Villarino 2015
Villarino 2015
Villarino 2015
Author manuscript
JAMA Pediatr. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2019 July 12.
Author Manuscript
Corresponding Author: Ruth N. Moro, MD, MPH, Division of Tuberculosis Elimination, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, Building 12, Mail Stop E-10, Atlanta, GA 30329 ([email protected]).
Author Contributions: Mr Scott and Dr Shang had full access to all the data in the study and take responsibility for the integrity of
the data and the accuracy of the data analysis.
Study concept and design: Villarino, Weis, Weiner, Nachman, Oliveira, Shang, Sterling.
Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: Villarino, Scott, Weiner, Conde, Jones, Moro, Shang, Goldberg, Sterling.
Drafting of the manuscript: Villarino, Scott, Weis, Weiner, Nachman, Goldberg, Sterling.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: Villarino, Weiner, Conde, Jones, Nachman, Oliveira, Moro,
Shang, Goldberg, Sterling.
Author Manuscript
Statistical analysis: Villarino, Scott, Shang. Administrative, technical, or material support: Villarino, Weiner, Nachman, Goldberg.
Study supervision: Villarino, Goldberg, Sterling.
Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Mr Scott and Dr Moro report being employed by the CDC Foundation, which receives funds for
rifapentine research from Sanofi. Dr Weiner reports receiving a grant to perform rifapentine pharmacokinetics studies in children and
adults for the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio from Sanofi. Dr Sterling reports giving a 1-day consultation
for Sanofi for presentation of PREVENT TB study data to the US Food and Drug Administration and being on the data safety
monitoring board for a clinical trial sponsored by Otsuka Pharmaceutical. No other disclosures were reported.
Disclaimer: The findings and conclusions in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position
of the CDC.
Group Information: A list of the International Maternal Pediatric and Adolescents AIDS Clinical Trials Group (IMPAACT) and the
Tuberculosis Trials Consortium (TBTC) members is included in eAppendix 1 in the Supplement.
Previous Presentation: Preliminary results of this study were presented at ID Week 2012, a Joint Meeting of the Infectious Diseases
Society of America, Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America, HIV Medicine Association, and Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Society; October 20, 2012; San Diego, California.
Villarino et al. Page 2
Timothy R. Sterling, MD
Department of Medicine, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, Tennessee
International Maternal Pediatric and Adolescents AIDS Clinical Trials Group (IMPAACT) and
the Tuberculosis Trials Consortium (TBTC)
IMPORTANCE—Three months of a once-weekly combination of rifapentine and isoniazid for
Author Manuscript
treatment of latent tuberculosis infection is safe and effective for persons 12 years or older.
Published data for children are limited.
supervision by a health care professional, for 3 months vs 270 daily doses of isoniazid, without
supervision by a health care professional, for 9 months.
RESULTS—Of 1058 children enrolled, 905 were eligible for evaluation of effectiveness. Of 471
Author Manuscript
in the combination-therapy group, 415 (88.1%) completed treatment vs 351 of 434 (80.9%) in the
isoniazid-only group (P = .003). The 95% CI for the difference in rates of discontinuation
attributed to an AE was −2.6 to 0.1, which was within the equivalence range. In the safety
population, 3 of 539 participants (0.6%) who took the combination drugs had a grade 3 AE vs 1 of
493 (0.2%) who received isoniazid only. Neither arm had any hepatotoxicity, grade 4 AEs, or
treatment-attributed death. None of the 471 in the combination-therapy group developed
tuberculosis vs 3 of 434 (cumulative rate, 0.74%) in the isoniazid-only group, for a difference of
−0.74% and an upper bound of the 95% CI of the difference of +0.32%, which met the
noninferiority criterion.
A substantial portion of the global burden of active and latent tuberculosis (TB) is found in
children.1–3 Treatment of latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection (LTBI) in children is
beneficial, both for the child and for public health, because it prevents development of TB
and limits future M tuberculosis transmission.4–7 The benefits of treatment of LTBI are
greater for children than for adults for several reasons: LTBI in children younger than 5
years is always recently acquired (ie, within 5 years), and recent infection has a higher
likelihood of progression to disease than infection acquired less recently; children have an
increased risk of developing severe TB with sequela (eg, meningitis and disseminated
disease); children have more years at risk for the development of TB than adults; and
Author Manuscript
Soon after effective treatment was established for active TB, studies began to determine
whether treatment of LTBI could prevent active TB, as well as in what settings and with
what duration. In the 1950s and 1960s, Lincoln and Vera Cruz8,9 and Ferebee et al10,11
established that isoniazid given daily for 12 months was effective in preventing TB in adults
and children with LTBI. Shorter LTBI treatment regimens are associated with improved
adherence and treatment completion in adults and children.12–14 Supervised (ie, directly
observed) LTBI therapy in children increased adherence by 57% in South Africa.15 In the
United States, some TB control departments use directly observed therapy for the
administration of LTBI treatment to persons at highest risk of developing TB, including
children, if sufficient resources are available.16,17 Recently, the PREVENT TB (Three
Months of Rifapentine and Isoniazid for Latent Tuberculosis Infection)18 clinical trial
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use of the new 3-month regimen for treatment of LTBI in adults and children at least 12
years of age.21
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The pharmacokinetics of rifapentine in children younger than 12 years were not known at
the start of the PREVENT TB study. When these data became available in 2005,22
enrollment criteria were modified to include children aged 2 to 11 years. We report here the
results among all children aged 2 to 17 years from this multicenter randomized clinical trial.
Population, Treatment, and Monitoring
Children and adolescents were enrolled from 29 study sites in the United States, Canada,
Brazil, Hong Kong (China), and Spain in 23 Tuberculosis Trials Consortium (TBTC) sites
and 6 International Maternal Pediatric and Adolescents AIDS Clinical Trials Group
Author Manuscript
(IMPAACT) sites. The study protocol was approved by institutional review boards at the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institutes of Health, and all study
sites. Children had informed consent signed by at least 1 parent and provided informed
assent in accordance with local human subjects protection regulations. Children were
eligible to participate in the trial if they met specific criteria indicating high risk for TB
according to age, tuberculin skin test (TST) results, and TB exposure history and did not
meet any study exclusion criteria (eAppendix 2 in the Supplement). Enrollment did not
require knowledge of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) serostatus or HIV testing. The
age criterion for inclusion of children in the PREVENT TB trial changed with protocol
amendments over time: from June 5, 2001, to November 22, 2005, enrollment included
children aged 12 years to younger than 18 years; from November 23, 2005, to February 15,
2008 (starting as soon as was feasible after pharmacokinetic data became available), children
Author Manuscript
aged 2 years to younger than 18 years; and from February 16, 2008 (end of parent trial
enrollment), to December 17, 2010, children aged 2 years to younger than 12 years
regardless of HIV serostatus and 12 years to younger than 18 years only if they were known
to be HIV seropositive (eFigure in the Supplement).
Children in the isoniazid-only group were prescribed 270 daily doses of isoniazid dispensed
in 30-day allotments. For this arm of the trial, isoniazid was either self-administered (ie, by
the patient or the parent, without supervision by a health care professional) or directly
observed, following the study site administration guidelines for children. If directly observed
therapy was used during isoniazid-only treatment, frequency remained daily. Children
enrolled in the combination-therapy group were prescribed a regimen of 12 weekly doses of
a combination of rifapentine and isoniazid (eTable in the Supplement23). All doses for
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rifapentine plus isoniazid were given by directly observed therapy. Directly observed therapy
was defined as treatment for which a study health care professional prepared and observed
ingestion of each dose. Completion of rifapentine plus isoniazid therapy was defined as
administration of 11 of no more than 12 weekly, directly observed therapy doses in 10 to 16
weeks. Completion of isoniazid only was defined as receipt of 240 of no more than 270
daily doses in 35 to 52 weeks. Receipt of isoniazid doses was assessed by interview with the
parent and child and verified by pill count at monthly clinic visits, which included
standardized symptom evaluations.
Clinician investigators reported adverse events (AEs) from enrollment through 60 days after
the last dose of study medications. Information regarding type, management, seriousness,24
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toxicity grade,25 and relatedness to the study medications (definite, probable, possible,
unlikely, or not related) was reported for each event. We categorized AEs as not attributed to
treatment when they had been determined to be unlikely or not related to the study drugs.
Serious AEs included death during therapy or within 60 days of the last dose, life-
threatening events, hospitalization, disability or permanent damage, and congenital anomaly.
Posttreatment follow-up began after the participant completed or discontinued treatment
with study medications. In each treatment arm, follow-up evaluations were conducted every
3 months until 21 months after enrollment, then every 6 months (months 27 and 33) until the
end of study follow-up (33 months after enrollment). Case finding was active, following
protocol guidelines, with follow-up evaluations conducted by telephone until the final visit,
which was in person and conducted at a clinic with specialized experience in the diagnosis
Author Manuscript
combination therapy for noninferiority compared with the isoniazid-only regimen for the
prevention of TB. We used 3 study populations for analysis: (1) intention to treat–which
included all children in the study–for the analysis of demographic characteristics and
evaluation of differences between arms; (2) safety population–which included all children
who took 1 or more doses of the study medication; and (3) modified intention to treat–which
included all children who were protocol eligible–for the analysis of treatment completion
and treatment effectiveness (Figure 1). Follow-up continued through September 5, 2013.
Tuberculosis end points were evaluated and confirmed by consensus of an independent 3-
person panel of experts who were masked to the study arm and the study site that reported
the TB end point.
We tested the hypothesis that there would be no difference in the rates of treatment
discontinuation attributed to AEs between the 2 treatment arms. We considered results with
5% or less difference between the rates of treatment discontinuation attributed to AEs to be
clinically equivalent. Assuming 15% loss to follow-up, 80% power, a type 1 error rate of
0.05, and 1% rate of discontinuation attributed to AEs in the standard treatment arm, the
sample size estimate for testing the main safety hypothesis was 322 children per arm. The
95% CI of the difference of the rates of discontinuation attributed to AEs was calculated and
then compared with the equivalence region (−5% to 5%). P values were calculated using the
Author Manuscript
Fisher exact test to determine whether the rates were significantly different.
For the PREVENT TB core trial population composed mostly of adults and some
adolescents, the primary objective was an evaluation for noninferiority of the treatment
effectiveness of the combination therapy with rifapentine and isoniazid.18 In this nested
study, treatment effectiveness testing was a secondary objective, and there was neither a
separate sample size calculation nor a different proposed noninferiority margin for testing
the effectiveness in children. Because of the small number of TB endpoints available for the
estimation of noninferior effectiveness in children, the Wilson Score Interval for rare
binomial events28,29 was used. This procedure allowed the construction of a highly
conservative (ie, wider) 95% CI for comparison against the noninferiority margin. If the
upper bound of the 95% CI was less than the noninferiority margin of 0.75%, then the
noninferiority of the experimental arm would be established. To evaluate the potential effects
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of age and sex imbalances between study arms on the noninferiority test statistic, we ran a
Monte Carlo sampling distribution simulation, weighted for age and sex, to eliminate
potential bias from imbalances in enrollment (eAppendix 4 in the Supplement).
We enrolled 1058 participants aged 2 to 17 years from June 11, 2001, through December 17,
2010. There were 552 in the combination-therapy group and 506 in the isoniazid-only group
(intention-to-treat population) (Table 1, Figure 1, and eFigure in the Supplement). Fifteen
children (3%) enrolled in the isoniazid-only group received at least some daily doses by
directly observed therapy. Of the 1058 children enrolled, 905 were eligible for the efficacy
analysis (modified intention-to-treat population) and 1032 received 1 or more dose of study
Author Manuscript
medication (safety population). The most common reason for exclusion after enrollment was
the finding of a negative TST result 8 to 12 weeks after a baseline negative TST result
among children 5 years or younger who had a history of contact with an infectious patient
with TB (91 of 153 [59%] children) (Figure 1). Of 1058 children enrolled, 989 (93%) were
enrolled as contacts and 69 (7%) were enrolled with TST conversion (eAppendix 2 in the
Supplement). Five (<1%) were infected with HIV. The differences by treatment arm in age
and sex were larger than expected: the median age for the combination-therapy group was 10
years (interquartile range, 4–15) vs 12 years for the isoniazid-only group (interquartile
range, 4–15); in the combination-therapy group, 54% were male vs 48% male in the
isoniazid-only group (Table 1). The median TST size of the 929 participants with a TST
reaction size of 5 mm or greater at enrollment was 15 mm (interquartile range, 12–20) and
there was no significant difference in TST reaction size by age category (Table 1).
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The overall treatment completion rates were 88.1% in the combination-therapy group and
80.9% in the isoniazid-only group (P = .003) (Table 2). The rates of treatment
discontinuation attributed to AEs were 1.7% in the combination-therapy group and 0.5% in
the isoniazid-only group (P = .11) (Table 2). The 95% CI for the difference in rates of
discontinuation attributed to an AE was −2.6 to 0.1, which is within the equivalence range of
−5% to 5% (Table 2). The AEs that led to treatment discontinuation in the combination-
therapy group included 3 influenza-like events, 3 cutaneous events (all with pruritic rash and
1 with oral blisters and fever), and 2 gastrointestinal tract events. The AEs that led to
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Four AEs attributed to treatment were scored as toxicity grade 3, including 3 of 539 (0.6%)
in the combination-therapy group (1 influenza-like event and 2 cutaneous events) and 1 of
493 (0.2%) in the isoniazid-only group (hepatomegaly and rash) (Table 3). No hepatic events
were attributed to treatment in either arm. One hepatic event was not attributed to treatment
in a 3-year-old with a new diagnosis of Kawasaki disease and elevated liver enzyme values.
No AEs were attributed to treatment among the 5 pediatric participants (aged 12–17 years)
who were known to be HIV infected. There were 2 deaths in adolescents, both in the
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isoniazid-only group. One was caused by cardiac arrhythmia on day 201 of study treatment,
and 1 was caused by a gunshot injury 657 days after completing treatment (Table 3).
by the age and sex imbalance between the 2 study arms (eAppendix 4 in the Supplement).
Our trial was an open-label study in which children in the combination-therapy group were
seen for treatment every week by a study health care professional, whereas participants in
the isoniazid-only group were seen monthly. The knowledge of treatment assignment and
increased frequency of contact with the study health care professional in the combination-
therapy group could have introduced ascertainment bias when determining events to be
attributed to study drugs. However, visits for clinical evaluation occurred at the same
frequency (ie, monthly) in both study arms. The sample size obtained for this study
population was larger than necessary for the 80% power needed to assess the main
hypothesis of the safety of the 2 regimens. Unfortunately, we were unable to enroll children
younger than 2 years, and only 5 children with HIV infection were enrolled, limiting
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Evaluation of the effectiveness of any regimen for LTBI is challenging because of the large
sample size required for analysis.3,30,31 Our article describes a large pediatric population
(approximately 1000 participants), including 539 children younger than 12 years and 296
children aged 2 to 4 years. Trial enrollment was expanded to the lower age ranges as soon as
was feasible after completion of targeted pharmacokinetic studies. Even with active case
finding, it is possible that some cases were missed. However, there is no evidence that
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We found that combination therapy with rifapentine and isoniazid was well tolerated and
safe in children aged 2 to 17 years who were treated for LTBI. The overall treatment
completion rate was higher for combination therapy than isoniazid only (88.1% vs 80.9%).
This outcome was consistent with findings in the main study18 as well as those of previous
articles,12,13 which indicated that a shorter treatment regimen and direct observation of
therapy correlate with higher completion rates. The rates of treatment discontinuation
attributed to abandonment or refusal of further treatment for reasons other than medical
indication were high, and were significantly higher among children who were treated with
isoniazid only; the rates of treatment discontinuation attributed to an AE were low and
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In general, children tolerate larger doses per kilogram of body weight and have fewer AEs
when treated with anti-TB medications.32 Drug exposure was 1.3-fold higher in children
compared with the exposures obtained with successful treatment for LTBI in adults in a
pharmacokinetic substudy.33 By nesting a case-control pharmacokinetic evaluation
comparing 81 children aged 2 to 11 years with 80 matched adults enrolled in the PREVENT
TB trial, we were able to verify that the weight-based dosage recommendations for LTBI
therapy with rifapentine (for 10–14 kg, 300 mg; 14.1–25 kg, 450 mg; 25.1–32 kg, 600 mg;
and 32.1–50 kg, 750 mg) achieved the minimum target area under the concentration curve
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from time zero to infinity in almost all children. After evaluating several approaches the
study protocol allowed for crushing the rifapentine tablets and producing a slurry by mixing
the crushed medication with some types of food.23 This method of medication
administration is not well standardized and adds complexity to treating children for LTBI.
There is, at present, no pediatric formulation for rifapentine; a water-dispersible tablet for
use in children is in development (Marilyn Maroni, MD, Sanofi, oral presentation, October
15, 2014).
Our study also demonstrated that, in children, directly observed, once-weekly therapy with
rifapentine plus isoniazid for 12 doses was as effective as isoniazid that was mostly self-
administered daily for 9 months. The clinical trial setting might have increased the effect of
isoniazid compared with its effect in an operational setting without the close monitoring and
motivation of a clinical trial. This difference between clinical trial and operational settings
might have less influence on a much shorter regimen, giving the short regimen an
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effectiveness advantage. Furthermore, the shorter regimen might encourage more treatment
starts because of the promise of a briefer time commitment. More treatment starts and
greater completion rates might together result in a standard regimen whereby rifapentine
plus isoniazid prevent more cases of TB than are prevented by isoniazid alone.
Latent TB infection and TB in children are sentinel events for recent M tuberculosis
transmission. Treating children with LTBI with a well-tolerated and safe regimen that is
more likely to be completed than previous treatment regimens provides an improved
opportunity to diminish the reservoir from which future TB cases and subsequent
transmission will arise, although this effect will be smaller in high-incidence settings.
Author Manuscript
Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.
Funding/Support: Sanofi provided the rifapentine for this study and has donated more than $2.5 million to the
CDC Foundation to supplement available US federal funding for rifapentine research.
Role of the Funder/Sponsor: Sanofi had no role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management,
analysis, and interpretation of the data; preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript; and decision to submit
the manuscript for publication.
Author Manuscript
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Figure 1. Flowchart of Study Participants (Children Aged 2–17 Years): CONSORT Criteria
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This flowchart shows the number of participants who were enrolled, received the assigned
treatment, and were analyzed for the safety and effectiveness outcomes. Combination drug
therapy indicates 3 months of directly observed once-weekly combination of rifapentine and
isoniazid; isoniazid therapy, 9 months of self-administered daily isoniazid; DST, drug
susceptibility testing; MITT, modified intention-to-treat; TB, tuberculosis; TST, tuberculin
skin test.
a Eligibility screening data for the randomized clinical trial were obtained from March 31,
2005, onward, with the implementation of an eligibility screening log. This log was
implemented in response to the publication of the CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of
Reporting Trials) reporting recommendations for randomized clinical trials, which were
vetted after the PREVENT TB trial started.
b Enrollment of participants was allowed before Mycobacterium tuberculosis culture and
Author Manuscript
enrollment of close contacts was allowed if children were younger than 5 years or human
immunodeficiency virus seropositive and enrolling clinicians had the option to discontinue
Figure 2. Difference in Tuberculosis Disease Rates Between the 2 Treatment Regimens Over
Time (MITT Population)
The figure shows how the noninferiority criterion was met when none of the 471 patients in
the combination-therapy arm developed tuberculosis vs 3 of 434 in the isoniazid-only arm
(cumulative rate, 0.74%), for a difference of −0.74% and an upper bound of the 97.5% CI of
the difference of +0.32%. Per-protocol population effectiveness analysis showed similar
results. The difference in cumulative TB disease rate is the rate in the combination-therapy
arm minus the rate in the isozanid-only arm. The noninferiority margin was 0.75% for all
analyses. Combination drug therapy indicates 3 months of directly observed, once-weekly
combination of rifapentine and isoniazid; isoniazid only, 9 months of self-administered daily
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diagnosed 72 days after the first dose, with 2 cultures positive for Mycobacterium
tuberculosis; (2) one 5-year-old male was clinically diagnosed 818 days after the first dose;
and (3) one 2-year-old male was clinically diagnosed 839 days after the first dose.
b One-sided 97.5% CI for the difference in cumulative TB disease rates (percentage) using a
Table 1.
Patients by Treatment Arm
Villarino et al.
Characteristic Isoniazid (n = 506) Rifapentine Plus Isoniazid (n = 552) Total (N = 1058) P Value
Indication for treatment of LTBI
North America
Patients by Treatment Arm
Characteristic Isoniazid (n = 506) Rifapentine Plus Isoniazid (n = 552) Total (N = 1058) P Value
12–17 y 14/431 (3.2) 13/453 (2.9) 27/884 (3.1)
Villarino et al.
Persons enrolled in a cluster 155 (30.6) 197 (35.7) 352 (33.3) .09
Patients by Treatment Arm
Characteristic Isoniazid (n = 506) Rifapentine Plus Isoniazid (n = 552) Total (N = 1058) P Value
2–4 y 14 (11–18) 15 (13–20) 15 (12–20)
Villarino et al.
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index (calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared); HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; IQR, interquartile range; LTBI, latent tuberculosis
infection; TST, tuberculin skin test.
Includes all children aged 2 to 17 years. Data are presented as number/total (percentage) unless otherwise specified.
P values are for Fisher exact test comparing proportions and the median scores for comparing continuous distributions. Although randomization was unrestricted, there was evidence in the parent study that
household-based clustering resulted in some imbalance between arms.
P value refers to the overall characteristic by regimen, not age group.
Race not reported in US categories. Three children were outside North America or Brazil: 2 in the 5 to 11 age group and 1 in the 12 to 17 age group.
Table 2.
Tolerability and Reasons for Discontinuation Among Children in the Modified Intention-to-Treat Population
Characteristic Isoniazid (n = 434) Rifapentine Plus Isoniazid (n = 471) P Value Difference (95% CI)
Treatment completion 351 (80.9) 415 (88.1) .003 −7.2 (−2.0 to −2.5)
Lost for ≥3 mo during treatment 26 (6.0) 5 (1.1) <.001 4.9 (2.5 to 7.4)
Physician decision to cancel other than AE 7 (1.6) 3 (0.6) .21 1.0 (−0.4 to 2.4)
Table 3.
Safety End Points Among Children Who Received at Least 1 Dose of Study Medication
Characteristic Isoniazid (n = 493) Rifapentine Plus Isoniazid (n = 539) P Value Difference (95% CI)
AEs attributed to treatment
Grade 4 0 0 NA NA
Grade 5, death 0 0 NA NA
Serious AEs 0 0 NA NA