4.amplitude Modulation Transmission

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Amplitude Modulation Transmission

AM is process of changing amplitude HF carrier signal in

proportion with modulating signal
AM is low-quality used for both audio & video signals ,also
used for two way mobile radio communications
AM-modulator s are non-linear device with 2 i/p’s & one
High frequencies radiated by antenna & propagated
through free space called radio frequencies(RF)
AM Envelop

Fig shows relationship among carrier ( sin2 t),
modulating signal ( sin2 t)& modulated wave
(t) for conventional AM
AM WF produced when single frequency modulating signal
act on HF carrier signal
Shape of modulated wave called AM envelop

AM Frequency Spectrum and Bandwidth

Output envelop is complex wave made up of dc voltage ,

carrier frequency , ( + )&( - )
( + )&( - ) are displayed from “ ” by equal
Both are displaced from by an equal amount to
modulating signal frequency “ ”
Fig shows frequency spectrum for AM wave

AM spectrum extends from - ,where is carrier

frequency & is highest modulating signal

- & LSB
+ & USB
Frequency within bands called USF&USF respectively
BW “ B” DSBFC wave = diff. b/w highest USF & LSF OR
2times highest modulating signal frequency (i.e B =
2 )

For RW propagation , carrier & all frequencies within
USB&LSB must high enough to propagated through earth

Coefficient of Modulation &Percent


Coefficient of modulation(m) used to describe

amplitude change(modulation ) in AM WF


Percentage modulation(M) is simply coefficient of

modulation stated as percentage

M= 100

m - - - modulation coefficient (unit less)

- - - peak change in amplitude of o/p WF voltage

- - - peak amplitude of un-modulated carrier voltage
Relationship among m, and is shown in fig

4 modes of AM
1. SSB
2. DSB


AM Voltage Distribution
Un-modulated carrier mathematically as
= sin ( t)
- - - time- varying WF for carrier
- - - peak carrier amplitude (volts)
- - - carrier frequency (hertz)
(t) = [ + sin(2 t)][sin (2 t)

[ + sin(2 t)] - - - amplitude of un-modulated wave
- - - peak change in amplitude of envelop (volts)
- - - frequency of modulating signal (hertz)
Note :- derive remaining equation
Fig shows voltage spectrum for AM- DSBFC wave(voltage
are given in peak values)

AM Power Distribution

Power in un-modulated carrier is

- - - carrier power (watts)
- - - peak carrier voltage( volts)
R - - - load resistance(ohms)

Note :- derive remaining equation
Fig shows power spectrum for AM-DSBFC wave

Note : 100% modulation ,

max. power in USB or LSB = only ¼ power in carrier
Thus max. total SB power = 1/2 carrier power
AM-DSBFC transmission is the fact that info. is contained in
SBs & most power wasted in carrier
Power in carrier is not totally wasted b/c it does allow for
use simple, inexpensive demodulator ckt in , which is
predominant advantage of AM-DSBFC

AM Current Calculations

Current calculation are made by simply metering transmit

antenna current with & w/o presence of modulating signal

= 1+

AM Modulating Circuits

Modulation occurs in whether ckt is low or high level

With low-level modulation take place prior to o/p element
of final stage
Advantage of low-level modulation is that less modulating
signal power required to achieve high % of modulation
With high- level modulator , modulation take place in final
element where carrier & modulating signals required more
power to achieve modulation
With high-level modulation SB power as much as 33% of
total transmit power
Disadvantage of low-level modulation is in high power
applications , when all amplifiers follow modulators stage
must be linear amplifiers

Low Level AM Modulator

Small signal, Class “A ” amplifier shown in fig perform AM

Amplifier has 2 i/p’s

With no modulating signal ckt operates as liner amplifier&
o/p is carrier amplified
When modulating signal applied, amplifier operates non-
linearly & signal multiplication by eq.
(t) = [ + sin(2 t)][sin (2 t)
Ckt is called emitter modulation
Modulating signal varies gain of amplifier at sinusoidal rate
equal to frequency of modulating signal
Voltage gain for an emitter modulator is expressed
mathematically as
= [ 1 + m sin(2 t)]

= amplifier voltage gain with modulation (unit-less)
=amplifier quiescent (w/o modulation) volt. gain (unit-
sin(2 t)] goes max, & min. value 1
= (1 )

m - - - modulation coefficient
m= 1 (100% modulation)

Modulating signal applied via isolation transformer

AM Transmitters

Fig shows block diagram for low-level AM-DSBFC

For voice or music transmission source of modulating

signal is acoustical transducer (sound & vibration) such as
microphone , magnetic tape , CD

Pre-amplifier : Class “A”linear volt. amp. with high .It

raise the amplitude of source signal
RF carrier oscillator : any oscillator
Buffer amplifier : It is a low-gain , high linear amp. It
isolate oscillator from HP amplifier
Buffer : It provides a constant load to oscillator which
reduce short term frequency variation
Modulator : It can be either emitter or collector modulation

Intermediate & final power amplifier(PA) : Either class “ A ”
or class “ B ” push-pull modulators
Antenna coupling network : It matches of final PA to
transmission line & antenna

Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM)

It is a form of AM where signals from 2 separate info.

sources(2 channels) modulates same at same time w/o
interfering with each other

2 carrier signals are 90º out of phase called QAM

Single carrier oscillator produces in-phase carrier to I-

modulator & then shift carrier 90º & supplies second
quadrature carrier to Q-modulator.

The o/p’s are summed before undergoing additional stages
of frequency-up conversion & power amplification
Fig shows simplified block diagram for QAM de-modulators

AM signal requires carrier recovery ckt to reproduce original

& phase & 2 BMs to demodulates signals and called
synchronous detection
QAM is also called phase-division multiplexing used
for stereo broadcasting of AM signals
1. It is used for encoding color signals in analog TV
broadcasting system
2. Today QAM used for digital modulation of analog
carriers in data modems to convey data through public
telephone network(PTN)

Phasor Representation of an Amplitude
modulation wave

For single frequency Mod. Signal, AM envelop produced by

vector addition of carrier USF & LSF
Two frequencies combined & produced resultant
components with carrier voltage
Fig a phasor addition(carrier , USF & LSF) rotates in CCW
USF rotates faster than carrier( ) & LSF rotates
slower( )
If phasor for car. held constant & phasor for USF continue
to rotates in CCW to carrier, phasor for LSF rotates in CW
Phasor for carrier & USF & LSF combines in phase(addition)
& out of phase(subtracting) shown in fig b
Max. +ve ampl. Of envelop occurs when carrier & USF & LSF
are at their maximum positive values at same time are

+ = + +
Minimum + ampl of envelop occurs when carrier is at its
maximum +value at same time that USF & LSF are at their
max. –ve values

+ = - -
Max –ve ampl occurs when carrier , USF & LSF are at max.
–ve values at same time

- = - -
Min.-ve ampl.

- = + +

What is stereo broadcasting
Mono uses one, stereo uses more than one
In mo-naural sound one single channel is used. &
reproduced through several speakers, but all speakers are
still reproducing the same copy of the signal. In stereo-
phonic sound more channels are used (typically two)

Stereo is the setup of 2 channels: left & right, one channel is

sent to L- speaker & other channel is sent to R- speaker.
Now, by controlling to which channel you send signal
where you can control position of sound. You'll hear
sounds coming from different directions depending on
which speaker you send the signal to, or in which
proportion (you can send just a little more to R- speaker, so
sound is positioned just a little bit to R ). Sounds with equal
proportions on both speakers will appear to come from


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