02 - CASA Accounts - Debit Card - Signature
02 - CASA Accounts - Debit Card - Signature
02 - CASA Accounts - Debit Card - Signature
1 OVERVIEW.............................................................................................................................................
2 PARAMETER SETUP...............................................................................................................................
2.1 System File Control Maintenance.................................................................................................
3 PARAMETER SETUP – HGSPM...............................................................................................................
4 ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE...................................................................................................................
4.1 Process of Opening of a CASA Account.......................................................................................
4.2 Process of Modification before Verification of A Newly Opened SB Account...........................
4.3 Process of Verification of A Newly Opened Savings Bank Account............................................
4.4 Process of Addition of Nomination in an Existing Account........................................................
4.5 Process of Verification of Modification Performed in An Existing Account...............................
4.6 Process of Modifying An Account from Single to Joint A/c........................................................
4.7 Process of Verification of Modification of An Account..............................................................
4.8 Process of Inquiring Joint Holder in an Account.........................................................................
5 SIGNATURES........................................................................................................................................
5.1 Process of Signature Scan - Add..................................................................................................
5.2 Process of Signature Scan - Verify...............................................................................................
5.3 Process of Signature Scan - Update............................................................................................
5.4 Process Verification of Signature Update...................................................................................
5.5 Process of Inquire on Audit Information – Master Data............................................................
5.6 Process of Inquire on Signature and Photograph Audit.............................................................
6 DEBIT CARD SETUP..............................................................................................................................
6.1 Initial Setup: Auto Generation Card Number............................................................................
6.2 Card Type Code Creation - HRRCDM...........................................................................................
6.3 Creation of Card Subtype............................................................................................................
7 USER OPERATIONS IN DEBIT CARD.....................................................................................................
7.1 Process of Issuing Debit Card......................................................................................................
7.2 Process of Verification Debit Card Issue....................................................................................
7.3 Process of Hot-Listing the Debit Card.........................................................................................
7.4 Process of Modification of Debit Card.........................................................................................
7.5 Process of Inquiring Debit Card linkage......................................................................................
8 MENU OPTIONS USED IN THE MODULE.............................................................................................
CASA Accounts are one of the most popular and widely used Accounts in Banking. These
Accounts are the key to success of any Bank. Let us discuss the salient features of the
CASA Accounts.
2.1 System File Control Maintenance
The following are the parameters that control the customer Id creation and accounts
of the customer at data centre level. The set ups are done through the menu option
New Customer Period: Period specified in months. Customer is deemed as new customer
up to the period specified here from the date of customer master creation.
Maximum Lines in Passbook: The number of lines that can be printed in each page of the
pass book. This is dependent on the pass book inventory used by the bank. Appropriate
value has to be entered here.
No. of Lines in Folio: The number of lines which is to be treated as one folio for
Ledger folio charges calculation. This value is considered for arriving at the number of folios
for LF calculation.
Max No. of TODs per customer: This is a bank specific parameter. When the number of
TODs for a customer exceeds this value system validates and appropriate exception is
displayed. Segregate Interest and Principle during Charge off flag–to be selected
when such segregation is required by the Bank
Age when minor becomes major: This value is used to determine the date for
changing the status of minor to major. The period is expressed in number of years.
Image access code for Dormant a/cs: The image access code to be assigned for
dormant accounts is to be specified here. The users who has permission to this
access code(created through HRPM) only can view the signatures of such customers.
Clerk‟s work classification: The user who has work class greater than the work class
specified here can only authorise (verify) financial/non financial transactions.
IBAN Implemented: This will indicate whether to include IBAN in screens/downloads or not.
This parameter can have 4 values:1)Only screen changes(IBAN to be shown on
screen)2)Only down load changes (download programs will include IBAN in
downloads)3)Both screen changes and download programs will have IBAN.4)NONE (IBAN
is not implemented)A 34 character (alpha-numeric)field will be provided at the general
account master to enable the storage of IBAN against each customer account as well as the
office account .IBAN will be automatically generated by the system for the newly opened
accounts. Hot key Ctrl+X will be enabled to toggle between the account number and IBAN.
However in order to generate the IBAN for Accounts migrated to Finacle a menu
option has been provided :IBANGEN
In the Criteria screen User can input either CIF ID or account id or both. There will be
Validation to ensure that Acct Id belongs to the entered CIF ID. If only CIF id is given, all
valid operative accounts belonging to that CIF ID that do not have IBAN number are listed in
the listing screen. However, if Acct id is given in the criteria screen, only that acct id is listed
in the criteria screen. User can select the list of accounts for which IBAN has to be
generated and then submit. IBAN will be generated for the selected accounts and auto
Future Value Dated Credit Flag& Future Value Dated Debit Flag: The valid values are
Y/Nowhens the “Future Value Dated Credit Flakiest to „Yandi whenever any credit
transaction is happening with a future value date (i.e. value date greater than the BOD
date), system will not update the “Clear Balance Amount “of an A/c and instead increment
the “Future Balance Amount”. Whereas, if the value of the flag is set to „N‟, then the system
will not touch the “Future Balance Amount” at all and instead increment the “Clear Balance
Amount” (i.e., existing functionality prevails). Similarly, the concept holds good for the Future
Value Date Debit Flag.
Num of Future days allowed: Once set, system will not allow future value date beyond the
no. of days specified.
Num of Back days allowed: If this value sets, system will not allow back value dated
transaction beyond the no. of days specified.
Cheque book Ack -Required: Bank can decide to make the cheque book effective
only after entry of acknowledgement by the customer. In such a case, this value has
to be set. Else, the cheque book is effective once the cheque book issue is verified by the
Acct Turnover Period Ind: Whether Account turnover details are to be generated based on
the account open date or the calendar. The frequency of generation of account
turnover details is specified at HGSPM which can be further modified at the account level.
Stop Payment: The event id for stop payment charge calculation is specified herein the fees
tab of HSCFM. Event id is created through HPTTM.
Stop Payment –Delivery Channel: When stop payment instruction is received through
Delivery channel (Connect 24), the stop payment charges could be different. In that
case, the event id defined for that purpose is to be assigned here. If the charges
are same even when received through BANCSCONNECT, then the same event id is to be
specified. Dormancy for CC/OD A/cs -Applicable Whether dormancy status is required
for CC/OD accounts or not is dependent on this flag.
Sweep A/c order: When a/cs of more than one scheme type is specified for the sweep
facility, then the order in which accounts are to be considered for SWEEP facility is specified
Duplicate Combined Statement: The event id for charge calculation for Adhoc
printing of combined statement.
Regular Combined Statement: The event id for charge calculation for Regular
printing of combined statement. Exception for Expired Limits for Dr. Tran: This flag will
indicate whether the exception set at general details for “Sanction limited expired” should be
raised or not during debit transaction to an account where limit is expired.
Dflt clg tran code & Dflt inst type: The default clg tran code and instrument type
for this scheme is to be entered here. These values get default populated during lodging of
inward clearing instruments.
Commitment Fee calc method & Min Commit utilisation: This is applicable only when
limits are sanctioned to an account.
Chq allowed: Indicate if cheques are allowed for accounts opened under this scheme
Account statement: the frequency of the pass sheet printing for the accounts opened under
this scheme is mentioned here
Turnover details: If the turnover details like the average balance, total credits, total debits
are required for an account opened under the scheme then the flag should be
checked . Turn over detail frequency must be mentioned in the next field if the turn over
details flag is checked.
This section covers the parameter set ups for handling Customer accounts under the
scheme types SBA. The scheme codes are created after creating the GL Codes and GL
Subheads. HGSPM is the menu option used for creation of scheme codes. These
activities are explained below.
Account ID Generation: Whether the account numbers of accounts opened under this
scheme have system generated account numbers or user entered account numbers.
Min Post .work class: The minimum work class required for posting financial
transactions of a/cs opened under this scheme.
Acct Prefix & Sequence: Acct Prefix for the account number field. This can be used as
one of the prefixes/suffixes for account number generation.
Sequence is the Nxt Nbr Tbl code defined in HNNTM for automatic generation of
account numbers.
Non Resident: User can indicate if residents, non-residents or both can open accounts
under this scheme. FCNR scheme?-whether the scheme is an FCNR scheme. This
is applicable only in Single Currency mode.
Acct Closure Across SOLs awd? This is to enable Acct closure by any of the SOLS
.Rpt Tran flag: indicates if a report with a list of transactions is to be generated,
for accounts belonging to this scheme. If the Rpt Tran flag is checked then the Tran
Report Codes are to be set using T –Tran Report codes sub option in HGSPM.
Staff Schm: Valid values Y & N. It is possible to restrict opening of accounts under the
scheme to customers who are employees of the bank only.
New Account duration: The number of months from the account open date till which the
account is treated as a new a/c.
Min Acct Closure Period( Mths /Days):The number of months/days within which if
the a/c is closed, A/c closure charges to be levied.
Commitment Fee calc method & Min Commit utilisation: This is applicable only when
limits are sanctioned to an account.
Chq Allowed: Indicate if cheques are allowed for accounts opened under this scheme
Account statement: the frequency of the pass sheet printing for the accounts opened under
this scheme is mentioned here.
Turnover details: If the turnover details like the average balance, total credits, total debits
are required for an account opened under the scheme then the flag should be
checked . Turnover details frequency must be mentioned in the next field if the turn over
details flag is checked.
No Int If withdrawals exceed: If the value is set to “YES‟ then no interest is computed for
such months. When the value is set to ”NO‟ interest is computed for all the months
irrespective of whether the no of withdrawals exceed the set parameter.
Min bal with chq: Minimum balance required for cheque book facility is to be entered
here. This is associated with an exception while chq book is issued to an a/c.
Debit balance limit: The maximum debit balance that an account can have under the
scheme. This is also associated with an exception.
Ledger folio Fee/folio: The charges prescribed for LF is entered here. This will be
provided as an input in the mrt dump for LF charge calculation. Service Charge/extra
withdrawal: Currently there is no menu option available for charge calculation for
extra withdrawals. Hence, this field may be left blank.
Duration to Mark A/c as Inact.: The period is specified in months. When there are no
customer induced transactions in the account for the specified period, the status is
changed to Inactive account.
Duration From Inact. to Dorm: The period(in months) after which Inactive status is
changed to Dormant status for an account. Specific charges can be associated with Dormant
status accounts and also validate for transactions in the dormant account through an
exception set for the purpose.
Domant Fee and Inactive Fee: Event ids can be specified for levying prescribed
charges for dormant and inactive accounts at specified frequency .These event id‟s are
created through HPTTM
Allow Sweeps ?: Whether the accounts opened under the scheme is eligible for Sweep
facility or not. The flag value set here is default populated to the account.
Debit against unclear Bal: whether the accounts opened under the scheme should be
eligible for debit against the clearing credit or not .Interest Calculation Parameter Details( For
SBA Scheme Type only)
Interest Method : Valid values are M-Minimum balance, A-Average balance and E-EOD
balance . This is to enable which balance to be considered for computing the
product for interest calculation.
Balance Between And Of The Month: When the value is M or A for the above column,
then entry of these fields is mandatory. When the value is E, this is optional. The
appropriate exception codes are to be assigned in the Exception codes screen based
on the scheme specific requirements. Dormant frequency code and Inactive frequency code
Here the user can define the frequency in case of dormant accounts and inactive accounts.
Before proceeding with Opening of Account, ensure the required CIF IDs are created and
the Linkage through HCCFM is created and verified. e
13 Result No Action
get mess
4.5 Process of Verification of Modification Performed in An Existing Account
Field Action Remarks
Invoke the Menu – HACM by entering the same in Menu Shortcut field and click on Go
1 Function Select V – Verify -
2 A/c ID Enter A/c No. to be modified -
The authorizer can also verify
3 Signature Click on Signature icon
the customer’s signature
4 Go Click on Go General Details screen appears
Authorizer has to visit General, Scheme, Interest, Nomination, Related Party Details and
Additional Info. Tab even if no modification action was performed in these fields
5 General Tab No Action -
6 Interest & Tax Tab Click on Interest & Tax Tab No Action
Check that Nomination box is
7 Scheme Tab -
Check that Nomination Details
8 Nomination Tab -
are entered correctly
9 Related Party Tab Click on Related Party Tab No Action
10 Additional Info. Click on Additional Info Tab No Action
11 Submit Click on Submit Result screen is displayed
System confirms the record is
12 Result No Action
verified successfully
End of table
SVS supports upload of signatures by scanning a new signature, upload a file which has
already been scanned, selection of signature from other account. Another advantage of this
system is, It supports upload of signature file of any format like JPEG, TIF, GIF, BMP, etc.
The Card Management System (CMS) is a module for handling the details of cards issued
by a bank. The current scope of Card Management System limited to information i.e., card
attributes as well as card linkages storage, download and reporting. It does not handle
transaction processing based on cards. Banks offering card services must maintain
information regarding the issuance and maintenance of cards.
It is possible to automate the generation of Card Numbers. For this, the user needs to define
the code through option HNNTM, for “Next Number Type‟ = N (CMS card Number)
REFERENCE CODES: Two reference codes need to be created through HRRCDM: -CARD
TYPE & Card Mandate. Examples of the valid codes for Card Mandate and their
corresponding action are as follows:
NOTE: City Code, State Code and Country Code -Used for address details must also be
created through HRRCDM
HCDSM menu is used for creating new Card Sub Type at the bank level. The Card Type is a
HRRCDM code whereas the Card Sub Type is user enterable as per the requirements. Card
sub types are defined for the behavior of the card. It determines various factors such as daily
limits, offline limits, POS limits and the maximum number of accounts that can be linked. The
user can perform the following maintenance activities for a specified card sub type using the
HCDSM menu option:
BIN (Bank Identification Number): The unique Bank Identification Number given to each
bank for the purpose of Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT).
FII (Financial Institution Id): The Financial Institution Identification number which is
alphanumerical data with a maximum of six characters.
Card Number generation mode: Valid values are
System generated: A system generated number
Pre-printed: These are the card numbers which have already been generated and
provided. Only account linkage had to be done.
Manual: To be entered by the user depending upon his choice
Standalone (Uploaded): These cards are linked to an account but not have been assigned
any specific card number. The card number can be assigned at user’s discretion while
issuing the card.
Emboss Name length: The Emboss Name is the name that is to be printed on the card.
Maximum length of “Emboss Name” can only be up to defined numbers in the field
“Emboss Name Length” Card Offline Limit, POS Purchase Limit, and Card Daily Limit are
the fields available to indicate the different transaction limits available for the type of card.
The limits will be defaulted to each of the card’s issues and is modifiable.