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नमा$म यमन

ु ामहं सकल$स-.धहे तंु मद

ु ा

मरु ा4रपदपंकज7फ़ुरदम9दरे ण<ू कटाम ् ।

तट7थनवकाननBकटमोदपDु पाEबन
ु ा

सरु ासरु सप
ु िू जतः 7मरIपतःु .Jयं KबLतीम ् ॥१॥

namāmi yamunām ahaṃ sakala-siddhi-hetuṃ mudā

murāri-pada-paṃkaja-sphurad-amanda-reṇūtkaṭām |


surāsura-supūjitaḥ smara-pituḥ śriyaṃ bibhratīm || 1 ||

I bow with joy to Yamunā, the cause of all divine powers,

Whose sands are bright and shining like the lotus feet of Kṛṣṇa.

Scented with the nectar of flowers, whose fragrance is manifest

in the young groves, that are situated on the banks.

Highly honored by gods and demigods,

she is filled with the beauty of Kṛṣṇa, the god of love.

Translated by Zoë Slatoff

क$ल9द.ग4रम7तके पतदम9दपरू ोQQवला

IवलासगमनोRलसत ् BकटगSडशैलो9नता ।

सघोषगYतद9तरु ा सम.धZढदोलो\मा

ु ु 9दरYतव.ध]नी जयYत प-मब9धोः सत
ु ा ॥२॥

kalinda-giri-mastake patadamanda-pūrojjvalā

vilāsa-gamanollasat prakaṭa-gaṇḍa-śailonnatā |

saghoṣa-gati-danturā samadhirūḍha-dolottamā

mukunda-rati-vardhinī jayati padma-bandhoḥ sutā || 2 ||

She is luminous, with great streams which are descending at the

summit of the mountain Kalinda,

The lofty rocky mountain sides are glittering

with her graceful movements,

Her roaring waters, are rising above with her swinging,

Increasing devotion to Kṛṣṇa,

Yamunā, the daughter of the sun, the lotus-friend, is victorious.

Translated by Zoë Slatoff

ु ं भव
ु नपावनीम.धगतामनेक7वनैः

IBया$भ4रव सेIवतां शक
ु मयरू हं सा`द$भः ।

तरं गभज
ु कंकणBकटमिु aतका वालक
ु ा

ु दरbं नमत कृDणतय
ु I] Bयाम ् ॥३॥

bhuvaṃ bhuvana-pāvanīm adhigatām aneka-svanaiḥ

priyābhir iva sevitāṃ śuka-mayūra-haṃsādibhiḥ |

taraṃga-bhuja-kaṃkaṇa-prakaṭa-muktikā vālukā

nitamba-taṭa-sundarīṃ namata kṛṣṇa-turya-priyām || 3 ||

She has come to the earth for the purification of the earth,

with many forests,

Served like Kṛṣṇa, by parrots, peacocks, swans, and others.

Her sands are pearly bracelets on her arms, which are waves,

Her beautiful banks are her hips.

May you all bow to Yamunā,

the fourth and most beloved of Kṛṣṇa.

Translated by Zoë Slatoff

ु भIू षते $शवIवरं .चदे व7तत
ु े

घनाघनYनभे सदा gव
ु पराशराभीDटदे ।

ु धमथरु ातटे सकलगोपगोपीवत
ृ े

कृपाजल.धसं.Jते मम मनः सख
ु ं भावय ॥४॥

ananta-guṇa-bhūṣite śiva-viraṃcid eva stute

ghanāghana-nibhe sadā dhruva-parāśarābhīṣṭade |

viśuddha-mathurā-taṭe sakala-gopa-gopīvṛte

kṛpā-jaladhi-saṃśrite mama manaḥ sukhaṃ bhāvaya || 4 ||

O Yamunā, decorated with infinite virtues,

praised by the gods such as Śiva and Brahmā,

Always resembling thick clouds, bestowing the desires of

Dhruva and Parāśara,

Whose banks hold the purified city of Mathurā, surrounded by

the cowherds and cowherdesses,

Supported by Kṛṣṇa, the ocean of compassion.

Bring happiness to my mind.

Translated by Zoë Slatoff

यया चरणप-मजा मरु 4रपोः IBयं भावक
ु ा

समागमनतो भव<सकल$स-.धदा सेवताम ् ।

तया सjशता$मया<कमलजा सप<नीव यत ्

ह4रIBयक$ल9दया मन$स मे सदा 7थीयताम ् ॥५॥

yayā caraṇa-padmajā muraripoḥ priyaṃ bhāvukā

samāgamanato bhavat sakala-siddhidā sevatām |

tayā sadṛśatām iyāt kamalajā sapatnīva yat

hari-priya-kalindayā manasi me sadā sthīyatām || 5 ||

Gaṅgā, born from the lotus feet, became dear to Kṛṣṇa,

only from merging with Yamunā,

From the coming together with you, she bestows all divine powers to those who honor her.

Who can compare with her?

Like your co-wife, Lakṣmī, the lotus-born one,

Kalindī, beloved of Hari, may you always remain in my mind.

Translated by Zoë Slatoff

नमोऽ7तु यमन
ु े सदा तव च4रmम<य-भत
ु ं

न जातु यमयातना भवYत ते पयः पानतः ।

यमोऽIप भ.गनीसत
ु ान ् कथमह
ु ि9त दDु टानIप

IBयो भवYत सेवना\व हरे यथ

] ा गोIपकाः ॥६॥

namo’stu yamune sadā tava caritram atyadbhutaṃ

na jātu yama-yātanā bhavati te payaḥ pānataḥ |

yamo’pi bhaginī-sutān katham uhanti duṣṭān api

priyo bhavati sevanāt tava harer yathā gopikā || 6 ||

May there be homage to Yamunā forever.

Your actions are most wonderful.

Not ever are there the torments of Yama, god of death,

for those who drink your water.

For how could even Yama hurt the children of his sister,

even if they are bad?

From worship of you one is beloved to Hari, just like the gopīs.

Translated by Zoë Slatoff

ममा7तु तव सि9नधौ तनन
ु व<वमेतावता

न दल
ु भ
] तमा रYतमरु] 4रपौ मक
ु ु 9दIBये ।

अतोऽ7तु तव लालना सरु धन

ु ी परं संगमात ्

तवैव भIु वकpYत]ता न तु कदाIप पिु Dटि7थतैः ॥७॥

mamāstu tava sannidhau tanu-navatvam etāvatā

na durlabhatamā ratir muraripau mukunda-priye |

ato’stu tava lālanā sura-dhunī paraṃ saṃgamāt

tavaiva bhuvi-kīrtitā na tu kadāpi puṣṭi-sthitaiḥ || 7 ||

May my body be greatly renewed in your presence.

Then it will not be very difficult to attain love for Kṛṣṇa,

O beloved of Kṛṣṇa.

From this, may you be cherished. Gaṅgā, the river of the gods,

Only after joining with you, is praised on earth and not before,

by those who are abiding in grace.

Translated by Zoë Slatoff

7तYु त तव करोYत कः कमलजासपि<न IBये

हरे यद
] नस
ु ेवया भवYत सौrयमामोsतः ।

इयं तव कथा.धका सकलगोIपकासंगमः

7मरJमजलाण$ु भः सकलगाmजैः संगमः ॥८॥

stuti tava karoti kaḥ kamalajā-sapatni priye

harer yad anusevayā bhavati saukhyam āmokṣataḥ |

iyaṃ tava kathādhikā sakala-gopikā-saṃgamaḥ

smara-śrama-jalāṇubhiḥ sakala-gātrajaiḥ saṃgamaḥ || 8 ||

Who can praise you O beloved Yamunā,

co-wife of the lotus-born Lakṣmī?

Who, by honouring with Hari, there is happiness,

culminating in liberation.

But your story is much greater than this.

During his union with all the gopīs,

By drops of sweat falling from Kṛṣṇa, and born from all of their limbs,

there is a confluence with your water.

Translated by Zoë Slatoff

तवाDटक$मदं मद
ु ा पठYत सरू सत
ू े सदा

सम7तद4ु रतsयो भवYत वै मक

ु ु 9दे रYतः ।

तया सकल$स-धयो मरु 4रपwु च स9तDु यYत

7वभावIवजयो भवेत ् वदYत वRलभः Jीहरे ः ॥९॥

tavāṣṭakam idaṃ mudā paṭhati sūra-sūte sadā

samasta-durita-kṣayo bhavati vai mukunde ratiḥ |

tayā sakala-siddhayo muraripuśca santuṣyati

svabhāva-vijayo bhavet vadati vallabhaḥ śrīhareḥ || 9 ||

O Yamunā, daughter of the sun, for those who always

joyfully recite these eight verses to you,

There is the waning of all difficulties and indeed love for Kṛṣṇa.

Through her there are all divine powers and Kṛṣṇa is pleased.

There may be triumph over one’s own nature,

says Vallabha, the beloved of Hari.

Translated by Zoë Slatoff


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