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Codewarrior™ Development Studio 8/16-Bit Ide User'S Guide: Revised: August 28, 2007

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CodeWarrior Development Studio 8/16-Bit IDE Users Guide

Revised: August 28, 2007

Freescale and the Freescale logo are trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. CodeWarrior is a trademark or registered trademark of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. Copyright 20052007 by Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. All rights reserved. Information in this document is provided solely to enable system and software implementers to use Freescale Semiconductor products. There are no express or implied copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits or integrated circuits based on the information in this document. Freescale Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Freescale Semiconductor makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Freescale Semiconductor assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. Typical parameters that may be provided in Freescale Semiconductor data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including Typicals, must be validated for each customer application by customer's technical experts. Freescale Semiconductor does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Freescale Semiconductor products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Freescale Semiconductor product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use Freescale Semiconductor products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Freescale Semiconductor and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Freescale Semiconductor was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part.

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http://www.freescale.com/codewarrior http://www.freescale.com/support

Table of Contents
I Introduction
1 8/16-Bit IDE Users Guide Overview 13
Release Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Licensing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 CodeWarriorU.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Manual Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Figure Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Keyboard Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

CodeWarrior IDE Overview


Development Cycle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 CodeWarrior IDE Advantages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 IDE Tools Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

II Projects
3 Working with Projects 25
About Projects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Project Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Build Targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Using the Startup Dialog Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Loading Previous Projects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Accessing Tutorials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Start Using CodeWarrior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Managing Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Custom Project Stationery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Subprojects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Table of Contents

Project Window


About the Project Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Project Window Pages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Files Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Link Order Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Targets Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 File, Group, Layout, and Target Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Build-Target Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50

Working with Files


Managing Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53

Dockable Windows


About Dockable Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59 Working with Dockable Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61 Dock Bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66



About Workspaces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69 Using Workspaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69

III Editor
8 The CodeWarrior Editor 75
Editor Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76 Editor Toolbar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78 Interfaces Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78 Functions Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78 Markers Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78 Document Settings Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79 Version Control System Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79 Other Editor Window Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Table of Contents

Path Caption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 File Modification Icon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Text Editing Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Line and Column Indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Pane Splitter Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

Editing Source Code


Text Manipulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Symbol Editing Shortcuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Punctuation Balancing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Code Completion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Code Completion Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Code Completion Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

10 Navigating Source Code


Finding Interface Files, Functions, and Lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Finding Interface Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Locating Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Going Back and Forward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Using Markers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Remove Markers Window. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Symbol Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

11 Finding and Replacing Text


Single-File Find . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Single-File Find and Replace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Multiple-File Find and Replace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 In Folders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 In Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 In Symbolics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 In Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Search Results Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Text-Selection Find . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Regular-Expression Find. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Using the Find String in the Replace String . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
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Table of Contents

Remembering Sub-expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125 Comparing Files and Folders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126 Comparison Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126 File Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .129 Folder Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .132

IV Browser
12 Using the Browser 137
Browser Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .137 Browser Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .138 Browser Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140 Browser Contextual Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140

13 Using Class Browser Windows


Class Browser window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .143 Classes pane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .149 Member Functions pane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .151 Data Members pane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .152 Source pane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .153 Status Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .153

14 Using Other Browser Windows


Multiple-Class Hierarchy Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156 Single-Class Hierarchy Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .158 Browser Contents window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .159 Symbols window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .161 Symbols toolbar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .162 Symbols pane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .162 Source pane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .162

15 Using Browser Wizards


The New Class Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .164


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Table of Contents

The New Member Function Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 The New Data Member Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170

V Compilers and Linkers

16 Compilers 175
Choosing a Compiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Compiling Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176

17 Linkers


Choosing Linkers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 Linking Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182

VI Preferences and Target Settings

18 Customizing the IDE 185
Customizing IDE Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 Commands Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 Pre-defined Variables in Command Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Customize Toolbars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 Kinds of Toolbars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 Toolbar Elements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 Modify a Toolbar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 Customize Key Bindings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199

19 Working with IDE Preferences


IDE Preferences Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 General Panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 Build Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 Concurrent Compiles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 IDE Extras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
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Plugin Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .212 Shielded Folders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .213 Source Trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .215 Editor Panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .218 Code Completion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .218 Code Formatting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .220 Editor Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .222 Font & Tabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .224 Text Colors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .226

20 Working with Target Settings


Target Settings Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .231 Target Panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .233 Target Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .234 Access Paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .235 Build Extras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .238 File Mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .240 Source Trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .241 External Builds Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .242 Editor Panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .244 Custom Keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .244

21 Preference and Target Settings Options


A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .247 B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .249 C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .251 D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .252 E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .254 F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .257 G-I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .259 K-L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .261 O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .263 P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .263 R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .264 S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .265

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Table of Contents

T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268 U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272 W-Z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272

VII Menus
22 IDE Menus 277
Windows Menu Layout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 File Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 Edit Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279 View Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280 Search Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281 Project Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282 Window Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284 Help Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284

23 Menu Commands


A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287 C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288 D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292 E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292 F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293 G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296 H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297 I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297 K-L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298 M-N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298 O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 P-Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301 S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Table of Contents

T-U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .308 V-Z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .311




8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

This section contains these chapters: 8/16-Bit IDE Users Guide Overview CodeWarrior IDE Overview

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide



8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

8/16-Bit IDE Users Guide Overview
This chapter of the CodeWarrior Development Studio 8/16-Bit IDE Users Guide is a high-level description of documentation and training resources for learning to use the IDE. CodeWarriorU.comfree, Internet-based instruction for CodeWarrior products. Use this resource to learn more about the CodeWarrior Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and computer programming. Manual Conventionssome common typographical conventions used in this manual and other Freescale documentation.

Release Notes
Please read the release notes. They contain important last-minute additions to the documentation. The Release Notes folder is located on the CodeWarrior CD.

Web-based licensing is available. It is a server licensing solution that generates FlexLM v8 or later based license keys automatically over the world wide web through a registration/activation process. You can register and activate permanent, node-locked license keys. Freescale products are shipped to customers with registration cards that contain a unique registration number. Products that ship with a one year annual support certificate will also have a unique registration number. The registration website can be reached by selecting the Help > Register Product menu command from the IDEs main menu. Registration from the website collects the registration code and verifies it against the correct product and gathers contact information. An email will be sent to you with the License Authorization Code and instructions. In the IDE you can select Help > License Authorization to display the License Authorization dialog box. Figure 1.1 shows the License Authorization dialog box.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


8/16-Bit IDE Users Guide Overview

Figure 1.1 License Authorization

Enter the License Authorization Code and select an ethernet address from the Node lock ID for license dropdown list, if one exists. After entering the authorization code, the CodeWarrior IDE will make an HTTP call to the Freescale licensing server with the activation code and generate the permanent license keys. The resulting license keys are automatically updated into the license.dat text file of the CodeWarrior product executing the authorization. You can also manually edit the license.dat file per instructions provided in the License_Install.txt file in the root folder of your CodeWarrior installation path. If the IDE evaluation period expires prior to activation, you will have to manually edit the license.dat file.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

8/16-Bit IDE Users Guide Overview


CodeWarriorU.com offers a wide range of free, Internet-based courses in a wide variety of computer programming topics. Use this supplement to the CodeWarrior documentation to acquire more experience using CodeWarrior products. CodeWarriorU.com courses include: Text-based instruction Expert instructors A variety of self-assessment and study materials Interactive message boards for communicating with instructors and students CodeWarriorU offers many courses, such as: Learn Programming in C For beginning programmers. Introduction to Java For beginning and experienced programmers. Take this course to learn how to create Java software. Introduction to C++ For beginning and experienced programmers. Take this course to learn how to create C++ software. Intermediate C++ For programmers who completed the Introduction to C++ course and have basic C++ programming knowledge. Take this course to learn the foundation needed to create more sophisticated C++ software. To find out more, visit this web site: http://www.CodeWarriorU.com/

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


8/16-Bit IDE Users Guide Overview

Manual Conventions

Manual Conventions
This section explains conventions in the 8/16-Bit IDE Users Guide.

Figure Conventions
The CodeWarrior IDE employs a virtually identical user interface across multiple hosts. For this reason, illustrations of common interface elements use images from any host. However, some interface elements are unique to a particular host. In such cases, clearly labelled images identify the specific host.

Keyboard Conventions
The CodeWarrior IDE accepts keyboard shortcuts, or key bindings, for frequently used operations. For each operation, this manual lists corresponding key bindings by platform. Hyphens separate multiple keystrokes in each key binding.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

CodeWarrior IDE Overview
The CodeWarrior Integrated Development Environment (IDE) provides an efficient and flexible software-development tool suite. This chapter explains the advantages of using the CodeWarrior IDE and provides brief descriptions of the major tools that make up the IDE. This chapter contains these sections: Development Cycle CodeWarrior IDE Advantages IDE Tools Overview

Development Cycle
A software developer follows a general development process: Begin with an idea for new software Implement new idea in source code Have the IDE compile source code into machine code Have the IDE link machine code and form an executable file Correct errors (debug) Compile, link, and release a final executable file. The stages of the development cycle correspond to one or more chapters in this manual. Figure 2.1 on page 18 depicts the development cycle as a flowchart. Table 2.1 on page 19 details the different stages and their corresponding sections in this manual.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


CodeWarrior IDE Overview

Development Cycle
Figure 2.1 The Development Cycle diagram



Edit Yes Compile Compile Errors? No Yes


Link Errors? Yes Debug Errors? No



Legend Release Start or End of the process Development Cycle stage End

Decision stage

Process flow


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

CodeWarrior IDE Overview

CodeWarrior IDE Advantages

Table 2.1 Stage descriptions and related sections in the IDE Users Guide Stage

Create the initial project, source files, and build targets.

Related Sections
Projects Preferences and Target Settings Menus


Transform your project into working source code, organize interface elements, and correct errors. Compile the source code into machine format that operates on the target host. Link the separate compiled modules into a single binary executable file. Release for public use.

Editor Browser


Compilers and Linkers


Compilers and Linkers


Beyond the scope of this manual.

CodeWarrior IDE Advantages

Multiple-language support Choose from multiple programming languages when developing software. The IDE supports high-level languages, such as C, C++, and Java, as well as in-line assemblers for most processors. Consistent development environment Port software to new processors without having to learn new tools or lose an existing code base. The IDE supports many common desktop and embedded processor families. Plug-in tool support Extend the capabilities of the IDE by adding a plug-in tool that supports new services. The IDE currently supports plug-ins for compilers, linkers, pre-linkers, post-linkers, preference panels, version controls, and other tools. Plug-ins make it possible for the CodeWarrior IDE to process different languages and support different processor families.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


CodeWarrior IDE Overview

IDE Tools Overview

IDE Tools Overview

The CodeWarrior IDE is a tool suite that provides sophisticated tools for software development. This section explains the standard tools available in the IDE: a project manager an editor a search engine a source browser a build system a debugger Table 2.2 on page 20 explains the purpose of these tools and lists corresponding CodeWarrior IDE features. Table 2.2 IDE tools and features Tool
Project Manager

Manipulate items associated with a project

CodeWarrior IDE Features

Handles top-level file management for the software developer Organizes project items by major group, such as files and targets Tracks state information (such as filemodification dates) Determines build order and files to be included in each build Coordinates with plug-ins to provide version-control services


Create and modify source code

Uses color to differentiate programminglanguage keywords Allows definition of custom keywords for additional color schemes Automatically verifies parenthesis, brace, and bracket balance Allows use of menus for navigation to any function or into the header files used by the program

Search Engine

Find and replace text

Finds a specific text string Replaces found text with substitute text Allows use of regular expressions Provides file-comparison and differencing functionality


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

CodeWarrior IDE Overview

IDE Tools Overview
Table 2.2 IDE tools and features (continued) Tool
Source Browser

Manage and view program symbols

CodeWarrior IDE Features

Maintains a symbolics database for the program. Sample symbols include names and values of variables and functions. Uses the symbolics database to assist code navigation Links every symbol to other locations in the code related to that symbol Processes both object-oriented and procedural languages

Build System

Convert source code into an executable file Resolve errors

Uses compiler to generate object code from source code Uses linker to generate final executable file from object code Uses symbolics database to provide source-level debugging Supports DWARF (1.1 and 2.0) and the HIWAVE object file format


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


CodeWarrior IDE Overview

IDE Tools Overview


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

This section contains these chapters: Working with Projects Project Window Working with Files Dockable Windows Workspaces

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide



8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Working with Projects
This chapter explains how to work with projects in the CodeWarrior IDE. Projects organize several file types associated with a computer program: Text filesfiles that contain any kind of text. Sample text files include Read Me files and source files. Source filesfiles that contain source code only. Sample source files include C++ files and assembler files. Library filesfiles that contain special code designed to work together with a particular programming language or operating environment. Generated filesfiles created by the IDE while building or debugging the project. This chapter contains these sections: About Projects Using the Startup Dialog Box Managing Projects

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Working with Projects

About Projects

About Projects
The IDE uses build targets and a Project Manager to organize source code and support files. This section explains both components.

Project Manager
The IDE gathers source, library, resource, and other files into a project. The Project Manager manipulates the information stored in the project. Figure 3.1 diagrams Project Manager interactions with IDE tools. Table 3.1 explains the interactions. Figure 3.1 Project Manager

Search Engine

Source Browser

Symbolics Information

The build system generates symbolics information for a program. The debugger generates a database from the symbolics information.





Build System

Main IDE tool Development flow

Support tool

IDE internal data flow

Information generated by the IDE

Additional information


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Working with Projects

About Projects

Table 3.1 Project Manager interactions IDE Tool


Project Manager Interactions

Coordinates internal data flow among editor windows, search engine, and source browser Matches find-and-replace results between related header files and source files Associates functions and variables with corresponding source code


Synchronizes a symbolics database of program functions, variables, and values with source code Coordinates internal data flow between symbolics database and source browser Determines files to include in build process


Sends compiled object code to linker for conversion to executable code Sets the link order for processing compiled object code


Matches debugging data to source code Updates symbolics database to reflect changing values during a debug session

Build Targets
For any given build, the project manager tracks: files and libraries link order dependencies compiler, linker, and other settings The IDE stores this information in a build target. As the project changes, the project manager automatically updates the build target. The project manager also coordinates program builds, using the build-target information to call the appropriate tools in the correct order with the specified settings. For example, the project manager directs the build system to compile only those source files that rely on information in a modified file. Note that all of this operation happens automatically. The software developer does not need to remember makefile syntax or semantics, and never has to debug makefile syntax errors. The IDE simplifies the process, making it easier to develop software.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Working with Projects

About Projects
The project manager also supports multiple build targets within the same project file. Each build target can have its own unique settings, and even use different source and library files. For example, it is common to have both debug and release build targets in a project. Figure 3.2 on page 28 shows a sample project with debug and release build targets. Figure 3.2 Project with multiple build targets

Project Build Target - Debug File #1 File #2

File #3

Object Code


Browser Data

Note that both build targets share File #1 and File #2.

Build Target - Release File #1 File #2

File #4

Object Code


Browser Data



8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Working with Projects

Using the Startup Dialog Box

Using the Startup Dialog Box

When you first begin using the CodeWarrior IDE, you can use the Startup dialog to assist you in building your first projects, as well as exploring example projects and accessing instructions. The Startup dialog opens when you start CodeWarrior software, unless you specify otherwise. This section describes using the CodeWarrior Startup dialog box to create new projects, load previous projects or example projects, and access tutorials. To start the CodeWarrior IDE, select Start > Programs > CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers V6.1 > CodeWarrior IDE. NOTE The name of the CodeWarrior installation varies depending on the software version and the core used.

The CodeWarrior software starts, and immediately the Startup dialog appears (see Figure 3.3). You can create a new project at this point, or access any of the other features available from this dialog box. To prevent the Startup dialog box from appearing when you start the CodeWarrior software, uncheck the Display on Startup checkbox. The next time you start the software, only the IDE screen appears. You can still access the Startup dialog box by selecting File > Startup Dialog after starting the IDE. Figure 3.3 Startup Dialog Box

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Working with Projects

Using the Startup Dialog Box

Creating New Projects using Startup Dialog Box

1. Click the Create New Project button. The New Project Wizard opens. 2. Select the derivative you are using in the Device and Connection dialog box. 3. Click Next. 4. Enter a project name in the Project Name field and set the Location for the new project. 5. Click Next and continue with desired selections for your project. 6. On the last screen, click Finish to create a new project. NOTE To open the project wizard without using the Startup dialog box, select File > New Project.

Loading Example Projects using Startup Dialog Box

1. Click the Load Example Project button. The Example Project Wizard opens. 2. Select the example project of your choice. 3. Enter a project name in the Project Name field and browse for the Location using the Set button. 4. Click Create Project. The software creates an example project, including source code files, include files, Libraries, and linker files. You can now modify this project as necessary.

Loading Previous Projects

Click the Load Previous Project button to access the list of your most recently accessed projects. Change the number of projects in the Previous Project list by selecting Edit > Preferences in the CodeWarrior IDE.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Working with Projects

Managing Projects

Accessing Tutorials
Click the Run Getting Started Tutorial button to access the library of tutorials available with the CodeWarrior IDE. Tutorials cover subjects such as starting a project in C, using Processor Expert, Device Initialization, and using the assembler.

Start Using CodeWarrior

Click the Start Using CodeWarrior button to close the Startup dialog box and use CodeWarrior software to access existing projects and create new projects using the software menu bar.

Managing Projects
Use these tasks to manage projects: Create a new project Open existing project Save project Close project Inspect an open project Print an open project

Creating New Projects using Wizard

Use the project wizard provided with the IDE to quickly create new projects. The wizard creates everything needed for a minimal, ready-to-run project. Use the created project as a foundation upon which to add features for each new project. 1. Choose File > New Project. The New Project Wizard opens. 2. Enter a project name in the Project Name field and set the Location for the new project. 3. Click OK. 4. Select the appropriate derivative. 5. Click Next and continue with desired selections for your project. On the last screen click Finish to create a new project.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Working with Projects

Managing Projects

Opening Projects
Use the IDE to open previously saved projects. CodeWarrior projects normally end in the Freescale CodeWarrior Project extension of .mcp. Open projects to add, remove, or modify files to enhance the capabilities of the final executable file. 1. Choose File > Open. 2. Find and select the project to open. 3. Click Open. The IDE opens the project and displays its Project window. NOTE The IDE prompts you for confirmation to update projects created in older CodeWarrior versions.

Opening Projects Created on Other Hosts

CodeWarrior projects whose names end in .mcp are cross-platform. However, the object code stored inside each project folder is not cross-platform. Use these procedures to properly open the project on a different host computer. 1. If not present, add the .mcp filename extension to the project name. 2. Copy the project folder from the original host to the new host. 3. Delete the Data folder inside the newly copied project folder. 4. Open the newly copied project on the new host IDE. 5. Recompile the project to generate new object code.

Saving Projects
The IDE automatically saves projects and updates project information after performing these actions: Closing the project Applying or saving a preference or target-setting option Adding, deleting, or compiling a file Editing group information Removing or compacting object code Quitting the IDE


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Working with Projects

Managing Projects

Inspecting Project Files

Use the Project Inspector command to review and configure source-file attributes and target information in the Project Inspector window. 1. Select a file in the Project window. 2. Select View > Project Inspector to open the Project Inspector window. 3. Examine the source-file attributes and target settings. Click the Attributes tab to view the file attributes. Click the Targets tab to view the build targets that use the file.

Printing Projects
The Project Manager can print a complete listing of the Files, Designs, Link Order, or Targets tab currently displayed in the Project window. 1. Select the Project window. 2. Click the Files, Designs, Link Order, or Targets tab. 3. Choose File > Print. 4. Set the print options in the print dialog. 5. Print the Project window contents. The IDE prints the contents of the selected tab.

Choosing a Default Project

The IDE allows multiple open projects at the same time. However, a given source file can belong to more than one open project, making it ambiguous as to which project a sourcefile operation applies. To resolve ambiguity, choose the default project to which the IDE applies operations. 1. If only one project is open, it automatically becomes the default project. 2. If more than one project is open, choose Project > Set Default Project to select the desired default project. In ambiguous situations, the IDE applies operations to the selected default project.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Working with Projects

Managing Projects

Exporting Projects to XML Files

The IDE can export a project to an Extensible Markup Language (XML) file. Use this capability to store projects in text-oriented environments, such as a version control system. 1. Bring the project to export forward (in focus). 2. Choose File > Export Project. 3. Name the exported XML file and save it in the desired location. The IDE converts the project to an XML file.

Importing Projects Saved as XML Files

The IDE can import a project previously saved in Extensible Markup Language (XML) format. Use this capability to recreate projects stored in text-oriented environments, such as a version control system. 1. Choose File > Import Project. 2. Create a new folder in which to save the converted project and all of its generated files. 3. Find the XML file that you want to import. 4. Save the XML file in the newly created folder. The IDE converts the XML file to a project.

Closing Projects
Use the Close command to close a CodeWarrior project file at the end of a programming session. The IDE automatically saves changes to a closed project. 1. Select the Project window to close. 2. Close the project. Choose File > Close. Click the close box in the Project window. Advanced projects deal with these topics: Custom project stationerymodified project stationery tailored to advanced programming needs. Subprojectsprojects within projects. Strategiesobtaining the maximum benefit from advanced projects.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Working with Projects

Managing Projects

Custom Project Stationery

Use custom project stationery to develop streamlined templates to meet advanced programming needs. You can develop custom stationery by modifying existing project stationery and saving it under a new name in the Stationery or Project Stationery folder. Pre-configure new project stationery to include often-used files, libraries, and source code Configure build targets and options to any desired state Set up a reusable template to use for creating projects NOTE Custom project stationery requires in-depth knowledge about project structure and operation. Before creating custom stationery, be sure to fully understand existing project stationery included with the CodeWarrior product.

Creating Custom Project Stationery

To create a custom stationery project, follow these steps: 1. Open the CodeWarrior IDE. Figure 3.4 Open the IDE

2. Click on Load Example Project.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Working with Projects

Managing Projects
Figure 3.5 Select the Project

3. From the Example Projects dialog, select the project to use as a stationery base project. 4. Enter a name for the project in the Project name field. This renames the example project file. 5. Enter a location in the Location field, or click on Set to browse to the location to which to copy the project. 6. Click on Create Project. The software creates your project based on the example you selected. You can modify and use this project in whatever way you choose.

A subproject is a project nested inside a parent project. Subprojects organize source code for the IDE to build prior to building the parent project. For example, the IDE builds subprojects for an applications plug-ins before building the parent project for the application itself.

Adding Subprojects to a Project

Use a subproject to organize a separate set of source files and build targets inside a parent project. 1. Open the parent project in which to add a subproject. 2. Click the Files tab in the Project window.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Working with Projects

Managing Projects
3. If the parent project has more than one build target, use the build-target list box in the Project window toolbar to choose the desired build target. 4. Add a separate project to the Project window: Drag and drop the .mcp file of the separate project into the Project window, or Choose Project > Add Files to add the .mcp file of the separate project. The IDE treats the added project as a subproject. The subproject appears in the Files view of the parent Project window.

Opening Subprojects
The IDE can open a subproject from the parent Project window. Use this feature to more conveniently open the subproject. 1. Double-click the subproject in the Files view of the parent Project window. 2. The IDE opens the subproject in its own Project window.

Projects can organize files into build targets or subprojects. Each of these structures has its own advantages. Choose the structure best suited to the programming need.

Build Targets
Build targets organize collections of files inside a project. Build targets have these advantages: Using multiple build targets inside a single project allows access to all source code for that project. Build targets organize different collections of build settings for a single project. Each project accommodates up to 255 build targets. Exception: HC08 supports only one build target.

Subprojects incorporate separate, standalone projects into parent projects. Subprojects have these advantages: Subprojects separate distinct parts of a complex program, such as an application and its various plug-ins.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Working with Projects

Managing Projects
Using subprojects streamlines a complicated build. For example, create a project that builds all plug-ins for an application. Add this project as a subproject of the main application. The IDE then builds all plug-ins before building the main application. Use subprojects to break down a complicated project that approaches the 255 buildtarget limit. Organize related build targets into different subprojects to improve build speed.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Project Window
This chapter explains how to work with the Project window in the CodeWarrior IDE. The Project window provides these features: view and modify all files created for use with a computer program. manipulate files arranged by type. control the way the IDE handles files. This chapter contains these sections: About the Project Window Project Window Pages File, Group, Layout, and Target Management Build-Target Management

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Project Window
About the Project Window

About the Project Window

The Project window organizes files in a computer program. Use this window to control various aspects of each file. The window includes these items: Project window toolbar Tabs Columns Figure 4.1 on page 40 shows a sample Project window. Table 4.1 on page 41 explains the items in the Project window. NOTE The number and names of the tabs in the Project window depend on the current build target and on the installed IDE plug-ins.

Figure 4.1 Project window


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Project Window
About the Project Window

Table 4.1 Project windowitems Item

Current Connection Change MCU/ Connection Target Settings


Use to specify the connection to your MCU.

Use to select a device and connection.

Click to view and edit the settings for the current build target. You can also display settings for a target selected in Targets tab. Click to check the modification dates of each project file and mark those files that need compilation. Click to compile and link all modified and manually selected (touched) project files.

Synchronize Modification Dates Make


Click to debug the current build target.


Click to compile and link the current build target, then run the program.

Project Inspector

Click to view project information and edit file-specific information.


Click to display the Files page. This page shows a list of files in the project and their associated properties. Click to display the Link Order page. This page shows the link order of files in the current build target. Click to display the Targets page. This page shows a list of all build targets, subprojects, and target-linking information.

Link Order


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Project Window
Project Window Pages

Project Window Pages

The Project window uses pages to organize items: Files Link Order Targets

Files Page
The Files page shows information about individual files in a project. The Files page shows information about these file types: Text filesfiles that contain any type of text. Sample text files include Read Me files and source files. Source filesfiles that contain source code only. Sample source files include C++ files and assembler files. Library filesfiles that contain special code designed to work together with a particular programming language or operating environment. Table 4.2 explains the items in the Files page. Table 4.2 Files pageitems Item


Indicates the touch status of each file. Click in this column to toggle touching a file. Touching a file manually selects it for compilation during the next build. Click the Touch icon to sort files by touch status. Displays a hierarchical view of the file and group names used by the project. Click the column title to sort files by name. Double-click a file to open it. Use the hierarchical controls to display and hide group contents. Displays the size, in bytes or kilobytes, of the compiled executable object code for files and groups. Click the column title to sort files by code size. Displays the size, in bytes or kilobytes, of non-executable data in the object code for files in the project. Click the column title to sort files by data size.





8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Project Window
Project Window Pages
Table 4.2 Files pageitems (continued) Item


Indicates whether each file belongs to the current build target. Click in this column to toggle inclusion status. A black dot indicates that a file is included with current build target. Click the Target icon to sort files by inclusion status. The Target column appears only when the project has more than one build target. Displays debugging status. Click in this column to toggle generation of debugging information for a file or group. Click the Debug icon to sort files by debugging status. Displays icons representing the current file status in a versioncontrol system. The Checkout Status column appears only when the project uses a version-control system to manage files. Click to display a list of files inside a group or a list of


Checkout Status


#include files inside a source file. Choose a file to open it.

Sort Order Click to toggle sorting between ascending and descending order for the active column. The icon indicates the current sort order.

Viewing a File Path

To distinguish between two files that have identical names but reside in different folders, examine the file path. To view the complete path of a file on a Windows host, right-click the filename and select Open in Windows Explorer. The File Path submenu shows the path to the file.

File Management
The project window lists all files found for all targets. If access paths are different for each target and a file with the same name exists in each path, the project window will list the occurrence of each file. For example, if two header files named example.h are used with two targets (TargetA and TargetB) and exist in separate locations for each target, you will see two entries of

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Project Window
Project Window Pages
example.h in the project window. If both targets use the same file in one location, then a single entry will appear in the project window. Select a file in the Files tab of the project window and view the Project Inspector window to reveal the path for the selected file, and which targets use the file. You can also select a file and click the right mouse button to display a context menu. Select Open in Windows Explorer to display the path. If a black dot is present in the target column for a listed file, then it is in the current target. You can select this dot to toggle whether or not to include this file with the current target. Double-click a source file to open it in the editor. If you enable the Save project entries using relative paths option in the Target Settings panel, file locations will be stored using a relative path from the access paths defined in the Access Paths panel. If disabled, the IDE remembers project entries only by name. This can cause unexpected results if two or more files share the same name. In this case, researching for files by selecting the Project > Re-search for Files menu command could cause the IDE to find the file in a different access path. NOTE If you use source files with the same name in different locations, you should enable the Save project entries using relative paths option.

Duplicate file names can also appear in the Files tab of the project window if a file is not found on one of the access paths. This can happen if an access path has been removed from the User Paths group in the Access Paths target settings panel. When the access path is removed, a duplicate appears in the project window. The duplicate entry remains displayed until the access path is restored. If a project with several targets (for example Debug and Release target) uses the same file, that file is shown as a single entry. If you remove the access path for that file, then a duplicate entry will appear in the file list. This duplicate represents a missing file for the current target. The second file entry is still available for the other target. Restore the access path and choose Project > Re-search for Files to remove the duplicate entry in the list. The Project > Re-search for Files command speeds up builds and other project operations. The IDE caches the location of project files after finding them in the access paths. Re-search for Files forces the IDE to forget the cached locations and re-search for them in the access paths. This command is useful if you moved several files and you want the IDE to find the files in their new locations. If the Save project entries using relative paths option is enabled, the IDE does not reset the relative-path information stored with each project entry, so re-searching for files looks for source files in the same location. If the files are not there, the IDE only re-searches for header files. To force the IDE to also re-search for source files, choose the Project > Reset Project Entry Paths menu command. If the Save project entries using relative paths option is disabled, the IDE re-searches for both header files and source files.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Project Window
Project Window Pages
The Reset Project Entry Paths command resets the location information stored with each project entry and forces the IDE to re-search for project entries in the access paths. This command does nothing if the Save project entries using relative paths option is disabled. NOTE If the IDE is unable to locate or resolve the location of project files, a Rescued items folder will appear. The IDE tries to locate the missing files and creates new references. This can happen when project data information, access paths, or other location settings in target settings panels are missing or have been compromised, for example, if the location of a project and related data directory have changed. One way this can happen is if a project has been committed to a source repository by one person and checked out to a different location by another person and a new project data folder is created.

Link Order Page

The Link Order page shows information about the order in which the IDE links project files. Manipulate the files in this page to change the link order. For example, if file B depends on file A in order to function, move file B below file A in the Link Order page. Table 4.3 on page 45 explains the items in the Link Order page. Table 4.3 Link Order pageitems Item
Synchronize Modification Dates

To update the modification dates of files stored in a project, click the checkmark icon. Use the Synchronize Modification Dates command to update files modified outside of the CodeWarrior IDE, perhaps by a third-party editor that cannot notify the CodeWarrior IDE of changes. To update version-control status information, click the Pencil icon.

Synchronize Status

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Project Window
File, Group, Layout, and Target Management

Targets Page
The Targets page presents information about the build targets in a project. Use this page to create, manage, or remove build targets. Different build targets can store different IDE settings. For example, two build targets can handle the same project. One build target handles debugging the software, while the other build target handles building the software for final release. Table 4.4 explains items in the Targets page. Table 4.4 Targets page items Item

Displays all build targets and subprojects that the IDE processes to create a binary file. These icons denote build-target status: active build target


inactive build target

Indicates the dependencies between build targets and subprojects.

File, Group, Layout, and Target Management

Use these tasks to manage files, groups, layouts, and targets: Create an item. Delete an item. Move an item. Rename an item. Touch an item. Manage items. Set default items. Configure item settings.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Project Window
File, Group, Layout, and Target Management

Removing Files/Groups/Layouts/Targets
The Remove command deletes files, groups, layouts, and build targets from the Project window. Removing files from the Files tab removes them from the project itself and from all build targets that use the files. Removing a file from the Link Order, Segments, or Overlays tab only removes the file from the current build target.

Removing files/groups/layouts/targets from a project

1. Click the Files, Designs, or Targets tab in the Project window. 2. Select the item to remove. 3. Remove the selected item from the project on a Windows host by Selecting Edit > Delete. The IDE removes the selected item from the project. For deleted files, the IDE updates all build targets that formerly used the file. For deleted build targets, the IDE deletes build-target information and leaves files intact.

Removing files from a build target

1. Click the Link Order, Segments, or Overlays tab in the Project window. 2. Select the item to remove. 3. Remove the selected item from the active build target on a Windows host by Selecting Edit > Delete. The IDE removes the file from the build target, but leaves the file itself intact. The file can be reassigned to other build targets in the project.

Moving Files/Groups/Layouts/Targets
Reposition files, groups, layouts, or build targets in the Files, Design, Link Order, or Targets pages with the cursor. 1. Select one or more files, groups, layouts, or build targets to move with the pointer. 2. Drag the selected items to a new position in the current page, using the focus bar as a guide. 3. Release the mouse button. The IDE repositions the selected files, groups, layouts, or build targets to the new location.

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Project Window
File, Group, Layout, and Target Management


In the Link Order page, repositioning files changes the link order that the Make command uses to build the final executable file.

Renaming Files/Groups/Targets
The Rename command renames files, groups, or build targets in the project.

Rename files
1. Open the file to rename. 2. Choose File > Save As. 3. Type a new filename in the Name text box. 4. Click Save. The IDE saves the file under the new name. The new filename appears in the Project window. Subsequent modifications affect the renamed file, leaving the original file intact.

Rename one or more groups

1. Click the Files tab in the Project window. 2. Select the group(s) to rename. 3. Press the Enter key. 4. Type a new name into the Enter Group Name text box of the Rename Group window. 5. Click OK. The IDE renames the group. For selections of more than one group, the Rename Group window appears for each group.

Rename build targets

1. Click the Targets tab in the Project window. 2. Choose Edit > targetname Settings. 3. Select Target Settings in the Target Settings Panels list. 4. Type a new name in the Target Name text box. 5. Click Save. The Project window displays the new build target name.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Project Window
File, Group, Layout, and Target Management

Touching Files and Groups

The Touch command manually selects source files or groups for compilation during the next Bring Up To Date, Make, Run, or Debug operation. A red check mark in the Touch column of the Project window indicates a touched file. 1. Click the Files tab in the Project window. 2. Touch a source file or group for compilation. Click the Touch column next to the file or group name. OR Choose Touch from the Interface menu for the file or group. A red check mark appears in the Touch column next to the file or group name.

Touch all project files for recompiling

On a Windows host, Alt-Click the Touch column. Red check marks appear next to all files and groups.

Untouching Files and Groups

The Untouch command manually excludes source files or groups from compilation during the next Bring Up To Date, Make, Run, or Debug operation. 1. Click the Files tab in the Project window. 2. Untouch a source file or group to remove it from the compilation list. Click the red check mark in the Touch column next to the file or group name. OR Choose Untouch from the Interface menu for the file or group. The red check mark disappears from the Touch column next to the file or group name.

Untouch all project files

On a Windows host, Alt-Click a red checkmark in the Touch column. The red checkmarks next to all files and groups disappear.

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Project Window
Build-Target Management

Build-Target Management
These tasks help you manage build targets: Create a build target. Remove a build target. Set the default build target. Rename a build target. Configure build-target settings.

Creating Build Targets

The Create Target command adds new build targets to a project. 1. Open the Project window. 2. Click the Targets tab in the Project window. 3. Choose Project > Create Target. 4. Type a name in the Name text box of the New Target window. 5. Select the Empty target or Clone Existing Target radio button as desired. Empty Targetcreate a new build target from scratch. Clone Existing Targetduplicate an existing build target in the New Target window. 6. Click OK. The IDE adds the new build target to the project.

Removing Build Targets from a Project

You can remove unneeded build targets from the Project window. 1. Click the Targets tab in the Project window. 2. Select the item to remove. 3. Remove the selected build target on a Windows host by selecting Edit > Delete. The IDE removes the build target.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Project Window
Build-Target Management

Setting the Default Build Target

The CodeWarrior Project Manager can handle up to 255 build targets in a single project. One build target must be defined as the default target when more than one project is open. The default target is the target affected by project commands, such as Make and Run.

The Project menu

1. Choose Project > Set Default Target > buildtarget. 2. A checkmark indicates the default target.

Using the Project window toolbar

1. Enable the Project window. 2. Choose the build-target name from the Current Target pop-up menu.

The Targets page

1. Enable the Project window. 2. Click the Targets tab. 3. Click the desired build-target icon. The icon changes to indicate that the build target is now the default.

Renaming Build Targets

The Rename command renames build targets in a project. 1. Click the Targets tab in the Project window. 2. Choose Edit > targetname Settings. 3. Select Target Settings in the Target Settings Panels list. 4. Type a new name in the Target Name text box. 5. Save the new name. The new build-target name appears in the Project window.

Configuring Build Target Settings

The Target Settings panel options determine: The compiler used to process the project and produce object code

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Project Window
Build-Target Management
The linker used to combine object code and produce a binary file The pre-linker and post-linker options that further process the object code The name assigned to a build target Follow these steps to configure build-target settings. 1. Choose Edit > targetname Settings. 2. Select Target Settings from the Target Setting Panels list. 3. Specify target options as desired. 4. Save the new options The panels available in the Target Settings Panels list update to reflect the choices in the Target Settings panel.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Working with Files
This chapter explains how to work with files in the CodeWarrior IDE. Most computer programs use these file types: Text filesfiles that contain any type of text. Example text files include Read Me files and source files. Source filesfiles that contain source code only. Example source files include C++ files and assembler files.

Managing Files
These tasks manage files: Create a new file. Open an existing file. Save a file. Close a file. Print a file. Revert a file to a previously saved state.

Creating Text Files

The New command opens a window from which you create new text files. You can use new text files as source files in a project or as plain-text files. 1. Select File > New. The New window appears. 2. Click the File tab in the New window. 3. Select Text File in the list. 4. Type a filename in the File name text box. 5. Click Set to specify the location to save the new file. 6. Click OK. The IDE creates the new text file and displays its contents in a new editor window.

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Working with Files

Managing Files


Use the Customize IDE Commands window to add the New Text File menu command to the File menu. Adding this menu command reduces the process of creating a new text file to one step: select File > New Text File. See Customizing the IDE for more information about using the Customize IDE Commands window.

Opening Source Files

The Open command opens one or more editable source files. Each open file appears in its own editor window. NOTE The CodeWarrior editor cannot open files that prohibit editing. For example, the editor cannot open library files.

From the File menu

1. Choose File > Open. 2. Windows: Use the Files of type pop-up menu to select All Files. 3. Select a file. 4. Click Open. The IDE displays the file in an editor window.

From the Project window

1. Perform one of these: Double-click a filename in the Files tab of the Project window, or Select an interface filename from the Interface menu. 2. The IDE finds, opens, and displays the selected source file in an editor window.

From an editor window

1. Select an interface filename from the Interface menu. 2. The IDE selects, opens, and displays the source file in an editor window. NOTE The menu does not show files that do not contain source code or are not yet compiled.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Working with Files

Managing Files

Using Find and Open Files

1. In an editor window, select the name of an interface file, for example stdio.h. 2. Choose File > Find and Open File. The IDE finds, opens, and displays the source file in an editor window.

To open a recent file or project

1. Choose File > Open Recent > recentfilename | recentprojectname. 2. The IDE finds and opens the selected source file or project.

Saving Files
Use the Save command to save source files to ensure their continued existence between development sessions. Choose File > Save. NOTE If the file has no title, a save dialog appears. Type a filename and specify a location for the file, then click Save.

The IDE saves the file.

Saving All Modified Files

Use the Save All command to save the contents of all modified files. This command is useful for saving all files at the same time, rather than saving each file individually. Save all currently opened and modified files on a Windows host by selecting File > Save All. The IDE saves the files.

Saving File Copies

Use the Save a Copy As command to save a back-up copy of a project or file before modifying the original. Working on a copy of the original file provides a way to return to the original copy should modifications fail. 1. Choose File > Save A Copy As. 2. Type a new filename in the Name text box.

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Working with Files

Managing Files
3. Click Save. The IDE creates a copy of the file under the new name, leaving the original file unchanged.

Closing Files
The Close command closes open source files. Close editor windows to close a file. 1. Select an editor window to close. 2. Close the file window. Choose File > Close, or Click the close box. NOTE The IDE displays an alert if the file is modified. The alert asks whether to save changes to the file.

Closing All Files

The Close All command closes all currently open files. This command is useful for closing all files at the same time, rather than closing each file individually. Close all currently open files on a Windows host by selecting Window > Close All or Window > Close All Editor Windows. The IDE closes the files.

Printing Source Files

The Print command prints the entire contents of a selected file window. 1. Activate the desired editor window to print. 2. Choose File > Print. 3. Set print options in the Print dialog. 4. Click OK or Print to print the file. The IDE prints the selected file. NOTE Use the same process to print the contents of a window, such as a Project window.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Working with Files

Managing Files

Printing Source-File Selections

The Print command prints the currently selected contents in an editor window. 1. Activate the desired editor window to print. 2. Select the portion of text to print. 3. Choose File > Print. 4. Set print options in the Print dialog. 5. Click OK or Print The IDE prints the selected text in the file.

Reverting Files
Use the Revert command to replace the current file with its previously saved version. 1. Choose File > Revert. 2. Click OK in the Revert changes to file dialog.

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Working with Files

Managing Files


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Dockable Windows
This chapter explains how to work with dockable windows in the Windows-hosted CodeWarrior IDE. Use dockable windows to do these tasks: Organizeattach, or dock, various windows to the edges of the screen for quick access. Groupdock windows of the same type to create a single window with multiple tabs, where each tab represents one of the original docked windows. NOTE The dockable windows feature is available in Multiple Document Interface (MDI) mode only. This feature is not available in Floating Document Interface (FDI) mode. Toggle the Use Multiple Document Interface option in the IDE Extras preference panel to change between these two modes.

This chapter contains these sections: About Dockable Windows Working with Dockable Windows Dock Bars

About Dockable Windows

You can dock certain windows to the edges of the main frame window of the IDE. Table 6.1 on page 60 explains possible states for dockable windows. Figure 6.1 on page 60 shows the different window states. In MDI mode, the IDE occupies a main window frame, or client area. IDE windows normally appear within this client area as you work. These windows are called child windows of the IDEs client area.

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Dockable Windows
About Dockable Windows

Table 6.1 Window states State


Attached to the left, right, top, or bottom edge of the client area restricted to the client area resizable has a dock bar instead of a title bar


Rests above all docked windows and MDI child windows movable outside the client area, like a floating palette has a thin title bar does not have Minimize or Maximize buttons

MDI Child

Normal child window of the client area, when running in MDI mode restricted to the client area

Figure 6.1 Window states

Docked window

MDI child window Floating window


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Dockable Windows
Working with Dockable Windows
Table 6.2 explains the difference between dockable windows and non-dockable windows. In this table, the term non-modal refers to a window that does not require your attention before allowing the IDE to proceed with other operations. Table 6.2 Differences between dockable and non-dockable windows Window Type

Required Criteria
All of these: non-modal resizable maximizable

Sample Windows
Thread Project Component Catalog


Any of these: modal non-resizable non-maximizable

IDE Preferences Find About Box


The default setting for project windows is to dock to an edge of the client area. You can undock these windows. Compound windows that have more than one pane dock as a group. You cannot separately dock individual panes from these windows. For example, you can dock the Thread Window, but you cannot dock the Stack Crawl pane separately from the Thread Window.

Working with Dockable Windows

You can dock windows in one of two ways: dragging a floating window to a docking position using a contextual menu to dock a window You can resize docked windows and undock them to floating windows or MDI child windows. This section explains how to perform tasks with dockable windows.

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Dockable Windows
Working with Dockable Windows

Docking a Window By Using a Contextual Menu

Use a contextual menu to dock a floating window or MDI child window to one of the four edges of the client area. 1. Right-click the window title bar. A contextual menu appears. 2. Choose Docked from the contextual menu. NOTE The Docked command appears in the contextual menu for dockable windows only.

The window docks to an edge of the client area. You can resize the docked window or move it to a different edge of the client area.

Docking a Window By Using Drag and Drop

You can drag a docked window or a floating window to one of the four edges of the client area to dock it. 1. Drag the window to one edge of the client area. Drag a floating window by its title bar. Drag a docked window by its dock bar. 2. A window outline appears near the client-area edge, showing the final position after you release the window. Use the outline as a visual cue that the IDE will dock the window. If an outline does not appear, you cannot dock the window. 3. Release the window to dock it to the edge. The window appears in the position indicated by the window outline.

Docking Windows of the Same Kind

You can dock two or more windows of the same kind inside a single docked window. In this arrangement, tabs inside the single docked window represent each of the original docked windows. You can undock each tab individually from the single docked window. 1. Dock the first of two or more windows of the same kind to an edge of the client area. 2. Dock the second window to the same edge as the first window. Use the window outline that appears as a visual cue that the IDE will dock the second window to the same edge as the first window. 62

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Dockable Windows
Working with Dockable Windows
3. Dock subsequent windows to the same edge as the first window. Each additional docked window appears as a tab inside the first docked window. Click a tab to view its contents. The frontmost tab appears in bold font. Figure 6.2 shows two projects represented as tabs in a single docked window. Figure 6.2 Two projects in a single docked window

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Dockable Windows
Working with Dockable Windows

Undocking a Window
Use a contextual menu to undock a window from an edge of the client area to a floating window or MDI child window. 1. Right-click the tab inside the docked window that represents the window you want to undock. A contextual menu appears. Figure 6.3 Contextual menu

2. Choose Floating or MDI Child from the contextual menu. Floatingundock the window so that it becomes a floating window MDI childundock the window so that it becomes an MDI child window of the client area The window undocks and becomes the chosen window type. Alternately, double-click the tab to undock the corresponding window to a floating window.

Floating a Window
Use a contextual menu to float a docked window or MDI child window. 1. Right-click the tab in the docked window or the title bar of the MDI child window. A contextual menu appears. 2. Choose Floating from the contextual menu. NOTE The Floating command appears in the contextual menu for floatable windows only.

The window becomes a floating window (that you can drag outside the client area). Alternately, double-click the tab in a docked window to float its corresponding window. 64

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Dockable Windows
Working with Dockable Windows

Unfloating a Window
Use a contextual menu to dock a floating window or make it an MDI child window. 1. Right-click the title bar of the floating window. A contextual menu appears. 2. Choose Docked or MDI Child from the contextual menu. Dockeddock the floating window MDI childunfloat the window so that it becomes an MDI child window The window unfloats and becomes the chosen window type. Alternately, drag the floating window to an edge of the client area to dock it.

Making a Window an MDI Child

Use a contextual menu to make a docked window or floating window an MDI child window. 1. Right-click the tab in the docked window or the title bar of the floating window. A contextual menu appears. 2. Choose MDI Child from the contextual menu. The docked window or floating window becomes an MDI child window.

Suppressing Dockable Windows

Suppress dockable windows to drag a window to any location onscreen without docking it to an edge of the client area. 1. Hold down the Ctrl key while dragging or floating an MDI child window. The thin window outline that normally indicates docked-window placement becomes a heavy window outline. Use this heavy outline as a visual cue that the IDE suppresses dockable windows. 2. Release the window at its final position. The window appears in the position indicated by the heavy window outline. 3. Release the Ctrl key.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Dockable Windows
Dock Bars

Dock Bars
A docked window has a dock bar instead of a title bar. Use the dock bar to perform these tasks: move the docked window to a different edge of the client area collapse or expand view of the docked window close the docked window Figure 6.4 shows a dock bar. Figure 6.4 Dock Bar

Collapsing a Docked Window

If two or more distinct docked windows occupy the same edge of the client area, you can collapse one docked window to view contents of other docked windows. 1. Dock two or more windows to the same edge of the client area. The windows contents must appear in separate docked windows, not as tabs in a single docked window. 2. Click the collapse button to collapse. 3. The docked window collapses to hide its contents. on the dock bar of the docked window that you want

Expanding a Docked Window

If you previously collapsed a docked window, you can expand it and view its contents. 1. Click the expand button on the dock bar: 2. The docked window expands to restore its original view.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Dockable Windows
Dock Bars

Moving a Docked Window

Use the gripper in a docked windows dock bar to move the docked window to a different edge of the client area. 1. Drag the docked window by the gripper in its dock bar: 2. Release the docked window at its new position.

Closing a Docked Window

Close a docked window directly from its dock bar. 1. Click the close button on the dock bar: 2. The docked window closes. Re-opening the window restores its docked position.

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Dockable Windows
Dock Bars


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

This chapter explains how to work with workspaces in the CodeWarrior IDE. Use workspaces to do these tasks: Organizesave the state of all windows onscreen for later reuse Migrate across computerstransfer your workspace from one computer to another This chapter contains these sections: About Workspaces Using Workspaces

About Workspaces
A workspace stores information about the current state of the IDE. This information consists of the size, location, and the docked state (Windows) of IDE windows. If you save a workspace during an active debugging session, the workspace also stores information about the state of debugging windows. The IDE can use a default workspace, or it can use a workspace that you create. The IDE works with one workspace at a time. You can save and re-apply a workspace from one IDE session to the next.

Using Workspaces
Use menu commands to perform these workspace tasks: save a new workspace open an existing workspace close the current workspace

Using the Default Workspace

Use the default workspace to preserve IDE state from one session to the next. The IDE saves and restores the default workspace automatically.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Using Workspaces
1. Choose Edit > Preferences. The IDE Preferences window opens. 2. Select IDE Extras in the IDE Preference Panels list. The IDE Extras preference panel appears. 3. Enable the Use default workspace option. Checkedthe IDE saves its state at the time you quit, then restores that state the next time you launch the IDE Uncheckedthe IDE always launches with the same default state: no windows visible

Saving a Workspace
Save a workspace to store information about the current state of onscreen windows, recent items, and debugging. 1. Arrange your workspace. Move windows to your favorite positions and start or finish a debugging session. 2. Choose File > Save Workspace. A Save dialog box appears. 3. Enter a name for the current workspace NOTE Add the extension .cww to the end of the workspace name, for example, myworkspace.cww. This extension helps you readily identify the workspace file. The Windows-hosted IDE requires this extension to recognize the file as a CodeWarrior workspace.

4. Save the workspace to a location on your hard disk. The IDE now uses your saved workspace. In subsequent programming sessions, you can open the workspace.

Opening a Workspace
Open a workspace to apply its settings to the IDE. 1. Choose File > Open Workspace. An Open dialog box appears.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Using Workspaces
2. Open the workspace. Use this dialog box to navigate your hard disk and select a workspace file. These files end in the .cww extension. The IDE opens the selected workspace and applies its settings.

Saving a Copy of a Workspace

Save a copy of a current workspace under a different name. 1. Open an existing workspace. 2. Choose File > Save Workspace As. A Save As dialog box appears. 3. Enter a name for the copy of the current workspace NOTE Add the extension .cww to the end of the workspace name, for example, myworkspace.cww. This extension helps you readily identify the workspace file. The Windows-hosted IDE requires this extension to recognize the file as a CodeWarrior workspace.

4. Save the workspace to a location on your hard disk. The IDE saves a copy of the current workspace under the name you specified.

Closing a Workspace
Close the current workspace after you finish working with it. 1. Choose File > Close Workspace. 2. The IDE closes the current workspace. NOTE You cannot close the default workspace, however, the IDE Extras preference panel contains an option that determines whether the IDE uses the default workspace.

You can now open a different workspace or quit the IDE.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Using Workspaces

Opening a Recent Workspace

You can list recently used workspaces in the Open Recent submenu. The IDE Extras preference panel contains an option that determines the number of recent workspaces that the submenu will list. 1. Choose File > Open Recent. A submenu appears. This submenu lists recently opened projects, files, and workspaces. A checkmark appears next to the active workspace. 2. Choose a recent workspace from the Open Recent submenu. The IDE applies the workspace that you select.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

This section contains these chapters: The CodeWarrior Editor Editing Source Code Navigating Source Code Finding and Replacing Text

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide



8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

The CodeWarrior Editor
This chapter explains how to work with the editor in the CodeWarrior IDE. Use the editor to perform these tasks: Manage text filesthe editor includes common word-processing features for creating and editing text files. Sample text files include Read Me files and release notes. Manage source filesthe editor includes additional features for creating and editing source files. The IDE processes source files to produce a program. This chapter contains these sections: Editor Window Editor Toolbar Other Editor Window Components

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


The CodeWarrior Editor

Editor Window

Editor Window
Use the editor window to create and manage text files or source files. The window contains these major parts: Editor toolbar Text-editing area Line and column indicator Pane splitter controls Figure 8.1 on page 76 shows the editor window. Table 8.1 on page 77 explains the items in the editor window. Figure 8.1 Editor window


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

The CodeWarrior Editor

Editor Window

Table 8.1 Editor windowitems Item

Interfaces Menu


Displays a list of referenced interface files or header files for the source file.

Functions Menu

Displays a list of functions defined in the source file.

Markers Menu

Displays a list of markers defined in the file.

Document Settings Menu

Displays file-format options and a syntaxcoloring toggle.

Version Control System Menu

Displays a list of available Version Control System (VCS) commands. Choose a command to apply to the source file. Displays the complete path to the file.

Path Caption

File Modification Icon

This icon indicates an unchanged file since the last save.

This icon indicates a file with modifications not yet saved. Text Editing Area Line and Column Indicator Pane Splitter Controls Shows the text or source-code content of the file. Displays the current line and column number of the text-insertion cursor

Drag to split the window into panes.

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The CodeWarrior Editor

Editor Toolbar

Editor Toolbar
Use the editor toolbar to complete these tasks: Open interface and header files Find function definitions Set and clear markers Modify file formats Control syntax coloring Execute version-control operations Determine a files save state This section explains how to expand and collapse the toolbar, and how to perform each toolbar task.

Expanding and Collapsing the Editor Window Toolbar

To expand the editor window toolbar, click this icon in the right-hand top corner of the editor window. To collapse the Editor Window Toolbar, click this icon in the right-hand top corner of the Editor window.

Interfaces Menu
The Interfaces menu lists the source files included in the current source file. See Finding Interface Files for information on navigating source code with the Interfaces menu.

Functions Menu
The Functions menu lists the functions (routines) defined in the current file. See Locating Functions for information on navigating source code with the Functions pop-up.

Markers Menu
The Marker menu lists markers placed in the current file. Use markers to scroll to specific items in source code and find code segments by intuitive names. See Using Markers for information on navigating source code with Markers.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

The CodeWarrior Editor

Other Editor Window Components

Document Settings Menu

The Document Settings menu shows whether the IDE applies syntax coloring to the window text, as well as the format in which the IDE saves the file.

To toggle syntax coloring

Choose Document Settings > Syntax Coloring. The editor window updates to display the new syntax color setting.

To specify the EOL format for the file

Choose the EOL format for the file. The IDE applies the specified EOL format to the file the next time it gets saved.

Version Control System Menu

In editor windows, the version control pop-up menu lists options provided by a version control system (VCS) compatible with the IDE. Use a VCS to manage multiple versions of files. VCS packages are available separately for use with the IDE.

Using the Version Control System Menu

Use the Version Control System (VCS) pop-up menu to access version control commands related to the editor windows file. If a version control system is not enabled for a project, the only item on the VCS menu is No Version Control Available. Choose VCS > VCScommand The IDE executes the VCS command.

Other Editor Window Components

Use other editor window components to perform these tasks: Determine the path to a file. Determine the modification status of a file. Edit text or source code. Find the text-insertion point. This section explains these additional editor window components.

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The CodeWarrior Editor

Other Editor Window Components

Path Caption
The Path caption shows the path to the active file.

File Modification Icon

The File Modification icon indicates the save status of the file: The icon indicates an unchanged file since the last Save.


icon indicates a file with modifications not yet saved.

Text Editing Area

The text editing area behaves the same way as it does in a word processor. Enter text or source code, perform edits, and copy or paste selections.

Line and Column Indicator

The Line and Column indicator shows the current position of the text-insertion point. Click the indicator to specify a line to scroll into view.

Pane Splitter Controls

Use the pane splitter controls to perform these tasks: Add panes to editor windows. Adjust pane size. Remove panes from editor windows. This section explains how to perform each task.

Adding Panes to an Editor Window

Use the Pane Splitter controls to add additional view panes in an editor window and view two or more sections of a source file at the same time. 1. Click and drag a Pane Splitter control to add a view pane. 2. The IDE adds a new view pane to the editor window.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

The CodeWarrior Editor

Other Editor Window Components

Resizing Panes in an Editor Window

Use the Pane Resize controls to resize the panes in an editor window. 1. Click and drag a vertical or horizontal Pane Resize control. 2. The IDE resizes the selected view pane.

Removing Panes from an Editor Window

Use the Pane Resize controls to remove additional view panes from an editor window. 1. Remove an editor window pane. Double-click the Pane Resize control to remove the pane, or Click and drag the Pane Resize control to the left or top edge of the editor window. 2. The IDE removes the view pane from the editor window.

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The CodeWarrior Editor

Other Editor Window Components


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Editing Source Code
This chapter explains how to edit source code in the CodeWarrior IDE. The IDE provides these features to help you edit source code: Select and indent textthe editor can select text by line, routine, or rectangular selection. The editor also handles text indentation. Balance punctuationthe editor can find matching pairs of parentheses, brackets, and braces. Most programming languages, such as C++, produce syntax errors for punctuation that lacks a counterpart. Complete codethe IDE can suggest ways to complete the symbols you enter in a source file This chapter contains these sections: Text Manipulation Punctuation Balancing Code Completion

Text Manipulation
Use these tasks to manipulate text files: Select text Overstrike text Use virtual space Indent text This section explains how to perform each task.

Selecting Text in Editor Windows

The editor lets you select text in several ways while you edit source files. NOTE Enable the Left margin click selects line option in the Editor Settings preference panel to use the right-pointing arrow cursor.

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Editing Source Code

Text Manipulation

Follow these steps to select a line of text: Triple-click anywhere on a line, or Click the right-pointing cursor in the left margin of the line.

Multiple lines
Follow these steps to select multiple lines of text: Drag the cursor over several lines of text and release, or Position the cursor at the beginning of a selection range, then Shift-click the end of the selection range to select all text between the two points, or Drag the right-pointing cursor to select lines of text.

Rectangular text selections

On a Windows host, hold the Alt key down and drag the cursor over the portion of the text.

Entire routines
Follow these steps to select an entire routine: 1. Hold down the Shift key. 2. Choose a function name from the Function list menu.

Overstriking Text
Use the Overstrike command to toggle between text insertion and text overwriting mode when entering text. Press the Ins key to toggle overstrike mode.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Editing Source Code

Text Manipulation

Using Virtual Space

Use the Virtual Space feature to place the cursor anywhere in the white space of a line of source code and enter text at that position. For example, consider the line of C++ code shown in Listing 9.1. Listing 9.1 Sample C++ source code void aFunction (const char * inMessage) Toggling virtual space changes the cursor behavior: enabledclicking in the virtualspace places the cursor at the location that you clicked. You can enter text at that location. disabledclicking in the virtualspace places the cursor after the last character on the line (in the example, after the closing parenthesis). To place the cursor beyond this character, you must repeatedly press the space bar on your keyboard. To use virtual space, follow these steps: 1. Select Edit > Preferences. The IDE Preferences window opens. 2. Select Editor Settings in the IDE Preference Panels list. The Editor Settings preference panel appears. 3. Select the Enable Virtual Space option: 4. Click Apply or Save to save your changes to the preference panel. 5. Close the IDE Preferences window. virtualspace

Indenting and Unindenting Text Blocks

Use the Shift Left and Shift Right commands to shift a selected block of text to the left or right. You can indent or unindent one or more lines using these commands. The Tab Size option specifies the amount of indentation. 1. Select the text to be shifted. 2. Indent or unindent the selected text. To unindent text: Choose Edit > Shift-Left. To indent text: Choose Edit > Shift-Right.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Editing Source Code

Punctuation Balancing

Symbol Editing Shortcuts

You can use the browser contextual menu to enhance source-code editing in the IDE. Use this menu to streamline text entry in editor windows. You can enter the first few letters of a function name, then use the browser contextual menu to complete the entry. The IDE also provides these keyboard shortcuts with the browser enabled: Find symbols with prefixfind symbols matching the selected prefix Find symbols with substringfind symbols matching the selected substring Get next symbolobtain the next symbol from the browser database Get previous symbolobtain the previous symbol from the browser database

Punctuation Balancing
Balance punctuation to ensure that each opening parenthesis, bracket, or brace has a corresponding closing counterpart. This section explains how to balance punctuation.

Balancing Punctuation
Use the Balance option when editing source code to make sure that every parenthesis (( )), bracket ([ ]), and brace ({ }) has a mate. 1. Position the cursor between the suspect punctuation. 2. Check for the matching punctuation. Choose Edit > Balance OR Double-click the parenthesis, bracket, or brace character to check for a matching character. From a text insertion point, the editor searches forward until it finds a parenthesis, bracket, or brace, then it searches in the opposite direction until it finds the matching punctuation. When double-clicking on a parenthesis, bracket, or brace, the editor searches in the opposite direction until it finds the matching punctuation. When it finds a match, it highlights the text between the matching characters. If the insertion point is not enclosed or if the punctuation is unbalanced, the computer beeps.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Editing Source Code

Punctuation Balancing

Toggling Automatic Punctuation Balancing

Use the Editor Settings to enable or disable the punctuation balancing feature. Figure 9.1 Editor Settings (Balance While Typing)

To toggle automatic punctuation balancing, follow these steps: 1. Select Edit > Preferences. This opens the IDE Preferences window. 2. In the IDE Preference Panels list, select Editor Settings. 3. In the Other Settings area of Editor Settings, select or clear the Balance While Typing checkbox.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Editing Source Code

Code Completion

Code Completion
Use code completion to have the IDE automatically suggest ways to complete the symbols you enter in a source file. By using code completion, you avoid referring to other files to remember available symbols. C/C++ Code Completion will function more effectively when Language Parser is selected for the Generate Browser Data From option in the Build Extras target settings panel for a project. Java Code Completion is not affected by this setting.

Code Completion Configuration

You can activate, deactivate, and customize code-completion operation. These tasks are associated with code completion: Activate automatic code completion Trigger code completion from the IDE menu bar Trigger code completion from the keyboard Deactivate automatic code completion

Activating Automatic Code Completion

Activate automatic code completion to have the IDE display a Code Completion window that helps you complete the symbols you enter in source code. The Code Completion preference panel configures the Code Completion window behavior. 1. Choose Edit > Preferences. The IDE Preferences window appears. 2. Select the Code Completion preference panel in the IDE Preference Panels list. 3. Select the Automatic Invocation option. Selecting this option configures the IDE to automatically open the Code Completion window. 4. Enter a delay in the Code Completion Delay field. This delay determines how long the IDE waits between the time you type a trigger character and the time the Code Completion window appears. If you perform any action during this delay time, the IDE cancels the Code Completion operation. 5. Save your preferences. Click the Save or Apply button.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Editing Source Code

Code Completion
The Code Completion window now appears automatically to help you complete code in editor windows.

Triggering Code Completion from the IDE Menu

Trigger code completion from the main menu to open the Code Completion window. 1. Bring forward an editor window. 2. Begin typing or place insertion point at end of source code that you want to complete. 3. Choose Edit > Complete Code The Code Completion window appears. Use it to complete the symbol at the insertion point.

Triggering Code Completion from the Keyboard

To open code completion from the keyboard: 1. Bring forward an editor window. 2. Begin typing or place insertion point at end of source code to complete. 3. Press the appropriate code completion shortcut key combination. Table 9.1 on page 89 lists the default code completion key bindings. Use the Customize IDE Commands panel to change these key bindings. Table 9.1 Code Completion key bindings Host

Get Next Completion


Get Previous Completion


Complete Code

Deactivating Automatic Code Completion

Deactivate automatic code completion to prevent the IDE from displaying the Code Completion window as you edit source code. The Code Completion preference panel configures Code Completion window behavior. You can still manually trigger code-completion functionality from the keyboard or from the main menu.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Editing Source Code

Code Completion


To dismiss the Code Completion window after it automatically opens, press the Esc key or click outside the active editor window.

1. Choose Edit > Preferences. 2. Select the Code Completion preference panel in the IDE Preference Panels list. 3. Disable the Automatic Invocation option. Clearing this option prevents the IDE from automatically opening the Code Completion window. 4. Save your preferences. Click the Save or Apply button.

Code Completion Window

The Code Completion window displays possible symbols based on the context of the insertion point. For example, in Java you can complete code for any Java class, method, and variable from any package that has been imported or is being used elsewhere in the project. Figure 9.2 shows the Code Completion window. Table 9.2 on page 91 explains the items in the Code Completion window. Table 9.3 on page 91 explains the icons that appear in the Code Completion list. Figure 9.2 Code Completion window


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Editing Source Code

Code Completion

Table 9.2 Code Completion windowitems Item

Code Completion list


Lists available variables and methods or functions along with their corresponding return types or parameters. This list changes based on the context of the insertion point in the active editor window. Icons help distinguish items in the list. Click to toggle display of Documentation pane for programming languages that support it. Drag to resize the Code Completion list and the Documentation pane. Displays summary information or documentation for the selected item in the Code Completion list. This pane appears only for programming languages that support summary information or documentation.

Disclosure Triangle Resize Bar

Documentation pane

Table 9.3 Code Completion windowicons Icon Code Type



Code Type



Global Variable


Language Keyword


Local Variable



8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Editing Source Code

Code Completion

Navigating the Code Completion Window

Navigate the Code Completion window by mouse or keyboard. You can perform these tasks: Resize the window Navigate the window by keyboard Refine the Code Completion list by keyboard 1. Bring forward an editor window. 2. Place the insertion point at the end of the source code to complete. 3. Choose Edit > Complete Code or use keyboard shortcut. The Code Completion window appears. 4. Use the mouse to resize the Code Completion window (Mac and Windows). The new window size remains in effect until you refine the Code Completion list or close the Code Completion window. You refine the Code Completion list by typing additional characters in the active editor window. 5. Use the keyboard to navigate the Code Completion list. Table 9.4 explains how to navigate the Code Completion list by keyboard. Table 9.4 Navigating the Code Completion list by keyboard Key
Up Arrow Down Arrow Page Up Page Down

Select the previous item Select the next item Scroll to the previous page Scroll to the next page

6. Use the keyboard to refine the Code Completion list. The Code Completion list updates as you add or delete characters in the active editor window. Continue adding characters to narrow the list, or delete existing characters to broaden the list. Press the Backspace key to delete characters.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Editing Source Code

Code Completion

Selecting an Item in the Code Completion Window

Select an item in the Code Completion window to have the IDE enter that item in the active editor window at the insertion point. 1. Bring forward an editor window. 2. Place the insertion point at the end of the source code to complete. 3. Choose Edit > Complete Code. 4. Select an item in the Code Completion list. 5. Enter the item into the active editor window. Press the Return or Enter keys on the keyboard or double-click the item to have the IDE insert that item into the editor window.

Completing Code for Data Members and Data Types

Complete code for data members for programming languages that support it. For a list of data members type the period (.) character and activate the code completion window. Figure 9.3 shows an example of helping you select the correct data type depending on what code has been typed in the source file. Figure 9.3 Code Completion List of Data Types

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Editing Source Code

Code Completion

Completing Code for Parameter Lists

Complete code for parameter lists for programming languages that support it. For example, you can complete code for parameter lists by typing the open parenthesis( character. 1. Bring forward an editor window. 2. Place the insertion point at the end of the function or method to complete. 3. Type an open parenthesis to trigger a parameter-list. 4. The Code Completion window appears. The upper portion of this window lists different (overloaded) versions of the function or method. The lower portion shows possible parameter lists for the selected function or method in the top portion. Use this window to complete the parameter list for the function or method. Figure 9.4 Code Completion for Parameter Lists


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Editing Source Code

Code Completion

Completing Code for Pragmas

You can display a list of pragmas in the code completion window. 1. Bring forward an editor window. 2. In your source file, type #pragma followed by a space. 3. Activate the code completion window (Alt .). The code completion window will display a list of pragmas. Figure 9.5 Code Completion for Pragmas

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Editing Source Code

Code Completion


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Navigating Source Code
This chapter explains how to navigate source code in the CodeWarrior IDE. Navigate source code to accomplish these tasks: Find specific itemsthe editor finds interface files, functions, and lines of source code. Go to a specific linethe editor can scroll to a specific line of source code. Use markersthe editor allows labelling of specific items of text. These labels, or markers, provide intuitive navigation of text. Read this chapter to learn more about typical tasks for navigating source code. This chapter contains these sections: Finding Interface Files, Functions, and Lines Going Back and Forward Using Markers Symbol Definitions

Finding Interface Files, Functions, and Lines

Find interface files, functions, and lines of source code to expedite programming. You can find these types of items: interface files functions lines of source code

Finding Interface Files

Find interface (header) files referenced by the current source code. Some programming languages, such as C++, use interface files in conjunction with source code. Interface files typically define functions or objects used in the source code. Interface files also separate function or object declarations from implementations. This section explains how to find interface files.

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Navigating Source Code

Finding Interface Files, Functions, and Lines

Using the Interface Menu

Use the Interface menu in editor windows to open interface or header files referenced by the current file. The project file must be open for the Interface menu to operate. 1. Click the Interface menu. 2. Select the filename of the interface file that you want to open. If found, the file is opened in an editor window. If not found, an alert sounds. NOTE Only source code interface files can be opened. Libraries and pre-compiled header files can not be opened.

Locating Functions
Find functions to expedite source-code editing. Most source files contain several functions that divide a complicated task into a series of simpler tasks. The editor allows scrolling to individual functions within the current source file. This section explains how to find functions.

Using the Functions Menu

Use the Functions menu in editor windows to quickly navigate to specific functions or routines in the current source file. 1. Click the Functions menu. 2. Select the function name to view. The editor scrolls to display the selected function.

Alphabetizing Functions Menu with the Mouse and Keyboard

The default behavior of the Functions menu is to list functions in order of appearance in the source file. You can use the mouse and keyboard to list functions in alphabetical order. Use the mouse and keyboard to alphabetize functions in the Functions menu. On a Windows host, Ctrl-click the Functions menu.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Navigating Source Code

Going Back and Forward

Alphabetizing Functions Menu Order

The default behavior of the Functions menu is to list functions in order of appearance in the source file. You can select the Sort function popup option in the Editor Settings preference panel to list functions in alphabetical order. 1. Open the IDE Preferences window. Choose Edit > Preferences. 2. Select the Editor Settings preference panel. 3. Select the Sort function popup option. 4. Save your modifications to the Editor Settings panel.

Going Back and Forward

Go back and forward in source files to edit existing code. Most source files contain more than one screen of code. The editor always counts the number of lines in the source files. Go to a particular line to scroll a particular item into view.

Going to a Line
Use the Goto Line command to navigate to a specific source line in an editor window if you know its number. Lines are numbered consecutively, with the first line designated as line 1. The Line Number control at the bottom of the editor window shows the line number where the text insertion point is positioned. 1. Open the Line Number window. Click the Line and Column Indicator control in bottom left corner of editor window, or Choose Search > Go To Line 2. Type a line number in the Line Number text box. 3. Click OK. NOTE If a line number does not exist, the insertion point jumps to the last line of the source file.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Navigating Source Code

Using Markers

Using Markers
Markers behave like labels in the editor, identifying specific parts of source code. Use these tasks to work with markers: Add markers to a source file Navigate to a marker Remove some or all markers from a source file

Remove Markers Window

Use the Remove Markers window to manage the use of destination markers in source files. Figure 10.1 shows the Remove Markers window. Table 10.1 explains the items in the window. Figure 10.1 Remove Marker window

Table 10.1 Remove Markers windowitems Item

Markers list Remove button Cancel button

Displays a list of all markers in the current source file. Click to remove all selected markers. Click to close the Remove Markers window without applying changes. Click to close the Remove Markers window and apply changes.

Done button


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Navigating Source Code

Using Markers

Adding Markers to a Source File

Use the Add Marker command to add a marker to a file to identify specific line locations by name. 1. Position the cursor on a line. 2. Click on Marker icon and select Add Marker. 3. Type a name for the new marker. 4. Click Add. The IDE adds the marker to the file.

Navigating to a Marker
Once you add a marker, you can use the Marker menu to return to it later. 1. Select the marker name from the Marker menu. 2. The editor window scrolls to display the selected marker.

Removing a Marker from a Source File

Use the Remove Marker command to remove one or more markers from a source file. 1. Click Marker icon and select Remove Markers 2. Select the marker name to remove from the list. 3. Click Remove. The IDE removes the selected marker.

Removing All Markers from a Source File

Use the Remove Marker command to remove one or more markers from a source file. 1. Click Marker icon and select Remove Markers 2. On a Windows host, select all markers in the Markers list by shift-clicking each marker name in the list. 3. Click Remove. The IDE removes all markers.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Navigating Source Code

Symbol Definitions

Symbol Definitions
You can find a symbol definition in your projects source code. Supported online reference viewers include HTMLHelp for Windows. TIP You can also use the browser to look up symbol definitions.

Figure 10.2 Find Definition

Looking Up Symbol Definitions

To look up the definition of a selected symbol, follow these steps: 1. Choose Search > Find Definition 2. Enter the symbol definition. 3. Click OK. CodeWarrior searches all files in your project for the symbol definition. If CodeWarrior finds a definition, it opens an editor window and highlights the definition for you to examine. TIP To return to your original location after viewing a symbol definition, press ShiftCtrl B. This key binding is equivalent to the Go Back menu command.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Finding and Replacing Text
This chapter explains how to work with the find-and-replace features in the CodeWarrior IDE. This chapter contains these sections: Single-File Find Single-File Find and Replace Multiple-File Find and Replace Search Results Window Text-Selection Find Regular-Expression Find Comparing Files and Folders

Single-File Find
Use the Find window to search for text within a single file: The Find operation returns a single instance of matching text. The Find All operation returns all instances of matching text. Figure 11.1 shows the Find window. Table 11.1 on page 104 explains the items in the Find window. Figure 11.1 Find window

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Finding and Replacing Text

Single-File Find

Table 11.1 Find windowitems Item

Find text/list box

Enter a search string. Click the arrow symbol to select a search string that you entered previously. Click to start a search operation using the string in the Find text/list box. Click to search for all matches in the active editor window. Click to close the Find window without performing a search. Check to search for whole-word matches only, ignoring matches within words. Clear to search for all matches of the search string, including matches within words.

Find button

Find All button Cancel button Match whole word checkbox

Case sensitive checkbox

Check to consider text case during the search. The search operation distinguishes between a capital letter and the same letter in lower case. Clear to disregard text case during the search. The search operation does not distinguish between a capital letter and the same letter in lower case.

Regular expression checkbox Stop at end of file checkbox

Check to treat the search string as a regular expression. Clear to treat the search string as plain text. Check to stop a search at the end of a file and not wrap around to the beginning of the file. Clear to wrap around to the beginning of the file and continue a search. The search stops at the first match or at the current cursor position.

Search up checkbox

Check to perform a search operation back from the current selection. Clear to perform a search operation forward of the current selection

Search selection only checkbox

Check to search only the currently selected text and not the entire file. Clear to search the entire file.

All text option button

Select to search all text in the file.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Finding and Replacing Text

Single-File Find
Table 11.1 Find windowitems (continued) Item
Code only option button Comments only option button

Select to search only source code in the file.

Select to search only comments in the file.

Searching Text in a Single File

Use the Find command to search for text in the active editor window. 1. Click Search > Find. The Find window appears. 2. Enter search text into Find text/list box. 3. Set search options. 4. Click the Find or Find All button to start the search. The IDE searches the current file until it finds a match or reaches the end of the search. A single match appears highlighted in the editor window, or multiple matches appear in a Search Results window. The IDE beeps if it does not find any matching text. TIP If you clicked the Find button to start the search, click Search > Find Next to find the next match in the file.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Finding and Replacing Text

Single-File Find and Replace

Single-File Find and Replace

Use the Find and Replace window to perform these tasks: Search a single file. Replace found text in a single file. Figure 11.2 shows the Find and Replace window. Table 11.2 explains the items in the Find and Replace window. Figure 11.2 Find and Replace window

Table 11.2 Find and Replace windowitems Item

Find text/list box

Enter a search string. Click the arrow symbol to select a search string that you entered previously. Enter the replacement string. Click the arrow symbol to select a replacement string that you entered previously. Click to start a search operation using the string in the Find text/list box. Click to replace the current match with the replacement string. Click to replace all matches with the replacement string. Click to close the Find and Replace window without performing a search.

Replace with text/list box Find button

Replace button Replace All button Cancel button


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Finding and Replacing Text

Single-File Find and Replace
Table 11.2 Find and Replace windowitems (continued) Item
Match whole word checkbox

Check to search for whole-word matches only, ignoring matches within words. Clear to search for all matches of the search string, including matches within words.

Case sensitive checkbox

Check to consider text case during the search. The search operation distinguishes between a capital letter and the same letter in lower case. Clear to disregard text case during the search. The search operation does not distinguish between a capital letter and the same letter in lower case.

Regular expression checkbox Stop at end of file checkbox

Check to treat the search string as a regular expression. Clear to treat the search string as plain text. Check to stop a search at the end of a file and not wrap around to the beginning of the file. Clear to wrap around to the beginning of the file and continue a search. The search stops at the first match or at the current cursor position.

Search up checkbox

Check to perform a search operation back from the current selection. Clear to perform a search operation forward of the current selection

Search selection only checkbox

Check to search only the currently selected text and not the entire file. Clear to search the entire file.

All text option button Code only option button Comments only option button

Select to search all text in the file. Select to search only source code in the file.

Select to search only comments in the file.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Finding and Replacing Text

Single-File Find and Replace

Replacing Text in a Single File

Use the Replace command to replace matching text. 1. Click Search > Replace or Search > Find and Replace. The Find window appears. 2. Enter search text into the Find text/list box. 3. Enter replacement text into the Replace with text/list box. 4. Set search options. 5. Find and replace text: a. Click the Find button to search for matching text. The IDE searches the current file until it finds a match or reaches the end of the search. A single match appears highlighted in the editor window. The IDE beeps if it does not find any matching text. b. Click the Replace or Replace All button to replace the matching text. Click the Replace button to replace the current match. Click the Replace button repeatedly to replace subsequent matches. Click the Replace All button to replace all matching text in the file. To replace consecutive matches, click the Find button to find the first match, then repeatedly click the Replace button. To replace one match at a time, or to replace nonconsecutive matches, click the Find button to find a match, then click the Replace button as needed. TIP If you clicked the Find button to start the search, click Search > Find Next to find the next match in the file.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Finding and Replacing Text

Multiple-File Find and Replace

Multiple-File Find and Replace

Use the Find in Files window to perform these tasks: Search several files. Replace found text in multiple files, folders, symbolics files, or projects. Replace found text in files within a specific build target. Figure 11.3 shows the Find in Files window. Table 11.3 explains the items in the window. Figure 11.3 Find in Files window

Table 11.3 Find in Files windowitems Item

Find text/list box

Enter a search string. Click the arrow symbol to select a search string that you entered previously. Enter the replacement string. Click the arrow symbol to select a replacement string that you entered previously. Click to start a search operation using the string in the Find text/list box. Click to search for all matches in the selected items.

Replace with text/ list box Find button

Find All button

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Finding and Replacing Text

Multiple-File Find and Replace
Table 11.3 Find in Files windowitems (continued) Item
Replace button Replace All button Stop button Match whole word checkbox

Click to replace the current match with the replacement string. Click to replace all matches with the replacement string. Click to stop the current operation. Check to search for whole-word matches only, ignoring matches within words. Clear to search for all matches of the search string, including matches within words.

Case sensitive checkbox

Check to consider text case during the search. The search operation distinguishes between a capital letter and the same letter in lower case. Clear to disregard text case during the search. The search operation does not distinguish between a capital letter and the same letter in lower case.

Regular expression checkbox All text option button Code only option button Comments only option button In Folders tab

Check to treat the search string as a regular expression. Clear to treat the search string as plain text. Select to search all text in the selected items.

Select to search only source code in selected items.

Select to search only comments in selected items.

Click to bring forward the In Folders page. Use this page to search specific folders in the host file system. Click to bring forward the In Projects page. Use this page to search active projects and build targets. Click to bring forward the In Symbolics page. Use this page to search files containing symbolics (debugging and browsing) information generated by the IDE. Click to bring forward the In Files page. Use this page to search files contained in custom file sets.

In Projects tab

In Symbolics tab

In Files tab


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Finding and Replacing Text

Multiple-File Find and Replace

In Folders
Use the In Folders page to search folder contents for matching text. Figure 11.4 shows the In Folders page. Table 11.4 explains the items in the page. Figure 11.4 Find in Files windowIn Folders page

Table 11.4 Find in Files windowIn Folders items Item

Search in text/list box Browse button

Enter the path to the folder that you want to search. Click the arrow symbol to select a path that you entered previously. Click to open a dialog box that lets you pick the folder that you want to search. Check to search sub-folders of the selected folder. Clear to search the selected folder only, ignoring any subfolders it may contain. Enter the filename extensions of the files that you want to search. Click the arrow symbol to select a set of filename extensions. The search ignores files whose filename extensions do not appear in this text/list box.

Search sub-folders checkbox

By type text/list box

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Finding and Replacing Text

Multiple-File Find and Replace

Searching for Text Across Multiple Folders

Use the In Folders page to search for text in folder contents. 1. Click Search > Find in Files. The Find in Files window appears. 2. Enter search text into the Find text/list box. 3. Enter replacement text into the Replace with text/list box. 4. Set general search options. 5. Set the In Folders page search options: a. Enter a folder path into the Search in text/list box, or click the Browse button to select a folder. b. Check or clear the Search sub-folders checkbox. c. Enter filename extensions into the By type text/list box. 6. Find and replace text: a. Click the Find or Find All button to search for matching text. The IDE searches the specified folder contents until it finds a match or reaches the end of the search. A single match appears highlighted in an editor window, or multiple matches appear in a Search Results window. The IDE beeps if it does not find any matching text. b. Click the Replace or Replace All button to replace the matching text. Click the Replace button to replace the current match. Click the Replace button repeatedly to replace subsequent matches. Click the Replace All button to replace all matching text. To replace consecutive matches, click the Find button to find the first match, then repeatedly click the Replace button. To replace one match at a time, or to replace nonconsecutive matches, click the Find button to find a match, then click the Replace button as needed. TIP If you clicked the Find button to start the search, click Search > Find Next to find the next match.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Finding and Replacing Text

Multiple-File Find and Replace

In Projects
Use the In Projects page to search active projects and build targets for matching text. Figure 11.5 shows the In Projects page. Table 11.5 explains the items in the page. Figure 11.5 Find in Files windowIn Projects page

Table 11.5 Find in Files windowIn Projects items Item

Project list box Target list box Project sources checkbox Project headers checkbox System headers checkbox Search cached subtargets checkbox

Specify the projects that you want to search. Specify the build targets that you want to search. Check to search the source-code files of selected projects. Clear to ignore source-code files of selected projects. Check to search the header files of selected projects. Clear to ignore header files of selected projects. Check to search system header files. Clear to ignore system header files. Check to search sub-targets that the IDE cached for the selected build targets. Clear to ignore the sub-targets that the IDE cached for the selected build targets.

File list

This list shows files that the IDE will search. To remove a file from this list, select it and press Backspace or Delete. To open a file in this list, double-click its name.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Finding and Replacing Text

Multiple-File Find and Replace

Searching for Text Across Multiple Projects

Use the In Projects page to search for text in active projects and build targets. 1. Click Project > Make. The IDE updates the project data to correctly list source-code files, header files, and build targets in the In Projects page of the Find in Files window. 2. Click Search > Find in Files. The Find in Files window appears. 3. Enter search text into the Find text/list box. 4. Enter replacement text into the Replace with text/list box. 5. Set general search options. 6. Set the In Projects page search options: a. Use the Project list box to specify the projects that you want to search. b. Use the Target list box to specify the build targets that you want to search. c. Check or clear the checkboxes to refine your search criteria. d. Remove files from the File list as needed. 7. Find and replace text: a. Click the Find or Find All button to search for matching text. The IDE searches the specified projects and build targets until it finds a match or reaches the end of the search. A single match appears highlighted in an editor window, or multiple matches appear in a Search Results window. The IDE beeps if it does not find any matching text. b. Click the Replace or Replace All button to replace the matching text. Click the Replace button to replace the current match. Click the Replace button repeatedly to replace subsequent matches. Click the Replace All button to replace all matching text. To replace consecutive matches, click the Find button to find the first match, then repeatedly click the Replace button. To replace one match at a time, or to replace nonconsecutive matches, click the Find button to find a match, then click the Replace button as needed. TIP If you clicked the Find button to start the search, click Search > Find Next to find the next match.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Finding and Replacing Text

Multiple-File Find and Replace

In Symbolics
Use the In Symbolics page to search files containing symbolics information for matching text. Figure 11.6 shows the In Symbolics page. Table 11.6 explains the items in the page. Figure 11.6 Find in Files windowIn Symbolics page

Table 11.6 Find in Files windowIn Symbolics items Item

Symbolics list box Symbolics list

Specify the symbolics files that you want to search.

This list shows the symbolics files that the IDE will search. To remove a file from this list, select it and press Backspace or Delete. To open a file in this list, double-click its name.

Searching for Text Across Multiple Symbolics Files

Use the In Symbolics page to search for text in symbolics files. You must generate browser data in order to search symbolics files. 1. Enable browser data for the build targets that you want to search. Use the Build Extras target settings panel to Generate Browser Data From a compiler or language parser, then Apply or Save your changes. Configuring this option enables browser data. 2. Click Project > Debug. Starting a debugging session causes the IDE to generate browser data for the project.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Finding and Replacing Text

Multiple-File Find and Replace


The IDE does not generate browser data for some files, such as libraries.

3. Click Debug > Kill. The debugging session ends. 4. Click Search > Find in Files. The Find in Files window appears. 5. Enter search text into the Find text/list box. 6. Enter replacement text into the Replace with text/list box. 7. Set general search options. 8. Set the In Symbolics page search options: a. Use the Symbolics list box to specify the symbolics files that you want to search. b. Remove symbolics files from the Symbolics list as needed. 9. Find and replace text: a. Click the Find or Find All button to search for matching text. The IDE searches the specified symbolics files until it finds a match or reaches the end of the search. A single match appears highlighted in an editor window, or multiple matches appear in a Search Results window. The IDE beeps if it does not find any matching text. b. Click the Replace or Replace All button to replace the matching text. Click the Replace button to replace the current match. Click the Replace button repeatedly to replace subsequent matches. Click the Replace All button to replace all matching text. To replace consecutive matches, click the Find button to find the first match, then repeatedly click the Replace button. To replace one match at a time, or to replace nonconsecutive matches, click the Find button to find a match, then click the Replace button as needed. TIP If you clicked the Find button to start the search, click Search > Find Next to find the next match.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Finding and Replacing Text

Multiple-File Find and Replace

In Files
Use the In Files page to search file sets for matching text. Figure 11.7 shows the In Files page. Table 11.7 on page 117 explains the items in the page. Figure 11.7 Find in Files windowIn Files page

Table 11.7 Find in Files windowIn Files items Item

File Set list box

Specify the file set that you want to search. Select New File Set to create a new set. This list shows the files that the IDE will search. To remove a file from this list, select it and press Backspace or Delete. To add files to this list, click the Add Files button, or drag and drop files and folders into the list. To open a file in this list, double-click its name. Click to open a dialog box that lets you add files to the current file set. To enable this button, select from the File Set list box an existing file set or the New File Set option. Click to clear the current File Set list. To enable this button, select from the File Set list box a file set that has at least one file. Click to save the current file set under a specific name. The file set must have at least one file. The name appears in the File Set list box. To enable this button, modify the current file set or select an existing file set from the File Set list box. Click to open a dialog box that lets you remove file sets that you created previously. The removed file sets no longer appear in the File Set list box. To enable this button, select from the File Set list box an existing file set or the New File Set option.

File Set list

Add Files button

Clear List button Save This Set button

Remove a Set button

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Finding and Replacing Text

Multiple-File Find and Replace

Searching for Text Across Multiple Files

Use the In Files page to search for text in file sets. 1. Click Search > Find in Files. The Find in Files window appears. 2. Enter search text into the Find text/list box. 3. Enter replacement text into the Replace with text/list box. 4. Set general search options. 5. Set the In Files page search options: a. Use the File Set list box to specify the file set that you want to search. b. Use the buttons to manage the File Set list as needed. c. Remove files from the File Set list as needed. 6. Find and replace text: a. Click the Find or Find All button to search for matching text. The IDE searches the specified files until it finds a match or reaches the end of the search. A single match appears highlighted in an editor window, or multiple matches appear in a Search Results window. The IDE beeps if it does not find any matching text. b. Click the Replace or Replace All button to replace the matching text. Click the Replace button to replace the current match. Click the Replace button repeatedly to replace subsequent matches. Click the Replace All button to replace all matching text. To replace consecutive matches, click the Find button to find the first match, then repeatedly click the Replace button. To replace one match at a time, or to replace nonconsecutive matches, click the Find button to find a match, then click the Replace button as needed. TIP If you clicked the Find button to start the search, click Search > Find Next to find the next match in the file.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Finding and Replacing Text

Search Results Window

Search Results Window

Use the Search Results window to explore multiple matches that the IDE finds. The IDE opens this window automatically after it finds multiple matches. Also use this window to stop searches in progress. Figure 11.8 shows the Search Results window. Table 11.8 explains the items in the window. Figure 11.8 Search Results window

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Finding and Replacing Text

Search Results Window

Table 11.8 Search Results windowitems Item

Result Count text box


Shows the total number of search results.

Search Criteria text box Warnings button

Shows the search criteria.

Click to display complier and linker warnings in the Results pane. The text box to the right of this button shows the total number of warnings. Click to stop the search in progress.

Stop button

Previous Result button

Click to select the previous search result.

Next Result button

Click to select the next search result.

Results pane Source Code pane disclosure triangle Pane resize bar

Lists individual search results. Click to show or hide the Source Code pane. Drag to resize the Results and Source Code panes. Shows the source code corresponding to the selected item in the Results pane. This pane operates the same as an editor window without pane-splitter controls.

Source Code pane


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Finding and Replacing Text

Text-Selection Find

Text-Selection Find
After you use the Find, Find and Replace, or Find in Files windows to perform a successful search, you can use menu commands to apply the same search criteria to additional searches. This way, you do not have to open the windows again to use the same search criteria. You select text in the active editor window to define the search string.

Using the Find Next Command

When searching for text, you can use the Find Next command to have the IDE find the next match: 1. Start a search with the Find, Find and Replace, or Find in Files windows. 2. After the IDE finds a match, click Search > Find Next to find a subsequent match. NOTE Find Next always searches forward and ignores the Search up checkbox.

Using the Find Previous Command

When searching for text, you can use the Find Previous command to have the IDE find the previous match. You must enable the Find Previous command in the Customize IDE Commands window. 1. Click Edit > Commands & Key Bindings. The Customize IDE Commands window opens. 2. Click the Commands tab in the Customize IDE Commands window. 3. Expand the Search item in the Commands pane tree structure. 4. Select the Find Previous item in the expanded list. Scroll as needed in order to see the Find Previous item. After you select the Find Previous item, its settings appear in Details pane. 5. Check the Appears in Menus checkbox. The Find Previous command will appear in the Search menu in the main IDE menu bar. 6. Click Save to confirm your changes.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Finding and Replacing Text

Regular-Expression Find
7. Close the Customize IDE Commands window. You can now select the Find Previous command in the Search menu. You can also use the key binding associated with the command.

Changing the Find String

Use the Enter Find String command to change the current find string. 1. Select the text that you want to use as the new find string. 2. Click Search > Enter Find String. The selected text replaces the find string that you specified in the Find, Find and Replace, or Find in Files windows. You can now use the new find string to perform find and replace operations.

Searching with a Text Selection

Use the Find Selection command to search the active editor window for selected text. 1. Select the text that you want to use as the search string. 2. Click Search > Find Selection. The IDE searches the active editor window until it finds a match or reaches the end of the search. A single match appears highlighted in the editor window. The IDE beeps if it does not find any matching text. You can also use the Find Next and Find Previous commands to search for additional matching text.

Regular-Expression Find
Use regular expressions to search text according to sophisticated text-matching rules. A regular expression is a text string used as a mask for matching text in a file. To use regular expressions, select Regular expression in the Find, Find and Replace, or Find in Files windows. Certain characters are operators with special meanings in a regular expression. TIP For an in-depth description of regular expressions, refer to Mastering Regular Expressions by Jeffrey E.F. Friedl, published by OReilly & Associates, Inc.

Table 11.9 explains the regular-expression operators that the IDE recognizes.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Finding and Replacing Text

Regular-Expression Find

Table 11.9 Regular-expression operators recognized by the IDE Operator


match any

Matches any single printing or non-printing character except newline and null. Replaces the smallest/preceding regular expression with a sub-expression. Repeats the preceding regular expression at least once and then as many times as necessary to match the pattern. Repeats the preceding regular expression once or not at all. Refers to a specified group (a unit expression enclosed in parentheses) in the find string. The digit n identifies the nth group, from left to right, with a number from 1 to 9. Matches one of a choice of regular expressions. If this operator appears between two regular expressions, the IDE matches the largest union of strings. Matches items from the beginning of a string or following a newline character. This operator also represents a NOT operator when enclosed within brackets. Matches items from the end of a string or preceding a newline character. Defines a set of items to use as a match. The IDE does not allow empty lists. Defines an expression to be treated as a single unit elsewhere in the regular expression. Specifies a range. The range starts with the character preceding the operator and ends with the character following the operator.

match zero or more match one or more

match zero or one back reference



match beginning of line match end of line list





Table 11.10 shows various examples of using regular expressions to match particular text in a text sample.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Finding and Replacing Text

Regular-Expression Find

Table 11.10 Examples of using regular expressions Example Type

Matching simple expressions Matching any character

Regular expression
ex [(][.]stack[)] var.

Matching text
ex (.stack) var1 var2

Sample text
sample text ADDR(.stack) cout << var1; cout << var2; cin >> cutF; cin >> cotG; information the session confusion the session surprise theVar is sagging bag lagged cout << a[2] << u9; sagging rag lagged aVal-Val; cout << "no tab"; cout << "tab";


cut cot

Repeating expressions


ion ssion


sion ssion

Grouping expressions Choosing one character from many

ris r( i)s [bls]ag

ris r is sag bag lag


[2 u9



[-ab]V Matching line beginnings and endings ^([\t]*cout)

aV -V cout cout


l; ;

a-ct; a = battLvl; b-ct;


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Finding and Replacing Text

Regular-Expression Find

Using the Find String in the Replace String

Use the & operator to incorporate matching text into a replacement string. The IDE substitutes the matching text for the & operator. Use \& to indicate a literal ampersand in the replacement string. Table 11.11 shows examples of using the find string in the replace string of regular expressions.

Table 11.11 Examples of using the find string in the replace string Find string
var[0-9] tgt

Replace string
my_& \&target

Matching text
var1 tgt

After replacement
my_var1 &target

Remembering Sub-expressions
Use the \n construct to recall sub-expressions from the find string in the replacement string. The digit n ranges from 1 to 9 and represents the nth sub-expression in the find string, counting from left to right. Enclose each sub-expression in parentheses. Consider these sample definitions: Find string: \#define[ \t]+(.+)[ \t]+([0-9]+); Replace string: const int \1 = \2; Sub-expression \1: (.+) Sub-expression \2: ([0-9]+) These definitions show a replacement operation that recalls two sub-expressions. Table 11.12 shows the result of applying these sample definitions to some text. Table 11.12 Remembering sub-expressions Before replacement \1 matches this text
var1 a

\2 matches this text

10 100

After replacement

#define var1 10; #define a 100;

const int var1 = 10; const int a = 100;

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Finding and Replacing Text

Comparing Files and Folders

Comparing Files and Folders

The IDE can compare files or folder contents and graphically show you the differences between them. You can perform these tasks: Compare two files. Compare the contents of two folders. You perform the comparison by specifying a source item and a destination item. You can apply or remove the changes in the source item to or from the destination item.

Comparison Setup
You use the Compare Files Setup window to enter information about the files or folders that you want to compare. Figure 11.9 on page 126 shows the Compare Files Setup window. Table 11.13 on page 126 explains items in the window. Figure 11.9 Compare Files Setup window

Table 11.13 Compare Files Setup windowitems Item

Source box

Click the Choose button to specify the source file or folder for the comparison, or drag and drop a file or folder into the box. Click the selector to the left of the Choose button to specify a file in an open editor window. Click the Choose button to specify the destination file or folder for the comparison, or drag and drop a file or folder into the box. Click the selector to the left of the Choose button to specify a file in an open editor window.

Destination box


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Finding and Replacing Text

Comparing Files and Folders
Table 11.13 Compare Files Setup windowitems (continued) Item
Case sensitive checkbox

Check to consider text case during the compare operation. The comparison distinguishes between a capital letter and the same letter in lower case. Clear to disregard text case during the compare operation. The comparison does not distinguish between a capital letter and the same letter in lower case.

Ignore extra space checkbox

Check to consider extra spaces and tabs during the compare operation. The comparison distinguishes differences in the number of spaces and tabs in the compared files. Clear to disregard extra spaces and tabs during the compare operation. The comparison does not distinguish differences in the number of spaces and tabs in the compared files.

Only show different files checkbox

Check to have the Folder Compare Results window show only the differences between the compared folders. The Files in Both Folders pane stays blank. Clear to have the Folder Compare Results window show all files from the compared folders as well as the differences between those folders. The Files in Both Folders pane shows the common files between the compared folders. Check to identify differences in terms of a byte-by-byte comparison of the files. Clear to identify differences in terms of only the sizes and modification dates of the files. Click to compare the specified files or folders.

Compare text file contents checkbox Compare button

Choosing Files to Compare

Use the Compare Files command to specify two files that you want to compare. 1. Click Search > Compare Files. The Compare Files Setup window appears.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Finding and Replacing Text

Comparing Files and Folders
2. Specify a source file for the comparison. Click the Choose button in the Source box or drag and drop the file into the Source box. To specify a file in an open editor window, click the selector in the Source box. 3. Specify a destination file for the comparison. Click the Choose button in the Destination box or drag and drop the file into the Destination box. To specify a file in an open editor window, click the selector in the Destination box. 4. Configure the checkboxes in the Text Compare Options group. Check the Case sensitive checkbox to distinguish between a capital letter and the same letter in lower case. Check the Ignore extra space checkbox to disregard extra spaces or tabs in the files. 5. Click the Compare button. The IDE performs the file comparison. The File Compare Results window appears.

Choosing Folders to Compare

Follow these steps to specify two folders that you want to compare: 1. Click Search > Compare Files. The Compare Files Setup window appears. 2. Specify a source folder for the comparison. Click the Choose button in the Source box or drag and drop the folder into the Source box. 3. Specify a destination folder for the comparison. Click the Choose button in the Destination box or drag and drop the folder into the Destination box. 4. Configure the checkboxes in the Text Compare Options group. These options apply to the files inside the compared folders. Check the Case sensitive checkbox to distinguish between a capital letter and the same letter in lower case. Check the Ignore extra space checkbox to disregard extra spaces or tabs in the files. 5. Configure the checkboxes in the Folder Compare Options group. These options apply to the contents of the compared folders. Check the Only show different files checkbox to have the Folder Compare Results window show only the files that differ between the source folder and destination folder. Check this option to have the Files in Both Folders pane of the Folder Compare Results window stay blank.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Finding and Replacing Text

Comparing Files and Folders
Check the Compare text file contents checkbox to have the IDE perform a contentbased comparison of the text files in the compared folders. Check this option to have the Folder Compare Results window show differences in terms of file content instead of file sizes and modification dates. 6. Click the Compare button. The IDE performs the folder comparison. The Folder Compare Results window appears. CAUTION The compare operation ignores folders matching the criteria that you specify in the Shielded Folders preference panel.

File Comparison
The IDE file-comparison feature identifies additions, changes, and deletions between two text files. In addition, this feature allows you to apply the differences in the source file to the destination file. You can also use this feature to merge changes between two versions of the same text file. Specify one version of the text file as the source file and the other version of the text file as the destination file. Then you can apply changes from the source file to the destination file. The destination file becomes the merged file. After you use the Compare Files Setup window to specify two files for comparison, click the Compare button. The File Compare Results window appears. This window shows the differences between the source file and destination file. You can apply or unapply those differences to the destination file. The File Compare Results window shows file differences in the form of highlighted portions of text. The highlighting tracks with the text as you scroll through the compared files. Figure 11.10 on page 130 shows the File Compare Results window. Table 11.14 on page 130 explains the items in the window.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Finding and Replacing Text

Comparing Files and Folders
Figure 11.10 File Compare Results window

Table 11.14 File Compare Results windowitems Item

Source pane


Shows the contents of the source file. You cannot edit the contents of this pane. Shows the contents of the destination file. You can edit the contents of this pane. Drag to resize the Source and Destination panes. Click to apply the selected Differences pane items to the destination file. Click to unapply the selected Differences pane items from the destination file. Click to undo your last text edit in the Destination pane.

Destination pane


Pane resize bar

Apply button

Unapply button

Undo button


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Finding and Replacing Text

Comparing Files and Folders
Table 11.14 File Compare Results windowitems (continued) Item
Redo button


Click to redo your last text edit in the Destination pane.

Differences pane


Shows the differences between the Source pane and the Destination pane. Select an item to highlight it in the Source and Destination panes. Applied items appear in an italicized font

Applying File Differences

Use the Apply Difference command to apply the selected items in the Differences pane to the destination file. NOTE You cannot alter the source file. You can change the destination file by applying differences from the source file or by editing the contents of the Destination pane.

1. Select the items in the Differences pane that you want to apply to the destination file. 2. Click Search > Apply Difference or click the Apply button in the File Compare Results window. The Destination pane updates to reflect the differences that you applied to the destination file. The applied items in the Differences pane change to an italicized font. TIP Use the Customize IDE Commands window to assign a key binding to the Apply Difference command. This way, you can use the keyboard to apply differences.

Unapplying File Differences

Use the Unapply Difference command to unapply the selected items in the Differences pane from the destination file. NOTE You cannot alter the source file. You can change the destination file by unapplying differences from the source file or by editing the contents of the Destination pane.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Finding and Replacing Text

Comparing Files and Folders
1. Select the items in the Differences pane that you want to unapply from the destination file. Items that you can unapply appear in an italicized font. 2. Click Search > Unapply Difference or click the Unapply button in the File Compare Results window. The Destination pane updates to reflect the differences that you unapplied from the destination file. The unapplied items in the Differences pane no longer appear in an italicized font. TIP Use the Customize IDE Commands window to assign a key binding to the Unapply Difference command. This way, you can use the keyboard to unapply differences.

Folder Comparison
The IDE folder-comparison feature identifies the differences between the contents of two folders. It reports the files in both folders, the files only in the source folder, and the files only in the destination folder. You can also use this feature to analyze the differences between two different releases of a folder of software. Specify one release of the software folder as the source folder and the other release of the software folder as the destination folder. Then you can analyze the differences between the source and destination folders. After you use the Compare Files Setup window to specify two folders for comparison, click the Compare button. The Folder Compare Results window appears and shows the differences between the source folder and destination folder. The Folder Compare Results window shows folder differences in the form of three panes. Italicized items in these panes indicate non-text files. Figure 11.11 shows the Folder Compare Results window. Table 11.15 explains the items in the window.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Finding and Replacing Text

Comparing Files and Folders
Figure 11.11 Folder Compare Results window

Table 11.15 Folder Compare Results windowitems Item

Pane Expand box Pane Collapse box Pane resize bar


Click to enlarge the pane to fill the window.

Click to reduce an expanded pane to its original size. Drag to resize the panes on either side of the bar.

Files in Both Folders pane


Shows the items that are in both the source folder and the destination folder. A bullet next to an item indicates that the item content differs between the two folders. Shows the items that are in the source folder only. Shows the items that are in the destination folder only.

Files Only in Source pane Files Only in Destination pane Selected item group




Shows file and difference information for the selected item in the window panes.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Finding and Replacing Text

Comparing Files and Folders

Examining Items in the Folder Compare Results Window

You can use the Folder Compare Results window to open text files and compare file differences. Double-click a text file to view and change its contents in an editor window. A file whose contents differ between the source and destination folders has a bullet next to its name. Double click the file to open a File Comparison Results window. Use this window to examine the differences between the file contents.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

This section contains these chapters: Using the Browser Using Class Browser Windows Using Other Browser Windows Using Browser Wizards

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide



8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Using the Browser
This chapter explains how to work with the browser in the CodeWarrior IDE. Use the browser to perform these tasks: Generate a browser databasethe browser stores collected symbol information in a browser database for the project. You can generate browser data from the compiler or the language parser. Collect symbol informationsymbols include functions, variables, and objects. Enable the browser to collect information about the symbols in a project. Read this chapter to learn more about typical tasks for working with the browser. This chapter contains these sections: Browser Database Browser Symbols

Browser Database
The browser database contains information about symbols in a program, which include (depending on program language) global variables, functions, classes, and type declarations, among others. Some IDE windows require that the project contain a browser database. For example, the Class Hierarchy window only displays information for a project that contains a browser database. This section explains how to configure a project to generate its browser database. NOTE Generating a browser database increases the projects size. To minimize the projects size, generate the browser database only for targets you frequently use.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Using the Browser

Browser Database

Browser Data
Browser data contains symbolic and relationship information about the project code. The browser uses this data to access the code information. Use the Generate Browser Data From menu (Figure 12.1) in the Build Extras target settings panel to enable and disable browser data generation. This drop-down menu provides these options, which determine how the IDE generates browser data: NoneThe IDE does not generate browser data. Use None to disable browser data. Select None to generate faster compiles (with no browser features). CompilerThe Compiler generates the browser data. While it compiles more slowly, the compiler generates the most accurate browser data. Language ParserThe Code Completion plug-in associated with the projects programming language generates the browser data. Figure 12.1 Generate Browser Data From menu

Generating Browser Data

You can select an option in the Generate Browser Data From drop-down menu to establish what the IDE uses to generate browser data for a project file. To generate browser data, follow these steps: 1. Choose Edit > Target Settings. 2. From the Target Settings Panels list, select Build Extras. 3. Choose Compiler or Language Parser from the Generate Browser Data From menu. NOTE Some compilers do not generate browser data.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Using the Browser

Browser Database
a. CompilerThe compiler generates browser data and the following associated item appears. If you enable Dump internal browse information after compile, the generated browser data appears in a log window after you compile a file. b. Language ParserThe Code Completion plug-in associated with the projects programming language generates the browser data. Browser data and the #include pop-up window update as you edit. NOTE Choose Language Parser for C/C++ code completion. The Prefix and Macro files (Figure 12.2) are applicable to C/C++ Code Completion. Figure 12.2 Generate browser data from language parser

Prefix fileSimilar to that used in the C/C++ Language Settings panel, the Prefix file contains header files that help the C/C++ Code Completion plug-in parse code. The Prefix file should only include text files (not pre-compiled header files). Macro fileContains C/C++ macro files that help the Code Completion plug-in resolve any #ifdefs found in the source code or in the header files. 4. If you selected Compiler, choose Project > Bring Up To Date or Make. The IDE generates browser data for the project. If you selected Language Parser, the IDE generates browser data in the background.

Disabling Browser Data

Select None to disable browser data and stop the IDE from generating browser information for the project. 1. Choose Edit > Target Settings. 2. Select Build Extras from the Target Settings Panels list. 3. In the Generate Browser Data From drop-down menu, select None.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Using the Browser

Browser Symbols
4. Click Save. 5. Choose Project > Make. The IDE stops generating browser information.

Browser Symbols
Navigate browser symbols to open browser views, find symbol definitions, and examine inheritance. You can navigate browser symbols in these ways: Use the Browser contextual menu to open various browser windows for a selected symbol. Double-click a symbol name in the Class Browser window to open the file that contains the declaration of that symbol. Use the class hierarchy windows to determine the ancestors or descendants of a selected symbol.

Browser Contextual Menu

Use the IDEs browser contextual menu to enhance source-code editing in the IDE. Use this menu to streamline text entry in editor windows. You can enter the first few letters of a function name, then use the browser contextual menu to complete the entry.

Using the Browser Contextual Menu

1. Open the browser contextual menu on a Windows host by right-clicking a symbol name. 2. Select a command from the contextual menu.

Identifying Symbols in the Browser Database

As a shortcut, you can use browser coloring to help recognize if a symbol resides in the browser database. When you activate a browser, you can see browser-database symbols because they appear in the editor and browser windows according to the colors you select. TIP The default color setting is identical for all eight types of browser-database symbols. You can choose a different color for each symbol type.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Using the Browser

Browser Symbols
To change the browser symbol colors the editor uses, follow these steps: 1. Choose Edit > Preferences. 2. Select the Text Colors panel from the IDE Preference Panels list. 3. Select the Activate Syntax Coloring option. 4. Select the Activate Browser Coloring option. 5. Click the color swatch next to the symbol name to set that symbol's color. 6. Click Save.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Using the Browser

Browser Symbols


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Using Class Browser Windows
This chapter explains how to work with the Class Browser windows in the CodeWarrior IDE. Use the Class Browser to perform these tasks: View browser datathe class browser collects information about the elements of a computer program. Such elements include functions, variables, and classes. The class browser displays these elements in organized lists. Show data relationshipsthe class browser shows the relationships between classes, data members, and methods. The class browser also updates the display to reflect changes in class scope. Read this chapter to learn more about typical tasks for working with Class Browser windows. This chapter contains these sections: Class Browser window Classes pane Member Functions pane Data Members pane Source pane Status Area

Class Browser window

Use the Class Browser window to view information about the elements of a computer program. This section explains how to use the Class Browser window to view browser data. Figure 13.1 on page 144 shows the Class Browser window. Table 13.1 on page 144 explains the items in the window. Table 13.2 on page 146 explains the options in the Browser Access Filters list box.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Using Class Browser Windows

Class Browser window
Figure 13.1 Class Browser window

Table 13.1 Class Browser windowitems Item

Go Back button


Click to return to the preceding browser view. Click to move to the succeeding browser view. Click to open the Browser Contents window.

Go Forward button Browser Contents button Class Hierarchy button Single Class Hierarchy Window button Browser Access Filters list box

Click to open the Multi-class Hierarchy window.

Click to open the Single-class Hierarchy window for the selected class. Select filters for displaying items in class-browser panes.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Using Class Browser Windows

Class Browser window
Table 13.1 Class Browser windowitems (continued) Item
Show Inherited


Select to show inherited items in the Member Functions pane and Data Members pane. Clear to hide inherited items from these panes. Lists all classes in the project browser database. Lists all member functions defined in the currently selected class. Lists all data members defined in the selected class. Displays source code for the currently selected item. Displays various status messages and other information. Alphabetical Hierarchical Toggles the Classes display between alphabetical and hierarchical listings.

Classes pane

Member Functions pane Data Members pane Source pane

Status Area

Display toggle buttons

New Item button

Opens wizards to create new items (e.g., classes, data members, member functions). Expands the pane to the width of the full window. Collapses the pane to its original size.

Pane Expand box Pane Collapse Box Classes Pane button Class Declaration button

Lists all classes in the project browser database. Opens a window that shows declarations for all classes in the project.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Using Class Browser Windows

Class Browser window
Table 13.1 Class Browser windowitems (continued) Item
Open File button VCS list pop-up


Opens the current source file in a new editor window. With a version control system enabled, choose the version-control command to execute on the displayed source file.

Table 13.2 Browser access filters Filter Icon Show items with this access: Public
View as implementor



View as subclass

View as user Show public Show protected Show private

Viewing Class Data from Browser Contents Window

To view class data for a project in the Browser Contents window, follow these steps: 1. Open the Browser Contents window on a Windows host by selecting View > Browser Contents. 2. Select a class in the Browser Contents window. 3. On a Windows host, open a contextual menu for the class by right-clicking the selected class. A contextual menu like the one shown in Figure 13.2 appears. 146

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Using Class Browser Windows

Class Browser window
Figure 13.2 Browser Contents windowcontextual menu

4. Select Open browser for class classname from the contextual menu. The classname is the name of the class that you selected. A Class Browser window appears.

Viewing Class Data from Hierarchy Windows

To view class data from a hierarchy window, follow these steps: 1. Open a Single-Hierarchy or Multi-Class Hierarchy window: a. Click the Single Class Hierarchy Window button or b. Click the Class Hierarchy button in the browser toolbar. in the browser toolbar,

2. In the Single- or Multi-Class Hierarchy window, double-click a class name. A Class Browser window appears.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Using Class Browser Windows

Class Browser window

Expanding Browser Panes

Click the Pane Expand box (just above the scroll bar in the upper right-hand corner of the pane) to expand the Classes, Function Members, Data Members, or Source panes in a Browser window. 1. Click the Pane Expand box to expand a pane.

This pane expands to fill the Browser window. 2. Use the enlarged pane to view data. Alternately, you can use the resize bar between the panes to enlarge each pane. 1. Rest the cursor over the resize bar. The cursor icon changes to this: 2. Hold down the mouse button. 3. Drag the resize bar to enlarge or shrink the pane.

Collapsing Browser Panes

Click the Pane Collapse box (just above the scroll bar in the upper right-hand corner of the pane) to collapse the Classes, Function Members, Data Members, or Source panes in a Browser window. 1. Click the Pane Collapse box to collapse a pane.

The chosen pane collapses to its original size. 2. You can now view other panes in a Browser window. Alternately, you can use the resize bar between the panes to collapse each pane. 1. Rest the cursor over the resize bar. The cursor icon changes to this: 2. Hold down the mouse button. 3. Drag the resize bar to collapse the pane.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Using Class Browser Windows

Classes pane

Classes pane
Use the Classes pane to perform these tasks: Create a new class Toggle viewing of classes Sort classes Figure 13.1 on page 144 shows the Classes pane. Table 13.3 explains the items in the pane. Table 13.3 Classes paneitems Item
New Item Sort Alphabetical Sort Hierarchical


Click to create a new class using the New Class Wizard. Click to sort the Classes list in alphabetical order.

Click to sort the Classes list in hierarchical order.

Creating a New Class

Use the New Class wizard to specify the name, declaration, and location for a new class. Click Finish in any screen to apply default values to any remaining parameters and complete the process. The New Class wizard creates the files that define the class. 1. From the Classes pane, click the New Item button 3. To create a more complex class, click Next (optional). Follow the on-screen directions to further define the class. 4. Click Finish to complete the New Class process. .

2. Enter the Name and Location in the New Class window.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Using Class Browser Windows

Classes pane

Showing the Classes Pane

Use the Show Classes button to expand the Classes pane. 1. Click the Show Classes button: 2. The Classes pane appears in the Class Browser window.

Hiding the Classes Pane

Use the Hide Classes button to collapse the Classes pane. 1. Click the Hide Classes button: 2. The Classes pane disappears from the Class Browser window.

Sorting the Classes List

Use the Sort Alphabetical and Sort Hierarchical commands to specify the sort order of classes in the Classes pane. The displayed icon always represents the alternate sort order. For example, when the Classes list appears in alphabetical order, the Sort Hierarchical icon is visible. Click the Sort Alphabetical icon .

The IDE sorts the Classes list in alphabetical order. Click the Sort Hierarchical icon .

The IDE sorts the Classes list in hierarchical order.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Using Class Browser Windows

Member Functions pane

Member Functions pane

Use the Member Functions pane to perform these tasks: Create a new member function Determine the inheritance type of a member function Table 13.4 Member Function and Data Member identifier icons Meaning
static virtual


Member Identity
a static member a virtual function that can be overridden, or an override of an inherited function a member function that must be overridden in a subclass to create instances of that subclass

pure virtual or abstract

Creating a New Member Function

Use the New Member Function wizard to specify the name, return type, and parameters for a new member function. Click Finish in any screen to apply default values to any remaining parameters and complete the process. 1. Click the New Item button 3. Click Next. 4. Enter Member function file locations and Include Files information. 5. Click Finish. 6. Review the settings summary, then click Generate. The IDE adds the new member function to the class declaration. in the Member Functions pane.

2. Enter the Member Function Declarations in the New Member Function window.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Using Class Browser Windows

Data Members pane

Data Members pane

Use the Data Members pane to create a new data member. This section explains how to create the data member. Click the New Item button in the Data Members pane to open the New Data Member wizard. See Table 13.4 for a complete list of identifier icons that appear in the Data Members pane.

Creating a New Data Member

Use the New Data Member wizard to specify the name, type, and initializer for the new data member. Specify other options to further refine the data member. Click Finish in any screen to apply default values to any remaining parameters and complete the process. 1. From the Data Members pane, click the New Item button: 2. Enter the Data Member Declarations in the New Data Member window. 3. Click Next. 4. Enter Data Member file locations and #include files information. 5. Click Finish. 6. Review the settings summary, then click Generate. The IDE adds the new data member to the class declaration.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Using Class Browser Windows

Source pane

Source pane
Use the Source pane to view the source code that corresponds to the selected class, member function, or data member. This section explains the items in the Source pane. Figure 13.1 on page 144 shows the Source pane. Table 13.5 explains the items in the pane. For information on editing source code, see Editing Source Code. Table 13.5 Source paneitems Item
Open File


Click to open the current source file in a new editor window.

VCS menu

Enable a version-control system in order to activate this menu. Use this menu to select and execute a version-control command on the source file.

Status Area
Use the status area to perform these tasks: Toggle viewing of the Classes pane View class declarations View classes according to public, private, or protected access Figure 13.1 on page 144 shows the status area. Table 13.6 on page 153 explains items in the status area. Table 13.6 Status areaitems Item
Show Classes Pane


Click to display the Classes pane in the Class Browser window. Click to hide the Classes pane in the Class Browser window. Click to show the declaration of the current class.

Hide Classes Pane

Class Declaration

Access Filter Display

Displays the access state of the current class.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Using Class Browser Windows

Status Area


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Using Other Browser Windows
This chapter explains how to work with the Class Hierarchy windows in the CodeWarrior IDE. Use Class Hierarchy windows to perform these tasks: View hierarchical browser datathe class hierarchy window shows a graphical representation of hierarchical structure. Object-oriented languages, such as C++ and Java, allow hierarchical relationships between classes. Analyze inheritance structurethe class hierarchy window shows the inheritance structure of classes. This structure reveals the data-handling capabilities of a particular class. Read this chapter to learn more about typical tasks for working with Class Hierarchy windows. This chapter contains these sections: Multiple-Class Hierarchy Window Single-Class Hierarchy Window Browser Contents window Symbols window

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Using Other Browser Windows

Multiple-Class Hierarchy Window

Multiple-Class Hierarchy Window

Use the Multi-Class Hierarchy window to visually examine the structure of every class in the browser database. Each class name appears in a box, and lines connect boxes to indicate related classes. The left-most box is the base class, and subclasses appear to the right. Figure 14.1 on page 156 shows the Multi-Class Hierarchy window. Table 14.1 on page 156 explains the items in the window. Figure 14.1 Multi-Class Hierarchy window

Table 14.1 Multi-class hierarchy windowitems Item

Hierarchy Control


Click to expand or collapse the subclasses displayed for a specific class. Click and hold on class or subclass box to display a menu. Select a class from menu to display that class. Click to toggle the lines that connect classes between diagonal and straight lines.

Ancestor menu

Line button


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Using Other Browser Windows

Multiple-Class Hierarchy Window

Viewing Browser Data by Inheritance

Use a Hierarchy window to view data in graphical form and better understand class relationships. Use the expand and collapse arrows to enlarge or shrink the class views. 1. Activate the browser. 2. Update the browser database by using the Bring Up To Date, Make, Run, or Debug command. 3. Open a graphical Hierarchy window on a Windows host by selecting View > Class Hierarchy.

Printing Class Hierarchies

To print the contents of a Class Hierarchy window, save an image of the window contents, then print the image file from a graphics-processing application. The IDE saves the image in the EMF (Enhanced Metafile) graphics-file format. 1. Open the Class Hierarchy window. 2. Choose File > Save a Copy As. 3. Save the image to a file. 4. Open the image file in an graphics-processing application. 5. Print the image file. The graphics-processing application prints the image of the class hierarchy.

Changing Line Views in a Hierarchical Window

Use the Diagonal Line and Straight Line commands to change the appearance of the connecting lines between classes and subclasses in a hierarchical window display. Click the Diagonal Line icon .

The Hierarchical window display updates to use diagonal lines. Click the Straight Line icon .

The Hierarchical window display updates to use straight lines.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Using Other Browser Windows

Single-Class Hierarchy Window

Single-Class Hierarchy Window

Use the Single-Class Hierarchy window to examine the structure of a single class in the browser database. The Single-Class Hierarchy window operates identically to the MultiClass Hierarchy window, but restricts the display to a single class. The Single-Class Hierarchy window contains the same components as the Multi-Class Hierarchy window. Figure 14.2 Single-Class Hierarchy window

Opening a Single-Class Hierarchical window

Use one of these methods to open a Single-Class Hierarchical window:

Click the Show Single-Class Hierarchy icon New Class Browser window Browser Contents window Multi-Class Hierarchical window A Single-Class Hierarchical window appears

in a Browser toolbar.

Use the Browser Contextual menu in one of these windows:


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Using Other Browser Windows

Browser Contents window

Browser Contents window

Use the Browser Contents window to view browser data sorted by category into an alphabetical list. This section explains how to use the Browser Contents window to view browser data. Figure 14.3 shows the Browser Contents window. Table 14.2 explains the items in the window. Figure 14.3 Browser Contents window

Table 14.2 Browser Contents windowitems Item

Symbols list box


Select the type of symbol to display in the Symbols list. Double-click a symbol name to display the source file in a new editor window that defines the symbol.

Symbols list

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Using Other Browser Windows

Browser Contents window

Viewing Browser Data by Contents

Use the Browser Contents window to display symbol information stored in the browser database, listed in alphabetical order. You can choose from these categories: classes constants enumerations functions global variables macros function templates type definitions 1. Activate the browser. 2. Use the Bring Up To Date, Make, Run, or Debug command to update the browser database. 3. Select View > Browser Contents to open the Browser Contents window. 4. Select a category from the Category list pop-up. The symbol information for the selected category appears in alphabetical order in the Symbols list.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Using Other Browser Windows

Symbols window

Symbols window
The Symbols window displays information from project browser databases. With the browser enabled, the IDE generates a browser database for a project during the build process. The Symbols window displays symbols that have multiple definitions in the browser database. For example, the window displays information about multiple versions of overridden functions in object-oriented code. Figure 14.4 on page 161 shows the Symbols window. Figure 14.4 Symbols window

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Using Other Browser Windows

Symbols window

Table 14.3 Symbols windowitems Item

Symbols toolbar

Provides one-click access to common browser commands and class-filtering commands. Displays a list of all symbols with multiple declarations. Displays the source code for the currently selected item.

Symbols pane Source pane

Opening the Symbols Window

Use the Symbols window to list all implementations, whether overridden or not, of any symbol that has multiple definitions. You can access the Symbols window by using a contextual menu. 1. Right-click the symbol name to open a contextual menu. 2. Select Find all implementations of from the contextual menu that appears. 3. The Symbols window opens.

Symbols toolbar
Most of the Symbol toolbar items are identical to those in the Class Browser window.

Symbols pane
The Symbols pane lists symbols with multiple definitions in the browser database. Select a symbol from the list to view its definition in the Source pane.

Source pane
The Source pane used in the Symbols window is identical to the one used by the Class Browser window. See Source pane for more details.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Using Browser Wizards
When you create a new class, member function, or data member in the IDE, you use browser wizards. These wizards provide the steps to help you complete the process. This chapter provides information on these wizards: The New Class Wizard The New Member Function Wizard The New Data Member Wizard NOTE Most wizard pages contain default settings. To accept all current settings in the wizard, click Finish in any screen. The wizard displays a summary of all current settings for the new project. Click Generate to accept the current settings and create the new item, or click Cancel to return to the wizard to modify settings.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Using Browser Wizards

The New Class Wizard

The New Class Wizard

Use the New Class wizard to specify the name, declaration, and location for a new class. Click Finish in any screen to apply default values to remaining parameters to complete the process. The New Class wizard creates the files that define the class. Figure 15.1 New Class wizardName and Location

Using the New Class Wizard

To use the New Class Wizard, follow these steps: 1. Select View > Class Browser to open the Class Browser window. 2. Select Browser > New Class. NOTE You can also click the New Item icon create a new class. in the Class Browser window to


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Using Browser Wizards

The New Class Wizard
3. In the New C++ Class wizard, enter Name and Location information: a. Class NameEnter a name for the class in this field. b. Declaration FileThis menu lets you specify whether the file is a New File, which is a new declaration file, or Relative to class, which is a declaration that depends on an existing file in the project. If you choose the New File option, type in the path where you want to save the file. Alternatively, click Set next to the field to choose the path in which to save the file. If you choose the Relative to class option, select Before or After to establish the order of the new class in relation to existing classes. In the field next to the Before and After drop-down selection, type the name of the class you want to relate to the new class. Alternatively, click Set next to this field, type the name of a class in the window that opens, and then click Select. NOTE If you want to use a separate file to define the members of the new class, type the path to the separate file in the field below the Use separate file for member definitions checkbox. Alternatively, choose Existing to use a standard dialog box to select the file. To create a new, separate file, choose New and save the new file to a location on your hard disk.

4. Click Next. Figure 15.2 New Class wizardBase Class and Methods

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Using Browser Wizards

The New Class Wizard
5. Enter Base Classes and Methods information. Enter a list of base classes for the new class: a. AccessFrom this drop-down menu, choose an access type, Public, Protected, or Private, for the constructor and destructor. b. Constructor parametersEnter a list of parameters for the constructor. c. Virtual destructorClick this checkbox to create a virtual destructor for the new class. d. As an option, you can enter the required namespaces for the base classes and the constructor parameters in the field labeled Namespaces required for the base classes and constructor parameters. Or, If needed, you can specify the base classes and constructor parameters. 6. Click Next. Figure 15.3 New Class wizardInclude Files


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Using Browser Wizards

The New Class Wizard
7. Enter Include Files information. Specify additional header #include files for the new class: a. Include files that will automatically be added for base classesThis field shows you a list of #include files that the IDE automatically adds to find the base classes. b. Additional header include filesEnter a list of other include files for the new class in addition to those in the previous field. Separate each file in the list with a comma. 8. Click Next. Figure 15.4 New Class wizardTargets

9. Enter Targets information: Select the checkbox next to the build targets name in the list to add the class files to a specific build target. 10. Click Finish. Review the settings summary. 11. Click Generate.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Using Browser Wizards

The New Member Function Wizard

The New Member Function Wizard

Use the New Member Function wizard to specify the name, return type, and parameters for a new member function. Enter additional information in the wizard fields to refine the function definition. Figure 15.5 New Member Function wizard

Using the New Member Function Wizard

To use the New Member Function wizard, follow these steps: 1. Select View > Class Browser to open the Class Browser window. 2. Select Browser > New Member Function. 3. In the New C++ Member Function window, enter the Member Function Declaration. a. NameType a name for the member function. b. Return TypeEnter an appropriate function return type.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Using Browser Wizards

The New Member Function Wizard
c. ParametersType a list of function parameters. d. Namespaces required for parameters (optional)Type a list of namespaces required for parameters. 4. Click Next. Figure 15.6 New Member Function wizardFile Locations

5. Enter Member Function File Locations and Include Files information. 6. Click Finish. 7. Review settings summary, then click Generate.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Using Browser Wizards

The New Data Member Wizard

The New Data Member Wizard

Use the New Data Member wizard to define the new data-member declaration, and to specify new data member file locations. The wizard offers additional options to further define the function. Figure 15.7 New Data Member wizard

Using the New Data Member Wizard

To use the New Data Member wizard, follow these steps: 1. Select View > Class Browser to open the Class Browser window. 2. Select Browser > New Data Member. 3. In the New C++ Data Member window, enter the Name, Type, Namespaces required for type (optional), Initializer, and Modifiers. a. NameType a name for the data member in this field. b. TypeEnter an appropriate data-member type in this field.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Using Browser Wizards

The New Data Member Wizard
c. Namespaces required for type (optional)(Optional) Enter a list of namespaces required for the type in the Type field. A sample namespace is std. d. Initializer(Optional) Enter an initial value for the data member in this field. Sample initializers are 100 and inConstructorParameterName. e. ModifiersSelect the access level and type for the new data member. 4. Click Next. 5. Specify Data Member File Locations. This section lets you specify file locations associated with the new member functions, including these fields: Declaration, Definition, Include file automatically added for member type, and Additional header include files. a. DeclarationThis field shows you the data members declaration file location. b. DefinitionThis field is not available in this wizard. c. Include file automatically added for member typeThis field indicates whether an include file will be automatically added for the data-member type. d. Additional header include filesEnter in this field a list of other include files for the new data member, in addition to the file listed in the previous field. Example files are <string> and YourHeader.h. 6. Click Finish. 7. Review settings summary, then click Generate.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Using Browser Wizards

The New Data Member Wizard


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Compilers and Linkers
This section contains these chapters: Compilers Linkers

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide



8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

This chapter explains how to work with compilers in the CodeWarrior IDE. The IDE uses compilers to complete these tasks: Generate object codethe compiler translates source code into object code. Sample source code includes C++ files and Java files. Object code represents the same source instructions in a language that the computer directly understands. Flag syntax errorsthe compiler highlights source code that generates syntax errors. Syntax errors result from failing to follow valid structure in a programming language. In C++, a common syntax error is forgetting to end a statement with a semicolon. Read this chapter to learn more about typical tasks for working with compilers. This chapter contains these sections: Choosing a Compiler Compiling Projects

Choosing a Compiler
Choose a compiler to determine how the IDE interprets source code. The IDE uses a plugin compiler architecture. This architecture provides these features: Modularitythe IDE associates a specific compiler plug-in with a particular programming language or environment. For example, a compiler plug-in exists for C++ source code, and another compiler plug-in exists for Java source code. Flexibilityas new programming languages develop, the IDE can use new compiler plug-ins. The IDE associates common filename extensions with various plug-in compilers. For example, most Java files have the filename extension .java. The IDE associates these files with the Java compiler. The File Mappings panel provides control over such associations.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Compiling Projects

Compiling Projects
Compile projects to process the source files that comprise a program and generate object code. The compiler flags syntax errors in the source files. Use these tasks to compile projects: Compile source files. Set the build order or link order. Update a project or its files. Create an executable file from a project. Run an application created from the project. Remove object code. This section explains how to perform each task.

Compiling Source Files

Use the Compile commands to compile source files into binary files. The IDE can compile a single file, multiple files, or all files in an open project. 1. Enable the Project window that contains the desired files to be compiled. 2. Select one or more files. 3. Choose Project > Compile. The IDE compiles the selected files. NOTE The Project menu contains most commands for compiling and linking projects. However, depending on the project type, some commands might be disabled or renamed.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Compiling Projects

Setting the Build and Link Order of Files

Use the Link Order view in the Project window to specify the order in which the compiler and linker process files. Establishing the proper link order prevents link errors caused by file dependencies. The Link Order view is sometimes called the Segments view or Overlays view, depending on the target. 1. Click the Link Order tab in a Project window. 2. Click and drag files into the desired link order. The IDE changes the link order. The build begins at the top of the link order, processes each file, and concludes at the bottom of the link order. NOTE The IDE uses the new link order during subsequent Update, Make, Run, and Debug operations.

Updating Projects
Use the Bring Up To Date command to compile, but not link, the newly added, modified, and touched files in a project. Unlike the Make and Run commands, the Bring Up To Date command does not produce a binary file. 1. Select the project to update. 2. Choose Project > Bring Up To Date. The IDE compiles all uncompiled project files.

Making Executable Files

Use the Make command to compile the newly-added, modified, and touched files in a project, then link them into a binary file. Unlike the Run command, the Make command does not execute the binary file. The Make command is useful for creating dynamic link libraries (DLLs), shared libraries, code resources, or tools. 1. Select the project to make. 2. Choose Project > Make. The IDE processes the project and creates a binary file.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Compiling Projects

Running Application Projects

Use the Run command to perform these tasks: Compile and link a project (if necessary). Create a standalone application. Change project settings (if required). Save the application. Run the application. Note, the Run command is not available if the project creates a non-executable file like a dynamic linked library (DLL), shared library, library, code resource, or tool. 1. Select the project to run. 2. Choose Project > Run.

Synchronizing File Modification Dates

Use the Synchronize Modification Dates command to update the modification dates of all files stored in a project. This command is useful for handling files from a third-party editor that does not share file-status information with the IDE. 1. Select the project window. 2. Choose Project > Synchronize Modification Dates. The IDE checks the file-modification dates and marks modified files for recompilation.

Removing Object Code

Use the Remove Object Code command to remove binary object code stored in the project file and reduce project size. 1. Open the desired project. 2. Choose Project > Remove Object Code. 3. Set compaction options as desired. Select Recurse subprojects to remove object code from all subprojects in the project file.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Compiling Projects
Select Compact targets to remove these items: Target data files with the .tdt extension. Browser data. Dependency information. Additional data cached by the IDE. 4. Select the method by which the IDE removes the object code. Click All Targets to remove object code from all build targets. Click Current Target to remove object code only from the active build target. The IDE removes the specified object code from the project.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Compiling Projects


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

This chapter explains how to work with linkers in the CodeWarrior IDE. The IDE uses linkers to complete these tasks: Combine codethe linker combines source-file object code with object code from library files and other related files. The combined code represents a complete computer program. Create a binary filethe linker processes the complete program and generates a binary file. Sample binary files include applications and shared libraries. Read this chapter to learn more about typical tasks for working with linkers. This chapter contains these sections: Choosing Linkers Linking Projects

Choosing Linkers
Choose a linker to determine the binary file type produced by the IDE. This list describes common binary files: Applicationsapplications, or executable files, represent a wide body of computer programs. Common applications include word processors, web browsers, and multimedia players. Librarieslibraries contain code for use in developing new computer programs. Libraries simplify programming tasks and enhance re-usability. Specialized filesfiles designed for highly efficient operation in a specific context. Such files usually support a particular combination of hardware and software to perform tasks. The IDE provides various linkers for software development. The Target Settings panel contains an option for selecting a linker. The IDE maps to each linker a group of recognized filename extensions. These mappings determine how the IDE interprets each file.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Linking Projects

Linking Projects
Link projects to process object code and generate a binary file. Refer to the CodeWarrior Targeting documentation for more information about linkers for specific computer systems. This section explains general-purpose linker tasks.

Generating Project Link Maps

Use the Generate Link Map command to create a link-map file that contains function and cross-section information about the generated object code. The link map reveals the files, libraries, and functions ignored by the IDE while producing the binary output. The IDE stores the link-map file in the project folder. The file uses the same name as the build target, with a .MAP or .xMAP extension. 1. Select the project window. 2. Choose Edit > targetname Settings... 3. Select the linker panel in the Target Settings Panels list. 4. Select the Generate Link Map option. 5. Click Save. 6. Choose Project > Make. The IDE generates the link-map file.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Preferences and Target Settings
This section contains these chapters: Customizing the IDE Working with IDE Preferences Working with Target Settings Preference and Target Settings Options

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide



8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Customizing the IDE
The CodeWarrior IDE enables you to customize menus, toolbars, and key bindings to suit your programming preferences. Use the Customize IDE Commands window which consists of the Commands, Toolbar Items, and Key Bindings tabsto build your customizations. This chapter contains these sections: Customizing IDE Commands Customize Toolbars Customize Key Bindings

Customizing IDE Commands

You can customize the menu commands in the IDEs menu bar, as well as control the appearance of specific menu commands, create new command groups to distinguish menu commands, and associate a command line with a new menu command. The customized menu commands you create have access to IDE information, such as the current editor selection, the frontmost window, and the current project and its output file. Select Edit > Commands & Key Bindings to access the Customize IDE Commands window. Figure 18.1 on page 186 shows the Customize IDE Commands window. Table 18.1 on page 186 explains each button in the window. See the tasks in this chapter for more detailed information.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Customizing the IDE

Customizing IDE Commands
Figure 18.1 Customize IDE Commands window

Table 18.1 Customize IDE Commands windowbutton overview Button name

New Group New Command Factory Settings

Click to add a new command group to the Commands list. Click to add a new command setting within a group. Click to restore default options for the current Customize IDE Commands (Commands and Toolbar Items) lists. Click to restore the most recently saved options for the current Customize IDE Commands (Commands and Toolbar Items) lists. Click to save a file that contains commands and key bindings to use later in the Customize IDE Commands lists. Click to open a file that contains commands and key bindings to use in the current Customize IDE Commands lists. Click to save customizations to the Customize IDE Commands list.






8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Customizing the IDE

Customizing IDE Commands

Commands Tab
Click the Commands tab at the top of the Customize IDE Commands window to display the commands view. Use this view to modify existing menu commands, and to create and remove command groups and menu commands.

Modifying Existing Commands

You can use the Commands tab of the Customize IDE Commands window to examine and modify existing command groups and menu commands. This view includes a Commands list. This hierarchical list organizes individual menu commands into command groups. Click the hierarchical control next to a command group to expand that group and view its contents. To examine a particular item, select it in the Commands list. Information for the selected item appears on the right-hand side of the Customize IDE Commands window. This window provides this information for each selected item: NameThis field shows the name of the selected item. If the IDE does not permit you to change the name of the selected items, this field is grayed out. Appears in MenusEnable this checkbox to display the selected item in the specified position in the CodeWarrior menu bar. For example, enabling this checkbox for a menu command allows that menu command to appear under the related command group in the menu bar. Disabling the checkbox prevents the menu command from appearing in the menu bar under the command group. ActionThis section shows information about the action the selected item performs. For default menu commands, this section shows the command type, such as Command or Hierarchical Menu. For customized menu commands that you create, this section lets you specify a command line that runs after you choose the customized menu command. Key BindingsThis area consists of the Key Bindings list, the New Binding button, and the Auto Repeat checkbox.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Customizing the IDE

Customizing IDE Commands

Creating a New Command Group

To create a new command group for menu commands, follow these steps: 1. Click the New Group button. The IDE creates a new command group called New Group, adds it to the Commands list, and displays its information in the Customize IDE Commands window. 2. Rename the new command group in the Name field. 3. Use the Appears in Menus checkbox to toggle the availability of the new command group in the IDE menu bar. Select the Appears in Menus checkbox to display the new command group in the menu bar. Clear the checkbox if you do not want the command group to appear in the menu bar. 4. Click Save. The IDE saves your new command group. If you selected the Appears in Menus checkbox, your new command group appears in the menu bar.

Creating a New Menu Command

To create a new menu command, follow these steps: 1. Select the command group you want to contain the new menu command. You must select an existing command group in the Commands list. 2. Click the New Command button. The IDE creates a new menu command named New Command and places it within the selected command group. The information for the new menu command appears in the Customize IDE Commands window. 3. Enter a name for the new menu command. You can change the default name of New Command. Enter a new name in the Name field of the Customize IDE Commands window. 4. Use the Appears in Menus checkbox to toggle the availability of the new command within its command group. 5. Define the desired Action for the new menu command. 6. Click Save. The IDE saves your new menu command. If you enabled the Appears in Menus checkbox, the new menu command appears within the selected command group.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Customizing the IDE

Customizing IDE Commands
Figure 18.2 Command action fields

Defining Command Actions

These fields help you associate an action with the new menu command: ExecuteEnter in this field a command to run an application. Alternatively, click the ellipsis button next to the field to select the application using a standard dialog box. ArgumentsEnter the arguments that the IDE must pass to the application specified in the Execute field. Alternatively, choose the desired arguments from the pop-up menu next to the field. DirectoryEnter the working directory the IDE should use when it executes the application specified in the Execute field. Alternatively, choose the desired directory from the pop-up menu next to the field.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Customizing the IDE

Customizing IDE Commands

Pre-defined Variables in Command Definitions

The IDE provides pre-defined variables to associate actions with commands. When you create a new command, you can use these pre-defined variables in command definitions to provide additional arguments that the IDE passes to the application (which is specified in the Execute field). NOTE You can use variables that end with Dir as both argument and directory names.

Figure 18.3 Pre-defined Arguments


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Customizing the IDE

Customizing IDE Commands
Figure 18.4 Pre-defined Directory variables

Table 18.2 explains the pre-defined variables for command-line arguments. Table 18.2 Pre-defined variables in command definitions Variable
%sourceFilePath %sourceFileDir %sourceFileName %sourceLineNumber

Command-line output sourceFilePath is the frontmost editor window's full path. sourceFileDir is the frontmost editor window's directory. sourceFileName is the frontmost editor window's filename. sourceLineNumber is the line number of the insertion point in
the front window.


sourceSelection is the path to a temporary file containing the currently selected text.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Customizing the IDE

Customizing IDE Commands
Table 18.2 Pre-defined variables in command definitions (continued) Variable

Command-line output sourceSelUpdate is like sourceSelection, except the IDE

waits for the command to finish and updates the selected text with the contents of the file.

%projectFilePath %projectFileDir %projectFileName %projectSelectedFiles

projectFilePath is the full path of the front project window. projectFileDir is the directory of the front project window. projectFileName is the filename of the front project window. projectSelectedFiles passes the selected filenames in the
project window.


targetFilePath is the full path of the output file of the front



targetFileDir is the directory of the output file of the front



targetFileName is the filename of the output file of the front



currentTargetName passes the name of the current target of

the frontmost window.


symFilePath is the full path to the symbolics file of the front project (can be the same as targetFile, such as CodeView). symFileDir is the full directory to the symbolics file of the front
project (can be the same as targetFile, such as CodeView)



symFileName is the full filename to the symbolics file of the front project (can be the same as targetFile, such as CodeView)


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Customizing the IDE

Customizing IDE Commands

Using a Pre-defined Variable

To use a pre-defined variable, follow these steps: 1. Create a new menu command. The IDE creates a new menu command named New Command and places it within your selected command group. The information for the new menu command appears in the Customize IDE Commands window. 2. Enter a name for the new menu command. 3. Use the Appears in Menus checkbox to toggle the availability of the new command within its command group. 4. Define the Action for the new menu command. a. Enter in the Execute field a command line to run an application. b. Next to the Arguments field, click on the arrow icon and select an argument listed in the pop-up menu. c. Next to the Directory field, click on the arrow icon and select a directory listed in the pop-up menu. 5. Click Save. The IDE saves your new menu command with the pre-defined variables. If you enabled the Appears in Menus checkbox, the new menu command appears within the selected command group.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Customizing the IDE

Customizing IDE Commands

Deleting Command Groups and Menu Commands

You can delete the command groups and menu commands that you create for the IDE. Once removed, the command groups no longer appear in the IDEs menu bar, and the menu commands no longer activate their associated command lines or applications. NOTE If you need to temporarily remove your customized command groups and menu commands, consider exporting your settings. If you export your settings, you do not need to reconstruct them if you want them in the future.

To delete a command group or menu command, follow these steps: 1. Select the command group or menu command you wish to delete. If necessary, click the hierarchical control next to a group to expand and view its contents. 2. Click Delete. After clicking the Delete button, the selected command group or menu command disappears from the Commands list. 3. Click Save. Clicking the Save button confirms the deletion. The IDE removes deleted command groups from its menu bar. Deleted menu commands disappear from their respective command groups.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Customizing the IDE

Customize Toolbars

Customize Toolbars
You can customize your IDE toolbars to contain frequently used commands. The IDE toolbars contain a series of elements. Each element typically represents a menu command. After you click the element, the IDE executes the associated menu command. The toolbar can also contain elements that execute actions other than menu commands. Figure 18.5 Toolbar Items tab

This section explains these topics: Kinds of Toolbars Toolbar Elements Modify a Toolbar

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Customizing the IDE

Customize Toolbars

Kinds of Toolbars
The CodeWarrior IDE uses two toolbar types: Main toolbarThis toolbar, also known as the floating toolbar, is always available. Window toolbarsThese toolbars appear in particular windows, such as the Project window toolbar and the Browser window toolbar. This distinction is important because you show, hide, clear, and reset the different toolbar types by using different sets of menu commands. These commands distinguish between the floating toolbar and the other window toolbars. When you change one of these toolbar types, that change applies to every instance of that toolbar type you subsequently create. For example, if you modify the toolbar in an editor window, your changes appear in all editor windows opened thereafter. Figure 18.6 Main toolbar

Figure 18.7 Project window toolbar

Toolbar Elements
A toolbar can contain these elements: Commandsbuttons that you click to execute IDE menu commands Controlsmenus, such as Document Settings, Functions, Header Files, Markers, Version Control, and Current Target Miscellaneousother elements, such as the File Dirty Indicator and File Path field Click the Toolbar Items tab at the top of the Customize IDE Commands window to display the Toolbar view. Use this view to add new elements to a toolbar.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Customizing the IDE

Customize Toolbars

Modify a Toolbar
You can modify a toolbar in these ways: Add a toolbar element Remove a toolbar element Clear all elements on a toolbar Reset a toolbar In certain circumstances there are restrictions on which elements you can add or remove from a toolbar. For example, you cannot add a second instance of an element to the toolbar. After you modify a toolbar, the changes apply to every instance of that toolbar. For example, if you customize the Project window toolbar, those changes will affect every Project window that you open, not just the toolbar in the active Project window. Your changes do not affect windows that are already open. TIP To display a ToolTip that names a toolbar element, rest the cursor over the element.

Adding a Toolbar Element

You add an element to a toolbar by dragging and dropping it from the Toolbar Items list onto a toolbar. This list is in the Toolbar Items view in the Customize IDE Commands window. To add an element to a toolbar, follow these steps: 1. From the Toolbar Items list, select the icon next to the element that you want to add to a toolbar. Make sure that the destination toolbar is visible. 2. Drag the elements icon from the Toolbar Items list to the destination toolbar. If the destination toolbar accepts the element, a framing bracket appears in the toolbar. This framing bracket shows you where the new element will appear after you release the cursor. If the destination toolbar does not accept the element, the framing bracket does not appear. 3. Release the element at the desired position. After you release the element, the IDE inserts the element into the destination toolbar.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Customizing the IDE

Customize Toolbars
The toolbar might not accept an element for these reasons: The toolbar is full. The element already exists in the toolbar. The window does not support that element. The following elements can only be added to the editor window toolbar: Document Settings, Functions, Header Files, Markers, Version Control menus, File Dirty Indicator, and File Path field. The Current Target menu element can only be added to the Project window toolbar.

Removing a Toolbar element

To remove an element from a toolbar, follow these steps: 1. Right-click a toolbar button to display a contextual menu for the button that you want to remove. 2. Select the Remove Toolbar Item command from the contextual menu. The IDE removes the button from the toolbar.

Clearing All Buttons on Toolbars

You can clear all elements from a toolbar and build your own toolbar from scratch. On a Windows host, clear the main (floating) toolbar by selecting View > Toolbars > Clear Main Toolbar. Clear the window toolbar by selecting View > Toolbars > Clear Window Toolbar.

Reset Toolbars
Reset a toolbar to restore its default button set. On a Windows host, reset the main (floating) toolbar by selecting View > Toolbars > Reset Main Toolbar. Reset the window toolbar by selecting View > Toolbars > Reset Window Toolbar. Alternatively, you can use a contextual menu to reset the main toolbar or a window toolbar. Once you reset the toolbar, the IDE restores the default toolbar button set. On a Windows host, reset the main (floating) toolbar by right-clicking the toolbar and selecting Reset Toolbar. Reset the window toolbar by right-clicking the toolbar and selecting Reset Toolbar.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Customizing the IDE

Customize Key Bindings

Customize Key Bindings

You can customize the keyboard shortcuts, known as key bindings, for various commands in the CodeWarrior IDE. You can bind a set of keystrokes to virtually any command. To activate the command, type its associated key binding. Use the Customize IDE Commands window to change IDE key bindings. You can also use the Customize IDE Commands window to look up default key bindings for specific commands, as well as change existing key bindings to better suit your needs. Click the Commands tab at the top of the Customize IDE Commands window to display the Commands view. Use this view to configure key bindings for menu commands, editor actions, and other actions. You can also specify prefix keys. This section has these topics: Modifying key bindings Adding key bindings Deleting key bindings Setting Auto Repeat for key bindings Exporting commands and key bindings Importing commands and key bindings Quote key prefix

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Customizing the IDE

Customize Key Bindings
Figure 18.8 Customize IDE CommandsKey Bindings

Adding Key Bindings

Use the Customize IDE Commands window to specify additional key bindings for a particular command. To add a key binding, follow these steps: 1. From the Commands list, select the command to which you want to add a new key binding. Click the hierarchical controls next to the command categories to expand them as necessary so that you can see individual commands. Select the individual command you wish to modify. NOTE If you want to use your keyboards numeric keypad as part of the new key binding, enable the Numeric Keypad Bindings checkbox in the Customize IDE Commands window.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Customizing the IDE

Customize Key Bindings
2. Click New Binding. After clicking this button, the Edit Key Binding dialog box appears. Figure 18.9 Edit Key Bindings

3. Create the key combination you would like to use for the selected command. For example, to add the key combination Ctrl-8, hold down the Ctrl key and press the 8 key, then release both keys at the same time. If you decide against the key combination that you just entered, or if you make a mistake, click Cancel in the Edit Key Binding dialog box. The IDE discards changes and returns you to the Customize IDE Commands window. 4. Click OK in the Edit Key Binding dialog box. The new key binding appears in the Key Bindings list in the Customize IDE Commands window. 5. Click Save in the Customize IDE Commands window to save your changes. The new key binding is now available for use in the IDE.

Exporting Commands and Key Bindings

You can export to a file the custom commands and key bindings that you use with the IDE. You can then import the file into another IDE running on a different computer in order to transfer all of your custom commands and key bindings. This process simplifies your setup on the other computer because you do not have to recreate your custom commands and key bindings manually. NOTE After you import your custom commands and key bindings into another computer, the IDE running on that computer first sets all its commands and key bindings to their default values, then imports your custom commands and key bindings.

To export your custom commands and key bindings, follow these steps: 1. Click Export in the Customize IDE Commands window. After you click this button, a standard Save dialog box appears.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Customizing the IDE

Customize Key Bindings
2. Select a location in which to save the Commands&KeyBindings.mkb file. This file contains information about your custom commands and key bindings. 3. Click Save. The IDE saves the Commands&KeyBindings.mkb file at the selected location. TIP You can rename the Commands&KeyBindings.mkb file, but remember to preserve the .mkb extension. This extension identifies the file as a Freescale Key Bindings file. Furthermore, the Windows-hosted version of the CodeWarrior IDE uses this extension to properly recognize the commands and key bindings file.

Importing Commands and Key Bindings

You can import custom commands and key bindings from a previously exported file. Commands&KeyBindings.mkb is the default name of an exported file for custom commands and key bindings. NOTE After you import your custom commands and key bindings into another computer, the IDE running on that computer first sets all its commands and key bindings to their default values, then imports your custom commands and key bindings.

To import commands and key bindings, follow these steps: 1. Click Import in the Customize IDE Commands window. After you click this button, a standard Open dialog box appears. 2. Use the dialog box to find and open the Commands&KeyBindings.mkb file that you want to import. The IDE adds the custom commands and key bindings to the Customize IDE Commands window.

Quote Key prefix

The Quote Key is a special prefix key that lets you use any character (such as a-z) as a command key without a modifier key, and still retain the ability to use that character normally, as in editor windows. In typical use, a key equivalent involves two keys: a modifier key (such as the Ctrl key) combined with a printing key. However, the IDE does not require a modifier key.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Customizing the IDE

Customize Key Bindings
For example, you can assign the 2 key (with no modifier) to a command. If you make this assignment, you can no longer type a 2 into your source code in the editor. This conflict occurs because the IDE now interprets the 2 as a command key instead of a printing key. The Quote Key prefix provides the solution to such conflicts. You can configure the IDE to recognize any key as the Quote Key prefix. Despite its name, the Quote Key prefix does not have to be the key that creates the quote character ("). After typing an assigned Quote Key prefix, the IDE interprets the next keypress as a keystroke, not as a command. Returning to the earlier example, assume that you assign the 2 key to a command and the tilde key (~) to be your Quote Key prefix. To execute the command, you would type the 2 key. To enter the character 2 into source code, you would type the tilde key first, then the 2 key. To enter the tilde character into source code, you would press the tilde key twice. WARNING! The Quote Key only affects the next key or key combination that you type. You must use the Quote Key once for each bound key or key combination for which you want to type.

Assigning the Quote Key prefix

To assign the Quote Key prefix: 1. Click the expand control next to the Miscellaneous command group. Miscellaneous is part of the Commands list in the Customize IDE Commands window. 2. Select the Quote Key item. NOTE If you want to use the numeric keypad as part of the new key binding, enable the Numeric Keypad Bindings checkbox in the Customize IDE Commands window.

3. Click New Binding to display the Edit Key Bindings dialog box. 4. Type the desired Quote Key prefix. The keys you type appear in the dialog box. If you make a mistake or decide against the keys you typed, click Cancel to return to the Customize IDE Commands window. 5. Click OK in the Edit Key Binding dialog box. The new Quote Key prefix appears in the Key Bindings list.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Customizing the IDE

Customize Key Bindings


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Working with IDE Preferences
This chapter explains core CodeWarrior IDE preference panels and provides basic information on global- and project-level preference options. Consult the Targeting documentation for information on platform-specific preference panels. This chapter contains these sections: IDE Preferences Window General Panels Editor Panels Abbreviated descriptions appear in this chapter. See Preference and Target Settings Options for more information on preference-panel options.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Working with IDE Preferences

IDE Preferences Window

IDE Preferences Window

The IDE Preferences window lists global IDE options. These preferences, unless superseded by a Target Settings option, apply to every open project file. Select Edit > Preferences to open the IDE Preferences window. The IDE Preferences window lists preferences by group: Generalconfigures overall IDE preferences, such as project builds, recent items, and third-party tools Editorconfigures editor preferences, such as fonts, tabs, and syntax coloring Debuggerconfigures debugger preferences, such as window hiding during debugging sessions, low-level interactions, and variable highlighting Figure 19.1 IDE Preferences window


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Working with IDE Preferences

General Panels

Table 19.1 IDE Preferences window Item

IDE Preference Panels list

Lists preference panels, organized by group. Click the hierarchical control next to a group name to show or hide individual preference panels. Shows options for the selected item in the IDE Preference Panels list. Click to restore the default options for the current preference panel. Click to restore the most recently saved options for the current preference panel. Click to save an XML file that contains options for the current preference panel. Click to open an XML file that contains options for the current preference panel. Click to save modifications to all preference panels and close the window. Click to discard modifications to all preference panels and close the window. Click to confirm modifications to all preference panels.

Preference panel

Factory Settings Revert Panel

Export Panel

Import Panel




General Panels
The General section of the IDE Preference Panels defines basic options assigned to a new project. The General preference panels available on most IDE hosts include: Build Settings Concurrent Compiles IDE Extras Plugin Settings Shielded Folders Source Trees

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Working with IDE Preferences

General Panels

Build Settings
The Build Settings preference panel provides options for customizing various aspects of project builds, including: file actions during project builds memory usage to accelerate builds local data storage of projects stored on read-only volumes Figure 19.2 Build Settings preference panel

Table 19.2 Build Settings preference panel Item

Build before running

Choose to always build the project before running it, never build the project before running it, or ask for the desired action. Select to automatically save the contents of all editor windows before starting a build. Select to have the IDE display a message after successfully building a project. Enter the kilobytes of memory to allocate to the stack for execution of the IDE compiler thread. Increase the size when compiling heavily optimized code. Select to specify a location to save project data if the project is on a read-only volume. Click Choose to select the location.

Save open files before build

Show message after building up-to-date project Compiler thread stack

Use Local Project Data Storage


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Working with IDE Preferences

General Panels

Concurrent Compiles
The Concurrent Compiles preference panel controls execution of simultaneous IDE compilation processes. The IDE lists this panel in the IDE Preference Panels list when the active compiler supports concurrency. The IDE uses concurrent compiles to compile code more efficiently. The IDE improves its use of available processor capacity by spawning multiple compile processes, which allow the operating system to perform these tasks as needed: optimize resource use use overlapped input/output For those compilers that support concurrency, concurrent compiles improve compile time on both single- and multiple-processor systems. Figure 19.3 Concurrent Compiles preference panel

Table 19.3 Concurrent Compiles preference panel Item

Use Concurrent Compiles

Select to have the IDE run multiple compilation processes simultaneously. Select to allow the number of concurrent compiles suggested by the IDE. Select to stipulate the number of concurrent compiles.


User Specified

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Working with IDE Preferences

General Panels

IDE Extras
The IDE Extras preference panel provides options for customizing various aspects of the IDE, including: menu-bar layout the number of recent projects, document files, and symbolics files to remember use of a third-party editor Figure 19.4 IDE Extras preference panel

Table 19.4 IDE Extras preference panel Item

Menu bar layout

Choose a layout that organizes IDE menus into a typical host-platform menu bar. Restart the IDE in order for menu-bar layout changes to take effect. Enter the number of recently opened projects for the IDE to display in the Open Recent submenu. Enter zero to disable this feature. Enter the number of recently opened documents for the IDE to display in the Open Recent submenu. Enter zero to disable this feature. Enter the number of recently opened symbolics files for the IDE to display in the Open Recent submenu. Enter zero to disable this feature.





8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Working with IDE Preferences

General Panels
Table 19.4 IDE Extras preference panel (continued) Item

Enter the number of recently opened workspaces for the IDE to display in the Open Recent submenu. Enter zero to disable this feature. Select to use a third-party text editor to edit source files. Enter a command-line expression that runs the desired third-party text editor. Enter a command-line expression that runs the desired third-party text editor and passes to that editor an initial line of text to display. Select to have the IDE use the Multiple Document Interface (MDI). Clear to have the IDE use the Floating Document Interface (FDI). Restart the IDE in order for interface changes to take effect. Select this option to have the IDE use the default workspace to save and restore state information. Clear this option to have the IDE always start in the same state. Displays or hides Code and Data columns in project manager.

Use Third Party Editor

Launch Editor

Launch Editor w/ Line #

Use Multiple Document Interface

Use default workspace

Show Code and Data Sizes

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Working with IDE Preferences

General Panels

Plugin Settings
The Plugin Settings preference panel contains options for troubleshooting third-party IDE plug-ins. Figure 19.5 Plugin Settings preference panel

Table 19.5 Plugin Settings preference panel Item


Choose the plug-in diagnostics level the IDE generates the next time it loads plug-ins. Restart the IDE in order for diagnostic-level changes to take effect. Options are None, Errors Only, and All Info. Select to prevent the IDE from loading third-party Common Object Model (COM) plug-ins.

Disable third party COM plugins


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Working with IDE Preferences

General Panels

Shielded Folders
The Shielded Folder preference panel enables the IDE to ignore specified folders during project operations and find-and-compare operations. The IDE ignores folders based on matching names with regular expressions defined in the preference panel. NOTE If the Access Paths settings panel in the Target Settings window contains a path to a shielded folder, the IDE overrides the shielding and includes the folder in project operations and find-and-compare operations.

Figure 19.6 Shielded Folders preference panel

Table 19.6 Shielded Folders preference panel Item

Shielded folder list


Lists folders that match the specified regular expression. The IDE skips these folders during project operations, find-and-compare operations, or both. Enter the regular expression used to shield folders from selected operations. Select to have the IDE skip folders during project operations. A bullet appears in the corresponding column of the shielded folder list.

Regular Expression

Project operations

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Working with IDE Preferences

General Panels
Table 19.6 Shielded Folders preference panel (continued) Item
Find and compare operations


Select to have the IDE skip folders during findand-compare operations. A bullet appears in the corresponding column of the shielded folder list. Click to add the current Regular Expression field entry to the shielded folder list. Click to replace the selected regular expression in the shielded folder list with the current Regular Expression field entry. Click to delete the selected regular expression from the shielded folder list.




Table 19.7 Default regular expressions in Shielded Folders panel Regular Expression

Matches folders with names that begin and end with parentheses, such as the (Project Stationery) folder. Matches folders named CVS. With this regular expression, the IDE skips Concurrent Versions System (CVS) data files. Matches the names of folders generated by the IDE that store target data information, such as a folder named MyProject_Data.




8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Working with IDE Preferences

General Panels

Source Trees
Use the Source Trees panel to add, modify, and remove source trees (root paths) used in projects. Use source trees to define common access paths and build-target outputs to promote sharing of projects across different hosts. Source trees have these scopes: Global source trees, defined in the IDE Preferences window, apply to all projects. Project source trees, defined in the Target Settings window for a particular project, apply only to files in that project. Project source trees always take precedence over global source trees. Except for the difference in scope, global and project source trees operate identically. Figure 19.7 Source Trees panel

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Working with IDE Preferences

General Panels

Table 19.8 Source Trees panel Item

Source Tree list Name

Contains the Name and Path of currently defined source trees. Enter a name for a new source tree or modify the name of a selected source tree. Choose the source-tree path type. Click to select or modify a source-tree path. Click to add a new source-tree path to the Source Tree list. Click to modify the selected source-tree name or path. Click to delete the selected source tree from the Source Tree list.

Type Choose Add Change Remove

Adding Source Trees

Add source trees that define root paths for access paths and build-target output. 1. Choose Edit > Preferences. The IDE Preferences window appears. 2. Select the Source Trees panel from the IDE Preference Panels list. 3. Enter in the Name field a name for the new source tree. 4. Choose the source tree Type: Absolute Pathdefines a path from the root level of the hard drive to a desired folder, including all intermediate folders Environment Variable defines an environment variable in the operating environment Registry Key defines a key entry in the operating-environment registry 5. Enter the source-tree definition: For Absolute PathClick Choose to display a subordinate dialog box. Use the dialog box to select the desired folder. The absolute path to the selected folder appears in the Source Trees preference panel. For Environment VariableEnter the path to the desired environment variable. For Registry KeyEnter the path to the desired key entry in the registry.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Working with IDE Preferences

General Panels
6. Click Add. The IDE adds the new source tree to the Source Trees list. 7. Click OK, Apply, or Save. The IDE saves the source-tree changes.

Changing Source Trees

Change a source tree to update path information for a project. The IDE must be able to resolve source trees before building the project. 1. Choose Edit > Preferences. 2. Select the Source Trees panel from the IDE Preference Panels list. 3. Select the desired source tree in the Source Trees list. 4. If needed, enter a new name for the selected source tree. 5. If needed, choose a new path type for the selected source tree. 6. Click Change. The IDE updates the source tree and displays changes in the Source Trees list. A reminder message to update source-tree references in the project appears. 7. Click OK, Apply, or Save. The IDE saves the source-tree changes.

Removing Source Trees

Remove source trees that the project no longer uses. The IDE must be able to find the remaining source trees before building the project. 1. Choose Edit > Preferences. 2. Select the Source Trees panel from the IDE Preference Panels list. 3. Select the source tree from the Source Trees list. 4. Click Remove. The IDE updates the Source Trees list. A reminder message to update source-tree references in the project appears. 5. Click OK, Apply, or Save. The IDE saves the source-tree changes.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Working with IDE Preferences

Editor Panels

Editor Panels
The Editor section of the IDE Preference Panels list defines the editor settings assigned to a new project. The Editor preference panels available on most IDE hosts include: Code Completion Code Formatting Editor Settings Font & Tabs Text Colors

Code Completion
The Code Completion preference panel provides options for customizing the IDE codecompletion behavior, including: automatic invocation and indexing window positioning and appearance delay case sensitivity Figure 19.8 Code Completion preference panel


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Working with IDE Preferences

Editor Panels

Table 19.9 Code Completion preference panel Item

Automatic Invocation

Select to automatically open the Code Completion window to complete programming-language symbols. Clear to manually open the window. Select to have the Code Completion window follow the insertion point as you edit text. Clear to leave the window in place. Select to have the Code Completion window display obsolete items in gray text. Clear to have the window hide obsolete items. Select to have the IDE consider case when completing code. Clear to have the IDE ignore case. Enter the number of ticks to wait before opening the Code Completion window. A tick is 1/60 of a second.

Window follows insertion point

Display deprecated items

Case sensitive

Code Completion Delay (ticks)

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Working with IDE Preferences

Editor Panels

Code Formatting
The Code Formatting preference panel provides options for customizing editor codeformatting behavior, including: indenting syntax placement brace handling Figure 19.9 Code Formatting preference panel

Table 19.10 Code Formatting preference panel Item

Use Automatic Code Formatting

Check to have the editor automatically format your source code according to settings in this panel. Clear to prevent the editor from automatically formatting your code.

Language Settings

Use to specify the language type that you want to format. Your selection changes the other options in this panel to their default states for the selected language.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Working with IDE Preferences

Editor Panels
Table 19.10 Code Formatting preference panel (continued) Item
Format braces

Check to have the editor automatically insert a closing brace when you type an opening brace. The editor places the cursor between the opening brace that you typed and the closing brace that it inserts. Clear to prevent the editor from automatically inserting a closing brace when you type an opening brace.

Place opening brace on separate line

Check to have the editor place on the next line an opening brace that you type. Clear to prevent the editor from placing on the next line an opening brace that you type.

Indent braces

Check to have the editor indent braces by one tab stop from the previous line. Clear to prevent the editor from indenting braces by one tab stop from the previous line.

Place else on same line as closing brace

Check to have the editor place else and else if text on the same line as the closing brace of the if or else if statement. Clear to prevent the editor from placing else and else if text on the same line as the closing brace of the if or else if statement.

Indent code within braces

Check to have the editor indent code by one tab stop from the braces. Clear to prevent the editor from indenting code by one tab stop from the braces.

Indent case within switch statement

Check to have the editor indent case statements by one tab stop inside a switch statement. Clear to prevent the editor from indenting case statements by one tab stop inside a switch statement.

Close braces, brackets, and parentheses

Check to have the editor automatically insert the corresponding closing character when you type an opening brace, bracket, or parenthesis. The editor places the cursor between the opening character and the closing character. Clear to prevent the editor from automatically inserting the corresponding closing character when you type an opening brace, bracket, or parenthesis.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Working with IDE Preferences

Editor Panels

Editor Settings
The Editor Settings preference panel provides options for customizing the editor, including: fonts, window locations, and insertion-point positions contextual menus additional editor-window features Figure 19.10 Editor Settings preference panel


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Working with IDE Preferences

Editor Panels

Table 19.11 Editor Settings preference panel Item

Font preferences

Select to retain font settings for each source file. Clear to apply default font settings each time the IDE displays the source file. Select to retain the text-insertion position in each source file. Select to retain the location and dimensions of each editor window. Select to add Edit menu commands to contextual menus. Select to add Browser menu commands to contextual menus. Also select in order to use the Insert Template Commands option. Select to add Project menu commands to contextual menus.

Selection position Window position and size Edit Commands Browser Commands

Project Commands VCS Commands

Select to add VCS (Version Control System) menu commands to contextual menus. Select to flash the matching (, [, or { after typing ), ], or } in an editor window. Select to allow multiple undo and redo operations while editing text. Select to allow the C parser to recognize some non-standard function formats and avoid skipping or misinterpreting some definition styles. Select to allow drag-and-drop text editing.

Balance while typing Use multiple undo

Relaxed C popup parsing

Drag and drop editing Left margin click selects line Sort function popup

Select to allow selection of an entire line of text by clicking in the left margin of the editor window. Select to sort function names by alphabetical order in menus. Clear to sort function names by order of appearance in the source file. Select to allow moving the text-insertion point beyond the end of a source-code line. Entering new text automatically inserts spaces between the former end of the line and the newly entered text.

Enable Virtual Space

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Working with IDE Preferences

Editor Panels
Table 19.11 Editor Settings preference panel (continued) Item
Balance Flash Delay Default file format

Enter the number of ticks to flash a balancing punctuation character. A tick is1/60 of a second. Choose the default end-of-line format used to save files.

Font & Tabs

The Font & Tabs preference panel provides options for customizing settings used by the editor, including: font and font size used in editor windows auto indentation and tab size tabs on selections and replacing tabs with spaces Figure 19.11 Font & Tabs preference panel


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Working with IDE Preferences

Editor Panels

Table 19.12 Font & Tabs preference panel Item

Font Size Script

Choose the typeface displayed in editor windows. Choose the font size displayed in editor windows. Choose the IDE script system. The script system maps keyboard keys to characters of an alphabet. Select to indent each line of selected text after pressing Tab. Clear to replace selected text with a tab character after pressing Tab. Enter the number of spaces to substitute in place of a tab character. This number applies to the Tab Inserts Spaces option. Select to automatically apply the indentation level from the previous line of text to each new line created by pressing Enter or Return. Select to insert spaces instead of a tab character after pressing Tab. The Tab Size option determines the number of inserted spaces.

Tab indents selection

Tab Size

Auto Indent

Tab Inserts Spaces

Setting the Text Font

To set the text font, follow these steps: 1. Choose Edit > Preferences. 2. Select the Font & Tabs panel in the Editor group in the IDE Preference Panels list. 3. In the Font Settings area of the IDE Preferences window, select a font type in the drop-down menu in the Font field. 4. Click OK to save your font in the IDE Preferences window. The foreground text changes to the new font.

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Working with IDE Preferences

Editor Panels

Setting the Text Size

To set the text size, follow these steps: 1. Choose Edit > Preferences. 2. Select the Font & Tabs panel in the Editor group in the IDE Preference Panels list. 3. In the Font Settings area of the IDE Preferences window, select the Size drop-down menu and choose a text point size (from 2 to 24 points). 4. Click OK to save your text size in the IDE Preferences window. The foreground text changes to the new size.

Text Colors
The Text Colors preference panel customizes colors applied to elements of source code displayed in editor windows, such as: default foreground and background in editor windows standard comments, keywords, and strings in source code custom-defined keywords browser symbols Default settings provide a simple scheme of at least four source-code colors. If four colors do not provide sufficient detail, modify this preference panel to create more sophisticated color schemes.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Working with IDE Preferences

Editor Panels
Figure 19.12 Text Colors preference panel

Table 19.13 Text Colors preference panel Item


Click the color swatch to display a dialog box. Use the dialog box to set the foreground color used in editor windows for text. Click the color swatch to set the background color used in editor windows. Select to apply custom colors to comments, keywords, strings, and custom keywords in text. Clear to use the Foreground color for all text. Click the color swatch to set the color used for sourcecode comments. Click the color swatch to set the color used for sourcecode language keywords. Click the color swatch to set the color used for sourcecode string literals.


Activate Syntax Coloring




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Working with IDE Preferences

Editor Panels
Table 19.13 Text Colors preference panel (continued) Item
Set 1, Set 2, Set 3, Set 4

Click a color swatch to set the color used for the corresponding custom-keyword set. Click to add, modify, or remove keywords from the corresponding custom-keyword set. Select to apply custom colors to browser symbols in text. Clear to use the Foreground color for all text. Click the color swatch to set the color used for sourcecode classes. Click the color swatch to set the color used for sourcecode constants. Click the color swatch to set the color used for sourcecode enumerations. Click the color swatch to set the color used for sourcecode functions. Click the color swatch to set the color used for sourcecode global variables. Click the color swatch to set the color used for sourcecode macros. Click the color swatch to set the color used for sourcecode templates. Click the color swatch to set the color used for sourcecode type definitions. Click the color swatch to set the color used for other symbols not specified in the Activate Browser Coloring section.


Activate Browser Coloring










Setting the Foreground Text Color

Use the Foreground Color option to configure the foreground text color displayed in editor windows. 1. Choose Edit > Preferences. 2. Select the Text Colors panel in the Editor group in the IDE Preference Panels list. 228

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Working with IDE Preferences

Editor Panels
3. Click the Foreground color box to set the editors foreground color. 4. Pick color. 5. Click OK in the Color Picker window. 6. Click OK or Save The foreground text color changes to the new color.

Setting the Background Text Color

Use the Background Color option to configure the background color displayed by all editor windows. 1. Choose Edit > Preferences. 2. Select the Text Colors panel in the Editor group in the IDE Preference Panels list. 3. Click the Background color box to set the editors background color. 4. Pick color. 5. Click OK in the Color Picker window. 6. Click OK or Save The background text color changes to the new color.

Activate Syntax and Browser Coloring

Use the Activate Syntax Coloring and Activate Browser Coloring options to configure the syntax and browser colors that all editor windows display. 1. Choose Edit > Preferences. 2. Select the Text Colors panel in the Editor group in the IDE Preference Panels list. 3. Select the checkbox next to the Activate Syntax Coloring or the Activate Browser Coloring option. 4. Click on the colored box next to the option. 5. Pick color. 6. Click OK in the Color Picker window. 7. Click OK or Save

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Working with IDE Preferences

Editor Panels


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Working with Target Settings
This chapter explains core CodeWarrior IDE target settings panels and provides basic information on target settings options for the current projects build targets. Consult the Targeting documentation for information on platform-specific target settings panels. This chapter contains these sections: Target Settings Window Target Panels Editor Panels Abbreviated descriptions appear in this chapter. See Preference and Target Settings Options for more information on target settings panel options.

Target Settings Window

The Target Settings window lists settings for the current projects build targets. These target settings supersede global preferences defined in the IDE Preferences window. The Target Settings window lists settings by group: Targetconfigures overall build target settings, such as names, browser caching, file mappings, and access paths Language Settingsconfigures programming language settings. Consult the Targeting documentation for more information about these settings panels Code Generationconfigures processor, disassembler, and optimization settings for generating code Linkerconfigure linker settings for transforming object code into a final executable file. Consult the Targeting documentation for more information about these settings panels. Editorconfigure custom keyword sets and colors Debuggerconfigure settings for executable files, program suspension, and remote debugging

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Working with Target Settings

Target Settings Window
Figure 20.1 Target Settings window

Table 20.1 Target Settings window Item

Target Settings Panels list Settings panel Factory Settings Revert Panel

Lists settings panels, organized by group. Click the hierarchical control next to a group name to show or hide a list of individual settings panels. Shows options for the selected item in the Target Settings Panels list. Click to restore the default options for the current settings panel.

Click to restore the most recently saved options for the current settings panel. Click to save an XML file that contains set options for the current panel. Click to open an XML file that contains settings for the current panel.

Export Panel

Import Panel


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Working with Target Settings

Target Panels
Table 20.1 Target Settings window (continued) Item
OK Cancel

Click to save modifications to all settings panels and close the window. Click to discard modifications to all settings panels and close the window. Click to confirm modifications to all settings panels.


Opening the Target Settings Window

Use the Target Settings window to modify build target options for the current project. Choose Edit > targetname Settings to display the Target Settings window.

Target Panels
The Target group of the Target Settings Panels defines general target settings assigned to a new project. The panels available on most IDE hosts include: Target Settings Access Paths Build Extras File Mappings Source Trees

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Working with Target Settings

Target Panels

Target Settings
The Target Settings panel provides options for: setting the name of the current build target setting the linker, pre-linker, and post-linker for the build target specifying the project output directory for the final output file Figure 20.2 Target Settings panel

Table 20.2 Target Settings panelitems Item

Target Name

Enter a name (26 or fewer characters) for the selected build target as it will appear in the project window. Select the linker to use on the current build target. Select the pre-linker to use on the current build target. Select the post- linker to use on the current build target. Shows the location where the IDE creates the output binary file. Click Choose to change this location. Click to select the directory in which the IDE saves the output binary file.

Linker Pre-linker Post-linker Output Directory



8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Working with Target Settings

Target Panels
Table 20.2 Target Settings panelitems (continued) Item
Clear Save project entries using relative paths

Click to delete the current Output Directory path. Select to save project file entries using a relative path from a defined access path. This option is helpful if the project has multiple files with the same name.

Access Paths
The Access Paths settings panel defines the search paths for locating and accessing a build targets system files and header files. NOTE The Access Paths settings panel displays either User Paths or System Paths, depending on the selected radio button.

Figure 20.3 Access Paths settings panel

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Working with Target Settings

Target Panels

Table 20.3 Access Paths settings panel Item

Always Search User Paths Source relative includes

Select to treat #include <...> statements the same as #include "..." statements. Select to search for dependent files in the same location as the source file. If the dependent file is not found in this location, specified User and System paths are searched. If this option is enabled, the Always Search User Paths should also be enabled. The User Paths list shows currently defined user-level access paths searched by #include "..." statements. The System Paths list shows currently defined system-level access paths searched by #include <...> statements. Click to restore the default user- and system-level access paths. Choose the host platforms that can use the selected access path.

User Paths

System Paths

Add Default Host Flags list pop-up Add Change Remove

Click to add a user- or system-level access path. Click to modify the selected user- or system-level access path. Click to remove the selected user- or system-level access path.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Working with Target Settings

Target Panels
The User Paths and System Paths lists display columns with status icons for each access path. There are different types of access paths. Table 20.4 explains these items. Table 20.4 User Paths and System Paths list columns Name
Search status


A checkmark icon indicates an active access path that the IDE searches. No checkmark icon indicates an inactive access path that the IDE does not search.

Recursive search

A folder icon indicates that the IDE recursively searches subdirectories of the access path. No folder icon indicates that the IDE does not recursively search the access path.

Access path

Shows the full access path to the selected directory. Access paths have these types: Absolutethe complete path, from the root level of the hard drive to the directory, including all intermediate directories Projectthe path from the project file relative to the designated directory CodeWarriorthe path from the CodeWarrior IDE relative to the designated directory Systemthe path from the operating systems base directory relative to the designated directory Source treethe path from a user-defined source tree relative to the designated directory

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Working with Target Settings

Target Panels

Build Extras
The Build Extras settings panel contains options that define how the CodeWarrior IDE builds a project. Figure 20.4 Build Extras settings panel


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Working with Target Settings

Target Panels

Table 20.5 Build Extras settings panel Item

Use modification date caching

Select to have the IDE cache modification date information and use that information each time it builds a target. Builds are faster if file modification dates are cached. Note that it is recommended to uncheck this option if you are using an external editor or using mounted directories. For one-time changes to files (for example, those updated by a VCS tool outside of the IDE or editing a file with an external editor), you should check the modification date by clicking the Synchronize Modification Dates button in the project window toolbar.

Cache Subprojects Generate Browser Data From Dump internal browse information after compile Prefix file

Select to improve multi-project updating and linking speed. Choose whether the IDE generates browser data for the project, and the method by which the IDE generates that data. Select to have the IDE dump raw browser information for viewing. This option appears after selecting Compiler from the Generate Browser Data From pop-up menu. Enter the path to your projects prefix file. This options appears after selecting Language Parser from the Generate Browser Data From pop-up menu. Enter the path to your projects macro file. This options appears after selecting Language Parser from the Generate Browser Data From pop-up menu. Click Browse to select the external debugger application. Alternatively, enter the path to the external debugger. Enter any program arguments to pass to the external debugger when the IDE transfers control. Click Browse to select an initial directory for the external debugger. Alternatively, enter the path to the initial directory.

Macro file



Initial directory

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Working with Target Settings

Target Panels

File Mappings
The File Mappings settings panel associates filename extensions with a CodeWarrior plug-in compiler. These associations determine whether the IDE recognizes a source file by its filename extension or file type. Use the settings panel to add, change, and remove file mappings. Figure 20.5 File Mappings settings panel

Table 20.6 File Mappings settings panel Item

File Mappings list File Type


Displays a list of currently defined mappings between filename extensions and plug-in compilers. Enter a file type (such as TEXT) for the file mapping. Alternatively, click Choose to set the file type by selecting an example file. This file type also appears in the corresponding column of the File Mappings list. Enter the filename extension (such as .cpp) for the file mapping. This filename extension also appears in the corresponding column of the File Mappings list. A bullet in this column denotes a resource file. The IDE includes these resource files when building the final output file. Use the Flags context menu to toggle this flag.


Resource File flag


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Working with Target Settings

Target Panels
Table 20.6 File Mappings settings panel (continued) Item
Launchable flag


A bullet in this column denotes a launchable file. The IDE opens launchable files with the application that created them. Double-click launchable files from the Project window. Use the Flags context menu to toggle this flag. A bullet in this column denotes a precompiled file. The IDE builds precompiled files before building other files. Toggle this flag using the Flags context menu. A bullet in this column denotes a file ignored by the compiler during builds. For example, use this option to ignore text (.txt) files or document (.doc) files. Use the Flags context menu to toggle this flag. Choose the plug-in compiler to associate with the selected file mapping from this list. This compiler selection also appears in the corresponding column of the File Mappings list. Choose the desired flags for the selected file mapping from this context menu. A checkmark indicates an active flag. Bullets appear in the corresponding columns of the File Mappings list to reflect flag states. Choose the desired language to associate with the selected file mapping from this list. The IDE applies the appropriate syntax coloring for the selected language. Click to add the current File Type, Extension, Flags, Compiler, and Edit Language entries to the File Mappings list. Click to change the selected item in the File Mappings list to reflect the current File Type, Extension, Flags, Compiler, and Edit Language entries. Click to remove the selected item in the File Mappings list.

Precompiled File flag

Ignored By Make flag



Edit Language




Source Trees
The Source Trees settings panel in the Target Settings window defines project-specific root paths. These project-specific paths override the global root paths defined in the Source Trees preference panel of the IDE Preferences window. Refer to Source Trees for information on adding, changing, or removing paths.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Working with Target Settings

Target Panels

External Builds Support

The IDE performs these tasks on external makefiles: Build Debug Source Browsing Error Lookup You can use the IDE to build an external makefile and debug its output. A linker plugin enables the IDE to manage a command line and targets associated with a makefile. The command line executes when a build step is initiated. The linker plugin also supplies the executable to use for debugging. The linker plugin provides a preference panel named External Build that is used to configure a target. The preference panel provides text fields for you to configure the command line for the target (which enables building), specify the working directory and the output file used to launch a debugging session, and the debug platform. The linker plugin is generic so that it can be used regardless of the target CPU and OS. The IDE updates the list of available debugger preference panels when you select the debug platform. Figure 20.6 shows the External Build Target settings panel. Figure 20.6 External Build Target settings panel


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Working with Target Settings

Target Panels
Use this panel to enter the following information: Build command line to be executed in the build step The command line is sent to the OS shell and contains all parameters and/or switches necessary for properly building the make file. Build directory in which to execute the command line. Output file name Executable to be launched in the debug step. The file is relative to the output directory specified in the Target Settings preference panel. Debug platform The debugger platform represents the combination of OS and CPU that your build is targeting. Unspecified/Remote debugging is the default, which indicates you have not specified a debug platform. In most cases, not specifying a platform results in not being able to debug. However, some platforms may allow debugging if no additional debugger preference panel is used. If only one platform entry exists with the Unspecified option, then it becomes the default entry. When you initiate a build step, the linker plugin gathers output after the command line begins executing. The linker directs output to the IDE and displays output in a read-only Build Output Window. A build output window, such as Figure 20.7, is displayed for each target. This command is enabled for targets that use the external build linker. Figure 20.7 Build Output Window

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Working with Target Settings

Editor Panels

Editor Panels
The Editor group of the Target Settings Panels provides a single core panel for configuring custom keywords within a project.

Custom Keywords
The Custom Keywords panel configures as many as four keyword sets, each with a list of keywords and syntax coloring for a project. These project-specific settings supersede the global settings defined in the Text Colors preference panel of the IDE Preferences window. Figure 20.8 Custom Keywords settings panel

Table 20.7 Custom Keywords settings panel items Item

Keyword set 1, Keyword set 2, Keyword set 3, Keyword set 4 Edit

Click a color swatch to set the color used for the corresponding custom-keyword set.

Click to add, modify, or remove keywords from the corresponding custom-keyword set.

Adding a Keyword to a Keyword Set

To add a keyword to a keyword set, follow these steps: 1. Click Edit next to the desired keyword set. A dialog box appears. This dialog box lists the current collection of keywords in the keyword set. 2. Enter the new keyword into the field at the top of the dialog box. 3. Click Add. The new keyword appears in the keyword list. 244

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Working with Target Settings

Editor Panels
4. Select Case Sensitive as desired. When selected, the IDE treats the case of each keyword in the keyword set as significant. When cleared, the IDE ignores the case of each keyword in the keyword set. 5. Click Done. The IDE saves the modified keyword set.

Removing a Keyword from a Keyword Set

To remove a keyword from a keyword set, follow these steps: 1. Click Edit next to the desired keyword set. A dialog box appears. This dialog box lists the current collection of keywords in the keyword set. 2. Select the obsolete keyword in the Custom Keywords list. 3. Press Backspace key. 4. Click Done. The IDE saves the modified keyword set.

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Working with Target Settings

Editor Panels


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Preference and Target Settings Options
Use this chapter to look up CodeWarrior IDE preference panel or target setting options and learn more about their capabilities. Option names are arranged in alphabetical order. NOTE This chapter covers options for the core IDE preference or target setting panels described in this manual.

Activate Browser Coloring

Select this option to activate coloring of browser symbols in editor windows. Clear the option to apply the default text color to all symbols. Click the color swatch next to a symbol to modify its color.

Activate Syntax Coloring

Select this option to activate coloring of Comments, Keywords, Strings, and Custom Keyword Sets symbols in editor windows. Clear the option to apply the default text color to all symbols. Click the color swatch next to a symbol to modify its color.

Add Default
Click this button to restore the default user path or system path to the Access Paths panel.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Preference and Target Settings Options

Always Search User Paths

This option controls the search criteria the IDE uses to find system and user files. selectedthe IDE treats searching for system files (such as #include <...>) the same as user files (#include "..."). disabledthe IDE treats system paths differently from user paths.

In this field enter the path to the external debugger that the IDE uses in place of the CodeWarrior debugger. Alternatively, click Browse to open a dialog box. Use the dialog box to select the external debugger.

In this field enter command-line arguments to pass to the external debugger at the beginning of a debugging session.

Attempt to show the dynamic runtime type of objects

Select this option to display runtime types for C++, Object Pascal, and SOM objects. Clear the option to display static types.

Auto Indent
Select this option to apply automatically the same indentation as the previous line for each new line of text created by pressing Enter or Return. Clear the option to always return to the left margin for each new line of text.

Auto Target Libraries

Select this option to have the IDE attempt to debug dynamically linked libraries (DLLs) loaded by the target application. The IDE debugs the DLLs that have symbolics information. This option applies to non-project debugging sessions, such as debugging an attached process. NOTE Selecting this option may slow IDE performance. Clear the option to improve speed.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Preference and Target Settings Options

Automatic Invocation
Select this option to have the Code Completion window automatically open after typing specific programming-language characters in the active editor window. Clear the option to manually open the Code Completion window. The specific characters that trigger opening of the Code Completion window depend on the programming language that you use. For example, typing a period after a Java class opens the Code Completion window, allowing you to complete the class invocation. You can change the time it takes for the Code Completion window to appear after you type a trigger character. If you perform any activity during this delay time, the Code Completion window is canceled. See also: Code Completion Delay

Click this color swatch to configure the background color of editor windows.

Balance Flash Delay

In this field enter the time, in ticks, to highlight a matching punctuation character during a Balance while typing check. Each tick represents 1/60th of a second (16.67 milliseconds). Sample tick values include: 0 (zero)disables balance flashing 30the default flash value (1/2 of a second) 999the maximum-flash delay value

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Preference and Target Settings Options

Balance while typing

Select this option to have the editor check for balanced parentheses, brackets, and braces in editor windows. For each closing parenthesis, bracket, or brace, the editor attempts to find the opening counterpart. The IDE behaves differently, depending on whether it finds the counterpart: Foundthe editor window scrolls to display the matching character, then returns to the insertion point. The Balance Flash Delay option determines how long the editor displays the matching character. Not foundthe IDE beeps.

Browser Commands
Select this option to add Browser menu commands to contextual menus. Clear the option to remove commands from the contextual menus.

Browser Path
In this field enter a path to the browser to use for viewing IDE online help. The Netscape Navigator browser is the default application. The PATH environment variable specifies the path to the browser. To change the default setting, or if the IDE cannot find Netscape Navigator, in the Browser Path field enter a path to an alternate browser. Alternatively, click Set to select the path.

Build before running

Choose from this pop-up menu the way in which the IDE handles project builds before running the compiled application: Alwaysalways build projects before running them. Nevernever build projects before running them. Askask each time how to proceed.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Preference and Target Settings Options

Case sensitive
Select this option to have the IDE consider case when completing code. Clear the option to have the IDE ignore case. The IDE can determine possible symbol matches according to case. For example, if you clear the Case sensitive option and type str in the active editor window, the IDE displays both string and String as possible matches. Selecting the option causes the IDE to display only string as a possible match.

Code Completion Delay

In this field enter the number of ticks to have the IDE wait from the time you type a trigger character to the time the Code Completion window opens. A tick is 1/60 of a second. Performing any activity during this delay time cancels opening of the Code Completion window. See also: Automatic Invocation

Collapse non-debugging windows

Select this option to collapse non-debugging windows when starting a debugging session. At the end of the debugging session, the IDE automatically restores the collapsed windows.

Select the Activate Syntax Coloring option in order to configure this option. Use this option to configure the color of C, C++, and Java comments displayed in editor windows. The IDE then uses the chosen color for comments placed between /* and */ or from // to the end of a line. Click the color swatch next to Comments to set the color.

Choose from this list pop-up the desired compiler for the selected File Type in the File Mappings list. Select None to not associate the selected file type with any compiler.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Preference and Target Settings Options

Compiler thread stack

In this field enter the maximum kilobytes of stack size for the IDE to allocate to compiling and linking thread support. The IDE threads all build processes, with compiling and linking occurring on a thread separate from the main application thread. This setting controls the compiler-thread stack size. To avoid frequent compiler crashes, such as when building very large or complex projects, increase the default compiler-thread-stack size.

Confirm invalid file modification dates

Select this option to keep track of source-file modification dates in a project. The IDE displays a warning message if the modification dates do not match. The message warns of possible discrepancies between object code and source code. Clear the option to prevent the IDE from displaying the warning message.

Context popup delay

In this field enter the minimum time, in ticks, to hold down the mouse button before IDE contextual menus appear. Each tick represents 1/60 of a second (16.67 milliseconds). Sample tick values include: 0 (zero)disables appearance of contextual menus 40default popup delay value (2/3 of a second) 240maximum popup delay value

Disable third party COM plugins

Select this option to prevent the IDE from loading third-party Component Object Model (COM) plugins. Clear the option to have the IDE load the plugins at start-up time. Use this option to help troubleshoot problems with the IDE. If the problem goes away after disabling the plug-ins, then a conflict exists between the third-party plugins and the IDE plugins.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Preference and Target Settings Options

Display deprecated items

Select this option to have the Code Completion window display obsolete programminglanguage items. Clear the option to have the window hide the obsolete items. Deprecated items appear in gray text in the Code Completion window.

Do nothing
Select this option to leave all windows in place during a debugging session.

Do nothing to project windows

Select this option to prevent the IDE from manipulating project windows when starting a debugging session. Use this option to help debug multiple build targets or multiple projects.

In this field enter the number of recent documents to display in the Open Recent submenu.

Drag and drop editing

Select this option to allow dragging and dropping of text in editor windows. Clear the option to disable drag-and-drop text editing.

Dump internal browse information after compile

Select this option to view the raw browser information that a plug-in compiler or linker provides for the IDE. Use this option to help develop plug-ins for use with the IDE. NOTE After enabling the Dump internal browse information after compile option, compile only single files or small files. Compiling an entire project can create huge internal browser information for the IDE to display.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Preference and Target Settings Options

Edit Commands
Select this option to add Edit menu commands to IDE contextual menus. Clear the option to remove the commands from the contextual menus.

Edit Language
Choose from this pop-up menu the programming language to associate with the selected file mapping. The selected language determines the syntax-color scheme. For example, choose C/C++ to apply the appropriate syntax-color scheme for C or C++ programminglanguage components.

Enable automatic Toolbar help

Select this option to display Balloon Help after resting the cursor over a toolbar button. Clear the option to prevent Balloon Help from appearing.

Enable Virtual Space

Use this option to configure the editor for handling spaces in different ways. selectedthe editor allows moving the text-insertion point past the end of a line of text, using either the arrow keys or the mouse. After moving to the desired position, begin entering text. The editor automatically inserts spaces between the former end of the line and the newly entered text. clearedthe editor requires manual insertion of spaces to move past the end of a line of text.

Environment Settings
Use this section to specify environment variables to pass to your program as part of the environment parameter in your programs main() function, or as part of environment calls. These environment variables are only available to the target program. When your program terminates, the settings are no longer available. NOTE The Environment Settings section appears only when you develop code for a Windows build target. The section does not appear for any other build target.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Preference and Target Settings Options

Export Panel
Click this button to save to an Extensible Markup Language (XML) file the current state of the active preference or settings panel.

In this field enter a filename extension, such as the .c or .h, for a selected File Type in the File Mappings list. Table 21.1 on page 255 lists default filename extensions. Table 21.1 Default filename extensions Type
Minimum CodeWarrior Installation

.iSYM .mch .mcp .SYM

CodeWarrior Intel Symbols CodeWarrior Precompiled Header CodeWarrior Project File CodeWarrior Mac OS 68K Debug Symbols CodeWarrior Mac OS PPC Debug Symbols CodeWarrior Debug Preferences Exported Symbol File CodeWarrior Link Map CodeWarrior Link Map Assembly Source File Assembly Source File CodeWarrior Disassembled File


.dbg .exp .iMAP .MAP Assembly .a .asm .dump

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Preference and Target Settings Options

Table 21.1 Default filename extensions (continued) Type

C and C++

.c++ .cc .hh .hpp .i .icc .m .mm

C++ Source File C++ Source File C++ Header File C++ Header File C Inline Source File C++ Inline Source File Object C Source File Object C++ Source File C Source File C++ Source File C++ Source File C and C++ Header File Java Class File Java Archive File Java Source File Java Source File Java Import Mapping Dump Java Constructor File Java Manifest File

Default C and C++

.c .cp .cpp .h

Default Java

.class .jar .jav .java


.JMAP .jpob .mf


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Preference and Target Settings Options

Table 21.1 Default filename extensions (continued) Type


.a .lib .o .o

(Static) Archive Library Library File Object File Object (Relocatable) Library or Kernel Module Object File Precompiled Header Source File Precompiled Header Source File

.obj .pch .pch++

Factory Settings
Click this button to change all modified options to their default values in the current preference or settings panel.

Choose from this pop-up menu a sound to play after a Bring Up To Date or Make operation fails.

File Type
Enter in this field the four-character file type for the selected file mapping in the File Mappings list.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Preference and Target Settings Options

Find and compare operations

A bullet in the Find and compare operations column, whose label appears at left, indicates that the IDE ignores matching folders for find-and-compare operations. Such operations include dragging a folder into fields in the Find window, or comparing folder contents.

Find Reference using

Choose from the Find Reference using options, an online browser application to look up references and definitions. For example, use this option to look up documentation for language keywords: 1. Select an online browser application with the Find Reference using option. 2. Select a language keyword, such as boolean, in the source code. 3. Choose the Find Reference menu command. The IDE looks up reference information for the boolean keyword in the documentation.

Choose from the Font options the typeface to use for displaying text in editor windows. This setting behaves in two different ways, depending on the current IDE state: No editor windows openthe setting modifies the default font. All editor windows take on the default font. Editor windows openthe setting modifies the font displayed in the frontmost editor window only. Other editor windows remain unaffected. The default font remains unchanged.

Font preferences
Select the Font preferences option to remember font settings for each file in a project. Clear the option to use the default font settings every time the IDE opens each file. The Font & Tabs preference panel defines the default settings.

Use the Foreground option to configure the color of any text not affected by the Activate Syntax Coloring or Activate Browser Coloring options. Click the color swatch to change the current color.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Preference and Target Settings Options


Generate Browser Data From

Choose from this pop-up menu whether the IDE generates browser data, and from what source it generates that data. Choose from these possibilities: NoneDisable browser-data generation. Certain IDE features that use browser data will be unable to work with the project, but the projects size will be smaller. CompilerHave the IDE use the compiler to generate browser data. If you choose this option, you must Make the project in order to generate the browser data. The IDE uses the compiler assigned to the project to generate browser data during the build process. Language ParserHave the IDE use the language parser to generate the browser data. Certain IDE features, such as C/C++ Code Completion, function more effectively if you choose this option. The IDE uses the language parser assigned to the project to generate browser data. NOTE If you choose the Language Parser option, you can also have the IDE take into account your custom macro definitions. To do so, enter the path to your prefix file in the Prefix file field and the path to your macro file in the Macro file field.

Grid Size X
In the Grid Size X field enter the number of pixels to space between markings on the xaxis of the Layout Editor grid.

Grid Size Y
In the Grid Size Y field enter the number of pixels to space between markings on the yaxis of the Layout Editor grid.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Preference and Target Settings Options

Host Flags
The Host Flags list pop-up defines the host platforms which can use the selected access path. The settings include: Noneno host can use this access path. Allall hosts can use this access path. Windowsonly use this path for Windows build targets.

Import Panel
Click Import Panel to load the contents of a previously saved Extensible Markup Language (XML) file into the active preference or settings panel.

Include file cache

Use the Include file cache option to specify the upper limit of kilobytes of memory used by the IDE for caching #include files and precompiled headers. The larger the value entered, the more memory the IDE uses to accelerate builds.

Initial directory
In this field enter the initial directory for use with the external debugger. Alternatively, click Browse to open a dialog box. Use the dialog box to select the initial directory.

Insert Template Commands

Select the Insert Template Commands option to display the Insert Template submenu in contextual menus. The submenu displays source-defined function templates. Clear to remove the submenu from the contextual menus. NOTE Select the Browser Commands option in order to select the Insert Template Commands option. Otherwise, the Insert Template Commands state has no effect.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Preference and Target Settings Options

Interpret DOS and Unix Paths

This option determines how the IDE treats filenames for interface files: Selectedthe IDE treats the backslash (\) and the forward slash (/) characters as subfolder separator characters. In the example #include "sys/socks.h" the IDE searches for a subfolder called sys that contains a socks.h file. Clearedthe IDE treats both the backslash and forward slash characters as part of the filename. Using the same example, the IDE now searches for a sys/socks.h filename.


Use the Keywords option to configure the color of C, C++, and Java programming languages keywords displayed in editor windows when the Activate Syntax Coloring option is enabled. Coloring does not include macros, types, variables defined by system interface files, or variables defined in source code. Click the color swatch next to Keywords to set the color.

Launch Editor
Enter in the Launch Editor field a command-line expression that specifies the third-party text editor that the CodeWarrior IDE runs to edit text files. The IDE expands the %file variable of the command-line expression into the full file path. For example, to run the Emacs text editor to edit text files, enter this command-line expression: runemacs %file Consult the documentation provided with the third-party text editor for more information about using command lines.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Preference and Target Settings Options

Launch Editor w/ Line #

Enter in the Launch Editor w/ Line # field a command-line expression that specifies the third-party text editor that the IDE runs to edit text files, and an initial line of text that the third-party editor displays upon running. The IDE expands the %line variable of the command-line expression into an initial line of text for the third-party text editor to display. For example, to run the Emacs text editor to edit a text file, and to have the Emacs editor display the line provided to it by the IDE, enter this command-line expression: emacs %file %line Consult the documentation provided with the third-party text editor for more information about using command lines.

Left margin click selects line

Select the Left margin click selects line option to use a right-pointing cursor, shown at left, to select entire lines of text from the left margin. Clear the option to disable use of the right-pointing cursor. With the right-pointing cursor active, click in the left margin to select the current line, or click and drag along the left margin to select multiple lines.

Choose from the Level options the amount of information reported for IDE plug-ins in development. This information is useful for diagnosing plug-in behavior or for viewing information about the properties of installed plug-ins. Choose one of these levels of plug-in diagnostic information: None (default)The IDE does not activate plug-in diagnostics or produce output. Errors OnlyThe IDE reports problems encountered while loading plug-ins. These problems appear in a new text file after the IDE starts up. All InfoThe IDE reports information for each installed plug-in, such as problems with plug-in loading, optional plug-in information, and plug-in properties. This information appears in a new text file after the IDE starts up. The text file also contains a complete list of installed plug-ins and their associated preference panels, compilers, and linkers. The IDE allows saving and printing the text file. Use the file as an error reference for troubleshooting plug-ins. The text file also provides suggestions for correcting general plug-in errors.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Preference and Target Settings Options

Use the Linker option menu to select the linker to use with the project. The choices available are always dependent on the plug-in linkers that are available to the CodeWarrior IDE. To learn more about the linkers, see the appropriate Targeting manual.

Output Directory
Use the Output Directory caption to show the location the IDE places a final linked output file. The default location is the directory that contains your project file. Select Choose to specify the location path.

Play sound after Bring Up To Date & Make

Select the Play sound after Bring Up To Date & Make option to play a sound after a build operation completes. Choose different sounds for successful and unsuccessful builds using the Success and Failure pop-up options, respectively. See also: Failure Success

Use the Post-linker option to select a post-linker that performs additional work (such as format conversion) on the final executable file. For more information see the appropriate Targeting manual.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Preference and Target Settings Options

Use the Pre-linker option to select a pre-linker that performs additional work on the object code in a project. This work takes place before the IDE links the object code into the final executable file. For more information about the pre-linkers available, see the build targets Targeting manual.

Enter the number of recent projects to display in the Open Recent submenu.

Project Commands
Select the Project Commands option to add Project menu commands to contextual menus. Clear the option to remove the commands from the contextual menus.

Project operations
A bullet in the Project operations column, whose label appears at left, indicates that the IDE ignores matching folders for project operations. Such operations include dragging a folder into the Project window, building a project, or searching access paths after choosing File > Open.

Select the Recommended option to allow the number of concurrent compiles suggested by the IDE. This suggestion takes into account the number of active Central Processing Units (CPUs) on the host computer.

Regular Expression
Enter in the Regular Expression field a text pattern to match against folder names. The IDE excludes matching folders and their contents from selected project operations or findand-compare operations.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Preference and Target Settings Options

Relaxed C popup parsing

Use the Relaxed C popup parsing option to control the strictness of C coding conventions: Select the option to have the IDE recognize some non-standard functions that interfere with Kernighan-and-Ritchie conventions. The IDE displays the nonstandard functions in the Routine list pop-up. Clear the option to have the IDE recognize only functions that conform to Kernighan-and-Ritchie conventions. The IDE displays only the standard functions in the Routine list pop-up. For more information, refer to Reference Manual, of The C Programming Language, Second Edition, by Kernighan and Ritchie, published by Prentice Hall. NOTE Toggle the Relaxed C popup parsing option to maximize recognition of functions, macros, and routine names in the source code.

Revert Panel
Click Revert Panel to revert all modified options in the current preference or settings panel to the values present when the panel was originally opened.

Save open files before build

Select the Save open files before build option to automatically save files during project operations: Preprocess Precompile Compile Disassemble Bring Up To Date Make Run

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Preference and Target Settings Options

Save project entries using relative paths

Use the Save project entries using relative paths option to store the location of a file using a relative path from one of the access paths. The settings include: enabledthe IDE stores extra location information to distinctly identify different source files with the same name. The IDE remembers the location information even if it needs to re-search for files in the access paths. disabledthe IDE remembers project entries only by name. This setting can cause unexpected results if two or more files share the same name. In this case, researching for files could cause the IDE to find the project entry in a different access path.

Choose from the Scripts options the script system (language) used to display text in editor windows. This setting behaves in two different ways, depending on the current IDE state: No editor windows openthe setting modifies the default script system. All editor windows take on the default script system. Editor windows openthe setting modifies the script system displayed in the frontmost editor window only. Other editor windows remain unaffected. The default script system remains unchanged.

Selection position
Select the Selection position option to remember these items for each editor window: visible text insertion-point location selected text Clear the option to open each editor window according to default settings and place the insertion point at the first line of text. NOTE The IDE must be able to write to the file in order to remember selection position.

Show Code and Data Sizes

Enable this option in the IDE Extras panel of the IDE preferences panels to display the Code and Data columns in the project manager window.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Preference and Target Settings Options

Show message after building up-to-date project

Select the Show message after building up-to-date project option to have the IDE display a message after building an up-to-date project.

Choose from the Size options the font size used to display text in editor windows. This setting behaves in two different ways, depending on the current IDE state: No editor windows openthe setting modifies the default font size. All editor windows take on the default font size. Editor windows openthe setting modifies the font size displayed in the frontmost editor window only. Other editor windows remain unaffected. The default font size remains unchanged.

Use the Strings option to configure the color of anything that is not a comment, keyword, or custom keyword and displayed in editor windows when the Activate Syntax Coloring option is enabled. Sample strings include literal values, variable names, routine names, and type names. Click the color swatch next to Strings to set the color.

Sort function popup

Select the Sort function popup option to sort function names by alphabetical order in list pop-ups. Clear the option to sort function names by order of appearance in the source file.

Source relative includes

Select to search for dependent files in the same location as the source file. If the dependent file is not found in this location, specified User and System paths are searched. If this option is enabled, the Always Search User Paths should also be enabled. For example, if the compiler is currently scanning the main source file and discovers an include header file statement, the header file is searched for in the same location as the main file. If not found, the specified access paths will be searched. If the header file declared in the main file also contains an include statement for another header file, it too will be searched for in the same sequence.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Preference and Target Settings Options

Choose from the Success options a sound to play after a Bring Up To Date or Make operation succeeds.

Enter the number of recent symbolics files to display in the Open Recent submenu.

System Paths
Click the System Paths radio button to display the System Paths pane in the Access Paths preference panel.

Tab indents selection

Use the Tab indents selection option to control how the editor inserts tabs into the currently selected lines of text: Select the option so that pressing Tab causes the editor to insert tab characters in front of each selected line of text. The editor thereby indents the selected text. Clear the option so that pressing Tab causes the editor to replace selected text with a tab character. The editor thereby overwrites the selected text.

Tab Inserts Spaces

Select the Tab Inserts Spaces option to have the editor insert spaces instead of tab characters into text. Clear the option to have the editor use tab characters. The Tab Size option determines the number of spaces inserted by the editor.

Tab Size
Enter in the Tab Size field the number of spaces to substitute in place of a tab character in text. This number applies to the Tab Inserts Spaces option.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Preference and Target Settings Options

Target Name
Use the Target Name text box to set or modify the name of the current build target. This name appears in the Targets view in the Project window. This name is not the name assigned to the final output file, that is set in the Linker panel for the build target.

Choose from the Type options the desired source-tree path type: Absolute PathThis source-tree type is based on a file path. Environment VariableThis source-tree type is based on an existing environmentvariable definition. Registry KeyThis source-tree type is based on an existing Windows registry key entry.

Use default workspace

Select this option to have the IDE use the default workspace. The IDE uses the default workspace to save and restore window and debugging states from one session to the next. For example, if you select this option and close the IDE with a project window visible onscreen, that project window reappears the next time you start the IDE. Clear this option to have the IDE start with the same default state for each new session: no windows visible onscreen. For example, if you clear this option and close the IDE with a project window visible onscreen, that project window does not appear the next time you start the IDE. Instead, the IDE always starts without opening any windows.

Use External Editor

Select the Use External Editor option to use an external text editor to modify text files in the current project. Clear the option to use the text editor included with the IDE.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Preference and Target Settings Options

Use Local Project Data Storage

Select the Use Local Project Data Storage option to store (on the host computer) data associated with a project file on a read-only volume. Clear the option to store project data inside the same folder as the project file itself. After loading a project file, the IDE creates or updates an associated project data folder. The IDE stores intermediate project data in this folder. When building or closing a project, the IDE uses the information in the project data folder to update the project file. By default, the IDE places the project data folder within the same folder as the project file. However, the IDE cannot create or update a project data folder in a location that grants read-only privileges. If you are creating one project to be accessed by multiple users that are running CodeWarrior on separate machines, then each user should select this option to create a local data storage folder for the shared project. The folder containing the project file should be set to read-only. This will cause the target information to be stored locally on each users machine, instead of inside a folder next to the project file.

Use modification date caching

Use the Use modification date caching option to determine whether the IDE checks the modification date of each project file prior to making the project. The settings include: enabledthe IDE caches the modification dates of the files in a project. At compilation time, the IDE refers to this cache to determine whether a specific file should be recompiled. This can shorten compilation time significantly for large projects. disabledthe IDE checks every file at each recompile of the project. Use this setting if using third-party editors to ensure that the IDE checks every file at compilation time.

Use Multiple Document Interface

Toggle this option to change the IDE interface: SelectedThe IDE uses MDI (Multiple Document Interface). In this interface, the IDE uses a main application window with a gray background. IDE windows appear inside the main application window. The gray background obscures your view of the desktop. ClearedThe IDE uses FDI (Floating Document Interface). In this interface, the IDE does not use a main application window. You can see through the IDE user interface to your desktop. IDE windows appear above the desktop.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Preference and Target Settings Options

Use multiple undo

Select the Use multiple undo option to remember several undo and redo operations in editor windows. Clear the option to remember only the most recent undo or redo action. The IDE stores undo and redo actions on a stack in first-in last-out (FILO) order, however, the stack size and capability are limited. For example, assume there are five undo actions on the stack (ABCDE). If the IDE redoes two actions (ABC), then performs a new action (ABCF), the undo events (DE) are no longer available.

Use Script menu

Select the Use Script menu option to display the Scripts menu in the IDE menu bar. Clear the option to remove the Scripts menu from the menu bar. The Scripts menu provides convenient access to IDE scripts. For more information about scripting the IDE, refer to the CodeWarrior Scripting Reference.

Use Third Party Editor

Select the Use Third Party Editor option to use a third-party text editor to modify text files. Clear the option to use the text editor included with the IDE. Enter in the Launch Editor and Launch Editor w/ Line # fields command-line expressions that specify information that the IDE passes to the third-party editor. Consult the documentation provided with the third-party text editor for more information about using command lines. See also: Launch Editor Launch Editor w/ Line #

Use ToolServer menu

Select the Use ToolServer menu option to display the ToolServer menu in the IDE menu bar. Clear the option to remove the ToolServer menu from the menu bar.

User Paths
Click this radio button to display the User Paths pane in the Access Paths preference panel.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Preference and Target Settings Options

User Specified
Select the User Specified option to stipulate the number of concurrent compiles to allow in the IDE. Enter the desired number in the text box beside the option. NOTE The IDE accommodates a maximum of 1024 concurrent compiles. However, there is a point where the host system becomes compute-bound, and allowing more processes only adds overhead. For a single-processor system, the practical limit is approximately 12 concurrent compiles.

The Value text box defines the value of the variable defined in the Variable text box that will be passed to a host application when control is transferred to it by the IDE.

The Variable text box defines the name of a variable to be passed to a host application when control is transferred to it by the IDE.

VCS Commands
Select the VCS Commands option to add VCS menu commands to contextual menus. Clear the option to remove the commands from the contextual menus. Refer to the documentation that came with the version control system to learn about using it with the CodeWarrior IDE.


Window follows insertion point

Select this option to have the Code Completion window follow the insertion point as you edit text in the active editor window. Clear the option to leave the Code Completion window in place.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Preference and Target Settings Options

Window position and size

Select the Window position and size option to remember the location and dimensions of each editor window. Clear the option to open each editor window according to default settings. NOTE The IDE must be able to write to the file in order to remember window position and size.

Working Directory
Enter the path to the default directory to which the current project has access.

Enter the number of recent workspace files to display in the Open Recent submenu.

Zoom windows to full screen

Use the Zoom windows to full screen option to configure the behavior of the zoom box in the upper right-hand corner of all editor windows: Select the option to have the IDE resize a zoomed window to fill the entire screen. Clear the option to have the IDE resize a zoomed window to its default size.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Preference and Target Settings Options


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

This section contains these chapters: IDE Menus Menu Commands

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide



8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

IDE Menus
This chapter provides an overview of CodeWarrior IDE menus and their commands. This chapter lists the IDE menus under each menu layout. For each menu, a table shows this information: Menu commandthe name of each command in the menu. Descriptiona short description of each command. This chapter has these sections: Windows Menu Layout

Windows Menu Layout

This section provides an overview of the menus and menu commands available in the Windows menu layout.

File Menu
The File menu contains commands for opening, creating, saving, closing, and printing source files and projects. The File menu also provides different methods for saving edited files. Table 22.1 File menu commands Menu command
New Text File New

Creates new empty text file. Creates new projects using the New Project wizard or project stationery files. Opens source and project files for editing and project modification operations. Opens the file specified in the Find and Open File dialog or from the selected text in the active window. Closes the active window.


Find and Open File


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


IDE Menus
Windows Menu Layout
Table 22.1 File menu commands (continued) Menu command
Save Save All Save As

Saves the active file using the editor windows filename. Saves all open editor windows. Saves a copy of the active file under a new name and closes the original file. Saves a copy of the active file without closing the file. Discards all changes made to the active file since the last save operation. Opens a workspace that you previously saved. Closes the current workspace. (You cannot close the default workspace.) Saves the current state of onscreen windows, recent items, and debugging. Saves an existing workspace under a different name. Imports the components from another catalog into the current catalog. Closes the current catalog and its associated Catalog Components window and Component Palette. Imports a project file previously saved in extensible markup language format (XML) and converts it into project file format. Exports the active project file to disk in extensible markup language (XML) format. Displays the Page Setup dialog for setting paper size, orientation, and other printer options. Displays the Print dialog for printing active files, and the contents of Project, Message, and Errors & Warning window contents. Displays a submenu of recently opened files and projects that can be opened in the IDE. Quits the CodeWarrior IDE.

Save A Copy As Revert

Open Workspace Close Workspace

Save Workspace

Save Workspace As Import Components

Close Catalog

Import Project

Export Project

Page Setup


Open Recent



8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

IDE Menus
Windows Menu Layout

Edit Menu
The Edit menu contains all customary editing commands, along with some CodeWarrior additions. This menu also includes commands that open the Preferences and Target Settings windows. Table 22.2 Edit menu commands Menu command

Undoes the last cut, paste, clear, or typing operation. If you cannot undo the action, this command changes to Cant Undo.


Redoes the action of the last Undo operation. If you cannot redo the action, this command changes to Cant Redo.


Removes the selected text and places a copy of it on the Clipboard. Copies the selected text and places a copy of it on the Clipboard. Places the contents of the Clipboard at current insertion point or replaces the selected text. Removes the selected text without placing a copy on the Clipboard. Selects all text in current editor window or text box for cut, copy, paste, clear, or typing operations. Selects text between the nearest set of parenthesis, braces, or brackets. Moves selected text one tab stop to the left. Moves selected text one tab stop to the right. Shortcut for selecting the previous item that appears in the Code Completion window. Shortcut for selecting the next item that appears in the Code Completion window. Opens the Code Completion window.




Select All


Shift Left Shift Right Get Previous Completion

Get Next Completion

Complete Code

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


IDE Menus
Windows Menu Layout
Table 22.2 Edit menu commands (continued) Menu command

Opens the IDE Preferences window where you can set general IDE, editor, and layout options. Opens the projects Target Settings window where you can set target, language, code generation, linker, and editor options.

Target Settings (the name changes, based on the name of the active build target) Version Control Settings

Opens the VCS Settings window to enable activation of a version control system and its relevant settings. Opens the Customize IDE Commands window where you can create, modify, remove menus, menu commands, and key bindings.

Commands & Key Bindings

View Menu
The View menu contains commands for viewing toolbars, the class browser, the Message window, and other windows. Table 22.3 View menu commands Menu command

Use the Toolbars menu to show, hide, reset, and clear window and main toolbars. Opens or brings to the front a Project Inspector window. Opens or brings to the front a Browser Contents window. Opens or brings to the front a New Class Browser window. Opens or brings to the front a Class Hierarchy window.

Project Inspector Browser Contents Class Browser

Class Hierarchy or Class Hierarchy Window Build Progress or Build Progress Window Errors & Warnings or Errors & Warnings Window

Opens the Build Progress window.

Opens or brings to the front an Errors & Warnings window.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

IDE Menus
Windows Menu Layout
Table 22.3 View menu commands (continued) Menu command
Processes or Processes Window Expressions or Expressions Window Global Variables or Global Variables Window

Opens or brings to the front a Processes window.

Opens or brings to the front an Expressions window. Use to view, create, modify, and remove expressions. Opens or brings to the front a Global Variables window.

Search Menu
The Search menu contains commands for finding text, replacing text, comparing files, and navigating code. Table 22.4 Search menu commands Menu command

Opens the Find and Replace window for performing searches in the active editor window. Opens the Find and Replace window for replacing text in the active editor window. Opens the Find in Files window for performing searches in the active editor window. Finds the next occurrence of the find string in the active editor window. Finds the next occurrence of the find string in the next file listed in the Find windows File Set. Replaces the Find text box string with the selected text. Finds the next occurrence of the selected text in the active editor window. Replaces the replace string in the Replace text box with the selected text. Replaces the selected text with the Replace text box string, then performs a Find Next operation.


Find in Files

Find Next

Find In Next File

Enter Find String Find Selection

Replace Selection

Replace and Find Next

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


IDE Menus
Windows Menu Layout
Table 22.4 Search menu commands (continued) Menu command
Replace All

Finds all matches of the Find text box string and replaces them with the Replace text box string. Searches for definition of the routine name selected in the active editor window using the projects source files. Returns to the previous CodeWarrior browser view. Moves to the next CodeWarrior browser view. Opens the Go To Line dialog where you can specify by line number where to position the text insertion point. Opens the Compare Files Setup window where you can choose to compare folders or files and merge their contents. Adds, removes, or changes the selected text in the destination file to match the selected text in the source file. Reverses the modifications made to the destination file by the Apply Difference command.

Find Definition

Go Back Go Forward Go to Line

Compare Files

Apply Difference

Unapply Difference

Project Menu
The Project menu contains commands for manipulating files, handling libraries, compiling projects, building projects, and linking projects. Table 22.5 Project menu commands Menu command
Add Window Add Files

Adds the active window to the project. Opens a dialog box that you can use to add multiple files to the active project. Opens the Create Group dialog box that you can use to add a new file group to the active project. The new file group appears below the selected file or group. Opens the Create Target dialog box that you can use to add a new build target to the active project. The new build target appears below the selected build target.

Create Group

Create Target


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

IDE Menus
Windows Menu Layout
Table 22.5 Project menu commands (continued) Menu command
Check Syntax

Checks the active editor window or selected files in the project window for compilation errors. Preprocesses the active editor window or selected files in the project window and displays results in a new editor window. Precompiles the active editor window or selected files in the project window and stores results in a new header file. Compiles the active editor window or selected files in the project window. Disassembles the active editor window or selected files in the project window and displays results in a new editor window. Compiles all marked or modified files in the current build target of the active project. Compiles and links all marked or modified files in the current build target of the active project, saving the executable file. Stops the current compile and linking operation and cancels the remainder of the build process. Removes object code from one or more build targets in the project. Resets the cached locations of source files using the project access paths, and stores them for faster builds and project operations. Resets the location of all source files in the active project using the project access paths. Updates the modification dates of all source files in the active project. Compiles and links all marked or modified files in the current build target of the active window, then runs the built executable file. Uses the Set Default Project menu to choose the default project when more than one project is open in the IDE. Uses the Set Default Target menu to choose the default build target when more than one build target is present in the project file.





Bring Up To Date


Stop Build

Remove Object Code

Re-search for Files

Reset Project Entry Paths Synchronize Modification Dates Run

Set Default Project

Set Default Target

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IDE Menus
Windows Menu Layout

Window Menu
The Window menu contains commands that manipulate IDE windows. The menu lists the names of all open file and project windows. A checkmark appears beside the active window, and an underline indicates a modified and unsaved file. Table 22.6 Window menu commands Menu command
Close Close All Cascade

Closes the active window. Closes all non-project windows. Arranges all editor windows so that only the title bar is visible. Tiles all editor windows horizontally on the screen so none overlap. Tiles all editor windows vertically on the screen so none overlap. Saves the active browser windows settings and applies it to other browser windows as they are opened.

Tile Horizontally

Tile Vertically

Save Default Window

Help Menu
The Help menu contains commands for accessing the IDEs online help. Table 22.7 Help menu commands Menu command
CodeWarrior Help

Launches a help viewer to display the online help. Click on a link to view a specific IDE topic. Launches a help viewer to display a glossary of common terms used in the CodeWarrior help and manuals. Launches a help viewer to a page for searching the CodeWarrior help and manuals. Launches a browser and automatically points you to the Freescale web site. Displays the CodeWarrior IDE version and build number information.



Freescale Website

About Freescale CodeWarrior


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Menu Commands
This section presents an alphabetical listing of all available menu commands in the CodeWarrior IDE. Menu commands that appear only on certain host platforms are documented. A menu command that has no host information is available on all hosts. Use this listing as a reference to find information about a specific menu command.

About Freescale CodeWarrior

This command displays the CodeWarrior IDE version and build number information. TIP Click the Installed Products button in this window to view and save information about installed products and plug-ins for the CodeWarrior IDE. You can also use this window to enable or disable plug-in diagnostics.

Add Files
The Add Files command opens a dialog which allows one or more files to be added to the project.

Add Window
The Add Window command adds the file in the active Editor window to the open project. The name of the menu command changes, based on the name of the active window. For example, if the name of the active window is MyFile, the name of the menu command changes to Add MyFile to Project.

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Menu Commands

Reveals the Align submenu with component alignment commands like Right Edges, Vertical Centers, and others. See also: Bottom Edges Horizontal Center Left Edges Right Edges To Grid Top Edges Vertical Center

All Exceptions
The All Exceptions command of the Java submenu tells the debugger to break every time an exception occurs. This behavior includes exceptions thrown by the virtual machine, your own classes, the debugger, classes in classes.zip, and so on. Java programs throw many exceptions in the normal course of execution, so catching all exceptions causes the debugger to break often.

Anchor Floating Toolbar

The Anchor Floating Toolbar command attaches the floating toolbar beneath the menu bar. Once attached, the anchored toolbar can not be moved again until it is unanchored. See also: Unanchor Floating Toolbar

Apply Difference
The Apply Difference command applies the selected difference from the source file into the destination file.


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Menu Commands

The Balance command selects all text starting at the current insertion point and enclosed in parentheses (), brackets [], or braces {},

Bottom Edges
The Bottom Edges command of the Align submenu aligns the bottom edges of the selected components.

The Break command temporarily suspends execution of the target program and returns control to the debugger. See also: Stop.

Break on C++ Exception

The Break on C++ Exception command tells the debugger to break at __throw() each time a C++ exception occurs.

Break on Java Exceptions

The Break on Java Exceptions command reveals the Java Exceptions submenu. See also: Exceptions in Targeted Classes

Bring To Front
The Bring To Front command moves the selected objects so that they are displayed in front of all other objects.

Bring Up To Date
The Bring Up To Date command updates the current build target in the active project by compiling all of the build targets modified and touched files.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Menu Commands

Browser Contents
The Browser Contents command opens the Browser Contents window. This command is not available if the Enable Browser option is not activated.

Build Progress or Build Progress Window

These commands open the Build Progress window. Use it to monitor the IDEs status as it compiles a project.

The Cascade command arranges open editor windows one on top of another, with their window titles visible.

Check Syntax
The Check Syntax command checks the syntax of the source file in the active Editor window or the selected files in the open project window. If the IDE detects one or more errors, a Message window appears and shows information about the errors. The Check Syntax command is not available if the active Editor window is empty or no project file is open. Check Syntax does not generate object code. Press Esc key to abort the syntax-checking process.

Class Browser
The Class Browser command opens a Class Browser window. This command is unavailable if the Enable Browser option is not enabled.

Class Hierarchy or Class Hierarchy Window

These commands open a Multi-Class Browser window. This command is unavailable if the Enable Browser option is not enabled.


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Menu Commands

The Clear command removes the selected text. This menu command is equivalent to pressing the Backspace or Delete key.

Clear Floating Toolbar

The Clear Floating Toolbar command removes all shortcut icons from the floating toolbar. Once the toolbar is cleared, drag shortcut icons from the Commands and Key Bindings window to the toolbar to create a custom floating toolbar.

Clear Main Toolbar

The Clear Main Toolbar command removes all shortcut icons from the main toolbar. Once the toolbar is cleared, drag shortcut icons from the Commands and Key Bindings window to the toolbar to create a custom main toolbar.

Clear Window Toolbar

The Clear Window Toolbar command removes all shortcut icons from the window toolbar. Once the toolbar is cleared, drag shortcut icons from the Commands and Key Bindings window to the toolbar to create a custom window toolbar.

The Close command closes the active window.

Close All
The Close All command closes all open windows of a certain type. The name of this menu command changes, based on the type of item selected. For example, select one of several open editor windows, the menu command changes its name to Close All Editor Documents.

Close Catalog
The Close Catalog command closes the current catalog and removes the catalog from the Component Catalog window and the Component Palette.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Menu Commands

Close Workspace
This command closes the current workspace. You cannot close the default workspace, but you can choose whether to use it by toggling the Use default workspace option in the IDE Extras preference panel.

Commands & Key Bindings

The Commands and Key Bindings command opens the Customize IDE Commands window.

Complete Code
The Complete Code command opens the Code Completion window. Use this window to help you automatically complete programming-language symbols as you type them in the active editor window.

CodeWarrior Glossary
The CodeWarrior Glossary command opens and displays a list of vocabulary terms used by the CodeWarrior manuals and online help.

CodeWarrior Help
This command opens the online help for the CodeWarrior IDE.

Collapse Window
The Collapse Window command collapses the active window so that only its title is visible.

Compare Files
The Compare Files command opens the Compare Files Setup window. Use it to choose two files or folders for comparison and merging. After choosing the items, a comparison window appears that shows differences between the items.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Menu Commands

The Compile command compiles selected source files into binary files. The IDE compiles source files that are: part of the current project and open in the active Editor window, or selected files, segments, or groups in a project window.

The Copy command copies selected text to the system Clipboard. If the Message Window is active, the Copy command copies all text in the Message Window to the Clipboard.

Copy to Expression
The Copy to Expression command copies the variable selected in the active pane to the Expressions window.

Create Design
This command creates a new design in the current project. The new design appears in the Design tab of the project window. You cannot create a design if each build target in the project already belongs to a design.

Create Group
The Create Group command creates a new group in the current project. This command is active when the Files view is visible in the project window.

Create Target
The Create Target command creates a new build target in the current project. This command is active when the Targets view is visible in the project window.

The Cut command copies the selected text to the system Clipboard, replacing the previous Clipboard contents, and removes it from the current document or text box.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Menu Commands

The Delete command removes selected text without placing it on the system clipboard. This menu command is equivalent to pressing the Backspace or Delete key.

The Disassemble command disassembles the compiled source files selected in the project window. After disassembling a file, the IDE creates a .dump file that contains the files object code. The .dump file appears in a new window after the IDE completes the disassembly process.

Display Grid
The Display Grid command toggles the visibility of grid lines in the layout window. When checked, the grid lines appear, otherwise, no grid is visible.

Enter Find String

The Enter Find String command copies selected text in the active window directly into the target search string. It will then appear in the Find text box of both the Find and Replace and Find in Files windows. Once done, use any of the find commands to search for matches without opening any Find-related windows.

Enter Replace String

The Enter Replace String command copies the selected text in the active window directly into the target search string. It will then appear in the Replace with text box of both the Find and Replace and Find in Files windows. Once done, use any of the find commands to search for matches without opening any Find-related windows.

Errors & Warnings or Errors & Warnings Window

These commands open the Errors and Warnings window. 292

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Menu Commands

Exceptions in Targeted Classes

The Exceptions in Targeted Classes command of the Java submenu instructs the debugger to break on exceptions thrown by your own classes in the project. Choose this command to break on exceptions thrown by your classes, rather than exceptions that Java programs throw in the normal course of execution.

The Exit command exits the CodeWarrior IDE immediately, provided that: all changes to the open editor files are already saved, or the open editor files are not changed. If a Project window is open, the IDE saves all changes to the project file before exiting. If an Editor window is open and changes are not saved, the CodeWarrior IDE asks if you want to save your changes before exiting.

Expand Window
The Expand Window command expands a collapsed window (a window with only its title visible). Only available when a collapsed window is currently active.

Export Project
The Export Project command exports a CodeWarrior project to a file in XML format. The IDE prompts for a name and location to save the new XML file.

The Find command opens the Find and Replace window to perform find operations within the active file.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Menu Commands

Find Definition & Reference

The Find Definition & Reference command searches for the definition of the selected routine name in the active Editor window. Searching starts within the source files belonging to the open project. If the IDE does not find a definition, a system beep sounds. If the IDE does not find the routine definition within the project files, searching continues, using the online help system specified in the IDE Extras preference panel.

Find Definition
The Find Definition command searches for the definition of the selected routine name in the active window. Searching occurs in the source files belonging to the open project. If the IDE finds the definition, the source file that contains the definition appears in an Editor window, and the routine name appears highlighted. If the IDE finds more than one definition, a Message window appears warning of multiple definitions. If the IDE does not find a definition, a system beep sounds. NOTE Select the Activate Browser option in the Build Extras target settings panel and re-compile the project in order to use the Find Definition command.

Find in Files
The Find in Files command opens the Find in Files window. This window allows you to perform find-and-replace operations across multiple files using specified search criteria.

Find In Next File

The Find in Next File command searches for the next occurrence of the Find text box string in the next file listed in the Find in Files window.

Find In Previous File

This command searches for the next occurrence of the Find text box string in the previous file listed in the Find in Files window.

Find Next
The Find Next command searches for the next occurrence of the Find text box string in the active window.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Menu Commands

Find and Open File

The Find and Open File command opens the Find and Open File dialog. Enter a filename, click OK, and the IDE searches the current project access paths as specified in the Access Paths panel of the Target Settings window.

Find and Open Filename

The Find and Open Filename command opens an existing text file, using the currently selected text in the Editor window as the filename.

Find Previous
The Find Previous command searches for the previous occurrence of the user defined string in the active window.

Find Previous Selection

The Find Previous Selection searches for the previous occurrence of the selected text in the active editor window.

Find Reference
The Find Reference command searches for the definition of the selected routine name in the active Editor window, using the online help system specified in the IDE Extras preference panel. If the IDE does not find a definition, a system beep sounds.

Find and Replace

The Find and Replace command opens the Find and Replace window. Use this window to perform find-and-replace operations within the active file.

Find Selection
The Find Selection command searches for the next occurrence of the selected text in the active Editor window.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Menu Commands

Get Next Completion

The Get Next Completion command acts as a shortcut that bypasses using the Code Completion window. Instead of scrolling through the Code Completion window to select the next symbol from the one currently selected, use this command to insert that next symbol directly into the active editor window.

Get Previous Completion

The Get Previous Completion command acts as a shortcut that bypasses using the Code Completion window. Instead of scrolling through the Code Completion window to select the previous symbol from the one currently selected, use this command to insert that previous symbol directly into the active editor window.

Go Back
The Go Back command returns to the previous view in the CodeWarrior browser.

Go Forward
The Go Forward command moves to the next view in the CodeWarrior Browser (after you select Go Back command to return to previous view).

Go to Line
The Go to Line command opens the Line Number dialog box. Enter a specific line number to move the text-insertion point. If the line number specified exceeds the number of lines in the file, the text-insertion point moves to the last line in the file.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Menu Commands

Hide Floating Toolbar

The Hide Floating Toolbar command conceals the IDEs floating toolbar. After concealing the floating toolbar, the command changes to Show Floating Toolbar.

Hide Main Toolbar

The Hide Main Toolbar command conceals the IDEs main toolbar. After concealing the main toolbar, the command changes to Show Main Toolbar.

Hide Window Toolbar

The Hide Window Toolbar command conceals the toolbar in the active window. After concealing the window toolbar, the command changes to Show Window Toolbar.

Horizontal Center
The Horizontal Center command of the Align submenu aligns the horizontal centers of the selected components.

Import Components
The Import Components command imports components from another catalog for use with the current catalog.

Import Project
The Import Project command imports project files previously saved in a XML file with the Export Project command.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Menu Commands


Left Edges
The Left Edges command of the Align submenu aligns the left edges of the selected components.


The Make command builds the selected project by compiling and linking its modified and touched files. The results of a successful build depends on the selected project type.

Maximize Window
Windows equivalent of Expand Window. See also: Expand Window

Freescale Website
The Freescale Website command launches a web browser and displays the Freescale web site.

Minimize Window
Windows equivalent of Collapse Window. See also: Collapse Window

The New command opens the New window. Use the New window to create new projects, files, components, and objects.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Menu Commands

New Class
The New Class command opens the New Class wizard. Use this wizard to help create new classes in a project.

New Class Browser

The New Class Browser command opens a Browser window. The IDE grays out this menu command if the CodeWarrior browser is not activated. This menu command is equivalent to the Class Browser menu command.

New Data Member

The New Data Member command opens the New Data Member wizard. Use this wizard to help create new data members for a class.

New Event
The New Event command opens the New Event window. Use this window to help create new events for a selected class in a project.

New Event Set

The New Event Set command opens the New Event Set window to create a new event set for a selected class in a project.

New Member Function

The New Member Function command opens the New Member Function wizard. Use this wizard to help create new member functions for a class.

New Method
The New Method command opens the New Method window. Use this window to create a new method for a selected class in a project.

New Property
The New Property command opens the New Property window. Use this window to create a new property for a selected class in a project.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Menu Commands

New Text File

The New Text File command creates a new editable text file and opens an editor window.

The Open command opens an existing project or source file.

Open Recent
The Open Recent menu item reveals a submenu of recently opened projects and files. Choose a file from the submenu to open that item. If two or more files in the submenu have identical names, the submenu shows the full paths to those files in order to distinguish between them.

Open Scripts Folder

This command opens the (Scripts) folder. This command is only available if the Use Scripts menu option is enabled.

Open Workspace
This command opens a workspace file that you previously saved.


Page Setup
The Page Setup command sets the options used for printing CodeWarrior IDE files.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Menu Commands

The Paste command replaces the selected text with contents of the system clipboard into the active Editor window or text box. If no text is selected, the IDE places the clipboard contents at the text-insertion point. The Paste command is unavailable if the Message window is active.

The Precompile command precompiles the text file in the active Editor window into a precompiled header file.

The Preferences command opens the IDE Preferences window. Use this window to change the global preferences used by the CodeWarrior IDE.

This command preprocesses selected source files in any language that has a preprocessor, such as C, C++, and Java.

The Print command prints CodeWarrior IDE files, as well as Project, Message, and Errors and Warnings window contents.

Project Inspector
Opens the Project Inspector window so that you can view information about your project. You can also use this window to manipulate file-specific information.

After undoing an operation, you can redo it. For example, after choosing the Undo Typing command to remove some text that you typed, you can choose Redo Typing to override the undo and restore the text.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Menu Commands

You can enable the Use multiple undo option in the Editor Settings preference panel to allow greater flexibility with regard to Undo and Redo operations. After enabling this option, you can choose Undo multiple times to undo multiple actions, and you can Redo multiple times to redo multiple actions.

Refresh All Data

This command updates the data that appears in all windows.

Remove Object Code

The Remove Object Code command shows the Remove Object Code dialog box. Use this dialog box to remove binary object code from the active project, or to mark the projects files for re-compilation.

Remove Object Code & Compact

This command removes all binaries from the project and compacts it. Compacting the project removes all binary and debugging information and retains only the information regarding the files that belong to the project and project settings.

Remove Selected Items

The Remove Selected Items command removes the currently selected items from the Project window. CAUTION You cannot undo this command.

The Replace command opens the Find and Replace dialog box. Use this dialog box to perform find-and-replace operations within the active file.

Replace All
The Replace All command finds all occurrences of the Find string and replaces them with the Replace string. If no text is selected in the active Editor window and there is no text in the Find text box, the IDE dims this menu command.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Menu Commands

Replace and Find Next

This command substitutes selected text with text in the Replace text box of the Find window, and then performs a Find Next operation. If no text is selected in the active Editor window and there is no text in the Find field of the Find window, the IDE grays out this menu command.

Replace and Find Previous

This command substitutes selected text with the text in the Replace text box of the Find window, and then performs a Find Previous operation. If no text is selected in the active Editor window and there is no text in the Find field of the Find window, the IDE grays out this menu command.

Replace Selection
The Replace Selection command substitutes the selected text in the active window with the text in the Replace text box of the Find window. If no text is selected in the active Editor window, the IDE grays out the menu command. This menu command replaces one instance of a text string without having to open the Find window. Suppose that you replaced all occurrences of the variable icount with jcount. While scrolling through your source code, you notice an instance of the variable icount misspelled as icont. To replace this misspelled variable with jcount, select icont and the Replace Selection menu command.

Re-search for Files

The Project > Re-search for Files command speeds up builds and other project operations, the IDE caches the location of project files after finding them in the access paths. Re-search for Files forces the IDE to forget the cached locations and re-search for them in the access paths. This command is useful if you moved several files and you want the IDE to find the files in their new locations. If the Save project entries using relative paths option is enabled, the IDE does not reset the relative-path information stored with each project entry, so re-searching for files finds the source files in the same location (the exception is if the file no longer exists in the old location). In this case, the IDE only re-searches for header files. To force the IDE to also re-search for source files, choose the Project > Reset Project Entry Paths menu command. If the Save project entries using relative paths option is disabled, the IDE re-searches for both header files and source files.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Menu Commands

The Reset command resets the program and returns control to the IDE.

Reset Floating Toolbar

The Reset Floating Toolbar command restores the default state of the floating toolbar. Use this command to return the floating toolbar to its original default settings.

Reset Main Toolbar

The Reset Main Toolbar command restores the default state of the main toolbar. Use this command to return the main toolbar to its original default settings.

Reset Project Entry Paths

The Reset Project Entry Paths command resets the location information stored with each project entry and forces the IDE to re-search for the project entries in the access paths. This command does nothing if the Save project entries using relative paths option is disabled.

Reset Window Toolbar

The Reset Window Toolbar command restores the default state of the toolbar in the active window. Use this command to return the toolbar to its original default settings.

The Resize command reveals the Resize submenu. See also: To Largest Height To Largest Width To Smallest Height To Smallest Width

The Restart command terminates the current debugging session, then starts a new debugging session.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Menu Commands

Restore Window
The Restore Window command restores a minimized window (a window reduced to an item in the task bar).

The Revert command restores the last saved version of the active Editor window.

Right Edges
The Right Edges command of the Align submenu aligns the right edges of the selected components.

The Save command saves the contents of the active window to disk.

Save A Copy As
The Save A Copy As command saves the active window to a separate file. This command operates in different ways, depending on the active window.

Save All
The Save All command saves all currently open editor files.

Save As
The Save As command saves the contents of the active window to disk under a different name.

Save Default Window

This command saves the window settings, such as position and size, of the active Browser or Search Results window. The IDE applies the saved settings to subsequently opened windows.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Menu Commands

Save Workspace
This command saves the current state of onscreen windows and recent items. Use the dialog box that appears to name the workspace and navigate to a location in which to store the workspace file.

Save Workspace As
This command saves a copy of an existing workspace. Use this command to save the workspace under a different name.

Select All
The Select All command selects all text in the active window or text box. This command is usually used in conjunction with other Edit menu commands such as Cut, Copy, and Clear.

Send To Back
The Send To Back command moves the selected window behind all other windows.

Set Default Project

The Set Default Project command sets a particular project as the default project when more than one project is open. This is the project that all commands are directed.

Set Default Target

The Set Default Target command allows you to specify a different build target within the current project. Choose the build target to work with from the submenu. This menu command is useful for switching between multiple build targets in a project and performing a build for each target.

Shift Left
The Shift Left command shifts the selected source code one tab to the left. The amount of shift is controlled by the Tab Size option.

Shift Right
The Shift Right command shifts the selected source code one tab to the right. The amount of shift is controlled by the Tab Size option.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Menu Commands

Show Floating Toolbar

The Show Floating Toolbar command displays the IDEs floating toolbar. After displaying the floating toolbar, the command changes to Hide Floating Toolbar.

Show Main Toolbar

The Show Main Toolbar command displays the IDEs main toolbar. After displaying the main toolbar, the command changes to Hide Main Toolbar.

Show Types
The Show Types command displays the data types of all local and global variables that appear in the active variable pane or variable window.

Show Window Toolbar

The Show Window Toolbar command displays the toolbar in the active window. After displaying the window toolbar, the command changes to Hide Window Toolbar.

Stack Editor Windows

The Stack Editor Windows command arranges open editor windows one on top of another, with their window titles visible.

This command temporarily suspends execution of the target program.

Stop Build
The Stop Build command halts the build currently in progress.

Switch to Monitor
This command transfers control from the CodeWarrior debugger to an external third-party debugger.

Synchronize Modification Dates

The Synchronize Modification Dates command updates the modification dates stored in the project file. The IDE checks the modification date of each file in the project and marks (for recompiling) those files modified since the last successful compile process.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Menu Commands


Target Settings
The Target Settings command displays the Target Settings window. This window contains settings panels used by the active build target. The name of the menu command changes, based on the name of the current build target. For example, if the name of the current build target is ReleaseTarget, the name of the menu command changes to ReleaseTarget Settings.

Tile Editor Windows

The Tile Editor Windows command arranges and resizes all open editor windows so that none overlap on the monitor. Figure 23.1 Tile Editor windowsexample

Tile Editor Windows Vertically

The Tile Editor Windows Vertically command resizes all open editor windows to be vertically long, and arranged horizontally across the monitor so that all are viewable.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Menu Commands

Tile Horizontally
This command arranges open editor windows horizontally so that none overlap. Figure 23.2 Tile horizontallyexample

Tile Vertically
This command resizes open editor windows vertically and arranges them so that none overlap. Figure 23.3 Tile verticallyexample

To Grid
The To Grid command of the Align submenu aligns selected components to a grid in the layout. You can display or hide the on screen grid.

To Largest Height
The To Largest Height command of the Resize submenu resizes the selected components to match the height of the component with the largest height.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Menu Commands

To Largest Width
The To Largest Width command of the Resize submenu resizes the selected components to match the width of the component with the largest width.

The Toolbars command reveals the Toolbars submenu. See also: Show Window Toolbar Hide Window Toolbar Reset Window Toolbar Clear Window Toolbar Show Main Toolbar Hide Main Toolbar Reset Main Toolbar Clear Main Toolbar Hide Floating Toolbar Show Floating Toolbar Reset Floating Toolbar Clear Floating Toolbar

Top Edges
The Top Edges command of the Align submenu aligns the top edges of the selected components.

To Smallest Height
The To Smallest Height command of the Resize submenu resizes the selected components to match the height of the component with the smallest height.

To Smallest Width
The To Smallest Width command of the Resize submenu resizes selected components to match the width of the component with the smallest width.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Menu Commands

Unanchor Floating Toolbar

The Unanchor Floating Toolbar command detaches the floating toolbar from beneath the menu bar.

Unapply Difference
The Unapply Difference command reverses the action of the Apply Difference command in a file-comparison window.

The Undo command reverses the last action. The name of this menu command changes based upon the editor settings as well as the most recent action. For example, after typing text in an open Editor window, the Undo command changes its name to Undo Typing. Choose the Undo Typing command to remove the typed text. By default, only one undo or redo action is allowed. If the Use multiple undo option is enabled, undo and redo can act upon multiple actions.

The Ungroup command separates a selected group so that you can move each component independently.


Version Control Settings

The Version Control Settings command opens the VCS Settings window.

Vertical Center
The Vertical Center command of the Align submenu aligns the vertical centers of the selected components.

View As Default
The View As Default command displays the selected variable in its default format, based on the variables type.

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Menu Commands

View As Hexadecimal
The View As Hexadecimal command displays the selected variable as a hexadecimal value.

View Disassembly
This command changes the data view to show language disassembly.

View Memory
The View Memory command displays the contents of memory as a hexadecimal/ASCII character dump.

View Memory As
The View Memory As command displays the memory that a selected variable occupies or the memory to which a selected register points.

View Mixed
This command changes the data view to show source code intermixed with assembly code.

View Raw Data

This command changes the data view to show raw data (instead of formatting that data as source code, disassembly, or another format).

View Source
This command changes the data view to show source code.

View Variable
The View Variable command creates a separate window to display a selected variable.

Zoom Window
The Zoom Window command expands the active window to its previously set size. Choose Zoom Window a second time to return the window to its original size.


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

.*[_]Data 214 \(.*\) 214 Add Files Button 117 Menu command 285 Add Gray background behind IDE 270 Add source trees 216 Add Window menu command 285 Advanced topics for projects 34 Align submenu 286, 287, 297, 298, 305, 309, 310, 311 Horizontal Center command 297 Left Edges command 298 Vertical Center command 305, 309, 310, 311 All Exceptions command 286 All Info option, in Plug-in Diagnostics 262 All Text option button 104, 107, 110 Alphabetical sorting of Functions list pop-up 98, 99 Always Search User Paths option 248 Ancestor pop-up 156 Anchor Floating Toolbar command 286 Appears in Menus 188 Appears in Menus 187 Appears in Menus checkbox 121 Application field 248 Apply button 130 Apply Difference command 131, 286, 311 Arguments field 248 Assigning Quote Key prefix 203 Attempt To Use Dynamic Type of C++, Object Pascal and SOM Objects option 248 Auto Indent option 248 Auto Repeat command 187 Auto Target Libraries option 248 Auto-complete code 88 Automatic Invocation option 249

About CodeWarrior menu command 285 Dockable windows 59 Files page in Project window 42 Markers 100 Projects 25 Workspaces 69 Absolute Path option in Source Trees preference panel 269 in Type list box 269 Abstract, icon for 151 Access Filter display 153 Access Paths Settings panel 213, 235 Columns Recursive Search 237 Search Status 237 Options Add 236 Add Default 236 Always Search User Paths 236 Change 236 Host Flags 236 Remove 236 System Paths 268 User Paths 271 Action option 187 Activate Automatic code completion 88 Activate Browser Coloring option 247 in Text Colors panel 258 Activate Browser Option in Build Extras panel 294 Activate Syntax Coloring option 247, 251 in Text Colors panel 258, 261, 267 Add button 236 Add Default button 247

Background option 249 Background, desktop Removing from behind IDE 270 313

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Seeing behind IDE 270 Balance Flash Delay option 249 Editor Settings panel 250 Balance menu command 287 Balance punctuation 86 Toggling 87 Balance While Typing option 249, 250 Balloon Help 254 Base Classes field 166 Bottom Edges command 287 Boxes Destination 126 Pane Collapse 133 Pane Expand 133 Source 126 Break menu command 287 Break on C++ Exception menu command 287 Break on Java Exceptions command 287 Bring To Front menu command 287 Bring Up To Date menu command 49, 257, 287 Browse button 111 Browser Access Filters 144 Activate Coloring 228 Activate Coloring option 258 Class Browser window 143 Classes pane 149 Collapsing panes 148 Commands 223 Commands option 250 Editor Settings panel 260 Creating New classes 149, 164 New data members 170 New member functions 168, 170 Database defined 137 Expanding panes 148 Hierarchy windows 157 Member Functions pane 151 Menu 250 Navigating data 140 Overview 21 Path option 250 Printing class hierarchies 157

Purpose of 137 Setting options 137 Source pane 153 Status area 153 Viewing data by contents 160 Viewing data by inheritance 157 Wizard 163 Working with 137 Browser Contents 144 Command 288 Browser Contents Window 159 Symbols list 159 Build Before Running option 250 Build Extras panel options Initial Directory field 260 Use modification date caching 270 Build Extras settings panel 238, 239 Options Application 239 Arguments 239 Cache Subprojects 239 Dump internal browse information after compile 239 Generate Browser Data From 239 Initial directory 239 Build Extras target settings panel 294 Build Progress menu command 288 Build Progress Window menu command 288 Build Settings panel options Include file cache 260 Play sound after Bring Up To Date & Make 263 Save open files before build 265 Show message after building up-to-date project 267 Success 268 Use Local Project Data Storage 270 Build Settings preference panel 208 Options Build before running 208 Compiler thread stack 208 Save open files before build 208 Show message after building up-to-date project 208


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Use Local Project Data Storage 208 Build system overview 21 Build targets 27 Configuring 51 Creating 50 Management 46 Managing 50 Moving 47 Removing 47, 50 Renaming 48, 51 Setting default 51 Strategies for 37 Buttons Add 236 Add Default 247 Add Files 117 Apply 130 Browse 111 Cancel 104, 106 Change 236 Clear List 117 Compare 127 Delete 194 Edit 228 Export 201 Export Panel 255 Factory Settings 257 Find 104, 106, 109 Find All 104, 109 Import 202 Installed Products 285 New Binding 201 Next Result 120 Previous Result 120 Redo 131 Remove 236 Remove a Set 117 Replace 106, 110 Replace All 106, 110 Resetting in toolbars 198 Save 194 Save this Set 117 Stop 110, 120 Unapply 130

Undo 130 Warnings 120 By Type text/list box 111

Caching #include files 260 Precompiled headers 260 Cant Redo menu command 279 Cant Undo menu command 279 Cancel button 104, 106 Cancel button, in Remove Markers window 100 Cascade menu command 288 Case sensitive Checkbox 104, 107, 110, 127 Option 251 Change button 236 Changing Find strings 122 Line views in a hierarchical window 157 Source trees 217 Check Syntax command 288 Checkbox Appears in Menus 121 Case sensitive 104, 107, 110, 127 Compare Text File Contents 127 Ignore extra space 127 Match whole word 104, 107, 110 Numeric Keypad Bindings 200 Only show different files 127 Project headers 113 Project sources 113 Regular expression 104, 107, 110 Search cached sub-targets 113 Search selection only 104, 107 Search sub-folders 111 Search up 104, 107 Stop at end of file 104, 107 System headers 113 Checkout Status column in Files view of Project window 43 Child windows, defined 59 Choosing a default project 33 315

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Linkers 181 One character from many in regular expressions 124 Class Creating 149, 164 Data viewing from hierarchy windows 147 Declaration 153 Hierarchy 144 Hierarchy menu command 288 Hierarchy Window menu command 288 Hierarchy windows Purpose of 155 Working with 155 Class Browser Menu command 288 Purpose of windows 143 Working with windows 143 Class Browser window 143 Classes pane 145 Data members Pane 145 Member Functions pane 145 Status area 145 Classes Hiding pane for 150 Option 228 Showing pane for 150 Sorting list of 150 Classes pane 149 in Class Browser window 145 classes.zip 286 Clear Floating Toolbar command in Toolbar submenu 289 Clear List button 117 Clear Main Toolbar menu command 289 Clear menu command 289 Clear Window Toolbar command in Toolbar submenu 289 Client area, defined 59 Clone Existing Target option 50 Close Command 34, 56 Menu command 289 Projects 34

Close All Command 56 Menu command 289 Close All Editor Documents menu command 289 Close Catalog menu command 289 Close Workspace menu command 290 Closing All files 56 Dockable windows 67 Files 56 Workspaces 71 Code Adding markers to 101 Completing 88 Locating 97 Navigating 97 Code column in Files view of Project window 42 Code Completion 88 Activating automatic behavior 88 Configuration 88 Deactivating automatic behavior 89 Delay option 251 for data members 93 for parameter lists 94 Navigating window 92 Preference panel 218 Options Automatic Invocation 219 Case sensitive 219 Code Completion Delay 219 Display deprecated items 219 Window follows insertion point 219 Selecting items 93 Triggering by keyboard 89 Triggering from IDE menu bar 89 Window 90 Code Formatting preference panel 220 Options Close Braces, Brackets, and Parentheses 221 Format Braces 221 Indent Braces 221


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Indent Case Within Switch Statement 221 Indent Code Within Braces 221 Language Settings 220 Place Else On Same Line As Closing Brace 221 Place Opening Brace On Separate Line 221 Use Automatic Code Formatting 220 Code Only option button 105, 107, 110 CodeWarrior Glossary command 290 Help menu command 290 Menu reference 277 Overview 17 CodeWarrior IDE Edit menu 279 File menu 277 Help menu 284 Project menu 282 Search menu 281 Window menu 280, 284 CodeWarriorU.com 15 Collapse Browser panes 148 Dockable windows 66 Non-debugging Windows option 251 Window menu command 290 COM 252 Command Actions Arguments 189 Defining (Windows) 189 Directory 189 Execute 189 Command Group 194 Delete 194 Commands 150 About CodeWarrior 285 Add Files 285 Add Window 285 Apply Difference 131, 286 Balance 287 Bottom Edges 287 Break 287

Break On C++ Exception 287 Break on Java Exceptions 287 Bring To Front 287 Bring Up To Date 287 Browser Contents 144, 288 Build Progress 288 Build Progress Window 288 Cant Redo 279 Cant Undo 279 Cascade 288 Check Syntax 288 Class Browser 288 Class Declaration 153 Class Hierarchy 144, 288 Class Hierarchy Window 288 Clear 289 Clear Main Toolbar 289 Close 34, 289 Close All 289 Close All Editor Documents 289 Close Catalog 289 Close Workspace 290 CodeWarrior Glossary 290 CodeWarrior Help 290 Collapse Window 290 Commands & Key Bindings 290 Compare Files 127, 290 Compile 291 Complete Code 290 Copy 291 Copy To Expression 291 Create Design 291 Create Group 291 Create Target 291 Cut 291 Delete 292 Diagonal Line 157 Disassemble 292 Display Grid 292 Enter Find String 122, 292 Enter Replace String 292 Errors and Warnings 292 Errors and Warnings Window 292 Exit 293

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Expand Window 293 Export Project 34, 293, 297 Find 105, 293 Find and Open Filename 295 Find and Open File 295 Find And Replace 295 Find Definition 294 Find Definition & Reference 294 Find In Files 294 Find In Next File 294 Find In Previous File 294 Find Next 121, 294 Find Previous 121, 295 Find Previous Selection 295 Find Reference 295 Find Selection 122, 295 Freescale Website 298 Get Next Completion 296 Get Previous Completion 296 Go Back 144, 296 Go Forward 144, 296 Go To Line 296 Hide Classes 150 Hide Classes pane 153 Hide Window Toolbar 297 Import 202 Import Components 297 Import Project 34, 297 Make 298 Maximize Window 298 Minimize Window 298 Modify 187 New 298 New Class 299 New Class Browser 299 New Data Member 299 New Event 299 New Event Set 299 New Item 149 New Member Function 299 New Method 299 New Property 299 New Text File 300 Open 300

Open File 153 Open Recent 300 Open Scripts Folder 300 Open Workspace 300 Page Setup 300 Pane Collapse 148 Pane Expand 148 Precompile 301 Preferences 301 Print 301 Project Inspector 33 Redo 301 Refresh All Data 302 Remove Object Code 302 Remove Object Code & Compact 302 Remove Toolbar Item 198 Replace 108, 302, 303 Replace All 302 Replace and Find Next 303 Revert 305 Save Default Window 305 Save Workspace 306 Save Workspace As 306 Select All 306 Send To Back 306 Set Default Project 33, 306 Set Default Target 306 Shift Right 306 Show Classes 150 Show Classes pane 153 Show Inherited 145 Show private 146 Show protected 146 Show public 146 Show Types 307 Show Window Toolbar 297 Single Class Hierarchy Window 144 Sort Alphabetical 149, 150 Sort Hierarchical 149 Stack Editor Windows 307 Stop Build 307 Straight Line 157 Switch To Monitor 307 Synchronize Modification Dates 307


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Unapply Difference 131 View as implementor 146 View as subclass 146 View As Unsigned Decimal 311, 312 View as user 146 View Disassembly 312 View Mixed 312 View Source 312 View Variable 312 Zoom Window 312 Commands & Key Bindings menu command 290 Commands tab 185, 187, 199 Commands&KeyBindings.mkb file 202 Comments Only option button 105, 107, 110 Comments option 251 Compare button 127 Compare Files Command 127 Menu command 290 Setup window 126 Case Sensitive checkbox 127 Compare button 127 Compare Text File Contents checkbox 127 Destination box 126 Ignore Extra Space checkbox 127 Only Show Different Files checkbox 127 Source box 126 Compare Text File Contents checkbox 127 Comparing files Differences, applying 131 Differences, unapplying 131 Explained 129 Overview 126 Setup 126, 127 Comparing folders Examining results 134 Explained 132 Overview 126 Setup 126, 128 Comparison Destination item 126 Source item 126

Compile menu command 291 Compiler Avoiding crashes 252 Option 251 Option, in Generate Browser Data From menu 259 Thread stack and avoiding compiler crashes 252 Thread Stack field 252 Complete Code menu command 290 Completing code 88 Component Object Model (COM) 252 Concurrent Compiles option 264 Concurrent Compiles panel options Use Concurrent Compiles 264 User Specified 272 Concurrent Compiles preference panel 209 Recommended 209 Use Concurrent Compiles 209 User Specified 209 Configuring Build targets 51 Code completion 88 Targets 51 Confirm Invalid File Modification Dates When Debugging option 252 Constants option 228 Context Popup Delay option 252 Contextual menus Using to dock a window 62 Conventions Figures 16 for manual 16 Keyboard shortcuts 16 Copy menu command 291 Copy To Expression command 291 Create Build targets 50 Custom project stationery 35 Design menu command 291 Files (Windows) 53 Group menu command 291 Member functions 151 New classes 149, 164

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New data member 152, 170 New data members 170 New member function 168 New member functions 168 Projects using stationery 31 Subprojects 36 Target command 50 Target menu command 291 Targets 50 Cross-platform migration, and opening projects 32 Current Target List pop-up 41 Menu 198 Custom project stationery 35 Customize IDE Commands window 121, 185, 199, 200 Action 187 Appears in Menus 187, 188 Appears in Menus checkbox 121 Auto Repeat 187 Key Bindings 187 Name field 187 New Binding 187 New Group 188 Numeric Keypad Bindings checkbox 203 Cut command 291 CVS 214

Data column in Files view of Project window 42 Data members Completing code 93 Creating 152, 170 Identifier icons 151 Pane 152 in Class Browser window 145 Database navigation for browser 140 Deactivating automatic code completion 89 Debug column in Files view of Project window 43 Debug command 49 Debugger Overview 21 320

Declaration File field 165 Default Filename extensions 255 Projects 33 Size and position of windows, setting 305 Target, setting 51 Workspace Definition of 69 Option 269 Using 69 Definition of child windows 59 of client area 59 of default workspace 69 of docking 59 of IDE 13 of non-modal 61 of project 26 of regular expression 122 of symbols 102 of touch 42 of workspace 69 Delete menu command 292 Design view 33, 47 Desktop background Removing from behind IDE 270 Seeing behind IDE 270 Destination Box 126 Item, for comparison 126 Pane 130 Development-process cycle for software 17 Diagnostics Disabling for plug-ins 285 Enabling for plug-ins 285 Diagonal Line 157 Differences pane 131 Disable Plug-in diagnostics 285 Disable Third Party COM Plugins option 252 Disassemble menu command 292 Disclosure triangles Source Code pane 120 Display Deprecated Items option 253 Display Grid menu command 292 DLL 248

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Do Nothing option 253 Do Nothing To Project Windows option 253 Dock bars 66 Dockable windows 59 About 59 Closing 67 Collapsing 66 Dock bars 66 Expanding 66 Moving 67 Suppressing 65 Turning off 65 Types 60 Working with 61 Docking a window 62 Defined 59 Window by using drag and drop 62 Windows of the same kind 62 Document Settings list pop-up 79 Documents option IDE Extras panel 253 Done button, in Remove Markers window 100 Drag and drop Editing option 253 Using to dock a window 62 Dump Internal Browse Information After Compile option 253 Dump memory 312

Edit Button 228 Menu 254, 279 Edit Commands option 254 Edit Language option 254 Editing Source code 83 Symbols, shortcuts for 86 Editor 75 Overview 20 Third-party support 271 Editor section, of IDE preference panels 218 Editor Settings panel

Options Balance Flash Delay 250 Browser Commands 260 Font Preferences 258 Insert Template Commands 260 Left margin click selects line 262 Project Commands 264 Relaxed C popup parsing 265 Selection position 266 Sort function popup 267 Use multiple undo 271 VCS Commands 272 Window position and size 273 Editor Settings preference panel 222 Options Balance Flash Delay 224 Balance while typing 223 Browser Commands 223 Default file format 224 Drag and drop editing 223 Edit Commands 223 Enable Virtual Space 223 Font preferences 223 Left margin click selects line 223 Project Commands 223 Relaxed C popup parsing 223 Selection position 223 Sort function popup 223 Use multiple undo 223 VCS Commands 223 Window position and size 223 Editor toolbar 78 Editor window 76 Adding panes to 80 Collapsing toolbar in 78 Expanding toolbar in 78 Line and column indicator 80 Other 79 Pane splitter controls 80 Removing panes from 81 Resizing panes 81 Selecting text in 83 Text editing area 80 Emacs text editor 261, 262

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Empty Target option 50 Enable Automatic Toolbar Help option 254 Enable Browser option 288 Enable Virtual Space option 254 Enabling plug-in diagnostics 285 Enlarging panes, in browser 148 Enter Find String Command 122 Menu command 292 Enter Replace String menu command 292 Enums option 228 Environment Settings option 254 Environment Variable option in Type pop-up menu 269 of Source Trees preference panel 269 Errors and Warnings menu command 292 Errors and Warnings Window menu command 292 Errors Only option of Plug-in Diagnostics 262 Exceptions In Targeted Classes command in Java Exceptions submenu 293 Exit menu command 293 Expand Window menu command 293 Expanding Browser panes 148 Dockable windows 66 Export 201 Export Panel button 186, 207, 255 Export Project Command 34 Menu command 293, 297 to XML files 34 Extension field 255 External Editor Option 269 Support 271

Factory Settings button 257 Failure option 257 FDI 211, 270 and dockable windows 59 Fields 322

Application 248 Arguments 248 Base Classes 166 Compiler thread stack 252 Declaration File 165 Extension 255 File Type 257 Relative to class 165 Figure conventions 16 File Column in Files view of Project window 42 %file command-line string 261 File Commands&KeyBindings.mkb 202 File Compare Results window 129 Apply button 130 Destination pane 130 Differences pane 131 Pane resize bar 130 Redo button 131 Source pane 130 Unapply button 130 Undo button 130 File list 113 File Management 46 File Mappings list 251 File Mappings Settings panel 240 Options Add 241 Change 241 Compiler 241 Edit Language 241 Extension 240 File Mappings list 240 File Type 240 Flags 241 Ignored By Make flag 241 Launchable flag 241 Precompiled File flag 241 Remove 241 Resource File flag 240 File menu 277 File Modification icon 80 File Paths, viewing 43 File Set list 117

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Box 117 File Type Field 257 Option 251 Filename extensions, default settings 255 Files Close all 56 Closing 56 Comparing 129 Creating (Windows) 53 Destination (for a comparison) 126 Inspecting 33 Moving 47 Opening 54 Print selections 57 Printing 56 Renaming 48 Replacing text in 108 Reverting 57 Save all 55 Saving 55 Saving copies 55 Searching (multiple) 118 Searching (single) 105 Source (for a comparison) 126 Tasks for managing 53 Touching 49 Touching all 49 Untouching 49 Untouching all 49 Working with 53 Files In Both Folders pane 133 Files Only In Destination pane 133 Files Only In Source pane 133 Files page, about 42 Files tab 47 Files view 33, 47, 49 Checkout Status column 43 Code column 42 Data column 42 Debug column 43 File column 42 Interfaces list pop-up 43 Sort Order button 43

Target column 43 Touch column 42 Find Button 104, 106, 109 by text selection 121 Command 293 Menu command 105 Single-file 103 Text/list box 109 Find All button 104, 109 Find and compare operations option Shielded Folders panel 258 Find and Open Filename menu command 295 Find and Open File Menu command 295 Find and Replace Menu command 295 Multiple-file 109 Single-file 106 Find and Replace window All Text option button 107 Cancel button 106 Case Sensitive checkbox 107 Code Only option button 107 Comments Only option button 107 Find button 106 Find text/list box 106 Match Whole Word checkbox 107 Regular Expression checkbox 107 Replace All button 106 Replace button 106 Replace With text/list box 106 Search Selection Only checkbox 107 Search Up checkbox 107 Stop At End Of File checkbox 107 Find Definition & Reference menu command 294 Find Definition menu command 294 Find In Files menu command 294 Find in Files window All Text option button 110 Case Sensitive checkbox 110 Code Only option button 110 Comments Only option button 110 Find All button 109

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Find button 109 Find text/list box 109 In Files page 117, 118 Add Files button 117 Clear List button 117 File Set list 117 File Set list box 117 Remove A Set button 117 Save this Set button 117 In Files tab 110 In Folders page 111, 112 Browse button 111 By Type text/list box 111 Search In text/list box 111 Search Sub-Folders checkbox 111 In Folders tab 110 In Projects page 113, 114 File list 113 Project Headers checkbox 113 Project list box 113 Project Sources checkbox 113 Search Cached Sub-Targets checkbox 113 System Headers checkbox 113 Target list box 113 In Projects tab 110 In Symbolics page 115 Symbolics list 115 Symbolics list box 115 In Symbolics tab 110 Match Whole Word checkbox 110 Regular Expression checkbox 110 Replace All button 110 Replace button 110 Replace With text/list box 109 Stop button 110 Find In Next File menu command 294 Find In Previous File menu command 294 Find Next Command 121 Menu command 294 Using 121 Find Previous Command 121

Enabling in the Customize IDE Commands window 121 Menu command 295 Using 121 Find Previous Selection menu command 295 Find Reference Menu command 295 using option IDE Extras panel 258 Find Selection Command 122 Menu command 295 Find symbols with prefix 86 with substring 86 Find Text/list box 104, 106 Find window All Text option button 104 Cancel button 104 Case Sensitive checkbox 104 Code Only option button 105 Comments Only option button 105 Find All button 104 Find button 104 Find text/list box 104 Match Whole Word checkbox 104 Regular Expression checkbox 104 Search Selection Only checkbox 104 Search Up checkbox 104 Stop At End Of File checkbox 104 Finding text Overview 103 Flags pop-up menu 241 Ignored By Make flag 241 Launchable flag 241 Precompiled File flag 241 Resource File flag 240 Floating a window 64 Floating Document Interface (FDI) 211, 270 Floating window type 60 Focus bar 47 Folder Compare Results window 132 Files In Both Folders pane 133 Files Only In Destination pane 133


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Files Only In Source pane 133 Pane Collapse box 133 Pane Expand box 133 Pane resize bar 133 Selected Item group 133 Folders Comparing 132 Searching (multiple) 112 Font & Tabs panel 226 Options Font 258 Scripts 266 Size 267 Tab indents selection 268 Tab Inserts Spaces 268 Tab Size 268 Font & Tabs preference panel 224, 226 Options Auto Indent 225 Font 225 Script 225 Size 225 Tab indents selection 225 Tab Inserts Spaces 225 Tab Size 225 Font option Font & Tabs panel 258 Font Preferences option Editor Settings panel 258 Font Settings 225 Foreground option Text Colors panel 258 Freescale Website command 298 Functions Creating new member 151 List pop-up 78 Sorting alphabetically 98, 99 List pop-up, using 98 Locating 97, 98 New Data Member 152 Option 228

Generate Browser Data From option 259 Compiler 259 Language Parser 259 Language Parser, Macro file 259 Language Parser, Prefix file 259 None 259 Generate Constructor and Destructor 166 Get Next Completion menu command 296 Get next symbol 86 Get Previous Completion menu command 296 Get previous symbol 86 Globals option 228 Go Back 144 Menu command 296 Go Forward 144 Menu command 296 Go To Line menu command 296 Going Back 99 Going Forward 99 Going to a particular line 99 Gray background Adding behind IDE. 270 Removing from behind IDE 270 Grid Size X option Layout Editor panel 259 Grid Size Y option Layout Editor panel 259 Grouping regular expressions 124 Groups Management 46 Moving 47 Removing 47 Renaming 48 Selected Item 133 Touching 49 Touching all 49 Untouching 49 Untouching all 49

Headers Caching precompiled headers 260 Help menu 284 Hide Classes 150 325

General section, of IDE preference panels 207

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Pane 150, 153 Hide Floating Toolbar command 297 Hide Main Toolbar command in Toolbar submenu 297 Hide Window Toolbar command 297 Hierarchy Control 156 Hierarchy windows 157 Changing line views 157 Multi-Class 156 Single-Class 158 Using to view class data 147 Horizontal Center command 297 HTMLHelp (Windows) 102

Icons File modification 80 for data members 151 for member functions 151 IDE and threading 252 Code Completion window 90 Defined 13 Editing source code 83 Editor 75 Linkers 181 Menu reference 277 Preferences, working with 205 Project manager and build targets 26 Target settings, working with 231 Tools overview 20 Users Guide overview 13 Workspace 69 IDE Edit menu 279 IDE Extras panel Options Documents 253 Find Reference using 258 Launch Editor 261 Launch Editor w Line # 262 Projects 264 Symbolics 268 Use Default Workspace 269 Use External Editor 269 326

Use Multiple Document Interface 270 Use Script menu 271 Use ToolServer menu 271 Workspaces 273 Zoom windows to full screen 273 IDE Extras preference panel 210 Options Documents 210 Launch Editor 211 Launch Editor w Line # 211 Menu bar layout 210 Projects 210 Recent symbolics 210, 211 Use Default workspace 211 Use Multiple Document Interface 211 Use Third Party Editor 211 Use Third Party Editor option 271 IDE File menu 277 IDE Help menu 284 IDE Preference Panels Font & Tabs 226 Font Settings 225 List 207 IDE preferences Activate Browser Coloring 228 Activate Syntax Coloring 227 Add 214, 216 Auto Indent 225 Automatic Invocation 219 Background 227 Balance Flash Delay 224 Balance while typing 223 Browser Commands 223 Build before running 208 Case sensitive 219 Change 214, 216 Choose 216 Classes 228 Close Braces, Brackets, and Parentheses 221 Code Completion Delay 219 Comments 227 Compiler thread stack 208 Constants 228 Default file format 224

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Disable third-party COM plug-ins 212 Display deprecated items 219 Documents 210 Drag and drop editing 223 Edit 228 Edit Commands 223 Enable Virtual Space 223 Enums 228 Find and compare operations 214 Font 225 Font preferences 223 Foreground 227 Format Braces 221 Functions 228 Globals 228 Indent Braces 221 Indent Case Within Switch Statement 221 Indent Code Within Braces 221 Keywords 227 Language Settings 220 Launch Editor 211 Launch Editor w Line # 211 Left margin click selects line 223 Level 212 Macros 228 Menu bar layout 210 Name 216 Other 228 Place Else On Same Line As Closing Brace 221 Place Opening Brace On Separate Line 221 Project Commands 223 Project operations 213 Projects 210 Recent symbolics 210, 211 Recommended 209 Regular Expression 213 Relaxed C popup parsing 223 Remove 214, 216 Save open files before build 208 Script 225 Selection position 223 Set 1, Set 2, Set 3, Set 4 228 Shielded folder list 213

Show message after building up-to-date project 208 Size 225 Sort function popup 223 Source Tree list 216 Strings 227 Tab indents selection 225 Tab Inserts Spaces 225 Tab Size 225 Templates 228 Type 216 TypeDefs 228 Use Automatic Code Formatting 220 Use Concurrent Compiles 209 Use Default workspace 211 Use Local Project Data Storage 208 Use Multiple Document Interface 211 Use multiple undo 223 Use Third Party Editor 211 User Specified 209 VCS Commands 223 Window follows insertion point 219 Window position and size 223 IDE Preferences window 186, 206, 207 Apply button 207 Cancel button 207 Factory Settings button 186, 207 IDE Preference Panels list 207 Import Panel 260 Import Panel button 186, 207 OK button 207 Revert Panel button 186, 207 Save button 186 IDE Project menu 282 IDE Search menu 281 IDE Window menu 280, 284 Ignore Extra Space checkbox 127 Ignored By Make File flag 241 Import Button 202 Commands 202 Import Components menu command 297 Import Panel 260 Import Project

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide


Command 34 Menu command 297 Import Projects saved as XML files 34 In Files Page 117, 118 Tab 110 In Folders Page 111, 112 Tab 110 In Projects Page 113, 114 Tab 110 In Symbolics Page 115 Tab 110 Include file cache option Build Settings panel 260 Include files 167, 169 #include files, caching 260 Indenting Text blocks 85 Initial Directory field Build Extras panel 260 Initializer 170 Insert Template Commands option Editor Settings panel 260 Inspecting Project files 33 Installed Products button 285 Integrated Development Environment (IDE) 13 Interface files Locating 97 Interface menu 49 Interfaces list pop-up 78 in Files view of Project window 43 Using 98

Key bindings 102, 185, 187 Add 200 Customize 199 Keyboard conventions 16 Keyboard shortcuts Find symbols with prefix 86 Find symbols with substring 86 Get next symbol 86 Get previous symbol 86 Keys, Quote Key prefix 202 Keywords Adding to a keyword set 244 Removing from a keyword set 245 Keywords option Text Colors panel 261

Language Parser option, in Generate Browser Data From menu 259 Launch Editor option IDE Extras panel 261 Launch Editor w Line # option IDE Extras panel 262 Launchable flag 241 Layout Editor panel Options Grid Size X 259 Grid Size Y 259 Layout management 46 Layouts Moving 47 Removing 47 Renaming 48 Left Edges command 298 Left margin click selects line option Editor Settings panel 262 Level option Plug-in Settings panel 262 Line and column indicator, in editor window 80 Display 156 Going to in source code 99

Java Exceptions submenu All Exceptions command 286 Exceptions In Targeted Classes command 293 Java submenu 286, 293


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

%line command-line string 262 Lines Selecting 84 Selecting multiple 84 Selecting rectangular portions of 84 Link maps, generating for projects 182 Link Order Page 45 Tab 47 View 33, 47, 48 Linker option Target Settings panel 263 Linkers 181 Choosing 181 Linking projects 182 List boxes File Set 117 Project 113 Symbolics 115 Target 113 List menus Document settings 79 Functions 78 Interfaces 78 Markers 78 VCS 79 List pop-ups Ancestor 156 Browser Access Filters 144 Current Target 41 Document settings 79 Functions 78 Interfaces 78 Markers 78 Symbols 159 VCS 146 Lists File 113 File Mappings 251 File Set 117 Symbolics 115 Local Project Data Storage option 270 Locating Functions 97, 98

Interface files 97 Source code 97 Looking up symbol definitions 102

Macro file option, in Generate Browser Data From menu 259 Macros option 228 Make Command 48, 49 Menu command 298 Option 257 Toolbar button 41 Managing Build targets 50 Files, tasks 53 Projects 31 Targets 50 Manual conventions 16 Markers 100 Adding to a source file 101 Navigating to 101 Removing all from source files 101 Removing from source files 101 Markers list pop-up 78 Markers list, in Remove Markers window 100 Match Whole Word checkbox 104, 107, 110 Matching Any character with regular expressions 124 Replace strings to find strings with regular expressions 125 with simple regular expressions 124 Maximize Window menu command 298 .mcp 32 MDI 211, 270 and dockable windows 59 Making a window an MDI child 65 Member Function Declaration 168 Member functions Creating 151, 168 Identifier icons 151 Member Functions pane 151 in Class Browser window 145 Memory dump 312 329

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Menu commands About CodeWarrior 285 Add Files 285 Add Window 285 Apply Difference 131, 286 Balance 287 Bottom Edges 287 Break 287 Break On C++ Exception 287 Break on Java Exceptions 287 Bring To Front 287 Bring Up To Date 287 Browser Contents 288 Build Progress 288 Build Progress Window 288 Cant Redo 279 Cant Undo 279 Cascade 288 Check Syntax 288 Class Browser 288 Class Hierarchy 288 Class Hierarchy Window 288 Clear 289 Close 289 Close All 289 Close All Editor Documents 289 Close Catalog 289 Close Workspace 290 CodeWarrior Help 290 Collapse Window 290 Commands & Key Bindings 290 Compare Files 127, 290 Compile 291 Complete Code 290 Copy 291 Copy To Expression 291 Create Design 291 Create Group 291 Create Target 291 Delete 292 Disassemble 292 Display Grid 292 Enter Find String 122, 292 Enter Replace String 292

Errors and Warnings 292 Errors and Warnings Window 292 Exit 293 Expand Window 293 Export Project 293, 297 Find 105, 293 Find and Open Filename 295 Find and Open File 295 Find And Replace 295 Find Definition 294 Find Definition & Reference 294 Find In Files 294 Find In Next File 294 Find In Previous File 294 Find Next 121, 294 Find Previous 121, 295 Find Previous Selection 295 Find Reference 295 Find Selection 122, 295 Freescale Website 298 Get Next Completion 296 Get Previous Completion 296 Go Back 296 Go Forward 296 Go To Line 296 Hide Window Toolbar 297 Import Components 297 Import Project 297 Make 298 Maximize Window 298 Minimize Window 298 New 298 New Class 299 New Class Browser 299 New Data Member 299 New Event 299 New Event Set 299 New Member Function 299 New Method 299 New Property 299 New Text File 300 Open 300 Open Recent 300 Open Scripts Folder 300


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Open Workspace 300 Page Setup 300 Precompile 301 Preferences 301 Print 301 Redo 301 Refresh All Data 302 Remove Object Code 302 Remove Object Code & Compact 302 Remove Toolbar Item 198 Replace 108, 302, 303 Replace All 302 Replace and Find Next 303 Revert 305 Save Default Window 305 Save Workspace 306 Save Workspace As 306 Select All 306 Send To Back 306 Set Default Project 306 Set Default Target 306 Shift Right 306 Show Types 307 Show Window Toolbar 297 Stack Editor Windows 307 Stop Build 307 Switch To Monitor 307 Synchronize Modification Dates 307 Unapply Difference 131 View As Unsigned Decimal 311, 312 View Disassembly 312 View Mixed 312 View Source 312 View Variable 312 Zoom Window 312 Menu layouts, Windows 277 Menu reference for IDE 277 Menus Browser Access Filters 144 Current Target 198 Search 102 VCS 153 Minimize Window menu command 298 Modification date caching option 270

Moving Build targets 47 Dockable windows 67 Files 47 Groups 47 Layouts 47 Targets 47 Multi-Class Hierarchy window 156 Difference from Single-Class Hierarchy window 158 Multiple Files, searching 118 Folders, searching 112 Projects, searching 114 Redo 302 Symbolics files, searching 115 Undo 302 Undo option 311 Undo option in Editor Settings panel 271 Multiple Document Interface (MDI) 211, 270 Multiple Document Interface option 59, 270 turning off 211 turning on 211 Multiple-file Find and Replace window 109

Name field 187 Navigating Browser data 140 Code Completion window 92 Source code 97 to markers 101 New Command 53, 188 Command Group, Creating 188 Item 149 Menu command 298 New Binding 187, 201 New C++ Class window 165 Data Member window 170 Member Function window 168 New Class Menu command 299 331

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Wizard 149, 164 New Class Browser menu command 299 New Data Member 152, 168, 170 Creating 170 Menu command 299 Wizard 152, 170 New Event menu command 299 New Event Set menu command 299 New Group 188 New Member Functions Creating 168 Menu command 299 Wizard 151, 168 New Menu Command, Creating 188, 193 New Method menu command 299 New Property menu command 299 New Text File menu command 300 Next Result button 120 None option in Generate Browser Data From menu 259 of Plug-in Diagnostics 262 Non-modal, defined 61 Notes for latest release 13 Numeric Keypad Bindings 200 Numeric Keypad Bindings checkbox of Customize IDE Commands window 203

Only Show Different Files checkbox 127 Open Command 54 Menu command 300 Single-class hierarchical window 158 Open File 153 Open Recent menu command 300 Open Scripts Folder menu command 300 Open Workspace menu command 300 Opening 162 Files 54 Last project (default workspace) 269 Last project, preventing (default workspace) 269 Projects 32 Projects from other hosts 32 332

Recent workspace 72 Subprojects 37 Symbols window 162 Workspaces 70 Option buttons All text 104, 107, 110 Code Only 105, 107, 110 Comments Only 105, 107, 110 Options Access Paths settings panel 213, 235 Activate Browser 294 Activate Browser Coloring 247 Activate Syntax Coloring 247, 251 Add Default 247 Always Search User Paths 248 Application 248 Arguments 248 Attempt to use dynamic type of C++, Object Pascal and SOM objects 248 Auto Indent 248 Auto Target Libraries 248 Automatic Invocation 249 Background 249 Balance Flash Delay 249 Balance while typing 249, 250 Bring Up To Date 257 Browser Commands 250 Browser Path 250 Build before running 250 Build Extras settings panel 238 Build Settings preference panel 208 Case Sensitive 251 Classes 228 Code Completion Preference panel 218 Code Completion Delay 251 Code Formatting preference panel 220 Collapse non-debugging windows 251 Comments 251 Compiler 251 Compiler thread stack 252 Concurrent Compiles preference panel 209 Confirm invalid file modification dates when debugging 252

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Constants 228 Context popup delay 252 Disable third party COM plugins 252 Display Deprecated Items 253 Do nothing 253 Do nothing to project windows 253 Drag and drop editing 253 Dump internal browse information after compile 253 Edit Commands 254 Edit Language 254 Editor preference panels 218 Editor Settings preference panel 222 Enable automatic Toolbar help 254 Enable Virtual Space 254 Enums 228 Environment Settings 254 Failure 257 File Mappings settings panel 240 File Type 251 Font & Tabs preference panel 224, 226 Functions 228 General preference panels 207 Generate Browser Data From 259 Globals 228 IDE Extras preference panel 210 Import Panel 260 Macros 228 Make 257 Other 228 Plug-in Settings preference panel 212 Set 1, Set 2, Set 3, Set 4 228 Setting for browser 137 Shielded Folders preference panel 213 Source Trees preference panel 215 Target Settings panel 234 Templates 228 TypeDefs 228 Use modification date caching 239 Use Multiple Document Interface 59 Window Follows Insertion Point 272 Other editor windows 79 Other option 228 Output Directory option

Target Settings panel 263 Overlays tab 47 Overstrike 84 Overstriking text (Windows) 84 Overtype 84 Overview of Browser 21 of build system 21 of CodeWarrior 17 of debugger 21 of editor 20 of IDE project manager and build targets 26 of IDE tools 20 of IDE Users Guide 13 of project manager 20 of search engine 20

Page Setup command 300 Pages In Files 117 In Folders 111 in project window 42 In Projects 113 In Symbolics 115 Pane Collapse 148 Pane Collapse box 133 Pane Expand 148 Pane Expand box 133 Pane resize bar 120, 130, 133 in File Compare Results window 130 in Folder Compare Results window 133 Pane splitter controls, in editor window 80 Panes Adding to editor window 80 Destination 130 Differences 131 Files in Both Folders 133 Files Only in Destination 133 Files Only in Source 133 Removing from editor window 81 Resizing in an editor window 81 Results 120 Source 130 333

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Source Code 120 Parameter lists, Completing code 94 Path caption 80 Play sound after Bring Up To Date & Make option Build Settings panel 263 Plug-in Diagnostics All Info option 262 Disabling 285 Enabling 285 Errors Only option 262 None option 262 Plug-in Settings panel Options Level 262 Plug-in Settings preference panel 212 Options Disable third-party COM plug-ins 212 Level 212 Plug-ins Saving information about those installed in IDE 285 Viewing those installed in IDE 285 Pop-up menus Document settings 79 Functions 78 Interfaces 78 Markers 78 VCS 79 Pop-ups Ancestor 156 Browser Access Filters 144 Symbols 159 VCS 146 Post-linker option Target Settings panel 263 Precompile menu command 301 Precompiled File flag 241 Precompiled headers Caching 260 Preference panels Build Settings 208 Code Completion 218 Code Formatting 220

Concurrent Compiles 209 Editor Settings 222 Font & Tabs 224, 226 IDE Extras 210 Plug-in Settings 212 Reverting 265 Shielded Folders 213 Source Trees 215 Preferences Activate Browser Coloring 228 Activate Syntax Coloring 227 Add 214, 216 Apply button 207 Auto Indent 225 Automatic Invocation 219 Background 227 Balance Flash Delay 224 Balance while typing 223 Browser Commands 223 Build before running 208 Cancel button 207 Case sensitive 219 Change 214, 216 Choose 216 Classes 228 Close Braces, Brackets, and Parentheses 221 Code Completion Delay 219 Comments 227 Compiler thread stack 208 Constants 228 Default file format 224 Disable third-party COM plug-ins 212 Display deprecated items 219 Documents 210 Drag and drop editing 223 Edit 228 Edit Commands 223 Editor 218 Enable Virtual Space 223 Enums 228 Export Panel button 186, 207 Factory Settings button 186, 207 Find and compare operations 214 Font 225


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Font preferences 223 for IDE 205 Foreground 227 Format Braces 221 Functions 228 General 207 Globals 228 IDE Preference Panels list 207 IDE window 206 Import Panel button 186, 207 Indent Braces 221 Indent Case Within Switch Statement 221 Indent Code Within Braces 221 Keywords 227 Language Settings 220 Launch Editor 211 Launch Editor w Line # 211 Left margin click selects line 223 Level 212 Macros 228 Menu bar layout 210 Menu command 301 Name 216 OK button 207 Other 228 Place Else On Same Line As Closing Brace 221 Place Opening Brace On Separate Line 221 Project Commands 223 Project operations 213 Projects 210 Recent symbolics 210, 211 Recommended 209 Regular Expression 213 Relaxed C popup parsing 223 Remove 214, 216 Revert Panel button 186, 207 Save button 186 Save open files before build 208 Script 225 Selection position 223 Set 1, Set 2, Set 3, Set 4 228 Shielded folder list 213

Show message after building up-to-date project 208 Size 225 Sort function popup 223 Source Tree list 216 Strings 227 Tab indents selection 225 Tab Inserts Spaces 225 Tab Size 225 Templates 228 Type 216 TypeDefs 228 Use Automatic Code Formatting 220 Use Concurrent Compiles 209 Use Default workspace 211 Use Local Project Data Storage 208 Use Multiple Document Interface 211 Use multiple undo 223 Use Third Party Editor 211 User Specified 209 VCS Commands 223 Window follows insertion point 219 Window position and size 223 Prefix file option, in Generate Browser Data From menu 259 Prefix keys Quote Key 202 Pre-linker option Target Settings panel 264 Previous Result button 120 Print Command 56, 57, 301 File selections 57 Printing Class hierarchies 157 Files 56 Projects 33 Process cycle of software development 17 Products Saving information about those installed in IDE 285 Viewing those installed in IDE 285 Project Commands option

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Editor Settings panel 264 Project data folder 270 Project Headers checkbox 113 Project Inspector command 33 Project list box 113 Project manager 26 Overview 20 Project menu 264, 282 Remove Object Code command 283 Stop Build command 283 Project operations option Shielded Folders panel 264 Project Sources checkbox 113 Project stationery Creating 35 Custom 35 Project window 39 About 40 About Files page 42 Current Target list pop-up 41 Files view Checkout Status column 43 Code column 42 Data column 42 Debug column 43 File column 42 Interfaces list pop-up 43 Sort Order button 43 Target column 43 Touch column 42 Link Order page 45 Make toolbar button 41 Pages 42 Synchronize Modification Dates toolbar button 41 Target Settings Toolbar button 41 Targets page 46 Project, defined 26 Projects About subprojects 36 Advanced topics 34 Choosing default 33 Closing 34

Creating custom stationery 35 Creating subprojects 36 Creating using stationery 31 Data folder 270 Exporting to XML files 34 Generating link maps for 182 Import XML versions of 34 Inspecting files 33 Linking 182 Managing 31 Opening 32 Opening from other hosts 32 Printing 33 Project window 39 Project window pages 42 Project window, about 40 Reopening last one used (default workspace) 269 Reopening last one used, preventing (default workspace) 269 Saving 32 Searching (multiple) 114 Strategies for 37 Subprojects, strategies for 37 Working with 25 Projects option IDE Extras panel 264 Punctuation balancing 86 Toggling 87 Pure virtual Icon for 151 Purpose of Browser Contents window 159 of Classes pane in browser 149 of Data Members pane 152 of Member functions pane 151 of Multi-Class Hierarchy window 156 of Single-Class Hierarchy window 158 of Source pane 153 of status area in browser 153 of Symbols window 161

Quote Key prefix 202


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Assigning 203

Recursive Search column, in Access Paths panel 237 Redo Button 131 Menu command 301 Reference information for IDE menus 277 Refresh All Data menu command 302 Registry Key option of Source Trees preference panel 269 Registry Key option, in Type pop-up menu 269 Regular Expression checkbox 104, 107, 110 Regular Expression option Shielded Folders panel 264 Regular expressions 122 .*[_]Data 214 \(.*\) 214 Choosing one character from many 124 CVS 214 Defined 122 Grouping 124 Matching any character 124 Matching simple expressions 124 Using the find string in the replace string 125 Relative to class field 165 Relaxed C popup parsing option Editor Settings panel 265 Release notes 13 Remembering last project (default workspace) 269 Turning off (default workspace) 269 Remove Button 236 Button, in Remove Markers window 100 Command 47 Remove A Set button 117 Remove Markers window 100 Cancel button 100 Done button 100 Markers list 100 Remove button 100

Remove Object Code & Compact menu command 302 Remove Object Code menu command 302 Remove Toolbar Item 198 Removing Build targets 47, 50 Desktop background from behind IDE 270 Files 47 Gray background from behind IDE 270 Groups 47 Layouts 47 Source trees 217 Targets 47, 50 Rename command 48, 51 Renaming Build targets 48, 51 Files 48 Groups 48 Layouts 48 Targets 48, 51 Reopening last project used in default workspace 269 Suppressing in the default workspace 269 Replace Button 106, 110 Command 108 Menu command 302, 303 Replace All Button 106, 110 Menu command 302 Replace and Find Next menu command 303 Replace and Find Previous command 303 Replace With text/list box 106, 109 Replacing Text in a single file 108 Text, overview 103 Reset Window Toolbar command in Toolbar submenu 45, 304 Resetting Toolbars 198 Resize bars Pane 120 Resize submenu To Smallest Height command 310

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To Smallest Width command 310 Resizing panes in an editor window 81 Resource File flag 240 Restore Window command (Windows) 305 Result Count text box 120 Results of multi-item search 119 Pane 120 Revert command 57 Revert menu command 305 Reverting Files 57 Preference panels 265 Settings panels 265 Revision control 272 Routine, selecting entirely 84 Run command 49 Runtime Settings panel Options Working Directory 273

Save a Copy As command 55 Save All command 55 Save command 55 Save Default Window menu command 305 Save open files before build option Build Settings panel 265 Save project entries using relative paths option Target Settings panel 44, 266 Save this Set button 117 Save Workspace As menu command 306 Save Workspace menu command 306 Saving All files 55 Copy of workspace 71 File copies 55 Files 55 Information about installed plug-ins 285 Information about installed products 285 Projects 32 Workspaces 70 Script menu option 271 338

(Scripts) folder 300 Scripts option Font & Tabs panel 266 Search Single characters with regular expressions 124 Using finds strings in replace strings with regular expressions 125 Search Cached Sub-Targets checkbox 113 Search Criteria text box 120 Search engine Overview 20 Search In text/list box 111 Search menu 102, 281 Search Results window 119 Next Result button 120 Pane resize bar 120 Previous Result button 120 Result Count text box 120 Results pane 120 Search Criteria text box 120 Setting default size and position of 305 Source Code pane 120 Source Code Pane disclosure triangle 120 Stop button 120 Warnings button 120 Search Selection Only checkbox 104, 107 Search Status column, in Access Paths panel 237 Search Sub-Folders checkbox 111 Search Up checkbox 104, 107 Searching Choosing one character from many in regular expressions 124 Grouping regular expressions 124 Multiple files 118 Multiple folders 112 Multiple projects 114 Multiple symbolics files 115 Single characters with regular expressions 124 Single files 105 Using finds strings in replace strings with regular expressions 125 Using regular expressions 122

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with simple regular expressions 124 Seeing desktop background behind IDE 270 Segments tab 47 Select All menu command 306 Selected Item group 133 Selecting Code Completion window items 93 Entire routines 84 Lines 84 Multiple lines 84 Rectangular portions of lines 84 Text in editor windows 83 Selection position option Editor Settings panel 266 Selections Searching (text) 122 Send To Back menu command 306 Set 1, Set 2, Set 3, Set 4 228 Set Default Project Command 33 Menu command 306 Set Default Target menu command 306 Setting Browser options 137 Default size and position of windows 305 Settings Add 216, 236, 241 Add Default 236 Always Search User Paths 236 Application 239 Apply button 233 Arguments 239 Cache subprojects 239 Cancel button 233 Change 216, 236, 241 Choose 216, 234 Clear 235 Compiler 241 Dump internal browse information after compile 239 Edit Language 241 Export Panel button 232 Extension 240 Factory Settings button 232

File Mappings list 240 File Type 240 Flags 241 Generate Browser Data From 239 Host Flags 236 IDE window 231 Ignored By Make flag 241 Import Panel button 232 Initial directory 239 Launchable flag 241 Linker 234 Name 216 OK button 233 Output Directory 234 Post-linker 234 Precompiled File flag 241 Pre-linker 234 Remove 216, 236, 241 Resource File flag 240 Revert Panel button 232 Save project entries using relative paths 235 Source Tree list 216 Target Name 234 Target Settings Panels list 232 Type 216 Use modification date caching 239 Settings panels Access Paths 213, 235 Build Extras 238, 294 File Mappings 240 Reverting 265 Source Trees 215 Target Settings 234 Setup Code completion 88 Shielded Folders panel Options Find and compare operations 258 Project operations 264 Regular Expression 264 Shielded Folders preference panel 213 Options Add 214 Change 214

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Find and compare operations 214 Project operations 213 Regular Expression 213 Remove 214 Shielded folder list 213 Shift Right menu command 306 Shortcut conventions 16 Show Classes pane 150 Show Classes 150 Pane 150, 153 Show Floating Toolbar Command 297 Command in Toolbar submenu 307 Show Inherited 145 Show Main Toolbar Command 297 Command in Toolbar submenu 307 Show message after building up-to-date project option Build Settings panel 267 Show private 146 Show protected 146 Show public 146 Show Types menu command 307 Show Window Toolbar Command 297 Command in Toolbar submenu 307 Shrink panes in browser 148 Single Class Hierarchy Window 144 Single files, searching 105 Single-class hierarchical window Opening 158 Single-Class Hierarchy window 158 Difference from Multi-Class Hierarchy window 158 Single-file Find and Replace window 106 Single-file Find window 103 Size option Font & Tabs panel 267 Software Development process cycle 17 Sort Alphabetical 149, 150 Sort function popup option

Editor Settings panel 267 Sort Hierarchical 149, 150 Sort Order button in Files view of Project window 43 Sorting Classes list 150 Functions list pop-up (alphabetically) 98, 99 Source box 126 Source code Editing 83 Going to a particular line 99 Locating 97 Navigating 97 Source Code pane 120 Source Code Pane disclosure triangle 120 Source files Adding markers to 101 Removing all markers from 101 Removing markers from 101 Source item, for comparison 126 Source pane 130, 153 in Symbols window 162 Source relative includes 267 Source trees Adding 216 Changing 217 Removing 217 Source Trees panel Options Add 216 Change 216 Choose 216 Name 216 Remove 216 Source Tree list 216 Type 216, 269 Source Trees preference panel 215 Absolute Path option 269 Environment Variable option 269 Registry Key option 269 Source Trees settings panel 215 Stack Editor Windows menu command 307 Static, Icon for 151 Stationery


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Creating for projects 35 Creating projects 31 Custom 35 Status area 153 in Class Browser window 145 Stop At End Of File checkbox 104, 107 Stop Build menu command 307 Stop button 110, 120 Stop command 307 Straight Line 157 Strategies for build targets 37 for projects 37 for subprojects 37 Strings option Text Colors panel 267 Submenus Align 286, 287 Subproject, defined 36 Subprojects Creating 36 Opening 37 Strategies for 37 Success option Build Settings panel 268 Switch To Monitor menu command 307 Symbol definitions 102 Symbol definitions, looking up 102 Symbol implementations Viewing all 162 Symbol-editing shortcuts 86 Symbolics files Searching (multiple) 115 Symbolics list (box) 115 Symbolics option IDE Extras panel 268 Symbols Shortcuts for editing 86 Viewing all implementations 162 Symbols list in Browser Contents window 159 Symbols pane 162 Symbols pop-up 159 Symbols window 161, 162

Source pane 162 Symbols pane 162 Toolbar 162 Synchronize Modification Dates command 45 Synchronize Modification Dates menu command 307 Synchronize Modification Dates toolbar button 41 System Headers checkbox 113 System Paths list Recursive Search column 237 Search Status column 237 System Paths option Access Paths panel 268

Tabs Font & Tabs panel 268 In Files 110 In Folders 110 In Projects 110 In Symbolics 110 Target column in Files view of Project window 43 Target list box 113 Target management 46 Target Name option Target Settings panel 269 Target settings Add 216, 236, 241 Add Default 236 Always Search User Paths 236 Application 239 Apply button 233 Arguments 239 Cache subprojects 239 Cancel button 233 Change 216, 236, 241 Choose 216, 234 Clear 235 Command 308 Compiler 241 Dump internal browse information after compile 239 341

8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Edit Language 241 Export Panel button 232 Extension 240 Factory Settings button 232 File Mappings list 240 File Type 240 Flags 241 for IDE 231 Generate Browser Data From 239 Host Flags 236 Ignored By Make flag 241 Import Panel button 232 Initial directory 239 Launchable flag 241 Linker 234 Name 216 OK button 233 Output Directory 234 Panel 51, 234 Panel options Choose 234 Clear 235 Linker 263 Output Directory 234, 263 Post-linker 263 Pre-linker 264 Save project entries using relative paths 44, 235, 266 Target Name 234, 269 Panels list 232 Post-linker 234 Precompiled File flag 241 Pre-linker 234 Remove 216, 236, 241 Resource File flag 240 Revert Panel button 232 Save project entries using relative paths 235 Source Tree list 216 Source Trees 215 Target Name 234 Target Settings Panels list 232 Toolbar button 41 Type 216 Use modification date caching 239

Window 231 Apply button 233 Cancel button 233 Export Panel button 232 Factory Settings button 232 Import Panel button 232 OK button 233 Opening 233 Revert Panel button 232 Target settings Panels list 232 Target settings panel Options Linker 234 Post-linker 234 Pre-linker 234 Target settings panels Access Paths 235 Build Extras 238, 294 File Mappings 240 Target Settings 234 Targets 27 Configuring 51 Creating 50 Files 47 Managing 50 Moving 47 Removing 47, 50 Renaming 48, 51 Setting default 51 Strategies for 37 Targets page 46 Targets tab 51 Targets view 33, 47, 50 Tasks Activating automatic code completion 88 Adding a keyword to a keyword set 244 Adding markers to a source file 101 Adding panes to an editor window 80 Adding source trees 216 Adding subprojects to a project 36 Alphabetizing Functions list pop-up order 98, 99 Applying file differences 131


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Balancing punctuation 86 Changing line views in a hierarchical window 157 Changing source trees 217 Changing the find string 122 Choosing a default project 33 Choosing files to compare 127 Choosing folders to compare 128 Closing a docked window 67 Closing a workspace 71 Closing projects 34 Collapsing a docked window 66 Collapsing browser panes 148 Collapsing the editor window toolbar 78 Completing code for data members 93 Completing code for parameter lists 94 Creating a new class 149, 164 Creating a new data member 152, 170 Creating a new member function 151, 168 Creating custom project stationery 35 Creating new projects using project stationery 31 Deactivating automatic code completion 89 Docking a window by using a contextual menu 62 Docking a window by using drag and drop 62 Docking windows of the same kind 62 Examining items in the Folder Compare Results window 134 Expanding a docked window 66 Expanding browser panes 148 Expanding the editor window toolbar 78 Exporting projects to XML files 34 Floating a window 64 for managing files 53 Generating project link maps 182 Going to a particular line 99 Hiding the classes pane 150 Import projects saved as XML files 34 Indenting text blocks 85 Looking up symbol definitions 102 Making a window an MDI child 65 Moving a docked window 67

Navigating browser data 140 Navigating Code Completion window 92 Navigating to a marker 101 Opening a recent workspace 72 Opening a single-class hierarchical window 158 Opening a workspace 70 Opening projects 32 Opening projects created on other hosts 32 Opening subprojects 37 Opening the symbols window 162 Opening the Target Settings window 233 Overstriking text (Windows) 84 Printing class hierarchies 157 Printing projects 33 Removing a keyword from a keyword set 245 Removing a marker from a source file 101 Removing all markers from a source file 101 Removing panes from an editor window 81 Removing source trees 217 Replacing text in a single file 108 Resizing panes in an editor window 81 Saving a copy of a workspace 71 Saving a workspace 70 Saving projects 32 Searching a single file 105 Searching for text across multiple files 118 Searching for text across multiple folders 112 Searching for text across multiple projects 114 Searching for text across multiple symbolics files 115 Searching with a text selection 122 Selecting entire routines 84 Selecting item in Code Completion window 93 Selecting lines 84 Selecting multiple lines 84 Selecting rectangular portions of lines 84 Selecting text in editor windows 83 Showing the classes pane 150 Sorting the classes list 150

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Suppressing dockable windows 65 Toggling automatic punctuation balancing 87 Triggering code completion by keyboard 89 Triggering code completion from IDE menu bar 89 Unapplying file differences 131 Undocking a window 64 Unfloating a window 65 Unindenting text blocks 85 Using the default workspace 69 Using the Find Next command 121 Using the Find Previous command 121 Using the Functions list pop-up 98 Using the Interfaces list pop-up 98 Using the VCS pop-up 79 Using virtual space 85 Viewing a file path 43 Viewing browser data by contents 160 Viewing browser data by inheritance 157 Viewing class data from hierarchy windows 147 Templates option 228 Text Changing a find string 122 Find by selecting 121 Finding 103 Overstriking (Windows) 84 Replacing 103 Searching with a selection 122 Text blocks Indenting 85 Unindenting 85 Text boxes Result Count 120 Search Criteria 120 Text Colors panel Options Activate Browser Coloring 258 Activate Syntax Coloring 258, 261, 267 Foreground 258 Keywords 261 Strings 267 Text Colors preference panel

Options Activate Browser Coloring 228 Activate Syntax Coloring 227 Background 227 Classes 228 Comments 227 Constants 228 Edit 228 Enums 228 Foreground 227 Functions 228 Globals 228 Keywords 227 Macros 228 Other 228 Set 1, Set 2, Set 3, Set 4 228 Strings 227 Templates 228 TypeDefs 228 Text editing area, in editor window 80 Text/list boxes By Type 111 Find 104, 106, 109 Replace With 106, 109 Search in 111 Text-selection Find 121 Third Party Editor option 271 Third-party Editor support 271 Text editors Emacs 261, 262 Threading in IDE 252 __throw() 287 Tile Editor Windows command 308 Editor Windows Vertically command 308 Horizontally command 309 Vertically command 309 To Smallest Height command in Resize submenu 310 To Smallest Width command in Resize submenu 310 Toolbar (Editor Window) Elements


8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

Document Settings 198 File Dirty Indicator 198 File Path field 198 Functions 198 Header Files 198 Markers 198 Version Control Menus 198 Add element 197 Buttons Browser Contents 144 Class Hierarchy 144 Go Back 144 Go Forward 144 Make 41 Single Class Hierarchy Window 144 Synchronize Modification Dates 41 Target Settings 41 Clear Elements 198 Collapsing in editor window 78 Customize 195 Editor 78 Elements 195, 196 Expanding in editor window 78 for Symbols window 162 Icons 197 Instances of 196 Items 185, 197 Main (floating) 196 Modify 197 Project and Window 196 Remove single element 197 Resetting 198 Submenu Anchor Floating Toolbar command 286 Clear Floating Toolbar command 289 Clear Main Toolbar command 289 Clear Window Toolbar command 289 Hide Floating Toolbar command 297 Hide Main Toolbar command 297 Reset Window Toolbar command 45, 304 Show Floating Toolbar command 297, 307

Show Main Toolbar command 297, 307 Show Window Toolbar command 307 Toolbar Items tab 196 Types 196 Tools Browser 21 Build system 21 Debugger 21 Editor 20 Project manager 20 Search engine 20 ToolServer menu 271 ToolServer menu option IDE Extras panel 271 ToolTip 197 Touch Column 49 in Files view of Project window 42 Command 49 Defined 42 Touching All files 49 All groups 49 Files 49 Groups 49 Triggering Code completion by keyboard 89 Code completion from IDE menu bar 89 Type List box Absolute Path option 269 Option Source Trees panel 269 Pop-up menu Environment Variable option 269 Registry Key option 269 TypeDefs option 228

Unanchor Floating Toolbar command 311 Unapply button 130 Unapply Difference command 131, 311 Undo button 130 345

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Undo command 311 Undocking windows 64 Unfloating Windows 65 Ungroup command 311 Unindenting text blocks 85 Untouch command 49 Untouching a file 49 a group 49 All files 49 All groups 49 User Paths list Recursive Search column 237 Search Status column 237 User Paths option 271 User Specified option 272 Using Find Next command 121 Find Previous command 121 Functions list pop-up 98 Interfaces list pop-up 98 VCS pop-up 79 Virtual space 85

as user 146 Disassembly menu command 312 File paths 43 Memory As command 312 Memory command 312 Mixed menu command 312 Source menu command 312 Variable menu command 312 Viewing All symbol implementations 162 Browser data by contents 160 Browser data by inheritance 157 Installed plug-ins 285 Installed products 285 Virtual Icon for 151 Space, using 85

Warnings button 120 Window Browser Contents 159 Class Browser 143 Code Completion 90 Compare Files Setup 126 Customize IDE Commands 121, 199 Dock bars in dockable windows 66 Dockable 59 Dockable, about 59 Dockable, working with 61 Docking the same kind of 62 Docking with a contextual menu 62 Docking with drag and drop 62 Editor 76 Editor, other 79 File Compare Results 129 Find (single-file) 103 Find and Replace (multiple-file) 109 Find and Replace (single-file) 106 Floating 64 Folder Compare Results 132 Hierarchy 157 IDE Preferences 206 Making MDI children of 65

VCS 79 Commands Options Editor Settings panel 272 List pop-up 146 Menu 153, 272 Pop-up 79 Using 79 Version Control 272 Control Settings command 311 Control System (VCS) 79 Vertical Center command in Align submenu 305, 309, 310, 311 View as implementor 146 as subclass 146 As Unsigned Decimal menu command 311, 312 346

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New C++ Class 165 New C++ Data Member 170 New C++ Member Function 168 Project window 39 Remembering size and position of 305 Remove Markers 100 Saving default size and position of 305 Search results 119 Target settings 231 Types Floating 60 Undocking 64 Unfloating 65 Window Follows Insertion Point option 272 Window menu 280, 284 Restore Window command (Windows) 305 Window position and size option Editor Settings panel 273 Window types Docked 60 MDI child 60 Windows Creating files 53 Dockable, turning off 65 Windows menu layout 277 Wizards Browser 163 New Class 149, 164 New Data Member 152, 170 New Member Function 168 New Member Functions 151 Working Directory option Runtime Settings panel 273 Working with Browser 137 Class Browser windows 143 Class hierarchy windows 155 Dockable windows 61 Files 53 IDE preferences 205 IDE target settings 231 Projects 25 Workspace 69 About 69

Closing 71 Defined 69 Opening 70 Opening recent 72 Saving 70 Saving copies of 71 Using default 69 Workspaces option IDE Extras panel 273

XML Exporting projects 34 Importing projects 34

Zoom Window menu command 312 Zoom windows to full screen option IDE Extras panel 273

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8/16-bit IDE Users Guide

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