Sensors and Transducers

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Sensors and Transducers

Subramanya R Prabhu B
• To be useful, systems must interact with their environment.
To do this they use sensors and actuators
• A sensor is a device that converts a physical
phenomenon into an electrical signal.
• Sensors represent part of the interface between the physical
world and the world of electrical devices, such as computers.
• The other part of this interface is represented by actuators,
which convert electrical signals into physical phenomena
Sensor Performance Characteristics

Transfer Function
• The transfer function shows the functional
relationship between physical input signal and
electrical output signal.
• Usually, this relationship is represented as a graph
showing the relationship between the input and output
signal, and the details of this relationship may constitute
a complete description of the sensor characteristics.
• The sensitivity is defined in terms of the relationship
between input physical signal and output electrical
• It is generally the ratio between a small change in
electrical signal to a small change in physical
• As such, it may be expressed as the derivative of the
transfer function with respect to physical signal.
Span or Dynamic Range
• The range of input physical signals that may be
converted to electrical signals by the sensor is
the dynamic range or span.
• Signals outside of this range are expected to cause
unacceptably large inaccuracy.
• Typical units are kelvin, Pascal, newton, etc.
Accuracy or Uncertainty
• Uncertainty is generally defined as the largest
expected error between actual and measured
output signals.
Eg.: An accuracy of 0.001 means that the measured value is within
0.001 units of actual value.

• ―Accuracy‖ is generally considered by metrologists to be

a qualitative term, while ―uncertainty‖ is quantitative.
Eg.: one sensor might have better accuracy than another if its
uncertainty is 1% compared to the other with an uncertainty of 3%.
• Precision is the ability of an instrument to reproduce a
certain set of readings within a given accuracy.
• Precision is dependent on the reliability of the instrument.
Nonlinearity (often called Linearity)
• The maximum deviation from a linear transfer function
over the specified dynamic range.
There are several measures of this error.
• When the input varies continuously over the range , the
output signals for some sensors may change in small
• The smallest increment in the measured value
that can be detected.
• Also known as degree of fineness with which
measurements can be made.
• Ability of a sensor to give the same output when
used to measure a constant input over a period
of time.
• ‗Drift‘ – Change in output that occurs over a time
• ‗Zero drift‘ – Changes that occur in output when there is
zero input
Dead Band: Range of input values for which there is no
Dead time: Length of time from the application of an input
until the outputs begins to respond and change

Output Impedance
• Inclusion of the sensor significantly modify the behavior of
the system to which it is connected
• Output impedance of sensor is being connected in either
series or parallel with the circuit
• Sensor’s ability to give the same output for
repeated applications of the same input value
• Expressed as percentage of full range output
Hysteresis error
• Sensors can give different outputs from the same value of quantity
being measured according to whether that value has been reached
by a continuously increasing change or a continuously
decreasing change – this effect is called Hysteresis
• Maximum difference in output for increasing and decreasing values
Selection parameters
 Nature of the measurement required

 Nature of output required from the sensor

 Range

 Accuracy

 Linearity

 Speed of response

 Reliable

 Maintainability

 cost
Role of sensor/transducer in mechatronics
 Provides position, velocity and acceleration information of

the measuring element

 Acts as protective mechanism for a system

 To eliminate complex & costly feeding and sorting devices

 Provides identification and indication of the presence of

different components

 Provides real time information concerning the nature of

the task being performed

Sensor Classification
• Based on Signal Characteristics:
▫ Analog
▫ Digital
• Based On power Supply:
▫ Active
▫ Passive
• Based on Subject of measurement: Acoustic,
Biological, Chemical, Electric, Mechanical, Optical,
Radiation, Thermal, etc..
Analog Sensors:
• Typically have an output that is proportional to the variable being
• The output changes in a continuous way
Digital sensors:
• Outputs are digital in nature. i.e. a sequence of essentially
on/off signals which spell out a number whose value is
related to the size of the variable being measured.
• Known for accuracy, precision and do not require any converters
when interfaced with a computer monitoring system
Active sensors:
• Requires an external source of excitation.
• Resistor-based sensors such as thermistors, RTDs (Resistance
Temperature Detectors), and strain gages are examples of active
sensors, because a current must be passed through them and the
corresponding voltage measured in order to determine the
resistance value.
Passive Sensors:
• Generate their own electrical output signal without
requiring external voltages or currents.
• Examples of passive sensors are thermocouples and photodiodes
which generate thermoelectric voltages and photocurrents,
respectively, which are independent of external circuits.

Temperature Thermocouple Passive Voltage

RTD Active Resistance
Thermistor Active Resistance

Force/Pressure Strain Gage Active Resistance

Piezoelectric Passive Voltage

Acceleration Accelerometer Active Capacitance

Position LVDT Active AC Voltage

Light Intensity Photodiode Passive Current

• Typical sensors and their outputs

Classification of Sensors

1. Position sensor
2. Velocity sensor
3. Light sensor
4. Flow sensor
5. Proximity / Range sensor
6. Tactile sensor
7. Vision system
1. Potentiometer
▫ Linear potentiometer
▫ Rotary potentiometer
2. Encoder
▫ Absolute encoder
▫ Incremental encoder
• Tacho-generator

1. Photo Diode

2. Photo Transistor


1. Ultrasonic transducer

2. Laser Doppler anemometer


1. Ultrasonic sensor

2. Eddy current sensor

3. Optical proximity sensor

4. Inductive proximity switch


1. Micro switch

2. Reed switch


1. Machine Vision System

Position sensors
Position sensors are concerned with the
determination of the position of some object with
reference to some reference point.
While selecting consideration to be given:
▫ Size of the displacement
▫ Linear or angular
▫ Resolution, accuracy, Cost..
▫ Material of the measuring object.

• Consists of a resistance element with a sliding contact

which can be moved over the length of the element
• Used for linear or rotary displacements, by converting
displacement into potential difference
Linear potentiometer:


Figure: Potentiometer transducer principle

Linear potentiometer:


Voltage across the wiper of the linear potentiometer is measured in

terms of the displacement ‘r’

It is given by the relationship,

V  Voltage across the pot.

R  Full scale displacement of pot.

Rotary potentiometer:


- Measures angular position

-If the track has a constant resistance/ unit length (angle),

output is proportional to the angle through which slider rotates.
• The rotary potentiometer consists of a circular wire wound track or a
film of conductive plastic over which a rotatable sliding contact can be
• With a constant input voltage between terminal 1 and 3 the output
voltage between terminal 2 and 3 is a fraction of the input voltage, the
fraction depending on the ratio of the resistance between terminal 2
and 3 compared with total resistance between 1 and 3
Optical Encoder

Encoder is a device that provides a digital output as a

result of a linear or angular displacement.

These are widely used as position detectors.

Optical Encoders
 Use light & photo-sensors to produce digital code.
 Can be linear or rotary
Optical Encoder Components
• An opaque disc with perforations or transparent windows at
regular interval is mounted on the shaft whose Displacement or
Speed is to be measured.
• A LED source is aligned on one side of the disc in such a way
that its light can pass through the transparent windows of the
 As the disc rotates the light will alternately passed through
the transparent windows and blocked by the opaque
 A photo-detector fixed on the other side of the disc
detects the variation of light and the output of the
detector after signal conditioning would be a square
wave whose frequency is decided by the speed and
the number of holes (transparent windows) on the disc.
Types of Optical Encoders
2 types of Optical Encoders:
1. Incremental
Measure displacement relative to a reference point.
2. Absolute
Measure absolute position.
Advantages – A missed reading does not affect the next reading.
Only needs power on when taking a reading.
Disadvantages – More expensive/complex. Cost/complexity
proportional to resolution/accuracy.
Incremental Encoder

 Consists 3 concentric tracks with 3 sensor pairs

 Inner track has just one hole and is used to locate the
home position of the disc
 The other two tracks have a series of equally spaced holes
that go completely round the disc
Incremental Encoder

 But with the holes in the middle track offset from the holes
in the outer track by one half the width of a hole
 This offset enables the direction of rotation to be
 The resolution is determined by the number of slots on the
By counting the number of pulses and
knowing the resolution of the disk, the
angular motion can be measured.

The A and B channels are used to determine

the direction of rotation by assessing which
channels "leads" the other.

The signals from the two channels are a 1/4

cycle out of phase with each other and are
known as quadrature signals.

Often a third output channel, called INDEX, yields one pulse per
revolution, which is useful in counting full revolutions.
It is also useful as a reference to define a home base or zero position
00 3600
Direction of positive track
• An optical type speed sensor has a disc with 36
rectangular holes placed at regular intervals on
the periphery of the disc. The frequency of the
photo-detector output is 360 Hz. Find the speed
of the shaft in rpm on which the disc is mounted.
Absolute Encoder
• Gives an output in the form of a binary number of several
digits, each such number representing a particular
angular position.
• 3 Bit Absolute Binary Rotary encoder : The rotating
disc has three concentric circles of slots and three sensors
to detect the light pulses.
• The slots are arranged in such a way that the sequential
output from the sensors is a number in the binary code.
Rushi Vyas

Standard Binary Encoding

Angle Binary Decimal

0-45 000 0

45-90 001 1

90-135 010 2

135-180 011 3

180-225 100 4

225-270 101 5

270-315 110 6

315-360 111 7
Ryder Winck

Problem with Binary Code

Angle Binary Decimal

• One angle shift 0-45 000 0

results in multiple bit 45-90 001 1

changes. 90-135 010 2
• Example: 1 => 2
135-180 011 3
▫ 001 (start at 1)
▫ 000 (turn off bit 0) 180-225 100 4

▫ 010 (turn on bit 1) 225-270 101 5

270-315 110 6

315-360 111 7
Ryder Winck

Problem with Binary Code

Angle Binary Decimal

• One degree shift 0-45 000 0

results in multiple bit 45-90 001 1

changes. 90-135 010 2
• Example: 1 => 2
135-180 011 3
▫ 001 (start at 1)
▫ 000 (turn off bit 0) 180-225 100 4

▫ 010 (turn on bit 1) 225-270 101 5

• It looks like we went 270-315 110 6

from 1 => 0 => 2 315-360 111 7
The normal form of binary code is generally not used
 changing from one binary number to the next can result
in more than one bit changing
 and if, through some mis alignment, one of the bits
changes fractionally before the others then an
intermediate binary number is momentarily indicated
and so can lead to false counting
Gray code is similar to binary code, it has the same
possible combinations but it is arranged in a different

The main reason to use gray code instead of regular binary

code is to reduce the size of the largest possible
error in reading the shaft position to the value of the
LSB. If the disk used straight binary code, the largest
possible error would be the value of the MSB.
Absolute Disks

Binary Gray Code

Decimal Binary Gray Code
0 0000 0000
1 0001 0001
2 0010 0011
3 0011 0010
4 0100 0110
5 0101 0111
6 0110 0101
7 0111 0100
8 1000 1100
9 1001 1101
10 1010 1111
11 1011 1110
12 1100 1010
13 1101 1011
14 1110 1001
15 1111 1000
Absolute Disk Codes

Angle Binary Decimal

Bit 0 0-45 000 0
Bit 1 45-90 001 1
Bit 2 90-135 010 2

135-180 011 3
Bit 0
180-225 100 4

225-270 101 5
Bit 1
270-315 110 6

Bit 2 315-360 111 7

Gray Code
• One bit change per angle change.

Angle Binary Decimal

Bit 0 0-45 000 0
Bit 1 45-90 001 1
Bit 2 90-135 011 2

135-180 010 3
Bit 0
180-225 110 4

Bit 1 225-270 111 5

270-315 101 6
Bit 2 315-360 100 7
A 4-bit binary code absolute encoder disc track patterns
Fixed Absolute
MSB Encoder:

00 3600
Bit 4

Bit 3

Bit 2

Bit 1

Figure 2 a) 4-bit Gray code absolute encoder disc track patterns

Bit 4

Bit 3

Bit 2

Bit 1

Figure 2 a) 4-bit natural binary absolute encoder disc track patterns

Bit 4

Bit 3

Bit 2

Bit 1

Figure 2 a) 4-bit Gray code absolute encoder disc track patterns

Converting from Gray Code to Binary Code
1. Copy MSB.
2. If MSB is 1, write 1s until next 1 is met. If
MSB is 0, write 0s until next 1 is met.
3. When 1 is met, logically switch what you are
writing (1=>0 or 0=>1).
4. Continue writing the same logical until next 1 is
5. Loop back to step 3.
Example: Convert 0010 to Binary Code

• Copy MSB: 0_ _ _
• Write 0s until next 1 is met: 00_ _
• Switch to writing 1s: 001_
• Write 1s: 0011
Example: Convert 1110 to Binary Code

• Copy MSB: 1_ _ _
• Write 1s until next 1 is met: 1_ _ _
• Switch to writing 0s until next 1 is met: 10_ _
• Switch to writing 1s until next 1 is met: 1011
• Suggest a sensor used to track the movement of
ball in computer mouse. With the help of neat
sketch, Explain its working principle in detail.
Velocity Sensors
Light Sensors

Subramanya R Prabhu B
 An electromechanical generator is a device capable of
producing electrical power from mechanical
energy, usually the turning of a shaft.
 A generator specially designed and constructed for this
use is called a tachometer or tachogenerator.
 Tachogenerator are frequently used to measure the
speeds of electric motors, engines, and the equipment they
power: conveyor belts, machine tools, mixers, fans, etc.
Variable reluctance Tachogenerator
• Consists of a toothed wheel of
ferromagnetic magnetic material which is
attached to the rotating shaft.
• A pickup coil is wound on a permanent
• As the wheel rotates, so the teeth move
past the coil and the air gap between the
coil and ferromagnetic material
changes.[Magnetic circuit with periodically
changing air gap]
• Thus flux linked by a pickup coil changes
The resulting cyclic change in the flux linked produces
an alternating e.m.f. in the coil.
Induced e.m.f. is given as e = Emax sinwt, where Emax is
Nɸnw is a measure of the angular velocity

• Pulse shaping signal conditioner can be used to

transform the output into a sequence of pulses which can
be counted by a counter
• The number counted in a particular time interval being a
measure of the angular velocity
Tacho-generator (Tachometer):

N S e0 V

Figure 1) D.C. Tacho- generator


e = Vc - Vp
Vc Va 𝜔
Amplifier Motor

Figure: Speed Measurement system

Vp = K p 

Vp  Feedback voltage Kp Tachometer const.

  Angular speed of rotor

Light Sensor
• Photodiodes are pn junction diodes connected in reverse bias
condition. The reverse bias junction has high resistance
• Incoming light can excite electrons being bound in the crystal
lattice and will generate free electron hole pars in the
junction. As a consequence the resistance drops and current
increases being proportional to the intensity of radiation or
Light Sensor - Phototransistor
 Phototransistor has three layer such as either pnp or
npn layers.
 Light falls on the collector base junction reducing
the junction resistance being rise to collector current
sufficient enough for detection.
 Sensitivity is defined as the ratio of the output
voltage to the incident energy.
 The capability to convert light energy to electrical
energy is expressed as quantum efficiency.




Proximity switches
A sensing device which gives output to a proximity sensor when

the object is present.

Micro switch:

Small electrical switch which needs small physical contact

Reed switch:

It is a non contact proximity switch

Micro switch
Button to operate
Switch contacts

Figure 1): Lever operated

Figure 2): Roller operated Figure 3): Cam operated

Non contact type Switches
Reed switch



 In a reed switch, the two contacts are made from magnetic

material and housed inside a thin glass envelope.
 bring a magnet up to a reed switch, it magnetizes the contacts in
opposite ways so they attract and spring together and a current
flows through them.
 Take the magnet away and the contacts—made from fairly stiff
and springy metal—push apart again and return back to their
original positions.
Eddy current proximity sensors
 Consists two coil
Active /sensor coil : which is influenced by the presence of a
conducting material.
Reference/balance coil : serves to complete a bridge circuit.
 The coil is supplied with alternating current which produces an
alternating magnetic field.

Reference coil Sensor coil

Eddy current proximity sensors
 If there is conducting object in close proximity to this magnetic
flux lines the eddy currents are induced in it.
 As the conducting object comes closer to the sensor the eddy
current become stronger which changes the impedance of
the sensor coil and causes a bridge unbalance related to
object position.
 This impedance change of the coil results in changing the
amplitude of the alternating current.
 At some preset level this change can be used to trigger a
• Used for detection of non-magnetic but
conductive materials

▫ Relatively inexpensive
▫ Small in size
▫ High reliability
▫ High sensitivity to small displacements
Ultrasonic Sensors
Basic principle of operation:
Emit a quick burst of ultrasound (50kHz), (human hearing:
20Hz to 20kHz)
Measure the elapsed time until the receiver indicates that an
echo is detected.
Determine how far away the nearest object is from the sensor

D = round-trip distance
v = speed of propagation(340 m/s)
t = elapsed time

Bat, dolphin, …

Detection system is based on 2 techniques:
• Pulse technique: The detector measures the time, dt, spent
between the transmitter/receiver and the object
• Doppler technique: The frequency of the received
ultrasonic signal changes in relation to the emitted frequency
depending on the velocity ‗v‘ of the object.
• If the object is approaching the detector, then the frequency of
the signal received increases in relation to the emitted
• It is reduced when the object is moving away from the
• The penetrative quality of ultrasonic waves makes
them useful for noninvasive measurements in
environments that are radioactive, explosive or
difficult to access
• Used for sensing distance, level and speed and for
medical imaging devices, dimensional gauging and
robotic application.
Ultrasonic distance sensor

Control 

Receiver d Object

Ultrasonic distance sensing


v t cos
Optical proximity sensor:

Receiver (Sensing array) Lens


Scheme for a proximity sensor using reflected light against a sensor array

Distance between the object & sensor,

Y Dist. of the object from sensor

Y = 0.5X tan (A) X dist. between source & reflected beam

A Angle between object & sensor

Object Object

(out of range, too far)

(in the range)

Optical proximity sensor

Inductive proximity switch
• Consists of a coil wound round a core, next to a
permanent magnet.
• When the end of the coil is close to metal object its
inductance changes
• This change can be monitored by its effect on a resonant
circuit and the change used to trigger a switch
• It can only be used for the detection of metal
objects and is best with ferrous metals
Flow measurement - Introduction

• Flow sensing for measurement and control is one of the most

critical areas in the modern industrial process industry
• The continuous manufacturing process relies on accurate
monitoring and inspections involving raw materials, products
and waste throughout the process.
• Conventional devices for flow sensing employ
▫ Orifice plate
▫ Nozzle
▫ Venturi tube
• The probe introduces a disturbance in the
measured quantity by modifying the flow that would
exist in the absence of the probe.
• The measurements also are prone to errors due to
errors non alignment of the probe with respect to
the flow direction.

Flow sensor is an electronic device which measures flow

irrespective of nature of the fluid and transforms it in to a signal.

Ultrasonic transducer:

Measures fluid velocity by passing high-frequency sound waves

through the fluid.

Laser Doppler Anemometer:

Measures instantaneous flow velocity of fluids in a transparent

Ultrasonic sensor
• Ultrasonic flow meters measure fluid velocity by passing
high-frequency sound waves through the fluid.
• Sometimes called transit time flow meters, they
operate by measuring transmission time difference of an
ultrasonic beam passed through a homogeneous fluid
contained in a pipe both an upstream and a downstream
Ultrasonic transducer:
• The transducer consists of transmitter and receiver
• One pair A and B act as transmitters and the other pair C
and D act as receivers
• If a sound pulse is transmitted from transmitter B to
receiver C the transit time is calculated as
𝑡𝐵𝐶 =
𝑠𝑖𝑛𝛼 𝐶 − 𝑉𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛼
• If the pulse is transmitted from transmitter A to receiver D,
the transit time is

𝑑 2
𝑡𝐴𝐷 =
𝑠𝑖𝑛𝛼 𝐶 + 𝑉𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛼
▫ d = diameter of the tube, m
▫ V = velocity of the fluid flow, m/sec
▫ α = angle between the path of sound and pipe wall
▫ C = sound velocity in the fluid, m/sec
▫ (Assume V<<C)
• The transit time difference Δt is difference between 2 eqn. it is

proportional to flow velocity and fluid flow and can be used as an

input to the computer

• By measuring the transit times at both upstream and

downstream locations the fluid velocity can be expressed

independently of the sound velocity in the fluid

• Since the measurement is independent of the velocity of sound

through the fluid the effects of pressure and temperature are

𝑡𝐵𝐶 − 𝑡𝐴𝐷 2𝑉𝑆𝑖𝑛α𝐶𝑜𝑠α
𝑡𝐵𝐶𝑡𝐴𝐷 𝑑
Laser Doppler Anemometer

A laser beam is focused at a point in the fluid where the velocity is to be

The laser beam is scattered by the small particles flowing in the liquid.
Due to viscous effects, the small particles move at the same velocity as
the fluid, So the measurement of the particle velocity is the same as the
fluid velocity.
 Signal processing of the photo detector output produces the magnitude
of the Doppler frequency shift, which is directly proportional to the
instantaneous 'velocity of flow.
Laser Doppler Anemometer:

1 2
1 - Beam splitter
2 - Focusing optics
3 - Photo detector


Figure: Laser Doppler anemometer

Frequency shift,

f = 2V cos f 0
V particle Velocity

 Angle between laser beam and the particle

C speed of light

f0  frequency of the beam

 Machine vision can be defined as the acquisition of image
data, followed by the processing and interpretation of these
data by computer for some useful application.
 Vision systems are classified as being either 2-D or 3-D.
 The operation of a machine vision system can be divided into
the following three functions:
(1) image acquisition and digitization.
(2) Image processing and analysis, and
(3) interpretation.
Image Acquisition and Digitization
• Image acquisition and digitization is accomplished using a
video camera and a digitizing system to store the image data
tor subsequent analysis.
• The camera is focused on the subject of interest and an Image
is obtained by dividing the viewing area into a matrix of
discrete picture elements (called pixels) in which each
element has a value that is proportional to the light intensity
of that portion of the scene.
• The intensity value for each pixel is converted into its
equivalent digital value by an ADC
the likely Image obtained from the simplest type of vision system called a binary-
vision system
• In binary vision the light intensity of each pixel is
ultimately reduced to either of two values white or black
depending on whether the light intensity exceeds a given
threshold level.
• A most sophisticated vision system is capable of
distinguishing and storing different shades of Gray in the
image. This is called a Gray-scale system.
 Each set of digitized pixel values is referred to as a frame;
 Each frame is stored in a computer memory device called a
frame buffer.
 The process of reading all the pixel values in a frame is
performed with a frequency of 30 times per second
• Types of Cameras: Two types of cameras are used in machine
vision applications:
• Vidicon cameras (the type used for television) - operate by
focusing the image onto a photoconductive surface and
scanning the surface with an electron beam to obtain the
relative pixel values
• Solid-state cameras - operate by focusing the image onto a
2-D array of very small, finely spaced photosensitive
elements. An electrical charge is generated by each element
according to the intensity of light striking the element
• Illumination: Another important aspect of machine vision is
illumination. The scene viewed by the vision camera must be
well illuminated, and the illumination must be constant over
Laser Interferometer
• Interferometry = ―interference‖ + ―measurement‖
• Basic application: hi-res measurement of distances
• Basic principle: superposition of light waves

Constructive interference

Destructive interference
Laser interferometer
• Optoelectronic instrument that measures distance in terms of the
wavelength of the light by examining the phase relationship between a
reference beam and a laser beam reflected from a target object.
• Laser produces collimated light rays of single frequency present with
phase coherence.
• The laser beam with an optical arrangement produces the reference beam
• A part of the reference beam is transmitted to the target and a part is sent
to the interferometer
• The rays reflected from the target are recombined at the interferometer
• The phase difference between the reference beam from the source and the
reflected beam from the target is equal to the extra length traversed by the
• The digitized information from the difference between the two signals
provides the distance information
• Used for precision motion measurement
and for checking the linearity of precision
machine tool slides and the
perpendicularity of machine tool
structures mainly during installation of
machine tools
What is a Laser Interferometer?

• The Michelson Interferometer

– Difference in path length
results in phase difference
– Phase difference causes
– Interference determined by
analysis of fringe patterns
What is a Laser Interferometer?

Why ―lasers‖ ?

• High coherence
• Collimated
• Predictable
▫ Frequency known
Types of Laser Interferometers

• Homodyne detection (standard interferometry)

▫ DC output signal from photodiode related to intensity
of light from interference
▫ Both beams have same frequency
• Heterodyne detection
▫ One beam is frequency modulated prior to detection
▫ Phase determined by signal analysis
How Do They Work?
• Homodyne – already discussed (Michelson
• Heterodyne
▫ Dual frequency,
laser source
▫ Polarizing
beam splitter
Range Finder
• Time of Flight
• The measured pulses typically come form ultrasonic, RF and
optical energy sources.
▫ D=v*t
▫ D = round-trip distance
▫ v = speed of wave propagation
▫ t = elapsed time
• Sound = 0.3 meters/msec
• RF/light = 0.3 meters / ns (Very difficult to measure short
distances 1-100 meters)
Ultrasonic sensor
• Consists of a transmitter, a receiver and a processing
• The transducer produces ultrasonic waves normally in
the frequency in the range of 30KHz to 100Khz.
• In proximity sensing applications the ultrasonic beam is
projected on the target and time it takes for the beam to
echo from the surface is measured. [Sensor transmits a
signal and receives the reflected beam]
Ultrasonic Sensors
• Basic principle of operation:
▫ Emit a quick burst of ultrasound (50kHz), (human hearing: 20Hz
to 20kHz)
▫ Measure the elapsed time until the receiver indicates that an echo
is detected.
▫ Determine how far away the nearest object is from the sensor

D = round-trip distance
v = speed of propagation(340 m/s)
t = elapsed time

Bat, dolphin, …

Detection system is based on 2 techniques:
• Pulse technique: The detector measures the time, dt,
spent between the transmitter/receiver and the object
• Doppler technique: The frequency of the received
ultrasonic signal changes in relation to the emitted
frequency depending on the velocity ‗v‘ of the object.
• If the object is approaching the detector, then the
frequency of the signal received increases in relation to
the emitted frequency.
• It is reduced when the object is moving away from the
• The penetrative quality of ultrasonic waves makes them
useful for noninvasive measurements in environments
that are radioactive, explosive or difficult to access
• Used for sensing distance, level and speed and for
medical imaging devices, dimensional gauging and
robotic application.
Noise Issues

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