Why Should We Hire You

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Why should we hire you?

I believe you should hire me for three reasons/ the first reason is I am disciplined organized and
efficient/ I will always carry out all tasks on time until the expected standard /and this will give you
the Peace of Mind that everything within my remit will be taken care of/ the second reason why you
should hire me is because I will always be a positive role model for your company so I understand
how much hard work you have put in to getting your company where it is/ I will always respect that
and whenever I deal with your customers and clients I will be a positive role model/ the third reason
why you should hire me is because I am trustworthy and flexible so I will be available to work as
many hours as possible/ and I will always be available to work at short notice to help out your
company in its times of need/ you should also hire me because I want to build a long term career
with your notorious company and that means you will see the value i can add as the years
progressed within position.

what do you see yourself in 5 years?

In five years from now I would hope to still be working for your company/ but I would have
developed considerably/ so I would hope to have gained experience across different departments in
the company/ have a diverse set of skills and qualities that help the organization move forward/ and
also be seen as a high achiever finally in five years from now/ I want to be a trusted and reliable
member of my team and be in a position to potentially be considered for promotion.


The one thing I don't like about myself is I find it really hard to say no to people now whenever
people ask me for help or assistance, I always say yes without first assessing my workload and on
occasions this has resulted in me taking on too much work however i am trying to improve in this
area and only take on extra duties when i have the capacity to do so.

Why want to work for us?

I want to work for you because I have heard nothing but good things about your company/ and I've
been waiting for the right job to be advertised now whilst researching your company I was
impressed with your values I believe they are a very good match for my own/ and I was also
impressed with your plans for the future now we spend a lot of time at work/ and I want that time to
be put to good use in a productive and positive working environment where everyone embraces
change and where everyone strives to be the best version of themselves possible/ and I believe I will
get all of those things working your company

Abt yourself

Well first of all thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to be interviewed for this position
with your company today my name is Naqib Ghani/ and I would describe myself as an industrious
worker/ and somebody who has the skills and qualities to match the job description so over the
years I've worked in various roles where the need to collaborate closely with other people/ I also
have the academic background to be able to add value in this position and contribute to your team
really quickly/ I believe I am a high achiever and I've always received positive feedback from my
managers and supervisors in previous roles/ and if you hire me i will be the type of worker who will
always go above and beyond what is expected in my work/ i will always embrace change positively
and i will make sure you see a positive return on your investment.
What makes you standout form others?

One of the things that makes me stand out from the other candidates is the fact I always go above
and beyond what is expected at work/ so I will go out of my way to make a customer’s experience a
memorable one/ so they become long-term advocates of the business/ I will go out of my way to do
extra hours when my employer needs me to at short notice/ i will go out of my way to support my
coworkers in the execution of their duties/ and finally i will always go out of my way to help my
employer train up newer members of staff as and when they join company

What strength can u give to the role?

The strengths I can bring to nthe role include strong communication skills/ a good level of business
acumen/ a positive attitude about change// and also a willingness to take on duties that are outside
of my job description/ so my strong communication skills I mean I will always be a positive role
model for your company whilst dealing with customers and clients/ my good levels of business
acumen mean I will add value in the role/ by helping you to increase sales and also by working hard
to help you save money to whenever you want to drive through change/ i will always support it and
help you to implement it/ and finally because i am a flexible worker/ i will take on duties that are
outside of my job description to help your business whenever needed

Why do you leave your last job?

My employer has been great they've been really supportive and we've achieved many fantastic
things together whilst I've been working there/ however I am now ready for a change in the step up
that comes with being a field engineer I believe I have so much more to offer/ I have watched your
company from afar/ i've been impressed with your innovative approach and your forward thinking
style of business/ i would see my long term future here with your organization/ because i think
there's lots of opportunity for growth within this industry/ and i believe i can help you as a field
engineer to capitalize on those opportunities.

Introduce yrself?

About yourself well thank you very much for giving me this opportunity today my name is Naqib
Ghani/ and over the years I have built up a diverse set of skills and qualities that I believe are a
strong match for this industry/ and for the role so I applied for this position primarily because I'm
very attracted to your organization/ you are forward thinking, you are innovative and you have a set
of values or a strong match for my own/ my key selling points include the fact that I'm a fast learner/
I need little supervision or monitoring./ Moving forward, I guarantee I will always take care of your
customers and your clients/ I would describe myself as someone who is innovative and creative/ and
I will always try to come up with solutions to problems that can hold your company back /so to give
you an example of when I've demonstrated this in a previous role/ I was concerned about a supplier
who I didn't believe had the same standards as my employer/ so instead of going straight to my
manager I did some research/ I looked into this problem and I found an alternative supplier that was
more cost effective/ and that promised to deliver higher standards/ and then put forward my
proposal to my manager/ but he agreed it was a great idea/ we implemented it and customer
service standards increased significantly/ so I'm the type of person who will lookout for problems
and I will take positive action to try and resolve them/ if you hire me I will always take care of your
business/ and I will work hard to make sure that your company maintains its position as an industry
Greatest Achievement at work?

I would say my greatest achievement was winning a really important sales contract for my previous
employer/ now we won the contract of Intel Signage rebranding program// by sitting down as part
of a team/ first of all and deciding what it was we were going to do to win this contract/ and
throughout the process we put the needs of the client first/ that was crucial to our success/ we then
allocated team tasks based on each individual strengths and we worked tirelessly together to win
the sales contract/ and on the day that the manager came into our office to tell us we won the
contracts/ it was a brilliant feeling and it was the greatest achievement because the competition
that we were up against was fierce/ and it was also more importantly a brilliant financial boost for
our employer.

Can you tell me about time we experience conflict in a previous position?

when I first started working in my previous role/ I was attending an important team meeting/ now
during this team meeting we were required to discuss the different ways that we were going to
complete a project/ and I had numerous ideas and suggestions for helping us to achieve our
objectives/ however every time I put forward an idea, a senior member of the team kept being
dismissive of them /and it appeared to me that every time I put forward an idea it would be even
more dismissive/ now I never said anything during the team meeting because I didn't want to be
disruptive and I wanted to come across in a professional manner/ however once the team meeting
was over, I spoke to him in private /and I asked him in a professional and respectful way why he kept
being dismissive of my ideas/ now he said to me that he wasn't aware that he was being dismissive/
however I am glad that I spoke to her about it/ because moving forward he asked me to contribute
during every team meeting that I attended/ and actually built up a really good working relationship
with him/ so I was glad that I spoke to him in private about my concerns and I believe that I have the
professionalism and maturity to deal with any conflict as of when it occurs.


1. I am very passionate about self development/ I am always reading books or watching online
videos that help me to improve in a specific area/ for example in my last job I wanted to
improve my communication skills whilst dealing with customers and clients and so I enrolled
onto an online training course within several weeks I noticed a big improvement in my ability
to communicate with clarity and confidence.
Handle stress?

I handle stress by always ensuring my work is organized and by maintaining a todo list of everything I
am responsible for/ I prefer it when I am busy so I believe I am at my best/ when I am under
pressure to deliver on multiple tasks and projects/ I handle stress by remaining calm by being
mindful of what I need to do/ and by also trying to look ahead and foresee any problems that might
occur by combining all of these things/ I'm able to confidently handle the stress and the pressure
that comes with this position.

Why leave?

I want to leave my job because I feel I have reached my full potential with my employer I am now
ready for a fresh challenge with your company/ and this is somewhere I believe I can add significant
value based on the skills the knowledge and the experience I can bring to the role/ I will leave my
employer on good terms they have been very supportive whilst i've been there/ and we have
achieved many great things together however it is time for me to move on to the next chapter in my
career and i genuinely hope it is in this role with your company.

Improve PROCESS?

As an employee I have a responsibility to always try and improve systems and processes where
appropriate/ in one particular situation comes to mind/ it was a Monday afternoon and I finished an
important project early/ and I had a few hours available where I didn't have much to do/ so I
decided to make good use of that time something that concerned me for a lengthy period of time
whereby we would order office supplies such as paper and different resources and we would order
them in small quantities which on the surface was a good thing to do because it saved the
organization however I felt I could improve that process by making the suggestion to my manager
whereby we ordered a larger quantity of office supplies for a cheaper amount now even though we
would have a more expensive outlay initially we would save a lot of money in the long term so I
carried out some research online and I managed to find an organization where the minimum order
quantities of office stock were higher but the saving was considerable in the long term and I
calculated over the year we would actually end up saving about RM3000 which was a great saving I
then presented this to my manager and I said this is what I found we can improve this process of
ordering and it would save the company X amount of money over the year and he thought it was a
fantastic idea so we went then went forward and informed the administrative staff of how to order
moving forward and that saved us a lot of money so i'm the type of person who will always look to
identify ways of improving processes and systems to benefit of the company.

Responds to criticism?

I view criticism as an opportunity for me to improve and develop for example if my manager or
another member of my team criticizes how I perform a task or how I carry out my duties I will always
ask myself what I can take on board from their advice to develop professionally I believe we all have
a responsibility to use feedback to our advantage and to help the team we are apart of move
forward and progress.
Why mechanical engineering?

I chose to study mechanical engineering because I’ve always had a fascination with and love for
mathematics. I also wanted my work to produce something tangible/ and to have outcomes that
could be observed and help to solve problems. Engineering seemed like the best way to combine the
fundamentally logical and analytical aspects of mathematics I loved while maintaining a firm grasp
on reality and real-life solutions.

I’ve always wanted to have some sort of impact on the world and engineering seemed like the best
tool with/ which I could affect genuine change in people’s lives. Finally, my academic tastes have
always been eclectic, and engineering taps into so many different skillsets, including chemistry,
physics and English. Mechanical engineering seemed like the best opportunity for me to develop my
knowledge in the widest variety of ways.

Why interested in BH?

I am interested in how BH is using technology to provide smart and cleaner energy solutions. And
working as a field engineer is an opportunity for me to work downstream and be directly involved in
technologies like artificial intelligence and automation techniques used by BH, and learn from a
group of talented people.

Energy enables us to do a lot of things, power our homes, allows us to do work, thus, empowering
the economy. So, that clearly shows how important it is to have a safe and cleaner energy source
production, and today half of the world's energy comes from fossil fuels. And so, for me it would be
a great honor to be part of a project that is working towards cleaner energy for the planet.

Member tak function?

Currently, I have a team member who does the bare minimum whenever possible. (Task) As a high
achiever, I will not allow this person or their mindset to take away from my success on the job.
(Action) I have decided to use it as an opportunity to shine personally. I take the additional workload
on myself and deliver expectations to our clients on time. (Result) Over the last four months, I have
received multiple kudos from my clients because of my dedication. It is not my responsibility to
change this persons' work ethic; however, I can choose my actions. My choice is to work hard and be
a dedicated employee, no matter what others are choosing to do."

Lead project?

Well, during my stint at the current company, I was in charge of the Signage rebranding programme
for Intel. Intel has launched a programme in which they must update their logo to the new one. So,
thankfully, we secured the contract and were chosen as the contractor to carry out this project.
Since the tender stage, I have been in control of this project. As a new graduate, I sometimes feel
that this project is too vast for me to undertake. However, my manager and CEO convinced me that
this would be a fantastic startup project in which I could demonstrate my ability to flourish in the
company. There are several hurdles to completing this job. I'm in charge of the BOM, quotations,
design proposals, and coordinating with clients and production. There is one instance where Intel
continues modifying the design throughout the proposal stage, and it takes a long time to modify it.
As a result, I recommended that Intel and our production team meet to review and confirm the final
design concept. And, thankfully, we came to a final design choice, allowing the project to proceed as
planned. There is also one setback during installation, which is that there is no power supply to light
up the logo, which we were unaware of because Intel did not notify us of the issue, so I came up
with a solution, which is to hire a certified electrician to help us install the timer and main power
supply at the building, and we managed to complete the installation on time and without any delays.
As an outcome, the project was finished on schedule and with no client complaints. So, I am the sort
of person that will do all in my power to solve any problem that arises and to produce the highest
quality that our clients demand.


While managing the Volkswagen Malaysia project, I experienced certain difficulties. This project
requires that their previous logo be replaced with the most recent version. So, during installation,
my installer discovered that one of the logos is broken and does not light up. However, we lacked an
extra logo to replace it. So I take responsibility to try to find a solution by discovering an outsourcing
vendor who would manufacture the logo, fit the client's specifications, and assure its quality. I led
the vendors on how to produce the exact specification as client want, to ensure they wont produce
any different than the original design. I guided them with production manual that I produces it
myself, because I am the only one who knows the specification, and details of the logo. They able to
produce it on time, with assured quality, and the logo was replaced without causing any delays to
our project's timeline. As a consequence, the client was pleased that we completed the project on
schedule and without complaint. And one of the most important things I learned from this project is
that I should purchase extra logos at the tender stage as a backup in case any of the logos are

1. What thing that I can do in this role to help your business succeed
2. What are the plans for the company over the next five to 10 years
3. Are there opportunities for training and progression within the organization now this
question shows you are an ambitious person

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