Story Structure

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Beoau•• of Wlnn-Dbde
Story Structure Compreheaslon:
Stor:y Structure

Read the story below.

A Bark hi the Night

As the sun began to set, Matt and Mama turned on the kitchen
his Mama sat reading books. Ernie, light. To their surprise, the door
their pug dog, was snoring on the opened and Daddy walked in.
couch. It was getting colder outside "Hi, honey! You're home early," ,
and the sky had turned gray. Mama said. Ernie's barking stopped
"Looks like we're in for quite instantly when he saw it was Daddy,
a stonnl" Mama said. The storm and everyone laughed with relief.
rolled in fast and strong. Rain started "See Ernie, there was nothing
pounding the windows as lightning to worry about!" said Matt. He was
and thunder crashed in the sky. secretly relieved it was just Daddy's
"Don't be afraid, Matt," Mama return that caused Ernie's barking.
said. Suddenly, Ernie jumped off the ,They all went back into the living '
couch, barking furiously as he ran room and sat in their chairs. Ernie
into the kitchen. Ernie rarely barked. cuded up' into his spot on the couch. 1,

Matt grabbed Mama's hand as they Soon he was sn~ring. By ,then, the
chased after Ernie. ,storm had settled into a drizzle, and
all was cairn again.

Complete the Story Map to show the Important elements In the story.
Characters Setting

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' 'I I I 'aecautse Winn-,Dhde

Story Structure I I
Story Structure
Read the story below. ' I

An Unlikely Friend
I was home sick from school the The girl stopped kicking the ball
day the Hohtles family moved in. It and beaded my way. I was scared.
was just before the school year ended, I didn't know what I'd say,
but I
and I was missing the school picnic! wanted m~ ball back. B efore I 90uld
I stared out the window, feeling say anything, she startetl talking.
sorry for myself. Then I saw a girl "Hi!" she said. "I'm Kate. Do
you like soccer? ·Want to,l'lay?"

come out of the new house on the , ' 1

block. She looked about my age, and I grabb~d the lbaiI. IThen I sa~

she was kicking a soccer ball. It was it wasn~t mine afte~ all It w~ older,
black with red pentagons-just like and "KATE" was on it in old ink:. 11
the ball I lost last week! ''Sure!" I said. "1I
,can't come out ' • I \ ' I ' I I

I ran to the door and yelled, today because I'm home lsick., But' ' I
' I

"Hey! What are you doing with that maybe tomorrow?"

ball?" "Great!"' said Kate. '+It'll be I

The girl waved. I was furious. good to have a friend on the block." I

"Where'd you get that ball?" I "Yeah," I said sheepishly. "Glad

demanded. to meet you, Kate."

Analyze Iha story lo answer Iha questions about story structure.

Use a Story Map lo organize your thoughts.
1. What is the narrator's conflict. or problem, at the

2. How does the narrator resolve her problem?

Deepen ComJIIMtAJIOII 2 Otldt 4, Unit 1: Rt1clliag Oul

0 Hoq,IQtl M Iiiion . . _ _ Pulllrltllng C,orrpan;, All IIQflll •• -

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