IMO SN1 Circ289 Guidance On Use of AIS ASM
IMO SN1 Circ289 Guidance On Use of AIS ASM
IMO SN1 Circ289 Guidance On Use of AIS ASM
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7735 7611 Fax: +44 (0)20 7587 3210
1 The Maritime Safety Committee, at its seventy-eighth session (12 to 21 May 2004),
approved SN/Circ.236 on Guidance on the application of AIS binary messages as prepared by
the Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation at its forty-ninth session (30 June to 4 July 2003).
4 The Maritime Safety Committee, at its eighty-seventh session (12 to 21 May 2010),
concurred with the Sub-Committee's views and approved the Guidance on the use of
AIS Application Specific Messages, as set out at annex.
5 Member Governments are invited to bring the annexed Guidance to the attention of all
Annex, page 1
1.1 This document provides an overview of the purpose and scope of AIS
Application-Specific Messages, and provides guidance on their use. AIS Application-Specific
Messages described in this document are recommended for broad international use.
1.2 Table 1 provides a list of the AIS binary messages contained in SN/Circ.236 and the
revised/new AIS Application-Specific Messages contained in this Guidance.
Table 1
Summary of AIS Application-Specific Messages
recommended for international use
Annex, page 2
2 System requirements
2.1 AIS Application-Specific Messages are transmitted and received by shipborne mobile
AIS devices and AIS base stations. Shore-based stations can receive AIS Application-Specific
Messages and distribute them to shore-based users.
2.2 The display capability of AIS Application-Specific Messages is not part of the mandatory
functions of the Minimum Keyboard and Display (MKD). The display of the information
transmitted by AIS Application-Specific Messages requires external hardware and dedicated
software in addition to the AIS equipment.
2.3 The generation and transmission of AIS Application-Specific Messages also requires
dedicated software and suitable equipment for entering the information.
3.1 AIS was originally developed as a means for positive identification and tracking of ships.
This was accomplished by transmitting and receiving static, dynamic, and voyage-related data
about ships, as well as short safety-related messages. In addition, AIS was beneficial to the
safety of navigation and protection of the environment by monitoring the maritime traffic and by
providing various basic services. In particular, AIS may use binary messages for transmission of
Application-Specific Messages as a means for certain types of limited communications.
Annex, page 3
3.3 To avoid system overload, the number of AIS Application-Specific Messages and the
frequency of transmission should be limited. Therefore, AIS Application-Specific Messages
should be approved only if there is a compelling operational need for them. These messages
have to be distinguished from "Addressed Safety-related Messages" and "Broadcast
Safety-related Messages" both of which allow the exchange of format-free ASCII-text.
3.4 To obtain a high probability for reception, message transmissions should be made with
access method Fixed Access Time Division Multiple Access (FATDMA) in reserved time slots.
IALA Recommendation A124 Ed. 1.3 on AIS Shore Station and Networking Aspect relating to
the AIS Service recommends FATDMA allocations not exceeding three (3) consecutive slots.
As a general rule, messages occupying more than three (3) slots should be avoided, unless
there is a low load on the VDL or a compelling reason to do so.
3.5 AIS Application-Specific Messages may provide a variety of capabilities for pre-defined
information packages. For example:
3.5.1 It is also possible to interrogate a ship for a specific message and automatically receive
the requested information, provided that the ship has the appropriate equipment installed.
Moreover, AIS Application-Specific Messages may reduce verbal communications and enhance
reliable information exchange and reduce operator's workload. AIS Application-Specific
Messages are not intended to replace standard services such as the Global Maritime Distress
and Safety System (GMDSS) and Search and Rescue Services (SAR).
4.1.1 Since the use of AIS Application-Specific Messages places an additional load on
the VDL, care must be taken to ensure the integrity of the VDL and not to impair the main
functions of AIS. In this regard, longer AIS Application-Specific Messages and frequently
transmitted messages have a greater impact on the VDL.
4.2 To ensure the safe use of the VDL, it may be beneficial that Contracting Governments
appoint one national administration with a task to monitor and coordinate the use of the VDL
within its area of responsibility. Slot utilizations should be monitored to determine the feasibility
of using AIS Application-Specific Messages in the intended area. Further, this monitoring
process should be conducted on an ongoing basis.
4.2.1 To determine if there is a risk for overload of the VDL, the operational requirements on
coverage and received reporting rates for the main function of AIS must be compared with the
actual performance. Overloading of the VDL may be indicated when the actual received
reporting rate from ships within the required reporting area falls below the required reporting
Annex, page 4
4.3 Although shipborne AIS equipments are capable of receiving AIS Application-Specific
Messages, they may not be properly processed and displayed. [SN.1/Circ.[…] provides general
Guidance for the presentation and display of AIS Application-Specific Messages.]
5.1 All geographical positions and coordinate points (latitude and longitude) should be
based on the WGS 84 datum.
Annex, page 5
1.1 This message allows the distribution of meteorological and hydrographic information.
1.2 This message should not be transmitted when positional information or time of
measurement are not available. If there is no data available for that particular data field, it should
be displayed as "not available".
1.3 Not all the information specified in the table 1.1 will be available at all stations.
Table 1.1
Meteorological and Hydrographic data
No. of
Parameter Description
Message ID 6 Identifier for Message 8; always 8.
Used by the repeater to indicate how many times a message has
been repeated.
Repeat Indicator 2 0-3
0 = default
3 = do not repeat anymore
Source ID 30 MMSI number of source station.
Spare 2 Not used. Set to zero.
IAI 16 DAC = 001; FI = 31
Longitude in 1/1,000 min, ±180 degrees as per 2's complement
Longitude 25 (East = positive, West = negative).
181 = not available = default
Latitude in 1/1,000 min, ±90 degrees as per 2's complement
Latitude 24 (North = positive, South = negative).
91 = not available = default
1 = high (<10 m; Differential Mode of, e.g., DGNSS receiver)
0 = low (>10 m; Autonomous Mode of, e.g., GNSS receiver or of
Position Accuracy 1
other electronic position fixing device)
default = 0
Time Stamp UTC date and time of the data.
1 - 31
UTC Day 5
0 = not available = default
0 - 23
UTC Hour 5
24 = not available = default
0 - 59
UTC Minute 6
60 = not available = default
Annex, page 6
No. of
Parameter Description
Average of wind speed values for the last 10 minutes,
in 1 knot steps.
Average Wind Speed 7 0 - 125 knots
126 = wind 126 knots or greater
127 = not available = default
Maximum wind speed reading during the last 10 minutes,
in 1 knot steps.
Wind Gust 7 0 - 125 knots
126 = wind 126 knots or greater
127 = not available = default
Direction of the average wind during the last 10 minutes,
in 1 degree steps.
Wind Direction 9 0 - 359 degrees
360 = not available = default
361 - 511 (reserved for future use)
Direction of the maximum wind during the last 10 minutes,
in 1 degree steps.
Wind Gust Direction 9 0 - 359 degrees
360 = not available = default
361 - 511 (not for use)
Dry bulb temperature in degrees Celsius (as per 2's
complement), in 0.1 degree steps.
-60 to +60 degrees Celsius
Air Temperature 11
601 - 1,023 (reserved for future use)
-1,024 = data not available = default
-1,023 to -601 (reserved for future use)
Relative Humidity, in 1% steps.
0 - 100%
Relative Humidity 7
101 = not available = default
102 -127 (reserved for future use)
Dew point temperature in degrees Celsius (as per 2's
complement), in 0.1 degree steps.
-20.0 to +50.0 degrees
Dew Point 10
501 = not available = default
502 - 511 (reserved for future use)
-511 to -201 (reserved for future use)
Air pressure, defined as pressure reduced to sea level,
in 1 hPa steps.
0 = pressure 799 hPa or less
Air Pressure 9 1 - 401 = 800 - 1200 hPa
402 = pressure 1201 hPa or greater
403 - 510 (reserved for future use)
511 = not available = default
0 = steady
1 = decreasing
Air Pressure Tendency 2
2 = increasing
3 = not available = default
Annex, page 7
No. of
Parameter Description
Horizontal visibility, in 0.1 Nautical Miles steps (00000000
to 01111111).
0.0 - 12.6 Nautical Miles
The most significant bit (MSB) indicates that the maximum range
Horizontal Visibility 8
of the visibility equipment was reached and the reading shall be
regarded as > x.x NM. (e.g., if 10110010, then visibility is 5.0 NM
or greater)
127 = data not available = default
Deviation from local chart datum, in 0.01 metre steps.
-10.0 to +30.0 metres
A value representing 0 - 4,000 is sent by the 12 binary bits. The
water level is achieved by adding -10.0 to the sent value.
Water level (incl. tide) 12
Water level = (Integer value /100) – 10 for Integer =
4,001 = not available = default
4,002 – 4,095 (reserved for future use)
0 = steady
1 = decreasing
Water Level Trend 2
2 = increasing
3 = not available = default
Speed of Current measured at the sea surface, in 0.1 knot steps.
0.0 - 25.0 knots
Surface Current Speed (incl.
8 251 = speed 25.1 knots or greater
255 = not available = default
252-254 (reserved for future use)
Direction of Current at the sea surface, in 1 degree steps.
0 - 359 degrees
Surface Current Direction 9
360 = not available = default
361 - 511 (reserved for future use)
Speed of Current 2 measured at a chosen level below the sea
Current Speed, #2 8 surface, in 0.1 knot steps.
(Same as Surface Current Speed)
Direction of Current 2, in 1 degree steps.
Current Direction, #2 9
(Same as Surface Current Direction)
Measuring level below sea surface, in 1 metre increment.
Current Measuring level, #2 5 0 - 30 metres
31 = not available = default
Speed of Current 3 measured at a chosen level below the sea
Current Speed, #3 8 surface, in 0.1 knot steps.
(Same as Surface Current Speed)
Direction of Current 3, in 1 degree steps.
Current Direction, #3 9
(Same as Surface Current Direction)
Measuring level below sea surface, in 1 metre steps.
Current Measuring level, #3 5 0 - 30 metres
31 = data not available = default
Height of the waves, in 0.1 metre steps.
0.0 - 25.0 metres
Significant Wave Height 8 251 = height 25.1 metres or greater
255 = data not available = default
252 - 254 (reserved for future use)
Annex, page 8
No. of
Parameter Description
Wave period, in 1 second steps.
0 - 60 seconds
Wave Period 6
61 - 62 (reserved for future use)
63 = not available = default
Direction of waves, in 1 degree steps.
0 - 359 degrees
Wave Direction 9
360 = data not available = default
361 - 511 (reserved for future use)
Height of the swell, in 0.1 metre steps.
0.0 - 25.0 metres
Swell Height 8 251 = height 25.1 metres or greater
255 = data not available = default
252 - 254 (reserved for future use)
Swell period, in 1 second steps.
0 - 60 seconds
Swell Period 6
61 - 62 (reserved for future use)
63 = not available = default
Direction of swells, in 1 degree steps.
0 - 359 degrees
Swell Direction 9
360 = not available = default
361 - 511 (reserved for future use)
Sea State 4 Beaufort Scale, as defined in Table 1.2
Temperature of the water in degrees Celsius (as per 2's
complement), in 0.1 degree steps.
-10.0 to +50.0 degrees
Water Temperature 10
501 = data not available = default
502 - 511 (reserved for future use)
-511 to -101 (reserved for future use)
According to WMO 306 Code table 4.201:
0 = reserved
1 = rain
2 = thunderstorm
Precipitation (type) 3 3 = freezing rain
4 = mixed/ice
5 = snow
6 = reserved
7 = not available = default
Salinity, in 0.1‰ (ppt) steps.
0.0 - 50.0 ‰
50.1 = salinity 50.1 ‰ or greater
Salinity 9
510 = not available = default
511 = sensor not available
502 - 509 (reserved for future use)
0 = No
1 = Yes
Ice 2
2 = (reserved for future use)
3 = not available = default
Spare 10 Not used. Set to zero
Total 360 Occupies 2 slots
Annex, page 9
Table 1.2
Beaufort scale
Annex, page 10
2.1 This message should be used in response to a request for a summary of the Dangerous
cargo information from a competent authority.
2.3 The data is intended for use by the shore-based authority with the ability to relay this
information on a selective and secure basis to the relevant national authorities responsible for
receiving reports (i.e. Maritime Reporting System) and for VTS, SAR, pollution response,
fire-fighting and other shore-based activities in response to accidents or incidents. The
competent authority is responsible for ensuring that necessary measures are applied to secure
the appropriate confidentiality of information.
2.4 Up to twenty-eight dangerous cargo can be specified. Each cargo should be structured
as defined in tables 2.2 to 2.6 depending on the code used.
Table 2.1
Dangerous cargo indication – addressed
No. of
Parameter Description
Message ID 6 Identifier for Message 6; always 6
Used by the repeater to indicate how many times a message has
been repeated.
Repeat Indicator 2 0-3
0 = default
3 = do not repeat anymore
Source ID 30 MMSI number of source station.
Sequence Number 2 0 - 3; refer to ITU-R M.1371-3, Annex 2, § 5.3.1.
Destination ID 30 MMSI number of destination station.
Retransmit Flag should be set upon retransmission.
Retransmit Flag 1 0 = no retransmission = default
1 = retransmitted
Spare 1 Not used. Set to zero.
DAC = 001; FI = 25
IAI 16
(See ITU-R M.1371-3, Annex 5, § 2.1).
0 = not available = default
Unit of Quantity for Dangerous 1 = in kg
Cargo 2 = in tonnes (10 E 3 kg)
3 = in 1,000 tonnes (10 E 6 kg)
Total Amount of Dangerous 0 = not available = default
Cargo 1 - 1,023 = value of quantity (in units defined, above)
Annex, page 11
No. of
Parameter Description
0 = not available = default
1 = IMDG Code (in packed form)
2 = IGC Code
Code under which Cargo 1 is 3 = BC Code (from 1.1.2011 IMSBC)
carried 4 = MARPOL Annex I List of oils (Appendix 1)
5 = MARPOL Annex II IBC Code
6 = Regional use
7 - 15 (reserved for future use)
Cargo 1 13 Content depends on code selected. Refer to tables below.
Code under which Cargo 2 is Optional.
carried (Same as Cargo 1)
Optional. Content depends on code selected. Refer to tables
Cargo 2 13
Cargo … n x (17) …
Code under which Cargo 28 is Optional.
carried (Same as Cargo 1)
Optional. Content depends on code selected. Refer to tables
Cargo 28 13
117 -
Total Occupies 1 - 3 slots. (See Table 2.7)
Table 2.2
No. of
Parameter Description
0 = not available = default
1 - 9 (not used)
IMDG class or division 7 10 - 99 = first digit = main class, second digit = subclass or
division (undefined subclasses and divisions should not be used)
100 - 127 (reserved for future use)
Spare 6 Not used. Set to zero.
Total 13
Table 2.3
IGC Code
No. of
Parameter Description
0 = not available = default
UN number 13 1 - 3,363 = Four digits UN number
3,364 - 8,191 (reserved for future use)
Total 13
Annex, page 12
Table 2.4
BC Code (from 1.1.2011 IMSBC)
No. of
Parameter Description
0 = not available = default
BC class 3
4 = MHB - Material Hazardous in Bulk
5 - 7 (reserved for future use)
Only specified for class B
0 = not available = default
1 - 9 (not used)
IMDG class 7
10 - 99 = first digit = main class, second digit = subclass
(undefined subclasses should not be used)
100 - 127 (not used)
Spare 3 Not used. Set to zero.
Total 13
Table 2.5
MARPOL Annex I, List of oils (Appendix 1)
No. of
Parameter Description
0 = not available = default
1 = asphalt solutions
2 = oils
3 = distillates
4 = gas oil
Type of oil 4
5 = gasoline blending stocks
6 = gasoline
7 = jet fuels
8 = naphtha
9 - 15 (reserved for future use)
Spare 9 Not used. Set to zero.
Total 13
Annex, page 13
Table 2.6
MARPOL (Annex II, IBC Code)
No. of
Parameter Description
0 = not available = default
1 = Category X
2 = Category Y
Category 3
3 = Category Z
4 = other substances
5 - 7 (reserved for future use)
Spare 10 Not used. Set to zero.
Total 13
Table 2.7
Number of slots
Annex, page 14
3 Tidal window
3.1 This message should be used to inform vessels about tidal windows which allow a
vessel the safe passage of a fairway.
3.2 This message includes predictions of current speed and current direction.
Table 3.1
Tidal window
No. of
Parameter Description
Message ID 6 Identifier for Message 6; always 6.
Used by the repeater to indicate how many times a message has
been repeated.
Repeat Indicator 2 0-3
0 = default
3 = do not repeat anymore
Source ID 30 MMSI number of source station
Sequence Number 2 0 - 3; refer to ITU-R M.1371-3, Annex 2, § 5.3.1
Destination ID 30 MMSI number of destination station.
Retransmit Flag should be set upon retransmission.
Retransmit Flag 0 = no retransmission = default
1 = retransmitted
Spare 1 Not used. Set to zero.
IAI 16 DAC = 001; FI =32
Time Stamp UTC date of the data.
1 - 12
UTC Month 4
0 = not available = default
1 - 31
UTC Day 5
0 = not available = default
Longitude in 1/1,000 min, ±180 degrees as per 2's complement
Position #1 Longitude 25
(East = positive, West = negative).
181 = not available = default
Latitude in 1/1,000 min, ±90 degrees, as per 2's complement
Position #1 Latitude 24
(North = positive, South = negative).
91 degrees = not available = default
0 - 23
From UTC Hour 5
24 = not available = default
0 - 59
From UTC Minute 6
60 = not available = default
0 - 23
To UTC Hour 5
24 = not available = default
0 - 59
To UTC Minute 6
60 = not available = default
Annex, page 15
No. of
Parameter Description
Direction of Current 1, in 1 degree steps.
9 0 - 359 degrees
Current Direction predicted #1
360 = not available = default
361-511 (do not use)
Speed of Current 1, in 0.1 knot steps.
0.0 – 25.0 knots
Current Speed predicted #1 251 = speed 25.1 knots or greater
252 – 254 (reserved for future use)
255 = not available = default
Longitude in 1/1,000 min, ±180 degrees as per 2's complement
Position #2 Longitude 25
(East = positive, West = negative).
181 = not available = default
Latitude in 1/1,000 min, ±90 degrees as per 2's complement
Position #2 Latitude 24
(North = positive, South = negative).
91 degrees = not available = default
From UTC Hour 5 0 - 23
24 = not available = default
0 - 59
From UTC Minute 6
60 = not available = default
Annex, page 16
No. of
Parameter Description
Speed of Current 3, in 0.1 knot steps.
0.0 - 25.0 knots
Current Speed predicted #3 251 = speed 25.1 knots or greater
252 - 254 (reserved for future use)
255 = not available = default
Total 350 occupies 3 slots
Annex, page 17
4.1 This message should be used to obtain additional extended and static voyage-related data.
Table 4.1
Extended ship static and voyage-related data (broadcast)
No. of
Parameter Description
Message ID 6 Identifier for Message 8; always 8.
Used by the repeater to indicate how many times a message has
been repeated.
Repeat Indicator 2 0-3
0 = default
3 = do not repeat anymore
Source ID 30 MMSI number of source station.
Spare 2 Not used. Set to zero.
IAI 16 DAC = 001; FI = 24 (See ITU-R M.1371-3, Annex 5, § 2.1)
A source specific running number, unique across all binary messages
equipped with Message Linkage ID. Used to link additional information
to the message by a Text Description message. The Message Linkage
Message Linkage ID 10 ID and the first six digits of the source MMSI uniquely identify the sent
1 - 1,023
0 = not available = default
Air Draught is the vertical distance from the ship's waterline to the
highest point on the ship (e.g., top of ship's mast), in 0.1 metre steps.
Air Draught = total vessel height (e.g., from bottom of keel to top of
Air Draught 13 ship's mast) minus the maximum static loaded draught.
1 - 81.9 metres
81.91 = distance 81.91 metres or greater
0 = not available = default
UN LOCODE; 5 characters 6 bits ASCII
Last Port of call 30
"@@@@@" = not available = default
UN LOCODE; 5 characters 6 bits ASCII
Next Port of call 30
"@@@@@" = not available = default
UN LOCODE; 5 characters 6 bits ASCII
Second Port of call 30
"@@@@@" = not available = default
Current status of SOLAS navigation/communications equipment. Each
equipment is described using 2 bits, coded as:
0 = not available or requested = default
1 = equipment operational
SOLAS Equipment 2 = equipment not operational
status 3 = no data (equipment may or may not be on board/or its status is
Annex, page 18
No. of
Parameter Description
2 = ATA (Automatic Tracking Aid)
3 = BNWAS (Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System)
4 = ECDIS Back-up
5 = ECDIS/Paper Nautical Chart
6 = echo sounder
7 = electronic plotting aid
8 = emergency steering gear
9 = navigation system (GPS, Loran-C, GLONASS)
10 = gyro compass
11 = LRIT
12 = magnetic compass
14 = radar (ARPA)
15 = radar (S-band)
16 = radar (X-band)
17 = radio HF
18 = radio INMARSAT
19 = radio MF
20 = radio VHF
21 = speed Log (over ground)
22 = speed Log (through water)
23 = THD (Transmitting Heading Device)
24 = track control system
25 = VDR/S-VDR
26 (reserved for future use)
Ice Classes as defined by:
0 = not classified
1 = IACS PC 1
2 = IACS PC 2
3 = IACS PC 3
4 = IACS PC 4
5 = IACS PC 5
6 = IACS PC 6 / FSICR IA Super / RS Arc5
7 = IACS PC 7 / FSICR IA / RS Arc4
8 = FSICR IB / RS Ice3
Annex, page 19
No. of
Parameter Description
9 = FSICR IC / RS Ice2
10 = RS Ice1
11 - 14 (reserved for future use)
15 = not available = default
Total horse power of ship, in 1 hp steps.
0 - 262,141 horse power
Shaft Horse power 18
262,142 = 262,142 horse power or greater
262,143 = not available = default
The VHF working channel used by the sending vessel Channel number
VHF Working channel 12 according to Recommendation ITU-R M.1084
0 = not available = default
Lloyd's Register STATCODE 5 (e.g., A11A1AA); 7 characters 6 bits
Lloyd's Ship type 42 "@@@@@@@" = not available = default
0 - 262,141
Gross tonnage 18 262,142 = 262,142 or greater
262,143 = not available = default
0 = not available = default
1 = Laden
Laden or Ballast 2
2 = Ballast
3 = not in use
Type of bunker oil
0 = not available = default
1 = no
Heavy fuel oil 2
2 = yes
3 = not in use
0 = not available = default
1 = no
Light fuel oil 2
2 = yes
3 = not in use
0 = not available = default
1 = no
Diesel 2
2 = yes
3 = not in use
0 - 16,381
Total amount of bunker
14 16,382 = 16,382 tonnes or greater
oil in tonnes
16,383 = not available = default
Number of persons currently on board, including crew members.
0 = not available = default
Number of Persons 13
1 - 8,190
8,191 = 8,191 or greater
Spare 10 Not used. Set to zero.
Annex, page 20
5.1 This message should be used by a ship to report the number of persons on board
(e.g., on request by a competent authority).
Table 5.1
Number of persons on board
No. of
Parameter Description
Message ID 6 Identifier for Message 6; always 6.
Used by the repeater to indicate how many times a message has
been repeated.
Repeat Indicator 2 0-3
0 = default
3 = do not repeat anymore
Source ID 30 MMSI number of source station.
Sequence Number 2 0 - 3; refer to ITU-R M.1371-3, Annex 2, § 5.3.1.
Destination ID 30 MMSI number of destination station.
Retransmit Flag should be set upon retransmission.
Retransmit Flag 1 0 = no retransmission = default
1 = retransmitted
Spare 1 Not used. Set to zero.
IAI 16 DAC = 001; FI =16 (see ITU-R M.1371-3, Annex 5, § 2.1).
Number of persons currently on-board, including crew members.
0 = not available = default
Number of Persons 13
1 - 8,190
8,191 = 8,191 or greater
Spare 35 Not used. Set to zero.
Total 136 Occupies one slot
Annex, page 21
6 VTS-generated/Synthetic targets
6.1 This message should be used to transmit VTS or other types of synthetic targets.
This message can be variable in length, based on the amount of targets. The maximum number
of Targets transmitted in one message should not exceed four (4).
6.2 A VTS-generated or synthetic target should only be used when the position of the target
is known.
Table 6.1
VTS-generated/Synthetic targets
No. of
Parameter Description
Message ID 6 Identifier for Message 8; always 8.
Used by the repeater to indicate how many times a message
has been repeated.
Repeat Indicator 2 0-3
0 = default
3 = do not repeat anymore
Source ID 30 Name of source station.
Spare 2 Not used. Set to zero.
IAI 16 DAC = 001; FI =17
Target 1 120 Refer to Table 6.2
Target 2 120 Optional; refer to Table 6.2
Target 3 120 Optional; refer to Table 6.2
Target 4 120 Optional; refer to Table 6.2
Total Occupies 2 - 3 slots
Table 6.2
Structure of the target
No. of
Parameter Description
Identifier Type:
Type of Target 0 = The target identifier is the MMSI number
Identifier 2 1 = The target identifier is the IMO number.
2 = The target identifier is the call sign
3 = Other (default)
The Target Identifier depends on Type of Target Identifier (see
above). When call sign or vessel name is used, it should be
inserted using 6-bits ASCII characters. When MMSI or IMO
Target Identifier 42
number is used, the least significant bit should equal bit zero of
the Target Identifier.
If the target identity is unknown, Type of Target Identifier should
be set to "3" and Target Identifier to "@@@@@@@".
Spare 4 Spare. Set to zero.
Annex, page 22
No. of
Parameter Description
Latitude in 1/1,000 min, ±90 degrees as per 2's complement
Latitude 24 (North = positive, South = negative).
91 degrees = not available = default
Longitude in 1/1,000 min, ±180 degrees as per 2's complement
Longitude 25 (East = positive, West = negative).
181 = not available = default
COG in degrees, in 1 degree steps.
Course-over-ground (COG) 9 0 - 359
360 = not available = default
UTC time when the report was generated.
Time Stamp 6 0 - 59 seconds
60 = not available = default
SOG in knots, in 1 knot steps.
Speed-over-ground (SOG) 8 0 - 254
255 = not available = default
Total 120
Annex, page 23
7.1 This message provides specific ships with information on the granted port to call and
time to enter.
7.2 This message is transmitted by a competent authority responsible for control of ships to
enter/leave port.
Table 7.1
Clearance time to enter port (addressed)
No. of
Parameter Description
Message ID 6 Identifier for Message 6, always 6.
Used by the repeater to indicate how many times a message has
been repeated.
Repeat Indicator 2 0-3
0 = default
3 = do not repeat anymore
Source ID 30 MMSI number of source station.
Sequence Number 2 0 - 3; refer to ITU-R M.1371-3, Annex 2, § 5.3.1.
Destination ID 30 MMSI number of destination station.
Retransmit flag should be set upon retransmission.
Retransmit Flag 1 0 = no retransmission = default
1 = retransmitted
Spare 1 Not used. Set to zero.
IAI 16 DAC = 001; FI = 18
A source specific running number, unique across all binary
messages equipped with Message Linkage ID. Used to link
additional information to the message by a Text Description
Message Linkage ID 10 message. The Message Linkage ID and the first six digits of the
source MMSI uniquely identify the sent message.
1 - 1,023
0 = not available = default
Clearance date/time to enter
UTC date and time.
1 - 12
UTC Month 4
0 = not available = default
1 - 31
UTC Day 5
0 = not available = default
0 - 23
UTC Hour 5
24 = not available = default
0 - 59
UTC Minute 6
60 = not available = default
Name of the port and berth. Maximum 20 characters 6 bits ASCII
as defined in ITU-R M. 1371-3, Table 44.
Name of port and berth 120
"@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" = not available =
Annex, page 24
No. of
Parameter Description
UN LOCODE; 5 characters 6 bits ASCII
Destination 30
"@@@@@" = not available = default
Longitude in 1/1,000 min, ±180 degrees as per 2's complement
Longitude 25 (East = positive, West = negative).
181 = not available = default
Latitude in 1/1,000 min, ±90 degrees as per 2's complement
Latitude 24 (North = positive, South = negative).
91 degrees = not available = default
Spare 43 Not used. Set to zero.
Total 360 Occupies 2 slots
Annex, page 25
8.1 This message provides information on a signal station and status of the control signal at
the entrance of a harbour or channel where the shipping direction controlled so that the traffic
flow be kept in order.
Table 8.1
Marine traffic signal
No. of
Parameter Description
Message ID 6 Identifier for Message 8; always 8.
Used by the repeater to indicate how many times a message has
been repeated.
Repeat Indicator 2 0-3
0 = default
3 = do not repeat anymore
Source ID 30 MMSI number of source station.
Spare 2 Not used. Set to zero.
IAI 16 DAC =001; FI = 19
A source specific running number, unique across all binary
messages equipped with Message Linkage ID. Used to link
additional information to the message by a Text Description
Message Linkage ID 10 message. The Message Linkage ID, source MMSI and message
FI uniquely identifies the sent message.
1 - 1,023
0 = not available = default
Maximum 20 characters 6 bits ASCII, as defined in ITU-R M.
Name of Signal 1371-3, Table 44
Station "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" = not available
= default
Longitude in 1/1,000 min, ±180 degrees as per 2's complement
Position of Station,
25 (East = positive, West = negative).
181 = not available = default
Latitude in 1/1,000 min, ±90 degrees as per 2's complement
Position of Station,
24 (North = positive, South = negative).
91 degrees = not available = default
0 = not available = default
1 = In regular service
Status of Signal 2
2 = Irregular service
3 reserved for future use
Signal in Service 5 (see Table 8.2)
Annex, page 26
No. of
Parameter Description
Time of next Signal Shift Time of next Signal Shift in UTC
0 - 23
UTC Hour 5 24 = not available = default
25 - 31 (not used)
0 - 59
UTC Minute 6 60 = not available = default
61 - 63 (not used)
Expected Next Signal 5 (see Table 8.2)
Spare 102 Not used. Set to zero.
Total 360 Occupies 2 slots
Table 8.2
Signal in Service1
Value Description
0 Not available = default
IALA port traffic signal 1: Serious emergency – all vessels to stop or divert according to
2 IALA port traffic signal 2: Vessels shall not proceed.
3 IALA port traffic signal 3: Vessels may proceed. One way traffic.
4 IALA port traffic signal 4: Vessels may proceed. Two way traffic.
IALA port traffic signal 5: A vessel may proceed only when it has received specific orders
to do so.
IALA port traffic signal 2a: Vessels shall not proceed, except that vessels which navigate
outside the main channel need not comply with the main message.
IALA port traffic signal 5a: A vessel may proceed only when it has received specific
7 orders to do so; except that vessels which navigate outside the main channel need not
comply with the main message.
8 Japan Traffic Signal - I = "in-bound" only acceptable.
9 Japan Traffic Signal - O = "out-bound" only acceptable.
10 Japan Traffic Signal - F = both "in- and out-bound" acceptable.
11 Japan Traffic Signal - XI = Code will shift to "I" in due time.
12 Japan Traffic Signal - XO = Code will shift to "O" in due time.
Japan Traffic Signal - X = Vessels shall not proceed, except a vessel which receives the
direction from the competent authority.
14 - 31 (reserved for future use)
For further details, see IALA Recommendation E-111 on Port Traffic Signals, Edition 1.1, December 2005.
Annex, page 27
9 Berthing data
9.1 This message provides information on the ship's berth. If sent from a ship it is a berthing
request; if it is transmitted by a competent authority it is a berthing assignment.
Table 9.1
Berthing data (addressed)
No. of
Parameter Description
Message ID 6 Identifier for Message 6; always 6.
Used by the repeater to indicate how many times a message
has been repeated.
Repeat Indicator 2 0-3
0 = default
3 = do not repeat anymore
Source ID 30 MMSI number of source station.
Sequence Number 2 0 - 3; refer to ITU-R M.1371-3, Annex 2, § 5.3.1.
Destination ID 30 MMSI number of destination station.
Retransmit flag should be set upon retransmission.
Retransmit Flag 0 = no retransmission = default
1 = retransmitted.
Spare 1 Not used, S set to zero.
IAI 16 DAC = 001; FI = 20
A source specific running number, unique across all binary
messages equipped with Message Linkage ID. Used to link
additional information to the message by a Text Description
Message Linkage ID 10 message. The Message Linkage ID and the first six digits of the
source MMSI uniquely identify the sent message.
1 - 1,023
0 = not available = default.
Berth length, in 1 metre steps.
1 - 510 metres
Berth Length 9
511 = 511 metres or greater
0 = undefined = default
Water depth at berth, in 0.1 metre steps.
0.1 - 25.4 metres
Water Depth at Berth 8
255 = 25.5 or greater
0 = undefined = default
0 = undefined = default
1 = port-side to
2 = starboard-side to
Mooring Position 3 3 = Mediterranean mooring
4 = mooring buoy
5 = anchorage
6 - 7 (reserved for future use)
Annex, page 28
No. of
Parameter Description
Berth Date and Time UTC Date and Time
1 - 12
UTC Month 4
0 = not available = default
1 - 31
UTC Day 5
0 = not available = default
0 - 23
UTC Hour 5
24 = not available = default
0 - 59
UTC Minute 6
60 = not available = default
0 = services types unknown = default; set all "Type of Services
Available" indicated below to zero.
Services availability 1
1 = services types are known; see "Type of Services Available"
Available services at berth. Each service described with 2 bits,
coded as:
0 = service not available or requested = default
1 = service available
2 = no data or unknown
3 = not to be used
List of services
1 = agent
2 = bunker/fuel
3 – chandler
4 = stevedore
5 = electrical
6 = potable water
7 = customs house
8 = cartage
Type of Services Available 52
9 = crane(s)
10 = lift(s)
11 = medical facilities
12 = navigation repair
13 = provisions
14 = ship repair
15 = surveyor
16 = steam
17 = tugs
18 = waste disposal (solid)
19 = waste disposal (liquid)
20 = waste disposal (hazardous)
21 = reserved ballast exchange
22 = additional services are also available
23 - 24 (reserved for regional use)
25 - 26 (reserved for future use)
20 characters 6 bits ASCII, as defined in ITU-R M. 1371-3,
Name of Berth 120
Table 44.
Longitude in 1/1,000 min, ±180 degrees as per 2's complement
Centre position of Berth,
25 (East = positive, West = negative).
181 = not available = default
Annex, page 29
No. of
Parameter Description
Latitude in 1/1,000 min, ±90 degrees as per 2's complement
Centre position of Berth,
24 (North = positive, South = negative).
91 degrees = not available = default
Spare 0 Not used. Set to zero.
Total 360 Occupies 2 slots
Annex, page 30
10.3 Table 10.1 outlines the parameters associated with the Weather observation report from
ship message.
10.4 Table 10.2 outlines the parameters associated with the WMO Weather observation
report from ship message.
10.4.1 The WMO Weather observation report from ship message is intended for ships which
have been recruited by national meteorological services to undertake weather observations at
sea in accordance with the provisions of SOLAS chapter V, regulation 5, and the World
Meteorological Organization's Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) Scheme. Because national
meteorological services are the intended primary users of this message it has been developed to
reflect the coding principles prescribed by WMO in its Binary Universal Form for the
Representation of meteorological data (BUFR), and as contained in Part B of WMO Publication
No.306, (Manual Codes, Volume I.2). The parameters coded in this message are therefore not
fully compatible with the recommendations set out in ITU M.1371-3.
10.4.2 The WMO Weather observation report from ship message includes all the parameters
that are typically reported by voluntary observing ships, as well as additional parameters
reported by ships that are recruited to the VOS Scheme to report climate quality weather
observations (indicated as VOSClim parameters in the message description). The message
format also accords with formats being developed for use in connection with shipboard
automatic weather stations.
Table 10.1
Weather observation report from ship
No. of
Parameter Description
Message ID 6 Identifier for Message 8; always 8.
Used by the repeater to indicate how many times a message has
been repeated.
Repeat Indicator 2 0-3
0 = default
3 = do not repeat anymore
Source ID 30 MMSI number of source station.
Spare 2 Not used. Should be set to zero.
IAI 16 DAC = 001; FI = 21
Type of Weather report 1 Always 0
20 characters 6-bits ASCII as defined in ITU-R M. 1371-3,
Geographic Location 120
Table 44
Annex, page 31
No. of
Parameter Description
Longitude in 1/1,000 min, ±180 degrees as per 2's complement
Position of Observation,
25 (East = positive, West = negative).
181 = not available = default
Latitude in 1/1,000 min, ±90 degrees as per 2's complement
Position of Observation,
24 (North = positive, South = negative).
91 degrees = not available = default
1 - 31
UTC Day 5
0 = not available
0 - 23
UTC Hour 5
24 = not available = default
0 - 59
UTC Minute 6
60 = not available = default
(Based on WMO Code 45501)
0 = clear (no clouds at any level)
1 = cloudy
2 = rain
3 = fog
Present Weather 4 4 = snow
5 = typhoon/hurricane
6 = monsoon
7 = thunderstorm
8 = not available = default
9 - 15 (reserved for future use)
Horizontal visibility, in 0.1 Nautical Miles steps (00000000
to 01111111).
0.0 - 12.6 Nautical Miles
The most significant bit (MSB) indicates that the maximum range
Horizontal Visibility 8
of the visibility equipment was reached and the reading shall be
regarded as > x.x NM. (e.g., if 10110010, then visibility is 5.0 NM
or greater)
127 = data not available = default
Relative Humidity, in 1% steps.
0 - 100%
Relative Humidity 7
101 = not available = default
102 -127 (reserved for future use)
Average of wind speed values over the last 10 minutes,
in 1 knot steps.
Average Wind Speed 7 0 - 125 knots
126 = wind 126 knots or greater
127 = not available = default
Direction of the average wind over the last 10 minutes,
in 1 degree steps.
Wind Direction 9 0 - 359 degrees
360 = not available = default
361 - 511 (reserved for future use)
Annex, page 32
No. of
Parameter Description
Use WMO FM13 Codes for pressure characteristic over the last
Air Pressure tendency 4 three hours.
Codes 0 - 8
Annex, page 33
No. of
Parameter Description
Table 10.2
WMO Weather observation report from ship
No. of
Parameter Description
Message ID 6 Identifier for Message 8; always 8.
Used by the repeater to indicate how many times a message has
been repeated.
Repeat Indicator 0-3
0 = default
3 = do not repeat anymore
Source ID 30 MMSI number of source station
Spare 2 Not used. Set to zero.
IAI 16 DAC = 001; FI =21
Type of weather report 1 always 1
BUFR 006002
Longitude in 1/100 min, ±180 degrees (East = positive,
Position of Observation, 16
West = negative)
Lon = (Integer value / 100) – 180 for Integer = 0 - 36,000
65,535 = not available = default
BUFR 005002
Latitude in 1/100 min, ±90 degrees as per 2's complement
Position of Observation, 15
(North = positive, South = negative)
Lat = (Integer value / 100) – 9,000 for Integer = 0 - 18,000
32,767 = not available = default
Annex, page 34
No. of
Parameter Description
Date and Time of Observation UTC Date and time of observation.
BUFR 004002
1 - 12 (offset = 0)
UTC Month 4
Month = Integer value
15 = not available = default
BUFR 004003
1 - 31 (offset = 0)
UTC Day 6
Day = (Integer value) for integer = 1-31
63 = not available = default
BUFR 004004
0 - 23 (offset = 0)
UTC Hour 5
Hour = Integer value
31 = not available = default
BUFR 004005
0 - 50 (offset = 0)
UTC Minute 3
Minute = (Integer value * 10) for integer = 0-5
7 = not available = default
BUFR 001012 (VOSClim parameter)
005 - 360 deg. (offset = 0)
Ship's Course Over Ground
7 COG = (Integer value * 5) for Integer = 1 - 72
(over the past 10 minutes)
0 = stopped
127 = not available = default
BUFR 001013 (VOSClim parameter)
0 - 14.5 m/s (offset = 0)
Average Speed Over Ground
5 SOG = (Integer value * 0.5) for Integer = 0 - 29
(over the past 10 minutes)
30 = 15 m/s and more
31 = not available = default
BUFR (tbd) (VOSClim parameter)
Average heading of the ship 005 - 360 deg. (offset = 0)
(over the past 10 minutes) HDT = (Integer value * 5) for Integer = 1 - 72
127 = not available = default
BUFR 010051
900 - 1100 hPa (offset = 900)
Pressure reduced to sea level 11
Pressure = (Integer value / 10) + 900 for Integer = 0 - 2,000
2,047 = not available = default
BUFR 010061
3-hour pressure change -50 to +50 hPa (offset = -50)
(relative value) Tend. = (Integer value/10) - 50 for Integer = 0 - 1,000
1,023 = not available = default
BUFR 010063
Characteristic of pressure WMO BUFR table 010063 for pressure characteristic
tendency over last three hours, Codes 0 - 8
15 = not available = default
BUFR 011001
005 - 360 deg. (offset = 0)
True wind direction
7 Direction = (Integer value * 5) for Integer = 1 - 72
(average over 10 minutes)
0 = calm
127 = not available = default
Annex, page 35
No. of
Parameter Description
BUFR 011002
True wind speed 0 - 127 m/s (offset = 0)
(average over 10 minutes) Speed = (Integer value * 0.5) for Integer = 0 - 254
255 = not available = default
BUFR (tbd) (VOSClim parameter)
005 - 360 deg. (offset = 0)
Relative wind direction
7 Direction = (Integer value * 5) for Integer = 1 - 72
(average over 10 minutes)
0 = calm
127 = not available = default
BUFR (tbd) VOSClim parameter
Relative wind speed 0 - 127 m/s (offset = 0)
(average over 10 minutes) Speed = (Integer value * 0.5) for Integer = 0 - 254
255 = not available = default
BUFR 011041
0 - 127 m/s (offset = 0)
Maximum wind gust speed 8
Speed = (Integer value * 0.5) for Integer = 0 - 254
255 = not available = default
BUFR 011043
005 - 360 deg. (offset = 0)
Maximum wind gust direction 7 Direction = (Integer value * 5) for Integer = 1 - 72
0 = calm
127 = not available = default
BUFR 012101
223 - 323 K (offset = 223) (i.e. circa –50 to +50 °C)
Air temperature (dry bulb) 10
Temp. = (Integer value/10) + 223 for Integer = 0 – 1,000
1,023 = not available = default
BUFR 013003
0 - 100 % (offset = 0)
Relative humidity 7
Rh = (Integer value) for Integer = 0 - 100
127 = not available = default
BUFR 022042
268 to 318 K (offset = 268) (i.e. circa –5 to +45 °C)
Sea surface temperature 9
Sea Temp. = (Integer value/10) + 268 for Integer = 0 - 500
511 = not available = default
BUFR 020001
0 to 50,000 m (offset = 0)
Horizontal visibility 6
Visibility = ([(Integer value)**2] * 13.073) for Integer = 0 - 62
63 = not available = default
BUFR 020003 (WMO BUFR table 020003 for present weather,
Present weather 9 Codes 0 - 510)
511 = not available = default
BUFR 020004 (WMO BUFR table 020004 for past weather,
Past weather 1 5 Codes 0 - 30)
31 = not available = default
BUFR 020005 (WMO BUFR table 020005 for past weather,
Past weather 2 5 Codes 0 - 30)
31 = not available = default
Annex, page 36
No. of
Parameter Description
BUFR 020010
0 to 100 % (offset = 0)
Total cloud cover 4
Cover = (Integer value * 10) for Integer = 0 - 10
15 = not available = default
BUFR 020011 (WMO BUFR table 020011 for cloud amount,
Cloud amount (low) 4 Codes 0 - 14)
15 = not available = default
BUFR 020012 (WMO BUFR table 020012 for cloud type, Codes
Cloud type (low) 6 0 - 62)
63 = not available = default
BUFR 020012
Cloud type (middle) 6 WMO BUFR table 020012 for cloud type, Codes 0 - 62
63 = not available = default
BUFR 020012 (WMO BUFR table 020012 for cloud type, Codes
Cloud type (high) 6 0 - 62)
63 = not available = default
BUFR 020013
0 - 2,500 m (offset = 0)
Height of base of lowest cloud 7 Height = ([(Integer value)**2] * 0.16) for Integer = 0 - 125
126 = more than 2,500 m
127 = not available = default
BUFR 022012
0 - 30 s (offset = 0)
Period of wind waves 5
Period = (Integer value) for Integer = 0 - 30
31 = not available = default
BUFR 022022
0 - 30 m (offset = 0)
Height of wind waves 6
Height = (Integer value * 0.5) for Integer = 0 - 60
63 = not available = default
BUFR 022003
10 - 360 deg (offset 0).
Direction of first swell (from
6 Direction = (Integer value * 10) for Integer = 1 - 36
which the swell is coming)
0 = calm
63 = not available = default
BUFR 022013
0 - 30 s (offset = 0)
Period of first swell 5
Period = (Integer value) for Integer = 0 - 30
31 = not available = default
BUFR 022023
0 - 30 m (offset = 0)
Height of first swell 6
Height = (Integer value * 0.5) for Integer = 0 - 60
63 = not available = default
BUFR 022003
10 - 360 deg (offset 0).
Direction of second swell (from
6 Direction = (Integer value * 10) for Integer = 1 - 36
which the swell is coming)
0 = calm
63 = not available = default
Annex, page 37
No. of
Parameter Description
BUFR 022013
0 - 30 s (offset = 0)
Period of second Swell 5
Period = (Integer value) for Integer = 0 - 30
31 = not available = default
BUFR 022023
0 - 30 m (offset = 0)
Height of second swell 6
Height = (Integer value * 0.5) for Integer = 0 - 60
63 = not available = default
BUFR 020031
0 - 126 cm (offset = 0)
Ice deposit (thickness) 7
Thickness = (Integer value) for Integer = 0 - 126
127 = not available = default
BUFR 020032 (WMO BUFR table 020032 for rate of ice
Rate of ice accretion 3 accretion, Codes 0 - 6)
7 = not available = default
BUFR 020033 (WMO BUFR table 020033 for cause of ice
Cause of ice accretion 3 accretion, Codes 0 - 6)
7 = not available = default
BUFR 020034 (WMO BUFR table 020034 for sea ice
Sea ice concentration 5 concentration, Codes 0 - 30)
31 = not available = default
BUFR 020035 (WMO BUFR table 020035 for amount and type
Amount and type of ice 4 of ice, Codes 0 - 14)
15 = not available = default
BUFR 020036 (WMO BUFR table 020036 for ice situation,
Ice situation 5 Codes 0 - 30)
31 = not available = default
BUFR 020037 (WMO BUFR table 020037 for ice development,
Ice development 5 Codes 0 - 30)
31 = not available = default
BUFR 020038
045 - 360 deg. (offset = 0)
Bearing of ice edge 4
Bearing = (Integer value * 45) for Integer = 1-8
15 = not available = default
Total 360 Occupies 2 slots
Annex, page 38
11 Area notice
11.1 This message provides dynamic information concerning a specified geographic area,
polyline or positions. It should be only used to convey pertinent time-critical navigation safety
information to mariners or authorities, and not as a means to convey information already
provided by current official nautical charts or publications.
11.2 This message can also be used to convey advisory lines or tracks. However, the Route
Information message should be used for recommended or directed routes.
11.3 The information is time-dependent (i.e. has start date and time and duration).
11.4 In order to allow advance notice, this message should be transmitted prior to the start
date and time specified for the area. It should not be transmitted more than one day in advance.
11.5 This message should not be transmitted beyond the end date and time, except for
a cancellation message. A cancellation message can be transmitted before the designated end
date and time using the same Message Linkage ID with an Area Type of 126 (cancellation),
a Duration = 0, and start date and time fields all set to not available.
11.6 ECDIS/ECS software should automatically remove the area notice from the display after
the end date and time specified or after receiving a cancellation message.
11.7 Up to 5-slots message can be created, however messages with more than 3 slots
should be avoided. Messages with more than 3 slots are less likely to be received due to
radiofrequency noise or packet collision.
11.8 Waypoints can be specified using the polyline/waypoint sub-area. In case more
precision is to be required then multiple circle/point sub-areas can be defined (e.g., one for each
11.9 When waypoints are specified using polyline or circle/point sub-areas, they should be
numbered and used in the order that they appear in the message.
11.11 The Message Linkage ID can be used to link additional text (e.g., a separate text
message). However, both the Area Notice and additional Text Description message should be
sent by the same source MMSI.
11.12 The total area defined by one Area Notice (one Message Linkage ID) is the union of all
of the sub-areas contained in the message.
11.13 If the same Message Linkage ID is retransmitted with different sub-areas and/or times,
then the ECDIS/ECS should replace the old Area with the new.
11.14 The Message Linkage ID must be unique across all binary messages to which it
applies. In this way, the Message Linkage ID and Source MMSI are connected to the same text
Annex, page 39
Table 11.1
Area notice – (broadcast)
No. of
Parameter Description
Standard Message Header
Function Identifier 6 FI = 22
1 - 12
UTC Month 4
0 = not available = default
Application Data
Annex, page 40
No. of
Parameter Description
Total Occupies 2 - 5 slots (see Table 11.3)
Table 11.2
Area notice – (addressed)
No. of
Parameter Description
Function Identifier 6 FI = 23
Binary Data
with the Area. Source MMSI and this ID uniquely identify the
Message Linkage ID 10
zone. The number is unique across all binary messages to
which Message Linkage ID applies.
Set to 0 - 1,023 by message originator.
Notice Description as defined in Table 11.11.
Notice Description 7 Set to 0 - 127 according to description. If = 127 there must
be associated text (Table 11.10)
Annex, page 41
No. of
Parameter Description
Table 11.3
Number of slots
Annex, page 42
Table 11.4
Sub-area table
1 rectangle 11.6
2 sector 11.7
3 polyline 11.8
4 polygon 11.9
6-7 reserved --
Table 11.5
Circle or point
No. of
Parameter Description
Longitude of the centre in 1/1,000 min, ±180 degrees as per 2's complement
Longitude 25 (East = positive, West = negative).
181 = not available = default
Area Notice: Sub-area
Latitude of the centre in 1/1,000 min, ±90 degrees as per 2's complement (North
Latitude 24 = positive, South = negative).
91 degrees = not available = default
Annex, page 43
Table 11.6
No. of
Parameter Description
Area Defines the shape of the area.
Shape Set 1 for Rectangle.
Scale factor. This is a multiplier for the dimensions of the shape.
2 1 (default), 10, 100, & 1,000 (scale factor = 10n where n=decimal value of
scale factor).
Longitude of the SW corner in 1/1,000 min, ±180 degrees as per 2's
Longitude 25 complement (East = positive, West = negative).
181 = not available = default
Latitude of the SW corner in 1/1,000 min, ±90 degrees as per 2's
Latitude 24 complement (North = positive, South = negative).
91 degrees = not available = default
Precision of data in latitude and longitude parameters.
Area Notice: Sub-area
Annex, page 44
Figure 11-1
Description of the process required to define a "rectangle" area
E Dimension
N Dimension
SW Corner
(Lat, Long)
(degrees clockwise)
Table 11.7
No. of
Parameter Description
Defines the shape of the area.
Area Shape 3
Set 2 for Sector.
Scale factor. This is a multiplier for the dimensions of the shape.
2 1 (default), 10, 100, & 1,000 (scale factor = 10n where n=decimal value of
scale factor)
Longitude of the centre in 1/1,000 min, ±180 degrees as per 2's
Area Notice: Sub-area
Annex, page 45
No. of
Parameter Description
Orientation of the left boundary edge of the sector, in degree steps
measured clockwise from true North about the centre point.
9 0 = no rotation= default
1 - 359 = rotation in degrees
360 - 511 (reserved for future use)
Orientation of the right boundary edge of the sector, in degree steps
measured clockwise from true North about the centre point. The total sector
area is the area measured from the left boundary clockwise to the right
9 boundary.
0 = no rotation= default
1 - 359 = rotation in degrees
360 - 511 (reserved for future use)
Spare 0 Not used. Set to zero.
Figure 11-2
Sector Area
a) Centre point
b) Sector radius
c) Sector bearings from centre point, left boundary
d) Sector bearings from centre point, right boundary
Table 11.8
Waypoint/polyline points
No. of
Parameter Description
Defines the shape of the area.
Area Notice:
Area Shape 3 Set to 3 for Polyline (open area or line). The initial point (point 0) is defined by
Annex, page 46
No. of
Parameter Description
True bearing, in half-degree steps, from Point 0 to Point 1 or from the last
Point in a Polyline directly preceding this Polyline.
Point 1
10 Degrees bearing = decimal value (0-719)*.5
720 = not available = default
721 - 1,023 (reserved for future use)
Distance, in metre steps, from Point 0 to Point 1 or from the last Point in
Point 1 a Polyline directly preceding this Polyline. This number (1 - 1,023) is multiplied
Distance by the scale factor to give a maximum of 1,023,000 metres (1,023 km).
0 = default (no point).
True bearing, in half-degree steps, from Point 1 to Point 2.
Point 2 Degrees bearing = decimal value (0 - 719)*.5
Angle 720 = not available (no point) = default
721 - 1,023 (reserved for future use)
Distance, in metre steps, from Point 1 to Point 2. This number (1 - 1,023) is
Point 2 multiplied by the scale factor to give a maximum of 1,023,000 metres (1,023
Distance km).
0 = default (no point).
True bearing, in half-degree steps, from Point 2 to Point 3.
Point 3 Degrees bearing = decimal value (0-719)*.5
Angle 720 = not available (no point) = default
721 - 1,023 (reserved for future use)
Distance, in metre steps, from Point 2 to Point 3. This number (1 - 1,023) is
Point 3 multiplied by the scale factor to give a maximum of 1,023,000 metres
Distance (1,023km).
0 = default (no point).
True bearing, in half-degree steps, from Point 3 to Point 4.
Point 4 Degrees bearing = decimal value (0 - 719)*.5
Angle 720 = not available (no point) = default
721 - 1,023 (reserved for future use)
Distance, in metre steps, from Point 3 to Point 4. This number (1 - 1,023) is
Point 4 multiplied by the scale factor to give a maximum of 1,023,000 metres
Distance (1,023 km).
0 = default (no point).
Annex, page 47
Figure 11-3
Graphic description of a waypoint/polyline, showing angle and distance between points
(if one side of a polyline is to be a boundary (e.g., edge of ice area), this is defined by the left
side of the line in order of sequence from the initial sub-area point (Point 0))
Figure 11-4
Graphic depiction of:
1) ice boundary between sea ice and open water, and
2) recommended route through the sea ice area
Annex, page 48
Figure 11-5
Graphic depiction of a storm front message
Table 11.9
No. of
Parameter Description
720 = not available = default
721 - 1,023 (not for use)
Distance in metre steps, from Point 0 to Point 1 or from the last Point in a
Point 1
10 Polygon directly preceding this Polygon. This number (1 - 1,023) is multiplied
by the scale factor to give a maximum of 1,023,000 metres (1,023 km).
Annex, page 49
No. of
Parameter Description
Table 11.10
Associated text
No. of
Parameter Description
Annex, page 50
Table 11.11
Notice Description
Annex, page 51
Caution Area:
(reserved for (reserved for (reserved for future
14 Underwater 46 78 110
future use) future use) use)
Caution Area:
(reserved for (reserved for (reserved for future
15 Seaplane 47 79 111
future use) future use) use)
Caution Area: Instruction:
(reserved for Report from ship:
16 Fishery – nets in 48 80 Contact VTS at 112
future use) Icing info
water this point/juncture
Caution Area:
(reserved for Contact Port (reserved for future
17 Cluster of fishing 49 81 113
future use) Administration at use)
this point/juncture
Report from ship:
Instruction: Do
Caution Area: (reserved for not proceed
18 50 82 114 information – define
Fairway closed future use) beyond this
in Associated text
Instruction: Await
instructions prior
Caution Area: (reserved for (reserved for future
19 51 83 to proceeding 115
Harbour closed future use) use)
beyond this
Caution Area: Risk
Proceed to this
(define in (reserved for (reserved for future
20 52 84 location – await 116
Associated text future use) use)
Caution Area: Clearance
(reserved for (reserved for future
21 Underwater vehicle 53 85 granted – 117
future use) use)
operation proceed to berth
(reserved for future (reserved for (reserved for (reserved for future
22 54 86 118
use) future use) future use) use)
Caution Area: (reserved for (reserved for (reserved for future
23 55 87 119
Storm front (line future use) future use) use)
Environmental Route:
Security Alert – Information: Pilot
24 Caution Area: 56 88 120 Recommended
Level 1 boarding position
Hazardous sea ice route
Caution Area: Information:
Security Alert – Route:
25 Storm warning 57 89 Icebreaker 121
Level 2 Alternative route
(storm cell or line waiting area
of storms)
Environmental Route:
Security Alert – Information:
26 Caution Area: High 58 90 122 Recommended
Level 3 Places of refuge
wind route through ice
Environmental Information:
(reserved for (reserved for future
27 Caution Area: High 59 91 Position of 123
future use) use)
waves icebreakers
Annex, page 52
Caution Area: (reserved for (reserved for future
28 60 92 Location of 124
Restricted visibility future use) use)
response units
(fog, rain, etc.)
(reserved for Other – Define in
29 Caution Area: 61 93 VTS active target 125
future use) associated text field
Strong currents
Cancellation –
(reserved for Rouge or cancel area as
30 Caution Area: 62 94 126
future use) suspicious vessel identified by
Heavy icing
Message Linkage ID
Vessel requesting
(reserved for future (reserved for
31 63 95 non-distress 127 Undefined (default)
use) future use)
Annex, page 53
12 Environmental
12.2 Each Environmental Message has 56 bits of standard header, with 12 bits available for
payload. Each sensor report has 27 bits of common data leaving 85 bits for sensor data.
Table 12.3 provides the framework for the sensor report.
12.2.1 Table 12.4 outlines a variety of sensor types that can be transmitted using this
12.2.2 The sensor data is defined in accordance to the sensor type. Tables 12.5 to 12.15
provide details for the 85 bits of information for each sensor report type. In each case "Sensor
not available" means that the specific reading is not ever possible from that sensor location and
"Data not available" means that the reading is possible but is not available for the current report
(i.e. the sensor could be malfunctioning).
Table 12.1
No. of
Parameter Description
Message ID 6 Identifier for Message 8; Set to 8 (broadcast, no acknowledgement).
Standard Message
Used by the repeater to indicate how many times a message has been
repeated (see ITU-R M.1317, Annex 2, § 4.6.1).
Repeat 0-3
Indicator 0 = default
3 = do not repeat any more
Set to 0 (default).
Source MMSI 30 MMSI number of source station. Varies according to the transmitter ID.
Spare 2 Not used. Set to zero.
10 DAC = 001
Area Code
Binary Data
6 FI = 26
From 1 to 8 sensor reports, each structured as in Table 12.3. The total
Application Max
number of reports is determined by the receiver based on the length of the
Data 952
Total Occupies 2 - 5 slots. (see Table 12.2)
Annex, page 54
Table 12.2
Number of slots
Number of bits used 168 280 392 504 616 728 840 952
2 3 4 5
Number of slots required
1 (max (max 3 (max 4 (max 5
(168 bits in first 210 in 2-5)
378) 588) 798) 1,008)
Table 12.3
Environmental message Sensor report framework
No of
Parameter Description
Report Type 4 Environmental Report Type as defined in Table 12.4
1 - 31
UTC Day 5
0 = not available = default
0 - 23
UTC Hour 5
24 = not available = default
0 - 59
UTC Minute 6
60 = not available = default
Binary identifier of sensor site, combined with transmitter MMSI
to fully identify sensor site (i.e. there can be more than one
Site ID 7
physical sensors, each one reporting different data types at
a sensor site)
Sensor Data 85 Sensor data according to the sensor type (see Tables 12.5 - 12.15)
Total 112
Table 12.4
Environmental Message Sensor Report Types
Value Description
0 Site Location
1 Station ID
2 Wind
3 Water level
4 Current Flow (2D)
5 Current Flow (3D)
6 Horizontal Current Flow
7 Sea State
8 Salinity
9 Weather
10 Air gap/Air draft
11-15 (reserved for future use)
Annex, page 55
Table 12.5
Site location report
No. of
Parameter Description
Longitude in 1/10,000 min, ±180 degrees as per 2's
Longitude 28 complement (East = positive, West = negative).
181 = not available = default
Latitude in 1/10,000 min, ±90 degrees as per 2's complement
Latitude 27 (North = positive, South = negative).
91 degrees = not available = default
Altitude of the sensor relative to MSL, in 0.1 metre steps.
0.0 - 200.0 metres
Altitude 11 2,001 = altitude 200.1 metres or greater
2,002 = not available = default
2,003 - 2,046 (reserved for future use)
Owner of the sensor/responsible for the sensor data.
0 = unknown = default
1 = hydrographic office
2 = inland waterway authority
3 = coastal directorate
Sensor Owner 4
4 = meteorological service
5 = port authority
6 = coast guard
7 - 13 (reserved for future use)
14 (reserved for regional use)
Length of time that data is valid (i.e. should not be used after
time-out period).
0 = no time-out period = default
1 = 10 min
Data Timeout 3 2 = 1 hr
3 = 6 hrs
4 = 12 hrs
5 = 24 hrs
6 - 7 (reserved for future use)
Spare 12 Not used. Set to zero
Total 85
Annex, page 56
Table 12.6
Station ID Report
No. of
Parameter Description
Agency reference number. Fourteen characters 6-bits ASCII
Name 84
as defined in ITU-R M.1371-3, Table 44.
Spare 1 Not used. Set to zero.
Total 85
Table 12.7
Wind Report
No. of
Parameter Description
Average of wind speed values over the last 10 minutes,
in 1 knot steps.
0 - 120 knots
Average Wind Speed 7
121 = wind 121 knots greater
122 = not available = default
123 - 126 (reserved for future use)
Max wind speed reading during the last 10 minutes,
in 1 knot steps.
0 - 120 knots
Wind Gust 7
121 = wind 121 knots or greater
122 = not available = default
123 - 126 (reserved for future use)
Direction of the average wind over the last 10 minutes,
in 1 degree steps.
Wind Direction 9 0 - 359 degrees
360 = not available = default
361 - 511 (not for use)
Direction of the maximum wind over the last 10 minutes,
in 1 degree steps.
Wind Gust Direction 9 0 - 359 degrees
360 = not available = default
361 - 511 (not for use)
Sensor Data Description 3 Type of data from Wind sensor, as defined in Table 12.16.
Annex, page 57
No. of
Parameter Description
Predicted direction of the average wind, in 1 degree steps.
0 - 359 degrees
Forecast Wind Direction 9
360 = not available = default
361 - 511 (not for use)
1 - 31
UTC Day 5
0 = not available = default
0 - 23
UTC Hour 5
24 = not available = default
UTC Minute 6 0 - 59
60 = not available = default
Duration of the validity of the forecast from the time of the
forecast, in 1 minute steps.
Duration 8
1 - 255 minutes
0 = cancel forecast = default
Total 85
Table 12.8
Water level report
No. of
Parameter Description
Type of water level.
Water Level Type 1 0 = relative to reference datum
1 = water depth
Water level, in 0.1 metre steps (as per 2's complement).
-327.67 to +327.67 metres
Water Level 16 -32767 = -327.67 metres or less
+32767 = +327.67 metres or greater
-32768 = not available = default
0 = increasing
1 = decreasing
Water Level Trend 2
2 = steady
3 = not available = default
Annex, page 58
No. of
Parameter Description
Type of datum used.
0 = Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW)
1 = International Great Lakes Datum (IGLD-85)
2 = Local river datum
3 = Station Datum (STND)
4 = Mean Higher High Water (MHHW)
5 = Mean High Water (MHW)
6 = Mean Sea Level (MSL)
Vertical Reference Datum 5 7 = Mean Low Water (MLW)
8 = National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD-29)
9 = North American Vertical Datum (NAVD-88)
10 = World Geodetic System (WGS-84)
11 = Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT)
12 = pool
13 = gauge
14 = unknown/not available = default
15 - 30 (reserved for future use)
Type of data from Water Level sensor, as defined in
Sensor Data Description 3
Table 12.16.
Type of water level for forecast
Forecast Water Level Type 1 0 = relative to reference datum
1 = water depth
Forecast water level, in 0.1 metre steps (as per 2's
-327.67 to +327.67 metres
Forecast Water Level 16
-32767 = -327.67 metres or less
+32767 = +327.67 metres or greater
-32768 = not available = default
Valid Time of Forecast Valid UTC date and time of Forecast.
1 - 31
UTC Day 5
0 = not available = default
0 - 23
UTC Hour 5
24 = not available = default
0 - 59
UTC Minute 6
60 = not available = default
Duration of the validity of the forecast from the time of the
forecast, in 1 minute steps.
Duration 8
1 - 255 minutes
0 = cancel forecast = default
Spare 17 Not used. Set to zero.
Total 85
Annex, page 59
Table 12.9
Current Flow Report: two-dimensions (x & y)
No. of
Parameter Description
Speed of Current 1 measured at a chosen level below the sea
surface, in 0.1 knot steps.
0.0 - 24.5 knots
Current Speed 1 8
246 = speed 24.6 knots or greater
247 = data not available = default
248 - 255 (reserved for future use)
Direction of Current 1, in 1 degree steps.
0 - 359 degrees
Current Direction 1 9
360 = not available = default
361 - 511 (reserved for future use)
Measurement level of Current 1 below sea surface, in 1 metre
0 – 360 metres
Current Measuring level 1 9
361 = 361 m or greater
362 = not available = default
363 - 511 (reserved for future use)
Speed of Current 2 measured at a chosen level below the sea
Current Speed 2 8 surface, in 0.1 knot steps.
(Same as Current Speed 1)
Direction of Current 2, in 1 degree steps.
Current Direction 2 9
(Same as Current Direction 1)
Measurement level of Current 2 below sea surface, in 1 metre
Current Measuring level 2 9 steps.
(Same as Current Measuring level 1)
Speed of Current 3 measured at a chosen level below the sea
Current Speed 3 8 surface, in 0.1 knot steps.
(Same as Current Speed 1)
Direction of Current 3, in 1 degree steps.
Current Direction 3 9
(Same as Current Direction 1)
Measurement level of Current 3 below sea surface, in 1 metre
Current Measuring level 3 9 steps.
(Same as Current Measuring level 1)
Sensor Data Description 3 Type of data from current sensor, as defined in Table 12.16.
Spare 4 Not used. Set to zero.
Total 85
Annex, page 60
Table 12.10
Current flow Report: 3-dimensions (x, y & z)
No. of
Parameter Description
Speed of North component of Current 1 measured at a chosen
level below the sea surface, in 0.1 knot steps.
Current Vector Component 0.0 - 24.5 knots
North (u) 1 246 = speed 24.6 knots or greater
247 = not available = default
248 - 254 (reserved for future use)
Speed of East component of Current 1 measured at a chosen
level below the sea surface, in 0.1 knot steps.
Current Vector Component 0.0 - 24.5 knots
East (v) 1 246 = speed 24.6 knots or greater
247 = not available = default
248 - 254 (reserved for future use)
Speed of Up component of Current 1 measured at a chosen level
below the sea surface, in 0.1 knot steps.
Current Vector Component Up 0.0 - 24.5 knots
(z) 1 246 = speed 24.6 knots or greater
247 = not available = default
248 - 254 (reserved for future use)
Measurement level of Current 1 below sea surface, in 1 metre
Current Measuring level 1 9 0 - 360 metres
361 = not available = default
362 - 511 (reserved for future use)
Speed of North component of Current 2 measured at a chosen
Current Vector Component
8 level below the sea surface, in 0.1 knot steps.
North (u) 2
(Same as for Current 1)
Speed of East component of Current 2 measured at a chosen
Current Vector Component
8 level below the sea surface, in 0.1 knot steps.
East (v) 2
(Same as for Current 1)
Speed of Up component of Current 2 measured at a chosen level
Current Vector Component Up
8 below the sea surface, in 0.1 knot steps.
(z) 2
(Same as for Current 1)
Measurement level of Current 2 below sea surface, in 1 metre
Current Measuring level 2 9 steps.
(Same as for Current 1)
Sensor Data Description 3 Type of data from Current sensor, as defined in Table 12.16.
Total 85
Annex, page 61
Table 12.11
Horizontal current flow report
No. of
Parameter Description
Bearing of Current 1 reading from sensor position, in 1 degree
0 - 359 degrees
Current Reading 1 Bearing 9
360 = data not available = default
361 = sensor not available
362 - 511 (reserved for future use)
Distance of Current 1 reading from sensor position, in 1 metre
0 - 120 metres
Current Reading 1 Distance 7
121 = 121 m or greater
122 = not available = default
123 - 127 (reserved for future use)
Speed of Current 1 measured at a chosen level below the sea
surface, in 0.1 knot steps.
0.0 - 24.5 knots
Current 1 Speed 8
246 = speed 24.6 knots or greater
247 = not available = default
248 - 255 (reserved for future use)
Direction of Current 1, in 1 degree steps.
0 - 359 degrees
Current 1 Direction 9
360 = data not available = default
361 - 511 (not for use)
Measurement level of Current 1 below sea surface, in 1 metre
0 - 360 metres
Current 1 Measuring level 9
361 = level 361 metres or greater
362 = data not available = default
363 - 511 (reserved for future use)
Bearing of Current 2 reading from sensor position, 1 degree
Current Reading 2 Bearing 9 steps.
(Same as for Current 1 bearing)
Distance of Current 2 reading from sensor position, 1 metre
Current Reading 2 Distance 7 steps.
(Same as for Current 1 Distance)
Speed of Current 2 measured at a chosen level below the sea
Current 2 Speed 8 surface, in 0.1 knot steps.
(Same as for Current 1 Speed)
Direction of Current 2, in 1 degree steps.
Current 2 Direction 9
(Same as for Current 1 Direction)
Measurement level of Current 1 below sea surface, in 1 metre
Current 2 Measuring level 9 steps.
(Same as for Current 1 level)
Spare 1 Not used. Set to zero.
Total 85
Annex, page 62
Table 12.12
Sea state report
No. of
Parameter Description
Height of the swell, in 0.1 metre steps.
0.0 – 24.5 metres
Swell Height 8 246 = height 24.6 metres or greater
247 = not available = default
248 - 255 (reserved for future use)
Swell period in seconds, in 1 second steps.
0 - 60 seconds
Swell Period 6
61 = not available = default
62 - 63 (reserved for future use)
Direction of swells, in 1 degree steps.
0 – 359 degrees
Swell Direction 9
360 = not available = default
361 - 511 (reserved for future use)
Sea State 4 Beaufort Scale, as defined in Table 1.2
Sensor Data Description 3 Type of data from Swell sensor, as defined in Table 12.16
Temperature of the water in degrees Celsius (as per 2's
complement), in 0.1 degree steps.
-10.0 to + 50.0 degrees Celsius
Water Temperature 10
temp = decimal value/10 - 10 for decimal = 0 - 600
601 = not available = default
602 - 1,023 (reserved for future use)
Depth of water temperature sensor, in 0.1 metre steps.
0 - 12.0 metres
Water Temperature Depth 7 121 = depth 12.1 metres or greater
122 = not available = default
123 - 126 (reserved for future use)
Type of data from Water Temperature sensor, as defined in
Sensor Data Description 3
Table 12.16.
Height of the waves, in 0.1 metre steps.
0.0 - 24.5 metres
Significant Wave Height 8 246 = height 24.6 m or greater
247 = not available = default
248 - 255 (reserved for future use)
Wave period, in 1 second steps.
0 - 60 seconds
Wave Period 6
61 = not available = default
62- 63 (reserved for future use)
Direction of waves, in 1 degree steps.
0 - 359 degrees
Wave Direction 9
360 = not available = default
361 - 511 (reserved for future use)
Sensor Data Description 3 Type of data from Wave sensor, as defined in Table 12.16.
Annex, page 63
No. of
Parameter Description
Salinity in 0.1‰ (ppt) steps.
0.0 - 50.0‰
501 = salinity 50.1‰ or greater
Salinity 9
502 = data not available = default
503 = sensor not available
504 - 511 (reserved for future use)
Total 85
Table 12.13
Salinity report
No. of
Parameter Description
Temperature of water in degrees Celsius, in 0.1 degree steps.
-10.0 to + 50.0 degrees
temp = decimal value/10 - 10 for decimal = 0 - 600
Water Temperature 10
601 = data not available
602 = sensor not available = default
603 - 1,023 (reserved for future use)
Water conductivity in Siemens/metre, in 0.01 S/m steps.
0.0 - 7.00 Siemens/metre
7.01 = conductivity 7.01 or greater
Conductivity 10
702 = data not available
703 = sensor not available = default,
704 - 1,023 (reserved for future use)
Pressure of water in decibars, in 0.1 decibars steps.
0.0 to 6000.0 decibars
6000.1 = pressure 6000.1 or greater
Water Pressure 16
60002 = data not available
60003 = sensor not available = default
60004 - 65535 (reserved for future use)
Salinity in 0.1‰ (ppt) steps.
0.0 - 50.0 ‰
50.1 = salinity 50.1 or greater
Salinity 9
502 = data not available = default
503 = sensor not available
504 - 511 (reserved for future use)
Type of salinity.
0 = measured
Salinity Type 2 1 = calculated using PSS-78
2 = calculated using other method
3 (reserved for future use)
Sensor Data Description 3 Type of data from Salinity sensor, as defined in Table 12.16.
Spare 35 Not used. Set to zero.
Total 85
Annex, page 64
Table 12.14
Weather report
No. of
Parameter Description
Dry bulb temperature in degrees Celsius (as per 2's
complement), in 0.1 degree steps.
-60.0 to +60.0 degrees Celsius
Air Temperature 11
-1,024 = data unavailable = default
-1,023 to -601 (reserved for future use)
601 - 1,023 (reserved for future use)
Type of data from Air Temperature sensor, as defined in
Sensor Data Description 3
Table 12.16.
According to WMO
0 = rain
Precipitation (type) 2 1 = snow
2 = rain and snow
3 = other
Visibility in Nautical Miles, in 0.1 NM steps.
0.0 – 24.0 NM
241 = visibility 24.1 NM or greater
Horizontal Visibility 8
242 = data not available
243 = sensor not available = default
244 - 255 (reserved for future use)
Dew point temperature in degrees Celsius (as per 2's
complement), in 0.1 degree steps.
-20.0 to +50.0 degrees Celsius
Dew Point 10
501 = not available = default
502 - 511 (reserved for future use)
-511 to -201 (reserved for future use)
Sensor Data Description 3 Type of data from Dew Point sensor, as defined in Table 12.16.
Air pressure, defined as pressure reduced to sea level, in 1 hPa
0 = pressure 800 hPa or less
Air Pressure 9 1 - 401 = 800 - 1200 hPa
402 = pressure 1201 hPa or greater
403 = data not available = default
404 - 511 (reserved for future use)
Air pressure trend
0 = steady
Air Pressure Trend 2 1 = decreasing
2 = increasing
3 = undefined = default
Sensor Data Description 3 Type of data from air pressure sensor, as defined in Table 12.16.
Salinity in 0.1‰ (ppt) steps.
0.0 - 50.0 ‰
501 = salinity 50.1 or greater
Salinity 9
511 = data not available = default
512 = sensor not available
503 - 511 (reserved for future use)
Spare 25 Not used. Set to zero.
Total 85
Annex, page 65
Table 12.15
Air gap/Air draught
No. of
Parameter Description
Vertical distance measured from the ship's waterline to the
highest point on the ship, in 0.1 metre steps.
Air Draught
13 1 - 81.90 metres
8,191 = distance 81.91 metres or greater
0 = data not available = default
Vertical distance measured from the surface of the water to the
sensor, in 0.1 metre steps.
Air Gap 13 1 - 81.9 metres
8,191 = distance 81.91 metres or greater
0 = data not available = default
Trend of the air gap measurement.
0 = steady
Air Gap Trend 2 1 = rising
2 = falling
3 = no data = default
The forecast vertical distance measured from the surface of the
water to the sensor, in 0.01 metre steps. This is the
measurement for the time of the forecast.
Forecast Air Gap 13
1 - 81.90 metres
8,191 = distance 81.91 metres or greater
0 = data not available = default
Valid Time of the Forecast Valid UTC date and time of the forecast.
1 - 31
UTC Day 5
0 = not available = default
0 - 23
UTC Hour 5 24 = not available = default
25 - 31 (reserved for future use)
0 - 59
UTC Minute 6 60 = not available = default
61 - 63 (reserved for future use)
Spare 28 Not used. Set to zero.
Total 85
Annex, page 66
Table 12.16
Type of data from sensor
Value Description
0 no data = default
1 raw real time
2 real time with Quality Control
3 predicted (based historical statistics)
4 forecast (predicted, refined with real-time information)
5 Nowcast (a continuous forecast)
6 (reserved for future use)
7 sensor not available
Annex, page 67
13 Route information
13.1 This message allows the communication of pertinent vessel routing information.
It should only be used in when important route information (e.g., mandatory or recommended
route(s)) – not already provided by current official nautical charts or publications – needs to be
relayed by authorities or vessels.
13.2 This message can be broadcast or addressed, depending on which alternative is more
13.3 The information is time-dependent (i.e. has start date and time and duration).
13.4 In order to allow advance notice, this message should be transmitted prior to the start
date and time specified for the routing information. It should not be transmitted more than one
day in advance.
13.5 This message should not be transmitted beyond the designated date and time except
for a cancellation message. A cancellation message can be transmitted using the same
Message Linkage ID with Route Type of 31 (cancellation), a Duration of 0 and start date and
time fields all set to not available.
13.6 ECDIS/ECS software should automatically remove the contents of the Route
Information binary message from the display after the end date and time or after receiving a
cancellation message.
13.7 Up to 5-slot messages can be created, however messages with more than 3 slots
should be avoided.
13.8 The Message Linkage ID can be used to link additional text (e.g., a separate text
message). However, the same source MMSI needs to be included in both the Route Information
and additional Text Description message.
Table 13.1
Route information – (broadcast)
No. of
Parameter Description
Message ID 6 Identifier for Message 8; always 8.
Used by the repeater to indicate how many times a message has
been repeated.
Repeat Indicator 2 0-3
0 = default
3 = do not repeat anymore
Source ID 30 MMSI number of source station.
Spare 2 Not used. Set to zero.
IAI 16 DAC = 001; FI = 27.
Annex, page 68
No. of
Parameter Description
A source specific running number, unique across all binary
messages equipped with Message Linkage ID. Used to link
additional information to the message by a Text Description
Message Linkage ID 10 message. The Message Linkage ID and the first six digits of the
source MMSI uniquely identify the sent message.
1 - 1,023
0 = not available = default
0 = ship = default
Sender Classification 3 1 = authority
2 - 7 (reserved for future use)
0 = not available = default
1 = mandatory route
2 = recommended route
3 = alternative route
Route Type 5 4 = recommended route through ice
5 = ship route plan
6 – 30 (reserved for future use)
31 = cancellation (cancel route as identified by Message
Linkage ID)
Start Date and Time Start UTC date and time.
1 - 12
UTC Month 4
0 = not available = default
1 - 31
UTC Day 5
0 = not available = default
0 - 23
UTC Hour 5
24 = not available = default
0 - 59
UTC Minute 6
60 = not available = default
Minutes until end of validity of the route. Measured from start time
Duration of Route Information.
0 = cancel route
262,143 = not available = default
Number of Waypoints
1 - 16
Number of Waypoints 5
0 = no waypoint = default
17 - 31 (not used)
Variable number of waypoints 1 - 16 (55 bit each), refer to
Waypoints n x 55 Table 13.3. The number of waypoints is determined by the length
of the message.
Spare 0 Not used. Set to zero.
172 -
Total Occupies 2 - 5 slots (see Table 13.4)
Annex, page 69
Table 13.2
Route information – (addressed)
No. of
Parameter Description
Message ID 6 Identifier for Message 6; always 6.
Used by the repeater to indicate how many times a message has
been repeated.
Repeat Indicator 2 0-3
0 = default
3 = do not repeat anymore
Source ID 30 MMSI number of source station.
Sequence Number 2 0 - 3; refer to ITU-R M.1371-3, Annex 2, § 5.3.1.
Destination ID 30 MMSI number of destination station.
Retransmit Flag should be set upon retransmission.
Retransmit Flag 1 0 = no retransmission = default
1 = retransmitted
Spare 1 Not used. Set to zero.
DAC = 001; FI = 28
IAI 16
(See Rec. ITU-R M.1371-3, Annex 5, § 2.1)
A source specific running number, unique across all binary
messages equipped with Message Linkage ID. Used to link
additional information to the message by a Text Description
Message Linkage ID 10 message. The Message Linkage ID and the first six digits of the
source MMSI uniquely identify the sent message.
1 - 1,023
0 = not available = default
0 = ship = default
Sender Classification 3 1 = authority
2 - 7 (reserved for future use)
0 = not available = default
1 = mandatory route
2 = recommended route
3 = alternative route
Route Type 5 4 = recommended route through ice
5 = ship route plan
6 - 30 (reserved for future use)
31 = cancellation (cancel route as identified by Message
Linkage ID)
Start Date and Time Start UTC date and time.
1 - 12
UTC Month 4
0 = not available = default
1 - 31
UTC Day 5
0 = not available = default
0 - 23
UTC Hour 5
24 = not available = default
0 - 59
UTC Minute 6
60 = not available = default
Annex, page 70
No. of
Parameter Description
Minutes until end of validity of the route. Measured from start
Duration date and time of Route Information.
0 = cancel route
262,143 = not available = default
Number of waypoints.
1 - 16
Number of Waypoints 5
0 = no waypoint = default
17 - 31 (not used)
Variable number of waypoints 1 - 16 (55 bit each), refer to
Waypoints n x 55 Table 13.3. The number of waypoints is determined by the length
of the message.
Spare Not used. Set to zero.
204 –
Total Occupies 2 - 5 slots (see Table 13.4)
Table 13.3
No. of
Parameter Description
Longitude in 1/10,000 min, ±180 degrees as per 2's complement
WP i. Longitude 28 (East = positive, West = negative).
181 = not available = default
Latitude in 1/10,000 min, ±90 degrees as per 2's complement
WP i. Latitude 27 (North = positive, South = negative).
91 degrees = not available = default
Table 13.4
Number of slots
Number or waypoints
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Number of slots used for a
2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5
broadcast message
Number of slots used for an
2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5
addressed message
Annex, page 71
14 Text description
14.1 This message provides a text description in combination with other AIS
Application-Specific Message.
14.2 This message can be broadcast or addressed, but must be the same as the main
message that it is linked to.
14.3 The Message Linkage ID is used to link the Text Description message to another AIS
Application-Specific Message (e.g., Area Notice or Route Information). The same source MMSI
must be used to send both the main message and Text Description message.
14.4 Up to 5-slot messages can be created, however messages greater than 3 slots should
be avoided.
Table 14.1
Text description – (broadcast)
No. of
Parameter Description
Message ID 6 Identifier for Message 8; always 8
Used by the repeater to indicate how many times a message has
been repeated.
Repeat Indicator 2 0-3
0 = default
3 = do not repeat anymore
Source ID 30 MMSI number of source station.
Spare 2 Not used. Set to zero.
IAI 16 DAC = 001; FI = 29
Used to link the Text Description message with a main message.
The Connection ID and source MMSI MID uniquely identifies the
Message Linkage ID 10 main message.
1 - 1,023
0 = not available = default
Free text 1 - 161 characters 6-bits ASCII. If applicable,
recommended to use IMO Standard Marine Communication
Text String 6 - 966
Phrases (SMCP) (resolution A.918(22)). Number of slots used
should be minimized, refer to Table 14.2.
Spare 0 Not used. Set to zero.
72 –
Total Occupies 1 - 5 slots (see Table 14.2)
Table 14.2
Number of slots if sent as a broadcast message
Annex, page 72
Table 14.3
Text description – (addressed)
No. of
Parameter Description
Message ID 6 Identifier for Message 6; always 6.
Used by the repeater to indicate how many times a message has
been repeated.
Repeat Indicator 2 0-3
0 = default
3 = do not repeat anymore
Source ID 30 MMSI number of source station.
Sequence Number 2 0 - 3; refer to § 5.3.1, Annex 2 of ITU-R M.1371-3.
Destination ID 30 MMSI number of destination station.
Retransmit Flag should be set upon retransmission.
Retransmit Flag 1 0 = no retransmission = default
1 = retransmitted
Spare 1 Not used. Set to zero.
DAC = 001; FI = 30
IAI 16
(See Rec. ITU-R M.1371-3, Annex 5, § 2.1.
Used to link the Text Description message with a main message.
The Connection ID and source MMSI MID uniquely identifies the
Message Linkage ID 10 main message.
1 - 1,023
0 = not available = default
Free text 1 - 155 characters 6-bits ASCII). If applicable,
recommended to use IMO Standard Marine Communication
Text String 6 - 930
Phrases (SMCP) (resolution A.918(22)). Number of slots used
should be minimized, refer to Table 14.4.
Spare 0 Not used. Set to zero.
104 -
Total Occupies 1 - 5 slots (see Table 14.4).
Table 14.4
Number of slots if sent as an addressed message