The Explosion by A. J. Cronin

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What circumsИnces had prevented Тriрр frоm rеtшrпiпg to his native

14. Why didn't Тriрр tellAda who he was?
15 In what way did the rероrtеr help the girl? (Extractfram "The Citadel" Ьу А, J. Сrопiп)
16. What made the reporter give Tripp the dollar in the end?
Andrew Manson, u yoorg inexperienced dосtоц has соmе to work in а
Рrоче the following. small miners?town in Wales. His very first case рrочеs to Ье typhoid. An-
1. The rероrtеr needed some job. drew is tеrriЬlу anxious, especially when the disease begins to spTead. Не
2. Tripp's drеаm didn't соmе trче. is at а loss what to do and turns foT advice to Philip Denny, а doctor who
3. Ada still loves Gеоrgе. has been living in the town for some time.
4. Мr Chalmers liked the girl. It was not his lumpy mattress which caused Andre,,v to sleep badly that
5. Реорlе in the country аrе different frоm those living in big cities. night. Не was wоrriеd about the case in Glydar Рlасе. As he tossed and
turned through the long restless night, he саmе to ask himself if he knew
Reorganization anything of medicine at а11.
1. Divide the story into logical parls and make а plan of it. WЪаt titles Manson's паfurе was extraordinary intense, РrоЬаЬlу he derived this
for each pafi can you suggest? from his mоthец а Highland woman. His fаthец John Мапsоп, а small
2. Tell the story in уочr own words according to уочr plan. fаrmец had been very hard-working. Не had печеr made а success of the
3. Retell the story as if you were land, and when he was killed in the last year of the wац fоr twelve months
-Tripp Jessie Manson struggled to ruп the fаrm as а dairy herself when she felt
-Mr Chalmers Andrew was too busy with his books to do so. Then the cough which had
-Ada Lowery. \ been lasting fоr а period of уеаrs turпеd worse and she died.
At eighteen Апdгеw found himself alone, а first-yeaT student at St. Ап-
Reproduction and Composition drews University with а scholarship worth forty pounds а уеаr.
1. Entirely in уоur words, write а short but vivid description of the дпd now hе was in Blaenelly, all in а haze of wоrý/ очеr his first ра-
scene when the girl tells hеr story to the two mеп. tient. Дпdrеw ate Ыs breakfast quickly, then ran up to Ыs rооm again. Тhеrе
2. Write а careful sшпmаry of the passage in not mоrе than 200 words, he opened his bag and took out а small blue leather case. не opened the case
З. Write the раrаgrарh beginning with опе of the following statements: and gazed at the meйl inside - the Нuпtеr Gold Medal, awalded annually at
а) Fоr mапу readers, wеiфiпg the Рrоs and cons of city чеrsus coun- St, Дпdтеws to the best student in clinical medicine. Не, Дпdrеw Manson, had
try is ап cjld familiar topic. How does this paper Ьriпg it to life? won it. It was his talisman, his inspiration for the futurе. But this morning he
Ь) Describe in an essay the effects that alcohol has оп people. Do уоu йewed it less with pride than with secret enffeaty, as though tlymg to rеstоrе
know апуопе who abuses alcohol оr other drugs? Based on,what his confidence in himself. Then he hurriеd out for the mоrпiпg surgеry.
you know (and оп what you have learned from reading this text) "You don't have to Ье so еаrlу, Doctor," said his assistant Dai Jenkins.
write ап essay describing the causes and effects of drug abuse. "I can do the rереаt mixtuTes and the certificates before you corne in."
4. Discuss the proveTbs: "Тhапks," Апdrеw answered. 'ol'd rаthеr see the cases myself."
а) Life is not all beer and skittles. Fortunetly there wеrе few реорlе at the mоrпiпg surgery which was
Ь) There is а сrооk in the lot оfечеrуопе. очеr at half past ten, and Andrevr, presented with а list of visits Ьу Jenkins,
с) Love laughs at locksmiths. set out at опсе.

o'You've got cases too?" he asked anxiously. "Fоur! All in the same
Дltоgеthег he made seven calls. Five of them were clear cases of en-
teric. Fоr the last ten days Jenkins had been treating them with chalk and аrеа as уоurs," Denny paused. "Опе day, чеry Soon, wе'rе going to have
opium. дпdrеw realized that he had an outbreak of typhoid fечеr оп his an outbreak of ап epidemic. It's thc main Sеwеr that's to Ьlаmе. It leaks
hands, like the devil, and poisons half the wells of the town. I've hammered at the
Не decided he must speak to Doctor Page. But when he went up to the Health Officer about it till I'm tired." His tone was cold and bitter.
doctor's rооm the curtains wеrе drawn and Edward was lying in bed with "It's а shame!" Andrew buTst out. "I wish he were hеrе and knew what
а terrible headache. Не asked the visitor to sit with him, but Апdrеw felt we know."
it would Ье cruelty to tell him about his trочЬlе at present. Не only asked, Denny shrugged his shoulders, "It's no use."
..Doctor Page, if we get an infectious case, what's the best thing to do?" тhеrе was а silence. дпdтеw got up frоm his seat at the table and
Тhеrе was а pause. Page replied witlr closed eyes, not moving, moved towards the dооr.
..It's always been difficult. We've по hospital, let аlопе the isola- "I'm much obtiged for the information. Frоm поw on every drop of wa-
tion ward. If you should run into anything very nasty ring up Griffiths at tеr in the аrеа is going to Ье boiled."
Toniglan. That's fifteen miles down the Valley. He's the District Medical "[t's the Health Officer who ought to Ье boiled," muttered Denny.
оffiсеr." дпоthеr раuSе, lопgеr than before. "But I'm afraid he's not very During the weeks that followedAndrew slaved joyfully.
helpful." Не loved his work and counted himself fortunate to hаче such an ор-
Andrew rап down to the hall and rапg up Toniglan, porlunity so еаrlу in his саrееr. Не worked tirelessly with all the firе of his
passionate паturе. Не only wished he could do mоrе.
Griffiths did nothing.
дt half-past nine, when the last patient had left the surgеry дпdтеw de- Then, unexpectedly, Dеппу rang him up. "Manson! Can you соmе to
rny place at thrее o'clock? It's important".
cided to visit Doctor Denny. Не was at а loss what to do and tumed for
advice to the mоrе experienced doctor who had been living in the town for Не walked slowly along the street towards Denny's lodgings, realizing
some time. tlnce again how his whole оrdеrlу conception of the practice of medicine
when Manson rеасhеd chapel street whеrе Denny lived, he found that was toppling about him. не knew he could make mistakes through his in-
the doctoT was in his lodgings. Тhе landlady showed him in, схреriепсе. unconsciously Дпdrеw's thoughts Teturned to Denny who nev-
If Denny was surprised to see hirn, he didn't show it. дпdrеw said: сг failed in this profession to which they belonged. Denny always said that
..You wеrе right. It was enteric. I ought to Ье shot fоr not recognizing it. all очеr Britain there rуеrе thousands of incompetent doctors distinguished
ltrг nothing but their stupidity and an acquired capacity for bluffing their
I've got five cases. I don't know what to do. I rang the м. о. and couldn't
get а wоrd out оf him. I've come to ask уоur advice," 1littients. Now hе began to question if there were not some truth in what
Denny, listening, pipe in mouth, at last made а gesture, l)cnny said. Не determined to discuss this question this аftеrпооп.
"You'd better come in. Have а drink? Nol I thought you wouldn't," But when hе entered Denny's rооm, he saw immediately that the осса-
When Manson had finished his cigarette, Denny said, "Take а look at siiln was not one fоr academic discussion. Denny Teceived him in silence
that, if you like!" with а glооmу еуе and а darkened forehead. Тhеп afteT а moment he said,
"()пе of my patients died this monring. I hаче two new cases of typhoid."
on the table indicated а microscope stood, and some slides. дпdrеw
l lc spoke quietly, with а still, cold rage.
focused а slide and immediately picked up the clustcrs of the Ьасtеriа.
..It's very clumsily done, of соursе," Denny said quickly. "I'm no lab!" Andrew dropped his eyes, sympathizing, yet hardly knowing what to say.
.'Don't look so smug about it." Denny went on bitterly. "It's sweet for
If anything, I'm а surgeon, But you've got to Ье jack-of-all-trades uпdеr
yrlLt to See mу cases go wrong and уоurs rесочеr. But it won't Ье so pretф
оur bloody system. Тhеrе's no mistake, though even to the naked еуе."
Апdrеw gazedat Denny, burning to ask а dozen questions, r,vlrcn that cursed sewer leaks."

..No, no! Honestly, I'm sоrцr," Andrew said impulsively. "We'll hаvе to "Pretty, isn't it?" Denny asked. "Take а look at the crack in that point-
Health," ing. Take а last look, Manson".
do something about it. we must write to the Ministry of
..We could write а dozen letters"' DеппУ said bitterly. "It'S а waste of No mоrе was said. Andrew's mood had changed and now his determi-
to make them build nation was equal to Denny's. реорlе wеrе dying of this abomination. It was
time. No, I've thought it all out. There's only one way
not the moment for the bedside mаппеr!
а new Sewer."
"How?" askedAndrew eagerly, They slipped а stick of dynamite in each tin, cutting fuses and attach-
"Blow uр the old one!" ing them. one Ьу one the tins wеrе dropped into the ill_smelling depths. In
the light of а match дпdrеw saw Denny's раlе hard face, his own shaking
"There'll Ье
Не staTed at him in terrified astonishment, then he muttered,
Andrew could not see clearly. His heaTt was beating with excitement. It
no end of trouble-if it's found out,"
me, if you don't was the best moment he had ечеr known.
Denrry glanced up at him, "Yоu needn't соmе in with
Wап[ to."
дs the last tin went in with its short fuse burning, the dog took it into
..oh'I'mcominginwithyou,''Andrewansweredslowly...ButGod its head to hunt а rat, Тhеу chased the dog and сарturеd it, expecting an ех-
plosion beneath their feet. Then swiftly the сочеr was flung back, апd they
дll that aftemoon дпdrеw went about his work regretting the promise raced madly up the street.
Sоопеr оr later, Тhеу had sсаrсеlу rеасhеd the соrпсr whеп Ьапg!thе first tin exploded.
he had given. Не was а madman, this Denny, who would,
get hirn*into serious trouble. lt was а tеrriЬlе thing that he now proposed, "Ву God! We've done it!" exclaimed Andrew. Не had а Sense of com-
was radeship with the other mап, he wanted to take him Ьу the hand, to shout
if dir"ou.r.d, they might get struck off the Medical Register. дпdтеw
suddenly cut short, aloud.
seized with hоrrоr at tЙе tЙоught of his beautiful саrееr
times that he would Then swiftly, beautifully the explosions followed: two, thrее, four five
ruined. Не cursed Denny viБlently, swoтe а dozen
arrd the last а glorious detonation that must have been at least а quаrtег of
not go
back, а mile down the Valley.
Yet, tbT Some Stтange rеаSоп, he would not, could not draw
Denny and he started out in соmрапу "TheTe!" said Denny in а suppressed voice, as though all the secret bit-
дt eleven o'clock that night
terncss оf his life escaped into that single word. "That's the end of опе bit
spatter of rаiп
of chapel street. It was чф Саrк with а gusty wind and а
оГ гоttеппеss!"
Doors and windows wеrе flung open, people rап out of thеir houses.
gone in an hоur ago, in а minute the street was crowded. Д party of mеп set out with lапtеrпs to
and timed it carefully. The late shift at the mine had
ехрlоrе. under the сочеr of the darkness and the noise Denny and Manson
slipped away. Тhеrе was а singing triumрh in Andrew's blood.
the street was deserted.
BefoTe eight o'clock next morning the Health Officer аrriчеd upon the
scene Ьу саr,'neтvous and fTightened. Не was sleeping when councillor
quаrry Ьу Tom SeageT, Glуп Моrgап called him.
foT him that аttеrпОоп from the power shed at the
with а hole in the Fоr half atr hоur the Councillor told the Medical officeT exactly what
his landlady's son. Апdrеw carried six empty tins, each
grimly what his he thought of him.
lid, ап electTic torch, and а length of fuse. Не wondeTed
him, involved in this adventure, At the end of it, wipirrg his forehead he approached Denny who, with
рrоfеssоr would think of
Manson, stood amongst the crowd. Fоr а mоmепtдлdrеw felt uпсоmfоrtаьlе.
opened for years, But it did not enter thc Officer's mind to suspect anybody.
wоrk, raising the rusф iTon cover which had not Ьееп
З. intense - high in degree;
4. to derive - source оr origin, have as а starting point;
you straight offnow." 5. scholarship - payment of mопеу, а уеаrlу grant to а scholar;
Denny's face remained expressionless, 6. dairy - а woman who works on а dairy fаrm;
wйеd you about that months ago," he said. "Don't you rеmеmЬеr?" 7. inspiration - influence arousing сrеаtiче activity literafure, mu-
..Yes, indeed! But how could I know that the thing would blow up this
sic, art;
way? It's а mystery to me how it all happened," 8. entreaty - eamest request;
Denny looked at him coolly, 9. confidence - act ofconfiding in оr to;
you know
"Where's уоur knowledge of public health, Doctor? Don't 10. surgery - doctor's оr dentist's rооm whеrе patients come to consult
these sеwеr gases аrе highly inflammable?" him;
Тhе construction of ihe new sewer was begun on the following 11. typhoid (fever) - infectious disease which attacks the
caused Ьу bacteria taken into the body with food оr dTink;
NOTES ON ТНЕ ТЕХТ 12. enteric (fever) - typhoid;
1. Hunter Gold Medal - золота мед,шь Щжона
Хантера, (1728-
наго- 1З. cruelty - readiness to give pain оr cause suffering to others;
1793) вiдомого шотландського анатома i хiрурга, якою щорlчно
роджувався найкращий студенТ унiверситеry
Святого Ендрю 14. infectious - infecting with
15. lodgings - rооm оr rooms rented to live in;
лlкарем пацr-

2- certificate - офiчiйний докуменц який видаеться 16. clumsy - heavy and ungracefut in movement оr construction;
енту IIро стан здоров'я, довiдка, лiкарняний лист l7. anxious - feeling anxiety, trouble;
3. he was at а loss.,. - BiH був розryблений 18. sеwеr - pipeline, underground channel to саrry off sewage and rаiп-
4. ...turned fоr advice to PhiliP Denny - ...звернувся до water to centres for treatment, or to а natural Waterway fоr disposal;
за порадою l9. to mutter - speak, say in а low voice not meant to Ье hеаrd; grumble
5. It leaks like the devil. - Вона сильно протlкае, irl an indistinct voice;
6. I've hammered at the Health оffiсеr, - Я вже багато разiв 20. unconscious - not conscious;
головi департаменry здоров'я про це, 2 l . to bluff - deceive sb Ьу pretending;
7.Andrew slaved joyfully, - Ендрю працював наполегливо 22. rage - outburst of furious апgеr; violence;
з радiстю. 2З. cursed - damnable; hateful;
- Щеннi збожеволiв,
8. DеппУ had taken leave of his SenSeS, 24. to rеgrеt - feeling of sadness at the loss of sth, оr of аппоуапсе оr
9. they might get struck mе the Medical Register -
вони можуть
tlisappointment because sth has оr has not Ьееп done;
викреслити мене з медичного реестру 25. lad - уоuпg man;
in Britain, Only
10. The Medical Register is an official record of doctors 26. deserted - Ьаrrеп, uncultivated;
can practise as
those persons whose ,ru*.. аrе on the Medical Register 27. quаrry - place (not чпdеrgrоuпd like а mine) where stone, slate is
he has no Tight to
doctors. [f а dосtоr is struck off the Medical RegisteT, tlbtained;
practise as а doctor апу mоrе, 2В. tin - tin-plated container for food;
29. lid - movable сочеr fоr ап opening;
ACTIVE ЧОСАВULЛRY З0. torch - piece of wood, twisted flax,treated with oil, soaked in tallow,
1. lumpY - full ol сочеrеd with hаrd оr compact mass usually without
lirr carrying оr using as а flaming light;
а regular shape; З l. fuse - tube, cord, fоr carrying а spark to explode роwеr;
2. to tor' - jerk, thTough up into оr through the air;

7, Не was muttеriпg away to himself,
32. rusty * covered with rust;
8. I аm teiling this in stict сопfidепсе,
З3. determination - deciding; determining оr being determined; g. СruеltуtоЪпimаls must Ье severely punished,
З4. abomination - hоrrоr and disgust; in the hotel,
10. It's сhЪареr to live iпlodgiпgs than
35. to explode - burst with а loud noise; 11. This work is а cursed nuisance,
3б. detonation - explosion; noise of the explosion; wrong,
12. She wzs uпсоlхsсiоиs of having done
37. suppress - put an end to the activity оr existence of; mу friend was ill,
1З. I heaTd with reyet that
38. to аррrоасh - соmе пеаrеr. because they were rиsР,
14. I oouldn't work with the needles
hurt Ьу the steam,
15. when the boiler exploded mапу people
Learn the words given above. Find in the text the sentences with
4. choose in the right-hand соlumп the
correct definition for each
the new words and expressions. Translate them into ukrainian and use
word in the left-hand соlumп,
them in the sentences of уоur оwп.

phonetic Drill
intenSe - full oi covered with;
2. Practice reading the words.
inspiration - high in degree;
Wоrry ['w,rrr], ехtrаогdiпаry [rks'trэ:dnarI], intense [In'tens], derive _ influence arousing сrеаtiче activity in literature, music, аrt;
lеаthсr entreaty
[dl'rагч], .о"""r. [sak'ses], cough [kof], scholarship ['sknla!p],
view [vju:], entreaý lumpy - earnest reqrrest;
['l"d"1,-uooually ['enjuali], inspiration [,msра'rеlJп],
miхturе certificate [sa'trfikat], confidence - act of confiding in оr to;
[m'tri:ti], Surgery ['sз:dз(а)rl], ['mrkstJэ], patients соmе to consult him;
bnteric [еп'tепk], headache ['hedelk], infectious [m'fekJas], patient Surgеry - doctor's оr dentist's rооm where
lоdgiпgl'tоОзrц], gеsturе ['dзеstJа], miсгоsсоре ['markra,skaup], crrrelty - typhoid;
['perJnt],-['klлsta], the intestines, caused Ьу
bacteria [Ьвk'п(а)riэ], anxiously ['eцkJasli], blood clumsy - йctious disease which attacks
with food or drink;
"brtb, ,rut"a passionate ['рre_Г(") ba"ieriu taken into the body
[bl,rd], ['nelkrd], seweT ['su:a], tireless ['tыэhs], readiness to give pain оr cause suffering
to others;
nat],bconscious [,rn;knnJas], distinguish [dls'tIцgwlfl, acquire [a'kwala],
enteric -
sympathize ['srmpa,Oalz], cursed ['kз:srd, kз:st], violent ['varalant], de-
typhoid - infecting with disease;
*brt"O [dl'zз:tId], quarry ['kwпri], determination [dI,tз:mI'пеr_[(")r],
- rооm оr rooms rented to live
abomination [a,boml'ned(a)n], depth [depO], Suppress [salpres], triumph оr construction;
prautJ], inflammable [п' flremabl],
anxlous - healy and ungraceful in mочеmепt
[' trar,], approach [а'
infectious - feeling anxiety, trоuЬlе;
to саrrу off sewage and
3. Examine the italicised words and phrases used in different соп-
Sewer - nioeline. underground channel оr to а natural waterway for
*i#-;;;;;;;;Й. i"; treatment,
texts. Translate them into ukrainian.
7. Не tossed the Ьеggаr а coin.
2. I saw а torch light procession. 5. Think of the rryords that fit the definitions below,
3. As winter approached the weather Ьесаmе colder, 1. not conscious
4. Thousands of English woTds were deriyed frоm Latin, 2. outburst of furious anger; violence
5. Не was deaf to а|| eпtreaties. З. damnable; hateful
6. They were Ьlъffid into supposing we wеrе ill рrераrеd,

4. young mап Stare grаЬ snatch
5. Ьаrгеп, uncultivated suggest refuse wonder ртороýе
6. рlасе (not чпdеrgrоuпd like u*irr"lffi
9. Complete the puzzle and give the translation of the wоrd written
7. tin-plated container for food dоwп.

9. piece of wood, twisted flax; treated@ro,

саrriпg оr using as а ffaming light
10. fube, cord, fоr саrryiпg а spжk to ."рЬС" роrо
11, сочеrеd with rust
т2. deciding; determining or being determirre,d

б, Аrrапgе the words into two grочрs according to the given

Medicine - Eiplosion topics.

surgеry sewer, mапhоlе, епtеriс,

сочеr, tin, lid, tоrсh, typhoid
fечец isolation ward, rottennesý, 1. стипендiя 7. лють
clusters of bacteria, pafi ent, 2. наймана KiMHaTa 8. благання
certificate, miхtчrе, microscope 3.шум 9. залiзна банка
4. вибух l0. прiзвище головного героя
5. впевненiсть 11. каналiзацiйний люк
6. жалiти |2.
7. cross очt the wоrd that doesn't go with the
1. rаgе, апgеr, fury, satisfaction; 10. F'iпd in the text the sentences in which the follorшing word-com_
2. reply, ask, entreat, inquire; binations аrе used. Use them in а short story of your оwп.
З. lad, Ьоу, pal, assistant; ап outbreak oftyphoid fever
4. lodgings, sцrgеry boarding-house, flat. an infectious case
to take а look
8. Choose the wоrd in the set that has the ýаmе the naked еуе
meaning as the giv-
еп w.оrd. an outbreak of the epidemic
tоrсh firе-рlасе lапtеrп candle to wоrk tirelessly
explosion detonation contamination crash to Ье inexperienced
qчаrry hole mine hollow the cursed sewer
smell skill scent taSte to make smb build а пеw sewer
ideal wonderful perfect fascinating to blow up the sewer
shift nrn mоче choose to regтet the рrоmisе


Fill iп the blanks with the phrases frоm the

They а stick of in each
to_hang about, the powder shed,
sticks of dynamite, ,о ь. d"r.rt.d, ,ББг
and them. One Ьу one the -t"
manhole, to Start out, а Spatter of rain, to time the
the plan carefully, u g,rrty *ina, to
move along the street, to steal dynamite, As the last tin went in with its short fuse burning, the dog took it into its
the ,hift
"i;;й; head to . They and )-
Ate1еveno,cloсkthаtnightDеnnyаndheъinсompаny beneath their feet. Тhеп swiftly the , and they
up the street.
Chapel Street. It was чеrу dark *itГ_=..- They had scarcely whеп Ьапg! the first
urrC Under сочеr of the darkness and the noise Denny and Manson
which blew into their faces ut th" ,t .ЙБ*Б"п.rуЙ-
The late_ _ ".t .
had gone in ап hоur ue".
Thomas'fish shop аt the top end, but otherwis"e
i"ds- 13. Match the English word-combinations and their Ukrainian
,r."* *Ъ, "'О
'Б; translations.
In the pocket of his heavy ou"i.out to feel uncomfortable наблизитись до когось
БЙпу had six_ -
fоr him that afternoon from- - ".p""t"lly
tt* quаrry Ьу
to suspect smb почуватися незручно
Тоm Sеаgец his landlady's sоп. to Ье highly iпflаmmаЬlе пiдозрювати когось
to аррrоасh sb попереджати когось про щось
12,. Fiп in the gaps with the suitable to watn sb аьоut sth бути таким, що легко спzrлаху€
рhrаsеs and words frоm the
given list. Make ýurе уоu use them in the
right fоrm. 14. Work with the phrasal verbs.
to slip away to capture the dog
Decide what the missing preposition iп the middle of the сirсlе is.
to slip dynamite in а tin to expect the explosion uпdеr the
feet Start
the rusty irоп сочеr to rасе шаdlу
to cut and attach fuses
to explode
the ill-smelling depth to drop tins into the sewer rlпg set/
to hunt а rat to set to wоrk glance
to chase the dog to rеасh the соrпеr
15. Choose the preposition about or with and fill in the gaps.
to fling back the сочеr

to Ье busy
Immediately they rеасhеd the manhole of the to view а pride
sewer. Тhеrе they
, raising which had not Ьееп opened to present а list
for years.
to Ье seized hоrrоr


to Ье wоrriеd
to do sth
1, I wish I _ (not go) thеrе,
2. Не wished he (not аgrее).
to speak
3. They wish all the people (Ье) healthy.
4. Не wished he (draw back).
to wаrп
5. I wish nobody (see) hеr.
6. Не wished they (stay) at hоmе instead of walking

.. '6: Guess what preposition is missed. F'iII in the gaps. Think of the about thecity, ]

situation rryhere you could use the following 7. I wish this рrоЬlеm фе) solved.
to lie
to show smb 19. Say the same in Ukrainian.
to соmе 1. But this morning hе vieйed it less with pride than with secret en-
to Ье involved treaty, as though trying to reýtore his confidence in himself.
to go 2. If you should ruп anything very nasty, ring up Griffiths at Toniglan.
to get а serious рrоЬlеm З. But you've got to Ье jack-of-all - trades under оur bloody system.
to drop а depth
3. It's the main sеwеr that's to Ьlаmе.
4. It leaks like the devil, and poisons half the wells of the town.
5. Anфew's mood had changed and now his determination was equal
17, What is the meaning of the words to Denny's.
and phrases inlbold type?
1, And now he чrаs all iп а haze
ofworry;;;й fi.r'iйr.
We_ve no hospital, let аlопе thb isolatioп 20. Say the same in English.
]. ward.
focused the slide and immediately picked up the clusters 1. IJe був його талiсман, його натхнення на майбутне.
,r"i;,#Y:у of 2. "ЯIоlй сором!" спirпахнув вiд обурення Ендрю.
жаль, що BiH
4,Fоr а second Andrew wondered if Denny не тут i не знае те, що знаемо ми."
had tаkеп leave of his
SeпSeS. 3. "Все одно це все без толку," вiдповiв Щеннi.
5,не cursed Dеппу violeпtly, swore а 4. Одразу ж BiH пожалкував, що вимовив цi слова.
dоzеп times thathe would not
go. 5. Але по якiйсь дивнiй причинi BiH не мiг взяти cBoi слова назад.
huпg аЬоut old,Thomas shop а/ the 6. Вони прийнялися за робоry, пiднiмаючи iржавий люк, який не
9 !lё,lаds top епd of thestreet.
wеrе dying of this аЬоmiпаtiоп,Itwas
., 7 |*_р'е
the bedside mаппеr!
not the mоmепt for
вiдкривали роками.
7. Пiд rrрикриттям темряви Щеннi та Ендрю зникJIи.
8, "Тhеrе!" said Denny in а suppressed
voice, as though alt the Secret
|i.ttyess of his life escaped tпtо й)t siпglе word. ''Thats the end of опе 21. Point out апd explain the mеtарhоrs iп the following sentences
bit of rotteппess!'' frоm the text.
1, I've hаmmеrеd at the Health оffiсеr about it till I'm tired.

_ 18. Supply the соrrесt fоrm ofthe чеrЬ in brackets. Use the SчЬ-
junctive Mood after the vеrЬ
2. Andrew gazed at Dетшу, burning to ask а dozen questions.
wish. 3. During the weeks that followedAndrew slaved joyfully.
4. Не worked tirelessly with all the fire of his passionate паturе.
5, Denny rесеiчеd him silently with а g'oomy
еуе and а darkened fоrе-
head. Ь) knew exactly what to do
с) needn't any advice
READING COMPREHENSION d) turned for advice to the Health Оffiсеr
1. Attention check 4. Тhе cause of the epidemic was

Read the text опсе then state whether the sentences а) one of the wells in the town
given below аrе Ь) sick people who interacted with each other
truе оr false according to the text. Express
уоur agreement or disagree-
ment. Use the following: 'It goes witйоut с) little information about this disease
oCertainlyr''I saying,' 'lt's absurd to say',
disagreer. d) the main sewer of the town
1. Andrew Manson саmе frоm а 5. Ardrew's attitude to his job was as follows:
riсh family.
2. Andrew was an excellent sfudent а) he hated his wоrk
at university.
3, whenAndrew began his practice there Ь) he wished he could leave the place
was only one case of enteric
in Blaenelly. с) he wогkеd without any interest
4, When Апdrеw саmе to Dосtоr Page, d) he was devoted to his wоrk
Mansoll Saw that the latter had
а clear case ofenteric. 6. Опе day Denny rang Andrew up because
5, They had по hospital, but they had good
а isolation ward in Blae-
nelly. а) he wanted to consult about one of his patients
6. DennY WaS mоrе experienced, so Ь) therc weтe new cases of the disease and the patients died
Andrew went to him fоr advice.
7, Dосtог Denny саrriеd out ехреrimепts с) he received some new medicines fоr that disease
at home to diagnose the cases.
8, The wаtеr in town was poisonous d) he found the new method of treatment
and not suitable to drink.
9, The doctors in Blaenelly knew about 7. Philip Dеппу suggested the following way out in that situation
the epidemic and were bluffing
the patients.
l0. After the explosion Апdrеw's beautiful саrееr а) to iпfоrm the Health Оffiсеr
was ruined.
Ь) to write to the Ministry of Health
2. Test уоur understanding ofthe text. с) to build а new hospital
i. Andrew Manson was d) to build а new sеwеr
а) а уоuпg ехреriепсеd dосБ 8. Denny wanted to make the 1оса1 authorities рау attention to the рrоЬ-
Ь) ап old experienced doctor lсm in such а way: Не decidcd
с) а young inexperienced doctor а) to organize а huпgеr strike
d) а student of the university Ь) to demand some medicines fоr the disease
2, His first case рrочеd to Ье с) to Ыоw up the old sеwеr
а) pneumonia d) to leave his job
Ь) scarlet fечеr 9. After Andrew Manson had agreed to help Delrrry
с) apendicitis
d) typhoid а) he печеr Tegretted about the promise
3. when the disease began to spreadAndrew Ь) he hesitated but fоr а moment
а) was at а loss what to do с) he was ready to help his friend
d) he wished lre had not agreed
10. Hardly all the tins had Ьееп exploded
а) Denny and Manson safely left the
Reproduction and Composition
рlaБ 1. Relate an incident from the text that you think most
Ь) they wеrе caught Ьу the police
с) the mеп wеrе noticed Ьу the crowds of people 2. Give а сlеаr account of what happened in Blaenelly.
d) they slipped away uпdеr the сочеr of the darkness. 3. Imagine that it was you who had соmе чроп the events similar to
that described in the passage. Describe what you would do if уоч were the
Discussion main character of the story.
l. What causedAndrew sleep badly? 4. Write а simplified version of the passage in words and constructions
2. What was he wогriеd about? with ъrhich уоч аrе familiaT.
3. What disease was spread in the town? 5. Discuss in pairs the ideas оп health expressed Ьу the great minds of
4. Ц/hу was it dangerous? the world.
a) "Health is the thing that makes you feel that поw is the best time
5. what was the real cause of the spread of the disease
in the town./ of the уеаr." (F. P.Adams)
6. Апdrеw insisted that every drop of water in his аrеа should
boiled. Do you think hе could put ur
Ье b) "The greatest mistake а mап can make is to sacrifice health for
to the epidemic in this way?
7 Why did Denny refuse to wTite "nd апу other advantage." (А. Schopengauer)
а letter to the Ministry of Health?
8, Andrew was а bold mап. Why, then, was he c) "Eealth alone is victory." (Т. Carlile)
seized with hоrrоr at the
thought of blowing up the sеwеr?
9. What made АпdrеW come in with Denny in the
l0. What did they both risk if they were discovered?
l l. What made them ruп such а gTeat risk? l

12, Frоm what уоu have rеаd, what is

уочr impression of Andrew Man-
son (Philip Denny)?
13. Whу was the workAndrew and Denny doing
so important?
14_. What kind of personality was
_ Апdrеw Manson? Whose fеаturеs of
the сhаrасtеr did he inherit?
15. Contrast the characters of the two mеп: Andrew
Мапsоп and Philip
16. Mention all the things it was vital to know
about the circumstances
of the explosion. Explain why it was vital to know
17. "Denny always said that all очеr Britain thеrе
wеrе thousands of in-
competent dосtоrs distinguished fоr nothing but
thеir stupidity and ап ас-
quired сарасiф fоr bluffing thеir patients.'? Discuss
tbe ъпоwiпg extract
from the text. Speak about medical service in this country

Divide the story into logical раrts and make а plan of it.
what titles for
each раrt сап you suggest? Retell the story according
to plan,

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