HUBAUX, A. - Collaborative, Dependable and Controlled

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PReCISE Research Center

University of Namur
Faculty of Computer Science

Feature-based Configuration:
Collaborative, Dependable, and Controlled
Arnaud Hubaux

Thèse présentée en vue de l’obtention du grade de Docteur en Sciences

PhD Thesis January 2012


c Arnaud Hubaux, 2012

c Presses universitaires de Namur, 2012
Rempart de la Vierge, 13
B - 5000 Namur (Belgique)

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Imprimé en Belgique

ISBN : 978-2-87037 -753-6

Dépôt légal: D / 2012 / 1881 / 6



Prof. Jean-Noël Colin, University of Namur, Belgium

Prof. Krzysztof Czarnecki, University of Waterloo, Canada
Prof. Naji Habra, University of Namur, Belgium (chair)
Prof. Patrick Heymans, University of Namur, Belgium (advisor)
Prof. Kim Mens, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium
Prof. Pierre-Yves Schobbens, University of Namur, Belgium (co-advisor)
Prof. Laurent Schumacher, University of Namur, Belgium

A growing share of products expose sophisticated configurability to handle vari-

ations in user and context requirements. Configurators usually rely on vari-
ability models, like feature models (FMs), that structure and constrain the
available options. However, most feature-based configuration techniques do
not scale well to collaborative contexts. They offer limited mechanisms to de-
termine responsibilities and access rights, to schedule configuration tasks, and
to resolve conflicts. Fragments of solutions already exist but a unified and
formal foundation for collaborative feature-based configuration is still missing.
To provide enhanced control and guidance, we specify responsibilities and
rights with views on the FM. Views establish insulated spaces in which users can
safely configure the part of the FM assigned to them. The configuration of these
views is regulated by a workflow that defines the configuration process. The
result of that combination is a new formalism called feature-based configuration
workflow. Finally, to handle conflicts between user decisions, we develop a range
fix generation algorithm. These concepts and their properties are integrated
into a sound mathematical framework.
Our contribution is motivated and illustrated through several real-world
applications: a product line of meeting management applications (PloneMeet-
ing), a product line of communication protocols used in the aerospace industry
(CFDP), the Linux kernel, and an operating system for embedded applica-
tions (eCos). The definitions and algorithms are implemented in a toolset that
extends SPLOT, an open source configuration environment, and YAWL, a com-
prehensive workflow management environment. This toolset demonstrates the
efficiency and applicability of our contribution.


Un nombre croissant de produits offrent des mécanismes de configurarion so-

phistiqués pour gérer les variations entre les exigences des utilisateurs et du
contexte. Habituellement, les configurateurs reposent sur des modèles de vari-
abilité, tels que les feature models (FMs), qui structurent et contraignent les
options disponibles. Cependant, la plupart des techniques de configuration
basées sur les FMs s’appliquent difficilement aux contexts collaboratifs. Ils
offrent des mécanismes limités pour déterminer les responsabilités et droits
d’accès, organiser des tâches de configuration, et résoudre des conflits. Des
fragments de solutions existent mais une fondation formelle et unifiée pour la
configuration collaborative basée sur les FMs est manquante.
Pour fournir un contrôle et une guidance améliorés, nous spécifions les re-
sponsabilités et droits d’accès avec des vues sur le FM. Les vues établissent
des espaces isolés dans lesquels les utilisateurs configurent la partie du FM qui
leur est assignée. La configuration de ces vues est regulée par un workflow qui
définit le processus de configuration. Le résultat de cette combinaison est un
nouveau formalisme appelé feature-based configuration workflow. Finalement,
pour traiter les conflits entre les décisions des utilisateurs, nous développons
un algorithme de génération de range fixes. Ces concepts et leurs propriétés
sont intégrés dans un framework mathématique cohérent.
Notre contribution est motivée et illustrée par plusieurs applications : une
ligne de produits d’applications de gestions de réunions (PloneMeeting), une
ligne de produit de protocoles de communications utilisée dans l’industrie aéro-
nautique (CFDP), le kernel Linux, et un système d’exploitation pour applica-
tions embarquées (eCos). Les définitions et algorithmes sont implémentés dans
un toolset qui étend SPLOT, un environnement de configuration open source,
et YAWL, un système complet de gestion de workflow. Ce toolset démontre
l’efficacité et l’applicabilité de notre contribution.


This whole adventure started on the impulse of two men: Prof. Pierre-Yves
Schobbens and Prof. Patrick Heymans. Pierre-Yves supervised my Master’s
thesis and enrolled me in the MoVES project. His vast knowledge and razor-
sharp rigour repeatedly helped me improve and simplify formal definitions and
Over four years, Patrick put some many caps on that I barely remember
them all: supervisor, mentor, overly picky reviewer, friend, room mate, host,
mad neighbour... His sniper’s eye spots the weaknesses of any piece of text
and his magic hand rephrases it frustratingly plainly. He markedly improved
all my papers and taught me a lot about paper writing.
The MoVES project has been a cradle for the new-born researcher I was.
The three work packages that took me on board (WP2, 3, and 4) taught me
to think, act, and communicate as a researcher. The collaborations built
within the network resulted in several joint publications integrated into this
As a student and researcher, I had the chance to work with Andreas Classen
for over nine years. His scientific skills, discipline, dedication, and outspoken-
ness make working with him both a pleasure and a challenge. Outside the
office, he is a hell of a party-goer, always up for a beer, and eager to debate.
Several chapters of this manuscript bear his indelible mark.
All my co-authors own a significant piece of this manuscript, too. I also
thank the industrial partners who helped me come back to reality and fed
me with valuable insight at conferences, meetings, or boarding areas. I am
particularly thankful to Jean-Marc Astesana, Danilo Beuche, Gaëtan Delannay,
and Herman Hartmann.


For more than three years, I shared an office with a bunch of fantastic
guys who all contributed to the ideas presented here: Raimundas, Germain,
Quentin, Jean-Christophe, Raphaël, and Ebrahim. Special thanks to Ebrahim
who spared no effort working on the toolset despite the difference in timezone,
and Anthony Cleve whose acute understanding of the research game kept us
debating for hours.
The stay at the GSD lab at the University of Waterloo (ON, Canada) was
a milestone in my short research career. I thank Prof. Krzysztof Czarnecki
for welcoming me in his lab for one year. Despite his busy schedule, he always
managed to find some time to discuss and put drifting ideas back on track. His
passion and vision were genuinely inspiring. I also thank the GSD lab for the
lively discussions, and Yingfei and Steven for the nights they spend wrapping
up our work on fix generation. I also want to express my gratitude to Marcilio
for his help with SPLOT.
This stay abroad also put an heavy load of red tape on my parents during my
absence. I thank them for their patience. I also thank my brother who kindly
accepted to proofread several parts of the manuscript and give his outsider’s
Finally and foremost, I am immensely grateful to my fiancée, Marie-Charlotte
Druet, who kept me going through the dire straits of this thesis. Without the
slightest hesitation, she followed me in Toronto for one year, leaving her family
and friends behind. I apologize for all the rough patches she went through and
dedicate this manuscript entirely to her.

This work is sponsored by the Interuniversity Attraction Poles Programme of the Bel-
gian State, Belgian Science Policy, under the MoVES project, and IN.WALLONIA-
Brussels International under the (IN.WBI) Excellence grants.

Contents xi

Glossary xv

1 Introduction 1
1.1 “To Foresee Is To Rule” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 When the Rubber Hits the Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4 Claimed Contribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.5 Reader’s Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.6 Bibliographical Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2 Feature Modelling in Software Product Line Engineering 13

2.1 Motivation and Basic Principles of SPLE . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.2 Variability Modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.3 Feature Modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.4 Reasoning about Feature Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.5 Feature-based Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.6 Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

3 A Glimpse at Feature Modelling in the Configuration Realm 29

3.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.2 On the use of FBC in Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.3 On the use of FBC in Software Configuration Management . . 38
3.4 Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44


4 Separation of Concerns in Feature Models 47

4.1 The Concern Haze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
4.2 Survey Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
4.3 Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
4.4 Findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4.5 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
4.6 Threats to Validity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4.7 Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

5 Multi-view Feature Models 73

5.1 Open Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
5.2 Working Example: PloneMeeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
5.3 View Definition, Verification and Visualisation . . . . . . . . . 77
5.4 Working Example Revisited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
5.5 Correctness of Transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
5.6 Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

6 Basic Configuration Scheduling 95

6.1 Multi-level Staged Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
6.2 Dynamic FM Semantics ([[.]]MLSC ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
6.3 Illustration of [[.]]MLSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
6.4 Properties of the Semantics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
6.5 Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

7 Advanced Configuration Scheduling 109

7.1 Relaxing Restrictions on Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
7.2 Working Example: CFDP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
7.3 YAWL: A Walkthrough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
7.4 Feature-based Configuration Workflow ([[.]]F CW ) . . . . . . . . . 115
7.5 Working Example Revisited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
7.6 Desired Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
7.7 Analysis of Feature-based Configuration Workflows . . . . . . . 125
7.8 Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
7.9 Threats to validity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
7.10 Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
7.11 Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

8 Towards Conflict Management 141

8.1 Open Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
8.2 Working Example: eCos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
8.3 Range Fixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
8.4 Fix Generation Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
8.5 Constraint Interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152

8.6 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154

8.7 Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
8.8 Threats to Validity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
8.9 Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
8.10 Towards Collaborative Conflict Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
8.11 Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163

9 A Toolset for Advanced Feature-based Configuration 165

9.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
9.2 Integrated Toolset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
9.3 User Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
9.4 Multi-view Feature Modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
9.5 Verification and Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
9.6 Concurrent Configuration Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
9.7 Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173

10 Conclusion 175
10.1 Our Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
10.2 Summary of the Contribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
10.3 Perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177

A Greyed and Pruned Visualisations: Examples of Transfor-

mations 181
A.1 Pruned and Collapsed Visualisation of the eVoting example . . 181

B Detailed Example of [[.]]MLSC and Proof Helper 187

B.1 Calculation Details of Figure 6.6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
B.2 Proof Helper for Theorem B.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191

C Safety Analysis: Workflow Transformation Algorithms 193

Index 199

Bibliography 203

FBC Feature-based Configuration

FCW Feature-based Configuration Workflow
FM Feature Model
MLSC Multi-Level Staged Configuration
SCM Software Configuration Management
SD Strong Dependency Set
SoC Separation of Concerns
SPL Software Product Line
SPLE Software Product Line Engineering
WD Weak Dependency Set
YAWL Yet Another Workflow Language



1.1 “To Foresee Is To Rule”

Born in France, Blaise Pascal (1623–1662) pioneered work in mathematics,

physics and philosophy, and invented the first mechanical calculator called the
Pascaline. Over 300 years ago, he captured the essence of this thesis in five
words: “To foresee is to rule”. Traced back to software, foresight into what
decisions should be left in the hand of customers is the cornerstone to ideally
tailored applications. But how do tailor-made and general-purpose software
Geared towards the mass market, general-purpose applications like web
browsers, PDF readers, and email clients must satisfy most customer require-
ments out of the box. More specialised applications like compilers, CASE tools,
and professional photo editing applications fall under the same umbrella: They
provide one-size-fits-all solutions with little room for user preferences.
In contrast, tailor-made software aims at accommodating customer pref-
erences prior to delivery or use. The glaring difference with general-purpose
software is that customers are presented with a set of options rather than an
exhaustive list of software products. That intentional specification of the prod-
uct portfolio drastically expands the range of variants offered to customers.
By progressively deciding which option to retain or discard, customers narrow
down their selection to one product. This process, commonly called configura-
tion, has been embraced by a wide range of domains such as operating systems,
healthcare equipment, semiconductors, and automotive.
To gain that competitive edge, dedicated mechanisms are needed to docu-
ment and manage the variability in the portfolio. One of the core mechanisms

2 1 Introduction

is the variability model. It structures and describes configuration options. The

frontrunner in variability modelling is the feature model (FM). An FM cap-
tures configuration options in a hierarchy of features whose selection is ruled
by numerous constraints.
By its nature, the FM is a fundamental element of the configuration process.
It is the base layer on which the configuration frontend relies to present options
to users and determine their valid combinations. All the valid combinations are,
however, rarely explicitly computed. Even in medium-size projects, millions of
valid combinations can exist. Modern configurators prefer an interactive ap-
proach where user decisions are validated and propagated on-the-fly to avoid
incorrect product specification. The formal semantics of FMs enables straight-
forward translations into established standards like propositional or predicate
logics, which are supported by highly optimized solvers. These solvers are the
backbone of decision validation and propagation. The process that uses an
FM to pilot and validate user decisions during product configuration is called
feature-based configuration.
In practice, applications of feature-based configuration go well beyond soft-
ware tailoring. The FM is a generic constraint language designed to facili-
tate variability modelling regardless of the application domain. Consequently,
feature-based configuration lends itself to any decision-making problem ex-
pressible in that formalism. Before delving into technical details, let us provide
a first frame of reference with an example of feature-based configuration in

1.2 When the Rubber Hits the Road

Founded in 1898, Renault is a French car manufacturer serving 118 countries

with personal and commercial vehicles for a total of 1021 variants [AD11]. A
complete catalogue printed in volumes containing 5 000 000 variants in a 4cm-
thick phone book format would give a pile the size of the distance between the
Earth and Pluto.1 Finding the vehicle that matches all customer requirements
in such a catalogue would be quite an adventure! The duty of the configuration
system is to make the selection of a product easily achievable by human beings.
For the sake of illustration, let us step in the shoes of a British shuttle
company willing to buy a fleet of passenger transportation vans. To obtain a
quote, the purchasing manager uses the online configurator provided by Re-
nault, chooses the model he is interested in, and starts selecting some options.
After a few decisions, he reaches the partial configuration shown in Figure 1.1.2
1 The NASA estimates the maximum distance between the earth and Pluto to

7 528 000 000 km.

2 Screenshot of

selectoptions.aspx captured on July 4, 2011. For concision, only a subset of the options is
shown here.
1.2 When the Rubber Hits the Road 3

Figure 1.1 – Example of configuration menu for the Renault Trafic.

The policy of the shuttle company imposes dark colours for its vehicles, hence
the selection of the metallic Jet Black colour. To prevent passengers from tam-
4 1 Introduction

pering with windows during a ride, he selects the Electric ’one touch’ windows
(driver’s side) feature. That choice results in the automatic selection of Elec-
tric Door Mirrors, which is a pleasant surprise for the manager. Indeed, that
latter option was not available before and is automatically included. Then, he
selects the Right side loading door, which triggers the selection of the Left side
loading door. The purchasing manager thus makes decisions about options one
at a time, rather than considering all their combinations.
This configuration panel is only the first one in a series of four. Once he is
done with the selection of equipment and options, the purchasing manager can
proceed to the second stage (02 Preferences) and so on until the final stage
is reached. Besides constraints between features, constraints are also enforced
between stages. For instance, to move from 03 Version to 04 Summary, the
manager must chose one model version. At the end of the fourth stage, the
configuration is sent to a car dealer that will process the demand and return a
final quote.
Functionalities like cost minimisation, quote generation, order, and stock
management are beyond the scope of feature-based configuration. These are
domain-specific extensions wrapped around the FM that glue it together with
the assets of a global system. The boundary of feature-based configuration
stops at the creation of complete and correct product specifications.
This scenario is an everyday example of feature-based configuration. Yet, it
already highlights how decisions progressively narrow down the decision space
and can reveal hidden options, how dependencies between features restrict
choices, how options are clustered into coherent subsets (subgroups of options
and panels), and how configuration stages enforce the order in which decisions
are made.
For the configuration frontend, Renault has chosen a web interface. Others
rely for instance on tree-like representations or contextual menus. This work
looks beyond the graphical layer proposed to users. The graphical syntax pre-
sented in the following examples is used for illustration purpose only and is not
meant to be prescriptive. Our challenge is to define and build the underlying
mechanisms that enable reasoning and assist users during configuration.

1.3 Problem Statement

The Renault example brings up two fundamental properties of feature-based

configuration: dependability and control. Dependability denotes the reliability
of the process. Not only must it always complete, but it must also produce a
perfectly valid specification. Control indicates the ability to isolate coherent
subsets of features, and to schedule their configuration. A third property,
undisclosed in this example, is the collaborative nature of configuration. In
1.4 Claimed Contribution 5

large organisations, several actors with different responsibilities, skills, and

goals repeatedly interact along the process.
Since the seminal work on feature-oriented domain analysis, FMs shifted
from a static specification to a reasoning unit in interactive configuration en-
vironments. This required a whole new set of technologies on top of FMs.
Decades of research have already provided efficient solvers (e.g., SAT, BDD,
and CSP) that propagate decisions, ensure the global consistency of the final
product, and enable automated analyses. These solvers have been successfully
integrated in many commercial and open source feature-based configuration
However, such tools usually do not fit well to contexts in which feature-
based configuration has to be performed by multiple users or scheduled in a
specific (non linear) manner. Without the appropriate support, configuration
can become very cumbersome and error-prone, e.g., if a single stakeholder has
to decide on behalf of all others. Furthermore, the absence of scheduling of con-
figuration tasks makes it impossible to control the chronological dependencies
between them. Finally, they barely support conflict detection and resolution.
Some might righteously argue that dedicated configurators like the one from
Renault, or those used to build content management systems (e.g. Plone or
Drupal), and operating systems (e.g. the Linux kernel) already partly or fully
address these problems. However, these solutions are mostly ad hoc, come
with no proof of completeness and correctness, and can hardly be reused from
one domain to the other. A general and formal foundation for collaborative
feature-based configuration is still missing. To tackle that problem, this thesis
addresses four research questions left unanswered by related work. Several of
these questions are refined in the next chapters as we dig deeper into each

RQ1 How can separation of concerns be achieved in FMs?

RQ2 How can the configuration process be modelled and scheduled?

RQ3 How can the satisfiability and completion of the configuration process be

RQ4 How can conflictual user decisions be handled?

1.4 Claimed Contribution

The main contribution of this thesis is a sound foundation for collaborative,

dependable, and controlled feature-based configuration. Specifically, it consists
6 1 Introduction

C1 A systematic investigation and understanding of the meaning of concern in

FMs. Although FM languages have been studied intensively, some ques-
tions remain open regarding their purpose. We start with a systematic
survey of various concerns FMs can address and ways in which concerns
have been separated. The survey shows how the vagueness in the purpose
of FM languages creates both conceptual and practical limitations.
C2 A lightweight and flexible mechanism to leverage multidimensional separa-
tion of concerns in FMs. From the conclusion drawn in the survey, we
propose a generic technique to specify concerns in FMs, and to generate
configuration views. Three alternative visualisations are proposed.
C3 Full-fledged support for process-driven configuration. To schedule the con-
figuration of each view on the FM, we first formally study multi-level
staged configuration, show its limitations, and use YAWL, a state-of-the-
art workflow language, to define non-trivial configuration processes. We
formally define a new combined formalism called feature-based configu-
ration workflows (FCWs).
C4 Automated analyses of feature-based configuration workflows. The seman-
tics of feature-based configuration workflows defines the properties of a
valid execution of the workflow. However, not all executions of the work-
flow are semantically valid. For instance, an execution could terminate
with an incomplete configuration or stall because the current decisions
do not satisfy some condition. To prevent such problems, undesired be-
haviours should be diagnosed early and prohibited at execution time.
We address this problem by defining and implementing satisfiability and
proper completion analyses.
C5 Detection and resolution techniques for conflictual user decisions. Decision
revision can lead to conflicts. In essence, a conflict denotes a decision that
either violates a constraint or contradicts another decision. The challenge
is to detect these conflicts and provide the user with alternative solutions,
a.k.a fixes, to repair them. We propose an algorithm for conflict detection
and range fix generation based on the HS-DAG algorithm used in model-
based diagnosis. We also discuss how this algorithm can be used in a
collaborative environment.
C6 A complete implementation of all the definitions, properties and analyses
in a toolset. Support for feature-based configuration has been imple-
mented by extending and integrating two third-party tools: SPLOT and
YAWL. Natively, SPLOT supports FM modelling and configuration. We
extend it to support view creation, configuration, and view-to-workflow
mapping. Workflow design, execution, analysis and user management is
provided by YAWL. Interactive services were added to YAWL so as to
1.5 Reader’s Guide 7

trigger view-based configuration in SPLOT. The cornerstone of this new

configuration environment is the FCW Engine. Its role is to manage con-
figuration sessions, convey the information between YAWL and SPLOT,
and monitor the whole configuration process. We also explain how our
analyses fit in these three components.

Process User FM
Management Management Management

Multi-view Feature Modelling

Configuration Process Scheduling
Configuration Process Verification
Conflict Detection and Resolution

Process Reasoning

Figure 1.2 – Overview of the contribution.

As Figure 1.2 shows, our contribution is independent of the process reason-

ing engine, solvers, as well as process, user and FM management environments.
They are viewed as black boxes on which we capitalise. Without loss of general-
ity, our contribution applies to other variability modelling languages (e.g., CDL
and OVM) that hierarchically structure the available options and guard their
selection with arbitrary constraints. Our toolset extensively reuses existing
third-party software to showcase the applicability of our work in practice.

1.5 Reader’s Guide

Chapters are organised in layers, as shown in Figure 1.3. The research question
addressed in a chapter is indicated in the left-hand side of the box.
The darker layers at the bottom are the foundations on which our con-
tributions relies. Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 both revisit work related to
feature modelling. Chapter 2 recalls the essence of software product line en-
gineering, briefly reviews existing variability modelling techniques, recalls the
formal semantics of FMs, and elaborates more on feature-based configuration.
Chapter 3 is presented as an essay that discusses feature modelling from the
perspective of the two leading fields in configuration: artificial intelligence in
manufacturing and software configuration management.
In Chapter 4, we present the results of a systematic literature survey on
separation of concerns in feature modelling (C1). We have identified seven
areas of research in which concerns are discussed. Our findings show that
the inherent vagueness in the feature abstraction and in the purpose of FMs
8 1 Introduction

RQ4 Chapter 8 — Towards Conflict Management

Chapter 7 — Advanced Configuration Scheduling

Chapter 9 — A Toolset
for Advanced
RQ2 Chapter 6 — Basic Configuration Scheduling

RQ1 Chapter 5 — Multi-view Feature Models

RQ1 Chapter 4 — Separation of Concerns in Feature Models

Chapter 3 — A Glimpse at Feature Modelling in the Configuration Realm

Feature Model

Chapter 2 — Feature Modelling in Software Product Line Engineering

Figure 1.3 – Thesis map.

makes realistic FMs hard to comprehend and analyse. Also, separation and
composition techniques for concerns in FMs have been found to be rudimentary.
Based on those conclusions, Chapter 5 reexamines the generic concept
of view, provides a formal definition, investigates its properties, and proposes
three alternative visualisations (C2). These techniques are motivated and il-
lustrated through excerpts from a web-based meeting management application.
To organise these views in a coherent process, Chapter 6 looks into multi-
level staged configuration, extends the formal semantics of Chapter 2 to account
for the dynamics of the configuration process, and studies its properties (C3).
Multi-level staged configuration has several theoretical and practical limi-
tations. Chapter 7 overcomes most of these limitations by coupling the FM
and its views with a workflow that allows to model non-linear processes and
pilot the configuration process (C3). That work is motivated and illustrated
1.6 Bibliographical Notes 9

through a configuration scenario taken from the aerospace industry. Addition-

ally, to avoid inconsistent and unsatisfiable models, design and execution time
analyses are formally defined and implemented (C4). Experiments evaluate the
performance of our algorithms on real-world workflows and FMs, and study the
impact that specific constructs (i.e., loops and or-joins) have on analyses.
These chapters either assume that all decisions are immutable or that con-
current user decisions are interleaved, thereby preventing conflicts. Chapter 8
relaxes these assumptions and proposes algorithms that detect inconsistencies
and suggest fixes (C5). These algorithms are evaluated with a configurator
used to configure operating systems.
Finally, Chapter 9 presents the architecture of our toolset, and details
how the contribution of each chapter is integrated in YAWL, SPLOT, and the
FCW Engine (C6).

1.6 Bibliographical Notes

The research presented in this thesis reuses and extends publications of the
author. We list below the most relevant peer-reviewed papers:


1. A. Hubaux, P. Heymans, P.-Y. Schobbens, D. Deridder, and E. Ab-

basi. Supporting multiple perspectives in feature-based configura-
tion. Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM), 2011. Springer
Berlin / Heidelberg. (Chapter 5)

2. A. Hubaux, P. Heymans, and D. Benavides. Variability modelling

challenges from the trenches of an open source product line re-
engineering project. In Proceedings of the 12th International Soft-
ware Product Line Conference (SPLC’08), pages 55–64, Limerick,
Ireland, 2008. IEEE Computer Society. (Chapter 5)
3. T. T. Tun, Q. Boucher, A. Classen, A. Hubaux, and P. Heymans.
Relating requirements and feature configurations: A systematic ap-
proach. In Proceedings of the 13th International Software Product
Lines Conference (SPLC’09), pages 201–210, San Francisco, CA,
USA, 2009. ACM Press. (Chapter 4, 5)
4. A. Hubaux, A. Classen, and P. Heymans. Formal modelling of fea-
ture configuration workflow. In Proceedings of the 13th International
Software Product Lines Conference (SPLC’09), pages 221–230, San
Francisco, CA, USA, 2009. ACM Press. (Chapter 7)
10 1 Introduction

5. A. Hubaux, P. Heymans, P.-Y. Schobbens, and D. Deridder. To-

wards multi-view feature-based configuration. In Proceedings of the
16th International Working Conference on Requirements Engineer-
ing:Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ’10), pages 106–112,
Essen, Germany, 2010. Springer-Verlag. (Chapter 5)
6. A. Hubaux, Q. Boucher, H. Hartmann, R. Michel, and P. Heymans.
Evaluating a textual feature modelling language: Four industrial
case studies. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference
on Software Language Engineering (SLE’10), volume 6563, pages
337–356, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2010. Springer Berlin / Hei-
delberg. (Chapter 2)
7. E. Abbasi, A. Hubaux, and P. Heymans. A toolset for feature-
based configuration workflows. In Proceedings of the 15th Interna-
tional Software Product Lines Conference (SPLC’11), pages 65–69,
Munich, Germany, 2011. IEEE Computer Society. (Chapter 9)


8. A. Classen, A. Hubaux, and P. Heymans. A formal semantics for

multi-level staged configuration. In Proceedings of the 3rd Interna-
tional Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Sys-
tems (VaMoS’09), pages 51–60, Sevilla, Spain, 2009. (Chapter 6)
9. H. Unphon, Y. Dittrich, and A. Hubaux. Taking care of coop-
eration when evolving socially embedded systems: The plonemeet-
ing case. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Cooperative and Hu-
man Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE’09), collocated with
ICSE’09, pages 96–103, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2009. IEEE Com-
puter Society. (Chapter 5)
10. A. Hubaux, Y. Xiong, and K. Czarnecki. A survey of configuration
challenges in Linux and eCos. In Proceedings of the 6th International
Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems
(VaMoS’12), Leipzig, Germany, 2012. ACM Press. (Chapter 8)

Doctoral Symposium

11. A. Hubaux and P. Heymans. On the evaluation and improvement of

feature-based configuration techniques in software product lines. In
Proceeding of the 31st International Conference on Software Engi-
neering (ICSE’09), Companion Volume, May 2009. Doctoral Sym-
posium. (Chapter 1)
1.6 Bibliographical Notes 11

Under review

12. A. Hubaux, T. T. Tun, and P. Heymans. Separation of concerns in

feature diagram languages: A systematic survey. ACM Computing
Surveys, 2011. (Chapter 4)
13. Y. Xiong, A. Hubaux, S. She, and K. Czarnecki. Generating range
fixes for software configuration. In Proceedings of the 34th In-
ternational Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE’12), Zurich,
Switzerland, 2012. IEEE Computer Society. (Chapter 8)

Feature Modelling in Software
Product Line Engineering

2.1 Motivation and Basic Principles of SPLE

Managing a set of programs is a known problem since the early ages of soft-
ware engineering. Operating system developers rapidly learned that to manage
different versions of the same operating system, it is more profitable to study
the properties shared by several versions before their individual details [Par76].
The A-7E Corsair II attack aircraft used by the U.S. Navy from the 60s until
the late 80s was one of the first aircraft equipped with an onboard computer
system. The onboard software was expected to satisfy real-time performance
and modifiability constraints related to weaponry, platform, and symbology
on the display. At that time, a highly dependable and modular software ar-
chitecture proved to be the only way to go [BCK03]. In the financial realm,
software is extensively used to track and analyse the stock market. When
Market Maker committed in the late 90’s to launch a web-based version of its
product, it was confronted with a maze of heterogeneous databases, comput-
ing platforms, content-providing applications, and requirements. Besides these
technical challenges, a very short time-to-market was mandatory to keep ahead
of the competition. Their solution, called MERGER, was a global system satis-
fying all their customer requirements from which individually tailored products
could be derived [CN01].
To a greater extent, the time when the industry could rely on a limited
set of products with few options has passed. The diverse requirements of cus-
tomers, and the necessity to differentiate themselves drove software companies
to change their stance and develop versatile product families.
A first pragmatic intuition of product family was given by Parnas back in

14 2 Feature Modelling in Software Product Line Engineering

1976. According to him, a set of programs should be considered as a program

family “whenever it is worthwhile to study programs from the set by first study-
ing the common properties of the set and then determining the special proper-
ties of the individual family members” [Par76]. The original scope of product
family was later extended to englobe marketing and managerial concerns, and
cast what is today called software product line engineering (SPLE). A software
product line (SPL) is commonly defined as “a set of software-intensive systems
that share a common, managed set of features satisfying the specific needs of
a particular market segment or mission developed from a common set of core
assets in a prescribed way” [CN01]. In essence, SPLE provides support for vari-
ations in demand, operating environment, and the natural evolution of software
by institutionalising reuse throughout software development [PBvdL05].
Systematic reuse requires high upfront investment and forward-thinking to
achieve economies of scale throughout the development life-cycle. The observed
benefits are usually reduced production and maintenance costs, shorter time-to-
market, and more flexible response to market changes [CN01]. Several success
stories of SPLE in various industry sectors have already been reported in the
literature [BHJ+ 03, vdLSR07, Con11].

Domain Domain Domain
Design Implementation Testing

Variability Model

Application Application Application
Design Implementation Testing

Configuration 1

Engineering ...

Configuration n

Figure 2.1 – SPLE life-cycle (adapted from [PBvdL05]).

One of the main ideas behind SPLE is to dedicate a specific process, named
domain engineering, to the development of reusable artefacts, a.k.a core assets.
These core assets are defined at every stage of the life-cycle, as illustrated in the
upper part of Figure 2.1. The set of products that can be derived from these
artefacts defines the portfolio of the SPL. Planning, organizing and building
2.2 Variability Modelling 15

a portfolio demands a rigorous documentation of the variability in the SPL.

Variability is captured in a variability model. There exists a wide variety of
variability modelling languages, as outlined in Section 2.2. For now, it suffices
to know that a variability language allows to document and structure variation
points in the SPL. Variation points are delayed design decisions that make core
assets flexible and customizable [VGBS01].
Core assets are then reused extensively during product development, a.k.a.
application engineering [PBvdL05]. Application engineering exploits the shared
characteristics of the portfolio by configuring the core assets. The configura-
tion process is the decision activity during which users decide which variants in
the variability model have to be selected to match the requirements of the de-
sired product. The resulting specification is called a configuration. The lower
part of Figure 2.1 sketches how distinct configurations characterise different
combinations of assets.
The different steps of the development life-cycle also suggest the notion
of time (e.g., design and implementation) at which a variant is bound, i.e.,
selected. Binding time has always been a major concern in decision making.
Several authors have proposed classifications [KCH+ 90, VGBS01, DFdJV03,
vdH04, SvGB05] reflecting their experience in different industry sectors. In
practice, the core assets and variability realisation mechanisms [SvGB05] sup-
ported by the SPL prescribe which binding times are used during application
engineering. Binding times then define external constraints on the variability
model that determine when decisions can be made [DFdJV03, SvGB05].
Time, however, is subject to different interpretations. The above intuition
assumes that artefacts do not change. Variability is progressively resolved
until the product is complete, i.e., there is no variability left. The variabil-
ity of a given set of artefacts at a given moment is often called variability in
space [PBvdL05]. Orthogonally, variability in time [PBvdL05] determines the
changes to the artefacts induced by the evolution of the SPL. Section 3.3 will
review some work on versioning related to variability in time. This work con-
centrates on variability in space. The next section revisits the most prominent
variability modelling languages used in SPLE.

2.2 Variability Modelling

For SPLE to pay off, proper variability management is mandatory. Variability

can be either integrated into artefacts such as UML models [HP03, ZHJ04,
GS08] or described independently of, a.k.a. orthogonally to, artefacts.
The frontrunner in that latter category is the feature model (FM) [KCH+ 90].
First introduced by Kang et al. in their work on feature-oriented domain anal-
ysis (FODA) [KCH+ 90], an FM is a graphical representation of similarities and
differences in a product portfolio. Similarities and differences in an SPL are
16 2 Feature Modelling in Software Product Line Engineering

expressed in terms of features. A feature received various meanings over the

years [CHS08]. In what follows, we will stick to the intuitive notion of feature
as “an increment in product functionality” [BBRC06]. An FM defines a hier-
archy of features and constraints on their selection. The valid combinations of
features define the products, also called configurations, provided by the SPL.
In other words, each product is a valid instance of the FM.
The independence of FMs from base models and code does not make it an
outcast, though. Several authors have defined mappings from FMs to different
kinds of base models. For instance, Czarnecki et al. [CP06] separate FMs from
the base UML model. Classen et al. [CHS+ 10] formally relate an FM to a be-
havioural model and reason about them both. Heidenreich et al. [HSS+ 10] map
FMs to other models such as use cases, class diagrams or statecharts. Closer to
implementation, feature-oriented programming (FOP) has been promoted as an
incremental development technique for complex programs [BSR04]. It is sup-
ported by several tools like [BSR04, KAK08, BCH+ 10] that provide different
code generation mechanisms at different levels of granularity.
The orthogonal variability model (OVM) [PBvdL05] is another language
that models variation points individually, and links them to base models.
Asikainen et al. [ASM04] present an hybrid approach that extends the compo-
nent and architecture description language Koala with variability mechanisms.
The resulting combined modelling language, called Koalish, is a standalone
language for describing configurable software product families.
Originally introduced in the Synthesis method [Cor93], decision models doc-
ument the variability of a product family and guide application engineering.
While FODA initially aimed at representing the commonality and variabil-
ity of a domain, decision modelling approaches focused on product derivation.
Schmid et al. propose a comparison of five decision modelling approaches that
underlines their differences [SRG11]. In [CGR+ 12], Czarnecki et al. build upon
that comparison to conduct a systematic comparison of FMs and decision mod-
els along ten dimensions. Their study concludes that both FMs and decision
models have now reached comparable levels of expressiveness, and share similar
use cases.
The reader is referred to Chen et al. [CABA09, CAB11] for a detailed and
systematic review on existing variability modelling approaches and evidence
of their application. The following sections dwell upon the concrete syntax of
FMs, their semantics, their analysis, and introduces feature-based configura-

2.3 Feature Modelling

The particular view of software systems offered by FMs is a powerful con-

ceptual tool to characterise many of the products aimed at the mass market.
2.3 Feature Modelling 17

The apparent simplicity of FMs in describing feature relationships, and their

suitability as a communication device for stakeholders, are often cited as an
important reason for their popularity [KKL+ 98]. As a result, there has been a
tremendous academic and practical interests in designing precise and expres-
sive FM languages, automated reasoning tools to support the languages, and
their application to real-life problems.
Since this original proposal, several extensions have been suggested by var-
ious authors, most of which have been surveyed in [SHTB06]. In this section,
we dwell upon one particular graphical syntax, and briefly examine some tex-
tual feature modelling languages overlooked in [SHTB06]. Then, we recall the
essence of the formal semantics on which this work relies.

2.3.1 Concrete syntax

Graphical representation
Most common FM languages are graphical notations based on FODA [KCH+ 90].
Traditionally, FMs are represented as trees whose nodes denote features and
whose edges represent top-down hierarchical decomposition of features. The
original graphical rendering of FMs is a tree-shaped graph which we call the
classical concrete syntax (as shown in Figure 2.2(a)). However, here, we use
a file explorer -like syntax because of its scalability (width grows very slowly
with the number of features and complexity can be managed through “collapse
and expand”). As it can be seen in Figure 2.2(b)), the file explorer syntax
is much more compact than the classical syntax. Table 2.1 summarises the
decomposition operators we use.

Table 2.1 – FM decomposition operators.

f f f f f
Concrete X ⟨i..j⟩
g g g g g
h h h h h
Decomposition and: ⋀ or: ⋁ generalized
xor: ⨁ optional
operator cardinality
Cardinality ⟨n..n⟩ ⟨1..n⟩ ⟨1..1⟩ ⟨i..j⟩ ⟨0..1⟩

Let us examine these constructs before illustrating them with an example.

The and -decomposition does not require any distinctive graphical symbol. In
an and -decomposition, all the children that are not optional must be included
in products when the parent is. The optional children must be present only if
selected. Optional children are adorned with an hollow circle. It means that
the selection of the parent does not imply the selection of the child. The or -
decomposition is represented by a filled crescent spanning the feature relations.
18 2 Feature Modelling in Software Product Line Engineering

In an or -decomposition, at least one child feature must be included in prod-

ucts where the parent is. The xor -decomposition is represented by an hollow
crescent with an X spanning the feature relations. An xor -decomposition is a
more constrained form of or -decomposition where one and only child feature
can be selected. The cardinality-based decomposition is represented with an
hollow crescent spanning the feature relations such that at least i and at most
j child features must be present in products where the parent is.
The example FM Figure 2.2 is inspired from the eVoting component of the
example presented in Section 5.2. The and -decomposition of the root feature
(Voting) implies that all its child features (Encoder, Vote values, Default vote
values) have to be selected in a valid product, except Default vote values that
is optional. The or -decomposition of the Encoder feature means that at least
one of its child features has to be selected. Cardinality-based decompositions
are often used, such as for Vote values in our example. In this case, the
decomposition type implies that at least two, and at most four sub-features
of Vote values have to be selected in a valid product. The xor -decomposition
of Default vote value means that only one of its sub-features can be selected.
Finally, crosscutting constraints further condition the selection of features. In
the example, the selection of Yes under the Default vote value feature requires
the selection of Yes in the vote values. The same holds for No.
However, working with large-scale FMs can become challenging with such
notations. Given that an FM is a tree on a two dimensional surface, there will
inevitably be large physical distances between features, which makes it hard
to navigate, search and interpret them. Several tools have been developed to
help modellers [AC04, Beu08, KTS+ 09, Kru07]. Most of them use directory
tree-like representations of FMs to reduce physical distances between some
features, and provide collapse/expand functionalities. More advanced user in-
terfaces and visualisation techniques have also been proposed to attenuate the
aforementioned deficiencies (e.g. [NOST07, CHBT10]).

Textual representation
Various textual FM languages have been proposed as an alternative to graphical
ones for a number of reasons. Their main advantage over graphical notations
is that they do not require dedicated modelling tools; well-established tools
are already available for text-based editing, transformation, versioning, etc.
Furthermore, textual information and textual models can be easily exchanged,
for instance by email.
To the best of our knowledge, FDL [vDK02] was the first textual FM lan-
guage. It supports basic requires and excludes constraints and is arguably user
friendly, but it does not include attributes, cardinality-based decompositions
and other advanced constructs. It is also the first textual language with a
formal semantics.
2.3 Feature Modelling 19

Voting (V)

Vote values Default vote

Encoder (E)
(A) value (D)

Not Yet Abstention

Manager (M) Voter (T) Yes (Y) No (N) Yes (DY) No (DN)
Encoded (O) (B)

(a) Classical concrete syntax

Voting (V) Crosscutting constraints

Encoder (E)
DY <requires> Y
DN <requires> N
Manager (M)
Voter (T)
Vote values (A)
Yes (Y)
No (N)
Not Yet Encoded (O)
Abstention (B)
Default vote value (D)
Yes (DY)
No (DN)

(b) File explorer concrete syntax

Figure 2.2 – Sample FM of the PloneMeeting eVoting component.

The AHEAD [Bat05] and FeatureIDE [KTS+ 09] tools use the GUIDSL
syntax [Bat05], where FMs are represented through grammars. The syntax is
aimed at the engineer and is thus easy to write, read and understand. How-
ever, it does not support decomposition cardinalities, attributes, hierarchical
decomposition of FMs and has no formal semantics.
The SXFM file format is used by SPLOT [MBC09]. While XML is used
for metadata, FMs are entirely text-based. Its advantage over GUIDSL is that
it makes the tree structure of the FM explicit through indentation. However,
except for the hierarchy, it has the same deficiencies as GUIDSL.
The VSL file format of the CVM framework [Rei09, AJL+ 10] supports
many constructs. Attributes, however, cannot be used in constraints. The
Feature Modelling Plugin [AC04] as well as the FAMA framework [BSTRC07]
use XML-based file formats to encode FMs. Tags make them hard to read and
write by engineers. Furthermore, none of them proposes a formal semantics.
Clafer (class feature reference) is a meta-modelling language for meta-
models, feature models, and combinations thereof [BCW10]. Clafer aims at
20 2 Feature Modelling in Software Product Line Engineering

integrating feature modelling into class modelling, while providing a general

framework to reason about both types of models. In particular, (partial) prod-
uct configurations can be expressed in Clafer through specialisation and exten-
sion layers. Clafer also has a “translational semantics” to Alloy [BCW10].
TVL (Textual Variability Language) was proposed as a textual alternative
targeted to software architects and engineers [BCFH10, CBH11]. The language
supports four types of attributes, guards, aggregation functions, expressions,
and complex constraints. It has been fully formalised, and a reference im-
plementation is available online [CBH11]. An empirical evaluation on four
industrial case studies can be found in [HBH+ 10].

2.3.2 Formal semantics ([[.]]F M )

Schobbens et al. [SHTB07] gave a generic formal semantics to a wide range
of FM dialects. The full details of the formalisation cannot be reproduced
here, but we need to recall the essentials. The formalisation was performed
following the guidelines of Harel and Rumpe [HR00], according to whom each
modelling language L must possess an unambiguous mathematical definition
of three distinct elements: the syntactic domain LL , the semantic domain SL
and the semantic function ML : LL → SL , also traditionally written [[·]]L .
Our FM language will be simply called F M , and its syntactic domain is
defined as follows.
Definition 2.1 Syntactic domain LF M
d ∈ LF M is a 6-tuple (N, P, r, λ, DE, Φ) such that:
• N is the (non empty) set of features (nodes).
• P ⊆ N is the set of primitive features.
• r ∈ N is the root.
• DE ⊆ N × N is the decomposition relation between features which forms
a tree. For convenience, we will use children(n) to denote {n0 | (n, n0 ) ∈
DE}, the set of all direct sub-features of n.
• λ : N → N × N indicates the decomposition type of a feature, represented
as a cardinality hi..ji where i indicates the minimum number of children
required in a product and j the maximum. For convenience, special car-
dinalities are indicated by the Boolean operator they represent, as shown
in Table 2.1.
• Φ is a formula that captures crosscutting constraints (e.g. <requires>
and <includes>). Without loss of generality, we consider Φ to be a con-
junction of Boolean formulae on features, i.e. Φ ∈ B(N ), a language that
we know is expressively complete wrt. SF M [SHTB07].
2.3 Feature Modelling 21

Furthermore, each d ∈ LF M must satisfy the following well-formedness
• r is the root: ∀n ∈ N (@n0 ∈ N • (n0 , n) ∈ DE) ⇔ n = r;
• DE is acyclic: @n1 , .., nk ∈ N • (n1 , ∗), (∗, nk ), (nk , n1 ) ∈ DE;
• Terminal nodes are h0..0i-decomposed.
Definition 2.1 is actually a formal definition of the graphical syntax of an
FM such as the one shown in Figure 2.2; for convenience, each feature is given
a name and a one-letter acronym. In abstract form, the FM of Figure 2.2
translates to:

N = {V, E, M, T, A, Y, N, O, B, Ḋ, D, DY, DN };

P = {V, E, M, T, A, Y, N, O, B, D, DY, DN }; r = V ;
DE = {(V, E), (E, M ), (E, T ), ...} ; λ(V ) = h3..3i ; λ(E) = h1..2i ; λ(M ) = h0..0i ;
λ(T ) = h0..0i ; λ(A) = h2..4i ; λ(Ḋ) = h0..1i ; λ(D) = h1..1i ; . . .
Φ = (DY ⇒ Y ) ∧ (DN ⇒ N )

Feature Ḋ is a non-primitive feature that encode optionality (adorned with

small hollow circles in the concrete syntax). Every optional feature has a h0..1i
cardinality, i.e. λ(Ḋ) = h0..1i. This is a purely technical trick in the translation
from concrete to abstract syntax. It has no incidence on the user notation.
The semantic domain formalises the real-world concepts that the language
models, and that the semantic function associates to each model. FMs repre-
sent SPLs, hence the following two definitions.
Definition 2.2 Semantic domain SF M
SF M = P(P(P )), indicating that each syntactically correct diagram should be
interpreted as a product line, i.e. a set of configurations or products (set of
sets of primitive features). 

Definition 2.3 Semantic function [[d]]F M

Given d ∈ LF M , [[d]]F M returns the valid feature combinations F C ∈ P(P(N ))
restricted to primitive features: [[d]]F M = F C |P , where the valid feature combi-
nations F C of d are those c ∈ P(N ) that:
• contain the root: r ∈ c,
• satisfy the decomposition type: n ∈ c ∧ λ(n) = hi..ji ⇒ i ≤ |children(n) ∩
c| ≤ j,
• justify each feature: n0 ∈ c ∧ n0 ∈ children(n) ⇒ n ∈ c,
22 2 Feature Modelling in Software Product Line Engineering

• satisfy the additional constraints: c |= Φ.

The projection operator used in Definition 2.3 will be used throughout the
thesis; it is defined as follows.
Definition 2.4 Projection A |B
For two given sets A and B, we note A |B the projection of A on B such that:
A |B = {a0 |a ∈ A ∧ a0 = a ∩ B} = {a ∩ B|a ∈ A}

Considering the previous example, the semantic function maps the diagram
of Figure 2.2 to all its valid feature combinations, three of which are listed

{V, E, M, A, Y, N }, {V, E, M, A, Y, N, D, DY }, {V, E, M, A, Y, N, D, DN }, . . .

As shown in [SHTB07], this language suffices to retrospectively define the

semantics of most common FM languages. The concepts of feature attribute
[KCH+ 90], feature reference [CHE04], and feature cardinality [CHE04], how-
ever, cannot entirely be captured by the above semantics. The extension of
LF M to support feature cardinalities is still work in progress, as reported
in [MCHB11]. Attributes have already been integrated in the semantics else-
where [CBH11]. In the remainder, d denotes an FM, and (N, P, r, λ, DE, Φ)
the respective elements of its abstract syntax. Benefits, limitations and appli-
cations of the above semantics have been discussed extensively in [SHTB07].

2.4 Reasoning about Feature Models

A formal semantics is the primary measure for precision and unambiguity, and
an important prerequisite for reliable tool-support. This section revisits some
of the most popular analyses on FMs and reasoning techniques.

2.4.1 Analyses
The benefit of defining a semantics before building a tool is the ability to
reason about the analyses the tool should conduct on a pure mathematical
level, without having to worry about their implementation. These analyses are
mathematical properties defined on the semantics that can serve as indicators,
validity or satisfiability checks. Over twenty years of existence, a great deal of
analyses on FMs have been proposed, the most frequent of them being:
2.4 Reasoning about Feature Models 23

Satisfiability. An FM d is satisfiable when at least one configuration, also

called product, can be derived from it: [[d]]F M 6= ∅. An unsatisfiable FM
is synonym of an over-constrained model from which no product can be
Legal/valid configuration. A configuration c is legal or valid if it satisfies
the FM d: c ∈ [[d]]F M . By extension, a partial configuration c0 is legal if
it is a subset of a legal configuration: ∃c ∈ [[d]]F M • c0 ⊆ c.
Dead feature. A feature n ∈ N that does not appear in any configuration is
called dead : @c ∈ [[d]]F M • n ∈ c.
Core features. Core features M ⊆ N are features that appear in every con-
figuration: ∀c ∈ [[d]]F M • M ⊆ c.
Atomic set. An atomic set M ⊆ N defines a group of features that always
appears together in any configuration: ∀c ∈ [[d]]F M • M ∩c 6= ∅ ⇒ M ⊆ c.
Product count. How many configuration can be derived from the FM d. This
is defined as |[[d]]F M |
A more comprehensive list can in found in the systematic review of Bena-
vides et al. [BSRC10].

2.4.2 Automated processing

Formalising these analyses is the stepping stone to precise and reliable auto-
mated processing. The key to efficient automation is the encoding of the model
and property to verify in the appropriate solver. Benavides et al. [BSRC10]
identify four families of reasoning approaches characterised by the paradigm or
method they use:
Propositional logic-based. Propositional logic is the branch of logic that
studies propositions defined over a set of Boolean variables and the logical
operators ¬, ∧, ∨, ⇒ and ⇔. The abstract syntax of FMs defined in
Section 2.3.2 can be readily encoded in propositional logic [Man02, Bat05,
SHTB07, Tri08], as shown in Table 2.2 where
4 _ ^ ^
cardi,j (n) = (( m) ∧ ( ¬m))
M ⊂children(n) | i≤|M |≤j m∈M m∈children(n)\M

A naive encoding is used here for simplicity. Advanced discussions on

optimal encodings can be found in [Sin05, MHP+ 07].
Two types of solvers are commonly used to efficiently handle FMs en-
coded as a propositional formulae. SAT solvers (e.g. SAT4J [LB11] or
24 2 Feature Modelling in Software Product Line Engineering

Table 2.2 – Mapping from LF M to propositional logic.

Abstract syntax such that Propositional logic encoding

N Set of variables
(n, m) ∈ DE n⇐m
λ(n) = h0..ji j = |children(n)| No constraint
λ(n) = h0..ji j < |children(n)| n ⇒ ¬card
W j+1,|children(n)| (n)
λ(n) = h1..ji j = |children(n)| n ⇒ m∈children(n) m
λ(n) = hj..ji j = |children(n)| n ⇒ m∈children(n) m
λ(n) = hi..ji 1 ≤ i ≤ j < |children(n)| n ⇒ cardi,j (n)

MiniSAT [ES11]) take as input a boolean formula, and try to find an as-
signment of the variables such that the formula is satisfiable. SAT solvers
usually require the boolean formula to be converted in a conjuctive nor-
mal form (CNF). A CNF is a conjunction of clauses where each clause is
a disjunction of variables such that a variable and its complement can-
not appear in the same clause. Standard conversion algorithms can be
used to transform any arbitrary boolean formula into a CNF. Although
satisfiability is an NP-complete problem [Coo71], SAT solvers prove to
be very efficient to reason about FMs containing up to several thousand
features [MWC09].
Binary decision diagram (BDD) solvers (e.g. JavaBDD [Wha11] or Cro-
coPat [Bey11]) encode a propositional formula as a directed acyclic graph
(DAG) with two terminal nodes respectively representing true and false.
Each decision node is labelled with a boolean variable, and has exactly
two output edges respectively capturing the assignment of true or false
to the variable.
SAT and BDD solvers differ in that SAT solvers suffer from a high com-
plexity in time whereas BDD solver suffer from a high complexity in
space. In practice, both solvers complement each other and should be
picked carefully based on the type of analysis to conduct [Men09].
Constraint programming-based. A constraint satisfaction problem (CSP)
is defined as “a finite set of variables, each of which is associated with
a finite domain, and a set of constraints that restricts the values the
variables can simultaneously take” [Tsa93]. The role of a CSP solver
(e.g. JaCoP [Jac11] or Choco [Cho11]) is to find an assignment for each
variable such that all the constraints are satisfied.
The mapping from an FM to a particular CSP solver is less straight-
forward than with propositional logic because each solver has its own
encoding scheme. Details about alternative encodings can be found
2.5 Feature-based Configuration 25

in [BSRC10]. Overall, CSP solvers are less efficient to process FMs ex-
clusively defined over Boolean domains. However, their ability to reason
about arbitrary domains makes them very good candidates for attributes
of numeric or textual types. They can also maximise objective functions,
which is sometimes needed to optimise the cost of a set of features (e.g.
total CPU consumption or memory footprint [TBC+ 09]).

Description logic-based. Description logic (DL) defines a family of formal

languages meant to conceptualise, and reason about knowledge [BCM+ 03].
Essentially DL allow to model concepts, roles (properties on concepts and
relationships among them), and individuals (instances). For instance, one
of the most popular DL languages, viz. OWL [OWL11], has been used in
combination with RACER [Moe11] to analyse FMs, and provide expla-
nations of the results.

Other. Other approaches rely on original algorithms tailored for FMs. These
algorithms are usually bound to a particular dialect of FMs and focus
on very specific analyses [BSRC10]. Satisfiability modulo theory (SMT)
[NOT06] solvers are currently being evaluated [PNX+ 11] as an alternative
to propositional logic and CSP solvers. Solving an SMT problem means
deciding whether a first-order logic formula containing predicates (such
as linear equalities or inequalities) defined over non-binary variables is

According to [BSRC10], propositional logic-based approaches (e.g., [Jan10])

are most commonly used in FM analyses followed very closely by ad hoc solu-
tions (e.g., [vDK02, Men09, PNX+ 11]). CSP-based solutions (e.g., [BTA05])
come in third position while DL-based solutions (e.g., [WLS+ 07]) represent
a marginal fraction of the solvers used in the surveyed studies. The grow-
ing attention for ad hoc solutions and the study of SMT solvers underline an
interesting trend towards the development of efficient FM-specific reasoning
Solvers not only help improve the quality and correction of FMs. They
also provide the backbone that maintains the consistency of the configuration
throughout the application engineering process.

2.5 Feature-based Configuration

Product configuration is a labour-intensive and time-consuming activity that

usually takes up to several months and involves numerous stakeholders with
heterogeneous concerns [DS05, MCMdO08, HHSD10]. Feature-based configu-
ration (FBC) is the interactive process during which stakeholders decide which
features are included in a product.
26 2 Feature Modelling in Software Product Line Engineering

The fundamental challenge faced by FBC systems is to ensure the correct-

ness of the configuration along the whole process. In an interactive setting, it
means (1) automatically propagating decisions, and (2) explaining the results
of the propagation. Decision propagation is the procedure that automatically
sets the values of variables that depend on the decision. In other words, feature
required (respectively excluded) by the decision are automatically selected (re-
spectively deselected). As a result, no decision made during the configuration
process can ever break the satisfiability of the product. An explanation is the
feedback delivered to stakeholders that details how a decision was made, i.e.
manually or automatically. In the automatic case, the explanation should con-
tain the manual decision that triggered the propagation, and the constraints
that entailed the (de)selection. Note that several explanations can match a
single decision.

Voting (V) Voting (V)

✓ Encoder (E) ✓ Encoder (E)

Manager (M) ✓ Manager (M)

Voter (T) ✓ Voter (T)

✓ Vote values (A) ✓ Vote values (A)

[2..4] [2..4]

✓ Yes (Y) ✓ Yes (Y)

No (N) ✓ No (N)
Not Yet Encoded (O) ✗ Not Yet Encoded (O)
Abstention (B) ✗ Abstention (B)

✓ Default vote value (D) ✓ Default vote value (D)


✓ Yes (DY) ✓ Yes (DY)

✗ No (DN) ✗ No (DN)

(a) Manual decision (DY ) (b) Manual decisions (M,T,N,¬O,¬B)

Automatic decisions (E,D,Y,A,¬DN)

Figure 2.3 – Examples of manual and automatically propagated decisions.

In the eVoting example, the selection of DY entails the automatic selection

of D, Y and A and the deselection of DN, as shown in Figure 2.3(a). The
selection of E is not a result of the selection of DY but of the structural con-
straint binding V and E (V ⇔ E). In Figure 2.3(b), the stakeholder proceeds
with the configuration. All the decisions here are manual, i.e, no decision is
propagated. The outcome is the complete set of features that specify the prod-
uct: {V, E, M, T, A, Y, N, D, DY}. In the example, a first explanation for the
selection of A is that it was selected because the manual selection of DY, which
implied the automatic selection of Y (DY ⇒ Y ), which in turn implied the
selection of A (parent of Y ). A second explanation is that A is automatically
selected by construction (V ⇔ A).
2.6 Chapter Summary 27

In practice, performance, scalability, and integration requirements also pre-

vail. FMs can contain thousands of features whose legal combinations are de-
termined by quantities of complex constraints [Bat05, Men09, BSL+ 10]. That
level of complexity demands extremely efficient reasoners to propagate deci-
sions while preserving the reactivity of the configuration interface. The in-
terface itself must also offer scalable navigation and explanation mechanisms.
Furthermore, large models can also be synonym of several stakeholders who in-
tervene at different moments in the configuration process. Finally, the uptake
of an FBC system is determined by its ability to be integrated in full-fledged de-
velopment environments. Concretely, it means interacting with heterogeneous
modelling and programming tools to derive running products.
Over the years, tools supporting FBC capitalised on the formalisation of
FMs to develop interactive configurators (e.g. [AC04, psG06, KTS+ 09, Men10]).
These tools rely on efficient solvers (typically SAT, BDD and CSP solvers) that
excel at propagating decisions throughout the FM. As we have seen in Sec-
tion 2.4.2, their reasoning abilities depend on the type of solver. For instance,
SPLOT [Men10] uses SAT and BDD solvers only, which restricts the reason-
ing domain to binary decisions but enables extremely fast reasoning about
thousands of features. pure::variants [psG06], on the other hand, uses a di-
alect of Prolog. Prolog being a general-purpose logic programming language,
it supports arbitrary domains such as integers or strings. But that gain in
expressiveness comes at the price of lower overall performance. Usually, these
tools also propose other analyses such as explanation, dead feature detection,
core feature detection, model comparison, model metrics computation, and
Commercial tools (e.g.pure::variants [psG06] and GEARS [BS10b]) also of-
fer bridge integration with off-the-shelf toolsets like IBM Rational, Rhapsody,
Simulink, Serena or Visual Studio. Others like XTof and FeatureIDE [GCB+ 10,
KTS+ 09, K1̈1] focus on FOP, and provide traceability between an FM and a
code base. The configuration of the FM echoes with the automated pruning of
the unnecessary source code. These advances place FBC at the core of software
engineering environments.

2.6 Chapter Summary

Increasingly widespread in industry, SPLE is leading research on variability-

intensive software development and reuse management. SPLE has incubated
research on feature modelling and fostered its adoption among practitioners.
This lead to its current standardisation by the OMG in the common variability
language (CVL).1 After a swift introduction to the motivation, goal and fun-
damentals of SPLE, this chapter enumerated the main variability modelling
28 2 Feature Modelling in Software Product Line Engineering

languages and several dialects of FMs. It then introduced the concrete syntax
and recalled the semantics of FMs of Schobbens et al. [SHTB07] used through-
out this thesis. Finally, common analyses of FMs and reasoning techniques
used in FBC were described and exemplified.

A Glimpse at Feature Modelling
in the Configuration Realm

3.1 Overview

Since the early 90’s, FBC has adopted and revisited several notions from two
landmarks of computer science: artificial intelligence (AI) and software con-
figuration management (SCM). The tight bond between configuration in AI
and FBC has already been established. Günter et al. [GK99] recognise con-
cept hierarchies (similar to FMs) as a fundamental concept in their survey
of configuration methods used in knowledge-based configuration. According
to Junker’s classification of known configuration problems [Jun06], FBC falls
in the option selection or shopping list problems. Additionally, several au-
thors have already reviewed how AI contributes to the automation of FBC
(e.g. [Men09, Jan10, BSRC10]).
Rather than repeating existing work, we take several steps back from the
technical contribution of AI to outline its support for configuration in the
manufacturing industry and compare it to FBC. The manufacturing domain
caught our attention mainly because it has led research on configurators—
more generally called expert systems—in AI for years. Other researchers also
stressed the need to understand the relationship between hardware and software
product lines (e.g. [HK07]). In fact, many reports on the applications of SPLE
are very close to the manufacturing industry. A quick look at the SPL hall
of fame [Con11] shows that out of the 18 success stories, only 5 are geared
towards end-users. Most of them are dedicated to embedded devices like cell
phones, engines or military equipment.
While configurators help users create superior products, SCM manages
change along the engineering lifecycle. Since the 50’s, SCM has grown into a

30 3 A Glimpse at Feature Modelling in the Configuration Realm

mature discipline, essential to most software development projects [ELvdH+ 05],

and has been included in many IEEE, ISO, EIA, and military standards [Pre04].
The major reasons for the success of SCM are its generality and independence of
application semantics, which make it “"universally" applicable, while still pro-
viding a useful abstraction layer upon which other software engineering tools
operate and integrate their results.” [ELvdH+ 05] To gauge the full extent of
SCM, we quickly recall its basic functionalities. We then dwell upon the rela-
tionship between FBC and product configuration in SCM.
This chapter aims at raising the reader’s awareness on the connection be-
tween FBC and the application of AI in manufacturing and SCM. Without
seeking completeness, we highlight some key synergies and expose the bigger
landscape in which FMs fit.

3.2 On the use of FBC in Manufacturing

3.2.1 Configuration in manufacturing

Like software vendors, manufacturing companies face a new generation of cus-
tomers looking for customisable products at the same price and conditions than
previously standard products. Failing to provide that extra flexibility can
rapidly become a serious competitive disadvantage. Furthermore, the cheap
cloning of standard products in low-cost regions has lured a significant amount
of customers away from their regular dealers [Con08]. A vast and high-quality
portfolio is thus a prerequisite for business sustainability.
To cut down costs and compete with low-cost manufacturers, many compa-
nies resort to lean production [WJR91]. Lean production is a production prac-
tice that aims at minimising the consumption of resources that do not produce
any value or improve productivity. This practice, combined with the growing
necessity to market customisable products, drove manufactures to adopt so-
phisticated configurators that reduce lead times1 , automate quote generation,
increase workforce efficiency, reduce errors in bills of material, and increase
control over the production [HMR08, Con08, TSMS96].
Configurators are commonly used to manage “the sales, product design, and
development of manufacturing specifications for customised products” [HMR08].
At the core of the configurator lies the configuration system, which is “an expert
system that is able to combine modules which are individually described by a
number of characteristics, by using rules (constraints) which describe which
modules are legal to use in combination” [HMR08].
Hvam et al. [HMR08] stress that the decision to create or use a configurator
should not be technology-driven but rather result from the clear prevision of
1 The lead time is the period of time between the beginning and the end of a production

3.2 On the use of FBC in Manufacturing 31

commercial advantages like increased customer satisfaction and market share,

and reduced production costs.
Configurators not only hinge on sound technologies. Their purpose and de-
sign is determined by a delivery strategy that prescribes the degree of flexibil-
ity and their position in the manufacturing lifecyle. The four main strategies
are discussed below. We then outline the configurator development process
recommended by Hvam et al. [HMR08] that has been successfully applied to
numerous large scale industrial projects (e.g. the production of complete ce-
ment factories), and then close in on the variability model they advocate for
the definition of the product range.

3.2.2 Different product delivery strategies

Traditionally, companies have been fabricating, assembling and eventually stor-
ing finished products. In this make-to-stock delivery strategy where products
are manufactured for storing, the customer order decoupling point (CODP),
also called order penetration point, is positioned at the end of the production
process. The CODP is the “the point in the manufacturing value chain for a
product, where the product is linked to a specific customer order” [Olh03].
However, as the market moved from forecast-driven to customer-order-
driven, the CODP progressively shifted upstream to accommodate the offer
to the growing need for early customisation. Table 3.1 sketches the position
of the CODP for the make-to-stock strategy as well as those of three other
strategies, which are explained below.
As we go upstream, the first strategy we meet is configure-to-order, a.k.a.
assemble-to-order. In this strategy, products are built based on a combination
of standard components pieced together following some choices of the customer.
A car is an example of a product assembled to meet a specific order [Con08].
One level up we find the make-to-order strategy, which is more flexible than
configure-to-order as it only starts the manufacturing of already designed com-
ponents once the order has been placed. It is therefore easier to build more
customisable products as the fabrication of the pieces is case specific. Hardware
manufacturing at Dell is an example of the application of such strategy. The
final stage is the engineer-to-order strategy, which leaves a maximum flexibility
to the customer. In that case, a substantial amount of work is needed to define
accurate specifications. The production of complex plants like cement factories
belong to that strategy [HMR08].
Naturally, the upper in the stream the more complex the strategy is to han-
dle. Not only the manufacturing facilities must be flexible, but also the design
and specification of the product family. In fact, to deal with that complex-
ity, some companies combine different strategies [TSMS96]. Empirical studies
have shown that, on average, 80% of the customer orders can be satisfied by
configured products [TSMS96, HMR08]. The last 20% have to be handled in-
32 3 A Glimpse at Feature Modelling in the Configuration Realm

Table 3.1 – Different product delivery strategies (adapted from [Olh03]).

Product delivery strategy Design Fabrication and Final Shipment

procurement assembly

Make-to-stock CODP
Configure-to-order CODP
Make-to-order CODP
Engineer-to-order CODP

dependently, which results in markedly higher costs and longer delivery time.
Similarly, in SPLE, O’Leary et al. [ORRT09] report that customers are usually
ready to have only 80% of their requirements fulfilled if the cost of the deviation
from standard products is too prohibitive.
The nature and complexity of the products determine the type of strat-
egy(ies) that best fits the needs of the company. It is only once agreed upon
that the development of the configurator can actually start.

3.2.3 Building the configurator

According to Hvam et al. [HMR08], the creation, implementation and opera-
tion of a configurator is a seven-phase procedure. During the first phase, the
product specification process is defined. The specification process is the process
that analyses the needs of the customers, creates a product tailored to them
and prescribes the activities related to, for instance, purchasing, delivery, ser-
vicing and recycling. Figure 3.1 illustrates how a sample specification process
is integrated in the production process. The specification process also defines
the configuration system that supports the activities composing it.

Specification process

Customer Sales Product design Calculation

Configuration system

Purchasing Planning Production

Figure 3.1 – Specification process endowed with a configuration system (adapted

from [HMR08]).
3.2 On the use of FBC in Manufacturing 33

The second phase is the analysis of the product range, which aims at pro-
viding a global view of the product range by detailing the product knowledge
to be included in the configuration system. The model used to capture this
knowledge is called the product variant master (PVM). Basically, the PVM
consists of a set of hierarchically organised components and their parts. The
PVM is usually drawn on a large sheet of paper or with tools like Microsoft Ex-
cel or Visio. The specifications of individual components and parts are usually
documented via class, responsibility and collaboration (CRC) cards [BC89].
We stop here the description of the PVM as Section 3.2.4 is dedicated to it.
In the third phase, a first object-oriented model, in this case a class dia-
gram, is directly derived from the PVM and CRC cards. Once completed, the
object-oriented model contains both the product and system knowledge. This
model is then adapted in the fourth phase, called object-oriented design, based
on the selected configuration system. The configuration system contains the
configuration knowledge and performs the reasoning about module combina-
tion. It can either be developed in-house or, more frequently, be supplied by a
third-party. Since many of the existing systems are not fully object-oriented,
the model must be adapted to work properly with the selected software. Note
that the integration with more than one third-party tool might prove manda-
tory. For instance, the configurator might have to interact with an ERP to
compute delivery times and prices, CAD tools supporting the modelling of
complex physical parts like an engine or even 3D visualisation tools used by
architects to present explorable representations of the future building.
The role played by FBC in SPLE reflects that of the configuration system
in manufacturing. However, FBC is restricted to option selection and attribute
assignment, while the configuration system covers the simplest forms of binary
decisions to the assembly of complex mechanical parts. In other words, FBC
can only cover a limited span of the range of problem tackled in manufacturing.
The fifth phase deals with the actual programming of the configurator,
which is then implemented in the production environment during the sixth
phase. The final phase, the seventh, is focused on the maintenance and further
development of the configurator.

3.2.4 Product variant master

As said earlier, the PVM aims at capturing the various modules and parts of
the product range, hence its variability. To illustrate the concepts and ter-
minology of the PVM, we will use the example presented in Figure 3.2. The
left-hand side, also known as the part-of structure, hierarchically defines the
component of the product family. The part-of structure is analogous to the
aggregation relation in UML. It shows notably that the Car family is defined
by a Windshield, a Gearbox, a Sunroof, an Engine, a set of Wheels and the
Air conditioning. The right-hand part, also known as the kind-of structure,
Class definition
The concept of classes in a PFMP is identical to the one used in the object-oriented para-
digm, i.e. a group of objects sharing a common structure and/or behaviour. This implies
34 that a class encapsulates
3 A Glimpse a description of one
at Feature or several
Modelling elements.
in the Examples
Configuration are “A low pro-
file tire” or “Tires”. A class can be one or several parts, e.g. a tire. Also, a class can be a group
of descriptive attributes, i.e. colours, prices, etc.
specifies the variants of each of these components. The kind-of structure is
Each class is given a unique name as identification. The name has to be unique in order
analogous to the specialisation relation in UML. Figure 3.2 shows only one ex-
to avoid misunderstanding. A class is represented in the PFMP by a horizontal line with a
ample of kind-of structure, i.e. the car family can either be Station wagon, Van
circle at the right end ( ). The class name is written next to the circle. The font applied
or Cabriolet. Another example, not present in the figure, is the kind of wheel
is normally black (Figure 61).
available, i.e. 14” standard tire, 15” tire or Super low profile tire [HMR08].

Car family
Subassembly Van

[1] Cabriolet
Engine Class name
Description: This class is used for
defining all engines that this family Description
of car uses
Volume: [1.6, 1.8, 2.0] Litres
Fuel: (Diesel, Gasoline)
Constraint 1: Cabriolet is only offered
with a 2.0 litres engine Constraints
Air conditioning

Figure61. Principle
3.2 – class declaration
Example in a PFMP.
of PVM The small
(copied fromexample shows a PFMP for a car family.

The name of a class should be relatively short. In cases, where more information about the
contents and the purpose of the class is needed, a description field© can be applied. The de-
2003 IPU / DTU  The Product Architecture G
The concepts of the
scription field PVM
is used for aare deeply
verbal inspired
description. from
In cases thethe
where object-oriented
class is given the name of a
paradigm, part
which greatly
number, facilitatesfield
the description their conversion
is useful. into class
The description diagrams.
is written below the In class name
the PVM, inevery component preceded by
the PFMP with a grey font (Figure 61). a circle with a short horizontal line
on the left is the class name, which must be unique. Classes can also have
cardinalities, which include attributes.
can specify the numberThe attributes defineitthe
of sub-parts variation
has. In ourwithin theaclass
case, car e.g. Colour
can have between 4 or 5 wheels if it has a spare wheel. Classes can also haveof the class,
(Blue, Green, Red, Yellow). The attributes are listed below the description field
or in case ofand
a short description no description
like the
Volumeare or listed
Fuel just
typebelow the Engine
of the class name. Further
in Figure 3.2. of an attribute declaration is found on page 113.
Four types prescribe can
of constraints how be
classes and attributes
attached to a PVM canor beacombined. Constraints, which are
class. A constraint
denotes howwritten in text, are listed below the list of attributes. A red font
classes and attributes can be legally combined. The is normally
first typeapplied
of for dec-
constraint laration of constraints.
is the verbal constraint, which allows free-form natural language to
be used. The second, the logical constraint, is typically expressed in a semi-
formal or Class
formal hierarchy, i.e.propositional
logic like part-of and kind-of
The third type of constraints
is expressed as a calculation over attributes of classes. The fourth type is
Classes are used for creating the hierarchy in the part-of structures and the kind-of struc-
the combination table, which describes constraints through relationships. For
tures. A class can consist of one or more classes. A class below another class is so-called a
instance, it can represent the relationships between the parts available and
sub-part. The sub-part (class) is a part of the declaration of the super-parts. A super-part is
the assemblies of which they are constituents. In that case, a cell of the table
the class above another class. Super- and sub-parts are illustrated in Figure 62.
would, for example, represent the number of pistons of a given diameter needed

3.2 On the use of FBC in Manufacturing 35

to build a specific engine.

A great variety of viewpoints on the product range can co-exist. According
to Hvam et al. [HMR08], three views to describe the product range are partic-
ularly sensible in practice, where a view is an independent PVM. The customer
view concentrates on the functions, properties and components relevant for the
customer and typically contains elements of the related technical processes, in-
terfaces with the environment and features of the product. This view explains
“what makes customers buy the product” [HMR08]. The engineering view de-
scribes the relationship between the functions and components by looking at
the solution side of the problem. It explains “how the product works” and “which
functional variants exist” [HMR08]. The production view goes further down in
the abstraction and focuses on the detailed components and lifecycle properties
of production and assembly. It can also be an extension of the engineering view
where all the low-level details are incorporated, which can result in 10 000 or
more classes. It explains “how the product is produced” [HMR08].
Even though targeting different concerns, these views complement each
other and contribute to the elaboration of concrete products. The pairwise re-
lationships between the different views are called causal relations. By following
the causal relations top-down, starting from the customer, to the engineering
and from the engineering to the production view, one answers the question:
“How is the feature realised” [HMR08]? Whereas bottom-up, i.e. all the way up
from the production to the customer view, one answers the questions: “Does
this variant add value to the customer” [HMR08]? The number of relations
among the views gives a good overview of the complexity of the product range.
It notably helps evaluate the magnitude and impact of the work needed when
changes to the product range are planned.
The authors regularly punctuate their definition of the PVM by examples
and reports taken from their experience. Due to space limitation, we only quote
here two lessons learned that illustrate well the relevance of PVMs in practice.

[. . . ], domain experts often find it easier to understand the prod-

uct variant master [than class diagrams and CRC cards], as its no-
tation is closer to the concepts and structures the domain experts
are familiar with in their daily work. [HMR08]

The product variant master has created the basis for a far more
professional dialogue between sales, development and production.
One designer expressed it in this way: “This is the first time we have
had the possibility of a meaningful dialogue with sales”. [HMR08]

Obviously, the PVM has lots in common with FM languages supporting

both attributes and feature cardinalities. The FM in Figure 3.3 is a tentative
36 3 A Glimpse at Feature Modelling in the Configuration Realm

Car family Crosscutting constraints

Kind of
X Cabriolet 2.0 Litres




1.6 Litres
1.8 Litres
2.0 Litres

Air conditioning

Figure 3.3 – Example of translation of the PVM in Figure 3.2 into an FM.

translation of the PVM in Figure 3.2. The textual constraint has been ex-
pressed with a boolean implication, the multiplicity is modelled with a feature
cardinality, and the kind-of structure represented by an extra Kind of feature.
Yet, although the PVM was introduced almost ten years after FODA, we
could not find a reference to FODA in the PVM literature, and vice versa.
Albeit sharing the same motivation and issues, these two engineering fields
have evolved independently. In order to identify possible bridges, we first look
at FMs as a means to model the product range, and then as a basis for product
FMs as means to represent the product range. The first major dif-
ference is the semantic distinction between the part-of and kind-of structures,
which are not standard FM constructs. However, comparable structures have
already been proposed (e.g., [LKL02]) for FMs and could be reused here. The
second major difference is the specification of constraints. Verbal constraints
and combination table have not been implemented in FMs. The addition of
the former would be trivial but hardly amenable to automated reasoning. The
latter is a mere tabular representation of a set of constraints. Thereby, we
postulate that FMs can be used as a replacement of PVMs and therefore be
3.2 On the use of FBC in Manufacturing 37

a candidate to document the product range. It is interesting to note that this

purpose is actually the most common one for FMs. As Chen et al. [CABA09]
report, 23 of the 33 approaches they reviewed address the requirements phase of
domain engineering, which corresponds to the role of the PVM in the lifecycle.
FMs as a basis for product configuration. Our investigations show
that the PVM is not a direct interface to configure products. Instead, it is
used to generate a class diagram that is subsequently refined and used to build
the configuration system. The formal reasoning during the configuration is
usually handed over to the expert system. In contrast, research on FBC has
made FMs amenable to automated processing. While the PVM is confined
to documentation purposes, FMs add a reasoning capability that can be used
throughout the development and even be part of the final product if runtime
configuration is supported (e.g. [DVC+ 07]).
Unlike PVMs, FMs play a direct and explicit role in the configuration vali-
dation process. The reasons why PVMs do not serve that purpose are not clear.
We can imagine that the absence of formal semantics and specific tool support
are among them. Also, expert systems seem to be well accepted and tradi-
tionally used in configurators, which might rule out other forms of constraint
reasoning or consistency checking. Furthermore, the constraints to deal with
and calculations to perform are clearly not limited to the information present
in the PVM. For instance, delivery times and production costs are not part of
the PVM and yet used to produce quotations.
In that context, even if FMs were considered as an alternative represen-
tation, they would only allow to automatically generate a part of the rules
existing in the expert system. The analyses commonly performed on FMs like
satisfiability analysis and dead feature detection would have to be constrained
by the production activity and customer requirements. For instance, a feature
may not only be dead because it is not part of any valid product but also
because its price or manufacturing time make all the products containing it
unsaleable. The challenge is thus to integrate the FM into the knowledge base,
and to automate reasoning on the whole knowledge base. Along the same line,
Schmid et al. [SK09] observed that a stronger emphasis is put on the relation-
ship between the artefacts (e.g., components and abstract features) in existing
configuration systems than in SPLE. That trend to isolate the FM from other
artefacts would probably be a barrier to its application in manufacturing.
The representation itself of the PVM could also be a reason why they are not
used as a configuration interface. Although FMs and PVMs have a lot in com-
mon, the file explorer representation of FMs is regularly used as a configuration
interface in research (e.g. FeatureIDE [KTS+ 09] and SPLOT [MBC09]) and
commercial (e.g. Pure::Variants [psG06]) tools, unlike the PVM. The reason
why the same kind of model is considered as a proper interface for configura-
tion in one case (FMs) but not in the other (PVMs) is still obscure. Finding
an explanation is further complicated by the lack of published evidence on the
38 3 A Glimpse at Feature Modelling in the Configuration Realm

application of FMs in practice [HCMH10].

3.3 On the use of FBC in Software Configuration Manage-


3.3.1 Fundamentals of SCM

For the general audience, the advent of popular tools like CVS or Subversion
has somehow confined SCM to software versioning. Yet, SCM has a far wider

Configuration management is the art of identifying, organizing,

and controlling modifications to the software being built by a pro-
gramming team. The goal is to maximize productivity by minimizing
mistakes. [Bab86]

SCM permeates every step of the software engineering life-cyle. It also

involves many actors with distinct responsibilities, tasks, and expectations from
the SCM system. For instance: the project manager monitors the progress of
the project and makes sure that the product will be developed within the given
time frame; the configuration manager enforces development policies (e.g. code
creation, change, and testing) and collects data about the status of the project;
and the quality assurance manager controls the quality of the product [Dar91].
The spectrum of functionalities offered by an SCM system has to cover the
requirements of every actor. The most demanded functionalities are classified
in Figure 3.4. A functionality wrapped in a circle indicates that it can exist
by itself in the SCM system. When these self-contained functionalities are
combined with the team and process functionalities (rectangular boxes), one
obtains a comprehensive SCM system [Dar91]. The layering indicates that
top-level boxes rely on functionalities from lower-level boxes.
A product is composed of several artefacts, also known as configuration
items. These artefacts are identified (typically by a version number), stored and
accessed with the artefacts functionality. How these artefacts are structured
and related to each other is maintained by the structure functionality. The
actual generation of the executable software from these structured artefacts is
supported by the construction functionality.
The auditing functionality records all the changes performed, keeps track
of who made those changes, why and how. Besides tracking changes, the SCM
system must also gather statistics about the product and development process
to enable report generation (accounting functionality). To preserve quality, the
controlling functionality (1) controls change requests, changes, and problem
reports, (2) propagates changes, and (3) monitors who makes what change
3.3 On the use of FBC in Software Configuration Management 39

Construction Structure

Building System model

Snapshots Interfaces
Optimization Relationships
Change impact analysis Selection
Regeneration Consistency


Conflict resolution
Product families

History Artefacts
Versions of configurations
Process Project contexts
Lifecycle support Kinds of artefacts
Task management

Access control
Statistics Change requests
Status Bug tracking
Reports Change propagation

Figure 3.4 – Functionalities of an SCM system (adapted from [Dar91]).

The last two functionalities thread them all together. The process func-
tionality integrates the tasks to be performed in the global engineering lifecy-
cle, assists users in the selection of these tasks, and documents the knowledge
of the process. The team functionality supports collaborative work through
workspace definition, conflict detection and resolution, and the maintenance of
product families.
Most of these functionalities will not be explained further for concision. The
interested reader is referred to [Fei91, Dar91, Pre04, ELvdH+ 05] for an in-depth
introduction to SCM, and to [Dar99] for an additional list of challenges posed
by web systems. In the remainder of this section, we concentrate on the rela-
tionship between FBC and product configuration, collaborative development,
and process management.
40 3 A Glimpse at Feature Modelling in the Configuration Realm

3.3.2 Product configuration

A configuration specifies which configuration items are needed to build a prod-
uct or to populate a workspace [Dar91, Pre04, ELvdH+ 05]. A workspace
“provides users with an insulated place in which they can perform their day-
to-day tasks of editing and using external tools to manipulate a set of arti-
facts” [ELvdH+ 05].
Each configuration item is subject to change during the engineering process.
They are, however, rarely versioned individually. Instead, they are commonly
grouped in coherent units (e.g., packages) whose versions are organised in a ver-
sion graph. The version graph is a DAG in which the parent-child relationship
is either a revision of relationship (sequential development branch), a variant
of relationship (parallel development branch), or a merge relationship (com-
bination of development branches). That classic representation is called the
revision/variant/merge version model. Several such graphs can co-exist (e.g.,
one per package) in the SCM. Some nodes of these graphs, called baselines,
define milestones in the engineering process. A baseline is a “specification of
product that has been formally reviewed and agreed upon, that thereafter serves
as the basis for further development, and that can be changed only through
formal change control procedures.” [IEE]
The high number of configuration items multiplied by the ever-growing
number of versions demands tools that enable the selection of versioned arte-
facts without having to request each of them individually. There are basically
four types of selection mechanisms [ELvdH+ 05]. They are illustrated below
with the creation of a workspace.2
Hierarchical workspaces. In this mechanism, each workspace represents a
small increment in functionality. These workspaces are hierarchically
structured to imitate the structure of the tasks to be performed. A
workspace both contains local versions of some artefacts and inherits
other artefacts from its ancestors.
General queries. To select artefacts and their versions imperatively, some
SCM systems augment artefacts with multiple attributes that enable
general queries. These queries return one or several configurations that
match these criteria. The authors of Adele report from their experience
that “describing a configuration by giving the full list of its components
is not appropriate [...] Experience shows that complex configurations
are specified with a few lines of constraints, even if numerous modules
and constraints are involved in its construction” [BE86]. Below is an ex-
ample of configuration of an interface that specifies the implementation
2 Note that workspace creation is usually a prerequisite to product generation. The

necessary configuration items are either downloaded directly in the workspace or linked before
3.3 On the use of FBC in Software Configuration Management 41

(m2-i1-v2.003) that must be satisfied by several constraints: it must be

in a consistent state; at least one implementation of the m1 family must
have the unix or unix_v5 attribute; and the default (seldef) values for
the type, state, and build date must be satisfied if possible—these are
weak constraints that express a preference.
configuration m1-i-c
* (state=inconsistent)
or (m1* (syst=unix), m1* (syst=unix_v5))
* (type=debug, state=official, date<85_06)

The PROTEUS Configuration Language is another example of formal-

ism developed for system modelling, configuration definition, and system
building. It is based on the notion of family description that “encom-
passes all potential variability of the entity” [GG96].

Leverage change-sets. Change-sets are deltas to a configuration item that

are stored independently of the other changes. A configuration item is
then constructed by composing a set of change-sets with a baseline. By
extension, a workspace is composed of several change-sets and baselines.

Rule-based. This mechanism specifies a configuration with an ordered set of

rules. The difference with general queries is that rules impose an order
while queries are general and/or formulas. The example of rule below
comes from the SHAPE SCM tool [ML88]. Intuitively, it means “select
the newest version of all components that I am working on”, or “select the
newest published version of all other components” if the previous rules
*.c, attr (author, $(LOGNAME)), attr (state, busy);
*.c, attrge (state, published), attrmax (version).

After three decades of intense development, industry has only adopted a

fraction of the solutions proposed by researchers [ELvdH+ 05]. Only the sim-
plest forms of change-sets and rule-based techniques have made their way in
everyday practice. Users mostly prefer to build workspaces that vary little
from a baseline, run frequent builds and tests, and then create a new baseline.
These workspaces are easy to specify with a few rules or change-sets. Con-
versely, general queries can produce configurations that deviate significantly
from a known baseline, which is often unmanageable for most users.
42 3 A Glimpse at Feature Modelling in the Configuration Realm

From these four mechanisms, general queries is the closest to FBC. It is

also the least appreciated one in SCM, which raises the question whether FBC
would be a candidate for configuration in SCM. Not only is that relevant for
FBC in general, but also for change management in SPLE, a.k.a. variability
in time [CN01, Kru02, PBvdL05, AdOM+ 09] (see also Section 2.1).
The fundamental problem of general queries is the lack of control over the
variations between a configuration and a known baseline. By exclusively fo-
cusing on the options they are interested in, users are unable to predict the
value of the ignored parameters. In FBC, a similar threat awaits textual vari-
ability modelling languages like Clafer [BCW10] (see Section 2.2) that specify
configurations in the same fashion.
A simple solution to that problem is the default configuration. By selecting
a default configuration, users establish a first frame of reference for the config-
uration process. Then, by altering the necessary options, they can reach the
desired configuration while controlling the full extent of variations. That solu-
tion is actually common practice in operating system configuration [BSL+ 10]
where the very large number (over 5000 for Linux) and complexity of the pa-
rameters make the configuration from scratch downright impossible. Modern
distributions of Linux, for example, provide default configurations for all known
hardware architecture (e.g. x86, alpha, and AMD64). Similarly, eCos [eCo11]
provides default templates for every compatible board.
Furthermore, FBC pushes the boundary of general queries. As we have
seen in Section 2.2, techniques like FOP can link a feature to code snippets.
In that case, the granularity is no longer the file but coherent blocks inside
it. To our knowledge, general queries do not support such a fine-grained level
of selection. Whether this would be an actual advantage in SCM calls for
empirical evaluations but it appears that FBC could be a possible candidate
for product and workspace configuration in SCM.

3.3.3 Collaborative development

Early SCM systems failed mostly because they were “helping the configuration
manager, and bothering everyone else” [Est00]. That problem has been pro-
gressively addressed through improved workspaces. We have already seen that
a workspace sandboxes a set of configuration items on which the engineer can
work in isolation from the shared repository. Besides editing these files safely,
i.e., without risking corrupting the repository, a workspace also allows to build
(link and compile) binary files.
To deal with the explosion of file copies, high-end SCM systems now pro-
pose virtual workspaces. The central idea behind virtual workspaces is that
files are only copied on-demand, i.e., when they have to be edited. All the link-
ing and file updates are transparently maintained by the SCM system without
affecting the tasks of the user. Additional optimizations also avoid recompi-
3.3 On the use of FBC in Software Configuration Management 43

lation of already compiled objects. For instance, pre-compiled objects can be

recovered from other builds on the grid, which reduces compilation costs to a
bare minimum.
At a global scale, several engineers collaborate on the same project. To opti-
mize teamwork, SCM must support effective concurrent work, which resonates
with conflict management. When changes in a workspace are committed back
in the repository, conflicts are likely to occur. A big part of workspace man-
agement includes syncing changes, and resolving conflicts. Several syncing and
resolution mechanisms have been developed, from the most basic like diffing
to advanced semantic-based merging. As for configuration selection, commer-
cial SCMs turned their back on the most advanced forms of merging chiefly
because they introduce too much complexity. This extra complexity often pro-
duces more variants than needed as many organisations actually struggle to
reduce the number of variants to “save costs and improve quality” [ELvdH+ 05].
Research on collaborative FBC and conflict detection and resolution is still
in its infancy. If the need for separation of concerns is well acknowledged (see
Chapter 4), the decomposition of the configuration activity into collaborative
virtual workspaces is still insufficiently supported. Chapter 5 puts the em-
phasis on multi-perspective FBC, paving the way for insulated configuration
workspaces. The introduction of collaborative configuration brings in conflict
detection and resolution, which will be studied in Chapter 8.
Finally, in a collaborative environment, workspaces not only manage con-
current commits and updates, they also provide control over who is making a
change, when and on which configuration item. These are defined in processes.

3.3.4 Process management

A process aims at (1) formally defining the sequence of activities that rule the
creation and evolution of software, and (2) guide users during its execution.
Process control is widely recognized as a crucial asset of software engineer-
ing [PCCW93, tHvdAAR09]. SCM is no exception. An informal study among
SCM experts revealed that process support is both the most useful and the
most deficient feature of SCM [Est00].
The primary purpose of process support in SCM is to control change re-
quests, bug reports, suggestions for improvement, workspaces, concurrent en-
gineering activities, and configuration. An example of typical change request
process is shown in Figure 3.5. A configuration process can be an intertwining
of selection of configuration items and of their versions followed by the binding
of the artefacts matching an additional set of selection rules. Such a process is
sometimes referred to as multistage configuration process [CW98].
Research on process support in SCM both explored dedicated mechanisms
(e.g. [EDA97]) and the integration of generic process engines. However, pre-
liminary experiments showed that many users could not deal with the flexibility
44 3 A Glimpse at Feature Modelling in the Configuration Realm

Request Evaluate Create Assign Implement Verify Close
Change Change Planning Change Change Change Change


Figure 3.5 – Example of change request process.

of these solutions, and would rather buy and reuse existing processes than de-
velop their own. To reconcile the need for process support and their inherent
complexity, tool vendors now hide them behind “"best practice" standardized
processes” [ELvdH+ 05].
Process control has now reached its maturity stage in SCM. The challenge
ahead is to provide a better integration with third-party tools like call tracking
and customer relationship management systems.
FBC barely supports process control. Existing work on that topic will be
reviewed in Chapters 6 and 7. We will also propose a combined formalism
that maps a multi-view FM to a generic process. We complete the support by
providing analyses that ensures that only satisfiable executions of the model
are allowed.

3.4 Chapter Summary

Our investigation of configuration in the manufacturing industry suggests that

domain-specific interfaces are favoured over generic tree-like representations; no
matter what reasoning technique is used in the backend. These observations
reinforce our motivation to abstract away from the GUIs for FBC and focus
on its foundation. The FM is a raw representation of the options laid out in
the interface. We leave it to domain experts to design the interface that is best
suited for a particular application.
Another conclusion we draw is that FBC lacks integration with other sys-
tems or components (e.g., ERP system or CAD tools). That observation is
corroborated by [SK09]. Although commercial tools have started integrating
other modelling tools (see Section 2.5), research is still a few steps behind.
Our work follows a more holistic approach by placing FBC in a collaborative
environment and anchoring it to the engineering process. This approach falls
in line with a major conclusion from the systematic analysis of the impact of
software engineering research on SCM:
3.4 Chapter Summary 45

[...] the field as a whole is now sorting out how to better fit in
the overall picture of software development, rather than always as-
suming being able to provide a standalone application that somehow
seamlessly fits with existing tools, approaches, and practices. [ELvdH+ 05]

The journey through SCM also shed light on the limitations of textual con-
figuration languages, the necessity for process control, the importance of con-
flict detection and resolution, and the compelling need for workspaces. These
three latter observations are supplementary motivations for the work presented
in the coming chapters.
Finally, genericity and enhanced expressiveness do not always obtain the
preference of final users. Too much flexibility is often seen as a source of
confusion, inefficiency, and maintenance overhead.
We are well aware of the limitations of these conclusions. To provide defini-
tive statements, a more systematic and thorough treatment of both AI and
SCM is needed but is beyond the scope of this thesis. Yet, the lessons we could
learn from our investigation have clearly inspired and influenced our contribu-

Separation of Concerns in
Feature Models

4.1 The Concern Haze

As an FM grows, a recurrent problem emerges: FMs have limited scalabil-

ity [SCA09]. When describing an SPL with a realistic number of features,
typically in their hundreds and even thousands [BSL+ 10], the models often
become too large for human cognitive abilities, too imprecise for automated
reasoning, and too overloaded to be purposeful. Evidence for limited scalability
of FMs comes from practice (difficulties in creating, updating, and interpreting
FMs) [RW06], and from academic research (difficulties in reasoning about large
FMs) [SHTB06].
The issue of software design techniques having limited scalability is not
new. Various program design techniques, for instance, have had similar lim-
itations. A well-known tactic to manage the scalability problem for program
design techniques is separation of concerns (SoC). As explained in [Dij82], SoC
requires a willingness

. . . to study in depth an aspect of one’s subject matter in isolation

for the sake of its own consistency, all the time knowing that one
is occupying oneself only with one of the aspects. We know that a
program must be correct and we can study it from that viewpoint
only; we also know that it should be efficient and we can study its
efficiency on another day, so to speak. [. . . ] But nothing is gained—
on the contrary!—by tackling these various aspects simultaneously.
It is what I sometimes have called “the separation of concerns” . . .

Therefore, SoC is about recognising that a system may be decomposed using

48 4 Separation of Concerns in Feature Models

different criteria [Par72], and the need to be able to distinguish a decomposition

made according to a criterion from another. For this reason, there has been
much interest in applying the principle of SoC to FMs with the view to making
them scale better.
Although the need for separation of concerns in feature modelling is recog-
nised, there is no consensus on what the main concerns of FMs are and how
those concerns may be managed. Two issues are addressed in this chapter.
First, if separation of concerns is important for FMs, what are the important
concerns of FMs to be separated? For instance, FMs may be used to describe
design options, choices of user functionality and legal constraints. There are
many other legitimate concerns that may be taken into account in FMs. This
chapter provides a list of possible concerns for FM languages.
Second, having recognised the concerns, feature modelling techniques need
to provide guidelines for how the separation is to be achieved. Separated con-
cerns may also interact and overlap with each other, therefore the question
of how to make sense of separated concerns is also important. This chapter
provides a discussion of SoC techniques in FM languages.
In addition to these two issues, we will also pay secondary attention to the
level of formality involved in the feature language and the (possibility of) tool
support for achieving SoC.
Our findings can be used as a basis for (a) providing a multi-concern ap-
proach to feature modelling, (b) making FM more scalable through better
conceptual clarity, and (c) providing a better formal support for the definition,
separation, and composition of concerns.
The rest of the chapter is organised as follows. Section 4.2 discusses the
method used to conduct a systematic survey of concerns and their separation
techniques in FM languages. Section 4.3 reports on the execution of the paper
elicitation process. Section 4.4 summarises seven main threads of concerns and
their separation in FM languages. Section 4.5 discusses the findings of the
survey and threats to its validity (Section 4.6).

4.2 Survey Method

The research method we have followed to collect and review papers is inspired
by the guidelines of Kitchenham et al. [Kit04]. Our method deviates from
Kitchenham’s in that we intentionally leave out a detailed quantitative meta-
analysis to favour an in-depth qualitative analysis.
This section begins with the presentation of our research questions followed
by the description of the survey protocol. It then details the survey material
and the data collection forms we used to harvest data systematically.
4.2 Survey Method 49

4.2.1 Research Questions

This survey addresses four questions. The first two questions focus on the elic-
itation of concerns, their separation and composition. The last two questions
evaluate the degree of formality and the tool support that is provided. They
are formulated as follows.

RQ4.1 What are the main concerns of FMs? We expect there are several
FM languages with different notions of “concerns”. We will define what
is meant by concern in the context of this survey, and list those concerns.

RQ4.2 How are concerns separated and composed? Not only that there are
different ways of separating concerns, there may be different ways of
composing concerns too. The survey will cover those too. In addition,
this survey examines how different techniques may have varying degrees
of effectiveness.

RQ4.3 What is the degree of formality? In order to discover whether separa-

tion and composition techniques are amenable to automated processing,
we will have to assess the formalism that defines them.

RQ4.4 Is there (an opportunity for) tool support?

4.2.2 Survey protocol

The survey protocol is divided into four main steps that go from the selection
of papers to their analysis. This process is depicted in Figure 4.1. Starting
from the top of the diagram, the survey material is composed of the whole set
of papers indexed by DBLP 1 and papers that we know provide answers to the
research questions. We detail in Section 4.2.3 how the material was searched,
and the papers selected.
The second step is the filtering process during which papers are kept for
a complete review. The filtering is based on the search for keywords in the
abstract and introduction. In essence, papers that do not refer to feature
modelling and separation of concerns in general are discarded.
The third step consists in the complete review of the remaining papers.
As advocated in [Kit04], we defined data collection forms, discussed in Sec-
tion 4.2.4, to systematise this task. The paper review was split between the
author of this thesis and another researcher [HTH11]. Our task was to review
and fill out the forms for every paper on our list. The final step is a qualitative
analysis meant to answer our four research questions.
Our research method combines the completeness of automated search with
the reliability of manual reviews. This combined approach helps us keep the
1 See
50 4 Separation of Concerns in Feature Models

Already collected
(12 papers)
1 Survey material

(139 papers)

Paper base
(151 papers)

2 Paper filtering

Abstract & introduction


[abstract or introduction contains

feature diagram or feature model or variability model ]


[abstract or introduction contains

concern or separat or dimension or aspect or modul or view ]


Rejected papers Accepted papers

(24 papers) (127 papers)

3 Full paper review

Initial node

Final node

Filled data collection forms

Exit point


4 Content analysis



Figure 4.1 – Survey protocol

4.2 Survey Method 51

subjectivity and human effort under control. Reliance on only one of the two
techniques can have major weaknesses. For instance, the fully automated
search by Chen et al. [CAB09] initially missed important publications such
as FORM [KKL+ 98] because the terms did not match.

4.2.3 Survey Material

Our survey covers (1) research papers published in peer-reviewed workshops,
conferences and journals, (2) books and other manuscripts, such as technical
reports, cited by the peer-reviewed papers, and (3) material accompanying
commercial and non-commercial automated tools.
We considered two input sources for our survey: the DBLP computer science
bibliography and a collection of papers we amassed in our research on SPL over
several years. The search on DBLP was executed through the following five
Q1. program*.famil*
Q2. software*.famil*
Q3. product*.famil* concern*|separat*|dimension*|aspect*|
Q4. product*.line* concern*|separat*|dimension*|aspect*|
Q5. feature*|variabil* concern*|separat*|dimension*|aspect*|
The . makes two strings undividable, meaning that only white spaces can
separate the left-hand side from the right-hand side. The * is the classical wild
card substituting any sequence of non-space characters. Finally, the | denotes
the boolean or and the white space the boolean and.
During sample tests of the queries, the version of Q5 presented above re-
turned more than 600 papers, among which many false positives. Therefore,
we restricted the scope of the search to the venues returned by the first four
queries. This way, we reduced the number of papers to 69.

4.2.4 Data Collection Forms

2 These criteria come from [SSS07]. We added the illustration criteria to account for cases

where the authors do not perform any systematic validation.

3 + means that a complete formal semantics is provided. + means that a formal
semantics is provided but some aspects are still informally defined. means that only
the abstract syntax is defined by a meta-model or formal grammar. - means that only the
concrete syntax is introduced. - means that only informal annotations are proposed.
4 + means that the activity is fully automated. means that the automation of
the activity is partial and still requires manual processing. - means that no automation is
52 4 Separation of Concerns in Feature Models

Research question 1
Field Description Possible values
Concern Concerns addressed in the paper Free form text
Stakeholders Stakeholders targeted by the concerns Free form text
Artefacts Artefacts targeted by the concerns Free form text
Development Stages in the software development cy- Free form text
stages/tasks cle targeted by the concerns
Scope The scope of the concern determines to some of {internal, ex-
what extent the concern is related to ternal}
the software itself or its environment
Target domain Type of domain to which the concern Free form text
Rationale Motivation for the need for the con- Free form text
Evaluation Type of evaluation conducted to prove some of {illustration,
the relevance of the concerns controlled experiment,
case studies, survey re-
search, ethnographies,
action research, mixed

Research question 2
Field Description Possible values
Separation tech- Techniques used to identify and sepa- Free form text
niques rate concerns in a FM
Composition tech- Techniques used to compose the con- Free form text
niques cerns of a FM

Research question 3
Field Description Possible values
Formalised arte- Artefacts discussed and formalised in Free form text
facts the paper
Level of formality Level of formality of the notation used one of { + , +, ,
-, - }3
Formalisation Type of formalisation technique used Free form text

Research question 4
Field Description Possible values
Supported activi- Activities supported by the tool Free form text
Implementation Techniques used to implement the ac- Free form text
techniques tivities
Degree of automa- To what extent the activity is/can be one of {+, , -}4
tion automated
Implementation Level of maturity of the implementa- one of {mature, proto-
Status tion type, proof of concept}

Figure 4.2 – Data collection forms

4.3 Execution 53

To systematically collect data answering the research questions, we created four

data collection forms. To evaluate their ambiguity and completeness prior to
the beginning of the actual review, we conducted a pilot test, as recommended
in [Kit04]. Five papers were thus randomly selected and reviewed by each of
us. We then respectively filled out the forms and reported on their fitness. The
adapted forms used for the survey are presented in Figure 4.2. For each field,
we provide a short description and the type of expected input.

4.3 Execution

We now report on the execution of the paper elicitation process. First we focus
on the results returned by the queries and then discuss the total number of
papers sorted by venues.
The five queries were executed on DBLP database on 13 December 2010,
using CompleteSearch developed by Hannah Bast. 5 6 shell scripts were used
to automatically extract papers and merge the results of the various queries.
The five queries respectively returned a total of 144 papers, which are broken
down as follows.

Query # papers
Q1 9
Q2 6
Q3 14
Q4 70
Q5 69
Total 1446

Of these 144 papers, 122 papers appeared in proceedings and 22 in journals.

Table 4.1 synthesizes the distribution of the papers by events and journals. We
removed 5 papers that are clearly irrelevant to our survey, and added 12 papers
that we know are relevant but whose titles were not matched by the queries.
This raised the count of papers to 151. Our qualitative analysis is based on
the remaining 151 papers.
From the 151 papers, 15 were not included because they did not match our
criteria. 9 more were discarded because they were extended by longer papers.
Our qualitative analysis is based on the remaining 127 papers.

6 There are 24 duplicate papers in the results of the five queries.
54 4 Separation of Concerns in Feature Models

Table 4.1 – Distribution of papers by events and journals.

Event # Papers / Event
Journal # Papers / Journal

4.4 Findings

When the data was collected, seven main threads of research began to emerge.
They are:
1. FODA and FODA Extensions. As the pioneering FM language, FODA
and many of its extensions provide a list of concerns for FMs and tech-
niques for their separation. Much of the work in this thread are related
to the concepts to be supported by the feature modelling languages.
2. Aspect-based Concerns. Although aspect-oriented programming was ini-
tially proposed as a mechanism for separating concers in program code,
many authors have extended the idea to analytical models of software
systems, including FMs.
3. Requirements Concerns. Requirements engineering approaches have their
own notions of concerns and how to separate them. Many authors have
argued that there are requirements-level concerns in FMs, and they can
be analysed using techniques developed for requirements engineering. By
extension, papers related to problem space, ontologies or natural language
also fall in this thread.
4. Viewpoint-based Concerns. Originally a requirements engineering ap-
proach, viewpoints organise software artefacts according to the stake-
holders and their heterogeneous perceptions of the system to build. Sep-
aration of concerns is a fundamental issue in viewpoint-based techniques.
5. Configuration Concerns. Besides documenting variability, FMs can serve
as a backbone for product configuration as they capture all the valid
4.4 Findings 55

combinations of features that can lead to software products. Different

cross-cutting concerns can intervene during the configuration activity.

6. Visualisation Concerns. When FMs are visualised, typically using a tree,

there are several cognitive concerns (e.g. number of elements displayed,
number of relationships) that need to be addressed, especially when FMs
are large and complex.

7. Architecture Concerns. Software architecture plays a key role in SPL

design approaches, and many of the concerns related to SPL architecture
are often reflected in FMs.

We now give a summary of research in each of these area. We note that

some of the work fits into more than one of the above categories: therefore,
these categories do not represent a firm distinction.

4.4.1 FODA and FODA Extensions

When FODA was first proposed, Kang et al. [KCH+ 90] suggested to divide fea-
tures into standard features, alternative/optional features, specialisation fea-
tures, mutually exclusive features, and required features. From these concepts,
it appears that the main concern of FMs is to define valid feature combinations
from the perspective of the users.
However, there is more. Another possible concern is to describe feature
relationship at binding time: there are compile-time, load-time and run-time
features. Furthermore, [KCH+ 90, KKL+ 98, LKL02, KDK+ 02] propose four
categories of features. FMs in the capabilities layer address functionality as
perceived by the end user; FMs in the operating environments layer address
attributes of the environment in which the application is used; FMs in the do-
main technologies layer address application specific non-technical issues, whilst
FMs in the implementation technologies layer address technologies that are not
specific to a particular domain. These feature categories point to FMs being
used to describe feature constraints imposed by several factors, from legal to
CPU and to cost.
In addition to these categories, Lee et al. use composed-of, generalisa-
tion/specialisation and implemented-by relationships [LKL02]. This indicates
that FMs also show the refinement relationships between artefacts. The sepa-
ration technique is hierarchical layering of FMs. It is not clear, however, how
concerns are managed.
Similar to the layers suggested in [KDK+ 02], Lee et al. provide a further
analysis of feature-binding time analysis [LKK04]. In the product-life-cycle view
there are operation/runtime, preoperation (installation), product development
and core asset development stages. In the feature-binding state view there are
inclusion, availability, activation rule states.
56 4 Separation of Concerns in Feature Models

[RW06, RW07, MSA09] consider the issue of managing large FMs and
changes made to them over time, in the context of automotive software de-
velopment. They point out that FMs need to reflect the structure of several
organisations involved in the software development. They argue that dividing
the FMs along organisational boundaries will make it difficult to propagate
changes made to a local diagram. Managing a large global FM is also unsat-
isfactory because it will make FMs unmanageable. They propose multi-level
feature trees in which FMs are refined in a hierarchical fashion. Elements of
a child FM can selectively reuse elements in the parent FM, allowing local
changes to be made without affecting the global structure of the FMs.
Similarly, Thompson et al. [TH03] argue, echoing [Lut08], that a single
hierarchical decomposition of features is not sufficient to capture the structure
of the domain. They propose n-dimensional and hierarchical FMs. They list
some of the dimensions as hardware platform, required behaviour, and fault
tolerance capabilities. Hartmann et al. discuss the issue of FM complexity due
to the need to support multiple product lines [HT08]. They propose using a
context variability model which captures “drivers for variation”.
Fey et al. suggest that usability and usefulness are important qualities for
FMs, and in order to improve those qualities of FODA, they propose a meta-
model extending FODA [FFB02]. They argue that feature attributes and com-
plex logical rules are necessary but they are not expressible in FODA. There-
fore, they propose to add feature attributes, pseudo-features (non-primitive
features) and provided-by relations to the FM.
Deelstra et al. propose an assessment process for evaluating the evolution of
variability in software product families [DSB09]. In this approach, a distinction
is made between provided variability model—the variability in the product fam-
ily artefacts—and required variability model—the variability that is demanded
as necessary by product scenarios.
Cho et al. identify several feature relations and dependencies [CLK08].
They are: aggregation relationship, generalisation relationship, required con-
figuration dependency, excluded configuration dependency, usage dependency,
modification dependency, exclusive activation dependency, subordinate activa-
tion dependency, concurrent activation dependency, and sequential activation
Kim et al. differentiate between conventional variability and component
variability, and present five types of variability and three kinds of variability
scopes [KHC05]. Assuming that classes and workflows among the classes are
“building blocks of software components”, they identify attribute variability,
logic (algorithmic) variability, workflow variability, persistent variability, and
interface variability. In terms of scope, they propose that a variability may be
either binary, selection, or open.
Czarnecki et al. propose using probabilistic FMs in the context of mining
FMs from existing systems [CSW08]. In this approach, both hard constraints
4.4 Findings 57

(constraints imposed by the model) and soft constraints (conditional probabil-

ities on the selection of features) can be expressed and reasoned about.
There are several other attempts to clarify some of the concerns of FM
languages. Etxeberria et al. distinguish between functional and quality fea-
tures [EM08]. Faulk proposes using Decision Model arguing that “the choices
among possible variations must be made to distinguish a family member and any
constraints on the ordering of those choices” [Fau01]. Savolainen et al. distin-
guish between deductive and declarative properties of product families [SK01].
Summary. FMs were proposed as a way to graphically describe constraints
over feature selection within SPL. It has been recognised that these constraints
come from several sources, ranging from the end user, the program execution
environment, the hardware, the legal bodies, geographical distribution of the
software development team, organisational structure, and the refinement of fea-
tures. However, techniques for separating the concerns, and their composition
are rudimentary.

4.4.2 Aspect-based Concerns

Saleh et al. discuss application of aspect-oriented programming (AOP) to SPL
[SG05]. In particular they discuss how to modularize crosscutting concerns
in SPL, where optional and alternative source code is separated from the ker-
nel (common) components. After defining resolution strategies for interacting
features, and defining insertion points for the optional and alternative source
code, they use code weaving techniques to generate source code for individual
products. The concern addressed in this work is the core concern of FMs,
namely, separation of core features from optional features.
Similarly, Lee et al. call for the need to synthesise feature analysis and AOP
because they argue that some features have crosscutting concerns [LKKP06].
Noda et al. use aspect-oriented modelling techniques to separate functionalities
from crosscutting relationships [NK08]. Coyler et al. propose an aspect-oriented
approach to separating the concerns of flexibility and configurability of software
product lines [CRB04]. They report some heuristics for structuring modules
to achieve those qualities.
Batory et al. [BLS03] propose an approach for multi-dimensional separa-
tion of concerns [TOHS99] in SPLs, which recognises that features may be
partitioned in a number of ways (dimensions) and calls the results of each
partitioning units 7 . For instance, (object-oriented) classification is regarded
as a dimension and classes of a software are units. They propose using the
origami matrix for describing the relationships between units of dimensions. In
a simple two-dimensional example, one dimension is for two classes—a singly-
7 Although this approach is focused on features, rather than FMs, the way concerns are

separated is of interest to this survey.

58 4 Separation of Concerns in Feature Models

linked list and a doubly-linked list—and another dimension is for additional

operations—insert and delete operations. Cartesian combination of the classes
and operations gives four possible programs (a two by two table). Units can be
folded along each dimension: if the operation dimension is folded, there are two
available classes, each with insert and delete operations. The class dimension
can also be folded in the same way.
Batory et al. make two important claims about this approach [BLS03]: (1)
it prevents possible invalid combinations of elements; for instance, it does not
permit the selection of a doubly-linked list with operations for singly-linked,
because folding always has to happen between rows or columns, and not be-
tween cells, (2) complexity of n dimensions can be reduced to the complexity
of one dimension by folding them.
Elsner et al. suggest that model-driven SPL development promises signifi-
cant benefits [ELSP08]. Model-driven development typically involves distinct
steps: from creating computation-independent model to platform-independent
model, platform-dependent model to code. In this sense, there is a workflow
in the development. They regard features as concerns. Depending on the fea-
ture selection, the workflow required to instantiate the required product may
vary. They also argue that current workflow languages are not adequate in
expressing feature-based modularisation of software systems. They propose an
aspect-oriented approach to separate out the base workflow from additional
workflows, which can be weaved into the base workflow when additional fea-
tures are selected.
Summary. Aspect-orientation seems to provide a mechanism for sepa-
rating core software artefacts from optional ones, and weave them through
well-known aspect-weaving techniques. This synergy between FMs, SPL and
aspect-orientation has been exploited by several SPL approaches [BM09].

4.4.3 Requirements Concerns

Pohl et al. differentiate between variability in time—denoting changes to arte-
facts over time—and variability in space—denoting static variability of arte-
facts [PBvdL05]. They further distinguish between external variability—relevant
to customers— and internal variability—relevant to developers.
Similarly, Metzger et al. [MHP+ 07] propose distinguishing two kinds of
variability, product line variability and software variability, where the former
is concerned with the “ability of a software system or artefact to be efficiently
extended, changed, customized or configured for use in a particular context”
[SvGB05], whilst the latter is concerned with “the variation between the systems
that belong to an SPL in terms of properties and qualities, like features that
are provided or requirements that are fulfilled ”.
Classen et al. disambiguate the meaning of a feature in requirements en-
gineering [CHS08]. They build upon the work of Jackson, Zave and others
4.4 Findings 59

[Jac95, ZJ97, GGJZ00] to give a precise definition of a feature as triple com-

posed of requirement (R), specification (S) and domain assumptions (W ) such
that S and W entail R. They also revisit how that extended definition affects
the notion of feature interaction. Along the same line, Tun et al. propose to
follow the Jackson–Zave framework to separate the concerns of FMs [TBC+ 09].
In addition, they express quantitative constraints on the feature modes, links
connecting the three models, in order to generate feature configurations that
satisfy stated requirements and quantitative constraints.
Moreira et al. argue that separation of concerns is not two-dimensional, as
assumed in the distinction between functional and non-functional requirements
(NFR) where NFR crosscut the base functional decomposition, but are multi-
dimensional where both functional and non-functional requirements crosscut
each other [MRA05]. They divide concerns into meta concerns—generic to
many systems—and system concerns—particular to a given system.
Faulk distinguishes domain engineering from application engineering where
requirements documents produced in the former phase are reused in the latter
phase [Fau01]. Grübacheret al. discuss the challenges of structuring the mod-
elling space for SPLs [GRDL09]. They argue that maintaining a single FM for
the entire system is not feasible and proceed to suggest strategies for feature
modelling from various perspectives. They also present some examples of how
these strategies can be applied and supported by existing tools.
Czarnecki et al. describe FMs as views on ontologies, because they consider
ontologies to be more expressive than FMs [CKK06]. Lauenroth et al. describe
a meta-model of variability in software product lines [LP08]. However, they do
not discuss what concerns might be represented in the variability models.
Hallsteinsen et al. describe an approach to developing adaptive systems
where they separate concerns of functionality from that of adaptivity [HSSF06].
Kircher et al. report on the importance of the separation of problem space from
the solution space where, for instance, the distinction of user requirements from
technical requirements is emphasised [KSG06].
Breen describes some experience of developing SPL [Bre05]; one of the issues
of developing behavioural specifications of features is scalability. Individual
features are specified in tabular format and they are synchronised through the
use of internal and external events in the specifications. Waldmann et al. report
on the industrial experience of defining an SPL based on features [WJ09].
Niu et al. use text processing techniques to extract variability models from
natural language requirement statements [NE08]. Aoyama proposes using per-
sona to elicit requirements where users are divided into groups according to
segmentation variables such as age, gender and occupation [Aoy05]. Require-
ments are divided into services offered by the system, and the services are then
matched with persona.
Assuming that features are concerns, Heidenreich et al. compare two ap-
proaches to concern composition: a declarative approach (FeatureMapper) and
60 4 Separation of Concerns in Feature Models

an operational approach (VML*) [HSS+ 10] . They report that the two ap-
proaches are equally powerful on important criteria.
Chen et al. divide requirements into candidate features for crosscutting
requirements and identify two types of feature dependencies, called interaction
and weaving [CZZM06]. In [CZZM05], they propose a way of constructing FMs
based on requirements relationship graphs and a clustering technique.
Summary. Many requirements engineering approaches tend to focus on
separating the user’s perspective on a FM from the perspectives of other stake-
holders. There are also approaches that differentiate between features relating
to functional and non-functional requirements, to different personas, and to
phases of development.

4.4.4 Viewpoint-based Concerns

Choi et al. divide FMs according to five views [CLLK09]. By views, they
mean ways to characterise extensions to FM languages as opposed to describing
what the main concerns of FMs are. In the structure view, feature relationships
such as aggregation and generalisation are described; In the configuration view,
mandatory, optional and alternative features, together with feature cardinality,
and group cardinality are described; In the binding view, feature binding units
representing groups of features bound together are described; In the operational
dependency view the interactions between features are addressed through the
identification of dynamic dependencies among them; In the traceability view,
the implemented-by relationships between features are shown.
In [HHB08], we investigate the practical challenges of applying FM lan-
guages. The main challenge we report is that of making modelling perspectives
(such as design time versus runtime perspectives) explicit in FMs.
Summary. Views on FMs very widely. They cover structural (constructs
of the language), operational (binding time and dependencies), and contextual
(relationship to external artefacts and variations in the runtime environment)

4.4.5 Configuration Concerns

Czarnecki et al. propose staged configuration approaches FMs are specialised
in a stepwise fashion, and instantiated according to the stakeholder interests
at each development stage [CHE04, CHE05]. With specialisation they refer
to a process in which variability in FMs is removed. In other words, a more
specialised FM has fewer variabilities than its parent FM. A fully specialised
FM has no variability. A configuration, on the other hand, is an instantiation
of an FM. Staged configuration has been formalised in the dynamic semantics
of FMs by [CHH09b].
4.4 Findings 61

With multi-level staged configuration, Czarnecki et al. refer to a sequential

process in which an FM is configured and specialised alternately by stakeholders
in the development stages [CHE05]. For instance, a stakeholder will instantiate
an FM by selecting features that are relevant to its requirements. The instance
of the model is then used to specialise the FM by removing parts of the model
that are no longer available. The resulting FM is then instantiated by another
stakeholder, and so the process repeats itself.
In [HHSD10], we build upon multi-level staged configuration and propose
a combined formalism that maps views on a FM to tasks in a workflow that
models the configuration process [HCH09]. We thus achieve better separation
of concerns between the configuration process and the model. Unlike multi-
level staged configuration, we also allow complex processes to be modelled. In
the same vein, White et al. describes a model of configuration steps [WBDS09].
Mendonça et al. present algorithms that aggregate features into coherent groups
and then computes possible configurations sequences for these groups of fea-
tures [MCMdO08, MBC08].
Summary. Concerns in these approaches are similar to those of viewpoints,
but rather focus on the way the FM can be chunked up, the configuration of
the FM, and the processes that pilot the configuration.

4.4.6 Visualisation Concerns

[BTN+ 08, CTH08] discuss how visualisation techniques can help explore com-
plex FMs. First they propose a meta-model that covers three models, namely,
feature model, component model, and decisions models to provide ways to nav-
igate the FM. The tools they propose allow details on demand, incremental
browsing, focus+context, and ways to visualise product configuration. Visual
concerns of FMs are the ability to relate these three dimensions.
Gonzalez et al. propose a tool-supported visual analysis approach to exam-
ine the relationship between non-functional softgoals and functional goals for
requirements variability [GBPLM04]. Ribeiro et al. address the issue of con-
flicts in Virtual Separation of Concerns where developers work on different code
segments which overlap [RPTB10]. They propose defining contracts between
features, which are used to prevent developers from performing conflicting ed-
Summary. The visualisation concerns of FMs abstract FMs according
some given criteria and render them visually.

4.4.7 Architecture Concerns

Liu et al. propose a kind of connector called concern connector to define the
scope of concerns in architectural design and use it to evolve product line
software where safety is a critical concern [LLT05]. The authors argue that
62 4 Separation of Concerns in Feature Models

the notion of “hyperspace” provides a framework for separating concerns, and

concern connectors provide an architectural concept to reconnect the separated
Thiel et al. propose four basic extensions to IEEE Architecture Descriptions
to accommodate product line software [TH02]. The SPL specific challenges
they have identified are: product line extension to capture the relationships
between a product line, product, and product line architecture; feature variabil-
ity extension to relate variability to the requirements; architecture variability
extension to relate variability to architectures; and design element extension
to relate the component and connection types to the architectural variability.
Olszak et al. present a semi-automated method analysing execution traces of
object-oriented programs in order to locate features in the programs [OJ09].
van Zyl describes a two-dimensional “continuum” of concerns [vZ02]. The
horizontal continuum reflects the software layers whilst the vertical continuum
reflects the development artefacts. In the horizontal continuum, there are two
extremes: client facing aspects and infrastructure facing aspects, and also layers
similar to those in the Model-View-Controller architecture. In the vertical con-
tinuum, there are: business model, system model, application portfolio, service
architecture, component architecture, and object architecture.
Krueger illustrates an application of the divide and conquer approach to
identifying subproblems in variation management [Kru02]. He uses a two-
dimensional table, where three rows represent granularity of software artifacts
(Files, Components, and Products) while the three columns represent variation
types (Sequential Time, Parallel Time and Domain Space). Each cell in the
table gives a subproblem to solve.
Niemelä et al. provide an approach to capture quality requirements and
transform them into architectural models [NI07]. Zhang et al. use feature
dependency relationships to analyse requirements and relate them to design
artefacts [ZMZ06].
Wohlstadter et al. examine the issue of managing runtime variabilities intro-
duced by the execution environments of the programs [WD06]. They propose
an interface description language and a mechanism for co-ordinated adaptation
of distributed components to specific execution environments.
Summary. The architectural concerns relate generally to concrete domain
artefacts. The FM is usually one element of the set of concerns that characterise
the architecture of the SPL.

4.4.8 Overall Findings

Our findings show that there are numerous ideas for what should be the main
concerns of FM languages. Although, a consensus is yet to emerge, design and
requirements concerns appear to be the dominant concerns of FMs. Other types
of concerns appear to be secondary. Given the relatively long history of the SPL
4.5 Discussion 63

literature, it is somewhat surprising that FM languages have not formulated

their concerns precisely. This could be a consequence of the difficulty to thread
together all the papers, which barely build on each other. The fragmentation
and lack of cohesion of the SPL literature is the main problem we faced.
In terms of separation techniques, aspect-based approaches have been pro-
posed as a possible technique for managing concerns in FM. Although the
successful use of aspect-based techniques in programming has been acknowl-
edged, their application to FM languages has yet to achieve the same level of
Although there are some notable exceptions, the lack of formality and tool-
support is in general rather glaring in the SPL literature.

4.5 Discussion

When FMs were first introduced, the main concern of the models seemed to be
to distinguish features that are particular to certain members of the product
family from those that are common across all members. FMs address something
that few other modelling languages do: to treat groups of programs as having
common functionality with only minor varying features. This could encour-
age reuse across programs, and design more stable architecture. The concepts
used in the language were also simple: mostly with AND (aggregation/consist-
of) and OR (alternatives/optional/mutually exclusive OR) relationships, to-
gether with some notion of feature attributes and “requires” (implies) relation-
ship [KCH+ 90].
Having said that, even the seminal FODA report [KCH+ 90] is not clear
about the level of abstraction of features, nor the purpose of FMs. At times,
[KCH+ 90] treat FMs as a domain analysis tool, suggesting that the feature
analysis should focus on application domain; at other times, they indicate that
FMs can be used to describe relationships between features of different binding
times: compile-time, load-time and run-time. Therefore, an FM is a “com-
munication medium between users and developers”, a description of the “user’s
understanding of the general capabilities of applications in a domain”, and a
tool for communication between developers and designers. This vagueness in
the purpose of FM language, or the attempt to cater for all purposes, unfortu-
nately contributes to FMs with poor separation of concerns.
This section revisits the findings of Section 4.4. Firstly, it synthesizes the
different types of concerns we identified and tries to clarify their meaning and
context of use. Then, it elaborates on the different separation and composition
techniques. Finally, the degree of formality of these techniques and the tools
supporting them are discussed.
64 4 Separation of Concerns in Feature Models

4.5.1 Concerns
Two types of concerns are proposed in the literature: (1) concerns that group
features together according to some given criteria; (2) concerns that differenti-
ate the kinds of relationships between features.

Feature groups
Concerns grouping features can be further separated into three categories, as
reported in Table 4.2. First, concerns that focus on functional and non func-
tional properties of the SPL. Then, concerns that put together features that
address a specific facet of the SPL variability. Finally, concerns that group
features according to the steps or status of the configuration process.
It is interesting to note that the earlier FM languages (such as FODA
and FORM [LKL02, KKL+ 98]) seem to be more concerned with design and
implementation issues, while later FM languages (such as staged configura-
tion [CHE05] and feature tree [RW06]) are more concerned with stakeholders
and organisational structures. There is a tendency to expand the scope of
FMs: in addition to describing variability in the design, a need for describing
the variability in the wider system context has been recognised by SPL ap-
proaches. This perhaps explains, in part, the phenomenon of increasing size
and complexity of FMs.
A modelling language such as the one described in FODA cannot be ex-
pected to adequately capture relationships between so many (kinds of) fea-
tures in a realistic system at so many levels of abstractions, involving so many
stakeholders at the same time. For example, there is no notion of timing (to
talk about temporal dependencies between features) in FMs, although FODA
authors suggested that they can be used to describe run-time and load-time
In that sense, it is not a real surprise that many FODA-like FM languages
are found not to be scalable. This has led some authors to question the actual
expressiveness of those languages. As shown in [SHTB07], from the seman-
tic perspective, a relatively simple FM language can have a high degree of
expressiveness and succinctness. Therefore, we have to conclude that mak-
ing FM languages richer does not necessarily make them more scalable. Poor
separation of concerns makes FMs difficult to understand and analyse using
automated tools.
The list of concerns recognised by the surveyed approaches, in particular by
[LKL02] and [KKL+ 98], is very comprehensive. They range from cost of fea-
tures, CPU platform to organisational structure. This indicates that variability
has to be addressed at different times in the development and in different parts
of the system structure. Therefore, we do not have a shortage of concerns to
be addressed by FMs: there are actually too many concerns to be addressed.
4.5 Discussion 65

Table 4.2 – Concerns separating groups of features

References Concern
Functional and non-functional property
[HSSF06] Adaptivity
[CRB04] Configurability
[SK01] Declarative
[SK01] Deductive
[TH03] Fault tolerance
[CRB04] Flexibility
[EM08, HSSF06] Functionality
[EM08] Quality
[SG05, ELSP08] Artefacts
[CLLK09] Binding
[KCH+ 90, KKL+ 98, LKL02, KDK+ 02] Capability
[CLLK09] Configuration
[KCH+ 90, KKL+ 98, LKL02, KDK+ 02, Context
CHS08, HT08, TBC+ 09, MRA05]
[KCH+ 90, KKL+ 98, LKL02, KDK+ 02] Domain technology
[PBvdL05] External variability
[CZZM06] Feature interaction
[TH03] Hardware platform
[KCH+ 90, KKL+ 98, LKL02, KDK+ 02] Implementation techniques
[PBvdL05] Internal variability
[GRDL09] Market needs
[HT08, GRDL09] Multiple product lines
[FFB02, SHTB06] Non-primitive feature
[CLLK09] Operational dependency
[RW06, RW07, MSA09, GRDL09] Organisational structure
[DSB09, MHP+ 07, MRA05, KSG06, CHS08, Provided variability (solution space)
TBC+ 09, GRDL09]
[DSB09, MHP+ 07, KSG06, TBC+ 09, TH03, Required variability (problem space)
[CLLK09] Structure
[CLLK09] Traceability
[PBvdL05] Variability in time
[PBvdL05] Variability in space
Configuration process
[KCH+ 90,LKL02, KDK+ 02, LKK04, FFB02, Binding time
[LKK04] Binding state
[CHE05, CHH09b] Configuration levels
[CHE04] Configuration stages
[HCH09] Configuration tasks

This is one of the fundamental problems of FMs. Again, a clarification of the

purpose of FMs, and the meaning of features in various artefacts, will go some
66 4 Separation of Concerns in Feature Models

way to address the problem.

In addition, several approaches group features according to the artefacts
of which they model the variability. Some of them directly embed variability
into artefacts such as UML models [ZHJ04, GS08, HSS+ 10]. These approaches
do not consider variability models as first-class citizens. Conversely, other ap-
proaches handle the variability model and base model separately. For instance,
orthogonal variability modelling (OVM) [PBvdL05] models variation points
individually and links them to base models, Czarnecki et al. [CHE05, CP06]
separate FMs from the base UML model, Classen et al. formally relate an FM
to a behavioural model and reason about them both [CHS+ 10], and Heiden-
reich et al. map FMs to other models such as use cases, class diagrams or
statecharts [HSS+ 10]. Our work focuses only on approaches that recognize
FMs as first class citizens. In that context, a concern is defined as the mapping
between the FM and a set of models. However, most of the work in that field
falls outside our research questions. Therefore, we do not try to provide an
exhaustive list of them here.

Feature relationships
The second type of concern determines the nature of the relationship between
two or more features. Table 4.3 collects the different kinds of relationships we
came across. Relationships defined as propositional formulas [Bat05] that are
not explicitly qualified are left out this table.
Here again the concept of relationship is rather imprecise. It is alternatively
used to specify the parent/child relationship (e.g., aggregation or composition),
to constraint feature selection (e.g., requires or excludes) and to provide de-
pendency information (e.g., implemented by or usage). Many of them defeat
the purpose of FMs. By forcing implementation specific details into the model,
one loses independence from the solution domain. Furthermore, the semantics
of these relationships is for the most part completely overlooked.
However, implementation-specific relationships differ from implementation
specific feature groupings. Relationships restrict the selection by enforcing
constraints imposed by technological decisions. Groups present domain op-
tions that are related to each other. Even though concerns can focus on
implementation-specific features, they only expose choices and do not import
extraneous constraints from the implementation layer.

4.5.2 Separation and composition techniques

In the same way that we have many possible concerns of FMs, there are
also many ways to separate concerns including: aspect-oriented, view-oriented,
tabular, visualisation, staged-configuration, requirements-oriented approaches.
Having a diversity of approaches in itself is an advantage. However, since the
4.5 Discussion 67

Table 4.3 – Concerns separating relationship among features

References Concern
[CLK08] Aggregation relationship
[LKL02] Composed-of
[CLK08] Concurrent activation dependency
[CLK08] Excluded configuration dependency
[CLK08] Exclusive activation dependency
[CHS08, TBC+ 09] Entailment
[LKL02, CLK08] Generalisation/specialisation
[CSW08] Hard constraint
[LKL02] Implemented by
[CZZM06] Interaction
[CLK08] Modification dependency
[WBDS09] Point configuration constraint
[FFB02] Provided by
[TBC+ 09] Quantitative constraints
[CLK08] Required configuration dependency
[CLK08] Sequential activation dependency
[CSW08] Soft constraint
[CLK08] Subordinate activation dependency
[CLK08] Usage dependency
[CZZM06] Weaving
[MHP+ 07] X-links

purposes and concerns of FMs are not clear, the concerns to which these tech-
niques are to be applied remain a question. Many of the proposed approaches
are well-grounded and probably constructive when applied to real problems.
More evidence of how they have been applied will strengthen confidence in
Although there are several separation techniques, as shown in Table 4.4,
what is required, in our view, is a clarification in the purposes of FMs, a sys-
tematic way to separate, and compose FMs, according to well-defined criteria.
The Jackson-Zave framework (and related) for requirements engineering gives a
systematic way to separate requirements, specifications and domain properties.
We believe that FM languages could benefit such a framework, as explained
in [CHS08, TBC+ 09].
Separation of concerns is only one side of a two-sided story: having sep-
arated concerns, there is a need to reason about how concerns might be re-
lated and negotiated. Many of the techniques are summarised in Table 4.5.
Regarding this issue, we see a deep synergy between SPL and requirements
engineering research. For instance, techniques on viewpoints [EN96], model
synthesis [UC04], model merging [BCE+ 06, ACLF09], inconsistency manage-
ment [SZ01] may provide insight into how concerns on FMs could be managed.
68 4 Separation of Concerns in Feature Models

Table 4.4 – Separation techniques

References Separation technique

[SG05, LKKP06, NK08, CRB04, ELSP08] Aspect
[MCMdO08] Configuration spaces
[HHSD10] Configuration views
[KCH+ 90, KKL+ 98, LKL02, KDK+ 02, TH03, RW06, Hierarchical layering
RW07, MSA09]
[CHE05, CHH09b] Level
[TH03] n-Dimensions
[BLS03] Origami matrix
[CHE05, CHH09b] Stage
[WBDS09] Step
[HCH09] Task

Table 4.5 – Composition techniques

References Composition technique

[BLS03] Cartesian combination
[MCMdO08] Configuration plan
[MHP+ 07, TBC+ 09] Crosscutting constraints
[HCH09] Feature configuration workflow
[RW06, RW07, MSA09] Resolution rules
[CHE05] Specialisation
[SG05, CZZM06] Weaving
[ELSP08] Workflow weaving

4.5.3 Formalisation
In terms of level of formality, most of the FM languages we surveyed are largely
informal. We believe that the question of having an expressive and succinct
formal FM language is no longer a major problem. The major problem is
that most of the approaches to separation and composition of concerns are
weakly formalised. Only 19 out of the 127 papers obtained a score of + or
+, which means that a formal semantics is provided. 10 other papers obtained
because they provide an abstract syntax or metamodel of the concepts they
use. Some of the papers we reviewed formalise concepts that are not directly
related to FMs (e.g. [AC06]). In general, what we observed is an informal and
loose definition of the concept of concern.
On top of that, the very nature of a concern varies. Besides the distinction
between group concerns and relationships, more fundamental differences can
be noticed. For group concerns, some seem to be “attributes” characterizing
features like the binding time. Others make a clear separation between FMs
achieving different objectives like provided vs. required variability. Finally, a
concern can be captured by a link to an external model. The same observa-
tion holds for relationship concerns that can either denote a specific type of
4.5 Discussion 69

constraint or represent a form of conceptual consistency like entailment.

There is apparently no determination to reach a unified definition, which
prevents a rigorous comparison of the approaches. To systematise the way the
problem is tackled and converge on a solution, the following questions should
be answered:

• What are the types and subtypes of concerns? Different types of concern
exist. Tables 4.2 and 4.3 lay the foundation stone by collecting two of
them, i.e. feature groups and feature decomposition relationships. Future
work should tell which more fine grained types are needed, and catego-
rize them more precisely. However, a more pressing matter might be to
produce solid empirical evidence that these concerns are actually rele-
vant in practice. Therefore, further investigation is needed to populate a
repertoire of relevant concerns.

• How is a concern defined? Several papers suggested formal definitions

of a concern (e.g. [BLS03, RW06, HCH09, MCMdO08, HHSD10]). How-
ever, these definitions focus on feature groups with simple parent/child
relationships and boolean constraints. Efforts are still needed to integrate
them and extend them to account for the different types of concerns (e.g.
using an attribute vs. using a link to an external model than contains
equivalent information).

4.5.4 Tool support

Many of the tools we came across are little more than simple diagramming
tools or standard aspect code-weaving tools. For the most part, they are
only prototypes or proofs of concept. Less than five of these tools seem to
have reached a mature stage. Meaningful and efficient reasoning about multi-
concern FMs is still an area for further research. For instance, how separation
of concerns, and their recomposition should be supported by an automated
tool is under-explored. This is a likely consequence of the limited research on
concern formalisation. Better specification of the problem would lead to more
robust and efficient tool support.
Despite the apparent difficulties, SPL engineers in various industries have
been successfully producing commercial software used by many customers. In-
sightful reports on how SPL engineers actually manage concerns in FMs would
have a positive influence on research. How tools like pure::variants [Beu08]
that allow to add numerous attributes to a feature can serve as a sound basis
for concern modelling is still unclear.
70 4 Separation of Concerns in Feature Models

4.6 Threats to Validity

The last step of our survey is a critical look at the research method and the
collected results. For each point, the threats to validity are discussed with the
presumed consequences on the global validity of the results.

Single bibliographical database The only bibliographical database we used

to collect papers is DBLP. The bias that could have been introduced was
however mitigated by (1) the automatic inclusion in DBLP of papers
from other electronic libraries (ACM, IEEE, Springer...), and (2) the list
of papers we manually added. The latter reduced the risk to miss relevant
papers not caught by the queries or not encoded in DBLP.
No meta-analysis We favoured a qualitative approach over a quantitative
one. Consequently, we neither completed a meta-analysis nor a sensitivity
analysis. A meta-analysis is usually meaningful to aggregate results from
various yet similar studies [BKB+ 07]. The variability among the papers
we collected simply rendered impossible such aggregation. It turned out
that tabulated data [BKB+ 07] was the only way for us to compare the
results. This, in turn, made a sensitivity analysis inappropriate.
No external expert We did not appoint an external expert to control the
completeness and consistency of the review. The impact it has had on the
final results is hard to tell given the broad scope of our investigation. We
tried to lessen the possible negative impact by appointing two different
researchers with some overlap in our assignments to make sure that our
evaluations were consistent and comparable.
No quality evaluation To build a complete repertoire of concerns, all papers
were equally evaluated without any discrimination regarding the source
(e.g. journal, conference or workshop) or venue. A quality evaluation
would have excluded several papers that contained valuable input for our
repertoire. To reach that level of exhaustiveness, quantity was preferred
over quality. The overall impact on the quality of study, however, is hard
to predict. In fact, the fairly low level of empirical validation in all the
papers lead us to believe that no significant gains in quality would have
been perceived if we had been more selective on venues.
Inconsistent content validation We observed significant differences in the
validation of the results presented in the papers. For instance, many
papers claimed that their results were validated with case studies. Yet,
few of them, followed a rigorous approach to empirically validate their
results such as [SSS07]. That threat affects research on separation of
concerns in FMs in general. Our study can only reflect the current state
of the art in that domain.
4.7 Chapter Summary 71

4.7 Chapter Summary

This chapter exposed the results of a systematic survey of literature on sepa-

ration of concerns in FM languages. Our research method is well-founded and
covers both quantitative and qualitative aspects. The main research question
of the survey has been to identify the most important concerns, or purposes,
of FMs, and how they are separated in existing SPL approaches. The keys
findings are the following:

• We have identified seven areas of research in which concerns of FMs are

discussed: the concerns range from the legal constraints on the feature
combination to the hardware and organisation structure constraints.
• The inherent vagueness in the feature abstraction and in the purpose
of FMs makes realistic FMs hard to comprehend and analyse. Since a
more expressive FM language is unlikely to solve the problem, we have
concluded that a clarification in the purpose of FMs, and the meaning
of features in various artefacts will go some way towards solving this
• Separation and composition techniques for concerns in FMs have been
found to be rudimentary: they range from hierarchical layering of FMs
to selective projection of FMs using a visualisation tool.
• Tool support for aspect-oriented approaches seems to offer some oppor-
tunity, but so far they have been mainly applied to code, rather than
FMs. We have concluded that a firmer conceptual footing for FMs will
enhance tool support for separating and composing concerns.

There is still a long way to go before a complete list of concerns can be

provided. Additional work is needed to comprehend the relationship between
FMs and other types of models. Besides bringing in new concerns, that will
require dealing with many extra separation and compositions techniques mixing
features and heterogeneous model elements.
Rather than studying each type of concern individually, the following chap-
ters investigate the specification, verification and rendering of concerns with
generic views (Chapter 5); define a formal way of driving view configuration
with a workflow (Chapter 6 and 7); propose alternative solutions to handle
conflicts during the concurrent configuration of multiple views (Chapter 8);
introduce a toolset implementing those techniques (Chapter 9).

Multi-view Feature Models

5.1 Open Issues

Two challenges that FBC techniques fail to address in a satisfactory way are (1)
tailoring the configuration environment according to the stakeholder’s profile
(knowledge, role, preferences. . . ), and (2) managing the complexity resulting
from the size of the FM. Two concurrent approaches have been proposed to
tackle that problem: view integration and view projection. View integration
techniques start from small and roughly independent FMs that are configured
and then integrated to form a complete configuration (e.g. [CKK06, RW06,
MSA09]). In practice, the gain of designing and working with smaller mod-
els often echoes with costly and complex integrations of heterogeneous mod-
els [GRDL09]. Conversely, view projection techniques assume the existence of
a global FM that is divided into smaller views, which are then configured. The
high upfront investments necessary to build the initial FM is counterbalanced
by the automatic integration of user decisions. The wide application of that
latter approach in various domains (see e.g. Chapter 4, database engineer-
ing [EN06], and product line implementation [K1̈0]) and our own experience
showing that a single feature model is usually favoured over an heterogeneous
collection thereof lead us to focus on view projection.
In FBC, a view is a simplified representation of an FM that has been tailored
for a specific stakeholder, role, task, or, to generalize, a particular combination
of these elements, which we call a concern. Views facilitate configuration in
that they only focus on those parts of the FM that are relevant for a given
concern. Using multiple views is thus a way to achieve SoC in FMs. SoC helps
making FM-related tasks less complex by letting stakeholders concentrate on

74 5 Multi-view Feature Models

the parts of the FM that are relevant to them and hiding the others.

Variability Stakeholder View

FD Profiles Views Configuration Product
modelling identification specification

Start Activity Flow


Figure 5.1 – Key steps and artefacts of FBC.

In Figure 5.1, we represent the key steps and artefacts of FBC that use
view projection. Typically, the process starts with variability modelling, which
produces the FM. The second step focuses on the identification of stakeholders,
which determines the profiles of the users of the configurator. Then, a view on
the FM is defined for every profile. The final step is the actual configuration
of the FM, which results in the specification of the product.
In this chapter, we focus on the creation of consistent views and the genera-
tion of alternative visualisations for configuration, as highlighted in Figure 5.1.
Specifically, we address three fundamental issues of multi-perspective feature
RQ5.1 How are views actually specified? Related work usually identifies views
by surrounding groups of features with a line or by showing subsets of
features from the original FM. This gives very little insight as to how to
actually build these views in practice and certainly does not tell how to
implement a tool that renders them.
RQ5.2 How is the complete configuration of the FM enforced? Views delimit
portions on the set of features. To be meaningful, views should cover the
complete decision space defined by features, i.e., one should ensure that
no feature of the FM can be left undecided.
RQ5.3 How are features outside a view filtered out? Some stakeholders need
to see features outside a view to comprehend it. However, for large or
technical FMs, the complexity can become disorienting and features out-
side the view have to be hidden to simplify the configuration task. Fi-
nally, security policies can restrict the set of stakeholders who can access
(read/write) particular features. These different scenarios put different
constraints on view rendering.
Our contribution is a set of techniques to specify, automatically generate
and check multiple views (Section 5.3). Views are generated through trans-
5.2 Working Example: PloneMeeting 75

formations of the FM. Verifications and transformations are formally defined

(Section 5.3), and applied to the PloneMeeting case (Section 5.4). The correct-
ness of the transformations is finally demonstrated (Section 5.5). But first, let
us introduce our working example: PloneMeeting.

5.2 Working Example: PloneMeeting

PloneGov1 is an international open source initiative coordinating the devel-

opment of secure, collaborative and evolutive eGovernment web applications.
PloneGov gathers hundreds of public organizations worldwide. This context
yields a significant diversity, which is the source of ubiquitous variability in the
Our collaboration with PloneGov developers aims at addressing those vari-
ability management challenges [DMH+ 07, HHB08, UDH09]. We concentrate
here on PloneMeeting, PloneGov’s meeting management project, which has
now been re-engineered as an SPL. A major challenge was to extend its flex-
ibility through systematic variability management. We collaborated with the
developers in designing an FM representing the configuration options of Plone-
Meeting. A sample of this FM 2 is presented in Figure 5.2. The extra con-
straints appear in the lower right corner. The coloured areas should be ignored
for now. The essential concepts of this model are introduced below.
Meeting management typically follows a three-step process: (1) meeting
items, i.e. points to be discussed, are created and validated; (2) a meeting is
created and existing meeting items are put on its agenda; (3) after publica-
tion, the meeting takes place and the decisions made on items are archived.
In PloneMeeting, each item and meeting has its own statemachine, reflecting
the management workflow. A typical workflow contains states like “Created”,
“Closed” or “Archived”. The states and transitions of the workflow are selected
and possibly customised during the installation of PloneMeeting to be com-
pliant with local policies. PloneMeeting also provides support for basic task
management and electronic voting.
PloneMeeting recognizes three different stakeholder profiles. Each of these
profiles independently configures a part of the website. The web administrator
is a Plone expert in charge of the installation, maintenance and update of
the PloneMeeting instance. The PloneMeeting manager is responsible for the
base configuration of the website, including meeting workflow definition. The
users directly exploit the meeting management functionalities as participants,
meeting managers, observers, etc. The configuration options of interest for
each of these profiles are thus different and limited in scope.

2 Reverse-engineered from PloneMeeting version 1.7 build 564.
76 5 Multi-view Feature Models

Meeting Config (MC)

Crosscutting constraints
General (G) PloneMeeting
Title manager TC DM
Assembly members VE EV
Institution ID A EV
Data (D) DY AY
Meeting attributes DN AN
Start time
End time
Use groups as categories
Item insertion algorithm User
At the end
Category order
Proposing group order
Workflow and security (W) Web
Meeting workflow administrator
Standard workflow
Collège workflow
Archive workflow
Zope 3 condition interface
Zope 3 action interface
User interface (U)
Meeting display states

Default view
My items
All items
Available meetings
Decided meetings
Item duplication
Open annexes in separate window
Email notification (E)
Tasks (T)
Display macro (DM)
Task creator (TC)

Meeting manager
Votes (V)

Enable voting (EV)

Vote encoder (VE)

Meeting manager
Available vote values (A)

Yes (AY)
No (AN)
Abstention (AA)
Default vote value (D)
Yes (DY)
No (DN)
Abstention (DA)

Figure 5.2 – Excerpt of PloneMeeting’s FM.

5.3 View Definition, Verification and Visualisation 77

A major problem is that existing FBC tools do not provide means to control
who is responsible for a given configuration option. At best, informal comments
or notes can be added to tag features, which severely limits the automated tai-
loring of configuration interfaces and the control over access rights. However,
these two functionalities are required by PloneMeeting. In the absence of clear
access specifications, a coarse policy has been implemented: the web admin-
istrator and the PloneMeeting manager have both access to all configuration
options, while the users get access to none. A reported consequence is that
sometimes the PloneMeeting manager does not have sufficient knowledge to
fully understand the options and make decisions. The results can be incor-
rect settings of interfaces to external macros and runtime changes of meeting
workflows that lead to inconsistent meeting states. Additionally, users are de-
nied any tailoring of their working environment, e.g., default GUI layouts or
choosing how to display states of meetings or other items.
Furthermore, responsibilities and profiles can vary from one PloneMeeting
instance to the other. The variability in the use context might imply variations
in the access rights (e.g. the PloneMeeting manager cannot control workflows).
It might also require other stakeholder profiles (e.g. a Task Manager is needed
to configure the task portlet). Consequently, responsibilities and profiles should
not be hardcoded in the FM but defined on a case-by-case basis, typically before
or during the instantiation of the website.
This situation provided the initial motivation for the use of views as a flex-
ible means to build and reason about configuration spaces. However, existing
solutions to multi-view feature modelling fail to provide complete support to
model this case.

5.3 View Definition, Verification and Visualisation

5.3.1 Basic definition

Answering research questions RQ5.1-3 requires being able to specify which
parts of the FM are configurable by whom. This can be achieved easily by
augmenting the FM with a set V of views, each of which consists of a set of
features. Based on the definition introduced in Section 2.3.2, a multi-view FM
is finally defined as follows.
Definition 5.1 Multi-view FM (LM V F M )
A multi-view FM u ∈ LM V F M is a tuple (N, P, r, λ, DE, Φ, V ) where V =
{v1 , v2 , . . . , vn } is the multiset of views such that:

• N, P, r, λ, DE, Φ conform to Definition 2.1;

• ∀vi ∈ V • vi ⊆ N ∧ r ∈ vi .
78 5 Multi-view Feature Models

A view can be defined for any profile or, more generally, for any concern
that requires only partial knowledge of the FM. As a general policy, we consider
that the root is part of each view. V is a multiset to account for duplicated
sets of features.

5.3.2 View specification

There are essentially two ways of specifying views, and answer RQ5.1. The
most obvious is to enumerate, for each view, the features that appear in it—or
equivalently, to tag each feature of the FM with the names of the views it
belongs to. This is an extensional definitions. For large FMs, this might be
very time-consuming and error-prone without proper tool support. A natural
alternative is thus to provide a language for intensional definitions of views
that takes advantage of the FM’s tree structure to avoid lengthy enumerations.
To avoid reinventing the wheel, we identified a simple subset of XPath (see
Table 5.1) to fit the purpose.3 We have chosen XPath because it was designed
to navigate in tree-structures, and it is a W3C standard that has been used for
more than a decade. An application to our motivating example is presented in
Section 7.5. The downside of intensional definitions is that textual languages
like XPath might be less affordable than graphical approaches for casual users.
The consistency between the FM and the XPath expression is also harder to
maintain when the model evolves. Unlike tags attached to features, XPath
expressions rely on the structure of the FM and feature labels.

Table 5.1 – View query language

Path expression Meaning

* Select all the children of the current node (wildcard).
nodename Select all the children with name nodename of the cur-
rent node.
/nodename Select the root node if it matches the name.
nodename1/nodename2 Select all the children with name nodename2 of node
//nodename Select all the elements with name nodename, no matter
where they appear.
nodename1//nodename2 Select all the descendants with name nodename2 of
node nodename1.
path_expr1 | path_expr2 Select all the nodes matching path_expr1 and

In practice though, extensional and intensional definitions can be used to-

gether. XPath expressions can be generated based on interactions with a well
3 For a formal definition, see
5.3 View Definition, Verification and Visualisation 79

designed view definition GUI rather than written by hand. Conversely, XPath
expressions could be used to generate feature tags and link them to the features
in the XPath expression. These links can then be used to trace changes to the
FM back in the XPath expression. This way we can avoid the drawbacks of
both extensional and intensional definitions.
For the formal developments that follow, we are only interested in the fea-
tures contained in each view. Therefore, we will abstract from the approach
chosen to specify views.

5.3.3 View coverage

An important property to be guaranteed by an FBC system is that all configu-
ration questions be eventually answered, i.e., that a decision be made for each
feature of the FM. This is the issue raised by RQ5.2.
In a multi-view context, it is tempting to enforce the following condition.
Definition 5.2 Sufficient coverage condition
For a view v of a multi-view FM u the sufficient coverage condition is:

Intuitively, this means that all the features appear in at least one view, hence
no feature can be left undecided.4 In our motivating example (Figure 5.2),
each feature is part of a view. Hence, this condition holds: the collaborative
configuration of the FM through the views will always lead to complete and
valid products. This is indeed a sufficient condition, but not necessary since
some decisions can usually be deduced from others. For instance, in the web
administrator’s view, if the feature Display macro is selected, its ancestor Tasks
will be too, although the latter does not belong to the view.
A necessary condition can be defined using the notion of propositional de-
fineability [LM08].
Definition 5.3 pdefines(M, f ) (adapted from [LM08])
For a given set N of features of u and ΓN the Boolean encoding of u on N , a
feature f ∈ N is propositionally defined by the features in M ⊆ N iff:

ΓN ∧ Γ0N [M 0 ← M ]  f ≡ f 0

4 Note that the complete view coverage is usually assumed by mutli-view approaches

(e.g. [MCMdO08]).
80 5 Multi-view Feature Models

• Γ0N denotes a renaming of all the features in ΓN ;

• [M 0 ← M ] replaces all the renamed variables of M 0 by their original name

in M .

We need to ensure that the decisions on the features that do not appear in
any view can be inferred from (i.e. are propositionally defined by) the decisions
made on the features that are part of the view.
Definition 5.4 Necessary coverage condition
For a view v of a multi-view FM u the necessary coverage condition is:
[ [
∀f ∈/ v • pdefines( v , f)
v∈V v∈V

To evaluate pdefines, it suffices to translate the FM into an equivalent propo-

sitional formula (which is done in linear time [SHTB06]) and apply the SAT-
based algorithm described in [LM08] (see also Section 7.7.1). This check is
NP complete in theory, but this is not expected to be a problem in practice.
Indeed, SAT solvers can handle FMs with thousands of features [MWC09]. To
date, the largest FMs available count over 6000 features [BSL+ 10], which is
still within the comfort zone of SAT solvers. Therefore, we are pretty confident
that no performance issue would jeopardize the verification of the necessary
condition, even in very large projects.
Features in N \ v∈V v that do not satisfy the above condition will have to
be integrated in existing views, or extra constraints will have to be added to
determine their value.
Since the view coverage in PloneMeeting is complete, the necessary con-
dition is trivially satisfied. However, in other domains such has operating
systems, features used mostly for calculations (e.g. which boot entry should be
used) are hidden to users [BSL+ 10]. These features cannot be part of any view.
In that case, the verification of the necessary condition determines whether the
value of the hidden features can be derived from the features in the views.

5.3.4 Visualisation
Views are abstract entities. To be effectively used during FBC, they need to
be made concrete, i.e. visual. Henceforth, a visual representation of a view
will be called a visualisation. The goal of a visualisation is to strike a balance
between (1) showing only features that belong to a view, and (2) including
features that are not in the view but that provide context and thereby allow
5.3 View Definition, Verification and Visualisation 81

the user to make informed decisions. For instance, the Display macro feature
is in the view of the web administrator, but its parent feature Tasks is not.
To tackle this problem formulated in RQ5.1-3, we observed the practice of
the PloneMeeting developers and discussed alternative visualisations. We also
inspected the approaches suggested in [ZZM08, MCMdO08]. We finally looked
into filtering mechanisms provided by tools. Tools like pure::variants [psG06] or
kernel configurators for operating systems (e.g. xconfig for Linux or config-
tool for eCos [eCo11]) provide simple filtering or search mechanisms that are
similar to views on an FM. A filter is defined as a regular expression on the
FM. Any feature matching the regular expression is displayed—without any
control on the location of the feature in the hierarchy. Interestingly, all these
approaches produce purely graphical modifications (e.g. by greying out irrele-
vant features) whereas cardinalities are not recomputed.
The outcome of our investigation is a set of three complementary visualisa-
tions offering different levels of details. They were built to present information
on a need-to-know basis. They allow to regulate the amount of information
displayed, and provide enhanced control over access rights. For instance, a
standardised configuration menu will always display the position of the fea-
ture in the hierarchy and hide unavailable options while critical systems will
conceal all the features outside a view to protect fabrication secrets. Thereby,
visualisations not only propose convenient representations of a view, but also
dictate what information is accessible to the stakeholder. These visualisations
are depicted in Figure 5.3. The FM on the left is the same as in Figure 5.2.
The darker area defines a specific view of it, called v.

⟨3..3⟩ ⟨3..3⟩ ⟨2..4⟩
E v E E E
⟨0..2⟩ O

Greyed Pruned Collapsed

Figure 5.3 – Three alternative visualisations of FM views: greyed, pruned and


• The greyed visualisation is a mere copy of the whole FM except that the
features that do not belong to the view are greyed out (e.g., A, B, DO
and DB). Greyed features are only displayed but cannot be manually
82 5 Multi-view Feature Models

• In the pruned visualisation, features that are not in the view are pruned
(e.g., B, DO and DB) unless they appear on a path between a feature
in the view and the root, in which case they are greyed out (e.g., A)5 .

• In the collapsed visualisation, all the features that do not belong to the
view are pruned. A feature in the view whose parent or ancestors are
pruned is connected to the closest ancestor that is still in the view. If no
ancestor is in the view, the feature is directly connected to the root (e.g.,
Y and O).

Generating such visualisations from an FM and a view is a form of FM

transformation. To implement these transformations and prove their correct-
ness we need to formalize them.
Definition 5.5 View visualisation
The visualisation of a view v is the transformation of the original FM into a
new FM such that dtv = (Nvt , r, λtv , DEvt , Φ), where t, the type of visualisation,
can take one of three values: g (greyed), p (pruned), and c (collapsed). 

The simplest case is the one of the greyed visualisation, since there is no
transformation beyond the greying of each feature f 6∈ v (i.e. dgv = d) . The
transformations for the pruned and collapsed visualisations are respectively
specified in Transformations 5.1 and 5.2. Basically, they filter nodes, remove
dangling decomposition edges and adapt the cardinalities accordingly. We leave
crosscutting constraints untouched in the following definitions because they are
usually not displayed in FBC systems. They are reintroduced in Section 9.4
when we discuss how our toolset handles both transformations and crosscutting
constraints to maintain decision consistency.

Pruned visualisation
Nvp , the set of features in this visualisation, is the subset of N limited to features
that are in v or have a descendant in v. The definition uses DE + , the transitive
closure of DE. Based on Nvp , we remove all dangling edges, i.e. those not in
Nvp × Nvp to create DEvp .
Transformation 5.1 Pruned visualisation
The transformations applied to the FM to generate the pruned visualisation
Nvp = {n ∈ N |n ∈ v ∨ ∃f ∈ v • (n, f ) ∈ DE + }
DEvp = {DE ∩ (Nvp × Nvp )}
λpv (f ) = (mincardpv (f ), maxcardpv (f ))

5 Abstractly, when an optional feature is pruned, so is its parent non-primitive feature.

5.3 View Definition, Verification and Visualisation 83

To compute the new cardinalities λpv (f ), mincardpv (f ) and maxcardpv (f )

are defined as follows:
mincardpv (f ) = max(0, λ(f ).min − |orphanspv (f )|)
maxcardpv (f ) = min(λ(f ).max, |children(f )| − |orphanspv (f )|)

where orphanspv (f ) = children(f ) \ Nvp i.e., the set of children of f that are
not in Nvp . λ(f ).min and λ(f ).max represent the minimum and maximum
values of the original cardinality, respectively. For the minimum, the difference
between the cardinality and the number of orphans can be negative in some
cases6 , hence the necessity to take the maximum between this value and 0.
The maximum value is the maximum cardinality of f in d if the number of
children in v is greater. If not, the maximum cardinality is set to the number
of children that are in v.

Collapsed visualisation
The set of features Nvc of this visualisation is simply the set of features in v.
The consequence on DEvc is that some features have to be connected to their
closest ancestor if their parent is not part of the view.
Transformation 5.2 Collapsed visualisation
The transformations applied to the FM to generate the collapsed visualisation
are: c
Nv = v
DEvc = {(f, g)|f, g ∈ v ∧ (f, g) ∈ DE + ∧
@f 0 ∈ v • ((f, f 0 ) ∈ DE + ∧ (f 0 , g) ∈ DE + )}
λcv (f ) = (mincardcv (f ), maxcardcv (f ))

The computation of cardinalities λcv (f ) is slightly more complicated than
in the pruned case. Formally, mincardcv (f ) and maxcardcv (f ) are defined as
follows: c P c
mincardv (f ) = P minλ(f ).min (ms_minv (f ))
maxcardcv (f ) = maxλ(f ).max (ms_maxcv (f ))
ms_mincv (f ) =
{mincardcv (g)|g ∈ orphanscv (f )} ] {1|g ∈ children(f ) \ orphanscv (f )}
ms_maxcv (f ) =
{maxcardcv (g)|g ∈ orphanscv (f )} ] {1|g ∈ children(f ) \ orphanscv (f )}

The multisets ms_mincv (f ) and ms_maxcv (f ) collect the cardinalities of the

descendants of f . The left part of the union7 recursively collects the cardi-
nalities of the collapsed descendants whereas the right side adds 1 for each
6 See Section A.1 for an example.
7] is the union on multisets.
84 5 Multi-view Feature Models

child that is in the view. The λ(f ).min minimum values of the multiset are
then summed to obtain the minimum cardinality of f . The maximum value is
computed similarly.
The next section illustrates how the basic steps of the transformations are
applied to the motivating example presented in Section 5.2. A detailed and
step-by-step explanation of the transformations performed in Figure 5.3 is re-
ported in Section A.1.

5.4 Working Example Revisited

With the chief developer of PloneMeeting, we identified and specified three

stakeholder-specific views: the coloured areas in Figure 5.2. The complete FM
from which this sample is extracted is freely available online.8 The orange area
consists of the features that should be made accessible to the web administrator.
Those are technical features that require a deep understanding of the inner
workings of PloneMeeting. The blue area contains the features that should
be made accessible to the PloneMeeting manager. They define “business” (vs.
technical) configuration choices that do not evolve much at runtime and should
not be edited by regular users. The red area gathers the features that should be
made accessible to the end users. Their main purpose is to let users customize
their web-based working environment.
These views, visually depicted as the coloured areas, can be specified with
the three XPath expressions presented in Figure 5.4. The web administrator
view is specified by the expression in Figure 5.4(a) and has to be interpreted
as follows: the feature Workflow and security is in (line 1) as well as all its
descendants (line 2), Email notification (line 3) and Display macro (line 4).
Figure 5.4(b) and Figure 5.4(c) specify the two other views and should be
understood similarly.
In Section 5.3.4, we stressed the importance of proposing alternative visual-
isations during FBC. We now illustrate how these transformations are applied
to the PloneMeeting case. Let us focus on the transformations needed to ob-
tain the pruned and collapsed visualisations for the web administrator. 9 The
abbreviations we use for feature names are indicated in the respective figures.
In the pruned case (Figure 5.5(a)), one can observe that neither the features G,
D, U , V nor their descendants are in the view (see Figure 5.2). This means that
they should not be accessible to the web administrator, i.e. decisions cannot
be made about them (select/deselect). They are thus simply removed (pruned)
from the FM. In contrast, T is not in the view but one of its children, Display
macro, is. In that case, T is greyed out, i.e. displayed but not accessible to the
9 Thetransformations of the PloneMeeting manager and user are respectively presented
in Sections A.1.1 and A.1.2.
5.4 Working Example Revisited 85

1 Meeting_Config/Workflow_and_security
2 | //Workflow_and_security//*
3 | Meeting_Config/Email_notification
4 | Meeting_Config/Tasks/Display_macro

(a) XPath expression of the Web administrator view.

1 | //Data/Item_insertion_algorithm
2 | //Item_insertion_algorithm//*
3 | Meeting_Config/User_interface
4 | //User_interface//*

(b) XPath expression of the User view.

1 Meeting_Config/General
2 | //General//*
3 | Meeting_Config/Data
4 | //Data/Meeting_attributes
5 | //Meeting_attributes//*
6 | //Data/Use_groups_as_categories
7 | Meeting_Config/Workflow_and_security
8 | //Workflow_and_security/Meeting_workflow
9 | //Meeting_workflow//*
10 | Meeting_Config/Email_notification
11 | Meeting_Config/Tasks
12 | //Tasks/Task_creator
13 | //Task_creator//*
14 | Meeting_Config/Votes
15 | //Votes//*

(c) XPath expression of the PloneMeeting manager view.

Figure 5.4 – XPath expressions of the different views in Figure 5.2.

web administrator. The new set of features Nvp thus only contains the features
in Figure 5.5(a). The same holds for the decomposition edges of DEvp . The
new cardinalities of the pruned version of the FM are calculated as follows:
λpW A (M C) = hmax(0, 7 − 4)..min(7, 7 − 4)i = h3..3i
λpW A (T ) = hmax(0, 2 − 1)..min(2, 2 − 1)i = h1..1i

where M C has four orphans (G, D, U and V ) and T only one (Task creator).
Obtaining the collapsed visualisation (Figure 5.5(b)) is more complex be-
cause collapsed features entail the recursive computation of cardinalities. In
this particular example, the Display macro feature (boldfaced in Figure 5.5(b))
is the only example of a collapsed feature. Unlike in the pruned case, its parent
feature T is removed from the visualisation. This means that Display macro
is disconnected from the FM. It thus has to be linked to its closest ancestor,
here M C, to keep the view consistent.
New cardinalities must be calculated to match the transformed structure
of the FM. Starting from the root feature, we separate the orphans of M C (G,
86 5 Multi-view Feature Models

Meeting Config (MC) Meeting Config (MC)

⟨3..3⟩ ⟨3..3⟩

Workflow and security (W) Workflow and security (W)

Meeting workflow Meeting workflow

Standard workflow Standard workflow
Collège workflow Collège workflow
Archive workflow Archive workflow
Zope 3 condition interface Zope 3 condition interface
Zope 3 action interface Zope 3 action interface
Email notification (E) Email notification (E)
Tasks (T) Display macro
Display macro

(a) Pruned visualisation (b) Collapsed visualisation

Figure 5.5 – Pruned and collapsed visualisation of the web administrator.

D, U , T and V ), which requires recursive calls, from its children that are in
the view (W and E), which gives:

ms_mincW A (M C) = {mincardcW A (G), mincardcW A (D), mincardcW A (U ),

mincardcW A (T ), mincardcW A (V )} ] {1, 1}
ms_maxcW A (M C) = {maxcardcW A (G), maxcardcW A (D), maxcardcW A (U ),
maxcardcW A (T ), maxcardcW A (V )} ] {1, 1}

Only the left-hand side of the union implies a recursive call. The value for
G, D, U and V is trivially 0 since neither they nor their children are in the
view. T , however, has one child in the view. The cardinality of T is simple to
compute since its children have no descendants, which yields:

mincardcW A (T ) = P min2 {0} ] {1} = 0 + 1 = 1

maxcardcW A (T ) = max2 {0} ] {1} = 0 + 1 = 1
λcW A (T ) = h1..1i

The right-hand side simply contains as many 1s as there are children of

M C in the view, two in this case (W and E). The cardinality of M C in the
collapsed visualisation thus gives:

mincardcW A (M C) =
min7 {0, 0, 0, 1, 0} ] {1, 1}
= 0P+ 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 3
maxcardcW A (M C) = max7 {0, 0, 0, 1, 0} ] {1, 1}
= 0+0+0+0+1+1+1=3
λcW A (M C) = h3..3i
As appears in Table 5.2, the pruned and collapsed visualisations of the
sample FM of Figure 5.2 (counting 57 features), respectively the complete FM
5.5 Correctness of Transformations 87

(counting 193 features), offer significant reductions in the number of features

to be handled by end-users. Regarding view definition, XPath allows relatively
concise definitions (last column of Table 5.2). The number of lines needed to
specify the three views of the sample and complete FMs are respectively 24
and 36. This means that for a difference of 136 features between the sample
and complete FMs, only 12 additional XPath lines are needed.

Table 5.2 – Number of features for the three views and the corresponding number
of XPath lines for the sample and complete FMs (S=Sample ; C=Complete).

Profile Greyed Pruned Collapsed XPath

Web administrator 57 193 11 48 10 47 4 5
User 57 193 20 75 19 74 5 9
PloneMeeting manager 57 193 36 120 36 120 15 22

5.5 Correctness of Transformations

It is important to demonstrate that the above transformations are correct.

As mentioned earlier, FBC systems are meant to check the validity of the
configuration choices based on the original global FM, not on the visualisa-
tions. Still, a proof of correctness ensures that no misleading FM constraints
are shown to the stakeholders. Intuitively, the correctness criterion should
state that the produced visualisations preserve a form of semantic equiva-
lence with the original FM. We define it as follows: [[(Nvt , r, λtv , DEvt , {})]]F M =
[[(N, r, λ, DE, {})]]F M |Nvt . Intuitively, the criterion means that the valid con-
figurations one could infer from a visualisation are actually the valid configu-
rations of the FM, when looking only at the view-specific features (hence the
projection |Nvt ), and regardless of the crosscutting constraints (hence the {}
in the two tuples). For simplicity, we ignore P which has no impact on the
demonstration of the correctness.
We present below the proof of correctness for the pruned (Theorem 5.1) and
collapsed (Theorem 5.2) visualisations. There is no need to prove the greyed
visualisation since dgv = d.

5.5.1 Pruned transformation

Before proving the correctness in the pruned visualisation, we prove that DEvp
in dpv is a prefix of DE in d, which is demonstrated in Lemma 5.1.
Definition 5.6 Tree prefix
Let T1 and T2 be trees. T1 is a prefix of T2 iff there is an injection f : N1 → N2
such that (x, y) ∈ DE1 ⇔ (f (x), f (y)) ∈ DE2 and r1 = f (r2 ). 
88 5 Multi-view Feature Models

Lemma 5.1 dpv is a prefix of d

The tree defined by dpv is a prefix of the tree defined in d.

Proof. By definition of Transformation 5.1, Nvp contains all the features in v

that appear on a path between a feature in v and the root (transitive closure
of DE). Also, DEvp only contains decomposition edges from DE that relate
features in Nvp . Thereby, for all (x, y) ∈ DEvp , we have (x, y) ∈ DE, where
the injection is the identity function. Furthermore, the root is also included by
definition of Nvc .

We also need the notion of local consistency of an FD to account for the

absence of crosscutting constraints, i.e., Φ = ∅. Local consistency defines the
satisfiability of d only in terms of the constraints imposed by decompositions,
i.e. λ, and ignores crosscutting constraints.
Definition 5.7 Local consistency
A given d ∈ LF M such that Φ = ∅ is locally consistent iff

∀n ∈ N • |children(n)| ≥ λ(n).min ∧ λ(n).min ≤ λ(n).max

Also, we know from [SHTB06] that d ∈ LF M is satisfiable if and only if
[[d]]F M 6= ∅. From this result, we derive a corollary:
Corollary 5.1 Local consistency satisfiability
If d ∈ LF M is not locally consistent, then it is not satisfiable: [[d]]F M = ∅. 
If d is not locally consistent, then it has no valid configuration and the
semantic equivalence is trivially satisfied. We demonstrate the correctness of
dpv under the assumption that it is locally consistent.
Theorem 5.1 Correctness of dpv
If d is locally consistent, the pruned visualisation dpv preserves the semantic
equivalence with the original FM d:

[[(Nvp , r, λpv , DEvp , {})]]F M = [[(N, r, λ, DE, {})]]F M |Nvp

Proof. We prove this theorem in two steps.

⊆ First, we prove that:

[[(Nvp , r, λpv , DEvp , {})]]F M ⊆ [[(N, r, λ, DE, {})]]F M |Nvp

Let us consider c ∈ [[(Nvp , r, λpv , DEvp , {})]]F M . We claim that there exists
c0 ∈ [[(N, r, λ, DE, {})]]F M |Nvp such that c ⊆ c0 |Nvp ⊆ c0 by local consis-
tency. Indeed, for each m ∈ / Nvp and m ∈ children(n) with n ∈ Nvp
5.5 Correctness of Transformations 89

we have m ∈ orphanspv (n), i.e. m ∈ / c. By definition we know that

mincardpv (n) ≥ |(children(n) ∩ c)| ≥ maxcardpv (n). Furthermore, DEvp be-
ing a prefix of DE, each feature justified in c, will also be justified in c0
and they both have the same root (by Lemma 5.1).

⊇ Then, we prove by reductio ad absurdum that:

[[(Nvp , r, λpv , DEvp , {})]]F M ⊇ [[(N, r, λ, DE, {})]]F M |Nvp

To do so, we will try to build a configuration c such that:

/ [[(Nvp , r, λpv , DEvp , {})]]F M

c ∈ [[(N, r, λ, DE, {})]]F M |Nvp ∧ c ∈

To prove that such a configuration c does not exist, we test the different
conditions that could lead to incompatible configurations.

1. Different root features. Since both dpv and d have the same root
feature by definition of v, we know that all the configurations will
have the same root feature.
2. Every product satisfies the extra constraints. In this case, the set of
constraints is empty, hence does not influence the equality.
3. Different decomposition edges. We know from Lemma 5.1 that DEvc
is a prefix of DE. Thereby, all features in Nvp are subject to the
same constraints in dpv and d.
4. Different decomposition types. We have to prove that dpv does not
exclude configurations of d that only contain features in Nvp . Valid
configurations can be excluded if there is a feature f ∈ Nvp for
which the interval between the minimum and maximum cardinality
is reduced too much or relaxed too much.
Let us first prove that less features than expected cannot be se-
lected for any feature f . We know that mincardpv (f ) = λ(f ).min −
|orphanspv (f )| if the result is positive, which means that the recom-
puted value only depends on the features in Nvp . If the result is
negative, then mincardpv (f ) = 0, which means that no feature in
Nvp might be selected. The cardinality is thus only reduced by the
number of features outside Nvp . Thereby, less features than required
in Nvp cannot be selected.
More features than necessary cannot be selected either. We know
that if |children(f )|−|orphanspv (f )| < λ(f ).max then maxcardpv (f ) =
|children(f )| − |orphanspv (f )| which means that we can select as
many features as available in Nvp because the original cardinality is
greater than the number of available children of f in Nvp . If it is
90 5 Multi-view Feature Models

not the case, we simply have maxcardpv (f ) = λ(f ).max, which is

the same condition as in d. It is thus not possible to select more
features than required among those in Nvp .
The reduction of the minimum and maximum values only depend
on the number of orphans. This means that the interval cannot be
altered so that it excludes configurations containing features in Nvp .

5.5.2 Collapsed transformation

Unlike the pruned visualisation, the semantic equivalence in the collapsed vi-
sualisation cannot be demonstrated. Take the simple counter-example shown
in Figure 5.6(a), and the collapsed visualisation of view v depicted in Fig-
ure 5.6(b). A valid configuration of the collapsed visualisation would be {a, d, f }.
However, that configuration is not valid in the FM since {c, d} and {f, g} must
always appear together in a configuration.

a v a
<1..2> <2..4>

b c
<2..2> d
c f
d g


(a) Original FM (b) Collapsed view of the FM

Figure 5.6 – Counter-example of correctness of the collapsed visualisation.

This shows that the transformation that produces the collapsed visualisa-
tion does not preserve the semantics of the FM. Yet, we can still prove that it
does not restrict the original semantics, and provides the most precise semantics
expressible on v.
Definition 5.8 Most precise semantics of a collapsed visualisation
The most precise semantics of a collapsed visualisation of a view v on an FM
d, [[(Nvc , r, λcv , DEvc , {})]]F M , defines the greatest possible lower bound and the
smallest possible upper bound. This means that there does not exist a cardinality
transformation λt such that:

• ∃n ∈ Nvc • λcv (n).min < λt (n).min ∨ λcv (n).max > λt (n).max ;

5.5 Correctness of Transformations 91

• [[(N, r, λ, DE, {})]]F M |Nvc ⊆ [[(Nvc , r, λt , DEvc , {})]]F M , the semantics of d

is not restricted.

Theorem 5.2 Correctness of dcv

If d is locally consistent (see Definition 5.7), the collapsed view dpv (1) does not
restrict the original semantics of d, and (2) gives the most precise semantics
expressible on v.

Proof. Let us demonstrate that in two steps.

(1) dcv does not restrict the original semantics of d. By reductio ad ab-
surdum we can prove that:

[[(N, r, λ, DE, {})]]F M |Nvc ⊆ [[(Nvc , r, λcv , DEvc , {})]]F M

i.e. it is not possible to build a configuration c such that:

/ [[(Nvc , r, λcv , DEvc , {})]]F M

c ∈ [[(N, r, λ, DE, {})]]F M |Nvc ∧ c ∈

1. Every product contains the root feature. Since both dcv and d have
the same root feature by definition of v, we know both products
have the same root feature.
2. Every product satisfies the extra constraints. In this case, the set of
constraints is empty, hence does not influence the equality.
3. Every feature is justified. By definition of DE, every feature must
be justified. This means that all the ancestors of a selected feature
have to be selected (and nothing can be inferred about the descen-
dants). Likewise, all the descendants of a deselected feature have
to be deselected (and nothing can be inferred about the ancestors).
The selection of ancestors and deselection of descendants is thus
preserved in the transitive closure. Therefore, any configuration re-
specting DE is also valid in DEvc , modulo the projection on Nvc .
4. Every feature satisfies the decomposition type. If c is not satisfiable
in [[(Nvc , r, λcv , DEvc , {})]]F M , there exists n ∈ Nvc such that the in-
terval of λcv (n) is too narrow. If orphanscv (n) = ∅ then we know by
definition of Transformation 5.2 that λcv (n) = λ(n). The intervals
are thus equivalent if f has no orphans in Nvc .
If orphanscv (n) 6= ∅, then let us consider m ∈ orphanscv (n). The
absence of m from Nvc means that its children are collapsed in DEvc ,
thereby implying the recalculation of the cardinality of n. To be
valid, cardinalities has to preserve the constraints imposed by the
92 5 Multi-view Feature Models

cardinality of both n and m. The cardinality of the children of n

is respected as every non-orphan is counted once and then summed
up to respect the value of λ(n).min and λ(n).max respectively. The
lower and upper bounds are also augmented with the value of the
bounds of the cardinality of m. By propagating upward the cardi-
nality constraint of m to n, one ensures that both valid combinations
of children of n and m in c can be obtained. The recursion ensures
that cardinalities of descendants of orphans are propagated upward.
Thereby, the recomputed interval is large enough to allow all the
possible configurations.

It is thus not possible to find a configuration c that is not a valid config-

uration of the view.
(2) dcv gives the most precise semantics expressible on v. From Defini-
tion 5.8, we prove by reductio ad absurdum that there does not exist a
cardinality transformation λt that gives a more precise semantics than
λcv for any feature n ∈ Nvc . Let us start with the minimum cardinality. If
we had λcv (n).min < λt (n).min, it would mean that either some orphans
are missed or that less features than required are selected. The former
case is not possible because ms_mincv takes into account all the features
in Nvc . The latter case is not possible because mincardcv sums up the
exact number of minimum cardinality of d. Likewise, for the maximum
cardinality, if we had λcv (n).max > λt (n).max, it would mean that either
we incorrectly include orphan or we select more features than required,
which cannot be.
Since we have already proven that dcv does not restrict the semantics of
d, we know that dcv provides the most precise semantics.

Two interesting conclusions can be drawn from this latter theorem: (1) any
valid configuration of the FM is a valid configuration of the collapsed view; (2)
the cardinalities of the collapsed visualisation produce an under-constrained
FM. This is an inevitable consequence of collapsing several descendants under
the same feature. In fact, the first conclusion comes at the price of the second.

5.6 Chapter Summary

In this chapter, we have formalised an integrated solution for multi-view FBC,

one of the main techniques to select product requirements during software
product line engineering. Specifically, the three problems we addressed are the
specification of a view, the coverage of a set of views, and the visualisation of
a view.
5.6 Chapter Summary 93

View specification. Existing tools usually offer basic filtering mechanisms

that rely on simple keyword-based searches, which only enable approxi-
mative navigation in the feature hierarchy. As for research papers, they
do not present any concrete means to build views. To solve this issue,
we have proposed alternative solutions (definition by intension vs. by
extension), and developed a tool using XPath to navigate in the FM and
select features.
View coverage. Most approaches overlook the notion of coverage. Those
which take it into account, assume that coverage must be complete (e.g.
[MBC08, MCMdO08]). The study of the coverage problem lead us to
formally define sufficient and necessary coverage conditions. Both checks
have been implemented in our tool.
View visualisation. Different authors have suggested different approaches
to visualize views. In [ZZM08, MCMdO08], the visualisation used by
the authors is comparable to the collapsed visualisation. Tools usually
provide simple filtering or search mechanisms that resemble the greyed
(e.g. xconfig and eCos) or pruned (e.g. pure::variants) visualisations.
However, in both cases the result ignores FM decomposition operators
and cardinalities. To address this problem, we have (1) formally de-
fined three visualisations based on the observation made during an actual
open source development project, and (2) demonstrated the correctness
of these visualisations.

All these formal definitions and checks are implemented in our toolset.
Chapter 9 provides details on view specification with XPath expressions, the
implementation of the necessary and sufficient checks, and the maintenance of
the consistency in user decisions with the three visualisations.

Basic Configuration Scheduling

6.1 Multi-level Staged Configuration

According to the semantics in Section 2.3.2, an FM basically describes which

configurations are allowed in the SPL, regardless of the configuration process
to be followed for reaching one or the other configuration. Still, such a process
is an integral part of SPL application engineering. Deesltra et al. [DS05],
for instance, report that the configuration process is a “time-consuming and
expensive activity”.
Czarnecki et al. acknowledge the need for explicit process support, arguing
that in contexts such as “software supply chains, optimisation and policy stan-
dards”, the configuration is carried out in stages [CHE05]. According to the
same authors, a stage can be defined “in terms of different dimensions: phases
of the product lifecycle, roles played by participants or target subsystems”. In
an effort to make this explicit, they propose the concept of multi-level staged
configuration (MLSC).
The principle of staged configuration is to remove part of the variability at
each stage until only one configuration, the final product, remains. In [CHE05],
the refinement itself is achieved by applying a series of syntactic transforma-
tions to the FM. Some of these transformations, such as setting the value of an
attribute, involve constructs that are not formalised as part of the semantics de-
fined in Section 2.3.2. The remaining transformations are shown in Figure 6.1.
Note that they are expressed so that they conform to our semantics.
Multi-level staged configuration is the application of this idea to a series of
related FMs d1 , .., d` . Each level has its own FM, and, depending on how they
are linked, the configuration of one level will induce an automatic specialisation

96 6 Basic Configuration Scheduling

r r
r r dummy
<2..3> <2..2> a <1..2>
remove feature c
a feature c a b a
b b c b
c c

(a) Feature removal. (b) Feature selection.

r r
<2..3> <2..2>
a cardinality a
b b
c c

(c) Cardinality refinement.

Figure 6.1 – Specialisation steps, adapted from [CHE05].

of the next level’s FM. The links between models are defined explicitly through
specialisation annotations. A specialisation annotation of a feature f ∈ di , (f ∈
Ni ), consists of a Boolean formula φ over the features of di−1 (φ ∈ B(Ni−1 )).
Once level i − 1 is configured, φ can be evaluated on the obtained configuration
c ∈ [[di−1 ]]F M , using the Boolean encoding of Section 2.4.2, i.e. a feature
variable n in φ is true if and only if n ∈ c. Depending on its value and the
specialisation type, the feature f will either be removed or selected through
one of the first two syntactic transformations of Figure 6.1. An overview of
this is shown in Table 6.1.

Table 6.1 – Possible inter-level links; original definition [CHE05](left), translation

to FM semantics (right).

Spec. Condition Spec. Equivalent Boolean constraint

type value operation with f ∈ Ni , φ ∈ B(Ni−1 ), c ∈ [[di−1 ]]F M
positive true select Select f , i.e. Φi becomes
φ(c) ⇒ f
positive f alse none Φi ∪ {f }, if φ(c) is true.
negative f alse remove Remove f , i.e. Φi becomes
¬φ(c) ⇒ ¬f
negative true none Φi ∪ {¬f }, if φ(c) is false.
complete true select Select or remove f depending on
φ(c) ⇔ f
complete f alse remove the value of φ(c).

Let us illustrate this on the tax gateway component of an e-Commerce sys-

tem originally introduced in [CHE05]. The component performs the calculation
of taxes on orders made with the system. The customer who is going to buy
such a system has the choice of three tax gateways, each offering a distinct func-
tionality. Imagine now that there are two times at which the customer needs
6.1 Multi-level Staged Configuration 97

taxGateway (G)
certiTax (T)
calcMethod (M)
totalOrder (O)
lineItems (I)
taxExpress (E)
serviceID (D)
cyberSource (S)
repBrkdwn (B)

Figure 6.2 – FM example, adapted from [CHE05].

to decide about the gateways. The first time (Level 1) is when she purchases
the system. All she decides at this point is which gateways will be available
for use; the model that needs to be configured is the one shown on the top-left
corner of Figure 6.3. Then, when the system is being deployed (Level 2), she
will have to settle for one of the gateways and provide additional configuration
parameters, captured by the first model in the lower-left corner of Figure 6.3.
Given the inter-level links, the model in level two is automatically specialised
based on the choices made in level one.

Level 1 Inter-level links

Stage 1 manual Stage 2

taxGateway1 (G1) taxGateway1 (G1)
¬T1 ⇒ ¬T2
certiTax1 (T1) taxExpress1 (E1) ¬E1 ⇒ ¬E2
cyberSource1 (S1)
¬S1 ⇒ ¬S2
taxExpress1 (E1)
cyberSource1 (S1)

Level 2

Stage 1 automatic Stage 2 Stage 3

taxGateway2 (G2) taxGateway2 (G2) taxGateway2 (G2)
certiTax2 (T2)
taxExpress2 (E2) cyberSource2 (S2)
calcMethod2 (M2)
X serviceID2 (D2) repBrkdwn2 (B2)
totalOrder2 (O2) cyberSource2 (S2)
lineItems2 (I2) repBrkdwn2 (B2)
taxExpress2 (E2)
serviceID2 (D2)
cyberSource2 (S2)
repBrkdwn2 (B2)

Figure 6.3 – Example of MLSC, adapted from [CHE05].

Note that even though both models in the example are very similar, they
98 6 Basic Configuration Scheduling

need not be so. Also note that the original paper mentions the possibility,
that several configuration levels might run in parallel. It applies, for instance,
if levels represent independent decisions that need to be taken by different
people. As we show later on, such situations give rise to interesting decision
The MLSC approach, as it appears in [CHE05], is entirely based on syntac-
tic transformations. This makes it difficult to decide things such as whether
two levels A and B are commutative (executing A before B leaves the same
variability as executing B before A). This is the main motivation for defining a
formal semantics, as follows in the next section. To respect the initial definition
of MLSC, this chapter uses the term level. In the next chapter, the level is
replaced by the more general concept of view. For now, it suffices to see a level
as a special kind of view on the FM.

6.2 Dynamic FM Semantics ([[.]]MLSC )

We introduce the dynamic FM semantics in two steps. The first, Section 6.2.1,
defines the basic staged configuration semantics; the second, Section 6.2.2, adds
the multi-level aspect.

6.2.1 Staged configuration semantics

Since we first want to model the different stages of the configuration process,
regardless of levels, the syntactic domain LF M will remain as defined in Sec-
tion 2.3.2. The semantic domain, however, changes since we want to capture
the idea of building a product by deciding incrementally which configuration
to retain and which to exclude.
Indeed, we consider the semantic domain to be the set of all possible config-
uration paths that can be taken when building a configuration. Along each such
path, the initially full configuration space ([[d]]F M ) progressively shrinks (i.e.,
configurations are discarded) until only one configuration is left, at which point
the path stops. Note that in this work, we thus assume that we are dealing with
finite configuration processes where, once a unique configuration is reached, it
remains the same for the rest of the life of the application. Definitions 6.1 and
6.3 formalise the intuition we just gave.
Definition 6.1 Dynamic semantic domain SCP
Given a finite set of features N , a configuration path π is a finite sequence
π = σ1 ...σn of length n > 0, where each σi ∈ P(P(N )) is called a stage. If we
call the set of such paths C, then SCP = P(C). 

The following definition will be convenient when expressing properties of

configuration paths.
6.2 Dynamic FM Semantics ([[.]]MLSC ) 99

Definition 6.2 Path notation and helpers

•  denotes the empty sequence

• last(σ1 ...σk ) = σk

Definition 6.3 Staged configuration semantics [[d]]CP

Given an FM d ∈ LF M , [[d]]CP returns all legal paths π (noted π ∈ [[d]]CP , or
π |=CP d) such that

(6.3.1) σ1 = [[d]]F M

(6.3.2) ∀i ∈ {2..n} • σi ⊂ σi−1

(6.3.3) |σn | = 1

Note that this semantics is not meant to be used as an implementation

directly, for it would be very inefficient. This is usual for denotational semantics
which are essentially meant to serve as a conceptual foundation and a reference
for checking the conformance of tools [Sto77]. Along these lines, we draw the
reader’s attention to condition (6.3.2) which will force compliant configuration
tools to let users make only “useful” configuration choices, that is, choices that
effectively eliminate configurations. At the same time, tools must ensure that a
legal product eventually remains reachable given the choices made, as requested
by condition (6.3.3).
As an illustration, Figure 6.4 shows an example FM and its legal paths. A
number of properties can be derived from the above definitions.
Theorem 6.1 Properties of configuration paths

(6.1.1) [[d]]F M = ∅ ⇔ [[d]]CP = ∅

(6.1.2) ∀c ∈ [[d]]F M • ∃π ∈ [[d]]CP • last(π) = {c}

(6.1.3) ∀π ∈ [[d]]CP • ∃c ∈ [[d]]F M • last(π) = {c}

Contrary to what intuition might suggest, (6.1.2) and (6.1.3) do not imply
that |[[d]]F M | = |[[d]]CP |, they merely say that every configuration allowed by the
FM can be reached as part of a configuration path, and that each configuration
path ends with a configuration allowed by the FM.
100 6 Basic Configuration Scheduling

r {c1 , c2 , c3 }, with
c1 = {r, a}
d= a [[d]]F D =
c2 = {r, b}
c c3 = {r, c}

{c1 , c2 , c3 } {c1 , c2 } {c1 }

{c1 , c2 , c3 } {c1 , c2 } {c2 }
{c1 , c2 , c3 } {c1 , c3 } {c1 }
{c1 , c2 , c3 } {c1 , c3 } {c3 }
[[d]]CP = {c1 , c2 , c3 } {c2 , c3 } {c2 }
{c1 , c2 , c3 } {c2 , c3 } {c3 }
{c1 , c2 , c3 } {c1 }
{c1 , c2 , c3 } {c3 }
{c1 , c2 , c3 } {c2 }
σ1 σ2 σ3

Figure 6.4 – The staged configuration semantics illustrated.

Czarnecki et al. [CHE05] define a number of transformation rules that are to

be used when specialising an FM, three of which are shown in Figure 6.1. With
the formal semantics, we can now verify whether these rules are expressively
complete, i.e. whether is it always possible to express a σi (i > 1) through the
application of the three transformation rules.
Theorem 6.2 Incompleteness of transformation rules
The transformation rules shown in Figure 6.1 are expressively incomplete wrt.
the semantics of Definition 6.3.

Proof. Consider a model consisting of a parent feature h2..2i-decomposed with

three children a, b, c. It is not  the σi consisting of {a, b}
possible to express
and {b, c}, by starting at σ1 = {a, b}, {a, c}, {b, c} and using the proposed
transformation rules (since removing one feature will always result in removing
at least two configurations).

Note that this is not necessarily a bad thing, since Czarnecki et al. probably
chose to only include transformation steps that implement the most frequent
usages. However, the practical consequences of this limitation need to be as-
sessed empirically.
6.2 Dynamic FM Semantics ([[.]]MLSC ) 101

6.2.2 Adding levels

Section 6.2.1 only deals with dynamic aspects of staged configuration of a single
model. If we want to generalise this to MLSC, we need to consider multiple
models and links between them. To do so, there are two possibilities: (1) define
a new abstract syntax, that makes the set of diagrams and the links between
them explicit, or (2) encode this information using the syntax we already have.
We chose the latter option, mainly because it allows to reuse most of the
existing definitions and infrastructure, and because it can more easily be gen-
eralised. Indeed, a set of FMs, linked with conditions of the types defined in
Table 6.1, can be represented as a single big FM. The root of each individual FM
becomes a child of the root of the combined FM. The root is and-decomposed
and the inter-level links are represented by Boolean formulae. To keep track of
where the features in the combined FM came from, the level information will be
made explicit as follows. Figure 6.5 illustrates how the example of Figure 6.3
is represented in LMLSC .
Definition 6.4 Dynamic syntactic domain LMLSC
LMLSC consists of 7-tuples (N, P, L, r, λ, DE, Φ), where:

• N, P, r, λ, DE, Φ follow Definition 2.1;

• L = L1 ...L` is a partition of N \ {r} representing the list of levels.

So that each d ∈ LMLSC satisfies the well-formedness rules of Definition 2.1,

has an and-decomposed root, and each level Li ∈ L:

• is connected through exactly one node to the global root: ∃!n ∈ Li • (r, n)
∈ DE, noted hereafter root(Li );

• does not share decomposition edges with other levels (except for the root):
∀(n, n0 ) ∈ DE • (n ∈ Li ⇔ n0 ∈ Li ) ∨ (n = r ∧ n0 = root(Li ));

• is itself a valid FM, i.e. (Li , P ∩ Li , root(Li ), λ ∩ (Li → N × N), DE ∩

(Li × Li ), ∅) satisfies Definition 2.1.1

Given the new syntactic domain, we need to revise the semantic function.
As for the semantic domain, it can remain the same, since we still want to reason
about the possible configuration paths of an FM. The addition of multiple
levels, however, requires us to reconsider what a legal configuration path is.
Indeed, we want to restrict the configuration paths to those that obey the
levels specified in the FM. Formally, this is defined as follows.
1 The set of constraints here is empty because it is not needed for validity verification.
102 6 Basic Configuration Scheduling

taxGateway (G)
Crosscutting constraints
taxGateway1 (G1) L1 ¬ T1 ¬ T2
certiTax1 (T1) ¬ E1 ¬ S2
taxExpress1 (E1) ¬ S1 ¬ S2
cyberSource1 (S1)
taxGateway2 (G2) L2
certiTax2 (T2)
calcMethod2 (M2)
totalOrder2 (O2)
lineItems2 (I2)
taxExpress2 (E2)
serviceID2 (D2)
cyberSource2 (S2)
repBrkdwn2 (B2)

Figure 6.5 – Example of Figure 6.3 in LMLSC .

Definition 6.5 Dynamic FM semantics [[d]]MLSC

Given an FM d ∈ LMLSC , [[d]]MLSC returns all paths π that are legal wrt. Def-
inition 6.3, i.e. π ∈ [[d]]CP , and for which there exists a legal level arrange-
ment, that is π, except for its initial stage, can be divided into ` (= |L|) levels:
π = σ1 Σ1 ..Σ` , each Σi corresponding to an Li such that:

(6.5.1) |f inal(Σi ) |Li | = 1, i.e., Σi is fully configured;

(6.5.2) ∀σj σj+1 • π = ...σj σj+1 ... ∧ σj+1 ∈ Σi , we have

(σj \ σj+1 ) |Li ⊆ (σj |Li \ σj+1 |Li ).

As before, this will be noted π ∈ [[d]]MLSC , or π |=MLSC d. 

We made use of the following helper.

Definition 6.6 Final stage of a level Σi
For i = 1..`,

 last(Σi ) if Σi 6= 
f inal(Σi ) = f inal(Σi−1 ) if Σi =  and i > 1
σ1 if Σi =  and i = 1

The rule (6.5.2) expresses the fact that each configuration deleted from
σj (i.e. c ∈ σj \ σj+1 ) during level Li must be necessary to delete one of
the configurations of Li that are deleted during this stage. In other words,
the set of deleted configurations needs to be included in the set of deletable
6.3 Illustration of [[.]]MLSC 103

configurations for that level. The deletable configurations in a stage of a level

are those that indeed remove configurations pertaining to that level (hence:
first reduce to the level, then subtract), whereas the deleted configurations in
a stage of a level are all those that were removed (hence: first subtract, then
reduce to level to make comparable). Intuitively, this corresponds to the fact
that each decision has to affect only the level at which it is taken.

6.3 Illustration of [[.]]MLSC

Let us illustrate this with the FM of Figure 6.5, which we will call d, itself
being based on the example of Figure 6.3 in Section 6.1. The semantic domain
of [[d]]MLSC still consists of configuration paths, i.e. it did not change from those
of [[d]]CP shown in Figure 6.4. Yet, given that [[d]]MLSC takes into account the
levels defined for d, not all possible configuration paths given by [[d]]CP are
legal. Namely, those that do not conform to rules (6.5.1) and (6.5.2) need to
be discarded. This is depicted in Figure 6.6, where the upper box denotes the
staged configuration semantics of d ([[d]]CP ), and the lower box denotes [[d]]MLSC ,
i.e. the subset of [[d]]CP that conforms to Definition 6.5.
We now zoom in on two configuration paths πi , πj ∈ [[d]]CP , shown with
the help of intermediate FMs in the lower part of Figure 6.6. As noted in
Figure 6.6, πj is not part of [[d]]MLSC since it violates Definition 6.5, whereas πi
satisfies it and is kept. The rationale for this is provided in Table 6.2. Indeed,
for πj , there exists no level arrangement that would satisfy both rules (6.5.1)
and (6.5.2). This is because in σ2j , it is not allowed to remove the feature B2 ,
since it belongs to L2 , and L1 is not yet completed. Therefore, either there is
still some variability left in the FM at the end of the level, which is thus not
fully configured (the first possible arrangement of πj in Table 6.2 violates rule
(6.5.1)), or the set of deleted configurations is greater than the set of deletable
configurations (the other two arrangements of πj in Table 6.2, which violate
rule (6.5.2)). For πi , on the other hand, a valid level arrangement exists and is
indicated by the highlighted line in Table 6.2. All details for this illustration
are provided in Appendix B.1.

6.4 Properties of the Semantics

In Definition 6.5, we require that it has to be possible to divide a configuration

path into level arrangements that satisfy certain properties. The definition
being purely declarative, it does not allow an immediate conclusion as to how
many valid level arrangements one might find. The following two theorems
show that there is exactly one.
Theorem 6.3 Properties of level arrangements
Given a diagram d ∈ LMLSC , each configuration path π ∈ [[d]]MLSC with Σ1 ..Σ`
104 6 Basic Configuration Scheduling

[[d]]CP = . . . , πi = σ1 σ2i σ3i , . . . , πj = σ1 σ2j σ3j , . . .

[[d]]MLSC = . . . , πi = σ1 σ2i σ3i , . . . Definition 6.5

with πi = σ1 σ 2i σ 3i

G1 L1 G1 L1 G1 L1
T1 E1 E1
E1 S1 S1
G2 L2 G2 L2
G2 L2 X
T2 E2 E2
M2 D2 D2
X S2

πj = σ1 σ 2j σ 3j

G1 L1 G1 L1 G1 L1
T1 E1 E1
E1 S1 S1
G2 L2 G2 L2
G2 L2 X
T2 E2 E2
M2 D2 D2
X S2

Figure 6.6 – Example of Figure 6.3 in [[d]]CP and [[d]]MLSC .

as a valid level arrangement satisfies the following properties:

(6.3.a) If σj ∈ Σi then ∀k < j • |σk |Li | > |σj |Li |.

(6.3.b) If σj ∈ Σi and σj 6= last(Σi ) then |σj |Li | > 1.

(6.3.c) If |σj |Li | = 1 then ∀k > j • σk 6∈ Σi .

(6.3.d) If |σj |Li | = 1 then ∀k > j • |σk |Li | = 1.


(6.3.a) Because of rule (6.3.2), at each stage at least one configuration is

deleted: ∀k < j • |σk | > |σj |. In addition, (6.5.2) guarantees that those
6.4 Properties of the Semantics 105

Table 6.2 – Validation of level arrangements.

Level arrangement for path rule 6.5.1 rule 6.5.2

Σ1 Σ2 false /

Σ1 Σ2 true false
Σ1 Σ2 true true
πi = σ 1 σ 2i σ 3i
Σ1 Σ2 false /

Σ1 Σ2 true false
Σ1 Σ2
true false
πj = σ 1 σ 2j σ3j

deleted pertain to the level including the stage: ∀k < j • |σk |Li | >
|σj |Li |.

(6.3.b) Immediate consequence of the previous property combined with rule

(6.5.1) saying that |last(Σi ) |Li | = 1.

(6.3.c) Take the case k = j + 1. Suppose that σj+1 ∈ Σi . Because of property

(6.3.a), this would mean that |σj |Li | > |σj+1 |Li |, i.e. |σj+1 |Li | = 0, which
is impossible since ∀c ∈ σj • root(Li ) ∈ c. The cases k > j +1 are similar.

(6.3.d) |σj |Li | = 1 means that all configurations c ∈ σj contain σj |Li . Given
rule (6.3.2), only full configurations can be removed, hence the property.

Theorem 6.4 Uniqueness of level arrangement

For any diagram d ∈ LMLSC , a level arrangement for a configuration path
π ∈ [[d]]MLSC is unique.

Proof. Let us suppose that it is possible to find a diagram d that has a valid
configuration path π ∈ [[d]]MLSC with more than one level arrangement. Note,
that in that case, we need more than one level to begin with: |L| > 1. Without
loss of generality, each π ∈ [[d]]MLSC with multiple arrangements falls into one
of the following three categories.

1. π consists of a single stage π = σ1 : these π cannot have multiple level

arrangements since every level is empty.
106 6 Basic Configuration Scheduling

2. σ2 can be assigned to two different levels

π = σ1 σ2 ...
Level arrangement 1 Σi ...
Level arrangement 2 Σi+k ...

with Σ1 ..Σi−1 = , k ≥ 1 and Σi+1 ..Σi+k−1 = . This situation is

impossible; if both assignments obey Definition 6.5, i.e. they both satisfy
rules 6.5.1 and 6.5.2, they necessarily exclude each other:

If arrangement 1 is legal, then |σ1 |Li | > 1 by property (6.3.a) meaning

that arrangement 2 would violate rule (6.5.1).
If arrangement 2 is legal, then |σ1 |Li | = 1 by rule (6.5.1) and arrange-
ment 1 would violate property (6.3.c).

3. σj , with j > 2, can be assigned to two different levels

π = ... σj−1 σj ...

Level arrangement 1 ... ... Σi ...
Level arrangement 2 ... ... Σi+k ...

with k ≥ 1 and Σi+1 ..Σi+k−1 = . This case is similar to (b), i.e. if both
arrangements are legal, they also exclude each other:

If arrangement 1 is legal, then |σj−1 |Li | > 1 by property (6.3.a). Level

arrangement 2 is impossible since it would violate rule (6.5.1).
If arrangement 2 is legal, then |σj−1 |Li | = 1 by rule (6.5.1). Given
property (6.3.c), arrangement 1 is then impossible.

Since these are all the situations that might occur, it is impossible for a π ∈
[[d]]MLSC to have multiple level arrangements.

An immediate consequence of this result is that it is possible to determine

a legal arrangement a posteriori, i.e. given a configuration path, it is possible
to determine a unique level arrangement describing the process followed for
its creation. Therefore, levels need not be part of the semantic domain. This
result leads to the following definition.
Definition 6.7 Subsequence of level arrangement
Given an FM d and Li ∈ L, π ∈ [[d]]MLSC , sub(Li , π) denotes the subsequence
Σi of π pertaining to level Li for the level arrangement of π that satisfies
Definition 6.5. 
6.4 Properties of the Semantics 107

Continuing with Definition 6.5, remember that rule (6.5.2) requires that
every deleted configuration be deletable in the stage of the associated level.
An immediate consequence of this is that, unless we have reached the end of
the configuration path, the set of deletable configurations must not be empty,
established in Theorem 6.5. A second theorem, Theorem 6.6, shows that con-
figurations that are deletable in a stage, are necessarily deleted in this stage.
Theorem 6.5 Sufficient replacement of rule (6.5.2)
A necessary, but not sufficient replacement for rule (6.5.2) is that (σj |Li \
σj+1 |Li ) 6= ∅.

Proof. Immediate via reductio ad absurdum.

Theorem 6.6 Equality of deletable and deleted decision sets

For rule (6.5.2) of Definition 6.5 holds

(σj \ σj+1 ) |Li ⊆ (σj |Li \ σj+1 |Li )

⇒ (σj \ σj+1 ) |Li = (σj |Li \ σj+1 |Li ).

Proof. In Theorem B.1 included in Appendix B.2, we prove that always

(σj \ σj+1 ) |Li ⊇ (σj |Li \ σj+1 |Li ).

which means that if in addition (σj \ σj+1 ) |Li ⊆ (σj |Li \ σj+1 |Li ) holds, both
sets are equal.

In Theorem 6.2, Section 6.2.1, we showed that the transformation rules of

Figure 6.1, i.e. those proposed in [CHE05] that relate to constructs formalised
in the abstract syntax of Definition 6.4, are not expressively complete wrt. the
basic staged configuration semantics of Definition 6.3. The two following theo-
rems provide analogous results, but for the dynamic FM semantics. Basically,
the property still holds for the dynamic FM semantics of Definition 6.5, and a
similar property holds for the proposed inter-level link types of Table 6.1.
Theorem 6.7 Incompleteness of transformation rules
The transformation rules shown in Figure 6.1 are expressively incomplete wrt.
the semantics of Definition 6.5.

Proof. We can easily construct an example for LMLSC ; it suffices to take the
FM used to prove Theorem 6.2 and to consider it as the sole level of a diagram.
From there on, the proof is the same.

Theorem 6.8 Incompleteness of inter-level link types

The inter-level link types proposed in [CHE05] are expressively incomplete wrt.
the semantics of Definition 6.5.
108 6 Basic Configuration Scheduling

Proof. Basically, the proposed inter-level link types always have a sole feature
on their right-hand side. It is thus impossible, for example, to express the fact
that if some condition φ is satisfied for level Li , all configurations of level Li+1
that have f will be excluded if they also have f 0 (i.e. φ ⇒ (f 0 ⇒ ¬f )).

During the elaboration of an FM, the analyst needs to decide the order of
the levels. Since this order determines which configuration paths are consid-
ered legal, an important information at this point is whether two levels can be
interchanged, i.e. whether they are commutative. Two levels are called com-
mutative if the tails of the configuration paths, starting with the later one, are
the same for either order of them.
Definition 6.8 Commutative levels
Given an FM d, so that L = [..La ..Lb ..], La and Lb are said to be commutative,
iff the following holds:

{f inal(sub(Lb , π))|π ∈ [[d]]MLSC }

= {f inal(sub(La , π))|π ∈ [[d0 ]]MLSC },

where d0 = d except for L0 = L with La and Lb inverted. 

6.5 Chapter Summary

This chapter introduced a dynamic formal semantics for FMs that allows rea-
soning about its configuration paths, i.e. the configuration process, rather than
only about its allowed configurations. Extending the basic dynamic semantics
with levels yielded a semantics for MLSC. The contribution is therefore a pre-
cise and formal account of MLSC that makes the original definition [CHE05]
more explicit and reveals some of its subtleties and incompletenesses. Based
on the semantics we showed some interesting properties of configuration paths.
However, the sequential process enforced by MLSC has its limitations. In
practice, the strictly sequential ordering of configuration activities rarely holds.
In the next chapter, we relax that assumption and describe a combined for-
malism to control and reason about non-linear configuration processes.

Advanced Configuration

7.1 Relaxing Restrictions on Levels

The semantics defined in Section 6.2 inherits from the original definition of
MLSC [CHE05] the assumption that levels are configured one after the other
in a strict order until the final configuration is obtained. We will gradually lift
these hypotheses, and discuss their implications on the semantics.

(a) Strict order

L1 L2 L3 L!

(b) With interleaving

L1 L2 L3 L2 L3 L4 L5 L4 L!

(c) With parallelism

L1 L4 L5 L4 L!
L3 ...

(d) Asynchronous
L1 L3 L4 L5 L4 L!

Figure 7.1 – Illustrations of possible level orderings.

110 7 Advanced Configuration Scheduling

Interleaved levels. As stated in Definition 6.4, for an FM d ∈ LMLSC ,

levels are specified with a strict order that must be followed during the config-
uration process, as illustrated in Figure 7.1(a). In a realistic project, however,
this restriction might prove to be too strong. It is more likely that several
stakeholders may want to take decisions pertaining to their respective levels
during the same period of time, for instance because they are independent. A
graphical illustration is provided in Figure 7.1(b). Nevertheless, project man-
agement might still want to avoid chaotic or arbitrary procedures, by imposing
a more loose order which allows for interleaving of levels.
Because of the interleaving, this intuition cannot be captured by any kind
of order on the set of levels. A loose order with interleaving is a specification of
the possible level arrangements, rather than an order on the levels themselves.
Definition 6.5 requires for a configuration path to be legal, that there must be
an assignment of stages to levels that satisfies certain properties. Intuitively,
one can think of this assignment as a labelling of the transitions between stages
by levels, i.e.
Lj 4
σi → σi+1 = σi+1 ∈ Σj .
Now consider the sequence consisting only of the Lj ’s noted on top of the
arrows. With the current definition, this sequence is required to be of the form

L1 ..L1 ..L2 ..L2 ....L` .

Interleaving means that we want to also allow, for instance,

L1 ..L2 ..L3 ..L2 ..L3 ..L4 ..L5 ..L4 ....L` , 1

while still being able to specify which interleavings are allowed (e.g. only L2 /L3
and L4 /L5 ), and what the minimal order is (e.g. a strict order from L6 on).
One way to do that is with a regular expression over the Li ’s, such as

L∗1 (L2 |L3 )∗ (L4 |L5 )∗ L∗6 ...L∗`

that expresses the example constraints noted above, or

L∗1 L∗2 ...L∗`

corresponding to the constraint as it is in the current definition. Rather than

specifying an order on L, Definition 6.4 would require to specify a regular ex-
pression over elements of L that has to be enforced in the semantic function
of Definition 6.5. Given that regular expressions can be expressed equivalently
by automata, alternative formalisms like statecharts, 1-safe Petri nets or other
1 Where L now has to be fully configured at its last occurrence in the sequence rather
than when L2 starts.
7.1 Relaxing Restrictions on Levels 111

process diagrams could also be used to specify the allowed sequences. Namely
a statechart, where a state corresponds to the configuration of a level and tran-
sitions denote configuration sequences, might allow stakeholders and managers
with a less formal background to specify the configuration process intuitively.
Interleaving also gives rise to a number of interesting analysis properties.
During the elaboration of the FM, mainly when defining the configuration
process, it is important to know which levels are safe to be interleaved. To
this end, it is interesting to know whether two levels are independent, i.e.
whether there are direct/indirect inter-level links between them, or whether
they influence the same features in a subsequent level.
Parallel levels. Actually, interleaving, with well-done tool support, al-
ready allows for pseudo-parallelism; similar to how a single core processor al-
lows multiple programs to run in parallel by interleaving their instructions.
It requires, however, the model to be accessible for configuration simultane-
ously from different places. Google Docs, and the recent software-as-a-service
trend, show how this is possible even within a browser, yet these approaches
generally require a live Internet connection. Lifting this barrier to distributed
offline collaboration would make the semantics even more fit to real scenarios,
since parallel configuration does happen in the real world, for instance in au-
tomotive software engineering [CHE05]. Figure 7.1 illustrates the differences
between strict order, interleaving and parallelism graphically.
Asynchronous levels. The advantage of parallel levels is that distributed
groups can work independently on their local copies. The model of parallelism
introduced previously, however, still assumes a certain amount of co-ordination,
namely at the fork and merge points. This can lead to problems; imagine, for
instance, that L2 and L3 run in parallel. If the configuration of L3 takes longer
than expected, the subsequent levels will have to wait for L3 to finish, even
though L2 is already configured.
This problem could be solved by considering a completely asynchronous
approach, as shown in Figure 7.1(d). There is a central base model, but instead
of executing configurations on the base model, each level is locally configured
and merges back its decision into the base model on the fly. This way, L2 can
be merged back to the central model even before L3 is finished. If merges are
assumed to work in the other direction as well, then this can also reduce the
potential for conflict, since each level can merge its changes back to the central
model as it progresses with the configuration (note that, if a merge is done for
every stage, this is roughly equal to the interleaving mode). This asynchronous
level model actually corresponds to how popular SCM systems work.
Crosscutting levels. In Definition 6.5, we require that each level has
to be an FM in itself, with no sharing of features or decomposition edges
between levels. It could be imagined to lift this hypothesis, too, and thereby
allow levels to be crosscutting. Indeed, Lee et al. suggested to group features
into binding units, denoting major functionalities of the system, so that nodes
112 7 Advanced Configuration Scheduling

shared between binding units allow for additional constraints [LK06]. Given
that binding units can be represented by levels in our semantics, it seems that
such an extension would make sense. Implications on the semantics, however,
have to be considered carefully.
To support these extensions, our semantics needs to be adapted in sev-
eral ways. To give a concrete sense to these extensions, we first illustrate the
limitations of MLSC and levels on a real-world SPL: the CFDP developed by
Spacebel (Section 7.2). We then introduce the workflow language (Section 7.3)
that, together with generic views on the FM, defines a new practical formalism
called feature-based configuration workflow (Section 7.4). The application of
the formalism to the CFDP case is described in Section 7.5. Next, we study
the desired properties of feature-based configuration workflows (Sections 7.6
and 7.7). We conclude with an experiment (Section 7.8) and threats to valid-
ity (Section 7.9).

7.2 Working Example: CFDP

Spacebel is a Belgian software company developing software for the aerospace

industry. We collaborate with Spacebel on the development of an SPL for flight-
grade libraries implementing the CSSDS File Delivery Protocol (CFDP) [DPC+ 08,
Con07]. The CFDP is a file transfer protocol specifically designed for space
requirements, such as long transmission delays. The protocol was designed to
cover the needs of a broad range of space missions. For a given mission, how-
ever, only part of the protocol is used, and since resources for onboard software
are limited, all CFDP implementations are actually mission-specific. Spacebel
thus built an SPL of CFDP libraries, where each library can be tailored to the
needs of a specific mission.
The FM of the CFDP library product line counts 80 features, has a maxi-
mal depth of four, and contains ten additional constraints. A simplified excerpt
of this FM appears in Figure 7.2. The principal features provide the capabil-
ity to send (Send ) and receive (Receive) files. The Extended feature allows a
device to send and receive packets via other devices (such as a lander trans-
mitting via an orbiting satellite). The Reboot feature allows the protocol to
resume transfers safely after a sudden system reboot. PUS stands for Packet
Utilisation Standard, part of the ESA standard for transport of telemetry and
telecommand data (TMTC). The P U S feature implements the CFDP related
services of this standard.
The extensions to MLSC that we propose in this chapter are motivated
by the problems we encountered when applying it to automate the CFDP
configuration process. A number of different stakeholders participate in the
configuration of a mission-specific CFDP library. Initially, Spacebel decides
which features are mature enough for the mission (flight-grade vs. ground sta-
7.3 YAWL: A Walkthrough 113

CFDP library
Crosscutting constraints
PUS Copy Send ⋀ Receive
PUS Copy
PUS Rename PUS Rename Send Filestore Operations ⋀ Receive Filestore Operations
Send Extended Send ⋀ Receive
Send Filestore Operations Reboot PUS PUS
Send Acknowledged mode
Receive Filestore Operations
Receive Acknowledged mode
Reboot Entity
Reboot PUS

Figure 7.2 – Sample FM of the CFDP library.

tion), while leaving as much variability as possible. In certain cases, a Reseller

negotiates the contract. The Reseller can, depending on the contract, or for
other commercial reasons, further configure the product. The configuration
task is then passed on to the company that builds the software for the mission.
The system engineer (SE) makes initial high-level choices and passes the task
of refining these choices onto the network integrator (NWI ) and the TMTC
integrator (TTI ). These two configure in parallel the parts of the library they
are responsible for. For technical reasons (e.g., reduction of available CPU time
due to overruns by other components), integrators might have to come back
to the SE to warrant or change some feature selections. The configuration can
therefore be an iterative procedure until a final configuration is determined,
and the library is finally delivered by Spacebel.
MLSC, as defined in Chapter 6, is too restrictive to account for a complex
scenario such as this one. Indeed, the original MLSC approach assumes the
process to be purely sequential, but this is not the case here: (1) the NWI and
TTI perform configuration in parallel, (2) the configuration by the reseller is
optional, (3) the FM of Spacebel is not fully configured when its intervention
is over, and (4) configuration iterates between SE and NWI/TTI.

7.3 YAWL: A Walkthrough

As the limitations we just identified indicate, we need support for modelling and
enforcing configuration processes that are more complex than mere sequences.
Workflow modelling languages and tools serve this purpose.
Among the possible options, we picked YAWL as it is formal [vdAtH05],
has extensive tool support [vdAADTH04], is known to cover a large variety
of workflow modelling patterns [vdAtHKB03], can be mapped from other lan-
guages (e.g. BPMN, BPEL, and activity diagrams [WVvdA+ 09]), and has been
successfully applied to a wide variety of industrial settings. In [vdAtHKB03],
van der Aalst et al. conduct a study of 20 workflow patterns, and compare
114 7 Advanced Configuration Scheduling

Reseller Network Integrator


Spacebel System Engineer (loop) Final Satellite Product

TMTC Integrator

Conditions Task Split Join Cancellation region

Start End Generic AND XOR OR AND XOR OR

Figure 7.3 – CFDP configuration workflow.

the coverage of 15 workflow management systems and associated languages.

They conclude that the suitability of those systems “leaves much to be de-
sired” [vdAtHKB03], and propose YAWL as an alternative covering a large set
of modelling patterns.
The scenario introduced in the previous section can be represented by the
YAWL workflow shown in Figure 7.3. YAWL is inspired by Petri nets. Its prin-
cipal constructs are conditions and tasks , which roughly correspond to
places and transitions in Petri nets. There are two special conditions, begin
and end , and generic conditions (e.g., Final Satellite ). In Figure 7.3,
each task, except for (loop) and Product release , denotes a configura-
tion activity, and is annotated with the name of the stakeholder performing
the configuration. Spacebel is split in two with a xor-split, meaning that
only one of the outgoing transitions is executed, which captures the optional
nature of Reseller . System engineer joins both paths and then splits
again, but this time with an and-split, meaning that the Network and
TMTC integrator run in parallel. From there, the configuration process is
either finished ( Product Release ) or continues with System engineer .
Formally, a workflow is defined as follows.
Definition 7.1 Workflow [vdAtH05]
A workflow w is defined as a tuple (C, b, e, F, T, split, join) where C denotes
the set of conditions, b ∈ C is the unique begin condition, e ∈ C the unique
end condition (single entry and exit points of the workflow), F ⊆ (C \ {e} ×
T ) ∪ (T × C \ {b}) ∪ (T × T ) is the flow relation between conditions and tasks,
T denotes the set of tasks. split (respectively join) is the function determining
the type of the task split (respectively join) behaviour, i.e. OR, AN D, XOR.

7.4 Feature-based Configuration Workflow ([[.]]F CW ) 115

The semantics of w, noted [[w]]Y AW L , is a transition system (S, →), where

each state s ∈ S contains a set of tokens which marks the active conditions
and tasks.
For the sake of understandability, we restrict the definition to the basic
concepts of YAWL workflows. Definition 7.1 is actually a simplification of the
original version of extended workflow nets [vdAtH05]. Composite tasks, multi-
ple instances, and cancellation regions were discarded. Cancellation regions will
be reintroduced in Section 7.7.1 for analyses. We will review these restrictions
in Section 7.9.

7.4 Feature-based Configuration Workflow ([[.]]F CW )

Having introduced FMs and YAWL, we now introduce the new combined for-
malism of feature-based configuration workflows (FCWs) and illustrate it with
the Spacebel case.
In a nutshell, an FCW is a workflow, such as the one shown in Figure 7.3,
where a task is associated with a set of features. In MLSC, each set would be an
independent level, or FM, which is connected to the other levels through inter-
level links. However, that representation is not always the most suitable. In
the CFDP case, for instance, every set of features is a projection on the FM in
Figure 7.2. Building separate FMs and the extra-constraints would put a heavy
burden on the designers. Even with proper tool support, such representation
would clutter the definition of the FCW. Therefore, instead of levels, we use
the more generic concept of view (see Chapter 5), that can accommodate both
independent FMs—as in MLSC— and projections on a single model without
introducing unnecessary duplication.
Using YAWL to model the CFDP configuration process allows us to over-
come the restrictions of MLSC outlined in Sections 7.1 and 7.2. From a purely
structural viewpoint, it provides an immediate solution to the representation of
parallel views through and-split, optional views through xor-split and iterative
configurations through backward transitions.
Relaxing the limitation that FM views be completely configured before
passing on to the next view is of a more fundamental nature. Ideally, the for-
malism should be flexible enough to overcome this limitation but rigid enough
to enforce the time when views have to be configured. This is achieved by spec-
ifying, separately for each view, the task in which it can be configured, and the
point at which configuration has to be finished. This point is represented by a
condition in the workflow.
We now provide a formal syntax and semantics for FCWs that follows that
intuitive description.
Definition 7.2 Abstract syntax LF CW
An FCW m ∈ LF CW is a tuple (w, d, start, stop) such that:
116 7 Advanced Configuration Scheduling

• w is a workflow, i.e. w = (C, b, e, F, T, join, split).

• u is a multi-view FM, i.e. u = (N, r, λ, DE, Φ, V ).

• start : V → T is a total injective function assigning each view to a task

(its start) in the workflow. start being injective, it means that at most
one view can be linked to a task, and each view has exactly one task.

• stop : V → C is a total function assigning each view to a condition (its

stop) in the workflow.

Intuitively, the start of a view is the only task of the workflow during which
the associated view can be configured, while the stop of a view denotes the
point at which the configuration of a view needs to be done. The reason why
the start and stop of a view are dissociated, is to be able to capture cases where
the partial configuration of a view is completed by subsequent views, or where
the configuration iterates, such as between the SE, the NWI, and the TTI in
the Spacebel case.
As for M LSC, the semantic domain of the F CW language is also based on
the notion of configuration path (see Definition 6.1 and 6.3).
The semantics of an FCW is the set of legal configuration paths (see 7.3.A
in Definition 7.3) which follow a valid sequence of workflow states (7.3.B).
Intuitively, this means those configuration paths where the products eliminated
in a step pertain to the view whose task is being executed (7.3.B.2), and where
the stops encountered during the workflow execution are respected (7.3.B.3).
This intuition is formalised by saying that each stage σ of the configuration
path can be associated to a state s in the workflow, i.e. a sequence ϕ of
pairs (σ, s), that verifies the two above conditions and a minor well-formedness
condition (7.3.B.1).
Definition 7.3 FCW Semantics [[m]]F CW
For m ∈ LF CW , [[m]]F CW returns the set of paths π ∈ SCP such that π =
σ1 . . . σn for which there is a valid sequence of YAWL states ρ ∈ [[w]]Y AW L with
ρ = s1 → . . . → sk such that:

(7.3.A) let u0 be u with V 0 = V \ Vskip , π is a legal configuration path of u0 ;

(7.3.B) ∃ a sequence ϕ : (σ1 , s1 ), . . . , (σi , si ) such that:

(7.3.B.1) either the configuration path or the workflow sequence evolve step-
∀ . . . (σi , si )(σi+1 , si+1 ) . . . ∈ ϕ
(σi = σi+1 ∧ si → si+1 ∈ ρ) ∨ (si = si+1 )
7.5 Working Example Revisited 117

(7.3.B.2) only the active views are configured at a time:

∀ . . . (σi , si )(σi+1 , si ) . . . ∈ ϕ
• (σi \ σi+1 ) |active(si ) 6= ∅
∧ (σi \ σi+1 ) |active(si ) ⊆
(σi |active(si ) \ σi+1 |active(si ) )

(7.3.B.3) all the stops of the views are satisfied:

∀(σi , si ) ∈ ϕ • ∀v ∈ stops(si ) • |σi |v | = 1

• c(s) is the set of conditions active in state s.
• t(s) is the set of tasks active in state s.
• active(s) returns the union of the views active in a given state s:
4 S
active(s) = { vi |start(vi ) ∈ t(s)}
• Vskip = V \ ( s∈ρ active(s)) is the set of views that do not appear in ρ.
• Conversely, Vdo = V \ Vskip is the set of views that do appear in ρ.
• stops returns the set of views that should be fully configured in a given
state s:
stops(s) = {vi ∈ Vdo |stop(vi ) ∈ c(s)}

• starts returns the set of views that should be configured in a given state
starts(s) = {vi ∈ Vdo |start(vi ) ∈ t(s)}

7.5 Working Example Revisited

Section 7.2 introduced the configuration scenario of the CFDP. This scenario
is now re-used to illustrate our definition of FCW. Figure 7.4 depicts three
types of artefacts: (1) the views, (2) the configuration workflow, and (3) the
mappings between both. Note that the concrete syntax presented here is used
for illustrative purpose only and is not meant to be prescriptive.
The view decomposition is based on the sample diagram of Figure 7.2. The
decomposition of the original FM produces five views, each accounting for the
roles and responsibilities defined in Section 7.2. All the views are rendered
with the pruned visualisation (see Section 5.3.4).
118 7 Advanced Configuration Scheduling

Reseller View X

PUS Copy (PC)
PUS Rename (PR)
Send (S)
Send Filestore Operations (SF)
Send Acknowledged mode (SA) Network Integrator View 3
Receive (R) CFDP
Receive Filestore Operations (RF)
Receive Acknowledged mode (RA) Send (S)
Send Filestore Operations (SF)
Extended (E)
Send Acknowledged mode (SA)
Reboot (O)
Reboot Entity (OE) Receive (R)
Reboot PUS (OP) Receive Filestore Operations (RF)
Receive Acknowledged mode (RA)

start start stop stop

Configuration workflow
Reseller Network Integrator


Spacebel System Engineer (loop) Final Satellite Product


TMTC Integrator

start start start stop stop stop

Spacebel View 1 System Engineer View 2 TMTC Integrator View 3

Send (S) PUS Copy (PC)
PUS Copy (PC)
PUS Rename (PR) Receive (R) PUS Rename (PR)
Send (S) Extended (E)
Send Filestore Operations (SF)
Reboot (O)
Send Acknowledged mode (SA)
Reboot Entity (OE)
Receive (R) Reboot PUS (OP)
Receive Filestore Operations (RF)
Receive Acknowledged mode (RA)
Extended (E)
Reboot (O)
Reboot Entity (OE)
Reboot PUS (OP)

Figure 7.4 – Example of FCW applied to the Spacebel scenario.

The configuration workflow is the one discussed in Section 7.3.

The mapping of the views to the tasks follows directly from the view de-
composition. The mapping to the stops, however, requires some further ex-
planation. The Final Satellite stop, to which three views (System Engineer,
Network Integrator and TMTC Integrator) point, indicates the group formed
by these modules: as long as the stop is not satisfied, the loop has to continue.
The two other views, including the optional Reseller view, map onto end ,
the second stop. Note that, if the Reseller task is not executed, its fea-
tures are not part of the configuration paths, meaning that constraint 7.3.B.3
7.6 Desired Properties 119

is automatically satisfied.
Figure 7.5 illustrates how this FCW can be executed, which eventually
results in a fully configured product. The workflow starts with the Spacebel
task (indicated by the arrow in Figure 7.5(a)), where the responsible person
decides that the P U S Copy feature shall not be included. As a consequence,
the feature becomes unavailable in the TMTC Integrator view. The next task
is the System Engineer , who decides to include all the features that are
available to him as shown in Figure 7.5(b). This decision again causes other
features to be selected automatically, including those of the previous module.
Finally, Network - and TMTC Integrator finalise the configuration process
in parallel. Their choices eliminate all remaining variability, meaning that both
stops are satisfied, and that the workflow has reached the end.

7.6 Desired Properties

The semantics of FCWs voluntarily leaves freedom to FCW modellers. That

freedom can come at the price of incomplete products or unsatisfiable FCWs.
The semantics of FCWs defines the properties of a valid execution of the work-
flow. However, not all executions of the workflow are semantically valid. For
instance, an execution could terminate with an incomplete configuration be-
cause an optional configuration task was ignored by mistake, or stall because
the current decisions do not satisfy a stop condition. There is currently no way
to avoid faulty executions. To prevent such problems, undesired behaviours
should be diagnosed at design time and prohibited at execution time.
To avoid inconsistent executions of an FCW, we have to guarantee the
satisfiability of an FCW, and that any decision left open during the configura-
tion can be postponed. To achieve that goal, we build upon previous work on
FM [BSRC10] and workflow [vdAADTH04, Wyn06, WVvdA+ 09, tHvdAAR09]
analyses. In this section, we formally define the satisfiability and postponabil-
ity properties. The next section will present algorithms implementing their

7.6.1 Satisfiability
To define the FCW satisfiability, we first build upon the definition of workflow
(weak) soundness [vdAtH05]. The (weak) soundness property ensures that (1)
every execution of the workflow completes, (2) no task is still running when
the execution stops, and (3) every task is executable.
In the following definitions, si −→ sj extends the → used in Definition 7.3.
X can be ∗ (possibly empty sequence of states that lead from si to sj ), +
(non empty sequence of states that lead from si to sj ), or x ∈ sj ∧ x ∈ / si ,
where x is either a task or a condition. We also denote sb the first state of
120 7 Advanced Configuration Scheduling

Network Integrator FD
Spacebel FD CFDP library
CFDP library
PUS Send Filestore Operations
✗ Send Acknowledged mode
PUS Copy
PUS Rename System Engineer FD Receive
Send Receive Filestore Operations
CFDP library Receive Acknowledged mode
Send Filestore Operations
Send Acknowledged mode PUS
Receive Filestore Operations TMTC Integrator FD
Receive Acknowledged mode Receive
CFDP library
Extended Extended
Reboot Reboot PUS
Reboot Entity Reboot Entity ✗ PUS Copy
Reboot PUS Reboot PUS PUS Rename

(a) Step 1 – Configuration by Spacebel

Network Integrator FD
Spacebel FD CFDP library
CFDP library
2 ✓ Send
✓ PUS Send Filestore Operations
✗ Send Acknowledged mode
PUS Copy
PUS Rename System Engineer FD ✓ Receive
✓ Send CFDP library
Receive Filestore Operations
Send Filestore Operations Receive Acknowledged mode
Send Acknowledged mode ✓ PUS
✓ Receive
Receive Filestore Operations
✓ Send TMTC Integrator FD
Receive Acknowledged mode ✓ Receive
CFDP library
✓ Extended ✓ Extended
✓ Reboot ✓ Reboot ✓ PUS
✓ Reboot Entity ✓ Reboot Entity ✗ PUS Copy
✓ Reboot PUS ✓ Reboot PUS PUS Rename

(b) Step 2 – Configuration by the System Engineer

Network Integrator FD
Spacebel FD CFDP library
CFDP library
✓ Send
✓ PUS ✓ Send Filestore Operations
✗ PUS Copy ✗ Send Acknowledged mode
System Engineer FD ✓ Receive
✓ PUS Rename

✓ Send CFDP library
Receive Filestore Operations
✓ Send Filestore Operations ✗ Receive Acknowledged mode
✗ Send Acknowledged mode ✓ PUS
✓ Receive
✓Receive Filestore Operations
✓ Send
TMTC Integrator FD
✗Receive Acknowledged mode ✓ Receive
CFDP library
✓ Extended ✓ Extended
✓ Reboot ✓ Reboot ✓ PUS
✓ Reboot Entity ✓ Reboot Entity ✗ PUS Copy
✓ Reboot PUS ✓ Reboot PUS ✓ PUS Rename

(c) Step 3 – Parallel configuration by the Network and TMTC Integrators

Figure 7.5 – Example of valid module configuration derivable from Figure 7.4.
7.6 Desired Properties 121

the execution and se the final state of the execution such that {b} = sb and
{e} = se , respectively. We finally write p• = {q|(p, q) ∈ F }, the set of output
places of p, and •q = {p|(p, q) ∈ F }, the set of input places of q.
Definition 7.4 Workflow (Weak) Soundness (adapted from [vdAtH05])
A workflow w is (weakly) sound if and only if:
(7.4.A) w has the option to complete:
∗ ∗
∀s • (sb −
→ s) ⇒ (s −
→ se )

The option to complete property might be undecidable if the state space

is infinite. In such cases, w is said to have a weak option to complete,
meaning that the process might complete in some cases. If only the weak
option to complete holds, then the workflow is weakly sound if the two
following properties are satisfied.
(7.4.B) w has proper completion when the last state contains only the output

∀s • (sb −
→ s ∧ se ⊆ s) ⇒ (s = se )

(7.4.C) w has no no dead transition when, for every transition, there is a

sequence in which it is fired:

∀(fx , fy ) ∈ F • ∃si , si+1 • fx ∈ si ∧ fy ∈ si+1

The soundness property determines whether the configuration process can
complete properly and every configuration task can be executed, i.e., is not
dead. These are essential requirements for an FCW. However, neither sound-
ness nor LF CW restrict the placement of a stop wrt. its task. As explained in
the previous section, this was done intentionally to account for cases in which
consecutive FMs are refinements of an initial FM. The additional flexibility
comes at the cost of having to detect unsafe models.
The position of the stop is critical as it defines when the associated views
must be completely configured. By construction, a stop can come before, after,
or during the execution of the tasks linked to those views, or simply never be
active. Furthermore, the position of a stop can vary from one run to another.
In Figure 7.6 for instance, all the runs of the workflow reported in Figure 7.7
are perfectly valid wrt. YAWL’s semantics. The position of the stop varies
from one case to the other, which yields completely different conditions on the
views. If the stop is anterior or concurrent to its tasks, then all the features
in the associated views have to be propositionally defined by decisions made
earlier in the run, e.g., through crosscutting constraints. This is very unlikely
122 7 Advanced Configuration Scheduling

start stop

X t' X

X t X o X t'' X

Figure 7.6 – Example of FCW with a floating stop o for task t0 .

to happen in practice considering the complexity of the models. It also makes

the view useless as it will never be manually configured—one thus looses the
advantage of postponable decisions. Therefore, an FCW is safe when it is
always possible to reach a complete configuration (7.5.A), and a stop always
follows its tasks (7.5.B).
Definition 7.5 FCW safety
A given FCW m ∈ LF CW is safe iff :
(7.5.A) the views linked to the mandatory configuration tasks completely cover
the FM: ∀ρ • ∀f ∈ / Vmandatory • pdefines(Vmandatory , f )
(7.5.B) the stops always follow their tasks:

∀t • ∃v ∈ V ∧ t = start(v) • follows(t, stop(start−1 (t)))

where Vmandatory = { v| ρ s∈rho s • start(v) ∈ t(s)}.
A stop correctly follows its task when two conditions are satisfied. First, if
a task is in a sequence, then its stop must be too (7.6.A). Secondly, the stop
can never precede the first occurrence of the task (7.6.B). These two conditions
are captured in the following definition.
Definition 7.6 follows(t, c)
For all ρ ∈ [[w]]Y AW L that contain t, the condition c follows the task t iff:
(7.6.A) c occurs after t: ∃si , sj • t ∈ t(si ) ⇒ (c ∈ c(sj ) ∧ i ≥ j).
(7.6.B) c does not occur before the first occurrence of t:
∗\t c ∗ t
@si , sj , sk , sl • sb −−→ si →
− sj −
→ sk →
− sl

7.6 Desired Properties 123

Workflow soundness and safety, together with view coverage (see Defini-
tion 5.2 and 5.4), defines the satisfiability of an FCW.
Definition 7.7 FCW satisfiability
An FCW m ∈ LF CW , is satisfiable iff:

• w is sound;

• the view coverage of u is complete;

• m is safe.

To illustrate Definition 7.7, let us come back to the FCW in Figure 7.6.
Figure 7.7(a) shows some examples of valid runs. One can observe that for
every occurrence of t0 there is a posterior occurrence of o. ρ4 might seem
peculiar as t0 both precedes and follows o. In fact, the second occurrence of t0
has no impact on the configuration of v since it is already fully configured—
enforced by the stop condition o. It also conforms to Definition 7.5 since there
is at least one occurrence of t0 before o.

ρ1 sb t t' o t'' se
ρ2 sb t t' t'' t t' o t'' se
ρ3 sb t t' o t'' t o t'' se
ρ4 sb t t' o t'' t t' o t'' se

(a) Examples of legal runs of tasks t, t0 and the stop o.

ρ5 sb t o t'' se
ρ6 sb t o t'' t t' t'' se end
ρ7 sb t t' t'' se

(b) Examples of illegal runs of tasks t, t0 and the stop o.

Figure 7.7 – Examples of legal and illegal runs of Figure 7.6.

In contrast, the two runs in Figure 7.7(b) are illegal. ρ5 only contains o.
Definition 7.5.B is satisfied but not Definition 7.5.A; the view is mandatory
but not configured. ρ6 is obviously illegal because t0 does not appear before
o (Definition 7.6.B). To be legal, it should have appeared at least once before
o, as in ρ1 or ρ2 for instance. The problem with ρ7 is the absence of o, which
does not allow to check the proper completion of t0 (Definition 7.6.A).
124 7 Advanced Configuration Scheduling

7.6.2 Postponable decisions

A satisfiable FCW might still not complete. In Definition 7.3, condition 7.3.B.3
requires that when a stop is reached, the views linked to it have to be fully
configured. Satisfiability does not enforce that condition. The reason is that
the decision to include or exclude a feature can only be made at execution time.
The challenge is to make sure that the view is fully configured before the stop
condition is reached in order to prevent deadlocks [CHH09a], as in ρ5 or ρ6 .
To avoid deadlocks, all the features of a view that are left open (undecided)
at the end of the configuration task have to be configured before the stop is
reached. To be postponable, all the open features have to be propositionally
defined by features in views attached to tasks that appear on paths between
the current task and its stop. For instance, in Figure 7.4, the open features in
the view of the system engineer can be defined by the views of the TMTC and
network integrators. The views of Spacebel and the reseller cannot be used
here because they never follow the system engineer in the workflow.
The set of features that could propositionally define a feature f configurable
in a task t is called a dependency set. We distinguish two types of dependency
sets. The weak dependency set (WD) contains all the features attached to
places reachable from t, irrespective of the split of the tasks in the workflow.
It is weak because not all the features contained in it might be reached in a
specific path. The strong dependency set (SD) takes into account splits so that
SD only contains features that will always be reachable, no matter what path
is taken. These two sets are defined below where Fp1 ,p2 ⊆ F denotes the set
of paths between p1 , p2 ∈ C ∪ T . For simplicity, we assume that start−1 (p)
returns an empty set when undefined.
Definition 7.8 Weak dependency set (WDp1 ,p2 )
For a given p1 ∈ T ∪ C, the weak dependency set of features reachable from p1
until p2 is reached, called WDp1 ,p2 ⊆ N , is defined by:
WDq,p2 if p1 ∈ C
WDp1 ,p2 = Sq∈p1 • −1
q∈p1 • WD q,p2
∪ start (q) if p1 ∈ T
subject to (p, q) ∈ Fp1 ,p2 , i.e., we only keep paths that lead from p1 to p2 . 

Definition 7.9 Strong dependency set (SDp1 ,p2 )

For a given p1 ∈ T ∪ C, the strong dependency set of features reachable from
p1 until p2 is reached, called SDp1 ,p2 ⊆ N , is defined by:
 T
 Sq∈p1 • SDq,p2 if p1 ∈ C
SDp1 ,p2 = SD q,p2 ∪ start (q) if p1 ∈ T ∧ split(t) = AND
 Tq∈p1 • −1
q∈p1 • SD q,p2 ∪ start (q) otherwise
subject to (p, q) ∈ Fp1 ,p2 . 
7.7 Analysis of Feature-based Configuration Workflows 125

Both WDp1 ,p2 and SDp1 ,p2 filter out the features that do not belong to paths
between the starting place p1 and the end place p2 . It is obvious that these sets
make sense only if there is a path between p1 and p2 . This is not a problem
here because we focus only on paths between a task t and the associated stop
o, which we know exist if the FCW is satisfiable.
Based on that definition, we can define the concepts of weakly and strongly
open feature. Intuitively, a strongly open feature will always be decided upon
before the stop condition is reached whereas a weakly open view might not.

Definition 7.10 Weakly open feature

Given a view v ∈ V , its start t = start(v) and stop o = stop(v), a feature f ∈ v
is weakly open iff it is undecided and pdefines(WDt,o , f ). 

Definition 7.11 Strongly open feature

Given a view v ∈ V , its start t = start(v) and stop o = stop(v), a feature f ∈ v
is strongly open iff it is undecided and pdefines(SDt,o , f ). 

By extension, a view is weakly (respectively strongly) open when at least one

of its features is weakly (respectively strongly) open.
In the Spacebel example, WDTMTC Integrator,Final Satellite contains the fea-
tures from the views of the system engineer, the network integrator, and the
TMTC integrator itself, while SDTMTC Integrator,Final Satellite is empty. In the
former case, it means that the open features of the TMTC integrator could be
defined through some iterations in the loop. In the latter case, the xor-split
of (loop) will return an empty set because the intersection with the set of
features from Final satellite is empty. The result is that no feature can be
left open in the view of the TMTC integrator if one wants to be sure that the
stop condition is satisfied. That information is particularly useful in practice
because it can either reveal a design flaw or be used as a warning. In that
particular case, it might indicate that users must perform another iteration
if they want open features to be decided upon, and the stop condition to be

7.7 Analysis of Feature-based Configuration Workflows

Equipped with these formal specifications, we are set to build the algorithms
that automate the analysis of FCWs. As for the properties, we first explain
how the satisfiability of an FCW can be verified, and then how open features
are checked at execution time.
126 7 Advanced Configuration Scheduling

7.7.1 Satisfiability
In Definition 7.7, we have seen that an FCW is satisfiable when its workflow
is sound, the view coverage is complete, and it is safe. Soundness analysis has
already been fully implemented in the YAWL tool suite [tHvdAAR09], and is
not further explored here. Similarly, both the necessary and sufficient view
coverage conditions have already been implemented (see Chapters 5 and 9).
We simply recall here that pdefines(M, f ) can be obtained with a single SAT
¬sat(ΓN ∧ Γ0N [M 0 ← M ] ∧ ((f ∧ ¬f 0 ) ∨ (¬f ∨ f 0 )))
If the formula is satisfiable, it is possible to find two different configurations of
d (ΓN and Γ0N ), such that the assignment of the features in M are the same but
f and f 0 are different. In other words, it means that for the same assignment
of M , the values of f and f 0 can differ, hence M does not propositionally define
f . Since SAT returns true if M does not propositionally define f , the returned
value is negated to match the definition of pdefines(M, f ).
To verify the safety property we have to check that (1) the mandatory tasks
can completely configure the FM, (2) a stop does not precede its tasks, and
(3) the stop of a task always appears in the run. Interestingly, the verification
of the safety property can be reduced to soundness verification. The idea is to
transform the original workflow such that the soundness analysis of the trans-
formed workflow reveals whether some designated tasks prevent the option to
complete (they cause a deadlock) or are dead. The type of error determines
which property is violated. Besides capitalizing on optimisations of the reason-
ing engine, that approach does not require adaptation to the tool, and can be
applied to any workflow language supporting xor-split/joins, and-split/joins,
and cancellation regions.
A transformed workflow is generated for every view in the FCW. First, the
addition of elements in the workflow is linear in the number of views. However,
the complexity of the soundness analysis increases exponentially because of the
extra loops and cancellation regions added by the transformation. Generating
separate workflows limits the growth of the state space. Secondly, we want
to reduce the sensitivity of the soundness analysis to workflow constructs. As
we will see in Section 7.8, loops and or-joins have a detrimental effect on
performance and correctness. The individual analysis guarantees that views
not affected by these constructs are correctly analysed. The division of the
analysis thus increases scalability, precision, and reliability.
The transformation of a workflow is a seven-step process. Each transforma-
tion is informally discussed here and illustrated on the example in Figure 7.6,
transformed in Figure 7.8. The transformation is formally defined in Algo-
rithm 2 in Appendix C.
5. buildTaskCheck t', exit,

1. updateBeginCondition enabl
ed_t' exit,

init A x t x X run_t' A t' A active validat

_t' e_t'

o X t'' X
check end_o_
4. buildConditionCheck X
_o_t' t'

procee subs
X sync_o A disable A run_o A
d_t' _o A A

6. buildPresenceCheck
7. buildClean
Analysis of Feature-based Configuration Workflows


2. buildEndCheck _o check_

Figure 7.8 – Transformed FCW.

A active_ A end_o
3. updateEndCondition
end A _out_ X exit_o A exit


128 7 Advanced Configuration Scheduling

1. Update begin condition. The first step (blue area in Figure 7.8) adds
an extra task ( init ) between the begin condition and the rest of the
workflow. The goal of this task is to initialise the new places holding
tokens necessary for the condition, tasks, and presence checks.

2. Build end check. The second step (green area in Figure 7.8) builds the
necessary hooks for the task and condition checks. It is placed right
before the end condition to make sure that the stop of the task has been
activated before terminating the workflow.

3. Update end check. A new condition ( end ) is added to which all the
other places connected to the original end condition are reconnected.

4. Build condition check. The fourth step (red area in Figure 7.8) builds
the hook for the task check. Its purpose is to make sure that the task
check is performed before the stop is activated.

5. Build task check. The task check (pink area in Figure 7.8) is structured
so that if the task is activated once, then it must always be followed by
the stop. In the example, t’ activates activate_t’ , which enables
validate_t’ , and deactivates disabled_t’ . If validate_t’ has not
been activated before the stop condition is reached, then the task is dis-
abled ( disable_t’ removes the token from enabled_t’ ), and the task
( t’ ) cannot be executed anymore. If the sequence tries to execute the
task, it is deadlocked. This reveals a sequence that executes the task
after the stop (violation of Definition 7.5.B). If disable_t’ is dead, it
means that t’ is mandatory.

6. Build presence check. The presence check (yellow area in Figure 7.8)
verifies that if the task has been executed ( active_task_o contains
tokens), then its stop has also been activated ( active_o contains to-
kens). If the task has been executed but not its stop, then end_o is

7. Build clean. Cancellation regions are added to remove the extra tokens
created during the execution that could violate the proper completion
condition. They are executed at the end of the workflow, before the end
condition is reached.

The transformation thus allows to verify Definition 7.5.B, and collect the
mandatory configuration tasks. To check Definition 7.5.A, we verify that the
union of the features in the mandatory views (Vmandatory ) completely covers
the views.
7.7 Analysis of Feature-based Configuration Workflows 129

The FCW in Figure 7.8 does not satisfy Definition 7.5.B. Indeed, t’ can
deadlock if o is executed before it, as in ρ6 . The deadlock is a result of the
absence of token in enabled_t’ due to the execution of disable_t’ . The
execution of disable_t’ removes all the tokens in the places in its cancellation
region, among which enabled_t’ . Another deadlock could occur in end_o
if there is no token in active_o . It means that t’ has been executed but
o has never been active before the end condition. This is a case similar to ρ7 .
Definition 7.5.A is not satisfied either. Since disable_t’ is not dead, t’ is
optional. Consequently, Vmandatory is empty, and none of the features in v are
propositionally defined by other views, as in ρ5 .
To sum up, the verification of the safety property is performed in four
phases: (1) verification of the workflow soundness; (2) verification of the com-
plete view coverage; (3) generation of a transformed workflow for each view
and verification of the soundness property; (4) verification of the complete cov-
erage of the mandatory views. This guarantees that at least one valid product
can be derived from the FCW. The next stage is to ensure that the successive
decisions of the users actually lead to a valid product.

7.7.2 Postponable decision

To verify that a decision can be postponed, we first have to compute the weak
and strong dependency sets. These are typically computed prior to execution
as they are independent of a particular sequence of execution.
The dependency sets of a task are computed backwards from the corre-
sponding stop. Since we admit loops in the workflow, the dependency sets can
evolve during the backward search. In the Spacebel case for instance, the back-
ward search for the TMTC integrator from the stop condition Final Satellite
generates the following sequence of places (simplified here for readability):

(loop) → TMTC Int. → Network Int. → System Engineer → (loop) → TMTC Int. → . . .

When TMTC Integrator is first reached, WDTMTC Integrator,Final Satellite is

empty because (loop) has no view attached to it. At the second time, the
features in the views of the system engineer, network integrator and TMTC in-
tegrator are added to WDTMTC Integrator,Final Satellite because the loop iterates
through them. The loop being infinite, we need to determine a condition that
stops the iterations. That condition is that all the dependency sets must be
stable, i.e., they do not evolve anymore. This means that we have to compute a
fixed point over the dependency sets such that when the fixed point is reached,
the dependency sets are complete.
The dependency set computation is implemented in Algorithm 1. The func-
tion wbfs performs a backward breadth-first search (BFS) of the workflow and
130 7 Advanced Configuration Scheduling

computes a fixed point over m0 . m0 is defined as the tuple (m, wds, sds, fixed)
where: m ∈ LF CW ; wds : P ∪ C → P(N ) returns the weak dependency set;
sds : P ∪ C → P(N ) returns the strong dependency set; fixed : T ∪ C → B
returns true if the dependency set of a place can still evolve, and false other-
wise. For all the places p in the workflow, sds(p) and wds(p) are initialized to
empty and fixed(p) to false.
wbfs starts from condition o and initialises the queue Q of places to visit
with the predecessors of o to bootstrap the backward search (Line 2). Line 3
sets the starting condition of the search to fixed. By setting it to fixed, we
discard all the paths going out of the condition that could affect the places
placed before the stop. Finally, lines 4 to 9 iterate until the dependency sets
for each place stops varying, i.e., the fixed point is reached.
The updateDS function first initialises the temporary weak (tmpw) and
strong (tmps) dependency sets (lines 1 to 7). tmpw is set to ∅ to compute the
union. Similarly, tmps is set to ∅ if it is a task with and and-split. Otherwise,
it is set to N (global feature set) to compute the intersection. The values of
tmps and tmpw are then computed (lines 8 to 20) as specified in Definition 7.8
and 7.9. Once done, the predecessors of p are enqueued to proceed with the
backward search (lines 21 to 23). Finally, wds and sds are checked. If the
sets are unchanged, then p is set to fixed, otherwise the dependency sets are
updated (lines 24 to 29).
We prove below that the wbfs is complete, always terminates, and is cor-
Theorem 7.1 (Complete exploration of wbfs)
Given a sound m, wbfs visits all the places that precede o.
Proof. wbfs is a relaxed version of BFS as the places can be explored more than
once. In wbfs, a place can be enqueued as long as the size of its dependency
set varies (grows or shrinks). When it is not the case, it is marked has fixed
and can no longer be searched. This amounts to marking the place as visited
in the BFS algorithm.
Theorem 7.2 (Termination of wbfs)
Given a sound m, wbfs always terminates.
Proof. We know from Theorem 7.1 that the exploration is complete. We know
from line 24 in updateDS that each place is visited while its dependency sets
vary. The size of the dependency sets being bounded by ∅ and N and the stop
being set to fixed before the exploration, they converge toward a stable value.
When a place is fixed, it can no longer be enqueued and any occurrence still in
the queue will no longer be visited. When all the places are fixed, the queue
shrinks until it is empty. This guarantees that the loop (line 4) eventually
terminates, and so does the algorithm.
7.7 Analysis of Feature-based Configuration Workflows 131

Algorithm 1 Computation of the dependency sets for all the views.

Require: m is (weak) sound
1: function wbfs(m0 ,o) . backward BFS of the workflow
2: Q ← {q|q ∈ •o}
3: fixed(o) ← TRUE . prevent outgoing paths from affecting dependency sets
4: while Q 6= ∅ do
5: p ← pop(Q)
6: if ¬fixed(p) then
7: updateDS(m0 , p)
8: end if
9: end while
10: end function
1: function updateDS(m0 ,p) . update the dependency sets
2: if p ∈ T ∧ split(p) = AND then
3: tmps ← ∅
4: else
5: tmps ← N
6: end if
7: tmpw ← ∅
8: for all q ∈ p• do . compute temporary dependency sets
9: if q ∈ C then
10: tmpw ← tmpw ∪ wds(q)
11: tmps ← tmps ∩ sds(q)
12: else
13: tmpw ← tmpw ∪ (wds(q) ∪ start−1 (q))
14: if p ∈ T ∧ split(p) = AND then
15: tmps ← tmps ∪ (sds(q) ∪ start−1 (q))
16: else
17: tmps ← tmps ∩ (sds(q) ∪ start−1 (q))
18: end if
19: end if
20: end for
21: for all q ∈ •p do . enqueue the predecessors for the backward search
22: push(Q, q)
23: end for
24: if wds(p) = tmpw ∧ sds(p) = tmps then . check for changes
25: fixed(p) ← TRUE . the dependency sets of p are stable
26: else
27: wds(p) ← tmpw . the dependency sets of p have changed
28: sds(p) ← tmps
29: end if
30: end function
132 7 Advanced Configuration Scheduling

Theorem 7.3 (Correctness of wbfs)

Given a sound m, the weak and strong dependency sets of places that precede
o computed by wbfs respectively satisfy Definitions 7.8 and Definitions 7.9.

Proof. We know from Theorem 7.1 that all the places are visited, and that they
can only be marked has fixed when their dependency sets are stable. Also, the
BFS guarantees that all the places between p and o are explored before p.
Any change to one of them is thus automatically propagated to p. We have to
demonstrate that:

1. wds are correct. If it was possible to find a feature f that should be in

∗ ∗
wds(p) but that is not, it would mean that ∃pj • p − → pj − → o such that
f ∈ wds(pj ) but f ∈/ wds(p). If p →
− pj , we have f ∈ wds(p) by definition

of the union. If ∃pi • p −
→ pi →
− pj , then, again by definition of the union,
we have f ∈ wds(pi ). Inductively, it is not possible that wds(p) does not
contain f .

2. sds are correct. We have to prove that (1) @f ∈ / sds(p) that should
have been propagated to p, and (2) every f ∈ sds(p) has been correctly
∗ ∗
propagated to p. Let us take pj • p − → pj − → o. If p →
− pj and split(p) =
AND, then f ∈ sds(p) byT definition of the union. If split(p) = OR ∨ XOR,
then f ∈ sds(p) iff f ∈ ps ∈p• sds(ps ).
If p − → pj , then for all pp ∈ •pj such that split(pj ) = AND we have
f ∈ sds(pp ) by definition
T of the union. If split(pj ) = OR ∨ XOR, then
f ∈ sds(pp ) iff f ∈ ps ∈pp • sds(ps ). Inductively, sds(p) will contain f iff
it is propagated by the places in Fp,pj .

Once computed, dependency sets are used at execution time to evaluate

the propositional definability of features left open in a view. The strong
and weak definability of a view v with task t and stop o are computed by
checking that all the open features f respectively satisfy pdefines(SDt,o , f ) and
pdefines(WDt,o , f ). Features that do not satisfy either of these tests must be
decided upon before leaving the ongoing task.

7.8 Experiments

In Section 6.4, we have seen how our algorithms satisfy the properties defined in
Section 7.6. These algorithms have been implemented in our FCW toolset. De-
tails on the implementation are available in Chapter 9. The research questions
addressed by our experiments are:
7.8 Experiments 133

RQ7.1 How efficient are our algorithms? To verify satisfiability, our algo-
rithm relies on the verification of the soundness of the transformed work-
flow. We measure the performance of the verification. To compute de-
pendency sets, we propose a fixed point algorithm. We evaluate how fast
it converges to a solution.

RQ7.2 How workflow constructs affect the performance of our algorithms?

Some constructs in a workflow are known to severely affect the perfor-
mance of reasonings [WVvdA+ 09]. In particular, we want to know how
loops and or-joins affect the soundness analysis of the transformed work-
flow and the computation of dependency sets.

These two questions aim at evaluating Algorithms 1 and 2. Since view

coverage, workflow soundness, and propositional definability have already been
evaluated elsewhere, the experiments focus on our contribution.
To answer these research questions, we engineered 52 FCWs from 13 work-
flows and 2 FMs. These FCWs were built to (1) evaluate a wide range of cases
with complementary levels of complexity, and (2) highlight the limitations of
our algorithms.
The 13 workflows were collected from 4 different projects: YAWL’s test set
(W1,W3,W5-7); YAWL4ProductRecall2 (W9); YAWL4Film3 (W10); a munic-
ipality project containing four processes for birth, death, marriage, and unborn
children regulation (W8,W11-13); the CFDP case (W4); the example in Fig-
ure 7.6 (W2). These workflows count between 5 and 51 elements.
Each of these workflows was normalised as follows. First, we verified their
soundness. The unsound workflows (6 in total) were altered to meet the sound-
ness pre-condition of our algorithms. In addition, we also removed YAWL
constructs that are not supported by our approach. The following rules were
applied. Composite and multiple instance tasks are transformed into regular
tasks. Every configuration task in a cancellation region is removed from that
cancellation region. In total, 16 composite tasks were transformed affecting 8
workflows, 3 multiple instance were transformed affecting 3 workflows, and no
cancellation region was transformed.
Finally, every workflow was duplicated, and loops were manually added
(respectively removed) to measure their impact on performance.
Next, each of these 26 workflows was linked to two FMs to build our test
base of 52 FCWs. To measure the performance of the algorithms under realistic
settings, we use two different variability models as input: the Linux Kernel
(version 2.6.28) and the vmWare hardware platform of eCos [BSL+ 10, SLB+ 11].
These models respectively count 5701 and 1244 features, and are among the
134 7 Advanced Configuration Scheduling

largest models publicly available4 . Between 1 and 10 views were randomly

assigned to each workflow according to its size, and the features of each model
were divided evenly between them.
The soundness analyses were executed on YAWL 2.1 with the YAWL and
Reset reduction rules optimizations enabled. The workflow transformation and
dependency set algorithms were both implemented in Java v1.6. The computer
used for the evaluation was a MacBook Pro running Mac OS 10.6 with an Intel
Core 2 Duo at 2.8GHz and 4GB of RAM.

7.8.1 Transformed workflow analysis

The results on the soundness analyses are shown in Figure 7.9. Since this anal-
ysis is independent on the FM linked to it, we only report here the measures
for the 26 workflows. The left Y-axis denotes the number of elements (contin-
uous line) and views (dashed line) in the workflow. The right Y-axis denotes
the time in seconds (seconds). For each workflow (X-axis), the graph reports
the total average time needed to complete the soundness analysis for all the
views of the workflow transformed by Algorithm 2, with and without loops. To
minimise the bias introduced by concurrent processes running on the operating
system, the time was calculated over three successive executions of the sound-
ness analysis for each view. The values reported in the graph are the sum of
the averages. Bars marked with a X indicate approximate results returned by
the analysis because it could not explore enough markings.5 Finally, W3, W5,
W7 and W9 contain or-joins.
Let us highlight the key elements of Figure 7.9 that answer RQ7.1. First,
apart from the loop version of W12 whose analysis was manually stopped, the
analysis time is always under 500 seconds. That result is mostly a consequence
of the limit on the number of markings imposed by YAWL. Note that successful
analyses provide a result in less than 350 seconds. Secondly, the number of
elements in a workflow does not have a significant impact on processing times.
W10 for instance, has almost three times more elements than W4, and has an
average processing time of 43 seconds compared to 51 seconds for W4. A similar
conclusion can be drawn for the number of views. W11, for instance, contains
7 views while W1 contains only one. Their respective average processing time
are 2 seconds and 12 seconds. Although W11 contains 7 times more views and
about 6 times more elements, it is 6 times faster to analyse. Consequently, the
size of an FCW does not explain discrepancies between the results.


5 YAWL’s engine is configured to stop the analysis when the number of reachable markings

grows beyond 5000. Since the number of markings is potentially infinite, that bound aims
“to balance responsiveness and precision” [WVvdA+ 09].
7.8 Experiments 135

60 500

Time in seconds (sec)

Number of units

45 375

30 250

15 125

0 0
W1 W2
W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9 W12 W13
W10 W11 W12 W13

# elements Soundness analysis of transformed workflow with loop (sec)

# views Soundness analysis of transformed workflow (sec)

Figure 7.9 – Results of the soundness analysis for the transformed workflows.

To better understand that problem and answer RQ7.2, we investigate the

other differentiating marker: workflow constructs. As reported in [WVvdA+ 09],
or-joins and loops have a detrimental effect on performance. In most cases (W3,
W5, and W7), or-joins caused an explosion of the state space, which does not
allow the analysis to complete. In these particular cases, loops have a marginal
impact on processing time; all the complexity is induced by or-joins. However,
the impact of loops alone clearly stands out in Figure 7.9. The average pro-
cessing time for workflows without loops that do not fail (i.e. W3, W5, and
W7) is 4 seconds, whereas for workflows with loops that do not fail (i.e. W3,
W5, W7, and W12) is 132 seconds. Clearly, or-joins have a significantly higher
chance to max out the exploration limit of the soundness analysis (75%) than
loops alone (8%).
An important information, not reported in Figure 7.9, is that the verifi-
cation of the original workflows is orders of magnitude faster than the results
shown in the graph. To explain that variation, we study workflow constructs
and the mapping of views on tasks.
The individual study of each transformed workflow produced for a view
(not reported in the graph) reveals that the average time for a view that is
not part of a loop is below one second. W11 is a perfect example of that.
None of the 7 tasks mapped to views are involved in a loop, which results in
extremely low processing times. The soundness analysis of configuration tasks
in a loop jumps to several dozen seconds. That leap, however, only affects the
correctness of the results for one workflow: W12. The problem is that two
views are mapped to tasks that are in embedded concurrent loops. These two
tasks are responsible for the leap in processing time. All the others complete
136 7 Advanced Configuration Scheduling

or-joins expose a similar pattern. Tasks placed before a split whose outgoing
paths are later joined with an or have a computation time below one second.
The same holds for the task with the or-join and those placed after it. That
explains why the processing time of W9 is reasonable despite the presence of
an or-join. The computation for tasks between the split and the or-join is
well beyond 150 seconds, and the results are most of the time approximate;
irrespective of the complexity of the workflow. For instance, W3 and W7 have
different levels complexity but fail likewise.
These results clearly show that or-joins degrade most the accuracy of the
results. In fact, or-joins require partial synchronisation of all the active paths
in the workflow. This synchronisation is the bottleneck in the analysis because
the reasoning engine waits “until it is not possible to add any relevant tokens to
the set of input condition” [vdAtH05], causing an explosion of the exploration
space. The accuracy of our algorithm can be improved at the expense of
one syntactical restriction: configuration tasks should not be placed on paths
synchronised at an or-join.

7.8.2 Dependency sets

The evaluation of Algorithm 1 was conducted separately for the Linux Kernel
and eCos. Figure 7.10 shows the processing time in seconds of the algorithm for
these models and the different workflows, with and without loops. Each value
reported in the graph is an average of three successive runs of the algorithm.
Starting with RQ1, the first striking element is the difference between the
Linux Kernel and eCos. The maximum computation time for eCos is 0, 9
second, whereas for the Linux Kernel it is 17 seconds. Since the algorithm
only considers the number of features irrespective of the complexity of the FM,
the size of the FM is clearly the major performance predictor. To a lesser
extent, the number of elements in the workflow also influences performances.
The graph also shows that these variations are exacerbated by the number of
features to process. Both eCos and the Linux Kernel exhibit the same variations
but differences are amplified in the latter case.
Unlike for safety, workflow constructs have a marginal impact on perfor-
mance. Loops induce slightly higher processing times on average: 4, 59 vs 5, 68
for Linux ; 0, 23 vs 0, 3 for eCos. or-joins do not affect performance since
Definition 7.8 is independent of the type of join, and Definition 7.9 treats or
and or-joins similarly. The peaks of W6 and W9 do not seem to be due to a
particular pattern. They are peculiarities of the design of the workflow and
view-to-task mapping. The same holds for the higher processing time of the
non-loop version of W11.
7.9 Threats to validity 137

Time in seconds (sec)



W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9 W10 W11 W12 W13

Linux Kernel with loop eCos (vmWare) with loop

Linux Kernel eCos (vmWare)

Figure 7.10 – Results of the dependency set analysis for the Linux Kernel and
eCos (vmWare) FMs.

7.9 Threats to validity

The experiments conclude our technical contribution. We now discuss the

limitations of our experiments, our assumptions on workflow constructs, and
the coverage of mandatory tasks.
Experiments. To evaluate the performance of our algorithms, we engi-
neered FCWs from two FMs and 13 workflows to simulate large-scale projects.
We chose to build these models because FCWs are still an emerging technology,
and the models available are rather simple. To evaluate the performance of our
algorithms, we needed larger and more complex models. Similar approaches
have also been applied to evaluate new reasoning techniques for which complex
models were not available (e.g., [MWC09]).
We mitigate the threat of arbitrary FCW creation by using actual FMs and
workflows. Both FMs are currently used in full-blown open source applications.
The workflows count between 5 and 51 elements, which is representative of
the current practice in business process (workflow) modelling. First, because
the configuration process is usually embedded in a more complex process or
is itself a high-level process whose tasks are decomposed into dedicated sub-
processes. Secondly, according to [Gil10], about 75% of the business processes
used in industry are rather “simple”; irrespective of the size of the company.6

6 Gilbert [Gil10] reports that these workflows are “so simple that they are usually ex-
138 7 Advanced Configuration Scheduling

Finally, as the experiments show, the workflow size is not the leading factor of
complexity. Yet, additional case studies are needed to ensure that the decisions
we made to build these FCWs unveiled all the strengths and weaknesses of our
Propositional definability has not been evaluated in our experiments. Yet,
it is a crucial part of most our algorithms. We recalled in Section 7.7.1 that
propositional definability can be obtained with a single SAT check. To date, the
largest FMs count up to 6000 features with thousands of constraints [BSL+ 10].
We know from [MWC09] that a SAT solver can verify the satisfiability of such
models in a few hundred milliseconds for the larger models. That fact has also
been confirmed by our experience in FM analysis. Therefore, for any given
dependency set, the verification at execution time of open features is unlikely
to degrade the response time of an interactive configurator.
Unsupported constructs. In Section 7.3, some YAWL constructs were
excluded from our definition: cancellation regions, composite tasks, and mul-
tiple instance tasks. Cancellation regions were discarded because they could
cancel an ongoing configuration task. Whether the configuration should be
part of a transaction and rolled back to its previous state, or the decisions
made should be preserved is still unclear. Similarly, how composite configura-
tion tasks and configuration tasks with multiple occurrences should be handled
requires further investigation. Our experience with FCWs never required such
constructs but additional empirical evaluation is necessary.
Complete coverage of mandatory tasks. Definition 7.5.A assumes that
mandatory configuration tasks must completely cover the set of features. The
benefit is that whatever path is followed at execution time, the final config-
uration will always be complete. The flip side of the coin is that optional
configuration tasks can only provide alternative ways of reaching a solution
without bringing in new features.
Alternatively, which optional tasks must be executed given the current deci-
sions could be computed at execution time. Such analysis relies on dependency
sets and open features in the complete model. Our algorithms can already pro-
vide that information. The challenge is the analysis of possible paths in the
workflow. Such an approach puts a heavier burden on execution time analyses,
which could harm the responsiveness of the configurator.
Finally, default values, and semi or fully automated completion mecha-
nisms [JBGMS10] could be used at the end of the process to complete the
configuration. These are less resource-demanding since no analysis of the con-
figuration process is required. The downside of default values, though, is that
their assignment at design time can become very cumbersome for large models.

changed via emails” (sic.).

7.10 Related Work 139

7.10 Related Work

This section revisits some selected work on workflow configuration and the
integration of processes with variability models.
Gottschalk et al. [GvdAJVLR07] developed C-YAWL, a configurable ver-
sion of YAWL, and a tool that allows the configuration and generation of YAWL
workflows. La Rosa et al. [LRvdADTH08] also focus on workflow configura-
tion. They propose a questionnaire-based approach to resolve variability in the
process. They also define partial and full dependencies to control the order in
which questions are asked. Their approach is complementary to ours and can
be used upstream of FBC to tailor the configuration process for a particular
Rabiser et al. [RGD07] propose an approach supporting product configu-
ration based on decision models. Essentially, decision models represent assets
(e.g., features) tied to decisions, bound together through logic dependencies.
Decisions stand for the intervention of a role selecting assets during product
configuration. Decisions, roles and assets are thus all part of a single decision
model. They also discuss how models need to be prepared to meet the require-
ments of a specific project before allowing product derivation. Decision models
differ from FCWs in that the configuration process is entangled within the
decision model/questionnaire. By separating the workflow from the options,
we argue that FCW achieves better separation of concerns between process
and decision making. However, FCWs and decision models/questionnaires are
complementary. The control provided by dependencies could offer fine-grained
scheduling within each view.
White et al. [WBDS09] reason about contextual constraints (e.g., yearly
budget) to schedule the configuration of an FM into multiple steps. They also
show how the mapping of the FM and constraints in CSP allows deriving valid
configurations. That latter approach is complementary to ours as constraints
on steps could be used during the validation of the workflow at design time.
Mendonça et al. [MCMdO08] partition an FM into configuration spaces
whose configuration order is captured in a configuration plan. The order is de-
termined by a dependency analysis between the different configuration spaces.
While their approach is fully automated, ours enables a more flexible definition
of concerns and precedence among views.
Acher et al. [ACLF10] use FMs to capture the variability of web services
that are threaded together in a workflow. However, contrary to FCWs, they do
not assume the pre-existence of a global FM. They define composition operators
that merge FMs of “connected ” services. The two main differences with FCWs
are that they do not support crosscutting constraints, and the workflow does
not contain configuration tasks but provided services.
140 7 Advanced Configuration Scheduling

7.11 Chapter Summary

This chapter introduced a new formalism called FCW allowing to organise

interrelated views as part of an unambiguous configuration workflow. For this
formalism, we proposed a semantics that builds upon MLSC and YAWL.
The primary benefit of FCWs is that they allow explicit modelling of non-
trivial configuration processes, thereby overcoming the original limitations of
MLSC and bringing assistance to the product management. From the resource
allocation perspective, FCWs facilitate the task assignment to the different
roles played by the stakeholders. From the control standpoint, stops of an FCW
provide milestones for the project manager and keep him informed about the
evolution of the configuration process, whereas feedback loops allow to define
synchronisation points among roles.
However, when using FCWs, design defects and unguided configuration
can lead to inconsistent or incomplete products. To tackle that problem, this
chapter has extended joint work on FM and workflow analysis by:

• Formally defining the concepts of satisfiability and postponable decision.

These definitions build upon the known properties of view coverage of
FMs and workflow (weak) soundness. These properties have been ex-
tended with FCW safety, and weak and strong dependency sets.
• Providing reference algorithms for their verification. Our algorithms use
SAT solvers and the YAWL reasoning engine. We have shown how the
soundness analysis of a transformed workflow can (1) verify the safety of
an FCW, and (2) identify mandatory configuration tasks. The computa-
tion of dependency sets required to test postponable decisions is achieved
by a fixed point algorithm.
• Evaluating the performance of our algorithms and the impact of workflow
constructs. 52 FCWs have been used to evaluate the performance of
safety analysis and dependency set computation. In the former case,
or-joins turned out to have a detrimental effect on computation time
and accuracy. Although affecting computation time, loops only affected
the safety analysis of one workflow. In the latter case, the number of
features in the FM had a noticeable impact on processing time but not
on correctness.
This chapter ignored possible conflictual decisions between views. Conflict
detection and resolution is studied in the next chapter. The implementation
of FCW modelling, execution and verification in our toolset is presented in
Chapter 9.

Towards Conflict Management

8.1 Open Issues

Until now, we have assumed that user decisions are invariable during the con-
figuration process. Yet, change is inherent to configuration. Most configurators
implement some form of assistance to deal with change and help users reach
a correct and complete configuration. To do so, they detect possible config-
uration errors, report, and avoid them. A configuration error is a decision
that conflicts with some constraints. Satisfying these constraints is often non-
trivial. Variability languages often carry advanced constructs that introduce
hidden constraints, and constraint rules declared in different places of the vari-
ability model may have interactions. The interplay of these factors often leads
to very complex situations.

Figure 8.1 – The eCos Configurator

Some configuration tools, like those based on Kconfig (the Linux kernel

142 8 Towards Conflict Management

configuration description language), implement an error avoidance mechanism

that automatically deactivates an option when a certain constraint is violated.
Inactive options are no longer available to the user unless the constraint is
satisfied again. Other configurators, like the eCos configurator and its config-
uration description language CDL (Figure 8.1), add an interactive resolution
mechanism on top of the avoidance mechanism. This approach allows violating
some constraints, but proposes a fix for each violated constraint. A fix denotes
a set of changes that would restore the consistency of the current configuration.
To better understand what challenges are faced by the users of modern
configurators, we carried out two empirical studies of Linux and eCos. Two
questionnaires were submitted to forums, mailing lists and experts with whom
we collaborate. In total, we collected answers from 97 Linux users with up
to 20 years of experience, and 9 eCos users with up to 7 years of experience.
The full report of this study is available as a technical report [HXC11], and
a synthesis of the results is presented in [HXC12]. We present here the two
challenges that stand out most from this study and that are addressed in this

Activating inactive features. 20% of the Linux users report that, when
they need to change an inactive option, they need at least a “few dozen
minutes” in average to figure out how to activate it. 56% of the eCos
users also consider the activation of an inactive option to be a problem.
Fix incompleteness. Existing configurators generate only one fix for an er-
ror. However, there are often multiple solutions to resolving an error,
and the user may prefer other solutions. 7 out of 9 eCos users have en-
countered situations where the generated fix is not useful. That claim
is corroborated by Berger et al. [BSL+ 10] who report that eCos users
complain about the incompleteness of fixes on the mailing list.
Since we also need to satisfy the corresponding constraint to activate a
feature, activation is inherently the same as resolving a configuration error,
and the idea of fixes would also work for activation. As a result, a possible
solution for the above two problems is to generate fixes for both resolving
errors and activating features, and the list fixes should be complete so that the
user can choose the one he wants.
To achieve this goal, two main challenges need to be addressed. First, a
previous study of eCos models [PNX+ 11] shows that non-Boolean operators,
such as arithmetic, inequality, and string operators, are quite common in their
constraints. In fact, the models contain four to six times more non-Boolean
constraints than Boolean ones. Non-Boolean constraints are challenging since
there is often an infinite number of ways to satisfy them. Computing such
infinite list of fixes is pointless. Thus, a compact and intensional representation
of fixes is needed. Second, many existing approaches rely on constraint solvers
8.1 Open Issues 143

to generate fixes, either using solvers for MAXSAT/MAXSMT [JM11] or the

optimizing capability of CSP solvers [WSB+ 08]. However, all these solvers
return only one result per call, which is not easily applicable to the generation
of complete lists of fixes. A new method to generate complete lists of fixes still
needs to be found.
This chapter relaxes the strong hypothesis that FMs are entirely Boolean
to fully address the configuration challenges in operating systems. Our contri-
bution is threefold:

Range fixes. We propose a novel concept, range fix (Section 7.2),to address
the first challenge. Instead of telling users what concrete changes should
be made, a range fix tells them what options should be changed and in
what range the value of each option can be chosen. A range fix can repre-
sent infinite number of concrete fixes and still retains the goal of assisting
the user to satisfy constraints. Particularly, we discuss the desired prop-
erties of range fixes, which formalize the requirement of the fix generation
problem. In addition, we also discuss how constraint interactions should
be handled in our framework (Section 8.5).

Fix generation algorithm. We designed an algorithm that generates range

fixes automatically (Section 8.4) to address the second challenge. Our
algorithm builds upon Reiter’s theory of diagnosis [Rei87, GSW89] and
SMT solvers [DMB08]. Additionally, our algorithm is designed for a
general representation of constraints and variables, which makes it po-
tentially useful in other areas such as debugging.

Evaluation with eCos. Our algorithm is (1) applied on eCos CDL (Sec-
tion 8.6) and (2) evaluated on data from five open source projects using
eCos (Section 8.7). The evaluation compares three different fix genera-
tion strategies and concludes that the propagation strategy is the most
effective one on our dataset. Specifically, for a total of 117 constraint
violations, the evaluation of the propagation strategy shows that our no-
tion of range fix leads to mostly simple yet complete sets of fixes (83%
of the fix lists have sizes smaller than 10, where the size is measured
by summing up the number of variables in all the fixes in the list). It
also demonstrates that our algorithm can generate fixes for models con-
taining hundreds of options and constraints in an average of 50ms and a
maximum of 245ms.

Finally, we discuss threats to validity in Section 8.8, the related work in

Section 8.9, and conclude in Section 8.10 with two issues on the application of
range fixes to collaborative FBC.
144 8 Towards Conflict Management

8.2 Working Example: eCos

We motivate our work with a concrete example based on the eCos configurator
[VD01]. Figure 8.1 shows a small model for configuring an object pool. The
left panel shows a set of options that can be changed by the user, organized
into a tree. The lower-right panel shows the properties of the current option,
defined according to the eCos models. Particularly, the flavor property indi-
cates whether the option is a Boolean option or a data option. A Boolean
option can be either selected or unselected; a data option can be assigned an
integer or a string value. In Figure 8.1, “Pre-Allocation Size” is a data option;
“Use Pre-Allocation” is a Boolean option.
Besides the flavor, each option may also declare constraints using requires
property or active-if property. When a requires constraint is violated, an error
is reported in the upper-right panel. In Figure 8.1, option “Pre-Allocation Size”
declares a requires constraint demanding its value be smaller than or equal to
“Object Pool Size”; and an error is reported because the constraint is violated.
An active-if constraint implements the error avoidance mechanism. When
it is violated, the option is disabled in the GUI and its value is considered as
zero. Figure 8.2 shows the properties of the “Startup” option. This option
declares that at most half of the object pool can be pre-allocated. Since this
constraint is violated, the “Startup” option is disabled, and the user cannot
change its value.

Figure 8.2 – Option “Startup”

Fixing a configuration error or activating an option requires satisfying the

corresponding constraints. In order to fix the error on “Pre Allocation Size” in
Figure 8.1, we need to look up the definition of “Object Pool Size”. In Figure 8.3,
we see that “Object Pool Size” declares a calculated property meaning that the
value of the option cannot be modified by the user. Instead, it is determined by
a declared expression. As a result, the constraint declared on “Pre-Allocation
Size” is, in fact, the following:
Pre_Allocation_Size <= Buffer_Size * 1024 / Object_Size
Furthermore, according to the CDL semantics, a constraint is effective—and
thus considered by the error checking system—only when its containing option
is active. An option is active only when its active-if constraint is satisfied and
its parent option is selected. “Pre-Allocation Size” has a parent, yielding the
following complete constraint:
8.3 Range Fixes 145

Figure 8.3 – Option “Object Pool Size”

Use_Pre_Allocation -> (Pre_Allocation_Size <=

Buffer_Size * 1024 / Object_Size)
By analyzing the constraint, we realize that we may fix the error by one of
the following changes: decreasing “Pre-Allocation Size”, or increasing “Buffer
Size”, or decreasing “Object Size”, or, more simply, disabling the pre-allocation
function. Now we could choose one of these possibilities and navigate to the
respective option to make the change.
This example shows that there are three sub-tasks for enabling a constraint.
First, the user needs to figure out the complete constraint according to the con-
straint language. Since variability languages often have fairly complex seman-
tics on visibility and value control [BSL+ 10], it is very easy to overlook some
part of the constraint. Secondly, users need to analyse the constraint and figure
out how to change the options to make it satisfied. In practice, constraints can
be very large. One constraint we have found in a CDL model contains 55 op-
tions references and 35 constants, connected by 66 logical, arithmetic and string
operators. It is very difficult to analyse such a large constraint. Thirdly, users
have to navigate to the corresponding options and make the changes. Real
world variability models contain thousands of options, e.g., an eCos model
was reported [BSL+ 10] to contain 1244 options, which makes navigation very
cumbersome [HXC11].

8.3 Range Fixes

8.3.1 Overview of the solution

Our approach automatically generates a list of range fixes to help satisfy a
constraint. For the error in Figure 8.1, we will generate the following fixes.

• [Use_Pre_Allocation := false]

• [Pre_Allocation_Size: Pre_Allocation_Size <= 8]

• [Buffer_Size: Buffer_Size >= 5]

• [Object_Size: Object_Size <= 4096]

146 8 Towards Conflict Management

Each range fix consists of two parts: the option to be changed and a con-
straint over the options showing the range of values. The first range fix is also
a concrete assignment, and will be automatically applied when selected.
The other fixes are ranges. If the user selects, for example, the second fix,
the configurator will highlight option “Pre-Allocation Size”, prompt the range
“ <=8”, and ask the user to select a value in the range.

8.3.2 Definitions
Although feature modelling languages have different constructs and semantics,
existing work [SHTB07, CW07, BS10a, BSL+ 10] shows that they basically boil
down to a set of variables (options) and a set of constraints. Our approach also
builds upon this principle.
In essence, a feature modelling language provides a universe of typed vari-
ables V, and a constraint language Φ(V) for writing quantifier-free predicate
logic constraints over V. Consequently, a constraint violation can be defined
as follows.
Definition 8.1 Constraint violation
A constraint violation consists of a tuple (V, e, c), where V ⊆ V is a set of typed
variables; the current configuration e is a function assigning a type-correct value
to each variable; and c ∈ Φ(V ) is a constraint over V violated by e. 

A fix generation problem for a violation (V, e, c) is to find a set of range fixes
to help users produce a new configuration e0 such that c is satisfied, denoted
as e0 |= c.
Consider the following example of a constraint violation:

V : {m : Bool, a : Int, b : Int}

e : {m = true, a = 6, b = 5} (8.1)
c : (m → a > 10) ∧ (¬m → b > 10) ∧ (a < b)

All range fixes we have seen so far change only one variable, but more
complex fixes are sometimes inevitable. For example, we cannot solve viola-
tion (8.1) by changing only one variable. Several alternative fixes are possible:

• [m := false, b : b > 10]

• [(a, b) : a > 10 ∧ a < b]

The first fix contains two parts separated by “,”, each changing a variable. We
call each part a fix unit. The second fix is more complex. This fix contains only
one fix unit, but the range of this fix unit is defined on two variables. When
the fix is executed, the user has to choose a value for each variable within the
8.3 Range Fixes 147

Taking the above forms into consideration, we can define a range fix. A
range fix r for a violation (V, e, c) is a set of fix units. A fix unit can be
either an assignment unit or a range unit. An assignment unit has the form
of “var := val” where var ∈ V is a variable and val is a value conforming to
the type of var. A range unit has the form of “U : cstrt”, where U ⊆ V is a
set of variables and cstrt ∈ Φ(U ) is a satisfiable constraint over U specifying
the new ranges of the variables. A technical requirement is that the variables
in fix units should be disjoint, otherwise two different values may be assigned
to one variable.
We use r.V to denote the set of the variables to be changed in all units.
We use r.c to denote the conjunction of the constraints from all units. The
constraint from an assignment unit “var := val” is var = val, and the con-
straint from a range unit “U : cstrt” is cstrt. For example, let r be the range
fix [m := false, b : b > 10], then r.V = {m, b} and r.c is m = false ∧ b > 10.
Applying range fix r of violation (V, e, c) to e will produce a new configura-
tion interactively. We denote all possible configurations that can be produced
by applying r to e as r . e, where r . e = {e0 | e0 |= r.c ∧ ∀v ∈ V (e0 (v) 6= e(v) →
v ∈ r.V )}

8.3.3 Desired Properties

A simple way to generate a fix from a violated constraint is to produce a
range unit where the changed variables are all variables in this constraint and
the range of these variables is the constraint itself. For example, the fix for
violation (8.1) could be [(m, a, b) : (m → a > 10) ∧ (¬m → b > 10) ∧ (a < b)].
However, such a fix is as difficult to understand as the original constraint. In
this subsection, we discuss the desired properties of range fixes.
Suppose r is a range fix for a violation (V, e, c). The first desired property
is that a range fix should be correct: all configurations that can be produced
from the fix must satisfy the constraint.
Property 8.1 Correctness
∀e0 ∈ (r . e), e0 |= c

Each value currently assigned to a variable is a configuration decision made

by the user, and a fix should alter as few decisions as possible. The second
desired property is thus that a fix should change a minimal set of variables.
For example, [m := true, b : b > 10] is preferable to [m := true, b : b > 10, a :
a = 9] because the latter unnecessarily changes a, which does not contribute
to the satisfaction of the constraints.
Property 8.2 Minimality of variables
There exists no fix r0 for (V, e, c) such that r0 is correct and r0 .V ⊂ r.V .
148 8 Towards Conflict Management

Minimal fixes, however, might not cover all possible changes that resolve a
violation, and these uncovered cases might be preferred by some users. How-
ever, as our evaluation will show, minimality is good heuristics in practice.
Thirdly, after determining a set of variables, we would like to present
the maximal range of the variables. The reason is simple: extending the
range over the same set of variables gives more choices, and usually neither
decreases readability nor affects more existing user decisions. For example,
[m := true, b : b > 10] is better than [m := true, b : b > 11] because it covers
a wider range on b.
Property 8.3 Maximality of ranges
There exists no fix r0 for (V, e, c) such that r0 is correct, r0 .V = r.V and (r.e) ⊂
(r0 . e).

Fourthly, after deciding the range over the variables, we would like to rep-
resent the range in the simplest way possible. Thus, another desired property
is that a fix unit should change as few variables as possible. In other words, no
fix unit can be divided into smaller equivalent fix units. We call this property
minimality of units.
However, as we treat Φ as a general notion, our generation algorithm cannot
ensure all fix units are minimal. Therefore we do not treat this property as
part of the formal requirement. However, this does not seem to be a limitation
in practice; all fix units generated in our evaluation contain only one variable,
which are minimal by construction.
Armed with these properties of range fixes, we can define the completeness
of a list of fixes. Since the same constraint can be represented in different ways,
we need to consider the semantic equivalence of fixes. Two fixes r and r0 are
semantically equivalent if (r . e) = (r0 . e), otherwise they are semantically
Property 8.4 Completeness of fix lists
Given a constraint violation (V, e, c), a list of fixes L is complete iff
• any two fixes in L are semantically different,
• each fix in L satisfies Property 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3.
• and any fix that satisfies Property 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3 is semantically equiv-
alent to a fix in L

Thus, a fix generation problem is to find a complete list of fixes for a given
constraint violation (V, e, c).
8.4 Fix Generation Algorithm 149

8.4 Fix Generation Algorithm

In Section 8.3.3 we claimed that a fix should change a minimal set of variables
and have a maximal range. As a result, our generation algorithm consists of
three steps. (i) We find all minimal sets of variables that need to be changed.
For example, in violation (8.1), a minimal set of variables to change is D =
{m, b}. (ii) For each such set of variables, we replace any unchanged variable
in c by its current value, obtaining a maximal range of the variables. In the
example, we replace a by 6 and get (m → 6 > 10) ∧ (¬m → b > 10) ∧ (6 < b).
(iii) We simplify the range to get a set of minimal, or close to minimal, fix
units. In the example we will get [m := true, b : b > 10]. Step (ii) is trivial
and does not demand further developments. We now concentrate on steps (i)
and (iii).

8.4.1 From constraint and configuration to variable sets

To collect all minimal variable sets, we resort to Reiter’s theory of diagnosis
[Rei87]. This theory defines the problem of diagnosis, and gives an incom-
plete algorithm for solving the problem. This algorithm was later corrected
by Greiner et al. [GSW89] and is now known as HS-DAG algorithm. Funda-
mentally, Reiter’s theory assumes constraint sets that can be split into hard
and soft constraints. The set of hard constraints is invariable and assumed
satisfiable. The set of soft constraints can be altered and also be unsatisfiable.
A diagnosis is a subset of soft constraints that, when removed from the set,
restores the satisfiability of the whole set. The problem of diagnosis is to find
all minimal diagnoses from a set of hard and soft constraints.
Given the constraint violation (V, e, c), we convert the problem of finding
minimal variable sets to the problem of diagnosis by treating c as a hard con-
straint and converting e into soft constraints. For example, violation (8.1) can
be converted into the following constraint set.
Hard constraint (c):
[0] (m → a > 10) ∧ (¬m → b > 10) ∧ (a < b)
Soft constraints (e):
[1] m = true
[2] a = 6
[3] b = 5

To make the whole set satisfiable, we need to remove at least constraints {1, 3}
or constraints {2, 3}, which correspond to two variable sets {m, b} and {a, b}.
To find all diagnoses, Reiter’s theory uses an ability of most SAT/SMT
solvers: finding an unsatisfiable core. An unsatisfiable core is a subset of the
soft constraints that is still unsatisfiable. For example, the above constraint
set has two unsatisfiable cores {1, 2} and {3}.
150 8 Towards Conflict Management

If we cancel a constraint from each unsatisfiable core, we get a diagnosis.

The HS-DAG algorithm implements this idea by building a DAG, such that
each node is labelled either by an unsatisfiable core or SAT, and each arc is
labelled by a constraint that is cancelled. The union of the labels on every
path from the root to a SAT node defines a diagnosis.


1 2

{3} {3}

3 3


Figure 8.4 – HS-DAG

Figure 8.4 shows an HS-DAG for the above example. Suppose the constraint
solver initially returns the unsatisfiable core {1, 2}, and a root node is created
for this core. Then we build an arc for each constraint in the core. In this case,
we build two arcs 1 and 2. The left arc is 1, so we remove constraint [1] from
the set, and invoke the constraint solver again. This time the constraint solver
returns {3}. We remove constraint [3] and now the constraint set is satisfiable.
We create a node SAT for the edge. Similarly, we repeat the same steps for all
other edges until all paths reach SAT. Finally, each path from the root to the
leaf is a diagnosis. In this case, we have {1, 3} and {2, 3}.
This process alone cannot ensure that the generated diagnoses are minimal.
To ensure it, three additional rules are applied to the algorithm. The details
of these rules can be found in [GSW89]. Greiner et al. [GSW89] prove that
HS-DAG builds a complete set of minimal diagnosis after applying the three

8.4.2 From variable sets to fixes

Equipped with the minimal variable sets, we can substitute the configuration
values of the variables that do not belong to these sets into c (Step (ii)). Step
(iii) is to divide this modified constraint into smaller fix units.
Since the operators in the constraints differ from one language to the other,
this task is essentially domain-specific. Nevertheless, since we assume the con-
straint language is based on quantifier-free predicate logic, we can do some
general processing. The basic idea is to convert the constraint into conjunctive
8.4 Fix Generation Algorithm 151

normal form (CNF), and convert each clause into a fix unit. Yet, we still need
to carefully make sure the fix units are disjoint and are as simple as possible.
First, if the constraints contain any operators convertible to propositional
operators, we convert them into propositional operators. For example, eCos
constraints contain the conditional operator “:?” such as (m ? a : b) > 10. We
convert it into propositional operators: (¬m ∨ a > 10) ∧ (m ∨ b > 10).
Secondly, we convert the constraint into CNF. In our example, with {m, b},
we have (m → 6 > 10) ∧ (¬m → b > 10) ∧ (6 < b), which gives three clauses in
CNF: {¬m ∨ 6 > 10, m ∨ b > 10, 6 < b}.
Thirdly, we apply the following rules repetitively until we reach a fixed
Rule 1 Apply constant folding to all clauses.
Rule 2 If a clause contains only one literal, delete the negation of this literal
from all other clauses.
Rule 3 If a clause C1 contains all literals in C2 , delete C1 .
Rule 4 If a clause taking the form of v = c where v is a variable and c is a
constant, replace all occurrences of v with c.
In our example, applying Rule 1 to the above CNF, we get {¬m, m ∨ b >
10, 6 < b}. Apply Rule 2 to the above CNF, we get {¬m, b > 10, 6 < b}. No
further rule can be applied to this CNF.
Fourthly, two clauses are merged into one if they share variables. In the
example, we have {¬m, b > 10 ∧ 6 < b}.
Fifthly, we apply any domain specific rules to simplify the constraints in
each clause, or divide the clause into smaller, disjoint ones. These rules are
designed according to the types of operators used in the constraint language.
In our current implementations of CDL expressions, we use two types of rules.
First, for clauses containing only linear equations or inequalities with one vari-
able, we solve them and merge the result. Secondly, we eliminate some ob-
viously eliminable operators, such as replacing a + 0 with a. We also apply
Rule 1 and Rule 4 shown above during the process. In the example, the second
clause consists of two linear inequalities, we solve the inequalities and merge
the ranges on b, we get {¬m, b > 10}.
Finally, we convert each clause into a fix unit. If the clause has the form of
v, ¬v, or v = c, we convert it into an assignment unit, otherwise we convert it
into a range unit. In the example, we convert ¬m into an assignment unit and
b > 10 into a range unit and get [m := false, b : b > 10].
As mentioned before, the above algorithm does not guarantee the fix units
are minimal. The reason is that we cannot ensure that the domain-specific rules
in the fifth step are complete, since some common operators such as those on
strings are undecidable in general [BTV09].
152 8 Towards Conflict Management

8.5 Constraint Interaction

So far we have only considered range fixes for one constraint. However, the
constraints in variability models are often interrelated; satisfying one constraint
might violate another. As a result, we have to consider multi-constraint viola-
tion rather than single-constraint violation.
Definition 8.2 Multi-constraint violation
A multi-constraint violation is a tuple (V, e, c, C), where V and e are un-
changed, c is the currently violated constraint, and C is the set of constraints
defined in the model and satisfied by e. 

The following example shows how a fix satisfying c can conflict with other
constraints in C that were previously satisfied.

V : {m : Bool, n : Bool, x : Bool, y : Bool, z : Bool}

e : {m = true, n = false, x = false,
y = false, z = false}
c : m∧n (8.2)
C : {c2 , c3 } where
c2 : n → (x ∨ y)
c3 : x → z

If we generate a fix from (V, e, c), we obtain r = [n := true]. However, applying

this fix will violate c2 .
Existing work has proposed three different strategies to deal with this prob-
lem; each has its own advantages and disadvantages. We now revisit these
three strategies, and show that they can all be used with range fix generation
by converting a multi-constraint violation into a single-constraint one. In the
evaluation section (Section 8.7) we will give a comparison of the three strate-

All constraints in C are simply ignored, and only fixes for (V, e, c) are gener-
ated. This strategy is used in fix generation approaches considering only one
constraint [NEF03]. This strategy does not solve the constraint interaction
problem at all. However, it has its merits: first, the fixes are only related to
the violated constraint, which makes it easier for the user to comprehend the
relation between the fixes and the constraints; secondly, this strategy does not
suffer from the problems of incomplete fix list and large fix list, unlike the two
others; thirdly, this strategy requires the least computation effort and is the
easiest to implement.
8.5 Constraint Interaction 153


When a fix violates other satisfied constraints, it is excluded from the list
of fixes, i.e., the fix is “eliminated” by other constraints. In the example in
violation (8.2), fix r will violate c2 and thus is excluded from the generated fix
set. This strategy is proposed by Egyed et al. [ELF08] and used in their UML
fix generation tool.
To apply this strategy to range fix generation, we first find a subset of
C that shares variables with c, then replace the variables not in c with their
current values in e, and connect all constraints by conjunctions. For example,
to apply the elimination strategy to violation (8.2), we first find the constraints
sharing variables with c, which includes only c2, and then replace x and y in c2
with their current values, getting c02 = n → false ∨ false. Then we generate
fixes for (V, e, c ∧ c02 ).
Although the elimination strategy prevents the violation of new constraints,
it has two noticeable drawbacks. First, it excludes many potentially useful
fixes. In many cases, it is inevitable to bring new errors during error resolution.
Simply excluding fixes will only provide less help to the user. In our example,
we will get an empty fix set, which does not help the user resolve the error.
Secondly, since we need to deal with the conjunction of several constraints,
the resulting constraint is much more complex than the original one. Our
evaluation showed that some conjunctions can count more than ten constraints.
Nevertheless, compared to the propagation strategy, this increase in complexity
is still small.


When a fix violates other constraints, we further modify variables in the vi-
olated constraints to keep these constraints satisfied. In this case, the fix is
“propagated” through other constraints. For example, fix r will violate c2 ,
so we further modify variables x or y to satisfy c2 . Then the modification
of x will violate c3 , and we further modify z. In the end, we get two fixes
[n := true, x := true, z := true] and [n := true, y := true]. This approach is
used in the eCos configuration tool [VD01], and the feature model diagnosis
approach proposed by White et al. [WSB+ 08].
To apply this strategy, we first perform a static slicing on C to get a set
of constraints directly or indirectly related to c. More concretely, we start
from a set D containing only c. If a constraint c0 shares any variable with any
constraint in D, we add c0 to D. We keep adding constraints until we reach a
fixed point. Then we make a conjunction of all constraints in D, and generate
fixes for the conjunction. For example, if we want to apply the propagation
strategy to violation (8.2), we start with D = {c1 }, then we add c2 because it
154 8 Towards Conflict Management

shares n with c1 , next we add c3 because it shares x with c2 . Now we reach a

fixed point. Finally, we generate fixes for (V, e, c1 ∧ c2 ∧ c3 ).
The propagation strategy ensures that no satisfied constraint is violated,
and no fix is eliminated. However, there are two new problems. First, the
performance cost is the highest among the three strategies. The constraints in
real-world models are highly interrelated. In large models, the strategy often
led to conjunctions of hundreds of constraints. The complexity of analyzing
such large conjunctions is significantly higher than analyzing a single constraint.
Secondly, since many constraints are considered together, this strategy poten-
tially leads to large fixes (i.e., fixes that modify a large set of variables), and
large number of fixes, which are not easy to read and to apply.

8.6 Implementation

We have implemented a command-line tool generating fixes for eCos CDL using
the Microsoft Z3 SMT solver [DMB08]. Our tool takes a CDL configuration
as input, and automatically generates fixes for each configuration error found.
Alternatively, the user can enter an option to activate via the command-line
interface, and our tool generates fixes to activate this option.
To implement our algorithm, one important step is to convert the constraint
in the CDL model into the standard input format of the SMT solver: SMT-LIB
[BST10]. To perform this task, we carefully studied the formal semantics of
CDL [Xio11, BS10a] through reverse engineering from the configurators and
the documents. We faced two problems during the conversion. First, CDL is
an untyped language, while SMT-LIB is a typed language. To convert CDL,
we implement a type inference algorithm to infer the types of the options based
on their uses. When a unique type cannot be inferred or type conflicts occur,
we manually decide the feature types.
The second problem is dealing with string constraints. The satisfiability
problem of string constraints is undecidable in general [BTV09], and general
SMT solvers do not support string constraints [DMB08]. Yet, string constraints
are heavily used in CDL models. Nevertheless, our previous study on CDL con-
straints [PNX+ 11] actually shows that the string constraints used in real world
models employ a set semantics: a string is considered as a set of substrings sep-
arated by spaces, and string functions are actually set operations. For example,
is_substr is actually a set member test. Based on this discovery, we encode
each string as a bit vector, where each bit indicates whether a particular sub-
string is present or not. Since in fix generation we will never need to introduce
new substrings, the size of the bit vector is always finite and can be determined
by collecting all substrings in the model and the current configuration.
8.7 Evaluation 155

Table 8.1 – Real World Configuration Files

Architecture Project Options Constraints Changes

virtex4 ReconOS 933 330 49
xilinx ReconOS 765 272 53
ea2468 redboot4lpc 658 96 14
aki3068net Talktic 817 195 3
gps4020 PSAS 535 85 23
arcom-viper libcyt 771 189 26

8.7 Evaluation

8.7.1 Methodology
Our algorithm ensures Properties 1-4 for the generated range fixes. However, to
really know whether the approach works in practice, several research questions
need to be answered by empirical evaluation:

• RQ8.1 How complex are the generated fix lists?

• RQ8.2 How often are the final user changes covered by our fixes?

• RQ8.3 How efficient is our algorithm?

• RQ8.4 Does our approach cover more user changes than existing ap-

• RQ8.5 What are the differences among the three strategies?

The evaluation uses 6 eCos configuration files from 5 eCos-based open-

source projects (Table 8.1). Each file targets a different hardware architec-
ture (the first column in Table 8.1); each architecture uses a different mixture
of eCos packages, yielding variability models with different options and con-
straints (columns three and four). The configuration process for a given model
starts from the model’s default configuration; the last column in Table 8.1
specifies the number of changes made by a project to a default configuration.
The evaluation needs a set of real-world constraint violations. Interestingly,
the default configuration for each model already contains errors—violations of
requires constraints. The first column in Table 8.2 shows their numbers. The
models share common core packages, causing duplicated errors. A set of 68
errors from defaults remain after removing duplicates.
For RQ2 and RQ4, we attempt to recover the sequence of user changes from
the revision history of the configuration files. We assume that the user starts
from the default configuration and solves errors from defaults by accepting
156 8 Towards Conflict Management

Table 8.2 – Constraint violations

Architecture Errors in defaults Errors in changes Activating

virtex4 56 5 15
xilinx 48 1 2
ea2468 8 8 1
aki3068net 26 3 0
gps4020 12 10 4
arcom-viper 26 0 0

the suggestions from the eCos configurator. We record this corrected default
configuration as the first version. Then we diff each pair of consecutive revisions
to find changes to options. Next we replay these changes to simulate the real
configuration process. Since we do not know the order of changes within a
revision, we use three orders: a top-down exploration of the configuration file,
a bottom-up one, and a random one. The rationale for the first two orders is
that expert users usually edit the textual configuration file directly rather than
using the graphical configurator. In this case, they will read the options in the
order that they appear in the file, or the inverse if they scroll from bottom to
We replay the changes as just explained and collect (i) errors—violating
requires constraints—and (ii) activation violations. An activation violation
occurs when an option value should be changed, but is currently inactive. The
last two columns in Table 8.2 show the numbers of the resulting violations
from changes. After duplicate removal, 27 errors and 22 activation violations
remain; together with the first dataset, we have a total of 117 multi-constraint
Finally, we invoke our tool to generate fixes for the 117 violations. For
RQ4, we also invoke the built-in fix generator of the eCos configurator on the
27 errors from the user changes. The activation violations are not compared
because they are not supported by the eCos configurator. The experiments
were executed on a computer with an Intel Core i5 2.4 GHz CPU and 4 GB

8.7.2 Results

We first give the results for RQ8.1-RQ8.4 using the propagation strategy. We
answer RQ8.5 by presenting the comparison of the three strategies last.
8.7 Evaluation 157


Number of violations
0 1 2 3 4 5 8 9
Number of fixes

Figure 8.5 – The number of fixes per violation

Number of fixes




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Number of variables per fix

Figure 8.6 – The number of variables per fix

To answer RQ8.1, we first consider two basic measures over the 117 violations:
the distribution of the number of fixes per violation (see Figure 8.5), and the
distribution of the number of variables changed by each fix (see Figure 8.6).
From these figures we see that most fix lists are short and most fixes change a
small number of variables. More concretely, 95% of the fix lists contain at most
five fixes, and 75% of the fixes change less than five variables. There is also
an activation violation that did not produce any fix. A deeper investigation of
this violation revealed that the option is not supported by the current hardware
architecture, and cannot be activated without introducing new configuration
errors. The extracted changes actually lead to an unsolved configuration error
in the subsequent version.
It is still unclear how the combination of fix number and fix size affect the
size of a fix list, and how the large fixes and long lists are distributed in the
violations. To understand this, we measure the size of a fix list. The size of
a fix list is defined as the sum of the number of variables in each fix. The
result is shown in Figure 8.7. From the figure we can see that the propagation
strategy does lead to large fix lists. The largest involves 58 variables, which is
158 8 Towards Conflict Management

Number of violations




0 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 16182338565758
Number of variables per violation

Figure 8.7 – The sizes of fix lists

not easily readable. However, the long lists and large fixes tend to appear only
on a relatively few number of violations, and the majority of the fix lists are
still small: 83% of the violations contains less than 10 variables.
We also measure the number of variables in each fix unit to understand
how large the fix units are. It turns out that every fix unit contains only one
variable. This shows that (1) “minimality of fix units” effectively holds on all
the violations, and (2) ranges declared on more than one variable (such as the
second fix for violation (8.1)) have never appeared in the evaluation.


Given an error or activation violation, we examined the change history to

identify a subsequent configuration that corrected the problem. To answer
RQ8.2, we checked if the values in the corrected configuration fell within one
of the ranges proposed by our generated fixes.
There are in total 47 out of 49 violations with subsequent corrections in our
dataset. The fixes generated by our tool covered 46 of these violations (98%).
An investigation into the remaining violations showed that the erroneous option
discussed in RQ8.1 is responsible for that discrepancy. Since the propagation
strategy ensures no new error is introduced, the resolved value from the dataset
was not proposed as a fix.


For each of the 117 violations, we invoked the fix generator 100 times, and
calculated the average time. The result is presented as a density graph in
Figure 8.8. It shows that most fixes are generated within 100 ms. Some fixes
require about 200 ms, which is still acceptable for interactive tools.
8.7 Evaluation 159

Density of violations
50 100 150 200
Generation Time (ms)

Figure 8.8 – Fix generation time

We measure whether the fixes proposed by the eCos configurator cover the user
changes in the same way as in RQ8.2. Since the eCos configurator is unable to
handle the activation violations, we measure only error resolutions. There are
26 out of 27 errors that have subsequent corrections. The eCos configurator
was able to handle 19 of the 26 errors, giving a coverage of 73%. Comparatively,
our tool covered all 26 errors.

As discussed in Section 8.5, the propagation strategy potentially produces large
fix lists. At this stage, we would like to know if the other two strategies actually
produce simpler fixes. We compare the size of fix lists generated by the three
strategies in Figure 8.9. The elimination and ignorance strategies completely
avoid large fix lists, with the largest fix list containing four variables in total.
The elimination strategy changes even fewer variables because some of the
larger fixes are eliminated.
We also compare the generation time of the three strategies. For all viola-
tions, the average generation time for the propagation strategy is 50ms, while
the elimination strategy is 20ms and the ignorance strategy is 17ms. Since the
overall generation time is small, it does not make a big difference in tooling.
Next, we want to understand to what extent the other two strategies affect
completeness or bring new errors. First we see that the elimination strategy
does not generate fixes for 17 violations. This is significantly more than the
ignorance and propagation strategies, which have zero and one violation, re-
spectively. We measure the coverage of user changes using the elimination
strategy. In the 47 violations, only 27 are covered, giving a coverage of 57%.
This is even lower than the eCos configurator, which generates only one fix,
showing that a lot of useful fixes were eliminated by this strategy.
160 8 Towards Conflict Management


Number of violations



0 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 16 18 23 38 56 57 58
Number of variables

Figure 8.9 – The sizes of fix lists in the three strategies

The problem of the ignorance strategy is that it may bring new errors.
To see how frequently a fix brings new errors, we compare the fix list of the
ignorance strategy with the fix list of the elimination strategy. If a fix does
not appear in the list of the elimination strategy, it may potentially bring new
errors. As a result, 32% of the fixes generated by the ignorance strategy bring
new errors, which covers 44% of the constraint violations. This shows that
the constraints in practice are usually inter-related and the ignorance strategy
potentially causes new errors in many cases.

8.8 Threats to Validity

We see two main threats to external validity. First, we have evaluated our ap-
proach on one variability language. However, Berger et al. [BSL+ 10] study and
compare three variability languages—CDL, Kconfig and feature modeling—and
find that CDL has the most complex constructs for declaring constraints, and
constraints in CDL models are significantly more complex than those in Kcon-
fig models. Thus, our result is probably generalizable to the other two other
The second threat is that our evaluation is a simulation rather than an
actual configuration process. We address this threat by using the models of
six architectures and configurations gathered from five projects. The configu-
rations and changes have a wide range of characteristics as shown in Tables 8.1
and 8.2. However, it still may be that these changes are not representative of
the problems that real users encountered. We hope to address this threat by
running a user study in industry settings in the future.
A threat to internal validity is that our translation of CDL into logic con-
8.9 Related Work 161

straints could be incorrect. To address this threat, we have developed a formal

specification of CDL semantics in functional style, in addition to the one de-
veloped by Berger et al. [BS10a]. We have carefully inspected and compared
both against each other and tested them on examples with respect to the eCos

8.9 Related Work

The idea of automatic fix generation is not new. Nentwich et al. [NEF03] pro-
pose an approach that generates abstract fixes from first-order logic rules. Their
fixes are abstract because they only specify the variables to change and trust
the user to chose a correct value. In contrast, our approach also gives the range
of values for a variable. Furthermore, their approach only supports “=” and
“6=” as predicates and, thereby, cannot handle models like eCos. Scheffczyk et
al. [SRBS04] enhance Nentwich et al. ’s approach by generating concrete fixes.
However, this approach requires manually writing fix generation procedures
for each predicate used in each constraint, which is not suitable for variability
models, often containing hundreds of constraints. Egyed et al. [ELF08] propose
to write such procedures for each type of variable rather than each constraint
to reduce the amount of code written and apply this idea to UML fix genera-
tion. Yet, in variability models, the number of variables is often larger than the
number of constraints. The actual reduction of code is thus not clear. Jose et
al. [JM11] generate fixes for programming bugs. They first identify the poten-
tially flawed statements using MAXSAT analysis, and then propose fixes based
on heuristic rules. However, their heuristic rules are specific to programming
languages and are not easily applicable to software configuration. Also, they
propose at most one fix each time rather than a complete list.
Fix generation approaches for variability models also exist. The eCos config-
urator [VD01] has an internal fix generator, producing fixes for a selected error
or on-the-fly when the user changes the configuration. White et al. [WSB+ 08]
propose an approach to generate fixes that resolve all errors in one step. How-
ever, both approaches can only produce one fix rather than a complete list. Fur-
thermore, they have very limited support of non-Boolean constraints. White et
al. ’s approach does not handle non-Boolean constraints at all, while the eCos
configurator supports only non-Boolean constraints in a simple form: v ⊕ c
where v is a variable, c is a constant, and ⊕ is an equality or inequality opera-
Another set of approaches maintain the consistency of a configuration. Valid
domains computation [HSJ+ 04, Men09] is an approach that propagates deci-
sions automatically. Initially all options are set to an unknown state. When
the user assigns a value to an option, it is recorded as a decision, and all other
options whose values are determined by this decision are automatically set.
162 8 Towards Conflict Management

In this way, no error can be introduced. Janota et al. [JBGMS10] propose

an approach to complete a partial configuration by automatically setting the
unknown options in a safe way. However, both approaches require that the
configuration starts with variables in the unknown state. Software configura-
tion in practice is often “reconfiguration” [BSL+ 10], i.e., the user starts with a
default configuration, and then makes changes to it. In reconfiguration cases,
variables are assigned concrete values rather than the unknown state. Further-
more, these approaches are designed for small finite domains, and it is not clear
whether they are scalable to large domains such as integers.
Several approaches have been proposed to test and debug the construction
of variability models themselves. Trinidad et al. [TBD+ 08] use Reiter’s theory
of diagnosis [Rei87] to detect several types of deficiencies in FODA feature
models. Wang et al. [WXH+ 10] automatically fix deficiencies based on the
priority assigned to constraints. These approaches target the construction of
variability models and cannot be easily migrated to configuration.
Others automatically fix errors without user intervention. Demsky and
Rinard [DR03] propose an approach to fix runtime data structure errors ac-
cording to the constraint on the data structure. Mani et al. [MSDS10] use
the hidden constraints in a transformation program to fix input model faults.
Xiong et al. [XHZ+ 09] propose a language to construct an error-fixing pro-
gram consistently and concisely. Compared to our approach, these approaches
also infer fixes from constraints, but they only need to generate one fix that is
automatically applied. Completeness is not considered by these approaches.
The HS-DAG algorithm is often used in combination with the QuickXPlain
algorithm [Jun04]. The QuickXPlain algorithm computes the preferred expla-
nations and relaxations for over-constrained problems. This combination has
been successfully applied in recommender systems to find the most represen-
tative relaxations of a set of requirements, i.e., those with highest likelihood of
being chosen by the users [FFJS04, JL06, FFS+ 09]. O’Sullivan et al. [OPFP07]
propose an alternative algorithm for the same problem. The most represen-
tative relaxations are then used to propose alternative solutions based on a
database of known operational solutions. The filtering of fixes is a possible
extension to our work.

8.10 Towards Collaborative Conflict Resolution

The fix generation algorithm lays the foundation stones for both individual and
collaborative conflict resolution. Until now, we implicitly assumed a single-user
mode in which conflicts are fixed as soon as they appear. This is in fact the most
frequent scenario played by Linux and eCos users [HXC12]. However, in col-
laborative environments, such as multi-view FBC, conflict resolution involves
several users. Several users means different viewpoints to reconcile, priorities
8.11 Chapter Summary 163

to respect, security policies to enforce (e.g., visibility and access rights), and
workflows to follow.
The collaborative context does not influence the execution of the fix gen-
eration algorithm; assuming the FM is shared by all the users. To reason
about the decisions from n users, the current configuration is determined by
the union of their decisions, i.e., e = e1 ∪ . . . ∪ en . Unlike the single-user
case, e could contain multiple assignments for the same variable. For instance,
the union of the two configurations e1 : {m = true, a = 12, b = 12} and
e2 : {m = true, a = 5, b = 6} contains different assignments for a and b, which
produce different fixes.
To tackle this problem, the inconsistent assignments can be corrected either
prior to generating fixes or during fix generation. Solving inconsistencies prior
to fix generation basically means presenting the users with a list of conflictual
assignments and asking them to agree on a common value. This approach
does not require any reasoning from the tool. The flip side of the medal is
that changing the values can introduce several new conflicts. Conversely, when
conflicting assignments are solved during conflict resolution, the generated fixes
will guarantee that no new conflict is introduced. This, however, comes at the
cost of potentially large and numerous fixes because all the combinations of
conflictual assignments have to be explored. The first challenge is to determine
which approach is most appropriate.
How and when a conflict is fixed is also an open question. Different merge
operations (e.g., three way merging and octopus merging) have been suc-
cessfully implemented in alternative SCM tools (e.g., Subversion [Apa11] and
Git [Git11]) and models (e.g., checkout/checkin, composition, long transaction,
and change set [Fei91]). Collaborative software development platforms like
IBM Jazz [IBM11] target distributed teams, and aim to achieve better pro-
ductivity and transparent result integration. Such tools and models establish
communication channels between users, and regulate their interactions. They
are the breeding ground for collaborative fix generation. The second challenge
is to accommodate the organizational constraints they impose with the input
and output of the fix generation algorithm.

8.11 Chapter Summary

Range fixes provide alternative solutions to constraint violations in software

configuration. They are correct, minimal in the number of variables per fix,
maximal in their ranges, and complete. We also evaluated three different strate-
gies for handling the interaction of constraints: ignorance, elimination, and
propagation. The evaluation with eCos showed that the propagation strat-
egy provides the most complete fix lists without introducing new errors, and
the fix sizes and generation times are within acceptable ranges. However, if
164 8 Towards Conflict Management

more complex situations are encountered, elimination or ignorance can provide

simpler fix lists and faster generation time, at the expense of completeness or
the guarantee not to introduce new errors. We finally discussed the challenges
ahead to integrate fix generation in collaborative software development.

A Toolset for Advanced
Feature-based Configuration

9.1 Overview

Chapters 5 to 8 laid the foundations for multi-view FMs, FCWs, and conflict de-
tection and resolution. We now present a toolset for FCW1 that has been imple-
mented by extending and integrating two third-party tools: SPLOT [Men10]2
and YAWL3 .
FM management with SPLOT. SPLOT is an open source web-based
system for editing, sharing, and configuring FMs. The public version of SPLOT
available online now gathers 100+ FMs that are all freely accessible. SPLOT
is developed in Java, and uses Freemarker4 and Dojo5 to handle the web front-
end. To provide efficient interactive configuration, SPLOT relies on a SAT
solver (SAT4J6 ) and a BDD solver (JavaBDD7 ). Their reasoning abilities en-
able decision propagation and critical debugging operations [Men09].
SPLOT was chosen because it provides a simple, yet robust, web-based
visual editor to create, edit, and configure FMs. Its servlet-based architec-
ture makes it easy to extend. Third-party software can interact with SPLOT
through web-services. The existing repository of FMs is also an excellent
testbed for our extensions. We extended it to support view creation, con-
figuration, and view-to-workflow mapping.

166 9 A Toolset for Advanced Feature-based Configuration

Workflow management with YAWL. The YAWL tool, named after

the language, is a full-fledged workflow management environment that enables
workflow modelling and analysis, and provides web service integration. The
workflow modelling tool is a standalone application implemented in Java while
the runtime environment is web-based.
The YAWL tool is developed based on a service-oriented architecture (SOA).
Third-party extensions are provided as web services that can add extra con-
trols and functionalities to the base system. The mapping to YAWL from other
languages such as BPMN, BPEL, and activity diagrams [WVvdA+ 09] adds an
extra level of genericity to our approach. Interactive services were added to
YAWL to start view-based configuration in SPLOT.
FCW Engine The cornerstone of this new configuration environment is
the FCW Engine, which we implemented from scratch. Its role is to manage
configuration sessions, convey the information between YAWL and SPLOT,
and monitor the whole configuration process.

9.2 Integrated Toolset

Figure 9.1 shows the essential components of our integrated toolset as well as
a typical usage scenario. All the elements under YAWL and SPLOT are web
service extensions. The newly developed FCW Engine minimizes the coupling
between YAWL and SPLOT. For clarity, we discuss the design and runtime
phases of the scenario separately. Then, we elaborate on user management
and explain how concurrent configuration is achieved. Design time activities
being independent of the configuration process, they can be performed either
during domain or application engineering [PBvdL05]. In other words, SPL
engineers are free to define a generic FCW during domain engineering, or they
can tailor an FCW for every application. To obtain more flexibility, configurable
workflows [GvdAJVLR07] could also be used during domain engineering, and
then configured during application engineering.

9.2.1 Design time: Configuration preparation

View specification in SPLOT. The specification of views is a parallel ac-
tivity to the design of the workflow (Ê). The Design views service is a new
extension to SPLOT that provides the user with a web form to specify and
edit FM views. A view is defined intensionally with an XPath-like expression
(see Section 5.3.2). Basically, the XPath expression specifies paths to features
in the FM that should be part of the view. A coverage test can be run to
verify that the whole FM can be configured through the defined views, i.e.,
that no feature can be left undecided after the views have been configured (see
Section 5.3.3). The views are then saved in an XML repository.
9.2 Integrated Toolset 167

1 2 1 Design
Design worflow Register workflow Design views Time

Specification Workflow View
Specification Specification
FCW Engine

FD & View
Session & Repository
Workflow Process
Repository Repository
Session 3 Map
Workflow & View
init Specifications views to
Workflow/View Runtime
Start workflow

Place 6 Place
[workflow Select view(s)
description description
active] Coordinate
Manage task configuration
execution 9
Configuration Configure view
Place status
status or
Retrieve view status

Repository Data (XML) Loop Data flow

Iteration Control flow
Activity Fork

Figure 9.1 – Overview of the essential components and typical use case scenario.

Workflow specification in YAWL and registration. The YAWL work-

flow editor allows to design the workflow and store it in the repository (Ê).
Some fundamental properties of the workflow can also be verified like (weak)
soundness (see Section 7.6.1). Internally, we link a YAWL custom service to
each task and condition. This service is responsible for monitoring the acti-
vation and completion of the associated task or condition. Once created and
checked, the workflow specification can be uploaded and registered in SPLOT
(Ë). During the registration process, the workflow is parsed and the informa-
tion necessary for the mapping with the views is extracted.
View-to-task mapping in SPLOT. The mapping of views to tasks is a
key activity as it determines when a view is going to be configured. We have
seen in Section 7.4 that a view not only has to be mapped to a task that triggers
its configuration, but also to a stop that tells when it should be fully configured.
The stop is materialized in the workflow by a condition. The mapping of a view
to its task and stop is performed in SPLOT (Ì). The mapping is correct and
168 9 A Toolset for Advanced Feature-based Configuration

complete when (1) all the views are mapped to exactly one task and one stop,
and (2) the coverage of the mapped views is complete.

9.2.2 Runtime: Product configuration

Workflow initialization in YAWL. The FCW Engine is a Java-based system
that drives the configuration process. Its first duty is to manage multiple
configuration sessions that can be started from YAWL (Í). As the workflow
is executed, the tasks and stops are activated, which calls the associated web
services (Î).
Configuration management with the FCW Engine.
The second duty of the FCW Engine is to control the progress of a con-
figuration session. The FCW Engine provides a control panel that allows to
monitor the status of tasks and conditions. The status of a task in a given
instance can either be Ready, Configured, or Completed. Similarly, the status
of the stops can either be Ready or Completed. The Coordinate configuration
service handles messages received from YAWL and SPLOT. When an element
is activated in YAWL, the web service sends its name, its type (task or condi-
tion), and the session information to the FCW Engine (Ï).
View-based Configuration in SPLOT. The FCW Engine initiates ei-
ther a view configuration request if the element is a task, or a configuration
status request if it is a condition. If it is a configuration request, SPLOT
loads the corresponding view (Ð). The user then has to choose one of the three
visualizations (see Section 5.3.4).
In the interactive configuration form, the user performs the configuration
by selecting/deselecting the features (Ñ). The existing services of SPLOT con-
trol the configuration process to guarantee that only valid decisions are made.
SPLOT has been extended to support partial and complete configuration, per-
sistency and recovery, and decision logging.
When the configuration of the view is terminated, the FCW Engine updates
the status of the task (Ò), and the user can mark the task as complete in YAWL
If the place is a condition, the FCW Engine requests the list of views at-
tached to the stop (Ð). SPLOT returns the status of each of the views to the
FCW Engine (Ñ), which then checks whether the stop is satisfied, i.e., whether
all the views are completely configured (Ò).
When the output condition is reached, the configuration stops, and the
final condition is checked. The resulting product can be retrieved from the
repository in SPLOT.
9.3 User Management 169

9.3 User Management

The mapping of a view to a task and a condition is only a technical step. The
actual assignment of a user to the configuration of a view is done in YAWL. The
toolset uses YAWL’s user management functionality [Ada10]. YAWL allows to
create users, and to customise several parameters such as roles, capabilities,
positions, groups and privileges. In the Spacebel case, for example, five users
are created: Spacebel, the reseller, the system engineer, the TMTC integrator,
and the network integrator.
At runtime, when a task is ready to be executed, the administrator of the
running instance of the FCW either assigns the task directly to a user or to a
role, meaning that all the users with the same role can execute it. When a user
logs in, he can only access and start the active tasks that have been assigned to
him. The user ID is part of the data that is communicated to the FCW Engine
and then relayed to SPLOT. This way, both the FCW Engine and SPLOT can
keep track of who made what decision and when.

9.4 Multi-view Feature Modelling

This section dwells upon the three core extensions for multi-view FBC provided
by the toolset.
The first extension enables view creation with XPath expressions. Fig-
ure 9.2 shows the view creation menu of SPLOT. The upper part shows the
FM of PloneMeeting. In the middle part, views can be created or edited. Here,
the User view is selected and the XPath expression that defines it is displayed.
The bottom part contains additional information identifying the creator of the
view. Finally, the Evaluate XPath Expression button checks that the XPath
expression is correct and shows the results of its evaluation. The Evaluate
Views Coverage button checks the completeness of the views and returns the
features that are not covered, if any. The last two buttons save, respectively
delete, the current view in the shared repository.
The actual configuration of a view is provided by the second extension. The
extension allows to select (1) the view to configure, and (2) the visualisation.
In Figure 9.3, the view of the User is selected and the pruned visualisation
is activated. Note the greyed Data feature: it can neither be selected nor
deselected. The stakeholder can switch freely from one visualisation to another
as she configures her view without loosing the decisions that were already made.
This way, we dynamically combine the advantages of the three visualisations
and leave the complete freedom to the stakeholder to choose the one(s) that
best fit(s) her preferences.
The table on the right monitors the status of the current configuration.
Basically, it tells what features have been selected or deselected, and which
170 9 A Toolset for Advanced Feature-based Configuration

Figure 9.2 – SPLOT view creation menu illustrated on the User view.

decisions were propagated. It also provides general information about the op-
erations performed by the SAT solver and the status of the configuration. The
latter is a good indicator of the work that remains after the configuration of
the view. As we have seen, the solver reasons about the full FM and not only
about individual views. This is important in practice. Recall that for the
collapsed visualisation, Section 5.5.2 concludes that the cardinalities produce
an under-constrained FM. Cardinalities are part of the constraints taken into
account by the solver. Thereby, the decision to select or deselect a feature in
the view is propagated in the complete model—keeping the global configura-
tion consistent. In the counter-example in Figure 5.6 for instance, the selection
of d in the view will automatically entail the selection of c, even though the
9.4 Multi-view Feature Modelling 171

Figure 9.3 – Configuration view of the User with the pruned visualisation in

recomputed cardinality does not enforce that propagation.

The third extension provides basic support for multi-user concurrent con-
figuration. At the time being, it only enables synchronous configuration. To
prevent conflictual decisions, a configuration session manager is used (see Sec-
tion 9.6). Its role is (1) to maintain a mutual exclusion on the configuration
engine so that only one user can commit a decision at a time, and (2) to notify
all the users of a decision and of the results of the propagation.
172 9 A Toolset for Advanced Feature-based Configuration

9.5 Verification and Execution

Design time verifications (Section 7.7) are performed after the mapping of views
onto the workflows (Ì). The mapping is then used to generate the transformed
workflow. Each individual workflow has then to be manually loaded in YAWL
for analysis. If the workflow requires corrections, it will have to be loaded in
SPLOT again and the mappings redefined.
Strong and weak dependency sets (Section 7.6) are also computed after
the mapping. They are stored in SPLOT with the view descriptions and the
mapping. The dependency sets are loaded by SPLOT when the configuration
menu of a given view is activated. The status of open features (Section 7.7) can
be obtained at any time during the configuration with the Check Open Feature
button. Open features are also automatically checked when the user exists the
configuration menu. Those that are not propositionally defined by the weak
and strong dependency sets are reported to the user.
Originally, a final check on open features was supposed to be performed by
the YAWL’s workflow management environment when a configuration task is
marked as completed. However, restrictions in YAWL’s source code did not
allow us to override or wrap the task completion method.

9.6 Concurrent Configuration Management

Two levels of concurrency can be achieved with the toolset. An FCW instance
defines the first level of concurrency and is basically a complete configuration
project. Each FCW instance is given an ID by the Registration service of the
FCW Engine, which allows to retrieve and load the proper configuration from
the repository. Within an FCW instance several configuration sessions can run
in parallel. That is the second level of concurrency. A configuration session is
the period during which a user executes a configuration task. Each part of the
toolset contributes to handle concurrent configuration.
YAWL has a built-in mechanism to run multiple instances of the same
workflow, where a particular instance is called a case. Users can switch between
running cases and proceed with their tasks in each individual case. YAWL thus
natively provides support for both levels of concurrency.
All the FCW instances and configuration sessions are monitored by the
FCW Engine. To manage concurrent sessions within the same FCW instance,
the FCW Engine coordinates users with active configuration tasks and forwards
the list of active users to SPLOT. SPLOT allocates distinct configuration spaces
for each FCW instance. To keep the configuration space consistent when mul-
tiple configuration sessions are simultaneously active, we have implemented a
basic conflict avoidance mechanism. In essence, an FCW Instance Manager is
created for every FCW instance. It plays two major roles. First, it controls
9.7 Chapter Summary 173

the access to the reasoning engine that preserves the consistency of the config-
uration space. Only the manager can submit decisions and receive propagation
results from the reasoning engine. Active users submit their decisions to the
manager. The manager maintains a lock on the reasoning engine so that only
one decision is processed at a time. This prevents conflictual decisions within
the same configuration space. Secondly, when a decision has been processed by
the reasoning engine, the manager notifies all the active users of the decision
and the results of the propagation. Only then does the manager release the
lock. That simple mechanism enables conflict-free synchronous configuration
of a multi-view FM.
The range fix algorithm still requires an extra layer on top of it to manage
user interactions before being integrated into the toolset. At the technical
level, the SMT solver used in our prototype (Z3) is a Microsoft product that
hardly blends in our open source environment. We are currently investigating
the replacement of Z3 by STP8 . Also, the expressiveness of SPLOT should
be extended to include non-Boolean variables to benefit from the complete
reasoning power of our algorithm.

9.7 Chapter Summary

This chapter brought together the contributions of Chapters 5–7 into a process-
aware and multi-user FBC toolset. Our ambition was to demonstrate the ap-
plicability and scalability of FBC tools with a prototype based on SPLOT to
support: (1) view editing, rendering and configuration; (2) views-to-workflow
mapping; (3) configuration persistency and recovery. Workflow execution is
supported through YAWL which was extended to monitor task and condition
execution and completion. An FCW Engine was created to control the interac-
tions between SPLOT and YAWL, and manage the configuration sessions. We
also implemented the design time and runtime analyses that ensure the proper
completion of the configuration process.
Inconsistencies during the concurrent configuration of the FM are prevented
by a lock on the configuration space. The underlying assumption here is that
views are configured synchronously. We have seen in Chapter 8 that this as-
sumption rarely holds in practice. We are now studying the application of
range fixes to concurrent configuration.

8 See


10.1 Our Vision

American naturalist, philosopher, and writer, Henry David Thoreau (1817–

1862) summarised in [Tho54] the vision behind this work:

If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that
is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.

Pressured by a demand for customisable products, manufacturers and soft-

ware vendors have adopted sophisticated configurators to manage variations
in context and requirements. Configuration options are usually specified with
a dedicated language, such as the feature modelling language. The feature
model structures and describes the configuration options in a hierarchy of fea-
tures whose selection is ruled by crosscutting constraints. Over the years, the
development of open source and commercial feature-based configuration tools
echoed with advances in the formalisation and analyses of FMs.
Promoted by software product lines and advances in tool support, feature-
based configuration has been used to tackle increasingly complex configura-
tion problems. That complexity is marked by a higher number of features,
constraints, and, most importantly, users. These multiple users add a new
dimension to feature-based configuration: collaboration.
Early in this research, we ran into the chicken-and-egg problem: to create
a solution, more detailed requirements were needed, and to obtain detailed
requirements, an operational prototype seemed necessary.
Collaborative feature-based configuration is still in the incubation phase.
When we started studying it, the practitioners we met were able to describe

176 10 Conclusion

high-level challenges but struggled to formulate precise requirements. Essen-

tially, they all expressed a need for enhanced control and dependability but no
comprehensive requirements for a solution.
Surprisingly, we often felt that the absence of real support for collaborative
feature-based configuration was an obstacle to requirement elicitation. Ad hoc
solutions (software or not) are usually implemented to patch isolated problems,
thereby losing track of the actual problem. Yet, existing support is regularly
used as a yardstick to identify what is missing or should be improved. To obtain
more definitive requirements, we decided to formally specify and implement
a frame of reference for collaborative configuration. This frame of reference
provides a foundation upon which domain-specific tools can be built to assess
and refine the initial set of requirements. We summarise below how this frame
of reference was developed, and outline perspectives.

10.2 Summary of the Contribution

The central argument of this thesis is that collaborative feature-based configu-

ration can be achieved by providing control over the decomposition, assignment,
and execution of configuration tasks. Our contribution rests on sound math-
ematical definitions, properties, and theorems, which have been implemented
in an open source toolset. This toolset produces evidence of the applicability,
efficiency, and reliability of our definitions and algorithms. More precisely, the
four research questions posed in the problem statement (see Section 1.3) have
been answered as follows:

RQ1 How to achieve separation of concerns in FMs? To grasp a better under-

standing of how separation of concern is achieved in feature-based config-
uration, we conducted a systematic literature survey. We notably found
separation and composition techniques for concerns in feature models to
be rudimentary, which makes realistic feature models hard to compre-
hend and analyse. To tackle that problem, we studied PloneMeeting (a
web-based meeting management software product line), several multi-
perspective feature-based configuration techniques, and other configura-
tion tools. From that investigation, we formally defined multi-view feature
models, a view specification mechanism, necessary and sufficient cover-
age conditions, and three visualisation alternatives disclosing features on
a need-to-know basis.

RQ2 How to model and schedule the configuration process? Starting from the
original work on multi-level staged configuration, we extended the se-
mantics of feature models with configuration paths. Configuration paths
account for the dynamic nature of the configuration process. However,
the theoretical and practical limitations of multi-level staged configura-
10.3 Perspective 177

tion drove us to revise it entirely and propose a more expressive formalism

supporting non-linear configuration processes. That new combined for-
malism is called feature-based configuration workflow, and is based on
YAWL, a state-of-the-art workflow language. That work is motivated
and illustrated through a configuration scenario taken from the aerospace

RQ3 How to ensure the satisfiability, safety and completion of the configura-
tion process? A formal semantics provides the compulsory basis for tool
development and automation. However, careless design choices can yield
unsatisfiable models, and inappropriate configuration decisions can pre-
vent the correct completion of the configuration process. Safeguards are
thus necessary on top of the semantics. To that end, we defined a satis-
fiability property that guarantees that at least one valid product can be
built from the FCW, and verification mechanisms that ensure that any
decision left open during the configuration can be made later. We then
capitalised on the YAWL workflow engine and advances in SAT solvers
to design efficient verification algorithms. The performance of our algo-
rithms and the impact of workflow constructs was finally evaluated on 52
different feature-based configuration workflows.

RQ4 How to handle conflictual user decisions? Conflicts can occur at two
levels: when a user alters previous decisions; and when multiple users
concurrently configure the same feature model. We have detailed an
algorithm that detects conflicts and generates fixes for user decisions.
This algorithm relies on the known theory of diagnosis used in AI. We
have discussed how this algorithm can be extended to support concurrent
user configuration and reported preliminary results.

10.3 Perspective

Our contribution gave a robust foundation to the emerging requirements of col-

laborative feature-based configuration. Coming back to Thoreau’s quote, we
now have to firmly tie the castle onto that new foundation. This bond could
be achieved by the development and integration of tool support. Enhanced
tool support is the gateway to a complete and systematic empirical valida-
tion. Indeed, our experience and insight gained in Chapter 3 indicate that
domain-specific frontends have the highest chance to receive the approbation
of practitioners. Our early experiments focused mostly on the evaluation of
the overall performance and correctness of our algorithms. The interface pro-
posed in our toolset is more of a proof of concept rather than a customer-ready
frontend. As such, it is too generic for practitioners to champion it. However,
it paves the way for professional-grade tool support.
178 10 Conclusion

We discuss below in greater details the perspectives of this thesis along

four dimensions. We first discuss the limitations of the feature modelling lan-
guage itself and its impact on our definitions. Then, we successively explore
avenues for further work on multi-view feature models, feature-based configu-
ration workflows, and conflict management.

10.3.1 Expressiveness
Feature attributes are partially supported. In Section 2.3, we pointed
out that feature attributes are not included in the semantics of feature
models used in FCWs. They were re-introduced in Chapter 8 to provide
comprehensive support for fix generation.
The addition of attributes to multi-view raises the question whether at-
tributes should be considered independently of the feature to which they
belong. If an attribute and its feature are an atomic unit, visualisation
would not be affected. If they are distinct entities, then both the view
specification and visualisations would have to be adapted. Empirical eval-
uations are needed to determine which alternative is best in practice and
if the latter is chosen, how attributes should be presented if its feature
is not in a view. In either case, Definition 5.3 will have to be adapted
to take constraints over attributes into consideration. The addition of
attributes would not alter the definition of feature-based configuration
workflows as they consider views as the base unit. Verification would not
be affected either, modulo the adaptation of Definition 5.3.
Feature cloning is not supported. Feature cloning (through feature refer-
ences and hi..ji feature cardinalities with j > 1) was also excluded from
the syntax and semantics of feature models. Feature cloning would re-
quire more drastic changes to the semantics, since the same feature might
appear several times in a configuration. Besides a complete adaptation
of the semantic domain, it would also require significant revision of the
constraint system. As discussed in a preliminary extension of the se-
mantics [MCHB11], future work includes the elaboration of an extended
constraint language as well as more advanced reasoning algorithms due
to the possibly infinite size of the domains to explore when performing
formal analyses.
The integration with CVL is pending. Ultimately, we will also have to
compose with CVL (Common Variability Standard 1 ), the OMG attempt
to standardise a variability modelling language. At the time of writing,
the specification is still a draft and no official release has been issued.
Yet, it is obvious that the implication of the leading tool vendors and
10.3 Perspective 179

some major industrial players will make it a reference in variability man-

agement. It is however impossible to tell now how much work will be
needed to adapt our definitions to that standard.
The feature hierarchy can be optional. Our experience with Linux ques-
tioned the necessity of a feature hierarchy. Although the configuration
modelling language (Kconfig) allows to nest options, it is not mandatory
to explicitly specify the option hierarchy. In fact, the hierarchy is inter-
preted from the constraints in the Kconfig files to build the tree displayed
in the configurator. This approach has been successfully used in hundreds
of projects involving thousands of users. This raises the question whether
the hierarchy should be syntactically captured in the model or left im-
plicit. In the same vein, the orthogonal variability model only defines
a hierarchy between a variation point and its variant. The relationship
between variation points is established through crosscutting constraints.

10.3.2 Multi-view Feature Model

Alternative view specification techniques could be explored. Both ex-
isting techniques and our toolset use textual notations to define views. To
our knowledge, no graphical or interactive technique has been proposed
to build views on a feature model. This is an interesting topic for future
investigation. Then, the pros and cons of the various techniques could be
studied in greater depth (e.g. empirically), and their combinations could
be envisaged.
Alternative view-rendering techniques could be explored. To provide
more flexibility to the configuration environment and more precise con-
textual information to the user, we developed three visualisations. This
improvement is, however, limited to tree-like representations of feature
models. Recent advances deviate from the traditional explorer-like repre-
sentations [BTN+ 08, CHBT10] while others recommend dedicated con-
figuration interfaces [PBD10]. Understanding the most suitable interfaces
for multi-view feature-based configuration in these techniques will require
qualitative user studies.

10.3.3 Feature-based Configuration Workflow

Pre-defined configuration processes should be defined. Software config-
uration management taught us that genericity in configuration processes
often increases development and maintenance costs. Final users usu-
ally prefer to reuse existing models at the expense of less flexibility.
These models, however, rarely meet the needs of an organisation out of
the box. Configurable workflows were thus proposed (e.g. [DRvdA+ 06,
180 10 Conclusion

GvdAJVLR07]) to allow a better alignment between off-the-shelf models

and business requirements. They could be used during domain engineer-
ing, and then configured during application engineering. Assuming the
workflow configuration stage occurs before configuration, no adaptation
to our work would be required.
Declarative workflow specification could be explored. Alternatively to
YAWL, declarative workflow modelling techniques like [DVALV10] could
also be used. Declarative workflows specify a minimal set of constraints
that must be satisfied during the execution. Unlike imperative work-
flow languages like YAWL or BPMN, the order in which the tasks are
executed is not explicitly specified. It would be interesting to evaluate
whether declarative workflows are better suited than imperative work-
flows to specify ordering constraints on configuration tasks. The relative
simplicity of the configuration processes we observed might be an indica-
tor in favour of declarative workflows.
The sensitivity of the safety analysis to or-joins should be reduced.
The experiment with feature-based configuration workflows showed that
the safety analysis was sensitive to or-joins. Furthermore, this limitation
was independent of the size of the workflows. A quick fix for that limita-
tion is to preclude the use of or-joins. Additional work is still needed to
provide a more robust algorithm.

10.3.4 Conflict detection and resolution

Further experiments are ongoing. We are now working on the application
of range fixes to Kconfig configurators. In addition, our industry partner
has shown interest in including range fixes in their tool, and we are dis-
cussing the evaluation of our approach on large-scale industrial models
and configurations.
Collaborative conflict resolution is work in progress. We discussed two
open challenges for the application of range fix generation in collabora-
tive environments. The first challenge is the resolution of direct conflicts,
i.e., conflictual decisions about the same option. The second challenge
is the integration of fix generation in existing frameworks such as those
used in configuration management or commercial collaborative develop-
ment platforms. Both challenges still require some work upstream fix
generation to understand how teams deal with configuration conflicts.

Greyed and Pruned
Visualisations: Examples of

A.1 Pruned and Collapsed Visualisation of the eVoting exam-


Table A.1 synthesizes the results of the three transformations presented in

Figure 5.3. The column of the greyed visualisation simply contains the features,
decomposition edges and cardinalities of the FD. The boldfaced features are
non-primitive features added to ensure the correctness of transformations (see
Section 2.3).
In the pruned case, we see that the decomposition edges containing B,
DO and DB have been pruned and removed from the list, and so are their
associated cardinalities. The cardinalities that have have been recalculated are
underlined. The new value λpv1 (A) is obtained with hmax(0, 1−1)..min(3, 3−1)i
whereas λpv1 (D) is hmax(0, 1 − 2)..min(1, 3 − 2)i. Note here that the minimum
cardinality of D could have been negative, hence the need to set it to 0.
The only node removed in the pruned visualisation is A1 . Which results
in two collapsed nodes (i.e. Y and O). These nodes are directly connected to
the root as their parent is pruned away. The cardinality of V must thus be
recalculated, as detailed below.
ms_minp v1 (V ) = {mincardcv (Ȧ)} ] {1, 1}
mincardcv (V )
= min3 {0} ] {1, 1} = 0 + 1 + 1 = 2
ms_maxp v1 (V ) = c
{maxcardv1 (Ȧ)} ] {1, 1}
c P
maxcardv (V ) = max3 {2} ] {1, 1} = 1 + 1 + 2 = 4

1 And so is its parent non-primitive feature Ȧ.

182 A Greyed and Pruned Visualisations: Examples of Transformations

Table A.1 – Results of the calculation of the transformations on Figure 5.3.4.

Greyed Pruned
Nvg DEvg λg
v1 Nvp DEvp λp
1 1 1 1 1

{ V, { (V, Ė), λg
v (V ) = h3..3i, { V, { (V, Ė), λp
v (V ) = h3..3i,
1 1
Ė, (Ė, E), λg Ė, (Ė, E), λp
v1 (Ė) = h0..1i, v1 (Ė) = h0..1i,
E, (V, Ȧ), E, (V, Ȧ),
v (E) = h0..0i, λp
v (E) = h0..0i,
Ȧ, (Ȧ, A),
1 Ȧ, (Ȧ, A),
A, λg
v1 (Ȧ) = h0..1i, A, λp
v1 (Ȧ) = h0..1i,
(A, Y ), (A, Y ),
Y, (A, O), λg
v1 (A) = h1..3i, Y, (A, O), λp
v (A) = h0..2i,
O, λg O,
(A, B), v1 (Y ) = h0..0i, (V, Ḋ), λp
v1 (Y ) = h0..0i,
B, Ḋ,
(V, Ḋ), λg
v1 (O) = h0..0i, (Ḋ, D), λp
Ḋ, D, v (O)
= h0..0i,
D, (Ḋ, D), λg
v (B) = h0..0i, DY (D, DY ) λp
1 v1 (Ḋ) = h0..1i,
DY, (D, DY ), λg } }
v1 (Ḋ) = h0..1i, λp
v (D) = h0..1i,
DO, (D, DO), g 1
(D, DB) λv (D) = h1..1i, λp
DB 1 v1 (DY ) = h0..0i
} λg
v1 (DY ) = h0..0i,
} g
λv (DO) = h0..0i,
v1 (DB) = h0..0i

Nvc DEvc λcv
1 1 1

{ V, { (V, Ė), λcv (V ) = h2..4i,

Ė, (Ė, E), λcv (Ė) = h0..1i,
E, (A, Y ), 1
Y, λcv (E) = h0..0i,
(A, O), 1
O, λcv (Y ) = h0..0i,
(V, Ḋ), 1
Ḋ, λcv (O) = h0..0i,
(Ḋ, D), 1
(D, DY ) λcv (Ḋ) = h0..1i,
DY 1
} } λcv (D) = h0..1i,
λcv (DY ) = h0..0i

ms_minpv1 (Ȧ) = {mincardcv1 (A)} ] {}

mincardcv (Ȧ)
= min0 {0} = 0
ms_maxp v1 (Ȧ) = {maxcardcv1 (A)} ] {}
c P
maxcardv (Ȧ) = max1 {2} = 2

ms_minp v1 (A) = {mincardcv (B)} ] {1, 1}

mincardcv (A)
= min1 {0} ] {1, 1} = 0
ms_maxp v1 (A) = c
{maxcardv (B)} ] {1, 1}
maxcardcv (A)
= max3 {0} ] {1, 1} = 0 + 1 + 1 = 2

ms_minp v1 (B) = {} ] {}
mincardcv (B)
= min0 {} = 0
ms_maxv (B) = {} ] {}
maxcardcv (B)
= max0 {} = 0

The cardinality of D is the same as in the pruned visualisation:

A.1 Pruned and Collapsed Visualisation of the eVoting example 183

ms_minpv1 (D) = {mincardcv (DO), mincardcv (DB)} ] {1}

1 1
mincardcv (D)
= min1 {0, 0} ] {1} = 0
ms_maxp v1 (D) = {maxcardcv1 (DO), maxcardcv1 (DB)} ] {1}
maxcardcv1 (D)
= max1 {0, 0} ] {1} = 1

ms_minpv1 (DO) = {} ] {}
mincardcv (DO)
= min0 {} = 0
ms_maxp v1 (DO) = {} ] {}
c P
maxcardv (DO) = max0 {} = 0

ms_minpv1 (DB) = {} ] {}
mincardcv (DB)
= min0 {} = 0
ms_maxp v1 (DB) = {} ] {}
c P
maxcardv (DB) = max0 {} = 0

A.1.1 Pruned and collapsed visualisation of the

PloneMeeting Manager
The pruned and collapsed visualisations of the PloneMeeting Manager are pre-
sented in Figure A.1. Although calculated differently, the cardinalities of both
visualisations are all equal.

Pruned The new cardinalities of the pruned visualisation are calculated as

PM (M C) = hmax(0, 7 − 1)..min(7, 7 − 1)i = h6..6i
λpP M (D) = hmax(0, 3 − 1)..min(3, 3 − 1)i = h2..2i
λpPpM (W ) = hmax(0, 3 − 2)..min(3, 3 − 2)i = h1..1i
λP M (T ) = hmax(0, 2 − 1)..min(2, 2 − 1)i = h1..1i

Collapsed The new cardinalities of the collapsed visualisation are calculated

as follows:
mincardcP M (M C) = P min7 {0} ] {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1} = 6
maxcardcP M (M C) = max7 {0} ] {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1} = 6
λcP M (M C) = h6..6i

mincardcP M (D) = P min3 {0} ] {1, 1} = 2

maxcardcP M (D) = max3 {0} ] {1, 1} = 2
λcP M (D) = h2..2i

mincardcP M (W ) = P min3 {0, 0} ] {1} = 1

maxcardP M (W ) = max3 {0, 0} ] {1} = 1
λcP M (W ) = h1..1i

mincardcP M (T ) = P min2 {0} ] {1} = 1

maxcardP M (T ) = max2 {0} ] {1} = 1
λcP M (T ) = h1..1i
184 A Greyed and Pruned Visualisations: Examples of Transformations

Meeting Config (MC)

General (G)

Assembly members
Institution ID
Data (D)

Meeting attributes

Start time
End time
Use groups as categories

Workflow and security (W)

Meeting workflow
Standard workflow
Collège workflow
Archive workflow

Email notification (E)

Tasks (T)
Task creator

Meeting manager
Votes (V)

Enable voting
Vote encoder

Meeting manager
Available vote values

Default vote value

Figure A.1 – Pruned and collapsed visualisation of the PloneMeeting manager

A.1 Pruned and Collapsed Visualisation of the eVoting example 185

Meeting Config (MC) Meeting Config (MC)

⟨2..2⟩ ⟨2..2⟩

Data (D) Item insertion algorithm

⟨1..1⟩ X
Item insertion algorithm At the end
Category order
At the end Proposing group order
Category order
User interface (U)
Proposing group order
Meeting display states
User interface (U)

Meeting display states Archived

Archived Decided
Created Closed
Decided Published
Closed Default view
Published X
Default view My items
All items
My items Available meetings
All items Decided meetings
Available meetings Item duplication
Decided meetings Open annexes in separate window
Item duplication
Open annexes in separate window

(a) Pruned visualisation (b) Collapsed visualisation

Figure A.2 – Pruned and collapsed visualisation of the user view.

A.1.2 Prune and collapsed visualisations of the User

Pruned The pruned visualisation of the User is presented in Figure A.2(a).
The new cardinalities are calculated as follows:

U ser (M C) = hmax(0, 7 − 5)..min(7, 7 − 5)i = h2..2i
λpU ser (D) = hmax(0, 3 − 2)..min(3, 3 − 2)i = h1..1i

Collapsed The collapsed visualisation of the PloneMeeting manager is pre-

sented in Figure A.2(b). The new cardinalities are calculated as follows:

mincardcU ser (D)

= min3 {0, 0} ] {1} = 1
ms_mincU ser (M C) = {mincardcU ser (G), mincardcU ser (D), mincardcU ser (W ),
mincardcU ser (U ), mincardcU ser (E), mincardcU ser (T ),
mincardcU ser (V )} ] {1}
= {0,
P 1, 0, 0, 0, 0} ] {1}
mincardcU ser (M C) = min7 {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0} ] {1} = 2
186 A Greyed and Pruned Visualisations: Examples of Transformations

maxcardcU ser (D)

= max3 {0, 0} ] {1} = 1
ms_maxcU ser (M C) = {maxcardcU ser (G), maxcardcU ser (D), maxcardcU ser (W ),
maxcardcU ser (U ), maxcardcU ser (E), maxcardcU ser (T ),
maxcardcU ser (V )} ] {1}
= {0,
P 1, 0, 0, 0, 0} ] {1}
maxcardcU ser (M C) = max7 {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0} ] {1} = 2
λcU ser (M C) = h2..2i

Detailed Example of [ .]]MLSC and
Proof Helper

B.1 Calculation Details of Figure 6.6

This section presents the calculation details of the two configuration paths, πi
and πj , used in the example of Section 6.3. In the remainder of this section,
we will use d when referring to the FM of Figure 6.5 and we note σ → σ 0 if
π = ..σσ 0 .. and σ 0 ∈ Σj .

B.1.1 Legal path (πi )

This configuration path, shown in Figure 6.3 and in the middle part of Fig-
ure 6.6, actually corresponds to the one used in the original illustration by
Czarnecki et al. [CHE05], which was summarised in Section 6.1. One can see
in Figure 6.3 that it consists of two manual configuration stages and one au-
tomatic specialisation stage. Since the inter-level links already implement the
latter stage, there is no need to represent it as a dedicated transition between
two stages. The results of the two former stages result from manual configu-
rations that cannot be automatically derived from the constraint set and thus
have to be represented by two separate configuration sets, viz. σ2i and σ3i .

188 B Detailed Example of [[.]]MLSC and Proof Helper

In terms of [[d]]CP , πi is a sequence σ1 σ2i σ3i with:

σ1 = { {G1 , T1 , E1 , S1 , G2 , T2 , M2 , O2 },
{G1 , T1 , E1 , S1 , G2 , T2 , M2 , I2 },
{G1 , T1 , E1 , S1 , G2 , E2 , D2 },
{G1 , T1 , E1 , S1 , G2 , S2 },
{G1 , T1 , E1 , S1 , G2 , S2 , B2 },
{G1 , T1 , E1 , G2 , T2 , M2 , O2 },
{G1 , T1 , E1 , G2 , T2 , M2 , I2 },
{G1 , T1 , E1 , G2 , E2 , D2 },
{G1 , T1 , S1 , G2 , T2 , M2 , O2 },
{G1 , T1 , S1 , G2 , T2 , M2 , I2 },
{G1 , T1 , S1 , G2 , S2 },
{G1 , T1 , S1 , G2 , S2 , B2 },
{G1 , E1 , S1 , G2 , E2 , D2 },
{G1 , E1 , S1 , G2 , S2 },
{G1 , E1 , S1 , G2 , S2 , B2 },
{G1 , T1 , G2 , T2 , M2 , O2 },
{G1 , T1 , G2 , T2 , M2 , I2 },
{G1 , E1 , G2 , E2 , D2 },
{G1 , S1 , G2 , S2 },
{G1 , S1 , G2 , S2 , B2 } }
σ2i = { {G1 , E1 , S1 , G2 , E2 , D2 },
{G1 , E1 , S1 , G2 , S2 },
{G1 , E1 , S1 , G2 , S2 , B2 } }
σ3i = { {G1 , E1 , S1 , G2 , E2 , D2 } }

Note here that |(σ3i )| = 1, which denotes the end of the configuration path
(Definition 6.3), resulting in the single product {G1 , E1 , S1 , G2 , E2 , D2 }.
In order to show that πi ∈ [[d]]MLSC , we have to find a level arrangement
that satisfies rules (6.5.1) and (6.5.2). Let us examine each possible level ar-
rangement in turn.

(a) For Σ1i =  and Σ2i = σ2i σ3i , we have

|f inal(Σ1i ) |L1 | = |σ1 |L1 | = 7> 1

The arrangement is thus rejected because (6.5.1) evaluates to false.

(b) For Σ1 = σ2i σ3i and Σ2i = , we have

|f inal(Σ1i ) |L1 | = |σ3i |L1 | = 1

|f inal(Σ2i ) |L2 | = |σ3i |L2 | = 1

B.1 Calculation Details of Figure 6.6 189

and (6.5.1) evaluates to true. We have for σ1 →1 σ2i :
1. σ1 \ σ2i = { {G1 , T1 , E1 , S1 , G2 , T2 , M2 , O2 },
{G1 , T1 , E1 , S1 , G2 , T2 , M2 , I2 },
{G1 , T1 , E1 , S1 , G2 , E2 , D2 },
{G1 , T1 , E1 , S1 , G2 , S2 },
{G1 , T1 , E1 , S1 , G2 , S2 , B2 },
{G1 , T1 , E1 , G2 , T2 , M2 , O2 },
{G1 , T1 , E1 , G2 , T2 , M2 , I2 },
{G1 , T1 , E1 , G2 , E2 , D2 },
{G1 , T1 , S1 , G2 , T2 , M2 , O2 },
{G1 , T1 , S1 , G2 , T2 , M2 , I2 },
{G1 , T1 , S1 , G2 , S2 },
{G1 , T1 , S1 , G2 , S2 , B2 },
{G1 , T1 , G2 , T2 , M2 , O2 },
{G1 , T1 , G2 , T2 , M2 , I2 },
{G1 , E1 , G2 , E2 , D2 },
{G1 , S1 , G2 , S2 },
{G1 , S1 , G2 , S2 , B2 } }
2. (σ1 \ σ2i ) |L1 = { {G1 , T1 , E1 , S1 },
{G1 , T1 , E1 },
{G1 , T1 , S1 },
{G1 , T1 },
{G1 , E1 },
{G1 , S1 } }
1. σ1 |L1 = { {G1 , T1 , E1 , S1 },
{G1 , T1 , E1 },
{G1 , T1 , S1 },
{G1 , E1 , S1 },
{G1 , T1 },
{G1 , E1 },
{G1 , S1 } }
2. σ2i |L1 = { {G1 , E1 , S1 } }
3. σ1 |L1 \ σ2i |L1 = { {G1 , T1 , E1 , S1 },
{G1 , T1 , E1 },
{G1 , T1 , S1 },
{G1 , T1 },
{G1 , E1 },
{G1 , S1 } }
such that (σ1 \σ2i ) |L1 ⊆ (σ1 |L1 \σ2i |L1 ) is true and we have for σ2i →1 σ3i :
(σ2i \ σ3i ) |L1 = { {G1 , E1 , S1 , G2 , S2 },
{G1 , E1 , S1 , G2 , S2 , B2 } }
σ2i |L1 \ σ3i |L1 = ∅
The arrangement is thus rejected because (6.5.2) evaluates to false since
(σ2i \ σ3i ) |L1 ⊆ (σ2i |L1 \ σ3i |L1 ) does not hold. This rejection is obvious
since level L1 was already fully configured at σ2i , hence the absence of
deletable configurations from σ2i in L1 .
(c) For Σ1i = σ2i and Σ2i = σ3i , we have
|f inal(Σ1i ) |L1 | = |σ2i |L1 | = 1
190 B Detailed Example of [[.]]MLSC and Proof Helper

|f inal(Σ2i ) |L2 | = |σ3i |L2 | = 1

and (6.5.1) evaluates to true. We know from above that for σ1 →1 σ2i :

(σ1 \ σ2i ) |L1 ⊆ (σ1 |L1 \ σ2i |L1 )

and we have for σ2i →2 σ3i :
(σ2i \ σ3i ) |L2 = { {G2 , S2 },
{G2 , S2 , B2 } }
σ2i |L2 \ σ3i |L2 = { {G2 , S2 },
{G2 , S2 , B2 } }

i.e. that (σ2i \ σ3i ) |L2 ⊆ (σ2i |L2 \ σ3i |L2 ). Since both (6.5.1) and (6.5.2)
evaluate to true, the arrangement is accepted.

One level arrangement, viz. Σ1i = σ2i and Σ2i = σ3i , satisfies rules (6.5.1)
and (6.5.2) and thus πi ∈ [[d]]MLSC .

B.1.2 Illegal path (πj )

Let us now illustrate the illegal configuration path πj ∈ [[d]]CP sketched in
Figure 6.6. Intuitively, πj is illegal because feature B2 , belonging to L2 , is
deselected even though L1 is not yet finished. The configuration path πj is
thus the same as πi except for σ2j , which is now:
σ 2j = { {G1 , E1 , S1 , G2 , E2 , D2 },
{G1 , E1 , S1 , G2 , S2 } }

Again, in order for πj ∈ [[d]]MLSC there must be at least one level arrange-
ment that satisfies rules (6.5.1) and (6.5.2). Let us examine each possible
arrangement in turn.

(a) For Σ1j =  and Σ2j = σ2j σ3j , we have

|f inal(Σ1j ) |L1 | = |σ1 |L1 | = 7 > 1

The arrangement is thus rejected because (6.5.1) evaluates to false.

(b) For Σ1j = σ2j σ3j and Σ2j = , we have

|f inal(Σ1j ) |L1 | = |σ3j |L1 | = 1

|f inal(Σ2j ) |L2 | = |σ3j |L2 | = 1

B.2 Proof Helper for Theorem B.1 191

and (6.5.1) evaluates to true. We have for σ1 →1 σ2j :
(σ1 \ σ2j ) |L1 = { {G1 , T1 , E1 , S1 },
{G1 , T1 , E1 },
{G1 , T1 , S1 },
{G1 , E1 , S1 },
{G1 , T1 },
{G1 , E1 },
{G1 , S1 } }
(σ1 \ σ2j ) |L1 = {G1 , T1 , E1 , S1 },
{G1 , T1 , E1 },
{G1 , T1 , S1 },
{G1 , T1 },
{G1 , E1 },
{G1 , S1 } }

The arrangement is thus rejected because (6.5.2) evaluates to false since

(σ1 \ σ2j ) |L1 ⊃ (σ1 |L1 \ σ2j |L1 ). Intuitively, this condition is false because
the configuration {G1 , E1 , S1 , G2 , S2 , B2 } is part of the deleted ones but
was not deletable since B2 belongs to another level and all configurations
containing {G1 , E1 , S1 } where bound to be selected.

(c) For Σ1j = σ2j and Σ2j = σ3j , we have

|f inal(Σ1j ) |L1 | = |σ2j |L1 | = 1

|f inal(Σ2j ) |L2 | = |σ3j |L2 | = 1

and (6.5.1) evaluates to true. Like for σ2j , σ3j ∈ Σ1j and Σ2j = ∅, we
have for σ1 →1 σ2j that (σ1 \ σ2j ) |L1 ⊃ (σ1 |L1 \ σ2j |L1 ). The arrangement
is thus rejected because (6.5.2) evaluates to false.

Since none of the possible arrangements satisfies both (6.5.1) and (6.5.2),
the configuration path πj does not belong to [[d]]MLSC .

B.2 Proof Helper for Theorem B.1

The following theorem is used for the proof of Theorem B.1, Section 6.4. Ba-
sically, it says that when two sets of sets are reduced to include only sets
containing certain elements and then subtracted, the result is included in (i.e.
smaller than) the set obtained by subtracting first and reducing afterwards.
Intuitively, the result of a subtraction operation is smaller the more elements
in both sets “match up”, and if a reduction is applied prior to subtracting, it
becomes “more likely” for elements to match up, meaning that the result of the
subtraction can be smaller than if the reduction was applied afterwards.
192 B Detailed Example of [[.]]MLSC and Proof Helper

Theorem B.1 Inclusion of deletable decisions in deleted decision set

For some set N , if σ, σ 0 ∈ PPN so that σ ⊃ σ 0 and L ⊆ N , then

{c ∩ L|c ∈ σ} \ {c ∩ L|c ∈ σ 0 } ⊆ {c ∩ L|c ∈ (σ \ σ 0 )}.


{c ∩ L|c ∈ σ} \ {c ∩ L|c ∈ σ } 0

= a|(a ∈ {c ∩ L|c ∈ σ}) ∧ (a 6∈ {c ∩ L|c ∈ σ })
= a|(a ∈ {p|p = {x|∃c ∈ PN • x ∈ c ∧ x ∈ L ∧ c ∈ σ}}
 ∧ a 6∈ {p|p = {x|∃c ∈ PN • x ∈ c ∧ x ∈ L ∧ c ∈ σ }})
= p|p = {x|(∃c ∈ PN • x ∈ c ∧ x ∈ L ∧ c ∈ σ)
 ∧¬(∃c ∈ PN • x ∈ c ∧ x ∈ L ∧ c ∈ σ 0 )}
= p|p = {x|(∃c ∈ PN • x ∈ c ∧ x ∈ L ∧ c ∈ σ)
∧ (∀c ∈ PN • ¬(x ∈ c ∧ x ∈ L ∧ c ∈ σ 0 ))}

p|p = {x|∃c ∈ PN • (x ∈ c ∧ x ∈ L ∧ c ∈ σ)
∈ c ∧ x ∈ L ∧ c ∈ σ 0 )}


= p|p = {x|∃c ∈ PN • x ∈ c ∧ x ∈ L ∧ c 0∈ σ ∧ ¬(c ∈ σ )}
= p|p = {x|x ∈ c ∧ x 0∈ L ∧ c ∈ σ ∧ c 6∈ σ }
= c ∩ L|c ∈ σ ∧ c 6∈ σ
= c ∩ L|c ∈ (σ \ σ 0 )

Safety Analysis: Workflow
Transformation Algorithms

Algorithm 2 Transformation of the workflow of a given FCW m.

Require: w is (weak) sound
1: function transformFCW(m)
2: transformed ← ∅
3: for all v ∈ V do
4: tw ← w
5: updateBeginCondition(tw)
6: buildEndCheck(tw)
7: updateEndCondition(tw, v)
8: buildConditionCheck(tw, stop(v))
9: buildPresenceCheck(tw, stop(v))
10: buildTaskCheck(tw, start(v), stop(v))
11: buildClean(tw, stop(v))
12: transformed ← tw ∪ transformed
13: end for
14: return transformed
15: end function

194 C Safety Analysis: Workflow Transformation Algorithms

Algorithm 3 Update the begin condition

1: function updateBeginCondition(w)
2: T ← T ∪ init
3: split(init) ← AN D
4: first ← f |(i, f ) ∈ F
5: F ← F \ (i, f irst)
6: F ← F ∪ (i, init) ∪ (init, first)
7: end function

Algorithm 4 Build the end check

1: function buildEndCheck(w)
2: T ← T ∪ check_out ∪ exit
3: C ← C ∪ end
4: split(check_out) ← AN D
5: join(exit) ← AN D
6: lasts ← l|(l, e) ∈ F
7: for all l ∈ lasts do
8: F ← F \ (l, e)
9: F ← F ∪ (l, end)
10: end for
11: F ← F ∪ (end, check_out) ∪ (exit, e)
12: end function

Algorithm 5 Update the end condition

1: function updateEndCondition(w,v)
2: if stop(v) = e then
3: stop(v) ← end
4: end if
5: end function

Algorithm 6 Build the condition check

1: function buildConditionCheck(w, c)
2: predecessors ← p|(p, c) ∈ F
3: C ← C ∪ subs_c
4: T ← T ∪ sync_c ∪ run_c
5: split(sync_c) = AN D
6: split(run_c) = AN D
7: join(run_c) = AN D
8: F ← F ∪ (subs_c, sync_c) ∪ (run_c, c)
9: for all p ∈ predecessors do
10: F ← F \ (p, c)
11: F ← F ∪ (p, subs_c)
12: end for
13: end function

Algorithm 7 Build the presence check

1: function buildPresenceCheck(w, c)
2: C ← C ∪ check_out_c ∪ dead_c ∪ active_task_c ∪ active_c
3: T ← T ∪ check_active_c ∪ proceed_c ∪ end_c ∪ exit_c
4: join(check_active_c) = AN D
5: join(proceed_c) = AN D
6: join(end_c) = AN D
7: join(exit_c) = XOR
8: F ← F ∪ (check_out, check_out_c) ∪ (check_out_c, check_active_c) ∪
(check_out_c, proceed_c)
9: F ← F ∪ (proceed_c, exit_c) ∪ (check_active_c, end_c) ∪
(end_c, exit_c) ∪ (active_task_c, check_active_c) ∪ (active_c, end_c)
10: F ← F ∪ (dead_c, proceed_c) ∪ (init, dead_c) ∪ (run_c, active_c) ∪
(exit_c, exit)
11: end function
196 C Safety Analysis: Workflow Transformation Algorithms

Algorithm 8 Build the task check

1: function buildTaskCheck(w, t, c)
2: predecessors ← p|(p, t) ∈ F
3: successors ← s|(t, s) ∈ F
4: tsplit ← split(t)
5: tjoin ← join(t)
6: C ← C ∪ enabled_t ∪ active_t ∪ disabled_t ∪ check_c_t
7: T ← T ∪ run_t ∪ proceed_t ∪ validate_t ∪ disable_t ∪ end_c_t∪
8: join(run_t) = tjoin
9: split(t) ← AN D
10: join(t) ← AN D
11: split(proceed_t) = tsplit
12: split(validate_t) ← AN D
13: join(validate_t) ← AN D
14: join(disable_t) ← AN D
15: split(disable_t) ← AN D
16: join(end_c_t) ← XOR
17: for all p ∈ predecessors do
18: F ← F \ (p, t)
19: F ← F ∪ (p, run_t)
20: end for
21: for all s ∈ successors do
22: F ← F \ (t, s)
23: F ← F ∪ (proceed_t, s)
24: end for
25: F ← F ∪ (init, enabled_t) ∪ (init, disabled_t)
26: F ← F ∪ (run_t, t) ∪ (enabled_t, t)
27: F ← F ∪(t, enabled_t)∪(t, proceed_t)∪(t, active_t)∪(t, active_task_c)
28: F ← F ∪ (disabled_t, disable_t) ∪ (active_t, validate_t) ∪
(sync_c, check_c_t)
29: F ← F ∪ (check_c_t, validate_t) ∪ (check_c_t, disable_t) ∪
(end_c_t, run_c)
30: F ← F ∪ (validate_t, end_c_t) ∪ (validate_t, active_t)
31: F ← F ∪ (disable_t, end_c_t) ∪ (disable_t, disabled_t)
32: rem(t) ← rem(t) ∪ dead_c ∪ disabled_c
33: rem(disable_t) ← rem(disable_t) ∪ enabled_c ∪ disabled_t
34: rem(validate_t) ← rem(validate_t) ∪ active_t
35: end function

Algorithm 9 Build the clean check

1: function buildClean(w,c)
2: rem(exit) ← rem(exit) ∪ active_task_c ∪ check_out_c ∪ active_c ∪
check_active_c ∪ dead_c ∪ proceed_c ∪ end_c ∪ exit_c
3: end function

Symbols Aspect-Oriented Programming, see

Assemble-to-order, 31
SCP , see Configuration path
Assignment unit, 146
[[d]]CP , see Configuration path
LF CW , see FCW
[[m]]F CW , see FCW B
LF M , see FM
SF M , see FM BDD, 24
[[d]]F M , see FM Binding time, 15
[[d]]MLSC , see MLSC C
LM V F M , see View
pdefines(M, f ), see Propositional de- CDL, 141
finability CFDP, 112
Clafer, 19
CNF, 23
A CODP, 31
Customer order decoupling point,
AI, 29 31
Artificial Intelligence, 29 Configurable workflow, 139
AOP, 57 Configuration, 15, 40
Aspect-Oriented Programming, Configuration path, 98
57 Semantic domain (SCP ), 98
Application engineering, 15 Semantic function ([[d]]CP ), 99
Artificial Intelligence, see AI Configuration process, 15, 95


Configuration space, 98 Feature-oriented programming, see

Configurator, 27, 29, 30 FOP
Configure-to-order, 31 Fix, 141
Constraint violation, 146 Fix generation problem, 148
Core assets, 14 Fix unit, 146
CSP, 24 FM, 15
Customer order decoupling point, Abstract syntax (LF M ), 20
see CODP Analysis, 22
Customisable products, 30 Concern composition techniques,
CVL, 27 67
CVS, 38 Concern separation techniques,
D Concrete syntax, 17
Decomposition operators, 17
DAG, 24, 40 Example, 17, 75, 96, 112
Directed Acyclic Graph, 24 Feature group concerns, 64
Decision model, 16, 139 Feature model, 15
Directed Acyclic Graph, see DAG Feature relationship concerns,
DL, 25 66
Domain engineering, 14 Semantic domain (SF M ), 21
Semantic function ([[d]]F M ), 21
FODA, 15
E FOP, 16
Feature-oriented programming,
Engineer-to-order, 31 16
Expert system, 29
Kconfig, 141
FBC, 25
Feature-based configuration, 25
FCW, 115 L
Example, 117
Feature-based configuration work- Lean production, 30
flow, 115 Local consistency, 88
Safety, 122
Satisfability, 123 M
FCW engine, 166
Feature, 15 Make-to-order, 31
Feature model, see FM Make-to-stock, 31
Feature-based configuration, see FBC Manufacturing, 29
Feature-based configuration work- MLSC, 95
flow, 112, see FCW Abstract syntax (LMLSC ), 101

Example, 97
Multi-level staged configuration,
95 SAT, 23
Semantic function ([[d]]MLSC ), 101 SCM, 29, 38
Multi-constraint violation, 152 Software Configuration Manage-
Multi-level staged configuration, see ment, 29
MLSC SD, 124
Strong dependency set, 124
O Separation of concerns, see SoC
SMT, 25
Open feature, 124 SoC, 47
Order penetration point, see CODP Separation of concerns, 47
Orthogonal varibility model, see OVM Software Configuration Management,
OVM, 16 see SCM
Orthogonal varibility model, 16 Software Product Line, see SPL
Software Product Line Engineering,
see SPLE
P Spacebel, 112
SPL, 14
PloneGov, 75 Software Product Line, 14
PloneMeeting, 75 SPLE, 14
Process, 43 Software Product Line Engineer-
Multistage configuration, 43 ing, 14
Product family, 13 SPLOT, 165
Product portfolio, 14 Staged configuration, 95
Product variant master, see PVM Strong dependency set, see SD
Propositional definability (pdefines(M, f )), Subversion, 38
pure::variants, 27
PVM, 32 T
Example, 34
Product variant master, 32 Toolset, 165
Tree prefix, 87
TVL, 20
Range fix, 143, 146 U
Completeness of fix lists, 148
Correctness, 147 Unsatisfiable core, 149
Maximality of ranges, 148
Minimality of variables, 147 V
Range unit, 146
Reuse, 14 Variability in space, 15

Variability in time, 15
Variability model, 14
Variation point, 14
View, 73
Abstract syntax (LM V F M ), 77
Integration, 73
Necessary coverage condition,
Projection, 73
Sufficient coverage condition, 79
Visualisation, 80, 82
Collapsed, 82, 83
Greyed, 81
Pruned, 81, 82

WD, 124
Weak dependency set, 124
Weak dependency set, see WD
Workflow, 114
(weak) soundness, 121
No dead transition, 121
Option to complete, 121
Proper completion, 121
Workspace, 40
Virtual, 42

YAWL, 113, 165
Abstract Syntac (LF CW ), 115
Example, 114
Semantic function ([[m]]F CW ), 116

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