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SafeLife - User - Handbook (Mobile)

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Product Guide:


Mobile Application

- Report Incidents
- Conduct Inspections

Version 2.0

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use
Introduction .............................................................................................. 2
Downloading the Mobile Application .................................................................... 3
Logging In ................................................................................................. 4
General Navigation ....................................................................................... 5
Incident Reporting & Inspection Management .......................................................... 7
Report Contractor Incident ............................................................................... 8
Report (Contractor) Near-Miss .......................................................................... 20
Report (Contractor) Safety Observation ................................................................ 24
Report Self-Injury (for Saudi Aramco Employees only) ................................................. 28
Search Server (Cloud)-saved Incidents .................................................................. 31
Conduct (Scheduled) Safety Inspection ................................................................. 35
Create (Ad-Hoc) Safety Inspection ...................................................................... 40
Search Server (Cloud)-saved Safety Inspections ........................................................ 46
Search and View Contractor Safety Trainings ........................................................... 49
Getting Help on Using the App .......................................................................... 51
Appendix A - Instructions for Proponent ISAs ........................................................... 55
Acquiring the CIRS Extranet Application Role ........................................................ 55
Assigning the CIRS Extranet Application Role ........................................................ 56

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

SafeLife Mobile Application empowers users (Aramco employees & Aramco Contractors) to report
safety observations, near-misses and incidents. In addition, the mobile application allows users to
create, conduct and search for safety inspections and to review contractor employee’s safety trainings
while out in the field. This mobile solution provides an alternative to the web-based SafeLife solution,
and has both on and off-line capabilities. This mobile application runs on mobile devices running iOS
and Android.

This Product Guide* will provide the general guidelines to navigate the application. It will not provide
a complete step-by-step to all functions within the application. Kindly see the section on “Getting
Help” to contact the development team. In addition, there will be differences between the images
found within this document and your actual mobile application due to different device types and
continuous updates of features and/or security fixes.

All data represented are used primarily for illustration purposes, and may not represent the true
‘productive’ status / situation of the solution

* All SafeLife user guides and documentation are subjected to change without prior notice. This will
include images, logics, access & authorization and process flows

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Downloading the Mobile Application
This application is available for all Extranet-registered Saudi Aramco Contractors as well as Saudi
Aramco employees, and is available for both Android and iOS mobile devices. The solution can be
downloaded from the following URL: https://css.sapublichosting.com/SafeLife or by scanning the
following QR Code.

The URL will also contain links to the following documentation:

• Frequently Asked Questions

• This Product Guide

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Logging In
To be able to use SafeLife, a user will require the following:

• A Saudi Aramco-issued user ID*

• A registered mobile number (to receive your initial password and One-Time Passwords (OTPs)
via SMS messaging)

UserID and One-Time Password

Password received via SMS

* For contractors, kindly contact your sponsoring Saudi Aramco organization to register for a Saudi
Aramco ID. In addition, contractors will also require the necessary authorization to access EHSM data
and functions. Sponsoring organization can either contact Saudi Aramco’s Loss Prevention
Department (LPD) or the following site for further information on role assignment:

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

General Navigation
SafeLife Mobile Application was developed based on a set of pre-defined application guidelines. These
navigation options will appear throughout the mobile application.

Items in ‘lists’ can be deleted

by swiping left, and clicking on
Entry is found “DELETE”. Examples of lists
only on your include:
local device.
Swipe • Incident Worklist
• Attachments
• Tools
• Injured Persons
• Chemicals
• Crane/Heavy Equipment
• Motor Vehicles
• Witnesses

Entry remains modifiable

Entry has been

Main navigation is
saved on server
performed via the ‘Main
and a copy
Navigation Links’ at the
exist on your
bottom of your screen
local device.

CAUTION: In the event that you see this (sync) symbol, it means that the entry on your local
device is out-of-sync with the server copy. When you click on this icon, a pop-up will appear with
the information about the server entry’s date and time stamp, last person who updated the record
and on which device. Synchronization is always perform 1-way; from the back-end server onto the
local copy on your mobile device.

Synchronization issues will always exist when users use both mobile and desktop (backend)
solutions, and situations where multiple inspectors are assigned to a single inspection involving
sites with little or no internet connectivity.

To update the backend server with the version on your mobile device, kindly ensure that you:
• Click on the incident or inspection to make a change
• Perform a save or submit within the incident or inspection

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Main Process is
“Next” indicates that
listed within the
additional sub-
functions need to be
Sub-function will
appear below the
header “Done” indicates that
you can create
Attributes can multiple entries of
be pre-defined the sub-function.
or free-text. In Likewise, an “ ”
this example, means you can add
Injury or Illness multiple entries
and ID Type are
while ID# is Pre-defined values
free-text exist. Click to display
the list.

Asterisk (‘*’)
indicates a
mandatory entry

“Submit” will save the

entry on server, and
Within incident trigger the approval
management, the workflow
“Save” option wll
provide users
with the ability
of either
“Saving and
Submitting”, or
just save without
If internet connectivity
does not exist, the mobile
application will always
save a local copy on the
mobile device.

Always remember to
make a change to the
incident or inspection,
and save it again when
your device is internet

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Incident Reporting & Inspection Management
Reporting Safety Observations, Near-misses, Contractor Incidents and Personal Injury/Illness
is just one-click away. Depending on your business role set up on Saudi Aramco’s EHSM (SAP)
system, you will have the following options based on the table below. In addition, authorized
users are also able to create and conduct Safety Inspections via the Mobile Application.

Safety Observation Near-miss Create (Ad-

Personal Contractor Conduct
Role Hoc)
Injury Incident Inspection*
Self Contractor Self Contractor Inspection*

Saudi Aramco
Yes - Yes - Yes - - if assigned

Chief Position Holders Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - if assigned

Safety Coordinators /
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
HSE Specialty Group

Saudi Aramco
- Yes - Yes - Yes - if assigned

Loss Prevention
Yes - Yes - Yes - Yes if assigned

Note: Table above may change without prior notice.

Options available
based on assigned

Tap on an option
to begin reporting

Options available
based on assigned
role(s) and

Home Screen

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Report Contractor Incident
The following is a step-by-step to report a contractor incident. Not all options (screens) will be shown.

Step 1: Selection of the situation (consequence types)

Swipe right to select

the applicable

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Step 2: Enter Basic Information

Enter a short
Swipe right to begin
description and Enter the Location,
entering Tools
narrative of what Date and Time

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Step 2: Enter Basic Information (continue)

Complete the Click ‘Add’ to save the Complete the User Click on
‘Tools’ entry. Multiple Tools Group (Organization) ‘Next’ to
involved can be added if Section. The level of proceed
section required reporting will differ
based on your
organization (e.g.
DWO, PMT etc.)

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Step 3: Enter Injury Details

Enter the Click on ‘ ’ to

Enter how the
information of select the part
person was
person who of the body
was injured injured

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Step 3: Enter Injury Details (continue)

Select the
Select ‘OK’ to
injured area / Select the
complete your
section of the specific area(s)

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Step 3: Enter Injury Details (continue)

Selected part Injured person and

Select ‘Done’ details of injury has Click on
of the body
when selection been created. Click ‘Next’ to
will be
is completed proceed
highlighted ‘ ’ if more than
one person is

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Step 4: Enter Dropped Object Details

Select the Rig Zone and Rig Impact if the

Enter details Click on
incident happened at a Rig. Fall Energy is
about the ‘Next’ to
calculated automatically upon entering
dropped object proceed
the dropped object details

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Step 5: Enter Witness Information

Enter details Select ‘Done’ Witness has been

Click on
about the when selection created. Click ‘ ’ if ‘Next’ to
witness to the entry is there are more than proceed
incident completed one witness

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Step 6: Add Attachment

Select ‘Upload’ Select if you wish to attach a

to create an picture (taken with your camera)
attachment or from a document/image
already in your mobile device

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Step 6: Add Attachment (continue)

The Click on Swipe left to delete (if

Click on
Attachment ‘Upload’ to picture is to be retaken
‘Next’ to
entry is add another or a new file is to be
created photo / file selected)

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Step 7: Verify the situation information and save the contractor incident

Verify the situation ‘Submit’ will save to the Entry created

information to be server* and trigger an successfully on
reported. approval workflow. No your mobile
‘Save’ will offer
local copy will be device. Click on
you 3 options:
WARNING!! created. ‘OK’ to
Save and
Please be aware continue
Submit, Save
and Close and that switching ‘off’ Click on ‘Save Draft’ to
Cancel Saving a previously save a local copy on your
selected option will mobile device for
ERASE all previously additional updates
entered information

* If internet connectivity exist, the mobile application automatically saves a copy to the backend
server (EHSM). If connectivity does not exist, only a local copy will be saved. Users will have the
option to synchronize both versions once connectivity becomes available.

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Step 8: Verify entry on the Incident (Local) Worklist

Local entry
created for the

that the entry is
modifiable and no
approval workflow
has been

that the entry is
only available on
the local device
and has not been
saved to the

CAUTION: In the event that you see this (sync) symbol, it means that the entry on your local
device is out-of-sync with the server copy. When you click on this icon, a pop-up will appear
with the information about the server entry’s date and time stamp, last person who updated
the record and on which device. Synchronization is always perform 1-way; from the back-
end server onto the local copy on your mobile device.

If the copy on your mobile device is the latest, kindly ensure that you change the incident
and perform a save within the incident.

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Report (Contractor) Near-Miss
The following is a step-by-step to report a contractor near-miss. Not all options (screens) will be shown.
Kindly refer to the section ‘Report Contractor Incident’ for a more detailed step-by-step as several of
the process below are similar. The number of screen fields for entry for Saudi Aramco Employee Near-
miss is also different (reduced).

Step 1: Initiate Contractor Near-miss and complete Basic Information

Select ‘Near Miss’. If Enter a short

authorized, you will have description and Enter a potential loss
the option of reporting narrative of what value and description
either for yourself or for a happened
contractor employee

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Step 1: Complete Basic Information (continue)

Complete the User Group

Enter the Location, Enter any tools (Organization) Section.
Date and Time involved (if applicable) The level of reporting will
differ based on your
sponsoring organization
(e.g. DWO, PMT etc.). Self
(Employee) reporting will
only require the
Organization Code (which
will be defaulted)

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Step 2: Add Attachment and Save Draft (Local Save)

Entry created
Select ‘Upload’
successfully on
to create an
your mobile
device. Click on
‘OK’ to

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Step 3: Verify entry on the Incident (Local) Worklist

Local entry
created for the

that the entry is
modifiable and no
approval workflow
has been

that the entry is
only available on
the local device
and has not been
saved to the

CAUTION: In the event that you see this (sync) symbol, it means that the entry on your local
device is out-of-sync with the server copy. When you click on this icon, a pop-up will appear
with the information about the server entry’s date and time stamp, last person who updated
the record and on which device. Synchronization is always perform 1-way; from the back-
end server onto the local copy on your mobile device.

If the copy on your mobile device is the latest, kindly ensure that you change the incident
and perform a save within the incident.

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Report (Contractor) Safety Observation
The following is a step-by-step to report a contractor safety observation. Not all options (screens) will
be shown. Kindly refer to the section ‘Report Contractor Incident’ for a more detailed step-by-step as
several of the process below are similar. The number of screen fields for entry for Saudi Aramco
Employee Safety Observation is also different (reduced).

Step 1: Initiate Contractor Safety Observation and complete Basic Information

Select ‘Safety Observation’. Enter a short

If authorized, you will have description and Enter an observation
the option of reporting narrative of what category
either for yourself or for a happened
contractor employee

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Step 1: Complete Basic Information (continue)

Enter any Complete the User Group

Enter the
Enter the situation and tools (Organization) Section.
Location, Date
a short description involved (if The level of reporting will
and Time
applicable) differ based on your
sponsoring organization
(e.g. DWO, PMT etc.). Self
(Employee) reporting will
only require the
Organization Code (which
will be defaulted)

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Step 2: Add Attachment and Save Draft (Local Save)

Select ‘Upload’
Entry created
to create an
successfully on
your mobile
device. Click on
‘OK’ to

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Step 3: Verify entry on the Incident (Local) Worklist

Local entry
created for the

that the entry is
modifiable and no
approval workflow
has been

that the entry is
only available on
the local device
and has not been
saved to the

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Report Self-Injury (for Saudi Aramco Employees only)
The following is a step-by-step to report a personal injury. Not all options (screens) will be shown.
Kindly refer to the section ‘Report Contractor Incident’ for a more detailed step-by-step.

Step 1: Initiate Self Injury and complete Basic Information

Select ‘Personal Injury’. Enter a short

This option will only description and
appear for Saudi Aramco narrative of what
employees happened

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Step 2: Complete Basic Information (continue), Add Attachment and Save Draft (Local Save)

Enter the Verify (defaulted) Select ‘Upload’

Location, Date Employee’s to create an
and Time Organization Code attachment

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Step 3: Verify entry on the Incident (Local) Worklist

Local entry
created for the

that the entry is
modifiable and no
approval workflow
has been

that the entry is
only available on
the local device
and has not been
saved to the

CAUTION: In the event that you see this (sync) symbol, it means that the entry on your local
device is out-of-sync with the server copy. When you click on this icon, a pop-up will appear
with the information about the server entry’s date and time stamp, last person who updated
the record and on which device. Synchronization is always perform 1-way; from the back-
end server onto the local copy on your mobile device.

If the copy on your mobile device is the latest, kindly ensure that you change the incident
and perform a save within the incident.

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Search Server (Cloud)-saved Incidents
Situation may exist where a server-saved entry needs to be downloaded for additional processing (or
simply for record-keeping and display-only purpose). For example, a Contractor Incident was reported,
but the workflow approval has not been triggered due to insufficient information available at the time
of reporting (missing attachment). A safety engineer / coordinator can download the server-saved
copy onto his mobile to complete the entry and submit for workflow approval.

Step 1: Access the Search page

Search Click on

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Step 2: Enter search criteria and review search results

Enter the Search Search result

Criteria. will appear A search result may be
here ‘Ready for download’
It is important to ( ) or ‘Already
limit your search
either by ‘Type’ or downloaded’ ( )
‘Date’. Too wide a
search criteria may
result in long search
/ retrieval times

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Step 3: Download to your local device

Click on the Confirmation of

icon ( ) to download. Click
download the on ‘OK’ to
entry continue

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Step 4: Verify the download

Icon has been Go to your Entry now exists on

changed Incident your local device.
to ’Already (Local) Since the Status is
downloaded’ Worklist already ‘Closed’, the
entry is not modifiable
( )
(missing symbol)

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Conduct (Scheduled) Safety Inspection
The following is a step-by-step to conduct a Safety Inspection. There are two different ways to perform
a Safety Inspection:

• Option 1: Home >> Conduct Inspection >> Inspection Calendar

• Option 2: (when available on your local device) Inspection (Local) Worklist
The following will detail the steps required for conducting a Safety Inspection via Option 1. For Option2,
kindly navigate to the section on Search Server (Cloud)-saved Inspections

Step 1: Locate the Inspection on the Inspection Calendar

On your Home …click on Available Selecting the This symbol

Screen… “Conduct (Scheduled) date will return will show the
Inspection” inspections can the inspection availability of
be identified details. Click on the
by a “dot” “Launch” to Inspection on
below the date initiate the your mobile
Inspection device

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Step 2: Inspection Status, Checklist and Questions

Inspections can comprise of one (or more) checklists, with each checklist containing one or more
elements or questions. (If an element exist), each element will then contain multiple questions. Each
question can have different responses. The setup of checklists, elements, questions and responses is
the responsibility of the organization safety coordinator or Loss Prevention Department, performed
on the SafeLife Desktop (Web) solution via the Administration function.

Inspection Inspection Click on each Findings and Recommendations

summary, checklist(s) number circle to for each question will be shown
including and individual access each (if available). All negative
overall status completion question, and outcomes will require the user to
status answer them enter a finding.

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Step 3: (For negative outcomes) enter Findings and Recommendations

In the event of a negative outcome, the solution allows the capture of findings with the possibility of
attaching images and documents. Recommendations can also be entered as part of the findings.

In the event of a Saving (without

negative outcome, (Optional) Provide
submitting) will save the
enter the Findings, recommendations
Inspection on both your
and provide supporting local device and on the
documentation (or backend server (EHSM)

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Step 4: Synchronization of Inspection

In situations where:

• Inspection is to be performed by multiple parties

• Inspection is performed by the same user, but on multiple devices
…SafeLife Mobile application performs a check to synchronize the local copy on your mobile device
with the version available on the server backend (EHSM). It is recommended that users perform a
synchronization whenever it is required.

Local version is not in- Message will show who, when and on
sync with the version what device was the latest update
on the server backend performed. An “Update” will
(EHSM) syncrhonize the local copy on your
mobile device with the server version

* CAUTION: It is highly important to ensure that you check the date and time stamp of the latest
server version. Synchronization issues will always exist when multiple inspectors are assigned to a
single inspection involving sites with no internet connectivity.

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Step 5: Submission of Inspection

(With the exception of Safety Behaviour Observation Inspection, SBOI), inspections can only be
submitted when the overall status is at 100%

Click on Confirmation of
Ensure that
“Submit” successful submission
overall status
is at 100%

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Create (Ad-Hoc) Safety Inspection
The following is a step-by-step to create an (Ad-Hoc) Safety Inspection. Safety Inspections are normally
planned events that are created by Safety Coordinators or Loss Prevention Department, and created
as Inspection events close to the inspection date. However, there may be instances where safety
inspections need to be performed on an ad-hoc basis, such as unannounced inspections.

Creation of ad-hoc safety inspections will require 3 components:

• Inspection Details: Overall information regarding the safety inspection

• Select Checklist: Assigning safety checklists to the safety inspection
• Select Team: Assigning team members

Step 1: Locate the Inspection on the Inspection Calendar

On your Home …click on There are 3 steps in creating an

Screen… “Create ad-hoc inspection: Details,
Inspection” Checklists and Team Members

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Step 2: Maintain Safety Inspection Details

Within Inspection Details, select …and complete the remaining

the Inspection Type…. information.

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Step 3: Select and Assign Checklist(s)

Within Checklist,
Click here to view the Verify the
select one (or more)
elements/questions checklist(s)
checklist for the
within each checklist selected

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Step 4: Select and Assign Inspection Team Members

Click on ‘Search’, and if

You can search by
Within Teams, select the role of internet connectivity is
Network ID or
the team member…. available, a match will
Badge Number
appear for selection

NOTE: Although SafeLife v2.0 allows team members to be selected from any organization within Saudi
Aramco, the solution does not allow members outside of the proponent organization to update the
inspection. Kindly contact your Safety Coordinator or Loss Prevention Department for the latest
update on this function.

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Clicking on ‘Submit’ on the
Multiple members can be
main create inspection screen
selected for every safety
will trigger a creation on the
backend server.

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Step 6: Locating the Created (Ad-Hoc) Inspection

The newly created inspection …or on the Home screen by

can be found either on the clicking on the “Conduct
inspection (local) worklist…. Inspection” button

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Search Server (Cloud)-saved Safety Inspections
In the event that you are:

• Assigned to work on a safety Inspection, but is unable to the calendar-view

• Are a safety coordinator and would like to work on / view safety inspections on your mobile
You may perform a search for the Inspection and download it onto your mobile device for on-the-
move processing or off-line review.

Step 1: Access the Search page

Search Click on

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Step 2: Enter search criteria and review search results

Search result
Enter the Search A search result may be
will appear
Criteria. ‘Ready for download’
WARNING!! ( ) or ‘Already
It is important to
limit your search downloaded’ ( )
either by
‘Inspection Type’ or
‘Date’. Too wide a
search criteria may
result in long search
/ retrieval times

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Step 3: Download to your local device

Downloaded safety Local version is not Message will show who, when and on
inspections can be in-sync with the what device was the latest update
viewed on the version on the performed. An “Update” will
inspection (local) server backend syncrhonize the local copy on your
worklist (EHSM) mobile device with the server version

* CAUTION: It is highly important to ensure that you check the date and time stamp of the latest
server version. Synchronization issues will always exist when multiple inspectors are assigned to a
single inspection involving sites with no internet connectivity.

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Search and View Contractor Safety Trainings
This function allows Safety Coordinators and Inspectors the capability of viewing the Safety Training
competency levels of contractors out in the field. The solution will only display results if contracting
companies enters and continuously update the safety training of their employees on the SafeLife
Desktop (Web) version.

Step 1: Access the Search page

Search Click on

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Step 2: Enter search criteria and review search results

Enter the Search result Click here for a

Search will appear “Display Only”
Criteria. here view of a
employee’s safety
training record

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Getting Help on Using the App
SafeLife Mobile Application was designed to be highly intuitive, yet functional and interactive.
However, in the event that more information or help is required, we ensure that it should be no more
than one (or two) clicks away.

Step 1: Access the ‘More Information’ page

More Current More

Mobile Options

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Step 2: Informational

‘Dashboard’ will ‘About’ will

show information describe the
based on your purpose of the
role Mobile

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Step 3: Getting Help

For ‘Support’ on using

Click on ‘Submit’ to ‘Contact Us’ will
the Mobile
send the information allow you to call Saudi
Application, you may
via e-mail to Saudi Aramco’s IT Helpdesk.
fill up this form,
Aramco’s IT Helpdesk. You can either click
together with a brief
A copy of the e-mail on ‘Call’, or the
title, issue
will also be sent to telephone number
encountered and
your Saudi Aramco e- shown to call via your
(optional) an
mail account. mobile device

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Step 4: Mobile Application Update

It is important for the Mobile Application to remain updated with the latest enhancements, technical
and security fixes. The Mobile Application will automatically check for the latest version every time
you log in using your Saudi Aramco UserID, password and One-time Password. However, if you choose
to ‘dismiss’ the installation, you always have the option to go to ‘More’ > ‘Update’ to update the
version of your mobile application.

You will see this You will see this message if your mobile
message if your application requires an update. Click on
mobile application ‘Update’ to re-download the
is up-to-date application. The latest download will
overwrite the existing version. All local
data will remain unchanged.

It is important to not manually uninstall
a previous version, as you will lose all
local data saved on your device

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Appendix A - Instructions for Proponent ISAs
Note: The original document for this instruction can be found on the Loss Prevention
Department’s website:

Contractors require application role EHSM:CIRS_INITIATE_INCIDENT to access SafeLife via

the extranet portal. Proponent Information Security Analyst (ISA) must request this role on
behalf of their department and assign it to their authorized extranet users (Contractors).
ISAs only need to request the application role once. After the role has been acquired they
can assign it to multiple contractors as required. To ease transition, we have adopted the
old role for the Contractor Incident Reporting System (CIRS) to be used for SafeLife. From
this point on, SafeLife and CIRS may be used interchangeably.

Acquiring the CIRS Extranet Application Role

Proponent ISAs can request the application role as follows:
• Open PRH transaction ZBCNIG01_XNET_WF
• Click Application Roles Maint button

• Select ISA

• Select role EHSM:CIRS_INITIATE_INCIDENT, enter Justification, and click the

• Request Role button to submit the request.

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Assigning the CIRS Extranet Application Role
After acquiring the application role, Proponent ISAs can assign it to their authorized
extranet users as follows:
• Open PRH transaction ZBCNIG01_XNET_WF
• Enter the extranet Network ID* and User Type and click the Chg Usr button

• Switch to Application Roles tab and check role

• Enter a valid Expiry Date and Justification and click the Execute button.

* Note: Kindly abide by Saudi Aramco’s GI-299.220 (Remote Access to Saudi Aramco
Computer Systems and Networks) to ensure that Form SA-9696 is completed by Contractor
employee. UserID for Contractor employee can be assigned upon the completion of Form SA
8205-5 (Extranet User Access Request Form)

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

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