LTE Cell Reselection

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12128122, 2:55 AM LTE4you: Cell Reselection explained? ] More Create Blog Sign in LTE4you Cell Reselection explained!! \Wiite andover controls the moblity of UE in Connected (EMM-Registored, ECM out he Connected and RRC-Connected) state, cell reselection controls the same while in arin lole EMM-Registered, ECM-dle and RRC-dle) state, During a handover, is the network (AME or source eN) that decides which cell to hangover to During cell View my complete protie reselection, however, it UE that decides which cell to camp on Blog Archive ‘cell reselecton procedure canbe one of the two types a5 Seen below andin Figure 26154) 1. In Figure 1, the UE is camping on Cell 5 that belongs tothe TA list of (TA, TAZ) » ocsner (i previously asigned by the MME at the time of network atach, and i staying in Ile ae Wy a) + Cell Reselection without TAU (@: EMM Case 7}: UE moves to aTA that IS Col Ressecion xplancet registered at NNE (Le. isted inthe TAI Uist ofthe UE, for example TA2 in io concen: mapping Figure 1. Cell reselection i performed but no Track Area Update (TAU) is poe repre. mo anes: eon epg + Cell Reselection wth TAU (@: EMM Case 9): UE moves toa TA that " NOT registered at NME (ie, not sted n te TA it), for example TAD In > sanuary 2) Figure 1. After cell reelection, a TAU procedure is performed. » soe) °C aus oe hagitered ECM RCe Figure 1. Two Cel Reselection Types UE may eselect a cell) that uses the same LTE frequency as its curent serving cl ‘that st camping on dhtra-trequency) 1) that does not use the same frequency (iner-frequency), ori that uses other Radio Access Technology (RAT) (inter-RAT In the example cases of cel resslaction shown in Figure 1, we oly discuss intr froquency col reselection ina single LTE network environment that uss ony 2 single LTE frequency. “This document describes cll reselection case @ only and the other case (@) will be covered in our next document "EMM Procedure & & 9. Handover & Cell Reselection with TAU"[6) In Chapter below, we will review the preliminary information htpsteyou blogspot comi2015,05icellreselection-expained htm! ana 12128122, 2:55 AM LTE4you: Cell Reselection explained? ‘equired to understand the cel reselection procedure. In Chapter ila tailed Ry) oF rat. If there are neighbor cells) that satisfy the criterion, the UE zelacts the best satisfying cli, and then camp there, Cel resection fs performed ony when the criterion is satistied for a certain period of time t-ReseleetionEUTRA). Mobile operators can prevent too frequent cell reselection and make sure reselection is performed in accordance withthe cell tatu by onteling the UE's ‘veling time onthe serving cll, based on the hysteresis and cell-specific offset values, In addition, they ean control the q-Hyst and tReselection€UTRA values by applying appropriate scaling factor (q‘hystSF, t ReselectionEUTRA-SF) depending fon the traveling speed of the UE. 2.2 System Information ‘system Information (I refers tothe information broadcasted by eN8 and consists of [MB (aster information Black) and SBs (Sytem Information Blocks; SBS 1 ~ 16) [4 MB, S181 an SIB 2 are mandatory, but the rest SIBs are optional, Al ls delivered {t0:UE through an RRC message lke MIB, SIB 1, of SI message, An $1 message consist of a group of SIBs (SI 2~ 16), excluding IB ane SIB 1. UE performs a cell reelection procedure based on the SI broadcasted by eNB. MIB, S181 and SIB2 are applied to all the UES, either in Connected state (EMM. Registered, ECM-Connected, RRC-Connected) or in ele state (EMM-Registored, ECWdle, RRC-Ale). Conversely, Bs 3 - Bare caly used in cel reselection by ‘those in lle state. Tablet describes different types of Sl and their parameters (see ‘ur One-Shot Gallery fr mere information about fora selected ist of SIB Information) Table 1, Cel Reselecion-elated System Information htpstedyou blogspot com2015,05icellreselection-expained htm! ana 12128122, 2:55 AM LTE4you: Gell Reselecton explained? Mandatory ‘Mandatory for UEto accessa call DL bandwidth, SEN, HARCachannel we Leicsnings — Prowesinformation relatingto| ‘Recess restriction info, ellselecton nf, sei | gramingrestrcting calaccess Scheduinglafoforotnersies Detines scheduling of other its radi resource eaniguraton formation | Commonandshared channelingo (RACH, seg | aman forall Us CCH, PCCH, PRACH, PDSCK, PUSCH, PUCCH, Soundings, ULPowercontel), ‘sub-frame for MSFN car TTnferation commonly wedinaliypes heal | g-Hyst, reselecton recelection(nvafequency, mter‘Fequency =-NonlintraSeareh,threshServingLow, Felotedsi@s | ies | andor inter-RAT) ‘calReselection? iorty + Intr-requency celreslection information | g-trLevMin,p-Max, = ntraSearch, ther than neighbor eel relates ‘PReselection€UTRA, 4-Cuslttin = Information an neighbor ees relatedanly to | ntraFreqNeighcelist(ohyscelld, aoa | it efequeny cellesetction goffsetcel, intraFreqalackCellust [physcefta Ronge), s6-pciRange Information on other E-UTRA Vequences and supported=-UTRA frequency It (E-UTRA sas | osighbor cls elated nly teintrirequency frequency, Neighbor cellist, Black cll Cetresacin _istieseectonthveshol) aration oT TRAV UTR egueney HO6 | reselection ger |° maton WiecRAT(GERAN| cal GERANTequancy reslcton Tneratien fa eR COMAzOI) el | COMATIOD Feaueney S28 | resclection Let's assume two mebile operators (A and B) who operate the network a follows +A = has a LTE-only nationwide network LTE frequency: only one channel of 10 MHz in 1.8 GHz band (WoFA1) +8 = has nationwide 36 (UMTS) AND LTE networks 3G frequency: six channels of 5 MHz in 2.1 GHz band (394 1/2/3/4/5/) __LTE frequency: one channel of 10 MH? In 1.8 GH» band, ‘and another channel of 10 MHz in 850, Miz band (WtoFAt,ItoFA2) In ease of Operator A, its eNB needs information relating to intra-trequency for cell ‘xeiection(eNB broadcasts SIBs 3 anc 4, but not SBS 5,6, 7 and 8, On the other sand, Operator B's eX neces information relating to all three types of reslecto Inteafrequency,Intertrequency, and inter-RAT (3G UTRA) (eNB broaceasts SIS 3, 4, Sand 6, ‘The Sl broadcasted by eNB is commonly applied to all the UES, but each UE may receive different typeof Sl depending on its capacity (eg. Release 9 UE or Release 1108), Figue 1 daplays a UE camping on Cel, 5 at eNB 2 along with its neighbor eNBs Figure 2 however shows eN8 2 nly, along with ts mandatory an cel reseection lates St htpstedyou blogspot com2015,05icellreselection-expained htm! ana 12128122, 2:55 AM LTE4you: Gell Reselecton explained? > a (aster information sock) + 5181 (System formation Block 2) > 51(5ystem information) here, st=(Si2,si83, Ba) Hs SEE teiMin, Max, ntrasearch, {RessletonEUTRA, «-GualMin, \€IED~| ira Frequency Neighbor Celts Figure 2. Cell Reselection-telated SIBe Broadcarted by eN82 ‘The network used In Figure 1 san LTE-only network that uses a single frequency ((tFAt) with home PLAN only. Tis document i about the intra-requency cel, reselection procedure, The SI related to intrafrequency cit resection is broadcasted through SIs 3 and 4, Table 2 below lists the parameters used inthe two SIBs, but not those relates to other frequency, RAT oF VPLMN.€ ‘Table 2, Cel Rselection Parameters (SBs 3 and 4) htpstedyou blogspot com2015,05icellreselection-expained htm! sna 12128122, 2:55 AM le 83 | cellReselecioninfocommen LTE4you: Gell Reselecton explained? ay ast = hyteresevaheorranking rela spedStslaRenesclonPars |» Reselecin paramtera depending oo UPsspeud ‘nobiRystateParametew | __~_Parametersto determine the mobiiystateof UE eye - ~ Sealing cor for Ga that vies depending on UE's=peed aa + fmedumarhigh moby sete detected 0 Relea +S Srey > 0 and used inthe criteria, Squal > 0 - htpsteyou blogspot comi2015,05icellreselection-expained htm! ena 12128122, 2:55 AM were, Sexlev = Qrstevrneas~ Qoevmin = Pcompensation [48] ‘Squel = Qauaimens ~ austin (68) Table 3. Cel Selection Criteria Parameters (TS 36.304 (5) LTE4you: Cell Reselection explained? Eas Description smley CelsetectonRXleve value Caras Gel nv valor rasurec oy UE (SRP) Caras = WinimumrequredXiewel inthe ee [Bm] + bofinedbya-Raeviinvatuedetvered by S62 — = WK eas Ponca) 8] Prax ~ Maximum TX power level allowed for UE on the uplink in the cell [den] Datinesbyo-hasvalie devere dosh Se Pema = Maximum outputpawer of UE acer othe UE power das TBAT ‘Saual iselecionqvaty value 8] Definedbya- Cuan valiedaivered through Si62 During the initial cal selection, a cll must nave the cel RX level (Sxl) greater ‘than the sum of Qrersin 88 PConperation 2 BE 8 serving cell, The Sealey mut be greater than Qhieymin Because, inorder for UE to corectly receive messages from ‘ts serving cell, the measured signal strength must be at least greater then Qneynin UE’ Tx power Prowercan) lower than the value allowed inthe call (Peuax) wil result nareater Peampersaton Value, making It hard to Select the cell, When selecting a cel, UE's transmission and reception conditions are considered. In ase of Release 9, in ation to Sratey, Squats added as a cll selection criterion. Qriamnas 5 the cell's Reference Signal Received Power (RSRP) while ‘auaineas i the cell's Reference Signal Received Quality (RSRQ). Compared to RSRP wich only incates the strength of received signal, RSRQ provides mare accurate {information fr rac tink quality Because it inicates the signal to interference and ise rato (SINR). 1 Cell Reselecion Triggering UE camping on the serving coll may continue to camp on there without having to measure ther cals if the serving cll’ RX level ful the criterion (2-1) for Release B UE or (2-2) for Release 9 or later UE 5 fetes . : = BSE ser > Speaseneh ) Relea Salev > Syasewarr and SqUal 2 seo > Shragaonna > ) here, Srilev = Qrevmeas ~ Qratewmin = Peompensation [48] ‘SqUual = Qausimess ~ auaimin (68) In the above inequalities, values of Sprasarns Setasenen® 24 SrraSeacn AE aiven by SIB 3 (see Table 2), Ifthe serving cell doesnot fil either af the foregoing criteria (2-1) oF 2-2)), eit flfls the erteron (3-1) In case of Release 8 UE oF (6-2) n case of Release 90” later UE below, the UE begins measuring the neighbor cals for resection, htpsteyou blogspot comi2015,05icellreselection-expained htm! m3 12128122, 2:55 AM « Reselection Triggering (Neighbor Cell Measurement Triggering) ele + ase Shalev 5 Sitaseare - 8 ) Role Srelev S Siuassaren? 3 vase or Squal < - 8 Sinraseareha 2 ) 1m cell Reselecion Criteria Coll Ranking Criterion If the measured Seley ofthe serving cll fulfils the foregoing criterion ((3+) or (3: 2), the UE begins to measure the neighbor coll’s RSRP. Then Based on che resulting measurements, it ranks all the cells by applying the criteria (4-1) and (42) below [5]. Table 4 shows the parameters use in cel ranking. LTE4you: Cell Reselection explained? Rs= ( + Serving Cell Rank: Qmeasis + 4 Qryst Neighbor Cell (non- * serving cl Rank Srneann ‘ Qoftset - 2 ) ‘Table 4, Cell Resection Criteria Parameters (TS 36.204 (5) raise ness | RSRP measurementfor the neigh os [E ysteresisvalue forthe servingcell offset + Offset between the servingceliandthe neighbor cal (aofiset= Gatfsetaa] | oaree setae ernst Ir hare are multiple neighbor cells that full te erterion (5) below, the UE selects the bes cll ang camps oni. [As sean in the foregoing criteria (4-1) and (4-2), Ry and Ry are calculated using diferent criteria, The greater Qnya and Goftset values are, the longer the UE can stay in the serving cl Ill, Procedure for Cell Reselection without TAU Figure 3 illustrates the MM Case 7. Call Reselection without TAU (@) procedure. In Figuce 1, the UE selectes Cell 5 that fils the erterion (1-1) 0 (1-2), ane vas htpsteyou blogspot comi2015,05icellreselection-expained htm! ana 12128122, 2:55 AM LTE4you: Cell Reselection explained? allocated a TA Uist of (At, TAZ} by the MME after ts intial attach to the network ‘through Cel 5. Then later while being served in Cll, the UE transited to Idle state, and now is camping on Celt. Figure 3 shows how UE camping on Cal performs an intratrequency cll reselection pracedure as te switches to eN® 4, and camps on Cell 10. Here, the UE's mobility state is "Normal", and hence scaling factors are not considered. Neighbor calle ta be measured are Celle 4, 6, 1Dand 13, but Figure 3 dsplays Cells 10 and 12 cnly for the sake of convenience. Chapter Il wil explain the procedure fr intra frequency cll redelecion that i successfully performed as seen in Figure 1, ane ‘thus satisfies the folowing conetins + Camping on the serving cll: The UE is camping on Cel 5. + Cell Reselection Triggering: As UE moves away from the serving cll, cell, reselection i triageres 45. Serving call messurement: The serving cal is measured to decide Winther to measure neighbor cells or not. 2. Neighbor cells measurement: Neighbor cells Cells 4,6, 10 and 13) are measured for eel resection, + Call Reselection Criteria 1+ Cell ranking: Celis are ranked based on the measurement results for ‘the serving cll and neighbor cali 2. Cell resection: Cells that satisty the criteria are Identified, and the Best satisfying cell (Cel 10) i selected + Camping on the new cell: The UE camps on Call 10 htpstedyou blogspot com2015,05icellreselection-expained htm! ona 12128122, 2:55 AM LTE4you: Gell Reselecton explained? =) a = SEE nt | penmeanserta EEE SEA] a nwmanotea a nat nn Figure 3, Inra-eequency Celt Resection Procesire (UE Moving toa restered TA) 1) [UE] UE Camping on the Serving Celt ‘The UE is camping on its serving cell (.e. Cel 5 in eN8 2) wile staying Ile. 2) {UE] Obtaining S from the Serving Cell ‘The UE obtains SI required fr cell rezelection from the serving cll. each seighbor cel has diferent offset values withthe serving cll, the serving cll then proves the UE withthe list of neighbor cells through SIB 4. Then the UE acquires the following parameters through IBs 3 and + Parameters requted for deciding an cel eselectiontigering: ReLevitin, Max, IntraSearchP, sintrasearcha,¢ ReselectionfUTRA, ¢-Qualtin (IB 3) + Parameters requited fr ranking the serving cel: ¢-Hyst (18 3) + Parameters requted for ranking the neighbor cels: q OffetCell (sie4) 3) UE] Measuring the signal strength of the Serving Cel [A the end ofthe every DTX cyte, the UE wakes up and measure the signal of ‘the serving cll (RSRP and RSRQ) to 4et Qrtovneas 8° Qguainweas THEN, based on ther, It computes the cll reselection received level (Srxlev) and call reselection quality level (Squal). The UE, by applying the eiterion (31) or (3-2), whichever s applicable depending on it release, checks whether it htpsteyou blogspot comi2015,05icellreselection-expained htm! 1013 12128122, 2:55 AM LTE4you: Cell Reselection explained? should reselect anew cel rit may continue to camp on the curent serving cal. For example, if Srdev and Squal does not satisfy the criterion, the UE continues to camp on the current call I elther of them éoes, then it performs Step 4). 4) [UE] Measuring Neighbor Celis ‘The UE measures RSRP ofthe neighbor cells that are inthe same frequency as the serving Celt (Qyyasiy A, 6, 10,13). 5) UE] CetLRanking Criterion ‘Once the RSRPs are measured, the UE ranks the serving cll (Cel 5) and eighbor cells (Cells 4,6, 10and 13). The rank ofthe serving cell, Rank Rs, «an be computed by applying the criterion (1), and those of neighbor cells, Re/Re/ Ro Ria, can be determined by appiying the enterion (42). 6) UE] Cell Rank Comparison Now, the UE compares Rank Rand Rank Ry (0=4,6,10, 13), and cheeks the criterion (5) ested 1 no cel satis i, then the UE continues to camp ‘on Cel 5. in the figure, the criterion (5) was satisfied by Gels 10 and 13. 7) (UE) Selecting a New Celt “The UE compares the two satsying cells, Ryg and Ry, ad selects Ryo, the best satisfying cel, as its new serving cel 8) UE] Camping on the New Cell “The UE now camps on Cell 10, Alter receiving SI8 4 broadcasted by Cell 10, leans that TAL at Cel 10 n the TA Uist Since the new serving cel belongs tw the UE's registered TA list, no TAU i perfrmes. Thereafter, the UE wakes atthe end of every BRK cycle, to maontor the system and paging information (of Cell 10, and measure the signal of Cell 10 (RSRP,RSRQ) IV, EPS Entity Information: Before/After Cell Reselection without TAU This chapter wil describe how information elements inthe E95 entities are diferent before and after the cell reselection procedure. Since the UE stays in ele state (EMM Roglstored, ECH-Idle, RRC-le) before and ater the procedure, MN stays in lle state (EMM Registered, ECMLIdla). The UE moves from Cel 5 to Cel 10, and hence no TAU procedure was performed. Thus, after cell reselection, the {information elements in the EPS entities remain unchanged, ang wil be the same as ‘those stored after St release[10, as seen in Figure 4 htpstedyou blogspot com2015,05icellreselection-expained htm! wna 12128122, 2:55 AM LTE4you: Gell Reselecton explained? Figure 4 formation in EPS entity before/after Cell Reselection without TAU V. Closing We have teamed how a UE in ale state moves ta TA where the UE is registered, and reselects a new cell without TAU. This dacument covers enly the intra-frequency cell reselection procedure where cell eselection s performed within the same frequency. Mast LTE operators might have more than one LTE carer frequency in their commercial ‘networks, and they uevally operate their LTE network along with their 2G/3G networks. 2, ‘ot only intra-requency cal resection that we discuszed here, But also inter-frequency and inter-RAT cell eselections are considered in actual cel resection, Inthe next document, we wil discus the procedure for cel resolection with TAU required when UE ‘moves to TA where the UE isnot registered post arn at 0A 2 comments: weera November 820182 9:37 very good article eoty Indra Kumar Paul Je 25,2059 3¢ 1:36PM very god article eoy htpsteyou blogspot comi2015,05icellreselection-expained htm! rats

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