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Search Results Summary Searched for : alpha omega In index(es) : H:\kS_Scan_Library\MasterIndex.pdx Results: 28 document(s) with 254 instance(s) Saved on — : 7/8/2017 7:52:25 PM File : 2001_MastersTemplarStewardshipFieldGuide_scan.pdf Title: Masters Templar Stewardship - Field Guide Subject _ : Planetary Shields Clinic Field Guide Author — : MCEO Freedom Teachings - Ashayana Deane Keywords : Page: 56 ‘® Necromiton-Zephelum-Zeta, Alpha-Omega Centauri, Andromeda # 2 Vale of Pewsey, England, Star ® Necromiton-Andromi MIB, Alpha-Omega centauri & Samjase-Pieaidian-Annunaki # 14 Central Mexico, File : 2001_MastersTemplarStewardshipManual_scan.pdf Title Masters Templar Stewardship - Manual Subject: Templar Stewardship (without roman numeral pages, so pg numbers should be correct or very close) Author — : MCEO Freedom Teachings Keywords : Page: 152 ‘% of the Luciferian Alpha-Omega Centauri Centaur race. In The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Page: 153 ‘%& sSamjase-Luciferian and Alpha-Omega Centauri Marduke-Necromiton-Luciferian Anunnaki ‘Annu-Melchizedek Illuminati Human Page: 158 ‘®% Necromiton-Andromi and Alpha-Omega Centauri races get involved to reinforce the Drakonian agenda ‘ Necromiton-Andromi and Alpha-Omega-Centauri races convince many Drakonian and Anunnaki legions to Page: 169 *% Necromiton-Zephelum-Zeta, Alpha-Omega Centauri, Andromeda # 2 Vale of Pewsey, England, Star ‘®& Necromiton-Andromi MIB, Alpha-Omega centauri & Samjase-Pieiadian-Annunaki # 14 Central Mexico, Page: 185 ‘® the by "Alpha-Omega Templar Melchizedek Anunnaki-Drakonian Alliance", which is composed of ‘ run via the Alpha-Omega Collective, that is literally "broadcast into Earth's airwaves Page: 196 ‘® Time Matrix. The Alpha-Omega Templar Melchizedek Order is that of the Anunnaki Priesthood, ®% Covenant Christos Agenda Alpha-Omega Order promotes the Founders" egalitarian Maharata teachings of the © Christos. When the Alpha-Omega order breaks their Emerald Covenant commitments in favor of ‘%& humans. When the Alpha-Omega Order Anunnaki Templar Melchizedek Priesthood is working co-operatively ‘® Azurite MCEO representatives. Alpha-Omega Anunnaki misuse of the Melchizedek Initiate ‘System is characterized ‘% Emerald Covenant, the Alpha-Omega The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi Page: 197 ‘® Christos Agenda, the Alpha-Omega Order will assure human contacts that the "angels" Page: 214 ®% Project, Drac agenda Alpha-Omega Centauri Necromiton Andromies link Phi-Ex-Falcon Wormholes to Page: 227 © Michael" collective of Alpha-Omega Centauri), » MM-Ts use NDC’Grid connection Page: 261 ‘®% phantom Andromeda Planets, Alpha/Omega Centauri, Inner Earth. APIN System: "White Eagle" ( © Planets, Andromie-Centaurian Alpha-Omega Order, AndromieSupremacists Orion-Necromiton Black League. Primary Leviathan Illuminati ‘®% Mayan mystical teachings, Alpha-Omega Templar Melchizedeks, "Lord Melchizedek’ "Archangel Michaei"/"Angelic Hierarchy"/ } Centaurian Nation and Alpha-Omega Order. Primary Leviathan Illuminati Races: Taozan King (AndromieAnunnaki- Page: 263 ‘> Lyra Aveyon) Phantom Alpha/Omega Centauri, Nibiru, Tiamat. APIN System: NDC-Grid/NCT- Bases/ Page: 265 % Management Team Illuminati, Alpha-Omega Melchizedek schools, false "Mother Mary" contacts. Work with Page: 266 Hawaii). "Thoth" Alpha-Omega Melchizedek mystical schools, "Lord Melc! channel contacts, sdek" and Page: 269 © of the "Alpha-Omega Order" (AKA Anunnaki) Templar Melchizedeks. Until November 1999AD, File : 2002_DanceForCommonHandbook_scan.pdf Title Dance For Series - Handbook Subject: Common handbook for all ten associated Workshops (March "02 - Aug "03) Author MCEO Freedom Teachings - Ashayana Deane Keywords : Page: 150 Phantom Andromeda Planets, Alpha/Omega Centauri, Inner Earth. APIN System: "White Eagle" ( © of Planets, AndromieCentaurian Alpha-Omega Order. Andromie-Supremacists Orion- Necromiton Black League. Primary Leviathan *®) Mayan mystical teachings, Alpha-Omega Templar Melchizedeks, "Lord Melchizedek" “archangel Michael"/ " ‘® Centaurian Nation and Alpha-Omega Order. Primary Leviathan Illuminati Races: Taozan King (Andromie- Page: 152 ‘Lyra Aveyon) Phantom Alpha/Omega Centauri, Nibiru, Tiamat. APIN System: NDC-Grid/NCT- Bases/ Page: 154 ‘% Management Team Illuminati, Alpha-Omega Melchizedek schools, false "Mother Mary" contacts. Work with ‘> Hawaii). "Thoth" Alpha-Omega Melchizedek mystical schools, "Lord Melchizedek" and channel contacts, Page: 156 ® Project, Drac agenda Alpha-Omega Centauri Necromiton Andromies link Phi-Ex-Falcon Wormholes to Page: 202 ‘} Zephelium-Rigelian Zeta, Alpha-Omega Centaurians 2. Vale of Pewsey S. England, SG-11 % Necromiton-Andromie MIB, Alpha-Omega Centaurians, Pleiadian Samjase- Luciferian Anunnaki. * 14. Aguascalientes Mexico ‘% Marduke-Dramin-Anunnaki, Alpha-Omega Centaurians ("Archangel Michael" broadcast central headquarters). There are File +2002 VoyagersII_scan.pdf Title Voyagers II - Secrets of Amenti Subject _: Freedom Teachings Author; Ashayana Deane Keywords : Page: 232 ‘} Nibiru, the Pleiades, Alpha-Omega Centauri, Orion, and Andromeda. THE ANUNNAKI, THE 1992 PLEIADIAN- Page: 234 ‘® The Anu-Seraphim Alpha-Omega-Order Templar Melchizedeks. 3 « The Thoth-Enki- Zephelium-( Page: 245 ‘®% Nibiruian Council, the Alpha-Omega Templar Melchizedeks, the Thoth-Enki-Zephelium (Zeta) Nibiruians, Page: 247 *% anunnaki and the Alpha-Omega Order Templar Melchizedek Anunnaki legions that defected from the Page: 249 ‘® Enki-Zephelium or Alpha-Omega Templar Melchizedek Anunnaki races to propagate this Base-11- Page: 304 ‘of the Luciferian Alpha-Omega Centauri Centaur race. In order to hide knowledge of Page: 305 ‘> (Anunnaki +Alpha-Omega Centauri Blue Centaurs), Galactic Federation and Nohasa Atlantis Jehovian- Page: 306 © Nibiruian SamjaseLuciferian and Alpha-Omega Centauri Marduke Necromiton-Luciferian Anunnaki Annu-Melchizedek Illuminati Human Page: 311 © ‘Necromiton-Andromie and Alpha-Omega Centauri races get involved to reinforce the Drakonian agenda ‘T 12,2000: Necromiton-Andromie andAlpha-Omega-Centauri races convince many Drakonian andAnunnaki legions to form Page: 318 ‘® by the "Alpha-Omega Templar Melchizedek Anunnaki-Drakonian Alliance, "which is composed % expressions of the Alpha-Omega-Centaurian-Andromie Anunnaki-Drakonian-Necromiton collective refers to itself ‘% run via the Alpha-Omega Collective, that is literally "broadcast into Earth's airwaves Page: 329 ®% Federation, Ashtar Command, Alpha-Omega Order 329 Page: 354 ‘T as the "Alpha-Omega Order of Melchizedeks" and uses the symbol of a © races, denoting the Alpha-Omega"s (unfortunate) victory in claiming the Guardian Cerez"s Golden %& mascot, symbolizing the Alpha-Omega Order's partial victory in becoming the directors of a ‘© is the "Alpha-Omega Melchizedek Order.” At certain times throughout history the Founders ‘% priesthoods" of the Alpha-Omega Order are control paradigms based on the dogmas of Page: 355 % As of the Alpha-Omega false order of Melchizedek"s September 12, 2000, entr % earthly populations. The Alpha-Omega Melchizedek Order will no longer be permitted to" Page: 357 ‘®% In 1951, the Alpha-Omega Necromiton-Andromie-Anunnaki accepted "deals" of collaboration offered ‘® to the 1951 Alpha-Omega Necromiton and Jehovian Anunnaki alliances, the "Eagle flies Page: 359 ‘Tinto their Templar Alpha-Omega Order "Melchizedek Priesthood.” Ordinands and followers received, Page: 367 ®& control network. The Alpha-Omega Nep! sweetly rendered " ‘Annu-Melchizedeks began an aggressive, Page: 375 %& Necromiton-Andromie "Alpha-Omega Anunnaki" races, already in control of the Golden Eagle Page: 391 ‘Ti (Necromiton-Andromie Alpha-Omega), using the Falcon wormhole, simultaneously transmitted two massive sub- File : 2006_Summaryl_scan.pdf Title Summary 1 Subject: Historical Origins of the MCEO Teachings Author: MCEO Freedom Teachings Keywords : Page: 11 ‘} and the 2012 Alpha-Omega Alignment On a planetary level, the events of 13,400 Page: 13 ‘® extended into the Alpha-Omega Wormholes at the Galactic Cores of the "Alpha" Page: 15 © the intergalactic “Alpha-Omega Galactic Core Wormholes." Each year during the spring/vernal ‘® with the intergalactic Alpha-Omega Galactic Core Wormholes, allowing Illuminati-Elders direct wormhole passage Page: 17 % opening into the Alpha-Omega Wormholes in the Galactic Core of both Milky Way ‘TH “Intergalactic 2012 Alpha-Omega Gate Alignment" was designed to bring our Solar System File 1 2007-11 _LegacyOfLostTranscript.pdf Title: Legacy of the Lost (Amsterdam workshop transcript) Subject: Legacy of the Lost, Freedoms of the Found, the Milky Way Mysteries, Halls of Records and the Jesus Codes Author: MCEO Freedom Teachings Keywords : Page: 275 ‘® are called the Alpha Omega Order. They are one of the main groups that Page: 277 & that's where the Alpha Omega Order of Melchizedeks ... they"re fallen Melchizedeks, that’s, actually Page: 278 ‘®% actually, And the Alpha Omega Order, oh they"ve done wonders I They have teachings Page: 305 ‘TH manuals of an Alpha Omega Order Melchizedek training course that is out there. They File + 2007_12TribesVoli_scan,pdf Title 112 Tribes Vol 1 transcript Subject _ : scan of the 12 Tribes Volume 1 binder Author —: MCEO Freedom Teachings Keywords : Page: 32 & ihe intergalactic "Alpha-Omega" Black Hole Fall network. The Parallel Universe system m » sequences inherent to Alpha-Omega torsion field networks within our Omega System, which e % ts related “Alpha- Omega” Black Hol/ Wormhole Network, and created the Transelmensional il File 1 2007_12TribesVol2_scan.pdf Title 12 Tribes Volume 2 transcript Subject: 12 Tribes Volume 2 scan of the binder Author —: MCEO Freedom Teachings Keywords : Page: 513 Omega Centauri core- Alpha-Omega Order Melchizedeks- it just gets me sometimes, like ohl © itruns from Alpha Omega- well actually it plugs into earth as well, Alpha % earth as well, Alpha Omega to Alcyone to Tiamat, which was also a piece File 1 2007_12TribesVol3_scan.pdf Title : 12 Tribes Volume 3 transcript Subject: 12 Tribes Vol Binder scan Author —: MCEO Freedom Teachings Keywords : Page: 60 ‘ there was the Alpha Omega Kill Code, the Omega Kill Code that was a Page: 272 ‘®) « 48 Primary Alpha-Omega Trigger Sites Base of Mica Complex PKA Chamber Temples File : 2007_MCEOordinateSystem_scan.pdf Title The MCEO Ordinate System Subject: details related to MCEO ordinations Author: MCEO Freedom Teachings Keywords : Page: 22 ‘} Time Matrix. The Alpha-Omega Templar Melchizedek Order is that of the Anunnaki Priesthood, © strains, When the Alpha-Omega Templar Melchizedek Order is honoring their originally stated commitment ‘® Christos Agenda, the Alpha-Omega Order promotes the Founder's egalitarian Maharata teachings of the > Christos. When the Alpha-Omega Order Anunnaki Templar © Copyright A’shayana & A’hzayana Deane, Page: 23 ‘® representatives. When the Allpha-Omega order breaks their Emerald Covenant commitments in favor of ® manipulation of humans. Alpha-Omega Anunnaki misuse of the Melchizedek Initiate System is characterized ©} Emerald Covenant, the Alpha-Omega Anunnaki Templar Melchizedek Order promotes worship of external patriarchal Page: 24 ® Christos Agenda, the Alpha-Omega Order will assure human contacts that the "angels" File + 2008-01 EngagingLoadOutWorkshopTranscript_scan.pdf Title: Engaging the Load Out (workshop transcript) Subject _ : Full transcript for FOL “08 workshop ‘Author: MCEO Freedom Teachings Keywords : Page: 109 } one of the Alpha-Omega Order type Melchizedek people who were showing how you File 1 2009-05 Sliders4_scan.pdf Title: Sliders 4 - Handbook Subject _: The Call of Aurora Probability Alignments & The Adjugate Bond, Intermediate Atmic / Ah-VE"-yas Body Training Author — : MCEO Freedom Teachings Keywords : Page: 21 ‘% 17 chart) 6. Alpha-Omega Activation - July 4. 2009: Phantom Earth BPR accelerated © in 2012 then Alpha-Omega Fall BPR Code: MW 12, 313, 3 -Dec File 1 2009-08 Sliders5_scan.pdf Title: Sliders 5 - Handbook Subject _: Essential Alignment, Stardust Flow, Mirror in the Sky & the Orbs of Aquafereon - Freeing the Body For Slide, Intermediate Telluric An-VA"-yas Body Training Author —: MCEO Freedom Teachings Keywords : Page: 43 ‘Ty 48 Primary Alpha-Omega Trigger Sites 0 Median Ew.rth Planetary" . Rear File : - Title : Sliders 6 - Diary Subject _: Sliders 6 - Workshop Diary Author — : MCEO Freedom Teachings Keywords : Page: 4 ‘® the Caduceus Rod, Alpha/Omega Bases and their coordinates on the planet, and into File + 2009-10 Sliders6Transcript_scan.pdf Title Sliders 6 (workshop transcript) Subject: Transcript for Sliders 6 workshop Author: MCEO Freedom Teachings Keywords : Page: 4 before as the Alpha-Omega Code and that kind of thing so we"re going Page: 7 ‘® complex called the Alpha-Omega Complex. So the Illuminati people that are on planet Page: 13 & fields on the Alpha-Omega pulses. So we will progressively be getting that mess Page: 41 % fallen line Parallel Alpha-Omega Gates into Earth's captured Halls of Amenti Star-Gates, ®& to open the Alpha-Omega Wormhole Gates into Amenti Gates, Ok, "Through the © called the "Alpha-Omega Alignment’, which occurs between October of 2012 and February Page: 42 ® to engage the Alpha-Omega Fall Alignment, "In 1984 AD, the Guardians initiated ‘® Plan of the Alpha-Omega Alignment would be prevented. With the fall of Earth's ‘ the 2012 Illuminati Alpha-Omega Alignment and its intended "Last Extinction" Agenda. " ‘% at which the Alpha-Omega Alignment between Earth"s accelerated Templar and the fallen Parallel Page: 43 ‘Ti engage the "Alpha-Omega Fall Path Alignment”." That last sentence was in simple © Earth into "Alpha-Omega Fall Path Alignment" in 2012- and how can they ® the term "Alpha-Omega Fall Path Alignment". They were talking about the wormholes Page: 45 ‘% inter-galactic Metatronic Alpha-Omega wormhole puzzle” they had been painstakingly assembling over many ® “inter-galactic Alpha-Omega Toral Rift anomaly" during various periods of inter-galactic ‘® ‘rip and corresponding Alpha-Omega Wormhole Networks, was quite simple and single- minded. The Page: 46 ‘T inorganic inter-galactic Alpha-Omega Wormhole Networks, and to create the inter-galactic " ‘® engage Metatronic "Alpha-Omega Fall Alignment.” The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Se ries Page: 47 © inorganic inter-galactic Alpha-Omega Wormholes at the Galactic Cores of our Milky Way ® be brought into Alpha-Omega Fall Alignment of the 10,948 BC Tara/ Rift Time Page: 50 ‘T through the Metatronic Alpha-Omega Wormhole passages, out of the 10,948 BC Toral Rift Page: 53 ‘} Objective of the Alpha-Omega Illuminati Master Plan The Alpha Illuminati-Elders of the © reation-the "Alpha-Omega False God-Head” falling Illuminati-Elder collectives hope to ®% Cosmos. The "Alpha-Omega False God-Head" will discover the great fallacy of Page: 55 Earth into “Alpha Omega Fall Path Alignment” in 2012 -and how can Page: 56 ‘ fulfillment. When the Alpha-Omega! Tara/ Rift 10,948 BC-Time Rip Fall Alignment peak Page: 58 ‘© passes through the Alpha-Omega Wormholes into the fallen Parallel Milky Way Galaxy Alpha ® the Illuminati-Elder Alpha-Omega False God-Head Hierarchy, and the only evolutionary ‘options Page: 59 ‘> fully engage the Alpha-Omega/ Toral Rift 10,948 BC-Time Rip Alignment on the ®} engagement of the Alpha-Omega/ T oral Rift Alignment, Earth's geomagnetic field, and thus Page: 61 ‘ the Illuminati "Alpha-Omega/ Toral Rift Time Rip Alignment" peak of December 21, 7% dormant Metatronic "Alpha-Omega” Codes will activate within Earth"s Encryption Lattice, Halls of ‘® of the Metatronic Alpha-Omega Codes will cause the Illuminati BroadcastNET in Earth " ‘% Alignment with the Alpha-Omega Fall Path. "The Illuminati "s 2012 Alpha- } "s 2012 Alpha-Omega Time-Harness/ "False Christ Consciousness Grid" activation will Page: 62 ® the planetary Metatronic Alpha-Omega Time-Hamess. "At the point of activation of ‘% entrapped within the Alpha-Omega Fall Alignment of the "False Christ Consciousness Grid" ‘ the Illuminati "Alpha-Omega/ Toral Rift Alignment" peak of the December 21, 2012 Page: 67 ®% environmentally induced Metatronic Alpha-Omega Alignment DNA quantumoverride that will ‘occur through Earth"s geomagnetic ‘% 55- point" and Alpha-Omega/ Toral Rift Fall Alignment peak of December 21, 2012. Page: 85 ‘® are called the Alpha-Omega bases, which are literal implant systems that are in Page: 87 ‘T talk about the Alpha-Omega bases ... these would actually be the Omega bases. Page: 88 ‘Te these are the Alpha-Omega temple sets And it" teresting when you see where File 1 2009-10 Sliders6_scan.pdf Title Sliders 6 - Handbook Subject _: The Arc of the Covenant, Sphere of Destiny & the Stairway to Heaven, Engaging the Spirit for Slide Intermediate Level Author — : MCEO Freedom Teachings Keywords : Page: 13 ‘%} « 48 Primary Alpha-Omega Trigger Sites Base of Micca Complex PKA (Control Page: 14 ‘%& East/West Rod Alpha-Omega Bases 67"N Artie Circle Trye Rear 23.439"N Page: 15 } Caduceus Rod Alpha-Omega Bases Green Caduceus East Rod Green Caduceus West Rod ‘© ( « =Alpha-Omega Base) Gr Cad E Bottom & Interface with Median Page: 16 & Caduceus Rod Alpha-Omega Bases Vulnerable Areas POINT CAD East Center CAD East Page: 20 © Equinox PCM Earth Alpha-Omega Complex closes Marcl128 Vesica Blend March Equinox initiates opening ‘TY opening of the Alpha- Omega Fall Gates via Solar Alpha & Omega Wormhole Set ‘ Parallel Sun opens Alpha-Omega Wormhole Complexes in PKA& PCM Solar Systems Earth Rods/ Page: 21 *® Parallel Earth-Sun) Alpha-Omega Solar System Fall Gates open through Earth's & Sun's ‘% ABA Deane Alpha-Omega Complex initiates opening March 14 Approximate: PKA Vega North ® Parallel Sun opens Alpha-Omega Wormhole Complexes in PKA& PCM Solar Systems September 21 ‘6, 7675 days Alpha-Omega Fall Gates open during March Equinox Alpha-Omega < ‘during March Equinox Alpha-Omega of the Metatronic Alpha-Omega Codes will cause the Illuminati Page: 35 } Alignment with the Alpha-Omega Fall Path. The Illuminati"s 2012 Alpha-Omega Time- Harness/" ‘® The Illuminati’s 2012 Alpha-Omega Time-Harness/"False Christ Consciousness Grid” activation will engage ® the planetary Metatronic Alpha-Omega Time-Hamess. At the point of activation of the ‘® entrapped within the Alpha-Omega Fall Alignment of the "False Christ Consciousness Grid” Page: 36 ® Ider Force "Alpha-Omega False God-Head" will also discover around 2976 AD Page: 38 ® environmentally induced Metatronic Alpha-Omega Alignment DNA quantum-override that will ‘occur through Earth's Page: 41 ‘+ 55-point” and Alpha-Omega/T oral Rift Fall Alignment peak of December 21, File + 2010-04 Camelotinterview_scan.pdf Title Camelot Interview - Handbook Subject _: Diagram pack for Camelot Interview Author: MCEO Freedom Teachings - Ashayana Deane Keywords : Page: 23 } Deane Caduceus Rod Alpha-Omega Bases Green Caduceus East Rod Green Caduceus West =Alpha-Omega Base) Gr Cad E Bottom & Interface with Median Page: 42 % Yugas," and the Alpha-Omega The MCEO Freedom Teachings@® Series ©2009 A Page: 44 ‘® Parallel Earth-Sun Alpha-Omega Solar System Fall Gates open through Earth"s and Sun"s Parallel Sun opens Alpha-Omega Wormhole Complexes in PKA& PCM Solar Systems. Rear Chambers ‘% - PCM Earth Alpha-Omega Fall Gates open Alpha-Omega Fall Gates open during ‘% Fall Gates open Alpha-Omega Fall Gates open during September Equinox via Solar Alpha- % Equinox via Solar Alpha-Omega Wormhole Sets. -ve PCM False West Rod alignment ‘} Rear Bhardoah Chamber. Alpha-Omega Complex initiates opening September 14 and closes September 28 Page: 46 ‘} & Link with Alpha-Omega Galactic Wormholes (Will not succeed in 2012- Guardians Page: 61 ‘> East/West Rod Alpha-Omega Bases FalseJ!.ear Equator f-"«n-~-:If " Page: 62 ‘®e « 48 Primary Alpha-Omega Trigger Sites Base of Micca Complex PKA (Control Page: 74 % eographical Axis North Alpha-Omega Complex closes Marcl128 PKAEastRod \ Vesica Blend March Equinox ‘% opening of the Alpha-Omega Fall Gates via Solar Alpha & Omega Wormhole Set ‘) Parallel Sun opens Alpha-Omega Wormhole Complexes in PKA&PCM Solar Systems Earth Rods/ File : 2010-05 _Sliders7Diary_scan.pdf Title: Sliders 7 - Diary Subject _: The Lands of Wha, Mirror Mapping, the 3 Paths of the KRYST and the Wha-YA"yas Masha-yah-hana Adashi Adepts - Workshop Diary Author — : MCEO Freedom Teachings Keywords : Page: 1 ‘® Jink the Metatronic Alpha-Omega Network into the Gravitron Vortex System (see RORISDVD Page: 2 ® to plug the Alpha Omega Temples into the Gravitron Vortex System in the Gulf File : 2010-05 _Sliders7_scan.pdf Title: Sliders 7 - Handbook Subject _: The Lands of Wha Mirror Mapping, the 3 Paths of the KRYST and the Wha- YA-yas Masha-yah-hana Adashi Adepts Author — : MCEO Freedom Teachings Keywords : Page: 9 ‘® A&A Deane Alpha-Omega Fall, 2012 Phantom Split,the Dragons Eye and the File Title Sliders 8 - Handbook Subject _: Awake, Aware, and ALIVE in the Lands of Aah, The Sea of Ah-Yah, Eternal Stream of Ah-Yah-YA the Covenant of Ah-Yah-Rhu and Eternal Dream Fields of the ONE, Preparing the Body for Slide - Advanced Level Author —: MCEO Freedom Teachings Keywords : Page: 20 ‘Ty East-Coast-USA Alpha-Omega Metatronic Control Center;l| this action released planetary —Met- ‘Ti East-Coast-USA Alpha-Omega Metatronic Control Center NDCG's to begin running Kryst- Page: 31 ‘% activating their —Alpha-Omega Rod Bases|| on NET-Earth, and attempt takeover of %} Watchtower Shield via Alpha-Omega Control Base-Cuba; attempt to use Watchtower Shield to ®% of the —Alpha-Omega Base Networks|| of our Earth and Parallel Earth ( ‘® Island, FL) under Alpha-Omega BPR, & thus also falled to block GA-MCEO > under FA Metatronic Alpha-Omega BPR activation, in order to drag the GA-MCEO Page: 32 ‘% Earth), the planetary Alpha-Omega Temples (White-Red-Dragon FA affiliated) ,the Page: 33 ‘% introduced the — Alpha-Omega Solar-System Precession Maps & 2012 Galactic Core Alignments | Page: 34 ‘T which their —Alpha-Omega Grid Control Basel|-Cuba was successfully brought on-line % it to the Alpha-Omega/Spear-of-Destiny Grid-Network, in order to use ® of the Metatronic Alpha-Omega/ Spear-of-Destiny Grid-Network, in hope of capturing Page: 35 ‘% into the FA Alpha-Omega/Spear-of-Destiny Network for takeover of the Gravitron). Page: 36 ‘® to the planetary Alpha-Omega / Spear of Destiny / —Broken Arrow| Metatronic ® to the FA Alpha-Omega / Spear of Destiny Network for takeover of the File : 2010-10 Sliders9_scan.pdf Title: Sliders 9 - Handbook Subject _: The Flame of CosMAyah, Mayan Mother Matrix & Luminary Body Activation, Advanced Spiritual Body Training Author — : MCEO Freedom Teachings Keywords : Page: 18 ‘> « 48 Primary Alpha-Omega Trigger Sites Rea ~ View Base of Micca Complex Page: 19 ‘% 2012 Met-Net Alpha-Omega Galactic Core Activations would accelerate gravitron to force 2012 Page: 21 & Earth into the Alpha-Omega (& Toral Rift) Black Hole Matrices via the Solar Page: 22 ‘T & Link with Alpha-Omega Galactic Wormholes (Will not succeed in 2012- Guardians File 1 2011-04 APINSystems_scan,pdf Title: APIN Systems - Handbook Subject: Historical Overview, Nibiruian Crystal Temple Bases, Wormholes Author: MCEO Freedom Teachings - Kathara Team Keywords : Page: 30 ® Project, Drac agenda Alpha-Omega Centauri Necromiton Andromies link Phi-Ex-Falcon Wormholes to Page: 32 ®% ALL joined the Alpha-Omega Melchizedek Schools, UIR false "Mother Mary" contacts Thoth- File 1 2012-04 Slidersi2Pt2_scan.pdf Title Sliders 12 Part 2 - Handbook Subject _: Externalization of the KRYST, Secrets of the Tan-Tri-A"Jha, Dueling Plasmas, the 15th Bridge, Myotic Awakening, the 7 Stands of the KRYST- Host Fail Safe & Fail Safe Stand 2 Author —: MCEO Freedom Teachings Keywords : Page: 12 ‘© into the "Alpha-Omega” wormhole complex via the Veca-2/Veca-5 " Page: 13 ® online with the Alpha-Omega/Micca-Mecca wormhole complex. The Micca/Mecca Complexes of Page: 15 ®%& 2012 Met-Net Alpha-Omega Galactic Core Activations would accelerate Gravitron to force 2012 Page: 16 © pragon's Eye" & Alpha-Omega Wormhole Matrices into M31-Aquinos/ Milky Way Veca-5 ‘% 2012 Met-Net Alpha-Omega Galactic Core Activations would accelerate Gravitron to force 2012 Page: 17 ‘T 2012 Met-Net Alpha-Omega Galactic Core Activations would accelerate Gravitron to force 2012 Page: 28 ‘} © 48 Primary Alpha-Omega Trigger Sites Front View Safe Zone Slide Map 1 Page: 29 ‘ 2 Met-Net Alpha-Omega GalaCtiC Core Activa~ons wouldacc~erate Gravitremto lorce20i2 " ‘%} « 48 Primary Alpha-Omega Trigger Sites Base of Micca Complex PKA (Control Page: 31 ‘> « 48 Primary Alpha-Omega Tngger Sites (Control Base Cuba) © A&A File 1 2012-12_13DaysOfKRYSTHLmass_scan.pdf Title : 13 Days of KRYSTHLmass Subject: Details about FOL post-Dec 2012 workshop Author — : ARhAyas Productions Keywords : Page: 3 ‘} Metatronic Alpha-Omega Gates between PKA Parallel Earth, the Bourgha Matrix and Page: 9 ‘® Gate Systems of Alpha-Omega and FAtaLE are now permanently closed, blocking any further File : 2012-12_AgeOfEnlightenmentChartpack?_scan.pdf Title; Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment - Post Workshop Dispensation Subject: 13 Days of KRYST-mass and the Planetary Silver Seed Awakening Author — : ARhAyas Productions, E"Asha Ashayana Keywords : Page: 7 ‘} Gate Systems of Alpha-Omega and FA taLE are now permanently closed, blocking any File + 2016-03 KDDL2_scan.paf Title: Arhayas Productions KDDL2 Hand Book Subject: Author — : (C)2015 E"Asha A. Arhayas Keywords : Page: 373 ® 1st breech via Alpha-Omega Wormhole Hub Cuba *7 /3/2009 AD ®% 2009 AD - Alpha-Omega Wormholes come on line with Earth's NET field, Keylon File : KeylonticDictionary.pdf Title; Keylontic Dictionary Subject: KS Dictionary Author — : MCEO Freedom Teachings Keywords : Page: 16 } Page A-5 Alpha-Omega Alliance Tht largest Fal~ DNA AcnvatJOD: .. Asctnsioo" Page: 86 ‘TH st: Archangel Michx! Alpha-Omega Alliance) D;\A Ttmplatt and Kundalini Acth‘afiou Page: 113 ®& wars, Archangel Michael, Alpha-Omega Alliance.Intrudtrs| The Anyus destruction of ‘Aramouena"s Star Gate Page: 225 *% (Anunnaki + Alpha-Omega Centauri Blue Centaurs) f) Galactic Federation and the Nohasa Page: 277 ‘TH See: Archangel Michael. Alpha-Omega Alliance fil) (AzimttP"ress can-FAQ Section)

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