Vito Cruz
Vito Cruz
Vito Cruz
Martin Vito Cruz
25 November 2003
1 Introduction
To any compact Riemannian manifold (M, g) (with or without boundary), we
can associate a second-order partial differential operator, the Laplace operator
∆, defined by ∆(f ) = −div(grad(f )) for f ∈ L2 (M, g). We will also sometimes
write ∆g for ∆ if we want to emphasize which metric the Laplace operator is
associated with. The set of eigenvalues of ∆ (the spectrum of ∆, or of M ),
which we will write as spec(∆) or spec(M, g), then forms a discrete sequence
0 = λ0 ≤ λ1 ≤ λ2 ≤ . . . → ∞. For simplicity, we will assume that M is
connected; this will for example imply that the smallest eigenvalue, λ0 , occurs
with multiplicity 1.
Note that the Laplacian also acts on p-forms in addition to functions via
the definition ∆ = −(dδ + δd), where δ is the adjoint of d with respect to the
Riemannian structure on the manifold. This aspect of the Laplacian will not be
treated in this paper, the focus being the ordinary Laplacian acting on functions.
With that in mind, there are two broad questions that are at the heart of
spectral geometry:
(i) What can we say about the spectrum of M given the geometry?
(ii) What can we say about the geometry of M given the spectrum?
What we will attempt to cover in this survey are some selected aspects of those
two questions. In section 2, we will discuss two aspects of the first question:
what types of sequences can occur as spectra and what restrictions does geome-
try impose on the first nonzero eigenvalue of the Laplacian. In section 3, we will
discuss some positive results relevant to the second question: what geometric
information can we extract from the spectrum? Finally, in section 4, we will
talk about some negative results relevant to the second question, focusing on ex-
amples of manifolds where the spectrum fails to allow us to distinguish between
them at all. Good background references on the topics covered in this paper
(and on other topics not covered) are the books [2] and [7], and the survey [9].
2 Estimates on the eigenvalues
Obviously, the geometry of a Riemannian manifold completely determines the
spectrum: the metric determines the Laplace operator and hence the spectrum.
On the other hand, there are only few examples of manifolds where the spec-
trum is known explicitly. In this section, we will examine the restrictions that
geometry can impose on the spectrum.
More recently, in 1979, Li and Yau [15] proved that if M is a closed Rieman-
nian manifold whose Ricci curvature is nonnegative, then λ1 ≥ 2Dπ2 (M ) , where
D(M ) is the diameter of M . This was achieved via a gradient estimate on the
first eigenfunction. Zhong and Yang [24], using a similar method, improved on
this by showing that under the same conditions, λ1 ≥ D2π(M ) .
Even more recently, Yang [23] generalized the previous result:
Theorem 2 Let (M, g) be a closed Riemannian manifold. If
Ric(X, X) ≥ (n − 1)k ≥ 0
(n − 1)k π2
λ1 ≥ + 2 .
4 D (M )
(iii) limt→0+ M K(t, x, y)f (y) dy = f (x) for any compactly supported function
f on M .
The heat kernel exists and is unique for compact Riemannian manifolds. Its
importance stems from the fact that the solution to the heat equation
+ ∆(u) = 0, u : [0, ∞) × M → R,
(where ∆ is the Laplacian with respect to the second variable) with initial
condition u(0, x) = f (x) is given by
u(t, x) = K(t, x, y)f (y) dy.
From this, it is clear that the heat trace, Z(t) = M K(t, x, x) dx = i e−λi t , is
a spectral invariant. The heat trace has an asymptotic expansion as t → 0+ :
dim(M )/2
Z(t) = (4πt) aj tj ,
As another way to get spectral invariants, we can try to study the fundamen-
tal solution
P iλk t to the wave equation ∂∂t2u + ∆(u) = 0 and the associated wave trace
ke . The asymptotics of the wave trace near t = 0 turns out to give the
same information as the asymptotics of the heat trace. On the other hand, the
singularities of the wave trace can in some cases yield new invariants such as the
geodesic length spectrum mentioned above and the quantum Birkhoff normal
form for the Poincaré map about certain geodesics (in fact, the singularities of
the wave trace occur at the lengths of closed geodesics; for definitions and a
better overview, see [1] and [9]).
4 Isospectral manifolds
As was alluded to earlier, geometry is not in general a spectral invariant. Two
manifolds are said to be isospectral if they have the same spectrum. The first
example of nonisometric isospectral manifolds was found in 1964 by John Milnor,
who exhibited two distinct but isospectral 16-dimensional manifolds. This was
followed by the construction in the 1980s and 1990s of many different examples
of nonisometric but isospectral manifolds. Among these are discrete families of
isospectral manifolds, continuous families of isospectral manifolds, isospectral
plane domains, and even isospectral conformally equivalent manifolds.
In general, there are three known methods to construct or discover these
examples of nonisometric isospectral manifolds. For a more complete overview
of these methods see [9].
Laplace operator acting on p-forms) has the same spectrum. Let G be a Lie
group. We call subgroup Γ cocompact if Γ/G is compact. Define RΓ,a to be the
right translation operator on Γ/G, i.e., RΓ,a (Γx) = (Γxa). If we let L2 (Γ/G)
be the space of measurable functions that are square integrable with respect
to the Haar measure on Γ/G induced by the bi-invariant Haar measure on G,
and if we define ρΓ (a)f = f ◦ RΓ,a for f ∈ L2 (Γ/G) and a ∈ G, then ρΓ is a
unitary representation of G. Two cocompact discrete subgroups Γ1 and Γ2 of
G are said to be representation equivalent if there exists a unitary isomorphism
T : L2 (Γ1 /G) → L2 (Γ2 /G) such that T (ρΓ1 (x))T −1 = ρΓ2 (x) for all x ∈ G.
Isospectral manifolds can then be constructed via
(See [7] or [9] for a proof.) The construction of isospectral plane domains by
Gordon, Webb, and Wolpert [12] was achieved by a variant of this method;
this answered the question asked by Marc Kac: ”Can you hear the shape of a
drum?” in the negative.
Note that this can be combined with the previous methods to construct new
pairs of isospectral manifolds by starting from known pairs of isospectral man-
ifolds in some circumstances.
The two previously discussed methods cannot produce examples of isospec-
tral manifolds with different local geometry because they depend on looking
at manifolds that have common Riemannian covers. The interest in this final
method lies in the fact that until very recently, all known examples of isospectral
manifolds with different local geometry arise from a theorem that is a conse-
quence of the previous theorem:
Theorem 7 Let T be an n-dimensional torus for n > 1. Assume M1 and M2
are principal T -bundles and assume that the fibers, with the induced Riemannian
metrics, are totally geodesic flat tori. Further assume that the quotient manifolds
M1 /S and M2 /S, with the induced metric, are isospectral for every subtorus S
of T of codimension ≤ 1. Then M1 and M2 are isospectral.
Among the examples of isospectral manifolds constructed using this theorem are
continuous isospectral deformations of metrics on S m−1 × T 2 ; in some of these,
the maximum scalar curvature changes during the deformation [11]. Other
examples are isospectral deformations of metrics on S 3 × S 3 × S 5 — these
provide the first constructions of isospectral simply connected manifolds [19].
σj1 (Z) for all Z, and that there exist a nondegenerate anticommutator A ∈ j(z)
(i.e., Aj(Z) = −j(Z)A for all j(Z) orthogonal to A in so(v)). Among the
more interesting examples produced by this method are pairs of isospectral
metrics on spheres S 4k−1 , k ≥ 3, one of which is homogeneous, the other locally
Along different lines, a variation of the theorem in section 4.3 allowed Schüth
to construct
(i) non-locally isometric isospectral 4-manifolds,
(ii) isospectral left-invariant metrics on compact Lie groups, and isospectral
simply connected irreducible manifolds,
(iii) non-locally isometric isospectral conformally equivalent manifoolds.
See [20] for details.
5 Conclusion
The study of the spectrum of the Laplacian, spectral geometry, remains a very
active field of research. It is impossible to cover all of its aspects in such a
short survey and so this paper attempts only to discuss a small selection of
topics. The references mentioned in the introduction are good places to look for
information on topics not covered here. While some fundamental questions have
been answered (e.g., isospectral does not imply isometric), and some spectacular
counterexamples constructed, there remain interesting unanswered questions.
We will end with one such question: is there a sense in which for most manifolds,
the spectrum does determine the geometry?
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