Diagnostic Spelling Assessment American English Version 1
Diagnostic Spelling Assessment American English Version 1
Diagnostic Spelling Assessment American English Version 1
The purpose of this assessment is to determine which of the previous grade-level spelling
patterns students have and have not yet mastered. The multi-syllabic words prevent students
from identifying the words by memorized “sight spellings” and require recognition of the sound-
spelling patterns within the context of syllables.
Administer part or all of the Diagnostic Spelling Assessment (American English Version)
test items, according to grade-level criteria.
Assessment Formats
Choose the Diagnostic Spelling Assessment format which best suits your needs:
1. Paper Only: Teacher dictates the number of test items assigned to the grade levels, following
the written administrative protocol. Students take the test on binder paper. Write the numbering
pattern on the board or type and display to facilitate correction. Teacher corrects assessments
according to directions and records spelling deficits on the Spelling Patterns Assessment
Mastery Matrix.
2. Audio and Paper: Teacher plays the 22:32 “normal speed” Diagnostic Spelling Assessment
audio file for grades 4, 5, and 6 students or the 17:26 “fast speed” Diagnostic Spelling
Assessment audio file for grades 7 and 8 students up to and including the last spelling pattern
word assigned to the grade level. The audio file includes all administrative directions. Students
take the test on binder paper. Teacher corrects assessments according to directions and records
spelling deficits on the Spelling Patterns Assessment Mastery Matrix.
3. Google Forms: Teacher shares either the Diagnostic Spelling Assessment Google Form
with the 22:32 “normal speed” audio file for grades 4, 5, and 6 students or the Diagnostic
Spelling Assessment Google Form with the “fast speed” audio file for grades 7 and 8 students.
The audio file includes all administrative directions except announcing which should be the final
test item. Students may take the test individually with headphones, or you may choose to play the
audio file out loud while students complete the Google forms test.
Teacher corrects assessments according to directions and uploads the students’ Google Forms
into the Diagnostic Spelling Assessment Mastery Matrix Google Sheets.
The audio files include the assessment directions. If using the paper format, read the directions,
“This is a test to see if you can accurately spell the words I say out loud. I will first say the
spelling word; then repeat it; then use it in a sentence; and then repeat the spelling word once
more. Listen carefully because I won’t repeat the words after the test is finished. Please print the
spelling words.”
Now dictate the spelling word, the example sentence, and the word again. Don’t elongate the
vowel or consonant sounds to emphasize spellings. Keep a consistent pace of about seven
seconds per test item. Any longer and students will lose their place or begin daydreaming. Since
this is a long test, teachers may elect to take a short stretch break in the middle of the test
Grade the assessment, marking only the specified sound-spelling pattern for each word. In other
words don’t mark the word wrong because of other spelling errors in the word. For example, if
the sound-spelling pattern is Long /a/ “__ay” and the word is “payment,” the student spelling of
“paiment” would be wrong, but “paymunt” would be right. This selective grading isolates the
sound-spelling pattern problem areas for each student. Note that testing with Google Forms does
not permit this discrimination, but does provide computer grading.
Write down the names of your students in alphabetical order on the Diagnostic Spelling
Assessment Mastery Matrix. Record a slash (/) for each sound-spelling error. Leave the box
blank for each correctly spelled sound-spelling. Or create a spreadsheet from the document. If
using Google Forms, upload the data to the Diagnostic Spelling Assessment Google Sheets. Note
that the matrix includes 102 test items as used in the grade 8 program.
42. poodle The black poodle loved to eat ice cream. poodle
43. overdue Your library book is overdue. overdue
44. duty Do your duty to your country. duty
45. brewing The coffee is always brewing at her house. brewing Long /oo/
46. looked He looked older than he really was. looked
47. butcher The local butcher was very skilled. butcher Short /oo/
48. crowded This school is very crowded. crowded
49. counting She began counting on her fingers. counting /ow/ (cow)
50. poisoned The chemical poisoned the water. poisoned
51. destroy He had to destroy the work of art. destroy /oi/
52. awful The engine made an awful sound. awful
53. auditorium The band played in the auditorium. auditorium
54. already My teacher already knows the answer. already
55. falling The child kept falling down the stairs. falling /aw/
56. curling She liked curling her hair with her fingers. curling
57. winter This winter I want to visit the beach. winter
58. firmly The student held the handle firmly. firmly
59. alarm A man set off the car alarm. alarm
60. boring The television show was very boring. boring r-controlled
61. cucumber He likes cucumber in his salad. cucumber
62. procedure The guard followed the procedure. procedure
63. agony His face showed the agony of defeat. agony Hard/Soft
64. strangely Her cousin behaved very strangely. strangely c and g
65. spicy The Mexican food was spicy. spicy Soft y Long /e/
66. identify No one could identify the stranger. identify Soft y Long /i/
67. forgetting I keep forgetting where I placed my glasses. forgetting Consonant
68. commitment The coach questioned his commitment. commitment Doubling
69. dodgeball The children could not play dodgeball. dodgeball
70. advantage We had the advantage of playing at home. advantage /j/
71. believe I will believe it when I see it. believe
72. receive Did you receive the letter? receive “ie”/“ei”
73. radios We listened to our radios. radios
74. bushes They found the child hiding in the bushes. bushes
75. ladies The ladies softball team won their game. ladies
76. bookshelves They dusted the bookshelves. bookshelves
77. women The women volunteered for the carnival. women Plurals
78. guide Her family trains guide dogs for the blind. guide
79. designed Her mom designed the new school sign. designed Silent Letters
80. skating I had my birthday party at the skating rink. skating Drop/Keep
81. wisely She wisely asked the teacher for help. wisely Final e