Materials Design and Lesson Planning

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-Materials design and lesson planning: Poetry-

 Blue, calming, anti-stress, holiday
 It was the same or similar to the original which began with the verse: 'maggie and
milly and molly and may went down to the beach (to play one day)' because it
seemed a fairly typical way of beginning a story.
 It briefly touches on the spectrum of emotional experiences. So, yes, I do like
 I would use similar activities, because through analysing it, readers explore
happiness, comfort, friendship, fear, and reflection.
 They differentiate from each other because poets have different style of
writing, however, they all more or less have used archaic language.
 It is very important to use poetic language because it us appealing to a
reader's senses or emotions.
 I would definitely agree with this remark ‘’ My students don't read poetry in their
own language, so how can they possibly read it in English?’’. In my opinion if we do
not read and analyse poems in our mother tongues, we will not be able to
understand it in a foreign language.
 ‘’Making the language of the poem the basis for classroom study is a helpful first step
towards enabling students to make confident interpretations of a poem. ‘’ is a
contradicting sentence to ‘’ I've tried using a poem with students, but they found it
difficult to understand, and just wanted me to give them the 'right' interpretation of
what it meant’’
 This poem should be used with upper-intermediate students because vocabularies
which are used are more complex. Words like: Autobahnmotorwayautoroute,
roundaboutgrandtourroundabout, trafficjamroundaboutagain,
Citroenjaguarbugattivolkswagenporschedaf are linguistically unusual in any way.
 I agree with the second paragraph since it mentions that for being able to analyse a
poem we should also be able to understand its features like: cultural, linguistic,
historical etc.
 A metaphor is a comparison made between two essentially unlike things by
identifying one with the other. Ex: These words are lovely, dark and deep
 -It's impossible to find poems in language simple enough for students at lower levels
to understand. False
- Lower-level students may understand the individual meaning of each word in a
poem but completely miss its deeper meaning. True
- We can use activities similar to those we use with other kinds of texts to exploit a
poem with students at lower levels. True
- Students at lower levels may enjoy and understand the deeper meaning of a poem
without actually having sufficient oral skills to discuss it. False
- Poems do not have to be used as an end in themselves, but can be used as a way of
extending students' knowledge of the language. True
- It's too intimidating for both students and teachers to use poetry at lower levels.
- Poetry works particularly well with students who are very literate or well-educated
in their own language, even if their proficiency in English is limited. False
 Understanding individual words in the poem (e.g. charter'd, ban, blight, etc. -
particularly difficult since the historical meaning of the words may have changed over
the last two centuries).
- Understanding the metaphorical/symbolic meaning behind phrases or lines in the
poem (e.g. 'And blights with plagues the Marriage hearse').
- Understanding the historical context which forms the background to the text.
- Understanding the poet's attitude to what he sees around him.

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