Dorn Method
New Revolutionary
Science for our
weak points: Hip,
Back, Neck & Joints
Align your
A Wholistic
Manual Therapy
and True Self
Help Method
Thomas Zudrell, Dorn Method Lecturer & Healing Practitioner
“Unite Love, Wisdom & Belief,
and create something perfect.”
In any case, the reader is advised to first consult a qualified medical professional before
undertaking any of the exercises presented in this book. Some health problems and pain can be
due to causes other than misalignments in the spinal column and joints. These problems may have
to be cleared by means of conventional medicine first.
Published by
Unit 23, North Sy-Quia Bldg.,
1991 M.H. del Pilar Street,
1004 Malate, Metro Manila, Philippines
Tel: + (063) (02) 523-3179
E-mail: [email protected]
ISBN 971-92220-7-7
Acknowledgements 4
Foreword 5
Introduction 6
• Additional Exercises 72
Special thanks to Dieter Dorn the Founder of this wonderful Method, Hildegard
Steinhauser and Helmuth Koch and Bernd Jakob, for without them I would have never
come across this extraordinary healing method. As Pioneers in the development of
the DORN METHOD, they are still working hard to have this method popularized and
acknowledged by the medical community.
Special thanks also to my loving wife, Josie, and my fantastic children, my son Chester
Alan, my daughters Charice-Jean and Amanda Joleen, for their untiring support and
understanding in all my undertakings.
Thanks to my family, especially my mother, who always shares her loving energy with
other people freely.
Thanks to Joceline Bilasano, my dear healer colleague, for her unsurpassed love for
Healing work, which always inspires me.
Thanks to AWHAI (Academy for Wholistic Healing Arts, Inc.) and its members especially
June Mendoza and Lynda Montiague for their cooperation in my healing mission.
I feel truly blessed to be part of this wonderful universe and the creation of life with all its
Thanks to Senator Jamby Madrigal and Eric Valade for their support in my ‘Mission’.
Thanks also to Massage Therapist and Dorn Method Student Rochelle F. Dela Cruz for
her support being a model for this book. Thanks to Marivel Carranza Rodero for giving
me her ‘back’ support on the cover.
Thanks to Gunther Deichmann and his fantastic team especially to Hermes M. Singson
for their wonderful work in the finalizing steps of this book-project.
Thanks to Dirk Fahrenbach for his whole hearted support in this project all the way.
Thanks to Nonilon G. Reyes, Adam Roszak and Ed Galvez for their help in photographic
Thanks to all my students and patients, for without them I would have never been able
to learn and to grow.
Thanks to the fantastic people of the Philippines and all people who ever crossed my
way for their valuable lessons that brought me to where I am now.
What you are about to read and see in this book may contradict certain
things that we have habitually assumed as right or correct, but I hope
everybody can be open minded and accept that there might be aspects in
life that haven’t been ‘discovered’ or fully understood yet.
This book is only a brief introduction to a very complex method and is not
intended to be a medical exposition or manual for the practical application
of the DORN METHOD by a professional therapist.
For those who need a more scientific study, I recommend the book of
Dr. Michael Graulich, MD mentioned in the appendix.
In this book I also present many new aspects of manual therapy that partly
go beyond the original core DORN METHOD developed by Dieter Dorn.
Since the body of knowledge is derived from the DORN METHOD principals,
I therefore would like to make this Therapy known as ‘The DORN METHOD’
in honor of the person who started this true revolution in Manual Therapy:
The German Healer Dieter Dorn and many of his Disciples like Helmuth Koch,
Hildegard Steinhauser, Harald Fleig and many others.
History of the DORN METHOD
Dieter Dorn
Born in August 1938 in South
Germany, Dieter Dorn is a
sawmill owner who worked
with farmers in the nearby
areas. About 30 years ago,
while lifting a heavy log, he
suffered a Lumbago (sciatic
pain). He was relieved of
the pain by an old farmer
with some fast and simple
His first patient was his wife who, for several years, had suffered from severe
headaches. According to some doctors, the transverse processes of her
cervical vertebrae where too long and could be shortened by surgery but she
refused to be operated. Dieter Dorn checked his wife’s neck and found that
the vertebrae are only twisted and that the x-ray was not a correct reading.
He gently pushed the vertebrae back in place while his wife made rotating
movements at the same time.
Since then, her headaches are history and she became the most prominent
patient of Dieter Dorn.
Soon after, Dieter Dorn helped many people in the neighborhood by correcting
their unequal leg length and aligning their joints. To his surprise, many other
ailments, like knee pains, heart problems, hearing problems and others also
seem to have disappeared.
During the course of his treatments, he observed that he was also addressing
the meridians (nerve pathways) along the spine. Because of the connection
between the spinal cord and the inner organs connected through the spinal
nerve pathways, many problems disappeared when the misaligned vertebrae
where corrected.
By meeting and assisting Dr. Thomas Hansen M.D., Dieter Dorn started to learn
more about anatomy and physiology and, together, they explored the potentials
of this new method for an extended period of time.
Some years later, Dieter Dorn decided that it was time to teach other people
this wonderful method, and he started to give seminars. Many learned from him
and are now following in his foot steps with equal success.
Today, more and more people from the medical field, like doctors,
physiotherapists, massage therapists, non-medical practitioners and
chiropractors, attend these seminars and are amazed about what they learn.
Dieter Dorn still has his sawmill, which makes him independent and his simple
and very kind personality keeps on impressing his students.
Dieter Dorn lives with the third one. “We are born for others, otherwise our life
makes no sense,” is his opinion. This is a way full of ‘thorns’ (Thorn translates
in German as ‘Dorn’).
Maybe that is why
the method is called
he jokes.
I feel truly blessed that I (Thomas Zudrell) have had the chance to study
this wonderful healing method with Hildegard Steinhauser and that she has
authorized me to spread it by teaching others.
Since then I have gone a long way to fulfill that mission and have taught several
courses here in the Philippines and in other countries and treated many happy
I am confident that The DORN METHOD will shortly be known more widely
here in the Philippines and in other parts of the world as it finds its way to
be recognized as a safe, gentle but effective manual therapy and perfect
complement to all other forms of therapy in the fields of conventional and
alternative medicine alike.
The DORN METHOD - A True Self Help Method
Health problems, especially back problems, are very common, but the
treatment is often not very effective as more and more people find themselves
turning more and more to alternative treatments to ease the suffering.
The DORN METHOD can be very effective in many cases, but it requires the full
cooperation of the patient to actually heal the body.
The DORN METHOD can prevent most back problems if applied before these
problems show up.
Remember the saying, “It’s the squeaky door that gets the oil.”
Only the combination of these three can bring the desired success. The DORN
METHOD provides all three!
Lets have a brief look at why we humans suffer from so many problems in our
body because our spinal column is not aligned and not in a balance.
The spinal cord is the main information highway between the brain and all other
parts of our body. If there is a blockage along this highway, the flow of this
energy is altered often in a negative way.
Difference in leg length can be found in almost all humans today. Why?
We believe the answer lies in the following: Aside from the mental and spiritual
imbalances, the principal physical cause of a difference in leg length is a
subluxation in the hip joint. Knee and ankle joints also play roles in causing
unequal leg length.
The relational distance of the bones in the joint becomes altered, the result is
a longer leg caused most likely by a combination of that actual misplacement
together with an immediate tensioning of the hip muscles that twist the hip
blades, with all the effects described before.
Our muscles have the tendency to keep our joints in position and this ‘inertia’,
the holding power of the muscles, may also work in the improper sense
by holding a joint in a wrong position – by force of habit, wrong posture or
unnatural movements.
Our body adapts fast to any changes and the joint soon gets stabilized in a
wrong position with resulting negative effects to the whole system.
The evolutionary change from a four-leg walk to a two-leg walk in humans left a
weak point in our body: our hip joint!
This joint is easily brought out of balance with all the unnatural movements and
activities of our modern times.
Experience with the DORN METHOD has yielded two main reasons for a
subluxation in the hip joint: Stretching the joint by more than 90° with the knee
kept inwards and sitting with crossed legs!
Both will force the hip joint out of its natural position and the muscles very likely
will then hold this wrong position when the posture has become a habitual
The crossed leg acts as a levering force directed inwards and to the front
onto the hip joint and, because while sitting the muscles are relaxed, and the
ligaments of the hip joint as well, the head of the femur bone is actually being
pulled out a tiny little bit of the socket.
After the leg is released from the crossed position, the still tensed muscles will
tend to hold this wrong position and, after standing up, the head will most likely
not slide back into the proper position because some force is now directed
upwards and basically no side force is present so the head can bump into
the acetabular roof (socket) and it can thus remain in that slightly off-normal
When bending (stretching) over 90° with knee inwards the head of the femur
bone can get in contact with the acetabular (socket) and become levered out of
it proper position
and often held in that wrong position.
Both postures or actions lead to the same result: A difference in leg length!
So the first important thing to do is to avoid these, for lack of a better word,
bad movements and sitting positions. By following these two pieces of advice,
our body will get the necessary time to recover and stabilize its joints in the
correct position after they are all aligned using the DORN METHOD.
This can take some time, of course, and requires cooperation and a little
discipline. But it is easy to achieve and costs almost nothing more than a little
In fact, we believe that many of the common
or popular stretching exercises probably cause
more harm than good. Many extreme sitting
positions and many common, even relaxed
sitting positions may in fact also not be really
good for our joints.
The abnormal movements earlier mentioned can later lead also to hip problems
even in babies and very young children. Tests have shown that almost all young
children already have subluxations in their hip joints. So, in many cases, we
may just actually be aggravating an existing problem later on in our life.
The lack of exercises for proper muscle training, together with malnutrition and
increasing environmental stress and personal stress, changing human values
and so on, contribute to the existing problem.
Modern times are fast and most people feel the effects with changing attitudes,
less discipline, lost ‘old fashioned’ values and the believe that the solution
for the problems lays outside of us. Everything needs to be fast -- including
healing and solving problems.
Other movements that may favor or cause subluxations in the hip joint
and /or sacrum:
Bending down with straight legs, twisting the hip in a laying position or in a
standing position with both feet firm on the ground, stretching with one leg
straight back. In fact, many of these movements are considered healthy and
beneficial but I may not find it hard to persuade many people that they could do
more harm than good.
Machines that stretch the human body are not always safe, consider that
comparable devices were used in medieval times for the torture of people. (This
statement is meant as a provocation only, of course.)
Basically, all other forms of therapy that use stretching (traction), in the belief
that they are helpful for the relief of pain due to tensed up muscles, may only
temporarily achieve a positive result but, which, in fact, could be worsened later
if an existing or resulting subluxation is not corrected.
Experience shows that the main cause for these tensions in muscles are
misalignments in the joints and therefore the therapy needs to start there first.
Below some more stretching that should be avoided if any misalignment exists
or there is a history of back pain.
The result of wrong movements etc. is a subluxation in the hip joint that leads
to a difference in leg length.
The Femural head can bump against the roof / edge of the acetabulum (socket)
and levers itself out of position. The inertia of our muscles will then most likely
immediately hold that wrong position.
A tensioning of the muscles of the hip is resulting that contributes to the tilting
/ inclining and twisting of the pelvis and that in turn leads sooner or later to a
subluxation of the sacrum, the foundation of our spine gets out of balance.
Misalignments in form of shifted vertebrae or curvatures like scoliosis are likely
to develop. When these misalignments stay in their wrong place for a while and
are not corrected the body will assume these positions a the correct ones and a
rebuilding of the physical structure of muscles, ligaments and so on take place
and the condition become ‘chronic’ and somehow ‘permanent’ although this is
reversible in most cases.
I researched and found out that this re-building or adjustment reaction usually
takes place within two month after the misalignment happened, that’s about
the same time a fracture needs to heal as well.
If you want to ‘heal’ the avoiding of all that, namely by stopping the wrong
movements and positions is the first step.
So how should we stretch? More details about that later in this book.
But one thing now: Whenever we stretch our hip joint less than 90° the
knees must be tilted a little outwards (e.g. open the legs like a frog) to
ensure the hip joint stays in place.
Wrong position of hip joint Correct position of hip joint (Knee tilted out!)
Other potential harmful movements and the correct way:
Wrong and right sitting: It is best not to slouch the shoulders while sitting or to
stretch the spine into an extreme arched position. A straight but relaxed sitting
is best. A pillow or cushion put onto the chair at the back part so that the angle
of sitting is not less than 90° can help you stay upright more easily.
This Spine Care Pillow is a wedge shaped pillow placed on any ordinary chair,
computer chair even car or wheelchair and by changing the position of the
sacrum while sitting on it we can stay in a more straighter position without
effort therefore relaxing
our back and avoiding
bad posture and
sloughing. It makes
simple chairs to instant
and inexpensive
ergonomical wonder
chairs. Get one in
our centers and try it
Also important is to go through the correct movements in the process of
standing up. When we rise from a relaxed position our muscles are not
immediately ready for action and if we happen to bend in the wrong way, we
may cause or worsen existing subluxations in the joints and spine. Therefore it
is better to assist the spine by supporting it with our arms while rising up.
Many people bend their whole upper body down to lift objects from the floor
and, often, this bending is done over the side especially with lighter objects and
In any case, they put strain onto our lower back and might easily cause or
worsen an existing subluxation of the sacrum.
Strong muscles at the back and abdomen will partly protect us from harm but
very few people other than athletes, bodybuilders and sportsmen work these
specific muscles, which develop only after regular training. Therefore, they
need to very carefully observe the way they move while lifting.
The correct way to lift is to use the strong muscles of our legs rather than the
back. Even with light objects it is better to squat down grab the object in the
middle and not over the side and straighten the legs to lift the load while the
back is kept straight with firm muscles. It is easy to do and only takes a little
discipline and consciousness to make it a habit.
In many cases when we have already existing problems in our back together
with pain, we instinctively move in the more correct way because the wrong
movements are causing more pain. So, I really wonder why we do not learn
this lesson early enough and why we need to suffer first before we are ready to
change habits.
And even more astonishing for me is that we humans, in many cases, prefer
to CORRECT mistakes (if still possible) rather than PREVENT them from
happening or reoccurring.
Maybe changes need longer time periods in evolution but it’s a guaranteed fact
that life is constantly marked by change!
I have to pay the price for my actions and I also will receive the gifts of life at
some stage that is what’s called Karma. More on this Philosophy in another
book that I am preparing to write in the future that covers the Spiritual Laws.
There is so much more to write about concerning what we can or should not
do and the correct way of doing, but I want to keep this book as simple and
effective as possible with exercises proven to work fast and easy, perfectly
fitting into our fast times.
The next pages provide some information about real anatomical connections
between organs and vertebrae, possible physical connections, most likely
associated inner problems and recommended affirmations for positive change
of our mindset.
Area Organ Connection Possible physical problems
C1 Head, optical nerve, brain Headaches, migraines, high blood, chronic tiredness, dizziness,
paralysis due to irregular circulation in brain
C2 Eyes, tongue, ears, sinuses Sinus problems, eye trouble, deafness, ear pains
C3 Ears, teeth, facial nerves Pain in face nerves, spots, acne, tinnitus, toothache, bad teeth,
Plaque, bleeding gums, neuralgia,
C4 Nose, mouth, lips, ears, Constant cold, loss of hearing, chapped lips, cramped lip
mandibular joint, throat muscles, adenoids, catarrh
C5 Cervical muscles, throat, neck Hoarseness, sore throat, chronic cold, laryngitis
C6 Acromio-clavicular joint, Tonsillitis, croup, stiff neck, upper arm pains, whooping cough,
shoulder, tonsils, neck goiter,
C7 Thyroid gland, elbow, Diseases of the thyroid gland, colds, bursitis in the shoulder or
sterno-clavicular joint elbow, depression, fear
TH 1 Shoulder, wrist, hand, neck, Shoulder pains, neck cramps, lower arm/hand pains, ligament
lower arm, fingers inflammations, furry feeling in fingers
TH 2 Heart, blood vessels, chest Heart trouble, disruption in rhythm, fears, chest pain
TH 3 Lung, skin, breasts, chest, Bronchitis, influenza, pleurisy, pneumonia, cough, breathing
mammary gland difficulties, asthma, disruption in chest region
TH 4 Gallbladder, tendons, ligaments Trouble in gallbladder, gall stones, jaundice, headaches on one
side (from the gallbladder meridian)
TH 5 Liver, circulatory system, immune Disruptions in liver, low blood, anemia, fatigue, shingles,
system, tendons, ligaments circulatory weakness, arthritis
TH 6 Stomach, muscles, pancreas Stomach and digestion problems, heartburn, diabetes
TH 7 Duodenum, stomach, pancreas, Duodenal ulcers, stomach complaints, hiccups, possible lack of
muscles vitamins, feelings of weakness
TH 8 Spleen,, blood, muscles Spleen problems, weakness in immune system
TH 9 Adrenal gland, Allergies, nettle rash
TH 10 Kidney, bones Kidney problems, salt can not get out, chalked-up arteries,
chronic tiredness
TH 11 Skin, kidney, urinary track, bones Skin diseases like acne, spots, eczema, boils, raw skin, psoria
sis, (does not drink enough!, needs more liquid)
TH 12 Small intestine, ovary, testicles, Problems with small intestine, wind, rheumatism, disruption in
blood vessels, circulation growth, infertility, erectile dysfunction
L1 Large intestine, skin, Problems with large intestine, disruption in circulation in intes
tine, blockages, diarrhea, etc., constipation
L2 Large bowel, appendix, skin Problems with appendix, stomach cramps, hyper acidity,
varicose veins
L3 Bladder, uterus, prostate, knee Problems during pregnancy, menstruation pains, menopause
problems, bladder pain, knee aches - often together with the
bladder, impotence, bed-wetting
L4 Sigmoid, sciatic nerve, prostate Sciatica, lumbago, prostate trouble, painful or too frequent
urination, (daily massage of buttock muscles!)
L5 Rectum, Circulation problems in leg and feet, cold feet, cramps in the
calves, swelling of feet and legs
Sacrum Sacrum, legs, hip, sciatic nerve, Sciatica, abdominal problems, chronic constipation, pains in
crest, buttock, genital organs legs and feet
Coccyx Anus, Hemorrhoids, itching of the anus, pain on sitting
Area Chakras Possible inner problems
Area New Thought Pattern / Affirmation for positive change of Mindset
How does the DORN METHOD help?
The DORN METHOD is probably the most effective and safe Manual Therapy
available in the world today. It can be easily learned in a few days and offers a
real alternative for Self Help and for helping others.
The DORN METHOD should become a kind of wonderful folk medicine that
everyone can benefit from. Of course, more severe cases of spinal problems
must be left to professionals.
Many orthopedic clinics and other therapeutic centers in Germany now offer
the DORN METHOD with increasing success. In most cases, the use of neural
injections for back pains could be reduced by as much as 90% with the help
of the DORN METHOD. It is the only form of therapy that may actually correct
even severe cases of scoliosis.
I am convinced that most hip and spinal surgery could also be avoided if the
patients would make use of the DORN METHOD early. All hospitals should
consider having the DORN METHOD included in their physical therapy
department for more effective patient care.
The DORN METHOD is not a cure-all, but it is certainly the most effective
Manual Therapy I have encountered, so far, and, in most cases, it can be
applied safely and successfully. I am not aware of any damage done to a DORN
METHOD patient since its introduction by Dieter Dorn some 30 years ago.
All joints in our body can be displaced from their proper position if we upset our
natural ‘bone order’ and our muscles try to “fix” our joints “in place” even in a
misplaced position.
The rectification of a misaligned joint can sometimes prove quite difficult and a
forceful manual correction might cause more damage than good. To move the
bones which are held by the inertia of our muscles we need to undertake any
correction in a dynamic, moving action.
The patient actively moves the joint while the Therapist gently pushes or guides
the bones back into proper position using only the thumb or the hand. Logical
mechanical principles are at work, like counter pressure or levering forces and
this form of correction is usually readily accepted by our body.
During the movement the muscles are in a distracted state and it is, thus,
reasonably easy to realign the bones without having to overcome much muscle
“resistance”. Step by step, the bone is guided back into its proper position with
an action referred to as counter pressure in the mechanical world. The same
principal as when getting sand or flour through a sieve or colander only with
motion e.g. shaking this is possible. This is completely safe because it requires
only light pressure and the correction pressure is stopped as soon as any Pain
The DORN METHOD does not replace any other form of therapy but it can be a
fantastic supplement to them.
Chiropractic can be a very effective and safe therapy and it has proven to
be with very little risk if done the right way, however it is not
completely risk free. Because the Dorn method is not yet as popular as it
should be a good Chiropractor or Osteopath would always be my preferred
choice when it comes to Back Problems. Unfortunately quite a few
Chiropractors as well as many other Medical Professionals seem to be more
after the financial result rather than the highest benefit of the patient
which is somewhat understandable after a long period of study and the
enormous costs involved in our modern (advanced???) medical system. Actual
time spent with a patient is often only around 15 minutes and patients are
more like ‘numbers’ rather than people with a name that’s remembered on a
follow up consultation.
I hope that one day in the near future many Chiropractors will also learn
the Dorn Method and combine the two Therapies and revolutionize the way
Back Pain is dealt with.
A Session with a good Dorn Method Practitioner most likely lasts at least
one hour intensive hands on and tutorial and explanations, that is time
most other Medical Practitioners simply don’t have anymore even they would
like to!
What is the difference from Chiropractic, which is most likely the best
known therapy for spine alignment presently?
At this point I want to present some testimonials how people react to the Dorn
Method, patients as well as practitioners:
After just one treatment, my lower back pain for more than 10 years is
Gone! Migraine is gone too; from now onward I can heal my body
Myself. Thanks Thomas, excellent method! Let more people know
about Dorn and benefit from it.
2. BR 35/female with excruciating low back, buttock and right leg pain
which has caused her insomnia for about 2weeks. She already underwent
several physical therapy sessions and given steroids but these only
afforted slight and temporary relief. After 1 Dorn session she could
already sleep better with the pain reduced to only about 30%.
3. BM 63/female with difficulty breathing. She noticed that she cannot do
deep breathing for about 2 months. She already tried traditional massage
but this didn’t afford any relief. After 1 Dorn session she could breathe
easily and more deeply.
I had been having on-and-off back pains for several years until I came
across the Dorn Method of spinal alignment. During my treatment, I
learned that my right leg was slightly longer than my left and performed
a simple maneuver to equalize the discrepancy. The therapist then
proceeded to work on my back from my pelvis all the way up to my neck
until all the individual vertebrae were back in alignment. I immediately
noticed a significant improvement after just one session. I also took my
wife for treatment after she developed progressive tingling and numbness
in her arm after playing badminton. Her condition gradually returned to
normal after just one session. I am convinced that the Dorn Method is a
safe and effective means of treating various muscular-skeletal disorders.
Through this wonderful skill that God entrusted to me, it really
benefited me, my family and a lot of people. And as long as there
are people who needs this kind of treatment, I will continue to
share it through the best that I can and for the greater glory of
The Dorn Treatment for all types of spinal column or back problems,
which was introduced in the Philippines in 2004 by German national,
Thomas Zudrell, is rather unique
I found instant relief from lower back pain after Dorn treatment. However,
one has to have the discipline to practice the exercises at home to have
lasting benefits from the technique.
President, Inner Mind Development Institute
Writer, Lecturer, Newspaper Columnist and
Radio Anchorman
Licensed Massage Teacher
Healthmaster Acupressure and Reflexology Center
I’ve been suffering from a leg & hip pain when I consulted a health
professional. After an x-ray and MRI tests were done, I was diagnosed
with slipped disc. My orhto surgeon told me to undergo a physical
therapy session, but there was no progress. I had six sessions. Finally,
my doctor told me to undergo an operation. It would cost about P80,
000. I did not follow my doctor recommendation; instead I looked for
other alternative therapies.
The Dorn Therapy
The leg is lifted to a 90° position and then lowered to a straight position while
the hand on the same side is applying a pulling pressure, thus guiding the head
of the femur bone back into its proper position of the joint socket. The patient
is advised to exhale during this movement in order to stay relaxed.
This correction can also be done by the therapist if the Self Help Method does
not show the desired results.
The correction movements can be repeated several times and should be done
on both sides without causing any pain.
The same correction can be done using a towel rolled around the thigh at the
height of the greater trochanter (low position). The hip may be tilted a little
outwards in more advanced cases. Now the outer hand is pulling firm on the
towel while the leg is lowered to a straight position.
The patient should exhale during this movement and there must be no pain. It
is always better to repeat this more often than doing it with too much force.
This exercise should not be done if the patient has an artificial hip joint. In these
cases, the hand pressure method is the better and softer choice.
Misalignments in the knee are also very common and can be corrected by
applying gentle pressure towards the knee joint while moving the joint from an
approximately 90° position to a straight position.
The ankle is also often not in the best alignment and the correction is done in a
similar way.
Pressure is applied toward the joint while it is moved from an angled position to
a straight position with gentle and not-too-fast movements.
After the correction of the lower limbs, the treatment is continued in a standing
position with the assessment and correction of the sacrum and spine.
Using hands and oil only, the alignment of the sacrum and spine is checked
and corrected by applying careful
pressure towards the correct
position of the joint while the
patient is swinging with the leg on
the opposite site.
1. Point: Posterior Superior iliac spine
Lower back assessment is usually done together with the sacrum:
The therapist applies gentle gradually increasing pressure onto the sacrum via
the highest part of the hip blade (Posterior superior iliac spine) with the thumb,
fist or flat hand while the patient is swinging with the leg on the opposite side.
The pressure is applied towards the front when the leg is on the back swing
and it is stopped as soon as any signs of Pain become apparent. Always both
sides should be corrected however the therapist should start on the misaligned
side first.
After the correction on the upper
part of the hip blade another
correction should be done on the
lower part of the sacrum close to
the coccyx. Constant but gentle
pressure is applied onto the lower
part of the sacrum / coccyx area,
which is directed to the front and a
little upwards, while the patient is
swinging with the leg on the opposite
side. The pressure can be applied
using the fist or the lower part of the
upper arm basically at the elbow.
Also here the sides are changed as
to achieve the best alignment.
The upper spine is
checked and corrected
in a sitting position
while the patient is
swinging the arm(s)
back and front.
This requires a lot of skill from the therapist and must not be attempted without
substantial training.
In many people, the neck can be very tense. Misalignments in the neck area
can be found in almost every person, which, in turn, leads to unwanted
results like headaches, shoulder and arm pains, tinnitus, sinusitis, eye and ear
problems and so on.
The most important vertebrae here are the first and second also called Atlas
and Axis and more than 50% of all people are observed to have misalignments
The movement of the neck can be assisted by the therapist but must be done
with extra care to avoid too much discomfort and the correction pressure must
be stopped as soon as any pain arises.
The Shoulder is corrected in a similar matter: Movement while gentle pressure
is applied towards the joint socket.
The elbow joint is corrected in the same way: Pressure is applied towards the
joint and it is moved from an approximately 90° position to a straight position.
Again the same principle: Pressure toward the joint and movement.
And again the same principal when correcting the hand joints and finger joints:
Pressure towards the joint and movement.
The Jaw (Mandibular Joint) can also be treated with gentle pressure and
The therapist follows always the same principals:
The correction is started with gentle but gradually increasing pressure until the
bone is back into place or until the patient feels any pain due to the pressure.
Let me give you a sample analogy from day to day life: The sample principle is
at work every time we bake a cake or mix sand and cement to make concrete.
The flour or sand is put into a sieve but some particles get stuck against each
other and do not fall through the gaps of the sieve unless we shake (move) it,
thus enabling them to slide through the openings of the sieve.
After these corrections are applied, it is very important to keep the bones in
their correct position to ensure long-term success. This includes avoidance
of all wrong movements, postures and habits, and requires continuous
maintenance by carrying out the right exercises daily.
Easy things to do, but it seems very hard for some people to even spend a few
minutes with discipline to take these simple steps toward well-being. Try it and
your body will thank you for it.
This holds true especially for the easy exercises that are meant to keep our legs
the same length and, therefore, the hips in an aligned horizontal position so that
our spine can stand on a strong, stable, balanced foundation at all times.
The DORN METHOD therapist is basically only starting the whole process of
healing by doing the first necessary corrections and then teaching the patient
how to do it regularly by himself on a maintenance basis.
By doing the right exercises over and over again, we basically train our joints to
get used to the correct position and, over a longer period, even changes that
have occurred in bone shape due to long term misalignments can be corrected,
like in many cases of scoliosis. Of course, it can take some time and patience,
but positive result is very possible and requires only a little time. What’s more,
no expensive tools are needed.
If the condition does not improve even after several treatments, then there
might be other factors that should be assessed by a physician. It could
be cancer or some form of irreversible damage to bones or tissue, or an
inflammation in the teeth or other diseases.
However, this applies to only a few cases. More common is that the patient
is simply not properly following the therapist’s advice or unwilling to perform
the right exercises regularly, or does not change aspects of his lifestyle that
exacerbates the problem.
In almost all health problems, there are existing psychological or mental issues
that may influence the condition. It seems as though our body wants to remind
us about these inner problems by signaling pain and illness so that we can
have the chance to change whatever is necessary to improve.
Some patients even seem to enjoy being sick because that gives them the
feeling that others will take care of them when they are not well.
I usually recommend REIKI to complement the DORN METHOD and any other
medical or non medical forms of treatment because it is a very simple but
effective way to manage all forms of stress (physical, mental or spiritual).
Energy therapies like REIKI can be beneficial in balancing our often disturbed
energy budget, which leads to tensions. A tense person cannot be in good
Many Therapists use the ‘BREUSS MASSAGE’ in combination with the DORN
METHOD as a link between manual therapy and healing.
After a successful Dorn Therapy, the body may show the following reactions
usually up to three days: Dull muscular pain (like after a heavy gym work out),
light pressure pain on the correction points, muscle tension at the corrected
areas, detoxification signs like sweating, flue-like symptoms, changes in toilet
habits etc, even an awakening of hidden and unsolved inner issues might
emerge. We sometimes refer to this as a healing crisis and it should be counted
as positive because it shows that the body is starting to adjust.
Things to Do or Not to Do after a Dorn Therapy
No heavy exercises for a few days, no stretching, no bending over the side,
no turning of the hips with both feet on the floor, no sitting with crossed legs.
Maintain correct posture at all times (sitting, sleeping, standing, lifting etc).
Drink plenty of good water (if possible without soda) or herbal teas to assist
kidney function.
Massage the buttocks muscles several times daily for a few minutes that will
help in curing and preventing lower back pain.
Light massage is helpful after a DORN THERAPY but without stretching. Daily
walking for 20 minutes with good flat shoes is recommended. Reduce alcohol
and nicotine intake to assist detoxification process. Maintain a healthy and
balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables low on salt and animal
Avoid stress, get plenty of fresh air, sun light and rest.
Too much calcium may lead to muscle tension (also in the heart muscle) and
extra calcium in the form of food supplements is rarely necessary.
For your information: Osteoporosis is not due, per se, to a lack of calcium. It
is a disturbance in the utilization of calcium in our body, so additional calcium
intake alone may not help. But it is big business to sell calcium supplements
taking advantage of this misbelief! For tense muscles, magnesium and vitamin
E is recommended.
Accidents: After accidents or injury, you must not treat immediately, to avoid
causing further damage, but six to eight weeks later, a treatment should be
Cancer: Patients diagnosed with cancer often feel better after a Dorn treatment,
but the treatment must be done very gently and with written permission/liability
release from the patient. The cancer itself cannot be cured by the DORN
METHOD but some symptoms may get better.
Lumbago and prolapsed disk: Patients with Lumbago (Sciatica) can be treated
very gently as long as they are able to move comfortably. It might be advisable
to give a Breuss massage first to reduce the pain before correction with the
A prolapsed disk must not be treated using the DORN METHOD, and the
patient needs emergency/first aid care first because the condition is very
sensitive and may, in some cases, even require surgery.
Acute migraine: Patients with migraine should only be treated after symptoms
have disappeared.
Patients with the tendency to bleed easily must only be treated by very
experienced therapists.
The same goes for patients with osteoporosis, however these patients also
benefit from Dorn Therapy.
Pregnant woman can be treated, but with written permission and liability
release. Please note that a correction of the lumbar area after the seventh
month might induce early labor, although there has been no such case in the
known history of the DORN METHOD. Most pregnant woman would highly
benefit from a Dorn Treatment when properly applied.
Children and Infants can be treated carefully and with permission of the
What indicates a good DORN METHOD Therapist?
The Therapy must include explanations, leg length control and correction,
gentle treatment without causing pain and the teaching of self help exercises.
Treatment fees may vary but should be reasonable.
The Therapist must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards.
The Therapist should not be in a rush and have sufficient time for the patient.
The Therapist must not act against the advice of a physician and make the
patient believe that his therapy is the answer for all concerns.
The sincere desire to help should be the first concern before any material
The Therapist should be skilled and have some familiarity with general medicine
concepts, anatomy and physiology.
These Self-Help Exercises can be put to use even without first being treated by
a DORN METHOD Therapist, although it would be best to have therapy done
first and use the exercises for after care maintenance.
Anyone who wants to try the exercises must do so with extra care and first ask
their physician if they can do these before starting them.
These exercises are meant to help correct existing misalignments in our joints,
and can serve as effective aids to prevent future problems.
The DORN METHOD being in a dynamic state and improving constantly with
the application of new inputs from various experienced DORN METHOD
therapists, I expect many useful developments in the near future, especially
with more practitioners being trained and expanding the horizons of this
The DORN METHOD Self Help Exercises aim to help maintain and sustain
the aligning of misplaced joints after a DORN Therapist has applied the initial
treatment. If the patient does these exercises daily, then there is a very high
possibility that the joints will stay in their proper position or in case the joint
is not yet completely back in position, the exercises may further achieve
alignment in time.
My own research has shown that in fact it takes about two month of strict
discipline and avoidance of bad moves together with the Dorn Method Self
Help Exercises to achieve the best possible results. It take about two month
for a fractured bone to heal completely and at this time the structural system
‘re-builds’ itself so we have to give our body that two month time to rebuild and
stabilize by keeping the joint in its corrected position.
There should be no pain while doing the exercises, and it is best to do them
often, gently, rather then doing them with too much power and less frequently.
Before any attempt to do the exercises it is best to consult your doctor first and
check if it is possible to do them.
The Author and other DORN METHOD Therapists cannot guarantee the
success of the exercises. The responsibility and liability is completely on
the User’s side. . Again: Please ask your doctor first before you start any
However if you do the exercises carefully and in the right way, there is basically
no risk and the chance of getting very good results in a short span of time is
The first and most important of all the exercises is the one for the hip joint. If we
are able to ensure that our hip joint is in the right position at all times, then we
help keep the foundation of the spine strong.
There is no need to first measure the leg length as long as you make it a point
to correct always both sides of the body.
The exercise can be done in a lying position or in a standing position using the
hand or a rolled up towel.
The leg is bent to a 90° angle and then straightened while the hand is pressing
onto the trochantor major of the femur bone (pulling on the upper thigh) and
therefore exerting light pressure toward the hip joint socket. The pressure is
only done when the leg is on the downward movement and not when the leg
is lifted. Repeat this exercise several (at least 3 times per hip) times with both
It is a good idea to do this after longer sitting periods, after car driving or after
any sport or activity with stretching as the last exercise.
If you can only do it once a day, then it is best to do it before you sleep when
you are already in the bed. That ensures that your body ‘remembers’ the
corrected position of the hip joint during the long hours of sleep.
When doing the exercise in a standing position, make sure you stabilize
yourself with the other hand holding onto something.
Instead of holding the thigh you can also make a fist and press onto the hip
joint (at the height of the trochantor major of the femur bone = the bony edge of
the upper thigh).
I strongly recommend doing this exercise in the first two month as often as
possible, as often as once per hour. Minimum twice a day in a lying position
when we are in bed anyway then at daytime in a standing position. Also it’s
advisable to do them after long driving, sitting and after any kind of sport
or yoga etc. to ensure the hips are immediately back in their best possible
Sacrum Exercises:
For Sacrum Grounding:
Sacrum exercises:
To partly replicate the correction pressure applied by the therapist ,you can lay
on a firm surface on your back, the highest part of the back side of the hip is
just on the edge and the arms are stabilizing the position. Now you swing the
legs with knee straight or bended several times up and down. This will help the
sacrum to find or stay in its proper position. Do not attempt to do this exercise
if there is any pain while doing the movement!
Another very good exercise is quite
similar: The tail bone (coccyx) is
placed directly onto the corner of
a table or bench with firm surface.
The body is leaned backwards with
the arms holding on the table to
stabilize the position. The legs are
moved several times up and down.
It should not be painful doing any of
these exercises!!! This is an excellent
sacrum exercise!
Do these exercises for a minimum of 30 seconds at the time and best several
times a day but at least once a day.
Self Help for the vertebrae:
The lumbar vertebrae L4 and L5, and sometime L3, often get misaligned when
there is pain in the lower back.
This area is not so easy to treat by oneself but you may try the following:
To realign the vertebrae of your spine or to keep them in the correct position,
we’ve also developed a very effective self help exercise: Lean against the
corner of a wall or doorframe directly next to the spinous processes with one
side of the spine and swing with both arms back and front while pressing the
back against the corner. Start on the highest position at TH1 or where the neck
ends and change position step by step downwards. Stay on each position for
a little while (around ten seconds minimum) and after you’ve reached the lower
back at around L2 (Lumbar vertebrae 2) change over to the other side of the
spine and start again from top downwards. When you press the left side then
the right leg is put forward and vise versa.
This exercise should not cause any pain and must be done carefully. If the edge
or corner of the wall is very sharp then cover the back with a towel or wear a
After doing this a few days, you develop the skill and sensitivity to find the
problem areas of your back and you can stay longer in these problem areas a
little longer.
Maintain a proper breathing rhythm while doing this exercise and do it carefully
to avoid slipping.
Best results are achieved if you do this minimum once a day, better more, for
the first two month and after that as often as you feel it necessary to prevent
and maintain.
Scoliosis correction:
The self help exercise for scoliosis is the same as for the spine with the
difference that we have to keep the position where the spine is bent side wards
much longer.
Many scoliosis are double and form an ‘S’ shape but some are only bent to one
side. However we have to press the spine against the corner/edge of a wall
or doorframe exactly at the middle part of the scoliosis/curve directly next to
the spinous processes and we stay in this position for several minutes while
swinging both arms back and front.
In the case of a right curve, we press on the right side, and vise versa. After a
short break, the exercise can be repeated several times.
Make sure you maintain a proper breathing rhythm while pressing and that it
does not cause pain.
To correct a severe curvature it may take quite a long period (usually several
months of daily exercises) and it is advisable to have the help of a partner work,
who should preferably be trained by an experienced DORN METHOD Therapist
before attempting any correction on the patient.
In the case of rightside curvature, the person should not sleep on the right
side, bend over the left side while lifting objects, carry bags etc. with both
hands and avoid single-sided use of one arm or hand while working and
in general activities. Further advise can be given by an experienced DORN
METHOD Therapist because every patient is different and may require adaptive
variations of certain exercises and case-to-case advice. However a few tips on
what to observe when you suffer from scoliosis: Avoid imbalanced habits and
movements e.g. do not favor one hand for lifting, bending to one side, carrying
with one side only, sleeping on one specific side etc. Scoliosis patients have
the tendency to do movements that feel natural however most likely these
movements favor or aggravate the condition and needs to be avoided.
If the curve is on the left side, then pressure needs to be on the middle of
the curve also on the left side to help straighten the curve while the arms are
swinging (Dynamic!)
These exercises should be done minimum once a day until the scoliosis is
corrected better more often and it requires a lot of self discipline but it is
definitely worth the effort.
Many scoliosis patients develop a hump on the back due to the severe
curvature of their spine.
There is also a Self Help exercise for that: The person is leaning against the flat
inside (not the corner edge) of a door frame and put one or both legs a little
to the front to exert some pressure onto the doorframe and the hump. Now
the arms swing back and front on both sides for as long as the patient feels
comfortable (approx. 1 to 2 minutes). The exercise can also be done with only
one hand swinging while the hand on the side of the hump is actively pressing
against the opposite doorframe to increase the pressure onto the hump. The
exercise should not cause pain and must be repeated several times daily to
achieve any results.
Self Help Exercises for the neck:
The neck is a very important area and most people have problems here to
some extent. The following exercises can be done quite easily, they require very
little time and skill and can be done almost anywhere.
Press with index, middle and ring finger of both hands into the groove next to
the spinous processes of the neck just under the skull and, with the head kept
upright, make small, rapid but relaxed turns from side to side.
After about 20 to 30 turns (approx. 10 sec), change the position of the hands
downwards by about 1 to 2 centimeters and repeat the movement. Change
position again until you reach the bottom of the neck.
The DORN METHOD offers exercises for all joints to align, correct, keep or
The exercises are for efficient Self help purposes, but can never completely
replace an experienced DORN METHOD Therapist. It is advisable to learn all
these exercises from a Therapist first before using them for Self Help.
In any case you should consult your doctor first before starting the Exercises to
confirm their safety and appropriateness.
The principle in treating our joints with the DORN METHOD is always the same:
The joint is in motion (either by swinging it or moving it from an approximate
90° angle to a straight position) while we exert gentle pressure by pushing
toward the joint (socket). The complete movement is done relaxed while
exhaling and repeated several times.
The exercises must never be painful and should only be done when there is no
injury or acute inflammation on the joint to be treated.
Fast relief of the pain in a joint can be had with as little as a few corrective
movements but, usually, it takes many repeated movements over a longer time
period to achieve long-term positive results, so it is necessary to be a little
patient and to have the discipline to perform the exercises several times every
The following exercises for the knee joint can help in many cases involving pain
in the knee, or they can be used to prevent future knee problems.
You can sit on the front part/edge of a chair with the foot firmly on the floor.
Now press with both hands directly onto the kneecap and keep this pressure
while slowly standing up to straighten the joint. Repeat this several times in a
relaxed manner and exhale while standing up.
It is good to exhale while standing up, this will help you to stay relaxed and
help keep you from overexerting. Remember: Never press too hard onto a joint,
all exercises are done gently and should not cause pain!
Another way is to put the leg (with the knee joint bent) onto a small stool or
the floor and press with one hand on the upper calf muscle directly under the
joint and the other hand pressing into the knee from above while straightening
the joint. Repeat this exercise several times and then change to work the other
knee the same way.
These knee exercises should be included in a daily routine to ensure that all
joints of the legs are in their optimum position and both legs are at the same
length all the time. A knee joint can easy subluxate whenever we bend it
more than 90° -- like when kneeling and sitting on our heels on the floor and
some other stretching exercises and this joint needs regularly maintenance.
Recommended at least once a day.
To align the ankle joint, stand with the foot firmly on the floor and bend the
ankle joint forward to the maximum position. Then press the heel onto the floor
while straightening the joint/leg.
The hands may rest on the knee to exert further pressure and you may also
imagine that there is something under the heel that you want to press into the
floor while straightening the leg.
The exercise can be done while standing on one leg if the person doing it is
strong enough to maintain balance. Recommended at least once a day.
In case of pain or simply to prevent problems in the hand joint do the following:
Bend the hand joint to about 90°. Then, with the other hand grab the fingers of
the bended hand and push gently towards the joint socket while straightening
the hand back to the normal position.
Repeat this movement several times in a relaxed manner and exhale every
time you push and move the joint. There should not be pain while doing this
movement and the joint must not be beyond the straight normal position.
You can lean the arm / elbow against your thigh or a wall while pushing and
Recommended several times a day for patients with problems and minimum
once a day for those who just want to prevent or maintain.
To align the elbow and treat the joint when there is unknown pain, you can try
the following: Bend the elbow to about 90° and hold the wrist with the other
hand firmly. Then push the arm towards the elbow joint while straightening it
back to the normal position.
Repeat the movement several times, relaxed, while exhaling during the pushing
and moving.
The finger joints can also be treated in similar way -- we bend the finger joint to
about 90° and then the joint is moved back to the normal straight position while
exerting gentle pressure towards the joint socket. This pressure is done with
the other hand holding the finger on the lower part. Do not use too much force
and it should not be painful. Repeat the movement several times and exhale
while pushing and moving.
If the finger joint is hot, red and inflamed, do not treat it right away! Wait until
the condition is normal again before doing any exercise on the joint. However
there are often good results even in cases of finger joint arthritis and often the
pain eases or even disappears in a short time after repeating this exercise.
Recommended several times a day for patients with problems and minimum
once a day for those who just want to prevent or maintain.
The Thumb base joint can also be treated by pushing towards the joint socket
and moving the joint from a straight back to the normal position. Use the other
hand to hold and push the joint to be treated and repeat the exercise several
times while exhaling every time you push and move.
In general: Pulling at the fingers or bending them to make a cracking sound
might weaken the joints and should not be done too often and should never
become a ‘habit’!
The joints of the toes are treated in the same way as the finger joints, using
both hands to do the movement and pushing towards the joint.
The Jaw is also a very important joint and it is very common that people have
problems there. Because several meridians are passing by the jaw joint, any
misalignment there may be related to problems in many other different areas of
our body.
The correction exercises in this joint should only be done if there is no damage
to the disc in the joint! The treatment may take quite long, even several months
of daily exercises, but it is easy to do and takes only seconds.
Another way to treat this joint is by
pushing directly onto the joint with
the ball of the thumbs on both sides
at the same time and then open and
close the joint fast several times.
It is also advisable to massage the muscles of the jaw several times daily to
keep this important joint functioning properly.
It usually takes quite long, sometime several months, to improve the condition.
Recommended several times a day for patients with problems and minimum
once a day for those who just want to prevent or maintain.
If we want to treat the left side we gently press with the ball of the thumb of
the right hand onto the joint while rotating the shoulder on the left side. After a
few movements with that shoulder we then slide upwards along the collar bone
while maintaining the same pressure. The exercise is repeated several times in
a relaxed manner with gradually increasing pressure but should not bring about
Some more useful exercises for lower back problems and posture:
Lay on the floor or a bench with bended knees and swing both legs from left
to right with the upper body flat on mat or floor. The swinging angle should not
exceed 30 degrees to avoid possible subluxation in the hip and sacrum.
Another very good activity to keep our spine flexible and aligned is the so-
called Akmon Exercise.
This exercise looks quite simple but it is in fact not too easy to do and it
requires quite a bit of coordination and stamina.
Start by marching on the spot with hands and legs going up and down on
opposite sides.
Step by step turn the arms more and more horizontally (elbow high) and the
head to the side (opposite to the arm motion)
End-form: Head moves sidewards opposite to the rotation of the arms, with the
arms moving sideward opposite to the lifting and slight rotation of the legs/hips.
Breath deeply and do this for as long as you want or can (e.g. 1-3 minutes,
break for a little while then another 1- 3 minutes and so on)
The Akmon:
To achieve the best results, we need to spend some time for ourselves, beside
avoiding the wrong movements and doing the correct exercises for alignment,
it is very important to keep our muscles and joints functioning properly and
This training should become a daily habit, as well, and it really does not take a
lot of our time to go through the minimum level of training necessary to stay fit.
Warm Up:
You should start with the right warm up motions to prepare our body, get
the blood flowing more readily and the muscles and skeleton primed for the
exercise period. This can be a short walk in fresh air (approx. 20min), or on a
home treadmill, or some bicycle training (min 15 min on a home trainer).
If there is no time for that (which will be an excuse only for most of us) then
some proper stretching is the minimum that you should do.
Not all stretching is bad, and the correct stretching can prepare our muscles for
action and avoid injury.
Observing people over the years I found out a few interesting facts:
Many people who stretch regularly still suffer from frequent Back Pains while
others who don’t do any stretching (actually no exercise at all) seems to have
less trouble with their Back.
But for people who suffer from frequent Back Pains and usually don’t do
exercises including stretching their problems mostly lessens or disappears if
they start with the right exercises and regularly stretching.
This seems to contradict on the first view doesn’t it?
No worry it makes perfect sense why? The answer lies in the Spine or more
specific in the Alignment of the Spine.
The Mechanics are as follows: If the spine has no misalignments (or only few
and small misalignments) then stretching is rarely harmful and when muscle
tension mainly caused by stress (often together with emotional issues) leads
to Back Pains then stretching will ease that tension and the Pain lessens.
But if there are misalignments stretching may favor these misalignments
and the muscle tension gets worse as soon as the temporary relaxing effect
of the stretching subsides. Stress (incl. Inner issues) can worsen the condition
as well.
These facts are a role model prove for the often described connection between
In short: No or small misalignments together with no or little stress produce
a healthy Pain free body (and have a positive balancing influence on our non
physical side as well)
Stretching in this case is usually beneficial.
Existing Misalignments mostly together with stress related issues produce
an imbalance on the physical level and Pains or other often chronic inner
conditions are likely to develop (and then also have a negative influence on the
non physical side).
Stretching in this case can be more harmful than beneficial.
First and most important step in any case: We need to work on our Spinal
Alignment first! And we must try to achieve an Alignment (Balance) on the Non
Physical Side as well. I recommend ‘Reiki’ to achieve that.
As alternative, in
case you are not
able to do this
exercise actively,
you may lean
over a small stool
covered with a
pillow and let
arms and legs
hand down loose
to achieve the
desired stretching
To further stretch the back, do NOT do the very common but potentially harmful
stretching exercise with straight legs touching the toes because this may lead
to or favor a subluxation at the hip joints. It is much better to do this stretching
with slightly bended knees and the feet shoulder-wide apart, the knees possibly
a little turned outwards. Then place both arms around the backside of the legs
and bend your upper body downward with the head toward the knees until the
desired stretching is achieved. It is good to exhale while bending down.
The bended position can be held for some time and the exercise may be
repeated several times. Do this exercise only if you have NO lower back
The correct way to do this is as follows: Hold on to a rod or table, chair, wall
etc. and grab the ankle of one foot with your hand. Now pull the foot upwards
gently while at the same time
straighten the knee backwards
as far as easy possible until the
desired stretching is achieved.
You can hold this position for
a little while and repeat the
exercise several times.
The neck is an important part of our body and we need to take good care of it.
Many people suffer from pain in the neck and tense muscles here, including the
common symptom of limited range of movement. This is the long-term result of
the wrong sitting positions when we let our shoulders hang down loose while
sitting and the back is crouched instead of upright.
The sitting ankle should be greater than 90°; that would help to keep the
back in the correct position but, unfortunately, most chairs are not made
ergonomically correct. To train the muscles of our back and relax the neck, we
should sit every day for a few minutes in the correct position
With the back upright and not leaning against a backrest, place a pillow that is
about 5 cm (2 inches) higher or thicker on the back than on the front onto the
chair. We developed this pillow with the desired angle and firmness and named
it Spine-Aid Pillow, it is available through our centers or you can order online via
Sitting on a large exercise ball (75 cm diameter) can achieve the same purpose.
To stretch the neck we should not rotate the head! It is better to stretch each
side separately. Bend the head to the front with the chin towards the chest as
much as it is comfortably possible and then tilt the head backwards looking
back as much as possible.
After that stretch the neck to the side by actively tilting the head sideward and
at the same time pull on the straight arm on the same side which is held on the
back. Change position accordingly to stretch the other side. Do not turn the
head during this exercise! The view is always directed to the front.
Hold each position for
about 5 seconds and
repeat it several times.
Rotating the shoulders from the front to the back for a few minutes.
Lift both arms sideward and stretch the shoulder joint by actively pushing the
arm back, with bended elbows, to the maximum backward position. Then open
the elbow to straighten the arms to stretch further. Perform this movement
slowly and never use a fast or swinging motion! The exercise looks a bit like a
bird opening its wings.
The whole sequence of stretching will only require a few minutes and it keeps
our body flexible without harming the joints.
Slightly stretch the hip sidewards with one leg bended and the opposite leg
straight. Hold stretched position for a few seconds before moving back to a
straight position. Repeat for the other side.
Stretch the chest muscles by holding
a door frame and pushing the upper
body a little to the front until the
desired stretching effect is reached.
This is recommended
and can be done
during working in the
office if possible about
once every hour.
Training of the muscular system:
If we focus on building stronger muscles and less fat in our body, this can help
us stay healthy into a ripe old age. This requires the right training as well as a
healthy diet and the right environment.
Overweight people are more likely to develop back problems than people with
normal weight. A large belly pulls on our spine from the front, and the normal
lordosis of our lumbar spine is slowly changed into a hyperlordosis. The strain
on the spine and the intervertebral discs increases disproportionately and pain
in the lower back is only a matter of time.
Strengthening the muscles of the lower back and the abdominal muscles
is very important because these muscles help keep the spine in its normal
curvature and in balance.
Lay flat on the floor (use a mat) with bended knees. The head stays on the floor.
Lift the hip as far as possible with both feet on the floor and keep this position
as long as you can. Then repeat the exercise and take small steps with the
feet while the hip is kept up. This way various localized areas of the abdominal
muscles will be trained.
Another good exercise is as follows:
Lay on your back and keep the neck straight during the whole exercise. Place
you right hand onto the left leg below the knee and the left hand onto the right
side. Lift both legs to about 90° and cross the legs at the ankle. Now press
with both hands against the legs and give counter pressure with the legs. Hold
for a couple of seconds. Breathe regularly in and out during the exercise and
avoid pressure breathing (e.g. holding the breath while pressing). With this
exercise we train the horizontal abdominal muscles while the lumbar spine and
intervertebral discs experience no strain.
To train the diagonal
abdominal muscles,
we use a very similar
exercise: Lay flat on
the floor and keep the
neck straight during
the whole exercise.
Lift both legs to about
90° with bent knees
and cross them at the
ankles. Now press with
the left hand against
the right leg and give
counter pressure
with the leg. Keep
the position for a few
seconds. Repeat the
exercise several times before you change the pressing hand to right hand now
pressing onto the left leg. This exercise also causes no strain on the lumbar
spine and discs.
Remember: As you press with only one hand against the opposite leg, do not
hold your breath, please.
While already on the floor you may continue with some training for the lower
back and buttocks muscles: Stand on all four (both arm and legs a shoulder-
width apart). Keep the back straight and do not overstrain it. The head is kept
straight with the nose
facing the floor.
A variation is as follows: Lay on the stomach and stretch the right arm to the
front. The left arm stays next to the body. The head is lifted a little with the nose
facing the floor. The
right arm is now lifted
and the left leg as well
with the foot slightly
turned outwards. Hold
this position for a few
seconds then change
the side and lift the left
arm and the right leg.
Stick exercise:
Sit on a stool with legs hip-wide apart. Hold a stick vertically with both hands
on the back keeping it in contact with head, back and lower back at all times.
Contract the abdominal muscles and slowly stand up. The legs should not be
completely straightened. Then go back until you sit on the stool again. Breathe
continuously in and out and avoid pressure breathing.
If you can, perform the exercise with a flowing rhythm without sitting down
completely. You stay just above the stool for some seconds before you stand
up again.
Half Squat Exercises:
Another excellent exercise that trains many parts of our body at once is
squatting. If you are not able to do full squats (bend the knees to 90°) then the
best alternative is doing half squats.
Start: Stand firmly with both legs slightly wider than the hips and feet parallel to
each other.
Raise your arms to the front and hold them in that position. Now slowly bend
the knees with the full body weight evenly supported on the two feet and the
upper body as straight as possible upright, the head, shoulders, back and hip
in a line.
Bend the knees to about 45 to 60° or more if you can do it easily, then
straighten the knees again to the starting position. At the start/end position you
can tilt the hip a little to the front while tightening hip and buttocks muscles.
Repeat the exercise as many times as you can do it comfortably and breathe
deeply in while bending down and exhale while straightening up.
There are of course many more good and safe exercises that we can do:
aerobic sports like dancing, muscular training in a gym, yoga, tai’ chi and
related exercises etc., but our modern lifestyle of fads is also often overdoing
many of the trendy sports
full of competition and
the likelihood of getting
injured. Not all sports
activities are healthy and
safe! Problems usually
show later, when we stop
doing all these activities.
It is a good idea to do
Self Help Exercises after
every sports activity as
the last exercise to bring
all joints back into their
proper position! That is
very important after sport
activities that require one-
sided movements and
twisting motions in the
hip like Golf, Basketball,
Tennis, Squash and
Badminton and even some
yoga exercises.
The Five Tibetan Rites
I would like to introduce you to some simple exercises that I have been
regularly doing since 1989 with great success and I feel confident enough to
say that these exercises are the most effective training I have ever encountered.
They are based on a book called The Ancient Secret Of The Fountain Of Youth
by Peter Kelder, Harbour Press, Washington, USA. This book was a bestseller
in the United States and Europe for more than a decade and the Internet is
full of praise and information about these exercises. They are called ‘The five
Tibetan Rites’.
There are seven main chakras connected to our glandular system and
associated with different colors, sounds and elements. From head to the end of
the spine they are called: Crown chakra, Third eye or Forehead chakra, Throat
chakra, Heart chakra, Solar Plexus chakra, Sacral or Sexual chakra and Root or
Base chakra.
Stress in any form -- body, mind or spiritual stress -- may bring our chakras out
of balance and the result of a long term imbalance is sickness and aging.
The whole sequence of these exercises will take only about ten minutes daily,
possibly a little longer in the beginning. They can be done almost anywhere at
any time. All we need is enough space to turn around with stretched out arms
or to lay flat on the floor and a small cushion for our knees or an exercise mat.
My preferred time is early in the morning even before breakfast.
Each of the five exercises should be done 21 times to derive its full benefit, but
it is fine to start with a few, e.g. 3 or 5 and then increase the number weekly by
2 or more until the 21 repetitions are attained.
They can be split into 2 or 3 sequences to reach the total of 21 and you may do
more than the required 21 repetitions although it is not necessary to do more.
Do them as exactly as you can, but do not worry if you can not stretch the
body in each position as shown, the important thing is to start doing them and,
step by gradual step, you will eventually be able to complete them.
You may perform all repetitions without break or you can take a short break in
between the movements. Stretch the body in each position as much as you
can and imagine sucking in positive energy while inhaling, and breathing out
excessive negative energy while exhaling.
After about two weeks of daily exercises, you should feel your first energy
boost, which should encourage you to continue.
Doing the ‘Five Tibetan Rites’ daily often helps our body facilitate healing at all
levels and many positive effects may be discerned. Sometimes, our body goes
through what I like to call a ‘healing crisis’.
Because of the balancing effect, unwanted stuff like toxins, fat and excess
energy is purged out of the body, which can temporarily lead to body reactions
like diarrhea, flu-like symptoms,a change in toilet habits. Even hidden
psychological issues surface. But after these effects, an actual positive healing
takes place, so these reactions should be viewed as a positive development.
For more info please refer to the original book of Peter Kelder or contact the
Author Thomas Zudrell for private or group instruction in the ‘Five Tibetan
So lets start:
First Tibetan Rite:
Stand and turn 360° with outstretched arms, clockwise as fast as you can do
comfortably. While turning, do not twist your hips too much but make many fast
small steps to achieve the turns. Breathe normal and do not hold your breath.
Try to imagine that all negative energy is being spun out, leaving you while
Because this exercise may make you dizzy, do the following after turning
to avoid and control dizziness: Stand firmly with slightly bended knees and
put your hands together to a ‘gasho’ (like when praying) position. The hands
are about one foot (30 cm) away from the face and you look (stare) at your
thumbnails. This way, the dizziness will not effect you and it should disappear
very fast.
Do up to 21 turns but
start with less first, e.g.
3 to 5 and increase
weekly. This exercise
will help to get rid of
negative energy.
Lay down flat on your back. Shoulders, back and hip must be kept flat on the
floor during the exercise! Now lift you head with the chin towards the chest and
the legs as straight as possible upwards to about 90°. Pull the toes towards the
body. Inhale slowly and deeply while going through this motion.
Without break or as soon as you feel the need to exhale, move back to the
starting position while exhaling completely.
Third Tibetan Rite:
Kneel down with the feet propped by the toes for better balance. Place your
hand for assistance onto your lower back at the hips and bow your head with
the chin toward the chest.
Now start bending backwards to a maximum position and even actively lean a
little backwards while stabilizing yourself with the hands and tensed up buttock
While bending backward deeply inhale as much as you can. Then without break
move back to the starting position while exhaling. This exercise opens the
lungs very wide and smokers may cough doing this the first time.
Sit down on the floor with your back straight. The hands are on the floor fingers
facing frontward. The head is facing downward with the chin towards the chest.
Now lift your hips to form a ‘bridge’ with the thighs, hip and upper body in a
straight line and parallel to the floor.
Without break, move back to the starting position while exhaling completely.
The hands and feet stay in position and do not move during the exercise.
Fifth Tibetan Rite:
Go down on all four (arms and legs) to a ‘push up’ position. Stand on the toes
and keep the knees slightly above the floor. If you have a weak lower back or
some problems in the lower back than place the knees onto the floor!
The arms are kept straight with the hand facing frontward, the head tilted
backwards looking upward.
Now lift the hips to form a reverse ‘V’ and bend the neck bringing the chin to
the chest.
Stretch the body in the end position to its maximum pushing the heels towards
the floor.
Without break move back to the start position while exhaling.
Now I wish you a lot of Fun and Success with the DORN METHOD Self Help
Exercises and the ‘Five Tibetan Rites’ and the other exercises.
For further Information on any of the subjects or for private or group training on
the ‘DORN METHOD’ or other healing techniques, please contact the author.
Appendix: About the Author
Thomas Zudrell, born 1962 in Germany, lives in the Philippines since 1995 where he
worked as a Scuba Diving Instructor and Diveshop Manager on the beautiful resort
island of Puerto Galera in Mindoro Oriental Province until 2005.
He enjoys life with his wife Josie and their children Chester Alan, Charice Jean and
Amanda Joleen in Puerto Galera.
There, and mainly in Manila, he uses his talents to help people find their ‘Inner
Healer’, giving seminars and lectures and treating people with health problems by
applying the DORN METHOD, Reiki and other alternative healing methods.
Since his late school years beginning in the 1980’s he has cultivated a deep interest
in medicine, anatomy, physiology, healing, manual therapy, eastern philosophies
including martial arts, and attended many lectures and workshops concerning
these fields in different countries.
He complemented his knowledge with various home study and vocational training
including basic paramedics in the German Air Force. He is also an experienced
Medic First Aid Instructor with PADI (Emergency First Response Instructor, CPR /
AED / First Aid).
He never imagined himself doing work as a healer, but was slowly drawn into it in
recent years by a increasing demand for his skills and counseling after becoming a
Reiki Practitioner in 1994, which found its peak in 2003 with the DORN METHOD.
He enjoys sharing with people all he knows and realizes that, by helping others, he
also receives many positive feedback himself.
He hopes that one day humanity can realize the connection to all and everything in
this universe and therefore stops to constantly destroy their valuable assets.
He hopes that, maybe, one day he will be able to combine his skills and talents and
interests and offer all these in a beautiful resort setting where people can come and
enjoy leisure activities, healthy food, relaxation and healing.
Also, he dreams of traveling throughout the world and sharing his knowledge by
conducting seminars and workshops all over the planet.
Appendix: Literature
Appendix: Addresses
Thomas Zudrell
Puerto Galera
Or. Mindoro
Philippines (The first english information platform on the internet)
The most important time is always the present.
The most important person is always the one in front of you.
The most important deed is always love.
The ‘Dorn Method’ A Gentle Treatment for the Vertebrae.
The Author, Thomas Zudrell, lives and works in the Philippines since 1995 and
sees his work almost as a “Mission” to educate people about Self Healing.