LTE Cell Selection

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12128122, 2:38 AM {4G | ShareTechnote ShareTechnote 41 Jog & OMe [uek Reference ‘quik Pcure asic Procedure ‘atroubleshoet Tips ‘pow ‘up PReterence Signal “oer pang PHY Processing owimo ‘mimo/cacsig Pet) recoding Fading ‘oPoner Control Seuccs ‘RACH sie eacinc ous ruc Seocr ral stack [+] Bosie Cot ‘idle Moce “ovate Call UE Capadity conformance “ORE Measurement ‘Overview orem oNB-t6T 4G/LTE - Basic Procedures Note : See "Le Mace Procedure” section st forthe big plete coll Selection hen you power onthe mobile device, in most case the device fs under a crcumstonce where ft sees many b950 Staton (eNoce 8) around tI» some cases UE weuld be surroune not by the mulple oasestaton from ane system fperator but by the multiple basesttion rom multle syste operators, ‘Out of those many calls, UE can eam on (rate) to only one cal Then the question is which specie single call the UE have to raiser. For this UE goes through aspect decision making process to pick up a specie ase sation (colts resister this specie decison making process is called eh Select ‘Overall description of call soection process is described in 36,304 Figure 5.2.2-1: RRC_IDLE Col Selection and Reselecon af ‘olows, Of course tre minum condo i to meet cal Sassuss unsanon Pretty complicated lw diagram, right ? But you wil iit even mere complicated if you try to associat this ow to the stuacon you come acroze hen you test the deve In real he, Yow seen es flow sagram many branches and Tooos wales rakes cific ta flow the ght path and ober thing s hat Irs not so eaby to igure the exec: Status ofthe UE wen yeu tm on the UE Let me ve you some examples in wich UE needs to go trough the call elation process. Tobe hones, {don't keow exact answer tthe case tat? WOUlS Ove YOU Reve, 1) You got anew phone fom the shop and jst insarted the USIM and power on the deve. I) You have been using a phone fora whl, and power i of and shen power on Ii) You nave been using aphone for a whe and Swit tt plan mae and then s/tch back tothe narmal mode Ih) You have been using a phone for a while and switch ete Apian mode and few nto another country and then swen back othe normal mode. \) You just turned on phone and tun off ght way inthe midle of raistratin and then tumnas ton vi) Turned of the phone you have bech Using and pul ut the baery and then put the batary back and turn i “ij Turne off the phone you have been using and pul out the battery, pul out the USIM and put 2 new USIM In and than aut te battery back ana turn fon Vis) Turned of the phone you have Been using and Have It of fr several days and then tur tan ty) Ted ofthe phone you heve been using and tae out the USIM, and then turn eon wihoct USIM, ‘Can you mark the path on this ow dagram foreach of the cases listed above ? Tobe honest, I may be able todo it nly couple of te case a nat fra you have acces to UE logging tol, try to collect eld teat og in varousstuation and anaize the og according to ths charts Only practice would maka you understand ths cesrly unless you are the protecl slack developer vtho implement tt process in UE hitpsswww.sharetechnote.comhimllasicProcedure_LTE_Cell Selection html me 12128122, 2:38 AM 4G | ShareTechnote ' pe 4 Secu 5 a ee [FJ nee ry Se Lo _/Sr Lao oe as 4 Followings are the Keywords that you have to know in oder to understand he follow char shown above call ‘Accapable cll thecal that i nt encugh to bea suitable cal, but meets the minimum condition at least to make Sn-emergency ea. The minum evans are ‘cceptat + The callie not barres the gal slechon cara is met ‘Suttable Cell “Te cal nat the UE may comp on ors narmal service, The E-UTRA and UTRA Suitable Cell ceria is defines in 35304413 Serves types i lle Mode a5 flows ‘The calls part of ether: + the setectes PLAN (PLN that has been selected bythe NAS, either manually or automaticaly, 2: 1 the registeres PLANPLHN on which certain Location Registration outcomes have sceured. RUfe 9 23.122 for feta), oF + SPLMN ot ine Equivalent PLAIN Hot sccording tothe latest intermation provided by NAS: + The cel isnot barre: 1 The cel spar of ot least one TA at isnot part of thelist of forbeden tracking areas for foaming” +The coslection ceria are fuled hitps:www.sharetechnote.comhimliasicProcedure_UTE_Cell Selection html ane 12128122, 2:38 AM {4G | ShareTechnote Even though the fw chart shown above handles various situations, f you do follow through each ofthe cage one bone, & mould be sifiea for you to get any concrete enderstarcing ror each specie case. My recommendation ‘2 mark» specfe path foreach specie care one By one as examples smown Ble ‘case 4 Initial Cell Selection Sac, i oo i “eiteand ‘case 2: Stored Cell Selection a scien 5 Pei — i TS ee es GH T=, ‘case 3 : Cell Reselection hitps:www.sharetechnote.comhimliasicProcedure_UTE_Cell Selection html ana 12128122, 2:38 AM 4G | ShareTechnote Pea aes rn inomoign | | __ rosie cetans 4) | co Susan hitps:www.sharetechnote.comhimliasicProcedure_UTE_Cell Selection html anna

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