Skripsi Iin Oktaviani
Skripsi Iin Oktaviani
Skripsi Iin Oktaviani
NPM 181220033
The objectives of this research were to know the influence of Fishbowl Strategy
towards students’ speaking ability and to find whether the class which was taught
by using Fishbowl Strategy higher than the class which was taught by using
Conventional Strategy. In this research the researcher used experimental method
with pre-test and post-test control group design. The samples were 60 students in
2 classes. The sample was taken by using Cluster Random Sampling Technique.
The researcher conducted the research in 2 classes namely experimental and
control class The main technique in measuring students’ speaking ability was
speaking test. In collecting the data of research, the researcher used pre-test and
post-test. The result of validity and reliability showed that most of students
understood the instruction of the speaking test given.
In calculating the data analysis, the researcher used SPSS version 25.0 by using
Paired Sample t-test formula. Based on the data analysis, the researcher got the
result that H a was accepted. The result of normality was 0.102 > sig 0.05. It
means the data have normal distribution. Then, the result of homogeneity was
0.105 > α = 0.05. It means the data were homogeneous. For hypothetical test, it
was obtained that sig. (2-tailed) of the equal variance assumed in the paired
sample test where the sig. (2-tailed) was 0.023. It was lower than α = 0.05. (0.023
< 0.05). So, H a was accepted. It meant that there was significant influence of
Fishbowl Strategy towards students’ speaking ability at the eleventh grade of
SMKN 8 Bandar Lampung in 2022/2023. Meanwhile, the average score of
experimental class higher than control class. (69.60 > 64.53). Based on the result
of the research, it is clear that Fishbowl Strategy can be used to influence the
students’ speaking ability.
I hereby certify that this paper was completed by my own work with the title “The
sources and they were properly acknowledged in the texts. I did not copy or quote
with the way that was against the other that occured in scientific society. By this
contrary in this paper or there is a claim from other sides towards the original work.
Declared by,
The objectives of teaching and learning as foreign language is that the students should
be able to use English in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The researcher
believes that teaching English in Senior High School level has a good purpose in our
country in which those skills are important to support students’ knowledge of
Speaking is one of the skills in learning English which needs suitable teaching
strategy and has to be step by step in presenting it and it should be followed by some
ways to make the students interested and to make teaching learning process enjoyable
as well. That was why the researcher applied Fishbowl Strategy as one of some
effective strategy to develop students’ speaking skill. Therefore, the researcher did a
research entitled : “The Influence of Fishbowl Strategy towards Students’ Speaking
Ability at the Eleventh Grade of SMKN 8 Bandar Lampung in Academic Year
1. Dr. Wayan Satria Jaya M.Si, as the Head of STKIP-PGRI Bandar Lampung.
2. Dr. Akhmad Sutiyono, M.Pd, as the Head of Language and Art Department of
STKIP-PGRI Bandar Lampung.
3. Dr. Andri Wicaksono, M.Pd., as the Chief of Research Institution of STKIP
PGRI Bandar Lampung.
4. Eva Nurchurifiani, M.Pd., as the First Advisor who always gives his
suggestion and guidance to the researcher in finishing this paper.
5. Tommy Hastomo, M.Pd., as the Second Advisor who always guides the
researcher in finishing this paper.
6. Drs. Firdaus., M.M., as the Headmaster of SMKN 8 Bandar Lampung and all
the Teachers and Staffs who have given a chance and guidance in collecting
the data for this paper.
7. Susanti Octiani, S.Pd, as the English teacher of SMKN 8 Bandar Lampung
who has accompanied me to finish my research.
8. All the Lecturers and Staffs of STKIP-PGRI Bandar Lampung for all their
available knowlegde given to the researcher during she studied S-1 Degree at
STKIP-PGRI Bandar Lampung.
9. All the students of SMKN 8 Bandar Lampung, especially for the eleventh
10. My friends, Hany Nuraini, Licencia Poetica, Winda Ayu and all of my
Finally, the researcher thanks to those who have contributed their ideas to the writing
of this paper, and the she would appreciate any constructive criticism and suggestion
concerning the improvement of this paper.
Declared by,
The name of the researcher is Iin Oktaviani. Her nick name is Iin. She was born in
Bandar Lampung, on October, 9th, 1995. She is the first child of the three children of
The researcher began her study at SDN 1 Hajimena, graduated in 2009. After that,
she continued her study to SMPN 3 Natar Lampung Selatan, graduated in 2012. After
that, she continued her study to SMAN 1 Natar Lampung Selatan, graduated in 2014.
In 2018, she entered and continued his study to English Department of STKIP PGRI
Bandar Lampung.
4. My almamater.
(Elon Musk)
COVER ........................................................................................................... i
ABSTRACT..................................................................................................... ii
DECLARATION............................................................................................ iii
DEDICATION................................................................................................ iv
MOTTO........................................................................................................... v
CURRICULUM VITAE................................................................................ vi
PREFACE....................................................................................................... vii
LIST OF CONTENT...................................................................................... viii
LIST OF TABLES.......................................................................................... ix
LIST OF APPENDICES................................................................................ x
A. The Background of Problem..................................................................... 1
B. The Identification of Problem.................................................................. 4
C. The Limitation of Problem........................................................................ 4
D. The formulation of Problem...................................................................... 4
E. The Objectives and The Uses of Research................................................ 4
F. The Uses of The Research........................................................................ 4
G. The Scopes of Research............................................................................ 5
1. The Subject of the research.............................................................. 5
2. The Object of The Research............................................................. 5
H. The Time of The Research........................................................................ 5
I. The Place of The Research........................................................................ 5
3. Sampling Technique........................................................................24
C. Variable of the Research.......................................................................25
D. Operational Definition of Variable........................................................25
E. Technique and Data Collection Instrument ..........................................25
1. Data Collecting Technique..............................................................25
2. Data Collection Instrument..............................................................26
F. Validity of the Test ...............................................................................27
G. Data Analyzing Technique....................................................................28
1. Normality of the test........................................................................28
2. Homogeneity Test of Variance........................................................29
3. Hypothesis Test...............................................................................29
4. Equality Test of Two Average........................................................30
5. Different Test of Two Average.......................................................30
A. Report of Research................................................................................38
1. Data Pretest Experimental and Control Class.................................38
2. Data Posttest Experimental and Control Class................................39
3. Data Normality Test........................................................................40
4. Data Homogeneity Test...................................................................41
5. Data Hypothesis Test.......................................................................42
a. First Hypothesis.........................................................................42
b. Second Hypothesis....................................................................43
B. Discussion..............................................................................................44
students, because speaking is the productive skill that can highly influences in
communication. Speaking is the ability to work collaboratively in speech turn
management as interactive and needs. Therefore that speaking is needs, in a
way that cannot be avoided in certain situation to be able to communicate.
The speaker delivers ideas or opinion about a topic to the listener, which
the listener understand and respond to. It means to create sounds using many
parts of body; that involves the lungs, vocal chords, tongue, teeth and lips. An
understanding of the nature of speaking has undergone considerable in recent
years. It means that speaking is difficult enough to be mastered, almost of
student find difficulties to speak because they rare to practice maybe by
practicing the language is the one ways to improve the students’ speaking
There are some factors that make students feel difficult to speak English
such as: they are lack of motivation, shyness, anxiety, lack of confidence, and
fear or mistake. Speaking is the utterance of intelligible speech. To make the
students understand about English text but they have limited skill to be able to
communicate fluently. Some factors such as unlikely to reading, writing, and
listening activities because students worried about making mistakenness,
fearful of critism or shame of the attention that speech attracts.
Some of students have difficulties in learning speaking are influenced by
their limited of vocabulary used, grammar and do not understand how to
pronounce words correctly and almost all of students are lazy to do their
assignment given by the teacher, when they to learn a language in classroom,
nervous or embarrassed about speaking to other people and when the teacher
asks the students to describe something based on material, they are not
confident about their ability so it makes them confuse to speak English in the
class. In this case teacher should be more attention for the English material
method that was could be taught for students.
In the preliminary research at SMKN 8 Bandar Lampung, the researcher
did an interview with the teacher of student eleventh grade of vocational high
school 8 Bandar Lampung on November 24 th 2021. She stated that there are
three problems in speaking faced by students the first one she said that in
general for students of vocational School their lack of spirit for explore the
lessons that their non-vocational lessons of course. Therefore, in speaking
English still so far in able to speech. In general their only knowing a common
sentence such as good morning and introducing you, etc. The second one , she
said that students are having very low English ability and the last one they
have limited vocabulary therefore their often stammered (Mrs Desti, English
Teacher of SMKN 8 Bandar Lampung, Interview November 24th 2021).
To overcome this problem, all teachers must find suitable method to ease
the learning process, especially in speaking ability. By applying fishbowl
technique, it can increase motivation, enhance research skills and develop
communication proficiency. Besides, the group discussion exposes the class to
a focused. In depth multiple-perspective analysis. Fishbowl technique had
great contribution in speaking field. It can activate students’ speaking class
and also improve their accomplish speaking ability.
The fishbowl technique is one of the techniques that can solve this
problem. The fishbowl technique has become a learning strategy that involves
many students in a small group with varying skill levels. Any student or
member of the task group should work together to complete the task and
encourage each other in understand the topic that the teacher has assigned.
Fishbowl technique has the added dimension of requiring students to assume a
position opposite to their own, Encourage students to challenge their existing
assumptions. This can move students beyond simple dualistic thinking, deepen
their understanding of an issue and helps students to recognize the range of
perspective inherent in complex topics. In this case, fishbowl may also build
appreciation for diversity and develop for other viewpoints.
Regarding the explanation above, the researcher interested to apply
fishbowl technique. The researcher wanted to determine the influence of
fishbowl strategy in increasing the ability of students to speak. In this study,
the researcher carried out research entitled “The Influence of Fishbowl
B. Speaking
In English the most important thing in form communication is speaking.
The single most important aspect of learning a language is mastering the art of
speaking and success as measured in terms of the skill to carry out
conversation in the language. Hussain stated that having a good quality
pronunciation and fluency in speaking skill is the hallmark of the way of life
or culture where, pronunciation is the way in which a language or particular
word or sound is pronounced and the quality of being able to speak or write a
language, especially a foreign language, easily and well. Therefore, it is the
duty of the teacher or lecturer to achieve this aim approximately as an
Englishman does (Hussain, 2017). Speaking is an interactive interpersonal
process which does not lend itself easily to the requirements of test designers
so it means in a speaking process to create communication it needs at least two
people, as a listeners and as a speakers where one of speakers is to give
information and another one as a listener who receives information.
Burns explains that the teaching and learning of speaking are a vital part of
any language education in the classroom, not only does the spoken language
offer “affordances” for learning as the main communicative medium of the
classroom, but it is also an important component of syllabus content and
learning outcomes (Burns, 2019). It means that to develop the students’
speaking ability the teachers could give the situations and opportunity for the
C. Purpose of Speaking
Speaking serves several purposes. This is involving a different set of skill.
Kurniasih explains that, the level production skill (speaking), the majority of
speaking activities used in the first levels should be designed to enable pupils
to participate with a minimal verbal response. However, in the last level, for
example eleventh grade, students are encouraged to begin to manipulate
language and express themselves in a much more personal way (Kurniasih,
It means that speaking must be plays and practice from fist level, for
example elementary school. Because of that speaking is very important thing
as vital form of communication in language field. Harmer stated that there are
three main reasons for encouraging students to talk in the classroom. One of
main reasons that speaking exercise enables students to practice speaking in
controlled circumstances in the classroom (Harmer, 2007).
According to Okar and some experts, stated that Language components
have been processed in the minds of students. The more they engage in
speaking practices, the more these elements become second nature to them
(Okar & Shahidy, 2019). It means that they will be able to speak fluently
without having to confuse about it. Speaking is one of the central elements of
communication in aim a learning language is to communicate well.
In summary, the purpose of speaking is to inform ideas, to gain
information from speaker to listener. On the other hand the purpose of
speaking is not only to providing information from people but the purpose of
speaking it means speaking activities should to convey something to others by
the objectives the speaker expected.
c) Since EFL students are not native English speakers, they are most
likely to make mistakes while speaking English since they are fearful
of making mistakes, in reality, afraid is a feeling when we want to say
something when talking to someone, but instead, we keep it because
we are unsure whether it is right.
Students are afraid of being mocked; they are worried about speaking
English because they fear making intonation, pronunciation, and language
structure errors as the frequent errors in speaking. Think that their fellow
students would receive an unsatisfactory answer, such as teasing if they
make mistakes when talking (Heriansyah, 2012).
E. Elements of Speaking
To full fill its needs every skills has component. Speaking also has some
components to be known by the teacher and students in teaching and learning
speaking. According to (Maximillian, 2014) there are three components in
1. The speakers
Speakers are a people who produce the sound. They are useful as
the tool to express opinion or feelings to the hearer. So if there are
no speakers, the opinion or the feelings or the feeling won’t be
2. The listeners
Listeners are people who receive or get the speaker’s opinion and
feeling. If there are no listeners, speakers will express their
opinion by writing.
3. The utterances
The utterances are words or sentences, which are produced by the
speakers to state the opinion. If there are no utterances, both of the
speakers and the listeners will use sign.
In speaking several components that language should be concerned by a
speaker. It is very important because this way to assess speaking score. In
point of view Harmer is learners need to talk English fluently, they have to
properly pronounce phonemes, use spare stress and intonation, and speak in
connected speech (Harmer, 2007). It means each student has to strive for some
speaking aspects that need to be accomplished such as pronunciation,
grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. These parts will get
assessing of scholars’ speaking skills.
a. Pronunciation
In language learning activities, mastering pronunciation skills, for EFL
students is one of the most common and challenging aspects of teaching
and learning speaking. It happened because each of the learners has
different backgrounds. Moreover, the things that make pronunciation more
problematic are the teachers mostly focused on the students’ vocabularies
development and grammatical structures. Even though, teachers know that
the key to learning and teaching pronunciation to the students is to
differentiate the features of the sound and focus on helping the learners
understand and overcome the difficulties of pronouncing each of the words
accurately and systematically. Pronunciation has an important part in
conveying meaning because it is used to gain the idea through the sound
used in communication (M & Burns, 2012). Therefore the researcher
concludes that the pronunciation learning activities will help the learners
quickly understand the spoken ideas, thus the communication will go
smoothly and also students will get understand and know to reply.
b. Grammar
Grammar knowledge is significant for students in order for them to be
able to process and produce correct language usage. However, some do not
mind their grammar in their communication as long as the intended idea
can be conveyed. Even though of grammar knowledge is vital for learning
c. Vocabulary
Vocabulary is a set of frequently used words by a large number of
people and has linguistic meaning and also critical when it comes to
F. Teaching Speaking
Teaching speaking is very necessary to be given to the students earlier. It
is capable give the effect of students’ communication skill, where the
teaching of lecturer and teacher can use in the classroom. (Nunan, 2003) says,
that teaching speaking involved providing students with the components of the
language in hopes that they would eventually put them all together and speak.
In learning process, speaking’s learners as one of the important part in the
schools. When the students want to speak fluently English, they should know
how to speak by using English grammatical rule correctly and know how to
speak in order to get skill of language itself. Speaking skills is recognized as a
basic skill in mastering a foreign language, the students can study a foreign
language, they are must know how to speak in order to get the skill of
language. The goal of capability in speaking makes the students are more
confident to speak English correctly, in order to share the concept with other
people requires attention to piece details of the language. The students and the
teacher should have good contribution to get the ability in speaking. From the
explanation’ expert above, the researcher assumed that teaching speaking as a
foreign language especially English, the teacher must be able to achieve their
objectives teaching speaking in learning speaking. And the teacher must give
examination to measure their knowledge and what the students understand or
not and also as the teacher should make the students more confident to speak
and practice their language. In this case, the teacher and students should have
good cooperative to get speaking well.
what this new language can actually be used for here and now. They are less
to willing to put up with language that doesn’t hold immediate that is neither
authentic nor meaningful. Some learners are not particularly concerned about
their speaking, while others are. The extent to which learners’ intrinsic
motivation propels them toward improvement will be perhaps the strongest
influence of all six of the factors in this list. According to (Brown, 2001) says
that motivation and concern are high and then the necessary effort will be
expended in pursuit of goals. It means that the motivation of learning speaking
is very important to achieve goal.
The effectiveness of teaching speaking does not only come from internal
aspects of the students but also influenced by external factors. The teacher
should know the complete understanding of problem in teaching speaking.
The factor is an institutional context that puts English as second or foreign
language in a nation. The context in which the language is learnt is still
considerable relevance to the kind of English that a nation will want and need
to study, and the skills they will need to acquire. Language teaching in what
might broadly categorize as an EFL context is clearly a greater challenge for
students and teachers. Often, intrinsic motivation is a big issue, since students
may have difficulty in seeing the relevance of learning English (Brown, 2001).
Their immediate use of language may seen far from removed from their own
circumstances, and classroom hours may be the only part of the day when they
are exposed to English. Besides, the facilities of learning activities the teacher
competences may influence the success of teaching speaking.
Teacher should know what kind of activity to use at first or to do after that,
therefore this role includes different aspects of teaching context.
J. Definition of Fishbowl
Fishbowl technique is one of collaboration teaching technique. It is an
active activity, where the student’s will be guided to make a circle which
content of inner and outer group. Thoose types of group discussion that can be
utilized where there are separated into two groups inner and outer.
Every group has an opportunity to discuss the subject and the other groups
observe and listen and take notes. In the other hand the students need some
support to change their thought and place the English language as important to
practice; therefore it is still relatively easy for students to express their ideas
orally in English. One of the ways to change their thought it as it mentions
before, the teacher recommended to use another technique for example
fishbowl technique.
One group watches and another group in this action, the first group
divided into two groups, one of which forms a circle and discusses a topic.
The inner group is surrounded by the second group divide which forms a
circle. All students can imagine their ideas to give arguments and opinion
based on the teacher’s topic.
According to Brozo which cited by Yabarmase stated that the fishbowl
technique is a learning technique that can help students conduct oral debates in
small groups in classroom. Each group chooses a group member and prepares
ideas (Yabarmase, 2013). Meanwhile, according to Silberman which Mulki
stated that the fishbowl technique can emphasize active, cautious, agile,
encourages, responsive in learning and improved acknowledgment in their
learning (Rahma, 2015).
Wulandari stated that, the fishbowl technique could be an efficacious
teaching method such as a grouping process that can impact students’
speaking skill in classroom activity (Wulandari, 2015). It means that the
fishbowl technique is very useful for teaching learning process.
Teaching Speaking
N. Frame of Thinking
From the previous theory and explanation above, the researcher assumes
that speaking is part of essential the way to communicate to other person. It
means that use to share their thought, ideas, information and feelings and also
speaking is person’s ability how to use language to convey meaning or
message and to gain information in our daily communication. In teaching and
learning process especially in speaking skill, the teacher should be pay great
attention to teaching speaking effectively. Based on the crucial role of teacher
that expected to providing a high quality of encouraging to the student’
motivation by use teacher’s energy, knowledge, motivation and includes
others role of teachers. The teacher should make the students feel comfortably
afford the lesson. In the other hand, teacher should know the condition and
atmosphere in classroom. Therefore teacher should know about teaching
O. The Hypothesis
Based on the theories and explanation above, the researcher made the
hypothesis as follows:
1. There is a significant influence of Fishbowl strategy towards students’
in speaking ability.
2. The average score of students speaking ability is taught through
Fishbowl technique is higher than which is taught through
conventional technique.
2. Sample of Research
According to (Bacon, 2015:34), sample is the respondents selected
from population for study. In this research, the researcher took two
classes as the sample of the research. The first is used as an
experimental class in which the researcher applied fishbowl in teaching
speaking and the second is control class in which the researcher used
conventional technique in teaching speaking.
3. Sampling Technique
There are four types of probability sampling namely: simple
random sampling, systematic sampling, stratified sampling, and cluster
sampling. In this research the researcher used random sampling as a
technique to take the research sample. (Margono, 2004: 126) states that
simple random technique is a subset has an equal probability of being
chosen. A random sampling us meant to be an unbiased representation
of a group. Meanwhile (McMilan, 2001:173) states that in random
minutes time. They are then inquired to describe the picture in a given
time. The number of word each student speaks is counted by one examiner
in the room in scoring the speaking test. During the test, the researcher
recorded students’ speaking ability. The researcher inputted the students’
oral presentation score based on the students’ performance and based on
the researcher’s rubric. David P. Harris states that in order to measure the
level of progress of students, the researchers used five oral proficiency
standards derived from the scoring scale (Harris, 1996).
Table 2
Oral Presentation Assessment Criteria
No Criteria Description
1 Pronunciation 5 Has few traces of foreign language.
4 Through there is a distinct accent, it is still
3 The need for pronunciation problems is focused
on listening and occasionally causes
2 Because pronunciation problems are difficult to
understand, most often asked to repeat.
1 Speech is practically unintelligible due to a
pronunciation problem.
2 Grammar 5 Making few (if any) grammatical and word-
order mistakes.
4 Makes grammatical and/or word order mistakes
from time to time that do not obscure context.
3 Make regular grammatical and word-order
mistakes, which can also confuse context.
2 Incorrect grammar and word order make
comprehension difficult, and sentences must be
rewritten frequently.
Content Validity
Content validity is a test actually samples the objects matter about which
conclusion are to able draw, and if it requires the test-taker o perform the
behavior that is being measure (Brown, 2004: 22). This research used a
speaking test that will be supposed to be comprehended by the first year of
vocational high school students. The test was being considered as valid in
content validity since the test of speaking, an instrument must be valid as the
test. It means that the test was designed based on the current curriculum.
In this research the researcher will apply the material about identifying in
the text of oral and written explanations by giving and asking for information
related to natural or social symptoms.
Construct Validity
Construct validity is the degree to which the research adequately captures
the construct of interest (Mackey and Gass, 2005: 352). In this research, the
researcher measured the students’ ability in Fishbowl by using speaking tests.
In those tests, the students are asked to create some theme for them discussion.
The scoring criterion is also based on speaking theory.
Oi = Observed Frequency
Ei = Expected Frequency
3) Length of Interval Class (P) =
R = Span
K = Total number of Interval
Okar, N., & Shahidy, S. H. (2019). Using pictures of movie conversations with
input enhancement in subtitles for developing speaking of Iranian EFL
intermediate learners. International Journal of English Language and
Translation Studies, 07(03), Accesed on January 19th, 2022 at 10 Pm.
The result of SPSS output for posttest experimental and control class were
as follows:
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Based on the result of normality test, it can be seen that Pvalue (Sig.) for
pre-test experimental class was 0.073, post-test experimental class was 0.102, pre-
test control class was 0.181 and Pvalue (Sig.) for post-test control class was 0.003.
Because Sig. (Pvalue) of pre-test and post-test experimental and control class > α
0.05. So, Ho is accepted. It concludes that the data in the experimental and control
class had normal distribution.
that Ho was accepted because Sig. (Pvalue) > α = 0.05. It means that Ho was
accepted and the variance of the data in experimental class and control class are
Based on the results obtained in the Paired Sample t-test, that the value of
significant generated Sig (2-tailed) = 0.023 < α = 0.05. So, Ha was accepted and
Ho was rejected. Based on the computation, it can be concluded that there was
Based on the results obtained in the Paired Sample t-test, that the value of
significant generated Sig (2-tailed) = 0.000 < α = 0.05. Therefore, Ha was
accepted and Ho was rejected.
Based on the results obtained in the Paired Sample t-test, that the value of
significant generated Sig (2-tailed) = 0.000 < α = 0.05. So, Ha was accepted and
Ho was rejected.
Average Score
Experimental Class Control Class Experimental Class Control Class
Pre-test Post-test Pre-test Post-test
46.67 64.53 53.73 69.60
The result showed that the average score of students’ speaking ability who
learn through Fishbowl strategy higher than who learn through Conventional
Strategy at eleventh grade of SMK Negeri 8 Bandar Lampung in 2022/2023.
The average score in experimental class higher than control class. It was
obtained after teaching by using Fishbowl strategy. The result of posttest in
experimental class was 69.60 while in control class after teaching by using
conventional strategy obtained 64.53 (69.60 > 64.53).
B. Discussion
1. Equality Test (Influence)
Based on the data analysis by using t-test and testing of hypothesis. The
researcher got the result that Ha was accepted. It showed that the independent
sample t-test, that the value of significant generated Sig (2-tailed) = 0.023 < α
= 0.05. It means that there was an influence of Fishbowl strategy towards
students’ speaking ability.
Speaking is much more complex than this and it involves both a command
of certain skills and several different types of knowledge. It means that the
important things to accomplish objective of communication as being taught
through grammar and vocabulary is to produce high quality understanding of
communication in which each of the communicating agents understands each
other and be understood by others.
The use of Fishbowl strategy was effective for teaching speaking. It
supported by (Yabarmase, 2013) stated that the fishbowl technique is a
learning technique that can help students conduct oral debates in small groups
in classroom. It means that the fishbowl technique is very useful for teaching
learning process, especially teaching learning speaking.
discussion that can be utilized where there are separated into two groups inner
and outer.
In control class, the researcher conducted the research by using
Conventional Strategy. It was an old strategy that usually applied by the
teacher at the school. The researcher wanted to compare between the strategy
that she brought and the strategy that usually taught by the teacher. The result
in control class showed that students’ speaking ability was lower than
experimental class.
The successful of Fishbowl strategy is in line with a theory stated by
(Wulandari, 2015) that the fishbowl technique could be an efficacious
teaching method such as a grouping process that can impact students’
speaking skill in classroom activity.
In the end of dicussion, the researcher would say that the use of Fishbowl
strategy could be effective for teaching learning speaking because it enables
students to be brave enough to start speaking and training their mind to be able
in doing debate. It is good for the students to practice their speaking because
English is international language and speaking might enable them to
communicate with whoever they want.
A. Conclusion
The result can be seen from sig. (2-tailed) of the equal variance assumed in
the independent sample test table where the sig. (2-tailed) was 0.023. It was
lower than α = 0.05 and it means that Ha was accepted. Then, the mean score
of post-tests in experimental class higher than control class (69.60 > 64.53).
Therefore, the conclusions were as follows:
1. There was significant influence of using Fishbowl strategy towards
students’ speaking ability at the eleventh grade of SMK Negeri 8 Bandar
Lampung in 2022/2023.
2. The average score of students’ speaking ability who learn through Fishbowl
strategy was higher than who learn through Conventional Strategy.
B. Recommendation
Based on the result of the research, the researcher would like to give some
suggestions, as follow
1. For the Teacher
a) The teacher is suggested to use media in teaching speaking, so that the
classroom would be interested. For example, teaching speaking by
using audio.
b) The teacher is suggested to be able to make the students want to
practice speaking, because speaking is very important in this modern
2. For the Students
a) The students should not be lazy to practice speaking in daily life. They
could find partner for practicing speaking.
b) The students should clarify to the teacher if there is a confusedness
during the lesson, so that the material would be clearer.
Appendix 12
Pre Test Experimental Class
N Valid 30
Missing 0
Mean 46.67
Std. Error of Mean 1.465
Median 48.00
Mode 40a
Std. Deviation 8.023
Variance 64.368
Range 36
Minimum 32
Maximum 68
Sum 1400
a. Multiple modes exist. The
smallest value is shown
Appendix 13
Pre Test Control Class
N Valid 30
Missing 0
Mean 53.73
Std. Error of Mean 1.457
Median 52.00
Mode 52
Std. Deviation 7.978
Variance 63.651
Range 32
Minimum 40
Maximum 72
Sum 1612
Appendix 14
Post Test Experimental Class
N Valid 30
Missing 0
Mean 69.60
Std. Error of Mean 1.517
Median 70.00
Mode 72
Std. Deviation 8.311
Variance 69.076
Range 40
Minimum 48
Maximum 88
Sum 2088
Appendix 15
Post Test Control
N Valid 30
Missing 0
Mean 64.53
Std. Error of Mean 1.896
Median 64.00
Mode 52
Std. Deviation 10.385
Variance 107.844
Range 28
Minimum 52
Maximum 80
Sum 1936
Appendix 16
Normality Test
Class Statistic Error
Students' Pre Test Experimental Mean 46.67 1.465
Score Class 95% Confidence Lower 43.67
Interval for Mean Bound
Upper 49.66
5% Trimmed Mean 46.37
Median 48.00
Variance 64.368
Std. Deviation 8.023
Minimum 32
Maximum 68
Range 36
Interquartile Range 12
Skewness .493 .427
Kurtosis .294 .833
Post Test Mean 69.60 1.517
Experimental Class 95% Confidence Lower 66.50
Interval for Mean Bound
Upper 72.70
5% Trimmed Mean 69.56
Median 70.00
Variance 69.076
Std. Deviation 8.311
Minimum 48
Maximum 88
Range 40
Interquartile Range 9
Skewness -.009 .427
Kurtosis 1.197 .833
Pre Test Control Class Mean 53.73 1.457
95% Confidence Lower 50.75
Interval for Mean Bound
Upper 56.71
5% Trimmed Mean 53.56
Median 52.00
Variance 63.651
Std. Deviation 7.978
Minimum 40
Maximum 72
Range 32
Interquartile Range 12
Skewness .273 .427
Kurtosis .063 .833
Post Test Control Mean 64.53 1.896
Class 95% Confidence Lower 60.66
Interval for Mean Bound
Upper 68.41
5% Trimmed Mean 64.37
Median 64.00
Variance 107.844
Std. Deviation 10.385
Minimum 52
Maximum 80
Range 28
Interquartile Range 21
Skewness .261 .427
Kurtosis -1.387 .833
Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Students' Score
Stem-and-Leaf Plots
1.00 3 . 2
2.00 3 . 66
9.00 4 . 000000000
9.00 4 . 888888888
4.00 5 . 2222
3.00 5 . 666
1.00 6 . 0
1.00 6 . 8
Stem width: 10
Each leaf: 1 case(s)
7.00 6 . 0000044
7.00 6 . 8888888
8.00 7 . 22222222
4.00 7 . 6666
1.00 8 . 0
2.00 Extremes (>=88)
Stem width: 10
Each leaf: 1 case(s)
7.00 5 . 2222222
3.00 5 . 666
8.00 6 . 00004444
2.00 6 . 88
2.00 7 . 22
3.00 7 . 666
5.00 8 . 00000
Stem width: 10
Each leaf: 1 case(s)
Appendix 17
Homogeneity Test
Students' Score
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 9668.667 3 3222.889 42.276 .000
Within Groups 8843.200 116 76.234
Total 18511.867 119
Appendix 18
Appendix 19
Paired Sample t-test Experimental Class
Appendix 20
Paired Sample T-test Control Class
Research Documentation