Erll QB

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206- ER&LL

Question Bank:

1) Elaborate the concept of Labour Laws in detail. Explain ILO and its role.

2) Explain Indian Constitution with respect to Labour legislation in detail. Also discuss the specific
objectives, scope and challenger of Labour Laws.

3) Define ‘Factory’ as per section 2(m) and explain the safety provisions under the Factory Act, 1948.

4) Social Welfare Legislation has been strongly adressed in Factory Act, 1948. Comment with special
reference to welfare provisions.

5) Define Industrial Relations and explain the Grievance handling procedure.

6) Explain the scope and Importance of Industrial Relations. [10]

7) Define Industrial Relations. Explain any three approaches of Industrial Relations. [10]

8) Enunciate Industrial Relations Machinery for resolution of conflicts.[10]

i) Negotiation ii) Conciliation iii) Arbitration

9) Explain the difference between strike & lockouts. [10]

10) Describe the rights and liabilities of registered Trade Unions? [10]

11) What are the Penalties and Procedure under Trade Union Act, 1926. [10]

12) Define the term ‘Collective Bargaining’. Explain the process of collective Bargaining with suitable
examples? [10]

13) “Workers Participation in Industries is a success” critically comment. [10]

14) Explain in detail of health provision under the factories Act 1948.

15) Discuss the provisions relating to working Hours of Adults “under the factories Act, 1948.

16 Short notes (Any Two)

i) Changing scenario in Labour Laws.

ii) Why the Labour Laws?

iii) What is the ILO & ILO role?

iv) Explain the evolution of labour laws.

17 What is the procedure for getting an establishment registered under the contract Labour (Regulation
and Abolition ) Act. [13]

18) State the procedure of fixing minimum rates of wages. How its revision is made under minimum
wages Act. [12]

19) How does Government control through Registers and Records is exercised under shops and Hotels
under Bombay shops and Establishments Act. [15]

20) What do you understand by wages in kind. Under minimum wages are they included as monetory
wages? Discuss with reference to provisions under minimum wages Act.

21) What is Trade Union? Explain objectives, types and structure of Trade Union

22) Define industrial Dispute. Explain types and causes of Industrial Dispute.

23) Write Short Notes (Any TWO)

a) Trade Union in Unorganized Sector

b) National Commission on Labor 1969

c) Conciliation

d) Adjudication .

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