The Concept of Power

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Philippine Politics and Governance (Week 3)

Analyze the nature, dimensions/types and consequences of power
HUMSS_PG12- Id-13;
In 2 minutes,
write down as
many words as
you can that
relates to the
image shown
on the left.
In the previous discussion on the different views on
politics, you have learned that politics also involves power
and the distribution of resources. It is thus seen as the
exercise of authority in the state. Personal relationships are
also characterized by power, whether you are conscious of
this or not. You can notice how power is practiced in everyday
life, even in the most ordinary situations. In this module, you
will be introduced to the nature and types of power, and
analyze its relevance and consequences in shaping the
structure of different organizations and situations.
Definition of Power
In its broadest sense, power is one’s ability
to achieve the desired outcome. However, in
political terms, power is the ability to
influence another—the way one thinks or
behaves—in a manner not of his or her own
choosing (Lasswell 1936). It thus involves
one’s capacity to get things done, and to
make someone do something
he or she would not otherwise do.
Political power involves three interrelated concepts:
legitimacy, authority, and sovereignty. According to
Roskin et al. (2012), legitimacy refers to the people’s
perception that their government rules rightfully, and
thus must be obeyed. Sovereignty, on the other hand,
speaks of the ability of a national government to be the
sole leader, which has the last word of law in that
society. Lastly, authority is seen as the political leader’s
ability to command respect and exercise power.
Dimensions of Power

thought control (manipulation)
Power as decision-making

•Power is perceived as
the influence on the
content of decisions.
Who decides, what to
be made, and how to
execute such decisions
all involve power.
Power as agenda-setting

•Power involves the

ability to set or control
agenda, highlighting
one at the exclusion of
other issues.
Power as thought control (Manipulation)

•Power is seen as an
ideological indoctrination
or a psychological control
where one has the ability
to change or shape how
another thinks or
Types of Power
•Legitimate power
•Referent power
•Expert power
•Coercive power
•Reward power
Legitimate power
This is the type or kind of power which is oftentimes
referred to as positional power. There is a legal and formal
basis for the acquisition or delegation of power to a certain
individual and there are relative position and duties and
A classic example of this type of power is the executive
power as exercised by the President of the Philippines,
where PRRD obtained it through the national elections held
way back in 2016. As per observation and as per the actual
scenario, he has been executing the laws enacted by the
Congress of the Philippines
Referent power
When an individual is able to convince another person
without lifting a finger or just by simply being with the
other person and talking it out with him, that is referent
power. For one, the so-called “charisma” or a very
enterprising inherent personal characteristic is the
Indicative factor of referent power. Examples of
charismatic people are Pope John Paul II and President
Expert power
• From the word itself, this type of power presupposes the
expertise or special knowledge one has to capacitate
him/her exert influence over another person. The people
in the medical field are able to persuade the people to
observe strictly the health protocol, like the wearing of
facemask, because , above anybody e else, they are
equipped with the information about the Covid19.
Coercive power
The word coercive denotes negativity, however,
sometimes, this kind of power is deemed
necessary to make other people obey laws or
directives or to prevent an unnecessary action.
The exercise of this power presupposes the use
of threat or punishment. Example, if an
employer forces or threats his employee to do
an act with threat of losing his job.
Reward power
This type of power refers to the capacity of
the power-wielder to offer or extend a
reward or to recompense an
accomplishment. A very good example is
when your parents buy you a new pair of
trendy shoes because you have been doing
the household tasks assigned to you.
Consequences of Power
• Compliance refers to the readiness or act of agreeing
to do something. The two types of power most likely
to cause compliance are legitimate or position power
and reward power.
1.Compliance with the order may occur if it is
perceived to be within the leader’s scope of authority.
2.Compliance is most likely to happen if the reward is
something valued by the target person.
Commitment is an even more desirable outcome because of the trust and
emotional pledge that it causes. It is perceived as loyalty or a sense of dedication
or devotion. Commitment is most likely to be the consequence when the powers
used are referent and expert.
The common way to exercise referent power is merely to ask someone with whom
one has a friendship to do something.
Expert power may result to commitment if the leader presents logical arguments
and supporting evidence for a particular proposal, order or policy. It will depend
on the leader’s credibility and persuasive communication skills in addition to
technical knowledge and logical or analytical ability.
Commitment is a very unlikely consequence if coercive power is employed.
Resistance means to refuse or to oppose. It is
the most likely outcome when coercive power is
used in a hostile or manipulative way. It is best
to use coercion power in preventing behavior
that is harmful to the society and well-being of
the people such as illegal and violent activities.
(Heywood 2007)
Explain or elaborate in your own
understanding the saying below:

“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute

power corrupts absolutely”
- Lord Acton

• Pawilen R. & Pawilen R., Philippine Politics and Governance. Manila,

Philippines: Rex Book Store, 2002
• Retrieved from:
• Retrieved from:
• Retrieved from:

• By group
• Make a short role-play or skit that shows a relevant
situation that illustrates the use and consequence
of using the following types of power.
• Group 1 - Legitimate
• Group 2 – Referent
• Group 3 – Expert
• Group 4 – Reward
• Group 5 – Coercive
Guidelines for the role-play/skit:

• All members must participate.

• Must be between 3 to 5 minutes long.
• Must show the use of power and the consequence of using
• Groups will only role play, NO EXPLANATIONS OR
• Observe proper health protocols while doing the activity.

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