Gen Bio Reviewer Final 1
Gen Bio Reviewer Final 1
Gen Bio Reviewer Final 1
Thermal insulation for heat retention in animals, Ex. Fe, Mn, and Zn
and blubber in diving mammals.
Coenzymes – Reacts like cofactor but organic in
Protein composition.
The building block or monomers of protein are Ex. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
amino acid. (NAD), and Flavin adenine dinucleotide.
20 amino acids can create a number of different
proteins in our body. But we have 9 amino acids Nucleic Acid
that are not available in our body. The monomer for nucleic acids are nucleotides.
Mainly consist of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and Nucleotides are attached to ribose, a 5-carbon
nitrogen but some may contains sulfur, phosphorus, sugar and phosphate.
and iodine.
We have two types of nucleotides: pyrimidines
Amino acid is consist of amino group (NH2) includes cytosine, thymine, and uracil, and purines
carboxyl group (COOH) and functional group (R) which includes adenine and guanine.
bonded to a central carbon atom.
Protein are the structural material of cell Thymine exist only in DNA while Uracil exist in
(cytoskeleton is mainly consists of protein.) RNA, they are both complementary to adenine.
Chemical messenger like hormones and receptor Nucleic acids are chemical messenger, energy
on cell membranes (Antigen). carrier, and subunits for nucleic acids and
Also enzymes are mainly consist of proteins.
They code the information of life.
Most proteins are enzymes.
Deoxyribonucleic acid
Controls metabolic process.
Located in the nucleus, mitochondria, and
Vital for life process, disturbance may cause illness. chloroplast.
Enzyme reacts with specific substrate. Carries the genetic material of living organism.
Most enzyme name ends with "-ase" DNA has 2 nucleotide bonded by hydrogen bonds
that forms a double helix.
Enzymes can be inhibited by various factors: Ribonucleic acid
Temperature, pH, changes in shape of enzyme or
substrate, and competitive inhibitor. RNA translate DNA language into protein language
for biosynthesis.
Lock and Key Structure of Enzyme and Substrate:
Oxidoreductases – bring about oxidation-reduction RNA has only single strand.
Messenger RNA or mRNA - short-lived messenger.
Transferases – affect the transfer of group. Transcription of DNA forms the mRNA.
Hydrolases – influence hydrolytic reactions. Transfer RNA or tRNA - can be translated into
Isomerases – catalyze isomerization process
amino acid in a process called translation .
The cycle depends on the activity of Nicotinamide
Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD), Nicotinamide
Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate (NADP), and
Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide (FAD).
It will restore ATP that can be used again. Organism based on the Mechanism of Extracting Energy:
2 Stages of Photosynthesis
- Light dependent reaction - converts light energy
to chemical energy. (Forms ATP and NADPH.)
Water splits in the process releasing oxygen as by-
product this happens in the thylakoid.
ii. Cyclic electron flow
- Light independent reaction - converts carbon
dioxide and other compound to form glucose. - Electron from P700 that proceeds to the primary
- electron acceptor goes back to cytochrome
Light Dependent Reaction complex to produce another ATP instead of
Involve photosystems (PS) - Only ATP are produced during cyclic electron flow.
- This maintains the ratio of ATP and NADPH in
- PS II - or P680, best absorbs red spectrum (680 Calvin-Benson Cycle.
nm wavelength)
- PS I - or P700, best absorb far-red spectrum (700
nm wavelength)
- Can follow cyclic or non-cyclic electron pathway.
- Both photosystem works at the same time.