7th Grade English English
7th Grade English English
7th Grade English English
Sports - 2
1. The table below shows Adam’s weekly activities. 4. Sally : You look so fit Peter. How do you achieve it?
Peter : I train so hard. I go jogging and swimming. I also
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
go to the gym.
Basketball Soccer Yoga Handball Archery
Sally : - - - -?
Swimming Volleyball Jogging Roller skating Judo
Peter : Three times a week.
Archery Ice-skating Cycling Gymnastics Bowling
Which of the following completes the conversation
Adam - - - -. above?
A) needs a bow and arrow on two different days A) How do you train
B) rides a bike after he plays handball B) How often do you go there
C) does team sports every day C) When do you go jogging
D) plays football and goes jogging on the same day D) What is your favourite sport
Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü
2. Hi! I’m Andy. I’m fourteen years old. I love doing sports and 5. The chart below shows Laura’s weekly activities.
being energetic. I attend a football course on Mondays and Monday Skiing
Tuesdays. I go to the gym once a week. In the evenings,
Tuesday Swimming
I watch basketball matches and play chess.
Thursday Cycling
According to the text, Andy - - - -.
Sunday Playing volleyball
A) plays basketball in the evenings
According to the chart above, Laura does a team
B) likes both individual and team sports sport on - - - -.
C) is not interested in doing sports
A) Monday
D) plays football three times a week
B) Tuesday
C) Thursday
D) Sunday
Which of the following is CORRECT according to the Which of the following completes the conversation
text above? above?
A) Only males prefer playing this game. A) Twice a month in spring and summer
D) Players should kick the ball fast to set goals. D) Sometimes you and your friends can go hiking
6 7th Grade
Sports - 2
7. The table below shows what kind of activities Wesley 9. Thomas and his classmates want to attend after-school
likes doing and how often he does them. clubs and these are the options:
A) do archery
B) play tennis
Rock climbing is an outdoor sport. The participants climb
C) go skating
up, down or across natural rock formations or artificial
rock walls. Rock climbing often tests a climber’s strength, D) play basketball
endurance, and balance along with mental control. It
can be dangerous and sportspeople should know proper 12. Hi! I’m Paul. I enjoy doing different kinds of sports, but my
climbing techniques and usage of necessary climbing favourite one is cycling. You need to have some special
equipment. equipment to do this sport such as - - - -.
Which of the following is NOT correct according to Which of the following completes Paul’s statement
the information above? above?