Physics Project

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2022– 2023
tesla coil
ROLL.NO :………………………………………………….


This is to certify that this PHYSICS Investigatory Project on

the topic Tesla Coil has been successfully completed

by KANMANI SN of class XII(BIOLOGY/COMPUTERSCIENCE),…………………. at Velammal Vidhyashram, Mambakkam for

the partial fulfilment of this project as a part of All India Senior

School Certificate Examination-CBSE, New Delhi for the

academic Year 2022 – 2023.

Date: …………………….

Signature of Principal Signature of the Guide

Name: Name:

Submitted for AISSCE 2022-2023, PHYSICS Practical examination

on ………………….

Signature of the Signature of the

Internal Examiner External Examiner
The success of any project depends largely on
people associated with it. I would like to take this
opportunity to acknowledge the enthusiasm of all
these personalities.
I hereby express my heartfelt thanks to our
Senior Principal for having given this
opportunity to do the project in the physics
laboratory and for his constant encouragement.
I extend my sincere gratitude to acknowledge
my sense of gratitude to my physics
teacher for the valuable guidance
offered to me. Her whole-hearted encouragement
and constant stimulant inspiration and advice
enabled me to complete the project successfully.
I am also thankful to all our teachers and Non-
Teachers for their help during my course of study.
I take this opportunity to express my sincere
thanks to my parents for their encouragement and


01. Aim 03

02. Introduction 05

03. Materials required 06

04. Theory 10

05. Circuit diagram 12

06. Procedure 14

07. Working principle 16

08. Application 18

09. Precautions 19

10. Conclusion 21

11. Biblography 22
To determine the efficiency of transmitting electricity in lighting
between wireless and wired circuit.

• Sir Nicolai Tesla was the first one to propose and research the
idea of wireless transmission in 1899, since then many scholars
and scientists have been working to make his dream a reality.
• 1899: Tesla continues wireless power transmission research in
Colorado Springs and writes "The inferiority of the induction
method would appear immense as compared with the disturbed
charge of ground and air method".
• 1961: William C. Brown publishes an article exploring
possibilities of microwave power transmission.

• 2009: Sony shows wireless electrodynamics- induction powered

TV set, 60 watts over 50 cm.
A Tesla coil is a type of resonant transformer circuit invented by Nikola
Tesla around 1891. It is used to produce high voltage, relatively high
current, and high frequency alternating current electricity. It is made of
two parts: a primary coil and a secondary coil, each with its own
capacitor. The two coils are connected by a spark gap, and the whole
system is powered by a high-energy source and transformer. Basically,
two circuits are connected by a spark gap.
Materials required:
o Magnetic wire Enamelled copper wire.

o 22K Resistor

o 2N2222 Transistor

o Ordinary breadboard wire

o Any non-conductive cylindrical object

o 9-volt Battery (or 5-volt supply)

o Breadboard

o Soldering iron
In this paper a theoretical model of Tesla coil operation is
proposed. Tesla coil is described as a long line with distributed
parameters in a single-wire form, where the line voltage is measured
across electrically neutral space. By applying the principle of
equivalence of single-wire and two-wire schemes an equivalent two-
wire scheme can be found for a single-wire scheme and the already
known long line theory can be applied to the Tesla coil. A new method
of multiple reflections is developed to characterize a signal in a long
line. Formulas for calculation of voltage in Tesla coil by coordinate and
calculation of resonance frequencies are proposed. The theoretical
calculations are verified experimentally. Resonance frequencies of
Tesla coil are measured and voltage standing wave characteristics are
obtained for different output capacities in the single-wire mode. Wave
resistance and phase coefficient of Tesla coil is obtained. Experimental
measurements show good compliance with the proposed theory. The
formulas obtained in this paper are also usable for a regular two-wire

long line with distributed parameters.

Circuit diagram:

The circuit diagram of Mini Tesla Coil Project given below is very
simple. So let us understand how it works and learn how to build it. The
main component in this mini tesla coil diagram is the secondary coil
(golden colour), which is made by winding a magnetic wire (enamelled)
around a cylindrical object (any non-conductive object will work).

A high current high frequency transistor like 2N2222 is used to

supply current through the primary coil (violet colour). The whole set
up is powered by a 9V battery as shown above. The positive end of the
battery reaches the collector of Transistor through the primary coil, and
the emitter is grounded. This means that whenever the transistor
conducts, current is flown through the primary coil. The LED diode and
one end of the secondary coil is also connected to base of transistor to
make the circuit oscillate, this way the transistor will send a oscillating
current into primary coil.

So, with this arrangement we have a primary coil which will have an
oscillating current, and hence will produce a carrying magnetic flux
around it. Now, this coil is wound around the secondary coil and hence
an according to law of electromagnetic induction a voltage will be
induced in the secondary coil. Since the number of turns in the
secondary coil is very large than primary coil, this voltage will be a very
high voltage and hence this coil will have a very strong electric flux
around it that is powerful enough to glow normal CFL bulbs and is used
in Wireless Power Transmission.

i. Wind the coils as close as possible

ii. Do not overlap one coil turn over another

iii. Try to get a minimum of 150 turns, a value of 300 turns will be
typically good.
iv. Now remove enamel of copper wires at end.
v. Solder 22k ohm resistor to the base of 2n2222 transistor.
vi. Solder bottom end wire of primary coil to base.
vii. Solder one end of secondary coil to collector.
viii. Solder Positive terminal of battery clip to Switch and negative
terminal to emitter pin.
ix. Now solder another end of secondary coil and another pin of
switch to the free end of 22k resistor.
x. Leave the top end wire of primary coil free in air .

The Tesla coil works with the principle of Electromagnetic

Induction. According to which, when a conductor is placed under a
varying magnetic field, a small current will be induced inside the
conductor. For a Tesla coil this conductor will be called as the secondary
coil and the varying magnetic field will be produced by the primary
coil by passing an oscillating current through the primary coil.

It might sound a bit confused, but let us proceed with the circuit diagram
where things will be made much clear.


"The induced electromotive force in any closed circuit is equal to the

negative of the time rate of change of the magnetic flux enclosed by the

According to which, when a conductor is placed under a varying

magnetic field, a small current will be induced inside the conductor. For
a Tesla coil this conductor will be called as the secondary coil and the
varying magnetic field will be produced by the primary coil by passing
an oscillating current through the primary coil.
small Tesla coils find their applications in a range of sectors,

▪ Aluminium welding.
▪ Cars use these coils for the spark plug ignition.
▪ Created Tesla coil fans, used to generate artificial lighting,
sounds like music Tesla coils in Entertainment and Education
industry are used as attractions at electronics fairs and science
▪ High vacuum systems and arc lighters.
▪ Vacuum system leak detectors.
➢ Do not use a normal transistor in place of 2N2222, unless you
know to select an exact equivalent for this transistor.
➢ The resistor 22K need not be exactly the same it can be
anywhere from 12K to 30K.
➢ Make sure the 9V battery that you are using is brand new,
because the cheap batteries will not last more than 5 minutes
with this circuit, if you have an Arduino or something which can
source you +5V you can also use that.
➢ It is completely fine for your coil to have any number of turns,
but it should have a minimum of at least 150 turns, you dint
have to be very accurate with the count.
➢ The circuit can work from 5V to 10V. However, don’t push more
than 500mA through it
➢ The LED has a different purpose other than glowing; it is
actually used to switch the transistor so do not ignore it; a RED
colour LED will work fine.
➢ Your LED might or might not glow when the Circuit is powered,
you do not have to be worried about it.
➢ You might or might not get a spark (arc) at the free end of
Secondary coil, you do not have to worry about that either.
➢ If you get an Arc do not touch it.
➢ Always check if the circuit is working only by using a normal
CFL bulb.
➢ Adding a metal load (foil paper) on top of secondary coil is
optional, but it sure will improve the results but not mandatory
to get a basic working output.
➢ There is a very little chance for you to hear any hissing sound,
so don’t expect it.
After studying and developing the model of TESLA COIL we

came to following conclusion: -

• We are able to generate high voltage with high frequency and it

can be used for testing the apparatus for switching surges.
• It can also be used for study of visual corona and ionization of
gases under the electrical stress.
• It can also transmit the electrical power wirelessly up to certain
distance depends upon its ratings.
o NCERT Text Book class 12 Physics,

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