05 - Transactions in Office Accounts

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1. OVERVIEW – Office Accounts...........................................................................................................

2. ACCOUNT PLACEHOLDER..............................................................................................................
3. NEXT NUMBER TABLE CODE.........................................................................................................
4 GL SUB HEAD CODES......................................................................................................................
5. SCHEME LEVEL PARAMETERS......................................................................................................
6. OFFICE ACCOUNT OPENING........................................................................................................
7 REPLICATION OF OFFICE ACCOUNTS.......................................................................................
8. TRANSACTIONS IN OFFICE ACCOUNTS.....................................................................................
8.1 Process of Transaction in Suspense Accounts.........................................................................
8.2 Process of Transaction in Suspense Accounts (Verification)..................................................
8.3 Process of Reversal of Suspense A/c Credit.............................................................................
8.4 Process of Reversal of Suspense A/c Credit (Verification).....................................................
8.5 Process of Sundry A/c Credit Creation, Verification and Reversal.........................................
8.6 Process of Collection of Non-system Charges..........................................................................
8.7 Process of Verification of Collection of Non-system Charges.................................................
8.8 Process of Recovery of Pending Charges.................................................................................
8.9 Process of Inquiring on OAP A/cs...............................................................................................
8.10 Process of printing Office Accounts statement.......................................................................
8.11 Process of Generating Report of Outstanding Items in OAP A/cs.......................................
8.12 Process of Generating Report of GL Transactions Report....................................................
9. MENU OPTION USED IN THE MODULE.....................................................................................
1. OVERVIEW – Office Accounts
Banks maintain various accounts internally for several purposes. These are called “Office
Accounts‟. An office account is an account which is opened, without reference to a CIF Id or
without involving a customer where all operations on the account are initiated and done by
the Bank and in which features like issuance of cheque book, charge calculation,
minimum balance check, and interest calculations are not applicable.

Various office accounts like Interest collected, Interest paid, Commission, and Expense
accounts are maintained by the bank. These accounts do not require a direct
interaction with customers and hence are called office accounts or internal accounts.

Office accounts are required by the banks to record transactions relating to:

 Assets and Liability Accounts

 Income and Expenditure Accounts
 Contingent Accounts
 Provision Accounts
 Inter Branch Accounts
 Sundry & Suspense Accounts
 Demand Drafts & Banker’s cheques Account

Some features of an office account are as follows

Asset accounts viz Cash account, Fixed Asset Accounts etc should not go into
credit balance and Liability accounts viz Capital, Reserves etc. Should not go into debit

Transactions posted to certain Office accounts may have a reference to an earlier

transaction and need be matched. Example: Suspense account and Sundry account

In Income accounts like Interest on Term Loans, Commission on lockers,

Commission on Bills, Exchange etc the balance of the account should not go to
Debit . Similarly the balances of expense accounts like Postal expenses, Rent Paid, Interest
Paid, Commission Paid and Salary accounts should not go to credit

For certain accounts, while posting a transaction, certain additional particulars needs
to be captured viz Initiating Branch reference, payee Branch reference, Advice number

Example: Drafts Account

In Contingent Liability accounts, the transactions are posted automatically by the system
on the happening of a particular event. Here the users should not be allowed to put
through transactions manually into the account.

Example: A Bank guarantee issued on behalf of a customer will automatically

create a contingent liability account.

How Office Accounts classified in Finacle?

Taking into account the above objectives/functionality, the office accounts have been
grouped into the following Scheme Types based on the type, nature and functionality
Office Account Pointing(OAP): This Scheme Type is used for opening Sundry and
Suspense Accounts.

Office System Pointing(OSP): This Scheme Type is used for opening only Proxy
Accounts, where the system is not expected to do any parameter validations. Proxy
accounts are used for posting un-posted transactions wherever necessary if defined in the
bank parameters in the HSCFM menu.

Head Office Accounts(HOC): HO Accounts are used for accounting Inter-Bank, Inter
Branch and Clearing Transactions. (Eg: MT, TT). These accounts are mainly used
for inter branch reconciliation and transfer of funds from Finacle branch to a non
Finacle branch.

Demand Draft Accounts(DDA): Under DDA Scheme Type, account used for handling issue
and payment of Demand drafts, Bankers Cheque, Pay order and Cashier Cheque are

System only account: These are the office accounts to which user cannot post
transactions manually. Only system can post transactions. For E.g. Intersol accounts are
system only accounts.

Account Placeholder is a concept used in Finacle, for the system to pick appropriate office
account for posting in certain transactions based on context level SOL and Currency
Account place holder is a terminology used in Finacle at parameterization level. This has
come into effect on account of Centralisation and Multi Currency Accounting feature
in Finacle. In a Centralized banking scenario, data base is maintained centrally. All
the parameters are set on the single database and the same is applicable to all the
SOLs within that database. Also, account numbers need to be unique across SOLs within a
Data Centre. For certain transactions like charge collection, contra accounts and other
profit and loss accounting the relevant information with regard to the account to
which it should be posted, is captured at the parameter level. In such a situation, it may
not be possible to mention the account numbers of all the branches for such
transactions. Additionally, these accounts may exist in multiple currencies too. In order
to arrive at the account number of a specific account belonging to a specific branch
and specific currency a common reference is used, which is referred to in Finacle as

The relevant placeholders should be created through HAPHM for the purpose of
attaching it to each Office Account.


In case the bank wants the system to create the account number, whenever a new office
account is opened, then Next Number Table Code with type as „Account Number‟
needs to be setup and the same should be attached at the Scheme Code –General Detail
“level. The code for the numbering pattern is defined through the HNNTM menu option. The
logic for account number generation is defined in the next number table code. We
can have different prefixes and suffixes for account numbers like currency code, sol id,
currency alias, etc. This is not validated when “Replication‟ process is invoked.


The valid GL sub head code is created through the HGLSHM menu and is attached at the
scheme level (HOAGSPM)–GL SUB Head Tab).GL code created through HRRCDM
will be linked to the GL sub head in the same menu HGLSHM. When multiple GL sub
head codes are attached at the scheme code level then the default value can also be
specified. The GL sub head is replicated in required currencies across the sol through
the menu HGLSHR.


Banks generally define a set of rules that need to be followed for conduct of Office
Accounts. These set of rules are called as Scheme Codes in Finacle. The set of rules vary
according to the type of office accounts to which they are applicable. For e.g. persons
eligible to post transactions in certain office accounts like P & L, or whether any
debits/credits are allowed in certain income/expenses accounts etc.. These set of rules are
defined through the menu option HOAGSPM


On invoking the menu option, the following screen is default populated. This is the general
details of a scheme.

Set ID: The sol set id is created through HSETM. And various sol ‟s are linked to this set id
through the menu HSSTM. Sols which are linked to the set id mentioned in this field will
only be able to open accounts under this scheme code. If the scheme code is applicable to
only one sol, then SOL id can also be mentioned here.

Nature of Scheme: The users can select whether the accounts belonging to this scheme
code would be the conventional type of accounts or Islamic type of accounts.

Additional calendar base: As we know the original calendar base for all the type of the
accounts would be Gregorian calendar. Finacle would support additional calendar for
enabling certain type of activities in Hijri calendar also. The radio box here would
be selected whether the user requires the additional calendar as Hijri or no additional
calendar base is required.

Effective Date: Effective date of the scheme have to be entered. Scheme will be available
for account opening from this effective date.

Expiry Date: The validity date of the scheme is entered here. Beyond this period the
scheme is disabled for account opening.
Scheme Name: The scheme name has to be entered.

Tran Restriction: The options available are C-Credit Not Allowed, D-Debit not allowed, B-
Both Dr/Cr not allowed. If the scheme has to be restricted for credit then C has to
be selected, If the scheme has to be restricted for Debits then D should be selected,
and if both debit and credits have to be restricted then B is selected. The selected value in
this field is applicable to all the accounts under the scheme.

A/C Id Generation: The user should specify whether the account number would be
system generated or manually given by the user. If the user checks this field then HNNTM
code has to be given in Sequence field. Sequence field is a co-mandatory field if this field is
A/C Prefix: The account prefix can be entered here. If in HNNTM account prefix is defined
as either prefix or suffix to the account numbers then the system will pick the
values defined in this field as the account prefix characters in the account number generated
by the system.

Min Post work class: This is the minimum work class required to post transactions into
accounts opened under this scheme.

Product Group: This is a HRRCDM Code and the scheme can be grouped under a product
and this is used for MIS purpose only. Also product group is a selection parameter in some
of the batch and inquiry menus like HMRDSP, HLADSP etc.

Scheme Supervisor ID: The user id of the supervisor for a scheme can be entered. It is not
validated and it is used only for MIS information.

A/c Details: If the scheme is for FCNR then the user has to check this box. If the scheme is
for EEFC then the user has to check this box. If the scheme is for staff then the user has to
check this box(Not applicable for office accounts). Account closure across the SOL is not
applicable for office

Exceptions setup at HOAGSPM –General Details Tab ( Page 2 and 3 )

A/c. is frozen: when a account which is frozen is used in the transaction system will raise
this exception.

Value Dated Tran: The system will raise this exception if the user tries to modify
the value date of transaction.

A/c. is in Dr. Bal. : If the account goes into debit balance due to posting of transaction or if
the user tries to put a transaction on a debit balance account the system will raise this

A/c. is in Cr. Bal: If the account goes into credit balance during the posting of transaction
or if the user initiates a transaction on a credit balance account the system will raise this
Default Parameters overridden: while opening the account if the user tries to modify
account report code, Transaction limits and turnover details flag defaulted from
scheme code level , system will raise this exception. We can set the transaction amount
limits for Cash Deposit, Cash Withdrawal, Inward Clearing, Outward Clearing, Transfer
Transaction Debit & Credit, in the 3rd page of currency details per currency under
currency tab of HOAGSPM. The corresponding exceptions are set in the subsequent
page of the same tab. For the system to do the validations for each of the above limits
set, the exception codes need to be set in the fields Cash Limit Exceeded (Dr.) , Clg.
Limit Exceeded (Dr.) Transfer Limit Exceeded (Dr.) Cash Limit Exceeded (Cr.) Clg. Limit
Exceeded (Cr.) Transfer Limit Exceeded (Cr.) Please note that these limits are set at the
scheme code level which gets inhabited at the account level and can be overridden. Finally
the limit set at account level will take the preference.

Valid Currency Tab

Scheme Tab

Contra Part Tran Type: This field is relevant only for Office Accounts of Pointing type (i.e.
scheme type: OAP). The valid values are 'D'-Debit, 'C'-Credit The nature of the contra
(offset transaction), whether Debit or Credit is specified here. Based on the value
specified here, the system validates the same, by forcing the user to visit the additional
details screen and listing out the corresponding contra transactions to be used for
reconciliation. (More details are explained later in the document) If the value here
specified is “Dr-Debit” then we can open “Sundry Accounts” and if the value in this field is
“Cr-Credit” then we can open suspense account under this scheme code.

Branch code mandatory: If this field is checked, for each and every transaction done on
the accounts opened under this scheme code, system insists the user to enter the
Bank and Branch code in transaction screens.

Currency Tab

Cash Limit Dr:

This is the Cash withdrawal limit per transaction for an account. The related exception
for this limit is set in the subsequent screen.

Cash Limit Cr: This is the cash deposit limit for an office account per transaction screen.
The related exception for this limit is set in the subsequent screen.

Clearing Limit Dr: This is the inward clearing transaction limit per account. If the value of
inward clearing cheque is greater than this limit for an account under this scheme
the system will raise the exception set in the subsequent screen.

Clearing Limit Cr: The clearing limit which can be credited for the account has to be
specified in this field. This is validated against the exception set in the subsequent screen.
Transfer Limit Dr: In case of transfer transaction when an account under this
scheme code is debited and if the transaction amount is greater than the limit set in this
screen the system will trigger an exception set in the next screen.

Transfer Limit Cr: if the amount credited to an account under this scheme code through
transfer transaction is greater than the limit set here, system will initiate related exception set
in the next screen of HOAGSPM under the currency tab. Cash Abnormal Limit Dr: The
cash abnormal limit has to be entered here and if the amount exceeds this amount then
such transactions can be inquired through menu HATI

Transfer Abnormal Limit Dr: The transfer abnormal limit has to be entered here and if the
amount exceeds this amount then the details can be inquired through HATI.

Clearing Abnormal Limit Dr: The clearing abnormal limit has to be entered here and if the
amount exceeds this amount then such transactions can be inquired through HATI.

Channel Level Code: Not applicable for office accounts.

EOD Balance check: This is to check the EOD balance for an account. The EOD balance
limits can be set up (minimum and maximum Dr or Cr amounts). Once these limits
are transgressed, the associated exceptions are encountered. This may be useful for
ensuring zero balance in Teller accounts before EOD process.

The GL Sub Head which is created using HGLSHM is entered here and the bank can decide
one of them as a default value. If a particular GL subhead is set to default, then
during account opening the GL Subhead is defaulted upon selection of the scheme code
with the facility for the user to override the same


An account, whether office account or customer account belongs to a service outlet. The
account is also associated with a currency and GL sub head and a scheme code.

An office account opened can have a reference to a place holder. When such accounts are
opened, the same placeholder cannot be attached to more than one account for that
combination of Currency and Service outlet. This is because the system internally
retrieves the corresponding account for an event (eg interest calculation) attached to the
placeholder in the combination of the “unique account number, the currency of the account
and the service outlet to which the account belongs”.

Accounts are opened using the menu option HACMDB. While opening an Office
Account the user has to specify the following details:

 Service Outlet to which it belongs (Defaulted with the user login SOL)
 The Currency in which it is being opened (Default Home Currency)

 The GL Subhead to which it belongs to (Default GL Subhead, if specified in


 The Scheme Code under which it is being opened

.Account opening requires verification. Verification is also done through HACMDB

menu option. A User cannot open an office account on behalf of another SOL i.e., the user
of SOL “A” cannot open an office account for SOL “B” using the HACMDB menu. However,
there is no restriction, with regard to inquiry on the office accounts belonging to the other
SOLs. A facility for replication of office account is also available through which, accounts can
be opened for other SOLs

Function: Add, Modify, Verify, Inquire, Cancel

SOLID: This is will be default populated by the system based on the SOL of the user.

A/C Id: This field becomes mandatory if at the product level A/c ID Generation is defined as
NO in General Details tab. If HNNTM set up is done then the system would generate the
account number.

CCY: This will be populated based on the home currency.

GL Subhead Code: The GL Subhead will be default populated from the HOAGSPM and if
the user has to change the same it can be done

A/c Head Name: The account name can be entered here. This name will be displayed in
various inquiry and transaction screen on entering the account number. Also this name will
be printed for various reports and MIS, generated for an account.

Short Name: The user can specify the short name for the account which would enable the
system to filter as accordingly during search.

Placeholder: The placeholder, if any, is created through HAPHM and has to be linked to
the account in this field.

A/C Report Code: The report code which is given in the HOAGSPM is default populated in
this field and the user can override the same.

A/c Supervisor ID: The users can capture the owner of this account only for inquiry
A/c Classification: The account can be classified as, A-Asset, B-Balance Sheet, C-Cash , E
–Expenditure, I –Income, L-Liabilities, N –OBS Non Contingent Contra, , O –OBS Non
Contingent Asset, P-Capital and S-Sundry.

System Only A/c: System only accounts are those accounts wherein the user cannot
manually put transactions to such accounts through the transaction maintenance menu
HTM, HCASHDEP, HCASHWD, HXFER. The user has to input „Y‟ or „N‟ depending
on whether the office account is to be a System only account or not. If „Y‟ then only system
can pass entries to this account and there would not be any manual entries.

Anywhere Transactions Allowed: Whether anywhere transactions are allowed on this

account. At Present this is not in use.(Note: Anywhere a transaction in Finacle does not
pertain to specific delivery channels. These are transactions which are done in a scenario
where there are multiple databases or more than one data centre.) The user has to
specify whether anywhere non customer account is allowed. The valid values are Y
and N.

Freeze Code: If the account has to be frozen, the freeze code and the freeze reason
code have to be entered.

Tran from other SOL allowed: Whether transactions from other sols are allowed or not.
The valid values are Yes or No. If it is NO then the account can only be inquired from other
sols and no intersol transactions will be permitted.

A/c Partitioned: Whether the account is partitioned or not. If partitioned then partition
type also has to be specified.(Partitioning is a concept whereby the account can hold
additional information so that retrieval of certain “nature of data” becomes very simple. For
e.g., if the Bank wants to know as to how much margin money has been collected
from a particular customer on account of all the Documentary Credits issued, then
the bank can create a partitioned account for Margin collected for Documentary
Credits. Please refer to the Partitioned Accounts manual for details)

Refresh A/c Data to SIS: This field is used to refresh account data to Stand in Server.
This is used in case of FAB, ATM, CSIS and other interface.


Menu Option - HOACR

Finacle provides a feature of replicating the office accounts across SOLs. Since a Bank has
many Service Outlets, instead of opening accounts for each service outlet, the user
can open an account for one service outlet and replicate it across all the Service
Outlets in required currencies. Replication of account is also required in the same Service
Outlet in a multi currency environment, as an account needs to be opened in multiple
currencies within a SOL. In order to replicate an account, the user has to invoke the
HOACR menu option.

Office accounts can be replicated from one sol to another sol, or within a sol. Replication
across sols may be required in case a new sol is being taken up. Replication within a sol
may be required in case accounts need to replicate in a currency that was not
formerly used in that sol. The user can give a range of account numbers to be replicated.
Further restrictions can be placed by mentioning the GL sub head code.

There are some restrictions with regard to replication

All accounts in a SOL and all currencies of such accounts cannot be replicated to all
currencies and all Service Outlets at the single instance

One account in one currency cannot be replicated to all currencies and all SOLs This is
because, the account number should be unique across Data centre

8.1 Process of Transaction in Suspense Accounts

S. No Field Action Remarks
01. Menu Shortcut Enter Menu – HTM -
Transaction criteria screen
02. Go Click on Go
03. Function Select A – Add -
Transaction Type /
04. Select C/NR – Normal Receipt -
Transaction details screen is
05. Go Click on Go
Search Suspense Receipt
06. A/c ID Enter A/c ID
07. Amount Enter Amount Amount of cash deposited
Transaction Enter the Details of Excess
08. Enter Transaction Particulars
Particulars Cash
09. Save/ Post Click on SAVE Button Transaction will be created

8.2 Process of Transaction in Suspense Accounts (Verification)

S. No Field Action Remarks
01. Menu Shortcut Enter Menu – HTM -
03. Function Select P-Post / V –Verify -
04. Transaction ID Enter Transaction No -
Transaction details screen is
05. Go Click on Go
06. Verify details
07. Submit Click Transaction gets verified
8.3 Process of Reversal of Suspense A/c Credit
• The user to invoke menu – HTM and Click on Go.
• System displays Transaction criteria screen
S. No Field Action Remarks
01. Function Select A – Add -
Transaction Type /
02. Select T/BI – Bank Induced -
System displays the Transfer
03. Go Click on Go
Transaction Details screen
Enter Suspense Receipt A/c
04. A/c ID Search using Searcher
05. Amount Enter Amount to be reversed
 Additional Details to be visited.
 Enter the Tran ID of the Original transaction (Credit to Suspense A/c)
 Click on Go Button
 Select the Check Box and ensure the Reversal Amount is Displayed
 Click Accept
 It will come back to the transaction screen
 Click on Add button to create Credit Part Transaction

07. A/c Id Enter Account number Customer A/c

08. Amount Enter Amount
09. Enter Transaction detail
10. Save Click Tran ID gets generated

8.4 Process of Reversal of Suspense A/c Credit (Verification)

• The user to invoke menu – HTM and Click on Go.
• System displays Transaction criteria screen
S. No Field Action Remarks
01. Function Select P-POST/ V-Verify -
02. Transaction ID Enter Transaction No -
System displays the Transfer
03. Go Click on Go Transaction Details screen.
Check both the legs
Click and select Additional
04. Option Check and click on Back button
05. Go to 2nd part Tran Check the credit dets
06. Submit It gets verified
8.5 Process of Sundry A/c Credit Creation, Verification and Reversal
Follow same procedure as described for Suspense account

8.6 Process of Collection of Non-system Charges

 The user to invoke menu – HGCHRG by entering the same in Menu Shortcut field and Clicking
on Go
 System displays General Fee criteria screen
S. No Field Action Remarks
01. Function Select A – Add -
02. Event ID Click on Searcher System displays a window containing
Event ID list
03. Selection Click on the hyperlink System populates the Event ID in the
of the Event ID of Event ID field
04. Transaction Type Select C/CR -
05. Debit A/c ID Enter Debit A/c ID If Tran type is T/CI.
06.  Debit CCY  Enter INR -
 Context CCY  Enter INR
07. Go Click on Go System displays the next screen where
charges amount would be populated
as per parameters set by the bank
 Here the instrument details can also be given if the customer has given a cheque for the
charges amount
08. Submit Click on Submit System will display the result screen

8.7 Process of Verification of Collection of Non-system Charges

 The authoriser to invoke menu – HGCHRG by entering the same in Menu Shortcut field and
Clicking on Go
 System displays General Fee criteria screen
S. No Field Action Remarks
01. Function Select V – Verify -
02. Event ID Select Event Id by -
clicking on Searcher
05. Go Click on Go System will open a window
displaying Fees Records created by
the maker
06. Hyperlink Click on A/c ID System displays the next screen
07. Submit Click on Submit System will display the result screen
8.8 Process of Recovery of Pending Charges
 User to invoke RPCS menu by entering the same in the Menu Option field and clicking on Go
 System will display Office A/c Ledgers Print criteria screen
S. No Field Action Remarks
01. SOL Set ID Displayed by default
02. From A/c ID Input
03. To A/c ID Input
04. From CIF ID Input
05. To CIF ID Input
06. Submit Button Click Batch program success message
User can View/Print the report by using HPR Menu Option

System will recover pending charges from available amount

8.9 Process of Inquiring on OAP A/cs

 This menu is used to inquire about transactions in OAP type of a/cs. The user can inquire
transactions as per following filters:
 Partially & Un-responded / Fully Responded /Overresponded / Partially Responded / Un-
 The inquiry can be done for transactions falling in a date range and amount range also
 User to invoke menu HIOT by entering the same in the Menu Option field and clicking on Go
 System will display Inquire on Transactions criteria screen
S. No Field Action Remarks
01. A/c ID Enter A/c ID & Press A/c Title will appear
Tab Key
02. Start Date – End Date Enter Start Date – Enter the date range for which the
End Date transactions to be inquired
03. Filter Select Filter from -
dropdown menu
04. Submit Click on Submit System will display a list of
transactions as per the selection
Click on View Details icon to view the details of the transaction. System displays the
Transaction Maintenance screen

8.10 Process of printing Office Accounts statement

 User to invoke menu HACLPOA by entering the same in the Menu Option field and clicking
on Go
 System will display Office A/c Ledgers Print criteria screen
S. No Field Action Remarks
01. Report To Enter MGR This is a free field
02. From A/c Range / To Enter Office A/c No. -
A/c Range
03. Submit Click on Submit System will display result screen
The report can be viewed or printed by invoking HPR menu as per process discussed earlier

8.11 Process of Generating Report of Outstanding Items in OAP A/cs

 This report is used to view the outstanding items in OAP A/cs
 HMSOIRP reports outstanding items while HMSGOIRP reports age-wise outstanding items
 User to invoke menu HMSOIRP by entering the same in the Menu Option field and clicking
on Go
 System will display Outstanding Items Report criteria screen
S. No Field Action Remarks
01. Report To Enter MGR This is a free field
02. A/c ID Enter A/c ID & Press A/c Title will appear
Tab Key
03. Date Enter Date -
04. Filter Select Filter from -
dropdown menu
05. Submit Click on Submit System will display the result screen
The report can be viewed or printed by invoking HPR menu as per process discussed earlier

8.12 Process of Generating Report of GL Transactions Report

 This report is used to view transactions in any office account
 The report can be generated as per various selection criteria
 GL Head Code wise
 GL Sub Head Code wise
 A/c ID
 Date Range
 User to invoke menu HMSTRP by entering the same in the Menu Option field and clicking on
 System will display Report criteria screen
S. No Field Action Remarks
01. Report To Enter MGR This is a free field
02. Various Criteria Enter criteria as per -
03. Period From – To Enter Date Range -
04. Submit Click on Submit System will display the result screen
The report can be viewed or printed by invoking HPR menu as per process discussed earlier

Sl Activity Menu Options

01 Placeholder Maintenance HAPHM
02 Next Number Table code HNNTM
03 GL Sub Head Code Maintenance HGLSHM
04 Office Account Scheme Parameter HOAGSPM
05 Office A/c Maintenance HACMDB
06 Replication of Office Account HOACR
07 Transactions in Basic /Pointing Account and Verification HTM
08 Reversal Transactions in Pointing Account and Verification HTM
09 Collection of Non-System Charges HGCHRG
10 Recovery of Pending Charges RPCS
11 Account Ledger Inquiry HACLI
12 Inquiry on Office accounts Pointing HIOT
13 Account Ledger Print HACLPOA
14 Age wise Outstanding Item Report HMSOIRP
15 Outstanding Item Report HMSGOIRP
16 Transaction Report HMSTRP
17 Account Ledger Inquiry HACLINQ

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