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 To enhance the spirit of unity by understanding the similarities of Culture

and tradition of our fellow Indians.

 Learn to appreciate the differences that exist in our Country and imbibe a
sense of mutual respect for varied cultures.

 To study the geographical composition of Ladakh and west Bengal

 To learn from lifestyle of the people

Ladakh covers about 45,000 square miles (117,000 square km) and contains the
Ladakh Range, which is a south eastern extension of the Karakoram Range, and the
upper Indus River valley. Ladakh is one of the highest regions of the world. Its
natural features consist mainly of high plains and deep valleys. It is ecologically and
topographically different from the rest of India. To the northwest of Rupshu lies the
Zaskar Range, an inaccessible region where the people and the cattle remain indoors
for much of the year because of the cold. Zaskar is drained by the Zaskar River,
which, flowing northward, joins the Indus River below Leh, in the heart of Ladakh.
It is home to enormous Mineral Reserves.

West Bengal may be broadly divided into two natural geographic divisions—the
Gangetic Plain (constituting the majority) in the south and the sub-Himalayan and
Himalayan area in the north. The Gangetic Plain contains fertile alluvial soil
deposited by the Ganges (Ganga) River and its tributaries and distributaries. The
sub-Himalayan tract, known as the West Bengal Duars, or Western Duars, is a part
of the Tarai lowland belt between the Himalayas and the plain.

Ladakh resembles a cold desert ecosystem, especially from October to March. Hence,
Ladakh's climate is cold and dry. Average annual precipitation is approximately 80 mm (3
inches); fine, dry, flaked snow is common and falls regularly. Due to its high altitude, Ladakh
is always freezing cold and dry for most of the year. The air is so thin that you can feel the
sun's heat intensely. In summers, the temperature during the day is just above zero degrees
and the night temperature is much below -30°C. Oxygen levels are low due to its high altitude
West Bengal has a tropical climate. The plains are hot and humid except during the short
winter season. The mountainous region in the north is cold on account of its altitude. The
average annual rainfall in the northern region receives heavy rainfall, ranging about 200 to
400 cm, the coastal areas, Gangetic plains and the central parts of the state receives about 150-
200 cm of rainfall. During the day, the temperature ranges from 38 to 42 °C, though it can
reach or exceed 45 °C. In summer, the plains of North Bengal are generally cooler than the
west and south. In this area, the daily maximum temperature varies from 26 to 32 °C.
The Himalayan ranges of Darjeeling show their own temperature peculiarities that are the
effect of the entire range of variations in altitude. This weather in Darjeeling is predominantly
responsible for its fame in the tourism industry. Everyone wants a piece of cake. This makes
thousands of tourists plan trips to enjoy the weather in Darjeeling.
Climatic conditions in west Bengal is completely the opposite of Ladakh’s climatic conditions
there is no similarity between them
Although the climatic conditions in Ladakh are severe and formidable compared to that in
Ladakh, it still is the tourists’ paradise. But Darjeeling also does not fail to satisfy its visitors.

People, Lifestyle and Survival

People :- People :-
A peaceful and calm lot, the people of The majority of West Bengal’s people live in
Ladakh are proud of their rich culture. rural villages. Of those living in urban areas,
They never miss an opportunity to more than half reside in greater Kolkata.
celebrate their culture, rooted in history. Of the different religions, Hinduism claims
The main religious groups in the region are the adherence of more than three-fourths of
Muslims (46%), Tibetan Buddhists (40%). the population. Most of the remainder is
As its culture and history are closely Muslim. Throughout the state, Buddhists,
related to that of Tibet, it is known as the Christians, Jains, and Sikhs constitute small
"Little Tibet". Their traditions and practises minority communities
have been influenced by the Tibetans and
a majority of them are Buddhists. The
ancient inhabitants of Ladakh were Dards, Food interest :-
an Indo- Aryan race. Notable feature of
Bengalis sure know how to enjoy theirs!
the people of Ladakh is that they have a
West Bengal is famously known as the land
close bond with each other.
of maach (fish) and bhaat (rice). Rice is a
staple, owing to the enormous plantations of
Food Interests :- rice all across the state. Roti, Vegetables
with thick curry, fish, egg and meat form
The food eaten by the common folks staples of everyday life. Fish is found in many
include Thupka, Momos, Sku (a type of different varieties, and Bengalis have many
soup along with wheat balls, meat and unique dishes devoted to the same such as
many vegetables) and Thenthuk. They Malai curry of Prawn Fish, patori, ilish mach
have kept some parts of their tradition etc. The sweets of West Bengal are also very
and cook food that was once popular with famous with majority of them are made of
their ancestors. Food items like Paba and milk and its subsidiaries. The most famous
Tangtur a popular in Ladakh. are rasogolla, sandesh, rasamalai,
homemade pitha, etc.

Tradition & Culture :-

Tradition & Culture:-
Due to the cold climate, people wear
clothes like lokpa (cloaks worn by women), Bengali women commonly wear the shari
bok (shawl) and Goncha (a traditional (sari), often distinctly designed according to
gown). Women also dress their hair in a local cultural customs. Men also wear
pigtail style traditional costumes such as the kurta. The
The people of Ladakh commonly speak Bengali style of pleating and draping a saree
Bhoti, Balti and Urdu. is quite distinct. Durga puja is celebrated
over a five-day period. Streets are decked up
Survival :- with festive lights, loudspeakers play festive
songs as well as recitation of hymns and
To survive the cold winters, every house chants by priests, and pandals are erected by
has a fireplace. They use dry cow dungs communities touch of westernization is
and woods to lit fire. The cow dungs are especially visible in Kolkata more than in any
dried in the summers and stored for other city of West Bengal.
winters. Bengali, the main language of the state, is
The main occupation engaging the spoken by much of the population. Other
working force is cultivation (37.92%), languages include Hindi, Santali, Urdu,
agriculture labour (4.28%), household and Nepali (spoken largely in the area of
industry (1.24%) and other works Darjeeling).
(56.56%). Their main agricultural products
are barley, wheat, buckwheat, peas, Survival :-
rapeseed and beans. Apples and apricots
are grown in warmer regions of low Agriculture is the chief occupation of the
altitude. Some rely on Tourism. Sheep people of the state
rearing is also an important profession. Natural resources like tea and jute in and
nearby parts have made West Bengal a
major centre for the jute and tea industries.
West Bengal is the primary business and
financial hub of Eastern India.


 DEVESH KONNUR – people and lifestyle, statement of

goal/objectives, framing of all information

 RAGHAV KOTHARI – climatic conditions

 MUKUND LOHIA – survival, cover page, designing and

formatting of the report

 BISWASALIL MITRA – geographical formation


The information for our report was MAINLY taken from the
YouTube links and documentary provided by our English teachers.
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_JCFttUfvE
 https://www.leh-ladakh-taxi-booking.com/practical-info/dance-
 Shangri La - Ladakh Documentary
 https://youtu.be/tZUWQVSsNbQ
 https://youtu.be/QI9b_AzCEk8
 https://youtu.be/b0ZuMmj6yXo

We have also taken few information from websites like:

 www.wikipedia.com
 www.britannica.com
This is to certify that …………………………………
(Name of the student), ………………………… .(Board Roll
No.) of Class ……………of Birla High School, Kolkata
has completed this project under my supervision. He
has taken interest and shown utmost sincerity in
completion of this project for the AISSCE, 2022. He
has successfully completed the ALS project up to my

-------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------

Signature of the Subject Teacher Signature of the External Examiner Signature of the

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