Locoregional Anesthesia in

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L o c o reg i o n a l A n e s t h e s i a in

Exotic Pets
Dario d’Ovidio, DMV, MSc, SPACS, DECZM (Small Mammal), PhDa,*,
Chiara Adami, DMV, MRCVS, RCVS, EBVS European Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia,

 Exotic pets  Locoregional anesthesia  Analgesia  Nerve stimulator

 Locoregional anesthesia is widely used in exotic pets.
 The effectiveness of the techniques that have been described is anecdotally reported.
 Nerve stimulators and ultrasonographic guidance increase the success rate of nerve
blocks and help decrease the risk of iatrogenic complications.


In human and canine patients, locoregional anesthesia helps decrease the periopera-
tive requirement of systemic analgesics and improve the quality of recovery after inva-
sive procedures. The use of locoregional techniques is becoming more and more
popular in exotic pet practice and, within the past decade, the number of published
reports describing the use of blocks to provide analgesia during various surgical pro-
cedures has significantly increased.
Locoregional anesthesia is accomplished with local anesthetics (LAs). These agents
interrupt the nerve conduction by blocking the sodium channels along the neuronal
axons and, therefore, interfering with the axonal depolarization caused by the intracel-
lular current of positively charged ions. None of the modern LAs, namely bupivacaine,
levobupivacaine, and ropivacaine, has a marketing authorization for animals in either
Europe or the United States; nonetheless, the extralabel use of these molecules for
clinical purposes is widely described in veterinary medicine. The lack of published
work investigating the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of LAs in exotic an-
imal species implies that, in most cases, the dosages used in the clinical setting are
extrapolated from studies conducted in species that share biological and evolutional

Disclosure Statement: The authors have nothing to disclose.

Private Practitioner, Via Cristoforo Colombo 118, Arzano, NA 80022, Italy; b Clinical Sciences
and Services, Royal Veterinary College, University of London, Hawkshead Campus, Hatfield
AL97TA, United Kingdom
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]

Vet Clin Exot Anim 22 (2019) 301–314

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cvex.2019.01.007 vetexotic.theclinics.com
1094-9194/19/ª 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
302 d’Ovidio & Adami

similarities or are based on observational studies that include a small number of

To increase the success rate and decrease the incidence of iatrogenic complica-
tions, nerve stimulator–guided and, more recently, ultrasound-guided techniques
became popular.


For most ultrasound-guided nerve blocks, the ultrasound machine should be equip-
ped with a 10-MHz to 12-MHz linear probe.
For the nerve stimulator–guided technique, a 23-gauge, 35-mm insulated needle
and an electrical stimulator, capable of delivering a current of 0.2 Hz to 1 Hz and 1
mA to 2 mA, should be prepared. The skin electrode is usually placed at 3 cm to
5 cm from the needle entry point. The current, initially set at 2 mA, is used to locate,
by means of the target motor response, the motor component of the nerve. Once
the motor response is evoked, the current should be decreased to 0.2 mA. If the motor
response is still present with a current between 0.5 mA and 0.2 mA, the needle is close
to the nerve and the LA should be injected. If the motor response is still elicited by a
current as low as 0.2 mA or less, however, inadvertent intraneural injection is possible.
Most locoregional techniques are performed under anesthesia, ideally after intrave-
nous catheter placement and while monitoring the physiologic variables of the patient.
The area to be blocked should be clipped and aseptically prepared. Volumes of LA of
0.05 mL to 0.1 mL per nerve are commonly used in the clinical setting. An aspiration
test should precede the LA injection to avoid inadvertent intravascular administration.

Anesthesia of the Eye Globe
Anesthesia of the eye globe is performed as an aid to general anesthesia during
ophthalmic surgeries, with the purpose of achieving both analgesia and akinesia of
the eye.
In the rabbit, the oculomotor nerve contains efferent motor fibers and parasympathetic
fibers. The former innervate the extrinsic striated muscles of the eye, whereas the
latter provides innervation to the ciliary and sphincter pupillae intrinsic muscles, which
control the lens curvature and the pupillary constriction/dilation, respectively. The oc-
ulomotor nerve also innervates the elevator palpebrae muscle of the dorsal eyelid.1
Two variations of the ultrasound-guided eye block, the intraconal and the periconal
approaches, have been described in rabbits.2 In both cases, the needle is inserted
within the orbital cavity, inside and outside the muscular cone, respectively. To
perform the periconal block, the ultrasound probe is positioned at the supraorbital
rim, 90 opposite to the needle that is inserted at the lateral aspect of the inferior orbital
rim (Fig. 1). The tip of the needle should be forwarded until it reaches the area behind
the eye globe, in the periconal space outside the muscular cone, where the LA should
be injected.
Cranial Nerve Blocks
The distal branches of various cranial nerves can be blocked to provide analgesia dur-
ing surgeries involving the oral cavity. Blind techniques have been described for rab-
bits, rodents, and ferrets.3–5
Locoregional Anesthesia in Exotic Pets 303

Fig. 1. Positioning in sternal recumbency for ultrasound-guided periconal block in a rabbit.

The needle is inserted perpendicularly to the ultrasound transducer (out-of-plane tech-
nique). (Courtesy of Caroline Hoy, RVNVTS (Anes/Analgesia) NCert (A&CC).)

The mandibular and the maxillary nerves are branches of the trigeminal nerve. The
mandibular nerve is both sensory and motor, whereas the maxillary has solely sensory
function. The mandibular nerve emerges the skull through the oval foramen and pro-
vides motor innervation to the lower jaw and sensory innervation to lower teeth and
adjacent soft tissues.1 The maxillary nerve exits the skull through the round foramen
and, its extensions, the infraorbital and the palatine nerves, provide sensory innerva-
tion to the upper teeth and the adjacent soft tissues.

The rostral maxillary nerve block, also called infraorbital, provides analgesia during
surgical procedures involving the maxilla and its components, including the upper
teeth.3,4 The anatomic landmark to perform the block is the infraorbital foramen, iden-
tified by palpation on the lateral aspect of the maxilla, at midway and slightly rostral to
an imaginary line running from the lacrimal process to the facial tuber. The needle
should be inserted toward the nerve as it exits the maxilla, in the immediate proximity
of the first maxillary cheek tooth4 (Fig. 2A).
The block of the cranial mandibular nerve, also called mental block, provides analgesia
during surgeries involving the rostral component of the mandible. The anatomic landmark
to perform the block is the mental foramen, located in the upper third of the lateral aspect
of the mandible, just rostral to the first mandibular cheek tooth4 (see Fig. 2B).
The block of the caudal mandibular nerve, also called inferior alveolar nerve, is
preferred over the mental nerve block when a large area of desensitization, including
bone and lower teeth, is desirable. The anatomic landmark is the mandibular foramen,
located on the medial aspect of the mandible.4 In rabbits, the narrow oral cavity makes
the intraoral approach technically difficult; as a result, an extraoral insertion of the nee-
dle through the medial pterygoid muscle is preferred.
The infraorbital block and the pulp injection technique also have been described in

Brachial Plexus Block

A combined ultrasound–nerve stimulator–guided technique for axillary brachial plexus
nerve block has been described in rabbits.7
304 d’Ovidio & Adami

Fig. 2. Performance of cranial nerve blocks in an anesthetized rabbit undergoing a dental

surgical procedure. Needle insertion into the infraorbital foramen (A) and mental foramen
(B) for infraorbital and mental nerve blocks, respectively.

The brachial plexus of the rabbit is composed of the ventral branches of the last 4 cer-
vical spinal nerves, combined with the first thoracic spinal nerve.1,8 The plexus is
located within the connective tissue of the axillary space, medial to the scapula,
near the axillary artery and vein. It gives origin to the suprascapular, the subscapular,
the axillary, the musculocutaneous, and the radial nerves as well as the common trunk
of the median and ulnar nerves.8

The rabbit should be placed in lateral recumbency, with the limb to be blocked
abducted and uppermost. The plexus appears as a complex of hyperechoic struc-
tures, dorsal to the axillary artery and vein.7 The needle is inserted with an in-plane
technique, parallel to the transducer (ultrasound beam) plane, and advanced, while
being visualized as a hyperechoic line, toward the brachial plexus (Fig. 3). The LA
should be injected so that each nerve trunk is surrounded by a pocket of fluid visible
with the ultrasound.

Sciatic-Femoral Nerve Block

A nerve stimulator–guided sciatic-femoral nerve block has been described in pet rab-
bits for surgeries involving the hind limb distal to the stifle joint.9

In rabbits, as well as in other animal species, the sciatic and the femoral nerves arise
from the lumbosacral plexus. The femoral nerve originates from the fourth, fifth, and
sixth lumbar nerves. It courses along the medial surface of the thigh, in close proximity
to the femoral artery and vein, where it innervates the adjacent muscles, and then con-
tinues toward the foot as the saphenous nerve.10,11 The sciatic nerve forms mainly
from the seventh lumbar and the first sacral nerves, with little contribution of the sixth
lumbar and the second sacral nerves. Its trunk courses dorsally, between the ilium and
the vertebral column, and then it continues ventrally toward the thigh. Proximal to the
stifle, it branches into the peroneal and the tibial nerves.10,11

The rabbits should be positioned in lateral recumbency. For the femoral nerve block,
the limb to be blocked is abducted 90 and extended caudally. The anatomic land-
marks described by Mahler and Adogwa for dogs are used to locate the nerves.9
Locoregional Anesthesia in Exotic Pets 305

Fig. 3. Combined nerve locator and ultrasound-guided technique (dual guidance) for
brachial plexus block in a pet rabbit. The stimulating needle is advanced toward the brachial
plexus roots under ultrasound guidance.

For the femoral nerve, the needle is inserted cranial to the femoral artery, identified by
palpation, and toward the femur (Fig. 4A). The target motor response consists of the
contraction of the quadriceps femoris and the extension of the stifle.
Regarding the sciatic nerve block, the rabbit should remain in lateral recumbency,
with the limb to be blocked uppermost. The greater trochanter (GT) of the femur
and the ischiatic tuberosity (IT) are identified by palpation and the needle inserted at
60 to the skin, at approximately one-third (the closest to the GT) of the distance be-
tween the GT and IT (see Fig. 4B). Successful nerve location is confirmed by plantar
extension and contraction of both the semitendinosus and the semimembranosus

Neuroaxial Anesthesia
Neuroaxial anesthesia has been described in ferrets, rabbits, and guinea pigs under-
going surgery involving reproductive tract, hind limbs, pelvis, perineum, vertebral col-
umn, and tail.5,12–14

Fig. 4. Performance of a sciatic-femoral nerve block under nerve locator guidance in a pet
rabbit prior to hind limb surgery. Positioning in lateral recumbency and stimulating needle
insertion for femoral nerve (A) and sciatic nerve (B) locations.
306 d’Ovidio & Adami

Rabbits have 6 to 7 lumbar vertebrae and 4 sacral vertebrae. The first 3 sacral verte-
brae are fused whereas the fourth may be fused or not.1 The spinal cord may terminate
within the first, most commonly second, or third sacral vertebra.11 Ferrets have 5 to 7
lumbar vertebrae and 3 fused sacral vertebrae. The spinal cord of most often termi-
nates cranial to the lumbosacral space.13,15 Guinea pigs have 6 lumbar and 2 to 3
sacral vertebrae.16

The animal should be positioned in sternal recumbency, with the hind limbs flexed
cranially under the abdomen. A 22-gauge, 38 mm (1.5 in) spinal needle may be
used to perform single epidural injections. Rigorous asepsis should be encouraged.
The lumbosacral junction is identified by palpation using as landmarks the spinous
processes of the last lumbar vertebra, the sacrum, and the ileum wings.5,13 Thereafter,
an appropriate-size spinal needle is introduced caudal to the last lumbar vertebra and
advanced through the skin and subcutaneous layers. At this point, the stylet is
removed from the needle and the latter is advanced, with a drop of sterile saline
applied onto the hub of the needle, until a pop sensation, indicative of intervertebral
ligaments crossing, is felt, and the saline drop is aspirated. LAs alone or in combina-
tion with opioids are injected over 30 seconds to 60 seconds.5 The loss of motor and
sensory functions confirms the successful block.12

Topical Applications
LAs can be applied as topical eye drops, to anesthetize the cornea during minor pro-
cedures. A eutectic mixture of lidocaine and prilocaine (EMLA Cream, AstraZeneca,
Karlskoga, Sweden) can be applied to the skin 30 minutes to 60 minutes before veni-
puncture or intravenous catheterization.17 Hair clipping and application of a bandage
help to optimize absorption of the cream through the skin and subcutaneous layers in
the area of interest.14

Intratesticular Injections
Intratesticular injections are commonly performed in exotic pets undergoing castra-
tion. The LA is injected into the testicle and the spermatic cord in volumes up to
1 mL per testicle, depending on the size of the animal.5,14,18–20

Brachial Plexus Block
The brachial plexus block has been described in anesthetized or sedated individuals
belonging to multiple avian species (Fig. 5).21–29
The clinical effects of the brachial plexus block in birds were reported to be variable,
and it was suggested that the sensory block may be concentration dependent and/or
volume of LA dependent.25 In chickens, blind brachial plexus block performed with
lidocaine, ropivacaine, or bupivacaine, at a volume of 1 mL/kg, was found technically
easy. The success rate of this technique, however, was less than 70%.22,23

The anatomy of the brachial plexus varies greatly among avian species. This implies
that techniques described for 1 species are not necessarily valid for other species.28
In 3 Hispaniolan Amazon parrot (Amazona ventralis), the brachial plexus is formed by
the last 3 cervical and the first thoracic nerves. These nerves merge from the lateral
edge of the corresponding vertebrae before branching into the dorsal and ventral
Locoregional Anesthesia in Exotic Pets 307

Fig. 5. Combined nerve stimulator and ultrasound-guided technique (dual guidance) for
brachial plexus block in a common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) prior to wing surgery.

fascicles. The eleventh and twelfth nerves give rise to the ventral fascicle of the
brachial plexus that innervates the biceps brachii, the skin of the ventral aspect of
the shoulder, and the large pectoralis muscle. The ventral fascicle continues then as
the medioulnar nerve, which divides near the elbow into the ulnar and median nerves.
The twelfth and thirteenth nerves form the dorsal fascicle, which gives origin to the
radial nerve.30
In Hispaniolan Amazon parrots, both blind and ultrasound-guided techniques were
described. Neither of them, however, resulted in muscle relaxation at the doses of
lidocaine used by the authors (2 mg/kg in a total volume of 0.3 mL).28
Two nerve stimulator–guided approaches have been described in mallard ducks
(Anas platyrhynchos): axillary and dorsal. The target motor response is a muscular
twitch of the wing. Both techniques, however, resulted in clinically inadequate nerve

Axillary technique
The duck should be positioned in lateral recumbency, with the wing extended to facil-
itate the access to its ventral aspect. The anatomic landmark is a triangular depression
in the axillary region, delimited by the medial edge of the pectoralis muscle, the cranial
edge of the biceps brachii muscle, and the dorsal aspect of the serratus ventralis
(Fig. 6). The brachial plexus is subcutaneous and craniodorsal to this depression.25

Dorsal technique
The bird is positioned as for the axillary approach, and the dorsal spine is palpated to
identify a depression between the last cervical vertebra and the first thoracic vertebra.
The brachial plexus is located cranioventral to that depression, beneath the scapula.25

Sciatic-Femoral Nerve Block

A combined nerve stimulator–guided sciatic-femoral nerve block has been described
in the peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) undergoing surgical treatment of
The organization of avian peripheral nerves is similar to that of mammals.32,33 The
lumbosacral plexus is formed by the union of 2 lumbar and 4 sacral nerves. In some
308 d’Ovidio & Adami

Fig. 6. Positioning in lateral recumbency for brachial plexus nerve block through the axillary
approach in a duck. Needle entry is at the triangular depression in the axillary region
formed by the intersection of the 3 depicted muscles. (From Brenner DJ, Larsen RS, Dickinson
PJ, et al. Development of an avian brachial plexus nerve block technique for perioperative
analgesia in mallard ducks (Anas platyrhynchos). J Avian Med Surg 2010;24(1):28; with

species (eg, fowl), 2 distinct portions of the plexus can be distinguished. The anterior
portion gives origin to several branches, including the femoral, the internal saphenous
and the obturator nerves, whereas the posterior portion gives rise to the sciatic
For the femoral nerve block, the bird is placed in lateral recumbency, with the limb to
be blocked abducted 90 and extended caudally. For the sciatic nerve block, lateral
recumbency is preferred, with the limb to be blocked uppermost.
Femoral nerve block
The landmarks described for dogs also can be used for falcons.35 After identifying the
femoral artery by palpation, the needle is inserted in the quadriceps femoris muscle
cranial to the vein, pointing toward the femur (Fig. 7A). The targeted motor response
consists of the contraction of the quadriceps femoris and the extension of the stifle.
Sciatic nerve block
For the sciatic nerve block, the GT of the femur and the IT are the anatomic landmarks
identified by palpation. The needle is inserted at approximately one-third of the dis-
tance along the GT-IT line, slightly nearer to the GT, with a 60 angle (see Fig. 7B).
The targeted motor responses are the plantar extension and the contraction of the
caudal thigh muscles.

Topical Application
The use of an LA (either lidocaine or bupivacaine at 2 mg/kg) for topical irrigation has
been described in premedicated pet birds to provide analgesia during wound surgical

Local Infiltration
A combination of lidocaine (2 mg/kg) and bupivacaine (2 mg/kg) has been successfully
used in 2 species of psittacines, the blue-crowned conure (Thectocercus
Locoregional Anesthesia in Exotic Pets 309

Fig. 7. Nerve stimulator–guided sciatic-femoral nerve block in a peregrine falcon (Falco per-
egrinus). The femoral artery is palpated and the puncture site for femoral block is selected,
just cranial to it (A). The stimulating needle is inserted percutaneously with a 60 angle at
approximately one-third of the distance along the GT-IT line for sciatic nerve block (B).

acuticaudatus) and the cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus), undergoing minor surgeries

under sedation.36

Cranial Nerve Blocks
The mandibular nerve block has been performed in several species of crocodilians,
the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis), the yacare caiman (Caiman yacare),
and the dwarf crocodile (Osteolaemus tetraspis), undergoing dental biopsy.37
In crocodilian species, the mandibular nerve originates from the trigeminal nerve and
runs ventral past the cranial aspect of the external mandibular foramen. It provides
sensory innervation to the mandible and its components and motor innervation to
the intermandibularis muscle, in the area between the mandibular rami38 (Fig. 8).
The mandibular block has been performed in patients restrained on a board using
nylon straps, with the mouth open and fixed around a padded polyvinyl chloride piping
using electrical tape. Two nerve stimulator–guided approaches, lateral and intraoral,
have been described.
For the lateral approach, the needle is inserted into the cranial aspect of the external
mandibular foramen, which can be palpated on the lateral aspect of the mandible.
To perform the block with the intraoral technique, the needle is inserted ventrocau-
dal to the lateral commissure of the mouth, along the lingual surface of the mandibular
ramus and toward the mandibular foramen (Fig. 9).

Fig. 8. Neuroanatomy of the mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve in the American
alligator (Alligator mississippiensis). (Courtesy of Caroline Hoy, RVNVTS (Anes/Analgesia)
NCert (A&CC).)
310 d’Ovidio & Adami

Fig. 9. Anatomic landmarks for mandibular nerve block techniques in crocodilians. Puncture
sites for the lateral (double asterisk) or intraoral (asterisk) approach to the mandibular
nerve. (From Wellehan JF, Gunkel CI, Kledzik D, et al. Use of a nerve locator to facilitate
administration of mandibular nerve blocks in crocodilians. J Zoo Wildl Med 2006;37:406;
with permission.)

The target motor response is a pulsatile contraction of the intermandibularis mus-

cle; mepivacaine at 2 mg/kg divided into 2 injection sites has been used for this

Neuroaxial Anesthesia
The use of intrathecal anesthesia has been reported in red-footed tortoise (Chelonoi-
dis carbonarius), red-eared sliders (Trachemys scripta elegans), and Galápagos tor-
toise (Geochelone nigra), to provide analgesia during surgeries involving the cloaca,
the urinary bladder, the genitalia, and the hind limbs.39,40

In chelonians, the nerves originating from the caudal portion of the sacral plexus, in
combination with the coccygeal nerves, provide innervation to the cloaca, the geni-
talia, and the hind limbs.41,42 Chelonians lack a proper epidural space; however, they
do have a well-developed intrathecal space. As a result, spinal anesthesia is
preferred over the epidural technique.43 Owing to the fusion of the vertebral column
to the carapace, access to the intrathecal space is limited to the cervical and coccy-
geal vertebrae. The intrathecal spinal injection of LAs has been described in these
species in the coccygeal area; at this level, there is only a thin skin layer above
the neural arch, which makes the access to the intrathecal space technically easy
(Fig. 10).

Despite that spinal anesthesia has been performed in conscious tortoises positioned
in ventral recumbency without adverse effects, performing the procedure with the an-
imal under sedation or general anesthesia is preferred.43 The materials to be prepared
consist of a hypodermic or spinal needle (28-gauge), sterile gloves, preservative-free
opioids, LA, and a syringe. Lidocaine, at 0.8 mg/kg, has been administered intrathe-
cally in 15 hybrid Galápagos tortoises undergoing phallectomy.40 Dosages between
4 mg/kg and 8 mg/kg have been used in red-footed tortoise.39 The intrathecal admin-
istration of 4 mg/kg of lidocaine and 1 mg/kg of bupivacaine in red-eared sliders has
been reported to provide regional anesthesia of the tail, cloaca, and hind limbs with a
duration of 1 hour and 2 hours, respectively. The addition of 0.1 mg/kg to 0.2 mg/kg of
preservative-free morphine increased the duration of the sensory block up to
48 hours.43
Locoregional Anesthesia in Exotic Pets 311

Fig. 10. Intrathecal lidocaine injection for induction of spinal anesthesia in a female river
cooter turtle (Pseudemys concinna) undergoing cloacal surgery.

Topical Application
EMLA cream (1 g/10 cm2), applied on the penile mucosa and combined with systemic
tramadol (10 mg/kg, orally), has been reported to provide successful analgesia during
phallectomy in chelonians.44
Bilateral desensitization of infrared-detecting facial pits has been achieved in prairie
rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis) by injecting a drop of 2% lidocaine solution into each pit

Local Infiltration
Local infiltration of lidocaine (5 mg/kg) has been successfully used as an aid to general
anesthesia in an Argentine black and white tegu (Tupinambis merianae) undergoing
humeral osteosynthesis, and in a Burmese python (Python molurus) undergoing surgi-
cal treatment of cloacal prolapse.46,47 Additionally, local infiltration with 2 mg/kg of
lidocaine can be used at the prefemoral incision site, in combination with intrathecal
lidocaine, for sterilization of chelonians.48

Prevention of Block-related Complications

The main complications associated with nerve blocks are nerve damage and LA sys-
temic toxicity, the latter more commonly associated with overdose and/or uninten-
tional intravascular injection.9 The most common signs of cardiovascular lidocaine
toxicity reported in dogs are bradyarrhythmia and collapse, whereas neurotoxicity is
characterized by muscle twitching, convulsions, unconsciousness, respiratory arrest,
and coma.14 At the time of this writing, the maximum lidocaine dose has been reported
in few species (eg, broiler chickens [6 mg/kg] and rabbits [4 mg/kg]).49,50
Peripheral nerve injury is rare in human medicine, accounting for 0.5% to 1.0% of
the cases.51 Inadvertent globe perforation, damage to the optic nerve and persistent
diplopia represent uncommon complications of the eye blocks, especially when blind
techniques are used.2 Ultrasonography has proved to reduce the occurrence of iatro-
genic injury.2


Locoregional anesthesia is widely used in exotic pets. In most cases, the available in-
formation about the effectiveness of the described techniques is anecdotally reported
312 d’Ovidio & Adami

rather than evidence based. Nevertheless, their use, as well as the development of
new nerve blocks, should be encouraged as a measure to alleviate pain and to pro-
mote a multimodal approach to analgesia.


The authors gratefully acknowledge Caroline Hoy for supplying illustrations and
granting permission for their use.


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