Foraging Behaviour of Birds

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Foraging Behavior of Birds at Morning and Evening Times: A Preliminary


Article · September 2020

DOI: 10.32350/BSR.0201.04


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6 authors, including:

Muhammad Abrar Yousaf Misbah Noreen

University of the Punjab University of the Punjab


Muhammad Faisal Maqbool Amina Irfan

University of the Punjab University of the Punjab


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BioScientific Review (BSR)
Volume 2 Issue 1, 2020
ISSN(P): 2663-4198 ISSN(E): 2663-4201
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Article: Foraging Behavior of Birds at Morning and Evening

Times: A Preliminary Study
Muhammad Abrar Yousaf Misbah Noreen
Author(s): Muhammad Faisal Maqbool Amina Irfan
Ishfaq Ahmad Memoona
Article DOI:

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Yousaf MA, Noreen M, Maqbool MF, Irfan A, Ahmad I,

Memoona. Foraging behavior of birds at morning and
evening times: a preliminary study. BioSci Rev.
To cite this article:
2020;2(1): 28–39.

A publication of the
Department of Life Sciences, School of Science
University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
Foraging Behavior of Birds at Morning and Evening Times: A
Preliminary Study
Muhammad Abrar Yousaf*, Misbah Noreen, Muhammad Faisal Maqbool, Amina
Irfan, Ishfaq Ahmad, Memoona
Department of Zoology, University of the Punjab, Quaid-i-Azam Campus, Lahore,
*Corresponding author: [email protected], [email protected]

Birds exhibit a wide variety of behaviors including foraging behavior which could
vary both inter- and intra-specifically. The current study was aimed to investigate
different aspects of the foraging behavior of birds in different fields situated at the
Quaid-e-Azam Campus, University of the Punjab, Lahore. The said campus covers
an area of about 721 ha and has a stable ecosystem which supports a diverse range of
birds. Three fields were selected for study purposes. The first field (F1) was
characterized by dense vegetation. The second field (F2) contained relatively less
vegetation and the third field (F3) was situated near the premises containing the hostel
and the shopping center. Observations were recorded during December 2019 for a
week at morning (0800-0900 h) and evening (1500-1600 h) times. The observations
were based on the assumptions that an abundant availability of food will increase the
stay time and vice versa. Moreover, number of pecks by birds also correlate with stay
time. A total of 10, 8 and 5 bird species were observed in the above mentioned three
fields, that is, F1, F2 and F3, respectively. Different patterns of bird frequency,
pecking rate and search time were observed in all fields at morning and evening times
which could be associated with the nature of the microhabitat, vegetation, predator
risk, food availability, group size and various environmental factors such as
temperature. Spearman’s correlation revealed a significant (p < 0.01) association
between search time and number of pecks of birds in all three fields.
Keywords: birds, foraging behavior, pecking rate, search time
1. Introduction Stealing of food from other birds, klepto-
Birds (Class Aves) are endothermic parasitism and mutual food searching
vertebrates that exhibit a variety of with birds of the same or other species
behaviors [1]. About seven hundred and comprise these different strategies [5].
sixty-seven species of birds have been Foraging behavior could also be
reported in Pakistan [2]. All birds exhibit influenced by factors such as
foraging behavior for survival in the antipredator vigilance, group size and
ecosystem [3] and this indicates how habitat selection [6, 7].The selection of
they are able to change their habits microhabitat may vary among different
during their search for food. To a large species of birds as well as within the
extent, their behavior is determined by same species. Individuals of the same
the type of food available. Different species exposed to different types of
types of techniques and strategies may habitats have been observed to exhibit
be applied by them to acquire the same different behaviors related to foraging
food depending upon the situation [4]. [7]. The availability of food suitable for

BioScientific Review
Volume 2 Issue 1, 2020
Foraging Behavior of Birds at Morning and Evening Times…

a particular bird species along with its farms, lodges, parks and other human
distribution and abundance mainly habitations [14]. Large feeding groups
determines habitat selection [1]. use fields where plentiful food is
Vigilance is another important behavior available [15] and this helps them to
exhibited by birds. This behavior may spend maximum time in a microhabitat.
diminish depending on group size due to Solitary birds often call for the attraction
the ease in the detection of predators and of conspecies to the feeding site to
the resulting decrease in predator risk for reduce predator risk [16].
large groups. So, group size is an A previous study conducted at the
effective factor that determines bird Quaid-e-Azam Campus, University of
behavior [8]. The corresponding the Punjab, Lahore, reported only the
reduction of individual vigilance with avian diversity in relation to changes in
the increase in group size has been local habitat. The current study aims to
reported previously [9]. Animals evaluate the various aspects of the
generally abstain from feeding while foraging behavior of birds in different
scanning their surroundings. Scanning is areas of the Quaid-e-Azam Campus,
regarded as vigilance which serves many University of the Punjab, Lahore.
purposes, such as the detection of any 2. Methodology
threat or predator and/or the assessment
of feeding competition within group [8]. 2.1. Study Area
To avoid the predation risk, birds usually Quaid-e-Azam Campus (also known as
consider dense vegetation for foraging New Campus), University of the Punjab
because it provides safety. Vegetation (31° 30' 15" N; 74° 18' 23" E) covers a
structures in a habitat provide large area of about 721 ha. 426.5 ha of
opportunities as well as constraints the total area have been leased out for
which determine how and where a bird cultivating different types of crops
detects and captures its prey. Vegetation including rice and wheat. The
structures include leaf morphology, infrastructure at the said campus
foliage height and architecture which includes teaching departments, roads
largely influence foraging behavior in a and residential colonies which cover an
particular habitat [10]. Birds spend little area of 294.2 ha. The campus contains a
time for scanning as they are shielded by wide range of habitats such as
dense vegetation structures [11]. Studies constructed areas, agricultural fields and
have indicated that just one meter waste water ponds. Teaching
distance from vegetation cover increases departments also have large lawns with
predator risk [12]. many types of vegetation. There are also
The combined influence of scanning, roadside plantations and rose gardens
vigilance and foraging behavior which are the habitats of many bird
determines the selection of field and species, herbs and small mammal
habitat for a bird [1]. Schulenberg [13] species. There is a botanical garden
reported that Vidua macroura (pin-tailed which covers a large area and it has
whydah) prefers fields of grass with diverse species of plants and animals.
some patches of soil for foraging. House Hostels and other residential facilities
sparrows have been adapted to forage on also have many grounds and fields with
almost all kinds of fields where they may much vegetation. The master plan and
find food but especially prefer fields, Google Earth view of the university are
shown in Figures 1 and 2.

Department of Life Sciences

Volume 2 Issue 1, 2020
Yousaf et al.

Figure 1. Master plan of the University of the Punjab, Quaid-e-Azam Campus,

Lahore, Pakistan (2002)

Figure 2. Map of the University of the Punjab, Quaid-e-Azam Campus, Lahore,

Pakistan (source: Google Earth)

BioScientific Review
Volume 2 Issue 1, 2020
Foraging Behavior of Birds at Morning and Evening Times…

Figure 3. Birds foraging in their microhabitat in selected fields

Three fields were selected in the said iii. If food is not easily available then
campus to investigate the foraging search time should increase.
behavior of birds. The first field (F1) is
2.3. Observation
located in the botanical garden which is
characterized by dense vegetation and Observations of bird species and their
contains many small trees. The second foraging activities at the three selected
field (F2) contains less vegetation. The fields were recorded on a daily basis for
third field (F3) is situated near the a week during December 2019. Data
premises containing hostels and the were collected in mornings (0800-0900
shopping center. Birds foraging in their h) and evenings (1500-1600 h). A pair of
microhabitat is shown in Fig. 3. binoculars was used to observe birds.
Observations were carried out while
2.2. Assumptions
sitting at a distance from the birds to
This study is based on three major avoid causing any disturbance to their
assumptions given below: foraging behavior. Other tools used for
observation included a stop watch,
i. If food is readily available then stay
digital camera, notebook and field
time should increase.
guides, such as Grimmett et al. [17] and
ii. If stay time increases then the
Mirza [18]. The following parameters
number of pecks should also
were recorded: time of the day, bird

Department of Life Sciences

Volume 2 Issue 1, 2020
Yousaf et al.

species, bird’s arrival time, bird’s 3. Results

departure time, and number of pecks.
3.1. Bird Species
The search time for each bird was
At F1, a total of 9 bird species were
calculated using the following equation:
observed foraging, while at F2 and F3, 8
Bird’s search time = bird’s departure and 5 species were recorded,
time - bird’s arrival time respectively (Table 1).
All times were noted in seconds (sec).
3.2. Bird Frequency at Morning and
2.4. Statistics Evening Times
Descriptive statistics of the data were Fig. 4 depicts that the overall frequency
calculated. Since Shapiro-Wilk test of visiting birds was highest (151) for F1
indicated the recorded data as non- in the morning and it was the lowest (47)
parametric, hence Spearman’s in the evening for the three selected
correlation was applied to find the fields. Considering F2, more birds
hypothesized associations. Correlation visited it in the evening as compared to
was set significant at the level of 0.05 (2- morning. Considering F3, birds visited
tailed). The analysis was performed the field more frequently in the morning
using IBM SPSS Statistics (version 20) time.
and Microsoft Excel 2019.
Table 1. Observed Bird Diversity at the Three Fields
Fields Common name Scientific name
F1 House Sparrow Passer domesticus
House Crow Corvus splendens
Red-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus cafer
Common Myna Acridotheres tristis
Blue Rock Pigeon Columba livia
Common Hoopoe Upupa epops
Little Brown Dove Streptopelia senegalensis
Indian Robin Saxicoloides fulicata
Common Babbler Turdoides caudatus
F2 Jungle Babbler Turdoides striatus
Rufous Tree Pie Dendrocitta vagabunda
Little Brown Dove Streptopelia senegalensis
Common Myna Acridotheres tristis
House Sparrow Passer domesticus
House Crow Corvus splendens
Indian Grey Horn Bills Ocyceros birostris
Common Hoopoe Upupa epops
F3 House Crow Corvus splendens
House sparrow Passer domesticus
Common Hoopoe Upupa epops
Common myna Acridotheres tristis
Blue Rock Pigeon Columba livia

BioScientific Review
Volume 2 Issue 1, 2020
Foraging Behavior of Birds at Morning and Evening Times…

160 Morning

F1 F2 F3

Figure 4. Frequency of birds visiting the fields

25 Morning
Pecking rate per bird

20 Evening



F1 F2 F3

Figure 5. Pecking rate of birds in fields

3.3. Pecking Rate at Morning and 3.4. Search Time at Morning and
Evening Evening
The rate of pecking by birds can be At F1, search time was comparatively
related to the frequency of visiting birds lower than all other fields at both times
(Figure 5). The highest mean pecking of observation. The highest search time
rate was observed as 20.4 for F1 in the (188.57 sec) was observed at F2, while
morning time, while the minimum mean the lowest time, that is, 50.79 sec was
value was 8.5 in the evening. However, observed at F1 in the morning. Clear
for F2, the mean pecking rate was almost differences were found between the
the same at both morning and evening duration of search time at morning and
times. evening for the first two fields, while at
F3 the duration of search time was
almost the same at both times of the day
(Fig. 6).

Department of Life Sciences

Volume 2 Issue 1, 2020
Yousaf et al.

200 Morning
Search time (sec) per bird 180
160 Evening
F1 F2 F3

Figure 6. Search time (sec) per bird at fields

Table 2. Association (Spearman’s Correlation) between Search Time and Number of

Pecks by Birds
Fields Time of Search Time vs. No. of Pecks Significance
Observation (rs) (p)
F1 Morning 0.702** <0.01
Evening 0.477** <0.01
F2 Morning 0.699** <0.01
Evening 0.837** <0.01
F3 Morning 0.895** <0.01
Evening 0.854** <0.01
**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)

3.5. Association between Search Time time, while at the evening time there was
and Number of Pecks a fair correlation between them. Data
depicted good and excellent correlation
There was a direct relationship between
between search time and number of
search time and number of pecks by
pecks at morning and evening times,
birds. The data collected from all the
respectively for F2. While for F3, data
three fields indicated the presence of a
for both times showed an excellent
significant (p < 0.01) correlation
between search time and number of
pecks (Table 2). Correlation scores were 4. Discussion
interpreted following Cohen [19], who
Quaid-e-Azam Campus (New Campus),
described the scores for weak correlation
University of the Punjab, Lahore is a
(0 to 0.25), fair correlation (0.25 to 0.5),
stable ecosystem that houses a wide
good correlation (0.5 to 0.75) and
diversity of birds [20, 21]. In F1, F2 and
excellent correlation (more than 0.75).
F3 a total of 9, 8 and 5 bird species
For F1, good correlation was present
(Table 1) were observed respectively, as
between both parameters at the morning
reported previously by Tanveer et al.

BioScientific Review
Volume 2 Issue 1, 2020
Foraging Behavior of Birds at Morning and Evening Times…

[21] and Sidra et al. [20]. Overall, it was foraging before sunrise, continue it
observed that the majority of birds throughout the day and terminate it
visited F1 in the morning as compared to before sunset. These studies indicate that
other fields. The high number of bird species perform a trade-off between
visits could be due to dense vegetation predation and starvation. Therefore, the
which provided them with cover against feeding behavior of various species
predators [1, 10, 12]. However, no varies according to the presence of
predator species were observed during predators and their level of energy
the study which could be due to the short depletion [31].
observation time. Habitat selection is
Fair correlation was found between
mainly influenced by food availability
search time and number of pecks in F1.
and the nature of feeding site [1].
A large number of pecks corresponding
Evidence from Strong and Sherry [22]
with a short search time indicate an
and Fayt [23] also indicated food
abundance of food in that particular
availability and distribution as principle
patch as well as a low risk of predation
factors behind habitat selection. The
at dawn. Along with abundance,
complexity of F1 vegetation supports a
accessibility and detectability of food
variety of food [24, 25], as leaf litter
play a major role in determining patch
provides support to communities of
selection and search time of birds for
different arthropods used as food by
foraging [32]. For F2, search time
various types of birds [25].
showed a remarkable difference from the
Various foraging patterns opted by birds number of pecks that indicated that birds
greatly depend on exposure to different spent more time on exploration as
foraging constraints, predation pressure compared to feeding to minimize
and vegetation characteristics [26]. Two predation. It was also found by Van Oers
types of foraging patterns were observed et al. [33] that great tits exhibited latency
in the current study. For F1 and F3, in foraging activity because of a
feeding rate (indicated by the number of behavioral syndrome known as
pecks by birds) was high in the morning exploratory behavior. The increase in the
in comparison with the evening time. length of stay time corresponding with a
Farine and Lang [27] also found that rate low number of pecks in F2 supported the
of food search was higher in the morning fact that birds behaved according to the
as compared to other day times. This dynamic risk assessment theory and
distinctive morning foraging pattern preferred to increase their vigilance over
allows them to avoid predators and to feeding [34]. Complex habitat also
exploit food sources successfully in the affects the feeding behavior of birds.
first part of the day [28]. Silva et al [29] Stay time of birds also depends on snow
studied the foraging behavior of song cover and temperature and the number of
birds and described that two species of pecks is reduced in the presence of
song birds, that is, blue tit and great tit predators. The visiting of birds to
mostly preferred foraging in the earlier foraging sites is influenced by the type of
part of the day. Contrary to our findings, predator present at these sites. Bird visits
in some studies the peak in feeding decline sharply in the presence of more
activity was found to be two hours before dangerous predators [35]. The
dusk at the known food sources [30]. complexity of the foraging area reduces
Bonter et al. [30] documented in their the feeding rate and increases the stay
study that most bird species start time. Baker et al. [36] described that the

Department of Life Sciences

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Volume 2 Issue 1, 2020

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