May 2016 Agenda

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Tuesday, May 10, 2016 at 3:00 P.M.
200 South Pearl Street
Board Room

1. Roll Call
Present Absent
Michael Whalen
Father James Lefebvre

Kelly Kimbrough
Linda Mallory Mitchell

Mark Bobb-Semple
Melvenia Jenkins
Mary Ann Hines

2. Com m unit y F or um
3. Reading and approval of the minutes of the previous meeting held April 12, 2016
4. Action Calendar

05-16-09 Approval to award Contract #0025-C-16-023 for Public Relations and Marketing Services
as follows:
1. Award Grammercy Communications (Troy, NY) the highest ranked proposer,
Video Production Services and Crisis Management Services. Video Production
Services will not exceed $8,250.00! year and Crisis Management Services will be
contracted on an as needed basis for $150.00! hour.

Other firms participating were: Overit Media, LLC (Albany, NY), Baker
Communications (Albany, NY), and Shannon Rose (Saratoga Springs, NY).

2. Award Baker Communications (Albany, NY) the highest ranked proposer, Public
Media Relations and Copy Writing Services. This will be an indefinite quantity
contract for 3 years in the not to exceed amount of $15,000.

3. Award Overit Media, LLC (Albany, NY) the highest ranked proposer, Annual
Report Design and Creative Services. This contract, in an amount not to exceed
$13,750, will consist of the creation of an AHA Annual Report template, AHA
marketing “Rack Card” and ten (10) year AHA Look Back Report.

Other firms participating were: Overit Media, LLC (Albany, NY), Baker
Communications, (Albany, NY) and Shannon Rose (Saratoga Springs, NY).

An RFP for all Public Relations and Marketing Services resulted in responses by
Grammercy Communications (Troy, NY), Overit Media, LLC (Albany, NY), Baker
Communications, (Albany, NY) and Shannon Rose (Saratoga Springs, NY. All responses
were reviewed with a consultant and the Respondents determined to have the proposals
most advantageous to the Authority in each individual category were awarded contracts for
that portion of the work.
05-16-10 Approval to purchase twenty-three (23) Firewalls which includes three (3) years’ service
and support in an amount not to exceed $42,581.57. AHA has received two written quotes
from vendors ITSavvy and PCMG. We are currently waiting on the last quote from
CDWG. Based on the lowest quote thus far, twenty-one (21) Firewalls are $1,556.59 each
and two (2) Firewalls at $4,946.59 each. AHA’s current firewalls have been marked by
the vendor (Sonicwall) as “end of life”.

05-16-11 Authorization to enter into a one year contract (with options for 2 additional 1 year periods)
with Ithaka Advisory, LLC, Newton MA, for the provision of assistance and advice on
capital transactions including buyouts of Limited Partner interests in AHA’s low-income
housing tax credit properties at or near the end of the 15 year Compliance Period,
refinancing existing property and housing authority debt, assisting AHA in analyzing new
property recapitalizations and resyndications and providing assistance and advice on deal
structuring issues. The contract will be in the form of a Purchase Order not to exceed
$99,000 and the billing rate will be $185.00/ hour. An RFP was distributed on the NAH RO
Web Portal, the AHA Website and directly mailed to: Ithaka Advisory, LLC, Duvernay &
Brooks, New York, NY, Arnall Golden Gregory, LLP, Atlanta, GA, Cohen & Grigsby,
P.C., Pittsburgh, PA. Ithaka was the sole responder.

In 2015 AHA issued an RFP to provide advice on the purchase of the Limited Investor
interest in Lark Drive Associates, LP. Several responses were received and evaluated and
Ithaka was selected as the firm that would be most advantageous to AHA’s interests for
those services. The RFP seeking general advice for Capital Transactions is similar in scope
to the one for the Lark Drive re-purchase. AHA’s experience in working with Ithaka on
the Lark Drive matter has been very satisfactory. We feel that the experience with the
previous RFP Responses & evaluation, provide sufficient basis to justify acceptance of
Ithaka’ s proposal.

05-16-12 Authorization be granted to the Albany Housing Authority to enter into a contract with
Albany Police Athletic League to operate a six (6) week summer camp for youth who reside
at various AHA developments in the North areas of Albany as well as youth from properties
in the South End; subject to such reasonable accounting requirements as management may
deem appropriate. AHA’s contribution will be $25,000.

05-16-13 Authorization be granted to the Albany Housing Authority to enter into a contract with The
Boys and Girls Club of Albany for an amount not to exceed $25,000 to operate a five (5)
week summer camp at the Kids Improvement District Field house for residents of Robert
Whalen, and Capital Woods, Ida Yarbrough and neighborhood children. This will include
Computer Literacy, Performing Arts and Sports for a blend of academic and recreational

05-16-14 Authorization be granted to the Albany Housing Authority to enter into a contract with the
City of Albany Department of Recreation for an amount not to exceed $15,075 to
operate a five (5) week summer basketball camps and clinics at Krank Park, Hackett Park
and Hoffman Park for residents of Robert Whalen, and Capital Woods, Ida Yarbrough and
neighborhood children. This will include Computer Literacy, Performing Arts and Sports
for a blend of academic and recreational activities.

05-16-15 Authorization be granted to the Albany Housing Authority to enter into a Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) with the City of Albany Department of Buildings and Regulatory
Compliance (BRC) with respect to issuance of Residential Occupancy Permits (ROPs) as
they pertain to units with rent subsidy administered through AHA’s Section 8 Housing
Choice Voucher Program. This agreement allows for collaboration between AHA and BRC
for the purpose of eliminating duplicate inspections of Section 8 Units.
05-16-16 Authorization be granted to the Albany Housing Authority to enter into an agreement,
subject to approval by General Counsel, with the City of Albany to locate
telecommunications facilities and equipment for the provision of public safety
telecommunications services at Westview Homes. The agreement will have a term of 20
years and will be at no cost to the Authority and the Authority will waive rent in
consideration of the use being exclusively for the City of Albany Police Department for
public safety telecommunications.

5. Reports of Committees

6. Unfinished Business

7. New Business

8. Report of the Executive Secretary

A. Monthly Management Report
B. Monthly Financial Report
C. Personnel Report
D. Items for Advisement and Discussion
Subject to funding availability, the Albany Housing Authority
(AHA) will award up to five (5) Project-based Section 8 vouchers
or approximately $1,500 per month in voucher subsidy for
dwelling units that meet Program objectives, specifically to aid
the construction and operation of new affordable housing,
including the substantial rehabilitation of substandard dwelling
units (minimum rehabilitation expenditure of $10,000/dwelling
unit) for families within an area where a neighborhood
revitalization plan is being created or implemented.

Bank Balance as of 5/3/2016

9. Adjournment –

Tuesday, June 14, 2016 @ 3:00 p.m.
200 South Pearl Street, Albany, New York 12202

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