T1 Study Guide - G8
T1 Study Guide - G8
T1 Study Guide - G8
English Department
English Materials for Term 1 Exams / 2022-2023
Gr. 8
Worksheets or PPT
Subject Pages Titles
(Unit – Title)
(if any)
1. conceive
2. vex
PPT presentation
3. stifle
Vocabulary Words p. 96 assigned on the ED
4. vehemently
5. derision
6. hypocritical
Grammar Booklets
shared on Microsoft
Teams and the
Language 1. Adjectives
Interactive Grammar
2. Prepositions
Lessons assigned on the
ED Platform
Social Studies
Social Studies Materials for Term 1 Exams / 2022-2023
Gr. 8
Worksheets or PPT
Pages Titles
(Unit – Title)
(if any)
Unit 5:
Unit 5:
Materials Objectives
Lesson 17.3 : Subtracting - Understand that like terms can be combined using
Polynomial Expressions subtraction to reduce the number of terms in a
- Simplify polynomial expressions by adding and
subtracting like terms,
- Solve geometric problems that involve the
simplification of like terms.
Lesson 18.2 ; Multiplying - Multiply multiple polynomial expressions together
Polynomial Expressions (monomials, binomials, or trinomials) and simplify
the result.
- Solve geometric problems involving the
multiplication of polynomial expressions.
Learning Objectives
Materials/Topics Learning Objectives
✓ Define “acceleration”.
✓ Identify common acceleration units.
✓ Calculate average acceleration.
Unit 1: Motion and Forces ✓ Recognize that acceleration is a change in
Lesson 2: Acceleration speed, direction, or both.
✓ Predict the outcome of velocity and
acceleration being in the same direction, and
in opposite directions.
1-) Unité 4 : Leçon 1( La liste des courses)
قسم اللغة العربية
الدروس المقررة في اختبار الفصل الدراسي األول
Coding First Learning Outcomes (L.O.)
➢ Lesson 2: Introduction and practicing tags
✓ Learn what is html and how it is written
✓ Learn what are html tags and how they are written
✓ Discover the editor
✓ Resize an image