Seminole Dictionary
Seminole Dictionary
Seminole Dictionary
Pamphlet Series
Vol. I, No. 6
The Seminole Wars Foundation
The goal of the Seminole Wars Historic Foundation, Inc. (dba: Seminole Wars
Foundation) is to preserve significant sites involved in the Seminole Wars, to
establish educational programs about their importance in our heritage, and to
publish pertinent material relating to the wars.
As documented during
1835 - 1842
Introduction by
Frank Laumer
Series Editor
Frank Laumer
Foundation, Inc.
35247 Reynolds St.
Dade City, FL 33523
Debbie Harper
Debbie Harper is Treasurer and Board Member of the
Seminole Wars Foundation. She has background as a
research librarian and is Quality Assurance Specialist for the
Southwest Florida Water Management District. She is
certified in Electronic Records Management, has edited
publications for the Foundation and has assisted Frank
Laumer with his research and writing on the Seminole Wars.
Frank Laumer
Frank Laumer is the author of Massacre!, a history of the
destruction in 1835 of the command of Brevet Major Francis
Langhorne Dade by Seminole Indians, and a second history,
Dade’s Last Command. He is the editor of Oceola
Nikkanochee by Andrew Welch and Amidst A Storm of Bullets,
The Diary of Henry Prince in Florida 1836-1842. His novel,
Nobody’s Hero, the story of Pvt. Ransom Clark, a survivor of
Dade’s battle, was published in 2008. He is past president of
the Dade Battlefield Society and the Seminole Wars
Foundation. He and his wife’s home is on the north bank of
the Withlacoochee River, half a mile west of Ft. Dade.
Copyright © 2010 by Seminole Wars Foundation, Inc. All
rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any
information storage and retrieval system, without permission
in writing from the publisher.
Among those who have endeavoured to promote
learning and rectify judgment, it has long been
customary to complain of the abuse of words,
which are often admitted to signify things so
different that, instead of assisting the
understanding as vehicles of knowledge, they
produce error, dissension, and perplexity, because
what is affirmed in one sense is received in
Samuel Johnson
Sep 18, 1709 – Dec 13, 1784
The goal of this work is to provide the English equivalent of Seminole words as
written phonetically during the period of the Seminole Wars, with emphasis on
the second war, 1835-1842, by soldiers, interpreters, and government agents.
The Seminole people did not have a written language and white men’s versions
of their words during that time are all that exist. We believe this collection will
be a valuable resource to all who have an interest in this period of Florida’s
history - the spoken Seminole words as heard, understood and used by these
Unfortunately missing from the sources is any hyphenation of syllables
in the Seminole words, making correct pronunciation difficult. In an attempt to
balance the understanding and comprehension of these words with current
Seminole usage, we have been generously assisted by Lorene B. Gopher,
Director of Culture Education Department, Seminole Tribe of Florida. She has
syllabicated our entries as she believes them to have been used at the time. In
addition she has provided an alternate translation of some words from the
other contributors and in doing so illustrates the often tragic
miscommunication between Indians and whites. This miscommunication is
further illustrated by the descrepancies between the interpretations amongst
the contributors.
Unlike hundreds of other American Indian tribes, the people generally
referred to during the Second War as “Seminoles” do not have an ancient
history. At the time of the Seminole destruction of the command of Bvt. Maj.
Francis Langhorne Dade in 1835, a provocation that was used as justification
for all out war by the United States, the term Seminole had come to mean any
Indian in Florida. In fact, “Seminole” seems to translate as “runaway” and was a
term used to describe those Creek Indians who had left their native lands in
Alabama and Georgia to come to Florida more than a century before. Originally
settled in northwest Florida, they spoke several dialects or versions of
Muscogee/Creek and Mikasuki/Hitchiti, but with similarities of vocabulary and
grammar. Whatever the derivation, these are the words that the white people
of the nineteenth century knew as “Seminole”.
As an aid to understanding the pronunciation and the perception of
the Seminole syntax, we have included a guide taken from W. W. Smith, a
Lieutenant of the Left Wing, published in Charleston in 1836, in addition to
further notes taken from Charles Ledyard Norton [see Addendum].
There are several excellent and extensive dictionaries, guides, and
glossaries available giving the English equivalent of Creek, Muscogee and
Mikasuki, but most were compiled either too early or too late for our purposes.
As indicated, we have tried to present the form or style of speech actually used
by the Seminoles with whom the soldiers and others came in contact during
the period of the Seminole Wars. This collection is by no means exhaustive.
We welcome additional words (and translations) that can be added in a future
The speech of the Seminoles, like the speech of all peoples, has gone
through various changes and modifications through the three centuries of their
existence as a separate people from the Creeks. The words of the 1700’s or the
1900’s would not necessarily sound or translate exactly like those of the 1800’s.
We have sought almost exclusively the words as written by the white listeners
at the time.
Several of these references require explanation. The citation from
Governor William P. DuVal, though written in 1826, gives the names of two
towns, which would not be likely to change in the decade before the second
war. The letters of 1st Lt. George A. McCall cover the years 1822 through 1853
and were not published until 1868 but we have drawn his translations almost
entirely from his war years in Florida. Though Asst. Surgeon Jacob R. Motte’s
Journey Into Wilderness was not published until 1953, his entries for Florida
were made during the years 1836, ’37 and April 1838. Dr. William H. Simmons
Notices of East Florida was published more than a decade before hostilities
began but his spelling and definition of Seminole of the period seems to be
verified by many of the same words from other writers. The same can be said
of Norton’s Handbook, though published in 1891. Norton also gives many
words not found in other sources. Pvt. Ransom Clark has contributed only a
few words but so much of his amazing story has been verified that we have
accepted his words as he has written them.
Throughout the following text, the letters following the Seminole
words refer to the first three letters of the source, i.e., “SIM” = Simmons. All
works referenced are cited on the last page, with the exception of Gopher,
whose contributions are noted by the “GOP” designation.
Finally we thank Amie Laumer for her constant assistance and
Frank Laumer
Part I
acorn sockcha SIM apple satatlakoo MOT
again hot-tum GOP arm chasocpaw SIM
alive a-lat-tchum-pah NOR tehe-suk-pah NOR
all omulka SIM chehsak pah MOT
alligator al-la-pat-tah NOR armlets chalvecanowow WIL
halputta WIL arrow ila SIM
hulputta SMI arrow root conti-katke SIM
American Fat-shay-not-kah NOR hat-ke GOP
American or Fotche-nolke SMI astonished i-ce-lah NOR
Virginian i-e-ela SMI
wisanalki SIM axe pot-sas-nah NOR
antidote [snake pah-sah NOR put-chus-wa GOP
bad hampi STR ball play pokitcha SMI
holewagus WIL po-kit-cha GOP
holy-waugus cheh MOT bass cha-lo GOP
hulkwa WIL slastochali SIM
hul-wah NOR bat sukbulbar SMI,WIL
hulwak SMI,WIL bay tola SIM
bad ! ho-lce-wah-gus NOR beads connarwa PET,WIL
ho-le-wa-gus GOP conowaw SIM
bag chaway SMI ho-nai-wah MOT
ball pok-ko GOP ko-na-wa GOP
poko NOR, SMI, bear no-co-se GOP
WIL nocossa SIM
beard chatchockhissi SIM boy tehee-paw-nee NOR
tchak-is-say NOR whaunan cheh MOT
bed potarka PET branch [creek] hatch uche WIL
pa-ta-ka GOP hatch-uchee SMI
to-pa GOP hat-tchu-tchee NOR
topa SIM,WIL lat-cho-che GOP
topah MOT brass slaolochali SIM
beehive fohota GOP bread tocliki SIM
beer wee-toksce SMI tok-lee-kee NOR
beeswax fohota SIM toklike WIL
tuckalargie SMI
beg [pray] cosapi SIM tutlekeh MOT
belt shee-wan-a-le-ta MOT bread root coni-katke WIL
big lak-kits MOT breakfast hompusche SIM
big cabbage cluckko SMI breast plate tchal-luk-an-aw- NOR
binding tockfoloa SIM wah
binding, ribbon tock-fo-loa GOP breechcloth e-goph-ka MOT
bird fuswa SIM,SMI breeze hutallay-stomasin SMI
black lastatit SIM bridle chocksaka SIM
lustee NOR,SMI brother chase WIL
blanket a-chit-tah MOT cho-se SMI
ah-tchee-tah NOR e-ceth-wa GOP
archeta PET,WIL tchah-see NOR
ashelahatki SIM brother, chapawa SMI
blood ca-the GOP council
chati SIM brother, elder chatlahaw SIM
chat-tay NOR brother, young che-chose SMI
chatte SMI tehee-tchah-see NOR
blue sopa SIM,SMI, brother, chatsosi SIM
WIL younger
so-pah NOR buck echo hanaunowa SMI
bluejay fuslalucho SIM e-tcho-han-aw- NOR
boat pithlo NOR,SIM, no-wah
WIL bull waucahoanowaw SIM
book nah-koo-tchee NOR bullfrog ah-pa-ti-na GOP
nako cheh MOT saputka SMI
boot e-fa teh-ka MOT butterfly tuf-oo-lah-pah NOR
bow shacotoisi SIM buzzard soole SMI,WIL
boy chepawne WIL soo-lee NOR
che-paw-nee SMI
cabbage huha SIM cabbage, big ta-la thak-ko GOP
ta-la GOP cabbage palm tah-lah-kul-kluk-ko NOR
dance [corn] poo-skee-tah NOR doe echo-hotke SMI
dance [green pusketa SMI e-tcho-hot-kay NOR
corn] dog efa SIM,SMI,WIL
dance house e-pah-lah-kluk-kah NOR e-fah NOR
epola WIL ehfah MOT
dark ymochecks SIM e-pah NOR
yomotchay SMI nithle WIL
yonnotchay WIL dogs [many] nithlemaschay WIL
yo-not-tchah NOR door ahowkisakotka SIM
daughter chackshosti SIM,WIL doorway ahowki SIM
tchak-shos-tee NOR dove patche-chobe SMI
day neth-lah NOR patchechole WIL
nethlay SMI,WIL pat-che-ho-ya GOP
nethle SMI pat-e-tcho-lee NOR
nittah MOT pochewawwaw SIM
nit-tah GOP dress hoo-nah NOR
daylight hayutt-schay SMI hun-na GOP
deer echo SIM,WIL drum [fish] casalalki WIL
e-tcho NOR cosatulki SIM
deer [big] echo-cluccko BAM,SIM kas-ah-lal-ke NOR
e-ch-tak-ko GOP dry efar SMI
deer [many] echoche WIL shak-pe GOP
deerfly slo-no NOR duck fotcho SIM
deerskin dressed chase WIL futcho NOR,SMI,WIL
chosee SMI duck, English futcho-cluccko SMI
tcho-see NOR fut-tcho-kluk-ko NOR
deerskin dresser hee lah NOR duck, summer futch-chotekus SMI
dirt foo-kee NOR fut-tcho-tches- NOR
fucke SMI,WIL tec-kus
dirt [black] fucke-luste SMI
eagle lamhi SIM eat hum-bux-tchay NOR
yah-chelane SMI eight chenapokin SIM
yahchilane WIL sen-na-par-kin NOR
yah-tchee-lah-nee NOR eighteen chenopokakin SIM
ear hatch-ko NOR eleven ham-ko-la-lin NOR
earrings hatch-ko-tot-kah NOR talihomkin SIM
hascotalka SIM enclosure to-pe-kee SMI
eat hom-pus-che GOP Englishman metachak-ulke SMI
Englishman met-ah-tchak-ut- NOR eye sattatlohah MOT
kah tot-lah-wah NOR
entrails epuf ka SIM eyebrow chaloliski SIM
evening yaf kus SIM eyes luthphwa SMI
eye chatalthewa SIM
fasting pus-ke-ta GOP fire totika WIL
father chacteka SIM,SMI, firefly hock-tah-lat-kay NOR
WIL hokta lakke SMI
father chilth-keh MOT fish to-tee-kah NOR
fawn echo istuchay SMI five chackspin SIM
e-cho-che GOP tehoe-ta-pin NOR
echoche SIM flower em-pak-pa-ke GOP
feather tow-fah-fah NOR foolish istehpothleneca SIM
feathers tafa SIM foot chaletampes SIM
tchak-tee-kah NOR chatteh MOT
tofa WIL ford pil-lat-kah NOR
toteka SIM,SMI forgiveness ocheepeas SIM
fence tohopekee MOT fort to-pee-kee NOR
fifteen chachopicakin SIM four oos-ten NOR
file assoka SIM ostin SIM
fife/flute fifpa SMI fourteen osticakin SIM
fiff-pah NOR fox chola SIM
finger choski SIM friend ahessi SIM
fingernail choskisosawaw SIM frock or skirt hunna SMI
fingers chankeh wasah kah MOT hun-nah NOR
fire loot-kah NOR frog saputka WIL
tootkah MOT so-pat-kah NOR
totekar PET
ganet catacwi SIM girl, little hocktoche SIM,WIL
gar esapanote SIM kock-to-tchee NOR
garfish en-sa-pa GOP give ah-mis-tchah NOR
garfish teeth en-sa-pa-no-te GOP
general tustenagge-cluccko SMI go hi-e-pas NOR
girl hok-to-che GOP God Hesakitaemisi SIM
good aiepus cheh MOT grass [for rope] sowena SMI
haintstohe SMI,WIL grass, bear yucca SMI
hin-cla McC great square chucco-cluccko SMI
hinclus MOT chuc-co thak-ko GOP
hin-dl-mah NOR green ah-ko-lah NOR
osee SMI achkola WIL
goodbye ilcep-ah-non-es- NOR lan-nits MOT
tchah ockola SMI
goose coosa SIM ockolatat SIM
gopher kowikay SMI,WIL ground e-cunnaw SMI
[tortoise] ecunnraw WIL
ko-uee-kah NOR e-kun-nah NOR
gorget chaluccanawaw SMI en-ca-na GOP
chateknonowaw SIM groundmole ta-ko-she GOP
governor micco SIM tokole SMI
grass pahke SMI,WIL gun etsa SIM
pah-kee NOR gun pouch it-cha shuk-cha GOP
rope tocka SIM
hair chacaissi SIM hard hun-ce-lah NOR
gi-see NOR hard, very hunela-matshay SMI
sakkah sischeh MOT hun-ee-lah-mas- NOR
half a-pul-hump-kin MOT tchay
en-narth-ka-pa GOP hat kap-hah-to-kah NOR
half-breed mal-ee-tul-kah NOR kato-pu-ka GOP
hammock ett-say-cha SMI kuphatuka WIL
ft-say-tchah NOR kuppa-tuka SMI
opelowaw SIM hatchet or putchuswa WIL
wah-ko NOR tomohawk
wauco WIL put-chuswa SMI
hammocks, pil-lak-li-ka-ha NOR put-tchus-wah NOR
scattered hawk cheyacka SIM
hand chanki SIM ke-yacka GOP
chinkee SMI he is-tee NOR
hunela WIL iste SMI,WIL
in-kee NOR he or she ceesaw BAN
tchin-kee NOR head e-ca GOP
handkerchief e-no-chee-aw NOR ecar PET
enoche-eaw SMI e-kar NOR
hands, my chonkeh MOT sakkah MOT
hands, your chinkeh MOT steak SIM
handsome, very helittah ma hich MOT heart efeki SIM
heart effaga BAN house chaco WIL
ef-fah-gah NOR cho-ko GOP
heavy hun-ne-mat-chay GOP hotay SIM
heron alolo-chate SIM soko SIM
wauco-cluccko SMI sookoo MOT
hickory [nut] otche SIM housefly tchah-nah NOR
high hulk-we GOP houses tchu-tchu-tchat-tee NOR
ul-way NOR howling [grief] yah-hah SMI
hill e-cun-holwa SMI howling wolf yah-hah GOP
e-kon-hull-wall NOR hummingbird hantasacotsi SIM
homespun totekafolka SIM hun-tha-cho-ko-i GOP
honest istefotsete SIM hunger e-la-we GOP
honey foinsampi SIM schalasemauche SIM
horns eyuppi SIM hunting shirt fuksayke SMI
horse caballo SIM,SMI fuk-see-ke GOP
chelucco SIM hurl tokonay SMI
cholocko MOT,PET husband acahay SMI
echo-cluccko SMI chahi SIM
echolocco WIL eche WIL
e-tcho-lo-ko NOR ehee SMI
hot haganawche SIM e-hee NOR
I, me aneh BAN Indian estechali SIM
anowah ADA ista chatteh MOT
arowah WIL iste-chaiti SMI
ena MOT is-tee-tchat-tee NOR
I or me [pick] ena GOP indian potatoe ah-hah SIM
ibis kat-kat-ah-wah NOR indian turnip arum SIM
ice hittote SMI interpreter ya-tik-ka GOP
hit-to-tay NOR
jacket caupa SIM jaw chanotockhaw SIM
huksay SMI jigger hofka hatke SMI
king [head chief] micco SMI, WIL knife slaf-kah NOR
mico SMI slafkaw SIM
knife saphka WIL slaphka SMI
slaf-ka GOP know sten-to-see NOR
lake it-tee-ni-ah NOR light or pale saputhatke WIL
itteniah SIM,SMI saput-hatke SMI
wee-pat-to-kee-see NOR listen cheh wun weh MOT
we-ha-yuk-pe GOP little or small chotkwa, chotekus SMI
wepalokesi SIM,SMI chope-kut-zin MOT
wet-ee-kah NOR lat-cha-chum-pa GOP
wetikay SMI,WIL tchee NOR
laurel tolaliocko SIM little boy hun-nah-nu-tchee NOR
leader e-math lah NOR little girl is-tah-chee NOR
emathla NOR,WIL live oak alatcha-chumpa SMI
omathlie SMI alatka chumpa WIL
leggings ah fah teh kah MOT liver elopi SIM
tak-ful-wah NOR loblolly bay ittomico SIM
takfulwa SMI itto-mico SIM
u-fee-tah-kah NOR log cheh hatch kah MOT
uphe-tayka SMI,WIL wah
legs chahatskewaw SIM love isteameheilst SIM
lie lauxemausta SIM love, expression ahi SMI
lie down waugus cheh MOT of
light or pale sa-path-at-kee NOR
mad istehachohawkit SIM man hanaunoway SMI
magician is-tee-hul-wah NOR han-nah-wah NOR
iste-hulwa SMI hononowaw SIM
magnolia o-kee-tok-su NOR hon-on-war PET
oke-tockee SMI nuntokay WIL
oketoksu WIL nuntakay SMI
magnolia glacia itto micco WIL whanan MOT
man [african] ista lustch MOT money chatta kanah wah MOT
iste-luste SMI sah-to-kah-no-wah NOR
is-te-lus-tee NOR moon hah-less-see NOR
stelasti SIM hatliesi SIM
man [caucasian] ista hadkeh MOT nekleh hossee MOT
iste-hatke SMI,WIL neth-lee-hass-see NOR
man [Indian] iste chatte WIL nethlehasse SMI,WIL
is-te-tchat-te NOR more hat-tum MOT
mantle kappa-cluccko SMI morning hatatki SIM
kap-pah-klut-lo NOR mosquito okeeha SMI
many sul-ka GOP o-kee-hah NOR
many days nethle-mast-chay SMI okeepa WIL
maple hah-no NOR mother chatske WIL
haino SIM, WIL chatski SIM
mare cheloccohocta SIM tchat-skee NOR
match e-sah-toots-kah NOR mouth chatchockwaw SIM
medicine hil-lis-wa GOP chockwaw SIM
medicine bag halist-chaway SMI chuckwa SMI
hal-ist-chaw-way NOR sattat ko hah MOT
melon chastali SIM,SMI tchuk-wah NOR
melon, musk connalalako SIM much mas MOT
merchant is-nees-ca MOT mud fuc-ke GOP
mile ah-kas-kah NOR mulberry kei SIM
milk waukah pisseh MOT mullet tac-ka-wa GOP
mine cha-na-kits-chey MOT tockawo SIM
mirror stok-hitch-kah NOR music ha-ets-ka GOP
moccassin [shoe] chille pika MOT haiska SIM
stal-lah-pee-kah NOR musk connalalaco SIM
stillspika SMI,WIL en-fame-che GOP
moccassin wee hatke SMI fomischa SMI
[snake] muskmelon fo-mass-tchah NOR
wee-hat-kay NOR fomischay WIL
hah-lo-sok-kah-tah NOR mustache chack isse SMI
mockingbird fuswahaya SMI,WIL chatchockhissi SIM
fus-way-hah-yah NOR my, mine e-na-ke GOP
tuswahaya SIM my or mine eny SMI
mole ta-ko-se GOP ery WIL
to-kah-lee NOR e-ree NOR
tokale WIL mystery wah-kull-lah NOR
money chateknonowaw SIM
neck chanokewaw SIM night yomot-skay SMI
e-noka-pe GOP yo-mot-skay NOR
neck tie e-noc-ca GOP nine oos-to-par-kin NOR
notchka SMI ostapokin SIM
neckerchief notch-kah NOR nineteen ostapokakin SIM
necklace notch-kah NOR pa-ten os-ta-pa- GOP
needles eslapota SIM ket-sen-ho-ya
slah-po-tah NOR no cooree SMI
thlar-bate-ar PET coo-ree NOR
night neth-lee MOT,NOR, cush MOT
WIL hicoscha SIM
neth-thee GOP mon-kos GOP
nilthi SIM noon hachapitsalakin SIM
nith-le GOP nose cha-yo-po GOP
nithlee PET chayopo SIM
oak alatcha WIL orange, sour yallahaachena SIM
al-lat-kah NOR yallahattmacks WIL
latch-cha-chum-pa GOP orange, sweet alaha-chayna SMI
ok hin-ka GOP yah-lah-hah NOR
one ham-kin NOR yallaha SIM,WIL
homkin SIM ya-la-he- chum-pa GOP
orange alaha WIL orator yah-tee-kah NOR
ya-ha-la GOP yah-tee-kah-kluk- NOR
orange tree alaha SMI ko
ya-ha-la e-mit-to GOP yatikka-cluccko SMI
orange, bitter yah-lah-hah-at- NOR yattika WIL
mah otter oussauna SIM
orange, yalahaatsompa SIM owl huppa SMI
bittersweet huppe WIL
ya-la-ha-ka-mok-se GOP hup-pee NOR
orange, China alaha-vheyna SMI opa SIM
orange, sour alaha-tomocks SMI oysters haitliko SIM
palm tah-lah NOR physician illis haiah MOT
palm tree talaofo WIL pigeon petche WIL
ta-la- thak-ko GOP pit-tchee NOR
palmetto seopho SIM pochewawaw de SMI
she-op-po-ma-he GOP patche
tah-lah-kul-kee NOR pine chuli SIM,SMI
tah-lah-lo-ko NOR pine tree chuli WIL
tallaloko WIL tchu-lee NOR
palmetto seopho talalocko SIM pine, dry chuli-tali SIM
cabbage pipe e-tchee-puk-wah NOR
palmetto tree tala-la-kulke SMI echepuckwa WIL
parakeet pochelane SMI,WIL
pochelani SIM pipe of peace echipukwa SIM
po-tchee-lah-nee NOR pipes echepuckawa SIM
yah-lane SMI pistol tapototchoche SIM
partridge ko-ee NOR plaza [square] tchuk-ko-kluk-ko NOR
peace esse-ka-phutcha-la SMI plume tafa SIM
peach pacaneah MOT tafa-luste BLA
peas tallako SIM pond hak-ha-se GOP
pelican sochahaka SIM,SMI ockhassie SIM
sochapaka WIL porpoise oyupfeka SIM
sok-pah-kah NOR potato ah-hah NOR
pen [yard] topopeke WIL potato, wild aha WIL
to-po-pec-kee NOR ok-lo-wa-he GOP
pencil swat-tchah-kah NOR pouch sugcha hoo cheh MOT
pepper range ho-mo-sass-sah NOR powder tohob owaw SIM
person iste SMI,WIL pretty es-he-thlo-se GOP
is-te GOP hain-klats NOR
is-tee NOR haintchlitz SMI
person [of mixed maletulke SMI pride islehelvettet SIM
race] pullet, indian tushatka SIM
physic halistwa SMI pumpkins chassa SIM
hilliswaw SIM cha-se GOP
illis-wah MOT
quail ko-wi-ke GOP
rabbit tcho-fee NOR rice alozo SIM
racket [stick] tokonay SMI,WIL rifle et-cha GOP
to-ko-ne NOR e-tchas-ata-he NOR
to-kon-he GOP etcha-sut-a-hay SIM
rain oos-kee NOR etchasutakay WIL
oski SIM itssahihi SIM
rattle ka-sha-ka-ka GOP river hat-che mun-ka GOP
sulka SMI wee-cluk-ko NOR
rattlesnake chitta-micco SMI we-thluccko SMI
tchit-ta-la-koo NOR wethlucco WIL
red chati SMI withlakoo MOT
tchat-tee NOR river, little hat-che mun-koch GOP
chati SIM withlakoocheh MOT
chatte WIL road, trail nini PET, WIL
red bay eto micco WIL rock chatto SIM
itto-mikko NOR rode ligungis MOT
redbird fuschati SIM,SMI ligungst MOT
fuschatti WIL okagunga MOT
fus-tchat-te NOR rope focka SIM
revenge impetechepectalea SIM rum weomi SIM
ribbon tak-ful-wa GOP run let-kus GOP
rice aloso MOT li kus cheh MOT
sack sock-cha GOP saw palmetto tala SMI
saddle opatakah MOT scalp num-haar SMI
oputaka SIM num-har NOR
salt oaksaowaw SIM scalp locke e-ka-se GOP
o-kah-kan-ah-wah NOR es-say NOR
ok-chun-wa GOP isse SMI
salutation ailkatesa SMI scissors es-kut-ka GOP
sand fly itch-kah-push-wah NOR scote-ear PET
sandhill crane ha-lu-lu GOP su-tu-kah NOR
soleta SMI scorpion ha-che-shis-te-thla- GOP
wah-too-lah NOR ha
wartola WIL scout iste-hay-chulkay SMI
wortola hatki SIM seven colapawkin SIM
savannah, prairie accassihiapa SIM ko-la-par-kin NOR
wee-hat-kay NOR seventeen colosocakin SIM
we-hatke SMI shade apetosee SIM
saw palmetto ta-la ma-he GOP shark notesasci SIM
shingle ah-tchee-nah NOR son tehah-poot-see NOR
ship pith-lo-hok-to NOR sorcery ponti:ki STR
shirt tok-sah-kee NOR soup soff-kee NOR
u-koff-ko-tah NOR Spaniard spanalkay NOR,SMI
shirt, hunting tuksayke WIL spa-ne GOP
yo kofe kittah MOT spanalki SIM
shoe leather es-te-le-pa-ka GOP Spaniards spanalkay-sulke- SMI
stillepika-wauhe SMI mastchay
still-lee-pi-kah- NOR spirit wyhome SMI
wah-hee wy-ho-way NOR
short kachuckanasis WIL spoon hockka SMI
kah-tchuk-kah-no- NOR hok-kah NOR
sis spring [of water] wee-ki-vah NOR
short [very] kachuckanosis- SMI wekewa SIM
tschay wekiwa SMI,WIL
kah-tchuk-kah-no- NOR welika SIM
sis-tchay weliki SIM
shot klelaposki SIM spring [season] miscostos SIM
sibling, older cha-tha-ha GOP spurs eschief kittah MOT
sibling, younger cho-se GOP eschif keta SIM
sick [very] e-ah-kal-e-mas- MOT spy, scout is-tee-hay-tchul-kay NOR
cheh iste-hay-chulkay SMI
sister chawanwaw SIM square chucco WIL
cheh-mun -wah MOT tchuk-ko NOR
e-wan-mah NOR squaw hok-tee NOR
ewanmaw WIL squirrel hithlo SIM
e-wan-wah GOP starch-root koon-te-kat-ti NOR
e-wun-waw SMI stars cochosompa SIM
six e-par-kin NOR hotchot-chumpa BAN
epawkin SIM hutte-chumba SMI,WIL
sixteen eupawkikin SIM hut-tee-tchum-pah NOR
skins echohothlepi SIM koto chumpah MOT
sky sota SIM step hattis cheh MOT
slave istelasti SIM stingray hatchastalaha SIM
small chatkwa WIL stone tchat-to NOR
cut-ko-se GOP satow MOT
tchat-wah NOR stop hattisits cheh MOT
smoke ho-pat-kah NOR store nis-kat-tcho-ko NOR
snake cek-to GOP storm hotalitesooskit SIM
chitta SMI,WIL strength isteichenawhee SIM
chitto SIM strong, or bitter homis-cheh MOT
tehit-tah NOR strowds achetatsti SIM
snakeroot passa SIM sugar assokolla SIM
snow hit-to-kay-hat-kay NOR hit-chy-ah-pal-kah MOT
hittote hatke SMI asokolah MOT
son chakpootsi SIM sugar cane ah-pe-chum-pa GOP
chakpootsi WIL hah-lis-tchum-pah NOR
chat-pots-zen MOT halist-chumpa SMI,WIL
summer miski SIM Sunday Nithla-cha-ko SMI
sun hasse SMI,WIL surprise [!] hi-ee-lah NOR
hass-say NOR sweet chumpa WIL
netah hossee MOT tchum-pah NOR
hassi SIM sweet acorn acorn sockcha SIM
Sunday Neth-lah-tchah-ko NOR sword ataschopco SIM
Net-ta cha-ko GOP
table o-hom-pee-tah NOR toad so-pak-ta GOP
tall hul-we GOP tobacco e-chee NOR
ull-way NOR he-ce GOP
ulwe SMI, WIL hitche SIM
tannier hehla WIL hit-chee NOR
tarp [fish] ha-na-wela GOP hit-chey MOT
tea as-si GOP tobacco bag e-ctchee-so-kah NOR
teeth chanati SIM tobacco field hit-chee-puk-sah- NOR
ten pa-lin GOP see
parlin SIM tobacco pipe hit-cheh-pak-ah- GOP
par-lin NOR pee
thigh chahaffi SIM hit-cheh-pak-ah- MOT
thirst chawawnki- SIM wah
maushe tobacco pouch itcha-suchay SIM
thirteen pa-lin tut-che-net GOP itchaysucha WIL
tuchanocakin SIM today mo-cha-mit-tah MOT
thread afoswaw SIM tomohawk put-chus-wa-che GOP
ah-fus-wah NOR tomorrow apockse SIM
sen-ho-ye-ne GOP pak-see NOR
three tut-che-nen GOP pokse SMI
tut-sa-nan NOR poxeh MOT
tuschanin SIM tongue chatolaswaw SIM
throat cha-nok-wa GOP tah-las-wah NOR
thunder tenet-kay SMI,WIL taluswa SMI
ten-et-kee NOR tongue [your] chatolaswaw SIM
tomitkee SIM tonight mut-cha-ne-the GOP
tiger caatsa SIM town talaofo SIM
catsha SMI,WIL ta-lo-fah NOR
kat-cha GOP talopha SMI,WIL
kat-shah NOR townhouse epala-cluccko SMI
tigertail so-ko-tee-mat-lah NOR trader is-nee-sah NOR
tin quart halo SIM isneesay SMI,WIL
trail nee-mee NOR turkey [wild] penwaw SIM
nini SMI turtle lutcha SMI,WIL
ni-no-che GOP lut-tcha NOR
tree itto SIM,WIL palin hok-ko-le GOP
it-to NOR twelve ho-ko-lo-korlin NOR
tribe al-kee NOR hopcolakakin SIM
ulke SMI,WIL sen-ho-ya-nen GOP
trout chalo SIM twenty parlihopkolin SIM
trout creek tehu-lah-pah-pah NOR two ho-ko-lin NOR
turkey [wild] pem-ee-wah NOR hopkolin SIM
penwa SMI, WIL
very ma-hes GOP victory cry caha-queene SMI
wah-e-sheh SMI kah-hah-que-nee NOR
vessel pithlohocta SIM
war so-lee-tah-wah NOR water, big thak-ko GOP
soletawa SMI water, black wee-lus-tee NOR
war captain tustenagge-cluccko SMI wee-wah NOR
war cry yo-ho-ee-tchee NOR watermelon chastalay SMI,WIL
yo-ho-ehee SMI chos-ta-le GOP
war leader, a opae ADA tchas-ta-lay NOR
tustanuggie SIM wewaw SIM
warrior tustenagge ADA what hi NOR
tustenugge WIL when sta-mar-tee NOR
tus-te-nug-ge NOR whipporwill suk-bal-am-bal-lah NOR
warrior [brave] iste-hanaunowaw- SMI whiskers e-ka-is-si GOP
mauaoo-st-chay isse SMI
warrior, great tus-te-nug-ge-kluk- NOR whiskey wy-o-mee NOR
ko white hatke SMI,WIL
watch [timepiece] has-se-tse-kah NOR hat-kee NOR
water owewah MOT natkatit SIM
we-wa SMI,WIL whooping crane wa-tol-la GOP
we-waw SIM wortola lacha SIM
wee-wah NOR wortola-lacha SMI
water, big we-wa cluccko SMI wife chahiwa SIM
wife chapiwa WIL wolf eyaha SIM
che-hy-watz SMI yah-ha WIL
tcha-ee-kah NOR yah-hah NOR,SMI
tchee-hi-wah NOR woman hi-wah NOR
wildcat cowoowiccohe SIM hockta SIM
ko-ah-ko-tchee NOR hok-tak-kay SMI
ko-wak-ko-ce GOP hokte SMI,WIL
wildman [outlaw] sem-i-no-leh NOR hok-tee NOR
willow awannah SIM ho-tah-kay NOR
wind ho-tah-lee NOR o-kee-tee NOR
hotalit SIM oke-te PET
hu-lah-lah NOR woman [old] hok-tee-huk-tut-nez NOR
hulallay WIL hokte-huktutnez SMI
hutallay SMI woman [young] hok-tee-man-nee- NOR
wind [gentle] ho-tah-lee-sto-mas- NOR tay
sin woman [young] hokte-manitte SMI
wind [very high] ho-tah-lee-mas- NOR woman or girl hocteh cheh MOT
tchay wood elatus WIL
wind storm hutallay-cluccko- SMI e-to wath-ke GOP
mast-chay wrap [garment] huk-say-kay NOR
winter tha-fo GOP wrapper huksayke WIL
tlafo SIM sha-yok-ko-fe-tah GOP
wise istehopothlena SIM
year mes-ke GOP you, your cha SMI
miski SIM che GOP
yellow lah-nee NOR chee-me MOT
lane SMI,WIL chemeet BAN
lanite SIM oha WIL
yes enca SIM tehah NOR
hen-ka GOP young man-ah-tehee NOR
ho NOR,SMI manitche WIL
un-kah NOR manitte [or che] SMI
yesterday hah MOT yours che-na-ke GOP
inca MOT hat-ta-mais-chey MOT
pox-ung-keh MOT
Part II
acahay husband SMI alaha orange tree SMI
accassihiapa savannah, prairie SIM alaha-chayna orange, sweet SMI
achena cedar WIL alaha-tomocks orange, sour SMI
achetatsti strowds SIM alaha-vheyna orange, China SMI
a-chit-tah blanket MOT alatcha oak WIL
achkola green WIL alatcha-chumpa live oak SMI
acorn sockcha sweet acorn SIM alatka chumpa WIL
afoswaw thread SIM a-lat-tchum-pah alive NOR
ah fah teh kah leggings MOT al-kee tribe NOR
aha potato, wild WIL al-la-pat-tah alligator NOR
ahcheh corn MOT al-lat-kah oak NOR
ahessi friend SIM alolo curlew SIM
ah-fus-wah thread NOR alolo-chate heron SIM
ah-hah indian potatoe SIM alolochati curlew SIM
potato NOR aloso rice MOT
ahi love, expression of SMI alowah cup MOT
ah-kas-kah mile NOR alozo rice SIM
ah-ko-lah green NOR aneh I, me BAN
ah-lo-lo-tchah-tee curlew NOR anowah ADA
ah-loo cup NOR apetosee shade SIM
ah-mis-tchah give NOR apockse tomorrow SIM
ahowki door way SIM a-pul-hump-kin half MOT
ahowkisakotka door SIM archee corn PET
ah-pa-ti-na bullfrog GOP archeta blanket PET,WIL
ah-pe-chum-pa sugar cane GOP arowah I, me WIL
ah-tchee-nah cedar NOR arum indian turnip SIM
shingle NOR ashelahatki blanket SIM
ah-tchee-nah-ho cypress NOR asokolah sugar MOT
ah-tchee-tah blanket NOR aspen corn SIM
aiepus cheh good MOT assi cassina [drink] SIM
ailkatesa salutation SMI as-si tea GOP
a-ke-au-waw catfish GOP assoka file SIM
alaha orange WIL assokolla sugar SIM
ataschopco sword SIM atschee corn SIM,SMI
at-cha-ho-to-wa cornflour GOP at-tchee NOR
atcheanahoe cypress SIM attolochate curlew WIL
atchee corn WIL awannah willow SIM
atchehotowaw flour [corn] SIM ayacophela clothing SIM
atchena cedar SIM
caatsa tiger SIM chase brother WIL
caballo horse SIM,SMI cha-se pumpkins GOP
caha-queene victory cry SMI chasee deerskin dressed WIL
casalalki drum [fish] WIL chasocpaw arm SIM
ca-sap-pe cold GOP chassa pumpkins SIM
cassapanawche SIM chastalay watermelon SMI, WIL
catacwi ganet SIM chastali melon SIM,SMI
cateh cat MOT chatalthewa eye SIM
ca-the blood GOP chatchockhissi beard SIM
catsha tiger SMI,WIL mustache SIM
caupa jacket SIM chatchockwaw mouth SIM
ceesaw he or she BAN chateknonowaw money SIM
cek-to snake GOP gorget SIM
cha you, your SMI cha-tha-ha sibling, older GOP
chacaissi hair SIM chati blood SIM
chachopicakin fifteen SIM red SMI, SIM
chack isse mustache SMI chatkwa small WIL
chackshosti daughter SIM,WIL chatlahaw brother, elder SIM
chackspin five SIM chatolaswaw tongue SIM
chaco house WIL chat-pots-zen son MOT
chacteka father SIM,SMI chatske mother WIL
WIL chatski SIM
chahaffi thigh SIM chatsosi brother, younger SIM
chahatskewaw legs SIM chatta kanah wah money MOT
chahi husband SIM chat-tay blood NOR
chahiwa wife SIM chatte SMI
chakpootsi son SIM, WIL chatte red WIL
chaletampes foot SIM chatteh foot MOT
chalimpocco calf [of the leg] SIM chatto rock SIM
cha-lo bass GOP chawanwaw sister SIM
chalo trout SIM chawawnki- thirst SIM
chaloliski eyebrow SIM maushe
chaluccanawaw gorget SMI chaway bag SMI
chalvecanowow armlets WIL chayopo nose SIM
cha-na-kits-chey mine MOT chockwaw mouth SIM
chanati teeth SIM choco camp SMI
chankeh wasah fingers MOT cho-ko house GOP
kah chola fox SIM
chanki hand SIM cholocko horse MOT,PET
chanokewaw neck SIM chonkeh hands, my MOT
cha-nok-wa throat GOP chope-kut-zin little MOT
chanotockhaw jaw SIM cho-se brother SMI
chapawa brother, council SMI sibling, younger GOP
chapiwa wife WIL chosee deerskin dressed SMI
cha-yo-po nose GOP choski finger SIM
che your GOP choskisosawaw fingernail SIM
che-chose brother, young SMI chos-ta-le watermelon GOP
chee-me you, your MOT chotkwa, chotekus little or small SMI
cheh ah pah camp MOT chucco square WIL
cheh hatch kah log MOT chuc-co thak-ko great square GOP
wah chucco-cluccko SMI
cheh wun weh listen MOT chuckwa mouth SMI
che-ha-po camp, your GOP chuli pine SIM,SMI
cheh-mun -wah sister MOT pine tree WIL
chehsak pah arm MOT chuli-tali pine, dry SIM
che-hy-watz wife SMI chumpa sweet WIL
cheloccocha colt SIM chu-thak-ko-ce colt GOP
cheloccohocta mare SIM cochosompa stars SIM
chelucco horse SIM colapawkin seven SIM
chemeet you, your BAN colosocakin seventeen SIM
che-na-ke yours GOP coni-katke bread root WIL
chenapokin eight SIM connalalaco musk SIM
chenopokakin eighteen SIM connalalako melon, musk SIM
chepawne boy WIL connarwa beads PET,WIL
che-paw-nee SMI conowaw SIM
cheyacka hawk SIM conti-katke arrow root SIM
chille pika moccassin [shoe] MOT cooree no SMI
chilth-keh father MOT coo-ree NOR
chinkee hand SMI coosa goose SIM
chinkeh hands, your MOT cosapi begging or praying SIM
chitta snake SMI,WIL cosatulki drum [fish] SIM
chitta-micco rattlesnake SMI cowoowiccohe wildcat SIM
chitto snake SIM cush no MOT
chocksaka bridle SIM cut-ko-se small GOP
e-ah-kal-e-mas- sick [very] MOT e-la-we hunger GOP
cheh elopi liver SIM
e-ca head GOP e-math lah leader NOR
ecar PET emathla NOR,WIL
e-ceth-wa brother GOP em-pak-pa-ke flower GOP
eche husband WIL ena I or me MOT
e-chee tobacco NOR I or me (pick) GOP
echepuckawa pipes SIM e-na-ke my, mine GOP
echepuckwa pipe WIL enca yes SIM
echipukwa pipe of peace SIM en-ca-na ground GOP
echo deer SIM,WIL en-fame-che musk GOP
echo istuchay fawn SMI en-narth-ka-pa half GOP
echo, hanaunowa buck SMI e-noc-ca neck tie GOP
echoche deer [many] WIL e-no-chee-aw handkerchief NOR
fawn SIM enoche-eaw SMI
e-cho-che GOP e-noka-pe neck GOP
echo-cluccko deer [big] BAM,SIM en-sa-pa garfish GOP
echo-cluccko horse SMI en-sa-pa-no-te garfish teeth GOP
echohothlepi skins SIM eny my or mine SMI
echo-hotke doe SMI e-pah dog NOR
echolocco horse WIL e-pah-lah-kluk-kah dance house NOR
e-ch-tak-ko deer, big GOP epala-cluccko townhouse SMI
e-ctchee-so-kah tobacco bag NOR e-par-kin six NOR
e-cun-holwa hill SMI epawkin SIM
e-cunnaw ground SMI epola dancing house WIL
ecunnraw WIL epuf ka entrails SIM
efa dog SIM,SMI, e-ree my own NOR
WIL ery my, mine WIL
e-fa teh-ka boot MOT e-sah-toots-kah match NOR
e-fah dog NOR esapanote gar SIM
e-fa teh-ka boot MOT eschief kittah spurs MOT
efar dry SMI eschif keta SIM
efeki heart SIM es-he-thlo-se pretty GOP
effaga BAN es-kut-ka scissors GOP
ef-fah-gah NOR eslapota needles SIM
e-goph-ka breechcloth MOT es-say scalp lock NOR
ehee husband SMI esse-ka-phutcha-la peace SMI
e-hee NOR estechali Indian SIM
ehfah dog MOT es-te-le-pa-ka shoe leather GOP
e-ka-is-si whiskers GOP et-cha rifle GOP
e-kar head NOR e-tchas-ata-he NOR
e-ka-se scalp, locke GOP etcha-sut-a-hay SIM
e-kon-hull-wall hill NOR etchasutakay WIL
e-kun-nah ground NOR e-tchee-puk-wah pipe NOR
elatus wood WIL e-tcho deer NOR
e-tcho-han-aw-no- buck NOR ett-say-cha hammock SMI
wah eupawkikin sixteen SIM
e-tcho-hot-kay doe NOR e-wan-mah sister NOR
e-tcho-is-tchay fawn NOR ewanmaw WIL
e-tcho-lo-ko horse NOR e-wan-wah GOP
eto micco red bay WIL e-wun-waw SMI
e-to wath-ke wood GOP eyaha wolf SIM
etotus firewood SMI eyuppi horns SIM
etsa gun SIM
fa-me-cha-lat-ka cantalope GOP fucke-luste dirt [black] SMI
Fat-shay-not-kah American NOR fuksayke hunting shirt SMI
fiff-pah flute, fife NOR fuk-see-ke GOP
fifpa SMI fuschati redbird SIM,SMI
focka rope SIM fuschatti WIL
fohota beehive GOP fuslalucho bluejay SIM
beeswax SIM fus-tchat-te redbird NOR
foinsampi honey SIM fuswa bird SIM,SMI
fo-mass-tchah muskmelon NOR fuswahaya mockingbird SMI,WIL
fomischa musk SMI fus-way-hah-yah NOR
fomischay muskmelon WIL futch-chotekus duck, summer SMI
foo-kee dirt NOR futcho duck NOR,SMI,
Fotche-nolke American or SMI WIL
Virginian futcho-cluccko duck, English SMI
fotcho duck SIM fut-tcho-kluk-ko NOR
ft-say-tchah hammock NOR fut-tcho-tches-tec- duck, summer NOR
fucke dirt SMI,WIL kus
fuc-ke mud GOP
gi-see hair NOR
hachapitsalakin noon SIM hat-che mun-koch river, little GOP
ha-che-shis-te- scorpion GOP hatcheh creek MOT
thla-ha hatch-ko ear NOR
had-jo crazy, mad NOR hatch-ko-tot-kah earring NOR
ha-ets-ka music GOP hatch-uchee branch [creek] SMI
haganawche hot SIM hatke white SMI,WIL
hah yesterday MOT hat-ke arrowroot GOP
hah-less-see moon NOR hat-kee white NOR
hah-lis-tchum-pah sugar cane NOR hatliesi moon SIM
hah-lo-sok-kah- moccassin, water NOR hat-ta-mais-chey yours MOT
tah hat-tchee creek NOR
hah-no maple NOR hat-tchu-tchee branch [creek] NOR
ha-ho-lo-che clouds GOP hattis cheh step MOT
hain-klats pretty NOR hat-tis-cheh wait GOP
haino maple SIM, WIL hattisits cheh stop MOT
haintchlitz pretty SMI hat-tum more MOT
haintstohe good SMI,WIL hayutt-schay daylight SMI
haiska music SIM he-ce tobacco GOP
haitliko oysters SIM hee lah deerskin dresser NOR
hajo crazy SMI hehla tannier WIL
hak-ha-se pond GOP helittah ma hich handsome, very MOT
halist-chaway medicine bag SMI hell-lo-kop-kee gum [tree] NOR
hal-ist-chaw-way NOR helocoppe WIL
halist-chumpa sugar cane SMI,WIL helocoppi SIM
halistwa physic SMI hen-ka yes GOP
halo tin quart SIM Hesakitaemisi God SIM
halputta alligator WIL hi what NOR
ha-lu-lu sandhill crane GOP hicoscha no SIM
ham-kin one NOR hi-ee-lah surprise ! NOR
ham-ko-la-lin eleven NOR hi-e-pas go NOR
hampi bad STR hil-lis-wa medicine GOP
hanaunoway man SMI hilliswaw physic SIM
ha-na-wela tarp GOP hin-cla good McC
han-nah-wah man NOR hinclus MOT
hantasacotsi hummingbird SIM hin-dl-mah NOR
ha-poe-waw child, a small GOP hin-ka ok GOP
hascotalka earrings SIM hitche tobacco SIM
hasse sun SMI,WIL hit-chee NOR
has-se-tse-kah watch [time piece] NOR hit-chee-puk-sah- tobacco field NOR
hassi sun SIM see
hass-say NOR hit-cheh-pak-ah- tobacco pipe GOP
hatatki morning SIM pee
hatch uche branch [creek] WIL hit-cheh-pak-ah- MOT
hatchastalaha stingray SIM wah
hat-che mun-ka river GOP hit-chey tobacco MOT
hit-chy-ah-pal-kah sugar MOT ho-mo-sass-sah pepper range NOR
hithlo squirrel SIM hompusche breakfast SIM
hitloschi clouds SIM hom-pus-che eat GOP
hit-to-kay-hat-kay snow NOR ho-nai-wah beads MOT
hit-to-tay ice NOR hononowaw man SIM
hittote SMI hon-on-war man PET
hittote hatke snow SMI hoo-nah dress NOR
hi-wah woman NOR ho-pat-kah smoke NOR
ho yes NOR,SMI hopcolakakin twelve SIM
hockka spoon SMI hopkolin two SIM
hockta woman SIM hopoewaw child, a small SIM
hock-tah-lat-kay firefly NOR ho-tah-kay woman NOR
hocktoche girl WIL ho-tah-lee wind NOR
girl, little SIM ho-tah-lee-mas- wind [very high] NOR
hocteh cheh MOT tchay
woman or girl MOT ho-tah-lee-sto-mas- wind [gentle] NOR
hofka hatke jigger SMI sin
hok-kah spoon NOR hotalit wind SIM
ho-ko-lin two NOR hotalitesooskit storm SIM
ho-ko-lo-korlin twelve NOR hotay house SIM
hokta lakke firefly SMI hotchot-chumpa stars BAN
hok-tak-kay woman SMI hot-tum again GOP
hokte SMI,WIL huha cabbage SIM
hok-tee squaw NOR huk-sah-kee covering NOR
woman NOR huksay jacket SMI
hok-tee-huk-tut- woman [old] NOR huk-say-kay wrap [garment] NOR
nez huksayke wrapper WIL
hok-tee-man-nee- woman [young] NOR hu-lah-lah wind NOR
tay hulallay WIL
hokte-huktutnez woman [old] SMI hulkwa bad WIL
hokte-manitte woman [young] SMI hulk-we high GOP
hok-to-che girl GOP hulputta alligator SMI
ho-lce-wah-gus bad ! NOR hul-wah bad NOR
holewagus bad WIL hulwak SMI,WIL
ho-le-wa-gus GOP hul-we tall GOP
holy-waugus cheh MOT hum-bux-tchay eat NOR
homis-cheh strong, or bitter MOT hun-ce-lah hard NOR
homkin one SIM hun-ee-lah-mas- hard, very NOR
ho-mo-sass-sah pepper range NOR tchay
hompusche breakfast SIM hunela hand WIL
hom-pus-che eat GOP hunela-matshay hard SMI
ho-nai-wah beads MOT hunna frock or skirt SMI
hononowaw man SIM hun-na dress GOP
hon-on-war PET hun-nah frock or skirt NOR
hoo-nah dress NOR hun-nah-nu-tchee little boy NOR
ho-pat-kah smoke NOR hun-ne-mat-chay heavy GOP
hopcolakakin twelve SIM hun-tha-cho-ko-i hummingbird GOP
huppa owl SMI mast-chay
huppe WIL hutallay-stomasin breeze SMI
hup-pee NOR hutchee creek SMI,WIL
hutallay wind SMI hutte-chumba stars SMI,WIL
hutallay-cluccko- wind storm SMI hut-tee-tchum-pah star NOR
i-ce-lah astonished NOR is-tee-hul-wah magician NOR
i-e-ela SMI is-tee-tchat-tee Indian NOR
ila arrow SIM istefotsete honest SIM
ilcep-ah-non-es- goodby NOR istehachohawkit mad SIM
tchah iste-hanaunowaw- warrior [brave] SMI
illis haiah physician MOT mauaoo-st-chay
illis-wah physic MOT iste-hatke man [caucasian] SMI,WIL
impetechepectalea revenge SIM iste-hay-chulkay scout SMI
impopoco flower SIM spy SMI
inca yesterday MOT istehopothlena wise SIM
in-kee hand NOR istehpothleneca foolish SIM
islehelvettet pride SIM iste-hulwa magician SMI
is-nee-sah trader NOR isteichenawhee strength SIM
isneesay trader SMI,WIL istelasti slave SIM
is-nees-ca merchant MOT iste-luste man [african] SMI
isse scalp lock SMI is-te-lus-tee NOR
whiskers SMI is-te-tchat-te man [Indian] NOR
Ista chatteh Indian MOT is-to-che child GOP
ista cheh child MOT it-cha shuk-cha gun pouch GOP
ista hadkeh man [caucasian] MOT itcha-cluccko cannon SMI
ista lustch man [african] MOT itcha-suchay tobacco pouch SIM
is-tah-ah-poo camp NOR itchaysucha WIL
is-tah-chee little girl NOR itch-kah-push-wah sand fly NOR
iste he SMI,WIL itssahihi rifle SIM
person SMI,WIL it-tcha-kluk-ko cannon NOR
is-te GOP it-tee-ni-ah lake NOR
iste chatte man [Indian] WIL itteniah SIM,SMI
isteameheilst love SIM itto tree SIM,WIL
iste-chaiti Indian SMI it-to NOR
is-tee he NOR itto micco magnolia glacia WIL
person NOR itto-mico loblolly bay SIM
is-tee-hay-tchul- spy, scout NOR itto-mikko red bay tree NOR
kachuckanasis short WIL kato-pu-ka hat GOP
kachuckanosis- short, very SMI kat-shah tiger NOR
tschay kei mulberry SIM
kah-hah-que-nee victory cry NOR ke-yacka hawk GOP
kah-pah cloak [jacket] NOR klelaposki shot SIM
kah-tchuk-kah-no- short NOR ko-ah-ko-tchee wildcat NOR
sis kock-to-tchee girl NOR
kah-tchuk-kah-no- short, very NOR ko-ee partridge NOR
sis-tchay ko-la-par-kin seven NOR
kapa cloak [jacket] SIM ko-na-wa beads GOP
ka-pa coat GOP koon-te-kat-ti starch-root NOR
ka-pa- thak-ko GOP koto chumpah stars MOT
kap-hah-to-kah hat NOR ko-uee-kah gopher [tortoise] NOR
kappa-cluccko mantle SMI ko-wak-ko-ce wildcat GOP
kap-pah-klut-lo NOR kowikay gopher [tortoise] SMI,WIL
kas-ah-lal-ke drum [fish] NOR ko-wi-ke quail GOP
ka-sha-ka-ka rattle GOP kuphatuka hat WIL
kat-cha tiger GOP kuppa-tuka SMI
kat-kat-ah-wah ibis NOR
lah-nee yellow NOR let-kus run GOP
lak-kits big MOT li kus cheh MOT
lamhi eagle SIM ligungis rode MOT
lane yellow SMI,WIL ligungst MOT
lanite SIM loc-cha-chum-pa sweet acorn GOP
lan-nits green MOT loot-kah fire NOR
lastatit black SIM lustee black NOR,SMI
lat-cha-chum-pa little GOP lutcha turtle SMI,WIL
latch-cha-chum-pa oak tree GOP luthphwa eyes SMI
lat-cho-che branch GOP lut-tcha turtle NOR
lauxemausta lie SIM
ma-hes very GOP micconope chief [young] SIM
mal-ee-tul-kah half-breed NOR mico king [head chief] SMI
maletulke person of mixed SMI mico-etchay council house SMI
race mik-ko chief NOR
man-ah-tehee young NOR mik-ko-et-shay council house NOR
manitche WIL miscostos spring [season] SIM
manitte [or che] SMI miski summer SIM
mas much MOT year SIM
mes-ke year GOP mistehoka ceremony SIM
metachak-ulke Englishman SMI [religious]
met-ah-tchak-ut- NOR mo-cha-mit-tah today MOT
kah mon-kos no GOP
micco governor SIM mut-cha-ne-the tonight GOP
king [head chief] SMI, WIL
nah-koo-tchee book NOR nini trail SMI
nako cheh MOT ni-no-che GOP
natkatit white SIM nis-kat-tcho-ko store NOR
nee-mee trail NOR Nithla-cha-ko Sunday SMI
nekleh hossee moon MOT nithle dog WIL
netah hossee sun MOT nith-le night GOP
neth-lah day NOR nithlee PET
Neth-lah-tchah-ko Sunday NOR nithlemaschay dogs [many] WIL
nethlay day SMI,WIL nittah day MOT
nethle SMI nit-tah GOP
neth-lee night MOT,NOR no-co-se bear GOP
WIL nocossa SIM
neth-lee-hass-see moon NOR notchka neck tie SMI
nethlehasse SMI,WIL notch-kah neckerchief NOR
nethle-mast-chay many days SMI necklace NOR
neth-thee night GOP notesasci shark SIM
Net-ta cha-ko Sunday GOP num-haar scalp SMI
nilthi night SIM num-har NOR
nini road, trail PET, WIL nuntakay man SMI, WIL
oaksaowaw salt SIM omathlie leader SMI
ochafanwaw crow SIM omulka all SIM
ocheepeas forgiveness SIM oos-kee rain NOR
ockhassie pond SIM oos-ten four NOR
ockola green SMI oos-to-par-kin nine NOR
ockolatat SIM opa owl SIM
oha you, your WIL opae war leader, a ADA
o-hom-pee-tah table NOR opatakah saddle MOT
okagunga rode MOT opelowaw hammock SIM
o-kah-kan-ah-wah salt NOR oputaka saddle SIM
ok-chun-wa GOP osee good SMI
okeauwaw catfish SIM osh-hah-hah-nah crow NOR
okeeha mosquito SMI oski rain SIM
o-kee-hah NOR ostapokakin nineteen SIM
okeepa WIL ostapokin nine SIM
o-kee-tee woman NOR osticakin fourteen SIM
o-kee-tok-su magnolia NOR ostin four SIM
oke-te woman PET otche hickory [nut] SIM
oke-tockee magnolia SMI oussauna otter SIM
oketoksu WIL owewah water MOT
ok-lo-wa-he potato, wild GOP oyupfeka porpoise SIM
ol-li-gah-tah chair, seat NOR
pacaneah peach MOT pat-che-ho-ya dove GOP
pahke grass SMI,WIL pa-ten os-ta-pa- nineteen GOP
pah-kee NOR ket-sen-ho-ya
pah-sah antidote [snake NOR pat-e-tcho-lee dove NOR
venom] pem-ee-wah turkey NOR
pak-see tomorrow NOR penwa turkey [wild] SMI, WIL
pa-lin ten GOP penwaw SIM
palin hok-ko-le turtle GOP petche pigeon WIL
pa-lin tut-che-net thirteen GOP pil-lak-li-ka-ha hammocks, NOR
parlihopkolin twenty SIM scattered
parlin ten SIM pil-lat-kah ford NOR
par-lin NOR pithlo boat NOR,SIM,
passa snakeroot SIM WIL
pa-ta-ka bed GOP pithlo canoe SMI, NOR
patche-chobe dove SMI GOP
patchechole WIL pithlohocta vessel SIM
pithlohocte canoe SIM potarka bed PET
pith-lo-hok-to ship NOR po-tchee-lah-nee parakeet NOR
pit-tchee pigeon NOR pot-sas-nah axe NOR
pochelane parakeet SMI,WIL poxeh tomorrow MOT
pochelani SIM pox-ung-keh yesterday MOT
pochewawaw de pigeon SMI pusketa dance [green SMI
patche corn]
pochewawwaw dove SIM pus-ke-ta fasting GOP
pokitcha ball play SMI putchuswa hatchet or WIL
po-kit-cha GOP tomahawk
pok-ko ball GOP put-chuswa SMI
poko NOR, SMI,
WIL put-chus-wa ax GOP
pokse tomorrow SMI put-chus-wa-che tomahawk GOP
ponti:ki sorcery STR put-tchus-wah hatchet or NOR
poo-skee-tah dance [corn] NOR tomahawk
rope tocka grass SIM
sah-to-kah-no- money NOR sen-ho-ya-nen twelve GOP
wah sen-ho-ye-ne thread GOP
sakkah head MOT sen-na-par-kin eight NOR
sakkah sischeh hair MOT seopho palmetto SIM
sa-path-at-kee light NOR shacotoisi bow SIM
saphka knife WIL shak-pe dry GOP
saputhatke light WIL sha-yok-ko-fe-tah wrapper GOP
saput-hatke light or pale SMI shee-wan-a-le-ta belt MOT
saputka bullfrog SMI she-op-po-ma-he palmetto GOP
frog WIL slaf-ka knife GOP
satatlakoo apple MOT slaf-kah NOR
satow stone MOT slafkaw SIM
sattat ko hah mouth MOT slah-po-tah needle NOR
sattatlohah eye MOT slaolochali brass SIM
schalasemauche hunger SIM slaphka knife SMI
scote-ear scissors PET slastochali bass SIM
sem-i-no-leh wildman [outlaw] NOR slo-no deerfly NOR
sochahaka pelican SIM,SMI spanalkay Spaniard NOR,SMI
sochapaka WIL spanalkay-sulke- Spaniards SMI
sockcha acorn SIM mastchay
sock-cha sack GOP spanalki Spaniard SIM
soff-kee soup NOR spa-ne GOP
soko camp SIM stal-lah-pee-kah moccassin [shoe] NOR
house SIM sta-mar-tee when NOR
so-ko-tee-mat-lah tigertail NOR steka head SIM
sok-pah-kah pelican NOR stelasti man [african] SIM
so-lee-tah-wah war NOR sten-to-see know NOR
soleta sandhill crane SMI stillepika-wauhe shoe, leather SMI
soletawa war SMI still-lee-pi-kah- NOR
sookoo house MOT wah-hee
soole buzzard SMI,WIL stillspika moccassin [shoe] SMI,WIL
soo-lee NOR stok-hitch-kah mirror NOR
sopa blue SIM,SMI sugcha hoo cheh pouch MOT
so-pah NOR suk-bal-am-bal-lah whipporwill NOR
so-pak-ta toad GOP sukbulbar bat SMI,WIL
so-pat-kah frog NOR sulka rattle SMI
sota sky SIM sul-ka many GOP
sowena grass [of which SMI su-tu-kah scissors NOR
rope is made] swat-tchah-kah pencil NOR
tac-ka-wa mullet GOP ta-la thak-ko cabbage, big GOP
tafa feathers SIM ta-la- thak-ko palm tree GOP
tafa plume SIM tala-la-kulke palmetto tree SMI
tafa-luste BLA talaofo palm tree WIL
tah-lah palm NOR talaofo town SIM
tah-lah-kul-kee palmetto NOR talihomkin eleven SIM
tah-lah-kul-kluk-ko cabbage palm NOR tallako peas SIM
tah-lah-lo-ko palmetto NOR tallaloko palmetto WIL
tah-lah-so-kah coconut NOR ta-lo-fah town NOR
tah-las-wah tongue NOR talopha SMI,WIL
takfulwa leggins, below knee SMI taluswa tongue SMI
tak-ful-wa ribbon GOP tapototchoche pistol SIM
tak-ful-wah leggings NOR tcha-ee-kah wife NOR
ta-ko-se mole GOP tchah-nah housefly NOR
ta-ko-she groundmole GOP tchah-see brother NOR
tala saw palmetto SMI tchak-is-say beard NOR
ta-la cabbage GOP tchak-shos-tee daughter NOR
ta-la ma-he saw palmetto GOP tchak-tee-kah feather NOR
tchal-luk-an-aw- breast plate NOR to-kah-lee mole NOR
wah tokale WIL
tchas-ta-lay watermelon NOR tok-lee-kee bread NOR
tchat-skee mother NOR toklike WIL
tchat-tee red NOR tokole groundmole SMI
tchat-to stone NOR tokonay hurl SMI
tchat-wah small NOR racket [stick] SMI,WIL
tchee little NOR to-ko-ne NOR
tchee-hi-wah wife NOR to-kon-he racket GOP
tchin-kee hand NOR tok-sah-kee shirt NOR
tchit-ta-la-koo rattlesnake NOR tola bay SIM
tcho-fee rabbit NOR tolaliocko laurel SIM
tcho-ko camp NOR tomitkee thunder SIM
tcho-see deerskin dressed NOR tootkah fire MOT
tchuk-ko square NOR topa bed SIM,WIL
tchuk-ko-kluk-ko plaza [public NOR to-pa GOP
square] topah MOT
tchuk-wah mouth NOR to-pee-kee fort NOR
tchu-lee pine tree NOR to-pe-kee enclosure SMI
tchum-pah sweet NOR to-po-pec-kee pen [yard] NOR
tchu-tchu-tchat-tee houses NOR topopeke WIL
tehah you, your NOR to-tee-kah fish NOR
tehah-poot-see son NOR toteka fire SIM,SMI
tehee-paw-nee boy NOR totekafolka homespun SIM
tehee-tchah-see brother, young NOR totekar fire PET
tehe-suk-pah arm NOR totika WIL
tehit-tah snake NOR tot-lah-wah eye NOR
tehoe-ta-pin five NOR tow-fah-fah feather NOR
tehu-lah-pah-pah trout creek NOR tsa-lo catfish NOR
tenet-kay thunder SMI,WIL tuchanocakin thirteen SIM
ten-et-kee NOR tuckalargie bread SMI
tha-fo winter GOP tuf-oo-lah-pah butterfly NOR
thak-ko water, big GOP tuksayke shirt, hunting WIL
thlar-bate-ar needles PET tuschanin three SIM
tim-pah-nah-kluk- council house NOR tushatka pullet, Indian SIM
ko tustanuggie war leader, a SIM
timpana council house WIL tustenagge warrior ADA
timpana-cluccko council SMI tustenagge-cluccko general SMI
tlafo winter SIM war captain SMI
tockawo mullet SIM tustenugge warrior WIL
tockfoloa binding SIM tus-te-nug-ge NOR
tock-fo-loa binding, ribbon GOP tus-te-nug-ge-kluk- warrior, great NOR
tocliki bread SIM ko
tofa feathers WIL tuswahaya mockbird SIM
tofompa cherry SIM tut-che-nen three GOP
tohob owaw powder SIM tutlekeh bread MOT
to-ho-ma cherry GOP tut-sa-nan three NOR
tohopekee fence MOT
ucchenhaho cypress SMI ulke tribe SMI, WIL
uchenna-cluccko cypress swamp SMI ull-way tall NOR
uchenna-kulke SMI high NOR
uecheanatho cypress WIL ulwe tall SMI, WIL
u-fee-tah-kah leggings NOR un-kah yes NOR
u-koff-ko-tah shirt NOR uphe-tayka leggings SMI,WIL
wah-e-sheh very SMI we-ha-yuk-pe lake GOP
wah-kah cow NOR wekewa spring [of water] SIM
wah-ko heron NOR wekiwa SMI,WIL
wah-kull-lah mystery NOR welika SIM
wah-too-lah sandhill crane NOR weliki SIM
wartola WIL weomi rum SIM
wa-tol-la whooping crane GOP wepalokesi lake SIM,SMI
wauca cow SIM,SMI, wet-ee-kah NOR
WIL we-thluccko river SMI
waucahoanowaw bull SIM wethlucco WIL
wauco heron WIL wetikay lake SMI,WIL
wauco-cluccko SMI we-wa water SMI,WIL
waugus cheh lie down MOT we-wa cluccko water, big SMI
waukah cow MOT wewaw watermelon SIM
waukah pisseh milk MOT we-waw water SIM
wee hatke moccassin [snake] SMI whanan man MOT
wee-cluk-ko river NOR whaunan cheh boy MOT
wee-hat-key moccassin [snake] NOR wisanalki American or SIM
wee-hat-kay savannah, prairie NOR Virginian
wee-ki-vah spring [of water] NOR withlakoo river MOT
wee-luste cassina [drink] SMI withlakoocheh river, little MOT
wee-lus-tee water, black NOR wortola hatki sandhill crane SIM
wee-pat-to-kee- lake NOR wortola lacha whooping crane SIM
see wortola mahi SIM
wee-toksce cider, beer SMI wortola-lacha SMI
wee-tok-see NOR wyhome spirit SMI
wee-wah water, black NOR wy-ho-way NOR
we-hatke savannah, prairie SMI wy-o-mee whiskey NOR
yaf kus evening SIM ya-la-he- chum-pa orange, sweet GOP
ya-ha-la orange GOP yallaha SIM,WIL
ya-ha-la e-mit-to orange tree GOP yallahaachena orange, sour SIM
yah-chelane eagle SMI yallahattmacks WIL
yahchilane WIL ya-tik-ka interpreter GOP
yah-ha wolf WIL yatikka-cluccko orator SMI
yah-hah howling [grief] SMI yattika WIL
howling wolf GOP ymochecks dark SIM
wolf NOR,SMI yo kofe kittah shirt, hunting MOT
yah-lah-hah orange, sweet NOR yo-ho-ee-tchee war cry NOR
yah-lah-hah-at- orange, bitter NOR yo-ho-ehee SMI
mah yomotchay dark SMI
yah-lane parakeet SMI yomot-skay night SMI
yah-tchee-lah-nee eagle NOR yo-mot-skay NOR
yah-tee-kah orator NOR yonnotchay dark WIL
yah-tee-kah-kluk-ko NOR yo-not-tchah NOR
yalahaatsompa orange SIM yucca grass, bear SMI
ya-la-ha-ka-mok-se- orange, GOP
Part III
A bad or cruel person. Esticha-bucke-nawhansle. SIM
A brave man. Is-te-han-naw-no-wah-mas-tchay. NOR
A good horse. Ec-ho-thloc-ko he-thee-ma-hes. GOP
Echo-thlocko hin-cla. McC
A good person. Atimawhaneche. SIM
A place where deer feed. Icheepopkasassee. NOR
Across the creek. Hatchee tabaia. MOT
Ah! How is your health? Hie la! Ay-it-liepts-e-chez? McC
All gone. Atesche. SIM
She-pe-kos. GOP
Sooks-tchay. NOR
Suks-cheh. MOT
Are you sick? Chech no kah? MOT
Are you sitting there? Li-gits-ka. GOP
Be still, quit. Wykas-chay. SMI
Be still. Wy-kass-tchay. NOR
Buy it. Nis-us-cheh. MOT
Come and play ball. At-tet pok-kets-chas GOP
Pokitcha-lis-chay. SMI
Come here. Attes-cha. SMI
At-tess-tchah. NOR
Come in. Acheeschee. SIM
Come let us go. A-la-kus-cheh. MOT
Atits cheh. MOT
Crazy person. Is-te-ha-cha-ha-kit. GOP
Day after the day after Pokse-a-sa-ma-a-sa-ma-sa-tly. SMI
Pok-sec-ah-sah-mah-sat-ly. NOR
Day after tomorrow. Pok-see-ah-sah. NOR
Pokse-a-sa-ma. SMI
Day before yesterday. Pok-sun-kethen. GOP
Pox-ung-keh-ah-si-ung-keh. MOT
Do not sit. Li-gi-co. GOP
Do you want it? Cheh-ah-cha. GOP
Cheh-ah-che-the. MOT
Dollar gone. Dollar she-pe-ko. GOP
Dollar gone. Dollar-humpkin. MOT
Don't know. Stoon-tish NOR
Eight of a dollar. Ka-lai-zu-cheh. MOT
Fifty dollars. Chato kanaway palin-chakebin. McC
Give me. Ah mis cheh. MOT
A-mis-cha. SMI
Go away. I-e-pus-cha. SMI
Good evening or Goodbye. Aeepa-ischay. SMI
Good morning. Ah-lah-kay-is-tchay. NOR
Alaka-ischay. SMI
He is dead. Eleegis-chez McC
He lies. Is-tes-lock-say. NOR
He rides. Ligue. MOT
How are you? Tchee-hell-lo-see-lee. NOR
How do you do? Cheheloseli. SIM
Che-he-thaa-sho-ma. GOP
How many dollars do you want Chato kanawa nacho-ma echo-thlocko oepa-taka McC
for the horse, saddle, and che-malis chez?
How much? Nah-cho-mah? MOT
How old are you? Cheh ma solehta estoma cheh? MOT
I am going. I-ee-pus-cheh. MOT
I am leaving. Ah-ye-pa-is-chey. GOP
I am your friend. An hisseh elittal mas cheh. MOT
Chen-his-seh-to-mas. GOP
I come from Tuskegee. Tuskegee ae-ti-yet-tos. GOP
Tuskegee n'atiis cheh. MOT
I come. At-to-wis. GOP
Watiis. MOT
I do not know. Stentose. SMI
I do not understand. Git-lo-sthah. NOR
I don't know. Kith-lucks. MOT
I don't understand. Kit-lax-tchah. NOR
Kit-lox-cha. SMI
I drink your health. Is-ea-la-mus-cheh. MOT
I give you. Che-mai-lantis-cheh. MOT
Che-mais. GOP
I go. Aiepus. MOT
I have. O-che-pes GOP
I love that woman a great Hocteh ahcheh attanokah tama cheh. MOT
I love you. Cheh moka is cheh. MOT
E-che-no-ke-chais GOP
I ride. Ligico. MOT
I speak to you. Chehno-kahis-cheh. MOT
I want it. Chi-ah-chis-cheh. MOT
I went. Aiungis. MOT
Ai-un-gis. GOP
I will come. Atloniis MOT
I will go. Aiepotlonis. MOT
I will kill you. Leech-as-chay. SMI
I, myself Ah-ho-wah. NOR
I went. Ai-un-gis. GOP
Increase in number or length maa-hees GOP
mastchay WIL
Increase in size che WIL
maa-hees GOP
It is a lie. Is-tee-lock-say-tah-mas-tchay. NOR
Iste-lokse-ta-mastchay. SMI
It is all gone. Souks-cha. SMI
It is not good. Hull-wax-tchay. NOR
Hulwak-stchay. SMI
It is well. Hink-lah-mas-tchay. NOR
Mathint-a-mas-tshay. SMI
Kill it. Leech-as-chay. GOP
Make haste. Lakow. MOT
Lop-ko GOP
Lopko. SIM
My daughter. Chas-chus-the GOP
Chiss-hotes-teh. MOT
My hand. Chan-ke GOP
My leg. Cha-hats-ko-wa GOP
My mustache. Cha-chok-his-si GOP
My sister. Cha-wan-wah GOP
My teeth. Cha-nu-te GOP
My wife. Cheh ah wah MOT
Cheh-he-wan GOP
My younger sibling. Chat-so-si GOP
Nothing the matter. Stonekus MOT
Old woman. Hok-ta-lo-se GOP
Quarter of a dollar. Kan-zat-kah. MOT
Quit, be still. Wykas-chay. SMI
Wy-kas-chay. GOP
Ride thou. Ligue-cheh. MOT
Salutation, after long absence. Ailkatesa. SIM
Say again. Nakin. MOT
Say my friend! Our God is Qua ochea! Sut Quain! STR
dead and gone.
Qua ochea! Sut quain! Hotti tontego yah toscos CLA
cagenah tagus nahoo!
Sit down. Lagaschay. SMI
Lagus cheh. MOT
Laguscha. PET
Lah-gas-tchay. NOR
Li-gi-ton GOP
Likasche. SIM
Sixteen of a dollar. Pick-eh-u-chee. MOT
Stand up. Ah-hwe-thus. GOP
Ouatelasche. SIM
That bad man. Is-te-hul-wah-stchay NOR
That is a pretty girl. Hocteh elittal mas cheh. MOT
Hok-te es-he-tho-se GOP
That's a bad man. Iste-hulwa-stchay. SMI
That's my house. Sacheh sookoo. MOT
Un-cho-ko GOP
The king stands strong. Mik-ko-et-shay NOR
They ride. Okaga. MOT
They will ride. O-ka-ka-thees. GOP
This day. Mutche-nethlay. SMI
This is one of the [damned] I este chatee tamockusche! CLA
To buy. Nis-se-ton. GOP
To come. A-te-ton GOP
Ateton. MOT
To go. Ai-e-ton GOP
Aieton. MOT
To lay down or ride. Ligiton. MOT
To make. Haieton. MOT
To sell. Nisseton. MOT
To stop. Fek-kon-net GOP
Hateton. MOT
Too much Ti-tai-mas-chey. MOT
Ti-tai-mas-chey. MOT
Very good, indeed. He-thee-ma-hes. GOP
Hincla mas cheh. MOT
Very good. Hinclus ta ma hich. MOT
Very well, it is so. Mo-mus-cheh. MOT
We ride. Okagen. MOT
O-ka-gen. GOP
What? Na-kin. GOP
What's the matter? Estomah? MOT
Es-to-mah? GOP
What's your name? Na-ket che-ho-chef-ka-to? GOP
Nakin chief ka teh? MOT
When I go. Aiefen. MOT
A-ya-yo-fun. GOP
When I ride. Ligofen. MOT
When I sit. Li-go-fen. GOP
When is it? Es-to-mo-fun? GOP
Stamartee. SMI
Where are you going? Es-ta-mun-a-yet-cha? GOP
Ista n'aiatlonitska? MOT
Where do you come from? Es-ta-mun-a-tets-ka? GOP
Ista na' atitska? MOT
Where do you live? Es-ta-mun-li-kets-ka? GOP
Istah ma ehootah cheh? MOT
Will ride. Ligatholonis. MOT
Ligatlomitska. MOT
Okagatlonis. MOT
O-li-ka-thees GOP
You are a pretty girl. Che-me-hok-te. GOP
Hocteh cheh elittah fon. MOT
You are good, or pretty. Che-he-theses-he-thos-ton-che. GOP
Che-hink-las. SMI
You are pretty. Tchee-hink-lass. NOR
You go. Ai-e-pus. GOP
You ride. Ligitska. MOT
Your hand. Chin-kee GOP
Your leg. Che-hatch ka-wah GOP
Your sister. Cheh-wan-wah GOP
Your younger sibling. Che-cho-se GOP
Part IV
Place Names
A Person Poleing A Boat Etawa NOR
Acorn to Eat Locktshapopka NOR
Ancestral Acres Tallahassee NOR
Bad Water Okahumkee NOR
Beautiful View Chuluota NOR
Beaver House Echashotee NOR
Big Spring Wekiva NOR
Big Water Okeechobee NOR
Canoe Creek Pithlocoochee NOR
Catfish Eating Creek Apopka NOR
Chief of Chiefs Miccanopy NOR
Clear Water Wewakiahakee NOR
Cow Pasture Wakahonta NOR
Wakasassa NOR
Crooked Oklockonee NOR
Dark Water Oklawaha NOR
Deep Valley Panasofkee NOR
Everglades Pah-ha-yo-kee NOR
Fine Country Myakka NOR
Green or Fertile Land Ocala NOR
High Land Econhallowey NOR
Hillsborough River Lockcha-popka-chiska [Acorn-eating-river] McC
Man Snake Istachatta NOR
Many Alligators Halpatioka NOR
Many Pipes Hichepoksasa NOR
Mystery Wakulla NOR
Old House Chokoliska NOR
One Pond Okahumpki DUV
Palmetto Scrub Etonia NOR
Pepper Range Homosassa NOR
Place of Cow Pens Tohopekaliga NOR
Pumpkin Key Chasehowiska NOR
Red House Chicuchatty DUV
Choco-chatee McC
River Creek Withlacoochee NOR
Scattered Hammocks Pelacklakaha DUV
Pilaklalakha NOR
Someone Drowned Istopoga NOR
Sweet Gum Alaqua NOR
Swift River Withlacoochee NOR
The Big Jug Alachua NOR
The Laying Down Place Annitilaga NOR
The Red Houses Chichuchatty NOR
Water Wekewache NOR
Young Turkey Fenhalloway NOR
Withlacoochee Weewa-thlock-ko [Broad River] McC
Part V
Alligator Coa Hajo POT
Halpatter-Tustenuggee MOT
Black Dirt Fucke-luste-hajo SMI
Blue King Holata Mico POT
Broken Stick Hitchiti Mico POT
Charlie Omathlie Iolase Omathlie SMI
Chieftain of Trees It-to-mic-co GOP
Cloud Yahalochee MOT
Crazy Alligator Hulputta-hajo SMI
Crazy Eagle Yaha Fiscico WIL
Yaha Fixico POT
Creeping baby Albartu Hajo POT
Fallen Tree Char Char Tosnusk POT
Fire Stick Koski Uka POT
Half Moon Tustinuc Hajo POT
John Hicks Tokosa Amathla POT
John Hicks [Ant-chief] Tuko-see-mathla McC
Jumper Hoithle-mattee SMI
Hote-mathla [Home-warrior] McC
King of kings Micanope SMI
Little Alligator Hal-berta-chez McC
Little Cloud Catsha Tuste-Nuggee POT
Mad Partridge Koehadjo NOR
Koe-hajo SMI
Mad Tiger Warrior Catsha-Tusenagge-hajo SMI
Mad Wolf Yaha Hajo POT
Yah-hah-had-go NOR
Eyah-hajo SMI
Tusta-lak-ka-hajo SMI
Yah-hah-hajo SMI
One That Sleeps Moke Is She larni POT
Powell Assiola POT
Rising Star Cheti Haiola POT
Rising Sun Osceola NOR
Oseola SMI
Sam Jones Arpiucki POT
Sea Shell Hathow Matta POT
Seminole Tribe Seminole ulke WIL
Seminoles Seminolee ulke SMI
The Buzzard Enehah POT
The Dwarf Powshaila POT
The Great Cloud Yah-ho-cuchee NOR
The Wonder Topalargee POT
Uchees Uch-ulke SMI
Upper Creeks Ta-loph-ulke SMI
Water Serpent Echu Matta POT
Yellow Bull Cosa Tustenuggee POT
Part VI
A Vocabulary of the Seminole Language
W. W. Smith
The language of the Seminoles and that of the Creeks is the same, with the
exception of some words which the former have borrowed from the Yemassees;
a few Spanish, acquired by their own intercourse and that of the Yemassees,
with the Spaniards, and some of original invention; a few English words may
also be found in it, as Alaha-Cheyna for the China Orange. The Uchees among
them belong to a distinct tribe of Indians who speak altogether a different
language. The reader who is curious to know something of the construction and
idiom of the Indian language is referred to Adair, and later writers on the
subject. I shall not pretend to more than a few remarks in explanation of my
vocabulary. The authorities I have referred to are Creek words, excepting
The Seminoles have not the R in their language; two or three words which I
have spelt with R were written words which were given me. Adair says,
speaking generally of Indian languages, they have not the Z, much less any such
harsh sounds as Tz; I have Haintclitz and chey-hy-watz which appeared to me to
have that sound. They are very fond of tch, st, ck, ks, tk, and the termination
chay, ko, waw, k`e or t`e or e preceded by any consonant, also a. The Indian
like the Latin, &c., has no articles; nouns have no cases nor declensions; the
plural is expressed by magnifying terms as nethle-day; days-nethle-mast-chay
(many days) Spaniard – Spanalkay; Spaniards – Spanalkay-sulke-mastchay, or
sole-ta-ulke. Sheh is what Adair calls the sounding criterion of the Muskogee
Indians, wah-e-sheh – very, which I spell mastchay or mas-tschay; “ they have
no comparative or superlative degree; they express a preference by opposite
extremes; as you are virtuous I am vicious, or by prefixing the adverbs little and
much; and a double repetition of the same adjective, or hah added makes a
superlative.” The Cherokees use the termination U, as osee – good; oseeyu –
very good, most good. Nouns of quality and abstract terms seem not to be used,
as for a a liar, they say iste-lockse, a person that lies. In Simmons’ Vocabulary,
Love is expressed in one word, Isteameheilst, the iste should be separate;
ameheilst (from Spanish?); so mad: Istehacho-hawkit – that person is mad;
strength – Isteichenowhee &c.; they say also Iste-luste, black person; Iste-chati,
red man, instead of any derivative word. Makers of Vocabularies are apt to
make a similar mistake by joining the pronoun my and your, as when they
enquire what is father, they are given my father, your father. I have endeavored
to correct these mistakes in my vocabulary, but I may have omitted a few. The
Indians are particular in distinguishing old brother and young brother; they
either prefix or add che for young as che-chose, -young brother; hoktoche young
girl – also for the young of animals, they have no terms like colt, fawn, &c., but
chelucco (itcho-cluckko) che. Echo-che, young horse, young deer. According
to the same poverty of language, for general, orator, &c., they say, Tustenagge-
cluckko, great warrior; Yatikka-cluccko, great speaker, &c.; words compounded
are generally long, and many of their names of different things are
periphrastical; the Cherokees, for instance, call a Dove, Kuleteeskauneh, (a bird
that cries for acorns,) for our short word a Spy, the Seminoles have to say Iste-
hay-chul-kay, one who goes out to see; pale, saput-hatke, (half white;) peace,
shaking of hands in friendship. But, on the other hand, some are short, of which
the English would by periphrastical; such are the names of places as Palatka,
flinging in the water; cheestatee, river of hunting fire lights, &c. In
composition, they often drop the last syllable of a word as Fus-chati, instead of
Fuswachati, red bird; wee-lustee instead of wee-waw-luste, black water; they
also use religious emblems and typifying vowels, and this radical language is
simple and short, (see examples, Adair 69.) Adjectives follow the nouns and the
accusative precedes the verb as in the dead languages. From the few phrases in
my catalogue, (as these remarks are intended only to illustrate it, and my limits
will not allow me to enter more at large into the subject,) it will be seen that the
imperative mood has the pronoun added: Likas-chay, sit down, like the French,
asseyez-vous; Attes-chay, come in; Wykas-chay quit; but instead of Donnez-
moi, or give me; A-mis-chay, give me (you); the pronoun precedes the verb and
adverb, as how do you do, instead of as in English or in French, is che-he-loseli!
A negative is expressed by a strong affirmative, as it is not good, hulwak-stchay,
it is very bad. (see Adair, 73.)
Seminole Words, Phrases, Names, etc.
Charles Ledyard Norton
For the following list of words and their meanings the author is indebted to
memoranda furnished by Mr. Kirk Munroe, in addition to that published in the
“Florida Annual”; to lists and chance references in Sprague’s “Florida War”,
and to Indians and hunters whose versions, if sometimes confusing, have in
general verified the accuracy of the vocabulary. So far as known, no systematic
attempt has ever been made to codify this language beyond imperfect
vocabularies compiled at random, as in the present instance. It has no written
signs save rude hieroglyphics, has no word for a Supreme Being, and apparently
no conjugations and inflexions. The accent falls almost invariably upon the
final syllables kah, pah, nah, and the like, which one is tempted to regard as
different pronunciations of one and the same word – an article, perhaps. It is
very difficult to convey or obtain a translatable idea from a Seminole. Few of
them are willing to impart any information concerning themselves or their
language. In conversation among themselves they use the long, clumsy names
given in the vocabulary, even for the commonest articles of everyday use.
Part VII
Works Cited
Adair, James. The History of the American Indians. London: Edward
and Charles Dilly, 1775. [Cited by W.W.Smith]
Barton. [Cited by W.W.Smith]
Bartram, William. Travels of William Bartram. Philadelphia, PA:
1791. [Cited by W.W. Smith]
Black. [Cited by W.W.Smith]
Clark, Ransom. The Surprising Adventures of Ransom Clark, Among
the Indians in Florida. Binghamton, NY: J.R. Orton, 1839
DuVal, Gov. William P. The Territorial Papers of the U.S., Volume
XXIII. US Government Printing Office, 1958.
McCall, George A. Letters from the Frontiers. Philadelphia, PA:
Lippincott, 1868
Motte, Jacob Rhett. Journey Into Wilderness. Gainesville, FL.
University of Florida Press, 1953.
Norton, Charles Ledyard. A Handbook of Florida. New York, NY.
Longmans, Green, & Co., 1891.
Pettis. [Cited by W.W.Smith]
Potter, Woodburne. The War in Florida. Baltimore, MA. Lewis and
Coleman, 1836.
Simmons, William Hayne. Notices of East Florida. Charleston, SC.
A.E. Miller, 1822.
Smith, W.W. Sketch of the Seminole War, and Sketches During a
Campaign. Charleston, SC. Dan J. Dowling, 1836.
Straight, M.D, William M. “Seminole Indian Medicine.” The Journal
of the Florida Medical Association, Vol. 57, No. 8 (August 1970)
Williams, John Lee. Territory of Florida. New York, NY. A. T.
Goodrich, 1837.