Assignment Asas Penyelidikan
Assignment Asas Penyelidikan
Assignment Asas Penyelidikan
NO.MATRIC : H20A1278
1. It would be easy to “cut to the chase” and explore the nature of methods in business
research and provide the best steps in addressing the issue for hospitality, tourism and
wellness industry.
With reference to a particular issue (hospitality/tourism/wellness) please elaborate and
provide an example for the FOUR (4) stages of business research.
Hospitality is one of the oldest businesses, going way back to the innkeepers and
taverns of biblical times. Tourism, on the other hand, is a more recent invention which began
in Europe, with Switzerland being one of the first countries to develop special
accommodation and services for travellers. In the late 1800’s, the concept of leisure tourism
and hospitality spread across Europe, bringing flocks of wealthy travellers to Switzerland. It
began with visitors seeking cultural and natural exposure on guided tours in the Swiss Alps,
train rides and wellness tourism. Palace-style hotels, thermal baths and ski resorts became
icons of luxury tourism in Switzerland. Hospitality means extending a welcome to travellers
or offering a home away from home, and the word is derived from the Latin word “hospes”
meaning visitor or stranger. The hospitality and tourism industry is a vast sector that includes
all the economic activities that directly or indirectly contribute to, or depend upon, travel and
tourism. Hospitality is the relationship between a guest and a host, wherein the host receives
the guest with some amount of goodwill, including the reception and entertainment of guests,
visitors, or strangers. Louis, chevalier de Jaucourt describes hospitality in the Encyclopaedia
as the virtue of a great soul that cares for the whole universe through the ties of humanity.
Hospitality is also the way people treat others, that is, the service of welcoming receiving
guests for example in hotels. Hospitality plays a fundamental role to augment or decrease the
volume of sales of an organization.
On December 31, 2019, China notified the World Health Organization (WHO) of
unknown pneumonia cases in Wuhan, Hubei province. This pneumonia came with persistent
fever, cough, and dyspnoea and was then named Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
The disease spread rapidly from Hubei province to other provinces in China within 2 weeks.
By November 14, 2020, a total of 92,409 confirmed cases and 4749 deaths had been reported
in China, of which less than seventeen percent of the cases and less than four percent of the
deaths occurred outside Hubei province. Since 13 January 2020, first Thailand, then more
than 200 countries, including Japan, Korea, the United States, and the United Kingdom, have
reported imported COVID-19 cases. Due to the speed and scale of transmission, the WHO
described COVID-19 as a pandemic on 12 March 2020, officially declaring that COVID-19
entered the global epidemic phase.
The coronavirus outbreak is, first and foremost, a public health threat, but it is also,
and increasingly, becoming an economic threat. In addition to its significant social impacts
and human dimension, the outbreak is a major economic shock, calling for a decisive and
coordinated political response. The spread of the virus is disrupting global supply chains,
causing pronounced volatility in financial markets, creating consumer-demand shocks, and
generating a wide array of adverse impacts in critical sectors such as transportation,
hospitality and tourism. As the effects of COVID-19 spread across the entire world, the
primary focus for governments and businesses is the safety of their people. Whilst this focus
will continue, the implications for economic growth and corporate profits have to lead to a
sharp sell-off in equity markets across the globe. The management are proud to see that
hospitality and leisure clients being the first ones that experienced the extreme bad weather
conditions which are moving quickly and remain focussed to understand and quantify the
operational and financial impact for their business. The pandemic has confronted the
hospitality industry with an unprecedented challenge. Strategies to flatten the COVID-19
curve such as community lockdowns, social distancing, stay-at-home orders, travel and
mobility restrictions have resulted in temporary closure of many hospitality businesses and
significantly decreased the demand for businesses. The impact is huge, and not yet
predictable on both revenue and supply chains. As a team, Operators and Investors are trying
to mitigate the cash and working capital issues, and stay in close contact with their
This issue should not be allowed to linger to avoid more serious effect. So, the
researcher must take the responsibility to overcome this issue by take steps to make business
research. Generally, there are 4 stage of business research that usually used by the researcher
to find the solutions for the specific problem. The first stage is problem identification. The
problem identification is developing a detailed problem statement that includes the problem’s
effect on a population’s economic and it also make clearly identifying the root cause of a
problems. For example, the problem is hospitality industry affected during this pandemic
covid19. It is because the recent covid19 crisis is perhaps one of the most influential and
unprecedented events for businesses, investors, policy makers and many other market
participants. With the global outbreak of the disease, it has spread economically to key capital
markets and sectors, thereby affecting the performance and stability of the hospitality
industry. So it related to the decision to close hotels, restaurants, theme parks and cinemas
that will all have a major impact on tourism around the world.
The second stage is gather the relevant information. In this stage, the researcher
focusing on troubleshooting includes narrowing the scope of the problem and investigating
the possible causes. Following travel bans, border closures and quarantine measures, many
workers cannot move to their places of work or carry out their jobs which has effects on
incomes, particularly for informal and casually employed workers. Given the current
environment of uncertainty and fear, enterprises are likely to delay investments, purchases of
goods and the hiring of workers. As per data, the impact on the hospitality industry could
render a majority of the people in hospitality jobless. So, this informations gathered to look
for the next steps in effort to overcome this issue.
The third step is critically analyse the information. For this stage, it focusing on
critically analysis essentially involves reading and thinking widely about an issue in order to
develop a deep understanding for the point of view in relation to the issue. In examples, the
nature of hotels and restaurants will change to leaner and more efficient operations, where a
balance between smart and skilled labour is sought after. Due to fear, a large part of the
labour force is seeing a domestic-mass immigration, which means a majority of the front line
staff at hotels will have moved back to their native areas. Temporary work forces will be the
first to shrink, after which the impact will be felt by permanent employees as hospitality
companies may be hard-pressed to cut costs. This may lead to a large number of people
changing their industry to go where the cash flow is quicker. This global exodus could have a
severe impact on the talent pool and may not recover until confidence is reinforced by
employers and governments alike.
The last step is provided solution to the existing problem. For this stage, researcher
focusing on the ways to solve existing problems by planning ahead in order to found the best
and suitable way to overcome this problem. The main findings show that labour actions,
especially plans for temporary employment regulations, innovation and differentiation
strategies, reorientation to closer markets and obtaining information from official sources as a
guarantee of their certainty, are the measures that have a greater impact on the possibilities of
recovering hotel activity. Government also contribute to the improvement of the financial
situation of firms that can also play a relevant role in hospitality recovery.
2. “People in good mood are better at inductive reasoning; while people with scientific
thoughts are best at deductive approach”.
Based on the above quote please elaborate two types of thoughts (deductive and
inductive) as well as relate these thoughts with the chosen issue
During the scientific process, deductive reasoning is used to reach a logical true
conclusion. Another type of reasoning, inductive, is also used. Often, people confuse
deductive reasoning with inductive reasoning, and vice versa. It is important to learn the
meaning of each type of reasoning so that proper logic can be identified.
Deductive reasoning usually follows steps. First, there is a premise, then a second
premise, and finally an inference. A common form of deductive reasoning is the syllogism, in
which two statements a major premise and a minor premise to reach a logical conclusion. For
example, the premise "Every A is B" could be followed by another premise, "This C is A."
Those statements would lead to the conclusion "This C is B." Syllogisms are considered a
good way to test deductive reasoning to make sure the argument is valid.
For example, "Covid19 affected all the economy sector. Hospitality is in economy
sector. Therefore, Hospitality also affected." For deductive reasoning to be sound, the
hypothesis must be correct. It is assumed that the premises, "Covid19 affected all the
economy sector " and "Hospitality is in economy sector" are true. Therefore, the conclusion is
logical and true. In deductive reasoning, if something is true of a class of things in general, it
is also true for all members of that class.
An example of inductive logic is, "The worker from hospitality sector infected to
Covid 19. That worker was infected. The third worker from the hospitality sector was
infected. Therefore, all the worker in that hospitality sector were infected."
Even if all of the premises are true in a statement, inductive reasoning allows for the
conclusion to be false. For example, "Mr. Hasif is a hospitality worker. Mr. Hasif is
handsome and tall. Therefore, all hospitality workers are handsome and tall." The conclusion
does not follow logically from the statements. Inductive reasoning has its place in the
scientific method. Scientists use it to form hypotheses and theories. Deductive reasoning
allows them to apply the theories to specific situations.
In conclusion, the statement “People in good mood are better at inductive reasoning;
while people with scientific thoughts are best at deductive approach” is acceptable. These two
methods of reasoning have a very different feel to them when we conducting research.
Inductive reasoning, by its very nature, is more open-ended and exploratory, especially at the
beginning. Deductive reasoning is more narrow in nature and is concerned with testing or
confirming hypotheses. Even though a particular study may look like it’s purely deductive
which an experiment designed to test the hypothesized effects of some treatment on some
outcome. Most social research involves both inductive and deductive reasoning processes at
some time in the project. In fact, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that we could
assemble the two graphs above into a single circular one that continually cycles from theories
down to observations and back up again to theories. Even in the most constrained experiment,
the researchers may observe patterns in the data that lead them to develop new theories.