Askari Bank (Internship Report)
Askari Bank (Internship Report)
Askari Bank (Internship Report)
Offer letter:...............................................................................................................................................4
Internship letter:.....................................................................................................................................5
Executive Summary:..............................................................................................................................7
History and Background..........................................................................................................................8
Functions of AKBL...................................................................................................................................9
The vision:..............................................................................................................................................10
The mission:..........................................................................................................................................10
Core values............................................................................................................................................10
Code of business principles:.................................................................................................................11
Strategic planning.................................................................................................................................11
Organizational Structure:...................................................................................................................12
Departments of Askari Bank:.............................................................................................................13
1. Accounts opening department.....................................................................................................13
Types of Account Opening Form.......................................................................................................13
Documents Required........................................................................................................................14
2. Clearing department.....................................................................................................................15
Inward clearing.................................................................................................................................15
Outward clearing..............................................................................................................................16
3. Credit department........................................................................................................................17
Forms of lending:..............................................................................................................................17
Credit Facility Classification..............................................................................................................18
4. Remittance department................................................................................................................19
1) Pay Order......................................................................................................................................20
2) Demand Draft................................................................................................................................20
5. Cash department...........................................................................................................................20
Marketing mix:.......................................................................................................................................21
1. Products........................................................................................................................................21
Consumer banking service:...............................................................................................................21
Islamic banking services:...................................................................................................................22
2. Price...............................................................................................................................................22
3. Place..............................................................................................................................................23
Main offices.......................................................................................................................................23
4. Promotion.....................................................................................................................................26
1) Advertising................................................................................................................................26
2) Billboards..................................................................................................................................27
3) Brochures..................................................................................................................................27
4) Personal Selling.........................................................................................................................27
5) Internet.....................................................................................................................................27
6) Social networking......................................................................................................................27
7) Public relations..........................................................................................................................27
8) Publicity.....................................................................................................................................28
SWOT analyses of Askari Bank:................................................................................................................28
PEST Analyses:..........................................................................................................................................31
Political Analysis...................................................................................................................................31
Economic Analysis.................................................................................................................................31
Social Analysis.......................................................................................................................................31
Technological Analysis..........................................................................................................................32
I want to express my gratitude to Mr. Wajid for helping me and assisting me during the selection
process for this internship. Without him, it would not have been possible for me to pursue this
opportunity, and I will always find limitless inspiration in his kind actions.
The employees, from the manager to the lowest cadres, were responsible for making this
experience unforgettable and giving me a practical understanding of how banks operate. My
internship was a great opportunity for me to gain practical experience.
Additionally, I want to thank my parents and instructors, who have always been a source of
knowledge and inspiration for me and whose prayers have helped me get to the point where I can
take advantage of chances like this.
Thank you.
Executive Summary:
I completed a six-week internship at the Askari Bank Limited G-11 branch in Islamabad, which
ran from August 1 to September 9. I finished my six-week internship there, which was a
requirement for students enrolled in Air University. This internship is designed to provide
students who are about to graduate from the institute a taste of real life, how it would be, and
how we would deal with the obstacles it presents after we leave these gates. These six weeks
were a tremendous learning experience that allowed us to put the information we had learnt into
perspective. This report clarifies the lessons I learnt while working as an intern at Askari Bank
This report begins with an introduction and then follows the format graciously provided to us by
our esteemed institute, covering the goals, the specifics of the operations, and finally, what I
learnt while serving as an intern at Askari Bank Limited. Since it was founded in 1991 and
commenced operations in 1992, it has provided a wide range of services while retaining a tight
relationship with Pakistan's armed forces. It is currently owned by the Fauji Foundation and was
formerly held by the Army Welfare Trust.
As an intern, I had the opportunity to work in the bank's most crucial divisions: deposits, bills
and remittances, accounts, and credit. The features of a banking job include a thorough briefing
followed by a rigorous schedule, and my internship was no different in that regard. We were
given a lot of work while yet being kept motivated by learning throughout the duration of our
internship. My report is based on the lessons I learned while working at Askari Bank Limited
and how those lessons helped me become more competent and knowledgeable.
Askari Bank Limited has grown to have more than 100 branches around the country, including
both commercial and Islamic banking branches. These branches are all connected online and
supported by a network of automated teller machines (ATMs). It also has a Bahrain-based
offshore banking branch. Through smart investments in electronic technology, Askari Bank
Limited has established itself as a strong player in the banking industry with a dedication to its
customers that only grows with time. For short-term obligations, it has the best possible credit
rating of A1+, and for long-term obligations, it has an AA+ rating. Askari Bank Limited offers a
variety of Corporate, Consumer, and Islamic Banking products in addition to regular banking
The first bank in Pakistan to provide Internet banking services and B2B e-commerce (Business
to Business electronic Commerce) solutions for retailers seeking to make credit-based purchases
is Askari Commercial Bank Limited. They think the secret to surviving in the current global
financial environment is balanced expansion.
Askari Bank keeps winning in the market. For the years 2002, 2003, and 2004, they were given
the Management Association of Pakistan's (MAP) Corporate Excellence Award for the financial
industry. The Global Finance magazine twice recognised them as "The Best Bank in Pakistan,"
in the years 2001 and 2002. The "Best Consumer Internet Bank" title was granted to them by
Global Finance magazine in 2002 and 2003. They were crowned winners of the Euro money and
Asia money awards in 1994, 1996, and 1997. For the years 2000, 2001, and 2002, they were
given the prestigious "Best Presented Annual Accounts" award by the Institute of Chartered
Accountants in Pakistan (ICAP) for the Services Sector. Additionally, they have won awards
from the South Asian Federation of Accountants (SAFA) over the past six years for "The Best
Presented Annual Accounts" for the banking industry in the SAARC area. For the third year in a
row, Askari Bank received "The Best Consumer Banking Award 2006" from the Pakistani
Consumer Association in 2007. 2008 saw Pakistan Guarantee Export Corporation Ltd. bestow
"The Best Retail Banking Award 2008" on Askari Bank.
Functions of AKBL
Commercial bank AKBL conducts banking operations in compliance with BCO, 1962's
regulations. The Act's Section 7 grants banks permission to do the specified type of activity. The
tasks performed by AKBL can be divided into two categories in light of this section:
Agency services
General utility services.
Underwriting of loans raised by the government
Providing specialized services to customers
Accepting deposits
The vision:
The mission:
The mission statement of the bank is: “To be the leading private sector bank in Pakistan with an
international presence, delivering quality services through innovative technology and effective
resource management in a modern and progressive organization culture of meritocracy,
maintaining high ethical and professional standards, while providing enhanced value to all their
stakeholders, and contributing to society”
Core values
We understand that our commitment to satisfy customers’ needs must be fulfilled within a
professional and ethical framework. We subscribe to a culture of high ethical standards, based on
the development of right attitudes. We believe in our 'core values' as the essential and enduring
tenets of our organization - the very small set of guiding principles that have a profound impact
on how everyone in the organization thinks and acts. They have an intrinsic value for us and bear
significant importance to all our employees. They are the few extremely powerful guiding
principles; the soul of the organization - the values that guide all our actions.
The intrinsic values, which are the corner stones of our corporate behavior, are:
Strategic planning
To comprehensively plan for the future to ensure sustained growth and profitability.
To facilitate alignment of the Vision, Mission, Corporate Objectives with the business.
To provide strategic initiatives and solutions for projects, products, policies and
To provide strategic solutions to strengthen weak areas and to counter threats to profits.
To identify strategic initiatives and opportunities for profit.
To create and leverage strategic assets and capabilities for competitive advantage.
Organizational Structure:
senior executive
vice president
clerical staff
officers grade 1 cashiers,typists,
Various departments make up the banking process. Various departments operate in accordance
with bank policies. The Askari Bank G11 Branch is one of many divisions that work together for
the benefit of its clients. Each department's head supervises branch officials and directs them to
follow protocol. I completed an internship at the AKBL G11 branch and have worked in
numerous departments to become familiar with how they operate.
Prevent fraud
Safeguard against unintended overdraft;
Questions regarding the Client
3. Corporate Form
Documents Required
Following are the documents which are necessary required from customer according to account
opening form:
1. Assan Account Form
CNIC Copy.
Copy of ID Card of next of kin.
• Providing account opening forms in accordance with the needs of the customer, who may
want to open a business account, a joint account, an individual account, etc.
• Explain to the customer what conditions must be met in order to open an account.
• Carefully review the form to ensure that the customer accurately filled out the account
opening form.
• Verify that the ID card signature matches the customer's signature.
• If the customer's signature differs from the one on their ID card, both signatures are
obtained on the undertaking form, and a fresh signature is used to start an account.
• Stamping the form and all associated paperwork.
• Printing of chequebooks.
• The issuance of a certificate for account maintenance (on customer demand).
• Account closure.
• Create customer deposit slips.
• Hand out chequebooks and ATMs to customers.
• Recording transactions including ATMs, chequebooks, SMS alerts, account opening
forms, etc.
•Verification of signature in case of cheque presented before releasing of account
opening from Specimen Signature card (SSC) is not yet scanned.
Askari bank offer facility of lockers to its customer
2. Clearing department
Clearing services are offered by the State Bank of Pakistan or the National Bank of Pakistan in
all major cities where the State Bank does not have an office in order to make arrangements for
the swift and efficient collection of checks, draughts, or other documents payable or deliverable
at or through offices of members of the Clearing House.
• Inward clearing
• Outward clearing
Inward clearing
The instruments supplied by other banks through the clearing house in accordance with the
clearing schedules are received by the bank's clearing representative. The bank's representative
enters the instruments after receiving them from other banks in the summary sheet's columns for
inbound clearing (received).
After checking the delivery slips with the clearance paperwork, the totals are confirmed. She
adds up the receipts in the summary, creates a balance that shows the net amount owed by or to
the bank, and gives it to the Clearing House supervisor for validation.
Each instrument received for inward clearing is individually entered and tallied for counter
checking in the inward clearing register. The following counts are also checked against the
instruments received in The collecting bank has applied the crossing and clearing stamps, and the
clearing stamp is accurately dated as of the presentation in clearing.
The stamps used for crossing and clearing come from the same bank.
The same bank or its representative has proposed a specially crossed instrument.
It is necessary to collect the bank's discharge.
Any bank crossing besides collecting is prohibited.
Sum in both words and numbers
Balance and signatures
After creating vouchers that have been properly signed by two authorised responsible officers,
instruments are then issued for posting to the debit of corresponding accounts. Any instruments
that need to be returned to clearing unpaid are returned the same day through the second clearing
session of the clearing house.
The instruments that were returned are given back with a check. On the returning memo, which
is signed by the relevant authorised officer, the reason for returning the check is stated. The
returned check is recorded in the Cheques Returned Register according to the Register's columns.
In the remarks column next to the entry of the appropriate check in the Inward Clearing Register,
the remarks regarding returning the check are also included.
Outward clearing
All checks received for outbound clearing and intended for customer deposit are accepted on the
appropriate pay-in slip for the bank, duly completed by the depositor in accordance with the
printed columns of the pay-in slip. The depositor signs in the designated column (deposited by)
after writing the instrument number, the name/branch of the bank drawn on, and the instrument
number. The bank's receiving official stamps the instrument with the bank's crossing and
clearing stamps as soon as they get it.
On the back of the instruments, the bank's discharge is stated. The Pay-in-Slip is stamped on
both sides, with the clearing stamp bearing his signatures and dated for the following working
day. The concerned authorized checking officer is given the pay-in slip and the instrument to be
signed on the pay-in slip and discharge. The counter-foil is given to the depositor after his
signature. The Outbound Clearing Sheet records all instruments received for outward clearing
over the counter and from branches. Each instrument accepted for outbound clearing has all of
the Sheet's columns filled up. If a document was obtained from a different bank branch, the name
of the branch is included in the column for name of depositor. At the end of each working day,
the total amount of all things recorded in the Sheet is calculated and mentioned.
Bank-wise sorting is done on all instruments received for outgoing clearing. Bank-wise
schedules are created in two copies and tallied separately. The aggregate totals of each schedule,
including the quantity and number of instruments, must match those on the outward clearing
sheet. The form and the total number of instruments are used to generate a bank-by-bank
summary of all outward clearing; the amount of each instrument is noted in the appropriate
printed columns.
This sum is compared to the grand total of the bank-by-bank schedules and the totals listed on
the outward clearing sheet. Vouchers for the outward clearing are prepared and presented in the
outward clearing Sheet before the checking officer for checking, signing bank's
discharge/relevant vouchers and schedules, when the aforementioned requirements have been
The checking officer confirms that all previous formalities have been properly fulfilled before
releasing the vouchers for posting in the appropriate accounts the next working day. The
instruments are delivered to other bank representatives along with the bank-wise schedule in the
initial clearing that takes place in the clearing house the following day. Following receiving his
acknowledgement, the representative of the other bank returns one copy of the schedule.
3. Credit department
Forms of lending:
Banks typically provide credit in the form of loans, overdrafts, and cash credits. Banks provide
credit in the form of "secured advances" secured against real estate and marketable securities as
well as "clean advances" against promissory notes. The securities that do not suffer the risk of
widespread depreciation owing to market volatility are preferred by bankers. The following are
typical collateral for banker advances:
• Pledge
• Hypothecation
• Guarantees
• Indemnity
1) Pledge
The pledgee enjoys sole possession of the property until the advance is fully repaid, however the
pledger retains title. In the event of default, the pledge has the right to sell the property after
giving proper notice.
2) Hypothecation
The goods are said to be hypothecated when property in them is pledged as security for a loan
from the bank, but ownership and possession remain with the borrower.
3) Guarantees
The lender may rely on personal assurances to safeguard himself against loss on loans or
overdrafts to the applicant when the applicant for an advance is unable to provide any tangible
4) Indemnity
A contract of indemnification is one in which one party promises to protect the other from harm
brought on by the conduct of the promisor or any other party.
1. Based on funds.
2. Non-Funded.
The bank offers financing to its clients through these kinds of services. Customers of Askari
Limited Bank can receive a variety of advances dependent on money.
1) Running Finance
2) Cash Finance
3) Term Finance
1) Running Finance
The borrower is permitted to use it up to a pre-approved limit. A current account is opened, and
for a period of three to six months, the activity of this account is monitored. The maximum
quantity of checks that can be drawn on the borrower's current account is the limit that has been
granted to him. The balance due from the borrower is reflected in the account as a partial debit.
The markup is assessed based on Daily Products and the outstanding balance.
2) Cash Finance
The borrower is permitted to use this sort of financing in exchange for the hypothecation or
promise of the borrower's stock or moveable property. Most of the time, this financing is
approved in exchange for stock pledges (cash crops). Finance is credited to the borrower's
special finance account, which he or she uses for company needs. The borrower receives a
separate chequebook for this account.
3) Term finance
It is a loan account that has been opened in the borrower's name. By debiting the Term Finance
Account, the finance amount is credited to the borrower's personal account. Financing is
dispersed in a single lump sum. Term Finance is typically repaid in instalments, and a letter of
instalments is obtained from the borrower at the time of disbursement in addition to other
paperwork. By signing the letter, the borrower commits to making the instalment payments on
time. Principal and markup for the repayment period are included in the instalment amount.
4. Remittance department
The need for remittance is frequently felt in daily life in general and in the commercial world in
particular. Money transfers from one location to another are the primary responsibility of the
remittance Department. By offering these services to the client, the bank makes a sizable profit.
Additionally, clients are able to satisfy the company's daily financial needs. This department
solely handles transfers in local currency. These services are offered by AKBL to both clients
and nonclients.
1) Pay Order
It is a payment instrument issued in the same city. Only the same branch may be used to settle a
pay order that was issued from that branch. It is commonly known as a banker's check. Because
the bank issues this with its own guarantee, it is also known as a verified check.
2) Demand Draft
It is a document produced by the bank branch from which the money was taken and payable at
another location (branch) of the same bank on demand for which value has been obtained.
The DD is sent to the other bank if there are two banks involved; otherwise, it is given to the
5. Cash department
The cash department is where all actual physical currency transactions take place in the bank. It
is managed by Sir Saddique. The cashier's office often handles the following tasks:
• Receipts
• Payments
• Transfer of funds from one account to another
• Handling of ATM
• Verification of signatures
• Handling of prize bonds.
Marketing mix:
Through strategic expansion and business diversification, AKBL have successfully entered the
key domestic markets. Despite this success, heyt continue to be aware of the challenges posed by
changes in the global financial markets, as well as the opportunities and threats brought on by
further deregulation and rising customer expectations. These provide AKBL the motivation to
utilise the resources at their disposal, including contemporary technology, to the fullest in order
to confront the challenges ahead.
The middle and upper middle business houses, comprising wholesalers and manufacturers,
operating in Pakistan's major cities that are predominantly focused on foreign commerce have
historically been Askari's core marketing focus for its asset base.
1. Products
Askari Bank offers you a wide variety of goods. Whether you're looking for high interest rates on
your savings, safes for your valuables, cash flow for your business, loans to cover an urgent
financial need, or financing for the purchase of a car, we have the answers to your problems.
The focus of AKBL is not on the service itself but rather on the advantage it provides. For
instance, the "e-statement" service places more of an emphasis on the benefit and convenience of
the consumer than it does on the service itself.
5. Askari Mahana Bachat Account (1 + 3 Years Term)
6. Askari Roshan Mustaqbil Deposit
7. Askari Deposit Multiplier Account
8. Business Finance
9. Mortgage Finance
10. Agriculture Finance Solutions
2. Price
The following pricing methods are used by Askari Commercial Bank Limited:
One of the four Ps of the marketing mix is pricing. The three additional factors are site, promotion, and
product. The only one of the four Ps that generates income is price, with the others being cost centers.
Askari Commercial Bank uses several pricing strategies for various goods and services. For each product,
the firm uses a different strategy to meet its financial objectives. The marketer is required to assess the
company's objectives when any new product is launched by the Askari Commercial Bank. The top
management of the organisation must first read the marketing objective before choosing a reasonable
price for a product. The easier it is to determine a price, the more definite the company's goals are.
Following are the possible pricing objectives
Maximum current profit,
Maximum market share,
Maximum market skimming,
Product quality leadership.
When the management set its marketing goals, they took into account the product's nature, its position
in the market, and the fact that it is an innovative product that creates market monopolies. The step of
determining the price of the product begins when the senior management sets its pricing aim. Following
are the steps in setting price for a product:
3. Place
Main offices
a) Rawalpindi
AWT PLAZA BRANCH, Rawalpindi Branch Code: 0001
b) Karachi
Main Br, Karachi, Karachi Branch Code: 0002
c) Quetta
M.A. Jinnah Road, Quetta Main, Quetta Branch Code: 0003
d) Peshawar
PESHAWAR CANTT, Peshawar Branch Code: 0004
e) Lahore
Main / SAT Branch, Lahore Branch Code: 0006
f) Islamabad
Jinnah Avenue Branch, Islamabad Branch Code: 0008
Address: 24-D, Rasheed Plaza, Jinnah Avenue, Blue Area, P.O. Box 1499
g) Faisalabad
University Road Branch, Faisalabad Branch Code: 0009
h) Gujranwala
Gujranwala Branch, Gujranwala Branch Code: 0012
i) Multan
Abdali Road Multan, Multan Branch Code: 0013
4. Promotion
1) Advertising
The primary source employed by AKBL is advertising, which entails impersonal, typically
compensated campaigns that frequently use mass media sources to spread the marketer's
message. The introduction of computer technology and, in particular, the Internet, has enhanced
the alternatives that allow consumers to give prompt feedback. Historically, advertising has been
one-way communication with limited opportunity for the customer experiencing the commercial
to provide comment. Although AKBL uses television and newspaper advertising as a marketing
strategy, it is most frequently used when a new product is launched.
2) Billboards
Another medium utilized by AKBL to spread its message is the billboard. These are put in high-
traffic areas like the main thoroughfares of cities, close to airports serving schools and colleges.
3) Brochures
The Bank produces a number of brochures for its clients' general information. These comprise
the Visa Card Information, the Schedule of Bank Charges, the Savings & Term Deposit
Information, and others.
4) Personal Selling
At the Bank, personal selling is also typical. The branch employs knowledgeable sales
executives, or former business students. Personal selling is employed to draw in both individual
and business clients.
5) Internet
Askari Commercial Bank uses the internet as a marketing tool to reach its target audience. The
website contains information about the company's goods and services as well as general
information about it.
6) Social networking
The AKBL has generously contributed to the fields of sport, culture, poverty, women's and
children's welfare, health and medical science, and scientific research. Professionals from around
the world competed in international squash tournaments sponsored by AKBL, and Askari
advertising has also sponsored various sporting events, including The bank has also contributed
to awareness campaigns for AIDS, water conservation, and blindness. It has also supported
Pakistan's cause on international forums by co-sponsoring the first interactive encyclopedia of
Pakistan. Golf is played at both amateur and professional levels.
7) Public relations
The most common strategy employed by bankers and managers to boost deposits, build brand
awareness, and foster customer loyalty is public relations.
8) Publicity
This method of advertising involves the positive mention of the marketer's business or product in
third-party publications, typically in the news media, without paying the information's publisher
directly. Media, for instance, cover any tournament that the AKBL sponsors.
In Pakistan, ASKARI BANK is a reliable financial organization with exceptionally excellent
ratings. It is as a result of the following advantages:
Consumers who don't have time to visit the bank in person find phone banking services
quite appealing. By conducting their banking over the phone, customers can save
valuable time.
Instead than focusing on products, the bank's administration favor’s customer-focused
banking. The bank precisely caters its services and products to the unique requirements of
each of its clients.
Askari Bank's main strength is that all of its services are personalized and caring.
Additionally, the impact of this service on client satisfaction is very favorable.
Customer loyalty is a crucial component of any company's success, and Askari Bank
Limited is no exception.
People can easily and conveniently reach Askari Bank because to its extensive branch
Askari Bank, which specializes in trade finance, places a high value on the establishment
or maintenance of positive working relationships with other banks and financial
Askari Bank has a strong ability to deal thanks to its current information technology.
High credit rating by ASKCRA is a great strength for the Askari Bank.
This well-known and practical idea offered by Adam Smith in 1776 appears to be absent
from the bank. The employees' shifts from one job to another or entirely are continuously
The hardest difficulty facing all firms, not just the bank, is understanding and effectively
managing human resources. Even though people have suffered as a result of the new
organizational innovations, it is becoming increasingly obvious that the actual, long-
lasting competitive advantage comes from managing human resources. As seen by the
employees' relatively low levels of job satisfaction, ACBL appears to be ignoring this
crucial issue.
Despite the bank's computerized accounting system, bankers continue to enter data
manually in the accounting register.
Even in this highly developed technical environment, the bank nevertheless uses some of
its more established operating procedures.
The bank has a significant degree of centralization. The high management controls
almost all of the decisions. But centralization only works up to a point before it loses its
effectiveness and can even become expensive. I have seen firsthand that the staff'
operations were simply delayed because the head office had not given them any
There isn't yet a set training programme set up for new recruiters. They must gain
knowledge based on their observations and mistakes. It takes some time for a new person
to understand banking, which leads to a lot of errors, mistakes, etc. that cause financial
and non-financial losses for the bank.
Askari Bank has the chance to boost its market share as its popularity grows.
With the evolution of e-banking, Askari Bank now has the chance to provide new options
and set itself apart from other banks.
Askari Bank has the ability to design universal accounts for online services like other
overseas banks.
The ability to access more prospective markets not served by other financial guidance
thanks to Askari Bank's rapidly expanding network, which includes all staff.
Offering the Islamic banking system is a fantastic way to attract new clients and achieve
Our nation's high need for consumer credit presents a fantastic opportunity.
One of the biggest threats is the way things are politically right now.
Askari also faces a challenge from the government's poor leadership.
New introducing banks, such FAYSAL, SONERI, JS, SAUDI, etc., pose a danger to
High inflation rates are also a hazard to banks.
PEST Analyses:
Political Analysis
In one of the most unstable political environments in the world, Askari Bank does business. A
highly unpopular and unpopular government is on the one side, while the war against terrorism is
happening on the other. Since Askari Bank is a part of the Askari Welfare Trust, which is
managed by the Pakistan Army, it enjoys the benefit of avoiding direct government interference;
however, political forces have an impact on Askari's business through consumers and companies
that are directly impacted by political instability. There is also a lot of knowledge of some of the
major issues facing the world today, including population change, poverty, resource scarcity, and
climate change.
Economic Analysis
Despite the potential size of the country's consumer market, the outlook for the banking sector in
Pakistan remains largely negative. Pakistan possesses a number of traits that encourage a
favourable prognosis for the banking sector, including strong demographics, a domestic
economy focused on private consumption, and an extremely underbanked populace. However,
these positive factors are offset by an insecure security picture, an economy that is growing
below capacity, recent floods that have put a lot of pressure on the economy, and significant
sector expansion should not be expected over the medium term.
Social Analysis
Although the use of credit cards has significantly increased in Pakistan, only the educated middle
class are now using them. People are more likely to use the internet to conduct banking activities,
particularly bill payments and internal bank transactions, which has been accelerated by the
proliferation of the internet throughout the nation. Customers of Askari Bank are quite devoted
and will stick with the bank even in difficult economic times or in the face of alternatives
because Askari Bank has a reputation for being a conservative bank.
Technological Analysis
The system can be strengthened and given an advantage thanks to technology. As part of the
organization's guiding principles, innovation, skill addition, and operational excellence are
included. Askari has recently made significant investments in information technology as a
strategy for gaining a competitive edge over major Pakistani banks.
• They should provide training to both their senior and junior management a significant
thought in order to keep them current.
• Decentralization is a need for them at this point because it not only kills potential but also
leads to disgruntled clients.
• All current employees should receive technical training, and following that, proper
testing should be conducted, with the weight of the testing factored into the final
• In order to keep the new hires up to date with the most recent advancements in the
business, proper training of a high grade should be offered to them.
• The current status quo should be eliminated and a more corporate attitude should be
spread throughout the bank.
• The bank may try reducing costs, changing policies, or anything else of the type, but
larger returns must be provided in order for the bank to attract new customers.