Operating Instructions SZ-7552-62-P: General Description Operating Messages and Icon Status
Operating Instructions SZ-7552-62-P: General Description Operating Messages and Icon Status
Operating Instructions SZ-7552-62-P: General Description Operating Messages and Icon Status
General Description
Operating Messages And Icon Status
SZ-7552 and SZ-7562 are two compressor controllers with separate
setpoints, differentials and time delays for each compressor. Message Mode Description Parameter
They are specifically designed for refrigeration applications wherein the H Flashing Temp. above the maximum limit of the set point. P2
compressor cuts off at setpoint and is restarted at a temperature of Flashing Temp. below the minimum limit of the set point. P3
Flashing Probe short circuit, circuit open or without probe,
setpoint plus differential. or temperature>50OC or <0OC for SZ-7552-P
The controller features cycling of compressors so that there is no or temperature>99OC or <-50OC for SZ-7562-P.
overload on one compressor. R1 ON/OFF Compressor1 Relay on/off. Set Point1, P4
R2 ON/OFF Compressor2 Relay on/off. Set Point2, P4
Amongst other features, an important one is that incase one
ON/OFF Keypad locked/unlocked. LP
compressor is not capable of handling the load, the second compressor
ON/OFF Time delay active/inactive. P6
will activate and both compressors will cutout at the lowest set point.
R1 Flashing Compressor1 Relay time delay active. P4, P6
Technical Data R2 Flashing Compressor2 Relay time delay active. P4, P6
10mm 1. To change the P2 parameter, press the “SET” key. XXOC 50OC 50OC
2. To go to desired value, use or keys. SZ-7552-P
3. To set confirm value press “SET” key you will see
“- - -” which confirms that the value has been stored XXOC 99OC 99OC
In memory. SZ-7562-P
Example: Setting this parameter at 30OC will not allow
the set point to go above 30OC. Also, if the
temperature reaches 30OC, the display will show Ht
(High Temp.) indicating that the temperature has
reached or gone above the range in this parameter
and at this point the alarm relay will activate.
To fix the unit, slide the fastener 1 through the guides 2 as per the position shown in
the figure. Move the fastener in the direction of the arrow, pressing tab 3 it permits to
move the fastener in the opposite direction of the arrow. Once the controller has been
connected, they should be covered with the lid 4 . Silicon sealant should be applied
along the perimeter of the panel cut out or a rubber ‘O’ ring supplied before the unit is
fitted to increase protection against water seepage.
Controller: Controller should be installed in a place protected by vibration, water and
corrosive gasses and where ambient temperature does not exceed the values specified
in the technical data.
Probe: To give a correct reading, the probe must be installed in a place protected from
thermal influences, which may affect the temperature to be controlled.
1. To change the E1 parameter, press the “SET” key. 0 2 0 WIRING: The probe and its corresponding wires should never be installed in a
2. To go to desired value, use or keys. conduit next to control or power supply lines. The electrical wiring should be
done as shown in the diagram. The power supply circuit should be connected
0 : Comp.relays will stay ON with initial start-up to a protection switch. The terminals admit wires of upto 2.5sq mm.
Delay of 2 minutes.
I : Comp. Relay performs a duty cycle 10
WARNING: Improper wiring may cause irreparable damage and personal
minutes ON and 4 minutes OFF.
2 : Both relays will stay OFF. injury. Kindly ensure that wiring is done by qualified personnel only.
3. To set confirm value press “SET” key you will see MAINTENANCE: Cleaning: Clean the surface of the controller with a soft
“- - -” which confirms that the value has been stored moist cloth. Do not use abrasive detergents, petrol, alcohol or solvents.
in memory.
NOTICE: The information in this document is subject to change in order to
13. FS Parameter: To restore default settings of the controller. improve reliability , design or function without prior notice and does not
Min Max Fac.
represent a commitment on the part of the company. In no event will the
When set to 1 all parameters are programmed to 0 1 0 company be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential
factory values. Useful to debug setting related damage arising out of the use or inability to use the product or documentation,
problems. even if advised of the possibility of such damages. No part of this manual may
be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior
1. To change the FS parameter, press the “SET” key.
2. To go to desired value, use or keys.
written permission of the company.
3. To set confirm value press “SET” key you will see
“- - -” which confirms that the value has been stored DISCLAIMER: This manual & its contents remain the sole property of
in memory. ACR Instruments & Valves Pvt. Ltd.,H.P., India and shall not be reproduced or
distributed without authorization. Although great care has been taken in the
14. EP Parameter: To end programming. preparation of this document, the company or its vendors in no event will be
liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damage arising
Once the SET key is pressed, the control goes into the out of the use or inability to use the product or documentation, even if advised
normal mode and displays the temperature and all of the possibility of such damages. No part of this manual may be reproduced
settings are recorded. or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission
of the company. ACR Instruments & Valves Pvt. Ltd.,H.P., reserves the right to
make and changes or improvements without prior notice.
Wiring Diagram
WARRANTY: This product is warranted against defects in materials and
workmanship for a period of one year from the date of purchase. During the
warranty period, product determined by us to be defective in form or function
SZ-7552-62-P will be repaired or, at our option, replaced at no charge. This warranty does not
apply if the product has been damaged by accident, abuse, and misuse or as a
result of service or modification other than by the company. This warranty is in
lieu of any other warranty expressed or implied. In no event shall the company
230V COMP. 1 COMP. 2 be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, including lost revenue
NO C NC NO C NC or lost business opportunity arising from the purchase of this product.
1 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
or Contactor
8(3)A max