Academia Dialogue Briefing Pack 2023 - Reach Out
Academia Dialogue Briefing Pack 2023 - Reach Out
Academia Dialogue Briefing Pack 2023 - Reach Out
Universities Reach-Out
Presentation Outline
• Introduction to PETRONAS
and MPM
As the Custodian of National Resources, PETRONAS works Closely with the Relevant Ministries to
develop the National Petroleum Sector
PETRONAS businesses covering Upstream, Downstream, Gas and Clean Energy Solution.
MPM/Upstream is entrusted as the custodian to manage Malaysia’s petroleum resources
MPM works closely with the Government to develop & grow the With progressive upstream investment (>RM650 Billion),
domestic Upstream sector while managing its Contractors MPM has successfully grown the O&G production sustainably
‘000 barrels of oil equivalent 2022: >100 RM Billion
per day (kboe/d)
Government active PSCs
of Malaysia PDA 1974 vested PETRONAS with the entire
ownership of, and exclusive rights to exploit 2,000 60
Contractors 0 0
MPM’s Roles:
Shape business strategies,
Steward domestic E&P activities in Facilitate greater collaboration
champion industry culture &
compliance to Malaysian laws & with industry stakeholders and
behaviours and support the
regulations and contractual promote local capability
adoption and adaptation of new
requirements Shaper Enabler development
MPM is part of PETRONAS’ Upstream business segment to oversee exploration, development &
production activities in Malaysia.
MPM in uniquely positioned within PETRONAS as a One-Stop Center for investor on E&P activities in
Oil & Gas players, investors, researchers and academicians have greater access to Malaysia E&P data
enabling higher efficiency investment decision making and technical solutions
Malaysia Petroleum Resources Opportunities Data (PETRONAS myPROdata)
Customized data
PETRONAS Business Pain Point
With healthy resources and wide available infrastructure; PETRONAS is focused on pursuing sustainable value driven
production growth in monetising Malaysia’s oil and gas resources and building niche competencies
Malaysia’s production has not peaked yet in comparison with UK and GOM. PETRONAS has set the aspiration to meet 2 MMboe/d by 2030 through the available resource
volume for monetization and its wide infrastructure.
Resource funnel
solutions for these challenges
leading to effective value
enhancement on Malaysia
Marginal and Deepwater Gas development Brown fields resources
small fields
Small recoverable 6 Bboe remaining High CO2, high Ageing facilities and
resources resources to be contaminants high OPEX and
developed reliability challenges
Techno-commercial challenges to make the project Require storage sites to Mature fields with
economic deal with emissions multidimensional
challenges (i.e.,
production, operation,
* Producing and Development fields (ARPR 2020) cost, etc.) © 2021 Petroliam Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS) | 12
** Open field DROs (as of Q4 2020)
Source: Internal Analysis
Considering the status of the resources in Malaysia; PETRONAS has identified four key focus areas derived from
the identified challenges throughout full field lifecycle to effectively monetize and add value to the resources
PETRONAS is building the capacity to deal with emissions through the progressing
CCUS solutions as part of its long-term sustainability commitments
Upstream GR&T/Mid-Downstream
(focus on CCS) (Utilization)
CO2 solutions for producing CO2 storage as new Utilization Solutions that can turn the
and new gas fields revenue stream CO2 into re-usable and commercially
development viable products
• Innovative and cost-effective CO2 • Establish Integrated Local/Regional CCS • Understanding the business case for
capture, transport, storage and hubs (e.g. Tariff charging) utilization, scalability and potential market
utilization technologies to monetize high opportunities
CO2 fields • Carbon trading (tax, credit, offset) to be
considered as a new business model • Develop commercialization and potential
• Joint experience in active CC(U)S models for CO2 utilization
projects to build operational capabilities • Formulation of commercial model e.g.
sharing of cost for storage site
Carbon Capture and Storage is a critical enabler to develop high CO2 resources to support PETRONAS’ Net
Zero Carbon Emission Target by 2050
1st CO2
2nd CO2 Dev of High
PETRONAS CCS Framework & sequestration
offshore Malaysia as CO2 Fields
sequestration >45% CO2
Operating Model in offshore
Regional CCS
Sarawak offshore
Sarawak Hub Terengganu
2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 &
46 Kasawari CCS
Lang Lebah CCS
Tcf Kasawari M1
OGP-2 Golok Lang Lebah
Storage Volume
Identified from
Hydrocarbon CO 2 to be
depleted gas fields extraction stored
While we improve the 2C figures in ARPR, more focused efforts might be needed to
effectively convert the 2C Opportunities to 2P by Business
Production Sustainability and Operational Excellence have been a high priority focus in PETRONAS
to assure our value delivery & enhancement as well as the sustainability agenda
As one of the key enablers; PETRONAS began its digital journey in 2017 with the aim to ultimately
become a data-driven organisation, adopting new ways of working to deliver value
Going digital is about improving human and machine performances by combining PETRONAS has been working with leading partners to develop sophisticated
information with technology in an innovative way. technologies for integration with daily operations, towards building Facilities of the
Fit-for-purpose and innovative decommissioning solutions are required to support cost
competitiveness that brings the best benefit to the environment
Moving Forward Together 50.30.0
Value Growth
50% improvement in 30% revenue by 2030 from
cash flow from operations new non-traditional business to
complement growth in existing
by 2025
Net Zero carbon emissions by
2050 with positive social impact and
adherence to business ethics and
corporate governance
R&D activities aligning with refreshed PETRONAS’s Technology focus areas
It is crucial for everyone within the ecosystem to work together and align our focus for the ecosystem
to remain healthy
PETRONAS established collaborations with various local and international academia
On-going collaborations
66% (12)
© 2019 Petroliam Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS) | 24
Collaboration Strategies & Overview of the partnerships
• The academia offers a wealth of knowledge, expertise and talent that PETRONAS leverages on to pursue its technology
and sustainability goals.
• The collaboration strategies enable PETRONAS to tap into academic talents and executing R&D with pace
© 2021 Petroliam Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS) | 25
PETRONAS - Academia Collaboration
In 2021, MPM in collaboration with the key technology units in PETRONAS introduced
efforts to drive adoption of cutting-edge technologies in domestic Upstream O&G
activities through multi-pronged objectives.
• Foster collaboration and networking opportunities between Upstream
stakeholders & academic/research institutions, both local and foreign.
• Provide funding and upskilling opportunities to improve research and
Steer Technology Project development intensity and effectiveness of academia and research
Funding Steer Technology institutions.
To ma nage MPM WPB a nd P4R
Collaboration with
rel a ted governance process whilst Academia and Research
s teering utilization of a vailable
res earch funds for technology
Institutions Membership
project utilization • Resource Development and Management, MPM
• Production & Operations Management, MPM
• Technology Research, Group Research & Technology
Align and Approve Drive MPM Technology • Upstream Technology Management, Group Digital, COE
Technology Project Roadmap
Submissions Steer, monitor and drive MPM
Collaboration Partners
Ens ure a lignment i n planning and technology focus areas based on • Local and Foreign Universities & Research Institutions
feedback from domestic Upstream
execution of technology projects
opera tors, stakeholders and • Technology Solution Providers
a cros s all phases with multiple
s ta keholders while supporting pa rtners. • PA Contractors
deployment of technology pilot
Key Activities
• PETRONAS-Academia Dialogue Collaboration
• Universities and Research Center Reach Out.
Significant value creations aligning with PETRONAS’s key focus areas are expected from the proposal
▪ Attractive alternative to CO2 carbon capture, ▪ Efficient production wells monitoring with
monetizing and utilization . potential deployment in Kasawari project and
Bokor field
▪ New technology energy storage system supporting
environmental sustainability. ▪ New technology to monitor gas movement in the
borehole/pipeline using fiber with potential cost
▪ H2S detection and quantification. efficiency.
Tangible value creations of the selected proposals are subjected to finalization and subsequently PETRONAS’
Technology Readiness Level Committee (TRLC) process
© 2022 Petroliam Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS) |
General process workflow has been established for the management of research portfolio by
PETRONAS Technology Management System is the key element in identifying the readiness of each technology proposal to match the funding allocation
4 #2nd proposal screening Evaluator's workshop to finalized screening ,followed by mapping of proposals
7 Signing of Funding Agreement through MRA Master Research Agreement between PETRONAS and selected academia –project
specific / collaboration with respective universities
8 Forward plan as per established PTMS process TRL 1-4 = GR&T ; TRL 5-7 = Business Unit
Research agreement shall be established prior to expose the universities to PETRONAS’ internal process
© 2021 Petroliam Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS) |
Recap of Petronas Academia Dialogue 2021
Shortlisted Universities from 2021
Monash University
Collaboration Dialogue 2021 Final Approval of shortlisted
proposals Multimedia University
Universiti Malaya
Invitation to PETRONAS- Final Technical proposal
Academia Dialogue 2021 were submission by Academia UiTM
Selection Criteria
Lead : Dr M Faizal b Sedaralit
Lead : Dr Rahim Masoudi
Lead : Ir Azril Hisham Abu Hassan
Lead : Dr Sekhar Sathyamoorthy
Signing of Master Research Agreement between Petronas and Selected Academia is a major milestone, from this
point onwards the imperative is for both parties to maintain high level collaboration and for Academia to ensure
adherence to PRSB Quality Management System
Upon reaching technology maturity, support & facilitation of technology deployment and promotion to potential
Assets and Petroleum Assets Contractors PACs through various platforms.
Technical Conferences
TAR Dialogues
Direct Negotiations
Technology application
Dialogue Briefing Dialogue Kick Off Proposals preparation Proposal Submission Dialogue
(August-Sept 2022) Meeting (Oct 2022) (Now-Dec 2022) (31st Dec 2022)
(Q1 2023)
1. Selected proposals will be contacted for acceptance. 1. Identification of technology focus areas based on business pain points.
2. Signing of MRA* and Project Agreement. (Q2 2023) 2. Selection of Universities:
3. Research proposal Maturation by PRSB through TRL ✓ Top-notch and reputable.
sittings (as per negotiated project schedule) ✓ Technical expertise:
• Facility readiness – for laboratory activities & study facilities.
• Manpower – reputable or renown lecturer in the identified
area of focus.
✓ Commercial aspects:
• Reasonable pricing term & timeline.
• IP positioning.
✓ Location.
Conversation and discussion
“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is
progress, and working together is success”.
– Henry Ford