MSDS Battery CAT
MSDS Battery CAT
MSDS Battery CAT
CHEMICAL FAMILY: This product is a wet lead acid storage battery. May also include gel/absorbed electrolye
type lead acid battery types.
This product is considered a Hazardous Substance , Preparation or Article that is regulated under US-OSHA; CAN-WHMIS ;
IOSH ; ISO; UK-CHIP ; or EU Directives (67/548/EEC-Dangerous Substance Labeling , 98/24/EC-Chemical Agents at Work,
99/45/EC-Preparation Labeling , 2001 /58/ EC-MS DS Content, and 1907/2006/EC-REACH), and an MSDS/SDS is requ ired for
this product considering that when used as recommended or intended , or under ordinary conditions, it may present a health
and safety exposure or other hazard.
Additional Information
This prod uct may not be compatible with all environments, such as those containing liquid solvents or extreme temperature or
pressure. Please request information if con sidering use under extreme conditions or use beyond current product labeling .
Symbols :
EMERGENCY OVERVIEW: May form explosive air/gas mixture during charging . Contact with internal components
may cause irritation or severe burns . Irritating to eyes, respiratory system , and skin.
Additional Information
No health effects are expected related to normal use of this product as sold.
Additional Information
These ingredients reflect components of the finished product re lated to performance of the product as distributed into
Dry chemical . carbon dioxi de, water, foam. Do not use water on live electrical circuits .
Additional Information
Firefighting water runoff and dilution water may be toxic and corrosive and may cause adverse environmental impacts.
Additional Information
Lead acid batteri es and their plastic cases are recyclable. Contact your East Penn representative for recyc ling
TWA - 8-Hour Time Weighted Average/ STE - Short Term Exposu re / mg/m 3 - milligrams per cubic meter of air/ NE - Not Established
Additional Information
• Very little chronic toxicity data available for elemental lead .
• Lead is listed by IARC as a 2B carcinogen : possible carcinogen in humans. Arsenic is listed by IARC, ACGIH , and NTP
as a carcinogen , based on studies with high doses overlong periods of time . The other ingredients in this product,
present at equal to or greater than 0.1 % of the product, are not listed by OSHA , NTP, or IARC as suspect carcinogens.
• The 19th Amendment to EC Directive 67/548/EEC classified lead compounds, but not lead in metal form , as possibly toxic
to reproduction. Risk phrase 61 : May cause harm to the unborn child , applies to lead compounds , especially soluble
Additional Information
• No known effects on stratospheric ozone depletion.
• Volatile organic compounds : 0% (by Volume)
• Water Endangering Class (WGK): NA
WASTE DISPOSAL Follow local , State/Provincial , and Federal/National regulations applicable to as-used , end-
METHOD: of-life characteristics to be determined by end-user.
CLASS/CODE: US - Not applicable to finished product as manufactured for distribution into commerce .
CN - Not applicable to finished product as man ufactured for distribution into commerce .
EWC - Not applicable to finished product as manufactured for distribution into commerce .
ose as allowed b local ·urisdiction for the end-of-life characteristics as-dis osed.
Proper Sh ippi ng Name Batteries, Wet, Filled with Acid
Hazard Class 8 ID Number UN2794
Packing Group Ill Labels Corrosive
Proper Sh ipping Name Batteries, Wet, Filled with Acid
Hazard Class 8 ID Number UN2794
Packing Group II Labels Corrosive
Reference IA TA packing instructions 800
Proper Sh ippi ng Name Batteries, Wet, Filled with Acid
Hazard Class 8 ID Number UN2794
Packing Group Ill Labels Corrosive
Reference IMDG packing instructions P801
Additional Information
Transport requires proper packaging and paperwork, including the Nature and Quantity of goods , per applicable
origin/destination/customs points as-shipped .
Delayed Hazard No
Note : Sulfu ric acid is listed as an Extremely Hazardous Substance.
California Proposition 65
The following chemicals identified to exi st in the finished product as distributed into commerce are known to the State of
California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other re produ ctive harm :
Chemical CAS # %Wt
Arsenic (as arsenic oxides) 7440-38-2 <0 .1
Strong inorganic acid mists incl uding NA 25
sulfuric acid
Lead 7439-92-1 65
California Consumer Product Volatile Organic Compound Emissions
This Product is not regulated as a Consumer Product for purposes of GARB/OTC voe Regu lations , as-sold for the intended
pu rpose and into the industrial/Commercial supply chain .
Additional Information
This product may be subject to Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) regulations in Europe and China, or may be
regulated under additional regulations and laws not identified above, such as for uses other than described or as-
desiqned/as-intended by the manufacturer, or for distribution into specific domestic destinations.
Distribution into Quebec to follow Canadian Controlled Product Regulations (CPR) 24(1) and 24(2).
Distribution into the EU to follow applicable Directives to the Use, Import/Export of the product as-sold .
International Agency for Research on Cancer (1987), /ARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans:
Overall Evaluations of Carcinogenicity: An updating of !ARC Monographs Volumes 1-42, Supplement 7, Lyon, France .
Ontario Ministry of Labour Regulation 654/86 . Regulations Respecting Exposure to Chemical or Biological Agents .
RTECS - Registry of Toxic Effects of Chem ical Substances , National institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
This Material Safety Data Sheet is based upon information and sources avail able at the time of preparation or revi sion date.
Information in the MSDS was obtained from sources which we believe are reliable, but are beyond our direct supe rvision or
PAGE 7 OF 8 East Penn Manufacturing Co.• Inc.
(US, CN, EU Version for International Trade)
control. We make no Warranty of Merchantability, Fitness for any particular purpose or any other Warranty, Expressed or
Implied, with respect to such information and we assume no liability resulting from its use. For this and oth er reasons, we do
not assume responsibility and expressly disclaim liability fo r loss, damage or expense arising out of or in any way connected
with the hand ling , storage , use or disposal of the prod uct. It is the obligation of each user of this product to determine the
su itabil ity of this product and com ply with the requirements of all applicable laws regarding use and disposal of this product.
For additional informat ion concerning East Penn Manufacturing Co., Inc. products or questions concerning the content of this
MS DS please contact your East Penn representative.