Chapter 2 Biological Characteristics
Chapter 2 Biological Characteristics
Chapter 2 Biological Characteristics
Microbiology is the study of microorganisms, of small living things. Although some
forms of organisms studied by microbiologists can be seen with the naked eye, most
of the things that microbiologists are interested in require the use of a microscope to
see clearly. Microorganisms of interest to the water industry include the following:
• Bacteria
• Protozoa
Virus – A submicroscopic organism • Viruses24
that passes through filters capable of
removing bacteria.
• Algae
Fungi – Non-chlorophyll-bearing • Fungi25
plants that lack roots, stem, or leaves,
that occur in water, sewage or sewage What to Study
effluents, and that grow best in the
absence of light. To understand how to minimize growth and control pathogens, you must study the
structure and characteristics of the microorganisms. In the sections to follow, we will
look at size, shape, types, nutritional needs, and control of each of the major groups
of microorganisms. We will also discuss some of the specific waterborne pathogens.
Most Common Microorganism
Bacteria are among the most common microorganisms in water. Bacteria are primi-
tive, single-celled organisms with a variety of shapes and nutritional needs.
Size Range
Bacteria range in size from 0.5 to 2 microns in diameter and about 1 to 10 microns in
length. A micron is a metric unit of measurement equal to one-millionth of a meter
or one-thousandth of a millimeter. Another way to visualize the size of bacteria is to
consider that it would take about 1000 bacteria, lying side-by-side, to reach across the
head of a straight pin.
Three Shapes
There are three general groups of bacteria based on their physical shape:
• Rod-shaped bacteria are called bacilli.
• Spherical-shaped bacteria are called cocci.
• Spiral-shaped bacteria make up the third group.
Chapter 2 Basic Science Concepts 47
Spiral-shaped bacteria
Within these three groups, there are many different arrangements. Some exist as
single cells, others as pairs, as packets of four or eight, as chains, and as clumps.
Food Requirements
Most bacteria require organic food to survive and multiply. This food comes from
plant and animal material that gets into the water where the bacteria exist. The bac-
teria convert the food to energy and use the energy to make new cells. Some bacteria
can use inorganics (such as iron) as an energy source. These bacteria can exist and
multiply even where organic pollution is not present.
Temperature Requirements
Temperature affects the rate at which bacteria grow. The warmer the environment,
the faster the rate of growth. Typically, for each increase of 10° C, the growth rate
doubles. This means that bacteria will multiply more quickly when it is warm, and
more chlorine may be required to obtain proper disinfection.
pH Requirements
pH affects bacteria growth. Most bacteria grow best at a neutral pH. Extreme acidic
or basic conditions will inhibit growth. Other materials, such as metal ions (cop-
per, lead, silver), and some organics, such as pesticides and herbicides, are toxic and
inhibit bacterial growth.
Oxygen Requirements
Many bacteria are aerobic26. They require free or dissolved oxygen in their aquatic 26
Aerobic – A condition in which
“free” or dissolved oxygen is present
environment. A few bacteria are anaerobic27. They can exist and multiply in an in the aquatic environment.
environment that lacks dissolved oxygen. Some bacteria that are normally aerobic 27
Anaerobic – A condition in which
can switch to anaerobic. These adaptable bacteria are said to be facultative28. One of “free” or dissolved oxygen is not pres-
the most troublesome bacteria in the water business is the iron bacteria, which is a ent in the environment.
Facultative – Microorganisms that
facultative organism. The bacteria responsible for most of the biological treatment of can switch from aerobic to anaerobic
wastewater are aerobic. growth or can grow in an anaerobic or
aerobic environment.
48 Chapter 2 Basic Science Concepts
Disinfection Process
The destruction of pathogenic microorganisms is called disinfection. Disinfection
Sterilization – The process of de- does not mean that all microbial forms are killed. Rather, that is sterilization29.
stroying all living organisms.
However, disinfection does destroy most disease-causing organisms and reduces the
total number to an acceptable level. Growing bacteria are fairly easy to control by
disinfection. Some bacteria, however, form spores, which are much more difficult
Spores – A resistant, viable structure to destroy. Spores30 are survival structures formed by some bacteria to resist harsh,
regarded as the resting stage of an
organism. threatening environments.
Pathogenic Bacteria
Bacteria are responsible for a number of the most infamous epidemic diseases. The
bacterial pathogens responsible for these diseases enter potential drinking water
supplies through fecal contamination and are ingested by humans if the water is not
properly treated and disinfected.
Bacteria Disease
Review Continued
6. Although some bacteria can use inorganic chemicals as an energy source, most bacteria
require _________________ chemicals as a food source.
7. Bacteria that require an environment with free or dissolved oxygen are said to be:
8. Bacteria that require an environment without free or dissolved oxygen are said to be:
9. Bacteria that can exist in an environment with or without free or dissolved oxygen are
said to be:
10. Some bacteria produce _________________, which are strong, resistant resting stages
that make them more resistant to disinfection.
Definition and Size
Protozoa are one-celled animal-like organisms with a fairly complex cellular struc-
ture. The protozoa are the giants of the microbial world. They are many times larger
than bacteria and range in size from 4 to 500 microns. The larger ones can almost be
seen with the naked eye.
Groups of Protozoa
The major groups of protozoa are based on their method of locomotion or movement:
• Amoebas move about by a streaming or gliding action. The shape of an
amoeba changes as they sort of ooze from place to place.
• Ciliates are covered with short hair-like projections, called cilia, which beat
rapidly and propel the ciliate through the water. Most ciliates are free-swim-
ming, although some are attached to floating material or basin walls.
• Flagellates have one or more long whip-like projections, called flagella,
which propel the free-swimming organisms.
• Suctoria are attached organisms, similar to attached ciliates, but have ten-
tacles rather than cilia.
• Sporozoa are non-mobile and are simply swept along with the current of the
50 Chapter 2 Basic Science Concepts
Food Requirements
Protozoa use organics for food. In fact, bacteria are among their favorite prey. Proto-
zoa are mostly aerobic or facultative in regards to oxygen requirements. In the same
manner as bacteria, pH, toxic materials, and temperature affect their rate of growth.
Life Cycle
Most protozoa have a complex life cycle in which they alternate between an active
growth phase, when they are called trophozoites, and a resting stage, called cysts.
Cysts are extremely resistant structures that protect the organism from destruction
when it encounters harsh environmental conditions.
Resistance to Chlorine
Because of their relative complexity and ability to form the extremely resistant cysts,
protozoa require higher disinfectant concentrations and longer contact time to control
them. In fact, some types of protozoa may be almost completely resistant to disinfec-
tion by chlorination.
Chapter 2 Basic Science Concepts 51
Waterborne Disease
Three protozoan waterborne diseases are listed in the table below.
Protozoa Disease
5. Most protozoa have an active, growing life stage called a trophozoit and a resistant,
resting stage called a:
Description and Size
Viruses are the midgets of the microbial world. They are many times smaller than
bacteria. They range in size from 0.02 to 0.25 microns in diameter. Viruses are intra-
cellular parasites that must have a host cell in which to multiply. They are extremely
simple life forms. A central molecule of genetic material is surrounded by a protein
shell, called a capsid, and sometimes by a second layer, called an envelope. They
contain no mechanisms by which to obtain energy or reproduce on their own.
Viruses occur in many shapes:
polyhedrals Long slender rods
52 Chapter 2 Basic Science Concepts
Because they lack sensitive cellular machinery and because they have relatively
tough capsids and envelopes, viruses are hard to destroy by normal disinfection
practices. Increased disinfectant concentration and contact time must be used to ef-
fectively destroy viruses by chlorine disinfection.
Waterborne Diseases
Waterborne viruses can cause three diseases:
• Hepatitis
• Viral gastroenteritis
• Poliomyelitis
1. ________________ are many times smaller than bacteria and are considered to be
intracellular parasites.
2. Viruses lack internal cell mechanisms, so they must have a(n) ________________ cell
in which to multiply.
Algae are a form of aquatic plants. Although in mass they are easily seen by the
naked eye, many are microscopic as single cells. They exist as microscopic, single-
celled forms and also as huge, multicellular forms, such as marine kelp. They oc-
Chapter 2 Basic Science Concepts 53
cur in fresh and polluted water, as well as in salt water. Since they are plants, they
are capable of using energy from the sun in the process called photosynthesis. They
grow only where there is light, and they grow better where there is bright sunlight, as
opposed to cloudy weather. They usually grow near the surface of the water because
light cannot penetrate very far through the water.
Control of Algae
Algae in raw water supplies can be controlled with chlorine and potassium permanga-
nate. In raw water reservoirs, algae blooms are often controlled with copper sulfate.
Fungi are of relatively minor importance to the water business. Fungi are non-
photosynthetic organisms that grow as multicellular, filamentous, mold-like forms
or as single-celled, yeast-like organisms. Fungi must have organic material as a food
54 Chapter 2 Basic Science Concepts
Growth Environment
Fungi like to grow in damp organic material such as drying or composting sludge. As
part of their reproductive cycle, they produce spores that are so small, they can easily
be carried by dust and wind. When inhaled, some of these spores can cause respira-
tory infections. Fungi are not considered to be waterborne pathogens.
1. _____________ are a form of aquatic plants that can be either tiny, single-celled or
large, multi-celled organisms.
Waterborne diseases are transmissible diseases because they can be passed from an
infected individual to another person. The majority of the waterborne pathogens that
transmit disease do so via the “feces – water – mouth” route. The pathogens ex-
ist in the intestines of an infected individual and are excreted into the environment
with feces. From there they find their way into surface and groundwater supplies
and to another individual through contact with or by ingesting contaminated water.
Some waterborne pathogen can be acquired by breathing mist or sprays (such as in
a shower). Waterborne disease can also be transmitted via a “feces – hand – mouth”
route if good personal hygiene practices are not followed.
Drinking water treatment is designed to interrupt the “feces – water – mouth” cycle
of transmission by removing and destroying the pathogenic microorganisms. If the
treatment processes are carried out as intended, consumers should expect to have wa-
ter available to them that is free of pathogens. But communities and individuals must
also understand that the water can be contaminated after it is delivered to the home.
Personal hygiene and sanitation practices are critical to avoiding potential waterborne
Control of Microorganisms
Two terms are used in reference to the control of microorganisms:
• Sterilization means the complete destruction of all living forms, including
single- and multi-celled microorganisms, bacterial spores, and protozoa cysts.
Chapter 2 Basic Science Concepts 55
Limiting the food supply can control the growth of microorganisms. Since many
bacteria and most protozoa require organic matter for food, removing organics from
the water and keeping surfaces and basins clean and free from organic matter limit
growth. The removal of minerals, such as iron, from water can also discourage the
growth of bacteria that use minerals as a food source. Keeping pipes and tanks clean
and free or organic sediment can help control growth in the distribution system.
Practicing good personal hygiene is an easy and effective way to control microorgan-
ism growth and to prevent the transmission of waterborne pathogens. Hand-washing
is the most important practice. Washing hands after using the bathroom and before
handling food and drinking water significantly reduces waterborne disease transmis-
sion. Coughing into the crook of an elbow, instead into hands, can also help prevent
transmission. Proper handling and disposal of human waste, and carefully cleaning
up afterwards, is also important. Water system operators must practice personal hy-
giene conscientiously to avoid contaminating equipment and water supplies.
Indicator Microorganism
To be sure that the water supplied to consumers is free of pathogens, operators must
routinely sample and test the water for indications of the presence or absence of
pathogens. It is beyond the capacity of treatment plant labs to directly test for any
of the pathogenic microorganisms. But operators and technicians can test for bacte-
ria called indicators, organisms whose presence indicates the possible presence of
pathogens and whose absence means that the water is free of pathogens. The indica-
tors used are a bacterial group known as total coliforms. As a group, coliforms live in
the intestines of warm-blooded animals, as well as in the soil, in natural water, and on
56 Chapter 2 Basic Science Concepts
Although some total coliforms are pathogenic, most are not, and harmless coliforms
are normal inhabitants of all human intestinal systems. So if coliforms are found in
a water sample, there is a possibility that it has been contaminated by human feces.
On the other hand, since coliforms are always found in human feces, if no coliforms
are found in a water sample, it is safe to conclude that it has not been contaminated
with human feces. If total coliforms are found in a water sample, the sample is further
tested for a more restrictive group of coliforms called fecal coliforms or for E. coli,
a specific coliform bacterium. The tests for fecal coliforms and E. coli are more
sensitive, but more difficult to run, so they are used to confirm the results of the total
coliform test. Their presence is a stronger indication of fecal contamination that could
contain waterborne pathogens.
The Safe Drinking Water Act’s Total Coliform Rule specifies the frequency and
procedures for sampling and testing for coliforms. Analytical laboratories running
coliform tests on drinking water samples for compliance purposes must be certified
by the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC).
1. A disease that can be passed from one person to another is said to be:
2. The majority of _____________ – borne diseases are transmitted through the “feces –
water – mouth” route.
7. Three chemicals, other than chlorine, that can be used to control microorganisms:
8. Practicing good personal _____________ is an easy and effect way to control microor-
ganism growth and to prevent the transmission of waterborne pathogens.
10. The Total Coliform Rule specifies how often water systems must sample and test for
_____________ bacteria.
11. The absence of total coliform in a drinking water sample means the water is
_____________ to drink.
Chapter 2 Basic Science Concepts 57
9. Protozoa that move with the aid of long, whip-like tails are classified as:
A. Amoeba
B. Ciliates
C. Flagellates
D. Sporozoa
10. Protozoa that move with the aid of short, hair-like bristles are classified as:
A. Amoeba
B. Ciliates
C. Flagellates
D. Sporozoa
11. The tough, resistant resting stage of the life cycle of protozoa is called a:
A. Capsid
B. Cyst
C. Spore
D. Seed
15. Which of the following is considered a form of aquatic plant because it is photo-
A. Algae
B. Protozoa
C. Viruses
D. Fungi
18. Algae, in raw water reservoirs, can be controlled with which chemical?
A. Sodium hypochlorite
B. Calcium oxide
C. Copper sulfate
D. Soda ash
19. Diseases that can be passed from one person to another are said to be:
A. Deadly
B. Vectors
C. Transmissible
D. Toxic
20. Which of the following activity would not be considered a means of controlling
microorganisms by manipulating their environment?
A. Adding lime to raise pH
B. Refrigeration
C. Filtration
D. Limiting exposure to sunlight
21. Which of the following is not used as a chemical means for controlling microor-
A. Bromine
B. Alcohol
C. Alum
D. Hydrogen peroxide
60 Chapter 2 Basic Science Concepts
23. What group of bacteria is used as an indicator for the presence of absence of
waterborne pathogen in drinking water?
A. Total coliforms
B. Respiratory streptococcus
C. Heterotrophs
D. Human pathogens