (Nardil)
D. allopurinol A. Oxygen
B. Carbohydrates
C. Fluid replacement
D. Dietary instruction
Glucose is an important
molecule in a cell
because this molecule is The nurse is admitting a
primarily used for: client with
hypoglycemia. Identify
the signs and symptoms
A. Extraction of energy the nurse should expect.
B. Synthesis of protein Select all that apply.
C. Building of genetic A. Thirst
material B. Palpitations
D. Formation of cell C. Diaphoresis
D. Slurred speech
E. Hyperventilation who is learning
alternative site testing
(AST) for glucose
When a client is monitoring says:
experiencing diabetic
ketoacidosis, the insulin
that would be A. “I need to rub my
administered is: forearm vigorously until
When a client is warm before testing at
experiencing diabetic this site.”
ketoacidosis, the insulin B. “The fingertip is
that would be preferred for glucose
administered is: monitoring if
hyperglycemia is
A. Human NPH insulin
C. “I have to make sure
B. Human regular that my current glucose
insulin monitor can be used at an
C. Insulin lispro alternate site.”
injection D. “Alternate site testing
D. Insulin glargine is unsafe if I am
injection experiencing a rapid
change in glucose
The nurse recognizes that
additional teaching is
necessary when the client
A 44-year-old woman following symptoms
with type 1 diabetes would you anticipate the
comes to the emergency client to exhibit? Select
department due to all that apply.
abdominal pain
accompanied by nausea
and vomiting. The patient A. Fruity odor breath
had a history of chronic B. Deep and labored
back pain due to a motor respirations
accident 20 years ago. C. Blurred vision
Her situation renders her
unable to work and pay D. Increased urination
for the increasing price of E. Increased thirst
insulin, which has F. Fatigue
doubled during the last
G. glucose level of 60
five years. The patient
doesn’t have medical
coverage or insurance; H. Dehydration
therefore, she rations her I. Respiratory rate of 8
insulin intake, making bpm
her unable to follow her
J. Hypernatremia Blood
prescribed therapeutic
regimen for her diabetes. K. Metabolic alkalosis
Because of her situation,
the client is at high risk
Nurse Robedee is
of developing diabetic
teaching an underweight
ketoacidosis. As her
and emaciated client
nurse, which of the
about the proper C. Increased PCO2
methods/techniques when D. Decreased HCO3
giving insulin. Which
one of the following
shows a proper The nurse knows that
technique? glucagon may be given in
the treatment of
hypoglycemia because it:
A. Pinch the skin up and
use a 90-degree angle
B. Use a 45-degree angle A. Inhibits
with the skin pinched up gluconeogenesis
A. Call the physician A client with diabetes
B. Encourage the intake mellitus states, “I cannot
of fluids eat big meals; I prefer to
snack throughout the
C. Administer the insulin day.” The nurse should
as ordered carefully explain that:
D. Give the client 1/2 c.
of orange juice
A. Regulated food intake
is basic to control
The nurse is teaching a B. Salt and sugar
client regarding the restriction is the main
administration of insulin concern
as part of the discharge
plan. Which of the C. Small, frequent meals
following insulin has the are better for digestion
most rapid onset of D. Large meals can
action? contribute to a weight
for dinner, it is the nausea and vomits one
nurse’s primary hour after taking his
responsibility to: glyburide (DiaBeta)?
B. Retinopathy, administration would be
neuropathy, and coronary used in the initial
artery disease treatment of
C. Leg ulcers, cerebral hyperglycemia in a client
ischemic events, and with diabetic
pulmonary infarcts ketoacidosis?
D. Fatigue, nausea,
vomiting, muscle A. Subcutaneous
weakness, and cardiac B. Intramuscular
C. IV bolus only
Rotating injection sites
when administering D. IV bolus, followed by
insulin prevents which of continuous infusion
the following
complications? Insulin forces which of
the following electrolytes
A. Insulin edema out of the plasma and
into the cells?
B. Insulin lipodystrophy
C. Insulin resistance
A. Calcium
D. Systemic allergic
reactions B. Magnesium
C. Phosphorus
Which of the following
causes of A. Kussmaul’s
Hyperglycaemic respirations and a fruity
Hyperosmolar Non- odor on the breath
Ketotic Syndrome
(HHNS) is most B. Shallow respirations
common? and severe abdominal
C. Decreased respiration
A. Insulin overdose and increased urine
B. Removal of the output
adrenal gland D. Cheyne-stokes
C. Undiagnosed, respirations and foul-
untreated smelling urine
D. Undiagnosed, Clients with type 1
untreated diabetes diabetes may require
mellitus which of the following
changes to their daily
A client is in diabetic routine during periods of
ketoacidosis (DKA) infection?
secondary to infection. Clients with type 1
As the condition diabetes may require
progresses, which of the which of the following
following symptoms changes to their daily
might the nurse see?
routine during periods of C. "Without insulin, you
infection? will develop ketoacidosis
B. The nurse should D. The client will have
have contacted the moist clammy skin.
C. The nurse should A clinical instructor
have used regular insulin teaches a class for the
(Humulin R). public about diabetes
D. The nurse used the mellitus. Which
correct insulin. individual does the nurse
E. The nurse could have assess as being at the
given the insulin highest risk for
intramuscularly. developing diabetes?
A patient was recently B. It must be taken with
diagnosed with type 1 meals.
diabetes mellitus and C. It decreases sugar
received insulin. Which production in the liver.
laboratory test will the
nurse assess? D. It inhibits the
absorption of
A. Potassium E. It reduces insulin
B. AST (aspartate resistance.
C. Serum amylase Serge who has diabetes
D. Sodium mellitus is taking oral
agents and is scheduled
for a diagnostic test that
Jansen is receiving requires him to be NPO.
metformin (Glucophage). What is the best plan of
What will be the best the nurse with regard to
plan of the nurse with giving the client his oral
regard to patient medications?
education with this drug?
Select all that apply.
A. Administer the oral
agents immediately after
A. It stimulates the the test.
pancreas to produce more
B. Notify the diagnostic D. "I know it is tough,
department and request but you will get used to
orders. the shots soon."
C. Notify the physician
and request orders. Nurse Andy has finished
D. Administer the oral teaching a client with
agents with a sip of water diabetes mellitus how to
before the test. administer insulin. He
evaluates the learning has
occurred when the client
take pills instead. What is makes which statement?
the best response by the
A. "I should check my
blood sugar immediately
A. "Insulin must be prior to the
injected because it needs administration."
to work quickly."
B. "I should provide
B. "Insulin can't be in a direct pressure over the
pill because it is site following the
destroyed in stomach injection."
C. "I should use the
C. "Have you talked to abdominal area only for
your doctor about taking insulin injections."
pills instead?"
D. "I should only use a
calibrated insulin syringe Dr. Wijangco orders
for the injections." insulin lispro (Humalog)
10 units for Alicia, a
Genevieve has diabetes client with diabetes
type 1 and receives mellitus. When will the
insulin for glycemic nurse administer this
control. She tells the medication?
nurse that she likes to
have a glass of wine with A. When the client is
dinner. What will the best eating
plan of the nurse for
client education include? B. Thirty minutes before
C. Fifteen minutes
A. The alcohol could before meals
cause pancreatic disease.
D. When the meal trays
B. The alcohol could arrive on the floor
cause serious liver
C. The alcohol could Nurse Matt makes a
predispose you to home visit to the client
hypoglycemia. with diabetes mellitus.
During the visit, Nurse
D. The alcohol could Matt notes the client’s
predispose you to additional insulin vials
hyperglycemia. are not refrigerated. What
is the best action by the validate with the
nurse at this time? physician?
but there is enough
insulin." Which of the following is
B. "My peripheral cells accurate pertaining to
have increased sensitivity physical exercise and
to insulin." type 2 diabetes mellitus?
C. "My beta cells cannot
produce enough insulin A. Physical exercise can
for my cells." slow the progression of
D. "My cells cannot use type 2 diabetes mellitus.
the insulin my pancreas B. Strenuous exercise is
makes." beneficial when blood
glucose is high.
The principal goals of C. Patients who take
therapy for older patients insulin and engage in
who have poor glycemic strenuous physical
control are: exercise might
A. Enhancing the quality
of life. D. Adjusting insulin
regimen allows for safe
B. Decreasing the participation in all forms
chance of complications. of exercise.
C. Improving self-care
through education.
Harry is a diabetic patient
D. All of the above. who is experiencing a
reaction to alternating Dr. Hugo has prescribed
periods of nocturnal sulfonylureas for
hypoglycemia and Rebecca in the
hyperglycemia. The management of diabetes
patient might be mellitus type 2. As a
manifesting which of the nurse, you know that the
following? primary purpose of
Harry is a diabetic patient sulfonylureas, such as
who is experiencing a long-acting glyburide
reaction to alternating (Micronase), is to:
periods of nocturnal
hypoglycemia and A. Induce hypoglycemia
hyperglycemia. The by decreasing insulin
patient might be sensitivity.
manifesting which of the
following? B. Improve insulin
sensitivity and decrease
A. Uncontrolled diabetes C. Stimulate the beta
B. Somogyi cells of the pancreas to
phenomenon secrete insulin.
C. Brittle diabetes D. Decrease insulin
D. Diabetes insipidus sensitivity by enhancing
glucose uptake.
Rosemary has been A 50-year-old widower is
taking glargine (Lantus) admitted to the hospital
to treat her condition. with a diagnosis of
One of the benefits of diabetes mellitus and
glargine (Lantus) insulin complaints of rapid-onset
is its ability to: weight loss, elevated
blood glucose levels, and
polyphagia. The
A. Release insulin gerontology nurse should
rapidly throughout the anticipate which of the
day to help control basal following secondary
glucose. medical diagnoses?
B. Release insulin A 50-year-old widower is
evenly throughout the admitted to the hospital
day and control basal with a diagnosis of
glucose levels. diabetes mellitus and
C. Simplify the dosing complaints of rapid-onset
and better control blood weight loss, elevated
glucose levels during the blood glucose levels, and
day. polyphagia. The
D. Cause hypoglycemia gerontology nurse should
with other manifestations anticipate which of the
of other adverse following secondary
reactions. medical diagnoses?
A. Impaired glucose
B. Gestational diabetes for him? Select all that
mellitus apply.
C. Pituitary tumor
D. Pancreatic tumor A. Fasting Plasma
An older woman with Glucose (FPG)
diabetes mellitus visits B. Two-hour Oral
the clinic concerning her Glucose Tolerance Test
condition. Which of the (OGTT)
following symptoms C. Glycosylated
might an older woman hemoglobin (HbA1C)
with diabetes mellitus
complain? D. Fingerstick glucose
three times daily
E. Urinalysis and urine
A. Anorexia culture
B. Pain intolerance
C. Weight loss According to the
D. Perineal itching National Diabetes
Statistics Report, diabetes
remains one of the
Gregory is a 52-year-old leading causes of death in
man identified as high- the United States since
risk for diabetes mellitus. 2010. Which of the
Which laboratory test following factors are
should a nurse anticipate risks for the development
a physician would order
of diabetes mellitus? A. Caucasian woman.
Select all that apply. B. Asian woman.
C. African-American
A. Age over 45 years woman.
B. Overweight with a D. Hispanic male.
waist/hip ratio >1
C. Having a consistent An ailing 70-year-old
HDL level above 40 woman with a diagnosis
mg/dl of type 2 diabetes
D. Maintaining a mellitus has been ill with
sedentary lifestyle pneumonia. The client’s
E. Polycystic ovary intake has been very
syndrome poor, and she is admitted
to the hospital for
observation and
During a visit to the management as needed.
hospital, the student What is the most likely
nurses are asked which of problem with this
the following persons patient?
would most likely be
diagnosed with diabetes
mellitus. They are correct A. Insulin resistance has
if they answered a 44- developed.
year-old: B. Diabetic ketoacidosis
is occurring.
C. Hypoglycemia D. Mix the drug in 50 ml
unawareness is of dextrose 5% in water
developing. and infuse over 30
D. Hyperglycemic minutes.
hyperosmolar nonketotic E. Be aware that the
syndrome. drug is not compatible
with morphine.
A. Amount.
A. Monitor glucose B. Odor.
levels closely. C. pH.
B. Monitor for heart D. Specific gravity.
block and bradycardia.
E. Glucose level.
C. Monitor blood
pressure closely. F. Ketone bodies.
B. The client with
A nurse has a four- diabetes insipidus.
patient assignment in the C. The client with
medical step-down unit. diabetic ketoacidosis.
When planning care for D. The client with
the clients, which client syndrome of
would have the following inappropriate antidiuretic
treatment goals: fluid hormone (SIADH)
replacement, vasopressin secretion.
replacement, and
correction of underlying
intracranial pathology? During the lecture, the
A nurse has a four- clinical instructor tells
patient assignment in the the students that 50% to
medical step-down unit. 60% of daily calories
When planning care for should come from
the clients, which client carbohydrates. What
would have the following should the nurse say
treatment goals: fluid about the types of
replacement, vasopressin carbohydrates that can be
replacement, and eaten?
correction of underlying
intracranial pathology? A. Try to limit simple
sugars to between 10%
A. The client with and 20% of daily
diabetes mellitus. calories.
B. Simple carbohydrates B. Atherosclerosis
are absorbed more C. Glycosuria
rapidly than complex
carbohydrates. D. Acidosis
C. Eating small meals Nurse Shey is educating
with two or three snacks a pregnant client who has
may be more helpful in gestational diabetes.
maintaining blood Which of the following
glucose levels than three statements should the
large meals. nurse make to the client?
D. Skip meals to help Select all that apply.
lose weight
A. Cakes, candies,
Billy is being asked cookies, and regular soft
concerning his health in drinks should be avoided.
the emergency B. Gestational diabetes
department. When increases the risk that the
obtaining a health history mother will develop
from a patient with acute diabetes later in life.
pancreatitis, the nurse C. Gestational diabetes
asks the patient usually resolves after the
specifically about the baby is born.
history of:
D. Insulin injections may
be necessary.
A. Alcohol use
B. Cigarette smoking E. The mother should
C. Diabetes mellitus strive to gain no more
D. High-protein diet weight during pregnancy.
F. The baby will likely B. Unlimited intake of
be born with diabetes total fat, saturated fat,
and cholesterol
developed by the type 1 diabetes mellitus
American Diabetes and would be most
Association for diabetes suggestive and require
include classic diabetic follow-up investigation?
symptoms plus which of
the following fasting
plasma glucose levels? A. Excessive intake of
calories, rapid weight
gain, and difficulty losing
A. Higher than 106 weight
mg/dl B. An increase in three
B. Higher than 126 areas: thirst, intake of
mg/dl fluids, and hunger
C. Higher than 140 C. Poor circulation,
mg/dl wound healing, and leg
D. Higher than 160 ulcers
mg/dl D. Lack of energy,
weight gain, and
When taking a health
history, the nurse screens
for manifestations The nurse is working
suggestive of diabetes with an overweight client
type 1. Which of the who has a high-stress job
following manifestations and smokes. This client
are considered the has just received a
primary manifestations of diagnosis of type 2
diabetes mellitus and has five minutes five times a
just been started on an day for at least five
oral hypoglycemic agent. months
Which of the following
goals for the client which
if met, would be most During a visit to a
likely to lead to an community, the nurse
improvement in insulin will recommend routine
efficiency to the point the screening for diabetes
client would no longer when the person has one
require oral or more of seven risk
hypoglycemic agents? criteria. Which of the
following persons that
the nurse comes in
A. Comply with contact with most needs
medication regimen to be screened for
100% for 6 months diabetes based on the
B. Quit the use of any seven risk criteria?
tobacco products by the
end of three months A. A client with an HDL
C. Lose a pound a week cholesterol level of 40
until the weight is within mg/dl and a triglyceride
the normal range for level of 300 mg/dl
height and exercise 30 B. A woman who is at
minutes daily 90% of standard body
D. Practice relaxation weight after delivering an
techniques for at least eight-pound baby
C. A middle-aged A. 10% dextrose in
Caucasian male water (D10W)
D. An older client who is B. 0.9% normal saline
hypotensive solution
C. 5% dextrose in water
D. 0.45% normal saline
A. As long as you only A. “This syndrome
drink two beers and take occurs mainly in people
one aspirin, this should with type 1 diabetes.”
not be a problem B. “It has a higher
B. The aspirin is alright mortality rate than
but you need to give up diabetic ketoacidosis.”
drinking any alcoholic C. “The client with
beverages HHNS is in a state of
C. Taking alcohol and/or overhydration.”
aspirin with a D. “This condition
sulfonylurea drug can develops very rapidly.”
cause the development of
D. Aspirin and alcohol Nurse Robedee is
will cause the stomach to teaching an underweight
bleed more when on a and emaciated client
sulfonylurea drug about the proper
methods/techniques when
giving insulin. Which
Which of the following, one of the following
if stated by the nurse, is shows a proper
correct about technique?
Hyperglycemic Nurse Robedee is
Hyperosmolar teaching an underweight
Nonketotic Syndrome and emaciated client
(HHNS)? about the proper
methods/techniques when
giving insulin. Which C. Obesity
one of the following D. Smoking
shows a proper
glucose produced by the C. Give 4 to 6 oz (118 to
liver? 177 mL) of orange juice
D. Give the client four to
A. Alpha-glucosidase six glucose tablets
inhibitors Which insulin can be
B. Biguanides administered through
continuous intravenous
C. Meglitinides infusion?
D. Sulfonylureas
A. insulin glargine
A 39-year-old company (Lantus)
driver presents with B. insulin aspart
shakiness, sweating, (Novolog)
anxiety, and palpitations
and tells the nurse he has C. insulin detemir
type 1 diabetes mellitus. (Levemir)
Which of the following D. insulin Afrezza
actions should the nurse E. regular insulin
do first? (Novolin R)
patient, which of the
following would cause a A. Insulin resistance
further decrease in the
blood glucose level of the B. Dawn phenomenon
patient? C. Insulin
A. hydrochlorothiazide D. Somogyi
(Microzide) phenomenon
B. levothyroxine
(Synthroid) A nurse is caring for a
C. carvedilol (Coreg) client admitted with
diabetic retinopathy.
D. hydrocortisone Which of the following
(SoluCortef) would the nurse expect to
note on the assessment of
Tony is a night shift this client:
nurse who is assigned to
a patient whose glucose A. Blurred or distorted
levels remain normal at vision
bedtime but experiences
hypoglycemia at 3 am B. Flashes of lights or
and hyperglycemia at 7 floaters
am. The patient is likely C. Sudden loss of vision
experiencing what kind D. All of the above
of complication of insulin
A patient received 6 units QID. When the nurse
of regular insulin three visits the patient at 5 pm,
(3) hours ago. The nurse the nurse observes the
would be most concerned man performing blood
if which of the following sugar analysis. The result
was observed? is 50 mg/dL. The nurse
would expect the patient
to be:
A. Kussmaul
respirations and
diaphoresis A. Anxiety, paleness,
B. Anorexia and lethargy and pulse of 110 bpm
who exhibits confusion, C. Before lunch
light-headedness, and D. After dinner
aberrant behavior. The 3) The glycosylated
client is still conscious. hemoglobin of a 40-year-
The nurse should first old client with diabetes
administer: mellitus is 2.5%. The
nurse understands that:
A. I
.M. or A. The client can
subcutaneous have a higher-
glucagon. calorie diet.
B. I B. The client has
.V. bolus of good control of
dextrose 50%. her diabetes.
C. 1 C. The client
5 to 20 g of a fast- requires
acting adjustment in her
carbohydrate such insulin dose.
as orange juice. D. The client has
D. 1 poor control of
0 U of fast-acting her diabetes.
insulin. 4) A patient with severe
2) A client with diabetes hypoglycemia arrives at
mellitus has a the ED unconscious by
prescription for Glucotrol ambulance. The nurse
XL (glipizide). The client would first…
should be instructed to
take the medication: A. Giv
e regular insulin
A. At bedtime by IV
B. With breakfast
B. Giv A. Cerebral edema
e NPH by IV B. Arrhythmias
C. Giv C. Peptic ulcers
e 10-15 g CHO or D. Mucormycosis
Orange juice 7) Which of the
D. Giv following clinical
e 1 mg glucagon characteristics is
E. associated with Type 1
5) A male client with diabetes (previously
type 1 diabetes mellitus referred to as insulin-
asks the nurse about dependent diabetes
taking an oral mellitus [IDDM])?
antidiabetic agent. Nurse
Jack explains that these A. Presence of islet
medications are only cell antibodies
effective if the client: B. Obesity
C. Rare ketosis
A. prefers to take D. Requirement for
insulin orally. oral
B. has type 2 hypoglycemic
diabetes. agents
C. has type 1 8) What are the micro
diabetes. vascular complications of
D. is pregnant and uncontrolled diabetes?
has type 2
diabetes. A. Delayed gastric
6) Which of the emptying
following conditions is B. Diarrhea
not linked to diabetic C. Glomuerular
ketoacidosis? injury
D. Bleeding of 11) The newly diagnosed
retinal caplillaries diabetic patient asks the
E. Numbness of feet nurse why he needs to
F. Impotence check his feet every day.
9) What is the number The nurse’s best response
one complication of is….
A. To prevent leg
A. Diabetic amputation.
ketoacidosis B. To check for
B. Obesity any cuts, sores, or
C. Hypertension dry cracked skin
D. Cardiovascular so they can be
disease treated early to
10) Nurse Noemi prevent infection
administers glucagon to or gangrene.
her diabetic client, then C. To see if they
monitors the client for hurt.
adverse drug reactions D. You just need to
and interactions. Which do it.
type of drug interacts 12) What type of cells
adversely with glucagon? secrete glucagon?
A. Oral A. Beta cells
anticoagulants B. Alpha cells
B. Anabolic C. Plasma cells
steroids D. Acinar cells
C. Beta-adrenergic 13) Nurse John is
blockers assigned to care for a
D. Thiazide postoperative male client
diuretics who has diabetes
mellitus. During the A. Amputations
assessment interview, the (BKA)
client reports that he’s B. Cardiovascular
impotent and says he’s disease
concerned about its effect C. Edema
on his marriage. In D. Peripheral
planning this client’s neuropathy
care, the most E. Hyperthyroidism
appropriate intervention F. Retinopathy
would be to: G. Cardio
A. Encourage the H. Coma
client to ask I. Nephropathy
questions about J. Arteriosclerosis
personal K. Hypertension
sexuality. L. Obesity
B. Provide time for M. Infections
privacy. 15) Which of the
C. Provide support following is not an effect
for the spouse or of diabetes?
significant other.
D. Suggest referral A. Small vessel
to a sex counselor occlusion
or other B. Necrosis of
appropriate extremities
professional. C. Ketone Body
14) Which are potential production
complications of D. Decreased fat
diabetes? (Choose all that metabolism
16) Which of the B. “Glipizide may
following is not an cause a low serum
indicator of diabetic sodium level, so
ketoacidosis? make sure you
have your sodium
A. Hyperthermia level checked
B. Nausea/Vomitin monthly.”
g C. “You won’t
C. Slow and need to check
shallow breathing your blood
D. Psychosis glucose level after
leading to you start taking
dementia glipizide.”
17) Dr. Kennedy D. “Take glipizide
prescribes glipizide after a meal to
(Glucotrol), an oral prevent
antidiabetic agent, for a heartburn.”
male client with type 2 18) What type of cells
diabetes mellitus who has secrete insulin?
been having trouble
controlling the blood A. Beta cells
glucose level through diet B. Alpha cells
and exercise. Which C. Plasma cells
medication instruction D. Acinar cells
should the nurse provide? 19) A 65-year-old female
who has diabetes mellitus
A. “Be sure to take and has sustained a large
glipizide 30 laceration on her left
minutes before wrist asks the nurse,
meals.” “How long will it take for
my scars to disappear?” breath smell. This is
which statement would known as…
be the nurse’s best
response? A. Trousseau’s
B. Cullen’s
A. “The contraction C. Kussmaul’s
phase of wound D. Bitot’s
healing can take 2 21) The nurse is
to 3 years.” performing wound care
B. “Wound healing on a foot ulcer in a client
is very individual with type 1 diabetes
but within 4 mellitus. Which
months the scar technique demonstrates
should fade.” surgical asepsis?
C. “With your
history and the A. Putting on
type of location of sterile gloves then
the injury, it’s opening a
hard to say.” container of
D. “If you don’t sterile saline.
develop an B. Cleaning the
infection, the wound with a
wound should circular motion,
heal any time moving from
between 1 and 3 outer circles
years from now.” toward the center.
20) The nurse enters a C. Changing the
patient’s room and sees sterile field after
the patient breathing sterile water is
rapidly with a fruity spilled on it.
D. Placing a sterile be altered
dressing ½” (1.3 significantly.”
cm) from the edge 23) A male client has just
of the sterile field. been diagnosed with type
22) A male client with 1 diabetes mellitus.
type 1 diabetes mellitus When teaching the client
has a highly elevated and family how diet and
glycosylated hemoglobin exercise affect insulin
(Hb) test result. In requirements, Nurse Joy
discussing the result with should include which
the client, nurse guideline?
Sharmaine would be
most accurate in stating: A. “You’ll need
more insulin
A. “The test needs when you exercise
to be repeated or increase your
following a 12- food intake.”
hour fast.” B. “You’ll need
B. “It looks like less insulin when
you aren’t you exercise or
following the reduce your food
prescribed intake.”
diabetic diet.” C. “You’ll need
C. “It tells us about less insulin when
your sugar control you increase your
for the last 3 food intake.”
months.” D. “You’ll need
D. “Your insulin more insulin
regimen needs to when you exercise
or decrease your C. 18 to 20 g of a
food intake.” simple
24) An agitated, confused carbohydrate.
female client arrives in D. 25 to 30 g of a
the emergency simple
department. Her history carbohydrate.
includes type 1 diabetes 25) Acarbose (Precose),
mellitus, hypertension, an alpha-glucosidase
and angina pectoris. inhibitor, is prescribed
Assessment reveals for a female client with
pallor, diaphoresis, type 2 diabetes mellitus.
headache, and intense During discharge
hunger. A stat blood planning, nurse Pauleen
glucose sample measures would be aware of the
42 mg/dl, and the client client’s need for
is treated for an acute additional teaching when
hypoglycemic reaction. the client states:
After recovery, nurse
Lily teaches the client to A. “If I have
treat hypoglycemia by hypoglycemia, I
ingesting: should eat some
sugar, not
A. 2 to 5 g of a dextrose.”
simple B. “The drug
carbohydrate. makes my
B. 10 to 15 g of a pancreas release
simple more insulin.”
carbohydrate. C. “I should never
take insulin while
I’m taking this phosphorylated in
drug.” kidney
D. “It’s best if I 28) The physician has
take the drug with prescribed NPH insulin
the first bite of a for a client with diabetes
meal.” mellitus. Which
26) Which of the statement indicates that
following is not true the client knows when
about Type I DM? the peak action of the
insulin occurs?
A. May be linked
to autoimmunity A. “I will make
B. Onset usually sure I eat
prior to age 20 breakfast within 2
C. Beta islet cells hours of taking
destroyed my insulin.”
D. Does not require B. “I will need to
insulin injections carry candy or
27) Which of the some form of
following is caused by sugar with me all
insulin release? the time.”
C. “I will eat a
A. Increased snack around
breakdown of fats three o’clock each
B. Increase afternoon.”
breakdown of D. “I can save my
proteins dessert from
C. Decreased blood supper for a
sugar bedtime snack.”
D. Causes glucose
to be
29) Which of the mellitus and takes
following is not an insulin
accurate test for diabetes? 31) Which of the
following is not true
A. Glucose about Type II DM?
tolerance test
B. HbA A. Considered
C. Fasting adult onset
glucagon test diabetes
30) A home health nurse B. Cause unknown
is at the home of a client may be due to
with diabetes and genetics
arthritis. The client has C. Require insulin
difficulty drawing up 80% of cases
insulin. It would be most D. May take a drug
appropriate for the nurse that sensitize cells
to refer the client to or increase insulin
A. A social worker 32) Which of the
from the local following is not an
hospital indicator of a
B. An occupational hypoglycemic condition?
therapist from the
community center A. Fatigue
C. A physical B. Poor appetite
therapist from the C. Tachycardia
rehabilitation D. Confusion
agency 33) Glucagon increases
D. Another client blood levels of glucose
with diabetes by causing liver to
breakdown glycogen.
A. TRUE B. glucose and high
B. FALSE amounts of
34) A patient with a bilirubin in the
history of diabetes urine
mellitus is in the second C. ketones in the
post-operative day urine
following D. ketones and
cholecystectomy. She has adrenaline in the
complained of nausea urine
and isn’t able to eat solid 36) A client has a
foods. The nurse enters medical history of
the room to find the rheumatic fever, type 1
patient confused and (insulin dependent)
shaky. Which of the diabetes mellitus,
following is the most hypertension, pernicious
likely explanation for the anemia, and
patient’s symptoms? appendectomy. She’s
admitted to the hospital
A. Anesthesia and undergoes mitral
reaction. valve replacement
B. Hyperglycemia. surgery. After discharge,
C. Hypoglycemia. the client is scheduled for
D. Diabetic a tooth extraction. Which
ketoacidosis. history finding is a major
35) A urine test in an risk factor for infective
undiagnosed diabetic endocarditis?
may show……..
A. appendectomy
A. glucose and B. pernicious
ketones in the anemia
C. diabetes mellitus the nurse expect the
D. valve physician to do?
A. Initiate insulin
37) Of the following B. Switch the client
types of insulin, which is to a different oral
the most rapid acting? antidiabetic agent.
C. Prescribe an
A. Humalog additional oral
B. Regular antidiabetic agent.
C. NPH D. Restrict
D. Ultralente carbohydrate
38) The nurse’s first intake to less than
action upon finding a 30% of the total
patient with mild caloric intake.
hypoglycemia is to… 40) When caring for a
female client with a
A. Call the rapid history of hypoglycemia,
response team nurse Ruby should avoid
B. Give 1 mg of administering a drug that
glucagon may potentiate
C. Give 10-15 g of hypoglycemia. Which
CHO or Orange drug fits this description?
D. Give insulin A. sulfisoxazole
39) After taking glipizide (Gantrisin)
(Glucotrol) for 9 months, B. mexiletine
a male client experiences (Mexitil)
secondary failure. Which C. prednisone
of the following would (Orasone)
D. lithium the client knows when
carbonate the peak action of the
(Lithobid) insulin occurs?
41) A male client with
diabetes mellitus is A. “I will make
receiving insulin. Which sure I eat
statement correctly breakfast within
describes an insulin unit? 10 minutes of
taking my
A. It’s a common insulin.”
measurement in B. “I will need to
the metric system. carry candy or
B. It’s the basis for some form of
solids in the sugar with me all
avoirdupois the time.”
system. C. “I will eat a
C. It’s the smallest snack around
measurement in three o’clock each
the apothecary afternoon.”
system. D. “I can save my
D. It’s a measure of dessert from
effect, not a supper for a
standard measure bedtime snack.”
of weight or 43) Which of the
quantity. following would not be
42) The physician has considered an acute
prescribed Novalog effect of diabetes
insulin for a client with mellitus?
diabetes mellitus. Which
statement indicates that A. Polyuria
B. Weight gain
C. Polydipsia after onset of Type I
D. Polyphagia Diabetes?
44) Which instruction
about insulin A. Torsemide
administration should B. Cyclosporine
nurse Kate give to a C. Clofibrate
client? D. Ceftriaxone
46) As blood glucose
A. “Always follow decreases glucagon is
the same order inhibited.
when drawing the
different insulins A. TRUE
into the syringe.” B. FALSE
B. “Shake the vials 47) Of the following
before categories of oral
withdrawing the antidiabetic agents,
insulin.” which exert their primary
C. “Store unopened action by directly
vials of insulin in stimulating the pancreas
the freezer at to secrete insulin?
temperatures well A. Sulfonylureas
below freezing.” B. Thiazolidinedio
D. “Discard the nes
intermediate- C. Biguanides
acting insulin if it D. Alpha
appears cloudy.” glucosidase
45) Which of the inhibitors
following drugs may be 48) The nurse enters a
given as an diabetic patient’s room at
immunosuppressant soon 11:30 and notices that the
patient is diaphoretic, performed
tachycardic, anxious, weekly.
states she is hungry, and C. Induction of
doesn’t remember where labor is begun at
she is. This patient is 34 weeks’
most likely showing gestation.
signs of what? D. Nonstress
testing is
A. hyperglycemic performed weekly
B. hypoglycemic until 32 weeks’
C. diabetic gestation
ketoacidosis 50) The diabetic patient’s
D. hyperosmolar lab work comes back
hyperglycemic with a pH of 7.4, serum
noketotic coma blood sugar of 950,
49) A client with type 1 serum osmolarity of 460,
diabetes mellitus who’s a pCO2 of 35, HCO3 of
multigravida visits the 25. The patient is
clinic at 27 weeks confused and dehydrated.
gestation. The nurse This patient is showing
should instruct the client signs and symptoms
that for most pregnant of….
women with type 1
diabetes mellitus: A. Diabetic
A. Weekly fetal B. hyperosmolar
movement counts hyperglycemic
are made by the noketotic coma
mother. C. Hypoglycemia
B. Contraction
stress testing is
D. diabetic D. Hypotension
neuropathy 53) During a class on
51) The nurse teaches the exercise for diabetic
patient about glargine clients, a female client
(Lantus), a “peakless” asks the nurse educator
basal insulin including how often to exercise.
which of the following The nurse educator
statements? advises the clients to
exercise how often to
A. Do not mix the meet the goals of planned
drug with other exercise?
B. Administer the A. At least once a
total daily dosage week
in two doses. B. At least three
C. Draw up the times a week
drug first, then C. At least five
add regular times a week
insulin. D. Every day
D. The drug is 54) For a diabetic male
rapidly absorbed client with a foot ulcer,
and has a fast the physician orders bed
onset of action rest, a wet-to-dry
52) Which of the dressing change every
following is not related to shift, and blood glucose
a chronic diabetes monitoring before meals
mellitus condition? and bedtime. Why are
wet-to-dry dressings used
A. Atherosclerosis for this client?
B. Neuropathy
C. Glaucoma
A. They contain subcutaneous insulin
exudate and therapy, the nurse would
provide a moist be accurate in telling him
wound the regimen includes the
environment. use of:
B. They protect the
wound from A. intermediate and
mechanical long-acting
trauma and insulins
promote healing. B. short and long-
C. They debride the acting insulins
wound and C. short-acting
promote healing only
by secondary D. short and
intention. intermediate-
D. They prevent the acting insulins
entrance of 56) Patients with Type 1
microorganisms diabetes mellitus may
and minimize require which of the
wound following changes to
discomfort. their daily routine during
55) A client with type 1 periods of infection?
diabetes mellitus has A. No changes.
been on a regimen of B. Less insulin.
multiple daily injection C. More insulin.
therapy. He’s being D. Oral diabetic
converted to continuous agents.
subcutaneous insulin 57) At a senior citizens
therapy. While teaching meeting a nurse talks
the client bout continuous with a client who has
diabetes mellitus Type 1. B. Insulin
Which statement by the C. Glucagon
client during the D. Somatostatin
conversation is most 59) A patient arrives at
predictive of a potential the ED with a blood
for impaired skin sugar of 578, serum
integrity? osmolarity of 300, pH of
7.3, severe thirst,
A. “I give my dehydration, and
insulin to myself confusion. The patient is
in my thighs.” breathing rapidly and has
B. “Sometimes a fruity breath smell. This
when I put my patient has symptoms
shoes on I don’t of……
know where my
toes are.” A. Diabetic
C. “Here are my up ketoacidosis
and down glucose B. hyperosmolar
readings that I hyperglycemic
wrote on my noketotic coma
calendar.” C. Hypoglycemia
D. “If I bathe more D. diabetic
than once a week neuropathy
my skin feels too 60) A 27-year-old
dry.” woman has Type I
58) Which of the diabetes mellitus. She
following is not and her husband want to
considered an endocrine have a child so they
hormone? consulted her
diabetologist, who gave
A. Renin
her information on C. Astigmatism
pregnancy and diabetes. D. Glaucoma
Of primary importance 62) Which of the
for the diabetic woman following is not an
who is considering adverse effect of
pregnancy should be glucagon?
A. a review of the A. Allergic reaction
dietary B. Vomiting
modifications that C. Nausea
will be necessary. D. Fever
B. early prenatal 63) Which of the
medical care. following is not an
C. adoption instead adverse effect of oral
of conception. hypoglycemics?
D. understanding
that this is a major A. Hypoglycemia
health risk to the B. Headache
mother. C. Rashes
61) Clients with diabetes D. Projectile
mellitus require frequent vomiting
vision assessment. The 64) A 25-year-old
nurse should instruct the woman is in her fifth
client about which of the month of pregnancy. She
following eye problems has been taking 20 units
most likely to be of NPH insulin for
associated with diabetes diabetes mellitus daily
mellitus? for six years. Her
diabetes has been well
A. Cataracts controlled with this
B. Retinopathy dosage. She has been
coming for routine diabetes mellitus. During
prenatal visits, during the assessment interview,
which diabetic teaching the client reports that
has been implemented. he’s impotent and says
Which of the following that he’s concerned about
statements indicates that its effect on his marriage.
the woman understands In planning this client’s
the teaching regarding care, the most
her insulin needs during appropriate intervention
her pregnancy? would be to:
A. “Are you sure A. Encourage the
all this insulin client to ask
won’t hurt my questions about
baby?” personal sexuality
B. “I’ll probably B. Provide time for
need my daily privacy
insulin dose C. Provide support
raised.” for the spouse or
C. “I will continue significant other
to take my regular D. Suggest referral
dose of insulin.” to a sex counselor
D. “These finger or other
sticks make my appropriate
hand sore. Can I professional
do them less 66) Patricia a 20 year old
frequently?” college student with
65) A nurse assigned to diabetes mellitus requests
care for a postoperative additional information
male client who has about the advantages of
using a pen like insulin B. Usually thin at
deliverydevices. The diagnosis
nurse explains that the C. Ketosis-prone
advantages of these D. Demonstrate
devices over syringes islet cell
includes: antibodies
68) The nurse teaches the
A. Accurate dose patient about diabetes
delivery including which of the
B. Shorter injection following statements?
C. Lower cost with A. Elevated blood
reusable insulin glucose levels
cartridges contribute to
D. Use of smaller complications of
gauge needle. diabetes, such as
67) Which of the diminished vision.
following clinical B. Sugar is found
characteristics is only in dessert
associated with Type 2 foods.
diabetes (previously C. The only diet
referred to as non- change needed in
insulin-dependent the treatment of
diabetes mellitus diabetes is to stop
[NIDDM])? eating sugar.
D. Once insulin
A. Can control injections are
blood glucose started in the
through diet and treatment of Type
exercise 2 diabetes, they
can never be temperatures
discontinued. because of
69) Glucagon causes decreased adipose
increased blood sugar tissue insulation
and causes slow C. Protect the
breakdown of glycogen patient from
in the liver. sources of
infection because
A. TRUE of decreased
B. FALSE cellular protein
70) Insulin inhibits the deposits
release of _______. D. Do all of the
A. Glucagon above
C. Beta cells Clinical manifestations
D. Somatostatin associated with a
diagnosis of type 1 DM
1. Knowing that include all of the
gluconeogenesis helps to following except:
maintain blood levels, a
nurse should: A. Hypoglycemia
B. Hyponatremia
A. Document C. Ketonuria
weight changes D. Polyphagia
because of fatty
acid mobilization
B. Evaluate the
patient’s 3. The lowest fasting
sensitivity to low plasma glucose level
suggestive of a diagnosis 6. Clinical nursing
of DM is: assessment for a patient
with microangiopathy
A. 90mg/dl who has manifested
B. 115mg/dl impaired peripheral
C. 126mg/dl arterial circulation
D. 180mg/dl includes all of the
following except:
4. Rotation sites for
insulin injection should A. Integumentary
be separated from one inspection for the
another by 2.5 cm (1 presence of brown
inch) and should be used spots on the lower
only every: extremities
B. Observation for
A. Third day paleness of the
B. Week lower extremities
C. 2-3 weeks C. Observation for
D. 2-4 weeks blanching of the
feet after the legs
are elevated for
5. A clinical feature that
60 seconds
distinguishes a
D. Palpation for
hypoglycemic reaction
increased pulse
from a ketoacidosis
volume in the
reaction is:
arteries of the
A. Blurred vision lower extremities
B. Diaphoresing
C. Nausea 7. The nurse expects that
D. Weakness a type 1 diabetic may
receive ____ of his or her D. 1730 and 2330
morning dose of insulin
preoperatively: 9. A bedtime snack is
provided for Albert. This
A. 10-20% is based on the
B. 25-40% knowledge that
C. 50-60% intermediate-acting
D. 85-90% insulins are effective for
an approximate duration
8. Albert, a 35-year-old of:
insulin dependent
diabetic, is admitted to A. 6-8 hours
the hospital with a B. 10-14 hours
diagnosis of pneumonia. C. 16-20 hours
He has been febrile since D. 24-28 hours
admission. His daily 10. Albert refuses his
insulin requirement is 24 bedtime snack. This
units of NPH. Every should alert the nurse to
morning Albert is given assess for:
NPH insulin at 0730.
Meals are served at 0830, A. Elevated serum
1230, and 1830. The bicarbonate and a
nurse expects that the decreased blood
NPH insulin will reach pH.
its maximum effect B. Signs of
(peak) between the hours hypoglycemia
of: earlier than
A. 1130 and 1330 C. Symptoms of
B. 1330 and 1930 hyperglycemia
C. 1530 and 2130 during the peak
time of NPH bases the response on the
insulin. information that the
D. Sugar in the pump:
A. Gives small
11. A client is taking continuous dose
NPH insulin daily every of regular insulin
morning. The nurse subcutaneously,
instructs the client that and the client can
the most likely time for a self-administer a
hypoglycemic reaction to bolus with an
occur is: additional dosage
from the pump
A. 2-4 hours after before each meal.
administration B. Is timed to
B. 6-14 hours after release
administration programmed
C. 16-18 hours doses of regular
after or NPH insulin
administration into the
D. 18-24 hours bloodstream at
after specific intervals.
administration C. Is surgically
attached to the
12. An external insulin pancreas and
pump is prescribed for a infuses regular
client with DM. The insulin into the
client asks the nurse pancreas, which
about the functioning of in turn releases
the pump. The nurse
the insulin into
the bloodstream. 14. A client with DM
D. Continuously demonstrates acute
infuses small anxiety when first
amounts of NPH admitted for the
insulin into the treatment of
bloodstream while hyperglycemia. The most
regularly appropriate intervention
monitoring blood to decrease the client’s
glucose levels. anxiety would be to:
15. A nurse is preparing a nurse’s primary
plan of care for a client responsibility to:
with DM who has
hyperglycemia. The A. Check the
priority nursing diagnosis client’s serum
would be: glucose level
B. Assist the client
A. High risk for out of bed to the
deficient fluid chair
volume C. Place the client
B. Deficient in a high-fowlers
knowledge: position
disease process D. Ensure that the
and treatment client’s residual
C. Imbalanced limb is elevated.
nutrition: less
than body 67. Daniel is diagnosed
requirements of having
D. Disabled family hyperthyroidism (Graves’
coping: disease). Which of the
compromised. following is a drug of
choice for his condition?
32. A client with DM has
an above-knee A. Furosemide
amputation because of (Lasix)
severe peripheral B. Digoxin
vascular disease, Two (Lanoxin)
days following surgery, C. Propranolol
when preparing the client (Inderal)
for dinner, it is the D. Propylthiouracil
B. Electrocardiogra
68. Which of the phy
following medications C. Ultrasonography
are most likely to cause D. Venous duplex
hypothyroidism? (Select Doppler study
all that apply.)
A. Acetylsalicylic 70. Nurse Gil is caring
acid (aspirin) for a patient with a
B. Furosemide diagnosis of
(Lasix) hypothyroidism. Which
C. Docusate nursing diagnosis should
sodium (Colace) the nurse most seriously
D. Rifampin consider when analyzing
(Rifadin) the needs of the patient?
A. High risk for
69. After visiting the aspiration related
physician, Angela found to severe
out that she has a thyroid vomiting
problem. In line with her B. Diarrhea related
condition, which of the to increased
following diagnostic peristalsis
studies is done to C. Hypothermia
determine the size and related to slowed
composition of the metabolic rate
thyroid gland? D. Oral mucous
membrane, altered
A. Thyroid scan related to disease
with RAI 123I process
71. During lecture, the someone with
clinical instructor tells diabetes.
the students that 50% to
60% of daily calories 76. The goal for pre-
should come from prandial blood glucose
carbohydrates. What for those with Type 1
should the nurse say diabetes mellitus is:
about the types of
carbohydrates that can be A. <80 mg/dl
eaten? B. <130 mg/dl
C. <180 mg/dl
A. Try to limit D. <6%
simple sugars to 77. The guidelines for
between 10% and Carbohydrate Counting
20% of daily as medical nutrition
calories. therapy for diabetes
B. Simple mellitus includes all of
carbohydrates are the following EXCEPT:
absorbed more
rapidly than A. Flexibility in
complex types and
carbohydrates. amounts of foods
C. Simple sugars consumed
cause rapid spike B. Unlimited intake
in glucose levels of total fat,
and should be saturated fat and
avoided. cholesterol
D. Simple sugars C. Including
should never be adequate servings
consumed by of fruits,
vegetables and the C. Higher than 140
dairy group mg/dl
D. Applicable to D. Higher than 160
with either Type 1 mg/dl
or Type 2 diabetes 79. When taking a health
mellitus history, the nurse screens
78. The nurse working in for manifestations
the physician’s office is suggestive of Diabetes
reviewing lab results on Type I. Which of the
the clients seen that day. following manifestations
One of the clients who are considered the
has classic diabetic primary manifestations of
symptoms had an eight- Diabetes Type I and
hour fasting plasma would be most suggestive
glucose (FPG) test done. and require follow-up
The nurse realizes that investigation?
diagnostic criteria
developed by the A. Excessive intake
American Diabetes of calories, rapid
Association for diabetes weight gain, and
include classic diabetic difficulty losing
symptoms plus which of weight
the following fasting B. An increase in
plasma glucose levels? three areas: thirst,
intake of fluids,
A. Higher than 106 and hunger
mg/dl C. Poor circulation,
B. Higher than 126 wound healing,
mg/dl and leg ulcers,
D. Lack of energy, end of three
weight gain, and months
depression C. Lose a pound a
80. The nurse is working week until weight
with an overweight client is in normal range
who has a high-stress job for height and
and smokes. This client exercise 30
has just received a minutes daily
diagnosis of Type II D. Practice
Diabetes and has just relaxation
been started on an oral techniques for at
hypoglycemic agent. least five minutes
Which of the following five times a day
goals for the client which for at least five
if met, would be most months
likely to lead to an 81. During a visit in a
improvement in insulin community, the nurse
efficiency to the point the will recommend routine
client would no longer screening for diabetes
require oral when the person has one
hypoglycemic agents? or more of seven risk
criteria. Which of the
A. Comply with following persons that
medication the nurse comes in
regimen 100% for contact with most needs
6 months to be screened for
B. Quit the use of diabetes based on the
any tobacco seven risk criteria?
products by the A. A client with an
HDL cholesterol
level of 40 mg/dl A. As long as you
and a triglyceride only drink two
level of 300 mg/dl beers and take one
B. A woman who aspirin, this
is at 90% of should not be a
standard body problem
weight after B. The aspirin is
delivering an alright but you
eight-pound baby need to give up
C. A middle-aged drinking any
Caucasian male alcoholic
D. An older client beverages
who is C. Taking alcohol
hypotensive and/or aspirin
with a
83. You are doing some sulfonylurea drug
teaching with a client can cause
who is starting on a development of
sulfonylurea antidiabetic hypoglycemia
agent. The client D. Aspirin and
mentions that he usually alcohol will cause
has a couple of beers the stomach to
each night and takes an bleed more when
aspirin each day to on a sulfonylurea
prevent heart attack drug
and/or strokes. Which of 84. Which of the
the following responses following if stated by the
would be best on the part nurse is correct about
of the nurse? Hyperglycemic
Nonketotic Syndrome B. Use a 45 degree
(HHNS)? angle with the
skin pinched up
A. This syndrome C. Massage the
occurs mainly in area of injection
people with Type after injecting the
I Diabetes insulin
B. It has a higher D. Warm the skin
mortality rate than with a warmed
Diabetic towel or
Ketoacidosis washcloth prior to
C. The client with the injection
HHNS is in a
state of
overhydration 87. Blood sugar is well
D. This condition controlled when
develops very Hemoglobin A1C is:
A. Below 5.7%
85. Nurse Robedee is B. Between 12%-
teaching a thin client 15%
about the proper C. Less than 180
methods/techniques when mg/dL
giving insulin. Which D. Between 90 and
one of the following is 130 mg/dL
proper? 88. Which of the
following diabetes drugs
A. Pinch the skin acts by decreasing the
up and use a 90 amount of glucose
degree angle produced by the liver?
A. Alpha- 90. An external insulin
glucosidase pump is prescribed for a
inhibitors client with diabetes
B. Biguanides mellitus and the client
C. Meglitinides asks the nurse about the
D. Sulfonylureas functioning of the pump.
The nurse bases the
89. A 39-year-old response on the
company driver presents information that the
with shakiness, sweating, pump:
anxiety, and palpitations
and tells the nurse he has A. is timed to
Type I Diabetes Mellitus. release
Which of the follow programmed
actions should the nurse doses of regular
do first? or NPH insulin
into the
A. Inject 1 mg of bloodstream at
glucagon specific intervals
subcutaneously. B. gives a small
B. Administer 50 continuously dose
mL of 50% of regular insulin
glucose I.V. subcutaneously,
C. Give 4 to 6 oz and the client can
(118 to 177 mL) self-administer a
of orange juice. bolus with an
D. Give the client additional dose
four to six glucose from the pump
tablets. before each meal
C. continuously the nurse observes the
infuses small man performing blood
amounts of NPH sugar analysis. The result
insulin into the is 50 mg/dL. The nurse
bloodstream while would expect the patient
regularly to be
monitoring blood
glucose levels A. confused with
D. is surgically cold, clammy skin
attached to the and pulse of 110
pancreas and B. lethargic with
infuses regular hot dry skin and
insulin into the rapid deep
pancreas, which respirations
in turn releases C. alert and
the insulin into cooperative with
the bloodstream BP of 130/80 and
respirations of 12
D. short of breath,
95. Mr. Wesley is newly with distended
diagnosed with Type I neck veins and
DM and is being seen by bounding pulse of
the home health nurse. 96.
The doctors orders
include: 1200 calorie
ADA diet, 15 units NPH
insulin before breakfast,
and check blood sugar
qid. When the nurse
visits the patient at 5 pm,