Story Structure
Story Structure
Story Structure
Beoau•• of Wlnn-Dbde
Story Structure Compreheaslon:
Stor:y Structure
Matt grabbed Mama's hand as they Soon he was sn~ring. By ,then, the
chased after Ernie. ,storm had settled into a drizzle, and
all was cairn again.
Complete the Story Map to show the Important elements In the story.
Characters Setting
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An Unlikely Friend
I was home sick from school the The girl stopped kicking the ball
day the Hohtles family moved in. It and beaded my way. I was scared.
was just before the school year ended, I didn't know what I'd say,
but I
and I was missing the school picnic! wanted m~ ball back. B efore I 90uld
I stared out the window, feeling say anything, she startetl talking.
sorry for myself. Then I saw a girl "Hi!" she said. "I'm Kate. Do
you like soccer? ·Want to,l'lay?"
block. She looked about my age, and I grabb~d the lbaiI. IThen I sa~
she was kicking a soccer ball. It was it wasn~t mine afte~ all It w~ older,
black with red pentagons-just like and "KATE" was on it in old ink:. 11
the ball I lost last week! ''Sure!" I said. "1I
,can't come out ' • I \ ' I ' I I
I ran to the door and yelled, today because I'm home lsick., But' ' I
' I
The girl waved. I was furious. good to have a friend on the block." I