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Production and Valorization of Maggot Meal: Sustainable Source of Proteins for

Indigenous Chicks

Article · May 2019

DOI: 10.9734/ajravs/2019/v2i246

9 14,260

7 authors, including:

Daniel Dzepe Paulin Nana

International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Université de Dschang


Félix Meutchieye Michel Lontsi-Demano

Université de Dschang Université de Dschang


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Asian Journal of Research in Animal and Veterinary

3(3): 1-9, 2019; Article no.AJRAVS.49056

Production and Valorization of Maggot Meal:

Sustainable Source of Proteins for
Indigenous Chicks
Daniel Dzepe1*, Paulin Nana2, Timoléon Tchuinkam1, Félix Meutchieye3,
Michel D. Lontsi1, Melanie Tchoumbou1 and Janaina M. Kimpara4
Department of Animal Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Vector Borne Diseases Laboratory of the Applied
Biology and Ecology Research Unit, University of Dschang, P. O. Box 067, Dschang, Cameroon.
Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences, School of Wood, Water and Natural Resources,
University of Dschang, Ebolowa Campus, P. O. Box 786, Ebolowa, Cameroon.
Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences, Research Unit of
Biotechnology and Bio Informatic, University of Dschang, P. O. Box 188, Dschang, Cameroon.
Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA), Embrapa Meio-Norte, Parnaíba, PI, Brazil.

Authors’ contributions

This work was carried out in collaboration among all authors. Authors PN, JMK and TT conceived and
designed the study. Author DD performed the study, wrote the protocol, wrote the first draft of the
manuscript and managed the literature searches. Authors MDL and MT performed the statistical
analysis. Authors FM and PN managed the analyses of the study. All authors read and approved the
final manuscript.

Article Information

(1) Dr. Fabio da Costa Henry, Associate Professor, Technology of Animal Products, State University of Northern of Rio de
Janeiro, UENF, Brasil.
(1) Wafaa Abd El-Ghany Abd El-Ghany, Cairo University, Egypt.
(2) Nakkazi Christine, Bugema University, Uganda.
Complete Peer review History:

Received 04 March 2019

Accepted 20 May 2019
Original Research Article
Published 27 May 2019


Aims: The feed industry needs new sources of highly digestible protein to substitute other valuable
limited protein sources of animal origin such as fishmeal in animal feed. The aim of this study was to
exploit the potential of the housefly larvae (maggots) in production of a low-cost, high-quality protein
source to supplement feeds for poultry farmers.

*Corresponding author: E-mail: [email protected];

Dzepe et al.; AJRAVS, 3(3): 1-9, 2019; Article no.AJRAVS.49056

Methodology: A trial on production of maggot meal was conducted at the farm of the University of
Dschang, using substrates such as: cow dung, chicken manure and pig manure. These substrates
were supplemented with fish waste which was used as a seed. A completely randomized design
with three treatments (substrates) and four replicates was used. After harvest, the maggots were
dried and ground to get maggot meal which was used in the diets of 45 on-day-old, non-sexed
indigenous chicks. For growth experiments, a random design of three treatments and three
replicates was used. Fishmeal was partly and totally substituted by maggot meal in two
experimental diets, which were used to feed two groups of 15 chicks. A third group of 15 chicks was
fed with a control diet, without maggot meal. Each chick was considered as an experimental unit
and was fed for a period of eight weeks.
Results: Maggots were harvested four days after oviposition regardless of the substrate.
Supplement with fish waste, maggots production of differences substrates doesn’t show significant
difference (P > 0.05). The productivity of pig manure was slightly higher (260.32±73.18 g), followed
by chicken manure (254.12±50.59 g) and cow dung (249.97±72.44 g). The chicks subjected to the
experimental diet in which the fishmeal has been totally substituted by maggot meal recorded
significantly higher average weight gain (886.60±158.50 g) as compared to those subjected to the
partially substituted and control diets, which recorded 650.59±103.50 g and 611.20±136.90 g,
respectively at the end of the experiment.
Conclusion: The results indicated that maggot meal can be used as an alternative to fishmeal in
poultry feed.

Keywords: Farmer; poultry; fishmeal; housefly larvae; substrate.

1. INTRODUCTION growing scarcity of resources to produce these

increasingly demanded ingredients has doubled
Intensification of agricultural production into a their prices during the last five years, while the
profitable and competitive livestock enterprise is feed cost representing 60-70% of meat
one of the options to increase food production production costs is already prohibitive and
and reduce urban and rural poverty in Africa [1]. cannot be afforded by resource-poor farmers. It
The poultry industry is one of the fastest growing will therefore not be a sustainable option to
agribusinesses in sub-Sahara Africa providing continue to rely on fishmeal and soybean as
income and employment opportunities for the protein source in feed production [3]. This
population [2]. In Cameroon for instance, the situation is also threatening the survival of
poultry sub-sector accounts for about 55% to the producers in Cameroon, hence the need for both
livestock sector and contributes 30% of the viable and sustainable alternatives. The industry
agricultural gross domestic product (GDP). is searching for alternative protein sources for
Therefore, it is an important part of rural growing sectors of poultry [1].
household livelihoods as a source of food,
income, nutrition, insurance against emergencies Insects such as Black Soldier Fly (BSF) and
and has the potential to reduce poverty. The House Fly (HF) plays a significant role in
annual global turnover and sale of commercial recycling many forms of waste and other
feed is estimated at US$350 billion and FAO accumulated nutrients in the environment [5,6].
projects that production will have to increase by The residual organic matter which has not been
70% to be able to feed the world in 2050, as assimilated is also decomposed and used easily
meat and fish outputs are expected to double [3]. by plants and other organisms. Insects are
potentially, more active agents for biodegradation
Ingredients for animal feed include soybeans, compared with other invertebrates because their
fish oil, and several grains, with fishmeal being growth periods are relatively short. Larvae of
the major protein source. However, a major dipterans flies are especially interesting as they
constraint for further development of meat and can develop in a wide diversity of media, have a
fish production to feed the increasing world high reproductive capacity and a relatively short
population is that, land availability for soybean life cycle. Fly larvae is a very good source of
cultivation is diminishing globally, while marine protein (CP, 45-73%) and the essential amino
overexploitation has continued to reduce the acids and fatty acids [7,8,9]. Its utilization as
abundance of small pelagic forage fish from substitute of soybean and fishmeal in chick’s
which fishmeal and fish oil are derived [4]. The [10,11] and pig diets [12] has been tested with

Dzepe et al.; AJRAVS, 3(3): 1-9, 2019; Article no.AJRAVS.49056

outstanding success. Several studies have milling to get maggot meal that could be
shown that improving the diet of local chicks with incorporated into the chicks’ diets. After harvest,
conventional balanced feeds significantly the maggots were weighed according to the
increases their productivity [13]. The aim of this substrate used to feed them using an electronic
study was therefore to recycle waste from the health monitor scale (precision ± 0.1 g), before
farm of research and application of the University and after drying. During production, the daily
into maggot meal and evaluate the effects of temperature of different substrates was
their supplementation in the local chicks’ diets. monitored twice per day (morning and evening),
using a probe thermometer.
Fly species involved in the seeding of different
2.1 Study Area substrates were collected using a sweep net and
preserved in 90% ethanol. They were
The present study was conducted at the farm of subsequently identified using a binocular loupe
research and application of the University of and identification keys [15,16,17], based on
Dschang. The farm is in the western region of morphological characters.
Cameroon between 5°25'–5°30' North Latitude
2.3 Maggot Meal in Indigenous Chicks’
and 10°-10°5' East Longitude and at an average
Altitude of 1410 m, with an equatorial climate. Diet
The data of the meteorological station of The evaluation of the nutritional value of maggot
Dschang from 2001 to 2009 shows that there are meal in chicks’ diet was conducted over a period
two seasons: A long rainy season from March to of eight weeks with 45 on-day-old, non-
October and a short dry season from November sexedindigenous chicks. The experimental room
to February. The rainfall varies between 1500- 2
was about 14 m with a floor covered with a deep
2000 mm per year. The average annual litter of wood shaving and was disinfected using
temperature is around 21°C with average annual the conventional protocol in poultry farms in
sunstroke of 1800 hours and a relative humidity Cameroon. Water and feed were offered ad
varying between 40-97%. The air is perpetually libitum and the prophylaxis plan was applied to
fresh and tends to saturation early in the the chicks properly. A completely randomized
morning, hence the regular presence of fog or design was used to allocate the chicks to three
mist in the atmosphere before sunrise. treatments. The first batch received a standard
control diet D0; the second an experimental diet
2.2 Production of Maggot Meal and D1 where the fishmeal was substituted at 50% by
Determination of Fly Species the maggot meal and finally the third an
experimental diet D2 where the fishmeal was
Maggot production was carried out in plastic 100% substituted by the maggot meal (Table 1).
containers (Ø11.30 cm × 5.53 cm), using animals The adaptation period lasted for one week,
manures supplemented with fish waste. Each during which chicks received the control pelleted
container was respectively half full of 1000 g of diet. Initial weight of the chicks was taken
fresh cow dung, chicken manure and pig manure together at the beginning. They were then
collected the same morning from their respective individually weighed weekly from the second
rearing units at the farm and, supplemented with week till the end of the experiment. The feed
500 g of fish waste obtained from the University consumptions and the left were weekly
restaurant. All the substrates were monitored. The parameters evaluated were the
simultaneously exposed to the flies for 24 hours diets digestibility and growth performances of
for natural oviposition. After this, the containers chicks such as feed intake, weight gain, mortality
were covered with a plastic mesh to enhance the rate and feed conversion rate.
substrates temperature and avoid further
oviposition to ensure maggots of similar ages. 2.4 Statistical Analysis
The substrates were watered once or twice per
day depending on the daily temperature. Larvae Data collected were analyzed using IBM SPSS
were harvested before pupation at the third instar Statistics version 22.0. They were submitted to
approximately 4 days of growth [14] and the parametric test of ANOVA (analysis of
introduced into the hot water to kill before dried variance) with 95% confidence interval to
for 24 hours in a drying device which included determine the significance of the treatments (P =
two incandescent bulbs of 100 watts mounted in 0.05). When a significant difference was found,
a crate. Dry maggots were ground by hand Tukey post-hoc test was performed.

Dzepe et al.; AJRAVS, 3(3): 1-9, 2019; Article no.AJRAVS.49056

3. RESULTS 3.2 Performance of Maggot Meal in the

Indigenous Chicks Feeding
3.1 Production of Different Substrates
and Identification of Fly Species The average feed intake (per chick / week)
increased significantly with diet from the second
week till the end of the experiment (DF = 2, F =
Under test conditions, maggots were harvested
3.30, P = 0.00). During the first week, it was
day 4 after oviposition regardless of the substrate
about 57.70 g / chick / week and increased
(Table 2). Supplement with fish waste, maggot’s
gradually to reach 312.10 g, 306.30 g and
production of differences substrates doesn’t
302.40 g respectively in the chicks fed with D0,
show significant difference (DF = 2; F = 0.02; P =
D1 and D2 diets at the end of the starting period.
During growth period, feed intake also increased
from 382.30 g to 703.30 g in chicks fed with D0
Daily temperature variation of different substrates
diet, from 381.70 g to 738.60 g in the chicks fed
did not show significant difference (DF = 2; F =
with D1 diet and finally from 393.20 g to 752.20 g
3.62; P = 0.07). However, chicken manure
in the chicks fed with D2 diet (Fig. 2).
revealed a slightly higher temperature change,
followed by cow dung and pig manure (Fig. 1).
The weight change of chicks subjected to
different diets did not show significant difference
Flies involved in the seeding of different
during the first two weeks. However, from the
substrates belonged to two different families
third week till the end of the experiments, the
(Calliphoridae and Muscidae). The Calliphoridae
weights of the chicks fed with D2 diet significantly
were represents by the genus Lucilia and
increased when compared to other treatments.
Chrysomyia, while the Muscidae were represents
Fig. 3 shows that, during the starting period the
by the genus Musca. The genus Lucilia was the
chicks subjected to D2 diet had record a
most abundant (47%), followed by the genus
significant high average weight gain x
Musca (38%) and the genus Chrysomyia (15%).

Table 1. Centesimal composition of the chicks diets during the starting and growth period

Ingredients Starting period Growth period

D0 D1 D2 D0 D1 D2
Cornmeal 53 53 53 58 58 58
Durum bran 8 8 8 8 8 8
Palm kernel cake 4 4 4 4 4 4
Peanut cake 10 10 10 5 5 5
Cotton cake 6 6 6 6.5 6.5 6.5
Soybean meal 10 10 10 10 10 10
Fishmeal 5 2.5 - 4.9 2.45 -
Maggot meal - 2.5 5 - 2.45 4.9
Calcined bone 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
CMAV (2%) 2.5 2.5 2.5 2 2 2
Cooking salt - - - 0.1 0.1 0.1

Table 2. Maggot’s production of different substrates after four days of incubation

Substrate Substrate Incubation Wet weight (g) Dry weight (g)

quantities (g) periods (days)
Pig manure + 1500 4 260.32±73.18 62.02±29.63
Fish waste
Chicken manure + 1500 4 254.12±50.59 50.30±25.05
Fish waste
Cow dung + 1500 4 249.97±72.44 46.67±28.87
Fish waste

Dzepe et al.; AJRAVS, 3(3): 1-9, 2019;; Article no.AJRAVS.49056

Fig. 1. Daily temperature variation of different substrates during the incubation period

to the control diet D0 (170.80±64.1 g), and chicks feed intake by the average weight gain of chicks
subjected to D1 diet (159.80±41.80 g). During at the end of each week. During starting period, it
growth period, the average weight gain of the showed significant difference only in the second
chicks doubled regardless of the diet. At the end week, however during growth period it showed
of the test, the chicks on the D2 diet still recorded significant differences in the fifth, sixth and eighth
a significantly greater weight gain weeks (Table 4). Generally, the chicks subjected
(625.80±114.60 g), followed by chicks on the D1 to the experimental diet D2 recorded the lowest
diet (450.80±71.23 g), and chicks
icks on the D0 diet feed conversion
ersion rate, followed by the chicks
(349.20±100.38 g) (Table 3). The weight gain subjected to experimental diet D1 and finally the
was calculated by making the difference between chicks subjected to control diet D0.
two consecutive weekly weight changes.
Throughout the study, no mortality or signs of
The feed conversion rate of chicks was toxicity were recorded during both starting and
determined by dividing the average weight of growth period.

Fig. 2. Average feed intake of chicks subjected to different diets during starting and growth

Dzepe et al.; AJRAVS, 3(3): 1-9, 2019;; Article no.AJRAVS.49056

Fig. 3. Weight changes of chicks subjected to different diets during starting and growth period

Table 3. Average weekly weight gain of chicks subjected to different treatments during starting
and growth periods (g / chick / week)

Starting period (weeks)

1 2 3 4
D0 16.9±09.6 19.1±16.9 61.0±32.6ab 73.7±24.5ab
Starting diets D1 17.9±09.7 19.1±10.0 55.7±17.8b 67.1±20.7b
a a
D2 19.8±07.9 28.6±12.6 82.3±25.1 90.1±26.7
Growth period (weeks)
5 6 7 8
D0 83.7±38.6b 86.6±38.6 114.8±43.2b 115.3±40.2c
b b b
Growth diets D1 87.9±87.9 93.2±23.9 110.0±38.4 159.6±26.7
D2 130.5±38.1a 99.9±47.6 149.2±43.9a 246.3±20.6a
Values within columns marked with same letters are not ssignificantly different (p < 0.05)

Table 4. Feed conversion rate of chicks subjected to different diets during starting and growth

Starting period (weeks)

1 2 3 4
D0 1.1±0.1 1.9±0.4ab 2.0±0.7 1.6±0.6
Starting diets D1 1.0±0.2 2.3±0.5 2.4±0.5 1.6±0.4
D2 1.0±0.2 1.8±0.4b 1.8±0.6 1.2±0.4
Growth period (weeks)
5 6 7 8
a a a
D0 1.4±0.5 1.2±0.5 1.3±0.5 1.2±0.3
Growth diets D1 1.4±0.3ab 1.1±0.3ab 1.2±0.3 1.2±0.2a
D2 1.1±0.3b 0.9±0.3b 0.9±0.3 0.9±0.2b
Values within columns marked with same letters are not ssignificantly different (p < 0.05)

4. DISCUSSION Although not significantlyy different, production

was slightly higher with pig manure, followed by
Maggots were harvested four days after chicken manure and cow dung. This is because
oviposition regardless of the substrate. This pig and chicken manures are less rich in fiber
result confirms the observations of Mensah et al. and therefore provide a better diet for maggots.
[18] who reports that maggots can be produced In addition, mixed with the fish waste the these
in various types of locally available substrates. substrates produce a fouler odour which attracts

Dzepe et al.; AJRAVS, 3(3): 1-9, 2019; Article no.AJRAVS.49056

many flies that come to feed and lay there. This animal protein comparable to fishmeal commonly
result is similar to those of Ekoue and Hadzi [19] used in animal feed.
and Bouafou et al. [20] which show that the type
of substrate is an important factor influencing the Generally, the chicks subjected to the
yield production of maggots. experimental diet D2 recorded the lowest feed
conversion rate, followed by the chicks subjected
The temperatures recorded in the different to experimental diet D1 and finally the chicks
substrates are almost identical. They are subjected to control diet D0. This result is
between 20-25°C at the beginning of the consistent with the work of Picard et al. [26]
experiment, and then progressively change which shows that a higher energy concentration
depending on the day temperature and the in a diet lowers the feed conversion rate of
fermentation rate of the substrates to reach 30- chicken in all climates.
35°C on the fourth day of incubation. This
variation has led to a significant production of 5. CONCLUSION
maggots. This result corroborates that of Keiding
[21], which shows that the development time of Supplemented with fish waste, pig manure had a
maggots depends on their medium temperature. slightly higher productivity in maggots, followed
The works of Axtell [22] and Loa [23] also show by chicken manure and cow dunk. In all
that the variation of the medium temperature is substrates, maggots reached maturity after four
inversely proportional to the development time of days and could be harvested and dried for 24
housefly larvae. hours at 40°C and milled to get maggot meal
which could be incorporated in the chicks’ diets.
The feed intake of chicks subjected to Their valorization as a source of proteins in the
experimental diets D1 and D2 were slightly higher local chicks’ diet was of zootechnical benefit. A
than that of chicks subjected to control diet D0. total substitution of the fishmeal by this protein
This result can be explained by the fact that, source in the experimental diet D2 had
Maggot meal enhances the food appetizing that significantly increased the chicks’ weight and
favors its ingestion by the chicks. This result is improved their feed conversion rate. A partial
consistent with the work of Loa [23] which shows substitution in the experimental diet D1 was
that maggots are a preferred food for poultry. In certainly helpful but not enough to induce a
addition, it opposes that of Agodokpessi et al. significant change. Maggot meal could replace
[11] which revealed that the incorporation of that of fish in the poultry diet. It’s however
maggot meal at 10% as a substitute for fishmeal necessary that more diversified studies be done
in a diet limits dietary intake in turkey poults. to valorise this new protein source.
They justify their observation by the fact that the
energy richness of the diets favoured by a COMPETING INTERESTS
particularly high rate of fat from the maggot meal
decreases the ingestion of food. Authors have declared that no competing
interests exist.
The low average weekly weight gain of chicks in
this study is due to the fact that, the growth rate ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
of local breeds is particularly slow. These weight
gains remained almost identical during the first This work was supported by funds from Africa-
two weeks, but increases considerably from the Brazil Agricultural Innovation Marketplace,
third week until the end of the experiment project ID 2341 “Insect for Food and Feed”.
regardless of the diet. For this purpose, the total
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© 2019 Dzepe et al.; This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.

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