Project 565
Project 565
Project 565
MARCH 2021
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1. Introduction
Automation is the technology by which a process or procedure is
performed with minimal human
assistance. Automation, or automatic control, is the use of
various control systems for operating equipment such
as machinery, processes in factories, boilers, and heat-
treating ovens, switching on telephone networks, steering, and
stabilization of ships, aircraft, and other applications
and vehicles with minimal or reduced human intervention.
Automation has been achieved by various means
including mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical, electronic
devices, and computers, usually in combination. Complicated
systems, such as modern factories, airplanes, and ships typically
use all these combined techniques. The benefit of automation
includes labour savings, savings in electricity costs, savings in
material costs, and improvements to quality, accuracy, and
The World Bank's World Development Report 2019
shows evidence that the new industries and jobs in the
technology sector outweigh the economic effects of workers being
displaced by automation.
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Semi-Automation is a process or procedure that is performed by
the combined activities of man and machine with both human and
machine steps typically orchestrated by a centralized computer
controller. Many manufacturers choose not to fully automate a
process, and instead implement semi-automation due to the
complexity of the task, or the number of products produced is too
low to justify the investment in full automation. Other processes
may not be fully automated because it may reduce the flexibility
to easily adapt the processes to reflect production needs.
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Early developments
The first tools made of stone represented prehistoric man’s
attempts to direct his own physical strength under the control
of human intelligence. Thousands of years were undoubtedly
required for the development of simple mechanical devices and
machines such as the wheel, the lever, and the pulley, by which
the power of human muscle could be magnified. The next
extension was the development of powered machines that did not
require human strength to operate. Examples of these machines
include waterwheels, windmills, and simple steam-driven devices.
More than 2,000 years ago the Chinese developed trip-hammers
powered by flowing water and waterwheels. The early Greeks
experimented with simple reaction motors powered by steam.
The mechanical clock, representing a rather complex assembly
with its own built-in power source (a weight), was developed
about 1335 in Europe. Windmills, with mechanisms for
automatically turning the sails, were developed during the middle
ages in Europe and the Middle East. During the two centuries
since the introduction of the Watt steam engine, powered engines
and machines have been devised that obtain their energy from
steam, electricity, and chemical, mechanical, and nuclear sources.
The early life of automation begins, then, with the
industrial revolution and industrial machinery between 1790 and
1840. Then, like now, people feared the impact of automation on
their jobs. In 1837, Charles Babbage began creation of a prototype
machine he called ‘The Analytical Engine’, which was the first
device to earn the name ‘computer’. His friend Ada Lovelace,
meanwhile, created the first ever computer program, which
would have run on the machine. Sadly, Babbage died before his
prototype was complete.
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Principles And Theory Of Automation
The developments described have provided the three basic
building blocks of automation: (1) a source of power to perform
some action, (2) feedback controls, and (3) machine
programming. Almost without exception, an automated system
will exhibit all these elements.
Power source
An automated system is designed to accomplish some useful
action, and that action requires power. There are many sources of
power available, but the most commonly used power in today’s
automated systems is electricity. Electrical power is the most
versatile, because it can be readily generated from other sources
(e.g., fossil fuel, hydroelectric, solar, and nuclear) and it can be
readily converted into other types of power (e.g., mechanical,
hydraulic, and pneumatic) to perform useful work. In addition,
electrical energy can be stored in high-performance, long-life
The actions performed by automated systems are
generally of two types: (1) processing and (2) transfer and
positioning. In the first case, energy is applied to accomplish some
processing operation on some entity. The process may involve the
shaping of metal, the moulding of plastic, the switching of
electrical signals in a communication system, or the processing of
data in a computerized information system. The second type of
action—transfer and positioning—is most readily seen in
automated manufacturing systems designed to perform work on a
product. In these cases, the product must generally be moved
(transferred) from one location to another during the series of
processing steps.
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Feedback controls
Feedback controls are widely used in modern automated systems.
A feedback control system consists of five basic components: (1)
input, (2) process being controlled, (3) output, (4) sensing
elements, and (5) controller and actuating devices. These five
components are illustrated in the Figure below. The term closed-
loop feedback control is often used to describe this kind of
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The History of Robotics in the Automotive Industry
It’s often said industrial robots have made their biggest mark in
the automotive world but it took many decades of refinement for
them to get there. The most basic ideas about how long has it
been since robots got their start originate in Leonardo's time!
The modern idea for the robot made its first
appearance in a play in 1921. In this production, robots were
mechanical workers who helped humans – but they eventually
revolted and took over the world. To say this is an inauspicious
beginning would be an understatement. Still, real-life technology
soon began to catch up with the concept.
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Advantages commonly attributed to automation in
automobile industry are
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6. LOWER PRODUCTION COST - Automation can eventually
mean lower production costs for businesses because the process
does not involve recurring costs, except for routine instructions
and repairs. While the initial expense might be hefty, the
investment will prove worthwhile, in the long-run.
processing of any task is prone to error, no matter how dedicated
or skilled the person entering the data is. It is also time-
consuming and resource intensive. Automating tasks that
typically require significant manual input can eliminate the
probability of human error. With automation, businesses can
expect precise and consistent outputs. With automated
technologies, what takes a person days of effort can be finished in
a matter of seconds.
8. REDUCE LABOUR CRISIS- Automation can reduce the need
of finding labour for ordinary and repetitive tasks.
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Limitations commonly attributed to automation in automobile
industry are
1. LESS VERSATILITY– by having a machine that can perform a
certain task limits to the flexibility and variety of tasks that an
employee could do.
2. MORE POLLUTION – different types of machines operate
using motor which may require gases or chemicals in order to
operate. This can cause an increase in pollution in the workplace.
3. LARGE INITIAL INVESTMENT – automated machines can
be one of the most costly operating costs for a company. With
automated machines running anywhere between thousands and
millions of dollars depending on the type and degree of
4. INCREASE UNEMPLOYMENT – by increasing the amount of
automation, there are less employees required causing high
unemployment rates.
5. UNPREDICTABLE COSTS – there can be several
unpredictable costs that may exceed the actual cost saved by the
automation itself. Some of these costs could include research and
development costs of automating a process, preventative
maintenance costs, and the cost of training employees to operate
automated machines.
6. MAINTENANCE - Automated machines require lots of upgrades
and maintenance during operation like system upgrades, broken
electronics etc.
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7. DEPENDENCY ON TECHNOLOGY - Implementing most
automation requires some degree of technical assistance
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Following are some of the leading automobile companies that
have been using these advanced robots in their manufacturing
A Tata group company, TAL Manufacturing Solutions, unveiled
India's first ever robot called 'BRABO'. In the Make in India week
that took place in the year 2016. The development cost was Rs. 10
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• The main advantage of Tata is that the company controls the
localised manufacturing of the robot and it can price the robots
lower than the foreign players.
• The idea behind the making of the robot is to drive
mechanisation in the Indian markets by offering cheap and cost-
effective solutions.
• It has also been reported that by manufacturing robots, TAL
Manufacturing doesn't intend to compete with the global robot
manufacturing companies but plans to target the small initiatives
in the Indian markets with affordable solutions.
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Robots are deployed largely in the weld shop, the paint shop
and the press shop, where automobile car bodies are
shaped. The three are fully automated. Manual work is now
done mostly in car assembly.
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India’s largest carmaker is now buying C-series robots,
which are smaller in size, take up less space and are 15 per
cent faster than their predecessors. Among the suppliers of
the robots is the Japanese company Fanuc Robotics. For the
company’s upcoming car, the new generation Dzire, as many
as 104 C-Series high-speed robots are being used for
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Hyundai's Sriperumbudur factory
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Robots are coming for India’s shop floors , How
will it look 10 years from now?
While India may have missed the manufacturing bus of the
1980s and 1990s, the bus has now become more advanced.
And the edge lies in industrial IoT, robotics, AI and 3D printing.
Three years ago, TAL Manufacturing Solutions Ltd, a unit of Tata
Motors Ltd, showcased a robot called BRABO at the “Make in
India" week in Mumbai. Short for “Bravo Robot", BRABO was
touted by the company as the first “Made in India" industrial
robot, and is designed to lift loads of up to 10 kilograms.
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The number of robots in use worldwide multiplied threefold over
the past two decades to 2.25 million, according to a June 2019
report by Oxford Economics. Trends suggest the global stock of
robots will multiply even faster in the next 20 years, reaching as
many as 20 million by 2030—with 14 million in China alone, the
report adds. India is way behind at the moment. But things can
change very quickly. The automotive industry, which is currently
racked by a slowdown, is a great example. In the face of
stagnation, firms that had begun to ramp up their robot density
(robots per 10,000 workers) in the mid-2000s have now merely
chosen not to rehire a bulk of the short-term, rotational, low-
skilled contract workforce. According to a 22 January 2019 report
by the International Federation of Robotics, India’s automotive
sector was the main customer for industrial robots, accounting
for as much as 62% of the total supply.
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Lights out automotive factory
India is in a unique quandary. While the country needs to find
jobs for its booming population, the globally competitive
opportunities are almost entirely in smart manufacturing, most of
which require less human hands per unit of output. “The
conventional ways of doing incremental business will no longer
suffice. India needs to push its people to adopt disruptive ways of
doing business," said Ashutosh Sharma, secretary, Department of
Science and Technology at the 4th Confederation of Indian
Industries Smart Manufacturing Summit, held on 26 October 2018
in Delhi.
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Technological unemployment
While India may have missed the manufacturing bus of the 1980s
and 90s, which powered China’s growth, the bus has now become
more advanced. And the competitive edge lies in artificial
intelligence (AI), industrial internet of things (IoT), wearables,
robotics and additive manufacturing (better known as 3D
printing), which are all set to fundamentally transform global
In any case, automation on the shop floor is now being taken to
new levels. Machines develop faults like parts getting worn out or
equipment not getting calibrated properly. An operator could,
thus, waste a lot of time trying to locate the origin of the problem.
It’s here that automation is being combined with AI and IoT on
the shop floor to resolve such issues.
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AI, for instance, can be integrated with CNC machines to enable
self-diagnosis. Thus, when a fault develops, it will be detected and
the software will try and solve the problem. Apart from using the
data that is collected thus for diagnostics, a more advanced AI
system could analyze that data and alter the settings of the
machine to optimize a prototype being manufactured.
According to a 10 May blog by Craig Lyjak, EY Global Smart
Factory leader, the smart factory is no longer a futuristic vision. It
is the heart of the broader Industry 4.0, or the Fourth Industrial
Revolution, which refers to the gradual combination of traditional
manufacturing and industrial practices with digital technologies.
The most prominent of these technologies, according to Lyjak,
include computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided
engineering (CAE) software, cloud computing, IoT, advanced
sensor technologies, 3D printing, industrial robotics, data
analytics, AI and machine learning (ML), and enhanced machine-
to-machine (M2M) communications.
These technologies are already showing impressive results both
globally and in India. In 2016, The Times of India reported that
the country’s first “self-aware" factory was being set up in
Bengaluru at the Indian Institute of Science’s Centre for Product
Design and Manufacturing with seed funding from the Boeing Co.
The factory is enabling data to be continuously collected and
monitored, from both sensor-fitted machines and digitally
connected wearables in order to provide real-time insights about
every movement and process taking place on the factory floor.
The factory remains a “work in progress".
On its part, German auto-component maker Bosch’s Bidadi plant
has cobots, or collaborative robots, working alongside humans.
GE’s Chakan (in Pune) factory’s enterprise resource planning
(ERP) system is linked to the manufacturing execution system
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(MES). Equipment efficiency is monitored in real time to decide
production schedules like availability of forks or lifts, raw
material trucks, workers and machines while sensors (read IoT)
send warnings on possible breakdowns.
While the Indian automobile industry is unquestionably at the
vanguard of the oncoming change, other companies are not
entirely untouched. Mondelez India describes its Sri City (in
Andhra Pradesh) unit as an “integrated digital factory", one which
can pack 6,300 chocolate bars a minute, while Jaipur Watch Co.
has added a new collection of stainless steel watches that were 3D
Walmart, for instance, cut its physical inventory from one month
to 24 hours by using drones that fly through the warehouse, scan
products, and check for misplaced items. Using algorithms that
learn from experience to optimize logistics, BMW tracks a part
from the point it was manufactured to when the vehicle is sold—
from all of its assembly facilities across the world. In finance
operations, AI can close operations and automate monthly,
quarterly and year-end processes. Using ML, bots can learn from
human inputs to make better judgments and adapt to the
behaviour patterns of accounting professionals.
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digital automotive manufacturing
Smart robots also assist shop floor operations indirectly by
increasing employee satisfaction and appealing to a millennial
mindset. A couple of months ago, for instance, Indian IT services
provider Tech Mahindra introduced a Human Resource (HR)
humanoid at its Noida Special Economic Zone Campus in Uttar
Pradesh. Christened K2, this was the second HR humanoid (a
robot that resembles a human) from the Mahindra Group
company, the first was launched at its Hyderabad campus in May.
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Despite the immense potential benefits of enhancing ERP systems
with AI, there are risks with regard to sharing of sensitive data
and regulations that need to be considered, such as the European
Union general data protection regulation (GDPR), besides the loss
of jobs to automation and robots. That said, the benefits may
outweigh the risks if governments devise sensible privacy
regulations, and revamp labour policies to factor in the impact of
these new technologies on the workforce.
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The final piece of the puzzle is the ability to hire these intelligent
machines on contract, like workers. As a precursor for what may
become commonplace soon, US-based Hirebotics allows firms to
hire cloud-connected robots. The hourly wage starts at $15 per
hour and they can work a minimum of 80 hours a week and, they
neither tire nor need bathroom breaks. Of course, companies have
to give Hirebotics a 30-day written notice if they fire any robot.
What these robot work contracts show is this: the future is already
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