Book 5 The Great Hoax of 9 - 11

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“Jet Fuel?


There is nothing so despicable as a secret society that is based upon religious prejudice and
that will attempt to defeat a man because of his religious beliefs. Such a society is like a
cockroach - it thrives in the dark. So do those who combine for such an end.”

-William Howard Taft (27th U.S. President 1909-1913)

| dream a day when curios children continue their curiosity throughout adulthood. As we grow into adulthood,
we tend to stop asking questions, because that’s the way we are groomed and programmed in society from a
young age.

When I was in college, a young foreign woman from Eritrea, Africa, used
to harass me about getting married. She told me, that | needed a
wedding ring on my finger to lock me down, and to keep all the single
women away. She was a very religious woman. | told her; even if | got
married | wouldn't wear a wedding ring, because wedding rings come
from a satanic nature. She looked at me with a disturbed look. She was
offended and began to lecture me on the meaning of the wedding ring
and how it symbolizes eternal love. | told her that it did symbolize
eternity, but not love for a spouse, and that the true meaning was far
more sinister.

The wedding ring comes from a pagan origin, which originated in Babylon. The most ancient ring discovered
in Babylon is in the shape of the eternal serpent. The image (above) of a serpent biting its tail to form a circle
of the ring is an ancient satanic symbol. The Theosophy Cult uses the same symbol. Satan is the serpent, and
by this ring symbol, he has joined a man and a woman under his occult. God is not the serpent symbol of any
wedding ring, nor is He the symbol of the wedding ring in any fashion. This is why such behavior and rituals
cannot be found written in the Old or New Testament of the bible. There is not one section of any holy
book including the Koran or Jewish Bible where you will find anyone following these pagan traditions.
So if a man is required to purchase a ring in order to show he’s engaged or married, then there is a profit to be
made off of the union of marriage. In Psalm 115:4 it states, “Their idols are silver and gold, the work
of men’s hands.” Man, according to his own understanding, came up with the idea of giving rings as a sign
consummating a marriage.

The wedding ring is in the shape of a circle, because it is said that a circle means eternal or unending. In 1
Corinthians 7:39 it states, “The wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth; but if her
husband be dead, she is at liberty to be married to whom she will; only in the Lord.” So if the
ring represents eternal or unending, then how can it apply to marriage if marriages are only valid until the
man or woman dies? It cannot apply, because marriages are not eternal or unending. It’s a false doctrine that
Originated in Babylon and passed on to Egyptians, which is not in compliance with scripture. So the meaning
of the ring is totally false and is a false token of showing one’s intent to marry. Conception between man and
woman is a symbol of the union “Itself,” that God established between, “Man and woman,” which is marriage.

| explained this to my friend and told her that the ring was originally worn on the right (ring) finger in Babylon
and Egypt, as it still is in some parts of Eastern Europe, but it was changed to the left (ring) finger by the
Greeks during the third century B.C. A misguided interpretation of the human anatomy from a Greek
physician had most people believing that a vein of blood ran directly from the third finger on the left hand to
the heart. This vein was called, “Vena Amoris” (Vein of Love). The wedding ring protected this vein. Word
about the incorrect human anatomy was received by the Romans, and without confirmation or scientific
evidence; the Romans changed the ring finger to the left hand as well. Then in the 12th century Pope Innocent
III, (knowing the true satanic origin of the ring) ordained that marriages must be celebrated in the church, and
that the ceremony must include a marriage ring. This tradition quickly moved around the world including the
North America.

So you’re probably wondering, what does the wedding ring tradition have to with
9/11? The correlation between the two is hidden in the symbol of the Eternal Serpent. ,
This symbol is the Logo for a company called, “Lucent Technologies,” so it’s no
surprise that Lucent’s address is 666 5th Avenue, New York. As my curiosity with the
origin of the wedding ring led me to conduct a full background search on the matter, |
found the same curiosity in the matter of 9/11 which never led me to terrorist in the
Middle East, but instead to Lucent Technologies.
Serpent Eating Logo

ObamacCare/RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) Chips

Because of my Hegelian Dialectic knowledge (cause the problem = 9/11, control the reaction = media showing
the buildings falling creating massive fear, offer a solution = WAR), | knew the U.S. was up to something very
bad. Whatever it was, it had nothing to do with foreign terrorist. Foreign terrorist was only the cover story
that allowed America to invade Iraq for oil control and Afghanistan for the control of 90% of the global
produced, opium. In America, our constitutional rights were being taken from us along with various freedoms.
9/11 was a perfect plan for the fraternities of darkness, and workers of Satan. It was a massive step in quietly
abolishing American sovereignty.

My research took me back to an interview conducted by Alex Jones interviewing Aaron Russo, producer of
movies such as, “Trading Places” and “America: Freedom to Fascism.” In this interview, Russo revealed
information about 9/11, the CFR, the global elite, and the New World Order. Russo had befriended Nicholas
“Nick” Rockefeller. While having dinner at Russo's
house eleven months before 9/11, Rockefeller
confessed what the elite, along with the Central Banks
were planning, which was a global hoax on terror “And
there would be an endless war on terror.” Rockefeller
went on to confess to Russo that the ultimate or end
goal was to get everyone “Chipped” with a RFID Chips
implanted in humans so that society can be controlled
by the Elite, government and Banks. This interview can
be seen in its entirety on YouTube. The interview
between Jones and Russo took place on January 29th,
2001. By August 24, 2007, Aaron Russo died of bladder
cancer. His death is still a conspiracy. Aaron Russo (Left) and Nicholas Rockefeller (Right)

Today these RFID Chips are being produced by Lucent Technologies, but manipulation of the masses needs
to take place in order to trick Americans into accepting these chips to be implanted. This type of
manipulation has already begun and is hidden in the verbiage written in “ObamaCare.”

Some of us voted for Obama because there was a thought of change that would come to America with a
democratic President, a man of integrity, a man of color. That was an illusion created by the illuminati. The
truth is, President Barak Obama is related to both George Bush and Dick Cheney. Obama is Bush's 11th
cousin and Cheney’s 8th cousin, from Obama’s mother side. In fact, all 44 Presidents of the United States
carry or carried European royal bloodlines into office. Of all the Presidents, 34 have been genetic descendants
from just one person, Charlemagne, the brutal eighth century King of the Franks, while the other 19
Presidents were directly descended from King Edward III of England.
As | was once recruited as a child and adolescent,
groomed to become a member of a secret
COLUMB A UNIVERSITY society, Barry Soetoro AKA: Barack Hussein
N THE CITY OF NEW TORE Obama was also recruited for the same purpose.
He is in fact a Freemason, meaning he took an
Card #6009620 11054355
oath to worship Lucifer, just as the Bush
Presidents took through the Skulls & Bones
8| secret fraternity. The Illuminati is very patient,
and very strategic. They know that events can’t
happen overnight so they plan them with precise
TTI l timeline, then execute on special ritual dates
such as 9/11, 10/13, 5/1 or a number dates based
FOREIGN STUDENT on numerology.
Americans no longer need to vote on important issues, because now if you vote against illuminist plans, the
plans will be put into play by force, and ObamaCare is a prime example.

It's now November 2012 and President Barack Obama, has won the re-election. ObamaCare will be in full
force and the medical community with the backing of the elite, will start to produce commercials and media
hype of how your medical records can be downloading from your chip, and could save your life. Ordinary
Americans have had a common-sense resistance to Washington's intense attempt to overhaul one-sixth of
the U.S. economy. Congressional leadership have ignored the public’s concerns and instead they simply
forced the bill through the legislative process using unprecedented tactical maneuvers that may not even
pass the parliamentarian’s smell test. Americans will finally understand and embrace ObamaCare through
acceptance or by force.
Illuminati puppet, Nancy Pelosi (Minority Leader of the United States House of Representatives and served as
the 6oth Speaker of the United States House of Representatives from 2007 to 2011) foolish remarks at the
2010 Legislative Conference for the National Association of Countries, was dumfounding. Pelosi stated the
reason for Congress to pass this bill (ObamaCare) saying, “But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out
what is in it, away from the fog of controversy.” So in essence, what lurks within the House and Senate
Healthcare Bills will be revealed in the fullness of time, and it’s really good for us if we only knew better. “Let's
pass it first and see what's in it after we pass it.” This is a good example of implementation by force. The
Supreme Court upheld the individual mandate affirming that President Obama’s health care law is now
constitutional, and that congress did exceed its authority when it essentially ordered every American to buy
health insurance. | read all 2,700 pages ofthis bill and the dry reading alone would bore the average American
to tears, so | will discuss one small section ofObamaCare that relates to the ultimate Illuminati goal.
The slogan for H.R. 3962 (ObamaCare bill written October 2009) reads, “To provide affordable, quality health
care for all Americans and reduce the growth in healthcare spending, and other purposes.” If you turn to page
1501, this is the Subtitle C-Food and Drug Administration (FDA). On page 1502 on line number 10, you will
find the words Medical Device Registry. Line 14 discusses “Class III” devises, which include devices such as
pacemakers. But on Line 16 you will find the words “Class II” devices. When you continue reading, it does NOT
give a valid description of what Class II really is.

| had to research a document titled, “Guidance of

Industry and FDA Staff,” issued back on December 10th
2004 by the FDA during the Bush Administration. This
document defines Class Il Special Control Guidance
Document as “Implantable Radiofrequency Transponder
System for Patient Identification and Health
Information. The Background section of this documents
states, “...This device is intended to enable access to
secure patient identification and corresponding health
information in humans.” This is what a Class II Device
looks like.
On page 1501 ofthis bill, lines 13-17 read as follow:

13 “(B) In this subsection, the term ‘covered device’-

14 ~(i) shall include each class Ill device; and

15 “(ii) may include, as the Secretary determines

16 appropriate and specifies in regulation, a class II de-

17 vice that is life -supporting or life sustaining.

Lines 15 and 16 is saying the Secretary of State determines appropriate use, but it doesn’t give a description
of what is appropriate. Linking the chip to our bank account could be deemed appropriate, meaning if we
don’t pay our taxes, the funds could be pulled from our chip, or if we oppose our government our chip could
be simply cut off. Not allowing us to buy good or services without the activation of our chip.

The more the public learns about taxes, individual mandates, taxpayer-funded abortion coverage, and the
potential breakdown of the private health insurance market, the less excited they are about ObamaCare. But
politicians have carelessly waved away little details like reading the actual bill and instead said, “Trust us,” ata
time when public trust for Congress was at an all-time low during Obama’s presidency. mam

Secrets Behind the Number 11

“My number is 11, as all their numbers who are of us.”

-Aleister Crowley (Satanist) Book of The Law (Chapter I Line 60)

I've asked people around the world the meaning of the wedding ring, and | always get p

the same similar response, because by adulthood, the masses become uncurious. Aleister Crowley
But in Book-1, | not only revealed this date, as the birthday of Yasha, but also that September 11th was the
birthday of Adam. The celebration performed Wednesday September 11th, 3BCE, was not due to Adams
birthday, but instead his birth was celebrated as the first day of the year for “Man,” and celebrated as “Year
One (and thereafter as New Year),” in Ancient Judaism tradition. According to Hebrew Scriptures, September
11th, 1999 was the 6,oooth anniversary of Adam’s creation and year “1” on the Hebrew calendar.

In Book-2, we see how the Roman Catholic Church manipulated good and/or holy events, combining them
with pagan events, such as the birth of Yasha to Christmas, or Passover to Easter. The date 9/11 is currently
being manipulated in the same fashion, and has been for hundreds of years by secret society.

As a child and adolescent, | saw numbers grouped in “1's” as an angelic symbol that followed me everywhere |
Wa lel

went. | felt safe, as if some spirit of good was watching over me and reminded me of it’s presence by
constantly showing me the numbers:
11, 111, 1111, or 1:11, 10:10, 11:01, 1:01, 1:10 1:11, 11:01, 11:10 and

When | was 11, my father and | had a discussion about Mary’s ninth month of pregnancy. He told me that
Mary was fasting and was weak, so God told her to rub her back on the date tree. When she did, dates fell and
Mary ate several of the dates. | asked my father, “What does the dates have to do with Jesus’ birthday?” He
told me that he still ordered dates that came from the Middle East, and that dates are most ripe at the end of
the summer between September 9th and September 15th. These are the hottest days of the year. At the
time, my father and I had no idea that the proposed date of Yaha’s birth, was on September 11th.

Like the true meaning behind the wedding ring, | became curious about the number “11” after flight 11
slammed into the World Trade Center (WTC). The day was the 11th day of the month, and Flight 11 had 11
employees on board. This terrorist act took place in the state of New York. New York is the 11th state of the
United States (according to the Constitution). This crime took place in city of Manhattan. Henry Hudson
discovered Manhattan Island on September 11th 1609. The name Henry Hudson has 11 letters in it.
September 11th 2001 is 11 years from 2012. Construction on WTC began in 1966 and was completed on 1977,
meaning it took 11 years to create.
In numerology, it's normal to add up each single digit(s). Sometimes you will see that some people will
multiply, subtract or divide. If multiplication is present, it’s normal for numbers, 2-9, to be multiplied by the
number 11 (ie. 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99). There were a total of 92 souls on board Flight 11 (9+2=11).
September 11th is the 254th day of the year, meaning: 2+5+4 = 11. The first tower hit (North Tower) in the 9/11
attacks collapsed at 10:28 A.M. (1+0+2+8 = 11). Building 7 had 47 stories (4+7=11). The number of windows
from both towers totaled 21,800 (2+1+8+0+0=11). 9/11 mirrors U.S. emergency service telephone number, 911
(9+1+1= 11). The Pentagon crash of Flight 175 had 65 souls on board, supposedly (6+5= 11). The area code to
lrag/Iran is 119 (1+1+9= 11). The Taliban's Manual of Afghan Jihad (Holy War) has 11 volumes. Mohammed the
prophet of the Muslim faith, died in 632 A.D. (6+3+2= 11). x

| began a massive research for several months on the date

9/11 and the number 11. George Bush Sr., (11 years prior to |d
the attack in New York) gave a media speech on 9/11/1990 -
dictating that we (as a country) needed to move “Towards A 7 ae g
New World Order.” It gets creepier. If we go back 60 years to m= Feplem ll,|
September 11th 1941, this was the day that the ground was
broken the construction of the Pentagon. Let’s continue to "TOWARD A NEW- WORLD ORDER"
go back in time. Kings and queens whore crowns. The word by George H.W. Bush
“Crown” which derived from the Latin word, “Corona,” but a
the year the word crown was established as in the year, 1111. f pane oi n

Before being “Suicided,” Rick Clay (a conspiracy theorist) said it best, “I believe that the number 11 is being
hijacked.” After hearing Rick Clay say these words in an interview, | became confused. | began to wonder
whether my “11:11” phenomenon was based on something good, or something evil. With the exception of the
birth of Yasha and Adam, | realized that everything else associated with the number 11 seemed to be
associated with dark forces, immersed in negativity. Suddenly, | had an epiphany from a trans | had
documented several years ago. Under a deep trans, an angelic being telepathically communicated with me. It
taught me a mathematical equation that I’ve never seen here on Earth. At the end of the equation appeared
the number 11 which I was not allowed to reduce to a single digit. The being told me to, “Take this equation
into Third Dimension” (meaning, Earth). | asked how | would remember the equation and it responded, “You
already know.”

Researching numbers that are not reduced to a single number, | found only three numbers including 11, 22
and 33. These numbers are not reduced to a single digit in numerology. So | traveled to London, England
where | met with a known “Master of Numerology.” He was only inclined to meet with me after | described
my dreams and what | was being taught during the past two decades by fourth and fifth dimensional beings.
He told me that the number “11” is a power number such as “22” or “33.” He wrote down my name and my
birthday, and with a quick calculation, he smiled and said, “Indeed you are the real thing. You are a chosen
one.” He told me that my numerology number was 11 and 1 (which | already knew). This man was dark
minded. | could feel his energy in his clammy hand, but he possessed knowledge that | needed to complete
my puzzle oftruth.

NOTE: Calling me, “A Chosen One,” is something I’ve been told throughout my life. It is not in a manner of
good, but yet, in a manner of great evil. |was chosen to do very evil things here on Earth, and dark societies,
and dark forces were sent after me asa child and adolescent, but there was a major conflict. | was birthed
from righteous parents. A mother and father whose pursuit for good nature in the name of God the
CREATOR, outweighed all the darkness that | faced growing up. My father once told me as a child, “...You
have something special, but it can go either way. The decision is up to you.” | knew exactly what he meant and
| used my energy to create this book in efforts to expose the vary darkness that | was once groomed to be
apart of. End Note...

We (the numerologist and I) spoke for several hours; | even took him to a nice dinner at the “Roof Top
Gardens,” in London, as a gesture of my appreciation. | came back to the U.S. with an immense amount of
secret knowledge behind numerology that | will share with you in the last section of this Book, titled, “The
Pagan Mind.”

You may not have known this, but the numbers 11 in most instances, are used as “Power Dates” found in
battles, war, and terrorism such as:

9/11/1297 - William Wallace leads over 15,000 Scottish soldiers to victory over the
English Army at the Battle of Stirling Bridge.

9/11/1499 — French forces take Milan, Italy, with little opposition.

9/11/1709 — The Spanish War of Succession represents the first European war of the
Modern Era.

9/11/1714 — After 13 months of siege, the Spanish and French troops broke into
Barcelona, ending Catalonia’s sovereignty.

9/11/1777 — The British defeat the Americans, led by George Washington, at the
battle of Brandywine Creek in the American War of Independence.

9/11/1782 — The siege of Fort Henry Begins, and becomes the last battle of the
American Revolution.

9/11/1814 — The American navy defeats the British in the Battle of Lake Champlain in
the War of 1812.

9/11/1855 — The Siege of Sevastopol ends when British, French, and Piedmontese
troops capture the main naval base of the Russian Black fleet in the

9/11/1922 — Despite Arab protest, a British Mandate is proclaimed in Palestine on

September 11th, 1922 (this was the Mandate that allowed the British to hand Palestine
9/11/1922 to hand Palestine over to Rothschild).

9/11/1944 — The U.S. Army crosses the border into Germany.

9/11/1972 — The Munich Olympic Games end due to terrorism.

9/11/1973 — Chilean President Salvador Allende is killed in a violent military coup led
by General Augusto Pinochet.

9/11/1990 — At 9:09pm, President George Bush (Senior) delivers his speech at the
United Nation, titled “Towards a New World Order” (9th month — Hour
gpm — Minute 9 = 999 transform into 666). This was no coincidence.

9/11/2001 — The WTC is leveled in a terrorist attack.

9/11/2012 — Terrorists attack on Benghazi (originally linked to a YouTube video as a

failed cover-up attempt, which has resulted in a war between Palestine
and Israel.

Clay was absolutely right; the number 11 is being hijacked by some kind of evil force, and/or secret societies
who plan these sorts of outcomes.
On August 11th, 1999 at 11:11am, there was a solar eclipse. When we look at the end date on the Mayan
calendar, it is dated for December 21st 2012 at 11:11am (the Winter Solstice). Now let’s add this “End date”
together and find our result: 12/21/2012 —1+2+2+1+2+0+1+2= 11

In one section of the Mayan calendar, it illustrates a time from 1992 — 2001 as the transitions of the ages (a
time of war and world disasters). There are 9 years from 1992 to 2001, and 11 years from 2001 to 2012 = 9/11.

Throughout my life, | seem to look up at clocks at 11:11am or 11:11pm, and sometimes 1:11am or pm, so the
number 11 is very significant to me. The first thing | did, the morning after 9/11/01 while sitting in class, | took
g/11 apart and added it: (9/11) 9+1+1= 11. Then | counted how many days left until the end of that year and
from 9/11/2001, there were 111 days left in that year. The Twin Towers were in the shape of eleven, so |
decided to conduct my own private investigation as a small hobby.

I've personally have been experiencing the “11:11 phenomenon” as early as grade school. For the past 11 years
| pondered over questions | had about the number 11 and took copious notes of my experiences. | found the
number 11 and/or numbers with three 1's (111) made me feel safe. But anything with four 1's (1111/11:11)
made me feel dark. A friend of mine was having a conversation with me about the Antichrist. He named
candidates of men who he believed would be the antichrist. | then said to him, “What if the Antichrist was in
all of us? What if the Antichrist wasn’t one person but most humans who have been duped by all false
religions?” | explained my theory: “Every time we do something disobedient according to God's commands,
we not only behave in an Antichrist manner, but we pass on, or promote our disobedient nature on to our
friends and family, which deems us an ‘Antichrist’ by definition.”

Later that night | wrote the word “Antichrist.” | picked it apart like this — A-N-T-I-C-H-R-I-S-T. | then searched
the number of each alphabet pertaining to each letter in the word, Antichrist as follow:


1 14 209 3 8 189 19 20

When all the numbers are added up, it equals 121. 11X11 = 121. In this sense, 11,11 is disturbing. When we look
at the number of floors in both Twin Towers, again this 11,11 is present. There were 110 floors in the South
Tower and 110 floors on the North Tower, so when you drop the zeros (110, 110 = 11/11) you get 11,11.

If you wanted to call the White House, the number is 202-456-1111. Here again we see the four 1's at the end
of the White House comment line. Speaking of the White House, let's look at our past three Presidents. The
one thing they all have in common is the number of letter in the names they use publicly:

Bill Clinton — George W. Bush — Barack Obama

Each name has 11 letters in it. This can’t just be a coincidence; by now you should see the pattern. Both “New
York City” and “The Pentagon” have 11 letters in them. After the attack, President Bush had flags flown half-
staff for 11 days. They should have been at half-staff for a full month, but the Bush administration only
allowed 11 days. The anticipated movie that premiered at the box office after the 9/11 attack (that was pushed
to a December 7th 2001 opening date) was “Ocean's 11,” starring Brad Pitt and George Clooney. This was no
mistake. The Statue of Liberty sits on top of an 11-point star.
Six months after 9/11 on March 11th 2002, the Twin Tower site was illuminated with 88 light beams. March
11th was the 11th week of the year. The next morning on March 12th, 11 firemen were recovered from Ground
Zero. World War | ended on the 11th hour of the 11th day in the 11th month of November (11:11:11). The first
mission to the moon was launched on “Apollo 11.” The word Apollo comes from the biblical name,
“Appollyon,” which is the Greek translation for the Hebrew word, “Abaddon,” meaning, “Destroyer.”

Hurricane Katrina was recorded as “Storm #11.” On Wikipedia, it states that on August 28, 11 countries and 11
cities issued evacuation orders, a number that increased to 41 countries and 61 cities by the following
morning. On NASA's website in reference to Katrina, it states, “The storm formed late on August 23rd and
developed quickly into a tropical storm by 11 a.m. the next morning.” The number 23 represents a number
against God. Inn secret society it illustrates Satan/Man before God (2 = Satan & Man, while 3 = Trinity). Katrina
formed before the 23rd of August so why does NASA show it developing on the 23rd? The answer is, because
HAARP was used to create this storm by our military. | will elaborate in Book-9, “The Alien Agenda.”

Even in sports the number 11 is relevant because in almost every sports team, there are 11 players on each
side, from American football, Soccer and Hockey, to Cricket and softball, there are 11 players versus 11 players

The Number 11 is the most powerful occult signature underlying occult events. When they were successfully
carried out, occultists the world over knew exactly what had happened and who had carried it out, and for the
purpose of setting the stage for “Number 11” himself, the “Antichrist (11X11).”
The number 11 is very important to the occultist? As Wescott explains, “... so 11 is the essence of all that is
sinful, harmful, and imperfect” (Ibid., page 100). Thus, while 11 is very important, multiplication’s are also
important, such as 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, and 99. However, most importantly, Bible prophecy assigns the
Number 11 to Antichrist in Daniel 7:8:

‘I considered the [10] horns, and behold, there came up among them another horn, a
little one [Antichrist] ...”

The “Little One” is the 11th horn called, “Antichrist.” Bible scholars have always called Antichrist the “11th
Horn.” Thus, this occult and IIluminist preoccupation with the Number 11 as they strive to produce their
Antichrist, is dictated by Biblical prophecy concerning, Antichrist. In short, men of dark societies are
“Cheaters.” They are plagiarizing a story straight from the Bible, and turning it into real life events in the
world. So my question is, “Would the Illuminati and their puppet fraternities implement such a planned
destruction of the Earth if the prophecies were never archived to begin with?” | don’t feel that this is a
debatable question.

Now that we know a few secrets behind the manipulation of the number “11,” let’s take a look at how this
number created the world’s largest hoax, to date.

The Worlds Greatest Hoax- 9/1 |

If one wants to become a firefighter in the U.S., his or her chance will be great if an educational background in
Fire Science is present. Two of the core classes taught in fire science are called, Fire Science and Building
Construction. In a basic Fire Science class, you will learn about the orchestration of different types offire, and
what temperature creates combustion. You would learn that the melting point of steel is around 1370°C
(2500F). You would also learn that jet fuels burns at 800°C (1500F), so if you flew 10 commercial airliners into
the South Tower, it still chemically will not burn hot enough to melt steel. Jet fuel would have to burn at 2750F
to melt steel and this is scientifically impossible.
Your first period Fire Science class is over and you are now on
your way to your second class, Building Construction.

In Building Construction, there is one section that you will be tested on, called, “Structural Demolition.” The
test has a number of questions on “Implosions.”An Implosion is the inward collapse of a building that is being
demolished in a controlled fashion by the weakening and breaking of structural members by explosives. Both
towers came down in a controlled manner because it collapsed on itself. With 110 stories, it would take
months of strategic planning for a controlled demolition at this caliber. You could hear several explosions
rhythmically sounding off at the towers implode on itself.

With research in fire science, | knew right away that 9/11 was an inside job when | witnessed Building 7 fall ina
freefall manner. It came down at a speed that is mathematically formulated in a controlled demolition.

In 2006 in Fort Worth, Texas, the Landmark Tower was demolished on March 18th at 7:42 a.m. This was the
15th tallest controlled demolition in the U.S. at that time. This building stood at 380 feet. There should be
video of this demolition on the web, and if you see it, you will recognize similarities in explosions on several
levels before the tower falls. It sounds exactly the way the Twin Towers sounded before they came crashing

Freefall from a 116 meters building takes approximately 4.86 seconds. The Landmark Tower in Texas took
roughly 7 seconds. The acceleration of gravity is 9.81m per second squared (9.81m/s2). So for Landmark
Tower, if you solve for acceleration, a = 4.73 m/s2. This is less than 50% of free fall (free-fall = 9.81m/s2). So the
basic idea of a controlled demolition or implosion is simple. By removing the support structure of a building at
a certain point, the area above those points will collapse in on itself, preventing the building to fall over or
break in half. The explosions are merely triggers for the demolition, but it’s gravity that pulls the unit down.
Therefore, the Twin Towers, and Building 7 was strategically and mathematically demolished and had to be
planned and orchestrated for months if not years. The two planes that flew into the towers were merely
visuals for the “Cover story.”

So if a demolition of these three buildings were secretly planned, a plan of this magnitude would have to
involve the company in charge ofthe security of these buildings. With a simple Google search, | found that the
company in charge of security was “Securacom.” | then researched the person in charge of Securacom to find
out if he had an afflliation with the Freemasons. | was shocked and didn’t need to research any further when |
found out who ran Securacom. It was obvious that this was an inside job. Marvin Bush, the President's little
brother was a principal at Securacom that provided security for the World Trade Center, United Airlines, and
Dulles International Airport.” Though a principal, Marvin Bush was not the CEO of Securacom; Wirt Walker III
was the company’s CEO. Not surprisingly, | found out that he’s Marvin and George’s cousin (first blood).

Weeks before 9/11, there were well-documented power outages and shutdowns of several entire floors and
evacuations in the weeks leading up to 9/11. This was the perfect opportunity to carry up and plant necessary
explosives under the appearance of “Maintenance” and/or “Retrofitting” work, only fuels well-placed
suspicions. In a People magazine article, Ben Fountain (42), a financial analyst with Fireman's Fund who
worked on the 47th floor of the South Tower, confirmed these evacuations by saying, “How could they let this
happen? They knew this building was a target. Over the past few weeks we'd been evacuated a number of
times, which is unusual. | think they had an inkling something was going on.”

Phantom Pilots & Phantom Planes

il-lu-sion /i looZHen/


1. A false idea or belief: “He had no illusion about her.”

2. Adeceptive appearance or impression: “The illusion of togetherness.”


Delusion — hallucination — phantasm — phantom - mirage

If you thought for one moment that American Airlines Flight 11, United Airlines Flight 175, American Airlines
Flight 77, and United Airlines Flight 93 crashed on September 11th, 2011, you have been victimized by the
world’s greatest illusion. An illusion submersed in secret society numerology, accompanied by a political
agenda of creating FEAR that would result in Americans accepting the abolishment of U.S. Sovereignty, and
American constitutional rights. This was Hegelian Dialectic being illustrated in its finest form.
American Airlines Flight 11 (WTC)

The original alleged hijackers list on Flight 11 included these names:

Mohamed Atta

Adnan Bukhari

Ameer Bukhari

Abdul Alomari

Amer Kamfar

The original list was replaced with this final hijacker list on Flight 11 included these names:

Mohamed Atta

Waleed M. Alshehri— Alive and Well

Wail M. Alsheri — Alive and Well

Abdulaziz Alomari — Alive and Well

Satam M.A. Al Sugami

Of the five alleged hijackers seen on the final list of Flight 11, three of them have been confirmed alive and
well. In the famous photo of Mohamed Atta and Abdulaziz Alomari
boarding Flight 11 in Boston, we find out much later that this photo
was taken in the state of Main, and not in Boston.

United Airlines Flight 175 (WTC)

The final hijacker list on Flight 175 included these names:

Marwan Al-Shehhi

Fayez Rashid Ahmed Hassan Al Oadi


Ahmed Alghamdi

Hamza Alghamdi — Alive and Well

Mohand Alshehri — Alive and Well

Of the six alleged hijackers seen on the final list of Flight 175, two of them have been confirmed alive and well.

American Airlines Flight 77 (Pentagon)

The original alleged hijackers list on Flight 77 included these names:

Cammid Al-Madar

Majar Mokhed

Salem Al Hazni

NawarAl Hazni

Mosear Caned
The final hijacker list on Flight 77 included these names:

Khalid Almihdhar
— Alive and Well

Majed Moged

Salem Alhazmi — Alive and Well

Nawaf Alhazmi

Hani Hanjour

Of the five alleged hijackers seen on the final list of Flight 77, two of them have been confirmed alive and well.

Flight 93 (Rural Pennsylvania)

The final hijacker list on Flight 93 included these names:

Saeed Alghamdi-— Alive and Well

Ahmed Ibrahim A. Al Haznawi - Alive and Well

Ahmed Alnami — Alive and Well

Ziad Samir Jarrah

Of the four alleged hijackers seen on the final list of Flight 93, three of them have been confirmed alive and

If there are 2-3 alleged hijackers alive and well from each plane, is it not obvious that none of these so-called
“Hijackers,” were ever involved in crashing these planes? In fact, we never actually see the wreckage of these

There are hundreds of witness testimonies describing the two planes that flew into the Trade Centers as
grayish planes with no windows. Several witnesses said these planes were all white or grayish with no visible
markings indicating that the planes were American or United Airlines. These witnesses were correct. What
they saw was the exact description of a military “Boeing 767 Tanker.”
Dov Zakheim was a member of a “Project For The New American Century,” (PNAC).
This was the think-tank suspected for master minding the 9/11 attacks. In a document
called “Rebuilding America Defense,” published by The American Enterprise Project
for a New American Century, (a system planning corporation), international
executive, Dov Zakheim, called for some kind of catastrophic event (like a modern
day Perl Harbor or RMS Lusitania). This can be found in paged 50-53 of this document.
Zakheim found a catastrophic event as being necessary to foster the frame of mind Dov S. Zakheim
needed for the American people to support a war in the Middle East that would politically and culturally shape
the region. Being respected in the political community, Zakheim’s views were eagerly accepted. So Zakheim
went from his position at Systems Planning Corporation to become the new Comptroller for the Pentagon in
May of 2001.

NOTE: The “Rebuilding America Defense,” document can me found online. Simply type in: There’s no need to type “.com”

After the bombing at the WTC, a company called SPC (System Planning Corporation) approved their
subsidiary company, Tri Data Corporation, to oversee the investigation of this bombing. SPC (according to
their official website) specializes in many areas of defense technology production and manufactures,
including systems developed by their radar physics group, called the Flight Termination System (FTS). This is
a system used to destroy target drones, a craft that would be fired on by test aircrafts or weaponry in the
event that a malfunction occurs, or a miss.

This “War Game” technology allows the control of several drones from a remote location on various
frequencies. Its range extends several hundred miles. This technology can be used on several types of
aircrafts, including large commercial passenger jets. According to the SPC website, a recent customer at the
time was Eglin Air Force Base, located in Florida. This Air Force Base is within proximity to MacDill Air Force
Base, where Dov Zakheim contracted to send at least 32 Boeing 767 Aircrafts, as part of Boeing Pentagon
Tanking lease agreement.
As the events of 9/11 occurred in 2001, little was
discussed in the media about these little know
coincidences, and the possible motives and proximity
of Zionist, Rabbi Dov Zakheim, and his Zionist group.

There was very little physical evidence of what really

occurred after the events of 9/11. We were left with
only photographs and anecdotal evidence. The top
photo is a photograph of the Flight Termination
System Module from SPC’s website. It has a cylindrical | | aas
shape, and is consistent with the size and shape ofthe -= M
object observed on the bottom of the fuselage of —
Flight 175 as seen on the bottom photo.

The Boeing lease deal involved the replacement of the

aging, KC-135 tanker fleet, with the smaller, more
efficient Boeing 767, which were to be leased by Dov
Zakheim’s group. These planes were to be refitted for
fueling equipment including lines and nozzle
assemblies. Again, in this photo to the right, (Flight
175), we can clearly see a cylindrical shaped object
under the fuselage circled in red, and a structure that
appears to be attached to the right underside of the
rear fuselage section.
When watching YouTube footage of Flight 175
slamming into the WTC, in comparison, we see
these structures:

1) FTS Module

2) Midair refueling equipment

These two modifications are the same as

configured on the modified Boeing 767 Tankers.
Of particular interest, a long tube-like
anomalistic structure under the rear fuselage
area of flight 175 is present. Show pic Flight 175
as seen with the naked eye is an exact replica of Boeing 767 Tanker
a Boeing 767 Tanker; therefore this hypothesis
comfirms that Flight 11 and Flight 175 were both
U.S. Military planes (Boeing 767 Tankers) issued
by Dov Zakheim.

Final 12 Seconds of Flight 175

If you thought a commercial aircraft needed a

pilot sitting in the cockpit to fly a plane, you’d be
very wrong. The last twelve seconds of Flight 175
is the best evidence that this was an unmanned
aircraft. After the impact of Flight 11, both
amateur and professional videographers had
their cameras facing up at the Flight 11 impact.
This allowed footage of Flight 175 to be filmed
from every conceivable angle.
Normal Boeing 767 Tanker Flight 175
An expert analysis of Flight 175 leads to some
startling revelations. First, there are the expertly controlled flight characteristics of this plane. During its last
twelve seconds of flight, United Airline (UA) Flight 175 made a single corrected maneuver so perfectly timed
and executed, that it could not possibly have been piloted by human hands.

If we take a careful look at Flights 11 and 175, two flights that took off from Boston’s Logan Airport, you will
find major clues. Not only did these planes cross paths directly over Stewart Air Force Base, they did so
precisely at the same time.
Flight 93 holds a clue as well because it was held on the tarmac
and delayed at the airport for nearly 40 minutes with no
explanation. It was originally expected to take off at 8:01 AM,
but was delayed until the exact moment that Flight 11 crashed
into the North Tower at 8:43 AM. Another piece of evidence that
ties Stewart Air Force Base to the conspiracy of 9/11, is the white
mystery plane shown to the right, spotted over Washington D.C.
and the Pentagon. Through careful investigation, the flight
paths have been mapped out of these ominous aircrafts |
which have been identified as E4B’s (a type of aircraft that-
the military uses as mobile command posts. Both of these
planes took off from, and landed at Stewart Air Force Base.

According to the National Institute of Standards and

Technology (NIST), “The collapse has been caused by the
simultaneous effect of the impact of the airplanes and the
fires.” This statement was an outright lie. Never before, or |
after 9/11, has a steel frame tower collapse due to fire. In
February 2005, the Windsor Tower (seen below) located in
Madrid, Spain, went up in flames. The flames lasted for over
20 consecutive hours, but in the end, the load bearing
structure remained intact. The skyscraper did not fall down,
and as you can see below, it was still standing the next
morning. When smoke is dark in a fire, this indicates that
the fire is being deprived of oxygen, like we saw in the WTC
fires. White smoke means the fire is really hot because it’s
feeding on oxygen. So fire was not the cause of the WTC
collapse, including Building 7.

There was physical evidence of molten pools of medal

found below the debris, weeks after the collapse. This
indicates that there was “Thermite or Thermate,” present.
Thermite is a mixture of aluminum powder, iron oxide, and
sulfur. The military will include an additional oxidizer
ingredient to thermite, turning it into thermate. The
military does this to guarantee that the temperature rises
above 1000°C. There is a straightforward way to achieve
1000°C temperatures (and well above) in the presence of
sulfur, and that is to create thermate (or a similar variation
of thermite). Thermate is a high-level thermite analog
containing sulfur developed by the military. Thermate
combines aluminum/iron oxide (thermite) with barium
nitrate (29%) and sulfur (typically 2% although more sulfur
could be added).

The thermate reaction proceeds rapidly and is much faster

than thermite in degrading steel leading to structural
failure. Thus, both the unusually high temperatures and the
extraordinary observation of steel-sulfidation (Barnett,
Windsor Tower Madrid, Spain
2001) can be accounted for—if the use of thermate allowed
in the discussion. Note that other oxidizers (like KMnO4) and metals (like titanium and silicon) are commonly
used in thermite analogs.
This means someone had to physically place the thermate
near the steel columns as seen in this top photo of two
men setting up before a demolition takes place. Notice
how the Thermite is positioned at angle. The initiation of
the explosion can be accessed by radio-controlled
frequencies. The collapse of the World Trade Center,
including Building 7, was the result of a controlled
demolition. Look at how the steel is cut at an angle in the
aftermath of 9/11 in the bottom photo. With the naked
eye we can see that this was a controlled demolition. All
four Airplanes that allegedly crashed on 9/11 were merely
media cover stories. Not one of these planes crashed.

According to John Judge (9/11 researcher for

Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney), in 2001, up till 9/11,
there had been 67 events of air emergencies. When this
happens, Air Traffic Controllers call for a scramble of |
military fighter jets, within six to ten minutes (as they did
67 times in 2001 before 9/11). Not one emergency was
ignored until September 11, 2001. So why didn’t the
fighters scramble even after they saw what was happening
on the news? They didn’t scramble because they were told
to “Stand down,” by the Pentagon.

According to Gore Vidal (Novelist, Essayist, Play writer),

“You don’t have to wait for a command. You don’t have to
wait for orders of any kind. That’s not an option, that’s the
law. It's inherent in being a fighter pilot, you know that’s |
what you have to do.” But as the nation was being
attacked, no fighters were being scrambled. The Pentagon
ordered them not to until the ordeal was almost over.

According to Robin Hordon (Flight controller at Boston

Center for 11 years), before 1970, there was one protocol
for scrambling aircrafts, and it was immediate. Then in the
1970's we had some hijackings come into our civil airspace,
and we didn’t have a quick response, because our military
didn't want the hijackers to know of our presence. Instead
of rushing the fighters off the ground, our military waited
until the hijackers passed over, and then we snuck up
behind them.

So After 1970, a second protocol was put into place. This

“Hijacker Protocol” was slow because you had to get permission or approval from the Pentagon first. These
two protocols lasted from the 1970's until June 2001 (three months before 9/11). Donald Rumsfeld, the
Pentagon and the military changed the protocol and instead of having two protocols, we were left with one
protocol, “SLOW.”

If our military reacted the in-flight immediately, fighters would have been
scrambled in the air and on their way to stop the alleged Flight 11 and Flight
175 before they reached their target. The “Slow Protocol” had to go through
the Pentagon, and when the Pentagon was called, there was no one there to
answer. Rumsfeld should have been at his commanding post to take that call,
but instead, notice whose out on the Pentagon lawn assisting medical
personnel, none other than Donald Rumsfeld. Show Pic Rumsfeld was
nowhere to be found until 10:30 AM.

The Pentagon Deception

Where's the plane (Flight 77, a 100-ton Boeing 757)?

When attempting to create a global hoax, | would recommend that our U.S.
military along with the Department of Defense to consult with some of the
largest Hollywood film Producer's, Director’s and/or filmmakers. Because
this orchestrated attempt of commercial aircrafts crashing was
unbelievably, non-believable.
. . . Rumsfeld on the Pentagon lawn
In New York, airplanes were visible, but at the Pentagon and in the field of
n i - instead of his post.
Virginia, there was no airplane visible. j

LA "Of

Before the roof collapsed at the Pentagon, there was only a small whole in the building that wouldn't even fit
the wingspan of one wing on a Boeing 757. Look at the photo below taken just after impact. A close-up, shows
the exit hole (before the roof collapsed). Look at the photo above. If this doesn’t convince you that Boeing 757
was never present, I’m not sure what will. There’s no way a Boeing 757 could fit into such a small crevice.
Though there is no evidence of a Boeing 757, the damage is certainly consistent with a cruise missile strike.

Air traffic controllers from Dulles Airport were monitoring the alleged Flight 77 (remember that it was Marvin
Bush, the President's little brother who was a principal at Securacom that provided security for the World
Trade Center, United Airlines, and Dulles International Airport).

“The speed, the maneuverability, the way that it turned, we Brick 42 4

all thought in the radar room, all of us experienced air traffic 3
controllers, that, that was a military plane.” -Danielle
O’ Brien, air traffic controller from Dulles

According to Robin Hordon, a Boeing 757 is designed to be a

cruise ship in the sky. There is no way that a military fighter
maneuver could be pulled off by a plane this large, because
it's not acrobatic.

According to Captain Russ Wittemberg (Pilot- 30 years in the military and civil aviation), this plane was said to
be flying six meters from the ground at 530 miles an hour, 460 nautical miles. Five miles up in the sky, where
there is wind, this is possible, but not at ground level because the air is too dense.

“| challenge any pilot, any pilot anywhere: give him a Boeing 757 and tell him to do 400 knots 20 feet above
the ground fora half mile.” -Nila Sagadevan, pilot and aeronautical engineer

The official story from the “g/11 Official Report,” argues that Air Defense was notified too late by civil aviation
(FAA), but it’s strange how the whole world knew what was going on except the U.S. Defense department.

Captain Morris Chiadoni, an F-16 fighter pilot from Italian Military Air Field, Trapani Italy, explains:

“This airplane (F-16) can reach maximum speed of mach 2.05. This means it exceeds twice the sound barrier.
This is approximately 2,400 kilometers per hour.”

..and yet, not one of these phantom planes were intercepted. At 5,000 kilometers an hours, one still can’t
catch a plane that doesn’t exist. Flight 77 did not crash into the Pentagon. Nor did any other plane for that

The Shanksville Illusion

Here are examples of what a commercial airplane crash looks likes including debris.
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September 11, 2001 was a very interesting day. Whenever there is chaos in any country, one should pay close
attention to the news media, and/or Internet news on the first and second day that the chaos begins, because
by the third day, the story will be manipulated, distorted and changed in a way the Illuminati sees fit. The first
day will be tainted as well, but through the confusion, honesty will be present. Raw, invigorating news will be
delivered just the way viewers expect their news to be delivered.

By now the world has forgotten that on 9/11, that Denver, Colorado’s very own, Liz Foreman, from 9-News
reported that United Airline Flight 93 landed safely at Cleveland Hopkins Airport, according to Mayor Michael
R. White of Cleveland, Ohio. White went on record as saying; “A Boeing 767 out of Boston made an emergency
landing Tuesday at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport due to concerns that it may have a bomb aboard.”
White went on to say that the plane had been moved to a secure area of airport, and was evacuated. This
statement from White was a true and correct statement. The proof came from United as they identified this
plane as Flight 93. The airline did not say how many people were on board.

United said it was also “deeply concerned” about another flight, Flight 175, a Boeing 767, which was bound
from Boston to Los Angeles.

On behalf of the airline, CEO James Goodwin said: “The thoughts of everyone at United are with the
passengers and crew of these flights. Our prayers are also with everyone on the ground who may have been


“Our prayers are also with everyone on the ground who may have been involved.” Goodwin made this
statement because even he thought Flight 93 was safe on the ground in Cleveland. He went on to say; “United
is working with all the relevant authorities, including the FBI, to obtain further information on these flights.”

One with aviation experience would have the knowledge that an airplane is like a Motor vehicle in the sense
of identification. A thief can simply change the license plate on a stolen car in efforts to elude authorities, but
the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN#) can still identify the vehicle. This analogy is the same with an
airplane. A flight number is like a license plate on a car. It identifies the plane, but all planes carry a serial
number, just as all cars come with a VIN number. Flight 93 and Flight 175 had serial numbers that were still
functioning years after 9/11. According to Dulce Decorum, the serial numbers of the original planes are the
same serial numbers of the planes that ARE CURRENTLY IN FLIGHT (UA-Flight 591 and UA- Flight 612.

Dulce argues, that though N-number can be transferred, the manufacturer serial number CANNOT be
transferred. According to some spot-witnesses, Boeing 757-222 SERIAL NUMBER 28142 is flying around
Chicago under the alias UA Flight 594. According to the FAA, N594UA Boeing 757-222 flies now with a
different serial number, namely 28145.

Always remember: “The first and second day of any chaos is always the best days to begin a forensic
analysis.” Take your PDA cell phone and set it on video, and videotape as many local news reports as humanly
possible. Stay away from the larger news networks because chances are; they've already been alerted on
what to say, and how to react. This strategy will trickle down to local stations as the day progresses, and by
day three, most networks are synchronized in their reporting. Here are some “2-Day” examples from Flight 93
witnessing this phantom flight:

1. “Ron Delano, who lives about two miles from the crash site, also rushed to the scene after hearing about
the crash. Delano said the plane hit a wooded area near a strip mine where he frequently hunts. He was
stunned by what he saw. “If they hadn't told us a plane had wrecked, you wouldn't have known. It looked
like it hit and disintegrated,” Delano said.”- (09/12/01)

2.“When it decided to drop, it dropped all of a sudden, like a stone,” said Tom Fritz, (63). Fritz was sitting on
his porch on Lambertsville Road, about a quarter mile from the crash site, when he heard a sound that
“wasn't quite right” and looked up in the sky. “It was sort of whistling," he said. “It was going so fast that
you couldn't even make out what color it was.” - (09/12/01)

3. The crash in Somerset: “It dropped out of the clouds. My instinct was to run toward it, to try to help,” said
Nina Lensbouer, Tim's Lensbouer’s wife and a former volunteer firefighter. “But | got there and there was
nothing, nothing there but charcoal. Instantly, it was charcoal.” - (09/12/01)

4. Barry Lichty, a US Navy veteran and mayor of Indian Lake Borough (just to the east of where Flight 93
crashes), is watching television with his wife. He says he hears “A loud roar above the house that sounded
like a missile. ... Shortly thereafter, we heard an explosion and a tremor. My first reaction, as a former utility
employee, was that maybe someone shot a missile into the substation.” He says Flight 93 “Did not come
over my house. | don’t know what we heard.” - (Kashurba, 2002, pp. 158-159) []

5." There’s a crater gouged in the earth, the plane is pretty much disintegrated. There's nothing left but
scorched trees,” said Mark Stahl, of Somerset, who went to the scene." - CNN (09/11/01)

Flight 93 did not crash in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Like the Pentagon crash of Flight 77, no bodies, luggage
or plane was recovered. This town experienced flickering of lights, then a power outage including phone lines,
just before the alleged plane crash. John Fleegle (a witness to light flickering) was told by an ex-Air Force
gentleman that the lights flickered because an air fighter can zap radars before they fire their missiles. This
type of electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, could have been used to disable any video feed as the fighter flew over
and shot a missile into the earth.

Flight 93 crash site September 11, 2001 Red Square is the same crash site in 1994. Inset is
FBI photo of crash site.

As far the crash site goes, this cut in the earth has been there for years before this crash took place. Here’s a
United State Geological Survey (USGS) map of Shanksville, Pennsylvania, Flight 93 “Crash site,” from 1994.
Show pic Now let’s look at the Flight 93 crash site and compare. Show Photo How can a plane fit into this
small crevasse at this exact location? The answer is, there was no plane, a missile or planted bomb, but not a
plane crash.

9/11 Witnesses: “Suicided” and Accidental Deaths

Be careful of what you see or say, because if it doesn’t coincide with the illuminist plan, one could find
themselves, “Suicided.” Here are some examples:
Kenny Johannemann - Johannemann was a key witness from inside
one of the Twin Towers. He reported a massive explosion in the
basement of one of the Twin Towers and that he rescued someone
who received full body burns from an explosion that took place at the
base of the Tower, and not the top of the building. Here’s the suicide
letter found after 9/11:

“The reason | killed myself was ‘cause | was getting evicted and can’t
handle homelessness. | was also very depressed since 9/11. I've been
drinking way too much and it’s ruined my life. I’ve lost friends and
family over drinking and I’m very lonely. There is nothing left for me to
be happy about other than my cat. Sounds weird, but it's true. | just
wanted to say I'm sorry 2 any people | ever hurt in my life. | really was
a good person when | wasn’t drinking. | hope people remember that.

Goodbye!!! Kenny Johannemann”

Johannemann had a large extended family and large social network, which according to his cousin Gerald
Maya, universally held him in high regard. Maya had offered him a place to live.

Barry Jennings - Jennings, Deputy Director of Emergency

Services Department for the New York City Housing Authority,
and Michael Hess, NYC Corporation Counsel, entered the
building on the morning of September 11 shortly after the first
plane hit the North Tower. When they got to their respective
floors they found the building hastily evacuated. They were
advised to leave, but on their descent there was an explosion
that severely shook the building. Jennings stated:

“When we arrived, the police were in the lobby... Me and Mr.

Hess who | didn't know at the time... [got] to the 23rd floor... we
couldn't get in. We had to go back down, then police and
security took us to the freight elevators where they took us back
up and we did get in.

Upon arriving into the OAM POC, we noticed that everybody

was gone... only me and Mr. Hess were up there. After | called
several individuals, one individual told me to leave and leave
right away. Mr. Hess came running back in and said, ‘We're the
only ones up here, we gotta get out of here.’

He found the stairwell... we went down the stairs. When we

reached the sixth floor... there was an explosion and the landing
gave way. | was left there hanging and | had to climb back up |`
and I had to walk back up to the 8th floor... it was dark and very
very hot. | asked Mr. Hess to test the phones as | took a fire W
extinguisher and broke out the windows.

Once | broke out the windows | could see outside below me. | by, X W JENNINGS
9 fst -Responder
Saw police cars on fire, buses on fire. | looked one way, the ——_ j b

building was there, | looked the other, the building was gone. | was trapped in there for several hours. | was
trapped in there when both buildings came down.

The firefighters came. | was going to come down on the fire hose, because | didn’t want to stay there
because it was too hot; they came to the window and started yelling ‘Do not do that, it won’t hold you,” and
then they ran away. | didn’t know what was going on. That’s when the first tower fell.

When they started running, the first tower started coming down. | had no way of knowing that. And then |
saw them come back... with more concern on their faces. And then they ran away again. The second tower

So as they turned and ran the second time, the guy said, ‘We'll be back for you.’ And they did come back, this
time they came back with 10 firefighters. They kept asking, ‘Where are you? We don’t know where you are?’ |

said, | was on the North side of the building, because when I was on the stairs | saw the North side. All this
time, I’m hearing all kinds of explosions. I’m thinking that may it’s the police cars [and] buses that are on fire. |
don’t see... you know, but I’m still hearing all these explosions.

When they finally got to us, and they took us down to what they called the lobby, because when | asked them,
| said, where are we? He said, ‘This was the lobby.’ And | said, you got to be kidding me. Total ruins. Keep in
mind, when | came in there, the lobby had nice escalators--it was a huge lobby. And for me to see what | saw
was unbelievable. And the firefighter who took us down kept saying, ‘Do not look down." | kept saying, ‘Why?’
We were stepping over people. And you know when you can feel when you are stepping over people. They
took us out through a hole... in this wall, and that’s how they got us out... this huge police officer came over to
me and he said, ‘You have to run.’ | said, ‘I can’t, my knees are swollen.’ [He said] ‘You'll have to get on your
knees and crawl then, because we have reports of more explosions.’ That’s when | started crawling and | saw
this guy fall behind me, and his comrades came to his aid and they dragged him to safety.

Barry Jennings
Beverly Eckert — According to Wikipedia, Eckert (May 29, 1951 —
February 12, 2009) was an activist and advocate for the creation
of the 9/11 Commission. She was one of the members of the 9/11
Family Steering Committee for the 9/11 Commission. Eckert’s
husband, Sean Rooney, died at age 50 in the attacks of September
11, 2001. She pushed for a commission to investigate 9/11 and to
establish a memorial.

Eckert died at age 57 in a commuter aircraft accident on February

12, 2009. She was traveling from Newark Liberty International
Airport to Buffalo Niagara International Airport aboard Colgan Air
Flight 3407. The aircraft crashed in the Buffalo suburb of Clarence
Center, New York. She had met with President Barack Obama just
a few days before her death in her role as an advocate for those
affected by 9/11. Here’s what she stated before being murdered:

“I've chosen to go to court rather than accept a payoff from the

g/11 victims compensation fund. Instead, | want to know what
went so wrong with our intelligence and security systems that a
band of religious fanatics was able to turn four U.S passenger jets
into an enemy force, attack our cities and kill 3,000 civilians with
terrifying ease. | want to know why two 110-story skyscrapers
collapsed in less than two hours and why escape and rescue
options were so limited.

| am suing because unlike other investigative avenues, including

congressional hearings and the 9/11 commission, my lawsuit
requires all testimony be given under oath and fully uses powers
to compel evidence.

The victims fund was not created in a spirit of compassion. Rather,

it was a tacit acknowledgement by Congress that it tampered

with our civil justice system in an unprecedented way. Lawmakers capped the liability of the airlines at the
behest of lobbyists who descended on Washington while the Sept. 11 fires still smoldered.

And this liability cap protects not just the airlines, but also World Trade Center builders, safety engineers and
other defendants.

The caps on liability have consequences for those who want to sue to shed light on the mistakes of 9/11. It
means the playing field is tilted steeply in favor of those who need to be held accountable. With the financial
consequences other than insurance proceeds removed, there is no incentive for those whose negligence
contributed to the death toll to acknowledge their failings or implement reforms. They can afford to deny
culpability and play a waiting game.

By suing, I've forfeited the "$1.8 million average award" for a death claim | could have collected under the
fund. Nor do | have any illusions about winning money in my suit. What | do know is | owe it to my husband,
whose death | believe could have been avoided, to see that all of those responsible are held accountable. If we
don't get answers to what went wrong, there will be a next time. And instead of 3,000 dead, it will be 10,000.
What will Congress do then?

So | say to Congress, big business and everyone who conspired to divert attention from government and
private sector failures: My husband's life was priceless, and | will not let his death be meaningless. My silence
cannot be bought.”

Beverly Eckert

Prasanna Kalahasthi — Kalahasthi, (25), a USC dental student and

married to Pendyala Vamsikrishna, a Flight 11 passenger, killed herself
approximately one month after 9/11 in her Los Angeles apartment even
though friends say she was in good spirits and determined to finish dental
school. Kalahasthi was found dead in her Catalina St. apartment in Los
Angeles on October 19, 2001.

Investigators noted there was no suicide note and the only thing found
next to her body was a letter from then New York City Mayor Rudolph
Giuliani inviting her to an upcoming memorial service at Ground Zero to
mourn 9/11 victims.

After the apparent suicide, several school friends and even family
members said Kalashasthi was, of course, devastated by her loss, being
married for only a short time, but was determined to move forward and
complete her dental studies.
Further, friends pointed out she was devout Hindu who believed in reincarnation, making suicide an even
more unlikely choice since a return to earth is inevitable according to Kalashasthi’s Hindu beliefs.

“I knew Vamsi, that’s what we called him at school in India, and | was shocked when he died on 9/11,” said
school friend Anupendra Sharma in a telephone conversation this week from his home on the east coast.
“What was very strange, though, was his wife’s suicide. They were only married for a year and she had
recently just come to America to go to USC.”

David Wherley Jr. - On September 11, 2001, David Wherley Jr. was the
commander in charge of the 113th Fighter Wing at Andrews Air Force base,
in Maryland. After the attack on New York City he took orders from the
Secret Service to dispatch a fleet of aircraft to protect the White House and
the Capitol. Wherley was an important 9/11 witness. He played a role in
ordering the tactics used by the U.S. government in response to the
terrorist activity. Wherley was mentioned on multiple occasions in the 9/11
Commission report. He later acted as the commanding general of the
District of Columbia National Guard, from 2003 to 2008.

On June 22, 2009, David Wherley and his wife Ann boarded a Red Line
Washington Metro train (#214) in Northeast Washington, D.C. While
waiting for their train to leave Fort Totten station, it was struck by an
oncoming Red Line train. The Wherley’s train was rear-ended at a high
speed. Nine people were killed in the accident, including David Wherley
and his wife. It was the deadliest crash in the history of the Washington
Metro. Several survivors were trapped in the rubble for hours, and
approximately 80 people were injured.

A preliminary investigation found that the accident occurred when the

replacement of a track circuit component failed, which prevented certain
signals from being reported. Survivors described the crash as like “hitting a
concrete wall.” According to Daniel Kaniewski, a former Bush
administration homeland security official, the overall emergency response
to the event was “calm and ordered.” He indicated that the U.S. response
“during extraordinary incidents has significantly improved” since
September 11, 2001.

Barbara Olson — Olson was a lawyer, author and conservative American

television commentator. In 1994, she joined the United States House of
Representatives, becoming chief investigative counsel for the House
Government Reform and Oversight Committee. In that position, Olson led
a number of different investigations into the Clinton administration. She
exposed the White House travel office scandal and the FBI files
controversy. Olson published a collection of books that examine the
history of Hillary Clinton and the actions of Bill Clinton in the final days of
his presidency. Some of her accusations include unlawful pardons by Bill
Clinton, the looting of the White House and executive orders that were
sheer abuses of presidential power. On January 20, 2001, Bill Clinton
pardoned 140 people in the final hours of his presidency.

In 1996, Barbara Olson married a man named Ted Olson. Ted successfully
represented presidential candidate George W. Bush in the Supreme Court BARBARA OLSON
case of Bush v. Gore, which effectively determined the final result of the
contested 2000 Presidential election. He subsequently served as United
States Solicitor General in the Bush administration.

On September 11, 2001, Barbara Olson boarded American Airlines Flight 77 traveling from Virginia to Los
Angeles. She was visiting Los Angeles for a taping of Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher.

On September 11, 2001, Flight 77 was hijacked at 8:54. Between 9:16 and 9:26, Olson called her husband.
According to him, she reported that the flight had been hijacked, and that the hijackers had knives and box-
cutters. A minute into the conversation, the call was cut off. Shortly after, Barbara reached her husband again.
Ted Olson asked for her location and she replied that the plane was flying over houses. Ted informed Barbara
of the two previous hijackings and crashes. She didn’t display signs of panic over the phone. American Airlines
Flight 77 crashed into the western side of the Pentagon at 09:37 EDT. All 64 people on board were supposedly
killed, including Barbara Olson. Following her death, Politically Incorrect host, Bill Maher, left a panel seat
vacant for a week.

The two phone calls Barbara Olson made from Flight 77 are an important factor to the accepted story of 9/11.
They provide evidence that American 77 had been aloft after it had disappeared from FAA radar around 9:00
AM. The calls are also the only source of the widely accepted idea that the hijackers had box cutters. The story
has been scrutinized by a collection of researchers, who have accused Ted Olson of changing his account. He
Originally indicated that Barbara used a cell phone to call him, but later said she called using an airline phone.
The technology to enable cell phone calls from high-altitude flights wasn’t developed until 2004.

The list goes on and on...

Dr. David Graham — Dr. Graham was a dentist who saw three of the 9/11 hijackers with Pakistani
businessman in Shreveport, Louisiana. He was murdered, poisoned with anti-freeze.

Paul Smith — A helicopter pilot during the 9/11 attacks. Mr. Smith worked for WABC7. He was killed in an
auto accident.

Michael H. Doran — Mr. Doran was a “o/11 Victims Lawyer.” He was killed in an airplane crash.

Bertha Champagne — Ms. Champagne (seen here kissing Bush), was a longtime babysitter for “9/11 Perp”
Marvin Bush George Bush’s little brother. She was killed on Sept. 29th 2003 under mysterious circumstances.
“Champagne had left the residence to retrieve something from her car, which police say had somehow been
left in gear. According to the police report, the car rolled forward and pinned the woman between it and a
small building next to the driveway. No explanations have been offered as to why the vehicle did not move
until Champagne was in a position to be crushed.”

John P. O'Neill — Mr. O'Neill was an FBI Counter-terrorism expert, Obsessed with catching Osama Bin Laden.
He Suspected Clinton, Bush and the FBI in a cover-up and protection of Bin Laden. He died in the WTC on

Deborah Palfrey — Palfrey ran an escort service that had 9/11 perps on its list. Her death was “Suicided,” by
hanging. Ms. Palfrey told Radio Host, Alex Jones, that she would never commit suicide just incase she was
found dead in a suicide fashion. On May 1, 2008, Palfrey was found hanging in a storage shed outside her
mother’s mobile home in Tarpon Springs, Florida.

David Wherley —Wherley was a U.S. General who ordered fighter jets to scramble on 9/11. The Commander
of the 113th Air National Guard fighter unit at Andrews on 9/11 was then-Brigadier General David Wherley.
Wherley and his wife Ann, were killed in the crash of a Red Line Metro train on June 22, 2009. It was Wherley
who ordered the F-16’s off of exercise status and into attack mode on the morning of 9/11. Wherley is
reported to have been aware of who in the chain of command ordered the F-16s into exercise status and
disarmed. It was said to be Vice President Dick Cheney.

Suzanne Jovin — Jovin was a Yale student who wrote a thesis about Osama Bin Laden. Her thesis adviser was
an Intelligence Operative (Van de Velde). Jovin was stabbed (17 times) to death just hours after dropping off
her new thesis draft to Velde’s office. The only suspect in this case was Professor Van de Velde. He went on to
at the Pentagon with the highest clearance after her death. Because her death took place, Friday December
4 1998, Jovin is known as the first 9/11 victims.

Perry Kucinich — Perry Kucinich, 52, the youngest brother of Democratic presidential candidate Dennis
Kucinich, was found dead Wednesday morning December 19, 2007 at his apartment above Becker's Donuts &
Bakery on East 71st Street in Cleveland. His brother Larry found him face down on the kitchen floor at about 9
a.m., Powell Caesar, spokesman for the Cuyahoga County Frank Miller, said. Kucinich’s brother, Congressman
Dennis John Kucinich is the U.S. Representative for Ohio's 1oth congressional district, serving since 1997. He
was also a candidate for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States in the 2004 and 2008
presidential elections. Congressman Kucinich was an advocate for a new 9/11 investigation. Perry Kucinich’s
cause of death was stated as he fell down.

Wendy Burlingame — Burlingame’s father, Charles Frank "Chic" Burlingame Ill (September 12, 1949 —
September 11, 2001) was the pilot of American Airlines Flight 77, the airplane that supposedly crashed into the
pentagon (video footage does not show any airplane having crashed into the Pentagon, nor have any remains
of the airplane or passengers been found there).

As a result of a lawsuit the FBI was forced to release a video in 2006 they had confiscated in 2002 from guests
staying at the Doubletree hotel across the Pentagon. The video clearly shows the pentagon burst into flames
without an airline hitting it, just as all the witnesses have said in the past. A few days after the release of that
video, Wendy Burlingame, mysteriously died in her apartment after her boyfriend, (an army veteran), ran out
of the apartment during the fire and “Accidentally” locked her in and forgot her behind. A fire started in the
bedroom and Burlingame was burned to death. Her boyfriend was never arrested. The door was jammed ina
way that it could not be opened from the outside nor the inside. Burlingame died December 5, 2006.

Salvatore Princiotta — Princiotta, a retired New York City firefighter who survived the Sept. 11, 2001,
attacks, is now being treated as the victim in an Arizona murder investigation. He was found dead in his
condominium. At first, it was believed he died of post September 11 lung complications. However, a coroner
now says Princiotta was murdered. The coroner declined to release any other details. His body was found May
14, 2007.

Bruce Ivins — The FBI framed Ivins in the 9/11 “Anthrax” case. His death was by drug overdose in 2008. He
was not a known drug addict.

The Pagan Mind
“The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those
who are not behind the scenes”
-Benjamin Dislaeli 1844

As | close Book-5, it should now be clear to you that the Illuminati, Freemasons, Skulls and Bones, Druids, and
satanic worshipers of all nature, are using the number “11,” as a signature for the Antichrist. The war on terror
is a fable, like in a children’s book. Terror is an illusion that’s fabricated, by the very one(s) who proclaims a
foreigner created the terrorist act. It’s like the, “Boy who cried wolf.”

| didn’t write this 9/11 Book to prove that the Middle East had nothing to with the 9/11 attacks (which should
now be obvious), | wrote this chapter to awaken YOU, the reader. | want you to understand the dark side of
man. | want to teach you to think like them so that you can protect yourself, family and your loved ones. You
will see the signs and know how to react before the next dramatic event takes place. WWIII is inevitable.
There is no way to stop what's already in play. The dates have already been set by the Illuminati.

There are Additional numbers hidden in plain sight that authenticates this signature, such as Flight 175, which
hit the South Tower. Let's use a “Pagan Mind” here, 1+7+5= 13. With Flight 11, the number 11 would not be
reduced. So we are left with the numbers 11 and 13. This is a very important observation because in secret
society, there are 13 families of bloodline that make up, Illuminati. They all believe that the number 11 is “A
force of evil” that honors Satan, and it’s number that represents “The Old World Order.”

The number 13 represents the “New Order” or New World Order. This is why our American flag has only 13
stripes. We originally had 13 colonies setup on the Eastern seaboard. The number 13 is used extensively with

The so-called “Flight 175,” would have never slammed into the North Tower because that is not an illuminist
strategy. Flight 11 would have to hit first, but not the South Tower, it would have to hit the North Tower as a
signature of disgracing God. In Book-3 “Birth of Secret Society,” | give a full description of the Freemason
fraternity. | described why they build their temples facing east (due to sun worship), but | didn’t explain why
inside their temples, it’s normal to find an empty chair positioned in the northern section of the temple. The
answer begins by establishing the holiness of the “North,” found in Psalms 48:1-3 (KJV):

"GREAT is the Lord, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of his
holiness. 2 Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is Mount Zion, on the side of
the north, the city of the great King. 3 God is known in her palaces for a refuge.”

The bible is describing the North as an angelic place of high mountains, full of holiness. A place we should all
like to gather for fellowship. But in Masonic doctrine, the North, is designated as the area where darkness,
superstition, and ignorance dwell. Here’s what Albert Pike says about the north in “Morals and Dogma” (Page

“To all Masons, the North has immemorially been the place of darkness; of the great lights of the Lodge, none
is in the North.”

We should recognize Isaiah 5:20 (KJV) as a final hypothesis for this entire book:

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for
darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”

Now let's look at what Isaiah 14:13 (KJV). God repeats the words that Lucifer (Lucifer in this verse is not the
fallen angel, he is aman, “Nimrod,” King of Babylon) proclaimed, saying:

“For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above
the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:”

Symbolically speaking, the Masonic lodges keep an empty chair positioned in the north area of their lodge.
It’s seen as darkness because it holds the presence of God, but Lucifer (known to Masons as the light-bearer)
proclaims through Nimrod his desires, to have control of Jerusalem. Mount Zion is a reference to the Civil
Authority of Jerusalem, meaning the empty chair positioned in the north of a Masonic lodge, is left empty for
Lucifer. In Masonic ideology, Lucifer will bring light to the north.

By striking the North Tower first, the Illuminist Masons guiding this world into the New World Order may have
been symbolically striking at God and His system, known to them as the Old World Order.

If you tie these two understandings together, you should realize why the first aircraft (Flight 11) was
designated to hit the North Tower first. The Illuminati is well aware that the North is the direction of God’s
throne, while the number “11” is a number that equates to “An awakening,” or “The beginning of a Great

Illuminati, Freemasons and pagans alike, will assigns numbers to objects, planets, and/or an idea. You should
become familiar with their numbers: 3,7,9,11,13, 22,33, and 39. These numbers may not appear in plain sight,
but may be hidden in numerology coding, like Flight 175 (1+7+5=13). It can be hidden in latitude and longitude,
or in city blocks or number of days. On March 11th, 2002, 88 beams of light coming from ground zero shone
for 33 days. March 11 represented the 11th week of the year while the 33 days of light represented the true
conspirator of 9/11 (Freemansons). The 33rd degree Masonic Temple is located 13 blocks north of the White
House. There are many other instances of the number thirteen within Masonry. The Pagan mind is obsessed
with numerology and symbols. W. Wynn Wescott was one of histories supreme Satanist’s. He was extremely
influential in the latter part of the 19th Century. In his book “The Occult Power of Numbers,” Westcott states
on page 15:

“The followers of Pythagoras ... referred every object, planet, man, idea, and essence to some number or
other, in a way which to most moderns must seem curious and mystical in the highest degree. ‘The numerals
of Pythagoras’, says Porphyry, who lived about 300 A.D., ‘were hieroglyphic symbols, by means whereof he
explained all ideas concerning the nature of things’, and the same [numeric] method of explaining the secrets
of nature is once again being insisted upon in the new revelation of the ‘Secret Doctrine’, by H.P. Blavatsky.
‘Numbers are a key to the ancient views of cosmogony -- in its broad sense, spiritually as well as physically
considered, to the evolution of the present human race; all systems of religious mysticism are based upon
numerals. The sacredness of numbers begins with the Great First Cause, the One, and ends only with the
nought or zero -- symbol ofthe infinite and boundless universe’.”

The entire World Trade Center event was underlined with the occult number, 11. Occultists all over the world
knew exactly what had happened and who did it.

Idols of past pagan societies have been formed in the likeness of fish, birds and animals, the sun, the moon
and the stars. The mathematics underlying science and science itself, are also worshiped. Inherent power is
what they believe numbers possess.

To understand this fact, you need to understand that the occultist literally fulfills Paul’s explanation of a
pagan, of a Satanist, in Romans 1:25:

“Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature
more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.”

There are events in the past which have the number 11 associated with them hidden in letters. W. Wynn
Wescott speaks about Pythagoras in his book. These are numbers that are hidden inside letters. Here’s an
example of a Pythagorean Conversion Table.


1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 2
A |B C |D E F G H |I
J |K _ |L M N JO |P Q R

See how each letter represents the number that’s above it? This is how FOX (666) Network was formed. The
Pythagorean Conversion Table has rows 1-9, but numerologist don’t believe in using a 9th row because the
number “9” is observed as a secret number. So instead, numerologist use a table called Chaldean Conversion
Table as seen below.


7A HZzor 2<
There is no number 9 in this Numerology chart because,
to the ancient Chaldeans, 9 was believed to be a sacred
number and was kept apart from the rest.

Numerologists use the charts on the previous page to calculate the number of names and birth dates. Below
are two examples:

The Pythagorean Method

l+54+742454+4424+54+9 ea en
The Chaldean Method

S+E+P+T+E+M+B+E+R ~38(34+8=11)
Using the Chaldean method, “September” adds up to number 11. Though these two charts are used by the
Illuminati, Babylonian priests most likely used The Chaldean Method in the days of Babylon.

Earlier in Book-5, | showed you how our last three President’s public names add up to 11 letters, but take all
the letters in “George W. Bush” and add them up using the Chaldean Conversion Table:

G+E+O+R+G+E (34+5+7+2+3+5)= 25
W(6)= 6
B+U+S+H(2+6+3+ = +1

SUM -------------------------------------------- > 47(4+7=11)

Now let’s try the same for the North Tower:

N+O+R4+T+H (54+74+24+44+5)= 23
T+O+W+E+R(44+7+6+5+2) = +24
SUMannan nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn n nnn n nee n ene n ene > 47(4+7=11)
Let's use this concept on the Flight 77 and the Pentagon.

F+L+1+G+H+T +77 (8+3+14+3 +5 +4)= 244747 38 (3+8= 11)

P+E+N+T+A+G+O+N (84+54+54+4414+3+7+5) = 38 (3+8= 11)

Now you know how they think. Welcome to the filthy minds of an occult pagans. In typing Book-5 in Microsoft
Word, it took 56 pages to complete (5+6=11). Don’t allow good to be proclaimed as evil, and evil to be
proclaimed as good. In Book-g, | will disclose the truth of the where all the passengers were taken during 9/11.
By 9/12 every one ofthe passengers were still alive, but they will never see the light of day as long as they live.

Wicked Men of Freemason < ISAIAH 9:10
The wicked men of Freemasonry and Skulls and Bones are “Less
Than,” that of any word from the Old Testament. I'll explain--
Rudolph William Louis “Rudy” Giuliani, was the first to say it on
national television the night of 9/11/2001 as if he was fed these
words as a line. He said, “We will rebuild: We're going to come
out of this stronger than before, politically stronger,
economically stronger. The skyline will be made whole again.”
When he said these words, | thought it was just old fashion
propaganda to uplift the heart of Americans after he and his
posse of Freemasons brought down the Twin Towers. But the
next day it happened again. The verse was repeated. This Rudolph William Louis “Rudy” Giuliani
couldn't be a coincidence.

On September 12, 2001, Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle on a Joint

Resolution of Condemnation of the attacks addressed the world as a
representative and leader of America. Just as it was 3,000 years ago in
Israel when these prophetic words were spoken, so it is said in America:
“Mr. President, it is with pain, sorrow, anger, and resolve that | stand
before this Senate, a symbol for 212 years of the strength of our
democracy, and say that America will emerge from this tragedy, as we
have emerged from all adversity, united and strong... The world should
know that the Members of both parties in both Houses stand united.
The full resources of our Government will be brought to bear in aiding
the search and rescue and in hunting down those responsible and those
who may have aided or harbored them. Nothing, nothing can replace
the losses that have been suffered. | know there is only the smallest
measure of inspiration that can be taken from this devastation. But
there is a passage in the Bible from Isaiah that | think speaks to all of Tom Daschle
us at times such as this: The bricks have fallen down, but we will rebuild with dressed stone; the fig trees
have been felled, but we will replace them with cedars. That is what we will do. We will rebuild and we will
recover. The people of America will stand strong together because the people of America have always stood
together. And those of us privileged to serve this great Nation will stand with you.”

| began hearing this, “We will rebuild” theme from all of Hollywood,
and from politicians and news anchors. Then on September 11th,
2004, “Then,” Democratic Candidate for Vice President John Edwards
spoke the same curse upon America using the same verse while at the
prayer breakfast for the Congressional Black Caucus.
He Said, “Good morning. Today, on this day of remembrance and
mourning, we have the Lord’s word to get us through. 'The bricks
have fallen, but we will build with dressed stones; the sycamores
have been cut down, but we will put cedars in their place.
Johnny Reid John” Edwards

... And let me show you how we are building and putting cedars in those three hallowed places - the
footprints of the Towers, the Pentagon, and the field in Pennsylvania. ... Walk with me through this day.
And you will see that while those bricks fell and the sycamores cut down, our people are making those
cedars rise. ... Each time that bell tolls, it calls us to a greater purpose. It calls us to never forget.
It calls us to do the Lord's work here on earth. And it calls on us to always remember that when we walk
through this day together - the cedars will rise, the stones will go up, and this season of hope will endure.”

Even after hearing John Edwards speak, | wanted

to believe that all of these politicians don’t read
the bible and have no idea the true meaning
behind Isaiah 9:10 in the Bible. But then there was
a ceremony that same day and there is was. A
Hewn Stone, as if it was pulled right out of Isaiah
chapter 9 verse 10. | realized that these men of
secret society are truly psychopaths on a devious
mission to dishonor God in the deepest way
They created a blood sacrifice on 9/11/2001 but
that wasn’t enough. Here is what the verses from
Isaiah chapter 9 states:
Freedom Tower “Hewn” stone from New York Granite
The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones: the sycomores are cut down, but we
will change them into cedars. Therefore the Lord shall set up the adversaries of Rezin against him,
and join his enemies together; The Syrians before, and the Philistines behind; and they shall devour
Israel with open mouth. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.
For the people turneth not unto him that smiteth them, neither do they seek the Lord of hosts.

Therefore the Lord will cut off from Israel head and tail, branch and rush, in one day. The ancient
and honourable, he is the head; and the prophet that teacheth lies, he is the tail. For the leaders of
this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed.

Therefore the Lord shall have no joy in their young men, neither shall have mercy on their fatherless
and widows: for every one is an hypocrite and an evildoer, and every mouth speaketh folly. For all
this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still. For wickedness burneth as the
fire: it shall devour the briers and thorns, and shall kindle in the thickets of the forest, and they shall
mount up like the lifting up of smoke.

Through the wrath of the Lord of hosts is the land darkened, and the people shall be as the fuel of the
fire: no man shall spare his brother. And he shall snatch on the right hand, and be hungry; and he
shall eat on the left hand, and they shall not be satisfied: they shall eat every man the flesh of his own
arm: Manasseh, Ephraim; and Ephraim, Manasseh: and they together shall be against Judah. For all
this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.

Isaiah 9:10-21 (KJV)

A hewn granite stone cut from the mountains of New York's Adirondack mountain range, cut, polished just as

Israel rebuilt in deflance after being attacked by
Assyria (the original terrorists). Rather than
hearkening to God's initial warning, there was pride
and arrogance of heart. Even this judgment did not
appease God's wrath because the people refused to
deal with their iniquity, so God would continue to
chastise them, ultimately in a greater devastation and
final judgment with the destruction of the temple. As
the first stage of judgment came with no true
conversion, God would come with a second and
ultimate judgment. This was the wake-up call and God
gave the nation a period of grace to return to Him.
Since the nation did not turn back to God, then there
Uprooted Sycamore Tree from 9/11 Displayed on Wall Street
was an impending and more devastating judgment yet
to come.
| i-i r>
They said, “We will replace them with cedars.” Though the
cedar tree doesn’t grow in America, the Erez tree,
translated “Cedar” in the Bible, or cedrus conifera is of the
Pinaceae family which includes many well-known conifers
such as cedars and spruces.
Likewise, the Tree of Hope was a conifer tree like the
Cedar of Lebanon. It was a Norway Spruce which is a large I
evergreen coniferous tree of the same Pinaceae family.
In Hebrew parallelism, a verse is often matched with a
verse that rhymes in thought. The fallen bricks and fallen
sycamore are paired together in this sense and were both
found in the ruins of the 9/11 attacks at Ground Zero.
Similarly, there are the Cedar tree and the hewn stone
which can be grouped together because they were both
lowered by cranes, both had ceremonies surrounding
them, and both were labeled as icons: The Tree of Hope
and the Freedom Stone.
The Uprooted Sycamore Tree Replaced with a Cedar Tree

The northern kingdom of Israel was attacked by the Assyrians, the rod of God's anger Later, ultimate
judgment came and Israel fell to the Assyrians in 721 B.C. Though Assyria was an ungodly and wicked nation,
God used them to judge His people. God used Israel’s enemies as a rod to chasten them as a last resort to
bring them back to His love. God says in Isaiah 10:5-6:
“Woe to Assyria, the rod of My anger And the staff in whose hand is My indignation. I will send him
against an ungodly nation, And against the people of My wrath I will give him charge, To seize the
spoil, to take the prey, And to tread them down like the mire of the streets.”
In the same way God dealt with the Assyrians, God will deal with the 9/11 terrorists, these men of
Freemasonry and Skulls and Bones who were used by Him to assault America. 9/11 was the chastisement of
America by God through these evil men. When the Lord has finished allowing these modern day Assyrians to

attack His people, He will then turn His judgment upon them for
delighting in destruction and oppression. Therefore it is not that those
who attacked America are in God’s favor but a tool used by God to get
our attention.
“When the Lord has finished all his work against Mount Zion
and Jerusalem, he will say, T will punish the king of Assyria for
the willful pride of his heart and the haughty look in his eyes.
Does the ax raise itself above him who swings it, or the saw
boast against him who uses it? As if a rod were to wield him who
lifts it up, or a club brandish him who is not wood!”
-Isaiah 10:12-15

As soon as God was finished with Assyria, He destroyed it. As God E

dealt with the Assyrians after He used them to punish Israel, He has =

and will continue to deal justly with the adversaries who were behind pa
the attacks on America on 9/11, and all men of secret societies who i -

pollute the world into utter darkness.

Now you know the truth about 9/11. This book isn’t written for the 4
men of the 21st century, It’s written for the men of the 22nd and 23rd
century, because the men of the 21st century are weak and brainless
creatures whose only love in life is for women, sports, games, and |
nonsense. My message for the men of the future (the children of
The Phallic “Freedom Tower” a Mockery to God
survivors): pick up a sword, and kill any man who converse in secrecy.
Secret Society must be abolished. Reinstate the laws of God as illustrated in the Old Testament. The
Gregorian Calendar must be abolished and the path of the moon (the Lunar Calendar) must be reinstated as
described in Book-2. All of mankind is lost because of a calendar that defies God, named after pagan gods.
Reinstate the nature of how mankind must eat as God instructed. Filth holds a frequency as does that which
is nourishing to the human body. With the right frequency ingested, man can do wonders.
Remind the Africans of Spanish speaking nations and North America that they hold the true bloodline of
Israelites. They are, and have always been the chosen people and will continue to be oppressed by their
enemies until they submit to God Almighty.
Billions will, (or have) perish(ed) in this planned apocalypse orchestrated by the Illuminati. But as long as
there is seed in a man, and eggs in women, you must multiply vastly to build armies to defeat the wicked.
Post apocalypse is your chance to defeat all that is evil. It’s a time to start over. It’s a time to recover, and give
back to God. Kabbalah should be noted as an enemy to mankind as all religion. Mankind should no longer be
divided, but instead united. I'll pray for you, future man of Earth. Allow my book, “Core-432,” to be an
example of what transpires in the hands of Greed, Lust, and Ego. The closer man shares equality, better his
life will be on the New Earth. Energy must me free.
Look at the Freedom Tower above. It’s secret is 6666, it has four triangles pointing up and down, meaning
three points to every triangle (3+3=6 3+3=6 3+3=6 3+3=6)=6666. According to the occultists, the
troops of Satan include 6 legions of 66 cohorts of 666 companies to account for 6666 demons. King Solomon
enclosed in a bottle for a period of a day, Belial and its legions (522180 demons) and he arrived, another time,
to make enter a ring 6666 demons that had dared to resist to him. 6666 represents the legions of Satan.


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